Friday, 2017-11-17

ianwsmcginnis: ok, should see if it works ...00:00
openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Switch to pep8 jobs for cinder-specs
smcginnisianw: Excellent, thanks!00:00
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ianwdoesn't seem to want to stream that job, finger issues maybe00:02
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ianwhmm ... it found the constraints file.  the publish job didn't00:04
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ianwahhh, i see00:11
ianwit's only the publish jobs00:12
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Install gettext for msgmerge
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pabelangerianw: playbooks/publish/releasenotes.yaml is now wrong00:15
pabelangerit shouldn't be using fetch-tox-output, since tox support was dropped00:15
pabelangerwill need to be updated to fetch logs from venv folder00:15
pabelangercreate .tox/venv for the job00:15
ianwpabelanger: yeah, the caller is passing the wrong vars00:16
pabelangeryah, I don't think fetch-tox-output will work, even if updated, it calls tox -l to find into about tox envlist00:17
ianwi feel like it might just work without it00:17
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Update releasenotes publish job
ianwpabelanger: ^ ?00:18
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openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Adding query for bug #1731063
tbarronianw: worked when I applied it locally00:20
openstackbug 1731063 in tripleo "CI: tempest TestVolumeBootPattern tests fail due to not being able to ssh to the VM" [Critical,Triaged]
pabelangerianw: well, if we do that, then we have no more logs from venv environment. I would think there is something in venv/logs we want00:20
ianwwon't it all just be blasted to stdout?00:21
pabelangernot sure, we should see what the old releasenotes did00:21
pabelangerit likely has info about python libs versions and such00:22
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ianwpabelanger: yeah, i'm not really seeing where stashes any particular logs00:25
pabelangerianw: it would have been tox itself generating them00:25
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pabelangerso, if we are using virtualenv directly, does it generate anything?00:25
pabelangerpossible it doesn't00:25
ianwbut those logs would have essentially been the stdout of the jobs running under tox?00:25
ianwso we've just removed the middle-man :)00:26
ianwor the packages tox installed, etc00:26
pabelangerianw: okay, just tested locally00:26
pabelangerthere is no venv/logs folder00:26
pabelangermuch only be a tox thing00:26
pabelangerso we can drop role I think00:26
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EmilienMfungi: I see thx00:28
ianwok, right.  anything else on fire?! :)00:29
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix afs_slug for centos-7
pabelangerianw: Hopefully LAST patch00:35
pabelangerfixes: mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/afs/’: Permission denied00:35
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ianwfungi: 292025 ... i read that and my immediate reaction is ABORT ABORT ABORT :)  but if you can reword it to something like your comment saying the focus is on getting a review into gerrit, and bigger changes should be discussed before sending a patchset and we might reccommend a separate tool...00:38
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix afs_slug for centos-7
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Use pip module to install reno and deps with --user
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Stop supporting releasenotes/requirements.txt
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pabelangerafs volume for centos-7 wheels now released02:02
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ianwit's that easy!02:07
pabelangerfor some reason still building old branches like kilo, liberty02:08
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ianwit just does a grep for stable branches right?02:09
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ianwif requirements has it, we  build it02:11
pabelangerrequirements should only have newton and above02:12
pabelangerwonder how old that image is02:12
pabelangerlooks recent02:12
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pabelangernewton, ocata, pike02:13
pabelangerother branches are eol02:13
pabelangersome how we still have old gitcache on images?02:14
ianwahhh, i bet we don't get rid of odl branches02:14
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ianwjeez i have deja-vu on this02:14
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pabelangernope, /opt/git looks right on centos-7 image02:15
ianwyou gotta do "git fetch -p"02:15
ianw ... knew i'd seen this before02:17
pabelangerso, do we need to do that in our mirror-workspace-git-repos role?02:19
ianw is saying that the executor pushed those branches to the remote copy, right?02:22
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pabelangerianw: yah, so it seems zuul have the old branches02:23
pabelangermaybe in local git cache?02:23
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ianwbut it's soooo old ...02:25
pabelangerhave no idea02:26
ianwroot@ze03:/var/lib/zuul/executor-git/ ls02:27
ianwnewton  ocata  pike02:27
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pabelangeryah, have no idea02:33
ianwthis is crazy?!02:34
ianwno reference in /opt/dib_cache/source-repositories/requirements_38c913bcdfc647288e87ce7f145972d064cf45d9/02:34
pabelangerianw: Oh02:34
pabelangerI think I see the issue02:34
pabelangerpabelanger@zm05:/var/lib/zuul/git/$ ls02:35
pabelangerkilo  liberty  mitaka  newton  ocata  pike02:35
pabelangerour zuul-mergers still have the old branches cached02:35
ianwahhhh, they must not be doing --prune02:35
pabelangeryah, that sounds possible02:35
pabelangersounds like a bug02:36
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ianw        # Ensure that we don't have stale remotes around02:38
ianw        repo.prune()02:38
ianwit at least tries ...02:38
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pabelangerianw: looks to only be in zuul-cloner, not directly in merger02:41
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pabelangerand we now use git push --mirror02:41
pabelangerso likely why we are now seeing it02:41
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Ensure the merger prunes on update
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ianwpabelanger: ^ in lieu of a bug report ... see what others think02:52
ianwAJaeger: just to sync you on the releasenotes stuff when you're around...02:55
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ianwwe found a minor issue with a missing package -> fixed
ianwwe found the publish job needed updating, that's proposed in ->
ianwmaybe we could make things more robust with something an assert for missing constraints, see ->
ianwmordred had some changes too, which i think got merge failed out, let me take a poke at them02:57
ianwnope, they still apply ... and up02:58
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/git-review master: Add a note on Windows and Unicode
ianwnow with less speling erorrs03:10
fungii didn't even spot that and i reviewed both the source and rendered versions03:11
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ianwfungi: is the wiki still emergency filed?03:29
ianwjust checking backups on new host03:29
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ianwi've just fixed up etherpad01 and happy everything is backing up
ianweverything else03:31
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fungiianw: yeah, the wiki server's puppeting has never been completed, and the wiki.o.o hostname for now goes to a server named wiki-upgrade-test03:37
fungiwiki-dev.o.o is puppeted but not fully functional (yet anyway)03:37
ianwfungi: oh ... so i should just manually roll out a cron job update?  when it's fully puppeted, it should "just work"?03:38
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fungiyeah, that seems safest03:39
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ianwok, thanks03:40
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/git-review master: Add a note about contribution priorities
fungiianw: ^ how's that for rephrasing?03:46
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ianwfungi: LGTM, thanks.  the "changes will mostly be rejected" bit was just a bit too much for mine :)03:50
fungiyup, softened as requested03:51
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fungiclarkb: to recap, let's see if we can include 292025, 519850 and 520820 before tagging git-review 1.26.004:06
fungii'm not _too_ worried about releasing a tool like that on a friday (and i'm around all weekend if we need an emergency brownbag release)04:07
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openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: feature027 is undercloud only, set to singlenode
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Update releasenotes publish job
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Split reno installation into a role
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Normalize projects.yaml
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AJaegerianw: thanks for summary and fixing!06:12
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use new ensure-reno role
AJaegerianw: we need now 520906 as well - since 520832 merged06:12
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AJaegerconfig-core, please help reviewing ^06:14
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Normalize projects.yaml
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: web: add /{tenant}/jobs route
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openstackgerritRabi Mishra proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add jobs for heat-tempest-plugin
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openstackgerritzhurong proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy Solum jobs
openstackgerritzhurong proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove Solum legacy job
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: web: add /{tenant}/jobs route
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: web: add /{tenant}/builds route
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add jobs for heat-tempest-plugin
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add jobs for ansible-role-gearman
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Don't index karaf logs
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: mqtt: Add basic reporter
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Import TripleO legacy zuul jobs
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Refactor provider config to driver module
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Implement a static driver for Nodepool
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Implement an OpenContainer driver
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Use new ensure-reno role
dirkhwoarang: fungi : you're not hitting a connection limit, its just that rsync (which is a 2nd level server, not the primary staging server) is stuck syncing. see for details09:02
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hwoarangdirk:  ah ok thanks!09:05
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andreafAJaeger: it looks like the gate for openstack-infra/zuul-jobs is broken, I see the same failure on all patches
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix releasenotes publishing
AJaegerconfig-core, another fix needed, please review ^10:07
AJaegerandreaf: no idea on that one - mordred was looking at it yesterday and confused as well, best ask him again later10:07
andreafAJaeger: ok10:08
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rnoriegahello guys! if you have any free slot for reviewing this:
rnoriegathanks in advance!!!10:28
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AJaegerrnoriega: I was waiting for PTL review - but is neutron-l2gw an official project?10:33
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openstackgerritRicardo Noriega proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add new repo for Neutron L2GW Tempest Plugin
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fricklerAJaeger: andreaf: added some info about zuul-jobs failure to the etherpad, tldr: it fails against zuul master, passes with feature branch. branch selection appears to be random11:04
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fricklerinfra-root: ^^11:05
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andreaffrickler: thanks - random branch selection sounds bad :S11:06
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AJaegerfrickler: Oops ;( Thanks for investigating11:06
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fricklerseems the "override-branch: feature/zuulv3" on the definition of tox-py35-on-zuul is a) deprecated and b) randomly not working11:10
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openstackgerritRicardo Noriega proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Adding jobs to new networking-l2gw-tempest-plugin
AJaegerfrickler: override-checkout is the new value but both _should_ work11:13
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openstackgerritRicardo Noriega proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add new repo for Neutron L2GW Tempest Plugin
AJaegerfrickler: see also
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fricklerAJaeger: ah, missed a "git pull" for that, but then it looks like override-checkout may not be working better in fact, the latest failure was after that got merged11:20
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rnoriegaAJaeger, sorry, didn't see your message11:48
rnoriegaAJaeger, it's not under the Neutron stadium11:48
rnoriegaAJaeger, do you ask this because maybe it's not worth to split the tempest plugin?11:49
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AJaegerrnoriega: for official projects we need PTL +1 - but since the repo is not an official one, we can move forward...12:28
rnoriegaAJaeger, ack12:30
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AJaegerconfig-core, could you review and , please? Those are all for project-config.13:00
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tbarronmanila gate is blocked due to centos7 job failures fixed by
tbarronfix is small & straightforward, TIA for review ^^^13:02
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AJaegertbarron: that's devstack? Better ask on #openstack-qa ...13:04
tbarronAJaeger: ah yes, thanks.  I just knew I could find ianw here last night :-)13:04
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Use pip module to install reno and deps with --user
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Stop supporting releasenotes/requirements.txt
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AJaegermordred: could you +2A  to sync the settings for release notes, please?14:05
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AJaegermordred: could you also review , please? The translation jobs are not marked as final currently, so I expect this to work - just wonder whether there's another solution needed or whether we need to make them final...14:09
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mordredAJaeger: on it!14:25
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mordredAJaeger: for the translation jobs, we need the required projects because we're installing the code as part of doing the translations?14:26
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mordredoh - that first one makes me realize something ...14:27
AJaegermmh, interesting - let me check something on translations...14:28
AJaegerwe could change it indeed - we use " tox -e venv sphinx-build -b gettext -d releasenotes/build/doctrees"14:28
AJaegerand we just confirmed with releasenotes that we don't need it....14:30
* AJaeger will dig later into that...14:30
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Run ensure-reno in pre, not run
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mordredAJaeger: ^^ the patch above made me realize we should be doing that on the releasenotes stack14:31
CrayZeeHi Infra, I have a tiny patch on os-loganalyze, could anyone please review it?
mordredAJaeger: yah - I think we shoudl change it to match what we're doing in releasenotes14:31
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix releasenotes publishing
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mordredAJaeger: you want me to do it? I haven't been super-useful recently :)14:32
AJaegermordred: you need the same patch for the publish job as well14:32
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mordredAJaeger: yah - coming right up14:32
AJaegermordred: if you want to work on the translation jobs, would be appreciated14:32
mordredAJaeger: will do!14:32
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Run ensure-reno in pre, not run
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mordredAJaeger: the translation jobs are all in project-config right?14:36
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mordredAJaeger: oh - SO ..... looking at the translations jobs, they make a venv with babel installed for doing actual translation things, but we're not installing babel for releasenotes - are we maybe missing something there?14:38
mordredfungi: whence you awaken, what's the process to migrate a project from launchpad to storyboard?14:39
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fungimordred: first update gerrit/projects.yaml to add the use-storyboard: true flag14:41
fungimordred: once you see it appear in the projects list on sb, ssh onto storyboard.o.o and run `sudo storyboard-migrate --config-file /etc/storyboard/storyboard.conf --from-project $lp --to-project $sb` where $lp is the name of the project as lp knows it and $sb is the full repository name in gerrit (including namespace)14:43
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* fungi was already awake, this has just been a busy week for not-openstack14:45
mordredfungi: awesome, thanks14:45
mordredfungi: also, yah - this week has been a smidge brutal14:45
fungiwell, i punted all our appointments and errands to after-summit, so this week has been devoted to catching up on all those14:46
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mordredfungi: in good news though, we've merged the import of shade and os-client-config into openstacksdk and have also merged the main stack of invasive and breaking changes to sdk - there's still a good bit of work to do, but we seem to be in a good position for python-openstackclient to start consuming sdk - and for the shade layer to use the sdk layer for rest interactions - yay consolidation!14:47
fungihooray for better software _and_ less confusion for users14:47
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mordredyah. I'm actually pretty excited about it - it's gonna give us all three interfaces - shade high-level resource-oriented, sdk OO service-oriented and direct per-service REST interactions all from one object14:48
mordredso it can stop being about which library you use and be about which function/method you use14:48
fungi(also a cli layer fairly consistent with them)14:49
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AJaegermordred: we don't need babel for releasenotes, sphinx does it somehow magically ;)14:52
fungiwe mainly just need babel for django-based projects, right?14:53
AJaegerFor any project that's translated *code*14:53
mordredthat makes sense14:53
AJaegerSo, releasenotes use sphinx -b gettext; code uses babel14:53
AJaegersphinx -b gettext works with docs in general (releasenotes are just one variant)14:54
fungiso we do still need gettext, just not babel14:54
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AJaegerThe translation scripts needs for e.g. horizon: sphinx with gettext for releasenotes and Babel for the code.14:55
AJaegerSo, we need both.14:55
fungii meant for rst-only content like releasenotes, specs, docs repos14:55
AJaegermmh, I wonder why openstack-manuals still has Babel? Let me try building without it...14:56
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AJaegerfungi, mordred : Sphinx installs Babel as requirement...14:59
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AJaegerSo, sphinx -b gettext uses Babel internally. And the OpenStack translations scripts call gettext commands to create e.g. from multiple pot files a single one.15:01
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AJaegermordred: so, same approach as for releasenotes should work for requirements: A single venv with Sphinx, reno (use ensure-reno ;) - but for django repos, we need to install horizon as well.15:03
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AJaegermordred: regarding - we can remove this since no repo uses it. I added it since it's in the PTI, see my comment15:04
mordredAJaeger: cool - I'll send in a PTI patch15:04
AJaegercould I get a review for and ? These add additional required-projects that I noticed15:05
mordredAJaeger: so - I will now apologize - I'm about to spam you with many things to review ...15:05
AJaegerI'll take a break now to run some errands at home and look forward to review afterwards ;)15:06
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Run ensure-reno in pre, not run
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use releasenotes pre playbook for translations
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Replace git:// with https://
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Stop running tox-py35-on-zuul for now
fungithe release notes job changes are also being discussed in the release team meeting in #openstack-meeting right now15:07
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AJaegerlet me run my errands in a few minutes then...15:10
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Move TripleO jobs in-tree
EmilienMAJaeger, dmsimard: need re-+2 +A on ^ we had to remove a Depends-On on an abandonned patch.15:16
AJaegerEmilienM: no problem anymore, Zuul v3 would not block on it...15:16
EmilienMok, I didn't know that15:16
EmilienMmwhahaha: ^ you were right - sorry. It's good to know at least...15:17
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odyssey4meis it possible to have the jenkins vote removed from as it's obscuring the zuul vote15:17
odyssey4mesame with
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade master: Cleanup objects that we create on behalf of images
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: ensure-reno: Install oslosphinx
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use ensure-babel to make sure babel is installed
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add ensure-reno and ensure-babel roles
EmilienMmwhahaha: ^ fyi15:19
fungiodyssey4me: it won't if there's a new patchset or the change gets approved... however it may be time for us to do like we discussed pre-rollout and remove the jenkins user from the group which allows it to have verify votes. that will cause them to be hidden from all open changes15:19
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Make build-python-release job
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Remove old python-sdist job
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fungiodyssey4me: down-side is that changes which haven't been updated since the v3 rollout will need an explicit recheck before approving15:20
odyssey4mefungi oh you mean changes which have no zuul vote? that's fine to me, but clearly that's for my small set of patches15:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade master: Add method to cleanup autocreated image objects
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openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Add MTU adjustment parameters to multinode settings
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: snaps: follow-up for snap-gnocchi creation
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix networking-onos requirements
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix castellan-ui
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add new repo for Neutron L2GW Tempest Plugin
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy Solum jobs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove release-notes variants
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: try to install more dependencies in the release notes job
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: only install legacy dependencies if there is no new requirements file
dhellmannAJaeger , mordred , smcginnis , fungi , ttx: ^^15:51
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fungiodyssey4me: i've added a topic to the infra meeting agenda to discuss dropping verify permission for the old jenkins user, which should globally solve the confusion you mentioned15:55
EmilienMAJaeger: could I have a review on again please?15:57
EmilienMAJaeger: all dependencies are in the gate15:58
odyssey4methanks fungi - I've poked the teams for reviews, so hopefully for my patches they'll get reviewed anyway - but I expect that there may be a bunch of patches stagnating due to the same issue.16:00
fungiodyssey4me: yep, we basically predicted that, was just a matter of timing to figure out when the sweet spot was for dropping permissions for the old account16:00
fungimy opinion is now should be fine, but want to discuss when more interested parties are around and lots of people took this week as post-summit downtime16:01
odyssey4mefungi I'm guessing that going back to zuul v2.5 is pretty much not an option any more, so I guess it's time to say goodbye to the old friend16:02
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fungiyeah, we've already resolved that we won't rollback as of a couple weeks ago. the timing was more about when a majority of active changes are likely to have gotten ci results from zuul v3's "zuul" user so that we don't leave a ton of changes without verify votes16:03
fungiat present zuul is considering that any verify +1 from the old jenkins user (a.k.a. zuul v2) is sufficient to be able to enqueue directly into the gate pipeline without a manual recheck16:04
* fungi disappears for a bit to run more errands16:04
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AJaegermordred: if you write the releasenotes email, feel free to ask me to review...16:15
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AJaegermordred: do you want to merge - or solve it differently in your stack?16:19
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Split build-wheel-mirror into publish-wheel-mirror
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Split build-wheel-mirror into publish-wheel-mirror
EmilienMin "jobs" layout, is "vars" extra-var in ansible?16:22
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pabelangeryes, which is passed via CLI16:24
pabelangeractually, not passed via CLI16:24
pabelangerjust added into inventory file16:24
AJaegerclarkb: *adds* files for logstash, I'm not reviewing yet...16:24
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pabelangerconfig-core: creates new publish-wheel-mirror jobs (which should release wheels to AFS) and build-wheel-mirror jobs (just build them). Allows us to now add the build-wheel-mirror job to check pipeline for openstack/requirements16:26
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AJaegerdhellmann, mordred : you have conflicting approaches to releasenotes/requirements.txt, see and
AJaegerright now *no* repo uses releasenotes/requirements.txt16:31
AJaegerconfig-core, cleanup time for releasenotes, please:
dhellmannAJaeger : ah, good point. I'll rebase my patch on top of mordred's and drop the 2nd one16:33
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: try to install more dependencies in the release notes job
AJaegermordred: zuul-jobs looks fine now, do we really need ? not sure why it suddenly works...16:36
dhellmannAJaeger : what's the deal with the --user flag in there?16:37
dhellmannshould I be doing that instead of using a virtualenv?16:37
AJaegerdhellmann: yes, just gave you a -1 for that - but better ask mordred, it's his change that introduces that16:38
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AJaegermordred: thanks for all the changes, I think I reviewed everything now. If I missed any, please ping me - I'll be back online in an hour or so16:38
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: try to install more dependencies in the release notes job
AJaegerEmilienM: please check - does that conflict with your changes?16:39
EmilienMAJaeger: ok, in 5 min16:40
EmilienMpabelanger: do we have a doc that says how to run zuul v3 playbooks in a local env, let's say I want to test my changes in playbooks before pushing it16:41
EmilienMAJaeger: yes, don't merge that, I'll handle it myself in-tree16:41
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EmilienMweshay: ^ please look
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove obsolete murano-firstapp docs job
weshayEmilienM, right.. I wasn't sure how you wanted to handle that, if we want to wait until your work is done that is fine16:43
EmilienMweshay: it's done now16:43
EmilienMweshay: send a patch to tripleo-ci16:43
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weshayok.. thanks /me looks for it16:44
AJaegermordred: zuul-jobs still fails ;(
weshayEmilienM, ok..need your help for a sec16:44
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weshaydon't see the equiv line in tripleo-ci16:45
EmilienMweshay: in a call right now, brb16:45
weshayOH I see it16:45
weshayyou already fixed it16:45
pabelangerEmilienM: not yet, but you can likely just run your playbooks using inventory file with localhost16:46
EmilienMpabelanger: makes sense16:46
pabelangerEmilienM: that is something we still have to address16:46
weshayEmilienM, ya.. thanks16:46
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* weshay is convinced EmilienM is a robot16:47
EmilienMweshay: codesearch.openstack.org16:47
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Make build-python-release job
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Remove old python-sdist job
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Update ensure-reno to use requirements files
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add general sphinx and reno jobs and role
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove ensure-reno role
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Base build-openstack-releasenotes on build-reno-releasenotes
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Switch build-openstack-sphinx-docs to build-sphinx-docs
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dhellmannmordred : is that new set of patches in zuul-jobs a rewrite of the other releasenotes jobs?17:44
dhellmannI'm still a bit confused about why we have these things in so many different places17:44
openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Add MTU adjustment parameters to multinode settings
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mordreddhellmann: yes - it's part of consolidating them and collapsing them17:47
mordreddhellmann: there's an additional stack of work I wanted to finish this week but that's likely not going to happen so it'll be early next week now ...17:48
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AJaegerdhellmann: basically zuul-jobs: Jobs that are usefull outside openstack as well; openstack-zuul-jobs: openstack specific ones - and project-config : jobs with access to secrets17:48
mordreddhellmann: but that will allow us to consolidate even more and only have ONE copy of a given artifact building job that we can use in both the build and the publish contexts17:48
mordredalso - that - what AJaeger said :)17:48
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mordreddhellmann: in zuulv3, since job config is in git, other zuul installatoins can (and are encouraged to)  add to their own config - allowing us all to share job definitions as a wider zuul community - which basically makes the zuul-jobs repo like a stanadard library of generally applicable jobs17:50
dhellmannAJaeger, mordred : ok,  maybe the thing that is tripping me up in I've seen some things defined part way between openstack-zuul-jobs and project-config17:51
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mordreddhellmann: yah- that thing is related to how our base job and publicatoin stuff is set up righ tnow, which is the thing I'm hoping to fix soon17:51
dhellmannI do get the benefit of being able to share the job definitions and pushing them "upstream" as far as possible17:51
openstackgerritJamey McCabe proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: New schedule and channel for LCOO meeting
mordreddhellmann: tl;dr we have the jobs themselves responsible for publication, which means we need secrets further down the inheritance stack which is making us need duplication between build and publish versions of things17:52
dhellmanncould that be solved by defining the job at the most upstream level logical then inheriting from it in project-config and adding the secrets?17:53
dhellmannmaybe that's what you're already working on17:53
mordreddhellmann: the change will be the definition of some interface directories on the remote nodes - and then putting the processing of fetching those things back and publishing them into the base job17:53
mordreddhellmann: yes, more or less, that's the idea17:53
mordredit's not actually too much work or too bad - it's just low enough in the stack that it needs some really careful attention and this week so far has been too distracting :)17:54
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dhellmannyeah. maybe leaving well enough alone for a bit is a good idea. :-)17:55
pabelangermordred: speaking of publishing: is the last step I think for our wheel-mirror build / publish. Right now everything is working on both ubuntu and centos, this just make it easier to bring online fedora / opensuse17:56
AJaegermordred: nit on
openstackgerritLuz Cazares proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add py35 jobs for refstack-client
mordredpabelanger: +317:58
mordredpabelanger: while I've got you ... would you mind looking at the stack that ends here: ?17:59
mordredAJaeger: good point ... will fix in a sec - maybe let's get the stop-running-tox-py35-on-zuul change landed before I push up those patches18:00
pabelangermordred: sure, let me grab some coffee first18:00
AJaegermordred: question on
AJaegerpabelanger: could you check as well, please?18:03
AJaegerthat blocks mordred's work18:03
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pabelangerAJaeger: +318:03
AJaegermordred: and the depends-on in looks wrong to me18:04
AJaegermordred: sorry, too many open tabs ;(18:04
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mordredAJaeger: tell me about it :)18:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Split build-wheel-mirror into publish-wheel-mirror
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AJaegerpabelanger: please review  -you just approved the project-config change and those are both needed18:06
pabelangerAJaeger: odd, missed them in related changes list18:07
AJaegerpabelanger: and the changes below it so that it can merge18:07
AJaegerpabelanger: yeah, I only commented on the other part, not on the project-config one - wasn't obvious in the order you reviewed18:08
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Move scenario007-container to the gate
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Run ensure-reno in pre, not run
pabelangerAJaeger: also, what are your thoughts on infra-check, do you think time has come to remove it?18:10
EmilienMpabelanger: can I get +A on please18:10
EmilienMit was approved before18:10
EmilienMbut I removed one Depends-On18:10
AJaegerpabelanger: Yeah, I think we can remove it now. But we're not under heavy load either - and that's when it would be convenient ;)18:11
AJaegerpabelanger: I would +2 a change...18:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Use releasenotes pre playbook for translations
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Replace git:// with https://
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Stop running tox-py35-on-zuul for now
AJaegermordred: I'll recheck zuul-jobs now ^18:12
pabelangerAJaeger: yah, feels like we are getting into the swing of things now with project-config18:12
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AJaegerpabelanger: care to review some cleanups - - nothing urgent...18:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add ensure-reno and ensure-babel roles
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AJaegerpabelanger, mordred, could either of you +2A - to fix infra/publicatoins index build, please?18:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Switch to pep8 jobs for cinder-specs
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AJaegersdague, clarkb, could you +2A this bashate change, please?
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EmilienMpabelanger: thx18:27
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AJaegerpabelanger: could you review - for ansible-role-shade, please?18:29
AJaegerconfig-core, we're blocked with release notes on review of - that will allow the stack to merge18:30
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AJaegerconfig-core, we currently have broken release notes jobs *everywhere* and thus need the rest of mordred's stack to merge ^18:31
AJaegermordred: is the failure18:31
AJaegermordred: upstream-translation broken as well since only half of your changes are in -
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add compress capabilities to stage artifacts
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add a generic process-test-results role
clarkbAJaeger: mordred where is .pip/bin or whatever --user installs to added to $PATH?18:33
AJaegerclarkb: haven't seen any change for that18:34
clarkbok then I'm not sure just calling sphinx will work?18:34
clarkbsince the installation wont be in the path18:35
AJaegerargh ;/18:35
AJaegermordred: ^18:35
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clarkbthis sort of change doesnt really fix anything either18:38
clarkbwould be nice to focus on refactoring at the end of a fix stack18:38
AJaegerIs PATH set elsewhere? We install tox as user
pabelangerAJaeger: no18:45
pabelanger--user might cause path issues on CentOS18:45
pabelangerno, tox works today18:46
pabelangerso, --user must be fine18:46
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AJaegerpabelanger: or do we install tox on our images so that --user is not used?18:48
openstackgerritTom Barron proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Switch to pep8 jobs for manila-specs
pabelangerAJaeger: ya, we pip install tox with DIB18:52
pabelangerso, we'd never use --user18:52
sc`when i approve a change, it seems to be needing some "fiddling" to get it to merge. is there something i should be doing that i'm not?18:52
pabelangerso, possible new reno changes will break with --user18:52
pabelangerwe'll find out soon18:53
sc`i'll approve the change and it won't show up on the zuul status page18:53
AJaegersc`: give us an example...18:53
pabelangersc`: which change?18:53
AJaegersc`: before you fiddle with it, please ;)18:53
sc`currently but i have several more18:53
sc`i've been going down the changes one at a time, and endured a little pain yesterday just to confirm it this morning18:54
AJaegersc`: needs to merge first18:54
AJaegersc`: those are stacked on top of each other18:54
AJaegersc`: see the "related chagnes" on the upper right18:54
sc`ah, right. i don't usually see stacked changes like that. i haven't done that in a while18:54
AJaegersc`: if something doesn't merge, thinks to check first: 1) Stacked changes? 2) Depends-on - and 3) merge conflict18:55
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AJaegersc`: you can leave the +A on the change, once 374 merges, 375 will merge as well...18:56
sc`yeah. when i learned to not stack changes, i almost never saw it in openstack-chef18:56
sc`i'm still relearning zuul18:56
AJaegersc`: that's all gerrit ;)18:57
sc`also publicly-run gerrit18:57
mordredAJaeger: ooh - great question re: warning-is-error - lemme check18:58
sc`every time i make a change, it's on a fresh clone, so i don't see stacked changes in the gerrit instances i frequent too often. i hadn't seen stacked changes in openstack-chef in a couple years18:59
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AJaegermordred: we can postpone - let's figure out how to handle --user first and merge the rest of your stuff.19:00
AJaegermordred: right now propose-translations and releasenote jobs are broken, let's give that prio19:00
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: WIP: Convert from legacy to native devstack job
mordredAJaeger: yah, totally agree19:06
mordredAJaeger: I made a few more changes to the ensure-sphinx patch ... I will now apologize for it being so many files - but most of them are small19:07
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Update ensure-reno to use requirements files
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add general sphinx and reno jobs and role
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Make build-python-release job
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Remove old python-sdist job
mordreddhellmann: you know all the things about sphinx ...19:09
mordreddhellmann: our current practive of setting warning-is-error in setup.cfg ... is there a good way to do that if we're using sphinx-build and not python build_sphinx ?19:10
AJaegermordred: you're not installing openstackdocstheme anymore in - is that intented?19:12
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mordredAJaeger: yah - it should be being picked up because we're looking for doc/requirements.txt and then test-requirements.txt19:13
mordredthe current projects should all have it in test-requirements.txt - but once people start using doc/requirements.txt that should also have openstackdocstheme in it, yeah?19:14
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AJaegermordred: unfortunatley a few repos have it in requirements.txt, like charm-deployment-guide/requirements.txt or contributor-guide/requirements.txt - but that's just a handful...19:15
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fungiinfra-root: any chance i could get a couple quick reviews on system-config change to add a new mailing list?19:16
mordredyah - well, at the moment those should also be fine because we're pip installing the repo itself which should also get requirements.txt19:16
smcginnisAJaeger, mordred: I just updated cinder-specs and found we only have a requirements.txt file there, no test-requirements.txt.19:16
AJaegermordred: ah, ok19:16
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mordredsmcginnis: that should be fine for now - we should probably add a doc/requirements.txt file at some point19:17
smcginnismordred: I'll take care of that soon. Or soon-ish.19:18
smcginnismordred: Oh, interesting. Just saw this though:
smcginnisThat should probably be reverted then?19:19
mordredwe should probably make sure all the specs repos have a doc/requirements.txt - and then add a vars: install_package: false to the openstack-specs-jobs project-template for build-openstack-sphinx-jobs ... there's no need to try to install python code in the specs repos even if they do have a setup.cfg file19:19
mordredsmcginnis: yah - I mean, it's not strictly necessary - it's more to enable not needing sphinx in the normal test-requirements (no need for sphinx to run unit tests) - and to not need potentially expensive test requirements for building docs ...19:21
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AJaegersmcginnis: sphinx < 1.2? Don't revert directly, please19:23
mordredsmcginnis: maybe once we get this stack landed we can propose a revert ... this makes me think - we should also update the update-requirements and check-requirements jobs to grok doc/requirements.txt too19:23
mordredAJaeger: yah19:23
AJaegermordred: yes, indeed, we need to add it everywhere19:23
AJaegermordred: part of your recent changes failed tests ;(19:24
mordredAJaeger: I think we can wait til next week to work on that - it's an optimization, the current stuff should all work with test-requirements.txt anyway19:24
mordredAJaeger: BOOO19:24
AJaegermordred: yeah, one step at a time19:24
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fungiclarkb: not sure if you saw my response last night, but let's see if we can include 292025, 519850 and 520820 before tagging git-review 1.26.019:30
fungii'm not _too_ worried about releasing a tool like that on a friday (and i'm around all weekend if we need an emergency brownbag release)19:30
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add general sphinx and reno jobs and role
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Make build-python-release job
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Remove old python-sdist job
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AJaegermordred: which changes need to merge next to unbreak releasenotes building?19:39
mordredAJaeger: looking19:43
mordredAJaeger: I believe ... maybe I should use that patch with a depends-on to verify?19:44
AJaegermordred: just create a simple change that touches releasenotes directory?19:45
mordredAJaeger: k. will do. one sec.19:46
EmilienMfungi, clarkb: do you have any early feedback on how much storage consume tripleo CI regarding logs, we reduced again the amount of files lately.19:46
AJaegermordred: that would tell us also whether --user works - since is the bottom of that stack19:46
mordredremote: DNM Testing releasenotes job19:47
mordredAJaeger: ^^19:47
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fungiEmilienM: we could do a spot check, but to get a representative sample across projects takes a while since it involves scanning the filesystem19:49
fungii'll see what i can come up with19:49
AJaegermordred: "error" in for releasenotes job ;(19:50
EmilienMfungi: no problem19:51
EmilienMfungi: just let us know one day when you have numbers19:51
AJaegermordred: I'm soon calling it a day - i suggest to not leave this broken, so either revert the changes to project-config for now or get a working set in...19:51
EmilienMfungi: we want to know if things are making progress19:51
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dmsimardCurious, what filesystem is logs.o.o running ? ext3? ext4?19:53
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fungi/dev/mapper/main-logs on /srv/static/logs type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro,barrier=0)19:54
mordredAJaeger: yah - I'm not going to stop until it's working19:54
AJaegerthanks, mordred !19:55
mordredAJaeger: before you go - openstack/i18n uses a job called publish-openstack-sphinx-tox-docs - but uses build-openstack-sphinx-docs template for check/gate19:55
mordredAJaeger: do you know why or if that's intentional?19:55
dmsimardfungi: thanks!19:55
dmsimardfungi: the nobarrier is interesting.. has that bitten you before ?19:56
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fungidmsimard: it's default for the rootfs on rackspace's ubuntu images, so we just cargo cult it assuming that it's to work around a lack of write caching on their side19:57
AJaegermordred: for i18n, we cannot use sphinx-build as is - they translate the document as well. thus, we call tox -e docs instead19:57
dmsimardfungi: ok, thanks :)19:57
AJaeger is the file used for building19:58
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fungier, i guess it's the other way around. barrier=0 (nobarrier) means we don't care what writes get cached19:58
fungidmsimard: ^19:58
dmsimardfungi: it disables the barrier, yeah19:58
fungiso presumably a performance boost at the potential cost of filesystem corruption19:59
AJaegermordred: does that help?19:59
fungianyway, rax uses it for their rootfs, and we just copy that for other filesystems19:59
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AJaegermordred: the i18n team considers translating other manuals as well, so we might need to generalize this ;(20:00
dmsimardfungi: yeah, that's why I asked if it had bitten you ebfore20:01
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dhellmannmordred : the -W option to sphinx-build turns that on but I'm not sure if there's a way to do it from within conf.py20:06
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fungidhellmann: mordred: looks like build_sphinx.warning-is-error=1 in setup.cfg was added for sphinx >=1.520:11
fungifirst appears in the 1.5a1 tag20:12
AJaegerfungi, dhellmann: Challenge is with going from "python build_sphinx" to "sphinx-build ..."20:13
fungias a means to control it without having to pass -W20:13
AJaegerthe warning-is-error does not work with sphinx-build AFAIK20:13
AJaegerand mordred wants to use sphinx-build20:14
fungilooks like it should work if you add warning-is-error=1 to the [build_sphinx] section of setup.cfg and use sphinx 1.5 or later20:14
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fungiahh, build-sphinx20:15
fungier, sphinx-build20:15
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AJaegerfungi: - line 420:15
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fungiyeah, may not be supported20:16
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Base build-openstack-releasenotes on build-reno-releasenotes
AJaegerfungi: I expect that this one will not respect the warning-is-error, so we need some way to set -W20:16
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AJaegermaybe use python build_sphinx there for now and postpone this problem20:17
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mordredwell, we need to solve it for non-python anyway. it's easy enough to solve it in the gate jobs - but I'm not thrilled about having it be different when people run locally20:18
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fungisphinx release notes say 1.6.4 added an autodoc_warningiserror option20:19
fungithough that looks like just for overriding it in autodoc when you've already passed -W20:19
mordredfungi: yah - I think that's just for autodoc... there's also a config option to enable the nitpicky warnings ... there's just not setting for warnings-is-errors itself :(20:19
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fungiworthy of a bug report against sphinx i suppose... and a pr20:20
AJaegerfungi: " Add autodoc_warningiserror to suppress the behavior of -W option during importing target modules on autodoc" - so that's the opposite of what we want and very specific20:21
pabelangercheck job for build-wheel-mirrors20:21
mordredpabelanger: woot!20:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Add edge-computing mailing list
pabelanger<3 zuulv320:21
mordredAJaeger: - build-openstack-releasenotes building20:21
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* AJaeger watches ^20:21
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pabelangerokay, running errand for a bit, back later this evening20:22
AJaegerpabelanger: woot! yes, testing jobs is GREAT!20:22
AJaegermordred: post failure? It's finished but queued again ;(20:24
AJaegermordred: - broken ansible ;(20:25
AJaegermordred and also "stderr: Could not open requirements file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'src/'"20:26
* AJaeger waves good bye20:26
AJaegereverybody have a great evening and weekend20:27
fungihave a good weekend AJaeger!20:27
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: WIP: Add subunit2sql check database server and workers
mtreinishclarkb, fungi, mordred: ^^^ I think that's the right direction for setting up the second db for check queue data20:30
mtreinishmy only open question is how to define the dependency on the upstream mysql puppet module20:30
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add general sphinx and reno jobs and role
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add general sphinx and reno jobs and role
clarkbfungi: ianw for 519850 do we expect that to break windows users if they don't have python 3.6 and have non ascii content?20:36
mordredmtreinish: modules.env in the root of system-config has the puppet module depends in it20:36
mordredmtreinish: we've got SOURCE_MODULES[""]="3.11.0" currently20:36
clarkbmtreinish: mordred and individual modules can list their deps in the module json file20:36
fungiclarkb: only if they're running from tip of master. it's basically reverting a change which merged since the last release20:37
fungiwhich is why i'm in favor of merging before releasing20:37
clarkbin that case docs say use python3.6 sound good to me20:37
fungiso we don't release a regression20:37
fungiin fairness, when the change originally merged, python 3.6 did not yet eexist20:38
openstackgerritJamey McCabe proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Updating LCOO schedule to new time and channel
funginow that it does, that's a superior solution20:38
clarkbI take it rhbz is red hat bugzilla?20:40
mtreinishmordred, clarkb: cool, thanks20:40
mtreinishmordred: hmm, I building it with the docs for 5.1.0 (which is the latest version)20:41
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mtreinishclarkb: well there isn't a separate module in the case, I'm just calling it in the openstack_project definition I added for subunit2sql db server20:41
clarkbfungi: ok I've approved the three git-review changes for making a release20:41
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clarkbmtreinish: ah in that case ya what mordred points at is what covers you20:42
mtreinishmordred: oh, it looks like they changed the name of it at some point:
mtreinish(it's not puppetlabs-mysql anymore)20:43
mtreinishoh, that's the git repo. nm, I just can't read20:44
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fungiclarkb: yeah, bug 1058167 in git-review ""git review --setup" failed in Chinese locale" [Unspecified,Closed: errata] - Assigned to zaitcev20:44
clarkbfungi: we aren't regressing to that behavior here are we?20:45
fungiclarkb: not if git-review is installed under python >=3.6 aiui20:46
clarkbya thats fine for windows because you just install active python or whatever, but on linux where you get distro python its more problematic20:47
* clarkb looks to see what raises _GitReviewException20:48
clarkber no _20:48
mordredclarkb: wow. did you ever think you'd say "it's fine on windows but on linux it's more problematic" ?20:48
mtreinishfungi, clarkb: I have python 3.6.3 installed on my systems...20:48
fungiclarkb: oh, you mean the fedora bug. i don't believe so, the commit message cites a subsequent change to fix that to stick with C locale20:49
clarkbfungi: ya reading more I think the universal_newlines implies its already been converted to the current locale20:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/git-review master: Add a note about contribution priorities
clarkband since those exceptions all come from the command execution we should be fine20:51
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clarkboh except20:51
clarkbhrm C is not utf8 friendly20:51
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clarkbwhich may be the underlying issue?20:51
fungimtreinish: i have 2.7.14, 3.3.7, 3.4.7, 3.5.4, 3.6.3 and 3.7.0a2 installed on mine20:51
clarkbuniversal_newlines is going to assume ascii because we run under C?20:52
ianwclarkb: 519850 breaking windows ... maybe.  tbh i'm not sure how good it was anyway; i'm guessing it might have just outputted encoded junk, nothing readable.  is that better than a traceback anyway?20:52
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add general sphinx and reno jobs and role
fungiclarkb: the way i read it commands are executed under c, and then strings are passed to print()20:52
clarkbfungi: right but those strings will be ascii encoded because LANG is C?20:52
clarkbso we may just throw exceptions earlier when python tries to ingest the command output if it isn't valid ascii?20:53
fungiclarkb: but ascii is a subset of any the local encoding20:53
mtreinishfungi: oh, I meant as /usr/bin/python (sigh, arch)20:53
clarkbfungi: right, the problem is with universal_newlines and how it knows what to encode to though. Its uses your current locale iirc20:53
mtreinishfungi: how's the 3.7 alpha?20:54
fungimtreinish: ahh, then yes my ~/bin/python3 i 3.3.6 but my ~/bin/python is 2.7.1420:54
clarkbthough C is only set on the subprocess so it may work based on the current parent process' locale?20:54
fungimtreinish: i don't do much fancy with it, so no surprises thus far20:54
fungiclarkb: that's what i assumed... dunno what non-ascii could make it into the subprocess strings20:55
clarkbfungi: branch names, commit messages, etc20:55
mordredusernames in commit headers20:55
fungiyeah, local paths too20:55
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fungino idea how much of that we test20:56
clarkbso while git itself will only stick to C/ascii the content it writes may not20:56
ianwyes, that LANG setting is i think only for git itself, but when it outputs a review that's all in madarin or something, it's not translating20:56
fungiso results in mojibake or exceptions?20:57
ianwat the very best, i think it results in output that looks like
ianwthat was when i was playing around with
clarkbI just tried by setting gitreview.username to snowman and that seems to have not exploded other than not being a valid gerrit username so now I have to entrer another one21:00
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ianwbrb, migrating my linode21:01
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clarkbI'm guessing that means the parent python process' locale is used to figure out the encoding and not the subprocess21:06
clarkbwith universal newlines21:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/git-review master: Fix output printing with python3
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/git-review master: Add a note on Windows and Unicode
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Switch build-openstack-sphinx-docs to build-sphinx-docs
* mordred bangs head against computer21:10
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bkeromordred: you seem like you're having fun21:15
fungimetal health'll drive you mad21:16
* fungi quietly riots in the corner21:17
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mordredbkero: SO MUCH FUN21:18
Shrewsfungi: i feel your noise21:18
fungii don't doubt it21:18
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mordredShrews: I like to bring in da noise myself21:19
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fungihow low can you go?21:21
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bkeroThat song so good21:23
* fungi enjoys the benassi mix of that21:23
clarkbfungi: ianw my local testing seems to indicate its fine, however then I realized that I may be running it under python 3.6 :)21:23
mordredclarkb: heh21:24
clarkbso uh ya let me try this again21:24
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clarkbany other infra-root willing to review to help address logstash worker memory consumption?21:24
clarkbok python2.7 also seems happy21:28
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clarkbvia setting gitreview.username to snowman then running git review -s21:28
clarkband confirmed that LANG=C git config --get gitreview.username returns snowman as is and doesn't do anything silly21:29
clarkbso I think we are ok to release git review as is?21:29
fungiyeah, happy to tag if there are no objections21:30
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mordredfungi, clarkb: sounds good ot me21:32
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dmsimardclarkb: <friday> who was a fan of Waffle House again ? </friday>21:39
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dhellmannhey, folks, I'm getting tons of spam email from addresses to mailing list admin addresses again. I've set up a local filter, but I wonder if we can turn on whatever filtering we were doing on the list server again?21:50
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dhellmannfungi : ^^ if you're still online this late on a friday21:52
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clarkbdhellmann: fungi says it should be fixed now in another channel21:55
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fungiinfra-puppet-core: anyone willing to approve for puppet-exim? i just accidentally undid my hand-patching of that and accidentally allowed a few thousand spams through to list owners21:55
fungidhellmann: what's insane is that i only inadvertently turned that off for a few minutes, and they're still bombing those addresses months after i started blackholing them all21:57
clarkbfungi: change is hand applied?21:57
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clarkbfungi: I've approved it largely on jeblairs +2 and the commit message making sense22:02
fungii've reapplied it now22:04
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fungii accidentally unapplied it when manually running to get that new edge-computing ml created a few minutes ago22:04
fungii had the presence of mind to copy and replace /etc/aliases but didn't realize the ordering change was still sitting out ther22:05
smcginnisCan someone tell me why this patch got a zuul +2 but is still Ready To Submit?22:06
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add general sphinx and reno jobs and role
mordredsmcginnis: maybe - but you'll have to tell us which patch first22:09
smcginnismordred: I suppose that might help. :)22:11
mordredsmcginnis: how interesting ...22:13
smcginnismordred: That's one way to put it I guess.22:13
clarkbits because its parent is patchset one of a multipled patchset chnage22:13
clarkbyou can't merge if parented to an old patchset since old patchsets can never merge22:14
clarkbthe little orange dot next to the parent sha1 tried to explain this if you hover on it22:14
smcginnisclarkb: Why doesn't it show a merge conflict like normal cases?22:14
smcginnisclarkb: You are saying it needs a rebase, right?22:14
clarkbbecause it isn't a merge conflict22:14
clarkbit is parented to something that will never merge22:15
clarkbwhich is different22:15
smcginnisHmm, if I look up the parent commit, it is merged.22:15
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add general sphinx and reno jobs and role
clarkbsmcginnis: patchset 2 merged which is a different commit22:15
clarkbcompare the sha1s22:15
clarkbpatchset 1 is the sha1 your commit is parented to22:15
fungiyeah, this is gerrit being picky basically22:16
smcginnisSuper confusing. Wouldn't it just rebase it to the newer parent?22:16
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Move scenario003 to non-voting
dhellmannclarkb , fungi : thanks!22:17
clarkbsmcginnis: gerrit doesn't make new commits for you22:17
clarkbsmcginnis: there are cases where that wouldn't work, like if there was also a merge conflict22:17
clarkbor if the underlying patchsets changed enough that to two are no longer compatible22:18
smcginnisclarkb: I guess I still don't understand why this fails since we have other times where there are dependent patches and the parent patch goes through updates before merging.22:18
smcginnisSeems like it should be a more common issue then.22:18
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clarkbsmcginnis: if you git review the stack everything gets updated22:19
clarkbthis is how I work locally to make sure things don't get orphaned in this way22:19
clarkbbasically i always edit from the tip of a stack and squash back as necessary22:19
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clarkbthen when I push all changes in the series are up to date with latest parents22:20
fungithe git-restack tool is quite useful thee22:20
* fungi puts fist through terrible keyboard22:20
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mordredwow. i'm truly unsmart today22:43
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fungilooks like our infra docs job doesn't support being triggered by a tag:
clarkbfungi: we've only tagged the one time right?23:21
clarkbor does that job run against more tha  system-config?23:21
fungiit's used by git-review23:21
fungiwhich is what it failed on23:22
fungirelease itself seems to have worked though23:23
johnsomKnown issue that the release notes gates are broken?
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fungi#status log git-review 1.26.0 released, adding support for Gerrit 2.14 and Git 2.15:
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging23:24
clarkbjohnsom: yes mordred has been working on it23:25
johnsomAh, probably waiting on this one:
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mordredjohnsom: oh, I'm having myself a grand old time with it - apparently today is "can mordred get any small details correct" day23:33
mordredjohnsom: if you want to depends-on the thing that should be the fix - almost completely worked this last time ...23:34
mordredI have confidence that *this* patch is gonna be the one ...23:34
* johnsom crosses fingers for Monty23:35
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johnsommordred Still an issue: 2017-11-17 23:44:37.289290 | ubuntu-xenial | /bin/bash: /home/zuul/src/ Permission denied23:47
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johnsommordred With that depends on, even though we got that error, it completed.  However our docs job failed: ImportError: No module named tools23:50
johnsomWhich is odd that it ever passed actually.23:52
johnsomOh, hmm, it's local code.23:54
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