Monday, 2019-02-11

eanderssonIs there a reason why the base job for zuul no longer containers the openstack-zuul-jobs?00:20
eandersson*containst he roles from openstack-zuul-jobs00:20
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clarkbeandersson: the base jobs were moved into a more generic repo (not openstack specififc)00:35
clarkbyou can add the roles back in explicitly00:35
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fungiwe thought we caught most of those, but could be some unique in-repo stragglers00:49
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eanderssonclarkb, yea noticed that, it was moved, but modified01:06
eanderssonalso, why that org name? why not something that does not already exist on github?01:07
eanderssonvery confusing01:07
clarkbwe've needed a "generic" or non openstack name for a while and that was the one agreed on after much discussion01:11
clarkbas for the github collision we dont intend on replicating there I dont think01:12
fungieandersson: github is irrelevant, opendev is a service we're building out of the bones of the openstack developer infrastructure01:12
eanderssonSure - just difficult to know where to look if you are not that involved01:13
eanderssonI never go to git.openstack.org01:13
eanderssonbut maybe that is just me01:13
fungiand yeah, like clarkb says, i at least see no reason to mirror a copy of the opendev namespace repo(s eventually) to proprietary third-party services like bitbucket or github01:13
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fungieandersson: if the cgit interface at is the reason, we're very close to running a beta deployment of gitea on opendev.org01:19
eanderssonYea - that is the main reason01:19
eanderssonPlus just general habit, as I use github extensively, so going to github instead of some old cgit instance is just natural :p01:19
eanderssonbut that sounds great01:20
fungii'm not much of a fan of the github ui myself, but gitea does seem to have a lot more "github feel" to the layout and features01:20
eanderssonbtw how do I add a dependency on openstack-zuul-jobs to my playbook? :D01:21
eanderssonAlso, is openstack-zuul-jobs here to stay?01:22
clarkbyes that repo isnt going anywhere01:22
clarkbto add the roles back you add a roles: section to the job and list that repo01:23
clarkbthat goes in the zuul.yaml (instead of the ansible playbook)01:23
eanderssonah perfect - it was the last part that wasn't clear to me01:24
clarkbin the zuul config you list the rpeo with the rolrs and all are available01:25
clarkbthe in the ansible you use the specific roles you need01:25
eandersson ?01:28
eanderssonLooks good now! :D Thanks01:30
eanderssonOn a slightly unrelated topic. Who can review for os-loganalyze?01:36
eanderssonGot a couple of commits that I have had to look at every day now since Nov01:37
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fungieandersson: the gear next to the project name in the gerrit webui will take you to the project details, go to the access tab and look for the group allowed code-review -2..+2 then click on that and you should see a members list02:15
fungiin this case it's really just the infra-core group though (it's included in the os-loganalyze-core group along with sdague who isn't really around these days)02:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: bindep: add sudo
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add add-build-sshkey tests
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: add-build-sshkey: remove previously authorized build-sshkey
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: DNM: trying to test add-build-sshkey
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: DNM: trying to test add-build-sshkey
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: DNM: trying to test add-build-sshkey
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: DNM: trying to test add-build-sshkey
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: DNM: trying to test add-build-sshkey
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: add-build-sshkey: remove previously authorized build-sshkey
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: DNM: trying to test add-build-sshkey
chkumar|ruckianw: Hello06:09
chkumar|ruckianw: Is it possible to test github depends on in openstack zuul ci?06:09
chkumar|ruckianw: I wanted to test this pr with this review
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ianwchkumar|ruck: yes ... but it will probably take some work.  gnocchi has to be being installed from the zuul checkout, and has to be setup as as zuul project06:27
ianwsee some changes like ,
chkumar|ruckianw: sure,06:31
openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add github gnocchixyz/gnocchi to project list
chkumar|ruckianw: ^^06:39
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: DNM: trying to test add-build-sshkey
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: DNM: trying to test add-build-sshkey
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: DNM: trying to test add-build-sshkey
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: DNM: trying to test add-build-sshkey
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: executor: enable zuul_return to update Ansible inventory
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] web: add tenant and project scoped, JWT-protected actions
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add the skip_bindep option to the tox job
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add the tox_install_bindep option to the tox job
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] URLTrigger driver time based - artifact change jobs triggering driver
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openstackgerritTobias Urdin proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Rework to use new upload-forge module
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zbrcorvus: can you please check these two simple bindep CRs? and thanks.12:53
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mordredzbr: FASCINATING. I had no idea you could do dnf install /usr/bin/docker13:44
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mordredthat's a really cool feature13:45
zbrmordred: very useful when same tool is provided by various rpms.13:45
mordredtotally. and, like your example, when the package is called different things and all you want is to install the 'right' one13:45
mordredanyway - +2 on both from me - +3 on the second one13:46
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove unused pbrx container publish job
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AJaegerconfig-core, could you review these opendev/base-jobs chagens, please? and - and then let's merge and
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/bindep master: Allow mentioning tools paths in bindep
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid master: Updated deploy functions
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smarcetfungi: clarkb: mordred: morning please review when u get a chance14:51
smarceti found a few issues on openstackid-dev01 deployment, also we need to repoint openstackid-dev domain to
smarcetthat is the ip of openstackid-dev0114:53
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fungismarcet: yep, i was holding off making the dns change until we knew the new server was working14:57
smarcetfungi: yes problem that dev01 is getting the openstackid-dev hostname14:58
smarcetfungi: i would say first we need to merge  test server dev01 changing the hostname by hand and then we could do the move if u agree14:58
fungiright, under our current server management design, the record will be a cname alias to the server14:59
fungi(the hostname of the server itself stays the same)14:59
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fungiso ideally once we're comfortable it's working, all we need to do is delete the address records for the old openstackid-dev server and add a cname from openstackid-dev to openstackid-dev0115:03
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix excluded config if excluded in earlier tenant
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fungiand this makes future server rebuilds much easier since the service name in dns is no longer tied to the hostname of the server providing it15:04
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Don't exclude config if excluded in earlier tenant
smarcetfungi: understood :)15:06
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fungimordred: looks like you're not in #storyboard, but see if makes sense15:31
fungi(it's a very small hotfix related to database inserts)15:33
mordredfungi: seems reasonable15:37
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clarkbmordred: have a sec for a puppet-4 cleanup that should hopefully make things happy so we can continue to switch to puppet-415:42
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roman_gHello. Could I get reviews on - Replace deprecated docs job in docs-on-readthedocs template (Change docs-on-readthedocs project template from using deprecated build-openstack-sphinx-docs job for check and gate to openstack-tox-docs job.). Thank you.15:44
pabelangerAJaeger: zbr: I thought we marked bindep-fallback.txt as deprecated a while ago, why are we continuing to add testing around it? and I pushed up a bunch of patches 6 months around to convert jobs to stop using it, think we might be at a good place now to actually remove it (if somebody confirms).15:45
zbrpabelanger: i seen your comment. correct me if I am wrong: bindep-fallback.txt use is deprecated, so for testing bindep itself, I should move the file inside repo and rest it (or something based on it).15:51
clarkbzbr: rather than test the fallback file we can feed it a file specifically for testing (and maybe the first version of that file is a copy of the fallback file)15:52
zbrclarkb: doing it right now, we are on the same page.15:53
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fungiyeah, we originally tested the actual bindep-fallback.txt from project-config in both directions (making sure changes to bindep still worked with the existing contents of that file, and that proposed changes to that file worked with the released version of bindep) because lots of jobs relied on it to replicate the packages we used to preinstall in our old "thick" test node images15:57
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack-infra/bindep master: Replace deprecated bindep-fallback testing
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack-infra/bindep master: Replace deprecated bindep-fallback testing
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack-infra/bindep master: Replace deprecated bindep-fallback testing
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clarkbinfra-root is the second part of the dns changes to address problems with opendns rrsig failures16:22
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clarkb(the first change that merged configures the base node images, this change refines that config on a per job basis based on local networking)16:22
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clarkbcmurphy: did you see I think that may "fix" the puppet-4 thing16:30
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cmurphyclarkb: not yet will look after meetings16:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard master: Stop passing new lanes' "worklist" key to add_lane
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corvusclarkb: +316:50
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zbrpabelanger: clarkb corvus : remove of bindep-fallback:
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AJaegerpabelanger, zbr: we still use bindep-fallback in many jobs. So, I think it's too early to remove it17:13
AJaegerpabelanger: we said we will not add more content to it - but it's still used17:14
zbrAJaeger: let me correct myself: is removing it from bindep's jobs itself.17:14
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AJaegerconfig-core, could you review these opendev/base-jobs related changes, please? and - and then let's merge these for base-jobs: and
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add intermediate registry push/pull roles
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add a job to use the intermediate registry
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add a note about sqlalchemy metadata
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Update API code to work with Presentation Moderators collection (+N)
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clarkbAJaeger: I think if we merge then my addition of noop jobs to that project from openstack-infra/project-config will stop working?17:50
clarkboh I see is what backfills that?17:51
clarkboh that is only in kata ok I'm figuring this out :)17:52
clarkbso basically openstack tenant will host opendev/base-jobs17:52
clarkbthen we added jobs directly to the repo17:52
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corvusclarkb: can you take a look at
corvusclarkb: i see 2 problems -- first, i forgot to poke a hole in the firewall.  that's easy to fix.  but we can log into the host to look at the next thing....17:54
corvusclarkb: oh!17:55
corvusclarkb: i was about to say nothing is listening, but i was wrong, i see it.17:55
corvusso the only problem is the firewall.  sorry.17:55
corvus(i forgot that the registry runs on 5000)17:55
clarkbtcp6       0      0 :::5000                 :::*                    LISTEN      28261/registry17:55
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corvusso the host-networking option worked as expected.17:55
corvusi'll just push up a fw patch now.17:56
clarkbseems to. I can hit that port with telnet from the main host network namespace17:56
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Open port 5000 on the docker intermediate registry
corvusclarkb: ^17:57
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Return artifacts as dicts and add metadata
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add opendev/base-jobs to gerritbot
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Update tenant config for opendev
fungigonna go grab some lunch but should return shortly if anyone needs me18:09
clarkbre jemalloc and zuul is that something we should think about deploying with too? I know we've had swap/memory pressure on our executors in particular18:10
corvusclarkb: as an experiment?18:10
clarkbya, tobiash mentioned it helped in his experimenting. I'd be curious to see if our memory issues were helped too.18:11
corvusyeah, seems like it might be worthwhile18:12
AJaegerclarkb: want to babysit and self-approve ?18:12
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clarkb is a graph we'd want to watch if we did do that18:12
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clarkbAJaeger: sure18:12
clarkbAJaeger: I've approved it and am around to keep an eye on it18:13
AJaegergreat - and thanks for those reviews18:13
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] Allow operator to generate auth tokens through the CLI
clarkbcorvus: do you think take one of the executors out of the puppet/ansible rotation and manually restart it with LD PRELOADed jemalloc? then we can compare in a few days what that looks like? (maybe we restart another executor as control)18:14
corvusclarkb: yes, that sounds good, but i'd like to do a restart to pick up the patch that just landed, so let's do it as part of that18:15
clarkbcorvus: ok18:15
corvus(so actually, all our executors will be the control then)18:16
corvusclarkb: want to pick one that is not already an outlier on the graphs?18:16
AJaegerconfig-core, we're now ready to merge changes to enable tests for opendev/base-jobs. Please review base-jobs: and - and then to remove noop-jobs18:16
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Install kubectl on bridge
clarkbcorvus: ze08 maybe?18:18
clarkbI can instll the jemalloc package there real quick18:19
corvusclarkb: lgtm.  most of the executors are pretty balanced right now aren't they?18:19
clarkb3.6.0-9ubuntu1 is the version available there which according to the blog post people were looking at isn't worth as much as latest jemalloc but still quite good18:20
clarkbcorvus: ya18:20
clarkbze01 and ze02 look like maybe outliers18:20
corvustobiash: ^ any thoughts about jemalloc versions?  what did you end up using?18:20
clarkbcorvus: the celery improvement was ~30% for 3.5.something and ~40% for 5.0.118:20
clarkbgiven the ease of using distro packages I'm willing to experiment iwth that version18:21
corvusyeah, it at least seems like it should be significant enough for us to see18:21
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clarkbI'll go ahead and install it on ze08 now so we are ready when things are restarted18:22
clarkb#status log Installed libjemalloc1 on to experiment with alternate malloc implementations. Other executors will act as controls18:22
openstackstatusclarkb: finished logging18:22
mordredyay fun18:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Cleanup ozj confingure-unbound usage
corvusinfra-root: based on our work on the netlify stuff on friday, mordred and i cooked this up:  --  if we run that docker image in opendev, we can have a working site preview.  i've verified it works locally.18:26
tobiashcorvus: I only compared py36,py37 without jemalloc and py37 with jemalloc (latest release from source)18:27
tobiashin docker with bionic base image18:27
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corvustobiash: ack, thx18:27
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tobiashcorvus: that's one day production workload:
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Rename aws flavor-name to instance-type
tobiashcorvus: note that this graph is the rss of the whole executor container so the graphs are executor+ansible processes18:29
clarkbcorvus: I thought we wanted to get away from running an os-loganalyze type service for the logs18:30
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corvusclarkb: i still do.  i don't think this is like that.18:30
corvusclarkb: the only thing this does is serve data from the root of a url18:31
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corvusthere's no data processing or anything.  it's just mod_rewrite+mod_proxy.18:32
clarkbcorvus: I thought the ../html root was supposed to work? did that not work?18:32
corvusclarkb: none of the changes i tried work.  see and its parents18:32
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corvuswe've seen that both vuepress and react really like to know what uri they're deployed under.  for me, that suggests a pattern, and so i figure this is a simple way to solve it generally.18:34
corvusalso, to be clear, i'm not suggesting that all the logs should be served through this; just site previews.18:35
corvusi would have the job return two artifacts.  one called "site" which is the log_url + 'npm/html/', and the second called "preview" which is the url for the preview site.  would probably make that the success-url too.18:36
clarkbthat is an unfortunate pattern (since it shouldn't really matter if there are relative urls), but also out of our control18:37
corvusclarkb: agreed18:37
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corvusbtw, if you want to try it out, you can do so with a host entry like this:18:38
corvus172.17.0.3 site.926bb0aaddad4bc3853269451e115dcb.openstack.preview.opendev.org18:38
corvusthen run: docker run -e ZUUL_API_URL= -it jeblair/preview18:38
mordredcorvus, clarkb: ++ to all of the above - think it should be for preview sites18:39
clarkbI have to say C++ reads less well with all that auto var stuff :) I miss that extra type info when reading/writing python18:39
mordredclarkb: :) ... and here I was happy about all the auto vars :)18:39
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corvusoh, well we don't have to use 'auto'.  we can certainly specify the type wherever it's useful.  :)18:39
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corvusbut at least it *is* typed, auto or no.  :)18:39
clarkbya will still fail if your mismatch somewhere18:40
mordredyah. gcc has gotten much better at error messages too, btw18:40
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mordredclarkb: check that out18:41
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clarkboh wow18:42
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corvusthis is the fun part for me -- some folks in our merry band have been saying "modern c++ is awesome", so here's a simple concrete thing that fits into our current work where we can see what it's like, and what we like and don't like about it.18:45
Shrewsoh, it makes suggestions now?18:45
mordredShrews: yah. isn't that friendly?18:45
corvusthe program solves a real problem so it's interesting (it's not just an academic exercise), but it's simple enough we can refactor it in a few minutes.18:45
Shrewsmordred: i somehow still prefer "unknown type; get bent you stupid programmer"18:46
mordredShrews: I wonder if there is a config setting for that :)18:46
clarkbthe other thing to keep in mind is portability, though zuul has basically said linux only for event loop purposes18:46
clarkbso maybe its a non concern18:46
mordredyah. I don't expect us to grow support for executing zuul on non-linux18:46
corvusagreed.  though if you don't know who wrote the http/json request library that uses, you may be surprised.18:47
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corvusi added an item for the meeting tomorrow in case we want to discuss it then18:51
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AJaegermordred, do you have time for some reviews, please? we're now ready to merge changes to enable tests for opendev/base-jobs. and - and then we can merge to remove noop-jobs19:02
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clarkbcorvus: fungi: I'm finally getting around to sorting out the foundation account for pbx.o.o and have a couple questions. The first is: do we need a DID number? is that what the POTS number is called? and second I assume once I get that setup I update hiera and pbx will auto reconfigure with the new connection details? (note I haven't changed the passwd or added the credentials to the19:07
clarkbpasswords file that is my next task but figured I'd ask questions now19:07
corvusclarkb: yes.  yes.  i assume so.19:08
clarkbcorvus: the old number is a local USA number right (austin even iirc). I guess I can set up another one of those. Do we care what region it is from?19:09
corvusclarkb: not really, i just picked austin 'cause.19:09
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clarkbok what I'll probably do is get passwd changed, update passwds file. Order a DID then have you double check it then figure out how to apply that to pbx19:11
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add gitea-cluster extra vars
corvusclarkb, fungi, mordred: and are ready for review19:12
corvusthose are the next steps in the opendev gite cluster19:12
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clarkbI'm taking the passwds file lock19:14
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clarkband done with the lock19:16
zbrwould anyone be against adding two more cores to git-review? i was thinking about Marc Herbert and Darragh Bailey as I got very good feedback from them so far.19:17
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mordredAJaeger: on 636006 - corvus left a comment about an update to main.yaml - do you know if that's happened?19:19
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mordredAJaeger: ok. looks like we did19:21
openstackgerritMerged opendev/base-jobs master: Add linting jobs
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clarkbcorvus: fungi ok I've got a number set up. Looks like we haev to set a SIP passwd and wants to do that via randomly setting it and sending an email?19:25
clarkbfungi: ^ do you know if scott ended up with the sip passwd already and/or if I can get access to that passwd if it is emailed?19:25
clarkbbut then I think I update hiera to set the username and passwd and the new number should work19:25
AJaegermordred: yes, we did - thanks for reviewing!19:28
fungiclarkb: i do not recall, you might need to test and/or reach out to him19:29
AJaegerclarkb: could you review to remove the noop-jobs from opendev/base-jobs, please?19:29
clarkbfungi: thanks doing that now19:29
AJaegerwe have again a tripleo Fedora 28 job for over 100h waiting for a node, see openstack-infra/tripleo-ci change 634410,619:30
clarkbAJaeger: done19:31
clarkbI've asked scott about forwarding that passwd on to me if I have them set a random one. Then I'll update the passwd file with whatever it gets reset to via local pwgen19:31
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AJaegerthanks, clarkb19:32
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Add bindep.txt
AJaegerThe new tests on opendev/base-jobs are broken, hope this fixes it ^19:37
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clarkbI'm taking the passwd file lock again19:47
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clarkbok I've updated hiera and expect the next run against pbx.o.o to update to use the new credentials19:51
clarkb737 241 0231 is the new number. Once I've confirmed that is working I will update the wiki19:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove opendev/base-jobs jobs
clarkbpasswd lock released fwiw19:57
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fungiclarkb: i'm happy to help test the new number once you think it's live too20:00
clarkbfungi: great. I've just checked syslog on that server and expect we have about a half hour wait from now before that applies20:01
fungigood to know20:01
zbrclarkb: fungi: can we workflow ?20:01
clarkbzbr: I'll look. As for adding reviewers I think as long as we continue to stick to the basic rule of avoiding changes that require major updates to docs we should be fine with that20:02
mordredclarkb: got a sec to +3 this:
clarkbzbr: we should clearly communicate that to anyone we add though20:02
clarkbmordred: trade you
fungiinfra-root: i think we've successfully ironed out the last of the issues with the upgraded storyboard-dev server, so i need to pick a time to replace the production storyboard server now and move its database. maintenance plan is and i'm thinking this friday... opinions?20:03
fungioutage is on the order of 5 minutes, and that's more because of dns propagation than database dump and import20:03
clarkbfungi: friday works great for me. I can help out then20:04
zbrclarkb: sure, if it needs docs probably is not a good idea. there is one important change I want to do: use tox-docker for testing gerrit via container instead of curreny flaky approach. this is only about testing but it should make much easier to test with multiple gerrit versions (containers).20:04
fungiideally there will be no help needed, but having some backup on hand will be nice20:04
clarkbzbr: ya changes like that should be safe since they are not focused on user experience things20:05
mordredfungi: I will be out friday, but support you going ahead20:05
fungimordred: i support you being out friday!20:05
clarkbmordred: approved, can you clean up the contents on the server when that goes in? since puppet won't remove them20:05
clarkbmordred: from a confusion perspective that hsould help roots being confused on server20:06
mordredinfra-root: I will be out wed-fri to watch some parades in new orleans20:06
mordredclarkb: ++20:06
fungimordred: now i'm wishing i had planned to just do that instead :/20:06
clarkbthat sounds like fun20:06
fungigranted, wading through the rivers of vomit on bourbon st. isn't really that fun20:07
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Fix tests - Add bindep.txt tec
mordredwell - I don't think we have any plans to go to bourbon street :)20:07
fungigood call20:07
clarkbI'm trying to get back into the swing of things with a full week back not involving travel. But now you make me think I should do something fun on the weekend. I had hoped for snow here over last weekend but all we got was ice and rain20:08
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mordredthe main attraction this week is Krewe du Vieux - and we have an apartment with a balcony on Frenchmen20:08
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mordredclarkb: ice and rain are not nearly as much fun as snow20:08
clarkbmordred: ya was really disappointing. Portland airport got like 5" of snow20:08
clarkbso lots of different weather depending on your exact location here over the weekend20:09
fungii do enjoy staying in the french quarter, but personally prefer it when things are less crowded20:09
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mordredfungi: yah - should be a lot of fun! we'll also be seeing gothicmindfood which will be great20:09
mordredand yeah - the quarter is great when it's not full of people20:10
fungiooh! tell her i said "hi" and we miss her!20:10
mordredI shall indeed!20:11
fungimordred: "upgraded-octo-giggle" is yet another randomly generated project name?20:14
corvusyeah, if we adopt it into zuul, i expect we'd call it "zuul-preview"20:15
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fungithe example uses a generated dns name. are we anticipating the opendev zuul getting some subdelegation at and how would that bit work? (ddns updates, runs its own named, et cetera)?20:16
corvusfungi: we should be able to wildcard under that, yeah?20:16
mordredfungi: yeah - randomly generated20:16
* mordred was thinking wildcard too20:16
fungicorvus: oh, fair, i suppose that does count as a sort of very static delegation ;)20:16
corvusso i think: * IN A preview.opendev.org20:17
corvusCNAME even20:17
fungiyeah, that ought to work so long as they all get served by the same system(s)20:18
corvusyep, that's the idea.  that system will then proxy to whatever logserver (static, swift, region-local-swift) happens to be used20:18
fungithe readme doesn't say what the apache config would look like... is there any example?20:18
corvusfungi: yes, it's here:
fungihuh. you'd think my eye would have been drawn to that. it's linked from the exact page i'm looking at20:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/git-review master: Allow user to control Java version used by tox
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corvusfungi: that repo is set up to build a docker container running apache.  so we could tell people how to set that up, or we could just say "run the docker container we publish"20:20
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fungiso basically we use the default vhost and the magic happens at RewriteMap preview "prg://usr/local/bin/zuul-preview"20:20
clarkband zuul stores the backend urls20:21
clarkbso it doesn't matter where those are20:21
corvusfungi: yep, or the next line: RewriteRule "^/?(.*)$" "${preview:%{ENV:ZUUL_API_URL} %{HTTP_HOST}}/$1" [P]20:21
fungii was less concerned with how to set it up, and more with how to find the apache feature i should be familiarizing myself with20:21
corvusyeah, "rewritemap" and "program" are the keywords there20:21
corvusthat rewrite rule says "send the contents of the env variable ZUUL_API_URL and the incoming HTTP hostname to stdin of the program zuul-preview, and then proxy the request to whatever url that program spits out on stdout"20:22
fungiyep, it seems pretty straightforward20:22
corvusthe program looks up the url from zuul as clarkb says20:22
fungiwhat would the hosting for this end up looking like? would we run it on files.o.o or a dedicated server or...?20:23
corvushere's the apache docs:
corvusfungi: dedicated server running the docker container, just as we just did for the docker registry20:24
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corvusi expect it would be small.  maybe even 2G ram?20:24
fungiand then point that at the swift container where the files get archived?20:24
corvusfungi: it doesn't need to know the archive location, it gets that from zuul for each build.  so it'll proxy to our static server for now, and when we switch to swift, it will automatically follow suit.20:25
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Fix tests - Add bindep.txt tec
fungioh, got it, so it basically just queries zuul and then pulls the files from whatever it says and serves them up20:26
mordredfungi: when someone goes tp - apache passes site.926bb0aaddad4bc3853269451e115dcb.openstack to zuul-preview, which hits the zuul api and gets which it returns to apache20:26
mordredfungi: which apache then uses as the mod_rewrite/mod_proxy target20:26
fungipretty straightforward20:27
corvusthat's my favorite part about it.20:27
mordredfungi: if you build it and run the command, you can just put things like site.926bb0aaddad4bc3853269451e115dcb.openstack into stdin, and it'll respond with the url on stdout - it's pretty neat20:28
corvusany time we can just let apache be apache, i'm happy :)20:28
fungii've used some similar apache features, so yeah it's nice that it just expects to be able to use pipes and stdin/stdout20:29
fungirefreshingly unix20:29
mordredfungi: ++20:30
fungiit's not that often any longer that you get to write traditional unix tools whose input is stdin and whose output is stdout20:30
fungi(they were standard for a reason!!!)20:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Remove top level hiera lookups
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fungiany infra-puppet-core reviewers game for reviewing to unblock the openstackid xenial migration?20:33
mordredfungi: it's all you20:34
clarkbfungi: pbx sip.conf updated but asterisk wans't restarted. I don't know if that is necessary. I need to make lunch though20:34
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fungii'll let you know )though asterisk seems like the sort of system which expects a restart when phonelines get changed out from under it20:35
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fungiafter finding my phone, i've confirmed it responds with a busy signal. i guess that's how we know we need to restart the service20:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Remove legacy zuul status page
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Add a color to the .status_DISK_FULL class
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ianwmordred: you seem to have about the most "blame" with the devstack localrc setup, etc, could you take a look at -> which moves local.conf creation later, so we can add things to it before devsatck starts20:59
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Fix tests - Add bindep.txt tec
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ianwit hooks into using local mirrors for the nodepool functional jobs.  dib has a role to setup the mirrors, but it exports the path to customised repo files that i want to pass to devstack (and hence nodepool devstack plugin) via ansible21:00
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clarkbfungi: I just restarted asterisk21:05
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clarkbfungi: I was able to dial into room 600021:05
clarkbIm going to update the wiki now21:06
clarkb#status log's POTS number updated (see wiki for new number) due to an account shuffle.21:07
openstackstatusclarkb: finished logging21:07
clarkbcorvus: ^ fyi I think you can clean up the number you had if it still around21:07
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fungiclarkb: confirmed, i'21:10
AJaegerconfig-core, fixes the opendev/base-jobs test failures, could you review it, please?21:10
fungim able to dial into it now as well. thanks!21:10
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Update API code to work with Presentation Moderators collection (+N)
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid master: Updated deploy functions
clarkbfungi: cmurphy the hiera lookup for elasticsearch nodes removal seems to have fixed that error on etherpad-dev0121:15
clarkbI think that means we can proceed with upgrades now that it is working as expected21:15
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cmurphyclarkb: yay21:17
clarkbI need to pop out again for a few now that both pbx and etherpad-dev are happy but back shortly21:17
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pabelangerclarkb: you should have see chan_sip try to reload, but possible it needed to be unloaded / loaded in memory21:34
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clarkbpabelanger: well its working now so not going to complain :)21:40
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] Allow operator to generate auth tokens through the CLI
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add a note about sqlalchemy metadata
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix typo in build api endpoint
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Install kubectl on bridge
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Move base test swift job into the base-jobs repo
clarkbAJaeger: ^ fyi that ran into a merge conflict with the jobs addition22:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Add gitea-cluster extra vars
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openstackgerritKendall Nelson proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient master: Add page size of 1000 to preferences
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clarkbinfra-root is a role cleanup in ozj (role moved to opendev/base-jobs) and passes tests now. Thanks ianw for the recheck22:29
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clarkbalso can someone else review as it fixes issues with tests on my other change that needed rebasing22:33
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/base-jobs master: Fix tests - Add bindep.txt tec
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clarkb passes tests now and adds the swift logging base test job to opendev/base-jobs23:06
clarkbcorvus: ^ I know you asked to add that back in23:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove configure-unbound role
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corvusclarkb: want to restart zuul now?23:16
clarkbcorvus: sure. Give me a second to figure out how to set LD_PRELOAD on ze08's executor23:16
corvusclarkb: ok.  i'll add ze08 to emergency and prep for shutdown23:16
clarkbcorvus: thanks23:17
clarkbexport LD_PRELOAD /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ in /etc/default/zuul-executor should do it I think23:18
clarkbI'll add that to the file now, then you can restart normally23:19
openstackgerritKendall Nelson proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: Add documentation for private stories
clarkber needs an = between the two clumps of words but ya23:19
corvusclarkb: well, it won't be completely normal, because it'll still be in disabled.  but that should work.  i'll handle the restart of ze08 with the rest.23:19
corvusor, i reckon i can modify the playbook for this :)23:20
clarkbcorvus: ok default file is written so you should be good to go whenever ready23:20
clarkband I'm on deck if you need an extra set of hands23:20
corvusok.  starting now23:20
corvus#status log restarted all of zuul with git sha 5957d7a95e677116f39e52c2a44d4ca8b795da34; ze08 is in the disabled list and configured to use jemalloc23:21
openstackstatuscorvus: finished logging23:21
clarkbI'm guessing that was a pre log item and that the restarts are actually still in progress23:24
corvuswell, it was after the stop and before the start at least.23:25
corvuswe're currently waiting on executors to stop23:25
corvusoh neat.  the scheduler bombed.23:25
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add more whitespace to zuul tenant config
corvusthat's in place manually on the scheduler23:28
corvuswhich is now starting23:29
clarkbI've approved the change23:29
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corvuszuul is back up, re-enqueueing23:32
clarkbI've double checked /proc for the running zuul-executor on ze08 and the LD_PRELOAD setting is present23:33
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add zuul-preview project
corvusre-enqueue complete23:39
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clarkbze08 is using less memory than ze05. I've not done a broad check simply because we need longer term data than me quickly checking output of free23:40
clarkbbut at least we don't have evidence of it doing the wrong thing immediately23:40
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corvusthat is a good sanity check23:43
corvusyay works23:43
clarkbcorvus: you got a successful zuul_return?23:44
corvusno, i just mean the server is up23:44
corvusnext is merging
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corvus(which is ready to go now)23:45
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corvusthe test failure is just the thing that 636189 fixes23:46
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] Allow operator to generate auth tokens through the CLI
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clarkbhogepodge: do you know if OSH jobs use a local caching proxy? There are pip install errors I'm skimming through and from OSH jobs is ProxyError Cannot connect to proxy when pip installing docker23:51
clarkb(apparently docker is a valid pypi package)23:51
corvus(i think the ansible docker module uses the docker python module to docker docker docker docker)23:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add more whitespace to zuul tenant config
clarkbOSA jobs fail to install heat using what appears to be a local mirror (not the region local mirror but a job local mirror?)23:54
clarkbI think (based on skimming of job logs) that infra is mostly in the clear for those particular pip failures to find distributions23:56

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