Friday, 2017-06-16

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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Revert sync from latest command from ansible
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Use python2 for ansible on remote hosts
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: Store journal in export format not native
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Revert "Revert sync from latest command from ansible"
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Don't capture quickstart.tar.gz
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ianwclarkb: fatal: unable to connect to
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ianwthat is from my external host ... first time i've ever seen it00:39
ianwbut ... maybe it means it's not provider specific?00:39
ianwor, it could just be a glitch in the matrix :/00:39
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clarkbianw: do you use googl dns?00:49
clarkbtripleo said google dns had problems for them too00:49
clarkbchange went in to use opendns first and fallback to google00:49
ianwhmm, this is all in the cloud00:50
ianwbut, it's an internal cloud, and they banned outgoing dns, so 98.5% sure it must be using internal redhat servers00:50
clarkbwe also noticed it affected non names too00:51
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clarkblike cirros' hosting location00:52
clarkbso pretty sure its not on our nameserver side00:52
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ianwyeah, could just be a packet gone missing, of course no replication :/ anyway, a data point i guess00:52
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openstackgerritJesse Keating proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Implement Depends-On for github [wip]
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: executor: run trusted playbook in a bubblewrap
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: bubblewrap: adds --die-with-parent option
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: config: refactor config get default
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openstackgerritNam Nguyen Hoai proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add the grenade test to gate
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openstackgerritNam Nguyen Hoai proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add the grenade test to gate
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openstackgerritNam Nguyen Hoai proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add the grenade test to gate
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix unicode encoding gotcha in streamer
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: config: refactor config get default
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Add some release notes we forgot to add
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Go back to deleting volumes serially
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add log copier to dib jobs
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Properly expand server dicts after rebuild and update
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Break early from volume cleanup loop
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Migrate non-list server interactions to REST
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add timestamp output filter
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [DNM] testing individual log files
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add log copier to dib jobs
ianw [Errno 14] curl#7 - "Failed connect to; No route to host"02:44
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [DNM] testing individual log files
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add timestamp output filter
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tonyb... How does one get a new library from pypi installed as part of the std. nodepool image?03:05
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ianwtonyb: that probably is not what we would want to do ... what's the problem?03:06
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ianw^ seems to have got itself into an oopsy situation with AFS issues.  i'm rebooting it03:07
tonybIt seems like we could drop is we just had openstack_requirements installed03:07
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tonybianw: ^03:07
ianwhmm, now it's not talking to the metadata server as it boots :/03:07
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tonybianw: I found that whiel tryign to untangle the dib update you asked about this morning03:09
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Use undeprecated heat commands in
ianwmirror.std2.citycloud is not happy with it's network ->
tonybianw: which I now understand BTW03:11
ianwtonyb: what is that function doing in english? :/ ...03:12
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tonybianw: manually loads openstack_requirements from the files on disk cloned by zuul03:13
tonybianw: historically there wasn't a library we could just install so it wasn't *that* bonkers but now we can ditch it if the library was just there03:14
ianwok, re mirror.std2.citycloud ... i don't know what was up, but i detached the interface, reattached it and added back the floating IP and I can talk to it now ...03:15
ianwcitycloud people maybe you want to look at the logs there ...03:16
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ianwtonyb: it seems like it's doing the right thing?  it's using zuul-cloner to get that, so that Depends-On: works for example03:17
ianwwe would not want that installed on every host?03:17
tonybianw: Hmm now I have a doubt, I think we want the zuul-cloner to work as is the the *data* but the code is logically seperate03:19
tonybso I *think* we'll still load the data correctly but the code will come form the tagged version on pypi03:19
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ianwoh wow, yeah i see what it's up to i think03:21
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ianwit installs requirements into a virtualenv, then finds the sys-path, adds it to itself, then imports03:22
tonybianw: Yeah03:22
ianwurgh.  you can actually activate the virtualenv within yourself which would at least be a bit nicer03:22
ianw is an example03:23
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ianwwhy would we not create the virtualenv in the gate-{name}-requirements job, and then run this script with it?03:25
tonybhuh I didn't know that was a thing03:25
ianwit -- being the python from that virtualenv03:25
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Use undeprecated heat commands in
tonybianw: that'd work too03:25
ianwtonyb: it would look something like i'd imaginge03:27
tonybso virtualenv .foo ; .foo/bin/pip install openstack_requirements and_$stuff ; .foo/bin/python project-requiremnts-changes ?03:27
ianwyep, that's the gist03:28
ianwand as a bonus it would be python3 safe03:28
tonybianw: okay I think we're looking at it from different angles.03:29
ianwprobably :)03:29
tonybI'll much around with it and see how it looks03:30
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Remove some unused mocks
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Convert list servers tests to requests_mock
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Convert list_servers to REST
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [DNM] testing individual log files
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add timestamp output filter
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: executor: add support for custom ansible_port
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Add support for custom ssh port
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Abstract Nodepool request handling code
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Abstract Nodepool provider management code
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Collect request handling implementation in an OpenStack driver
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Extend Nodepool configuration syntax to support multiple drivers
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Implement a static driver for Nodepool
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [DNM] testing individual log files
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add timestamp output filter
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openstackgerritKazuhiro Suzuki proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Create tap-as-a-service-dashboard project
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openstackgerritJesse Keating proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Implement Depends-On for github [wip]
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openstackgerritJesse Keating proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Implement pipeline requirement of github labels
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [DNM] testing individual log files
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add timestamp output filter
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add support for zuul.d configuration split
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add tox/py34 job
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openstackgerritAdrian Turjak proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: new project - Adjutant
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NileshSawantHello, Our CI is failing07:03
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NileshSawantdie 535 'Cloning not allowed in this configuration' for horizon07:04
NileshSawantis there any workarround for this ?07:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql master: Disable SmartyPants for docs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Don't capture quickstart.tar.gz
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NileshSawantHello, Our CI is failing,
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openstackgerritMarkus Zoeller (markus_z) proposed openstack-infra/shade master: docs: make the first example easier to understand
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Cleanup usused meeting slots
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Fix osops meeting handle
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openstackgerritUnana Okpoyo proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: A Devstack-plugin that installs a VMAX backend
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namnhianw: sorry to bother you. But the Technical committee require that we need to add the grenade test to gate. So I had to push this patch: could you please review it for me. Thanks so much09:33
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Use undeprecated heat commands in
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Normalize projects.yaml
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openstackgerritUnana Okpoyo proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: A Devstack-plugin that installs a VMAX backend
fricklerNileshSawant: well it tells you the solution right away: add horizon to $PROJECTS in your job definition, according to it is missing currently10:18
robcresswellfrickler: Oh you and your expecting people to read logs XD10:19
fricklerrobcresswell: I don't expect others to read logs, but I like doing it myself for fun, just like solving a couple of sudokus in the morning ;)10:20
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openstackgerritUnana Okpoyo proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: A Devstack-plugin that installs a VMAX backend
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robcresswellfrickler: I always describe programming as being the same type of enjoyment as solving a sudoku or a puzzle.10:43
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robcresswellfrickler: And I generally expect people to read logs before asking for help, but I'm grumpy these days :)10:43
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Implement an OpenContainer driver
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: TEST: DONT RECHECK or REVIEW: periodic jobs
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack/python-jenkins master: Pass form data as body instead of in the url
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Go back to deleting volumes serially
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Add some release notes we forgot to add
openstackgerritGavin Brebner proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql master: Dailycount should not need build_queue to exist.
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openstackgerritGabriele Cerami proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: [WIP] toci_gate_test: handle tripleo-ci specific feature configuration
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add mailing list for API Users and SDK authors
mordredclarkb, fungi: ^^ how's that - took clarkb's name suggestion13:04
openstackgerritGabriele Cerami proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: [WIP] toci_gate_test: handle tripleo-ci specific feature configuration
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade master: docs: make the first example easier to understand
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade master: Migrate non-list server interactions to REST
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade master: Properly expand server dicts after rebuild and update
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Remove item.layout
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Move dependency cycle detection into pipelines
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Revert "Revert sync from latest command from ansible"
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openstackgerritGavin Brebner proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql master: Dailycount should not need build_queue to exist.
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apuimedodims: sdague: please, take a look at
sdagueapuimedo: if dims likes it, I'm fine with it14:07
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apuimedook ;-)14:15
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NileshSawantfrickler:  can you please help me fixing CI failures ?14:20
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dhellmanndoes anyone have any idea why jenkins wasn't triggered for this patch series?
dhellmannnot jenkins, zuul. whatever -- there are no test jobs14:24
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dhellmannis it because of the depends-on?14:25
dhellmannwell, that would only apply to the next patch in the series, so that mustn't be it14:25
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fungidhellmann: well, if zuul finds a dependency loop anywhere between direct parent/child git relationships and depends-on footers in commit messages, it aborts calculating dependencies as a safety measure14:28
dhellmannhmm, I wonder if I have a loop14:28
dhellmannthe next patch should depend on the spec14:28
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dhellmannand then there's a project-config change that will depend on that patch14:29
dhellmannand that project-config patch may also depend on an infra change that depends on the spec14:29
fungii can check the zuul logs to try and spot the loop, if there is one14:29
dhellmannbut I don't think that's a loop14:29
dhellmannit's a diamond, I guess?14:29
dhellmannthat would help14:30
jrollquick question, does JJB support reading existing config and outputting that to yaml?14:30
dhellmannfungi: I'd hate to be lining up all of these patches in a way we can't land14:30
fungijroll: i don't believe it has an xml parser, so wouldn't be able to do that14:30
fungijroll: just parses yaml and emits xml14:30
jrollfungi: nod, thanks :)14:31
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add CA service to puppetmaster.o.o for zuul
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: can_promote function: fix case for oooq when ZUUL_CHANGES is not defined
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openstackgerritDaniel Mellado proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: [WIP] Create tempest non-voting gate in kuryr-kubernetes
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openstackgerritDaniel Mellado proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: [WIP] Create tempest non-voting gate in kuryr-kubernetes
openstackgerritBrian Haley proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: Support an IPv6 underlay network
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/release-tools master: README: Rename --no_dry_run to --no-dry-run
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fungidhellmann: sorry for the delay, took me a while to remember how loops present themselves in the logs, and the production zuul debug output is a massive haystack for such a small needle14:52
fungidhellmann: Exception: Dependency cycle detected: 473553 in [u'473553', u'473559']14:52
openstackgerritDaniel Mellado proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: [WIP] Create tempest non-voting gate in kuryr-kubernetes
fungidhellmann: looks like a loop between an oslo.config change and a project-config change14:53
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dhellmannfungi : thanks, I'll look into breaking that cycle15:01
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openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add functional test runs for glance
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pabelangerinfra-root: apologies for mass ping, but I'd love to be able to do this morning15:15
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inc0can I have please last review?:( I'm eager to kick off this work...
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mordredpabelanger: could we do a followup docs patch that adds a line about running the script in /etc/zuul-ca?15:21
mordredpabelanger: oh - you fixed it15:21
mordredpabelanger: thank you! that makes so much more sense to me today15:21
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pabelangerYa, was a little confusing! Thanks15:22
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Stop running python2 jobs on zuulv3
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cmurphyclarkb: never got merged so jeepyb is probably broken15:27
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Stop supporting python2
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openstackgerritDaniel Mellado proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: [WIP] Create tempest non-voting gate in kuryr-kubernetes
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fungicmurphy: thanks for the heads up! approved nopw15:33
fungier, now i mean15:33
cmurphyty fungi15:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: add python 3.5 unit test job for release-tools repository
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openstackgerritDaniel Mellado proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: [WIP] Create tempest non-voting gate in kuryr-kubernetes
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb master: Properly escape % in cron command
pabelangerfungi: here is the issue with CATOP:
pabelangerwe also need to configure openssl.cnf15:43
fungiahh, yeah we probably should not be using the example openssl.cnf anyway15:43
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pabelangerfungi: do you mind creating an openssl.cnf file and uploading it to our review? I am not sure which settings we'd want to default too.15:45
fungisure, just a sec i can distill one15:45
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Stop supporting python2
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openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add functional test runs for glance
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Ensure gather_subset is a list
mordredpabelanger: mind +3ing real quick?16:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Add mailing list for API Users and SDK authors
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-roles master: Create configure-mirrors role
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix mkfs failure when loop device is not ready
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add known_hosts to bubblewrap jobir.work_root
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-roles master: Create configure-mirrors role
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pabelangerclarkb: fungi: mordred: jeblair: and is the first stab at creating a configure_mirrors role for openstack-zuul-jobs.  Right now I've only added support for ubuntu nodes, mostly because I have no way to test ATM.  Would appreciate some feedback16:38
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add py35 job to instack-undercloud
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clarkbpabelanger: left some initial thoughts16:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add known_hosts to bubblewrap jobir.work_root
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix mkfs failure when loop device is not ready
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i'll be largely afk next week traveling to/attending ansiblefest london16:54
jeblairhowever, i do plan on spending a considerable amount of the lengthy time i'm stuck in an airplane writing zuulv3 documentation.  so hopefully we'll be ready for some fun the week after.  :)16:56
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fungipabelanger: it's becoming quickly apparent that /usr/lib/ssl/misc/ is meant not as a utility but as an example script to be copied and modified for your local needs. it hard-codes and duplicates a bit of configuration in ways that indicate it is meant for local modification16:58
fungiand the script similarly (they both do the same thing, just in different languages)16:59
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pabelangerfungi: right, talking with jeblair I noted that. But we seemed okay with using the default.  One option is to fork it into system-config and modify if we wanted to go that route16:59
fungii'm trying to overcome my concerns about this certificate authority living in a directory which indicates it's a demo17:00
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fungimost instructions i find for using start out with "first modify the script to set CATOP to a reasonable value..."17:01
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fungiooh, i think i hit on the way to pass in the custom config (finally!)17:05
fungineed to set SSLEAY_CONFIG="-config /path/to/your/ca.cnf"17:06
fungibefore invoking the script17:06
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fungihideous, but seems to work17:08
pabelangeroh, nice17:09
fungistill trimming down the ca.cnf but have it pretty close now17:11
fungii'll adjust the instructions for the command-line invocation too17:12
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pabelangerclarkb: jeblair: mordred: One thing I am trying to figure out, and haven't been able too. Is with nodepoolv2 configure_mirror, we did some DNS validation, this helped prevent jobs from getting servers with bad / no DNS.  Which means, more launch failures in nodepool.  However, zuulv3, we lose some of the protection and will possible result in  more job failures, since we cannot stop bad / no dns any17:14
pabelangermore. We do retry the job upto 3 times, but if that is a bad cloud the job will still fail,17:14
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-roles master: Create configure-mirrors role
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jeblairpabelanger: we retry it on different nodes17:15
clarkbpabelanger: I thought the plan was to treat pre playbook failures as retryable in all cases, then go up to the retry limit17:15
jeblairclarkb: exactly17:15
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openstackgerritStephen Finucane proposed openstack-dev/pbr master: Use 'build_reno' setuptools extension if available
jeblairpabelanger: so it will have to fail on 3 different nodes before the user sees an error17:16
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mordredright - but I think what pabelanger is saying is that if, say, you've got a big cloud like osic and it starts going belly-up- that it's not inconceivable that the retry nodes wouldhappen there too17:16
* jeblair should start saying nodesets instead of nodes17:16
mordredjeblair: ++17:16
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jeblairmordred: yeah, but, i mean -- we've got an entire cloud going belly up.  maybe it's okay to not try to hide that?17:17
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pabelangerYa, if for some reason osic had bad DNS, currently no nodes come online and we get some protect. zuulv3 job will eventually fail because of it17:17
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mordredjeblair: maybe -but with the nodepool method it just results in a loss of overall quota and user's jobs are processed just less quickly17:17
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clarkbspeaking of, time to check if images have the new dns settings yet17:18
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jeblairyeah, this is something that we could probably make more seamless.  do we want to do that now?17:19
cloudnullis the osic on fire?17:19
mordredjeblair: what if we allowed zuul to pass information about the source of the previous node in a noderequest when it goes to retry?17:19
mordredcloudnull: it's not - we'r ejust yusing you as an example17:19
cloudnullah, was nearly in panic mode :)17:19
jeblairmordred: how about we defer this until the next time we're in a design phase?17:19
mordredjeblair: so that nodepool could decide to give a node from a diffrent provider in case of a pre failure17:19
mordredjeblair: kk17:19
jeblairi mean we did talk about this, and we decided on this.  i'm happy to revisit it, but i don't see the urgency.17:20
mordred++ - I think it's unlikley this will be a blocker problem in the short-term17:20
NobodyCamGood morning infra folks... might I ask if anyone could point me to a good reference about moving an existing zuul to a new server?17:20
mordredafter all, our curent DNS issues are happening even with the nodepool check17:21
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clarkbcloudnull: we've doubled down on google dns :) I think we may be setting that dns var somewhere so it gets set to google over the opendns default17:22
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pabelangerjeblair: not urgent. just something I was looking at for configure_mirror role17:22
jeblairNobodyCam: i'm unaware of such a reference.  however, there is almost no state in zuul whatsoever, so it should just be a matter of copying the config files over and updating.17:22
jeblairpabelanger: maybe file a story about it; maybe time to start using a zuulv3-backlog tag?17:23
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jeblairmordred: ^17:23
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NobodyCam:) just looking to make sure I grab all the files. I was not the one who set it up.. :p17:24
mordredjeblair: yah. oh - I have an email about that I was gonna send17:24
NobodyCamand thank you jeblair :)17:24
clarkbcloudnull: I see the issue will haev patch up shortly17:24
NobodyCammorning mordred clarkb fungi :)17:24
cloudnulloh, sorry.17:24
jeblairNobodyCam: zuul.conf and any files it points to, like layout.yaml should be about all you need17:24
NobodyCamsweet :)17:25
fungiNobodyCam: hey there! glad to see you around again17:25
NobodyCamnever really left.. just hiding under my rock :)17:25
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Actually use opendns
clarkbcloudnull: and infra-root ^ that should do it17:29
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-sphinx master: Initial commit
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clarkbif another infra-root can review 475037 I'll work on manually triggering the xenial image build and upload so that we can get that out of the way before the weekend17:42
fungiclarkb: i think it's already double-approved?17:42
clarkboh, must've just happened then (I just checked it)17:43
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clarkbor maybe gerrit didn't refresh like I thought it did17:44
clarkbanyways thank you, will work on getting that into images today so that we can confirm dns is changed then track using e-r next week17:44
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Actually use opendns
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clarkbpabelanger: dirk it has been a few days since we successfully built a leap image, do we know what is causing the opensuse builds to fail?17:59
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: TEST: DONT RECHECK or REVIEW: periodic jobs
clarkb looks like bad package names18:04
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odyssey4meoh dear, two of these failures:
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clarkbodyssey4me: I'm working on getting the switch to opendns rolled out18:07
odyssey4meclarkb ah, that explains it18:07
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odyssey4mewhat sort of timeline are we looking at?18:07
clarkbodyssey4me: image build time + upload time, hopefully just a couple hours18:07
odyssey4meok, so I'll just recheck and hope for the best :)18:08
pabelangerclarkb: first I have seen it18:10
pabelangerclarkb: there was a new dib release recently18:10
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clarkbpabelanger: ya looks like the debuntu package names got mixed in somehow, I'll take a look in a few18:11
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pabelangerclarkb: I think build-essential: "' is missing from pkg-map, but not sure what changed18:13
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clarkbpabelanger: Ia9dd061fa46a514781808d62e5e93b03f75c6745 also we install both python-devel and python2-devel18:13
clarkbso something up with ^18:13
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clarkbon tumbleweed it is python-devel not python2-devel18:15
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack/python-jenkins master: Migration to using requests
clarkband suse package saerch is failing me18:16
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openstackgerritRosario Di Somma proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Retry to fetch paginated volumes if we get 404 for next link
clarkbpabelanger: dirk I think I see what needs fixing. Part of it is in infra's elements and part of it is fixing that change above18:20
clarkbI will get patches up shortly18:20
pabelangerclarkb: cool, I'm still trying to debug DIB18:21
dirkclarkb: sorry, I wasn't aware. is there a way to get notified about that?18:21
dirkclarkb: where#s the log?18:21
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clarkbdirk: you can check and I think ianw has an aggregation page somewhere but I'm not sure where anymoer18:22
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Define package map for suse build essential
clarkbpabelanger: dirk ^ thats the infra side, now to push the dib fix18:26
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: On suse the python2 dev package is python-devel
clarkband there is the dib fix18:27
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add CA service to puppetmaster.o.o for zuul
fungipabelanger: ^18:29
fungiit turned into a bit of a rathole, testing against your instructions to make sure it all matches up. should be all good now18:31
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pabelangerfungi: thanks!18:39
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fungipabelanger: also, being able to hard-code every value into the config aside from the cn means much less typing (at the expense of needing to pass the cn as an envvar now)18:40
pabelangerYa, less error prone for sure. thanks for doing that18:41
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clarkbok ubuntu-xenial image is built and is uploading now18:41
pabelangerI have to head down to passport office for a pick up, but hopefully we can land that and start on gearman certs18:42
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lbragstadcurious for any feedback regarding if anyone is interested in reviewing it18:43
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: DONT REVIEW: testing featurset of containers
clarkblbragstad: it doesn't look like that will properly test a change against ocata in test with a change against master18:52
lbragstadclarkb: the idea would be to take stable/ocata and upgrade to master + a patch in review18:53
clarkblbragstad: to do the gate properly you should be able to handle stable/ocata + change in review upgrade to master + change in review18:54
clarkblbragstad: I'm trying to actually confirm it can't do ^18:54
lbragstadclarkb: oh - i think i see what you mean18:55
lbragstadcc andymccr ^18:55
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fungigrenade, in contrast, uses devstack-gate to set up two source trees for keystone, one under /opt/stack/old and one under /opt/stack/new18:56
clarkbI'm also trying to make sure it doesn't install master to upgrade to master18:56
lbragstadand it places the patch in review in both trees?18:56
fungilbragstad: it places patcheS in review for each branch in both trees18:56
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lbragstadah - i think that's where i went wrong then. i was thinking the new source only needed the patch18:57
fungilbragstad: consider the case where you have several changes in the gate and we're trying to make sure that change A to stable/ocata can be upgraded to change B on master18:57
lbragstadfungi: oh - sure, that makes sense, so it's testing two patches against two different branches with the same upgrade18:58
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fungilbragstad: so assuming A enters the gate ahead of B, then you're first in the context of change A testing A on stable/ocata can be upgraded to current master state, and then in the context of change B that testing that B can be upgraded from A on stable/ocata to B on master18:59
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fungilbragstad: rather than testing against the current state of stable/ocata, having A merge ahead of B which in some way breaks teh ability to upgrade from A to B, and then you're wedged once B lands19:00
lbragstadaha - sure19:00
clarkbI'm having a hard time finding where it actually installs keystone (to determien what version of keystone will be installed in the old and new versions)19:00
fungitl;dr, upgrade testing in a predictive state pipeline is challenging, and this is one of the big reasons why devstack-gate (in service of grenade) is complicated19:01
clarkbkeystone is in keystone_pip_packages impying it is installing from pypi?19:01
lbragstadclarkb: there should be a venv for each keystone version on the system19:01
lbragstadthe openstack-ansible playbook provides a way to override that if a version of keystone source exists locally on the deployment host though19:01
clarkblbragstad: from what I read it is just doing the equivalent of pip install keystone though19:03
lbragstadso, for example, the playbooks will go through and install the last stable release, then checkout a change locally on the deployment host (which is hosting the keystone cluster in containers) and then install the containers with a venv created from the source checked out from git19:03
clarkbit uses the ansible pip module to install 'keystone' I don't see anything to specify the source19:03
clarkbso I'm not sure how the ocata side would install ocata keystone and the master side install master + change19:03
lbragstadhmm - let me dig through the role and see if i can find it19:03
lbragstadclarkb: so this is the upgrade test commands from osa-keystone
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odyssey4melbragstad clarkb you rang?19:05
lbragstadodyssey4me: o/19:05
clarkblbragstad: ya so repo clone pulls in the ansible tests (thats fine)19:05
lbragstadodyssey4me: fungi and clarkb are enlightening me on some interesting upgrade testing edge cases19:05
lbragstadclarkb: yep19:05
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clarkblbragstad: what I'm confused about is where in this role does the magic to install the /opt/keystone you put int place happen19:05
odyssey4meclarkb the source is set using a constraints file19:06
clarkband related on the stable/ocata version of the role how does that know to install from a different source19:06
odyssey4meif you do 'pip install keystone -c constraints.txt' and constraints.txt has git+<git URL>#egg=keystone then it will install from the git URL19:06
odyssey4meif you want to install from a dirty git repo in a folder, skip the git+19:07
odyssey4methat's what we're doing for all our repositories if there's a zuul change dep19:07
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clarkbodyssey4me: and that works for a random checkout of a fetch_head?19:08
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lbragstadso - zuul cloner places the changes in a directory that osa looks for automatically19:08
clarkb"git+{{ keystone_git_repo }}@{{ keystone_git_install_branch }}#egg=keystone" <- specifically19:08
odyssey4meif we find a folder in the right place, we install it verbatim19:08
clarkbodyssey4me: where is that code?19:08
clarkbkeystone_git_repo is set to the url19:08
odyssey4meif there's no folder, we install from the head of a branch, set here:
odyssey4meso a standard build in our test will use those19:09
odyssey4mekeystone_developer_constraints is written to a file19:09
odyssey4mepip can't take constraints from the CLI19:09
clarkbright I get the default case there19:09
clarkbI'm still not understanding where the just install it from dir verbatim if that exists happens19:09
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clarkbsince that would need to go into the constraints file right?19:10
odyssey4mefor zuul we do this:
odyssey4meie any openstack zuul dep change goes into {{ homedir }}/git/openstack/\119:10
clarkbodyssey4me: right but what writes /opt/keystone into the constraints file?19:10
clarkb(everything ends up on disk just fine as far as I can tell, I still don't understand what tells ansible's pip module to install off of the disk repo if it is there19:11
odyssey4mein test-repo-setup.yml we create an extra constraints file19:11
odyssey4methen we ensure that's in the constraints for any role19:12
odyssey4meit's a bit complicated, but it works19:12
clarkbodyssey4me: that specifically worries me, I'm not sure how pip resolves two constraints files with differing entries for the same package19:12
odyssey4meoh pip is not that clever19:13
odyssey4meit takes the first it finds19:13
clarkbin this case you'd have the file:/// entry for the local developer keystone and you'd have the git+https:// from defaults19:13
odyssey4meit ignores everything else19:13
odyssey4mewe discovered that the hard way19:13
clarkbok so order very much matters here, this feels fragile...19:13
odyssey4meoh sure, it's a little funky - but it works19:13
clarkbso that will work for the master case19:13
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clarkbwhat prevents your stable/ocata role from also installing the /opt/keystone version19:14
odyssey4meho yes, for now we can't cater for anything like this in a stable branch19:14
odyssey4meright now the stable branch has none of this tooling, so it just won't19:14
odyssey4mewe have some thoughts on how to deal with it, but it's just not a problem right now19:14
clarkbgotcha, so when pike releases and we go to queens you'll have to update the jobs or tooling (maybe both) to differentiate)19:15
odyssey4mewe will deal with it in our own repositories, because it'll matter to just about every upgrade job we have19:15
odyssey4meso we will have to19:15
clarkbok thanks, so that confirms my initial concern, this won't handle the stable + change to master + change case19:15
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odyssey4mewe only just got cross-project testing for our own repositories working in this cycle19:15
odyssey4meoh no, it absolutely won't - for now19:16
odyssey4meso it's not perfect, but it's a start19:16
clarkblbragstad: ultimately its probably up to qa and keystone, but considering we've alerady solved these problems elsewhere I'd personally just use the existing tools...19:16
lbragstadclarkb: ok19:16
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odyssey4meyou have other implementations of upgrade tests including load balancers?19:17
lbragstadclarkb: so that case is a testing requirement in order to assert the rolling upgrade tag?19:17
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clarkbodyssey4me: no we have implementations of upgrade tests that test the correct code19:17
clarkblbragstad: I don't know, thats a tc thing?19:17
odyssey4meok, so how does that test a rolling upgrade?19:17
odyssey4meor a zero-downtime upgrade19:17
clarkbodyssey4me: right now it doesn't as far as I know. but it will test the correct code19:17
clarkbodyssey4me: we've actually separated the code from the testing19:18
odyssey4mewhat we've implemented tests that19:18
lbragstadclarkb: yeah - looking at the requirements here
clarkbodyssey4me: so you could in theory use devsatck-gate to get all the correct code then run openstack ansible to deploy and test19:18
fungisounds like an excellent opportunity to graft openstackansible testing into devstack-gate19:18
fungiyeah, that19:18
odyssey4meclarkb by 'correct code' what does that mean?19:18
clarkbodyssey4me: I don't actually care about the tests themselves, from infra's perspective I care about making sure you install the correct code19:18
fungiodyssey4me: my example further up with change A on stable/ocata and change B on master in the gate together19:19
odyssey4meok, I doubt that will be too difficult to do19:19
fungiavoiding testing master change B against the branch tip of stable/ocata not realizing that change B on stable/ocata ahead of it will wedge your jobs once B lands19:19
fungier, change A on stable/ocata ahead of irt19:20
rm_workDo all of the run-logs from the gate get pushed to logstash or something?19:20
rm_workor are they only in these txt.gz files19:20
clarkbrm_work: not all of them, a subset.19:20
rm_workhmm ok19:20
odyssey4mecan you point me at where devstack does that reconciliation?19:20
odyssey4meor does zuul do it?19:20
rm_workclarkb: i'm looking for a good way to search for any occurrences of an error message19:20
odyssey4meif zuul does it, all we need is to cater for n-1 - which is likely a small extension of this work19:20
clarkbodyssey4me: devstack-gate does it by having /opt/stack/new and /opt/stack/old checkouts, it will use old/ first to deploy, then new/ to deploy the upgrade19:20
fungiodyssey4me: zuul pre-bakes git refs across all braches involved and they're passed under a consistent name in an envvar19:21
rm_workclicking through these job runs individually is not fun19:21
clarkbrm_work: we explicitly whitelist known files that we can parse and index, and within those we only index >= INFO level messages19:21
rm_workhmmm k19:21
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rm_workwait isn't >=INFO all of them?19:21
clarkbrm_work: no, DEBUG is the vast majority19:21
odyssey4mefungi hmm, ok, that's what we do for our roles for the upgrade tests... it makes sense for us to do the same for other repositories19:22
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fungiodyssey4me: so you just make sure to checkout that ref on every branch involved in your job if it exists and fall back on the branch tip (and also zuul-cloner and devstack-gate both do this automatically)19:22
clarkbrm_work: but DEBUG is just too much to index due to volume19:22
rm_workI thought INFO was even more verbose than DEBUG for some reason19:22
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rm_workok, well, i doubt the octavia worker screen log goes to logstash then19:22
odyssey4mefungi yep, z-c does the heavy lifting - it's awesome :)19:22
rm_workprobably not whitelisted19:22
odyssey4mewe just need to implement seperation for the code folders19:23
openstackgerritSorin Sbârnea proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder master: fixed tests
clarkbodyssey4me: right the important thing here is that your first deployment installs from ocata + any possible changes, then your master deployment uses master + any changes19:23
clarkbodyssey4me: one way to do that is separate git repos and checkouts (thats d-g's method)19:23
odyssey4menvm the although - I just realised that we are on the right track19:23
fungiodyssey4me: for dealing with multiple branches if you're using zuul-cloner you need some additional logic to let it know what branch you're working with for a given tree if it's not the branch for the change being tested in that context19:23
clarkbanotehr way is to checkout the appropriate ref in the same repo, its nice having separate repos beacuse of develop though (which you appear to have support for)19:23
odyssey4meI'll need to take a peek at an example job's ZUUL_ env vars - I guess there're likely some clues there19:24
clarkb(since develop and pip install -e rely on files in the git repo swapping out checkouts can be messy and not super safe)19:24
odyssey4meI'll fire up a test some time soon.19:24
odyssey4meWe happen to be doing rolling upgrade implementations for any service that supports it in the next few weeks.19:25
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odyssey4meThat includes upgrade tests in each of there roles.19:26
fungiall the keys under environment should be present for your job to take advantage of19:26
odyssey4mejust as I thought, ZUUL_CHANGES has a branch name ref19:26
mordredfungi: the API-WG specs related to service-types landed, so I figure I should get service-types.o.o up and going - do you think just a vhost on static for now?19:26
odyssey4meok cool, we'll evolve this to do a little better19:27
fungimordred: that's what i figured we'd do at least initially, yes19:27
mordredfungi: cool. I'll get some patches up19:27
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odyssey4meyou mentioned some sort of connection between devstack-gate and what we're doing - what're your thoughts there?19:27
odyssey4meI guess this is more of a PTG discussion. :)19:27
odyssey4mebut hey, there's no time like a friday night :p19:28
clarkbcloudnull: we are starting to see instances boot with correct unbound config now19:28
mordredodyssey4me: well - devstack-gate, although having devstack in the name, is REALLY "get these nodes set up"19:28
clarkbcloudnull: osic has xenial images for it19:28
clarkbright people should just use devstack-gate19:28
fungidevstack-gate sets up an /opt/stack/old and /opt/stack/new in preparation for grenade to use in upgrading from one version to another, and pre-does the checkouts in all involved git repos under both sets19:28
clarkband stop reinventing this wheel19:28
mordredclarkb, fungi: I've been thinking about d-g and zv3 - and that as we refactor that, ultimately winding up with a thing that has less devstack in its name so it doesnt' scare people I think will be super handy19:29
fungiodyssey4me: basically, for all projects you include in te PROJECTS list, it sets up appropriate git checkouts for the relevant branches under /opt/stack/old/<projectname> and /opt/stack/new/<projectname>19:30
fungithe fallback logic in zuul-cloner is inherited from devstack-gate's algorithm19:30
odyssey4meok, that's fair enough for CI purposes - our use case is broader though19:31
odyssey4mebut sure, we can at least adopt the model there and possibly use it in the gate19:32
fungithe job could simply tell devstack-gate the list of projects openstackansible cares about, and then you could update your constraints list in the job to point to the paths on /opt/stack/old or /opt/stack/new depending on what's being installed19:32
clarkbcloudnull: I've also confirmed that I can locally resolve so things look good. Thanks for helping on that and we'll have to watch elastic-recheck over the next ltitle while to see if it helps fix the problem19:33
odyssey4mefungi if that makes using some of our implementation tests more amenable to be used in other projects, I'm absolutely on board with giving it a go19:34
fungidevstack-gate itself can be hollowed out by overriding its default hooks so all it's really responsible for is setting up your git trees, firing your testing entrypoint, and then collecting logs at the end19:34
fungiodyssey4me: also it has a built-in solution for setting up the overlay networking for an arbitrary number of nodes in a multinode group, so you basically get that for free19:36
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clarkbthere is even a change up to make ^ an asnible playbook or role. But it needs some love beacuse it isn't quite right yet19:36
clarkb(potentially makign it easier to reconsume those bits that you need rather tahn invoking the whole thing)19:37
fungiyeah, there's ongoing work to decompose devstack-gate into independent ansible playbooks19:37
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fungior roles i guess?19:37
jeblairodyssey4me: if we can somehow trick you into working on that with us, that would make my day!  :)19:37
jeblairfungi: yeah, roles, which, for the moment, are called by essentially one-line or very simple playbooks for ease of transition from current devstack-gate.19:38
fungiright, in fact it actually already uses ansible to do all the network overlay setup (since we needed a way to run similar commands across all nodes in the group)19:38
odyssey4mejeblair fungi we might feel a strong urge to rewrite it all an ansible though :p19:39
clarkbfungi: no not yet19:39
clarkbthats the chagne rcarrillocruz wrote that needs love (I've reviewed it and it is close)19:39
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odyssey4meha, I didn't read all the way through19:39
mordredodyssey4me: funny story ... that's actualy a current important task :)19:39
odyssey4meok, I'm definitely keen to re-use whatever we can to cut our code base for testing19:39
fungiclarkb: oh, for some reason i thought devstack-gate was already using ansible to drive the remote setup?19:40
clarkbfungi: it does for chunks of it, but the network setup was sufficiently complicated that once it got working with just ssh we left it alone :)19:40
jeblairand yeah, the vision for the end state of this in zuulv3 is: all jobs get repo setup for free.  we have central roles (which don't have 'devstack' in their names, as mordred says) to do things like set up multinode networking, or set up old/new git repo pairs.  then we have devstack-gate jobs which actually run devstack.  those are the only things that will belong in the devstack-gate repo when we're all done.19:40
odyssey4meand if there's room for us to share roles, testing tools, etc or at least work towards a common goal to share some things then I am most definitely up to participate, and I expect the rest of us would too19:40
fungiclarkb: oh, right, it's ansible running shell commands19:40
fungiwhich is what i meant19:40
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fungithe setup_host operation19:41
jeblairbut the interim state is that we keep all of this in devstack-gate and decompose it into ansible roles, so we can transition.19:41
clarkb is teh change btw19:42
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fungioh, yeah that'll be nice when it lands19:43
odyssey4meok, this all sounds like a good progression19:43
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-dev/cookiecutter master: update documentation layout and theme
odyssey4meour role test process right now is a hodge podge that works, but we'd love to simplify it and re-use whatever we can - andymccr's been on holiday for a week and is back next week, we'll have a chat and figure out a plan19:44
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odyssey4mewe're a little tight on time and people, but this will help with that so I think we can make the time19:45
fungiand next week is ansiblefest, i gather19:45
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-dev/cookiecutter master: update documentation layout and theme
clarkbodyssey4me: looking at the upgrade job as is so far, I'm not sure I see the rolling aspect of it? it seems to update the virtualenv then restart the services which wouldn't be rolling would it?19:46
lbragstadclarkb: it orchestrates that between containers behind a load balancer i believe19:47
clarkbah ok so node here is a logical node19:48
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fungiso it sets up haproxy and tells tempest (or whatever the api tester is) to hit that?19:48
dirkclarkb: right, I meant notification though. If it doesn't end up in my inbox I maybe only manage to look at that once a week at most19:48
clarkbdirk: yes we don't currently have notifications for that19:48
clarkb(or anything else really other than cert expiry)19:48
fungithere's always enough things broken at any given point in time that we already have a full plate trying to fix tehm, so as we discover some new broken thing is more important we reprioritize as needed ;)19:49
lbragstadfungi:  i think so - but i'll let odyssey4me keep me honest here :)19:52
dirkclarkb: maybe the other devils advocate question is that changes touching project-config/nodepool/elements should have test ci jobs for all distros we care about19:52
odyssey4meclarkb yeah - two containers, LB on the host19:53
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dirkfungi: sure, but I'm happy to maintain some parts of the infrastructure, I just need sone way of being notified that there is stuff to do19:53
clarkbdirk: the problem is that that has in the past taken up to an hour or two, not great for testing. However, by dropping the image outputs we can likely cut that down a bit (as image conversion is the big cost)19:53
clarkbdirk: so definitely something we should look into19:53
odyssey4meI happen to have just found a bug in testing and fixed it up to *really* be rolling, including a LB drain:
odyssey4melbragstad clarkb ^19:53
odyssey4methe dependent patch has the playbook19:53
dirkclarkb: is that an issue for the nodepool/elements subdir?19:54
clarkbdirk: yes, the things that are done in there have resulted in long builds, particularly the git repo and other artifact caching19:54
clarkbdirk: if we do it smartly we can take the existing cache on the test instance and shove it where dib expects it to reduce that cost though19:54
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clarkbdirk: and then if we use the tarball image output we avoid the qemu-img slowness of converting 20GB raw to 8GB qcow219:55
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mmedvedeAnyone knows how can a new v3.2.0 release of etcd be added to tarballs.o.o? Asking because of
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fungimmedvede: once dims automates that like he was going to, it should be fine19:56
fungimmedvede: in the meantime, we can just continue testing with the one that's there, right?19:56
dimsmmedvede : fungi : was just about to reply to that email (that i have a TODO)19:56
mmedvedeThe patch I referenced is a bump to 3.2.0, so it obviously fails tests without the new binary19:56
fungitarballs.o.o is not intended as a place we manually publish things, it's for automation to publish things in a repeatable and hands-off fashion19:57
dimsmmedvede : i will be adding a job that looks for new releases and uploads them to tarballs periodically19:57
clarkbubuntu-xenial has been updated across the boar with new images container new unbound config. I'm going to trigger other image builds now to speed up the deployment process19:57
mmedvededims: fungi: understood and thanks!19:57
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lbragstadodyssey4me: cool - reviewing19:58
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odyssey4mefungi clarkb do you have some sort of how to for implementing devstack-gate's stuff for a non devstack purpose that we can borrow from?20:03
clarkbfungi: care to review and to make suse builds happy again (dib change will need a release too probably do that monday)20:04
odyssey4meall the way from setting up a test vm that I can poke at through to how a job is setup to use it20:04
clarkbodyssey4me: devstack-gate's readme should haev details on setting up a test vm and poking at it20:04
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clarkbbut apparently the hooks are not in that doc20:05
fungiyes, it looks like the hook functions need documentation20:06
clarkbodyssey4me: the basic idea is that devstack-gate unconditionally runs the base setup, then you can define 3 hooks (as bash functions) to run at predetermined times. there is the pre_test_hook which can be used to perform additional setup, the gate_hook this is what should deploy your software and run tests, and the post_test_hook which runs if the tests succeed20:07
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clarkbif you define a gate_hook then devstack and tempest are not run20:07
clarkbso that is likely the thing you will want to use to do your own thing20:07
pabelangerand back, catching up20:09
notmynameis it possible to link to a line in a proposed patch?20:09
clarkbnotmyname: #linenumber or something iirc. But the ui won't do it for you when clicking on things20:11
clarkbhrm no thats not it, there is a way though its just hidden because gerrit20:11
lbragstadyeah - it's a manual thing20:11
lbragstadi thought it used @, but i could be wrong20:12
pabelangerclarkb: mordred: jeblair: did you want to review fungi changes for zuul-ca on puppet master?
clarkblbragstad: ya thats it20:12
clarkbnotmyname: eg the highlighting is pretty subtle too20:12
fungisad that's not clickable somehow20:13
fungidoesn't seem to work with ,unified either20:14
* lbragstad just tried toggling to side-by-side20:14
lbragstadclarkb: do you get highlighting when referencing specific line numbers in a patch?20:15
fungii see the line number in question highlighted in lavender with a little black bar just to the right of it20:16
clarkbyup it just highlights the line number itself20:16
fungiit doesn't highlight the entire line of code20:16
odyssey4mefungi clarkb ok, I'll take a peek at it and we'll discuss more once I'm a little more informed20:16
notmynameclarkb: thanks20:16
lbragstadfungi: clarkb oh - yeah it appears that only works for side-by-side, interesting20:17
lbragstadthat's good to know20:17
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clarkba lot of things only work in side by side :/20:18
clarkblike [ and ]20:18
clarkbI find ^ most frustrating when I unify diffs to look at a really long line20:18
fungii wish there were a way to turn off the keyboard shortcuts and pointer integration entirely20:18
fungithe keyboard shortcuts, in particular, light to fight with my keyboard-driven browser workflow20:19
* smcginnis still missed 'f' for popping up file lists.20:19
clarkbsmcginnis: ++20:19
fungibut also it's a pain not to be able to just leftclick+drag to copy content from a change directly into my x11 middleclick paste buffer20:20
lbragstadfungi: that'd be handy20:21
fungithere's a key you can hold on the keyboard or something to make it possible, but i never can remember what it is so end up just using unified where the pointer integration isn't nearly so overbearing20:21
clarkbits also completely unusable on mobile (fixed supposedly if I ever get around to upgrading gerrit)20:21
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fungialso on some systems i rely on keyboard-based pointer emulation so holding down another unrelated key on the keyboard while clicking and dragging is basically a no-go20:23
lbragstadodyssey4me: so it sounds like that one edge case is the only thing preventing the upgrade testing case20:23
clarkbfungi: the mobile issues are related to the pointer issues I think so maybe that will get fixed too20:23
clarkbthough they are doing browser detection so you might have to lie and say ou are a mobile browser20:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Add CA service to puppetmaster.o.o for zuul
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clarkbpoking at dns more, dnsviz says one of the .org servers refused to respond to udp queries for dnskey20:32
clarkbpossibly that makes google angry?20:32
clarkbnot sure if opendns will care though our unbound is configured to check such things, we may have to consider disabling it if that is indeed the problem20:33
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clarkbalso users report that google dns is not working in brazil, possible that it is completely unrelated but if not working there could be not working well here (for various values of here020:37
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clarkbthe ovb containers oooq job is still running on changes20:40
clarkbfungi: EmilienM ^ any idea if there are things I can review to help address that?20:40
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EmilienMclarkb: we've done some changes20:40
EmilienMgimme a chance to share links :20:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Stop supporting python2
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EmilienMall are in gate or merged20:41
EmilienMclarkb: is better?20:41
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add node to README about Python3
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add ROADMAP.rst file
clarkbEmilienM: it is 111MB20:43
clarkbso ya thats much better20:43
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EmilienMwow still a lot20:43
EmilienMclarkb: how much was it before? I don't know sorry20:43
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add note to README about Python3
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add ROADMAP.rst file
clarkbEmilienM: it was just under a gigabyte ~960-980MB20:45
clarkbEmilienM: notice that 96/474896/2/check-tripleo/gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-containers-oooq-nv/e29358a/logs/oooq/undercloud/etc still has a bunch of redundant info in it20:45
EmilienMmhh ok20:46
clarkbEmilienM: also 96/474896/2/check-tripleo/gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-containers-oooq-nv/e29358a/logs/oooq/undercloud/var/log/journal/d255600c344e44cabba945632ed144db doesn't gzip well. In devstack-gate we actually switched to xz'ing those as it gets the files much smaller and they aren't readable in your browser anyways20:46
clarkbEmilienM: so you might consider using xz on journald stuff20:46
clarkblooks like the other two hosts do the same thing, so that could potentially shave off a bit more20:47
clarkbso ya that looks a lot better, but there are at least a few more things we can do (continue to stop grabbing everything out of /etc, its redundant just check what centos installs) and maybe use xz on non human readable files, particularly journald contents20:48
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clarkbEmilienM: oh and /var/log/ has logs that probably aren't necessary, maillog, anaconda, tally, spooler, cloud init20:51
EmilienMbecause we use exclude instead of include iirc20:51
clarkbyes I've asked repeatedly that you switch the logic around20:52
therveEmilienM, Also open bugs when services spew up garbage :/20:52
clarkbbecause most of these issues come from not understanding what you are logging and then you get a bunch of java jars from alternatives on the log server :)20:52
EmilienMtherve: we enable debug for all services we can I think20:53
therveEmilienM, Like nova compute being filled with 7M of 'End of file while reading data: Input/output error' from libvirt20:53
therveEmilienM, Yeah I mean debug is fine, useless tracebacks all other the place are not20:53
EmilienMI agree20:54
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Stop running python2 jobs for Zuul v3
therveEmilienM, is another one I opened a few weeks back20:55
openstackLaunchpad bug 1691971 in Ironic Inspector "ironic-inspector logs broken pipe errors on OPTIONS requests" [Low,Confirmed]20:55
therveEmilienM, And gnocchi is logging 30M of swift 40420:55
therveThat'll made some quicker/bigger wins than some files in etc, IMO20:55
clarkbtherve: sure, the thing is that fixing your /etc logging is trivial and because it grabs everything it has led to nasty surprises in the past20:56
clarkbyou don't need all of /etc/ from three different hsots that are all the same20:56
clarkbplease only grab what you need20:56
therveclarkb, I guess you already have the logic to filter out stuff ?20:56
clarkbtherve: no20:56
clarkbtherve: we whitelist instead of blacklisting20:56
clarkbso the logic is literally just getting what we need20:56
therveclarkb, Right, you have that whitelist?20:57
mordredjeblair, pabelanger: ^^ updated project-config patch
clarkbtherve: devstack-gate does20:57
therveOK cool, it's indeed trivial if you do20:57
clarkbtherve: its basically kernel log, syslog, journald for openstack services, /etc for openstack services, package listings (pip and distro manager), then mysql, libvirt, rabbit20:57
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clarkbits not a very big list20:57
fungibut also, whitelists are trivial over time anyway. you start by saving nothing, you find a job failing on some error and you realize "if i had this particular log/file i could probably figure it out" so you add it20:58
fungilather, rinse, repeat20:58
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fungithat's how our current whitelists came into being20:58
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therveThat's fair20:58
fungisometimes it's not even necessary to grab files, just echo some piece of information to stdout so it appears in the console log20:59
therveI guess my point was to not stop once we did that, and we could clear that much garbage later on20:59
fungifor example, we now include network interface configurations reported by `ip ad sh;ip ne sh;ip ro sh` and friends20:59
therveWhich can end up being real issues on users later on20:59
fungiin a lot of our job console logs20:59
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fungirather than copying all the /etc/network/**21:00
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jeblairfungi: wow are you okay?  there was some unreadable gibberish that came over your line there...21:00
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fungithe iproute2 commands example?21:03
jeblairfungi: ah yeah.  if i squint, it does kind of look like commands.  :)21:03
fungiit does indeed allow you to abbreviate subcommands into unreadable gibberish, i'll grant you that21:04
clarkbwhat was the genesis of that? I ran into it first with cisco shells but I am pretty sure cisco wasn't first at that21:04
jeblairreminds me of "fs la; fs lq; vos re" and friends.  :)21:05
fungiit was popular with muds too... make the parser handle any starting subset of a command and define priority ordering for ambiguity/collisions21:05
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jeblairi imagine the afs example takes us back to the early 80s at least, but seems very likely it wasn't the first either...21:06
jeblairwe need a unix reference librarian21:07
jeblairi don't think google's going to cut it for this21:07
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fungitrying to remember whether the z-machine parser also allowed that too, which now has me down the rabbit hole of z-machine specs and release history21:08
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Stop running python2 jobs for Zuul v3
clarkboh ya muds shortened everything21:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-sphinx master: Initial commit
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fungiapparently the z-machine (starting in v2.0 it seems) had an abbreviation feature, but it was not for input to the parser, it was a rudimentary form of text compression to reduce repeated words or phrases to short indices which got looked up in real time21:19
fungitrading some additional cpu and i/o for a reduced memory footprint21:20
fungiso that's a dead end21:20
openstackgerritRosario Di Somma proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Retry to fetch paginated volumes if we get 404 for next link
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clarkbcentos-7 images are slowly coming online with the dns switch21:25
clarkbalso query in logstash has no hits over last couple hours21:25
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jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred: so... i have this lovely* x1 carbon supplied by my employer.  (* not lovely).  i have entered the bios and disabled the trackpad, the fingerprint reader, and intel AMT.21:28
jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred: after doing so, when i boot, the trackpad accepts my input and the fingerprint reader lights up on the login screen.21:28
jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred: what are the chances intel AMT is actually disabled?21:29
clarkbjeblair: you can always hit it with the exploits to find out >_>21:29
clarkbjeblair: best I can tell amt on my thinkpad had to be explicitly enabled but I didn't get it from an employer who might have enabled it for me.21:29
clarkbjeblair: to disable amt you go through the amt management system not your bios though, it should be a separate magic key combo (^P maybe?)21:30
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jeblairclarkb: oh look:
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fungijeblair: i read accounts suggesting amt doesn't actually get completely disabled by some bioses claiming to be able to do so, and that some systems with amt may not even have any bios indication it's there at all much less give you an option to turn it off21:32
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clarkbfungi: ya amt has a completely separate management system and processor things. so you have to enter that at boot not the bios21:32
jeblairclarkb: right, though this bios *claims* to be able to disable it...21:32
jeblair(of course, it *claims* to disable far more mundane things and has failed to do so)21:32
fungigot it, so separate boot-time configuration interface provided by the amt firmware?21:33
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jeblairnext boot i will try some ^P and matthew garrett's stuff.21:33
clarkbfungi: ya21:33
clarkbjeblair: as far as I can tell my amt is in the second state described on mjg59s thing. It is enabled but unprovisioned. I know this because when I go to disable it it requires me to set the initial password. Which errored silently when I didn't give it a good enough password, which is extra funny because the amt system itself then ignored checking that password for any work it performed on your21:34
clarkbmachine :)21:34
clarkbjeblair: its the most secure system, one that checks you are doing the right thing as a user. Then completely ignores all of its own advice21:34
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clarkbalso you should test if your amt does that too, try setting the password to password or similar and it will likely silenty fail on you21:35
clarkbbut thats ok because you can provide it any password when you want it to remote wipe your disk21:35
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jeblairclarkb: must be a PCI requirement that the password have at least one number.  not that the password is checked.  :)21:35
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clarkblooks like we had a dns fail on osic ubuntu xenial images at ~2100UTC, it was on a multinode lable so possibly using old image if we weren't recycling those multinode images21:41
clarkbhowever, if not I am beginning to suspect the actual issue is with that .org nameserver not responding and things being unhappy as a result21:41
clarkb2001:500:c::1 is the sad server21:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/pbr master: fix tests based on API change in Sphinx
clarkbthough if I direct query it it is fine so maybe not a consistent issue?21:45
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fungiquite possible that's a load balancer and your query is getting answered by different backend servers only one of which is broken21:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/pbr master: allow user to override the output location of api docs
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Make unbound log errors
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clarkbfungi: ^ possible way to go about doing further debugging22:05
fungiheck, they could even be announcing that address space from disconnected facilities and it's a toss up which place your queries are going22:05
clarkbyay anycast22:05
clarkbfungi: that would explain why infracloud and osic seem to bit hit hardest, they are geographically near each other22:06
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jeblairpabelanger, jlk, russelb, rbergeron: i'm trying to run tox -epy35 on zuul on a fedora26 box, and ran into this error and installing redhat-rpm-config got me past it.22:19
openstackLaunchpad bug 1424582 in OpenStack-Gate "Missing /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1" [Undecided,New]22:19
jeblairpabelanger, jlk, russelb, rbergeron: is that, er, a fedora bug, or should we add that to zuul's bindep file or....?22:20
jlkthere's an open bug about that bullcrap22:20
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jlkpython-devel should depend on it22:20
jlkbut, there's a bunch of hand wringing happening upstream and so it's not going anywhere :(22:20
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jeblairjlk: :(  should we put it in bindep.txt for the time being?22:23
jlkyeah, probably22:23
mordredjeblair: ++22:24
jlkit's a build dep, but not a run dep22:24
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add os-service-types project
jlkhow do you handle that? you don't list gcc and such in bin-dep do you?22:24
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jeblairjlk: i think there's a [test] tag for that22:24
jeblairthough, we'd need this for "running" too22:24
mordredjeblair: we need it for running because of ffi right?22:25
jeblair(for anyone who wants to "run" using pypi packages)22:25
pabelangerinteresting, haven't seen that before22:25
jeblairmordred: cryptography is where it broke for me22:25
mordredah - yah22:25
mordredgcc [platform:rpm] is listed in the normal depends, not just the test depends for htat reason I'd imagine22:26
jeblairbut hey, bubblewrap was already installed.  :)22:26
jlkhrm, how?22:26
mordredso yah - I'd say redhat-rpm-config should go into [platform:rpm] generally22:26
mordred not just tagged with test22:26
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jlkwhy do you need the rpmbuild file for runtime?22:26
jlkwasn't it just for compile reasons?22:26
mordredjlk: right - but to pip install the depends, you need to be able to compile22:26
jlkthat's what I meant22:27
jlkyou need it at _build_ time22:27
mordredbindep is "what do I need to install that pip can't instal for me"22:27
jlkbut once built, you don't need it to _run_?22:27
mordredwe haven't encoded a build-deps vs. runtime-deps in bindep so far22:27
jlkwe put zookeeperd in there,22:27
jlkwhich is runtime not even build time22:27
jlkyeah okay.22:27
jlkmy rpm spec lizard brain was kicking up again.22:28
mordredyup. believe me - I'm right there with you22:28
mordredit's taken me years of careful application of alcohol to stop twitching22:28
openstackgerritRosario Di Somma proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Retry to fetch paginated volumes if we get 404 for next link
jeblairmordred: or at least stop noticing that you're twitching :)22:29
jlkoh yeah I used to twitch hard at every "pip" install22:29
jlkbut I've gotten over myself.22:29
mordredjlk: it almost feels normal now doens't it?22:29
jlkcombined with containers, yeah22:29
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add redhat-rpm-config to rpm build deps
pabelangerfungi: jeblair: are we okay with ssl_ca, ssl_cert in public hiera and ssl_key in private?22:31
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Add some release notes we forgot to add
fungipabelanger: fine by me if you want to split things up that way22:32
jeblairpabelanger: yeah, though, would probably be okay to just have them all in the group/fqdn private?22:32
fungii do agree the less we stick in private hiera the better, but there is a balance for convenience too22:32
fungii don't have strong feelings either way on this particular case22:33
fungiother than, of course, making sure that at least the private key is kept private ;)22:34
mordredfungi, jeblair, pabelanger: I also do not have a strong preference either way22:35
fungipabelanger: though once you work out where in hiera things are going, update the ca instructions example accordingly or let me know what you went with so i can push up a change to do that, either wayt22:36
pabelangerk, I'll propose public / private hieradata. See if people like it22:38
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Break early from volume cleanup loop
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Remove some unused mocks
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Convert list servers tests to requests_mock
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Convert list_servers to REST
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: TEST: DONT RECHECK or REVIEW: periodic jobs
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Fix repositories for promotion jobs
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clarkbmordred: jlk the good news is pip has come a long long way in the last 4 or 5 years so that you actually can rely on it22:51
clarkbI've got sick kids demanding attention so may need to call ti a week early22:51
jlkpip + venv + throwaway containers == YOLO22:52
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Fix repositories for promotion jobs
EmilienMclarkb: just fyi I took notes of what we said on irc, we'll work on the items22:56
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clarkbEmilienM: thanks and improvement so far has been great so thanks for that too22:58
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul master: Add gearman SSL support
fungiEmilienM: on a related note, as predicted blowing away the logs for that one nonvoting job did free up a solid 600-700gb on the logs site22:58
fungiso that was a big help in the near term22:59
EmilienMclarkb: tbh, I did nothing but getting feedback and making sure we work on it22:59
EmilienMfungi: excellent news22:59
EmilienMfungi: tbh, we didn't need these logs22:59
EmilienMthe job starts to be more stable now, so we need them22:59
fungitook overnight for the deletes to complete, but not as long as i feared since i could just pass a (albeit complex) shell glob to rm -rf22:59
EmilienMI hope you ran it in a screen :D23:00
fungioh, for sure!23:00
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix mkfs failure when loop device is not ready
fungiwe have a culture of doing stuff like that in screen as root so anyone else can screen -x to follow along or take over when we get tired23:00
jeblairsome of us tire easily23:02
* fungi raises his hand23:02
EmilienMthanks for the work on infra, really awesome23:03
fungiEmilienM: you're welcome! it's fun to do regardless, but more fun when we know it's appreciated ;)23:04
EmilienMit's very appreciated23:05
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add SSL/TLS for gearman service
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul master: Add gearman server / client SSL support
jeblairpabelanger: i don't think we should have 2 copies of the gearman ca cert.  can that just go in the global hiera?23:15
openstackgerritJesse Keating proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Implement Depends-On for github
pabelangerjeblair: sure23:15
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fungiyeah, one feature out current scheme seems to be missing is composable groups (you can't put a node in more than one group currently, right?)23:17
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add SSL/TLS for gearman service
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pabelangerokay, lets see if tests pass23:18
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Convert list_servers to REST
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Convert keypairs tests to requests_mock
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Convert keypairs calls to REST
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pabelangerianw: drops another epel dependency in devstack23:25
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pabelangerfungi: jeblair: and are ready for review. SSL for gearman23:26
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pabelangerokay if we want to wait for monday for that, or I have time to monitor this evening23:27
fungithanks, pabelanger!23:27
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fungilooking now23:27
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jeblairpabelanger: both lgtm, thanks!23:28
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mordredpabelanger: +A23:29
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mordredjeblair, Shrews: this is exciting - it was so many years ago that we added SSL support to the gear lib - and we're finally using it!23:30
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openstackgerritJesse Keating proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Implement Depends-On for github
fungipabelanger: lgtm too23:32
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-zuul master: Add gearman server / client SSL support
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Add SSL/TLS for gearman service
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ianwpabelanger: I know, i wrote it ;)23:48
pabelangerianw: Oh, AHA23:49
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ianwyeah, it's just been on the back-burner with the depends-on for a while23:51
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