Thursday, 2023-11-02

opendevreviewMerged openstack/pbr master: build: Use kwargs
*** eandersson0 is now known as eandersson11:50
*** pots6 is now known as pots11:50
stephenfinfungi, clarkb: I see you merged the PEP-660 change. Just FYI, I had perhaps incorrectly assumed the next version would be a major one (6.0.0 rather than 5.12.0) when I'd updated the docs. Are we happy with that or should I update the docs?11:51
fungistephenfin: good question. i'm fine with making it 6.0.0, though i don't think we've dropped support for anything this time, so i suppose that could be seen as a bit of unnecessary inflation13:28
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: use centos 9 stream for py39 tox jobs
clarkbstephenfin: fungi: ya I don't think it matters much unless we want to use the next major version bump to indicate when we finally give up on python2.7 (probably still some time away though)14:48
fungithere's no shortage of numbers14:48
fungithe universe will always make another14:48
fungiif sticking with the 6.0.0 assumption is less work for someone, i'm in favor14:49
clarkbthey are countable though :)14:49
fungiinfinitely so!14:51
clarkbstephenfin: fungi: speaking of version numbers should we go ahead and request a new release?18:53
fungii don't have a broader view on whether there was anything else that needed adding/changing before release, though there don't seem to be any outstanding reviews for pbr at least19:51

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