Monday, 2020-09-21

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cgoncalvesAJaeger, good morning. could you kindly review ? thanks!07:58
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Add 'check arm64' trigger to check-arm64 pipeline
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sean-k-mooneywhat does infra use to deploy and manage zuul/nodepool ectra these days12:46
sean-k-mooneyim thinking of bringin back my personal third party ci and wondering what is a good way to deploy it12:46
sean-k-mooneyi previously did it with custom k8s yaml files mainly to learn k8s but i assume infra uses ansible to deploy zuul et al12:47
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fungisean-k-mooney: we publish images under opendevorg on dockerhub and deploy/manage them with ansible playbooks in the opendev/system-config repo13:04
fungiour dockerfiles are in that repo too13:05
sean-k-mooneyfungi: ah that repo is the one i was lookign for13:05
sean-k-mooneyand ya i was using your docker image in by k8s files before13:05
sean-k-mooneyi used the docker compose example as a base when i was trying to learn the basicis of k8s13:06
sean-k-mooneyso do you use zuul to deploy zuul?13:07
fungiwe're still using docker-compose, in part because we're driving deployment with zuul itself these days13:07
sean-k-mooneyya i was just reading the Continuous Deployment part13:08
sean-k-mooneyin the readme13:08
fungiyep, a mix of merge-triggered deployment jobs and periodic ones13:08
sean-k-mooneythat sound useful but im debating if i want to try and set it up the same way or just get it working quickly13:08
sean-k-mooneyi know in the long run doing it that way would be better13:08
sean-k-mooneybut its a time trade off now or when i eventully have to fix it13:09
fungiright now we funnel all the deployment through a bastion (it allows the system-config project key from zuul to run stuff) and then rely on nested ansible run on the bastion by those jobs so that we're not restricted to what plugins are available on the executors13:09 is the bastion host13:11
fungilike the bridge of a ship13:12
fungithe command center13:12
sean-k-mooneyso you bootstrap that i guess by running the palybooks on your laptop then drive everything else form there13:13
fungiit's not something we rebuild with enough frequency to entirely automate, but that's more or less the process yeah13:14
fungiget enough of the server stood up to install ansible, clone system-config, apply playbooks locally13:14
sean-k-mooneyya ok im just trying to figure out what is the most effective way to redploy a third party ci and have it be maintainable with relitivly low interaction13:15
fungiwe also don't really orchestrate creation of servers, we just fire semi-automated scripts to build the servers where we'll run our containers13:15
sean-k-mooneyya i can just spawn a few vms via horizon or the openstack cli13:15
sean-k-mooneythat not really a big deal13:15
fungithe launch directory in system-config has the scripts we use for that, but sure horizon would do the trick too13:15
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sean-k-mooneyare the role assuming k8s is deployed13:16
sean-k-mooneyor is that just optional for other services13:16
fungiwe've not been using kubernetes (yet anyway)13:17
sean-k-mooneyoh the lauch script is just using the sdk that might work too but that the simplest bit anyway13:18
fungiwe did briefly try setting up our gitea cluster in kubernetes on magnum at vexxhost, but ran into issues trying to handle shared filesystems (we were trying to do ceph/rook)... ultimately we worked out that gitea doesn't currently like sharing its backend anyway so we dropped back to something simpler for the time being13:18
sean-k-mooneyya the zuul executor and mergers also need indepent file systems too for each instance right13:19
fungibut you might find some remnants of that experiment in the system-config repo... if you run across mentions of kubernetes that's probably what it was from13:19
sean-k-mooneyso that there git operations dont conflict13:19
fungiyes, well they need independent file trees at least. they could be parallel directories on the same fs technically13:19
sean-k-mooneyoh ya that basically what i ment.13:20
sean-k-mooneyoff the top of your head to you know roughly the size of our git repos on disk?13:20
sean-k-mooneythe way the tempest and devstack jobs are written you basically need all of openstack13:21
sean-k-mooneynot quite but it was a lot of work for not much gain the last time to get the minimal subset13:21
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fricklersean-k-mooney: all of seems to be 8.1G, that's what "du -h" on a testing node says13:35
sean-k-mooneyok cool i rememebred it being resonably small13:36
sean-k-mooneyi tought i was close the 20G range but that should be fine13:36
sean-k-mooneythe last time i deploy it i mounted a 200G cinder volume with i used for zuul and node pool storeage and it seamed fine13:37
fricklerwell, not sure I'd still count near 10G image size as reasonable13:37
sean-k-mooneyyou dont need to precache them in the image techincally the tempest jobs can use just the ubuntu cloud image13:38
sean-k-mooneysince i was running everything form the same server i didnt mind just coping evertying from zull to the vms on the same cloud13:39
sean-k-mooney10G is not horrible but also not trivally small13:39
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fungifrickler: was that on review or ze/zm*?13:45
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fungibut yeah, ze01 has been running for 44 days, and `du -sh /var/lib/zuul/executor-git/` there comes in at 7.9G13:49
fungiwhich is probably fairly close to steady-state13:49
fungi(though will continue to grow over time as openstack grows of course)13:50
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fricklerfungi: that was on a held node that I happened to be logged into by chance. /opt/git/opendev.org13:53
fungioh, on the images, yeah13:54
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fungii thought sean-k-mooney was asking how much room you needed on an executor/merger13:54
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sean-k-mooneyfungi: well i was13:55
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sean-k-mooneybut they will be similar13:55
fungicertainly within the same order of magnitude anyway13:56
sean-k-mooneyyep so basically multiple that by 3 1 for nodepool 1 for merger and 1 for executor13:56
sean-k-mooneyi proably dont need the merger but i like having it13:56
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fungiit's technically possible to use a shared copy of git repositories with copy-on-write, but tricky to set up and very hard to update the shared copy and reset the higher layers without taking services offline temporarily, i think?14:20
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openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/project-config master: Linaro US: Add a 16GB RAM label for CentOS 8
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Don't add zuul/zuul as required project on linting
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Don't add zuul/zuul as required project on linting
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Remove old nodepool builder configs
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TheJuliaw/r/t VMs for devstack, specifically grenade. Did something change with /opt, do we now have less?21:36
fungiTheJulia: on focal we stopped being able to fallocate a swap file, so if the test node doesn't have an ephemeral disk for us to put a swap partition on we dd /dev/zero out to a swapfile on the rootfs now21:38
fungithat could have an impact on available /opt space (if /opt is part of the rootfs, which on those sorts of nodes it will be)21:39
clarkbthe linux kernel broke the rule of having users notice changes21:40
TheJuliaDid nodes always only have 1gb of swap, curious because we've seen lots of failures on ironic suddenly that are very perplexing because we've randomly started OOMing it seems21:40
fungiit used to be 821:40
TheJuliaoh wow21:40
clarkbthough that was fallocated so "8"21:40
clarkbwe told it it had 8 then hoped that if it tried to use 8 there would actually be 8 left for it :)21:41
fungiwe compromised by reducing the swap size default so as not to rob as much space on the fs21:41
fungithere is a simple job var you can add to increase it to whatever size you like though21:41
TheJuliaokay, this explains a lot21:41
TheJuliafungi: oh?21:41
* fungi checks the discussion from last week... just a sec21:41
fungiyou can poke that into codesearch for examples, dulek just did it to the ovn-octavia jobs last week21:43
clarkbI'll also suggest that if you need more than 1GB of swap thinking about multinode jobs or reducing memory consumption are worthwhile21:43
clarkbone of the issues there in particular is we seem to become our own noisy neighbor for disk iops21:44
clarkband swap has a big impact on that21:44
fungiahh, it was kuryr21:44
fungiand yeah, i agree, a little swap is healthy to free up ram for buffer/cache use and increase performance when there's stuff which isn't heavily accessed and can be paged out for little cost21:45
fungias soon as you start paging out active memory, you're doomed21:45
TheJuliayeah, we were getting awfully close21:47
TheJulialike 26MB in with 1gb of actual ram free and then a vm started21:49
* fungi just likes saying DOOMED21:50
* TheJulia sighs21:51
fungisorry, having an invader zim moment21:51
TheJuliadtantsur|afk: fyi^^^21:51
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TheJuliaso just for my sanity/knowledge since space free on /opt now seems to be further constrained since we seeminly failed on our fifth VM's disk creation, how much space should we expect to have at the worst in /opt?22:25
clarkbI think its ~60GB22:26
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fungithough if you don't need swap you could set configure_swap_size to 0 or at least a very tiny amount22:42
fungior it may be possible to simply disable the configure-swap role22:42
fungigmann: ^ this is also notable fallout from the focal migration work, in case it comes up elsewhere22:44
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TheJuliaAdditional question: does this impact ussuri test nodes by default?23:00
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clarkbTheJulia: the swap change was made globally I think23:02
clarkbbecause its a linux kernel thing and we didnt want to deal with figuring if its safe in vertain scenarios or not23:02
* TheJulia goes and gets a beverage23:03
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fungiTheJulia: clarkb: it affects any jobs which use the configure-swap role, regardless of branch or node type:
fungibut that's not all jobs, of course23:23
fungimainly devstack-based jobs i think?23:24
fungiaha, i misremembered, apparently it was fedora which tripped over it, not ubuntu focal23:25
fungimerged ~11 days ago23:25
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