Friday, 2023-10-27

opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/project-config master: Normalize projects.yaml
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/project-config master: Update Grafana dasboard for Neutron master
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/project-config master: Update Grafana dashboard for Neutron master
jovialWe've got a branch that is no longer used: How can I get it removed?09:00
fricklerjovial: mnasiadka: is looks like the branch may have been part of the initial import from stackhpc into opendev? because from the ACLs I can't see how it would have been created within opendev/gerrit09:25
mnasiadkafrickler: yes, that's part of the initial import09:25
fricklerso usually this should have been handled before approving the import. I'll check with other infra-root whether we can just delete the branch in gerrit as a one-off09:29
fricklermnasiadka: just to confirm, you want the branch to completely disappear so it gets pruned from the git tree, no tag to keep a reference?09:30
mnasiadkafrickler: no tag, it's not needed anymore (I guess it wasn't needed intially)09:31
mmagrHi guys, can somebody please check ? This patch should unblock telemetry patches.10:29
fricklermmagr: not everyone may identify as "guys", it would be nice to choose a more generic addressing. also commented on the patch referencing the discussion that already happened in #openstack-requirements, where that patch would be more ontopic11:26
mmagrfrickler: ah, sorry about that11:27
mmagrfrickler: I wasn't aware of that discussion11:28
fricklermmagr: see and the following days11:33
mmagrfrickler: ack, thank you11:39
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Normalize projects.yaml
clarkbfrickler: we have done those in the past, but I thik the release team can do that as well?14:06
clarkbthose == branch deletions14:06
fricklerclarkb: release team said that feature branches are out of scope for them14:08
clarkbI strongly disagree on that one14:09
clarkbthe release team manages branches in opesntack projects. Any branch in an openstack project is within scope14:09
clarkbif they don't then we should just let people branch and tag without intervention...14:09
fricklerwell in this special case the branch results from an unclean import from github, which may be a special case. but feel free to pick up the earlier discussion in the release channel, I'll wait for the result of that14:11
clarkbconsidering this is a single branch that was due to an import I don't have a problem with someone doing it though. Its straightfoward though may need to temporarily promote your normal gerrit account to admin rather than your admin account if there isn't a good cli comamnd for it14:11
clarkbI think the cli approach is to do a git push but that requires project creator perms. Rather than perms given by the admin interfaces in the web ui14:11
clarkbya looks like there is a create branch ssh command but no delete branch equivalent14:16
fungiexplicit delete can be done through the rest api (and the webui of course)14:16
clarkbthis means we either need to promote our administrative account to project creator then push the special empty ref thing to delete a git branch. Or promote our regular user to admin temporarily and perform the action via the web ui14:16
clarkbfungi: ya the problem is sorting out perms against what you can do and ithink those are the two options14:17
fungiagreed, what i've done in the past is add my normal user to project bootstrappers temporarily, perform the operation, then take it back out of the group14:17
clarkbnoe you only need boostrappers if doing the git push method14:18
clarkbI don't know that bootstrappers will work for the web ui method14:18
fungiah, right, administrators14:18
clarkbsince the perms for that are separate iirc (owner which is implied by admin vs force push ref which is bootstrapper)14:18
opendevreviewJoshua Reed proposed openstack/project-config master: Add starlingx/app-gen-tool
opendevreviewJoshua Reed proposed openstack/project-config master: Add starlingx/app-gen-tool
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add starlingx/app-gen-tool

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