Wednesday, 2016-07-27

anteayagroundhog/woodchuck is the same00:00
jrollclarkb: I haven't fully reviewed it, I mostly trust it but I can review it first thing tomorrow too00:00
anteayabeaver is a whole different thing00:00
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mordredanteaya: maybe if that wins we'll need to do a runoff election?00:00
fungianteaya: oh, le sigh. you are correct00:00
pleia2the canadian knows about such things00:00
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anteayanote the flat beaver tail:
* fungi misremembered00:00
clarkbjroll: I guess I am more wanting to make sure we don't approve that change and ironic freaks out beacuse you weren't ready00:00
anteayathe canadian knows, ineede00:00
clarkbjroll: its up to you if you want to review it first00:00
mordredor maybe we just communicate to the illustrator "beaver or woodchuck"00:00
jrollclarkb: it *should* just be a refactor00:00
anteayaone of the few things I can remember00:01
pleia2anteaya: haha00:01
mordredor "beaver/woodchuck, the hybrid animals00:01
anteayamordred: ha ha ha00:01
mordredI would vote differently if I had been voting for a beaverwoodchuck00:01
jrollclarkb: I'm not sure the best way to verify that it's the same though00:01
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anteayafungi: ha ha ha00:01
clarkbjroll: I don't think there is a good way other than reading the xml diff which is painful00:01
clarkbits tempting to vote for oort cloud just to see how they illustrate that00:01
fungiwoodchuck from algonquian (possibly narragansett) "wuchak" sayeth the 'pedia00:02
* jlk would have preferred marmot to woodchuck.
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fungijlk: yes, marmots are cool too00:02
fungialso nobody suggested nutria... that would have been an interesting one00:03
jrollclarkb: then maybe we approve it and ironic folks verify tomorrow, I'm not sure my eyes on the patch can do better than actually putting it in action00:03
anteayaCoelacanths were thought to have become extinct in the Late Cretaceous, around 66 million years ago, but were rediscovered in 1938 off the coast of South Africa.00:03
clarkbfungi: I once lived in prime nutria country would not recommend00:03
anteayaI don't even know what to say to that00:03
clarkbjroll: ok I can go ahead and approve it now then00:03
fungiclarkb: too gamey?00:03
jrollclarkb: I'm happy with how it's refactored, go for it00:03
clarkbfungi: they are 50lb rats00:03
clarkbfungi: with no fear00:03
jlk  could have been us.00:03
fungiclarkb: rous00:04
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pabelangerclarkb: question, why does rally-docs still exist in our post pipeline? I would expect that to be rally-docs-ubuntu-xenial00:04
anteayajlk: ha ha ha00:04
clarkbfungi: when I was working at garmin the office was next to the airport whcih was in a swamp which had large ditches alongside the roadway. More than once I came face to face with the largest nutria I had ever seen. Its like htey grow exponentially00:04
clarkbpabelanger: its because I haven't updated the post jobs yet. they are different jobs since they publish00:05
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clarkbbkero: ^ those would be another simple one to update00:05
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clarkbpabelanger: the check/gate jobs build and publish to the docs draft site. The post job publishes to the actual hosting location00:06
pabelangerclarkb: okay, but I'm not seeing where is JJB where they are defined?00:06
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clarkbpabelanger: openstack-publish jobs00:06
bkeroclarkb: docs or post-using jobs?00:06
clarkber openstack-publish-jobs.yaml00:06
bkerodoesnt wheel also use them?00:06
pabelangerclarkb: ah, perfect. Thanks00:06
clarkbbkero: the {name}-docs template in openstack-publish-jobs.yaml specifically00:07
clarkbbkero: but we will need to do those other ones too00:07
anteayaclarkb: wikipedia says don't eat it: As a food fish it is almost worthless, as its tissues exude oils that give the flesh a foul flavor00:07
aspierscorvus / mtreinish / fungi:
clarkbanteaya: no wonder they have survived for millions of years00:07
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clarkbhow to survive: don't be tasty to things bigger than you00:07
aspiersonce that is accepted, 1.4.0 will become available via the URL already listed in the README00:08
aspiersand so to bed ...00:08
anteayasounding more and more like me all the time: The coelacanth braincase is 98.5% filled with fat; only 1.5% of the braincase contains brain tissue00:08
mtreinishaspiers: nice00:08
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* mtreinish makes a mental note to add the man page to the arch package too00:08
mtreinishassuming I didn't already do that00:09
mtreinishwhich I did not:
clarkbhrm logstash is still cranky, I was hoping it would've levelled out by now. I will have to look more tomorrow morning00:10
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anteayaDue to the abundance of its fins, the coelacanth has high maneuverability and can orient its body in almost any direction in the water. They have been seen doing headstands as well as swimming belly up. It is thought that the rostral organ helps give the coelacanth electroperception, which aids in movement around obstacles.00:11
pleia2sounds like us00:11
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anteayaand they are lazy00:14
anteayathey just drift around and eat whatever is near them00:14
anteayaand they hide in caves00:14
pleia2just like us!00:14
anteayaand they don't like body contact00:14
anteayasounds like a great mascot00:14
anteayapleia2: did you put it on the list?00:15
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fungithat was one of the random ones i threw in after last week's meeting00:15
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fungii didn't really think much about stuff i picked other than cool factor, and figured people could just read whatever they want into it00:16
anteayafungi: it is a great random one00:16
anteayait has some wonderful qualities00:16
anteayalasting 60 million years is just one of them00:16
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anteayadidn't keystone take turtle?00:17
anteayastevemar: notmorgan ^^00:17
anteayaI just think circulatory system as a mascot is a tough one00:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Refactor Ironic job macro
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fungii attempted to faithfully represent the list we had from the etherpad, including things that other teams may have picked00:19
fungicondorcet lends itself to eliminating options after ranking00:19
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fungisince you're basically saying "i really want the turtle, but the tanuki would be great if we can't00:20
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fungiet cetera00:20
fungiand then it's taking that into account across everyone's votes00:20
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anteayayeah that is true00:20
anteayapink fairy armadillo does have a lot of merit00:20
fungiso the first in the final ranking is the least contentious option, the second is the second least contentious option, and so on down the line00:21
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fungiand in theory if the poll were re-run with the exact same ordering in everyone's ballots but some options were removed then the results should also be the same just with those options removed00:21
fungibasically same outcome whether you remove options before or after voting00:22
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* anteaya reads up on taxons:
anteayaI will put beaver in my rankings but I am voting beaver not woodchuck00:27
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funginoted. i think beaver was the spirit of the original suggestion anyway00:28
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anteayaokay voted00:28
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fungii had suggested woodchuck as an alternative in case the english slang concerns someone else raised on that option turned out to be a problem00:29
anteayaI understand, but I think most of the crowd didn't feel it would be misconstrued00:29
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anteayathat was my take on the conversations I took part in00:29
anteayabut thanks for considering it00:30
fungithinking back, otter would have been a closer alternative00:30
anteayaand unfortunately beaver doesnt' have a second name like woodchuck/groundhog00:30
anteayaotter also would have been an interesting choice00:30
anteayaI can look up first nations words for beaver00:30
fungimost animals are interesting if you stop and dwell on them for a moment00:30
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fungiapparently "beaver" is also one of the first nations languages?00:32
fungi"Beaver is an Athabaskan language, related to other languages like Carrier and Dene."
anteayathat I did not know00:32
ianwI wonder if i should report "" as a DOS attack?  my firefox chokes on it :(00:33
fungiianw: there are plenty of job console logs that can get you the same effect if you're enjoying it that much00:33
anteayain mohawk it is tsyenni:tonh00:33
ianwfungi: yeah, and "ctrl-f" in the new gerrit change screen is pretty much a DOS attack too00:34
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anteayaand tsáá' is beaver in Beaver00:34
fungiianw: s/"ctrl-f" in //00:34
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fungianteaya: that's seriously meta00:34
anteayaI like it00:35
anteayathose accents on the a's will be tricky though00:35
fungithat's why i have a compose key00:35
anteayaa compose key00:35
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* anteaya reads00:37
zxiiroThe infra mascot vote. Is there a drawing of all of the proposed mascots or do I need to use my imagination?00:37
anteayazxiiro: imagination00:37
zxiirodoh, i'm not much of the creative type00:37
fungizxiiro: this is so we have something to tell the illustrator being selected by the foundation00:38
anteayathe point of the exerices is a foundation selected illustrator will be providing drawings of the mascots00:38
fungii just set keycode 133 and 134 (the logo keys on my keyboard) to Multi_key in my ~/.Xmodmap and call `xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap` from my ~/.xinitrc00:39
fungianteaya: ^00:39
fungithough some windowing environments may have other ways of accomplishing teh same00:39
ianwjhesketh: hmm, well it doesn't seem like our pypi mirrors have fixed up the "dot to dash" issue from so long ago ... i wonder if bandersnatch is to blame00:39
anteayawell holding down control and the key with a window on it did something interesting00:40
anteayaI may have to play with this a bit, thank you00:40
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fungianteaya: xorg has a lot of intuitive compose mappings, for example compose+8+8 is ∞00:41
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fungiand compose+^+2 is ²00:41
fungicompose +>+> is »00:42
fungiet cetera00:42
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fungiyou can either chord them or, if not convenient (because of needing other modifiers to generate some of the symbols) strike them in series00:43
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anteayasounds like fun00:43
anteayalooks like it too00:43
fungiit comes in really handy if you want your 104-key keyboard to be a 1004-key keyboard ;)00:43
anteayahe he he00:43
anteayaclarkb: we are missing a job definition it appears:
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anteayafungi: I've never spent time thinking that my keyboard just doesn't have enough keys on it to suit me00:45
anteayasuch a sheltered life I have lived00:45
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jascott1lxc-attach -n infra01_utility_container-a839c61600:49
fungioh, hey, i didn't know you could type “smartquotes” with compose+<+" and compose+>+"00:49
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anteayahow interesting00:54
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anteayathank you fungi01:00
fungidon't spend it all in one place01:00
anteayaha ha ha01:00
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anteayahow to do the spanish fish hook accent01:02
anteayacompose+5+a is not it01:02
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fungiuse ,01:02
fungicompose+,+a ą01:03
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fungi; instead of , also seems to work for that01:03
fungiyou're a little too excited by this01:04
anteayaI am so01:04
anteayasomething I never knew I was missing01:04
anteayayou're a bad influence01:04
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add firehose.o.o config to system-config
anteayahmmm, not what I was going for01:05
anteayait has to lean to the left01:05
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fungiyou want ` for accents in the other direction01:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Increase xenial max servers to 10
anteayaah thanks, actually it is two dots01:07
anteayathey are just lined up to the left01:07
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fungioh, you wanted an umlaut?01:08
ianwphschwartz / nibalizer :  how come in this does "require => [ Class['pip' ]" for the openstack_pip provider ?  most others do?01:08
anteayano it isn't an umlaut01:08
anteayaI haven't seen it before, I don't know what it is called01:08
ianw^ i mean this does *not* have ...01:08
fungiï is i-umlaut for me01:08
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add pabelanger as channel operator
phschwartzianw: I am confused as to what you mean not is doing the requires for openstack_pip which is correct.01:10
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anteayafungi: so I can go with ì as close01:10
fungianteaya: yeah, i-grave then (ì)01:10
anteayafungi: but it does look like two lined up dots to me01:10
ianwphschwartz: so compare to say
phschwartzfungi: did you just go Star Trek on us. Lol01:10
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clarkbanteaya: huh I ran tox -ezuul locally01:11
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anteayaclarkb: it didnt' like it01:11
anteayaclarkb: there must be a job in there somewhere we missed01:12
ianwphschwarz: compared to
ianwphschwartz: ^01:12
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anteayaclarkb: apparently it is still in zuul/layout.yaml according to my grepping01:13
phschwartzianw: it is a normal puppet stylization. The first case in my review is using the provider right then, the require is not explicitly needed.01:13
clarkbanteaya: I will figure it out in the morning01:14
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anteayaclarkb: I can do it now if you like01:14
anteayaor happy to wait for you tomorrow, your choice01:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add germqtt project
fungiokay, i'm going to knock off for the night. later everybody01:15
anteayafungi: night01:15
phschwartzianw: and for most uses of the provider there is no use of a require. I modified close to 25 of them in a chain of reviews.01:15
ianwphschwartz: ok, yeah, so i guess i'm asking when the require is needed an when it isn't?01:15
phschwartzfungi: later01:15
clarkbanteaya: oh sure if you want to go for it01:16
anteayaclarkb: okay I will take one try and then call it a night too01:16
phschwartzianw: when using the provider directly there is no time it is ever really required unless it is being run on a system that won't have pip installed. Pip is part of our base system template so it will always be there.01:16
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phschwartzGrr. No need not no time. Stupid phone.01:17
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clarkbanteaya: I wonder if that test only works if I commit first01:18
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phschwartzIn short beyond that autocorrect mess. It is only needed if you know pip will not be installed on the system before that configure step.01:18
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anteayaah I will try to commit first01:18
anteayathanks was about to run the test01:19
anteayaor perhaps I should run both, before commiting and after01:19
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anteayaI'll run tests before commiting01:19
ianwphschwartz: so given the sort of general idea of reusability -- it would be just a bit better to *have* the require bits in say, puppet-bandersnatch ... just so it *can* stand alone?01:19
ianweven though, i guess in practice it probably won't01:19
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anteayamy tests failed before commiting: ImportError: No module named stevedore01:20
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phschwartzianw: depends on if it is ever going to be used on a base system where no other configuration is done.01:20
anteayaclarkb: any idea who is wanting stevedore and why it didn't get it?01:20
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anteayaI guess I could just pip install stevedore01:21
ianwphschwartz: i guess i'm just getting at we should code defensively to allow that in the various puppet-* modules?  I just need to update puppet-bandersnatch to ensure=>latest so we get the new release of it, so will do this too01:21
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anteayaI had it01:22
phschwartzianw: that would most likely get a -1. Those are not changes for the same thing and shouldn't be in a single review.01:22
anteayaI had stevedore already according to pip, I upgraded, I still have an error, something can't find stevedore on my local system01:23
phschwartzianw: I also don't think that much defensiveness is needed in a module that has a very very very low likelihood to be used outside of openstack_project01:23
clarkbanteaya: stevedore is a dhellmann thing maybe we just need to update the job for it01:23
clarkboh sorry your local tests dont have it01:23
clarkbI dunno01:24
anteayaI dunno either01:24
anteayatired now, will submit my patch and worry about stevedore later01:24
phschwartzanteaya: was the stevedore error from a tox run?01:25
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove unused devstack-gate job
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anteayatox -ezuul01:25
phschwartzis it in the reqs or reqs-dev file?01:25
phschwartzYou have it local, but maybe tox is not pulling it into the venv it builds on run.01:26
anteayagood question01:26
anteayaI also wondered that01:26
ianwphschwartz: ok, np.  for me it's actually mostly just consistency01:27
anteayaphschwartz: I don't see stevedore listed in test-requirements or other-requirements:
phschwartzI do know with the newer zuul changes it is needed to load modules that do work for ansible.01:27
anteayaphschwartz: so I don't know what is wanting it and failing to pull it in01:27
anteayaphschwartz: thanks for sharing that01:27
anteayaI appreciate it01:27
phschwartzianw: it wouldn't be a consistency thing as most of our modules don't have the require.01:28
anteayaI think I am going offline now01:28
phschwartzanteaya: with out being at my keyboard it is hard to help out more then conjecture. If I get a chance to look later, I will let you know.01:28
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prometheanfirefatal: remote error: access denied or repository not exported: /openstack-infra/germqtt.git01:32
prometheanfireCaching germqtt from git:// in /root/.cache/image-create/source-repositories/germqtt_7c3981e33bd90e80e4332e4bae9ea13a29159a8901:32
prometheanfireanyone else having that problem?01:33
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ianwyeah, empty : warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.01:34
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prometheanfireseems better now01:34
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/puppet-bandersnatch: Ensure pip updates to latest release
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Srinu_In jenkins openstack ci.. slave is killing the sshd connection automatically01:39
Srinu_Did any one face this issue any time01:40
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ianwSrinu_: might need more details on what's happening to make suggestions.  you never get a connection?01:41
Srinu_I am using two jobs in check pipeline and i have two slaves. They are ruunning parallel and if any one of the finished will add another node. At the time of adding node to jenkins. Another one going offline01:44
openstackgerritKien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for FTP-Publisher plugin
Srinu_Ianw: in the jenkins/computer tab. In response time for the first try only the jenkins making the node offline01:47
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement basic undercloud sanity checks
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement a new job for undercloud testing only
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Temporary fix for nodejs/libuv conflict
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement undercloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Revert "Work around bandersnatch not supporting pep503"
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Srinu_In jenkins computer response time information timeout for 1 try making the node offline.01:55
Srinu_Did any one face this issue01:56
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openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Gentoo support to nodepool
prometheanfirefrom testing it seems like  I need at least to continue to work on gentoo02:16
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prometheanfirewithout it, it will try to pull in graphviz which fails02:16
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prometheanfirebecause it's pulling from git, not local02:16
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prometheanfireso, if people could review that'd be helpful02:23
prometheanfireat least the other one edits elements which dib can handle correctly02:24
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prometheanfireanyway, going to sleep now, but it'd be nice to not ignore
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timrcDear lazyweb, what in the world is a tanuki?02:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/groups-static-pages: Add a section about groups over large areas
mgagnea Japanese raccoon dog ?02:34
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mgagnegoogle helped me ^^'02:34
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Krenair;a=blob;f=manifests/app.pp seems to imply mediawiki will be at origin/master (which is probably a bad idea for production :)), but shows it hasn't been updated in... a long while02:52
timrcmgagne: ++02:52
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pleia2hi Krenair, our mediawiki puppet module (and our entire wiki) is very much a work in progress02:53
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pleia2Krenair: how'd you find us? :)02:53
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timrcI should have googled before I cast my vote :P Oh well... I'm fine with a fly pink armadillo :P02:53
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Krenairpleia2, I've been working on openstack-related things for Wikimedia Labs, ran into the wiki02:54
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pleia2Krenair: cool, this may be of interest to you
KrenairI also found the header at the top of templates/apache/mediawiki.erb :D02:55
pleia2Krenair: we have a few folks working on this spec to get a modern version, and we'd absolutely love the help from an expert02:55
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pleia2fungi and jpmaxman here are the core drivers right now02:56
pleia2as you can read from the spec, our puppet module is incomplete and so some updates will need to be made there as we move toward a more fully automated deployment02:58
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jpmaxmanHi Krenair any suggestions you have are welcome :)02:59
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Krenairjust reading it now03:00
pleia2hey jpmaxman :)03:00
jpmaxmanHi :)03:00
KrenairStrictly speaking, MW 1.26 is still getting security fixes until November and should run with the current PHP version on there03:02
Krenair(1.25 (EOL) and 1.26 require PHP 5.3.3, you have 5.3.10)03:03
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KrenairBut I'm guessing you're thinking longer term than November, which means MW 1.27 which means PHP 5.5.9 or HHVM 3.103:04
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KrenairI notice this suggests using Ubuntu 14.04, not 16.0403:05
KrenairWas it written before release?03:05
pleia2no, we don't have any 16.04 servers in our permanent fleet yet03:05
KrenairOr do you use other OSes now? I know Wikimedia servers are moving towards Debian Jessie instead of continuing on Ubuntu03:06
pleia2so we're still aiming at 14.0403:06
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KrenairI think there was some progress re. the debian mediawiki package recently03:08
pleia2I think it was unclear whether we'd be using the packages (which as you probably know, were dropped from Debian and Ubuntu) or source03:08
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Krenairthe guy working on that says MW 1.27 is in Debian unstable03:09
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KrenairIt has a few issues, but then he's hoping to get it into testing... and eventually jessie-backports03:10
KrenairI don't know how it'd get from there to Ubuntu03:10
pleia2yeah, I don't think there are any plans to run Debian rather than Ubuntu for our servers03:10
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KrenairYou're 100% Ubuntu?03:10
pleia2once it gets into testing, it'll be pulled into an Ubuntu release, but that's likely not until the 18.04 LTS at this point03:10
pleia2we have some CentOS systems too03:10
openstackgerritKien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix link to findbugs minimal example
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Krenairit'll have to be source based install then, for now at least03:12
* pleia2 nods03:12
openstackgerritKien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix link to findbugs minimal example
stevemaranteaya: fungi yes we did take turtle :)03:15
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KrenairI'm not really familiar with existing puppet modules for mediawiki03:16
pabelangerianw: just popping on to see how we are making out with fedora-24? I know we are building and uploading images with nodepool. Have you had a chance to run any jobs on them yet?03:17
KrenairBeyond Wikimedia's of course... which is probably overkill03:17
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pabelangerianw: I might have some time tomorrow to look at them help migrate03:17
pleia2Krenair: I'd say that part of the spec are done, the ones we found on puppet forge weren't maintained03:19
pleia2Krenair: so I think we're going to focus on continuing to improve our own03:19
pleia2Krenair: although, is the one wikimedia is using open source somewhere?03:20
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pleia2even if we don't use it directly, it may offer us some guidance03:20
pabelangerpleia2: do you mind helping land 347579? Temp removing bluebox from nodepool so we reduce exception warnings in the debug logs03:20
Krenairwikimedia's whole main puppet repo is open source (obviously it doesn't include secrets, private parts, etc.)03:20
pleia2pabelanger: sure thing, looking now03:20
pleia2pabelanger: done03:21
pabelangerpleia2: danke03:21
Krenairit can be found at - be aware the vast majority of it is for the various misc. services running, not MW03:21
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pleia2Krenair: great, so probably need to poke around
Krenair also03:22
pleia2ah good, a role too03:23
Krenairyeah, well... not just one. as you can see there are various different types of servers in the wikimedia cluster running mediawiki03:23
pleia2makes sense03:23
Krenairdedicated machines for running jobs, image scaling, video scaling, etc.03:23
Krenaircan't run wikipedia on a single node :)03:23
pleia2hah, indeed :)03:24
Krenairand we manually maintain the mediawiki files themselves on the deployment host03:24
Krenairit's not intended for openstack's use case at all03:25
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pleia2yeah, our wiki is pretty simple03:25
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Krenairthere may be reusable puppet code somewhere under
Krenairbut it's for development03:26
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Srinuhi. i jenkins openstack ci the jenkins slave is kiiling ssd by itself making the slave offline. how can we stop that03:27
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pleia2Krenair: I need to step away for the evening, but please feel welcome to stick around, we'd definitely appreciate your expertise as we work through this03:27
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Krenairis there some way I can set up a local VM to test the current puppet module?03:29
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pleia2Krenair: we have docs for how we use our puppet stuff here:
pabelangerpleia2: sorry, can you quickly get 347525 too before you drop for the night03:29
pabelangerpleia2: a dependency for 34757903:29
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pleia2Krenair: the local.pp would likely be something like what we have in
pleia2pabelanger: sure03:30
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pleia2Krenair: I expect it won't fully deploy since I think we're missing some things, there is a bit too much manual stuff going on in production still03:32
Srinupleia2: hi. i have jenkins openstack ci step. the jenkins slave is kiling sshd by itself making the slave offline. in jenkins computer info tab, the response time field, time out for 1 try and making slave can we stop that03:35
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Turn bluebox max servers to -1
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openstackgerritKien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Update HTML Publisher plugin to use convert xml
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove bluebox
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ianwpabelanger: sorry, just popped out for lunch03:59
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ianwpabelanger: anyway, i haven't got back to it, other things keep coming up, will try to make some time04:00
pabelangerianw: np, was just about to wrap up for the night. So have a few more mins04:00
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pabelangerianw: okay, np. I can give some jobs a spin in the morning see how they preform04:00
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ianwpabelanger: last thing that happened was ansible wasn't connecting, let me kick one off..04:02
ianw192.237.253.92 1988504:03
ianwyeah, same thing ->
pabelangerOh right04:04
pabelangerokay, I'll dig into that in the morning04:04
ianwthere was some suggestion about locales?  i do have a fix out for locale setting, but not sure if it's related04:04
pabelangerI think that was the locales issue04:04
pabelangerI can confirm in the morning04:04
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pabelangerwe can have nodepool auto hold the node to debug it04:04
ianwpabelanger: ok, i'll get going too04:05
pabelangernodepool job-create I think04:05
pabelangerianw: cool, okay. Out for the night, will follow up with you tomorrow04:05
ianwpabelanger: np, i'll jump on early to catch you and we'll focus on it04:06
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sdakeAJaeger reading that project-config review for fuel-ccp from you was kind of hilarious :)04:12
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Srinupabelanger:hi. i have jenkins openstack ci step. the jenkins slave is kiling sshd by itself making the slave offline. in jenkins computer info tab, the response time field, time out for 1 try and making slave can we stop that04:18
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pabelanger#status log gate-tempest-dsvm-platform-fedora24 added to nodepool auto-hold to debug ansible failures04:19
openstackstatuspabelanger: finished logging04:19
pabelangerSrinu: sorry, logging off for the night04:19
Srinupabelanger: ok good night04:20
pabelangerianw: if you run the job again, nodepool will keep the node online to debug04:20
pabelangerianw: I'll continue debugging in the morning04:20
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ianwpabelanger: ok ... let's see here04:21
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ianw104.239.174.204 1988504:22
ianwcool yep it's held04:23
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for sqlalchemy reporter
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Srinuianw: did you saw my questions. can you please help me04:26
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ianwSrinu: sorry, not sure i have any insight into your issues.04:28
openstackgerritKien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: gitlab trigger: Support new "trigger-open-merge-request-push" options
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/germqtt: Add missing .gitreview file
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/germqtt: Add MQTT auth support
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/germqtt: Add docs explaining mqtt topic layout
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/germqtt: Add missing .gitreview file
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/germqtt: Add MQTT auth support
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/germqtt: Add docs explaining mqtt topic layout
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/germqtt: Fix all things tox
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ianwpabelanger: ok, so i debugged this a bit ... i can replicate with a local ansible.  it is *definitely* the lack of locale.  actually i think the root cause is forgetting to install en langpack as fixed by
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ianwgreghaynes: i might try to get a point release out for that when it goes in.  there's only small stuff since last release05:28
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jianghuawhi, my zuul ran into dead loop again due to there are dependent Unknown project - openstack-infra/puppet-germqtt. This project was new added in the upstream layout several days ago.05:41
jianghuawIsn't it a bug within zuul?05:41
jianghuawin my opinion, it shouldn't run into dead loop even the project is unknown. right?05:42
jianghuawWithout fixing it, it seems difficult to avoid similar CI broken. in case new project to be added sometime in the future.05:44
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jianghuawAny thought or advice?05:45
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openstackgerritBen Kero proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run chef jobs on xenial
bkeroclarkb: ^06:09
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove unused trusty jobs
openstackgerritKien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Update EnvInject plugin
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openstackgerritTatiana Ovchinnikova proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Django 1.9 and 1.10 tests to Manila UI
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openstackgerritKien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Update EnvInject plugin
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yolandagood morning06:47
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bkeroGood morning!06:47
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openstackgerritCraige McWhirter proposed openstack-infra/puppet-phabricator: Patches Required to Deliver Pholio
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove unused devstack-gate job
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add some debug output for release-note test
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add some debug output for release-note test, add further job
AJaegerfungi, first release-note test job with zuul-cloner works fine on master but I'd like some more debug output - and wait for stable changes to merge. Also, added openstack-manuals ^07:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add documentation about Chanserv's auto-kick list
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: [murano-apps] add 'gate-murano-apps-linters' job
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add python-don
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make py35 voting for Heat
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: [Manila] Move dummy driver job to check pipeline
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: tempest/CLI tests for Sahara require also console-log
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openstackgerritKota Tsuyuzaki proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add python jobs to pyeclib project
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vgridnevcan someone from infra team review ?08:04
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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openstackgerritYaroslav Lobankov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add openstack/pipe-report project
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: yum-minimal: set locale.conf and tz in chroot
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ianwpabelanger: ^ pushed 1.18.2 with this change.  ergo i think f24 should work after tomorrows build & upload.  we can still root cause it & see if we can get ansible to be more helpful...09:01
ianwgreghaynes: ^ fyi ... all just little bug fixes since 1.18.109:02
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-subunit2sql: Make sure global worker defs only done once
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-bandersnatch: Ensure pip updates to latest release
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/shade: Forklift in YamlJsonSerializer
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rcarrillocruzianw: i've approved , depends on merged09:33
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Revert "Work around bandersnatch not supporting pep503"
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Update trust certificates for Redhat
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sulohi, anyone around to give a quick look please10:01
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lennybfatal: unable to connect to git.openstack.org10:15
lennybis git OK?10:15
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openstackgerritTom Fifield proposed openstack-infra/groups-static-pages: Syntax fix for organiser docs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/groups-static-pages: Syntax fix for organiser docs
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openstackgerritDong Ma proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix the subunit2sql migration error with mysql 5.7
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rcarrillocruzlennyb: i can clone fine, must have been a transient issue or your end?10:40
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: grafana: split neutron integrated gate dashboard
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openstackgerritvinay kumar muddu proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Build wholedisk images capable of UEFI secure boot
openstackgerritvinay kumar muddu proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add support for building images capable of UEFI
lennybrcarrillocruz: it looks ok now. thanks10:52
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ylobankovHi everybody. yolanda, AJaeger, rcarrillocruz, clarkb, could you please take a look at ? Thanks in advance!11:01
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openstackgerritBeth Elwell proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added publish jobs to js-openstack-lib project
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bookwarhi, is it possible to trigger gerrit ref-updated event manually via zuul client?11:28
bookwarzuul enqueue command requires change-id parameter, which doesn't exist in case of ref-updated event afaik11:29
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sebiancorvus: oh neat! thx! let's update the Debian package :)11:38
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Update the link to the current-tripleo repository
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add details for rh1 deployments
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prometheanfireany chance someone can look at for a second +2/+W :D12:00
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openstackgerritCraige McWhirter proposed openstack-infra/puppet-phabricator: Patches Required to Deliver Pholio
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pabelangerianw: okay12:34
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Srinupabelanger: hi, when i am running two jobs in check pipeline. if one job finished and if another job is in tempest test. and the finished job slave vm will deleted and added a new node. while it is deleting finished job slave vm. it is deleting  slave.jar process in another slave which is running tempest. this is causing slave went offline issue12:37
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tlbrpabelanger, hi, could you please review ?12:41
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Set undercloud_hostname in multinode jobs
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Srinuany one know the issue that i ping to pabelanger. please help me12:43
Srinuhi, when i am running two jobs in check pipeline. if one job finished and if another job is in tempest test. and the finished job slave vm will deleted and added a new node. while it is deleting finished job slave vm. it is deleting  slave.jar process in another slave which is running tempest. this is causing slave went offline issue12:43
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pabelangertlbr: how does spice-html5 relate to openstack?12:44
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tlbrpabelanger, actually Thomas described why we need it. But anyway, yes, it is a dependency of nova-consoleproxy package
pabelangertlbr: okay, let some other comments12:47
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abregmanquestion about zuul. which service uses the "GerritWatcher" class, is it the zuul-server? can't find the reference12:49
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aspiersfungi: wondering what you meant yesterday when you talked about hacking "an improvement to pbr so that sdist (and maybe bdist_wheel) can call build_sphinx doc/man"12:51
aspiersfungi: since it turns out that with gertty, python build_sphinx already works fine12:51
aspiersfungi: and it doesn't even require setting PBR_VERSION12:51
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/shade: Forklift in YamlJsonSerializer
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pabelangerclarkb: do we have any projects running python 2.7 on xenial?12:53
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pabelangerAJaeger: you might know too^12:55
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Add 'restricted' field to branches
jrollclarkb: happy to have that chat about reducing ironic jobs when you're around, I've had some thoughts on that lately as well12:56
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zigopabelanger: I don't understand your comment here:
openstackgerritWitold Bedyk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix Monasca Log API tempest gate config
zigopabelanger: Isn't the git repo available when the job executes?13:00
pabelangerzigo: blargs, yes. I missed the gerrit-git-prep macro in deb-build-pkg.yaml.  You can ignore that comment13:01
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Add system info
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* pabelanger runs off to get some coffee13:01
zigopabelanger: I should also ignore this comment?
zigoI'm not sure if I understand this either ... :(13:02
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pabelangerzigo: so, what if you need to write a patch to openstack-pkg-tools for some reason?  If you install it from the package, you'll have to wait for that build to be uploads to our AFS mirrors. If you use the zuul-cloner builder you can use the Depends-On header in your commit messages to pull in the patch you depend on13:14
zigopabelanger: If we need a new version of openstack-pkg-tools, then we will do that through build-depends, to enforce it also at the distro level.13:15
zigopabelanger: So here, unfortunately, we cannot only rely on git commits...13:15
Srinuasselin_ asselin: hi13:15
pabelangerzigo: okay, if you are fine with that13:15
zigopabelanger: Also, I don't intend to often fix/change the build system once it's online.13:15
pabelangerzigo: okay, +213:16
zigopabelanger: Can you also look at ?13:16
zigoThese are the last 2 patches that are needed to get the fully working build system.13:17
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zigoThen we'll only add new repos.13:17
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pabelangerzigo: I was thinking about this last night, why can't these be added into jessie-backports? I'm guess a policy issue and potentially breaking other packages?13:18
zigopabelanger: What's in jessie-backporst is the *last* release (ie: Mitaka right now).13:19
zigopabelanger: I don't want to break what the final users are consuming, just to be able to build the current master.13:19
zigoAs much as possible, jessie-backports should stay untouched after a stable release upload.13:19
zigoHopefully, we'll have bikesheds to play with, and then this will be over.13:20
pabelangerzigo: right, so I guess that means we need to create something like jessie-backports-newton right?13:20
pabelangerso we don't break things when O release happens13:20
zigo(bikeshed == the Debian way to do PPA, which IMO is the "right" (tm) way)13:20
zigopabelanger: That's exactly what I've been doing on my jenkins, yes.13:20
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pabelangerzigo: okay, so we need to update reprepro for that, which is fine.  But we'll also need to update the JJB jobs to account for this.  Let me get started on patches13:21
zigopabelanger: Though I'm not sure how this translates at the infra level (ie: to distinguish with 2 repos)13:21
zigoThanks so much.13:21
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timrcBroken doc links make me sad :(13:34
timrcre: the latest sadness.  Linked to from rally's readthedocs tutorial.13:35
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EmilienMGerrit it slower than usual for me, and I have random 502 errors this morning (location: east canada)13:40
openstackgerritafazekas proposed openstack/os-testr: Simplify logic in _get_test_list
sc`ditto as EmilienM - california here13:40
timrcI remember the update to the new guide breaking Google search links too, though.  In the future, landing pages for retired links that redirect to the new hotness would be better.13:40
sc`had just switched to this window to mention the gerrit slowness. EmilienM beat me to it :)13:41
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EmilienMI have 0% packet loss so it doesn't sound networking this time13:42
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add jessie-newton-backports repo
pabelangerzigo: ^13:43
smcginnisIs gerrit having issues again, or is it just me?13:43
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jrollslow for me13:44
smcginnisjroll: OK good. Just want to make sure I'm not suffering along. ;)13:44
jrollI feel your pain :)13:44
jrolloh, 502 now, yay13:44
smcginnisYep, got some of those as well.13:44
fungiaspiers: what i meant was making it so that a copy of the manpage ends up in the sdist tarball so that people installing from sdist don't need to manually regenerate the manpage (that was before i realized you weren't trying to pip install gertty but rather trying to repackage it for a different distribution channel)13:45
jrollpabelanger: ^ when you have a few minutes13:45
aspiersfungi: ahhh ok13:45
pabelangeryes, looking for the commands again to confirm memory usage in gerrit13:45
pabelangerfungi: mind helping with the URL again?13:45
wznoinskreview.o.o down?13:46
fungipabelanger: /monitoring13:46
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pabelangerfungi: thanks13:46
smcginniswznoinsk: Yes, seems to be issues right now.13:46
wznoinskServer Unavailable13:46
wznoinsk502 Proxy Error13:46
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smcginniswznoinsk: Slowness and proxy errors on my end as well.13:47
fungipabelanger: and yeah, the garbage collector time graph does seem to have just spiked up in recent minutes13:47
EmilienMwznoinsk, smcginnis: they're working on it, wait a minute, or go for a coffee13:47
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sc`my first thought was gc. not sure why13:47
AJaegerpabelanger: I doubt that we have python2.7 running on xenial13:47
wznoinskEmilienM: nah, coffee in progress already13:47
smcginnisEmilienM: Mmmm, coffee.13:48
pabelangerfungi: ya, I see that.13:48
fungibased on the graph, i think gerrit began spending a lot of time garbage collecting around 13:15 utc13:48
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AJaegerpabelanger: Sorry, misready - gate-{name}-python27-ubuntu-xenial exists now, so most projects run on xenial now13:48
pabelangerAJaeger: Ah, okay. Good13:48
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pabelangerfungi: Do we ride out the GC usually? I cannot remember at what stage we restart gerrit13:49
fungiwow, zuul did (very briefly) catch up on job load between 03:00-06:00 utc13:49
pabelangerload is 7.58 with 379 threads13:49
fungipabelanger: it generally never recovers once it ends up in a gc spiral13:50
fungiand we restart gerrit13:50
pabelangerfungi: okay, I can restart gerrit is we are ready13:50
fungi#status notice Gerrit is being restarted now to relieve performance degradation13:51
openstackstatusfungi: sending notice13:51
fungigo for it13:51
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fungigate changes all look at least a few minutes out from reporting anyway13:51
AJaegerproject-config zuul-layout changes fail "No matching distribution found for oslo.config>=3.10.0 " ;(13:52
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit is being restarted now to relieve performance degradation13:52
pabelangerokay, stopped and started again13:52
AJaegerthanks, pabelanger13:54
openstackstatusfungi: finished sending notice13:54
pabelangerfungi: you might also be interested in 347839.  This adds a jessie-newton-backports repo that zigo requested in 346095 (which you have commented on)13:54
fungithere's a gate-glance-pep8-ubuntu-xenial job reporting POST_FAILURE on that glance change at the top of the gate13:56
fungiseems it didn't upload any logs13:56
dhellmannis there some sort of issue with our pypi cache/mirror? I have a couple of release jobs failing because they can't install lazr.restfulclient --
pabelangerya, doesn't seem to exist in our mirrors.  Let me check our wheel-build jobs13:59
dhellmannpabelanger : thanks13:59
dhellmannI don't know if there was a new release or something. I don't think we've changed our spec for the dependency13:59
dhellmannmy local virtualenv has 0.13.1 which is older than the latest on pypi 0.13.314:00
AJaegerpabelanger: see above for my comment as well - oslo.config not found ;(14:01
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fungi seems to match
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pabelangerI didn't see it14:06
tlbrfungi, hi could you please merge ?14:06
fungiand i can download lazr.restfulclient-0.13.1.tar.gz from the mirror just fine14:07
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fungidhellmann: the pypi simple api doesn't seem to have a 0.13.314:08
dhellmannand yet
dhellmannoh, fun, there's no package there14:08
fungidhellmann: and what files do you see associated with it there? ;)14:08
* dhellmann swears at canonical14:08
fungiit's a fileless release (so possibly deleted from pypi after upload or maybe never uploaded)14:08
dhellmannlet me try pinning14:09
pabelangerfungi: thanks for looking. I missed it first pass14:09
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fungidhellmann: i suspect they never uploaded any files for that, because i don't see any deletions mentioned in our bandersnatch log going back at least a week14:10
fungioh, though their changelog says 0.13.3 (2013-03-22)14:11
AJaegerpabelanger, can you check oslo.config as well, please? " No matching distribution found for oslo.utils>=3.14.0" in -14:11
fungidhellmann: did we just recently grow a dependency on uncapped lazr.restfulclient?14:11
pabelangerAJaeger: sure, looking14:11
AJaeger has no oslo.3.1414:11
AJaegerand has 3.13 as latest. Strange ;(14:12
dhellmannfungi : it's not a direct dependency, so I'm not sure14:12
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AJaegerWrong requirement in python-keystoneclient>=0.4.2 ?14:12
fungidhellmann: oh! launchpadlib 1.10.3 requires lazr.restfulclient>=0.9.1914:12
dhellmannyeah, I'm working on a pin in
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pabelangerAJaeger: ya, I don't know what is happening there. dhellmann is oslo.config 3.14.0 in the release pipeline?14:14
fungidhellmann: strangely the launchpadlib changelog says 1.10.3 (2014-12-05)14:14
fungiso also old14:14
AJaegeroh, that's olso.utils 3.14, not oslo.config14:15
pabelangerYa, I just see that14:15
AJaegerand oslo.config 3.10 as well in different log14:15
AJaeger and
pabelangerAJaeger: okay, I'd recheck that job14:16
pabelangerAJaeger: oslo.utils 3.16.0 exists14:16
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AJaegerpabelanger: I did already - the two project-config jobs in the queue both fail - looking at zuul status14:17
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AJaegerpabelanger: you approved - but not everything is setup ;(14:20
AJaegerpabelanger: does not exist yet.14:20
AJaegercould any infra-root please check github on why the repo above is stuck? ^14:21
fungiAJaeger: pabelanger: i see oslo.config-3.13.0.tar.gz and oslo.config-3.13.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl at
pabelangerfungi: ya, I see them too14:22
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phschwartzfungi: I vote we add another mascott to the voting list. The Gozer dogs from Ghostbusters 1. "There is only ZUUL!"14:23
AJaegerfungi, pabelanger run on ubuntu-precise-rax-ord-2953365 - but fails with oslo.config ;(14:23
fungiphschwartz: their names were zuul and vinz, but also they are non-natural creatures14:23
AJaegerSo, I'm puzzled14:23
phschwartzfungi: ;)14:23
pabelangerAJaeger: fungi: I think we are missing the python2.7 version?14:23
fungiphschwartz: (hellhounds, hounds of tindalos, something along those lines)14:24
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pabelangerAJaeger: fungi: I am not sure honestly.14:24
fungipabelanger: missing where?14:24
fungiAJaeger: looks like it was the typical github api brokenness adding write access for gerrit. i've fixed it manually and seems to have synced successfully now14:24
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AJaegerfungi, thanks.14:26
pabelangerfungi: I see some packages using: as the url14:26
pabelangerand others
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pabelangerso, trying to understand which URL oslo.config would use14:27
fungipabelanger: might need to hold an ubuntu-precise node and test (these failures are all on precise, right?)14:27
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fungimaybe we've screwed up the pip config on them14:27
pabelangerfungi: good idea14:27
pabelangeroh right14:27
pabelangerwe have new in place too14:27
fungidid my refactor merge?14:28
pabelangerfungi: yes14:28
fungithen likely my fault14:28
pabelangerokay, let get setup auto-hold14:28
fungiwe had/have some precise-specific logic in there, though i think that was for ubuntu mirrors not pypi mirrors14:28
honzakrotscheck: pabelanger: any chance you could vote on this again? (it's only been rebased due to recent renames)14:28
AJaegerNOw "No matching distribution found for oslo.i18n>=2.1.0" ;(14:28
dmsimardI'm trying to understand the weighting/rate in the nodepool provider configuration, let's pretend I have two providers and only want to use the second provider if the capacity from the first provider is full. Can I do that ?14:28
pabelangerAJaeger: okay, we have a theory, it is possible we broke our script14:29
AJaegerlog is
fungidmsimard: not with the current load scheduling logic, no. it would likely require adding some new options for scheduling in nodepool14:29
AJaegerpabelanger: I see, missed those lines while pasting ;)14:30
krotscheckhonza: Sec, in a meeting14:30
pabelangerAJaeger: okay, please recheck one14:30
pabelangerAJaeger: nodepool will hold the node14:30
fungidmsimard: right now it attempts to spread the load out proportional to quota in each provider14:30
dmsimardfungi: okay, so what's the rate setting for then ?14:30
dmsimardoh I know what's it for, nevermind that14:30
AJaegerpabelanger: recheck for 34695314:30
fungidmsimard: that's to slow down api calls so that we don't run afoul of rate limits/throttles in some providers14:30
pabelanger#status log auto-hold added to nodepool.o.o for gate-project-config-layout while we debug pypi mirror failures14:31
openstackstatuspabelanger: finished logging14:31
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Set undercloud_hostname in multinode jobs
pabelangerAJaeger: fungi: if the theory holds, the jobs will pass on ovh-bhs1 and rax-ord, they are old images14:32
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fungipabelanger: AJaeger: it would be nice if we collected the .tox/log/*.log files from these jobs. would better be able to see what it's actually trying to do where14:32
pabelangerYa, we can quickly land a JJB fix for that14:32
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fungimost of our tox-based jobs already do it14:32
fungi(for this reason, among others)14:33
pabelangerlet me write the patch14:33
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dhellmannfungi : pinning didn't fix it, since 0.13.1 can't be found either? -- it does appear to exist upstream still
* dhellmann can't wait to get rid of launchpad14:35
fungipabelanger: we do have directories for oslo libs appearing under but i they're empty, i think because we get proper wheels of them from the normal pypi mirror already and so don't need to build them in the wheel mirror?14:38
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pabelangerfungi: I'm not sure of the top of my head. I'd have to dig into that14:39
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fungidhellmann: looks like we're not collecting tox logs from gate-releases-pep8-ubuntu-xenial either. i thought our pep8 jobs did that, but maybe we missed adding the option to do it even on job failure and not just on success14:40
pabelangerfungi: dhellmann: not, test-results is missing14:41
pabelangerfungi: dhellmann: I'll add it now14:41
fungijust got there myself. thanks!14:41
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fungiwe _do_ specify copy-after-failure: true for source: '.tox/*/log/*' in the test-results publisher macro at least14:42
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pabelangerya, that is good14:42
pabelangerjust waiting for tox to run locally here14:42
pabelangerthen will push up14:42
dhellmannpabelanger, fungi : is that some sort of project-config thing I left out?14:42
fungidhellmann: no, our gate-{name}-pep8-{node} job-template is missing test-results from the publishers list14:43
fungionly has console-log14:43
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fungicoverage and pylint templates are also missing it14:44
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fungilooks like we were really only doing it consistently in unit test jobs14:45
fungipabelanger: docs jobs are also missing test-results14:45
fungiand tarballs too14:46
pabelangerfungi: yup, adding them for all python-jobs that need it14:46
AJaegerthanks, pabelanger !14:47
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add test-results publisher to infra projects
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add test-requires publisher to python-jobs
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pabelangerAJaeger: fungi: ^14:49
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add test-results publisher to python-jobs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Update the link to the current-tripleo repository
AJaegerpabelanger: thanks!14:51
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thiagopFolks, QQ: my nodepool is building vm's only for one label. What could be happening?14:53
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pabelangerAJaeger: maybe fungi can enqueue them right into the gate queue to help our debugging efforts14:53
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AJaegerpabelanger, fungi: I doubt they will pass the layout check and need manual push to merge from an admin14:54
pabelangerAJaeger: oh, that is true14:54
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pabelangerAJaeger: fungi: dhellmann: is the pip.conf from a failed job14:55
fungipabelanger: was that node in rax-ord?14:55
pabelangerfungi: yes14:56
fungiworth noting, dne14:56
pabelangerso that is an old image14:56
pabelangerlet me check the other node in internap14:56
fungibut as that's an extra-index-utl it shouldn't need to exist as long as the necessary wheels/sdists can be found in indices at
pabelanger from internap14:57
fungier, an extra-index-url14:57
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mtreinishfungi, yolanda, rcarrillocruz: if you get a sec can you add me to the core groups on germqtt, puppet-germqtt, and puppet-mosquitto we neglected to add anything when we created those yesterday14:57
pabelangerfungi: oh, right, because we don't have a precise wheel-build worker14:58
mtreinishalthough it looks like the puppet ones had the infra groups added already. germqtt doesn't have anything set though14:58
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fungimtreinish: yeah, i ran our group magagement script between when those merged14:58
fungii'll rerun it and then add you to the core group on germqtt14:59
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fungimtreinish: we can have some further discussion on core groups for puppet-germqtt and puppet-mosquitto, generally we only have our infra-puppet-core approving changes to puppet modules, for better consistency across modules15:00
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jrollfungi: got a sec? allah is doing in -ironic15:01
pabelangerfungi: AJaeger: since we only have 2 jobs running on precise, is it worth it to consider removing pip.conf all together from precise?15:01
jrollfungi: relatedly, curious how I might get ops in that channel, if PTLs are allowed to do so :)15:02
mtreinishfungi: I have +2 on the other puppet modules I wrote like puppet-subunit2sql and puppet-openstack_health (I didn't write that one, just made it work)15:02
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clarkbpabelanger: all the projects shouod be doing python27 unittests on xenial now.15:03
yolandafungi, mtreinish , i manually added infra-core and infra-puppet-core today, i was reviewing and i found mysel with +1 powers only15:03
yolandaare those projects different?15:03
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clarkbjroll was mostly noticing things like jobs for multiple ramdisks but we really shpuldnt care right? if we have one rdisk that works thats sufficient?15:04
pabelangerclarkb: great, thanks15:04
rcarrillocruzmtreinish: sure15:04
rcarrillocruzgive me a sec15:04
pabelangerfungi: AJaeger: re-running tox with extra-index-url removed now15:05
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fungiyolanda: they're not different, the governance change for them simply hasn't merged yet15:05
jrollclarkb: we publish a couple different ramdisk builds as artifacts, because people get religious about their OS choices. and we've had successful builds that didn't work in practice due to kernel modules or missing binaries or whatever, so we test them15:05
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clarkbjroll: but you dont have to is ejat I am saying. publish one that works and test with it15:06
fungimtreinish: seems like sufficient precedent to me ;)15:06
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jrollclarkb: I mean, we ship code to build these things, I think that code should be tested no?15:06
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rcarrillocruzmtreinish: done15:07
clarkbjroll then delete the extra unneeded stuff?15:07
clarkbjroll you really only need one ram disk if I understand how this works correctly15:07
jrollclarkb: it's not unneeded, people use these15:07
mtreinishfungi, rcarrillocruz: thanks15:07
clarkbjroll: I get that, what U am saying is you (being ironic) need only support one functional tested ramdisk15:08
jrollclarkb: some prefer coreos, some prefer ubuntu/fedora via DIB, some prefer tinyipa because it's fast15:08
clarkber s/U/I/ yay phone typing15:08
jrollclarkb: right, we only strictly need one, the community prefers more15:08
clarkbthe problem here is ramdisk is not user facing nor api impacting15:09
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JayFIt /is/ operator facing15:09
clarkbso we are testing all the things for no benefit to understanding if ironic functions15:09
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jrollclarkb: we only test multiple ramdisks against IPA (where the builder code is), not against ironic, fwiw15:09
jrollclarkb: ironic CI only tests one ramdisk15:09
clarkbjroll we made 83 jobs15:09
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add firehose.o.o config to system-config
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clarkbpart of that is the matrix multiplication with all the inputs, ramdisk is one input15:10
fungiclarkb: jroll: sounds like preference would be tinyipa but there are religious wars over distro deployers not wanting to "support" someone else's distro which you don't want to step into the middle of?15:10
JayFfungi: actually no15:10
mtreinishpabelanger: ^^^ that includes the rename, let me know what you want to do about xenial15:10
JayFfungi: TinyIPA is great for CI, not great for production15:10
JayFfungi: one reason being we can't download TinyIPA artifacts over https, no gpg verification, etc15:10
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clarkbjroll jayf so I am going why does ironic meed 83 jobs?15:11
clarkbthats more than any other project I think15:11
JayFfungi: we're basically going to end up with 3 ramdisks: DIB, CoreOS (which is likely going to be deprecated soonish), and TinyIPA15:11
pabelangerfungi: AJaeger: So, we just landed a change to bandersnatch this morning: I'm starting to wonder if this is the reason for our failure15:11
JayFclarkb: Ironic does not run 83 jobs on every change though?15:11
fungiJayF: the tinyipa community is opposed to tls and signing builds? or just needs someone to help them?15:11
clarkband the first thing that pops up is we have unnecessary mulyiplication for rdisks15:11
jrollclarkb: I agree we have too many jobs, I agree we need to reduce them, I have some thoughts on that but I think we need to test all of the ramdisks15:11
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clarkbJayF: nope but you create 83 tempest jobs in jjb15:11
jrollthe ipmitool vs ssh power driver multiplication is much of the explosion to me15:12
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fungiJayF: also, in theory, https is irrelevant if they sign the builds with a key we trust15:12
jrolland is a transitional thing, we hope15:12
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fungiJayF: or even just sign a list of strong checksums of their builds for that matter15:12
JayFfungi: Sambetts is the guy to ask; AIUI they inquired with TinyCoreLinux and it was denied because of mirror cpu usage or something of the like15:12
JayFfungi: but there's an open bug for it, let me find it for you15:12
clarkbjroll I am sure there are other bits we can simplify too, I just fail to understamd why ironic cares in its testing if there is >1 option for the ramdisk15:13
clarkbits not user/api facing and they all do the same thing15:13
clarkbseems like wasted effort15:13
fungiJayF: serving precomputer signatures from builds shouldn't impact mirror performance at all, but https _could_ (if extremely high volume or extremely tiny servers i guess)15:13
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jrollclarkb: it's code we ship, we believe it should be tested15:13
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JayFfungi: and lesser so
openstackLaunchpad bug 1581112 in ironic-python-agent "TinyIPA build is subject to MITM due to lack of HTTPS for mirrors" [High,Triaged]15:13
openstackLaunchpad bug 1589609 in ironic-python-agent "Building TinyIPA depends on being up" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Mathieu Mitchell (mat128)15:13
clarkbjroll then stop shipping it :)15:13
JayFfungi: that first bug has a link to the chat in the forums about it15:14
clarkbjroll ship one that works15:14
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clarkbdrop the others15:14
fungiJayF: cool, thanks! will read15:14
JayFAnd pick which third of our community to screw by dropping their code?15:14
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JayFTinyIPA is not production quality, some folks use CoreOS, some folks use DIB15:14
JayFand there are good technical reasons in many cases for going a different path15:14
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-germqtt: Clean up stray whitespace
jroll(but tinyipa is needed to make CI jobs run in a reasonable timeframe)15:14
JayFTinyIPA would not exist if the gate had unlimited ram. It exists almost solely for CI.15:14
clarkbjayf one image cant meet the needs of a reasonable user?15:14
jrollclarkb: you assume users are reasonable :)15:15
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fungiJayF: there are also good technical reasons to condense your supported options (see endless threads on dropping postgres support over the years, for example)15:15
jrollclarkb: for example, people added DIB support because red hat requires their product all run on rhel-based distros15:15
AJaegerpabelanger: Sorry, can't help further with debugging the issue.15:15
fungijroll: that's what i meant by "religious wars over distro deployers not wanting to 'support' someone else's distro"15:16
clarkbya I dont care about that15:16
jrollclarkb: I *do* want to reduce the number of jobs we run. I've been thinking about it a lot. I don't want to drop support for our ramdisks.15:16
fungiit's petty15:16
jrollfungi: indeed15:16
JayFfungi: oh absolutely; but in this case today we have a good reason for both we support. TinyIPA is smaller, and allows gates to run faster (and is used exclusively for CI aganist Ironic), CoreOS is a more production-quality ramdisk. Once we support DIB ramdisks properly (with testing), I anticipate within 12 months we'll deprecate the CoreOS ramdisk.15:16
clarkbI think ironic should have the ability to build a functioning image that is tested and works for reasonable humans15:16
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JayFfungi: and all that work is ongoing15:16
fungiand counterproductive bickering between distros that they need to all just get over and suck it up15:16
clarkbI dont think it needs to have mulyiple options15:16
tlbrAJaeger, hi, may be you have time to merge , please?15:16
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AJaegertlbr: what is the change about?15:17
jrollclarkb: so, I do somewhat agree, I'd like to get there - that said, a reasonable ramdisk that works in production for reasonable people slows down the gate by a ton, and makes running grenade or expanding our tempest coverage impossible (which is why we have tinyipa)15:17
clarkbif this were user facing then it would be different15:17
tlbrAJaeger, adding job with simple package, to finally test its build15:17
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clarkbbut this is basically just a "function" in ironic you are executing remotely15:18
JayFclarkb: As Ironic is an admin API, Operators *are* the users of Ironic15:18
clarkbjayf but the ramdisk doesnt chamge their api right?15:18
fungiJayF: how odten do operators log into the ramdisk boot?15:18
JayFclarkb: I disagree vehemently with the idea that an IPA ramdisk isn't something an operator should care about. Hell, I have a talk proposed for the summit about how to leverage it to do more stuff15:18
JayFfungi: as an operator, I do a hell of a lot15:18
AJaegertlbr: I read it "Adding new project" - and that's not done as documented...15:18
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tlbrAJaeger, ah, sorry, just updated the page15:19
tlbrAJaeger, could you please help with, what should we adjust ?15:20
JayFThis is basically a technical decision of the Ironic/Bare Metal project. Ironic python agent is the only place we test the additional ramdisks, and that has an incredibly low churn compared to other projects. I'm not sure this conversation is productive :/15:20
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clarkbjayf thats fair, but neither is having 83 jobs15:20
tlbrAJaeger, you mean add it to reference/projects.yaml ?15:20
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JayFclarkb: Is the objection actually number of jobs, or gate resources used?15:20
clarkbbecause you cant reasonably understand and debug and care for 83 massive integration tests15:20
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clarkbits the scale of it resulting in no one understanding what is going on making it very hard for infra to eg run your tests on xenial instead of truaty15:21
clarkbI am not worried about gate resources15:21
AJaegertlbr: yes, add it to that file in governance repo and link the changes - it's all documented in the link I gave.15:22
jrollclarkb: honestly, most of these jobs are basically deployment/config scenarios and overall not much different. which is why I agree it's too many, and I'd like to find a way to reduce it15:22
tlbrAJaeger, ok, thanks, will do15:22
fungipabelanger: any chance you can dig into the apache access/error logs on a mirror host and identify which current 404 pattern(s) were previously being solved by one of those rewrites? then we can try a simplified version of the revert while we determine what's still not fully solved bandersnatch-side15:22
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clarkbjayf I am going to double that count to 16615:22
clarkbjuggling that change is not easy15:22
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JayFto be clear though; if we reduced down to 1 ramdisk supported, it's only remove 4 jobs total.15:22
JayFI think your concern about # of jobs is legitimate, but the prescription is off :)15:23
clarkbjayf on the zuul side yes I think it reduces the coutn abit in jjb15:23
pabelangerfungi: that's what I am looking at now:
fungipabelanger: perfect15:23
clarkbwe arent using 83 jobs in zuul but we make 83 jobs in jjb15:23
pabelangerfungi: if I am understanding the revert in system-config, we don't replace - with . any more15:23
JayFclarkb: I'm not sure I grok the difference, honestly15:23
clarkbjayf all zuul does is say run job with name foo15:24
clarkbjayf then in jjb we make foo foo1..foo8315:24
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pabelangerwhich causes to fail15:24
fungipabelanger: okay, so pip is trying to get oslo-config and bandersnatch is still creating oslo.config on disk?15:24
clarkbjayf one side is configurations for jobs that can be run amd the other is triggers to run those jobs15:25
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JayFclarkb: is it possible (I suspect it is) that we're defining jobs in JJB that Zuul never triggers?15:25
fungipabelanger: are we maybe not running new enough bandersnatch to have that fix implemented? or do we need to do a full bandersnatch mirror rebuild?15:25
* JayF has an 8:30am meeting as a 5 minute warning to this chat15:25
clarkbjayf we should not be configuring more jobs than we need to trigger but I am prefty sure we are doing that here15:25
fungipabelanger: oh! wait. this isn't bandersnatch, no15:25
clarkbyes I think that us happening15:25
clarkband part of that is the cross mulyiplication with all the parameters involved15:26
fungipabelanger: that workaround was also dealing with the fact that our wheel mirror builder is also not pep-503 conformant15:26
pabelangerfungi: okay, that must be it15:26
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clarkbjayf then on top of that its possible we can be smarter about what jobs are triggered15:27
pabelangerfungi: should we revert and discuss this again with ianw15:27
fungipabelanger: hrm, no though that get request 404 you pasted wasn't to the wheel mirror, it weas to the bandersnatch simple index15:27
fungipabelanger: yes, let's revert that revert for now15:27
fungii'll skip it past the gate to save some time15:28
JayFclarkb: like if we had, for instance, a deploy of a partition image *and* a deploy of a whole disk image in one job, we could reduce one of those pivots15:28
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Revert "Revert "Work around bandersnatch not supporting pep503""
pabelangerfungi: ^15:28
clarkbjroll another thing that popped out was ssh vs pxe vs ipmi, and wondering if we need all the jobs for those options at all times or if maybe typical testing uses one for exercising apis and integration with other projects and then you have a functional test to cover all the backend hardware stuff15:28
JayFclarkb: ssh is being deprecated this cycle15:28
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JayFclarkb: ipmitool is the replacement15:28
jrollyeah, that's a transition15:28
JayFclarkb: so that's just a transition in progress15:29
jrollwe've delayed it with reliability concerns but it's being worked on15:29
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Revert "Revert "Work around bandersnatch not supporting pep503""
fungipabelanger: ^15:29
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement basic undercloud sanity checks
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JayFjroll: wondering if we could just nuke the _ssh job now, feel the reliability pain of the ipmitool job, and fix it :/15:30
pabelangerfungi: hehe15:30
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement a new job for undercloud testing only
clarkbjayf at this point in cycle probably better not to15:31
clarkbbut maybe we can run ipmi in more places as default and push it that way?15:31
JayFjroll: aren't we supposed to have ssh drivers out of tree by end of cycle?15:31
jrollI think it's worth investing a bit of time and see if we can improve it over the next few weeks, before we cut it all over15:32
jrollor make one voting now15:32
JayFMy concern is that I don't think anyone is working on it at all.15:32
jrollhaving all of them voting is going to add up15:32
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement a new job for undercloud testing only
jrollwell, let's get people on it :)15:32
timrcOh blah the vote for presentations software really needs static/permalink capability.15:32
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JayFtimrc: aiui it was an explicit omission to prevent people promoting their own talks15:32
timrcSeems like a pretty big omission.. so by design?15:32
timrcJayF: Ah :P15:32
timrcI guess I don't see why promoting specific presentations -- yours or others -- is a bad thing? *shrug*15:33
JayFtimrc: imagine large company X, CEO sends out email saying "vote for our presentations!"15:34
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP - Implement undercloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run gate-infra-puppet-apply-ubuntu-trusty on master
pabelangerclarkb: AJaeger: ^ adds ubuntu-trusty back to system-config15:35
AJaegerfungi: could you review for project-config later - it helps with checking the constraints wit hthe post release  job. First jobs look fine but are all from master.15:35
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clarkbjayf jroll and so the background on where I am coming from is clear, I am trying to do the split trusty for stable xenial for master/newton testing setup amd that involves a job config for tristy and a job config for xenial. Effectively doubling the existing job configs. Its easier to handle that when we already have a more precise jjb to zuul lineup that doesnt result in even more unused jobs. Let15:35
clarkbme try and do the "diff" between jjb and zuul amd see if I canreduce the jjb side down to minimal. Are you aware of any jobs in jjb that zuul is not running that it should run or can I trim all of the extra?15:35
AJaegerpabelanger: Thanks!15:36
clarkbpabelanger: should it be branch ^.*$ ?15:37
JayFclarkb: I'm not aware of any that should be kept, but if you'll put me on the review and ping me in here I'll give it a look15:37
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clarkbI guess we only use master so master is fine15:37
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pabelangermtreinish: regarding 347575, can we use ubuntu-trusty over xenial?15:38
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pabelangermtreinish: we don't have any xenial control plane servers yet, and not sure how our puppet manifests will work currently15:38
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clarkbpabelanger: at least the template bits work to build test images so hopefully not too crazy on new things (but until precise is gone trusty is probably sanest)15:39
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pabelangermtreinish: actually, reading your comments now15:40
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zigoAJaeger: If I understand you well, I should remove modification to projects.yaml in ?15:40
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mtreinishclarkb, pabelanger: yeah, the problem is the packaged version of mosquitto in trusty is really old15:41
mtreinishand it's missing the websocket support which is one of the things we need15:41
pabelangerclarkb: ya, I mean, we can roll the dice and bring up the server.  Looks like minimal puppet changes.15:41
timrcJayF: they do that anyway... they just give you abstract titles to search.  So maybe you don't get as many votes, but it doesn't prevent companies from getting employees to vote.  Oh well :)15:41
mtreinishI can pull it in from a ppa on trusty, but the version on xenial is new enough15:41
clarkbI am impressed that mqtt has changed that much in ~2 ywars15:42
pabelangermtreinish: moving to xenial just means there might be issue with our puppet modules, which we many need to work through first.15:42
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openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add automatic backports
mtreinishclarkb: the version in trusty was >4 years old15:42
zigoI hope that's what was needed.15:43
fungitimrc: it was mostly because the twitterspam leading up to talk selection was giving our community a negative public reputation. people have grown weary of all the politicking on social media and we don't want them associating openstack with that sort of noise15:43
mtreinishclarkb: I don't think mqtt has changed much at all, but mosquitto is still actively developed15:43
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clarkbmtreinish: is that protocol vs server?15:43
fungitimrc: if we got rid of voting completely (which was the original proposal) we could likely turn direct linking back on again15:43
mtreinishclarkb: yeah15:43
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mtreinishpabelanger: sure, I wasn't expecting anything to work on the first try anyway :)15:43
AJaegerzigo, see my comment to tlbr above15:43
timrcfungi: Ah.  Okay15:44
agentlewebhiya, did we get any next steps after the wiki use case collection? are all wiki logins disabled?15:44
agentlewebinquiring minds and all that (it's annegentle, not fast enough for nickserv today)15:44
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pabelangerfungi: timrc: agreed, removing the direct linking to a speakers talk and forcing people to navigate the site to vote is painful (along with not user friendly).  People are likely to get frustrated and no longer vote.15:46
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timrcMaybe that's the intent... shape the data... "Look no one is evening voting anyway, might as well get rid of it" :)15:47
pabelangeryup, I think that's what will happen15:47
pabelangerwhich, I am fine with15:48
timrcIf only we had some sort of committee in OpenStack that represented the industry at large that could decide on what presentations would deliver the most value to attendees and the project as a whole...15:48
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dhellmannfungi , pabelanger : based on the scrollback it looks like the issue with installing those libs was related to rewrite rules on the mirror?15:49
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pabelangerdhellmann: We think so, an apache vhost change landed about 6 hours ago. So we've reverted that for now to see if that address the problems15:50
pabelangershould be applied here in the next 15mins15:50
dhellmannpabelanger : I'm seeing passing jobs where I had failures before15:50
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dhellmannmaybe those jobs are running in the future? :-)15:50
pabelangerdhellmann: Ya, looks like the revert already applied15:51
pabelangerso, that is good it fixed things15:51
dhellmanncool, thank you15:51
pabelangerAJaeger: did you want to recheck project-config again?15:51
* dhellmann heads off to recheck some changes15:51
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clarkbtimrc track chairs never used votes as the sole input at least I dont think any of them did15:53
openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job to build generic debian packages
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dulekHi, can I get some review attention for ? It's hanging with single +2 for some time.15:53
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Stop running dstat twice
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Remove support for legacy rh1
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AJaegerpabelanger: let me go for it...15:58
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use scp to copy deploy.env to subnodes
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agentlewebfungi: are wiki logins still disabled? Do you mind answering -- I would but I don't have a login there righ tnow15:58
fungianteaya: we reenabled them a week or so ago15:59
AJaegerpabelanger: just passed15:59
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/shade: Forklift in YamlJsonSerializer
pabelangerAJaeger: great15:59
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Remove support for legacy rh1
fungianteaya: we've disabled file uploads entirely which cut down on a lot of the spam volume, and i'm manually finding, blocking and cleaning up any other spammers now instead15:59
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fungier, agentleweb ^15:59
fungi(sorry anteaya!)16:00
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fungii'm used to tab-completing annegentle as a nick not agentleweb16:00
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timrcclarkb: Right.  I'm fine with just removing community voting and re-establishing direct links so people can advertise their talks and solicit feedback from @POTUS and all their other Twitter followers.16:00
agentlewebfungi: hee sorry16:00
agentlewebfungi: thanks16:00
* AJaeger leaver for dinner and waves good-bye16:01
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fungiagentleweb: i'll take a poke at that question16:02
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement basic undercloud sanity checks
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement a new job for undercloud testing only
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement basic undercloud sanity checks
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement a new job for undercloud testing only
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mosquitto: Remove unused config.pp manifest
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mosquitto: Add basic permissions and security
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mosquitto: Add websocket listner to mosquitto
openstackgerritAndrey Nikitin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Order of the classes parameters is refactored
mtreinishfungi: ^^^ I still need to test those, but that's the starting point for making it a bit more sane of a deployment16:05
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mtreinishwith websockets enabled, and without global anon. write access16:06
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openstackgerritAndrey Nikitin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Order of the classes parameters is refactored
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement a new job for undercloud testing only
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP - Implement undercloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add facter output to host_info.txt
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement basic undercloud sanity checks
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Set undercloud_hostname in multinode jobs
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pabelangerfungi: clarkb: mind helping land for our debian afs mirror16:07
fungiagentleweb: thanks for the heads up. i've answered now16:08
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Run gate-infra-puppet-apply-ubuntu-trusty on master
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement a new job for undercloud testing only
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dmsimardhah, no direct links to the summit presentation submissions anymore ?16:10
Zarahi, zaro16:11
dmsimardnevermind, just saw the discussion in scrollback16:11
openstackgerritAndrey Nikitin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Order of the classes parameters is refactored
odyssey4meclarkb it looks like the tightening of the regex for the openstack-ansible docs job wasn't good enough... I'm still seeing both trusty and xenial docs jobs running16:11
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP - Implement undercloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
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odyssey4meclarkb examples: gate-openstack-ansible-plugins-docs-ubuntu-trusty / gate-openstack-ansible-lxc_container_create-docs-ubuntu-trusty / gate-openstack-ansible-os_nova-docs-ubuntu-trusty16:12
clarkbodyssey4me: ok will have to look later if no one else can figure it out first.I am packing up familu for trip to visit doctor such fun16:12
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odyssey4meclarkb ah, it looks like the .* needs be to moved to before the negative lookahead?
jogorandom pbr question: Can I use it (for versioning etc) without making it a deploy time dependency?16:13
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clarkbjogo what is deploy time? you mean install dep?16:14
clarkbodyssey4me: you should be able to test the regex in a python inyerpeter locally using re.match16:14
clarkbwhich I thought I did but maybe I was 3.5ing again without noticing or something16:14
fungijogo: you'll want to speak in terms of setup_requires vs install_requires16:14
jogoclarkb: ahh yes, can I keep it as a setup_requires only dependency?16:15
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fungijogo: basically yes, if you copy the version function it provides into your own package16:16
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fungijogo: basically include whatever relevant portions of you want into your project and then you can reference the version data pbr stores without needing to install all of pbr16:17
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fungijogo: though you might want to be wary of whether pbr provides any api contracts around the parts you're reimplementing, in case the data it's storing changes in incompatible ways in the future16:19
jogofungi: thanks, and I would only need that to have my package print out what version it is running16:20
fungijogo: right16:20
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fungiyou could probably get away with just pkg_resources.get_provider(pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(self.package)).version16:21
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funginot sure if that's too bare-bones for your needs, or whether you need some of the additional SemanticVersion class bits16:22
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fungijogo: ^16:22
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fungier, s/self.package/'my-package-name'/ of course16:23
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jogoyeah that should work16:26
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fungiyep, so looks like they also implement the pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound case by falling back on importing pbr16:27
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fungiwhich is not entirely what you wanted i guess, but maybe that's only happening during setup anyway16:27
fungiand hitting DistributionNotFound is unlikely outside of setup time, or something16:28
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mtreinishfungi: well I screwed something up on those patches, mosquitto is rejecting all connections on my test instance now...16:33
mtreinishI guess that means it's more secure :)16:33
mtreinishs/rejecting/not listening on any port16:33
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move gate-{name}-linters to ubuntu-xenial
thiagopfolks, why all providers from the puppet projects were changed to openstack_pip?16:35
thiagopWhen I run my CI script, it's downloading dev packages from openstack_pip and some of these changes syntax of the commands that are run on the puppet scripts16:35
Zarakrotscheck: it's living sushi!
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krotscheckZara: OMG it actually exists16:36
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move gate-{name}-docs to ubuntu-xenial
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fungikrotscheck: yeah, all of the mascots listed in the ballot should come up in web searches as real things16:37
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clarkbthiagop: because built in puppet pip stopped working with current pip16:43
thiagopclarkb: is there a reason to these dev builds are on openstack_pip?16:44
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thiagopclarkb: they are kinda messing with my life since I need to build a new CI host here...16:45
jogofungi: yeah I can't seem to trigger DistributionNotFound16:45
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clarkbthiagop: no pip should not install dev packages unless explicitly told to16:45
clarkbthiagop: make sure you arw running current version of pip16:45
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: multinode: cleanup resolv.conf
EmilienMI am wondering if there is something I can do with glean ^16:46
jogofungi: maybe on old pip version?16:46
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thiagopclarkb jogo: pip 8.1.2 here16:47
clarkbEmilienM: its likely a dhcp config that we need to set16:48
fungijogo: maybe with editable install from a local source tree, or somehow using not-installed source16:48
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EmilienMclarkb: where?16:48
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: multinode: cleanup resolv.conf
clarkbEmilienM: dhclient.conf for something to ignore search domain16:48
jogofungi: I tried python develop16:48
EmilienMclarkb: in glean?16:48
clarkbEmilienM: in the image build16:49
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clarkbthiagop: do you have a specific example of what is happening?16:49
EmilienMclarkb: thx16:49
EmilienMwill do16:49
thiagopclarkb: I run puppet-openstackci to re-build my CI in a new VM. Zuul, nodepool and jjb were installed in dev versions16:50
clarkbthiagop: that is expected since we install all of them from sourve16:50
clarkbI dont think it has anything to do with openstack_pip16:51
thiagopclarkb: is it? I thought it should install from source only when "[zuul|nodepool]_revision" and "[zuul|nodepool]_git_source_repo" were uncommented on the common.yaml16:52
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openstackgerritIvan Udovichenko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job to build generic debian packages
thiagopit would*16:52
clarkbit instlls from source always and you can control what version from source uaing those params.default is master iirc16:52
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: multinode: cleanup resolv.conf
thiagopclarkb: understood16:54
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pabelangerclarkb: EmilienM: I can look into that, if that is something we want to add.16:54
EmilienMpabelanger: ok thanks16:54
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clarkbpabelanger: I think it would be ok to control that more tightly. Maybe set the value we want everywhere too16:54
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nikhilhi, should I be rechecking as it's related to ?16:55
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nikhilthe above release is sorta urgent16:55
clarkbince this is another way clouds differ we should try to handle it16:56
openstackgerritIvan Udovichenko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job to build generic debian packages
clarkbnikhil: I think the issues from earlier with the mirrors were corrected16:56
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nikhilclarkb: thanks much!16:57
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: multinode: cleanup resolv.conf
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tlbrAJaeger, we've added change to governance repository with Needed-By tag
pabelangerclarkb: I think something like supersede domain-name ""; disables it16:59
jogofungi: thanks for the help17:00
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Tighten the trusty job filter for OpenStack-Ansible properly
odyssey4meclarkb ^ that seems to do it17:02
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: multinode: cleanup resolv.conf
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: CI run do not review
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: CI test
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: CI run
* devananda catches up on the discussion of ironic zuul / jjb testing17:08
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devanandaclarkb: your assertion that a single ramdisk should work for all users does not match my experience. nearly every deployment of ironic involves a custom ramdisk for that hardware / environment. testing the ramdisk-build-process with different inputs is very important, and right now, the only way we have to functionally test the output of that is to run ironic with the resulting ramdisk.17:11
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clarkbwait if users are customizing anyways thats even less reason to test all combos17:13
clarkbtest thst ironic functions not thst every users random demands are met17:14
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devanandaclarkb: that's what we are doing -- testing the build methods17:14
devanandanot testing every possible combination of output17:14
devanandawe have, currently, 3 supported methods to build the ramdisk. it's not distro specific. DIB can build a ramdisk based on several distros -- we only test the output of that with one distro17:15
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devanandawe can also biuld a ramdisk using coreos -- it's not a distro difference, it's a completely different build toolchain17:15
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clarkbright but why is one not sufficient17:15
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clarkbyou dont need tinycorelinux or coreos or red hst17:16
clarkbyou need a ramdisk17:16
devanandawe're in the process of migrating away from the coreos build pipeline17:16
clarkbjust one17:16
devanandathe goal is to have two pipelines we test17:16
devanandaif we could test in VMs that had 2x more RAM in the gate, we wouldn't need two pipelines17:16
devanandabut the production-quality ramdisk is just too big to test in the gate env17:16
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devanandaso we have had to develop a second ramdisk (and supporting build pipeline) to be able to meet openstack's requirements for testing17:17
devanandalike parallel execution runs from tempest IN the gate17:17
devanandait's not that ironic can't do those things with the production-quality ramdisk -- we just can't do them in small VMs17:17
clarkbwhy not make the trstable one production wuality?17:17
devanandaI hope that is more clear17:18
devanandait CANT be17:18
clarkbyou are saying you must have two because one is testablr amd onr is ptod quality17:18
clarkbwhy noy?17:18
devanandaa tinycorelinux ramdisk is simply too small to actually have all the hardware device drivers17:18
devanandaand other things17:18
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clarkbthen use a different kernel that does?17:18
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: zuul/layout/puppet: switch ovb to multinode for some modules
devanandathen it take too much RAM and we can't test it in the gate17:18
devanandaI feel like I'm talking in a circle now17:19
clarkbthis seems like a totally solvable problm if you look at goals vs tools17:19
devanandaclarkb: if we had more RAM we wouldn't need to create a limited-functionality small ramdisk to test17:19
devanandathe requrements (run parallel test jobs in a small VM) result in the tools (build a small ramdisk)17:19
devanandathat we've had to develop to meet those requirements17:20
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devanandathe ironic community has spent effort over the last year to build this smaller ramdisk, and associated tooling, specifically because that is what infra and qa teams have told us we needed to do, because it wasn't possible to allocate more RAM in the gate environments17:21
devanandaso we've been working to have most of our CI jobs start using the smaller ramdisk, and then retain one job (that doens't do parallel testing, doesn't do full tempest, etc) that continues to validate that the production-quality ramdisk actually functions at all17:22
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devanandaright now, we're midway through that transition17:22
devanandaand still have more jobs than we'd like to have17:22
phschwartzSo, it looks like there is a pretty big problem with a recent commit to JJB17:22
phschwartzIt ignores configs in the default locations. you have to manually pass a config to not get the generic template config17:23
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phschwartzIt is related to that review17:26
nikhilclarkb: seems like the issue still persists (not sure if mirrors or otherwise)17:26
pabelangerclarkb: EmilienM: appears to be the fix17:26
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pabelangerclarkb: EmilienM: tested that on centos-717:27
EmilienMpabelanger: cool17:27
pabelangernow to see what is managing dhclient17:27
pabelangercool, ubound17:27
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Created jobs for nodejs version 6
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EmilienMI found a weird thing with zuul-cloner17:30
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EmilienM15b9572dd8a8395c42a20112a5ddbdac2719fcba is not master17:30
EmilienMzuul-cloner thinks it clones from master but it's not master17:30
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sjmc7hi all. does anyone know if there’s a problem with commits that have multiple “depends-on” footer lines? has two that have merged, and is approved but isn’t merging, and i’m not sure why17:33
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: multinode: cleanup resolv.conf
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-unbound: Update dhclient-eth0.conf for redhat images
pabelangerEmilienM: clarkb: ^17:34
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EmilienMpabelanger: thanks17:34
EmilienMpabelanger: you sure for domain-name-servers ?17:34
pabelangeryup, we run unbound locally17:35
pabelangerand it was already set17:35
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: multinode: cleanup resolv.conf
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: CI run do not review
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pabelangerEmilienM: if you want to update your patch in tripleo, we can quickly confirm that is the fix for you17:36
EmilienMpabelanger: have you seen my issue with zuul-cloner?17:36
EmilienMpabelanger: ok I'm updating the patch17:36
pabelangerEmilienM: looking now17:37
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pabelangerEmilienM: it is master, just not the tip:
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EmilienMpabelanger: it's not master, look
pabelangerEmilienM: checking JJB17:41
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pabelangerEmilienM: 3 commit from top is what it is using17:42
pabelangerEmilienM: which is master17:42
pabelangerbut not the latest commit17:42
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: multinode: cleanup resolv.conf
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: CI run do not review
EmilienMpabelanger: right, it's not using latest commit17:43
mtreinishfungi: \o/ websockets over port 80 work17:44
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mtreinishnow to figure out what I changed locally to fix the broken review17:44
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fungimtreinish: woah. what distro/release?17:45
mtreinishfungi: xenial17:45
EmilienMpabelanger: something is wrong in git or?17:45
fungimtreinish: got it. yeah the websocket challenge for the zuul-launcher log streams is waiting for xenial aiui17:45
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clarkbdevananda: so I understand all that. What I dont underatand is why you cant have both things.17:46
mtreinishfungi: we need mosquitto>=1.4.0 for the websocket broker support. The packaged version on trusty is 0.1517:47
clarkbI havent heard ehy it is impossible to have a ramdisk that works in production and testing17:47
mtreinishfungi: I listed on the details on:
mtreinishin a comment17:47
clarkbit maynoy be possible if using ubuntu or red hat but that isnt a requirement under the goals17:47
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fungimtreinish: wfm. we've decided we're cool turning up new services (especially experimental ones) on xenial, just not moving existing production systems from trusty to xenial yet17:47
pabelangerEmilienM: no, I think it is failing back to the cached version of the repo in /opt/git for some reason17:48
mordredclarkb: drivers17:48
mordredclarkb: to make a production quality ramdisk, you need drivers17:48
mordredclarkb: to make a ramdisk that works in the gate, you need less drivers17:48
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clarkbmordred: drivers are tiny17:48
fungiclarkb: we've also moved the "securing tinycore linux's package management chain" discussion to #openstack-ironic17:48
pabelangerEmilienM: which make sense if the image is out of date17:48
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fungiclarkb: makes for an entertaining read17:48
clarkband if it really was an issur have two kernels17:49
clarkbone for test one for prod and test the prod one in ONE job17:49
mordredindividuall. but if you need a produciton quality ramdisk that can handle all the things, you need all of the drivers - drivers are usually why most people build their own ramdisk as part of ironicing things17:49
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EmilienMpabelanger: ah, ok17:49
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jroll17:49:19           clarkb | one for test one for prod and test the prod one in ONE job17:50
JayFAnd we've worked to make sure that those extra ramdisks don't slurp up large amounts of gate resources; we only test all the ramdisks against IPA; then use the prebuilt ones in Ironic/Nova/etc jobs17:50
jrollthat's exactly the goal17:50
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fungiclarkb: the concern with tinycore, apparently, is that not only is there no means of validating the authenticity of the tinycore base image, but also the tinyipa image build process needs to download and install some additional packages inside the base image, and the tcz package manager is entirely without any mechanism for authenticating packages at all17:50
clarkbjroll great17:50
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EmilienMpabelanger: ok so there is nothing I can do, right?17:50
jrollclarkb: maybe a couple jobs for the prod one, to cover some different deployment methods, but yeah minimizing that is the goal17:50
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: multinode: cleanup resolv.conf
fungiclarkb: though i also discovered that if you try to hit (or send anything to that ip address besides an http request from what i can tell) then you get blacklisted from for 5 minutes or so17:51
* pleia2 facepalm17:51
pabelangerclarkb: corvus: What is the condition that zuul-cloner will "fall back to branch master":
clarkbit just seems like we do a ton of testing for something no one is usimg amyways and it doesnt give us extra coverage17:52
fungipleia2: yeah, it's hilarious17:52
clarkbfungi neat17:52
pleia2fungi: so much irony here17:52
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: CI run do not review
pleia2(tiny core distros are touted as the core of a lot of solid HA stuff, but their own website..?)17:52
clarkbso we should use one thing that works for teatingmake that work and move on with life17:53
dmsimardI have nothing against Allah but have you guys figured out a way to prevent those spammers from spamming ? :)17:53
jrollclarkb: I can assure you that people use the other ramdisk builders17:53
pleia2dmsimard: no, there isn't any blockable pattern really, we just have to kill on site17:53
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mosquitto: Add websocket listner to mosquitto
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mosquitto: Add basic permissions and security
dmsimardpleia2: figured so as well, oh well17:53
mtreinishfungi: ^^^ I think that should do it17:53
clarkbjroll ok the story I keep hearing is everyone makes a custom one17:54
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mtreinishI need to update the puppet-germqtt side to configuring auth also17:54
jrollclarkb: they add things (like drivers) to the builder code we ship17:54
devanandaclarkb: we (the ironic team) have two differing requirements that ew need to meet with this. 1) produce build automation and a built artefact that is tested with ironic and suitable for production environments, 2) run tempest full parallel tests against ironic and lots of other openstack services17:54
corvuspabelanger: i'm at the ansible contributor summit today, so limited attention span.  you may want to check the comments in the zuul cloner code though -- it might help explain17:54
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pabelangercorvus: Ya, nice. Enjoy yourself17:55
corvuspabelanger: check zuul/lib/ prepareRepo17:55
pabelangercorvus: will do, thanks17:55
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devanandaclarkb: the output of (1) isn't suitable for use in (2) because of resource limitations in the gate env17:56
jrollclarkb: if/when nodepool has some baremetal, that eliminates all performance concerns with every MB added to the ramdisk, and we could go down to one17:56
jrollcurrently the tinycorelinux version takes *minutes* to boot17:56
clarkbdevananda: right I am daying making the output of 2 suitable for 117:57
clarkbI think that is doable17:57
devanandaclarkb: that doesnt make sense. 92) doesnt produce a ramdisk17:57
clarkbbuild kernel with drivers add busybox and ipa done17:57
jrolland python...17:57
jrolland iscsi, and so on and so forth17:57
clarkbjroll: busybox has python iirc17:57
jrolltinycore is basically as minimal as we've been able to get things, with year(s?) of work17:57
devanandaclarkb: we've been working on this. trying ot make it smaller17:58
devanandaand this is what we've got17:58
jrollthe tinycore version is 38MB17:58
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clarkbcool could you tinycore in production assuming security issies were addressed?17:59
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jrollit takes 24 seconds to boot, looking at a random gate run17:59
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-germqtt: Add auth config to germqtt
jrollno, we'd need to add things like sshd and other utilities17:59
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devanandaclarkb: no... tinycore isn't going to boot on most hardware, and the build process we're using removes a lot of utility functions that any actual operator is oging to need17:59
jrolloh 24 seconds was cirros, oops18:00
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clarkbsshd is easy with dropbear fwie I dunno what oyher tools you need18:00
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clarkbbut It would be trivial to address that need for composition with dib18:01
clarkbtest the minimal srt for ironic then let ops add in $editor or whatever they want18:02
jrollright, so coreos is totally prod-ready18:02
jrollit takes 4m30s to boot in CI18:02
openstackgerritDiana Clarke proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add nova-coverage-db to experimental queue
jrollthere's surely a middle ground here but it's a question of how much time we spend on it18:02
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add firehose.o.o config to system-config
jrollI don't have DIB numbers, unfortunately, as we don't test that in the gate18:03
mordredare we trying to find a middle ground of creating a thing so that we can keep job counts down?18:03
devanandaclarkb: so if we use a prod-suitable ramdisk in all of our tempest-dsvm jobs, last time I looked at this, the runtime of those jobs more than doubles18:03
openstackgerritxiaodongwang991481 proposed openstack-infra/project-config: fix the issue that networking-sfc repo is not installed in $BASE/new
clarkbdevananda: but only bcause you are trying to go the wrong direction18:03
jrollmordred: seems job count is the primary objection to multiple ramdisks, yes18:03
clarkbmake a testable thing functional for prod18:03
clarkbmordred: there are 83 jobs18:03
clarkbI have to convert all to xenial + truaty18:04
devanandaclarkb: the testable thing is fast enough for CI specifically because we removed all the things one would need in prod18:04
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clarkbno other project comea close to needing 83 tempest jobs from what I can see18:04
JayFSo the real problem is number of tempest jobs18:04
devanandamordred: clarkb is unhappy that hte ironic project defines 83 jjb jobs18:04
JayFnot number of ramdisks supported18:04
clarkbdevananda: like what? I hward drivers but those are cheap18:04
clarkbsshd is also cheap if you dropbear18:04
JayFWe should address that directly; I don't believe changing number of ramdisks would have a major impact on job numbers18:04
jrollnothing is cheap in nested virt, honestly18:05
JayFUNLESS there's some inefficiency in how we're generating jobs18:05
JayFand if that's the case, we should fix that inefficiency before spending time and effort trying to solve a likely-impossible problem (production-quality + CI-small ramdisk)18:05
devanandaclarkb: if you don't believe we've been working on this, despite what we're ALL telling you....18:05
clarkbdevananda: I don't disbleieve it18:05
krotscheckI'm trying to run the devstack-gate project on a prviate vm, and I'm getting "with_timeout: command not found" - is there something I'm not including?18:05
clarkbI am challenging the assertions  thats all18:05
clarkbI challenge the assertion that you can't make a ramdisk that works for testing and produiction use18:06
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mordredclarkb: right. but they are saying that they have worked on that for multiple years to no avail18:06
clarkbwhich seems to be the basis for "we must have 3 images"18:06
devanandaclarkb: we must have two images18:06
devanandathat's what we've said18:06
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: CI run do not review
jrollclarkb: do you challenge the assertion that nested virt is horrifically slow? to the point where every megabyte matters18:06
clarkbdevananda: ok bnut you have 3 right now18:06
devanandawe're in the middl eof pivoting from 3 to 218:06
jrollwe don't test 3 right now18:06
devanandaas a migration18:06
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jrollwe really don't18:06
devanandai've said that already mltiple times18:06
jrollunless DIB runs CI on the DIB ramdisk, but we do not18:07
mtreinishfungi: I think I should stop pushing things for a while :)18:07
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clarkbJayF: yes I think we are generating jobs very inefficiently due to jjbs cross producting18:07
clarkbI am about to ask jjb to generate the list for me18:07
JayFclarkb: so lets find a good way to fix that, and go from there. I think that's probably more productive.18:07
JayFclarkb: feel free to attach me to any related bugs + reviews and I'll help whereever I can, this is the sort of thing I've helped out Ironic w/a bunch18:08
devanandaclarkb: requirements for tetsing: kernel boots very quickly in nested virt, total size is as amall as possible18:08
jrollI would love to see that list, the only perspective I have is the list of jobs run on each patch18:08
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JayFclarkb: and bluntly if I never knew it was an issue, I doubt anyone else in the project did. We know now, and we can help make it suck less as a result18:08
devanandaclarkb: requirements for prod: kernel is secure,, boots over secure mechanism, contains all the drivers I might need in my fleet, ramdisk has various utilities that my ops folks need. size and boot speed (basically) dont matter18:08
devanandaclarkb: I do not believe one can create a ramdisk that meets these OPPOSITE requirements18:09
krotscheckmtreinish: I find it hilarious that the topic is firehose.18:09
clarkbdevananda: secure boot vs not should be doable in one kernel right? so tahts just noise. Having all the drivers you need does add size but not a crazy amount my desktops kernel which I am sure has all the things is 7MB. Utilities can be composed in with dib18:10
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KrenairI'm trying - puppet apply seems to be silently stuck though18:10
bkeroclarkb: the kernel itself is, although /lib/modules/`uname -r` is quite bigger18:10
pabelangerclarkb: fungi: any objections to needed to add tripleo AFS mirror server into our ansible runs18:10
devanandaclarkb: right. then I invite you to come solve this problem ... because we've been working on it18:10
JayFclarkb: DIB is not a supported IPA ramdisk. The smallest DIB ramdisk anyone has ever managed to build takes 6x as much ram as the TinyIPA ramdisk.18:10
JayFclarkb: which is why it's not tested/ci'd today (among other reasons)18:11
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jrolls/not/not currently/18:11
clarkbJayF: thats a function of the distro though not dib right? eg you can build tinycore with dib if you wanted18:11
fungiKrenair: it's possible we need to update those instructions since we went masterless. i'm rereading now18:11
clarkband should get the same rough results18:11
phschwartzWhere should issues for JJB be filed?18:11
clarkbphschwartz: on storyboard against jjb18:11
phschwartzI want to file an issue before I push up this review so it is tracked.18:11
phschwartzclarkb: ty18:11
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JayFclarkb: I honestly don't know the answer to that, but I do know this isn't some new thing. We've been working on this for years, posting about it on the list, etc18:11
krotscheckfungi: I'm trying to run a manual dsvm-gate script, but for some reason it's telling me that "with_timeout" is not found. Any idea where that's declared? Grepping doesn't come up with anything useful.18:11
odyssey4meclarkb if you have a moment, a review of would be appreciated18:11
fungikrotscheck: you'll find the name of the server/service equally hilarious then
clarkbodyssey4me: looking18:12
rcarrillocruzphschwartz: i would also ping electrofelix and waynr so they have it in their radar18:12
JayFclarkb: a little upsetting to have it all challenged and crap-talked 18m+ into the effort to make this stuff better18:12
krotscheckfungi: ++18:12
mtreinishkrotscheck: heh, fungi picked the name. It's the spec title18:12
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clarkbJayF: basically its important to decouple dib from the output. dib is more of a framework that allows you to compose images. It isn't in charge of the packaging or distros thats up to well the distros18:12
mtreinishoh, fungi beat me to it :)18:12
clarkbJayF: I am not trying to crap talk anyone...18:12
krotscheckmtreinish: Firehose name + you saying you've been pushing too many patches (creating a firehose)....18:12
clarkbJayF: I asked if ironic needs to have 3 images18:12
clarkbJayF: sounds like it needs maybe 218:12
devanandaclarkb: you're stating that the work we've all been doing is not good enough18:13
jrollI still assert that we have two in ironic's CI, not 318:13
clarkbdevananda: I am asking if we can do better18:13
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JayFclarkb: and our response has generally been that "doing it better" has been a priority for months and months, and we're travelling down the path18:13
jrollso I'd like to see the list of jobs (without digging through xml), so we can identify the third18:13
devanandaclarkb: I've been telling you that we've been working on exactly this problem, and what answer we have come up with, and yet you contiune to disbelieve it18:13
mtreinishkrotscheck: heh, yeah18:13
JayFclarkb: but again, lets address the real issue: the list of jobs being bloated invalidly, and I think any additional issues will become clear quickly18:13
fungikrotscheck: looks like it's defined in according to
devanandaclarkb: reducing the total number of jobs is great - we all agree and wnat to help there18:13
devanandaclarkb: asserting that we don't understand the problem space that we work in every day is, frankly, insulting18:14
JayFalso when we kill the set of *_ssh jobs in favor of the *_ipmitool jobs, we should nuke about half the jobs as well18:14
clarkbJayF: devananda yes definitely. As an outsider looking in having extra ramdisks seemed unnecessary for testing purposes18:14
clarkbwhich is why I asked about that...18:14
devanandaclarkb: this conversation has felt incredibly insulting to me18:14
* jroll would like to keep in mind that good image-building is not our primary mission, merely a necessary evil, and many ironic contributors are not experts on that18:14
clarkbdevananda: I am sorry I have never intended to insult anyone18:14
clarkbI merely asked if it was necessary...18:14
mmandelHi, I'm trying to enable the noVNC service so that a tempest test will get ran in the devstack gate jobs.  Can someone please point me to where I would do this?  I already added n-novnc in devstack-gate/features.yaml, wondering if the next change would need to be adding noVNC to project-config/projects.yaml18:15
devanandaclarkb: even after multiple people tell you "yes" you continue to tell us we're wrong18:15
clarkbodyssey4me: the splitting of the second .* seems suspect to me18:15
clarkbodyssey4me: that means match one char with . then have zero or more negative matches?18:15
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krotscheckfungi: Ah, I didn't have $WORKSPACE defined. Thanks :)18:16
clarkbdevananda: I am trying to understand. Its not sufficient to say we need two images one for prod and test. I want to udnerstand why18:16
clarkbdevananda: that has since been clarified and has to do with boot times and ram consumption with qemu in the gate18:16
clarkbodyssey4me: was that an intentional change in the regex? I am not sure it will do what we awnt but maybe my regex foo is misparsing it18:17
JayFclarkb: fwiw we are moving towards having DIB being the canonical builder of the production-quality images for us, that work is ongoing, at that point we'll likely (I only say likely b/c it's not just my call) deprecate the CoreOS image18:17
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odyssey4meclarkb so I mucked around with a ton of testing, and that's the only one that seemed to work... I don't really understand why the other options I tried did not work18:18
odyssey4meI tried with the .* outside, and it didn't work18:18
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JayFclarkb: then if we get the ability to build an "embedded" style DIB image, you start moving towards a vision of having a single ramdisk be possible at all... but right now we're at least 3-4 steps away from that even being on the rader18:18
odyssey4meclarkb I'm happy to leave the patch for a time when you have more testing opportunities and can suggest something better18:18
clarkbJayF: gotcha18:19
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odyssey4meclarkb my only concern at this stage is the waste of trusty nodes18:19
fungiKrenair: nothing jumps out at me as especially wrong with the steps in that doc... can you look at `ps afuxww` and see what child process is stuck? that may give more of a clue18:19
clarkbodyssey4me: I can test it in a few minutes. Just cleaning up this list of jobs so I can share with ironic18:19
odyssey4meclarkb cool, thanks - I'm out for the evening so please feel free to adapt if you find something better... I've included a bunch of names to test with18:20
openstackgerritPhilip Marc Schwartz proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Correct configuration file usage.
phschwartzelectrofelix: waynr: SpamapS: nibalizer:
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: CI run do not review
clarkbodyssey4me: ya see the names in the commit message, were we failing on the repo_build ones or both?18:21
phschwartzclarkb: Is there a special tag to link storyboard items to a review? Closes links to launchpad18:21
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Krenairfungi, oh, it's a download:
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rcarrillocruzSB Gerrit integration I think is not there yet18:23
odyssey4meclarkb the repo build ones18:24
phschwartzrcarrillocruz: ah, k18:24
fungimmandel: it looks like n-novnc is already in the default ENABLED_SERVICES list in devstack. are you sure it's not starting?18:24
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mmandelfungi: the test only runs if vnc_console is true in tempest.conf -- I made that change, but the test is still getting skipped.  Thought it was because the service wasn't enabled in the gate18:26
fungiKrenair: that wget completed for me locally in 4.6 seconds, so maybe it's stuck? you might want to kill that wget pid and then retry the apply once it fails through and returns control of your terminal18:26
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fungimmandel: you might want to start by asking the tempest/devstack contributors in #openstack-qa18:26
Krenairfungi, yeah but you probably have an okay internet connection... having just moved house I have to wait until tuesday to get a proper connection, until then I'm stuck mobile tethering18:27
Krenairstill it should've been done in 4 minutes18:27
fungiKrenair: yeah, my guess it it got stuck somehow18:27
waynrphschwartz: thanks! i'll try to take a look at your patch soonish18:27
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fungiKrenair: you could look at the tempfile it's writing to and see if it's growing at all i guess18:27
fungi(the one listed after -O in your ps)18:28
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Krenairit's growing18:29
Krenairfungi, it took about 35 minutes in the end, but it completed18:30
mmandelfungi: thanks!18:31
clarkbjroll: JayF devananda there is the semi organized job list18:31
clarkblooks like the final count for integration tests is over 10018:31
prometheanfireso, does someone mind reviwing this, it seems to be blocking more work (gentoo nodepool)
JayFjeeze, we're generating a lot of -nv jobs that aren't needed18:32
clarkboh I think the image build jobs snuck into that count so may be a little lower, but if we can take that list and trim it down so that we don't have to manage that it would be awesome18:32
Krenairugh... it's going to be running git clone forever...18:32
JayFand trading out the *_ssh jobs for all the *_ipmitool jobs will shrink that quite a bit too18:33
JayFI think we can cut 20+ jobs off that list just by nuking -nv jobs that don't need to be generated as -nv18:33
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jrollyeah, +118:33
JayFafter I get back from lunch, I'll put that in an etherpad and do some annotation on it to figure out which ones can go, then from there we can make the generation smart enough to not do it anymore18:33
jrollI still only see two ramdisks fwiw18:34
clarkbJayF: is that a change you want to write? You are going to have to fiddle with how the cross product is done. Either by using some job groups to restrict where you cross product or applying more things to the exclude list (this is all in jenkins/jobs/projects.yaml)18:34
mtreinishcorvus, fungi: have you seen this happen before?
fungiKrenair: wow. 25.68MiB in 35min is ~63Kbps18:34
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clarkbjroll: ya looks like there isn't a dib one, its coreos and tinyipa18:34
clarkbjroll: which if we removed one would almost halve the job count fwiw18:34
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JayFclarkb: I will certainly look at it and take a stab at it18:35
jrollclarkb: right, I don't believe we can do that as we discussed already :/18:35
clarkbjroll: yup18:35
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clarkbjroll: but tahts why I approached with that idea18:35
jrollclarkb: we will be removing *ssh* by the end of this cycle, so that will help a ton18:35
JayFclarkb: qq though, Do we know if it was this bad before we merged that refactoring change/18:35
jrollclarkb: yeah fair18:35
JayFclarkb: I'm wondering if that is part of what made these baloon18:35
corvusmtreinish, fungi: that is not familiar to me.  is it persistent?  could it be related to the gc?18:35
clarkbJayF: I don't, but I think it was. I did general perusing and found a few classes of jobs that werent run at all18:35
clarkbJayF: the total count may have shifted as part of the refactor though18:35
JayFYeah; I'll take a look at it18:36
JayFnot sure I have the skill to completely knock out that change18:36
JayFbut I'll definately take a stab at it18:36
JayFand absolutely document which ones are used vs extranneous18:36
* JayF suspects 50% of those are extranneous18:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove unused trusty jobs
clarkbJayF: thank you, let me know if tyou have jjb questions. Also you can run `tox -ezuul` in that repo then look in .test/job-list.txt to get a complete listing which you can filter like I did for more ironicy things18:36
jrollJayF: don't forget to look at other projects, e.g. grenade -nv runs on grenade afaik18:37
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: CI run do not review
JayFjroll: ayup. I'm mainly thinking about all the -src-nv jobs. We shouldn't have any -src-nv jobs anymore, I think18:37
fungicorvus: mtreinish: that is indeed a very strange error18:37
clarkbJayF: jroll I also wonder if those experiemntal jobs are still in use? those might be easiest ones to knock out at the start if not18:37
jrollJayF: mostly agree, I think e.g. ipmitool -src jobs are nv right now18:37
EmilienMpabelanger: can you review the workaround please ?
osnexusSo I'm attempting to set up my 3rd party CI and am having issues connecting to nova nodes from my CI server, it seems the IPs aren't being exposed properly. I'm following this guide
jrollclarkb: yeah that's a good question18:38
osnexusAnd am getting the errro18:38
fungicorvus: mtreinish: web searches for "refs/remotes/origin/HEAD will become dangling" also turn up no exact matches for me18:38
osnexuspublic endpoint for network service in RegionOne region not found18:38
jrollclarkb: basically JayF can compare this to zuul/layout to see what's unused, yeah?18:38
JayFthat's what I was planning on doing18:38
clarkbjroll: JayF yup that would be the way to do it18:38
clarkbjroll: jroll note the second half of that list with the standard python job things you probably won't be able to edit much since that covers your linting, docs, unittestson multiple pythons, release notes, etc18:39
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clarkbbut those are less of a concern because we have those pretty well standardized across all projects so overhead is low18:40
mtreinishcorvus: I dunno, I just hit it on one of my patches18:40
JayFclarkb: yeah, I'm going to just completely ignore that section18:40
clarkbits really more the ~100 integration type tests there that bug me18:40
mtreinishcorvus: I'll try a recheck and see what happens18:40
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clarkbodyssey4me: also why do you have non voting docs jobs? those should always be voting imo (its trivial to make them work if they don't work)18:46
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/zuul: WIP: Add germqtt listening support
mtreinishcorvus: ^^^ I have no idea if that's the right track or not. I haven't even tried to run it18:48
mtreinishbut I think that's the basic idea for when firehose is up and running18:48
clarkbya ok its repo_build one matches18:48
corvusmtreinish: i didn't think we were doing any zuul stuff for starters?18:50
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mtreinishit wasn't part of the spec, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to have poc up18:51
corvusmtreinish: ok.  i would like to defer this until after zuulv3 if that's okay?18:51
clarkbodyssey4me: ok I understand the problem, we have multiple foo-docs and bar-docs and so on and if we put the .* before the negative lookahead it seems to greedily match before the negative lookahead and then matches everything. The regex as is doesn't work for all the foo-docs and bar-docs out there18:52
devanandaJayF: I'm starting on it here
mtreinishcorvus: that's fine, I wasn't expecting to land it anytime soon. I don't know much about zuul internals. That was just kinda a shot in the dark18:52
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mtreinishcorvus, fungi: saw it again this time on a different job for a different repo:
mtreinishwell it's still a puppet apply job, just a different distro18:59
clarkbodyssey4me: and I think I understand why that works. The * is modifying your not docs but allwo . multiple times. So we can repeat the . * times as long as we don't end up with docs18:59
clarkbodyssey4me: so that looks good to me18:59
fungimtreinish: yeah, being cross-platform (and so different git versions) does have me worried we've subtly broken something18:59
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openstackgerritPhilip Marc Schwartz proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Correct configuration file usage.
fungimtreinish: also different providers (rax-ord and ovh-bhs1)19:00
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fungimtreinish: however, same repo both times19:01
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fungimtreinish: also if i clone git:// and then do a `git remote prune origin` in it, i don't get that error19:03
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clarkbjroll: JayF fungi fwiw if package security is a concern alpine linux does sign their packages (and its another make a small install distro)19:04
fungimtreinish: oh, cloning from git04 i get an empty repo...19:05
clarkband suppsoedly it is designed to run from ram which may be helpful? I dunno what specialness they do to make that better19:05
pabelangerEmilienM: looks right, lets see what ansible says19:05
fungimtreinish: the rest seem fine. i'll see what's going on with that repo on git04 and then see if i can come up with a way to scan for the same issue across all of the repos on all our git servers to see if it's more widespread19:06
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clarkbtheir published iso is not 38MB small though. It is 93MB19:07
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clarkbthats still much smaller than the "minimal" images we make for centos, fedora, and ubuntu19:07
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clarkb(also why do people continue to publish isos?)19:09
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fungiclarkb: for install from usb stick?19:10
fungiyou can just `cp some.iso /dev/yourusbstick` and then boot from it19:11
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clarkbsometimes :) archwiki has a whole section on how to make that work iirc19:11
fungiiso filesystems are usable for more than just cds19:11
clarkbsomething to do with device labels and such19:11
fungiyeah, it _can_ get tricky, agreed19:11
pabelangerfungi: clarkb: mind reviewing: Updates our dhclient.conf settings in CentOS / Fedora ignoring domain / search settings from dhcp. Seems osic and ovh are providing them19:12
clarkbpabelanger: why not ubuntu?19:12
fungiclarkb: but as long as that works, i expect some distros to still make iso images since there are parts of the world where people do still want to be able to reinstall systems from cd19:12
clarkbfungi: ya I guess its flexible in supprting old hardware and new19:13
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pabelangerclarkb: mostly cause I didn't see a failure on Ubuntu. And dhclient.conf on ubuntu is more elaborate19:14
pabelangerclarkb: I could add it there too19:14
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clarkbpabelanger: I think we should so that we don't further confuse ourselves with different behavior on different images on different clouds19:14
clarkbpabelanger: reading the comments in the .pp the supercede nameserver stuff isn't strictly necessary but the other bits I think are19:15
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pabelangerclarkb: okay, let me also update ubuntu dhclient19:16
clarkbpabelanger: its easy to check by logging into a host on osic, I can do that real quick19:16
clarkbyup domain and search are set to openstacklocal on osic19:17
clarkbthis is the trusty image19:17
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pabelangerclarkb: oddly we request domain-name and domain-search in ubuntu. Adding supersede will cause dhclient to ignore them19:17
fungialso you could test it by updating the dhclient.conf and releasing/renewing your lease on that machine19:18
fungipabelanger: clarkb: agreed, we should avoid requesting them entirely19:18
fungiwe really only want ip address and default route19:18
clarkbya we shouldn't request them but we likely need to supercede it if cloud provides it anyways.19:18
fungieverything else is unnecessary19:18
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pabelangerfungi: clarkb: okay, I'd clean that up in a follow patch19:19
fungirighth, superseding them is fine, but not requesting them is also preferred as well19:19
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-unbound: Update dhclient.conf to ignore domain and search
fungiis it also providing search, or just domain-search?19:20
pabelangerfungi: EmilienM is reporting both domain and search in some cases19:20
clarkbfungi: I think 'domain-search' is what /etc/resolv.conf calls search19:20
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clarkband domain-name is domain19:20
fungiwe likely want to supersede hostname as well but maybe we only do that when we run into a provider that is feeding us one19:21
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clarkbI worry about superseding hostname as I don't know if glean will touch hostname when dhcp is in use19:21
pabelangerI'm starting to think think dhclient.conf needs to be updated so all our images are in sync19:21
clarkbI would have to go read gleans handling of the dhcp case and if it does anything with teh config drive there19:22
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fungiit would be awesome if glean configured dhclient19:23
fungiassuming we can't or don't want to trust dhcp provided values for the hostname anyway19:24
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fungiand domain/search et cetera19:24
fungionly private clouds get that right19:24
fungipublic clouds shouldn't try to set it for you19:24
pabelangerwe've only see it on ovh and osic right now, for centos-719:25
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pabelangerfungi: let me know what you think of lines 1-8 in and I'll make sure redhat and debian files are both in sync for next patchset19:26
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timrcphschwartz: "Create method, "do_magical_things""......... ........ ;-)19:26
fungiclarkb: and confirmed, dhcp-options(5) only lists a domain-search option, there is not also a "search" option separate from it19:26
fungii was misremembering19:26
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mtreinishfungi: oh, that's a good catch19:27
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clarkboh neat alpine has a VM iso thats 36MB19:27
clarkband then the "standard" image is 93MB. Also both are smaller if you 32bit19:28
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clarkb24MB and 75MB which may not be useful in the ironic case not sure if they need processes to address more than 4GB of memory for anything19:28
devanandaclarkb: for production use, yes, we do. in the infra gate, maybe not19:29
devanandaclarkb: without touching the ramdisk, I think we can reduce the jjb count by about 60 jobs19:29
devanandaif we can consolidate our test matrix by exercising multiple drivers and multiple deploy methods in a single job run19:31
clarkbdevananda: fwiw the major reason I am looking at alpine was the security issue that fungi pointed out with tinycore. I think functionally they will end up being pretty similar otherwise19:31
devanandaclarkb: ah, I see. that sounds useful in and of itself :)19:31
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clarkbdevananda: alpine tldr is signed packages. built with busybox and mlibc19:32
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fungiyeah, tinycore seems to be relatively laissez-faire about the security of their package management chain19:32
clarkbtinycore appears to also do similar things but doesn't have the security bits19:32
fungiwith the assertion that securing their package management will make their images too large or something19:33
fungi(because they'd need to include ssl and or pgp libraries)19:33
clarkbya alpine does appear to be a little bigger and i bet some of that is in the verification process19:33
mtreinishfungi: do you know of a quick example off the top of your head for setting up x509 certs in puppet? The next step I can think of for puppet-mosquitto is enabling tls encrypted ports (assuming that's something we actually want to bother with, it probably isn't worth the effort)19:33
pabelangerfungi: do we want to also set these values up for redhat?19:34
fungimtreinish: i overhauled a lot of it in our modules. let me see if i can find a flexible one19:34
fungipabelanger: i'm betting we could just drop the request statement entirely... but either way if we're already tweaking dhclient.conf on some platforms we should probably try to just make them all identical if that works19:35
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-unbound: Update dhclient.conf to be in sync across all OSes
pabelangerfungi: clarkb: ^ okay, sync'd the files based on fungi's comments19:37
fungimtreinish: see and
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mtreinishfungi: ok cool, thanks19:39
fungimtreinish: example there is assuming you might also want to do websockets over https through apache19:39
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clarkbthe alpine virt 32bit install uses about 40MB of disk and 17MB of ram. I haven't installed any packages or anything fun like that but it appears to be pretty small19:40
fungimtreinish: the puppet manifest is an example of flexible fallback logic for relying on the local snakeoil or being able to manually supply certs/keys and chain as existing files or with the content in variables (e.g., fed from hiera when instantiating teh class)19:40
clarkbso ya if you find you need better security that may be a viable alternative19:40
mtreinishfungi: I wasn't actually planning on doing that. I mean I can, but I was assuming just set the cert file opts in the mosquitto.conf for a websocket port19:40
* jroll sees a super successful nerd-snipe19:40
clarkboh didn't add in /boot. its closer to 50MB of disks19:40
mtreinishand probably on an mqtt port too19:41
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fungimtreinish: in that case feel free to ignore the apache-specific parts19:41
fungiclarkb: wonder if it can work from a read-only compressed image with a ramdisk overlay? ;)19:42
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phschwartztimrc: yeah, I was shocked that name made it in when I was looking at the code.19:43
clarkbI also know that dtroyer has used openwrt for this sort of thing in the past19:43
clarkbthis is how openwrt ended up in the nova git history19:43
clarkbjroll: ^19:43
jrolloh god19:43
clarkbthere is an 8MB openwrt image in nova :)19:44
jrollclarkb: that makes me super curious to play with an openwrt deploy ramdisk19:44
mordredjroll: it's likely it would have good networking :)19:44
jrollI would hope so :D19:45
jkilpatrtaking 'virtual routers' very literally.19:45
clarkbopenwrt verifies signatures on packages too fwiw19:45
clarkbwith its opkg manager19:46
fungijkilpatr: openwrt is virtually a router, yes!19:46
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fungithough it's certainly no netbsd19:47
bkeroopkg is pretty nice19:47
bkeroadditionally the menuconfig interface they stole from the kernel is a good system19:47
bkerosuper composable19:47
fungiyep, the make menuconfig interface is remarkably convenient and lightweight19:47
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bkerothe resulting binaries can be pretty small too. Usable kernel + filesystems have gotten down to around 2.2mb.19:48
bkeroand that has to support more hardware than virtio19:48
clarkbbkero: yup thats why dtroyer was using it iirc. didn't need routing just wanted small images19:48
bkeroYou might want to look at Yocto as well. I'm pretty sure you're familiar with it, clarkb :)19:48
bkeroCan generate openwrt images from yocto19:49
clarkbhuh I hadn't run into that. My familiarity with alpine is its the image they shipped with a really old beagleboard iirc19:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/germqtt: Fix all things tox
clarkbso I have an alpine floating around on a 2GB sd card that I used once upon a time19:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/germqtt: Add missing .gitreview file
bkeroclarkb: Yocto is intel's image generation thing from their meego/maemo/tizen/whatever days. It's generic though, and uses openwrt as the default target.19:50
mordredbkero: yah. I don't think we want another image generation tool19:51
bkeromordred: can always use it as a DIB base element though.19:51
bkeroIf you're grumpy about using a questionable tarball19:52
mordredI'm grumpy about everything19:52
anteayamordred: it is part of your charm19:52
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bkeroif only we were building grump as a service19:53
clarkb(and now docker uses alpine so its hip and cool)19:53
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* clarkb is sad that lgostash is still sadness19:55
clarkbelasticsearch claims to be happy19:56
clarkband I bounced the unhappy worker/indexer daemons19:56
openstackgerritIvan Udovichenko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add automatic backports
mtreinishclarkb: yeah, it's still sawtoothing19:56
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anteayamtreinish: nice, I was going to go with erratic19:57
anteayasawtooth I think is more descriptive here19:57
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fungiat least it's not triangle, square or *shudder* pulse train19:57
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clarkbwhen I try to stop the logstash pid it refuses to go away without kill -9 so I think whatever is unhappy is in there somewhere19:59
* fungi hopes he's not getting moog geeks too excited19:59
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* mtreinish flashbacks to taking tracings of waveforms on the old scopes in college20:00
fungiafter trying to focus them to a standing wave20:00
pabelangerEmilienM: any objections moving gate-{name}-puppet-syntax to ubuntu-xenial?20:01
pabelangerEmilienM: since -puppet-lint is already running on xenial20:01
EmilienMpabelanger: from centos7?20:01
anteayamtreinish: thank you20:01
EmilienMyeah if you want20:01
anteayathe things I'm learning20:02
pabelangerEmilienM: ubuntu-trusty20:02
anteayafungi: I found out about moog, very interesting20:02
anteayajim told me about them20:02
EmilienMpabelanger: oh really20:02
bkeroEmilienM: it's upgrade-tests-to-xenial season20:02
EmilienMpabelanger: move them all20:02
pabelangerEmilienM: ya, this is the last one20:02
EmilienMbkero: yeah, we already gate on xenial jobs for functional tests20:02
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EmilienMso no objection.20:02
clarkbpabelanger: none from me20:03
pabelangerclarkb: thanks20:03
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move gate-{name}-puppet-syntax to ubuntu-xenial
clarkbpabelanger: I think the only puppet jobs on our side that we need to worry about underlying distro are the noop and beaker rspec apply ones20:03
pabelangerclarkb: are you using a topic for xenial changes for JJB?20:03
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pabelangerclarkb: Ya, I haven't looked at our infra jobs yet20:03
clarkbpabelanger: yup 'newton-xenial'20:03
clarkbok on logstash-worker01 I stopped all the logstash daemons20:04
clarkbstarted the logstash indexer first, let it get running and start to listen on tcp 9999. then started the workers and they seem happy. I am going to do the others this way and see if it lasts20:04
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clarkbsomething appears to make the logstash indexer very unhappy20:05
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bkeropabelanger: there's also an etherpad with a list of jobs that need to be ported.20:07
pabelangerbkero: oh, where is that?20:07
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mosquitto: Add support for configuring tls ports
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mtreinishfungi: ^^^ first 1/2 of that, now to do the system-config side actually making the cert files20:08
fungimtreinish: so the openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid repo on git04.o.o has no master branch for some reason. i've automated a search across all our repos on all our git servers and it really is just this one repo on this one server20:08
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fungicorvus: ^ (zuul-cloner issue from earlier)20:08
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pabelangerfungi: I think we are seeing the same error in DIBs:
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clarkbJayF: jroll devananda another thing to maybe look at is instead of having a bunch of jobs per project consolidate into a shared job for each class of job for ironic, client, ipa, and inspector20:11
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pabelanger2016-07-26 17:19:53,799 INFO warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.20:12
fungii'm going to move it to my homedir for post-mortem review and then rerun create-cgitrepos20:12
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clarkbfungi: are we using zuul cloner with create-cgitrepos?20:12
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fungiclarkb: doubtful. why would we?20:13
clarkbfungi: you metnioend zuul-cloner issue20:13
clarkband pointed at the git mirror problem.20:13
fungiclarkb: some of our apply jobs showed zuul-cloner complaining about git remote prune origin failing on that repo20:14
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clarkboh gotcha its the job side z-c complaining20:14
fungitracked down to corruption on one git mirror backend20:14
fungifor just one repo20:14
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clarkbwe didn't try removing the master branch on that repo did we?20:15
clarkbvia gerrit20:15
fungiif we did, no idea why it would only affect git04 and not the others20:16
clarkbwell removing HEAD is always weird but yes I agree that should've affected all of them20:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add test-results publisher to infra projects
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fungiokay, after running `env PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin SCRATCH_SUBPATH=zuul SCRATCH_OWNER=zuul SCRATCH_GROUP=zuul create-cgitrepos` as root on git04.0.0 and then `ssh -p 29418 replication start openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid` i'm now seeing a master branch in that repo again20:20
pabelangerfirst time in a while I've see 520+ nodes online in nodepool20:21
pabelangerwe usually hover around 480 or so20:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add test-results publisher to python-jobs
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corvusfungi: wow.  weird.20:25
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add alembic migration support
pabelangerclarkb: I'm also hoping the puppet-unbound patch will fix: connection timed out; no servers could be reached we sometimes see in ovh when running the ready-script20:28
cineramagreghaynes: could you please approve (if appropriate)? just noticed it's still hanging about with 2 +220:29
clarkbpabelanger: by preventing it from doing bad dns lookups?20:30
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pabelangerclarkb: ya, I think when it fails, its appending domain / search to the host20:30
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ianwpabelanger: hmm, it's as i feared that the new bandersnatch hasn't quite fixed things.  i'll check out mirror-update.o.o and see what's going on today20:33
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clarkboh neat looking at ES logs it apepars that when things got unhappy yesterday it had run out of memory in ES20:34
pabelangerianw: ya, we had issues with oslo.config specifically.  ubuntu-precise was still using oslo-config20:34
clarkbstill don't know why restarting the processes hasn't made them hapyp again but at least that is a likely cause of the issues20:34
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ianwcinerama: sorry, that probably should have made it into the bugfix20:37
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Update the UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE url to include the new branch
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cineramathanks ianw20:39
ianwpabelanger: i've missed scrollback ... did you kick off a f24 build with the new dib?20:40
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: WIP: Add tls support to firehose
pabelangerianw: dibs failed today20:40
ianwpabelanger: ohhh, didn't check the date in nodechecker :)20:40
pabelangerianw: I was going to do some rebuilds today once we landed 34797020:40
ianwhmmm, this log looks coorect
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ianwcorrect even20:41
mtreinishfungi: ^^^ I always get the different files confused, that literally just copy and pasted what you shared before and tried to pass the right paths to puppet-mosquitto20:41
mtreinishbut it's all wrong, I didn't even try to run it20:42
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clarkblooking at elasticsaerch head and bigdesk ES itself seems happy20:42
mtreinishI'm gonna hold off on the tls stuff until we get everything running anyway. It's not really needed20:42
clarkbso I think that when it was unhappy ti must have pushed the unhappyness upstream20:42
clarkband upsteram didn't recover as gracefully as ES itself20:43
pabelangerianw: Hmm, ya. They should have been uploaded20:43
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pabelangerianw: okay, manually uploading fedora-24 now20:45
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clarkbpabelanger: did all the uplaods fail? or maybe we restarted the service and cut those uploads off20:45
pabelangerclarkb: ya, did nodepool get restarted?20:45
fungimtreinish: yeah, it can stay wip for now. focus on bare minimums is a good place to start i agree20:45
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clarkbpabelanger: it did on monday iirc20:45
ianwi think it must have, because it wasn't using fedora-24.log when i was looking yesterday afternoon20:46
pabelangerya, I restarted nodepool-builder last night20:46
ianwi.e. builder hadn't reread the config file20:46
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pabelangerbut that was way before builds started20:46
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pabelangerI'll check nodepool logs for today20:46
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ianwpabelanger: did you unhold the nodes from yesterday?20:48
Krenairpleia2, I think I broke my VM I was trying to set up for the wiki20:48
pabelangerianw: not yet20:48
Krenairmight try again next week20:48
pabelangerianw: you can do that now if you want20:48
ianwpabelanger: yeah, i can clean that up20:48
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pabelangerfungi: clarkb: mind revisiting puppet-unbound again?
openstackgerritThiago Paiva Brito proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Pinning JJB and Zuul for 3rd party CI
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jrollclarkb: are you interested in xenial coverage jobs failing in our check queue?
jrollseems like coverage just decided not to work20:51
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pleia2Krenair: sorry to hear!20:51
pleia2Krenair: good luck next week, let us know if we can help20:51
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fungimtreinish: it's possible that on xenial /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem and /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key don't exist by default (needs ssl-cert package installed, and may need `make-ssl-cert generate-default-snakeoil` run if its post-install scripts don't do that for you)20:52
clarkbjroll: neat, seems to be unhappy about the no data to report status20:52
jrollclarkb: yeah, odd there's no data20:52
mtreinishfungi: that very well might be the case. I haven't even tried to run that patch yet, so I hadn't even gotten that far20:53
clarkbjroll: I can try to reproduce locally in a sec20:53
fungimtreinish: oh, i may have misunderstood what you meant by "it's all wrong"20:54
jrollclarkb: okay, I pushed an updated patch so it should run again as well - fwiw, I've seen stuff landing today so maybe not a constant problem?20:54
pabelangerGot to love osic-cloud1, images uploads are so fast!20:54
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clarkbjroll: oh if its passed earlier today that is extra interesting. Suggests it may not be a xenial problem?20:55
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clarkbpabelanger: qcow2 + relatively local networking20:55
jrollclarkb: yeah, let me verify that20:55
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pabelangerclarkb: ya20:55
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mtreinishfungi: I was referring to the chunk at L130:
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mtreinishbut it's not important, we can revisit it after the other ~10 patches to get things running are landed :)20:56
jrollclarkb: oh, it's only in our client, seems to be always failing. ironic itself is fine20:57
fungimtreinish: oh, right presumably this should perhaps go into the mosquitto module instead of system-config anyway20:57
fungimtreinish: the example i gave you was in system-config because that particular class was very environment-specific and so never got split out into its own module20:57
clarkbjroll: gotcha, ironic's coverage job is also voting?20:58
jrollclarkb: yeah20:58
clarkbI can replicate locally with a single cpu so its not related to the multiple.runners at least20:58
mtreinishfungi: sure, I wasn't 100% on how I split things either. But, it seemed easier to just pass the file path to the mosquitto module and let something else handle the actual cert creation20:58
fungimtreinish: but for the openstack_project::firehose class we would probably just carry the file/content classvars through to mosquitto::server or something and put all the file handling logic in there instead20:58
clarkband if I inspect the html its got stuff and percentages that are non zero20:59
mtreinishfungi: ok, I'll leave myself a note about that, and when I get back to the patches I can do it that way20:59
fungimtreinish: for most classes in openstack_project we really just want them to be very lightweight wrappers around other puppet modules, only including very bits very specific to our particular server environment21:00
* fungi gives up on typing21:00
mtreinishfungi: right, I had assumed there was just a give me the certs module I could call :)21:00
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mtreinishbut despite having written a lot of puppet, I still am not very good at using it21:01
fungimtreinish: we've discussed splitting that logic out into its own module too, yes21:02
ianwpabelanger / jeblair : <- the "No JSON object could be decoded" is *not* I presume somewhat synchronous with the output above ... i.e. the last "rm" command hasn't triggered this error, has it?21:02
fungiright now it's been copied around between modules21:02
clarkbjroll: the coverage combine step is what tramples the .coverage file21:03
clarkbjroll: I wonder if that is not necessary because pbr21:03
clarkbjroll: ya ironic's cover target is different21:03
clarkbjroll: let me test a fix21:04
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jrollclarkb: huh, ok thanks21:04
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add debian-openstack source.list to debian
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pabelangerianw: right, that is getting returned from the async_wrapper code in ansible21:09
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ianwpabelanger: i think ,at the very least, if ansible said "no json object detected" and then said "but i did detect ..." it would go a long way in helping debug such a thing21:10
pabelangerianw: if I remember right, ansible changes this code path because of this error. I'd have to find the PR in that does it21:11
pabelangerSo, I didn't spend too much time debugging it in ansible, as the code is already different in their master branch21:11
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ianwpabelanger: ahh, good to know.  i might try it on master and see if it gives something more useful21:12
pabelangerianw: Ya, that would be a good test21:12
clarkbjroll: seems to do the right thing for me locally on xenial21:12
pabelangerokay, stepping away for some food. If I could get some +2 on I'd like to rebuild centos-7 tonight and give the patch a run on OVH and OSIC21:13
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jrollclarkb: thanks so much :)21:14
clarkbI think it was mordred's PR that changed the handling of the async wrapper stuff too21:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Add diskimage-builder from git to dsvm job
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mordredclarkb: what did I do?21:15
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clarkbmordred: hacked on ansible asnyc wrapper things21:16
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clarkbsince it was failign to parse the json21:17
mordredoh yah. yay!21:17
mordredthat was fun21:17
clarkbor was it yaml?21:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Fix proliant-tools dependencies
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thiagopCan I ask for approval on this->
mordredclarkb: did it break?21:21
thiagopIt's a workaround for the bug where jenkins isn't receiving parameters on builds21:22
thiagopWould help very much21:22
ianwpabelanger: well there you go, same thing "just works" with git master.21:23
ianwit was silly that we didn't have en_* locales on the host, so we'll just call it mystery solved on that one and move on21:24
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clarkbmordred: I am not sure, pabelanger was talking about how thigns had changed in master and was just pointing out mordred changed them21:25
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clarkbmordred: I think he was suggesting we don't worry too much about it because your fixes should fix it?21:25
openstackgerritThiago Paiva Brito proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Pinning JJB and Zuul for 3rd party CI
clarkb#status log more carefully restarted logstash daemons again. Bigdesk reports significantly higher data transport rates indicating maybe it is happy now.21:26
openstackstatusclarkb: finished logging21:26
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mordredclarkb: well, that fix should be in the ansible we're using in the gate21:31
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pabelangerianw: mordred: clarkb: changes the code path, I think anything after that could be the fix.21:33
pabelangerianw: mordred: clarkb: the good news, that patch is in the stable-2.1 branch. We should check when is landing21:36
pabelangeror use stable-2.1 branch21:36
mordredI can ask - sitting in the room now21:36
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ianwwell that explains it "This eliminates problems with non-JSON data before module output causing async tasks to fail, when a non-async version of the task would succeed."21:40
ianwi.e. screaming at you "I HAVE NO LOCALES"21:40
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mriedemAJaeger: tox -e venv should support constraints now right?
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ianwcinerama: do you need a point release for 337918 ?21:49
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added documentation draft jobs for nodejs-based projects
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added documentation publish jobs for the JavaScript SDK
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Created DSVM Job for NPM Projects
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krotscheckI don't suppose an expert in devstack gate can look over for me and tell me that I'm not crazy?21:52
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Created DSVM Job for NPM Projects
ianwkrotscheck: crazy how?21:55
krotscheckianw: .... well, ok, no more crazy than normal.21:56
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krotscheckianw: Really it's a question of whether I'm doing too much in that macro, what with cd $WORKSPACE and/or others.21:56
* krotscheck doesn't _quite_ understand how to get a devstack VM running so couldn't end-to-end test21:57
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ianwkrotscheck: things like "npm configure-devstack || true" sort of put up my "defensive programming" flag ... how do you tell the difference between it missing and actually failing for some reason22:00
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pabelangerianw: telnet://
pabelangerianw: should be the latest fedora-24 dib22:00
pabelangeror maybe not22:01
ianwpabelanger: yeah, looks unhappy22:01
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mgagneSo I found some people complaining about the mirror at internap:
ianwpabelanger: yeah, it's not, glibc-langpack-en not installed there22:01
mgagneWe have monitoring in place to detect downtime and so far, none was detected and I'm having a hard time understanding what's failing. According to logs, mirror stops to accept connection (refuse them) in the middle of downloading debian packages.22:02
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pabelangermgagne: I wonder if apache might have restarted during that time22:05
pabelangermgagne: I can check the logs22:05
mgagnepabelanger: I just happen to have the impression it's only happening at internap. it's a problem I've been aware about for several months but never found an explanation.22:06
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pabelangertimestamps match up22:07
mgagneok, so it's just very bad luck22:07
pabelangerya, we had to revert something in apache today22:07
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pabelangerso, likely bad timing in this case22:07
mgagneso I suspect all the previous occurrence were due to apache reload too22:08
fungispecifically apache configuration for our mirrors22:08
pabelangermgagne: I would think so.  Personally, I find internap our most stable cloud.22:08
fungihow long ago was "previous"?22:08
mgagnea long time ago? :D22:08
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mgagneI just happen to check once in a while irc logs and find people mentioning internap or I'm lucky and someone complains, I check logs and it's internap :D22:09
pabelangermgagne: where was that?22:09
fungiseems like it's a selection bias on your part ;)22:09
mgagnefungi: surely is =)22:09
mgagnepabelanger: on #openstack-nova22:09
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mgagnepabelanger: but it was a generic complain about how the world hates him so internap wasn't mentioned =)22:10
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pabelangermgagne: ya, I see almost zero things wrong with internap. Just powers on during the day22:11
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pabelangerianw: telnet://
pabelangerianw: much better22:12
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ianwpabelanger: cool!  let's see if devstack explodes now22:12
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ianwi don't think so though, f24 has been fairly minor compared to some previous efforts22:13
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ianwshould we setup puppet to up /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_instances in puppet-nodepool?  i noticed tail -f complains22:14
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mtreinishpabelanger: any idea what's going on with this failure:
fungiat roughly the 24-hour mark, we have 166 out of 798 ballots cast on an infra mascot22:16
mtreinishpabelanger: I read that as it's not cloning the puppet-mosquitto module22:16
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krotscheckianw: Yeah, I'm a bit questionable about that one myself. I suppose we can force the convention to say: "Hey, if you want to use devstack, you need to at least have an exit code 0 here.22:17
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ianwkrotscheck: yeah, dummy functions are probably more robust22:18
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ianwfungi: so ... many ... mascots22:20
ianweven the "favourite start wars character" poll it keeps directing me to had less :)22:20
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pleia2morning jhesketh22:25
pabelangermtreinish: Oh, we need to add puppet-mosquitto into modules.env in system-config22:25
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pabelangermtreinish: otherwise, we don't install it22:25
mtreinishoh, ok. I'll add that to the patch right now then22:26
fungitoo bad thiagop disappeared before i could tell him i'm opposed to 33440022:26
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fungii guess he'll see my -1 and review comments22:27
corvusfungi: i agree the approach in your comment is probably best22:27
fungii mainly have an aversion to general recommendations of disabling some upstream's security measures22:28
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add firehose.o.o config to system-config
mtreinishpabelanger: ^^^22:28
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove unused dibtest jobs
clarkbpabelanger: fungi anteaya ianw bkero ^ is more cleanup of unneeded job configs22:29
pabelangermtreinish: ya, that should fix it22:29
clarkboh I didn't set the topic /me fixes that22:30
anteayaclarkb: yay22:31
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Remove the check target
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pabelangerpuppet-unbound is green now: could use a few +2 to fix some DHCP issue in OVH and OSIC22:36
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pleia2pabelanger: nice, looks like all fungi's notes were addressed, lgtm22:41
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fungipabelanger: oh ouch, you had to manually define option 121 huh?22:43
bkeroclarkb: yay22:43
bkeropabelanger: you have the puppet xenial tests handled?22:44
fungipabelanger: i wonder why that's in the ubuntu/debian dhclient.conf we were using if it's not an iana-standard option22:44
anteayawho is samuel cassiba?22:44
pabelangerfungi: I am unsure, that was already there.22:44
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mosquitto: Add websocket listner to mosquitto
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mosquitto: Add basic permissions and security
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clarkbbkero: pabelanger I am trying to get the integrated get tempest/dsvm change written now22:44
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mtreinishpabelanger: yep, that did the tick. Now it's catching typos in my open patches :)22:44
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pabelangerbkero: should have my patches22:45
pabelangermtreinish: great22:46
pabelangerfungi: ya, this code is pretty old. Ready for a refresh for sure22:46
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bkeropabelanger: awesome22:46
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mtreinishcraige: adds the missing security from yesterday :)22:52
openstackgerritIvan Udovichenko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new projects
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clarkbbkero: did you end up getting tox -ezuul to go faster?22:54
clarkbbkero: I am currently waiting on it and wondering if faster cpu was your solution or something else22:54
bkeroclarkb: i got 4m30s on my desktop22:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-unbound: Update dhclient.conf to be in sync across all OSes
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bkeroI have an overclocked Core i7 6700k running at 4.9GHz22:55
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bkeroThreading the process would be appreciated22:56
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bkeroand I submitted the chef xenial patches passing tox -e zuul too btw22:56
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clarkbcool will try to review all the patches taht are up as soon as I get this one for the integrated gate jobs sorted out22:56
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bkeroI'll work on the docs jobs bext22:58
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* bkero down at Oregon Brewer's Festival, trying to finish up before it becomes Oregon Bros Festival22:58
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-germqtt: Add auth config to germqtt
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-germqtt: Clean up stray whitespace
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-germqtt: Ensure ssh keys are all setup
clarkbbkero: they started on a wednesday?22:59
bkeroThey did22:59
bkerogoing through the weekend23:00
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bkeroNew Holland brought what might be the best big beer I've ever had.23:00
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prometheanfireso, does someone mind reviwing this, it seems to be blocking more work (gentoo nodepool)
clarkbprometheanfire: that shouldn't be a blocker until we have images building23:03
openstackgerritIvan Udovichenko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new projects
clarkbprometheanfire: since that is a job runtime dep and not a build dep23:03
clarkbprometheanfire: are we tripping over the cahcing or something?23:03
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clarkb(I don't even know how that would work on gentoo, cache the source the build? something?)23:03
prometheanfireclarkb: it's blocking be building images, because it's pulling from git23:04
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mosquitto: Add websocket listner to mosquitto
prometheanfireya, emerge --fetchonly23:04
fungiclarkb: bkero: i've gone to the obf a couple times now and quite enjoyed myself23:04
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clarkbgotcha so its failing to get the list to run emerge --fetchonly against?23:04
clarkbor maybe it is getting a list with invalid stuff in it23:05
prometheanfireclarkb: yep23:05
bkerofungi: you should let me know nect time you come! I quite enjoy it.23:05
prometheanfirethe bindep work has been done already, but it's pulling in the wrong bindep-fallback23:05
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add firehose.o.o config to system-config
prometheanfireI have the bindep-fallback fixed locally, but it's not being respected :|23:06
fungibkero: both times it was the end of oscon and i was on my way to pdx to fly home but had a late-departing flight and lots of time on my hands23:06
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clarkbprometheanfire: there is a dib flag you can set (let me find it because it will likely be handy for other stuff)23:07
fungibkero: so stopped off at the park to kill time and spent a few hours wandering around in the sun drinking small portions of beer and unhealthy fried things23:07
bkerofungi: that sounds like the perfect scenario23:07
prometheanfireoh, that'd be nice23:07
clarkbprometheanfire: CONFIG_SOURCE is a url/path to your repo and CONFIG_REF the name of a tag/branch in that source that you want to use if you don't want project-config to be cloned from the git mirrors23:08
fungibkero: yep, great way to start out a series of cross-country flights23:08
bkeroalas oscon is not her323:08
clarkber sorry thats system-config23:08
clarkbmaybe we don't have one for project-config23:08
bkerofungi: portland is still worth visiting for osbridge and other confs23:08
clarkbprometheanfire: so it won't help this particular case but if you edit things in system-config they may be useful23:08
bkerofungi: also the airport has 2 breweries to fill growlers and go home.23:09
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run integrated gate on xenial
clarkbok ^ thats the fun one23:09
TheJuliatwo in-airport breweries?!?23:09
prometheanfireclarkb: so what do I have to change?23:09
clarkbprometheanfire: if you export CONFIG_SOURCE and CONFIG_REF those specify wehere to get system-config for the image build23:10
bkeroTheJulia: Yes. Rogue and Laurelwood. Would recommend.23:10
prometheanfirewhen working on system-config those will be nice though (since system-config includes puppet)23:10
clarkbprometheanfire: bindep fallback is in project-cofnig so not useful here (I am reviewing the hcange to get things moving)23:10
prometheanfirebut since this is project-config...23:10
* TheJulia ponders way to visit that area23:10
prometheanfireclarkb: thankyou23:10
fungibkero: yep, i've enjoyed both brewpubs in pdx. though i can also just fill growlers at my local breweries when i get home if i want and not have o bring them on the plane ;)23:11
clarkbprometheanfire: I approved it, I didn't check all the gentoo packages (assuming you got those right) and doesn't look like anything has changed for debian,ubuntu,centos,fedora so should be fine23:11
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fungibkero: but i definitely should plan to submit a talk to one of the conferences there. would be a good excuse to come visit good people and drink good beer23:11
clarkbportland is basically swimming in beer23:12
prometheanfireclarkb: cool, thanks23:12
clarkbits great because I can go to the grocery store and get better beer than almost anywhere in the world :)23:12
fungiTheJulia: ^ talk submissions to portland-area tech conferences would be the easy way ;)23:12
mtreinish\o/ finally got the apply job working on xenial:
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TheJuliafungi: I have very little desire to give talks due to personal safety concerns :(23:14
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fungiTheJulia: unfortunate, but fair enough23:15
fungiwell, actually entirely unfair23:15
clarkbTheJulia: also if you do plan any travel for airport drinking reasons keep in mind you can't be served alcohol between 2am and 7am in the state of oregon23:15
fungibut understandable23:15
bkerofungi: I agree! I think that osbridge, pycon, and monitorama could be bettered from your wisdom. :)23:15
fungiclarkb: what about in the state of inebriation?23:15
TheJuliaclarkb: note taken :)23:16
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clarkbbkero: I think we should go ahead with AJaeger's comments just add -{node} to the job names instaed of putting it in the middle23:17
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clarkbbkero: also the regex thing done at will be treated as literals not regex23:18
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clarkbbkero: only {foo} substitutions are done there23:18
clarkbso you'll unfortunately have to spell out ubuntu-trusty and ubuntu-xenial23:18
bkeroclarkb: okay I can fix that. And I agree about node name placement.23:19
bkeroziI found another job that used that format so i cribbed it23:20
bkerocan fix though23:20
clarkbbkero: I am leaving comments ont he change to avoid confusion too23:20
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clarkbpabelanger: comments on your changes as well23:25
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clarkbpabelanger: for the docs job we need to make sure that things all match up in check/gate/post/release which means we need those to be node specific and support trusty and xenial23:25
clarkbsimilar thing with linters since its aim is to replace pep8 aiui. (comments on the cahnges directly too)23:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: add gentoo support to bindep-fallback.txt
prometheanfireclarkb: testing now, thanks :D23:27
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pabelangerclarkb: sure, I can do that23:29
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Move gate-{name}-puppet-syntax to ubuntu-xenial
ianwpabelanger: erg, so it failed and has now dropped of the network i guess23:35
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pabelangerianw: ack23:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove unused dibtest jobs
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prometheanfireI need to figure out why puppet is trying to do emaint sync --check23:53
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osnexusSo uh, I have a devstack setup seemingly properly. I can log in through horizon and see things working fine and sey the keystone service running but...23:55
osnexusThe program 'keystone' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:23:56
osnexussudo apt-get install python-keystoneclient23:56
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clarkbosnexus: yup, `keystone` the command is actually the keystoneclient. So having a running keystone service doesn't necessarily mean you ahve the client installed (though typically nova and friends would pull it in)23:56
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osnexusthat's what I thought clarkb23:57
osnexusbut pip also says I have it23:58
osnexusdo i need the actual apt-get as well23:58
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clarkbno, if pip says you have it then it should be available within that env23:59
osnexusthen I am confuzzled23:59
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clarkboh I know what it is23:59
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