Friday, 2020-03-20

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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit ( will be down for maintenance starting at 14:00 (in less than 20 mins), probably until 15:00 UTC13:43
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on is offline for maintenance until 15:00 UTC
*** ChanServ changes topic to "The Gerrit service on is offline for maintenance until 15:00 UTC"14:07
*** ChanServ changes topic to "Weekly Interop WG Meetings in openstack-meeting-3 Wednesday 11:00 AM CDT/ 16:00 UTC"15:04
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit maintenance is concluded at this time and requested renames have been performed15:04
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*** kopecmartin is now known as kopecmartin|afk19:55
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*** tosky has quit IRC23:59

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