Saturday, 2014-03-01

ayoungmorganfainberg, I was just looking at that.  I think the logic there is wrong00:06
ayoungit fetches the roles out of the backend, which means if the roles change between token creation and conversion, you would get different values.  It pre-supposed revoke_by_id semantics00:07
ayoungmorganfainberg, you know how you asked to see what the dictionary looks like for 'is_revoked"00:07
ayoungtoken_data dictionary00:07
morganfainbergayoung, aye00:07
ayoungits built in the Provider code...00:08
morganfainbergayoung, ah.00:08
ayoungand I don't like it00:08
morganfainbergayoung, hey this is why i ask these questions ;)00:08
ayounglink in a sec00:08
morganfainbergayoung, cool.00:08
ayoung  line 11800:09
ayoungfor v2 (which has a bug I found)00:09
ayoungand then line 16200:09
ayoungNow...I know what you are thinking:00:09
ayoungseems wrong to not just pass in the token....00:09
morganfainbergayoung, yeah.00:09
ayoungI would need to do "flatten"00:10
morganfainbergayoung, but if that is the way we need to do it (only good option atm), so be it...00:10
ayoungbut I really don';t like that the v2 and v3 code paths are different00:10
morganfainbergflatten would be, imo, a bit cleaner00:10
morganfainbergbut i can see where that might be icky00:10
morganfainbergayoung, ++00:10
ayoungyeah, icky00:10
morganfainbergayoung, i really want to see that "problem" go away00:10
ayoungI want to see v2 tokens go away, too00:10
morganfainbergayoung, might need to wait until K to "really" be resolved (bye bye v2)00:10
ayoungI suspect we could issue nothing be v3 tokens and be fine00:11
ayoungnothing *but*00:11
morganfainbergmaybe that is the real fix.00:11
morganfainbergoption "only issue v3 tokens"00:11
morganfainbergrevocation events require that, same as PKI00:12
morganfainbergayoung, this might make things too easy ... :P00:12
ayoungnot really...this logic works...but I need to do more testing...I think I need to have a set of data, and do "v2 token is revoked " and "v3 data is revoked"00:12
ayoungdolphm, can we stop issuing v2 tokens?00:13
ayoungactually, we really can't00:13
ayoungsince the token data is what is returned from the validate call, there might be 3rd party apps using that data00:13
morganfainbergno, we can't well not unless we make it an optional thing00:13
ayoungok, not to be solved today00:14
ayoungI don';t think I'm going to do "flatten" here either...but I might when I port this code to the client00:14
ayoungcuz auth token is going to need it00:14
ayoungso this just needs to work.00:14
morganfainbergayoung, fair enough00:15
morganfainbergayoung, maybe in J we offer an "issue v3 only option" to help people transition more cleanly00:15
morganfainbergeven if they still use some V2 keystone api calls00:15
morganfainbergayoung, sounds good to me00:15
ayoungmorganfainberg, we need the v2 v3 interop from the client we talked about.  Then transition should be straightforward.  Did that make it in?00:16
morganfainbergayoung, no, think thats going to be J00:16
ayoungNo the client fix is not aligned with Ice00:16
morganfainbergayoung, ooh00:16
morganfainbergayoung, uhm.00:16
morganfainbergayoung, not sure.00:16
* ayoung looks00:17
morganfainbergoh that change is pretty simple00:19
ayoungmorganfainberg, ^^ is the simplest hack to make it work00:19
ayounglogic looks a touch convoluted even for a simple patch like that00:19
ayounglooks like there is a loophole in there where hasattr(self, '_management_url'):  is true but _management_url is None00:20
ayoungneeds to and those two checks together00:21
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ayoungmorganfainberg, any chance you are around and can help me with a dogpile question?  I need to use it to syncronize the revoke tree04:51
morganfainbergayoung, hehe sure04:51
ayoungline 17904:52
* morganfainberg is unfortunately not out having a drink yet, but fortunately able to help04:52
* ayoung had scotch hours ago...04:52
morganfainbergi might pour some of the cognac here that is on my desk04:52
ayoungI think this is last thing before I can repost.04:52
morganfainbergbut i'm debugging some sql migrate issues *production*04:52
morganfainbergi might need a new phone now04:53
morganfainbergjust poured coffee all over my desk and phone04:53
ayounganyway...if I want to use dogpile to syncronize the built Revoke Tree between greenthreads,  what should I look at as an example04:54
morganfainbergkvs is sufficient yes?04:54
morganfainbergin-mem that is04:54
morganfainbergbrb getting towel04:55
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morganfainbergok back04:57
ayoungOoh, that just happend?  I thought you were talking about something that happened earlier tonight.04:57
ayoungkvs...sufficient to start.04:57
morganfainbergno i mean i went to type and poured coffee on myself.04:58
ayoungprobably should be memcached also in the future04:58
morganfainbergyou could probably just use the same backend you're using for the events04:58
morganfainbergjust use another key04:58
morganfainbergwrap in a lock04:58
ayoungthey might be stored in sql04:58
morganfainbergoh oh04:59
morganfainbergsame mechanics as you're doing now, probably not configurable to begin with04:59
ayoungnot sure how cleanly they are going to serialize....04:59
morganfainbergjust hard set openstack.kvs.memory as the driver04:59
morganfainbergthis is a case where i wish we could toggle off the copy mechanism in that backend05:00
ayoungwith kvs, it just stores python objects, right?  No serialization?05:00
morganfainbergit's an in-memory dict05:00
morganfainbergbut get/set does a copy.deepcopy05:00
morganfainberglet me check something05:00
ayoungOK...I can do that...probably will wait until tomorrow05:00
morganfainbergyou should eb able to use dogpile.memory.MemoryBackend05:01
morganfainbergit wont do copy/deepcopy so changes will affect the cached values05:01
morganfainbergbut you can still use the locking semantics i added to the keystone kvs stuff05:02
morganfainbergit _should_ work, but i haven't tested it extensively with greenthreads/threading05:02
morganfainbergit relies on threading.lock which iirc is patched05:03
ayoungI'll write it up and post...its pretty simple, I think05:05
ayoungOooh...I need to be able to overide the backing store for Event storage...any reason not do open it up to storage other than In Memory?05:06
morganfainbergayoung, hm. nah. it's just for syncronization between greenthreads05:07
morganfainbergi don't think it'll make a huge difference/benefit to share outside / across processes05:07
ayoungfor events, it will be the actual backing store...I would like to get persistance05:07
morganfainbergayoung, right. which you will get with Redis or mongo or whatever05:08
morganfainbergand yes that should be configurable05:08
ayoungfor the tree...I'll leave that to later, but I might make it a config option as well.  It might be useful for Apache based, to not have to rebuild the tree everytime05:08
morganfainbergbut i don't see a need to make the tree part more than in-mem05:08
ayoungso memcached too05:08
morganfainbergaye memcached is... ok05:08
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ayoungdagnabit...just using the cache buys me nothing unless I copy05:20
ayoungOk..headed to bed...I need to think about this.05:20
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