Thursday, 2018-04-12

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mnaserdoes anyone know why im getting -- The nodeset "debian-stretch" was not found.00:12
mnaseram i doing something wrong? :>00:12
clarkbmnaser: probably haven't defined the nodeset in openstack-zuul-jobs?00:13
clarkbI think that is where all our nodeests are currently00:13
mnaseri thought i saw it in project-config00:13
mnaserunless being in nodepool != being in zuul as a nodeset00:13
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mnaserokay yeah it's not ther eyet00:13
clarkbya thats separate00:14
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mnaserpabelanger: are you proposing an update soon to add that?00:15
pabelangermnaser: Yah, was planning on doing that tomorrow moving, and adding it to zuul-jobs / openstack-zuul-jobs too00:16
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pabelangermnaser: but if you want to propose, that is oay00:16
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mnaserpabelanger: i'll leave it for you, im a bit busy still with other stuff, just wanted to figure out what iw as missing :)00:16
pabelangerI'll likely start on it in a few hours00:17
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/puppet-pip master: Add virtualenv option for openstack_pip
ianwclarkb / pabelanger (you were the last to touch it) : ^ not sure if i'm serious or not.  seems to work ...00:36
clarkbianw: I feel like that might be a in the morning when I don't want to get nerd sniped review00:37
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ianwclarkb: :)  i do get why this becomes a hard puppet problem.  in a way, you really want a separate provider for *each* virtualenv.  the sort of "global catalog" starts to break down when you start putting the same thing in different containers00:40
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add ansible-lint job
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add ansible-lint job
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add ansible-review job
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add ansible-upload-to-galaxy job
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add ansible-spec job
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openstackgerritAditya Vaja proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: override existing job config for networking-bigswitch
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: mqtt: add basic reporter
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: model: add empty branch attribute to the Tag object
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shu-mutowHi, to run nodejs4-jobs successfully for horizon plugins, they needs to install horizon from master branch. Can we install horizon from master branch into test environment for nodejs4-jobs?01:35
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shu-mutowespecially, when horizon plugin uses newly added horizon's function.01:38
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: launcher: handle ZK session loss during handler poll
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dmsimardWow ianw, 50 lines of ruby. I haven't done ruby in so long :/01:57
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: zk: use kazoo retry facilities
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ianwdmsimard: yeah, my suggestion is to attempt to keep it that way as long as possible02:01
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ianw"and it is a fluke puppet that it wasn't causing a duplicate resource error." ... a choice cmurphy quote and describes a bit too much of what's going on in our puppet02:04
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wolverineavclarkb: corvus specifying the specific branch for required-project within the job definition for the EOL-ed branch worked. i added this to the project:
wolverineavadding that for every eol-ed branch seems like a better option than overriding by editing the project template in openstack-infra/project-config. keeps it contained within the project :)02:27
wolverineavthanks clarkb, corvus!02:28
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imacdonnseem that nova-multiattach is failing for all/many cinder jobs ... Apr 12 01:08:11.245108 ubuntu-xenial-ovh-bhs1-0003460059 nova-compute[25976]: INFO nova.virt.libvirt.driver [None req-98b9d947-9721-4543-b105-dd5b78ac04ce None None] Connection event '0' reason 'Failed to connect to libvirt: Failed to connect socket to '/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': Permission denied'02:31
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clarkbimacdonn: generally that means your user isnt in the right group02:40
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clarkbimacdonn: do you have a link to the failures? and were they working previously?02:40
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imacdonnclarkb: my user? this is zuul02:41
clarkbimacdonn: the linux user trying ti open libvirt-sock02:41
clarkbits a linux file permissions issue typically due to being in the wrong groul02:41
imacdonnclarkb: er ok, but this is zuul, not me :)02:41
clarkbright the job is likely broken is my point02:42
clarkband I'm curious if it ever worked02:42
clarkbzuul only runs what it is told to run02:42
imacdonnI believe that everything was OK until around the time zuul was upgraded earlier today02:42
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imacdonndunno if it's a coincidence02:42
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clarkbit likely is. this error happens deep in devstack02:49
clarkblooks like nova compute fails to start, it should be running as the stack user which should be in the right group but we can dig through the logs to see02:50
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Refactor run_handler to be generic
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clarkbimacdonn: that is the group created by the package and is the group the stack user is added to and they don't match02:54
clarkbimacdonn: I think that is likely the cause of the problem. I'm guessing that packages updated and the group chagned?02:54
clarkbI'm not really in a position to fix that right now but that should hopefully be enough info for someone to work on it if they desire02:54
clarkb(and to confirm I don't think that has anything to do with zuul)02:54
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Refactor NodeLauncher to be generic
imacdonnclarkb: Hmm. OK. I'm not sure where all that comes from02:56
clarkbimacdonn: really quickly reading devstack/stackrc the code that selects the group is special cased for multiattach02:56
clarkbI don't understand why02:56
clarkbbut that explains why the other jobs aren't broken02:57
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: openstack: convert rate to float
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add emit-job-report role
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: configloader: add variant-description
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: zuul-changes: update for the new api url
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: [DNM] fork puppet-solr
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ramineni_Hi All, recently im seeing failures related to requirements-check job in validating lower constraints03:29
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ramineni_do we need to manually update lower-constraints to resolve the failure?03:29
imacdonnramineni_: rebase should fix it03:29
ramineni_imacdonn: thanks, is this the issue on infra side?03:30
ramineni_imacdonn: i ahve seen same failures in multiple patches03:30
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imacdonnramineni_: your failure looks slightly different, but I bet it's related03:34
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ramineni_imacdonn: ya , and also tox change is already there long time back, so my patch is rebased on that , but still seeing failures03:35
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: reporter: do not expect branch attribute in Tag object
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clarkbyou need to increase the test-requirement.txt version of that package to >=0.5 to match the lower constraint value03:39
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clarkbit isnt an infra problem. The job is catching that lower constraints is higher than the lowest version allowed in test requirements03:39
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ramineni_clarkb: oh, doesnt test-requirements.txt get automatically updated, manual update is required everytime?03:41
clarkbramineni_: there were  recent changes to not update it as aggressively aiui03:41
clarkbbut I'd have to read the mailing list to get all the details straight03:42
ramineni_clarkb: ok, thanks , one more question , i see in some places tehre is mismatch in lower-constraints in the project and that of requirements project , do we need to update them also from time to time03:46
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clarkbramineni_: again I'm not sure of all the details. There was a large mailing list thread about it that should ave the answers03:53
clarkbalso you can ask the requirements team on their irc channel03:53
ramineni_clarkb: sure, thanks for the pointers03:53
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prometheanfireclarkb: pabelanger: looks like we have the new dib release, next steps are to just start using the gentoo image then?03:57
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Minor fork puppet-solr
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Report to all reporters even if one fails
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Reorganize "Zuul From Scratch" document
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove castellan legacy jobs
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openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Allow installing glean from package
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove castellan legacy jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: gerritbot: Announce stable branch changes of openstack/requirements
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: openstack: convert rate to float
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove castellan legacy jobs
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fricklerclarkb: imacdonn: was merged earlier, this seems to affect the multiattach jobs via an updated libvirt. I was already sceptical about that patch, we may need a revert if the issue persists06:30
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: build opensuse images from the openstack mirror
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Enable voting Python 3 unit tests for monasca-ui
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix implicit role for repos named ansible
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xinliangpabelanger, ianw: From the log of, it seems that debian node mirror configuration is not work08:16
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xinliangwhen installing libffi-dev pkg it said "broken package ", but I've tried the mirror on my locall machine, it can install libffi-dev successfully08:17
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xinliangno idea what thing is going wrong08:18
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ianwxinliang: which log is that in?08:27
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ianwoh i see ... Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages08:27
xinliangthis one:
xinliangianw: yes08:28
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xinliangianw: is there a way to debug that debian image? I mean use that image to luanch an vm and see what's the problem?08:29
ianw$ ssh root@
ianwroot@'s password:08:30
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ianwxinliang: ^ yeah ... not really :/  i can't log into it ...08:31
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ianwwhich suggests glean isn't rolling out the ssh auth correctly08:31
ianwbut ... zuul got in?08:31
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xinliangianw: I use that debian image to create an vm with my key , but I can't ssh into it . cloud-init seems not be installed?08:33
ianwxinliang: we don't use cloud-init, we use simple-init & glean, but same sort of thing.  i should get the info from configdrive08:34
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xinliangianw: so the only way is  get the priv key and ssh with zuul user, right08:35
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ianwxinliang: yeah, i can get in via that08:39
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xinliangok, please help to take a look if you have time, thanks08:40
ianwok, blkid is not showing /dev/sr008:44
ianwwhich i think means the config-drive is not there, which explains why no other keys are rolled out08:44
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ianwxinliang / pabelanger : ok, i'm out of time for now but this is the root problem.  i've tried rebooting it with cdrom and sr_mod in /etc/modules, but still doesn't show up09:12
xinliangianw: ok09:13
ianwxinliang: i remember seeing this with xenial; and switching to the hwe kernel made it "just work"09:15
ianwhrw / gema : ^ any ideas on missing cd-rom devices on debian?09:16
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fricklerianw: I think it will need a special virt-* driver, can try to look into it later09:19
ianwfrickler: yeah, i'm not so sure; it works on ubuntu09:21
xinliangianw: trying to understand this issue, you mean config-drive need a cd-rom device which is missing on debian. This is the root cuase mirror is not  working?09:26
ianwxinliang: no, config-drive appears as an attached cdrom drive, and debian is not seeing it at all.  that drive contains config info such as the ssh-keys to apply09:27
ianwnot really to do with the mirror, but it's quite hard to debug that until we can log into it09:28
ianwi feel like the sym53c8xx module is involved somehow here09:28
xinliangianw: i see09:28
ianwubuntu seems to have it, debian not09:28
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xinliangianw: one thins stange is that deiban installed backport kernel deb. which I think it should install non-backport one09:31
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xinliangany other apt preference rule putting into debian when buidling debian image?09:32
ianwxinliang: yeah, maybe we need to actually set a lower preference on that?09:35
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ianwxinliang: i think this is definitely related to missing drivers in debian : config.common.amd64:CONFIG_SCSI_SYM53C8XX_2=m09:43
ianwthat's on ubuntu, i can't find it on debian09:43
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xinliangyes, I see CONFIG_SCSI_SYM53C8XX_2 is not set on debian09:48
ianwxinliang: yeah, 00:03.0 SCSI storage controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic 53c895a09:48
ianwfrom lspci09:49
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hrwxinliang: so how config-drive is described?10:03
hrwianw: please use virtio-blk/virtio-scsi instead of real scsi controllers emulation10:04
xinlianghrw, i don't know, ianw please explain about this10:04
hrwianw: aarch64 VM instances are supposed to be 'modern world' instead of 'anything from 90s' ;D10:05
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ianwhrw: well ... i'm all ears on how to get the cdrom seen?10:06
hrwianw: virtio-scsi cdrom10:07
ianwis this something under my control?  it's coming from nova10:07
ianwwhich i presume is setting this all up under the hood with qemu/kvm flags of intense complexity10:08
hrwnova passes cdrom to libvirt which should use sane values10:08
hrwianw: can you get that instance xml?10:08
ianwhrw: well, it would seem maybe it isn't :)10:08
ianwi can't, it's on the linaro cloud10:08
hrwah. ok10:08
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ianwi still think it wouldn't *hurt* for debian to enable the module, to avoid this sort of thing for unsuspecting installers10:09
ianwbut if we can reconfigure the cloud to do it better, great10:09
hrwianw: and then piix3-ata?10:09
hrwianw: let me check on my cloud setup how cdrom is handled10:09
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ianwhrw / xinliang : i filed anyway.  i'm sure if people have opinions, they will make it into that :)10:20
openstackDebian bug 895532 in src:linux "linux-image-4.14.0-0.bpo.3-arm64: Enable CONFIG_SCSI_SYM53C8XX_2 for ARM64" [Normal,Open]10:20
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hrw    <controller type='scsi' index='0' model='lsilogic'>10:23
hrwok, I see the problem10:23
hrwianw: please add hw_scsi_mode=virtio-scsi to the image and recreate vm10:24
hrwianw: erm. hw_scsi_model10:24
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ianwhrw: hmm, that's already set ->
hrwianw: ok, will take a look where nova/libvirt does it and inform you back.10:28
hrwianw: so you can have rest of evening for you instead of fighting issues10:28
hrwbut looking at nova source it looks like it uses lsilogic on vmware only.10:29
hrwianw: I have set hw_scsi_model to virtio-scsi locally and created VM instanse has proper scsi controller10:31
ianwhmm, i'm fairly sure that nodepool via shade is setting those tags with glance correctly10:32
ianwthat really leaves something inside the linaro cloud not obeying it?10:33
hrwxinliang: you run queens-2018* images in CN cloud, right?10:33
xinlianghrw: not me10:34
hrwxinliang: ok, can you check what exactly we run there?10:35
xinlianghrw: not understand what you mean? you mean the ci job which I debugged running queens-2018* kolla image on CN cloud?10:37
ianwjust for sanity, confirmed the tags are in glance
hrwxinliang: nevermind.10:37
hrwianw: thx10:39
hrwianw: bare metal runs ubuntu xenial?10:39
ianwhrw: not sure tbh.  i only have access as an openstack user10:40
hrwianw: uname -a? lsb_release -a?10:42
hrwianw: virsh --version?10:42
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ianwhrw: i can't do any of that, we only have api credentials in the linaro cloud.  i think we need gema or someone who can log in10:44
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hrwok, I will handle that10:44
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gemahrw: bare metal runs ERP10:51
gemahrw: debian10:51
hrwgema: thx10:51
gemahrw: cn1 has not been updated to containers yet, we are running newton erp packages10:51
hrwgema: o fu..10:51
gemahrw: the first queens cloud is UK10:51
gemahrw: and it is not open for business yet10:52
gemastill testing it10:52
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gemahrw: once that is solid, we'll upgrade the rest10:52
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gemahrw: the network link in cn1 is being changed to a faster one, afaik the cable is there, the connectivity is faster, we just need to move the users to the new link10:53
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gemai.e. ips change10:54
hrwgema: I managed to forget how libvirt 2.2.10 works10:54
gemahrw: badly :P10:54
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gemafor us anyway10:59
hrwbut even with such old version it should use hw_scsi_model one ;(10:59
gemahrw: we backported your change to cn110:59
gemathat works10:59
gemaah, no, scsi model no10:59
gemawe backported the image type one10:59
hrwgema: infra sets hw_firmware_type anyway11:00
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gemaah, ok11:00
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hrwDC-339 created11:07
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hrwgema: should I reopen #38 issue to get 'j12-m1-c03n1 console - mlab-cb - mr provisioner' as <title> or do you want new issue?11:18
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* hrw uses far too many windows11:24
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IdoKaplanHi, Is anyone here can help me please with Manila? I'm getting an error when I'm trying to add "user" access to "cifs" protocol - "ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server InvalidShareAccess: Invalid access rule: Only 'ip' access type allowed" . Please advise11:43
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tbarronIdoKaplan: suggest you take the question to #openstack-manila11:51
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pabelangerprometheanfire: yah, if we tagged a new DIB we can unpause gentoo and nodepool-builders should pick it up12:30
gemahrw: new issue, please12:30
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pabelangerdmsimard: clarkb: fungi: I'm getting bounced emails for etherpad01.o.o, but don't see any DNS entries.12:38
fungipabelanger: that's probably why12:39
dmsimardThat's from my 16.04 attempt12:39
fungishould either delete that instance for now or add dns entries for it12:39
dmsimardI'll tear it down12:39
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pabelangerhrw: gema: Is there any specs on linaro cloud in cn1?  eg: hardware info / vendor12:52
hrwpabelanger: misc aarch64 servers with 32+GB of ram and some GB/TB of storage. different vendors. That's probably the closest to what I can say12:54
hrwpabelanger: some machines may be under NDA, some never reached mass market, some are mass market available, some are no longer mass market available.12:55
pabelangerhrw: prefect, we had a question on the infra ML, and wanted to share some public information12:56
hrwpabelanger: which thread?12:56
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pabelangerbut, that seems to be back in Jan13:02
pabelangerunsure why my MTA decided to move it into my inbox13:02
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gemapabelanger: what is OSP CI?13:05
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kashyapclarkb: Just keeping posted, this is now merged in master and also Queens and Pike: ("libvirt: Allow to specify granular CPU feature flags")13:06
kashyapclarkb: Just to recap: That is to alleviate the Nova instance performance degradation as a result of applying "Meltdown" CVE fixes.13:07
pabelangergema: downstream product (openstack) CI at RedHat, so a little curious why it was posted on openstack-infra ML13:07
* kashyap will write a blog tomorrow evening13:07
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gemapabelanger: ah, ok13:07
gemapabelanger: they should have Arm64 HW internally, no?13:07
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pabelangergema: I'm unsure if they are looking for hardware for arm64 or wanting to use an arm64 cloud provider to test things13:08
pabelangergema: not sure the status of it honestly, I would imagine tonyb knows more13:08
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gemapabelanger: ack, will ask around, thanks for bring that up to the top of my inbox :D13:09
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add debian-stable nodeset
pabelangerclarkb: fungi: mnaser: ^I decided to create debian-stable nodeset for debian-stretch. Mostly to aid the transition process when debian buster comes online. This comes from the idea of creating fedora-latest to help avoid updating intree job nodesets when we rotate out non ubuntu / centos DIBs.13:20
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pabelangerbut also happy to just do debian-stretch nodeset13:21
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odyssey4mehi everyone, I have two new repositories which have 2x+2 but no +w - any chance we get can get these processed today? &
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fungipabelanger: given the support timeframe and release frequency for debian is roughly comparable to ubuntu lts it would make sense to treat the two of them similarly. maybe we should consider ubuntu-lts and centos-latest too though?13:30
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fungipabelanger: the reason that message from january just showed up is because i've (we've) been lax about checking the moderator queue and it was sent by a non-subscriber so only just got approved yesterday13:32
pabelangerfungi: I'm of the mind, I don't think ubuntu or centos has to change, since we ways care multiple releases of those DIBs, eg, trusty / xenial / bionic.  But if we only plan on having a single debian stable online at a time, and not using stable branches (like we do for fedora), I could get behind debian-stable / fedora-latest13:32
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pabelangerfungi: Oh, that explains it13:33
pabelangerfungi: thanks13:33
pabelangers/way care/ always carry/13:34
* pabelanger off to get coffee13:34
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pabelangerodyssey4me: if AJaeger doesn't get them shortly, I can +A in a bit13:52
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dmsimardodyssey4me: are you working on a openstack-infra-like setup ? I see mentions of windmill13:55
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prometheanfirepabelanger: :D13:56
AJaegerpabelanger: go for it ;)13:57
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pabelangerprometheanfire: if you want to propose the patch to project-config, I have some time today to monitor13:57
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prometheanfirepabelanger: sure, I'll see if I can find it13:58
prometheanfirefor now, meeting13:58
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odyssey4medmsimard yep, windmill is pabelanger's project to do that - and we're using the ansible role components to do our own nodepool implementation14:01
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Add query for nova-multiattach libvirt perm denied bug 1763382
openstackbug 1763382 in OpenStack Compute (nova) ""libvirtError: Failed to connect socket to '/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': Permission denied" in nova-multiattach job since we started using the Queens UCA" [High,Confirmed]
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dmsimardodyssey4me: you might be interested in
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odyssey4medmsimard great - hopefully we can work together on the roles! :)14:03
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Use nodeenv for npm and yarn in tox
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Clean up developer javascript instructions
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove docker instructions and build:docker helper command
Shrewsodyssey4me: your "own nodepool implementation"? Is that a replacement for zuulv3's nodepool?14:05
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fungimy guess would have been nodepool without zuul14:07
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dmsimardI understood it as their deployment of nodepool (vs re-implementing a different nodepool-like software)14:09
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AJaegermordred: did you see ? That relates to the tox-siblings work. Btw. did you write up that email explaing that work already?14:15
mriedemso uh, i'm seeing something really weird with zuulv3 not picking up a change14:16
mriedem removes the ENABLE_UBUNTU_CLOUD_ARCHIVE=False line right?14:17
mriedembut it's still here
mriedemcausing that job to fail14:17
mriedemthis was totally fine until yesterday i guess14:17
mriedemi know there was a code deploy last night14:17
mriedemi assume zuulv3 bugs are tracked in storyboard...14:18
fungimriedem: yeah, the sb project link is in the zuul docs, but!/project/67914:20
pabelangermriedem: seems to be picking up playbooks on stable/queens
mriedemhuh, that's less than good14:22
pabelangerI'm not too sure why that is ATM14:23
pabelanger shows _inheritance_path14:23
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clarkbkashyap: for the pcid feature in particult right?14:29
kashyapclarkb: Yes.14:29
kashyapclarkb: Note that: Queens and Pike will allow *only* PCID to be specified.14:29
kashyapI.e. no other CPU flags are allowed.14:29
kashyapWe did that so as to keep the backport to stable branches as reasonable as possible.14:30
kashyapFor Rocky, in an upcoming patch, I intend to lift that restriction, and allow free-form CPU flags to be specified -- making way for other features.14:30
clarkbkashyap: cool and it has a verbose release note so hopefully deployers take advantage of that14:32
kashyapclarkb: Yeah, spent a month or so refining that & getting the details right  (/me is a slow writer)14:33
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* kashyap gets back to doing some "unfun" activity that he _must_ finish by tomorrow14:33
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fungimriedem: pabelanger: does show jobs running for 554317,4 (queued as of 7 minutes ago)14:35
mriedemi just rebased14:36
mriedemto put it on top of the patch to make that job non-voting since it's blocking nova (and cinder) now14:36
fungiand the zuul scheduler log claims there were jobs running for 554317,3 triggered by the recheck prior to that at 13:3414:36
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mriedemyeah i rechecked it b/c i saw the n-cpu startup timeout in the devstack logs,14:36
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mriedembut that was before i realized that n-cpu was fialing to start b/c of failing to connect to libvirt, which is because of the localrc being wrong14:37
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mriedemwhich is due to the zuul thing14:37
odyssey4meShrews no, no - sorry - we're deploying nodepool and using it with jenkins... we've published the jenkins plugin for nodepool too:
fungiahh, when you said zuul wasn't picking up the change, you mean it seemed to be checking out the wrong source code, not that it wasn't triggering any jobs to run?14:37
clarkbis this the multiattach job?14:38
clarkbif so frickler and I debugged it last night ish at different times and the problem is I think devstack stackrc special cases multiattach and does the wrong thing14:38
clarkbI'm not entirely sure its a zuul problem in that case14:38
fungiyeah, nova-multiattach14:40
fungimriedem: so based on that, the regression you've seen may be due to a recent change in devstack behavior around it14:40
fungirather than due to the zuul scheduler restart yesterday14:41
clarkbmriedem: frickler identified as the likely cause14:41
clarkbmriedem: which is your change :P14:41
mriedemyes, i realize that change,14:41
mriedemwhich is why we have
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mriedemwhich was queued up to merge right after the devstack change so we wouldn't blow up the gate,14:42
mriedemas noted in the SB bug,14:42
mriedemzuul isn't picking up that playbook change on master14:42
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mriedemthose are not equal14:42
clarkbok now I'm up to speed on what the zuul issue is14:42
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clarkbmriedem: pabelanger somewhat guessing here but is possibly at fault?14:49
clarkbthat shouldn't be necessary since zuul will only run the job on the branches you tell it to run it via the check and gate stuff at the bottom of the file14:49
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mriedemhmm, i can't remember why that is in there since the job def is per branch14:51
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mriedemmaybe just an old habit when i defined the job in queens14:51
mriedemi can remove it and see what happens14:52
clarkbspecifically I'm wondering if that directive on the queens branch is allowing the queens config to match for master14:53
clarkbmriedem: so I think you may need to remove it from queens14:53
clarkbcorvus: ^14:53
mriedemcan i remove it from both at the same time?14:53
clarkbno because they are on separate branches14:53
mriedemlike, (1) make the job non-voting, (2) remove branch specifier on master (3) backport to queens (4) make the job voting again14:53
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clarkbmriedem: I'd do it the other way around fix queens then fix master14:54
clarkbI don't think a backport is necessary if queens itself is broken14:54
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mriedemif the job is non-voting does it matter?14:54
clarkb(you should be able to confirm if this fixes it by using depends on)14:54
clarkbmriedem: no, its just less work to make two changes than 414:54
mriedem(1) is in the gate,14:54
mriedem(4) is
clarkb(also this is still a bit of a theory at this point so getting it tested would be a good first step)14:55
mriedemi'll push some patches14:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Restrict legacy-tempest-dsvm-neutron-src job
dmelladoclarkb: fungi I was wondering about how does the upstream gate installs the pip limits. I've got a patch capping kubernetes version with upper reqs on the kuryr tempest plugin which seems to be completely ignored15:02
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clarkbdmellado: kubernetes isn't a python dependency so pip and constraints and requirements shouldn't affect it right?15:03
dmelladoclarkb: I'm referring to python-kubernetes client15:03
dmelladoi.e. kubenetes within pip and so15:03
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clarkbdmellado: do you have a link to a failing job run we can look at logs for?15:05
clarkbmriedem: reading it says "Otherwise, all of the job variants which match that branch (and any other selection criteria) are used when freezing the job." which I think explains this behavior we see15:06
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clarkbhowever reading that I'm not entirely sure how a user can expect reliable results in that case15:06
clarkbcorvus: ^15:06
fungidmellado: looks like 560885 is adding constraints to the tox jobs for the openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin but is that actually what you're seeing break, or are you wanting it constrained in devstack jobs?15:06
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dmelladoclarkb: fungi yep, but when that one ends15:07
dmelladoyou'll see that it fails15:08
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dmelladoand the failure is related to a change in python kubernetes15:08
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dmelladowhich shows only in 615:08
dmelladoand not in 515:08
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dmelladothis asks for name, namespace and body15:09
corvusclarkb: catching up15:09
dmelladoand that body requirement has been only added in 515:09
dmelladoin 6, I mean15:09
dmelladoso I don't really know why this 6 is installed15:09
dmelladolocally, I end up with kubernetes 6 on system-site-packages and 5 within the tox env15:09
clarkbdmellado: do you have logs we can look at?15:10
clarkbdmellado: this is all very specific to how the job is running and what actually runs15:10
dmelladoclarkb: it'll be shown soon on that patch15:10
dmelladoit is but I wonder if this wouldn't affect all the tempest plugins15:10
dmelladoas openstack is BC but might be happening as well15:10
dmelladoI'm also deploying on a server from my side and will be back with more info, just wanted to know if it ringed a bell15:11
dmelladothanks in any case!15:11
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dmelladofungi: basically is as you say, I'd need that constrained for the zuul dsvm job15:12
clarkbdevstack constraints all installs if you do them via the pip_install function15:13
clarkbwe'll have to read the logs to see what is going on15:14
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dmelladoack, I'll ping you back when they're around15:14
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Add query for swap volume active block job failure bug 1763410
openstackbug 1763410 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "swap volume intermittently fails with "libvirtError: block copy still active: domain has active block job"" [Medium,Confirmed]
corvusclarkb: iiuc, you, pabelanger, and mriedem identified that the variant of multiattach on queens was applying to master changes because it had an explicit branch matcher which matches master.  that's going to be removed, so the job will rely on implicit branch matchers everywhere.  is that correct?15:15
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pabelangercorvus: I think so, mriedem proposed an update to 554317 removing the branch matcher15:17
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clarkbcorvus: yup15:22
corvusclarkb: your last comment to me indicated some confusion "I'm not entirely sure how a user can expect reliable results in that case" -- can you elaborate?15:22
clarkbcorvus: ya, the change was to the master branch but the job graph freezing order seemed more arbitrary (it applied queens then master not master then queens)15:23
clarkbcorvus: a bit confused at how that behavior would be used in a useful fashion in a way that users would find determinstic15:23
corvusclarkb: actually it did master then queens15:24
corvusclarkb: it is deterministic.  it's master, followed by all other branches in alpha order15:24
corvusif you look at
clarkbcorvus: ya it did master after queens there. if I read this right15:25
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clarkb(the first master listed was the check: jobs: this-job config based on line numebrs)15:25
corvusyeah, there are 3 'nova-multiattach' jobs at the end.  the job on master, the job on queens, then the project-pipeline job on master15:25
clarkband by first I mean last because reverse order15:25
corvusnow i'm confused... i don't think anything is in reverse order15:26
clarkbcorvus: first applied is not first in the file15:27
clarkbor maybe that is my confusion15:27
corvusclarkb: the project-pipeline variant is always the last thing applied15:27
corvusall the variants before it are file-ordered15:28
clarkbwith that in mind. This behavior will likely very rarely if at all do the right thing for openstack projects with master and stable branches15:28
clarkbbecause it will always apply the stable branch configs after master configs15:28
corvusso basically, when you invoke a job in a project pipeline, all the matching variants get applied in branch-file order, then the project-pipeline gets to modify the thing right before it's run15:29
corvusclarkb: on the contrary: exactly the right thing will happen, as long as you don't have any explicit branch matchers15:29
clarkbthats what I mean15:29
clarkb specifically will do the wrong thing for openstack usually15:30
corvusi think the issue here is that auto-migrated jobs got copy-pastad from project-config into a project repo, then backported15:30
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clarkb(whcih is fine we can say don't use jobs.branches)15:30
corvusclarkb: no.  not to put too fine a point on it, but instead of saying "branches: ^(?!stable/(newton|ocata|pike)).*$" say ""15:30
clarkbdon't use explicit jobs.branches values15:31
clarkbis that more accurate?15:31
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corvusyeah, they should be avoided for in-repo configs unless you're doing something really complicated.15:31
clarkbor reading the docs maybe "rely on the implied jobs.branches value, don't try to modify it in the job directly"15:31
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corvusi very much doubt this was a concious choice though.  we probably should have had something in the infra-manual v3 migration docs that says "hey, if you copy a legacy job to your repo, remove the branches attr and backport it to the branches you want it to run on"15:32
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clarkbya it was likely cargo culted15:33
dulekclarkb: Regarding dmellado investigation:
dulekclarkb: That's not constrainted install.15:34
pabelangerianw: just noticed, we are setting block-device-mbr in but not nodepool.yaml. Why would that be?15:34
dulekclarkb: I believe this is the issue. Now I don't know if it's a bug or there's a reason for that.15:35
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: This patch impliments the survey spec: I3c389596373b94459a32a4e540d514a2941acbb1
dmelladodulek: also check that that15:35
dmelladotox -evenv-tempest15:35
dmelladoin the end calls this15:35
clarkbdulek: ya that is likely the issue, a few lines above that it does use constraints to isntall tempest though15:35
dmelladowhich should be using constraints15:35
dmelladoclarkb: I assume you're calling that code from the tempest cloned dir, isn't it15:36
dulekdmellado: It's only for venv creation, I think.15:36
dmelladodulek: but it goes inside tempest dir15:36
clarkbya that directive in tox.ini will only manage the creation15:36
clarkbthen it modifies it in the devstack script that dulek pointed out15:36
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dmelladotakes from tempesvenv15:37
dmelladowhich has the constraints15:37
pabelangerclarkb: corvus: on the subject deterministic above "it's master, followed by all other branches in alpha order" how does that come into play where projects have develop branch, then master, then other branches.  I would assume develop would fall into alpha order of other branches?15:37
dmelladooh, nvm15:37
dmelladoit just installs15:38
dulekdmellado: As clarkb said - it will use them only for venv creation not for pip executions.15:38
dulekdmellado: Yup.15:38
clarkbpabelanger: yes that was my understanding. Basically master is the only special branch there15:38
dmelladoso we'd need to put a constraints there as well15:38
clarkbpabelanger: everything else is alpha order15:38
dulekdmellado: So I guess we have a bug found.15:38
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dmelladoit has been just 'working' because the openstack api is bc15:38
dmelladoand kubernetees isn't15:38
pabelangerclarkb: okay, good to know15:39
corvuspabelanger, clarkb: yeah.  we can/should alter the configloader to make the 'default branch' the special one, but right now it's hardcoded.15:39
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: This patch impliments the survey spec: I3c389596373b94459a32a4e540d514a2941acbb1
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clarkbcorvus: it may be worth a note in teh zuul jobs.branches doc that the typical user should rely on the implied behavior and not try to override it. Overriding is an advanced feature and there be dragons sort of deal?15:41
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corvusclarkb: hrm.  i'm not sure this is the bast case for that since, after all, this job wasn't exactly created as the result of reading that documentation.15:49
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corvusclarkb: i think the doc update should be to the infra v3 migration guide, if we think that's still relevant.15:50
clarkbat this point it probably isn't, maybe just a note to the -dev list pointing out if you are in this situation a cleanup may be desireable15:50
clarkbif mriedem confirms this is the fix (I expect it will be at this point) I can send that message15:50
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pabelangerwe are getting a lot of failures for nodepool in rackspace currently15:55
pabelangerlooking to see why15:55
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pabelangerseems to be SSH timeouts, starting at 04:45 UTC15:56
pabelangercheck to see if we uploaded new images at that time15:56
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pabelangertime line seem to line up, 00:11:22:20 ago new xenial images came online15:59
clarkbchanges to config drive maybe breaking glean?16:00
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clarkbmight need to manually boot one and use the web console log thing16:00
pabelangerwe did release a new DIB yesterday16:00
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pabelangerlet me boot one and look16:01
pabelangerthen we can pause images on rax and roll back16:02
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pabelangerit seems to be only ubuntu that is affected16:03
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clarkbwe changed dns stuff but that shouldn't break ssh I don't think16:04
clarkbunless its breaking on reverse dns lookups?16:04
clarkbpabelanger: you might try manual ssh too to test ^ with a longer timeout16:04
pabelangeroh, maybe16:05
pabelangerbooting node now16:06
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove zuul-cloner command
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pabelangerokay, console pulled up now16:16
pabelangernot much in way of errors16:17
pabelangertime to enter resume mode16:17
clarkbpabelanger: have you tried ssh directly yourself?16:18
clarkbif it is a dns issue it might not show in console log16:18
pabelangerclarkb: yah, connection timeout16:18
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pabelangerwill check to see if glean ran first16:19
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pabelangerimage was built using 2.13.016:21
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pabelangerprevious images has same version of glean too16:22
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fungican you ping them but you get a socket timeout connecting on 22/tcp?16:25
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pabelangeryah, no ping. Looks like we didn't setup networking16:28
pabelangerhaving some issues getting rescue mode working, trying again16:28
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Publish docs in release pipeline
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pabelangerclarkb: fungi :
pabelangerthat is on inap16:38
pabelangerso looks like an issue with resolv.conf16:38
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pabelangercheck other providers16:38
pabelangerstill haven't been able to log into rax16:38
pabelangerovh seems okay16:39
pabelangerlet me check another inap16:41
mriedemclarkb: fungi: we might want to promote this
mriedemthe gate looks to be pretty f'ed up otherwise, since at least all nova/cinder patches are going to get kicked out16:42
clarkbpabelanger: that shouldn't prevent network interfaces from coming up though right? so possibly two issues16:42
pabelangerclarkb: fungi: okay, inap seems okay. that must have been ajob that updated it16:42
clarkbmriedem: corvus can probably confirm but are we sure that makes the job non voting?16:42
clarkbmriedem: since it is applying the queens config too.16:43
mriedemoh and tempest16:43
* clarkb looks at status page to see if it is voting16:43
clarkbok it appears to not be voting on the status page so it worked I guess16:43
clarkbI'll enqueue it to the gate and promote it now16:44
corvusthat will make it non-voting on master.  queens will be voting.16:45
pabelangerclarkb: yah, I'm having a hard time getting rescue mode working here, still no network. I am unsure if rackspace is using our image to mount the filesystem or one of their own images16:45
clarkbpabelanger: rescue mode should be their own image to boot then they attach our image next to it16:45
pabelangerclarkb: yah, that is what I am expecting too16:46
clarkbmriedem: ok should be done now16:46
mriedemthanks again16:46
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pabelangerclarkb: I'm going to open a ticket work rax and see what is going on. In the mean time, I think we can pause DIBs for ubuntu-xenial and roll back nodepool to the previous images16:47
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Pause ubuntu-xenial DIBs
clarkbwe might be able to boot the old image then apply new glean. Thought I guess you said glean version didn't change16:53
pabelangerinfra-root: if you don't mind reviewing^, I'd like to revert to the previous version of ubuntu-xenial for nodepool while we debug why latest version is failing on rackspace only16:54
pabelangerclarkb: yah, same glean version16:54
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pabelangerclarkb: I'm going to rebuild a local image with devuser to use console login16:56
pabelangerwhile I wait for reply from rax support16:56
bgmccollum_pabelanger rax uses a coreos rescue image16:56
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clarkbpabelanger: that seems like a reasonable next step (using dev user with passwd)16:56
bgmccollum_at least last time i used it16:56
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pabelangerbgmccollum_: good to know thanks, any idea why network would not come up on it?16:56
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bgmccollum_all instance of the same image fail to come up?16:57
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* fungi needs to disappear for an appointment but should return by ~19:00z16:58
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pabelangerbgmccollum_: in this case yes, ubuntu-xenial, it is our image we've upload and suspect we broke something. But using the rescue mode option doesn't seem to enable networking (if using coreos on that image)16:58
bgmccollum_pabelanger im running a rescue test right now...let me see what happens.16:59
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bgmccollum_pabelanger it appears rescue uses the same image as the instance was originally booted from. when i said coreos, i was thinking about rescue mode of onmetal servers. so if the original image was broken from the beginning from a network perspective, the it will be broken is rescue mode too im guessing.17:03
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bgmccollum_pabelanger have you tried using the console + rescue mode to poke around?17:03
clarkbbgmccollum_: I think that was going to be the next step (build an image with a local user that don't depend on boot time config to set up)17:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Add query for nova-multiattach libvirt perm denied bug 1763382
AJaegermnaser: could you review again, please?17:10
openstackbug 1763382 in OpenStack Compute (nova) ""libvirtError: Failed to connect socket to '/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': Permission denied" in nova-multiattach job since we started using the Queens UCA" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Matt Riedemann (mriedem)17:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-sphinx master: Add build-sphinx check/gate jobs
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pabelangerbgmccollum: clarkb: sorry, somebody at door. Yah, building new image with console access now17:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: zuul-changes: update for the new api url
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openstackgerritIvan Kolodyazhny proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Change Horizon meeting time
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Use nodeenv for npm and yarn in tox
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Clean up developer javascript instructions
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove docker instructions and build:docker helper command
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Parent tox-py35-on-zuul on tox-py35
pabelangerI've promoted 560971 into gate to help speed up the pause of ubuntu-xenial dibs, since we are down capacity for nodepool17:38
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Use nodeenv for npm and yarn in tox
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove zuul-tox-py35
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Clean up developer javascript instructions
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove docker instructions and build:docker helper command
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add Gerrit docs to Zuul From Scratch
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add static driver doc to Zuul From Scratch
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add example nodepool-launcher systemd service file
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add sample systemd service files.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Create ansible-role-whisper repository
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Create ansible-role-carbon repository
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Handle ZK session loss during node launch
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: gerrit: recognize project-created event
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AJaegermordred: did you see ? doesn't that relate to the tox-siblings work? Btw. did you write up that email explaing that work already?18:23
mordredAJaeger: I don't thnk it relates to siblings - but no, I still haven't written that up :(18:24
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openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: allow building non-gentoo images on gentoo hosts
AJaegermordred: So, only relates to the build-sphinx work - where extras are ignored?18:26
openstackgerritTim Rozet proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Removes systemd condition for dhcp-interface
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add example nodepool-launcher systemd service file
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add sample systemd service files.
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix documented scheduler PID file default
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add sample systemd service files.
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix documented PID file defaults
mordredAJaeger: oh - it's possible I need to read more of the thread18:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: configloader: add variant-description
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Pause ubuntu-xenial DIBs
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corvuspabelanger: ^18:54
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mordredAJaeger: thanks - responded18:54
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix documented PID file defaults
pabelangercorvus: ack18:55
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AJaegermordred: thansk18:57
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add sample systemd service files.
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dmsimardpabelanger: comments on
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: launcher: handle ZK session loss during handler poll
dmsimardThere's no meeting between 4PM and 5PM (EST) according to calendar, I'll merge changes which require a meetbot restart19:08
pabelangerdmsimard: replied19:08
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pabelangerokay, I've deleted ubuntu-xenial-0000001395 rackspace should be coming back online in a moment19:09
pabelangerI've also gotten console access to the DIB I manually built, for some reason glean isn't getting run. Trying to see what changed19:10
dmsimardEmilienM, mwhahaha: do you know the answer to clarkb's question in ?19:12
EmilienMdmsimard: it's good to go19:12
dmsimardnothing special to do ?19:12
EmilienMdmsimard: we probably need to import bugs from launchpad19:13
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EmilienMdmsimard: bugs with "validation" tag19:13
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EmilienMdiablo_rojo: ^ right?19:13
dmsimardEmilienM: ok there's no tripleo-validations launchpad ?19:13
EmilienMthere is tripleo launchpad with validation tag19:13
EmilienMthat's what we'll import19:13
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EmilienMvalidations actually19:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add debian-stable nodeset
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pabelangerokay, rackspace working again with old images. Back to debugging why latests are failing to start glean19:16
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prometheanfirepabelanger: not going to unpause until I fix something gentoo infra side that keeps on breaking (image doesn't match checksum, file transfer truncated)19:20
* prometheanfire is annoyed it's still an issue and is going to fix it himself19:20
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dmsimardAJaeger: I would tend to -1
dmsimardAJaeger: if they're going to modify legacy jobs, they should carry it in tree19:21
diablo_rojoEmilienM, correct. Going to migrate bugs with that tag next.19:24
dmsimarddiablo_rojo: ok so there's no issue in approving ?19:24
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pabelangerokay, booting working glean xenial to see what is the difference19:27
pabelangerwonder if a package update has changed something to do with systemd ordering19:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove zuul-cloner command
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Publish docs in release pipeline
fungiinfra-root: clarkb has noticed that etherpad tagged another release (1.6.5) with some more bug fixes including a security fix (related to untrusted plugins so not a bug deal) but i'm going to restart the etherpad-lite service on just so we're running and testing that release on it now19:32
fungi#status log restarted etherpad-lite service on to pick up commits related to latest 1.6.5 tag19:33
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging19:33
fungi#status log restarted etherpad-lite service on (NOT review-dev!) to pick up commits related to latest 1.6.5 tag19:33
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging19:34
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corvusfungi: it may not be a big deal, but it's definitely a bug deal!19:34
clarkb is quick test19:35
diablo_rojodmsimard, no issue at all :)19:35
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fungicorvus: ahh, i'll just add that one to my typo karma debt19:35
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* fungi sighs at his typos upon typos19:35
AJaegerdmsimard: yes, it's time to push back for those...19:36
clarkbtyops you mean19:36
corvusclarkb: is available if you want to register it and start promoting the latest foo-ops craze.19:37
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fungithank-you, ops!19:38
mordredcorvus, clarkb: you could make it have an ansible fork where all keywords are replaced with typo alternates19:39
clarkbfungi: thanks driven operations is not a bad idea19:39
fungisounds like a new term for how we operate19:40
fungiplease fix this kthxbye!19:40
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-sphinx master: Make the yaml parser aware of '!encrypted/' tags
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Convert infra-puppet-apply jobs to non-legacy
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clarkbfungi: we ready to start an etherpad.o.o upgrade? I'm guessing the first step is to fix the homedir, then update nodejs, then update the etherpad ref to 1.6.5 and restart the service?19:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: role: Inject public keys in case of failure
fungiclarkb: sounds right19:57
fungiinfra-root: ^ i guess anyone who wants to do some last-minute testing on etherpad-dev.o.o should do so now19:58
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fungii'll also do a db dump right before the upgrade19:58
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Track tripleo-validations tasks on StoryBoard
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fungii'll stage this in two commits i guess, since we need to do the nodejs manual upgrade step between the nodejs_version change and the eplite_version change20:00
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clarkbfungi: sounds good20:02
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Don't store references to secret objects from jobs
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Perform late validation of secrets
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Perform late validation of nodesets
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: late bind pipelines
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Test base job secrets
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Update to nodejs 6.x on etherpad.o.o
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Update etherpad to 1.6.5
fungiclarkb: ^20:11
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fungiwe can approve the first one lazily since the manual step is non-impacting and i've wip'd the second change20:13
fungipabelanger: dmsimard: ianw: ^ related to things we were talking about a couple days ago20:14
clarkbfungi: I've +2'd both20:14
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fungi#status log manually corrected the eplite homedir path in /etc/passwd on etherpad.o.o and created it on the filesystem with appropriate ownership following
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openstackstatusfungi: finished logging20:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Use nodeenv for npm and yarn in tox
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Clean up developer javascript instructions
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix documented PID file defaults
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Reduce test concurrency by 1 cpu
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: start converting oslo libraries to build docs with py3
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Make db queries asynchronous in zuul-web
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fungidmsimard: did you see the parent change (561031)?20:27
fungiit can merge immediately if you're good with it, and then i'll run the manual step it mentions on the server once it takes effect20:28
fungiwhich may be after i get back from grabbing an early dinner20:28
dmsimardfungi: got sidetracked in the middle of reviewing things20:31
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dmsimardinfra-root: looks like the the pipelines are recovering from a provider outage so the queues are a bit backed up:
fungidmsimard: no worries. just thought you might have missed that change had an open parent20:34
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dmsimardlooks like RAX20:35
dhellmannI would like to create a variation of the release notes job that uses python 3 instead of 2. Can someone give me a little guidance about how to do that?20:35
clarkbdmsimard: yes, its a known issue. Xenial instances stopped booting there and pabelanger is investigating20:36
clarkbdhellmann: yes, let me find an example job that has a similar switch20:36
dmsimardlooks like it's recovering20:36
corvusdmsimard: because pabelanger reverted to the previous image; we don't know what the problem is yet.20:37
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corvusclarkb: zuul sphinx-build-docs is one20:38
clarkbcorvus: yup just getting links for that one now20:39
clarkbdhellmann: is the job20:39
corvuskk.  didn't want to step on toes :)20:39
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clarkbnow just looking for where that var is consumed20:40
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Fix typo in build-sphinx-docs docstring
dhellmannclarkb : I see that build-sphinx-docs and build-reno-releasenotes both use the ensure-sphinx role and it appears that is what consumes the variable20:41
clarkbdhellmann: yup that is the location20:41
dhellmanndoes that mean that I can just use the variable with build-reno-releasenotes? or do I need to do something to cause it to be passed into the job (other than setting it like I see in publish-openstack-sphinx-docs-python3)20:42
clarkb for anyone looking through irc logs20:42
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clarkbdhellmann: I think you can just set it on the job20:42
clarkbdhellmann: zuul does this in its .zuul.yaml even20:42
clarkbfor the docs builds20:43
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: document that the build-reno-releasenotes job accepts sphinx_python
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* fungi heads out to grab some food, will manually upgrade nodejs on etherpad.o.o when he gets back if 561031 merges while he's gone20:44
corvusclarkb, dhellmann: yep:
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove openstack-101 from accessbot
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dhellmannit still feels weird to me that we have project templates in openstack-zuul-jobs referring to jobs defined in project-config20:47
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ianwpabelanger: do i understand correctly that glean not starting on xenial hosts, rax only?20:47
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clarkbdhellmann: iirc that is because the jobs themselves need to be in trusted config but to ease testing we do as much as possible in the untrusted config (ozj)20:48
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clarkbianw: that is my understanding of the situation20:49
clarkbif I had to guess somethign related to config drive handling broke maybe?20:49
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: document that the build-reno-releasenotes job accepts sphinx_python
clarkbsince everything else does dhcp20:50
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: add release-notes-jobs-python3 project template
pabelangerianw: yah, I am trying to debug it now. I am thinking there is something stopping us from mounting config-drive for some reason20:50
pabelangerbut once I get access and run glean manually it works20:50
pabelangerso, I am thinking a race some place20:50
dhellmannclarkb : ok. I think I just don't get the expected sequence of changes so I may just toss a bunch of patches up and get someone to help me work out the depends-on stuff :-)20:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Remove openstack-101 from status and meetbot
dhellmannclarkb : like does this patch to oslo.config do what I expect and test the new project template?
clarkbdhellmann: if you add a depends on and fix the syntax error in the parent, yes20:53
clarkbdhellmann: I left comment for the syntax error20:54
ianwpabelanger: how bizarre, considering we install & boot as part of the nodepool-src tests ... only slight difference for ubuntu is that i can think of20:54
clarkbianw: its the only cloud we rely on config drive to set up the interfaces with20:54
clarkbianw: every other cloud dhcps20:55
pabelangerianw: yah, I look at that but could see how it was related20:55
clarkbincluding devstack in nodepool-src20:55
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: add release-notes-jobs-python3 project template
pabelangerglean is trying to start, but then something is stopping it20:56
pabelangerI haven't figured out yet what20:56
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pabelangerianw: do you maybe want to try a revert of 504588 and upload image to rax to see if that is it?20:58
pabelangerI'm still trying to get systemd to print more debug logs20:58
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ianwpabelanger: re your question on mbr element, we have a hack to patch it in as the default if it's not seen
dhellmannclarkb : it doesn't seem to be running the new jobs. I see build-openstack-sphinx-docs but not build-openstack-sphinx-docs-python320:59
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dhellmannoh, though I guess the job name won't be different, will it?20:59
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clarkbdhellmann: correct21:00
clarkbdhellmann: you'll want to check the version of python used in the logs21:00
dhellmannand it's not running the release notes job at all, which probably means there's an exclusion21:00
ianwpabelanger: ok, what's the minimal element list?  ubuntu-minimal simple-init replicates it?21:00
clarkbdhellmann: probably need to update a release note, I debuged a similar issue with rosmaita yesterday and release notes do filter on files pretty aggresively21:01
pabelangerianw: is what I used21:03
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tonybgema, pabelanger: There are small amount of hw avauilable but right now it isn't somethign we're workign on21:09
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dhellmannclarkb : yep, that was it21:09
johnsomAre any projects using the non-legacy multinode parents? Our multi-node job is broken-ish and I am thinking about just reworking it to be "native"21:10
johnsomLooking for an example project I can look at21:10
clarkbjohnsom: I'm not sure, you might be able to use to quickly check though21:11
pabelanger[    3.933014] systemd[1]: system-glean.slice: Job system-glean.slice/start finished, result=canceled21:11
pabelangerthat is what systemd debug log is saying21:11
pabelangerstill don't know what canceled it21:11
johnsomYeah, kind of looked there, searched for openstack-infra-multinode-integration-ubuntu-xenial and didn't get a hit outside of infra21:12
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clarkbjohnsom: andreaf would be the other person to check with21:12
johnsomOk, thanks. Just looking for a pointer to "a good way to do it".21:12
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ianwpabelanger: ok, building21:14
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pabelangerianw: clarkb: i think if we can find the syntax to make sure the blkid for config-2 is online, that might be the trick21:15
pabelangerthere is a way for systemd to query that, testing21:15
ianwsrc/core/job.h:        JOB_CANCELED,            /* Job canceled by a conflicting job installation or by explicit cancel request */21:16
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pabelangerif only it said why :)21:17
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient master: remove sphinx-isms from README.rst and clean up docs
pabelangerI thought systemd-udev-settle.service might be the service but don't believe so21:19
ianwpabelanger: looking at the code more, "isolate" and "flush" mode are a possibility21:21
ianwStart the unit specified on the command line and its dependencies and stop all others, unless they have IgnoreOnIsolate=yes21:22
pabelangersystemd has a .mount target, I wonder if we should maybe think about moving /mnt/config to /etc/fstab over our script21:23
ianwIgnoreOnIsolate= ... If true, this unit will not be stopped when isolating another unit. Defaults to false for service, target, socket, busname, timer, and path units, and true for slice, scope, device, swap, mount, and automount units.21:24
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ianwi wonder if the run-level is changing and that's cancelling system-glean.slice21:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Update to nodejs 6.x on etherpad.o.o
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pabelangerianw: clarkb: I'm stepping away for a bit to grab food and family time. But, haven't made any major progress yet :(21:38
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dhellmannclarkb : it looks like it's working:
clarkbdhellmann: ya that looks like it did the right thing21:47
dhellmannclarkb : thanks for your help on putting that together21:47
clarkbdhellmann: I've +2'd the two related infra changes21:48
dhellmannawesome, thanks for that, too21:48
dhellmannI'll work with bnemec and dims on the oslo.config changes21:48
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ianwclarkb / pabelanger: hmm, i can't log into the account we use to run ci hosts on rax "Account temporarily locked: Too many failed login attempts."21:49
efriedHow does a guy cycle meetbot in a channel?21:49
ianwand i can not for the life of me remember my personal login21:50
melwittyes, meetbot in #openstack-meeting won't respond to #endmeeting. need help21:50
clarkbianw: the nodepool account is doing that?21:50
clarkbmelwitt: efried anyone can end a meeting one hour after it started21:51
efriedclarkb: meetbot isn't responding tho21:51
melwittyeah, it didn't respond to the last topic change and then now it won't end the meeting that I started21:51
clarkbhowever the problem is meetbot got restarted so isn't running any meetings21:51
efriedah, so the meeting died a silent death at some point in there.21:52
melwittrestarted in the middle of our meeting? so we won't get the log or minutes21:52
efriedThat means the chair has to write 'em up by hand.  Bummer.21:52
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melwittheh. well, I can copy-paste the log21:52
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clarkbmelwitt: efried I think was the culprit21:55
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ianwdmsimard: what do you remember about clearing out old images on rax?  there's *a lot* there now21:56
efriedclarkb: Thanks for the info.21:56
clarkbdmsimard: ^ as a general heads up we can't update the meetbot config without restarting it so we'll want to approve those changes for when no meetings are in progress21:56
dmsimardclarkb: there were no meetings on the calendar when I approved the change21:57
dmsimardAnd it merged before the next meeting :/21:57
clarkbdmsimard: ya but has to wait for puppet pulse21:57
clarkbso you need like ~45 minutes + time to merge21:57
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dmsimardAh, apologies melwitt, my fault :(21:58
dmsimardianw: I never got around to cleaning it up21:58
dmsimardianw: I believe nodepool loses track of the images21:58
dmsimardBecause rax overwrites the properties that nodepool sets on the images with their own21:59
ianwdmsimard: ok, that explains why they're not cleaned up as a first thing :)21:59
melwittdmsimard: that's okay. glad to understand what happened, it was mysterious to us21:59
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clarkbianw: dmsimard in that case lets try to get the cleanup done then we can monitor it going forward22:00
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dmsimardI'm preparing dinner but I can follow up later22:00
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ianwclarkb / dmsimard : ok, i've got the active images via nodepool image-list | grep rax | awk '{print $12}' | tr '\n' '|'22:12
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ianwclarkb / dmsimard: which leaves me with ->  ... any other thoughts before i start removing them?22:15
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clarkbianw: nope except that your paste got cut off so don't use that data as source :)22:16
clarkbianw: oh the other thing is the images are actually in swift22:16
clarkbmordred: ^ do we have to also delete the image in swift too or will that happen automagically?22:17
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ianwclarkb: oh, maybe "cat file | xclip" doesn't work that great22:18
clarkbianw: I think it may have to do with size limits on the pastes you can post to our server22:18
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andreafjohnsom yeah multinode works on master, the devstack base integration job can work multinode as well - just use the multinode node-set22:19
andreafjohnsom the tempest base job devstack-tempest is not multinode capable yet, I'm going through the devstack backport needed for that22:20
johnsomandreaf Yeah, experimenting with that now. Oh, then I suspect my experiment is going to fail...22:20
andreafjohnsom tosky and dmellado are doing multinode jobs for sahara and kuryr as well22:21
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ianwalright, in other news i have an image i can maybe boot to see this glean issue there now22:22
johnsomandreaf Is there a patch I can track on the devstack-tempest work?22:22
andreafstable jobs fail there because orchestrate-devstack in on master only22:23
johnsomandreaf Awesome, thank you!22:23
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clarkbianw: I think maybe what we want to do is delete one image then see if we can confirm the swift image was deleted too22:23
clarkband if so then do the rest and if not do swift and glance deletes together?22:24
mordredclarkb: no22:24
mordredthat was too short of an answer22:24
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mordredclarkb: deleting the image in glance directly will not cause the objects uploaded to swift as part of uploading the image to glance to be deleted22:24
mordredclarkb: however- shade should have logic to delete the swift objects22:25
ianwhmm, we have ~60TB of images22:25
clarkbyay for leaking22:26
ianwmordred: hmm, i'm "image delete" ing centos now22:26
clarkbI expect that current shade + current nodepool + zk does track this far better than we have in the past22:26
clarkbits now just a matter of cleaning up the old stuff and checking again in a week or month for new leaks22:26
mordredclark, ianw: cloud.delete_image('foo', delete_objects=True)22:27
mordredwill delete the image and the associated objects from swift22:27
pabelanger60TB, ouch22:28
mordredianw: I recommend making a 3 line shade script instead of using osc for image deletion tasks - however, if you don't want to do that, there sohuld be a metadata key on the image: owner_specified.shade.object22:29
mordredthe value of that is the name of the container/object to delete in swift22:29
ianwmordred: i should have waited a bit, as i've now deleted the centos images with osc :)22:30
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mordredsorry bout that :)22:30
ianwwe've got two buckets, images and image_segments22:30
mordredyah. image_segments is a behind the scenes things because the images are Large Objects in swift22:31
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clarkbwe can likely clean up the swift stuff independently once we are done22:31
clarkbbecause I'm sure we've leaked there too22:31
mordredso the objects in the images/ container are manifest objects that refer to a set of segments in images_segments22:31
mordredwe create the Large Objects in such a way that deleting the item in images/ should delete the corresponding segments22:31
mordredfwiw - none of the data in images/ or images_segments is precious - we could delete *ALL* of it if we wantedto and start fresh - it's only useful during the period of time that glance is importing the image22:32
mordredonce the image is in glance, the swift objects are no longer used/needed22:32
* mordred checked with rosmaita on that at the sydney summit22:32
clarkbmordred: cool22:32
ianwooohhhh, well that make it easier22:32
clarkbso lets delete the images first then delete the swift objects and be done22:33
ianwlet me do it via shade for the rest22:33
mordredianw, clarkb: we actually should not be leaking objects in swift at this point22:34
clarkbmordred: ya that was my reading of the situation when dmsimard looked semi recently22:34
mordredI just checked and shade is doing a delete_object once the image import is successful22:34
clarkbmordred: the combo of improving shade to handle this case and nodepool having a more reliable state tracking mechanism (zk) has lead to far better tracking of this stuff22:34
rosmaitamordred: you said "once the image is in glance, the swift objects are no longer used/needed" ... oh, you mean the object that glance doesn't own that you are importing into glance22:35
rosmaitaok, that's right, that isn't needed22:35
rosmaitai thought you were going to delete the segments that glance owned, that would be bad22:35
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ianwrosmaita: we wouldn't be able to do that via the api?22:36
rosmaitaso as long as you use the api you are fine22:36
rosmaitaproblems arise when people try to take shortcuts22:37
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mordredrosmaita: no shortcuts here - only long cuts!22:38
rosmaitaworks for me!22:38
fungishade is a vast collection of long, deep cuts22:38
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ianwoh FFS!!!!! the host i'm doing all this on has disappeared22:40
mordredianw: oh no!22:40
ianwwhy do people use clouds!!!!!!22:40
mordredianw: they're terrible!22:40
ianwdmsimard: has rdocloud just experienced some sort of ... issue?22:41
mordredalso - in a great example of redundancy, the power here just went out, but I'm still fine because now I'm tethered to my cell phone on my laptop22:41
fungi#status log nodejs has been manually nudged on etherpad.o.o to upgrade to 6.x packages now that is in place22:42
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging22:42
mordredwow. unplanned outage:22:43
mordredOutage Begin Time 5:12 pm Thu, Apr, 12th22:44
clarkbmordred: is rdocloud hosted in your closet?22:44
mordredEstimated Restoration Time 7:00 pm Thu, Apr, 12th22:44
mordredCustomers Out 4922:44
mordredclarkb: maybe?22:44
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clarkbdoes that line up with your power outage?22:44
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mordredI mean - that's my power outage info22:45
clarkbfor some reason I read that as rdooutage stuff22:45
mordredclarkb: that would have been more useful for me to paste22:45
mordredbut woul dhave been less me talking about myself22:45
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ianwi'm going to do the school run, and hopefully when i come back everything will be back to working22:46
ianwpabelanger: i should then be able to boot a hoepfully affected image22:47
clarkbI need to step away for a bit too. Need something to drink22:47
clarkbmaybe good too22:47
pabelangerianw: ack22:47
pabelangeralso, it is actually nice here today, 18C. that I am finally hacking from my front porch!22:48
ianwit's literally the hottest april ever recorded here and like 35C22:49
clarkbrainy here pretty typical22:49
anteayaianw wow, still snowing here22:49
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anteayasnow should be long gone22:50
mattoliverau+1 to the hottest April. I'm just glad I live on a beach ;)22:50
mattoliverau(and work inside)22:50
anteayabeach sounds nice22:52
fungii probably shouldn't say sunny and 20c here at the beach22:52
fungiexcept i just did. sorry!22:52
anteayaha ha ha22:54
anteayathat too sounds nice22:54
anteayafeels christmassy here22:54
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fungithe breeze has stiffened a might22:55
fungibut that's typical for here22:55
pabelangeryah, there still was a lot of snow in Cochrane this week22:55
pabelangerand -30C nights :)22:55
fungisustained 20-30kph winds here are fairly normal. makes it seem cooler than it is22:56
pabelangerianw: I think bionic is also having an issue on rax, but I didn't pause and roll back that image. Since not may jobs should be using it ATM22:58
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Update etherpad to 1.6.5
anteayapabelanger, you were in Cochrane?23:00
anteayafungi, sailing weather then?23:00
fungianteaya: if i had a boat (or a sailboard, or a kiteboardm or...) then yes, absolutely23:01
pabelangeranteaya: yes, for about 5 days this past week. Back home now23:01
anteayaare you likely to aquire one of those items?23:01
anteayapabelanger, hope you took your long johns23:01
anteayaglad common sense is still a thing23:02
fungianteaya: maybe eventually, but next up is a couple of sea kayaks23:02
anteayaohhhh, sea kayaks sounds wonderful23:03
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: This patch impliments the survey spec: I3c389596373b94459a32a4e540d514a2941acbb1
anteayatime to go load the outdoor furnace23:07
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clarkbanteaya: is canada secretly running outdoor funrances to quicken the pace of global warming so taht your beachfront property values go up?23:16
clarkbor soon to be beachfront I should say23:16
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added CRON task to process eventbrite redeem promo codes
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added CRON task to process eventbrite redeem promo codes
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mordredpabelanger, ianw: I'm right between you at 27C - but that's not notable for april here23:24
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Add query for nova xenapi unit test bug 1763535
openstackbug 1763535 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "nova.tests.unit.virt.xenapi.test_vm_utils.StreamDiskTestCase.test_non_ami intermittently fails" [High,Confirmed]
johnsomDo I need to do something in my job definition to get bindep.txt picked up? This patch: has debbootstrap in the bindep.txt but it's not getting installed:
clarkbjohnsom: devstack doesn't use bindep23:28
clarkbthere is a note on a wall somewhere to eventually make that transition but until that time devstack uses its own system of listing system deps23:28
johnsomThat would explain my last hour and a half.  hmm, ok, I will dig in devstack.  Thanks clarkb23:30
ianwjohnsom: yeah files/<apt|rpm> etc in devstack23:31
johnsomYep, found it.  Trying to move us over to ubuntu-minimal23:31
anteayaclarkb, well I'm not secretly running one in order to not freeze in my house23:33
anteayaI prefer to burn wood as opposed to natural gas23:33
anteayanow we can have an argument over which burns cleaner23:33
mordredanteaya: I hear you have plenty of wood up there23:33
anteayawe as a people do yes, and me as one human does as well23:34
anteayanow I'm all for reducing green house gas emmissions23:34
clarkbanteaya: ah so outdoor furnace heats the indoors?23:34
anteayaclarkb, yes, it has a a water bladder around the firebox and a line of water hoses into the house23:34
anteayaoutdoor furnace is not designed to heat the outdoors no, though it does do some of that when I have the door open to put in more wood23:35
mriedemclarkb: you were right about the branch specifier in the stable/queens branch for the multiattach job:
mriedemthat's passing now23:35
clarkbmriedem: cool. I'll send mail in the morning to the dev list warnings others of that particular behavior23:36
anteayapersonally I'd be in favour of a campaign to get 20 somethings to turn off their cars when they are stopped23:36
clarkbanteaya: a lot of cars do that now automagically23:36
fungiokay, looks like etherpad 1.6.5 is checked out now, so i'll go ahead with the service restart23:36
clarkbanteaya: but not on this continent, it is more of a european thing23:36
anteayaI thought we had already agreed as a group to not do that but that idea seems not to have filltered down yet23:36
anteayaclarkb, oh I like that23:36
clarkbfungi: cool, I'm around to help with that if necesasry23:36
anteayaclarkb, it is a good european thing23:37
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Add query for nova functional race bug 1763181
openstackbug 1763181 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "test_parallel_evacuate_with_server_group intermittently fails" [Medium,Confirmed]
anteayaI don't understand why turning the ignition off is such a hard point to understand, but it seems to be23:37
ianwmordred: when i do "cloud.delete_image(name_or_id=sys.argv[1], wait=True)" it's not iterating through all the images first is it?23:38
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fungi#status notice The Etherpad service at is being restarted to pick up the latest release version; browsers should see only a brief ~1min blip before reconnecting automatically to active pads23:38
openstackstatusfungi: sending notice23:38
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ianwmordred: cause it seems to be "GET call to image for used request id req-1a8366f5-47a5-4d96-a20e-3d515bd5e447" then it keep going ... which is a bit of an issue with these hundreds of images23:39
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The Etherpad service at is being restarted to pick up the latest release version; browsers should see only a brief ~1min blip before reconnecting automatically to active pads23:39
fungirestart seems to have completed23:41
openstackstatusfungi: finished sending notice23:41
fungiloading pads i expect to be there still seems to work23:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Add query for nova xenapi unit test bug 1763535
openstackbug 1763535 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "nova.tests.unit.virt.xenapi.test_vm_utils.StreamDiskTestCase.test_non_ami intermittently fails" [High,Confirmed]
clarkbfungi: I've pulled up a random pad and it works23:42
anteayayay working working random etherpads23:42
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clarkb for example23:43
anteayathat etherpad renders for me23:44
clarkb too23:45
clarkbI'd say it looks good23:45
mordredianw: yes, it needs to do  alist first. if you pass in a dict with a uuid in the id field of the dict, it will not do a list first23:45
ianwoh, gtk23:46
clarkbgeneral heads up I'm going to be working from downtown portland tomorrow with other openstack foundation folks so may be in and out of internet conenctivity.23:46
anteayaclarkb, I hope you have a good day tomorrow23:47
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ianwmordred: like cloud.delete_image({id: i}, wait=True) ?23:49
mordredianw: yup23:50
ianwmordred: are you sure it works :) ?23:51
mordredianw: (issue being that we have no way to know if you're passing a name or an id if you just pass a string, so we do a list and check to see if the given string matches either the name or id field)23:51
mordredianw: it should ... if it doesn't, it's a bug :)23:51
mordredianw: oh- hrm23:52
mordredianw: yup. I see a bug23:52
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ianwis it the hasattr line?23:53
mordredianw: I think it should be23:54
mordred    if (hasattr(name_or_id, 'id')23:54
mordred            or isinstance(name_or_id, dict) and 'id' in name_or_id):23:54
mordredmaybe another paren in there23:54
mordred            or (isinstance(name_or_id, dict) and 'id' in name_or_id)):23:54
ianwyeah, ok let me hack that in and see23:54
mordredsweet. sorry about that23:54

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