Tuesday, 2023-05-30

opendevreviewMerged openstack/ci-log-processing master: Try to always download build log files  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ci-log-processing/+/87669110:20
opendevreviewdaniel.pawlik proposed openstack/ci-log-processing master: Remove build dirs with missing files; add more debug logs  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ci-log-processing/+/88227011:41
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opendevreviewVladimir Kozhukalov proposed openstack/project-config master: Remove retied projects from openstack-helm group  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/88471815:41
kozhukalov_Hi, I a PTL of Openstack-helm. I trying to cleanup the Storyboard and we have 3 retired projects. All the stories in these retired projects are closed and moved to the main project in the project group. As per agreement with the infra team I prepared this PR https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/884718 which removes these retired projects from the project group and then someone with admin rights in SB 15:58
kozhukalov_will change the description of these retired projects and will set them inactive. Can you please review the PR?15:58
fungikozhukalov_: yes, i had already pulled it up to look at, though i have a very full day of meetings so may not get to it right away15:59
kozhukalov_Thank you. It is not urgent at all.16:04
fricklerkozhukalov_: if you intend to stay around on IRC, you may also want to update your nick in the governance repo16:42
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kozhukalovfrickler: yes, thanks for this reminder. I prepared PR https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/88475717:35
fungihttps://review.openstack.org/185785 "Alter governance repo voting rules" is what added the overridden code-review label to the openstack/governance acl18:31
fungithe commit message includes, "Make Code-Review votes not required for a change to merge.  This means they are purely advisory."18:32
clarkbfungi: ya you can see that is preserved with the function NoBlock and submit requirement of is:true18:32
clarkbmakes it hard to say if those values should be copied or not since the category is mostly meaningless18:32
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Remove retied projects from openstack-helm group  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/88471818:35
clarkbgmann: yes the gerrit migrations from version 3.6 to 3.7 added those rules because copyAllScoresIfNoCodeChange was the default rule and this ruleset is supposed to be equivalent to that18:38
clarkbgmann: if we didn't explicitly add the rules the ngerrit would add them and then the next time we pushed we would be out of sync and potentially it would reject the push18:38
clarkbthat is why it was added. It is possible there is a bug in Gerrit's assertion they are equivalent18:38
clarkbeither way you can just set it to whatever value you prefer instead18:39
fungi"NO_CODE_CHANGE" allows the commit message to be different18:39
fungiso that's at least why the score is getting copied18:39
gmannbut if copyAllScoresIfNoCodeChange  was true by default then why we did not see this behavior early 18:39
clarkbgmann: as I said ther may be a bug in gerrit's assertion these are equivalent18:39
clarkbwe were just operating with what gerrit would forcibly do for us and capturing that in our out of band config to avoid issues with configuration amangement18:39
gmannyeah, I remember I did many commit msg only change in governance many time18:39
clarkbbasically if you had no function set then it would add these rules. If we didn't add these rules to our config they would be added behind the scenes. Then when you tried to make a change in project-config it would fail to push due to missing necessary rules18:40
clarkbso we got project-config in sync with what gerrit would do18:40
clarkbto avoid that problem18:40
fungihttps://review.opendev.org/880115 indicates it was added to any labels which didn't previously specify "copyAllScoresIfNoChange = false"18:43
clarkbfungi: ya because the default is "copyAllScoresIfNoChange = true"18:44
gmannyeah, as default is true 18:44
clarkbfungi: and beacuse of that default gerrit woud autmatoically add these new rules in the upgrade migrations18:44
clarkbin order to prevent that causing problems we did the work upfront so that it was tracked and managed18:44
fungiright, i'm just trying to think through what would have previously been preventing those scores from being copied prior to the upgrade18:46
gmanncan we check if that was true by default because I see many repo set those as true explicitly. may be default value was changed 18:48
gmannrecently 18:48
clarkbyou can look at the gerrit docs, but ya I mean I think if you're asserting that wasn't the behavior it isn't going to cahnge anything18:49
clarkbwhich is I think my point. Let's stop worrying about what may have been the behavior and just move forard. We had to address thigns for the gerrit upgrade and now y oucan just set the config to whatever you want18:50
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/pbr master: Replace imp with importlib.machinery  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/pbr/+/88478922:27
JayF^ is imported as I saw someone proposing a downstream gentoo patch to fix this, and they PR'd it to github, so I thought I'd ferry it over :-) I'll take a look at tests if anything blows up22:34
clarkbJayF: ya I'm reviewing it quickly. It isn't python2 safe22:37
JayFI wasn't sure if that was done on a branch, I figured unit tests would get angry if it was unsafe22:38
JayFjust need to guard the import like usual for python version stuff?22:38
JayFtry import; except Importerror import X22:38
clarkbya I'm writing a fix22:38
JayFack thank you22:38
clarkband will put it in the comments22:38
clarkbbecause we don't test under pypy but pypy is used for a lot of python 2.7 I think this is an issue but also hard to test...22:41
JayFI figured this was one of those "it's a two line fix except the ten lines that prevent those two lines from breaking something else"22:42
clarkbfor the unittest failurs i think we have to remove build_sphinx testing since that isn't a thing setuptools is doing anymore22:46
JayFclarkb: pbr/tests/test_packaging.py:71:5: E731 do not assign a lambda expression, use a def22:47
clarkband the doc build errors appears related to setup_command imports?22:47
JayFclarkb: I assume noqa this?22:47
JayFI was hoping it wasn't unit test deterioration but just it being broken on my system :/ 22:48
clarkbJayF: I probably would? the idea is to keep the function definition small and in the import exception. But you could define a normal function there instead22:48
clarkboh setup_command is something we were importing form sphinx which is gone now22:49
clarkbI think because setuptools has killed build_sphonx22:49
clarkbso that all probably needs to be ripped out as killed by upstream integration ponts22:49
clarkbcc fungi 22:49
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/pbr master: Replace imp with importlib.machinery  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/pbr/+/88478922:53
JayFthat ^ does not have all the unit test/docs fixes, but does implement a better fix, I believe22:53
JayFI need to wrap up something before my EOD, I'll check that patch for further comments and help get it in22:53
clarkbya we probably want the sphinx command cleanup in a separate change anyway22:54
clarkbpbr/packaging.py alrady has a try except import on builddoc22:56
clarkbwe can probably leave that as is but then prevent docs from trying to autodoc and also have tests only cover it if testable?22:56
clarkbor we delete it all...22:56
JayFlike, autodoc is still a thing in sphinx, and it works22:56
JayFat least in IPA it still works22:56
* JayF suspects he's missing a detail of what that actually does22:57
clarkbJayF: ya sphinx and autodoc are fine. The problem is trying to drive them through setup.py appears to no longer be a thing22:59
clarkbso basically we need to stop supporting the functionality in pbr and force people to run the commands directly rather than with setup.py23:00
clarkbwhat makes it tricky is this is a breaking change, but should we break everyone or just those with new setuptools and setup.py23:00
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/pbr master: Remove sphinx doc building integration  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/pbr/+/88479123:03
clarkbsomething like that maybe23:03
clarkband left a comment on what it might look like if we keep support. But like you my day is ending and I need to not get sucked into this right now :)23:05

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