Monday, 2014-10-27

openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Remove endpoint_substitution_whitelist config option
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Prevent AttributeError if no authorization
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Move eventlet server options to a config section
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openstackgerritwanghong proposed a change to openstack/keystone: remove implemented TODO in catalog/backends/
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerritwanghong proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: fallback to online validation if offline validation fails
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openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Use new ksc features in User Token Plugin
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerrithenry-nash proposed a change to openstack/keystone-specs: Split up assignments, making role-assignments pluggable.
openstackgerrithenry-nash proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Split up assignments and make the assignments piece pluggable
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jamielennoxanyone home? I'm just looking at which is to bring audit over to keystonemiddleware repo. Change looks fine - but was there a decision that we wanted to do this rather than keep it's own repo?13:11
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openstackgerrithenry-nash proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Split up assignments and make the assignments piece pluggable
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openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Use correct name of oslo debugger script
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gordcjamielennox: i added this spec a few months back:
gordcjamielennox: i can't speak for whether or not the plan has changed since... just working on it since no one has told me otherwise13:42
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lbragstadmorganfainberg: that snippet looks good14:00
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Use oslo_debug_helper and remove our own version
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jamielennoxgordc: ok - i don't see why things would have changed i was just wondering14:06
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openstackgerritSamuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Improve list role assignments filters performance
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Doc cleanup, make concepts links
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Correct typos in using-sessions
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/keystonemiddleware: BaseAuthTokenMiddlewareTest.setUp call super normally
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Improve help strings
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Correct Session docstring
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Correct documenting constructor parameters
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Correct Session docstring
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Correct documenting constructor parameters
samuelmsdstanek, ping14:27
dstaneksamuelms: pong14:27
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Correct documenting constructor parameters
samuelmsdstanek, regardind your comment on review #116682 (Improve list role assignments performance)14:29
samuelmsdstanek, s/regardind/regarding :)14:29
nkinderayoung: I was able to get automation for setting up a few keystone scenarios using 100% freely available bits -
samuelmsdstanek, I agree with you on the point of splitting  controller/manager roles ..14:29
nkinderayoung: There's keystone+FreeIPA with it all set up for kerberos14:30
samuelmsdstanek, but I'd prefer to address that in a second patch ..14:30
nkinderayoung: also keystone+AD for LDAP identity14:30
ayoungnkinder, nice14:30
ayoungvery nice14:30
nkinderayoung: I changed the way we configured kerberos a bit14:30
nkinderayoung: I avoided using hte deprecated LegacyDomain plug-in and switched to KerberosDomain14:30
ayoungnkinder, so if I want to do a setup against a pre-existing IPA server, but let it do all the other provisioning, what do I do?14:30
nkinderayoung: that required setting REMOTE_DOMAIN in the httpd config and using the local user mapping14:31
nkinderayoung: look at
dstaneksamuelms: this would be a good things for others to chime in on because it does add quite a bit of code14:31
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nkinderayoung: that's all post cloud-init, so it's packstack and everything after for the RDO system14:31
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nkinderayoung: that assumes that IPA already exists on another system14:31
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bknudsondstanek: samuelms: this was the point of the search hints, so that the backend can implement the search more efficiently14:33
samuelmsbknudson, in this case, passing hints as arguments to manager, right?14:35
bknudsonlike list_users:
samuelmsbknudson, to apply 'effective' option, in this case (cannot be applied by the driver)14:36
dstaneksamuelms: my point was that none of the filtering or helpers should be in the controller14:37
samuelmsdstanek, ++ I agree  .. for me the only thing the controller should do is to check options/filters and the combination of them ..14:38
ayoungnkinder, so it runs on the local machine?14:38
samuelmsdstanek, business logic, like 'effective' should always be applied at manager level14:38
nkinderayoung: if you run, it creates two VMs on the local system (one for FreeIPA, one for RDO)14:39
nkinderayoung: the vm-post-cloud-init-* scripts are what get copied to the VMs to do post-installation config14:39
ayoungnkinder, I want to set something up on the dreamhost public demo, which is Openstack14:39
nkinderayoung: so you could take that and run the pieces you want on a local system14:39
ayoungI assume I create the two VMs by hand then?14:39
ayoungOK,  let me give it a try.14:40
ayoungnkinder, did you try Horizon yet?14:40
nkinderayoung: I haven't kerberized horizon yet14:40
ayoungnkinder, lets focus on that now.  I want to make sure we iron out any issues before we fly14:41
ayoungI've been working on the damned thing all release.  Would be a pity not to show it next week.14:42
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Change tenant to project
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Correct tests to use strings in conf
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Auth token supports deprecated names for paste conf options
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Change admin user to service user.
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Change occurrences of keystone to identity server
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jamielennoxayoung: have you tried the changes i made to keystoneclient-kerberos?14:43
ayoungjamielennox, yep.  No problem14:43
jamielennoxayoung: cool, didn't think i changed anything important14:43
ayoungjamielennox, from D-Openstack-auth it is just a slightly different string used to create the plugin14:44
ayoungjamielennox, that needs much work over time to use the session/auth plugin stuff the way we discussed, but it should work for now14:45
ayoungsorry, wrong link14:46
openstackgerritThiago Paiva Brito proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Implementing hierarchical calls on keystoneclient v3 (python only)
jamielennoxayoung: not sure what you're directing me to there14:48
ayoungjamielennox, that was the updated patch. You can diff to the previous version to see14:48
ayoungalthough it did require a rebase14:48
jamielennoxother that why are you using stevedore directly?14:48
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jamielennoxayoung: ^ is there some reason not to use the helpers in ksc?>14:51
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ayoungjamielennox, what helpers?14:51
jamielennoxayoung: actually i guess it's mostly just ksc.auth.get_plugin_class if you're not using the config or CLI stuff14:52
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ayoungjamielennox, so the Kerberos plugin might not be installed14:53
ayoungjamielennox, so...I'm less concerned with this, than somehow figuring out that the AUTH_URL is supposed to be the Kerberized one.  We really have no way of advertising auth mechanisms14:54
jamielennoxayoung: yep - known issue, will come up at summit i think14:54
jamielennoxhowever when initializing a v3plugin you should give it the correct URL14:55
ayoungthe tie in between DOA and the config object from Horizon is going to make it annoying to do "build auth plugin from conf file"14:55
jamielennoxso '.../v3/kerb/ or whatever14:55
jamielennoxayoung: yea, but that shouldn't matter because that would only work for when your auth is stored in a file somewhere - that's not the case for horizon14:56
jamielennoxhorizon could iterate through the available plugins - but it's going to have to know how to construct the appropriate boxes and stuff so i think it's best that it handles that manually14:56
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jamielennoxi don't think just by installing a library on the server you should instantly get horizon auth via that method14:57
ayoungand that is how it is done now.  It looks to see if the Kerberos specific variable is set14:57
jamielennoxyep, that works for horizon, how it wants to manage all it's auth mechanisms is completely up to horizon and they can just back onto the appropriate keystone plugin14:58
ayoungjamielennox, I was trying to keep from having to modify Horizon as well as everything else...too many moving pieces14:58
ayoungSo if the admin wants to Kerberize horizon, but not run the S4U2Proxy stuff, they could drop the kerber plugin to KC and then it would just do Kerb on top of UserID Password14:58
ayoungdon;t know why you would want to, but it is possible14:59
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Refactor extract class for signing directory
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Auth token tests create temp cert directory
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Refactor auth_token revocation list members to new class
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jamielennoxoh yes nova tests, i'm sure everything will work just fine if we don't have a service catalog....15:04
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richmIs there a way to add an existing user to a tenant?  Or perhaps that should be the other way around - is there a way to add a tenant to an existing user?  Not sure about the terminology.15:13
richmThis is the problem - I have an existing LDAP server that I want to use with a new keystone deployment15:13
richmpuppet-keystone wants to use user-create to add the user and set the tenant15:14
richmthen, wants to add the new user to a role15:14
richmbut if the user already exists, user-create won't be called, so the tenant operation will be skipped15:14
jamielennoxrichm a user is in a project if it has a role on the project15:15
jamielennoxso you just need to define a role relationship15:15
richmtenant == project?15:15
jamielennoxrichm: yes, we're trying to bring people to use project15:15
richmok - puppet uses tenant everywhere15:15
richmjamielennox: so, user-role-add?15:15
jamielennoxrichm: that sounds right15:16
richmpuppet uses that, but it does that only to add the user to the role - it assumes the user has already been assigned to a project/tenant15:17
richmI could probably do that, but then I would have to rewrite every single puppet module everywhere :-(15:17
richmWhat I'm looking for is a way to "fake out" the puppet keystone_user create call, to just assign the existing user to a project/tenant15:18
richmbecause that's the point at which I know what project/tenant is associated with the user15:19
jamielennoxrichm: so i think your terminology is kind of wrong there15:19
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richmI'm sure it is15:19
jamielennoxhaving the role is what makes a user part of a tenant15:19
jamielennoxyou have users, you have tenants, roles is the M:M relationship15:19
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richmkeystone user-create --name $name --tenant $tenant --pass $pass --email $email --enabled true15:20
jamielennoxyep, it gives the __member__ role or something like that15:20
richmah, so it assigns a default role15:20
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morganfainbergjamielennox, i'm going to be sweeping through the keystoneclient blueprints today trying to cleanup/deprioritize ones that have been lingering15:23
morganfainbergmight bug you if i have anyquestions15:23
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: np - there's a lot of crap in there15:23
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jamielennoxrichm: so if i do user-role-list on my devstack i can see the _member_ role15:24
richmso to duplicate what user-create does, without the actual user creation part, I need to do something like keystone user-role-add --user cinder --role $default_role --tenant services15:24
morganfainbergjamielennox, are we going to do i18n stuff in keystoneclient?15:25
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jamielennoxrichm: i can't remember but i think _member_ is a devstack defined thing, i don't know if you can always assume it's there - you just need to add some role relationship15:26
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: i don't know how python i18n works in libraries15:26
morganfainbergjamielennox, and i think is the wrong direction.15:26
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: it's fine for servers because you have an obvious entrypoint where it can set things up - but i've not seen any of the other OS libraries do i18n and i haven't really looked into generally how it's done15:27
morganfainbergok i'm going to just leave the i18n bp as is15:27
jamielennoxyea, looked at that one today - i misread his patch thinking  he wanted a plugin for the CLI, but i don't know what the point of that plugin would be15:28
jamielennoxi don't know why you would submit both15:28
jamielennoxi left some comments on the code, otherwise i thought i'd talk to him at summit15:28
richmjamielennox: ok - is the intention with keystone that there should always be some sort of default role that all users have?15:29
richmI see in the default packstack install that there is a _member_ role15:29
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Refactor extract class for signing directory
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Refactor auth_token revocation list members to new class
jamielennoxrichm: it's not defined by keystone at all, I expect you will need to have some role like that to link users/tenants but what you call it and what permissions you attach could be deployment specific15:31
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jamielennoxrichm: more i think i would expect that any deployment mechanism would have a role set up like that, devstack/packstack/ i would expect even the raw puppet modules would have to define something like that15:31
richmjamielennox: ok - I need to figure how where packstack creates the _member_ role - it's not in the puppet-keystone keystone specific puppet modules15:32
richmwill keystone user-role-add --user $user --role _member_ --tenant $tenant ADD the role _member_ if it does not exist?15:36
morganfainbergjamielennox, didnt merge with the session changes recently?15:37
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: wow, that's a year and i'm still working on almost exactly that :(15:37
jamielennoxyea, it can probably be marked off as part of the auth plugins and session stuff15:37
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jamielennoxfrom the ksc side it's done15:38
jamielennoxrichm: no idea, i would think now15:38
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: yep, done15:39
jamielennoxreleased 0.11 maybe 0.1015:39
bknudsonmorganfainberg: I think we can do i18n in keystoneclient and keystonemiddleware now15:40
morganfainbergbknudson, we should then ^_^15:40
morganfainbergjamielennox, and
morganfainberg(sorry just trying to do the quick cleanup here)15:42
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: wow, that's generic15:42
morganfainbergjamielennox, yeah15:42
jamielennoxretries done, released 0.1115:42
ayoungnkinder  is this for F20 as well:
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: you can probably close out propagation. I can mark it as the adapter stuff so 0.1015:43
ayoungnkinder, specifically:  # RDO requires EPEL15:43
ayoungyum install -y
ayoungyum-config-manager --enable epel15:43
ayoungrichm, _member_ was a porting thing when we went from users being owned by tenants to users being assigned roles in projects15:44
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ayoungsince there might have been a Member role already assigned by Horizon, but we could not be certain15:44
morganfainbergjamielennox and
nkinderayoung: what are you trying to run on F20?  RDO?15:44
ayoungand we need to make something that worked in upgrade and downgrade15:44
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ayoungnkinder, F2015:44
ayoungnkinder, dreamhost doesn't have Centos7 yet,15:45
nkinderayoung: I haven't tried RDO on F2015:45
ayoungI could probably upload an image ,but going to start with F2015:45
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: release 0.1115:45
nkinderayoung: so you can try, but I don't know how it works there.  You can disable the EPEL part since it doesn't apply.15:45
ayoungstarting with yum install -y
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morganfainbergjamielennox, looking better15:48
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: pretty much done as well15:49
morganfainbergk will mark as implemented15:49
richmayoung: ok15:50
richmayoung: so where is the _member_ role defined/added?15:51
morganfainbergjamielennox, we have 6 BPs to classify / mark for needing spec in client15:51
ayoungrichm, the _member_ role is no longer needed, and it might not even be something we create in a migration anymore15:51
morganfainbergthat is quite reasonable.15:51
ayoungrichm, we might have dropped it when we collapsed the migrations for.. Icehouse?15:51
richm"create in a migration" - do you mean the database migrations?15:51
richmI'm using the latest juno code from rdo15:51
ayoungrichm, yep15:51
richmand _member_ is just automagically there15:52
ayoungrichm, if keystone-manage db_sync puts it there15:52
ayounglook in keystone/common/sql....15:52
morganfainbergjamielennox, and middleware
ayoungsomething version something15:52
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jamielennoxmorganfainberg: pluggable-auth strongly under way15:54
jamielennoxi looked at gordc review to include audit15:55
morganfainbergjamielennox, right.15:55
richmayoung: grep _member_ /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystone/common/sql/migrate_repo/versions/*.py15:55
jamielennoxthat's still a go as far as i know?15:55
richmayoung: that gives nothing - no matches15:55
ayoungrichm, probably read out of the config file15:55
richmayoung: /etc/keystone/keystone.conf?15:56
ayoungrichm, _member_ is defaulted in common/config.py15:56
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ayoungrichm, yes you should see the defualt in that, commented out15:56
ayoungnkinder, $mv /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/packstack/puppet/modules/packstack/manifests/apache_common.pp /usr/share/openstack-puppet/modules/packstack/manifests15:58
ayoungmv: cannot stat ‘/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/packstack/puppet/modules/packstack/manifests/apache_common.pp’: No such file or directory15:58
ayoungis the apache_common supposed to be part of openstack_packstack15:58
richmayoung: not yet15:58
richmayoung: the change was just merged15:58
richmso I doubt it has made it into a rpm yet15:58
nkinderayoung: the patch file included in my repo would add it15:59
ayoungnkinder, I applied that...15:59
ayoungoh, wait,15:59
nkinderayoung: it should have created that file15:59
ayoungheh, patch binary wasn't installed15:59
nkinderayoung: look in rdo.conf to see what packages are expected on the system15:59
ayoungOK  got it15:59
ayoungnkinder, yum groupinstall "Development Tools" seems to work for me16:00
ayoungI already enrolled the machine as an IPA client, though16:00
ayounglemme see if I have the ldap cli16:01
ayoungnkinder, can we please change the RH package name to FreeIPA?  This is annoying16:02
morganfainbergwhoa. that is a weird one:
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: yea, that's the one i meant - are we doing that?16:04
jamielennoxmust have been discussed whilst i was away16:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1384377 in keystone "Policy rule position errors" [Undecided,New]16:04
morganfainbergthat one16:04
morganfainbergthat is what i meant.16:04
morganfainbergcopy/paste error16:04
ayoungnkinder, packstack away!  Runs much better once I realized I needed to set RDO_PASSWORD before running sed -i "s/CONFIG_\(.*\)_PW=.*/CONFIG_\1_PW=$RDO_PASSWORD/g" /root/answerfile.txt16:06
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nkinderayoung: yeah, that would help... :)16:06
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ayoungERROR : Failed to run remote script, stdout: Device em2 does not exist16:09
ayoungnkinder, eth0.  how quaint16:09
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morganfainbergjamielennox, so..16:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1377080 in python-keystoneclient "Stale endpoint selection logic in keystone client" [Wishlist,Opinion]16:16
morganfainbergthis looks like a duplicate of vish's request.16:16
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: i'd like to close it out as opinion - i think it's an error to have multiple values of the same service_type in a catalog16:16
jamielennoxideally we'd enforce that uniqueness in keystone16:17
morganfainbergthis is similar to
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1376937 in keystone "No way to prevent duplicates in endpoints" [Medium,Confirmed]16:17
morganfainbergbut it's service vs. endpoint16:18
jamielennoxhowever given that it's currently and always has been broken it's a feature request and not something that i think we should do in client16:18
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morganfainbergand yes the keystoneclient one can be closed out as "wont fix"/"invalid" not even opinion16:18
morganfainbergit's not something the client should care abouty16:18
jamielennoxso i don't know from service, you could have service_types distinguished by service_ name i guess16:19
jamielennoxwhich i assume is why the uniqueness constraint isn't there already16:19
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morganfainbergthis *sounds* like abug16:19
morganfainbergkinda smells like one too16:20
jamielennoxi can tell you that you'd have a rough time trying to do that in practice16:20
morganfainberglets mark this as a real bug then.16:20
morganfainbergthere is some research that needs to be done to see if anyone is doing this in practice16:21
morganfainbergi highly doubt it16:21
morganfainbergi think this is just the other side of the coin for the but ^ that vishy opened16:21
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jamielennoxmorganfainberg: i don't think openstack/us has ever properly defined what constraints we put on the service catalog/how we expect it to be populated so there's just a lot of cruft there16:23
morganfainbergjamielennox, yeah :(16:23
morganfainbergjamielennox, and we need to fix that from a UX perspective16:23
morganfainbergthis one is just wierd16:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1384377 in keystone "Policy rule position errors" [Undecided,New]16:24
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: that and for sanity16:24
morganfainberganyone have an active keystone running we can validate that rule order is... wonky?16:24
morganfainbergcause that sounds like a bug in oslo-policy16:24
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: and particularly for region handling, the MOC and others are doing some crazy stuff with regions that we don't support in any way i think16:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1357567 in python-keystoneclient "auth_ref caching/retrieving is failing - user needs to provide password for every command" [Undecided,New]16:25
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: ugh - keyring16:25
morganfainbergcan we make it die16:25
morganfainberg"go use openstackclient" :P16:25
jamielennoxit's in completely the wrong spot so i've just ignored it as much as possible16:26
morganfainbergwell i think it's time to make a call16:26
jamielennoxoo, generic shell as well - this guy's way out on a limb16:26
morganfainberg^ based on that bug16:26
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: I18n
jamielennoxoo, generic shell as well - this guy's way out on a limb16:28
jamielennoxdamnit, alt+tab up+enter16:29
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openstackgerritRodrigo Duarte proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Improves feedback message in SSL error
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openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Use connection retrying from keystoneclient
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Add versions to requests
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Use an adapter in IdentityServer
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Allow loading other auth methods in auth_token
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Use Discovery fixtures for auth token tests
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Convert authentication into a plugin
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Split identity server into v2 and v3
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Additional discovery changes
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Use real discovery object in auth_token middleware.
morganfainbergjamielennox, OMG! ;)16:41
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jamielennoxmorganfainberg: that's been up for a few days - i just had to rebase it for a full stop added to a doc string beneath the first one16:41
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: i had bknudson +2 on the first 3 if you want to chime in16:42
morganfainbergjamielennox, i am going to go get breakfast here shortly16:43
morganfainbergbut today i plan on doing a bunch of code review / spec reviews16:43
jamielennoxno problem - it's not even that old, however if you pass all those you get devstack with any auth plugin you like16:43
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack/keystone-specs: Kilo version of non-persistent token specification
morganfainbergjamielennox, also need to start my next blog post ;) got a 3-parter to write up.16:44
jamielennoxi have one i want to do and it's just not quite there16:45
jamielennoxso close16:45
* morganfainberg still needs to fix the favicon and add a banner at the top of the blog.16:45
morganfainbergjamielennox, i moved to octostrap3 from whitespace16:45
morganfainbergi it felt a bit cleaner (though i miss using the css mask-trick I was using for the twitter icons)16:45
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: i spent about 10 minutes on that decision - it looked ok so i grabbed it16:45
rodrigodsmorganfainberg, we need reviews in the HM API patch =(16:46
jamielennoxi hate css16:46
morganfainbergrodrigods, yes we need the spec reviews16:46
jamielennoxalso i haven't linked it to any of the social stuff i'm supposed to16:46
morganfainbergjamielennox, bootstrap is nice cause it makes that decision silly easy16:46
rodrigodsmorganfainberg, was hoping to have it merged until the summit... seems the case?16:46
morganfainbergjamielennox, also - cloudflare = free SSL16:46
morganfainbergrodrigods, i still hope so, it's not far off really16:46
morganfainbergrodrigods, if not we can get it done either @ summit or just post.16:47
jamielennoxhmm - i considered going for SSL, but it's a static site with source on github, there really isn't anything to protect16:47
rodrigodsmorganfainberg, could be the case to add a topic to tomorrow's meeting?16:47
morganfainbergrodrigods, please add it to the agenda!16:47
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/keystonemiddleware: Remove netaddr package requirement
rodrigodsmorganfainberg, ++16:47
morganfainbergjamielennox, i figure it's sane to just be nice to people who like SSL-ing everything16:47
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jamielennoxyea, but part of my rationale for using github pages was never having to worry about things like load balancing, then put cloudflare in front16:48
morganfainbergjamielennox, i now need to make the in-line anchors have a little link-y icon.16:48
morganfainbergjamielennox, cloudflare also handles my google analytics, helps with caching (github's pages can be bad) among a few other things16:49
morganfainbergjamielennox, i turn off all the "site protection" stuff.16:49
jamielennoxfair enough, i figure the people who read my stuff see it via planet anyway16:49
jamielennoxalthough i wrote like 5 lines on what some error meant in auth_token and how to fix it, apparently that drives about half my traffic16:50
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jamielennoxbknudson: - nova->cinder via session17:02
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jamielennoxgyee: ^^17:02
jamielennoxwill have a look at neutron tomorrow17:02
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jamielennoxayoung: so packaged?17:11
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gyeejamielennox, thanks! I am looking at nova-neutron too17:11
gyeeseem like we need quite a bit of request-mock17:11
ayoungjamielennox, ?17:11
jamielennoxayoung: FreeIPA on debian17:11
ayoungjamielennox, looks like it17:11
jamielennoxgyee: bugger - i was hoping not to stub at that level in nova17:11
jamielennoxgyee: i know you have the review up and that you copied some stuff out of that github branch of mine so i won't start from scratch17:12
jamielennoxjust need to give it a proper try out and see what's holding us up17:12
gyeejamielennox, I am trying to fix the tests right now, hopefully I have a new patch for you to look at sometime today17:12
gyeeI think I've pulled in all your changes, but can you please double check?17:13
morganfainbergayoung, did you ping me?17:14
jamielennoxgyee: yea, i'll spin up a devstack with it all tomorrow17:14
ayoungmorganfainberg, maybe like hours ago17:15
jamielennoxdone for today but17:15
morganfainbergayoung, ok.17:15
ayoungmorganfainberg, ah, the FreeIPA debian thing17:15
jamielennoxgyee: if you start and work your way through, there are a couple of +2 already. The end of that chain is auth plugins in auth_token middleware17:15
ayoungmorganfainberg, its now in Debian Unstable17:15
morganfainbergayoung, yeah we talked abgout that one :)17:15
* morganfainberg is very happy about that17:16
ayoungmorganfainberg, Timo is doing good work17:16
gyeejamielennox, yes, code review, code review, and code review :)17:16
jamielennoxgyee: np - i think i'm going to have to rebase it again against some of those doc changes17:17
jamielennoxalthough, ayoung rampage on the middleware +2 s17:18
ayoungjamielennox, looked at all of those before17:18
ayoungIts a bulk rebase...17:18
ayoungwith a bunch of +2s from others17:19
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jamielennoxayoung: do you know how you'd go about doing kerberos in auth_token?17:20
ayoungjamielennox, hmmm17:20
ayoungjamielennox, well, we'd start with your plugin patch17:20
jamielennoxi think all the pieces should be there if you want to give it a shot, but i'm not sure how the user mapping would work17:20
ayoungthe server would have to have a keytab17:20
ayoungand...for an eventlet based one, we'd have to be comfortable using requests-kerberos17:20
ayoungbut that should be OK17:21
jamielennoxhmm, ok17:21
gyeekerberoize it!17:21
ayoungjamielennox, the Kerberos Principal from the Keytab would be identified as the user17:21
jamielennoxwell once all that auth_token stuff merges i want to do a blog post with a mathcing server side and client side auth plugin and using it via auth_token, then we can do an SSL or something post17:21
jamielennoxayoung: yea, but how do you deploy that on devstack when everythings on one machine?17:22
ayoungjamielennox, why should it make a difference?17:22
ayoungIPA would need a service user17:22
ayoungso you create Nova, and then do ipa-getkeytab17:23
jamielennoxayoung: well there are no parameters to the kerberos plugin, it pulls everything from the environment17:23
jamielennoxso you would need like a wrapper around every service that sets up the env before loading the service17:23
ayoungjamielennox, in Horizon I pass the credentials cache from HTTPD17:23
ayoung but we can get away with that there because of the S4U2...17:23
ayoungjamielennox, with GSSAPI, there is a directory that, if you put the Keytab in there, the service is able to get a service ticket on demand17:24
ayoungnkinder, ^^17:24
jamielennoxi think you mentioned this once before like an F21 feature being able to have a service refresh a ticket17:25
ayoungI think that is it17:25
jamielennoxi don't think requests-kerberos or the python kerberos stuff is good enough that we could give it a keytab/ticket anyway17:26
ayoung FILE:${localstatedir}/krb5/user/%{euid}/client.keytab.17:26
ayoungjamielennox, we could always cron a kinit -k  bt yuck17:26
jamielennoxayoung: is it implemented?17:26
ayoungyes, has been for a while17:26
jamielennoxwill it work with python-kerberos ?17:27
amakarovayoung, greetings! I've done with tests for Do you have any suggestions who else can provide valuable feedback on this issue?17:27
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ayoungamakarov, you are in the right vicinity17:27
ayoungdolphm, morganfainberg bknudson care to review a fairly significant change the trust api?  nkinder you too?17:28
jamielennoxalright - i'm out, cya everyone17:28
ayoungamakarov, just added keystone-core to that review17:28
amakarovayoung, cool )17:29
ayoungamakarov, BTW, talked with shardy in #openstack-dev.  He's OK with disabled by default for now, so long as he gets it enabled by default at release17:29
amakarovayoung, I agree this feature may end as a default behavior but now now17:30
gyeeayoung, which review, the django one?17:34
ayounggyee, trust re-delegation17:34
morganfainbergayoung, yes i care to review it :)17:35
gyeeoh k, code review day today17:35
gyeemorganfainberg, course you do :)17:35
morganfainbergayoung, hehe17:35
morganfainbergerm gyee , hehe17:35
gyeemorganfainberg, ya right, keystone test are not happy after Yosemite upgrade17:36
morganfainberggyee, "brew install python"17:36
morganfainbergand you'll need openssl too17:36
morganfainbergi just solved it [but it was some work because i had to make sure python was only installed for *my* user, not globally]17:37
morganfainbergbrew gets wonky when you do that17:37
gyeeI have both python and openssl installed17:37
amakarovayoung, I recall you said about redelegating oauth - direct me please: should I start it with a blueprint?17:37
gyeenow I got some ValueError in ldap17:38
morganfainberggyee, set ARCHFLAGS=-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument17:38
ayoungamakarov, I think I was suggesting you start with looking at unifying oauth and trusts at the backend17:38
ayoungand there is no spec for that yet amakarov17:38
morganfainberggyee in your env, it mighyt not build python-ldap otherwise17:38
ayoungamakarov, so...oauth has the consumer table17:38
gyeemorganfainberg, that's what I am going to try next17:38
gyeethanks for the tip!17:38
ayoungamakarov, a consumer should be a user17:38
morganfainberggyee, this is my brew list: autoconfautomakegdbmlibgpg-errorlibksbalibtoollibyamlmakedependopensslpkg-configpythonreadlinesqlite17:39
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morganfainbergmost comes from python17:39
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amakarovayoung, thank you for the point!17:44
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morganfainbergayoung, that change needs an API change before it can merge17:49
morganfainberggyee, ^17:50
morganfainbergayoung, formerly identity-api repo17:50
ayoungmorganfainberg, the trust delegation one?17:50
morganfainbergayoung, yes17:50
gyeedid shardy introduced a spec awhile back?17:50
morganfainbergwe have a spec17:50
morganfainbergjust no API doc change17:51
gyeeahh yes indeed17:51
ayoungamakarov, ^^17:52
ayoungamakarov, so we need an update to  refelcting the new behavior17:52
morganfainbergayoung, amakarov,
morganfainbergnot identity-api repo anymore17:53
morganfainbergidentity-api repo is no longer used.17:53
morganfainbergayoung, you'll like this, it means you can make 1 change and include the spec *and* the API doc change at once.17:54
morganfainbergayoung, no more needing to do it in two places.17:54
lbragstadmorganfainberg: summit question: do we know what session we want to talk about the Keystone functional tests in? Or is that going to be a Friday (hackathon) thing?17:54
gyeemorganfainberg, wonder if we can automate this like javadoc17:54
morganfainberglbragstad, pod/hallway-track/meetup-day17:55
lbragstadmorganfainberg: cool, thanks17:55
morganfainberggyee, i'd be worried about doing that17:55
morganfainberggyee, 1st off, the code is in a separate repo, 2nd changing the code could = spec change then.17:55
ayoungmorganfainberg, my kneejerk reaction was "not another change" and then...slow realization...this is how it should have been from the get go17:55
morganfainbergi'd rather keep the separattion.17:55
morganfainbergayoung, ++ yes!17:55
amakarovmorganfainberg, understood, I'm off to write docs17:55
morganfainbergayoung, we'll get the v2 spec in there too (i think) not too far off. annegentle is workign on thart17:56
morganfainbergayoung, the other projects are going to be encouraged to do the same17:56
morganfainbergayoung, also...17:56
morganfainbergayoung, we now also officially publish it - you don't have to link to github!17:56
gyeemorganfainberg, seem like much easier to just generate the spec from the code, 100% accurate :)17:56
ayoungmorganfainberg, does this mean we are bleeding keystoneisms in the purity of the identity-api?17:56
gyeethe truth is in the code, did somebody said that?17:57
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morganfainberggyee, sure, i'd rather *new* code be written to the spec vs the spec to the code though17:57
morganfainberggyee, stuff that exists we can't fix.17:57
morganfainbergayoung, bleeding keystoneisms?17:58
ayoungmorganfainberg, I mean the specs are going to have implementation specific stuff in them17:58
morganfainbergayoung, only API documentation, which was a requirement for REST API changes anyway17:58
ayounghaving the keystone specs in the same repo as the identity api specs...17:58
morganfainbergnah, API docs are in /api17:58
morganfainbergand we *did* use identity-api as a specification... that just wasn't published anywhere really... and people could find but didn't match docs.17:59
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/keystone: Remove nonexistant param from docstring
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morganfainbergbasically we keep the spec + REST change coupled this way, easy to tie them together. but we shouldn't need to get into impl details on the rest docs.18:00
morganfainbergnothing on that front changes.18:00
morganfainbergamakarov, i've also commented on the patch.18:01
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amakarovmorganfainberg, thank you for the feedback!18:03
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henrynashmorganfainberg: so are we again requiring api specs as part of the kilo/specs before they can be approved (I thought we decided against that….but maybe I missed something :-) )18:09
morganfainberghenrynash, largely that was because identity-api was a separate repo18:10
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morganfainberghenrynash, now you can bundle the change into a single review18:10
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ayounghenrynash, are you pursuing the endpoint side of "fetch policy for endpoint" yet?18:10
morganfainberghenrynash, it makes sense to tie REST doc changes with the spec.18:10
henrynashmorganfainberg: …so conceptually like teh singel spec…it was just there was storng desire to get approval of teh overall idea before we get into bikeshedding the api18:11
morganfainberghenrynash, i think that was a limitation of needing to submit 2 separate reviews18:11
henrynashmorganfainberg: …at least I thought that’s what folks wanted...18:11
morganfainberghenrynash, having the -spec block on identity-api review and vice-versa18:11
morganfainberghenrynash we can still defer the API spec, no hard-and-fast rule18:12
ayounghenrynash, I see no problem with having both the spec and the api in the same repo18:12
henrynashayoung: nor do I….18:12
ayoungI think that we should be comfortable with multiple submissions for a given change18:12
ayoung1.  Float the idea18:12
ayoung2.  Flesh it out18:12
ayoung3.  API docs18:12
morganfainberghenrynash, if it's something we want to allow, it's acceptible, but i'd push for getting the API spec in the same review *if* possible.18:12
* ayoung would love a backlog section first18:13
henrynashand do people approve 1 (or 2) before 3?18:13
morganfainbergbut it still stands that a spec can be changed even after merged... until it's "completed" that is ;)18:13
ayoungyou shouldn't *have* to do a backlog first, but if the idea is contraversial...start there18:13
ayoungmaybe have a change that goes in to indicate it is completed.18:13
morganfainbergayoung, for middleware/keystoneclient we have that18:14
morganfainbergyou move it to the "implemented" page18:14
henrynashayoung, morganfainberg: and are we saying we put the api change sin that actual current spec doc…or in a searpate doc18:14
morganfainbergfor keystone, it's based on the release cycles.18:14
morganfainberghenrynash, identity-api was moved to keystone-specs/api18:14
morganfainbergso you make changes to the *new* location of the identity-api docs18:14
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morganfainbergalso, it was changed from markdown to rst18:15
henrynashmorganfainberg: oh, so all you are saying is put it in there…oh, ok18:15
morganfainberghenrynash, yep :)18:15
henrynashmorganfainberg : ok, phew18:15
morganfainberghenrynash, don't put REST API docs/etc *in* the spec doc, but it in the API reference :)18:15
henrynashmorganfainberg: still a bit concerned that this is a recipe for slowing us down (me, I love specs!…..but I thought lots of peopel complained that their boss needed to see some mark of approval before they really got into the details of APIs & code)18:17
morganfainberghenrynash, like i said i'd push for the API docs to go into the spec.18:17
morganfainbergbut we can defer it.18:17
henrynashmorganfainberg: Ok….18:17
morganfainbergthe API docs tend to be easier to justify - as it's part of the specification18:18
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morganfainberghenrynash, i think it's going to just depend on the spec, some specs we wont know if we like them w/o the API docs.18:18
morganfainberghenrynash, some of them we'll like / not like regardless18:19
henrynashmorganfainberg: ok, let’s run with it….!18:19
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morganfainberghenrynash, for i am tempted to see how dstanek's session goes / hallway talks18:23
morganfainbergbefore we approve18:23
henrynashmorganfainbgerg: I’m fine with that18:23
morganfainberghenrynash, it should help answer the "extension" or not.18:23
henrynashmorganfainberg: sounds good18:24
morganfainberghenrynash, i think what we decide around "optional dependencies" will change our general direction on extensions18:25
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henrynashmorganfainberg: yes….getting some clarity here would be good18:25
morganfainbergi'm going to go get a late breakfast now.18:27
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/keystone: Fixes aggressive use of translation hints
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morganfainberghenrynash, gyee, dolphm, nkinder, lbragstad, anteaya, dstanek, dhellmann, ayoung , stevemar, topol: quick question, do you want me to put links (to the sections of ) in each session or just in the etherpads.18:29
morganfainbergi'm trying to give people an opportunity to get up to speed with where we are *before* we walk into the design session18:30
ayoungmorganfainberg, etherpads18:30
ayoungwell...your call18:30
anteayamorganfainberg: did you want my opinion, really?18:30
morganfainbergayoung, i could go either way, thats why i'm asking for opinions :)18:30
morganfainberganteaya, yes18:30
morganfainberganteaya, i trust your view on lots of things :)18:30
gyeemorganfainberg, nice, the policy stuff is intriguing18:30
anteayaI link to the etherpad and the wikipage in because I know my audience18:31
anteayaI give them no opportunity to tell me they couldn't find the link18:31
ayoungI almost think the etherpads should be linked from the page, and it all be there18:31
anteayaso it is up to you and your audience18:31
morganfainbergok... how the heck do you get html links in sched.org18:31
anteayathey won't read it anyway18:31
anteayanor with they prepare18:31
anteayabut I did tell them18:31
morganfainberganteaya, ++18:32
morganfainbergi'm *hoping* some people prepare18:32
morganfainbergif it saves us 5 minutes it's a win18:32
morganfainbergso, definitely etherpad links.18:32
anteayaand I envy you working with people who actually read documentation and prepare18:33
morganfainbergand post sections definitely in the etherpads.18:33
morganfainbergthe only question is should i double-up and puth the post link in as well?18:33
morganfainbergexample for the Hierarchical Multitenancy, the link would be
morganfainberg(yay anchors)18:33
morganfainberganteaya, and seriously, how did you get the HTML link in the description?18:34
anteayaI gave my description to ttx and he did it18:35
anteayattx is magic18:35
anteayasince I only had one to do, he did it for me18:35
anteayaI never asked how and he never told me18:36
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: I18n
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openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed a change to openstack/keystone: revise error message for keystone.token.persistence pkg
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morganfainbergdolphm, you don't happen to know if it's possible to embed HTML in the summit session descriptions, do you?19:08
morganfainbergdolphm, specifically HTML-clicky links19:08
dstanekmorganfainberg: not sure if you went ahead and added the links, but it's always good to reference related material19:10
morganfainbergaha it worked this time *weird*19:11
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morganfainbergdolphm, so19:17
morganfainbergdstanek, so19:17
morganfainbergwhat should i call the link to the blurb I wrote?19:17
morganfainberg"Pre session reading" ?19:17
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lbragstadjamielennox: o/ do you have any input here?
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dstanekmorganfainberg: that sounds fine to me19:23
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openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed a change to openstack/keystone: improve error message when tenant ID does not exist
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morganfainbergok I've added links and everything to the schedule.19:58
morganfainbergI'm calling the schedule done19:58
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morganfainbergdavid-lyle, for the horizon/keystone x-session, we can use the same etherpad:
morganfainbergdavid-lyle, so all the info ends up in one place20:06
david-lylemorganfainberg: sounds good. If we have enough time in the horizon session, we may cover more keystone related topics as well20:09
morganfainbergdavid-lyle, works for me.20:10
morganfainbergdavid-lyle, added the information to the etherpad, will update the wiki for therpads for horizon as well20:11
dhellmannmorganfainberg: I added links to the etherpads to the oslo sessions, and then filled the etherpads with relevant info and links20:21
morganfainbergdhellmann, nice20:21
morganfainbergdhellmann, i added the "summary" from my post to both the etherpad adn the entries20:21
dhellmannmorganfainberg: yeah, I had a summary in the sched content, too20:22
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morganfainbergdhellmann, if you use the <a href .... syntax you can make the items clicky-links20:22
dhellmannmorganfainberg: oh, I wish I had known that20:22
* dhellmann weighs whether or not to go the extra mile on this one20:23
bknudsondavid-lyle: what's the horizon session?20:23
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morganfainbergbknudson, it's so we have 2 sessions to cover horizon/keystone cross project chatter20:24
morganfainbergbknudson, it's in the same room even, right after eachother so it works out well.20:24
morganfainberghorizon is just the first of the two sessions20:25
dhellmannmorganfainberg: it looks like I'll have to unschedule all of them to edit them, so I'm going to rely on devs' ability to copy and paste this time20:25
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morganfainbergdhellmann, thats what i just did :(20:25
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morganfainbergdhellmann, was a real PITA20:25
dhellmannmorganfainberg: yeah, if we're going to use etherpads again for planning next cycle maybe we can help ttx change this other tool so editing the entries is easier20:26
morganfainbergbut i had to do it anyway to add all the etherpad links20:26
morganfainbergdhellmann, ++20:26
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dhellmannmorganfainberg: last time we also just had a wiki page with the etherpad links20:27
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morganfainbergwe have that too20:27
dhellmannso much for DRY20:27
morganfainbergdhellmann, in the case of the stuff i think the links are useful20:28
morganfainbergit means if someone is looking at their schedule they don't need to flop back to the wiki too20:28
bknudsonwe need to make sure that our summit topics are esoterically named so we don't get random people coming in thinking it sounds interesting.20:29
morganfainbergmaybe we can get some yaml doc that generates both the wiki and the links in the sched.org20:29
morganfainbergbknudson, i can rename ours. that is easy20:29
bknudsonmorganfainberg: talk to lbragstad... I think he was working on something like that.20:30
morganfainbergi don't think i've added too much naming detail (the policy one being the exception)20:30
morganfainbergthe rest are pretty generic20:31
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r1chardj0n3sayoung: I looked into the kerberos stuff yesterday, but it looks entirely server-side to me, based on a couple of blog posts I found about setting it up20:36
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Use oslo.concurrency instead of sync'ed version
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ayoungr1chardj0n3s, OK,  so think of it this way:20:47
ayoungI'm a user., and I need to get atoken from keystone20:47
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ayoungKerberos is a tool that my openstack setup has available20:47
ayoungI use it as a way to authenticate instead of userid and password20:48
ayoungso, CLI  based,  the first thing I do is talk to the kerberos key distro center  (KDC) and get a service ticket for Keystone, then go to Keystone and get a token  using that service ticket20:48
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ayoungr1chardj0n3s, that is what we have working today,  and I've been working on extending that to Horizon20:49
r1chardj0n3sayoung: hm, ok20:49
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r1chardj0n3sayoung: the problem I have is that I can't find any information on how to do that :)20:49
ayoungso in Horizon,  the user goes to horizon with a kerberos service ticket instead of to Keystone20:49
ayoungand they need to proxy20:49
r1chardj0n3sayoung: "keystone kerberos" in google turns up very little information20:49
ayoungr1chardj0n3s, I have some write ups on my setup20:49
ayoungr1chardj0n3s, the cool thing is, for angboard, you have it easy20:50
ayoungassuming angboard can run in Apache HTTPD, you have to do pretty much nothing20:51
ayoungthe biggest change is that you can drop the thing where you ask the user for their password20:51
ayoungthe keystone server will have enough information to request the token20:51
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ayoungNow, by going through a proxy, we might have to deal with some of the Kerberos issues designed to protect against a man-in-the-middle attack20:52
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ayoungr1chardj0n3s, and that is what I've been working on this past release.20:52
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r1chardj0n3sayoung: I'll have another read through all those posts and see if it makes more sense today :)20:53
ayoungr1chardj0n3s, I can't put it better than Alexander has written here
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ayoungr1chardj0n3s, go to https://ipa.younglogic.net20:53
ayoungPMed you with the password for your account20:54
r1chardj0n3sayoung: that URL is busted :/20:54
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ayounglet me see20:54
* ayoung was on it earlier today20:55
ayounglet me see20:55
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ayoungr1chardj0n3s, nslookup  gives you what?20:56
r1chardj0n3sayoung: sorry, that works, but responds with  "The requested URL /en/posts/2013/07/29/Setting-up-S4U2Proxy-with-FreeIPA/ was not found on this server."20:57
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ayoungr1chardj0n3s, interesting.  OK,  I'll email you a cached version20:57
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ayoungr1chardj0n3s, once you log in to, and have changed your password, I can show you how to set up Kerberos to do the same thing.  If you have Something like Firebug, you can look at the actual traffic20:59
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r1chardj0n3sayoung: ok, password done. I'm just gonna grab some breakfast and then I'll have a poke :)21:03
ayoungjust make one change to a config file first21:04
ayoungyou should have a file named21:04
ayoungadd the following line at the top21:04
ayoungdns_lookup_realm = true21:04
ayoungIt may be there already and set to false21:05
ayoungonce you have that, try21:05
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ayoungkinit rjones@YOUNGLOGIC.NET21:05
ayoungyou can do that when you get back from breakfast, and tell me how it went.21:05
ayoungI need to run and go be Dad for a while21:05
ttwHi, did anybody had database issues when upgrading from icehouse to juno ?21:06
ttw something is making a query from colum endpoint.region_id but the actual name is juste 'region'21:06
ttw*query on21:06
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dstanekttw: do you have a tracebace to share?21:10
dstanekttw: it's probably worth creating a bug it definitely sounds like there is something we need to look into21:10
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: I18n
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: I18n
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Correct noqa for
openstackgerrithenry-nash proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Split up assignments and make the assignments piece pluggable
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dstaneklbragstad: yeah, deciding on warn vs. warning is probably a good idea21:41
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystonemiddleware: I18n
openstackgerritwerner mendizabal proposed a change to openstack/keystone-specs: Multifactor Authentication
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Correct use of noqa
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: I18n
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Correct use noqa
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Remove useless log message
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Cleanup exception logging
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morganfainbergmarekd, email sent w/ all the folks i talked to about CERN CC'd22:42
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Remove token persistence proxy
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Update docs to no longer show XML support
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morganfainberghm. stevemar is hiding23:05
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack/keystone-specs: Prep to add Identity API v2.0 files
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/keystone-specs: Prep to add Identity API v2.0 files
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openstackgerritRodrigo Duarte proposed a change to openstack/keystone-specs: API documentation for Hierarchical Multitenancy
openstackgerritRodrigo Duarte proposed a change to openstack/keystone-specs: API documentation for Inherited Roles to Projects
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Cleanup exception logging
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Correct use of noqa

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