Friday, 2016-12-09

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openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic: Add unit test for create_node RPC call
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* jlvillal likes more unit tests :)00:37
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cheneydc_does ironic support attach volume from cinder to barematel instance?04:09
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cheneydcanyone knows?04:18
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openstackgerritAparna proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Generic way to configure clean step priorites in Automated cleaning
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tuanluongcheneydc_, May be it call boot from volume04:32
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tuanluongcheneydc_, It's developing in ocata.
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cheneydc_tuanluong, no, I means like cinder could attach a volume to a vm, could attach a volume to a baremetal instance?04:42
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tuanluonghi cheneydc_, I think No. because baremental is provision in real-hardware04:46
openstackgerritNaohiro Tamura proposed openstack/ironic: Ipmitool management driver for Inject NMI
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openstackgerritNaohiro Tamura proposed openstack/ironic: iRMC management driver for Inject NMI
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cheneydctuanluong, ok, thanks06:00
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openstackgerritGalyna Zholtkevych proposed openstack/ironic: [WIP] ETAG supporting to enhance API evolution
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openstackgerritNguyen Hung Phuong proposed openstack/ironic-specs: TrivialFix: Update the path of template.rst file.
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sergekMorning Ironicers!09:09
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openstackgerritDebayan Ray proposed openstack/ironic-specs: EFI iSCSI boot for ProLiant hardware
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openstackgerritNguyen Hung Phuong proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Support additional capabilities discovery for iRMC driver
openstackgerritEli Qiao proposed openstack/ironic: devstack: add vnc listen address
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dtantsurmorning Ironic10:00
openstackgerritGrzegorz Grasza (xek) proposed openstack/ironic: Add RPC version pinning
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pas-hamorning ironic :)10:13
openstackgerritGrzegorz Grasza (xek) proposed openstack/ironic: Add RPC version pinning
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milanmorning Ironic!10:26
milanmorning dtantsur sergek! :)10:26
milanmorning pas-ha! :)10:27
pas-hamorning milan10:27
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openstackgerritNguyen Hung Phuong proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Support additional capabilities discovery for iRMC driver
joannamorning :)10:49
joannacan a port have empty (None) node_id? I mean, I see it's nullable, but can it actually be set to true (or created with empty one)?10:50
milanmorning joanna, I may be wrong but I think a port gets associated e.g when a "baremetal instance: is created in Nova for some of the NICs the BM node has10:53
patchbotError: No closing quotation10:53
openstackgerritSzymon Borkowski proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Add a new Hardware Manager for CNA network card
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/ironic: [WIP] Testing latest u-c
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joannamilan, the reason I'm asking is that in port controller, in patch, node is retrieved regardless of node_id value, and then use to determine rpc topic11:04
milanjoanna, hmmm cannot help here :-/11:05
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* milan not familiar w/ ironic internals, mostly dealing w/ inspector11:06
joannamilan, thanks anyway :)11:07
milandtantsur or pas-ha might know ^^^11:07
dtantsurjoanna, port is always bound to a node11:09
joannadtantsur - so why it's allowed to be nullable?11:18
dtantsurI think it's just weirdness of our database..11:19
dtantsurwe have quite a few such places11:19
joannawill you be fine with me filing a bug in launchpad to check nullable values for our db objects?11:20
joannaI think it's worth taking a look :)11:20
openstackgerritOksana Voshchana proposed openstack/ironic: WIP: TEST GRENADE DEV
tuanluongMorning ironic11:22
openstackgerritNguyen Hung Phuong proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Support additional capabilities discovery for iRMC driver
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dtantsurjoanna, such a database migration will be quite dangerous.. still worth filing a bug, yeah11:37
joannaat least can result in adding FIXME notes and getting rid of not needed nullchecks... ;)11:37
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openstackgerritJoanna Taryma proposed openstack/ironic: Fixed allowing non-uuids as node UUID for port and portgroup.
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fxpesterhi all, ho to debug send_sensor_data ? what is 'bus' in this option description ?11:59
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mgouldmorning ironic!12:35
mgouldmorning milan dtantsur pas-ha joanna fxpester12:36
Romanenko_KWe have more failures of ironicclient functional tests. After setting Noop driver tests became to fail expecting for 'flat' driver.
openstackLaunchpad bug 1648794 in Ironic "Numerous ironicclient tests fail using noop interface" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Kyrylo Romanenko (kromanenko)12:39
Romanenko_Klocally i usually deploy Devstack with `neutron` and `flat` driver. Possibly we need to use both `flat` and `noop`?12:41
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mgouldcould we use just "flat"?12:47
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xavierrmorning ironic12:53
kodokuuHi all, I try to deploy with ironic but I have error with the ironic inspection. I use fake_pxe driver (I use VM for controller and compute). When VM boot with inspect image I have a kernel panic12:53
kodokuuerror while loading shared libraries: /lib64/ invalid ELF header12:53
xavierrmorning milan joanna dtantsur fxpester mgould12:53
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xavierrkodokuu: are you using coreos?12:54
mgouldmorning xavierr kodokuu12:54
mgouldkodokuu: what's the output of `file /lib64/*`?12:56
openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack/bifrost: Improve bifrost inventory module
kodokuuxavierr mgould: I use tripleo, so I use bm-deploy-ramdisk and bm-deploy-kernel for inspection12:58
mgouldkodokuu: oh, right, you can't boot the image, so you can't actually run that command12:58
mgouldwait, hang on12:58
kodokuuI can see the file because VM boot with PXE and kernel panic doesn't enable console12:58
mgoulddownload the ramdisk image from glance, unpack it with cat $image_file | gunzip | cpio -imd, then run `file lib64/*`13:00
mgouldwarning: do this in an empty directory you have created for the purpose13:00
kodokuuok I'll try that13:00
* mgould is guessing that that file is corrupt or 32-bit or something13:01
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xavierrmgould: why is not possible to run that command?13:02
mgouldxavierr: because the file we want to inspect is part of the IPA ramdisk image, and IPA won't boot13:03
mgouldso I suggested unpacking the image locally and inspecting it from there13:03
kodokuumgould your command is correct ?13:04
kodokuuoups my bad13:05
mgouldkodokuu: which one?13:05
mgouldalso please post the output of `readelf -h lib64/`13:05
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kodokuui can find the file13:06
xavierrmgould: oh, ok. :)13:06
mgouldTIL the French for "data" is "données" :-)13:08
mgouldexact same literal meaning, makes sense13:08
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* xavierr says: oui oui13:09
mgould"things which have been given"13:10
TheJuliaGood morning13:11
mgouldOK, nothing there looks wrong13:11
mgouldTheJulia: morning13:11
xavierrTheJulia: moorning o/13:11
kodokuuDo you think it's because I used VM for pxe boot ? no virtu support, ...13:12
mgouldkodokuu: are you downloading prebuilt ramdisk images or building your own?13:12
kodokuudownload on redhat repo13:12
mgouldkodokuu: I don't *think* so13:12
kodokuudownload with yum install rhosp-director-images rhosp-director-images-ipa13:13
mgouldIIRC I've only tried ipxe boot with VMs, but that's fine13:14
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mgouldOK, it would be quite surprising if there were a corrupt file included in those images13:14
kodokuuthis is ipxe with my VM13:14
kodokuu(proxmox VM)13:14
* mgould Googles it13:15
mgouldusing KVM-based VMs?13:15
xavierrI'd download prebuilt deploy images and try it again :)13:16
mgouldmaybe verify the checksums of your images and/or the RPMs they came from?13:16
mgouldyou're getting as far as booting the kernel, so I don't think it's a PXE problem13:17
mgould^^^ xavierr's suggestion is also good13:17
mgouldand KVM definitely supports PXE-booting13:18
kodokuumgould agent.kernel works so yes pxe works13:22
kodokuuI can copy my inspector.ipxe maybe ?13:22
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TheJuliakodokuu: ipxe scripts need to be loaded by an ipxe parser13:25
TheJuliayou could load the ipxe binary, and have a default dhcp reply to ipxe traffic that points to your inspector.ipxe script13:26
mgouldkodokuu: have you modified inspector.ipxe, or is it the standard RHOS one?13:27
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mgouldI guess it might be a problem in the kernel parameters provided by inspector.ipxe, but that's basically black magic to me13:28
kodokuukernel --timeout 60000 ipa-inspection-callback-url= ipa-inspection-collectors=default,extra-hardware,logs systemd.journald.forward_to_console=yes BOOTIF=${mac} ipa-debug=1 initrd=agent.ramdisk || goto retry_boot13:28
openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack/bifrost: Improve bifrost inventory module
mgouldkodokuu: yep, that's what I've got (modulo IP addresses)13:30
kodokuuI can use that maybe for debug ?
mgouldkodokuu: sure, though I don't see much relevant to failures at your stage13:33
mgouldkodokuu: is the following correct? You're using downstream RHOSP Director, you've installed an undercloud (on bare metal?), you're now trying to inspect nodes which are actually VMs from your undercloud Ironic.13:34
kodokuumgould I use full VM, under and overcloud13:36
mgouldhave you deployed the overcloud yet, or is that what's failing?13:36
kodokuuno overcloud works13:36
kodokuuundercloud works now I try to deploy overcloud and the controller overcloud failed13:37
mgouldright, OK13:37
mgoulddo you have access to the console logs from the node?13:37
kodokuuthe controller node ?13:37
mgouldthe node you're trying to inspect13:38
kodokuuyes, it's by console that i can see logs on pxe boot13:38
mgouldwith the kernel panic you mentioned13:38
mgouldcan you upload them so we can see them? Image file if you can't provide text13:39
kodokuuhard to copy past from console13:39
kodokuuI can try to record movie with pxe boot13:39
mgouldor use PrintScreen13:39
kodokuumgould sorry for the hosting pics ^^13:42
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openstackgerritYuriy Zveryanskyy proposed openstack/ironic: Add ironic resources CRUD notifications
mgouldkodokuu: means nothing to me, I'm afraid13:50
mgoulddid you try verifying checksums on the RPMs and/or disk images?13:50
mgouldI don't think this is an Ironic problem, anyway13:50
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mgouldthe kernel and ramdisk are making it onto the node13:51
openstackgerritYuriy Zveryanskyy proposed openstack/ironic: Add node maintenance notifications
mgouldactually, one minute...13:51
kodokuuwhere can I find the md5 of ramdisk and kernel ?13:52
mgouldnot sure13:53
* mgould asks downstream13:54
openstackgerritYuriy Zveryanskyy proposed openstack/ironic: Add node console notifications
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kodokuumgould ironic ipxe on VM have already be tested ?13:58
mgouldkodokuu:, apparently13:58
mgouldkodokuu: pretty sure it has, yes, because all tripleo CI is done on VMs13:59
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mgouldkodokuu: I don't think I can help you any more, sorry; try asking on #rdo or #tripleo?14:00
kodokuuyes already try :/14:01
mgouldand they sent you here?14:01
kodokuuno answer ^^14:01
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mgouldyay :-/14:02
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mgouldOK, try the following:14:05
mgould1) re-download the RPM, verify its checksum from the link above14:05
mgould2) manually unpack it and checksum the kernel and ramdisk files14:05
mgould3) check that the images in glance have the right checksums14:05
mgould4) add the line "imgstat" to inspector.ipxe14:06
kodokuuok let's go14:06
mgould5) re-inspect; iPXE should display the length in bytes of all the images it downloads. Check that they match14:06
mgould1-3 check for "corrupt IPA image" problems, 4-5 check for "image corrupted in transit" problems14:07
tuan_luongHello Ironic14:11
mgouldhi tuan_luong14:12
tuan_luonghi mgould14:12
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milanmorning mgould xavierr and all! :)14:15
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mgouldkodokuu: if all of those steps reveal nothing, maybe try booting a VM directly using the kernel and ramdisk, using something like
milanmgould, thx for the review! :)14:15
mgouldmilan: np14:15
mgouldmilan: any idea what might be causing IPA to kernel-panic on boot on a KVM virtual machine running under proxmox?14:16
milanwtf proxmox14:16
mgouldyeah, I'd never heard of it either14:16
mgouldseems to be a RHEV-alike14:16
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kodokuuI'll use rhev in futur but for now proxmox easy to install :D14:16
mgouldI *think* that's the only bit of your setup that isn't standard and tested in CI14:17
kodokuuit's a debian host with kvm :)14:18
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mgouldseems unlikely to cause random kernel panics on hosted machines14:19
milankodokuu, the message is invalid ELF header14:19
milanmind doing a checksum?14:20
milanof the kernel?14:20
kodokuuchecksum on what ? the ramdisk image ?14:20
mgouldmilan: ELF header info for that file, in case it means any more to you than it does to me:
mgouldkodokuu: CHECKSUM ALL THE THINGS :-)14:21
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kodokuumgould my sha256sum 4e6a6043e3e867e5daf356aa6900e84d1a08ca9c9a7e4237e36347e52bb9524d14:22
kodokuusame of Overcloud Image for RHOSP director 9.0.1 on your link14:23
milanbut issue might be also different parameters for proxmox so instead of some e.g init it's executing a string14:23
milan*trying to14:23
mgouldkodokuu: which file is that for?14:24
milanmight be worth  to check the pxe files so they match what proxmox expect from pxe14:24
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kodokuumgould /usr/share/rhosp-director-images/overcloud-full-latest-9.0.tar14:25
mgouldhow about the ironic-python-agent files?14:26
mgouldwe haven't got as far as booting overcloud-full yet :-)14:26
* mgould finally finds his login14:27
mgouldour single-sign-on system... isn't :-/14:28
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openstackgerritYuriy Zveryanskyy proposed openstack/ironic: Fix default value of "ignore_req_list" config option
mgouldkodokuu: which version of RHOSP are you using?14:30
jrollmorning y'all, I'm around for a few minutes14:30
mgouldhi jroll14:30
kodokuualways kernel panic :/14:33
mgouldkodokuu: the last line I can see on that is " 98%", is that correct?14:33
mgouldOK, the SHA-256 for rhosp-director-images-ipa-9.0-20161031.1.el7ost.noarch.rpm  should be ce30f16b2e64320fddb12d7230d07d0f1e99744d863bcbe97d1677f43f5267fb14:34
jrolloh lawd what did I do
TheJuliajroll: ugh14:37
openstackgerritMartin Roy proposed openstack/ironic: Remove deprecation of snmp drivers
jrollTheJulia: I'm gonna call it "finding a bug"14:37
jrollTheJulia: does bifrost test with only noop network enabled?14:37
jrolland/or test deleting nodes?14:37
TheJuliajroll: we do noop only and we do delete notes14:38
jroll... what's different here14:38
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kodokuumgould 98% it's for my screen :) kernel boot with kernel panic :)14:39
jrollnot convinced it's a devstack thing but I will look14:39
dtantsurmorning jroll, TheJulia14:39
TheJuliajroll: fixing ironic-ui's docs and finishing eating breakfast, and will begin looking as well14:40
jrollTheJulia: no rush, shouldn't be hard to track down14:40
mgouldkodokuu: did you try adding `imgstat` to `inspector.ipxe` just above "boot"?14:40
milanmorning jroll, TheJulia! :)14:40
mgouldif so, I'd expect a listing of image files and their lengths to appear just below that line14:41
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jrollTheJulia: blah, we need to set CONF.dhcp.dhcp_provider=none14:43
jrollso silly14:43
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jrollotherwise default network_interface is flat14:43
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TheJuliajroll: should be able to set default_network_interface14:44
jrollor that14:44
mgouldkodokuu: sha256sum for /usr/share/rhosp-director-images/ironic-python-agent-9.0-20161031.1.el7ost.tar should be 027736d940ccdb7ed15d85086131c67637fd364211a770942e4638bde4d76bdb14:44
jrollthis is a very strange way to find a misconfiguration, we should check that at startup :/14:44
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Add unit test for create_node RPC call
TheJuliaI think flat would have silently just gone with it until the deprecated code was removed... :(14:48
kodokuu027736d940ccdb7ed15d85086131c67637fd364211a770942e4638bde4d76bdb  /usr/share/rhosp-director-images/ironic-python-agent-9.0-20161031.1.el7ost.tar14:48
jrollTheJulia: flat uses neutron dhcp, though14:48
dtantsur"we need to set CONF.dhcp.dhcp_provider=none" I can't count how many times I got hit by it when writing unit tests for my patch :)14:49
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TheJuliajroll: and actually calls neutron upon validate now14:51
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jrollTheJulia: yeah, I fixed that for these tests yesterday by setting enabled net interfaces to noop only14:52
jrollbut now hitting this :)14:52
jroll fwiw14:52
openstackLaunchpad bug 1648179 in python-ironicclient "Fake node validation error: gate-ironicclient-dsvm-functional fails on test_node_validate" [Critical,Triaged]14:52
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/ironic: Allow setting dhcp_provider in devstack
dtantsuraha, so I'm the one usually against calling other services in validate(), and I broke the CI by doing it in my network names patch \o/14:54
dtantsurgood job! :)14:54
jrollokay, so two patches to fix this one:
* jroll rechecks his tempest test patch, hoping that chain can land today now that the project-config patch is landed14:55
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-ui: Fix requirements for ironic-ui
jrollTheJulia: no requirements bot on ironic-ui, I guess? :/14:56
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TheJuliafixing that too, typing the commit message14:56
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kodokuumgould Can I add a sleep or pause before boot ? for screen imgstat14:57
TheJulianow to figure out why it's stupid suddenly hate the universe :(14:57
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kodokuugood size for file. so no corrupt issue14:59
mgouldyep, so I see14:59
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mgouldbut I don't think you need to, we've got the information we were hoping for out of that15:02
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kodokuumgould I try to change iscsi to IDE and virtIO to E10015:08
kodokuuno change :/15:08
mgouldyeah, I wouldn't have expected those to change anything: we're booting from a ramdisk, so not doing any disk I/O15:11
mgouldkodokuu: honestly, I think your best bet is to file a bug at this point15:11
mgouldagainst RHOSPd 9.015:12
openstackgerritSofiia Andriichenko proposed openstack/ironic: Added api tempest test for chassis
kodokuuon bugzilla ?15:13
mgoulddtantsur, milan ^^^ good idea?15:13
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JayFRomanenko_K: FYI; That ironicclient bug was already discovered, and Jim had a patch in to fix it15:14
milanmgould, kodokuu seems like :-/15:14
JayFRomanenko_K: I linked the commit he made in your patch, and marked the bug as a duplicate15:14
milankodokuu, just to check: you fail to boot the ramdisk manually, correct?15:14
mgouldkodokuu: please also try booting the kernel/ramdisk combination directly on your KVM setup15:14
mgouldand on KVM-via-proxmox15:15
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jrollJayF: assuming you just saw the new new bug15:16
jrolloh I see it in scrollback now15:16
kodokuumilan no try manually15:16
jrollmy stuff was the redundant one but different15:16
milankodokuu, try that please, if same result, seems like kernel/initrd bug15:17
JayFjroll: I'm not sure I understand?15:17
jrollJayF: I was asking if the bug you mentioned was the one I discovered this morning, and I believe the answer is yes15:18
JayFjroll: *blink*15:18
jrollbasically just talking out loud ignore me :)15:18
JayFjroll: I thought it was the one from yesterday?15:18
JayFI've been awake for 30m and working for 15m, you gotta talk a little slower ;P15:18
jrollso this15:18
openstackLaunchpad bug 1648179 in Ironic "duplicate for #1648794 Fake node validation error: gate-ironicclient-dsvm-functional fails on test_node_validate" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Jim Rollenhagen (jim-rollenhagen)15:18
kodokuuhard to test with virt manager, no works on proxmox host15:18
jrollwas new after my fix yesterday15:18
jrollI noticed it this morning but missed that link in scrollback15:19
JayFis the one Romanenko_K filed15:19
JayFand has a bug attached to it15:19
JayFoh yeah15:19
JayFsame bug, just title is diff b/c I marked it as duplicate15:19
jrollis the patch to fix that15:19
JayFis it not a duplicate?15:19
jrollit's uh, different15:19
jrollbut I bundled it in with the other one15:19
jrollbecause it came out of a bad fix for that15:20
JayFSo marking it duplicate was still the right thing?15:20
JayFWhat about Romanenko_K's patch?15:20
mgouldkodokuu: "without the rest of OpenStack" is the key point here15:20
JayFcool, you -1'd that project-config patch too15:20
JayFso at least I understand that15:20
jrollJayF: if I had seen the bug before my patch, I would have used it15:21
jrollI really don't care either way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯15:21
mgouldkodokuu: try with virt-install?
jrollit's a different bug, but since it's not user facing I don't actually care much15:21
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kodokuuvirt-install no works on proxmox host, I need to create new rhel host with KVM15:22
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JayFjroll: I landed the devstack patch, going to try and get infra to land the other half15:23
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mgouldkodokuu: ah, how vexing15:25
JayFjroll: fungi just landed the infra side, so we should be good15:25
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jrollnice, thanks15:25
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JayFjroll: apparently infra has to reapprove when the ironic side lands, because of how depends-on works15:27
fungiyeah, zuul doesn't know to auto-enqueue a depending change when a dependency merges unless they share jobs15:29
openstackgerritKarthik S proposed openstack/ironic-inspector-specs: Spec for retrieving NUMA node information
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JayF is sorta interesting now that there's more information, but it still reads to me like a really slow set of BMCs?15:35
openstackLaunchpad bug 1647229 in Ironic "Retry powering on nodes while introspection always fails after 4 retries" [Undecided,New]15:35
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mgouldkodokuu: I suspect the problem will disappear when you remove proxmox from the mix15:38
kodokuumgould Yes Im trying15:38
mgouldkodokuu: cool, good luck15:39
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jrollcmonnnnn grenade15:44
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-ui: Refactor ironic-ui documentation to remove warnings
TheJuliaOkay ^^^ should fix ironic-ui's docs so things can land15:49
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JayFI'll take a look at that TheJulia15:51
JayFfixing warnings in docs is so much /fun/15:51
TheJuliaIndeed :(15:51
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JayFI swept thru and did that once in IPA + Ironic15:52
JayFas one of my first substantial upstream patches15:52
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lindycoderlucas-pto, vsaienko   <  All gates pass including the new one testing pxe_snmp :D16:15
patchbotpatch 405639 - ironic - Remove deprecation of snmp drivers16:15
openstackgerritAndrey Shestakov proposed openstack/bifrost: Fixes to allow install Ironic on remote node
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jrolllindycoder: could you add a release note there, please?16:18
lindycodersure, i'll check that16:18
jrollthanks, just something like "The pxe_snmp and agent_snmp drivers are now supported and tested"16:19
lindycoderCan i say that even if there's not gate for the agent_snmp driver?  (in the end it's the SNMPPower driver that is now supported)16:20
jrollyeah, I think it's fine16:21
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jroller, wait, I guess not16:21
jrolljust pxe_snmp16:22
jrolland fake_snmp16:22
lindycoderthe agent_snmp won't work out of the box because of the rebooting strategy, with pxe the reboot i correct handled but to make agent_snmp work it needs ssh_management in there to reconfigure the boot order16:23
lindycoderactually therE's not agent_snmp, i tried to make one and i saw that it needs ssh management, nvm my comments16:24
jrollah, I see16:25
lindycoderNot sure how exactly to write that note... is it in the "features", "upgrades" or "deprecation" ?16:26
jrollI'd say features16:26
openstackgerritMartin Roy proposed openstack/ironic: Remove deprecation of snmp drivers
lindycoderThere ^ sorry for not being eloquent, not sure what to write more than that16:28
jrollnope, that's perfect, thanks16:29
lindycoderThank you very much!16:29
jrollthank YOU16:29
jrollnice fast work getting this going16:29
lindycodermat128 will be happy ! :D16:29
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jroll\o rpioso16:38
rpiosoI'm trying to use manual cleaning and running into issues around the cleaning network.16:38
rpiosojroll, Hola116:39
rpiosojroll: s/Hola/Hola1/16:39
jrollwhat kind of issues?16:39
rpiosofat fingers :(16:39
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* jroll knows the pain16:40
jrollwhat kind of cleaning issues though? :P16:40
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rpiosoFirstly, is it required?  The doc,, states, "you __may__ need to configure a Cleaning Network."16:41
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rpiosoSounds kinda optional.16:41
jrollyes, it's required, I assume the 'may' was more of "if it isn't already configured" but am not sure16:41
rpiosoGood to know.  I configured one following the instructions at
rpiosoThat got me past the error that complained about there being no cleaning network.16:43
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rpiosoTo the next error, which is "FailedToUpdateDHCPOptOnPort: No VIFs found for node 7c89ebb3-26b7-4f2b-9ace-cb8667a0e791 when attempting to update DHCP BOOT options."16:44
rpiosoThe stack backtrace suggests that it's executing inband cleaning.16:45
* mgould thought "you may need to configure a cleaning network" meant "you can avoid doing so if you re-use an existing network, but it's not a good idea"16:46
rpiosotask.driver.deploy.prepare_cleaning(task) > prepare_inband_cleaning() > prepare_ramdisk() > update_dhcp_opts()16:46
jrollyep, that's the correct codepath16:46
rpiosoThat's puzzling, since the driver that's configured on the node, pxe_drac, supports out-of-band cleaning.16:47
jrollwhat version of ironic btw?16:47
jrollit starts up the ramdisk to find any inband steps16:47
jrolland combines in-band and oob steps16:47
jroll(although I guess with manual cleaning, you supply the cleaning steps)16:47
jrollironic, not ironicclient :)16:47
mgouldrpioso: is this related to RAID at all?16:47
rpiosoI did supply them :)16:47
dtantsureven with manual cleaning, even when steps are out-of-band, we still boot the ramdisk16:48
jrollthere's an rfe for that16:48
* jroll is looking16:48
openstackLaunchpad bug 1554542 in Ironic "[RFE] Don't prepare and start in-band cleaning, if all requested clean steps are OOB" [Wishlist,Confirmed]16:48
rpiosoIt's Newton based.16:48
dtantsuryeah, Imre hit it with pxe_drac specifically :)16:49
rpiosoThen it failed with "FailedToUpdateDHCPOptOnPort: No VIFs found for node 7c89ebb3-26b7-4f2b-9ace-cb8667a0e791 when attempting to update DHCP BOOT options."16:49
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rpiosoThat's where I'm stuck :(16:49
jrollyeah, I'm looking, but it's definitely a bug16:49
jrollnode.network_interface is flat or neutron? (default is flat)16:50
mgouldno port for the node on the cleaning network?16:50
rpiosoLooking ...16:51
* dtantsur calls it a (long and difficult) week in the meantime. have a great weekend, ( for person in ironic.list_great_people())16:51
mgouldo/ dtantsur, have a great weekend!16:51
NobodyCamgood morning Ironicers16:52
NobodyCamnight dtantsur ...16:52
dtantsurNobodyCam, o/16:52
rpiosoneutron lists the network I configured in /etc/ironic/ironic.conf (neutron net-list).16:52
NobodyCamhave a great weekend16:52
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mgouldNobodyCam: morning!16:53
NobodyCammorning mgould :)16:53
rpiosoty dtantsur|afk16:53
NobodyCamoh and ofc... TGIF!16:53
rpiosojroll: The network is for the tripleo undercloud.16:54
rpiosoIt's likely flat.16:54
jrollok, figured so16:55
jrollI'm poking through the code and things seem fine16:55
jrollidk, I have to go for the day16:56
mgouldo/ jroll16:56
jrollrpioso: if these kind folks can't figure it out, mind filing a bug? :)16:56
rpiosojroll: Will do (although I hope it doesn't come to that :)!16:57
rpiosojroll: ty for your asisstance.  Have a great weekend!16:57
jrollsee y'all later16:57
jrollrpioso: you too! :)16:57
TheJuliaoh, heh, with manual cleaning16:58
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rpiosoTheJulia: Hi16:59
mgouldjroll: o/16:59
TheJuliarpioso: I suspect none of your ports actually have a vif record?17:00
rpiosoTheJulia: Should I use ironic or neutron to list the cleaning network's ports?17:01
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rpiosoTheJulia: ironic comes up empty and neutron lists a port, but for a network with a different id than the cleaning network I configured in ironic.conf.17:02
TheJuliawell, it would be ports on the noes17:02
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* TheJulia comparing code to the discussion thus far17:04
rpiosomgould: You wrote, are you referring to the possible lack of a physical node on the cleaning network or the configuration of it?17:08
rpiosomgould: s/You wrote, //17:09
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rpiosomgould: And I meant physical port on the cleaning network.17:09
TheJuliarpioso: for clarity, your saying if you list all ports on the cleaning network in neutron, you see a port, but it's information just does not match the information for the ports on the node your trying to send through manual cleaning?17:09
mgouldI meant a virtual port17:09
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mgouldit sounds like there ought to be a virtual port connecting the ironic node to the (virtual, Neutron) cleaning network, but there isn't17:10
mgouldif there's no physical connection between the node and the cleaning network, that would also be a showstopper17:11
rpiosoironic port-list comes up empty.17:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Allow setting dhcp_provider in devstack
mgouldOK, that would explain why it can't find a vif for the node, AIUI17:12
TheJuliayeah, the ports need to be defined for the node17:12
* mgould notes that he is batting 0 for 0 on debugging-over-IRC today17:13
TheJuliaand they need to be flaged as pxe_enabled according to the code17:13
mgould*0 for 117:13
TheJuliaso ironic, takes the port record for the node, attaches it to the cleaning network, and gets the vifs as a result17:13
* TheJulia wonders how a node got past manageable state with no ports.17:14
TheJuliaI could see this error occurring if ports existed, however were just not pxe_enabled according to the port's configuration.17:15
TheJuliarpioso: so, create the ports in ironic representing the hardware, and try again possibly?17:15
rpiosoTheJulia: "neutron net-list" reports one network.17:18
TheJuliabut your ironic port-list is empty?17:19
rpiosoThere appears to be 2 uuids, one for the network and another for the subnet.17:19
rpiosoTheJulia: y17:20
TheJuliarpioso: does y == confirmation or a question?17:20
rpiosoTheJulia: ironic port-list is empty.17:21
TheJuliarpioso: So that is what your missing then.  Ironic can't attach ports it does not know about.17:21
rpiosoTheJulia: Which of those uuids should be assigned to the cleaning_networ_uuid in ironic.conf?17:22
rpiosoTheJulia: The subnet has a port.17:22
TheJuliarpioso: I believe the overall neutron network uuid17:22
TheJuliarpioso: possibly a controller node attached to the network to serve dhcp?17:23
rpiosoTheJulia: It's set to the overall neutron network uuid.17:24
TheJuliaOkay, as I understand it, neutron shouldn't show any other ports attached beyond whatever is serving dhcp to that network.17:25
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rpiosoTheJulia: We may have a chicken and egg problem.17:29
TheJuliaWhy do you say that?17:30
TheJulia(Asking to try and gather more of your context)17:30
rpiosoTheJulia: I'm trying to run cleaning from the tripleo undercloud.17:30
TheJuliagot that17:30
jlvillalJayF: You had a +2 on this yesterday. It was updated to update the sample config file17:31
rpiosoTheJulia: The node that it's being run against hasn't been deployed.  It has no OS.17:31
patchbotpatch 408572 - ironic - Fix default value of "ignore_req_list" config option17:31
JayFjlvillal: it's in my list for today17:31
TheJuliarpioso: Okay, out of curiosity, was it inspected?17:32
openstackgerritAparna proposed openstack/ironic: Add hpsum firmware update as a clean step
rpiosoTheJulia: So, that node is not connected to the provisioning network.17:32
rpiosoTheJulia: I believe not.17:32
rpiosoTheJulia: We intend to use out-of-band introspection.17:33
TheJuliarpioso: Correct of sorts with flat networking.  Physically it should be connected, but the dhcp server is neutron.  The node should still have ports for ironic to create the ports for the node in neutron.  Inspection might be able to obtain the networking information.17:34
rpiosoTheJulia: And that's planned to occur after node cleaning.17:34
rpiosoTheJulia: So, to summarize, ...  Try to run introspection before node cleaning, correct?17:35
TheJuliarpioso: Yes, you need to see ports in ironic port-list17:35
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TheJuliaintrospection, although i'm not sure about out of band, should help populate that data17:36
rpiosoTheJulia: Cool.  I'll give that a try and circle back with you on what I find.17:36
rpiosoTheJulia: ty so much!17:36
TheJuliarpioso: otherwise, :)17:36
TheJuliaso for node in nodes; do for physical_port in node; do ironic port-create blah blah blah; done; done :)17:37
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rpiosoTheJulia: Got it :)17:39
TheJuliarpioso: out of curiosity, when you created the baremetal node in ironic, did it immediately go to available state?17:40
rpiosoTheJulia: I don't know.  And I've been hacking on that node, so I can't figure that out.  Next time I create the nodes, I'll look.17:41
TheJuliarpioso: Okay, let me know :)17:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-lib: Check for HCTL as part of root device hints
JayFaslezil: if you wanted bonus points, as part of fixing you could completely elminate and reimplement all that in python18:03
openstackLaunchpad bug 1628367 in ironic-python-agent " fails with coreos IPA image" [Medium,Triaged]18:03
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JayFaslezil: not required but might actually make fixing it easier for you18:03
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mgouldTheJulia: AIUI TripleO still pretends that ENROLL state doesn't exist, by immediately transitioning nodes to AVAILABLE when they're created18:16
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xavierrhey jroll, while discussing about ensure machine is off to change boot device, sambetts said to move the check if the image was whole disk to boot.prepare_instance, do u agree?18:21
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patchbotpatch 408298 - ironic - Shutdown server before change boot order for agent...18:21
JayFxavierr: Jim is gone until late next week, I believe18:21
xavierroh, thanks JayF :)18:22
JayF is a pretty easy review + helpful addition to IPA if folks wanna land it18:22
patchbotpatch 398989 - ironic-python-agent - Use oslo-config-generator for sample config18:22
* jlvillal saw jroll do a recheck on his patch this morning. Though he didn't remove his A-118:23
JayFaslezil: is also related to that18:23
patchbotpatch 372478 - ironic-python-agent - Moving Reboot bashscript to python18:23
JayFjlvillal: I think he was here a bit this morning, but I know he told us he was out for most of next week18:23
jlvillalJayF: Okay. I'd like to land his tempest patch if the test job lands. Since the project-config change landed today.18:24
jlvillalIf the test job passes.18:24
jlvillalOh, the test job failed :(18:25
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* mgould -> home; good night, and have a good weekend!18:54
TheJuliamgould: but, I thought you couldn't actually pass from enroll to manageable without port information... I mean, they could be adding nodes with a super old rest api version....18:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Fix default value of "ignore_req_list" config option
TheJuliaxavierr: boot.prepare_instance kind of makes sense to me18:56
TheJuliagoodnight mgould18:56
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openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Use oslo-config-generator for sample config
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xavierrTheJulia: so, change (boot interface implementation) file to add the 'if iwdi' inside prepare_instance, right? :)19:10
* xavierr thinks the check if the image is whole disk is being done in too many places...19:11
TheJuliaxavierr: I was interpretting it as identification19:11
TheJuliawell, as long as they are all sourcing driver_internal_info, I think it is relatively okay since otherwise boot behavior/instance deployment needs to be different.19:12
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xavierrTheJulia: may I use partition images with agent based drivers?19:23
xavierrTheJulia: if so, why choose wdi instead of partition or vice versa?19:24
TheJuliaxavierr: you should be able to use a partition image with an agent deploy now.  Problem with partition images is ironic is putting in place the bootloader, and that sometimes doesn't work out so well.  WDIs have the bootloader on it and are hopefully already known binary images19:25
xavierrTheJulia: not sure if I understand 'ironic is putting in place the bootloader'19:29
xavierrironic installing the bootload or something?19:30
TheJuliaessentially yes19:31
TheJuliaand performing the partitioning19:31
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xavierrTheJulia: ok thanks SuperJulia :)19:32
* TheJulia is not a Super....19:33
* TheJulia is just !sane.19:33
* TheJulia feels like "The Incredibles!" should be playing in the background now19:33
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xavierrpas-ha: oh nice explanation :)19:51
xavierrpas-ha: I think that should be more explicit in our docs, agree?19:51
pas-hamight be :)19:51
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rpiosoTheJulia: Some most excellent news.  Manual cleaning worked after I ran introspection.  I used out-of-band introspection.20:06
rpiosoThank you so much!20:07
rpiosoIt appears the bug/RFE that jroll found is the reason why running introspection must be done before manual cleaning.  Agree?20:08
TheJuliado you have the link handy?20:09
openstackLaunchpad bug 1554542 in Ironic "[RFE] Don't prepare and start in-band cleaning, if all requested clean steps are OOB" [Wishlist,Confirmed]20:09
JayFI think that's potentially related, but not the original cause20:09
JayFeven if it boots a ramdisk unneccessarily, it still should be able to boot the ramdisk at all20:10
TheJuliaso that bug seems unrelated to me20:10
rpiosoJayF: Does manual out-of-band cleaning need the provisioning network?20:11
JayFrpioso: It should only need a cleaning network, aiui20:11
xavierrTheJulia: you asked rpioso if the node was immediately to available state when created in ironic, this is happening to a colleage. why?20:11
rpiosoJayF: I meant cleaning network.20:12
TheJuliaxavierr: Prior to the introduction of the enroll state in the API, all nodes default to available when created... well... >= microversion 1.1 <=1.8 I think20:12
rpiosoJayF: Why is that needed?20:12
JayFrpioso: Because of bug 1554542 :)20:12
openstackbug 1554542 in Ironic "[RFE] Don't prepare and start in-band cleaning, if all requested clean steps are OOB" [Wishlist,Confirmed]
rpiosoJayF: Most specifically, why must the cleaning network have ports when ooo manual cleaning is performed?20:13
JayFbug 1554542 :)20:13
JayFAutomated cleaning came long before manual cleaning20:13
JayFwith automated cleaning you can't predict what steps will be in band vs out of band until you boot an agent and see what hardware managers have exposed cleaning steps20:13
TheJuliarpioso: Specifically, ironic _must_ know about the ports prior to being able to take any action like cleaning, if it does not know about the ports, it can't set dhcp configuration for the node because it does not know what MAC address to reply to with what configuration20:14
JayFso I presume that assumption of always booting an agent was left for manual cleaning, either as an omission or to make implementation easier20:14
rpiosoTheJulia, JayF: Is there an in-band/out-of-band option for manual cleaning?20:16
TheJuliarpioso: afaik no20:17
JayFrpioso: no; you specify interface20:18
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JayFrpioso: it sounds like you want bug 1554542 completed :) patches welcome! lol20:19
openstackbug 1554542 in Ironic "[RFE] Don't prepare and start in-band cleaning, if all requested clean steps are OOB" [Wishlist,Confirmed]
rpiosoTheJulia: Just to be certain I understand correctly, would the ports be needed as you described above if bug 1554542 was fixed?20:21
openstackbug 1554542 in Ironic "[RFE] Don't prepare and start in-band cleaning, if all requested clean steps are OOB" [Wishlist,Confirmed]
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TheJuliarpioso: They would absolutely be required.20:22
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rpiosoJayF: Yes, I would like that bug fixed.  I'd like to contribute it, if only I had more time :(20:24
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rpiosoTheJulia: I'm puzzled.20:26
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TheJuliaxavierr: err, 1.10 inclusive or 1.11 exclusive then20:27
TheJuliaxavierr: the client is locked to version 1.920:27
TheJuliarpioso: how so?20:27
rpiosoTheJulia: I don't understand how DHCP comes into play during out-of-band manual cleaning.20:28
TheJuliarpioso: it wouldn't, except the agent's hardware manager supplies cleaning steps it knows about back to the conductor for cleaning20:28
rpiosoTheJulia: Are those agent determined steps performed during manual out-of-band cleaning?20:30
TheJuliaas far as I'm aware, there is no delineation at present20:30
rpiosoTheJulia: Thank you for helping me understand this.  I'm so glad that we were able to get it to work.  \o/20:32
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xavierrTheJulia: hahaha why locked in a old 1.9 api version?20:34
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TheJuliaxavierr: Humans!20:34
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mariojvrloo: xek: i know rfe isn't approved yet, but i left some initial comments on
patchbotpatch 408556 - ironic - Add new dbsync command online_data_migration20:34
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xavierr|beerhave a nice weekend folks :)20:36
TheJuliahave a wonderful weekend xavierr|beer20:36
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rpioso|walkI'll be back shortly.20:39
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openstackgerritMario Villaplana proposed openstack/ironic: Autospec ironic-lib mocks, fix test error string
mariojvjlvillal: rloo: there's the follow up that was requested ^21:17
mariojvjlvillal: good call on displaying the disallowed values. i discovered an error that would have raised a separate exception in the tests21:17
mariojvapparently we need tests for our tests21:17
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jlvillalmariojv: Thanks :)21:21
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jlvillalmariojv: reviewed.21:25
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openstackgerritMario Villaplana proposed openstack/ironic: Autospec ironic-lib mocks, fix test error string
mariojvjlvillal: updated commit message ^ good catch21:31
jlvillalmariojv: Thanks21:32
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Autospec ironic-lib mocks, fix test error string
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/bifrost: Minor documentation updates
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