Tuesday, 2018-04-17

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clarkbok I've got to go spend time with the kids now. I'm operating under the assumption that I'll pick up the bandersnatch upgrade in the morning and will hold the lock until then00:02
rm_workk i'll figure that out00:02
clarkbrm_work: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/561049/7/playbooks/legacy/neutron-lbaasv2-dsvm-api-l7octavia/run.yaml all those exported vars there control how devstack-gate acts00:03
rm_workah ok so I can just do it there instead, k00:03
rm_workno big deal then00:03
clarkb#status log PyPi mirror updating is on pause while we sort out updating bandersnatch in order to blacklist large packages that keep filling our mirror disk volumes.00:04
openstackstatusclarkb: finished logging00:04
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rm_workso can I just prepend "DEVSTACK_GATE_" to an export var and have it show up?00:06
clarkbrm_work: no, those only work if devstack-gate has explicit support for that var00:06
clarkbrm_work: there is a passthrough var though thatI'm trying to lookup the name for00:07
clarkbrm_work: DEVSTACK_LOCALCONF looks like00:08
rm_workkk thanks!!!00:08
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ianwnow i think about it, the xenial pause means we probably haven't tried to build it using pip10, so there might be things hiding.  i'll test that out now00:21
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Remove installed packages before pip install  https://review.openstack.org/56147900:22
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Better zuul debug info debugging info  https://review.openstack.org/56175800:28
fungiianw: yes, odds are we don't know whether pip 10 will actually prevent us from building xenial images, much less which jobs will subsequently break if we manage to build them00:31
clarkbI checked the filestamp on the emergency hosts file and it was last updated on friday00:32
clarkbLooking at irc logs on friday I think that may have been for a different host that pabelanger asked dmsimard about00:32
clarkbno mention of mirror-update at least00:32
clarkband with that I am actually afk now00:32
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ianwclarkb: ttyl, i won't volunteer to take over because i think i've got enough to fiddle with pip10 stuff atm :/00:33
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clarkbya should be fine ti wait for my morning00:34
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fungianybody happen to have tried launch-node.py with --environment set to a non-default value?00:36
fungilooks like it installs your environment in /opt/system-config/foo but then the script tries to find /opt/system-config/production/manifests/site.pp on the server and dies because it's not there00:37
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fungifatal: [survey01.openstack.org]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "Manifest file /opt/system-config/production/manifests/site.pp not found."}00:38
fungiand when i ssh into the server, indeed there is a /opt/system-config/fungi but no /opt/system-config/production (presumably because i passed --environment=fungi)00:39
fungihappening in TASK [puppet : run puppet]00:39
ianwfungi: don't believe i've ever used that.  i feel like i might have run some things by hand with different environments on the host00:41
rm_workis it possible to see any logs besides the console, until the end of the zuul run?00:43
fungiianw: well, it _used_ to work, but it's been a while since i tried it so no idea how long ago it regressed00:43
fungirm_work: not currently as far as i know, but the zuul team have designed the finger protocol backing the log streamer so that it can map streams to additional log files in the future00:44
rm_workhmmm k00:45
rm_workactually maybe what I want is a specific file (the devstack local.conf) so possibly a security risk if they allow arbitrary file access :P00:45
fungiright, it would end up needing to be specific files mapped by the job definition i think, not just any old file on the node00:47
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rm_workthough maybe that one would be a candidate00:49
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fungisure, the devstack base job could have a set of interesting files it mapped to the streamer and include that one, for example00:50
fungihard to say exactly what that would look like until someone starts on the implementation though00:50
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fungibut it's definitely a known wishlist item and will likely eventually happen (how soon probably depends on how interested someone is in writing the code)00:52
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ianwrm_work: you can always add your own "cat"; sometimes that and a well placed "exit 1" can be good in early iterations00:56
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mtreinishinfra-root: if you get a sec can you check the mqtt_statsd daemon on firehose01.o.o, I think it might be stuck00:58
fungiActive: inactive (dead) since Sat 2018-04-14 02:14:21 UTC; 2 days ago00:59
fungiProcess: 20757 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/mqtt_statsd /etc/mqtt_statsd.yaml (code=killed, signal=TERM)01:00
mtreinishyeah, that's consistent with the graphs on: http://grafana.openstack.org/dashboard/db/mosquitto-status01:00
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mtreinishhmm, something sent it SIGTERM?01:00
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fungi`sudo journalctl --unit mqtt_statsd.service` reports -- No entries --01:01
mtreinishfungi: it might be worth checking the germqtt service and lpmqtt service on that host too, I haven't seen messages on either topic either (even though that's not definitive)01:02
mtreinishhmm, no logs01:02
mtreinishalthough I can't remember if the service code actually prints anything or not :p01:02
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fungidmesg has nothing since march 16, so not an oom01:02
fungilpmqtt seems to be running but germqtt does not01:03
mtreinishfungi: is there any info in the sudo logs or full journalctl about if something ran systemctl stop mqtt_statsd01:03
mtreinishhmm, did something kill germqtt too?01:03
fungilooks like germqtt died 2018-04-14 02:13:21 UTC01:04
mtreinishroughly the same time01:05
fungione minute prior to mqt-statsd01:05
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fungier, to mqtt_statsd01:05
fungisystemd mentions the journal having been rotated. i'll see if i can figure out how to tell it to look in the older journal01:05
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clarkbthere likely isnt an older journal01:07
clarkblook in syslog01:07
clarkbon ubuntu syslog should have longer retention01:08
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Don't use pip internals  https://review.openstack.org/56165901:08
fungiclarkb: thanks, will dig01:08
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clarkbfungi: its a fixed size circular buffer thing iirc01:09
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clarkbbut with rsyslog installed we should be writing there too with more typical syslog retention01:09
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fungiyep, found it01:10
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rm_workianw: ahh yeah actually that is great advice :P01:15
rm_workI should do that01:15
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mtreinishfungi: any indication there as to why it was killed?01:16
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mtreinishwe should also probably restart both manually since I guess puppet doesn't ensure they're running01:18
fungimtreinish: it looks like _i_ logged in and was restarting services01:18
* fungi checks irc logs from that time01:19
mtreinishthat was late on friday right? That's about when we were looking at the first attempt at re-enabling the tls websockets port01:20
mtreinishI don't remember anything about the mqtt consuming services from then though01:20
fungiyep, the timing lines up with the irc discussion01:21
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fungibizarre, i don't recall stopping those but my command history and the sudo log both indicate i did01:28
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mtreinishhmm, well whatever. Clearly nothing is depending on either otherwise someone or something would have complained about it not publishing since friday01:30
mtreinishI'm just glad I was randomly clicking links in my draft firehose blog post to check them and saw that the mosquitto graphs on grafana were flat01:31
openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack-dev/hacking master: Release notes for 1.1.0  https://review.openstack.org/56112901:32
anteayaawww, he was one of my favourite people: https://www.thestar.com/entertainment/2018/04/16/night-court-star-harry-anderson-dies-at-age-65.html01:33
fungiyeah, he was amazing01:33
mordredOH NO01:34
fungialso john astin as his father on night court... it was good to see astin get some work at that point in his career01:34
anteayaI never saw the character of his father01:35
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fungimtreinish: looks like i may have initially restarted mqtt_statsd instead of mosquitto because i pulled it from my command history and was in a friday night state of confusion. ultimately i killed the pid systemctl status was reporting for it and couldn't figure out why mosquitto wouldn't die ;)01:37
fungimtreinish: as for germqtt, i think it may have crashed when i eventually actually restarted mosquitto01:37
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fungithere's a backtrace in syslog from it01:37
mtreinishfungi: haha, ok. Well that's what we get for working too late on a friday night01:38
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mtreinishfungi: can you pastebin that? I would expect it to handle a missing broker without issue01:38
mtreinishso it's likely a bug in germqtt01:38
anteayafound one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWz-tBU6_L001:39
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fungimtreinish: yeah, i'm working to interleave the sudo log entries for context01:48
fungimtreinish: looking at these in context now it's not entirely clear what happened to germqtt... looks like it may have spontaneously freaked out http://paste.openstack.org/show/719334/01:54
mtreinishwoah, yeah something doesn't look quite right there01:56
mtreinishI wouldn't be expecting paho to launch all those threads like that on failure reconnect01:57
fungiwell, mqtt_statsd went nuts reconnecting, and when it stopped germqtt complained once then fell over01:58
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mtreinishoops, yeah was reading the wrong service there01:58
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fungimqtt_statsd had 8 threads all complain about a connection refused01:59
fungiand then germqtt (one single thread) do the same 6 seconds later02:00
mtreinishthat makes a bit more sense, the paho subscriber model is to spawn a listener in a separate thread so it's not blocking (even though in the mqtt_statsd code we have it blcok on messages anyway iirc)02:01
mtreinishso I could see on a reconnect it's spawning a new thread while the old one which failed is shutdown (hopefully it's not leaking)02:01
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mtreinishbut it should have waited longer, because iirc the default keepalive is 60 seconds, but it looks like it only waited 1 there02:02
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rm_workhmmmm... so I did https://review.openstack.org/#/c/561049/8/playbooks/legacy/neutron-lbaasv2-dsvm-api-l7octavia/run.yaml@4502:02
rm_workthat doesn't seem to be right?02:02
mtreinishbut on the germqtt side that's a bit more concerning, it doesn't look we retried at all on it, which definitely doesn't seem right02:02
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mtreinishI'll have to investigate tomorrow when I get a chance, I might not be setting the right flag in paho, or use a different call path. Or we might need to add the retry logic in manually02:03
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fungimtreinish: yeah, so looks like something happened to cause mqtt_statsd to get connection refusal on 8 threads at startup (all at once) and for seemingly unrelated reasons germqtt gets a connection refusal a few seconds later... did mqtt_statsd overwhelm mosquitto causing it to momentarily block germqtt, and then we failed to catch/retry in germqtt leading it to die?02:04
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pabelangerclarkb: ianw fungi: yah, I've been trying to repair debian mirror, for jessie / stretch security.  Hoping to finish that off in the morning02:06
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ianwpabelanger: afs errors?02:07
fungiianw: reprepro misconfig02:07
pabelangerianw: no, mixed packages on jessie / stretch02:07
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clarkbpabelanger: do we need to have puppet disabled for that? or can we just hold the debian repo lock?02:07
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pabelangerclarkb: I've manually edited some files in the reprepro for debian, but we can remove it from emergency if needed02:08
mordredfungi, clarkb: in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/549303/1/pbr/siblings.py I actually completely refactored the code to use pkg_resources (which is a real api)02:08
pabelangerI know you're working on bandersnatch02:09
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fungimordred: a related curiosity, why pkg_resources instead of packaging? they both seem to have a similar requirement parser method though the api in packaging seems mildly cleaner02:10
mordredfungi: I think clarkb's patch is great for now until we extract that code into a utility - I've been poking at some other options for that rather than just as a patch to pbr itself - but haven't gotten all the way to making a solid proposal02:10
mtreinishfungi: yeah that's what it looks like. Although I'm not sure how 8 connections like that in a second could overwhelm mosquitto it's handling a lot more connections like that in normal operation02:10
fungiis it that pkg_resources is more likely to already be present?02:10
mordredfungi: yah, it's that02:10
mordredfungi: I *know* pkg_resources will be there02:10
mordredpackaging I can never remember if it's real or not yet02:10
fungimakes sense, especially in the case of pbr02:11
mordredbut it's definitely not a decision around one being better than the other or anything02:11
fungipackaging is where the pip maintainers have committed to expose other currently internal pip apis in the future as they're requested02:12
fungii expect pkg_resources is slower moving or frozen-ish which makes packaging more attractive for that02:12
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mordredclarkb: btw - I owe you a sepc buthaven't had time to write it yet and will be in all-day-meeting again tomorrow - I haven't forgotten aoutit -and hopefully can get it done later in the week02:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Do not hardcode zookeeper host to localhost  https://review.openstack.org/56172905:23
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Remove installed packages before pip install  https://review.openstack.org/56147905:44
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openstackgerritLenny Verkhovsky proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Changed ThirdParty meeting to monthly  https://review.openstack.org/56180407:14
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openstackgerritThomas Morin proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: networking-bgpvpn: remove networking-odl from required-projects  https://review.openstack.org/56181107:31
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ianwfrickler: yeah, have to iterate a bit on those other ones07:53
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tmorinhi infraroot, openstack-zuul-jobs-linters failing with gcc missing header files for fb-re2 python package installation: http://logs.openstack.org/11/561811/1/check/openstack-zuul-jobs-linters/50f0270/job-output.txt.gz#_2018-04-17_08_08_22_50400708:11
tmorininfraroot: ^^ is this on your radar ?08:11
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zigoGuys, http://mirror.dfw.rax.openstack.org/debian/dists/stretch-security/main/binary-amd64/Packages still contains a security mirror for Wheezy. How to fix?08:19
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fricklertmorin: I hadn't seen that one yet, thanks for noticing, I'll take a deeper look soon. btw, the magic word most folks are highlighting on is "infra-root" ;)08:26
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tmorinfrickler: ah... thanks for telling me :)08:27
tmorinfrickler: the info would be worth addiing to the channel topic, perhaps08:28
fricklerzigo: seems pabelanger tried to fix this recently, but I can't see offhand what it wrong with this https://github.com/openstack-infra/system-config/blob/eb0dde25597cd59f04e9126268e57098bd342166/modules/openstack_project/files/reprepro/debuntu-updates#L41-L4708:32
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fricklertmorin: good point, will add that as an item to our meeting tonight08:32
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: mqtt: add basic reporter  https://review.openstack.org/53554308:44
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quiquell|ruckDo you know if this is fixed ?08:51
quiquell|rucklookup cloudflare.docker.com on no such host" ?08:51
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add emit-job-report role  https://review.openstack.org/54842509:13
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add ansible-lint job  https://review.openstack.org/53208309:17
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add ansible-review job  https://review.openstack.org/53522309:18
openstackgerritZhao Chao proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Stop using -python35-jobs-horizon for trove-dashboard  https://review.openstack.org/56184409:20
xinliangianw:  new buiding arm64 nodes has access problem.09:24
ianwxinliang: ubuntu or debian?09:25
xinliangianw: Both, and when I trigger a job it keep building nodes: we change exteran net link recently. but09:25
xinliangsee: http://grafana.openstack.org/dashboard/db/nodepool-linaro09:25
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xinliangbut, I have tested with cirros image on os-jobs project. cirros instance can access by floating ip09:26
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ianwhmm, yeah i changed the dns over09:26
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xinliangyes, dns seems work. no idea what's the problem09:27
xinliangianw: the resources is running out due to keep building nodes09:27
xinliangianw: one thing I found that is the floating ip of ubuntu and debian can't ping.  Even I ping from the cirros instance it is failed09:29
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xinliangianw: anyother configuration need to ajust? when building the image09:31
ianwhmm, yeah, about 7 nodes building09:31
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ianwshade is assigning the ip's ... i wonder if it's cached or something09:32
xinliangas cirros image is ok.  maybe the problem is the image itself. It seems ubuntu or debian node's eth0 is not working.09:34
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ianwurgh, yes this could be the problem we've seen on rax?09:36
ianw[[0;32m  OK  [0m] Stopped Glean for interface eth0.09:39
ianwit looks like glean is working?09:39
ianwxinliang: i'm deleting ubuntu-xenial-arm64-0000000546 so hosts should revert to the older ubuntu-xenial-arm64-0000000545 image09:42
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Pause arm64 builds  https://review.openstack.org/56185409:43
ianwxinliang: and let's pause new builds while we investigate :/ ^09:44
ianwok, couple of new hosts coming up with the older ubuntu-xenial-arm64-1523774825  image09:49
ianwarrrgghhhH!!!! project-config gate is broken09:50
ianw#status log nb03.o.o placed into emergency file and manually applied pause of builds, while project-config gating is broken09:52
openstackstatusianw: finished logging09:53
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zigofrickler: What we chatted about on IRC was that reprepro was supposed to delete all cruft, but in fact, it doesn't, and it would need to be manually cleaned.10:00
zigofrickler: Are you infra-root, could you do it?10:00
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add libre2 for project-config linting  https://review.openstack.org/56186110:00
ianwfrickler / tmorin : ^ re the project-config failure10:01
AJaegerianw: I just finished the same change ;) Let me review yours...10:01
AJaegerianw: LGTM - thanks10:02
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ianwAJaeger: i guess we should install zuul bindep.txt?  but i think that suffices for now10:02
AJaegerianw: let's try ;)10:03
ianwxinliang: well, that's disappointing, the old images doesn't appear to get a good network either10:03
ianwxinliang: i'm afraid i'm out of time to debug this further at this point, i will email the admins and explain10:05
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AJaegerianw: https://review.openstack.org/561861  worked - great. Now waiting for second infra-root to +2A...10:13
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gemaianw: we will look into it10:37
fricklerAJaeger: ianw: oh, that's the failure tmorin posted earlier, great. didn't have time to look into that yet, but +310:37
gemadoes anyone have advice on how to best deal with pip10 requirements install breakages?10:37
gemais this something openstack is dealing with in a coordinated manner10:38
fricklerzigo: not much time currently, but it doesn't seem urgent either? so maybe can wait for pabelanger to look at it later10:38
gemanm, found the thread!10:38
fricklergema: I created an etherpad for the actions made by devstack+QA, nothing completely global afaict10:39
gemafrickler: can I have the link to it?10:39
fricklergema: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/pip10-mitigation10:39
gemafrickler: thanks!10:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add libre2 for project-config linting  https://review.openstack.org/56186110:47
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ianwgema: yeah, it's kind of fix on a case-by-case basis i think :/10:54
gemaianw: I was wondering what the consensus  was, either to stay on pip 9 for a while and move to 10 in rocky or how it was being addressed10:55
gemaianw: imagine supported versions keep old pip and new ones use 10, but I guess I am oversimplifying10:56
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ianwgema: well, pip is really just a ci deployment issue, not really part of openstack releases10:58
gemaianw: true10:58
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gemaianw: waiting for jorge to come online and we'll look into your issue10:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Pause arm64 builds  https://review.openstack.org/56185410:59
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mordredAJaeger: I'm AFK again today - but is there anything I can help with this morning before my meetings start for the day?11:08
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Stop using -python35-jobs-horizon for trove-dashboard  https://review.openstack.org/56184411:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: networking-bgpvpn: remove networking-odl from required-projects  https://review.openstack.org/56181111:41
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zigofrickler: Its only blocking for adding (non-voting) Debian jobs to the puppet-openstack project, so indeed, it's not that urgent.11:46
AJaegermordred: sorry, can't help with current status, I was busy myself ;(11:47
AJaegermordred: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/pip10-mitigation - start line 42 is something that I'd love you to look at11:49
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add emit-job-report role  https://review.openstack.org/54842512:11
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openstackgerritSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Change label for neutron-tempest-ovsfw to "voting"  https://review.openstack.org/56193012:44
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fungizigo: frickler: pabelanger is still working on cleanup of the debian/stretch-security mirror, and said he was planning to continue on that today13:17
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zigofungi: Great, thanks !13:17
fungipabelanger: assuming there are not actually any voting jobs relying on that yet, it may be simplest to just delete all the content in that tree and rerun reprepro under screen with the flock held so cron doesn't fight with you13:18
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fungiactually, even if there are jobs relying on it, they're using the read-only volume so wouldn't see any change until you vos release anyway13:19
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fungigema: mostly our policy in the past has been that we attempt to provide (and backport) whatever is needed for use with the latest release of pip as soon as it's available13:21
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fungirefusing to support newer pip only serves to kicks the can down the road and makes it harder to find the time to transition so we run the risk of never getting around to it13:22
fungihowever, in our ci system, we provide projects with the flexibility to adjust their test environment however they want, so if some of them want to downgrade pip before running certain jobs then they have the ability to do that13:24
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fungii personally think we need to stop providing a global install of pip on our ci images entirely, and leave it up to jobs to install pip themselves (from a cache of course, for performance reasons) but that will probably take a little longer to rectify13:26
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mtreinishinfra-root: hmm, it looks like mosquitto crashed. I'm not able to establish a connection anymore13:29
fungiActive: active (exited) since Mon 2018-04-16 18:27:28 UTC; 19h ago13:30
fungiApr 17 06:25:01 firehose01 kernel: [8333467.773948] traps: mosquitto[14869] general protection ip:7f27420f7072 sp:7ffdfea92490 error:0 in libwebsockets.so.7[7f27420e2000+1f000]13:31
mtreinishsigh, I guess we'll need to turn the tls port back off13:31
fungilooks like that's right when /etc/cron.daily ran13:31
fungicould be triggered by log rotation (maybe signal handling?)13:31
mtreinishhmm, that's an interesting thought13:32
fungii could start it under screen from the command line and see if it gives us any detail on stdout/stderr the next time it dies13:32
mtreinishis there anything in the mosquitto log file? I would expect it to print anything in there (although given our past experience with debugging failures there won't be anything)13:33
fungi1523946301: Reloading config.13:33
fungithat's the end of the log13:34
fungifungi@firehose01:~$ date -d @152394630113:34
fungiTue Apr 17 06:25:01 UTC 201813:34
mtreinishwell that lines up with when it triggered the general protection fault13:35
mtreinishfungi: https://github.com/eclipse/mosquitto/issues/25313:35
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mtreinishoh, hah I linked to that in my bug on this before: https://github.com/eclipse/mosquitto/issues/27813:36
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pabelangerfungi: zigo frickler: yah, working on it this morning. hope to be finished13:39
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fungi#status log running `mosquitto -v -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf` under a root screen session for crash debugging purposes13:40
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging13:40
mtreinishfungi: we're probably gonna have to restart germqtt, mqtt_statsd, and lpmqtt (for the same reason as last night)13:41
fungimtreinish: interestingly, mqtt_statsd and lpmqtt are still running but germqtt has died13:42
fungiwhich may actually line up with our observations from the earlier logs13:42
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fungii've started germqtt back up again now13:43
mtreinishok cool, thanks13:43
fungiApr 17 06:25:26 firehose01 germqtt[18246]: socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused13:44
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fungiit logged that just before systemd recorded the main process exiting13:44
mtreinishok yeah, I'll look into fixing that germqtt bug at some point today. But, I've got to drive to boston in a little bit so it might not be for a while13:45
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mtreinishhah, I bet lpmqtt didn't crash just because it was sitting there idle waiting for email and not pushing anything13:46
mtreinishbecause iirc the publishing code between them is more or less the same13:46
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fungioh, entirely probable, agreed13:50
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fungilpmqtt has been running since march 813:51
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pabelangerfungi: ianw: fungi: so, I'm a little confused, if I run reprepro update over each distribution, I have no issues. But as soon as we just do update, we get duplicate packages, and deleting them doesn't seem to fix it.13:54
pabelangerfungi: ianw: zigo: I am wondering if our configuration is either wrong is some place, or use just need to do update for each distro update in a for loop13:55
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-website master: Merge zuul-website-media when publishing site  https://review.openstack.org/56174913:57
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raildohey folks, maybe I've made some dumb stuff and looks like I'm with multiple gerrit accounts on my name, so when someone try to add me to a review, it got a message like "<my_account>  does not identify a registered user or group"14:00
fungiraildo: it can happen if you change which e-mail address you use to log into ubuntuone14:00
raildoinstead of add a new email to an older account I believe that I've created a new one =/14:00
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fungiraildo: since changing your authentication address creates a new openid on login.ubuntu.com and results in a new gerrit account14:01
raildofungi, yeah, I just realize that after made this =/ Do you if it's possible to fix that somehow?14:01
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/germqtt master: Never give up never surrender  https://review.openstack.org/56195214:02
mtreinishfungi: ^^^14:02
fungiraildo: technically not in any way officially supported by gerrit, but i can perform some direct surgery in mysql14:02
mtreinishalthough I haven't tested that, I think it should work14:02
raildofungi, that would be great14:02
fungimtreinish: nice commit subject ;)14:02
fungimtreinish: i bet germqtt also takes no prisoners and gives no quarter14:02
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mtreinishfungi: heh, well it definitely doesn't at qos 0 :)14:04
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pabelangerokay, running checkpool on debian pool, if that is clean, I have an update to our mirror script that should work14:09
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gemafungi: ack, makes sense14:13
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fungi#status log deactivated duplicate gerrit accounts 26191 and 27230, and reassigned their openids to older account 886614:15
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging14:15
fungiraildo: ^14:15
raildofungi, ack, thanks!!14:15
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mriedemis this a known issue? http://logs.openstack.org/69/543569/7/check/neutron-grenade/8e683f9/logs/grenade.sh.txt.gz#_2018-04-16_18_50_40_44014:19
mriedemCurrently installed pip version 1 does not meet minimum requirements (>=6).14:19
openstackLaunchpad bug 1764760 in OpenStack-Gate "Currently installed pip version 1 does not meet minimum requirements (>=6)." [Undecided,New]14:19
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Add query for pip install bug 1764760  https://review.openstack.org/56195614:21
openstackbug 1764760 in OpenStack-Gate "Currently installed pip version 1 does not meet minimum requirements (>=6)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176476014:21
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fungimriedem: wow, that's an insanely old pip if so. i wonder if devstack assumed pip major versions would never reach double digits14:24
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-website master: DNM: test jobs  https://review.openstack.org/56196114:27
fungimriedem: looks like it is actually splitting on a separator at least http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-dev/devstack/tree/inc/python?h=stable%2Fpike#n33514:28
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fungiit's not a distro package at least, because the python-pip packaged on xenial (platform that job used) is 8.1.114:31
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mriedemhuh, but it's not in pip freeze output either14:33
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fungipip freeze doesn't report itself14:34
fungipip list would, if we ran that14:34
fungior pip --version14:34
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mriedemso the old side (ocata) installs pip 10.0.014:34
dmsimardinfra-root: Stepping momentarily off of PTO -- I've removed static.o.o from the emergency file, it was for testing improvements for the ARA middleware implementation. There will be a new release of ARA this week with improvements that I'll want to test before merging https://review.openstack.org/#/c/558688/14:34
dmsimardfungi: got your ping yesterday about a survey hiera file ? I don't remember playing around these lands14:35
fungipip freeze intentionally omits some information about lower-level packaging and package-management libraries, under the assumption that those are going to be provided by your environment and so you wouldn't want to inadvertently pin them by reusing the pip freeze output to install another environment later14:35
fungidmsimard: the question was specifically whether anyone has noticed a regression with launch-node.py --environment (for launching a new server using a non-production, i.e. staging, copy of the system-config repo)14:36
mriedemCurrently installed pip version 1 does not meet minimum requirements (>=6).14:36
mriedemso it's parsing 10.0.0 incorrectly14:36
dmsimardfungi: I have not used that feature yet, apologies.14:36
fungidmsimard: no worries14:36
mriedem>>> version = '10.0.0'14:37
mriedem>>> version.split('.')[0]14:37
fungimriedem: right, it doesn't appear to be doing version[0] or anything14:37
dmsimarddiablo_rojo: #openstack-101 is officially closed and forwarded to #openstack-dev14:37
fungimriedem: which is what makes this all the more baffling14:38
fungimriedem: we probably need a dummy devstack change with some additional debugging calls around that line. it may also be specific to the stable/pike branch of devstack (where have you seen it occur so far?)14:39
mriedemi thought maybe it was just a fix that wasn't in pike or ocata, but https://review.openstack.org/#/q/Ic7d0c04d7fa77774ab2d70fb9d11f182becec55314:39
mriedemi've mostly seen it on stable/pike but logstash shows it happening on all branches14:39
fungimriedem: and just for grenade, or also other jobs?14:40
mriedemoh heh https://review.openstack.org/#/c/561411/14:40
mriedem^ just merged this morning14:40
mriedemso we should be good14:40
mriedemi'm just late to the party14:40
fungimriedem: oh, haha yet14:40
fungitwo hours ago14:40
fungiso we'd have seen it hitting pike changes enqueued up to the past couple hours14:41
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fungiand that's a hilariously insidious bug (strip instead of split)14:41
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-website master: Merge zuul-website-media when publishing site  https://review.openstack.org/56174914:47
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-website master: Merge zuul-website-media when publishing site  https://review.openstack.org/56174914:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Add query for pip install bug 1764760  https://review.openstack.org/56195614:51
openstackbug 1764046 in devstack "duplicate for #1764760 installed pip version 1 does not meet minimum requirements" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1764046 - Assigned to Illes Elod (elod-illes)14:51
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clarkbpabelanger: so I'm good to remove mirror-update from the emergency file now?14:58
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added endpoints to get by id summit push notification  https://review.openstack.org/56197114:58
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added endpoints to get by id summit push notification  https://review.openstack.org/56197115:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added endpoints to get by id summit push notification  https://review.openstack.org/56197115:03
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clarkbpabelanger: also did you see ianw's email about xenial on rax? is that something you are still debugging too?15:08
clarkblooks like a potential problem patch was identified so next step is comparing booting of images with and without taht dib patch15:09
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pabelangerclarkb: yah, can remove mirror-update, I'll push up changes to gerrit15:10
clarkbpabelanger: ok emergency file has had mirror-update removed15:11
pabelangerclarkb: I haven't seen email yet, but will look shortly15:11
pabelangerclarkb: oh, I didn't do that15:11
clarkbya I'm saying I removed it15:11
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pabelangerah, parsed it properly now15:12
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clarkbon the xenial front that should probably be something that we try to sort out quickly as its affecting some of the pip10 transition (by keeping us on old pip9 images)15:13
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clarkb(I doubt I'll have time between bandersnatch and meeting today, but happy to help anyone interested. IIRC in the past I've built a rather minimal image locally as a qcow2 then copied it to a nodepool builder to convert it to vhd then uploaded to rax with shade)15:14
hogepodgeAny chance we can get more eyes on this subunit2sql review? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/543836/515:16
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fungimtreinish: ^ are your concerns with that addressed?15:17
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hogepodgeThis one too https://review.openstack.org/#/c/537775/15:21
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make gearman queries asynchronous in github driver  https://review.openstack.org/56004415:24
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make gearman calls async in ZuulWeb  https://review.openstack.org/56002615:24
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clarkbfor anyone wanting to test the dib stuff I think what I would do is build an image with these elements: ubuntu-minimal, vm, simple-init, infra-package-needs, growroot, devuser that should allow you to ssh in if everything works or use console login if networking doesn't work15:28
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clarkbyou'll want to build an image with latest dib then one with https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/diskimage-builder/commit/?id=43bc352c5977272ceadc1ca44d96c086cad59f5c reverted15:28
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clarkbcan use nb0x.openstack.org to convert to vhd and then use shade to upload to rax15:28
pabelangerI'll do that, let me grab coffee15:30
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clarkbcool. puppet is about to start and update bandersnatch for us15:30
clarkbI should get tea before I run the manual mirror sync15:31
fungii'm popping out for a quick early lunch, not gonna make the same mistake i did yesterday15:33
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make gearman calls async in ZuulWeb  https://review.openstack.org/56002615:35
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: round 2: Fix debian-stretch-security for reprepro  https://review.openstack.org/56198115:35
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make gearman queries asynchronous in github driver  https://review.openstack.org/56004415:36
pabelangerclarkb: fungi: ^is our fix for reprepro configuration, but believe you had suggestions how to best do it15:36
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clarkbpabelanger: that should work15:38
clarkbok I'm running bandersnatch now15:39
clarkbstrace says it is running but I don't think we get logs until it is done15:42
clarkb(I'm running run-bandersnatch not bandersnatch directly to make sure as much of teh system works as possible when running it piecemeal to control the publish step)15:42
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clarkbseems like it might be doing a full resync ish15:51
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clarkbits into the c's now15:51
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: added endpoint to approve/unpprove push notification  https://review.openstack.org/56199615:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: added endpoint to approve/unpprove push notification  https://review.openstack.org/56199615:53
clarkbthere are a lot of cctx packages to inspect16:00
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clarkbwe are now on to packages starting with 'd' so it is moving just not incredibly quickly I guess I should do code review16:05
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clarkbpabelanger: re the dib change. Looks like the bootloader install happens at finalise.d/50-something-or-other but the initramfs -u happens at finalise/80-something-or-other16:14
clarkbpabelanger: I wonder if the order of those two things needs to be flipped?16:14
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pabelangerclarkb: can look in a moment, I'm just trying to boot a new image with the revert16:15
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clarkbpabelanger: ya definitely start by confirming or denying that change has anything to do with it16:15
clarkbwas just poking around under the assumption it will/does16:16
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clarkbinto the 'm' package names now16:33
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pabelangerclarkb: the revert fixed xenial16:36
pabelangerssh root@
clarkbneat! thank you ianw for pointing that out I guess16:37
clarkbpabelanger: based on my investigating dib my hunch is maybe the ordering of grub being setup before initramfs is rewritten is potentially the cause?16:37
clarkbI want to say you typically go the other direction at least with my package manager?16:37
clarkbfungi: ^ you amy know off the top of your head with all your fun arm baord hacking16:37
pabelangerclarkb: yah, I can start to read up on that, test a few builds16:38
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-website-media master: Add simulation video  https://review.openstack.org/56200116:38
pabelangerclarkb: do we want to roll back dib on nodepool-builders to the previous version or release with the revert?16:38
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clarkbpabelanger: we're likely going to need to roll forward to pick up the centos and fedora and suse pip10 fixes16:39
clarkbsp pinning to previous version likely not a great idea. Ideally we won't break lvm2 users either16:39
fungiclarkb: my arm hacking doesn't help. all the boards i've used so far are stuck using their own proprietary bootloaders16:39
clarkbmaybe we can try and sort out a fix (see what ianw thinks when he wakes) and roll forward in a way that accomodates everyone?16:39
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fungiclarkb: it's probably a good idea to give the release and requirements teams a heads up that our pypi mirror is running behind, so newly tagged releases aren't going to be appearing immediately16:41
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clarkbfungi: will do16:42
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-website-media master: Add simulation video  https://review.openstack.org/56200116:55
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Revert "debootstrap: Call update-initramfs explicitly"  https://review.openstack.org/56200416:55
pabelangerclarkb: ianw: ^a revert, until we can figure out why16:55
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-website master: Add simulation video  https://review.openstack.org/56200516:55
pabelangerlooking at ordering now16:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: round 2: Fix debian-stretch-security for reprepro  https://review.openstack.org/56198116:56
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Stop mirroring tensorflow and mxnet pypi packages  https://review.openstack.org/56169417:04
clarkbinfra-root ^ watching bandersnatch run I noticed mxnet is another machine learning framework that also has multiple hundred megabyte python packages that release often17:05
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corvusclarkb: wow i don't even17:13
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corvusclarkb: approved, but the parent is, i think, still waiting on your +A17:14
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clarkbcorvus: yup once I get bandersnatch running quickly as normal I'll approve those changes and confirm that it all works before releasing the bandersnatch lock. Thanks!17:15
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prometheanfirepabelanger: next steps for gentoo still https://review.openstack.org/561495 (and/or https://review.openstack.org/561492 )17:18
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added endpoint to delete push notifications  https://review.openstack.org/56200917:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added endpoint to delete push notifications  https://review.openstack.org/56200917:33
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diablo_rojodmsimard, thank you! And thanks to mattoliverau as well!17:36
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clarkbstill chugging through mxnet17:37
clarkbprometheanfire: sourcing the devstack functions file isn't safe on gentoo? it should be its just bash functions iirc17:40
clarkbseems like getting the called functions to work like https://review.openstack.org/#/c/561492/1/functions-common is better approach?17:41
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zxiiromordred: You mentioned at XCI meetup that a version of shade was coming that would sync up with the openstack sdk and version dependencies would be simplified. When will that be available?17:44
* zxiiro would love to be able to have shade + openstack client working in the same virtualenv17:45
clarkbzxiiro: do they not work due to dep conflicts? also I think mordred is mostly afk today but should be around tomorrow17:46
zxiiroah ok. I'll check back tomorrow then.17:46
zxiiroclarkb: yeah there's some dep conflicts that prevent me from being able to have them together. Although it's been awhile since I last checked.17:46
clarkbI would give it a try I want to say I have them in the same venv currently on my desktop17:47
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zxiiroclarkb: cool. I'll have to check to see what I currently have pinned maybe the latest versions just work now.17:48
prometheanfireclarkb: it's not distro agnostic17:48
clarkbprometheanfire: what is breaking? its just loading bash functions I thought17:49
clarkbprometheanfire: executing the bash functions will likely not work though17:49
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fungizxiiro: i just did `pip install openstacksdk shade` in a fresh virtualenv and they coinstalled successfully. claims to have installed openstacksdk-0.12.0 and shade-1.27.1 plus their respective dependencies17:52
zxiirofungi: ah great, in hindsight i probably should have did that before asking. Thanks!17:52
fungiyou got me curious ;)17:53
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prometheanfireclarkb: it was checking if packages were installed17:54
clarkbI'm going to make some late breakfast/early lunch then prep for meeting so likely afkish until meeting time. Bandersnatch is still working through mxnet packages17:54
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clarkbprometheanfire: but not on the source was it?17:54
prometheanfireclarkb: https://review.openstack.org/561492 specifically17:54
clarkbprometheanfire: only when executing the functions?17:54
prometheanfireclarkb: it was on source17:54
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prometheanfireclarkb: https://review.openstack.org/561495 removes the source17:55
clarkbprometheanfire: sort of, see ianw's comment17:55
clarkbthe source is still run just later17:55
prometheanfiregood point :|17:56
prometheanfirewell, there's always my first patch17:56
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make gearman calls async in ZuulWeb  https://review.openstack.org/56002618:02
fricklerwoa did someone just unblock release-announce-digest? received a mail with 332 announcements dating at least from 4 weeks back to now18:05
gemais there a team meeting today?18:05
fricklergema: should start in 55 mins18:06
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gemafrickler: oh, the meeting didn't move in time like the uk!18:06
gemaalright , thanks :D18:06
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clarkbI'm realizing that it may have been a good idea to put the package blacklist in before running this. Its gonna hit tensorflow and take forever probably18:09
clarkboh well, once the blacklist is in place it should go much quicker18:10
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fungigema: it didn't move at all if you set your clock to utc ;)18:15
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gemafungi: I am painfully aware of that :D18:17
* fungi doesn't understand how people in variable timezones survive scheduling18:18
gemafungi: we only attend meetings 6 months of the year18:19
fungii've also discovered how hard some device, operating system and even plain old clock manufacturers make it to use a non-daylight-encumbered timezone18:19
fungimostly assumptions that your physical location indicates what timezone you want to use18:20
fungieven better, i've bought clocks that not only insist on changing to daylight time and back every year on certain dates, but then they fail to predict that those dates might change at some point18:21
gemafungi: I have kindly asked niedbalski to attend today on my behalf18:21
fungithanks for the heads up! niedbalski (and anyone else) is most welcome to participate18:22
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clarkbpabelanger: I had an idea over my bagel. Can we just reinstall grub on your confirmed not working instance and reboot it to see if that changes anything?18:38
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clarkbpabelanger: other idea is that some other package is affecting boot in a way that it couldn't with a non updated initramfs18:38
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-website master: Add simulation video  https://review.openstack.org/56200518:38
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clarkbpabelanger: lsinitramfs may help us to see the difference between the two (we can ls the old and new initrds and diff the results)18:44
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ianwclarkb / pabelanger : am i reading right that we're narrowing in on initramfs generation?18:59
clarkbianw: yup18:59
ianwso arm64 is busted too, my current plan was to roll back dib on nb03.o.o (already in emergency) and see if it works19:00
clarkbmeeting time19:00
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esbergluIs it possible to force CI to19:10
esberglurun two jenkins jobs on the same underlying compute host19:10
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esbergluI'm trying to get multinode CI support working (using jenkins 2.46.1, zuul 2.6.0, nodepool 0.3.0) for the PowerVM CI19:11
clarkbesberglu: we are in our team meeting currently but happy to help after we are done (in about 49 minutes)19:11
esbergluclarkb: Sorry! thanks19:11
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fungiesberglu: i haven't touched jenkins in a couple years, but i think you can configure a slave to have more than one executor. however i don't know how you'd configure nodepool and zuul to take advantage of that (i expect they have plenty of built-in assumptions about one-node-one-job)19:22
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fungiesberglu: oh, wait, you said two jobs on the same compute host. i misunderstood and though you wanted two jobs on a single test node19:23
fungizuul and nodepool don't have any notion of your individual compute hosts. they just ask the nova api to boot nodes and use what it gives them19:23
fungiif nova can boot two instances on the same compute host then nodepool/zuul will happily use them19:24
openstackgerritAbbas Yazdanpanah proposed openstack-infra/git-review master: `work-in-progress` and `private` workflow in Gerrit 2.15  https://review.openstack.org/55948819:25
esberglufungi: Thanks, that was my understanding, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something19:25
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edmondswfungi and that goes for aggregates too? Can't say "I want instance 2 to be in the same aggregate as instance 1" without having specified an aggregate for instance 1?19:28
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fungiedmondsw: i don't think nodepool comprehends host aggregates unless you expose them through something like an availability zone19:30
fungibut i could be wrong19:30
niedbalskiianw, re: arm64, did you find something useful on the console logs?19:30
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ianwniedbalski: thanks a ton for looking into it, was about to send a mail :)  not really; but it appears we have a more generic problem with our image generation19:31
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niedbalskiianw, you think might be related to this?19:32
ianwniedbalski: i have rolled back to dib 2.12.1 on nb03 and am rebuilding an image.  the current suspect is a change to initramfs generation that came in 2.13.019:32
niedbalskiianw, just by looking at libvirt/console side, I don't really have a clue at this moment , will have to do a deeper debug19:32
ianwall it really does is regenerate the initramfs during the build, which a priori you'd think would be safe19:32
niedbalskiianw, yes, I do think should be safe.19:33
ianwif this new build works, then we can pick apart the images and see what's different19:33
niedbalskiianw, are you seeing something similar on any other cloud19:34
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ianwniedbalski: yes, i think we are now.  at first we thought this was a rax only problem, because they setup their network differently, but evidence is suggesting a more generic problem19:34
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ianwi've been chasing my tail a bit looking at udev rules and systemd activation, when i think the problem is earlier19:35
edmondswfungi sorry, I meant az19:35
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niedbalskiianw, yep, our setup is quite simple, flat network , no neutron l3ha/nor dvr, vxlan encap.19:35
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ianwniedbalski: yeah, from the image point of view, it's that rax don't do dhcp but provide network info in the config-drive.  glean should smooth it all over, but now it appears to not work with configdrive OR dhcp19:38
niedbalskiianw, got it.19:38
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niedbalskiianw, well, drop me a message if the rollback to 2.12.1 doesn't works and you need any further debugging at the cloud side.19:39
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ianwniedbalski: thanks!19:40
niedbalskiianw, yw, thank you for looking into this.19:42
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edmondswfungi so to rephrase... is there a way to say "I want instance 2 to be in the same availability zone as instance 1" without having specified an az? i.e. let nova choose az on the first one, but need both in the same az.19:46
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fungiedmondsw: i think there is some logic in nodepool to balance across availability zones and keep members of a node group within the same az, but i honestly don't recall (someone may have better info after our meeting ends in another ~10 minutes)19:48
fungiedmondsw: however i _don't_ think there is a capability to let nova pick the az of one node and then request teh rest of the node group from the same az19:49
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fungialso pretty sure in most cases we've encountered, if you let nova "pick" the az then you just end up with all your nodes in one (the "default") az19:49
edmondswyeah, I think you're probably right about that19:49
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fungithough maybe the new placement service has magic scheduling solutions to solve that behind the scenes these days19:53
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iharwe are missing job-output messages in logstash. is it as designed?19:59
iharwe have gate-cleanup-hosts logs but not what was once in console.html19:59
clarkbihar: can you be more specific, what file (links are helpful) is missing?20:00
clarkbelastic recheck says we are up to date on indexing20:00
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Fix puppet config for puppet 4  https://review.openstack.org/56174620:01
clarkbfungi: edmondsw ya if booting subnodes they should all be in the same az and region as teh primary20:01
clarkb(with nodepool)20:01
edmondswesberglu ^20:02
clarkbedmondsw: sorry tab complete fail20:02
iharclarkb: I specifically look for messages from http://logs.openstack.org/17/553617/16/check/neutron-tempest-plugin-dvr-multinode-scenario/42fb158/job-output.txt.gz20:02
edmondswclarkb it was both of us asking :)20:03
iharany message would do, but I play with the following query: build_name:"neutron-tempest-plugin-dvr-multinode-scenario" AND tags:console AND message:"SUCCESS"20:03
esbergluclarkb: Okay thank you!20:05
dhellmannI feel like I've seen at least one other occurence of this error with a doc build in the last few days, but I don't know that I've seen a resolution. Does anyone recognize the cause of "You must give at least one requirement to install" as an error in the "neutron-horizon-hack" step of the build-openstack-sphinx-docs job? http://logs.openstack.org/41/561341/2/check/build-openstack-sphinx-docs/3247c74/job-output.txt.gz#_20:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql master: Add ability to grab stream processing variables from kwargs  https://review.openstack.org/54383620:07
dhellmannThat's on taskflow, which shouldn't require horizon or neutron, so I wonder if that's the cause?20:08
dhellmanntaskflow is still using the old tox_install.sh20:09
fungidhellmann: it boils down to invoking tox_install.sh in such a way that it passes an empty package list to pip install20:10
dhellmanndo we have a definitive example of a patch that removes tox_install.sh?20:11
dhellmannor a fix for the script, I guess? whatever's easiest20:11
fungii don't know one of the top of my head, but someone else in here probably does20:11
clarkbihar: there is a bug in os-loganalyze it looks like20:11
clarkbihar: http://logs.openstack.org/17/553617/16/check/neutron-tempest-plugin-dvr-multinode-scenario/42fb158/job-output.txt.gz?level=INFO is what the log workers fetch and index and that is empty20:11
clarkbihar: I think that means os-loganalyze cannot parse that file20:12
dhellmannfungi : ok. I'll see what I can figure out by comparing against another oslo lib20:12
clarkbihar: my hunch is that http://logs.openstack.org/17/553617/16/check/neutron-tempest-plugin-dvr-multinode-scenario/42fb158/job-output.txt.gz#_2018-04-17_02_20_54_854351 is at fault20:12
clarkbcorvus: ^ any idea why the job information in the log isn't prefixed like all the other console log output?20:13
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clarkbbandersnatch is going through all the tensorflow nightly packages now20:14
ianwclarkb: ok, started https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/dib-initramfs-regen-issues .  i've got myself confused with that many terminals, builds, vm's etc going to start more methodically there20:16
iharclarkb: when I look for SUCCESS matches, I see lots of them from cleanup-host, and note that those messages all have _grokparsefailure tag. The SUCCESS lines from the cleanup-host file also don't have proper timestamps.20:17
iharI am not sure if that's related but now that you mentioned potential parsing issue I thought maybe it is20:17
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clarkbihar: I think they are likely unrelated. The issue with job-output.txt is it is never being sent to logstash because the ?level=INFO url above has no content20:18
clarkbihar: _grokparsefailures will be due to logstash configs and processing of the files20:18
clarkbhttp://logs.openstack.org/17/553617/16/check/neutron-tempest-plugin-dvr-multinode-scenario/42fb158/ara-report/file/9e13fa1a-c2a0-4b16-b07a-704fac0a6b28/#line-8 is what I think is breaking us20:19
clarkbI think because its a multiline log it gets emitted all together to the log annotater and we only get the first line with the timestamp previx20:19
clarkbI'll push up a patch to do a separate debug for each line and we can see if that fixes it20:20
iharclarkb: great, thanks. please share a link when ready.20:20
corvusclarkb: i believe it's all one line with embedded \ns20:21
clarkbcorvus: ya20:21
corvusclarkb: and now i read what you wrote after that :)20:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql master: Add delete by uuid functions  https://review.openstack.org/53777520:23
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Render job info consistently  https://review.openstack.org/56204220:27
clarkbcorvus: ihar ^ thats a stab at addressing this20:27
clarkbI think it will be self testing too?20:27
ianwanyone want to guess why debian-stretch-arm64 is marked as pause: true on nb03, but it's currently building debian-stretch-arm64?20:28
iharyes we should check in logstash after results are ready20:28
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clarkbyup self testing and I need to fix some issues20:29
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Render job info consistently  https://review.openstack.org/56204220:29
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Fix puppet config for puppet 4  https://review.openstack.org/56174620:33
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corvusclarkb: qq -- why do we care about the log parser and that "line" ?20:46
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clarkbcorvus: because I think it broke all console log parsing by logstash. the specific issue is os-loganalyze returns no data for eg http://logs.openstack.org/17/553617/16/check/neutron-tempest-plugin-dvr-multinode-scenario/42fb158/job-output.txt.gz?level=INFO20:47
clarkbso we get the job to index the console log, we pull down the empty file and move on20:47
corvusclarkb: should we fix the parser?  that sounds like it could be subject to dos later on?20:48
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clarkbI think we should do both, first be consistent as much as possible in the output we do control but ya also do our best to fail gracefully in os-loganalyze20:48
clarkbhttp://logs.openstack.org/42/562042/2/check/openstack-infra-base-integration-centos-7/682c48c/job-output.txt.gz?level=INFO works with my zuul-jobs change so I think that confirms why it is happening20:49
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corvusclarkb: wfm; we may want to poke pabelanger (i think he was involved in that orig)20:49
clarkbI want to say that os-loganalyze was supposed to pair up lines that it couldn't match with the previous matching line20:51
clarkbI'm looking at that now (to avoid this specific issue)20:51
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Fix puppet config for puppet 4  https://review.openstack.org/56174620:58
ianwpabelanger: did you remove the "new-glean" images in rax?20:59
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pabelangerianw: I removed new-glean11 and new-glean-pabelanger (clean up), I didn't think anybody was using them21:08
ianwpabelanger: that's ok, just wanted a known bad initrd comparision21:08
pabelangerclarkb: corvus: wfm too21:09
pabelangerianw: I can rebuild and upload21:09
ianwpabelanger: it's ok, i rebuilt it.  i could not get a vhd i built to boot yesterday21:10
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ianwpabelanger / clarkb : here is a diff between a "good" initrd (from one of our booted xenial images) and a "bad" initrd (that i just built with dib 2.13.0) -> http://paste.openstack.org/show/719416/21:12
pabelangerianw: have you seen http://logs.openstack.org/04/562004/1/check/nodepool-functional-py35-redhat-src/447dd57/controller/logs/builds/centos-7-0000000002_log.txt.gz#_2018-04-17_17_25_17_46721:12
ianwpabelanger: yep, fix ready for review: https://review.openstack.org/56147921:13
pabelangerianw: ah, I thought we merged it21:13
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pabelanger+2, great work21:18
ianwoh ffs, it never ends ... HTTP request sent, awaiting response... Read error (Connection reset by peer) in headers.21:20
ianwit seem nb03 can not get to tarballs.openstack.org21:21
ianwwhich halts the build as it tries to cache stackviz21:21
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ianw103.20.251.147 - - [17/Apr/2018:21:22:28 +0000] "GET /package-stackviz-element/stackviz-latest.tar.gz HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "Wget/1.17.1 (linux-gnu)"21:23
ianwtarballs.o.o see it start ...21:23
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ianwand https works, so i suspect something in between21:26
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add pip cache cleanup to pip-and-virtualenv  https://review.openstack.org/56205521:26
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use https for stackviz get  https://review.openstack.org/56205621:28
ianwfungi: ^ that should be ok?21:28
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add pip cache cleanup to pip-and-virtualenv  https://review.openstack.org/56205521:30
fungiianw: yeah, that should be fine21:30
fungii smell a transparent web proxy21:30
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-website-media master: Add captions  https://review.openstack.org/56204721:30
fungiianw: or perhaps a really, really great wall21:30
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ianwfungi: yeah, this just stopped working when the upstream networking provider changed, so i guess the wall looks different depending on where you are21:34
fungiwith a wall that great, i'm not surprised there are many and varied views from all angles21:34
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fungibut yeah, more likely it's the isp running a transparent caching "web acceleration" proxy which is misbehaving/broken21:35
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fungiand it's blind to https so doesn't try to help21:35
ianwyeah, true21:37
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ianwso plymouth and some crypt-boot stuff is missing from the "bad" xenial initrd ... but nothing immediately of consequence to glean i would have thought21:39
fungiyeah, and framebuffer support likely also now unneeded because of dropping plymouth21:40
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ianwpresumably plymouth comes in the default kernel, and we don't install the pkgs so it falls out when we regen21:45
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Revert "debootstrap: Call update-initramfs explicitly"  https://review.openstack.org/56200421:47
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ianwpabelanger: ^ we've confirmed?21:51
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ianwi'm going to copy this "bad" initramfs into a known good host and see if it replicates21:51
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ianwi certainly don't mind reverting, but feels like a big time-bomb until we understand it21:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Use https for stackviz get  https://review.openstack.org/56205621:51
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pabelangerianw: yah, I've built it this afternoon21:55
pabelangerand rax worked right after launching21:55
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-website-media master: Add simulation video  https://review.openstack.org/56200121:58
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-website master: Add simulation video  https://review.openstack.org/56200522:01
pabelangerianw: what's your thinking of DIB release? something today or wait until we better understand glean failures22:04
pabelangerianw: is pip10 fixes needed to unblock anything? haven't really been following centos / fedora22:04
ianwpabelanger: well i'd like to merge the pip10 fix and i guess this revert22:05
corvusfungi, ianw: my experience has been that the wall indeed looks different from different providers.22:05
ianwpabelanger: *hopefully* this current nb03 xenial build will work, and i can double-confirm the revert on arm6422:06
pabelangerianw: kk22:08
clarkbok I think I finally understand what is failing in os-loganaylze there. It thinks that file format supports severity but does not22:08
clarkbif it doesn't support severity it seems to output all the lines as expected22:08
clarkbhwoever comparing the output of the testsuite against the output of the actual http server they are acting different (test suite does the right thing) so now I'm extra confused22:09
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openstackgerritKendall Nelson proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual master: Update Launchpad mentions to StoryBoard  https://review.openstack.org/56175322:17
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clarkbI see the problem \o/22:18
clarkbI'm actually no longer convinced my zuul-jobs change will fix it22:18
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clarkbbandersnatch is still chewing through tensorflow packages22:25
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/ansible-role-puppet master: Don't hardcode puppet-3-specific config paths  https://review.openstack.org/56206822:30
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit master: [DNM] Test puppet-4 puppet-apply jobs  https://review.openstack.org/55751522:30
ianwwe have 38 hosts in a sort of active, no-network purgatory on rax/dfw -> http://paste.openstack.org/show/719418/ ... i'm planning to delete them unless i hear otherwise22:30
ianwinfra-root: ^22:31
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/os-loganalyze master: Better supports sev checking  https://review.openstack.org/56207022:35
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clarkbcorvus: ihar ^ that is the actual fix22:36
mattoliveraudmsimard: awesome, thanks for all the openstack-101 work!22:36
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clarkbianw: those all look like nodepool nodes to me. No objections here22:36
rm_workclarkb: so https://review.openstack.org/#/c/561049/12/playbooks/legacy/neutron-lbaasv2-dsvm-api-l7octavia/run.yaml@4522:36
pabelangerclarkb: ianw: yah, they look old curious why nodepool isn't deleting them. missing meta data?22:36
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rm_worki kinda expected that would show up in http://logs.openstack.org/49/561049/12/check/neutron-lbaasv2-dsvm-api-l7octavia/dc25c44/logs/local.conf.txt.gz ?22:37
rm_workdid i do it wrong?22:37
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clarkbrm_work: hrm it might need to be in local.conf format so have a head for localrc?22:40
rm_workjust like....22:40
clarkbrm_work: http://codesearch.openstack.org/?q=DEVSTACK_LOCALCONF&i=nope&files=&repos= has examples for how neutron does it22:41
rm_workbut LOCAL_CONF is a file22:41
clarkbrm_work: DEVSTACK_LOCAL_CONFIG may be what you want though22:41
rm_workand i don't know what it looks like22:41
clarkbjust to be confusing that looks like ^ is assumed to be localrc and passed in that way22:42
clarkbwhereas LOCALCONF is local.conf22:42
rm_workah yeah http://codesearch.openstack.org/?q=DEVSTACK_LOCAL_CONFIG&i=nope&files=&repos=22:42
clarkbrm_work: you'd have to go find their file22:42
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clarkbstill going through tensorflow nightlies22:45
clarkbI wonder if they even realize they are doing this22:45
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clarkbianw: readnig through the initrd diff, cryptroot has an explicit wait for udev to be ready23:01
clarkbianw: I'm wondering if we maybe that is related23:01
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ianwclarkb: yeah ... AIUI what really happens with that glean udev rule is that it associates the automatically created .device file with the glean udev rule23:06
clarkbianw: ya udev ends up triggering the unit for writing out the interface configs for each interface as it comes up23:07
clarkbthen we execute the setup networking unit or something23:07
ianwclarkb: that's the thing, udev doesn't really trigger that as such23:08
ianwit just sets up the WANTS relationship between the device and the glean@eth0.service23:08
ianw ● └─sys-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:03.0-virtio0-net-ens3.device23:08
ianwi'm presuming that "networking-pre" or something "starts" the device, which then by descent starts glean?23:09
ianwthis is where it all gets fuzzy23:09
clarkbya and glean just writes out configs too23:10
clarkband then later the network bring up applies the configs23:10
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ianwsort of, maybe ... glean@ service has "ExecStart=/sbin/ifup %I"23:11
ianwit has ExecStartPre to setup the files before that23:12
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ianwthis is how i've managed to sink so many hours into still not understanding what's going on :)23:13
ianwbut yeah, there are a lot of "udev settle" calls in the diff, and it's gotta be a big suspect for what's happening23:15
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clarkbI'm worried I won't be awake when bandersnatch finishes23:18
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clarkbianw: for bandersnatch I'm thinking I'll let it run over night, then in the morning I rerun it to make sure it runs quickly on subsequent run. Then apply blacklist change rerun to make sure its happy, then reenable cron by releasing the lock23:27
clarkbianw: that seem reasonable to you?23:27
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ianwclarkb: that all seems good to me.  in the mean time we're just running off the released version right?23:36
clarkbianw: ya it running off of 2.2.023:37
ianwwe do have all that magic that looks at the release file and only vos releases if requirements changed IIRC23:37
ianwi guess that is unaffected23:37
clarkbjust manually with the lock held in a screen session23:37
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ianw| 1c405451-f0bb-4ec7-85ff-c1d794da4df2 | fedora-27-rax-iad-0003297356     | ACTIVE | public=, 2001:4802:7802:104:be76:4eff:fe20:4c85; private=   |                          | 8 GB Performance |23:46
ianwanother weird one, f27 nodes where the underlying image has been deleted23:46
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pabelangerianw: hmm23:54
pabelangerI wonder if they are locked ready in zuul23:54
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pabelangerianw: http://paste.openstack.org/show/719422/23:55
pabelangerthat likely explains why were are seeing them23:55
pabelangerthere is an outstanding issue in zuul, if we do a reconfiguration when a node is locked and building, we lose the node request, and they will remain locked / ready23:56
clarkbok I'll check on bandersnatch in a couple hours but need to figure out dinner and groceries23:56
pabelangerI've been meaning to write a patch to fix it, but haven't had time23:56
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