simondodsley | Is there a known issue with the cinder-plugin-ceph-tempest test in Zuul? It is continually failiung with a missing Image - nothing to do with the patches it is testing? Exanmple | 15:21 |
simondodsley | OK - it appears may fix this | 15:26 |
clarkb | as a side note it has been my experience that when needing to increase swap double checking where the memory consumption is going often finds issues/bugs/fixable things | 15:42 |
clarkb | I know that privsep is quite the consumer for example. Unfortunately, I dont' think addressing that has been a big priority | 15:43 |
opendevreview | Jeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Temporarily remove release docs semaphores | 18:01 |
opendevreview | Jeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Revert "Temporarily remove release docs semaphores" | 18:01 |
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