jeblair | mordred, nibalizer: where are the logs that either detail the run from 2303 or indicate the failure or why it did not run? | 00:00 |
anteaya | pc_m: start with what you have and offer a patch | 00:00 |
fungi | pc_m: i would start by trying to pin asteroid (and if necessary pylint) and see what job(s) object to that, then work backwards from there (possibly pinning asteroid with a cap in global requirements, though again this is fuzzy territory if different projects are allowed to use different versions of pylint) | 00:00 |
anteaya | pc_m: make your intent very clear in the commit message so a reviewer can make suggestions in their review | 00:00 |
lifeless | mtreinish: (e.g. I see that we test the case you say was failing) | 00:00 |
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nibalizer | I don't think it's run since | 00:01 |
nibalizer | possibly because ansible-puppet has been failing on rsync? | 00:01 |
fungi | pc_m: lifeless and Nakato and would be my go-to for questions about requirements/constraints and python packaging on an apac timeframe | 00:01 |
jeblair | nibalizer: that hypothesis matches my observations | 00:02 |
pc_m | anteaya: I'm pretty fuzzy myself though... global-requirements has pylint=1.4.4 and no astroid. Whereas upper-constraints has astroid=1.3.8, but no pylint. | 00:02 |
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mordred | jeblair: I apologize - "copy files to logstash.o.o" ran successful | 00:02 |
mordred | jeblair: I am investigating further | 00:02 |
lifeless | pc_m: upper-constraints is the transitive expansion of dependencies | 00:02 |
pc_m | we want pylint 1.4.4 and astroid 1.3.8 for adv services and neutron | 00:02 |
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lifeless | pc_m: this is described in the README | 00:02 |
jeblair | mordred: makes sense | 00:02 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/puppet-elasticsearch: Add logging configuration | 00:03 |
jeblair | mtreinish, SpamapS: ^ see nibalizer / mordred words for info on pupput runs on logstash | 00:03 |
lifeless | pc_m: we blacklist lint style tools - we can't globally define them because when they release, it would cause deadlocks across the gate | 00:03 |
nibalizer | interestingly the puppetmaster is trying to run puppet on itself and failing - exit code 4 | 00:03 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/puppet-elasticsearch: Stop logging actions at DEBUG level | 00:03 |
fungi | lifeless: however we don't enforce/sync requirements on style and static analysis checkers, right? how does that extend to different versions of those wanting different versions of transitive deps? | 00:03 |
lifeless | pc_m: (or force everyone onto absolute lockstep changes, and we have no mechanism to enable a small team to do that) | 00:03 |
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mordred | oh - this is the problem that we pushed apatch up for | 00:04 |
lifeless | fungi: so, we need to blacklist it from upper-constraints if its a linter style tool | 00:04 |
lifeless | fungi: and then folk can do $whatevertheywant locally with it | 00:04 |
fungi | lifeless: not sure if you were following, but basically pylint depends on asteroid, and there's a new release of asteroid on pypi which causes some versions of pylint in use by various projects to break | 00:04 |
lifeless | fungi: (e.g. use it from tox deps= lines | 00:04 |
mtreinish | lifeless: hmm, ok. Well nibalizer and I both definitely observed that behavior back when we were first spinning things up | 00:05 |
mordred | jeblair: | 00:05 |
mordred | jeblair: which has now merged | 00:05 |
mordred | (10 minutes ago) | 00:05 |
mordred | jeblair: should fix the reason that puppet did not run on logstash at that time | 00:05 |
fungi | so in this case asteroid is in upper-constraints.txt presumably as a dependency of something else (or we just missed filtering it like we are for pylint which is what's pulling it in) | 00:05 |
lifeless | ok but | 00:05 |
pc_m | lifeless: So, can we, in neutron, set pylint to 1.4.4 and astroid to 1.3.8? | 00:05 |
lifeless | astroid is a ast | 00:05 |
lifeless | not a linter | 00:05 |
fungi | right, it's _used_ by a linter | 00:06 |
jeblair | mordred, nibalizer: does nibalizer's observation about puppetmaster failing mean that is unlikely to self-correct? | 00:06 |
lifeless | sure | 00:06 |
fungi | and different versions of the linter need different versions of that it seems | 00:06 |
fungi | which means it potentially has to vary as the linter using it varies | 00:06 |
lifeless | well | 00:06 |
lifeless | lets see | 00:06 |
nibalizer | jeblair: from the run_all log there is some conflicting information | 00:07 |
mordred | jeblair, nibalizer: there is anther problem | 00:07 |
mordred | one sec | 00:07 |
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nibalizer | there is the output of the puppet run on puppetmasetr.o.o where everything went fine, then there is ansible reporting that the return code was 4 and it is fatal | 00:07 |
pc_m | fungi: yeah, looks like some are not playing well together, and it looks like newer version is report new errors | 00:07 |
nibalizer | mordred: ok | 00:07 |
fungi | it's possible in this case we could blacklist the latest release of asteroid in global reqs and then get all projects using pylint to add a similar entry for asteroid from global reqs | 00:07 |
lifeless | so pylint has an open dependency | 00:08 |
fungi | but it may be that implies we need everyone to upgrade to a newer version of pylint or perpetually blacklist all new asteroid releases for everyone | 00:08 |
lifeless | and before the update it was also open | 00:08 |
lifeless | | 00:08 |
lifeless | pc_m: well, your lint jobs should be getting constrained by upper-contraints no ? | 00:09 |
lifeless | pc_m: whats the actual thing thats breaking for you ? | 00:09 |
lifeless | fungi: it implies that our per-project linter strategy may actually be broken | 00:09 |
lifeless | fungi: and we've just been ignoring it because the social issues are too hard | 00:09 |
fungi | lifeless: bingo | 00:09 |
lifeless | fungi: and perhaps its time to revisit that | 00:09 |
fungi | this was basically my point | 00:10 |
pc_m | lifeless: well, we have multiple breakages in multiple repos. | 00:10 |
lifeless | pc_m: I need specifics please | 00:10 |
fungi | linters installing into the same environment as everything else means we can't pretend they're an isolated thing with no implications on our dependency chain | 00:10 |
pc_m | lifeless: In neutron, we were getting undefined variables (thousands) for all the imports. | 00:10 |
lifeless | pc_m: what gate job? | 00:10 |
lifeless | pc_m: got a link to one failing? | 00:11 |
fungi | pc_m: but not for the constraints version of the pylint runs right? | 00:11 |
fungi | (because those are still using older asteroid at the moment) | 00:11 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Add additional iCal tests | 00:11 |
pc_m | I was looking in local environment and seeing in all repos I use. Others seeing as well. There are jobs failing. My understanding is any running pep8. | 00:12 |
pc_m | Let me look... | 00:12 |
nibalizer | mordred: im also wondering if the dynamic inventory is working at all | 00:12 |
tsg | lifeless, fungi: to make a package specific to a distro rev in bindep-fallback, where do I find the OS profile names. Also is specifying multiple OS profiles (or excluding one) supported? | 00:12 |
nibalizer | 2015-12-01 00:01:11,858 p=31575 u=root | PLAY [!!git0*:!afs*:!puppetmaster*:!disabled] ************ | 00:12 |
nibalizer | 2015-12-01 00:01:11,860 p=31575 u=root | skipping: no hosts matched | 00:12 |
mordred | nibalizer: it's not | 00:12 |
mordred | it's a thing | 00:12 |
mordred | I'm working on it | 00:12 |
nibalizer | that should be the world | 00:12 |
mordred | one sec | 00:12 |
nibalizer | and it is not | 00:12 |
nibalizer | oh ok | 00:12 |
nibalizer | sweet | 00:12 |
mordred | will report back with findings | 00:12 |
mordred | actually | 00:12 |
mordred | there is a file missing | 00:12 |
mordred | /usr/local/bin/puppet-inventory | 00:12 |
mordred | does not exist | 00:12 |
mordred | on the machine | 00:12 |
nibalizer | sounds important | 00:13 |
mordred | OH | 00:13 |
mordred | I see | 00:13 |
zaro | mgagne: hey, finally getting around to look at the jeepyb issue with regards to pushing acl changes. did you get it figured out? | 00:13 |
mordred | thanks. that was helpful | 00:13 |
tsg | lifeless, fungi: wrt the question above ^^, I meant "supported OS profile names" | 00:13 |
mgagne | zaro I'm using environment variables in my playbook to override git commiter | 00:13 |
lifeless | tsg: on the os you want, run bindep --profiles | 00:13 |
pc_m | lifeless: Just picked one... | 00:13 |
zaro | nibalizer: take another look? | 00:13 |
lifeless | tsg: if you ave no file, do bindep -f /dev/null --profiles | 00:14 |
fungi | tsg: the os profile names are a transformation of lsb_release output | 00:14 |
mgagne | zaro | 00:14 |
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mgagne | in an Ansible handler | 00:14 |
fungi | tsg: so an open-ended list | 00:14 |
zaro | mgagne: ok. i think jeepyb is using env vars to set committer as well. maybe from .gitconfig? | 00:14 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Copy the file that is installed | 00:14 |
lifeless | pc_m: ok so thats kilo, which isn't constrained, and we can just lock down. | 00:14 |
mordred | nibalizer, jeblair: ^^ | 00:14 |
mordred | sorry | 00:14 |
tsg | lifeless: got it .. is bindep a CI specific binary? | 00:14 |
zaro | mgagne: you can't set commit with git commit command | 00:14 |
lifeless | tsg: pip install bindep | 00:15 |
mgagne | zaro it's not, it's using --author | 00:15 |
tsg | ah ok .. thanks | 00:15 |
fungi | tsg: it's on pypi | 00:15 |
fungi | yeah, that | 00:15 |
mordred | ok. | 00:15 |
mordred | '!disabled' shows the right hosts now | 00:15 |
mordred | btw - for folks playing along at home | 00:15 |
SpamapS | mordred: I'm a little lost on this. Is that patch fixing logstash.o.o's puppet runs, or are we still not clear why it's still not running puppet? | 00:15 |
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mordred | ansible '!!git0*:!afs*:!puppetmaster*:!disabled' --list-hosts | 00:15 |
lifeless | pc_m: so this is going to need separate work to fix each of juno kilo liberty and master | 00:16 |
mgagne | zaro right. So someone using jeepyb should create .gitconfig or use env vars | 00:16 |
mordred | is how to verify the lists of hosts that ansible will run against | 00:16 |
lifeless | pc_m: and the answer is going to look a little different in juno+kilo, liberty, master | 00:16 |
zaro | mgagne: yeah set author seems correct to me. can't set committer with 'git commit'. | 00:16 |
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zaro | mgagne: i think our puppet is doing that. | 00:16 |
mordred | SpamapS: that patch will fix it | 00:16 |
SpamapS | mordred: kkthx | 00:16 |
tsg | lifeless, fungi: thanks that helps! | 00:16 |
lifeless | tsg: fungi: you can also define custom profiles easily | 00:16 |
fungi | absolutely | 00:16 |
mordred | SpamapS, jeblair, nibalizer: the problem was that the puppet dynamic inventory did not get installed because we had referenced the wrong filename | 00:16 |
mordred | this means that the only inventory that existed was the disabled group | 00:17 |
lifeless | pc_m: in liberty or master running tox -epep8-constraints should work; I just tested master | 00:17 |
nibalizer | zaro: kk | 00:17 |
pc_m | lifeless: Yes, all the ones with pep8-constraints pass. | 00:17 |
lifeless | they will however break if we don't have a reverse check on them in requirements | 00:17 |
pc_m | lifeless: ones with pep8 fail in neutron, neutron-lbaas, neutron-vpnaas, and maybe neutron-fwaas (have not checked). | 00:18 |
lifeless | pc_m: you should add the neutron pep8-constraints job to openstack/requirements to prevent this | 00:18 |
lifeless | (in liberty and master) | 00:18 |
mordred | infra-root: ansible '<ANY HOST MATCH STANZA>' --list-hosts is the best way to test those things - thus "ansible '!!git0*:!afs*:!puppetmaster*:!disabled' --list-hosts" from earlier | 00:19 |
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pc_m | lifeless: so use the new job in those releases? | 00:19 |
lifeless | pc_m: yes, on openstack/requirements | 00:19 |
lifeless | fungi: I may be using the wrong words here; can you translate what I mean ? | 00:19 |
lifeless | fungi: I've had the experience several times now of saying 'add a job for X to openstack/requirements' and .. nada | 00:20 |
pc_m | lifeless: Why is that job passing? Is it because it is using the upper-constraints file and that has astroid=1.3.8 | 00:20 |
mgagne | zaro maybe Gerrit is configured to allow any comitter: | 00:20 |
mgagne | zaro committerroot <> | 00:20 |
lifeless | pc_m: yes, that is the purpose of upper-constraints.txt | 00:20 |
lifeless | pc_m: has anyone filed a bug on astroid about this breakage? | 00:20 |
pc_m | lifeless: I think you mean to add it to project-config repo | 00:21 |
fungi | lifeless: i think we gave up some time ago on being able to symmetrically gate the requirements repo (or the devstack repo, or...) on every job they might possibly break | 00:21 |
mgagne | zaro This means the openstack-project-creator account should have for its email | 00:21 |
nibalizer | mordred: sweet! | 00:21 |
mgagne | zaro but docs say it's | 00:21 |
pc_m | lifeless: not AFAIK. We just discovered the problem about 4 hours ago. | 00:21 |
mgagne | | 00:21 |
mgagne | or user has forgeCommitter right which only comes after initial bootstrap. | 00:22 |
fungi | lifeless: especially if we switch to running all jobs with a constraints variant, that would imply that a change to the requirements repo would need to have thousands of jobs run against it to verify it breaks none of them. the end result would be that you could never merge any change to it because our false negative rate alone would make it impossible | 00:23 |
zaro | mgagne: ahh, it's in projects.ini | 00:23 |
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pc_m | lifeless: So, for neutron, are all master commits using pep8-constraints job? | 00:23 |
pc_m | Seems like it. | 00:24 |
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jeblair | mordred: "ansible disabled --list-hosts" is cool :) | 00:24 |
zaro | mgagne: looks like that's where it pulls all the configs from. do you have one of those files in your setup? | 00:24 |
mgagne | zaro I've set all the possible configs. I guess it's not possible to come up with the exact config openstack infra is using without manual work due to additional rights required by openstack-project-creator to create project with "wrong" committer. | 00:24 |
mordred | jeblair: ++ I'm pleased with it | 00:24 |
jeblair | mordred: (look i read your note and internalized it!) | 00:24 |
mordred | jeblair: woot! | 00:24 |
mordred | jeblair: you have applied the concept to a new instantiation | 00:24 |
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mgagne | zaro this only means you cannot use jeepyb if the commiter used isn't the email of the admin user or whatever user you created. Overriding the email in the jeepyb config won't help you unless you use .gitconfig or env vars. The gerrit-committer config should in fact be renamed for gerrit-author or gerrit-git-author. | 00:26 |
nibalizer | it is really nice to be able to see what is disabled | 00:26 |
nibalizer | one list :) | 00:26 |
mgagne | zaro it does not properly reflect what it's used for by jepeyb. | 00:26 |
mgagne | jeepyb* | 00:26 |
pc_m | lifeless: Would this be an option... 1) master OK, as it is running pep8-constraints job, 2) for liberty, kilo, juno add pin in test-requirements for astroid in neutron, 3) for neutron-vpnaas pin astroid and pylint in test-requirements? | 00:26 |
pc_m | Right now neutron-vpnaas doesn't pin pylint either. I ran locally, and it worked, but it failed in the gate. | 00:27 |
lifeless | fungi: well | 00:27 |
lifeless | fungi: we don't need everything | 00:27 |
lifeless | fungi: but not having representative jobs doesn't make sense | 00:27 |
lifeless | fungi: its highly likely for instance that *everyone* will be broken by this pylint interaction | 00:28 |
fungi | lifeless: yep, i don't disagree if someone wants to come up with a reasonable representative set, and perhaps also limit it to run only on changes which modify upper-constraints.txt or something if the list is larger than we anticipated | 00:29 |
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fungi | so that we can rely on it to block constraints updates when they bring in badly broken things which are not broeaking what's currently tested (devstack?) | 00:29 |
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lifeless | fungi: well, I'm proposing we just add thiem one by one as we learn we're missing important coverage | 00:29 |
zaro | mgagne: i think the only requirement is that the jeepyb 'gerrit-user' needs to have access to refs/meta/config/* ? | 00:30 |
lifeless | fungi: because we have a JFDI policy *already* on upper-constraints updates | 00:30 |
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fungi | lifeless: sounds like the representative set is gate-neutron-pylint-constraints until further notice? ;) | 00:30 |
lifeless | fungi: for this yeah | 00:30 |
lifeless | I'm just paging in how to add it :0 | 00:31 |
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mgagne | zaro The issue I have is: The Git commiter doesn't match any existing Gerrit accounts due to git commiter defaulting to $USER@$HOSTNAME. The gerrit-commiter doesn't override this default value as one would expect from the config name. It only updates the git author which Gerrit doesn't care about when validating the commit. | 00:31 |
fungi | lifeless: i'll whip up an example real quick | 00:31 |
SpamapS | mtreinish: <-- 1.0.2 picked up | 00:31 |
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lifeless | fungi: so we'll want it on for master, liberty, off for older | 00:33 |
SpamapS | mtreinish: I'd have expected run_metadata to complete quickly tho | 00:33 |
zaro | mgagne: existing accounts? do you mean ones that come with gerrit by default? | 00:33 |
mgagne | zaro any account. | 00:33 |
fungi | lifeless: well, that's probably already done for us since we'd just add constraints-based jobs for this and they should already only use those branches? | 00:33 |
lifeless | fungi: fingers crossed! | 00:34 |
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mgagne | zaro or in fact, Gerrit refuses the commit because it doesn't match the email associated to your public SSH key. | 00:34 |
mgagne | zaro "You cannot forge commiter" something like that | 00:34 |
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mtreinish | SpamapS: well we can ask someone to check if the migration is running | 00:34 |
SpamapS | mtreinish: indeed | 00:34 |
pc_m | fungi: So neutron master using constraint based jobs, so OK? What about liberty? | 00:34 |
lifeless | pc_m: ok now for kilo. we need to add an upper cap to astroid to juno and kilo | 00:34 |
mtreinish | fungi, mordred: ^^^ :) | 00:35 |
* pc_m feebly trying to follow along. | 00:35 | |
zaro | mgagne: yeah, wouldn't you create that account on your gerrit before using it with jeepyb? or is this a chicken and egg problem? | 00:36 |
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pc_m | lifeless: Let me see if I understand... | 00:37 |
lifeless | pc_m: does astroid 1.4.1 also break things? | 00:37 |
pc_m | lifeless: neutron master and liberty use pep8-constraints job, so all set | 00:37 |
lifeless | pc_m: or was 1.4.0 the size of it ? | 00:37 |
pc_m | lifeless: kilo and juno need some restriction on astroid? | 00:37 |
SpamapS | fungi , mordred: specifically looking for the content of /var/log/subunit2sql_migration.log | 00:37 |
mgagne | zaro let me start from the beginning: You install Gerrit on You create an admin account: admin <>. You install Jeepyb on that same machine ( You configure your projects and gerrit-user: admin // gerrit-committer: You run manage-projects and it crashes. | 00:38 |
pc_m | lifeless: AFAICT, pylint 1.4.4 and astroid 1.3.8 are good. | 00:38 |
mgagne | zaro Gerrit refuses your commit because git committer ( doesn't match | 00:38 |
lifeless | pc_m: what about 1.4.0 is my question | 00:38 |
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pc_m | lifeless: pylint 1.4.4 and astroid 1.4.1 caused tons of failures. | 00:38 |
lifeless | yes I know | 00:38 |
lifeless | My question is very specific | 00:38 |
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pc_m | lifeless: Have not tried any other version. | 00:38 |
mgagne | zaro now you scratch your head as to why the Jeepyb config named "gerrit-committer" doesn't override the committer. And now you find out that the config doesn't update the git committer but the git author. /facepalm | 00:38 |
mtreinish | SpamapS: it's definitely running the queries for openstack-health are hitting: "Waiting for table metadata lock" | 00:39 |
lifeless | 1.4.0 is equally broken | 00:39 |
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SpamapS | mtreinish: oh thats actually good | 00:40 |
openstackgerrit | Jeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run gate-neutron-pylint-constraints on global reqs | 00:40 |
SpamapS | mtreinish: but not exactly "online" ;-) | 00:40 |
fungi | lifeless: maybe this ^ | 00:40 |
lifeless | pc_m: is there a bug open for this? | 00:40 |
lifeless | pc_m: and have you informed astroid of their mistake? | 00:40 |
SpamapS | mtreinish: probably means the worker is locked up too | 00:41 |
fungi | lifeless: limiting it to only run on changes to upper-constraints.txt will be more complicated since the files filter is per job rather than per job+project | 00:41 |
lifeless | fungi: nitpicking but dvsm is such a sample too | 00:41 |
fungi | lifeless: fair point | 00:41 |
lifeless | I'd move all three dsvm jobs under the comment | 00:41 |
fungi | yep, doing now | 00:41 |
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pc_m | lifeless: no, I found the issue in LBAAS, told them and we diagnosed it down to astroid, and found it in other repos, and weren't sure how to proceed, so I was asked to ping infra. | 00:41 |
lifeless | ok | 00:42 |
lifeless | pc_m: so, fungi and I are doing the infray things, please do look at the patches | 00:42 |
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lifeless | pc_m: can you take point on contacting the upstream astroid and telling them about this break | 00:42 |
lifeless | pc_m: if its unintentional, they can fix it, if its deliberate, pylint probably needs to do a fix build of 1.4.4 with capped deps or something | 00:43 |
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jeblair | mgagne: can you tell why 96ceaccd-69f7-424e-b7b5-bf961527b4d7 seems to be stuck in build state? | 00:43 |
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lifeless | pc_m: I'd like a bug URL I can link to in my commit message to cap juno | 00:43 |
mgagne | jeblair checking now | 00:43 |
pc_m | lifeless: I can try... have never done that, so may need a few pointers on how to... certainly willing. | 00:43 |
lifeless | pc_m: go to the astroid page on pypi - | 00:44 |
lifeless | pc_m: from there find the project home page | 00:44 |
lifeless | pc_m: from that find the bugtracker | 00:44 |
openstackgerrit | Jeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run gate-neutron-pylint-constraints on global reqs | 00:44 |
fungi | lifeless: ^ | 00:44 |
lifeless | pc_m: then file a bug saying that this release broke pylint 1.4.4 :) | 00:44 |
pc_m | lifeless: OK. Will give it a shot... | 00:44 |
pc_m | lifeless: Thanks for the help. | 00:45 |
lifeless | pc_m: finally ping me with the url :) | 00:45 |
pc_m | lifeless: We'll need to tell the neutron community (they have IRC tomorrow) | 00:45 |
pc_m | lifeless: Starting on it now.. | 00:46 |
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openstackgerrit | lifeless proposed openstack/requirements: Cap astroid to unbreak pylint. | 00:47 |
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mgagne | jeblair did you delete the instance? | 00:50 |
zaro | mgagne: ok, i see. so the ENV variable works as an override? | 00:50 |
mgagne | zaro yes | 00:50 |
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zaro | mgagne: that's good to know actually. I | 00:51 |
lifeless | mordred: so setuptools_scm, what don't you like? | 00:51 |
mordred | lifeless: having a second set of things to diagnose when they break | 00:51 |
zaro | mgagne: i've been doing the forge commiter by changing my .gitconfig file. | 00:51 |
mordred | lifeless: the more importan tthing is my comment in the spec about the zuul regex | 00:52 |
zaro | mgagne: didn't know that env vars would work. | 00:52 |
mordred | lifeless: specifically, I do not want to relax the constraint protections on tag triggers for non xstatic projects | 00:52 |
mgagne | zaro yea, it's not what a user of jeepyb would figure out right away | 00:52 |
mordred | lifeless: I think letting pbr grok 4-number versions is fine | 00:52 |
lifeless | mordred: my concern is that then we'll have a raft of folk using 4 digit things locally and coming back here when it breaks | 00:52 |
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mordred | lifeless: I'm more concerned with opening the door to being different if people feel like being different | 00:53 |
lifeless | mordred: I am confident this will happen, because for instance, I know IBM have tried to use four component versions in pbr already | 00:53 |
mordred | lifeless: xstatic has a specific use case | 00:53 |
mordred | and it's fair and sane | 00:54 |
mordred | lifeless: but it should not open the door to more people wanting to do the same thing if we can help it | 00:54 |
jeblair | mgagne: no | 00:54 |
jeblair | mgagne: i did delete 325c4ce9-8f98-4153-99e7-854df09da1af which is stuck in build/deleting | 00:55 |
jeblair | mgagne: but 9c6e517e-eeaf-4740-804d-fd36926677c8 is in build/spawning | 00:55 |
lifeless | mordred: I am agreeing | 00:55 |
openstackgerrit | lifeless proposed openstack/requirements: Cap astroid to unbreak pylint. | 00:55 |
lifeless | mordred: I am saying that enabling pbr to handle it *is* opening the door | 00:55 |
mgagne | jeblair 9c6e517e-eeaf-4740-804d-fd36926677c8 != 96ceaccd-69f7-424e-b7b5-bf961527b4d7. | 00:55 |
mgagne | jeblair similar looking ID | 00:56 |
mordred | lifeless: nod | 00:56 |
mordred | lifeless: indeed. | 00:56 |
mordred | oh. I said that twice :( | 00:56 |
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jeblair | mgagne: gah, sorry, yes, that one was deleted | 00:57 |
lifeless | mordred: nod | 00:57 |
mgagne | jeblair so 3 instances stuck in spawning, 1 got deleted. right? | 00:57 |
jeblair | mgagne: yes, 325c4ce9-8f98-4153-99e7-854df09da1af is still in building/deleting, 96ceaccd-69f7-424e-b7b5-bf961527b4d7 was deleted, and 9c6e517e-eeaf-4740-804d-fd36926677c8 is building/spawning. | 00:58 |
jeblair | mgagne: none of them ever got to active | 00:59 |
jeblair | mgagne: (and that's the order i launched them in) | 00:59 |
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mgagne | ok, I created one from myself (A1.8) and it went active in no time. checking yours now | 00:59 |
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lifeless | pc_m: fungi: and | 01:00 |
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mgagne | jeblair not much in the logs. will restart a couple of services to make sure it's not related to a dropped AMQP session :-/ | 01:05 |
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mgagne | jeblair will test creating instances on my side too | 01:06 |
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jeblair | mgagne: ok, let me know if you want me to delete / try again | 01:06 |
mgagne | jeblair sure, go ahead | 01:06 |
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openstackgerrit | Sean McGinnis proposed openstack-infra/reviewstats: Update Cinder project repos | 01:07 |
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openstackgerrit | lifeless proposed openstack/requirements: Ignore more build temp dirs | 01:09 |
jeblair | mgagne: it looks like those 2 were actually deleted this time, 4c8fe3b7-c255-4c4b-a360-6b2b95b9cb80 is now in build state for 2 mins | 01:10 |
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mgagne | mine is active now. same compute node as some of yours stuck in spawning | 01:11 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/system-config: Copy the file that is installed | 01:13 |
mgagne | nothing stuck in amqp queues. getting interesting now | 01:14 |
mordred | ZOMG that took forever to merge | 01:14 |
mordred | nibalizer: ^^ | 01:14 |
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nibalizer | also i think our git farm is not getting puppeted | 01:15 |
mordred | nibalizer: nothing was getting puppeted | 01:16 |
openstackgerrit | Pedro Alvarez Piedehierro proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: RFC: Add tag/untag story to dashboard events. | 01:16 |
pc_m | lifeless: | 01:16 |
nibalizer | no things like status were puppettedb ~30 minutes ago | 01:16 |
mordred | hrm | 01:17 |
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mordred | then we should investigate that | 01:17 |
mordred | nibalizer: ansible 'git0*:!disabled' --list-hosts shows the right things | 01:18 |
anteaya | armax: nicely written | 01:18 |
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nibalizer | lines like this appear in the log: | 01:19 |
nibalizer | 2015-12-01 00:50:50,398 p=21588 u=root | : ok=4 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 | 01:19 |
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mordred | yah. that seems like it ran | 01:19 |
mordred | I'm thinking we should enable stdout/stderr output on changed successful runs | 01:20 |
pc_m | lifeless: Will need to figure out how to handle neutron-lbaas, neutron-vpnaas, and probably neutron-fwaas. | 01:21 |
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mordred | nibalizer: | 01:22 |
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mgagne | jeblair I'm enabling debugging on my side. will you be able to spawn new instances? | 01:28 |
slogan621 | Can someone confirm stackforge is no longer a part of OpenStack. The telemetry PTL implied this but looking for confirmation, since it is still mentioned and there is still a wiki page | 01:29 |
mordred | slogan621: the stackforge git namespace was retired | 01:29 |
slogan621 | so, are there "unofficial" projects still? | 01:30 |
mordred | slogan621: it is still quite possible to have non-official projects and colloquially one could still refer to that as "stackforge" | 01:30 |
mordred | yes | 01:30 |
mordred | very many of them | 01:30 |
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mordred | we just don't segregate them by git namespace | 01:30 |
slogan621 | ok | 01:31 |
slogan621 | so, this implies easier for me to get something in the repo, but if I want to integrate it with something like horizon or ceilometer, would need to be official? | 01:31 |
slogan621 | or maybe up to the discretion of horizon PTL/reviewers? | 01:32 |
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mordred | slogan621: depends on what you mean by "integrate" | 01:32 |
anteaya | slogan621: horizon is asking folks to make their own ui repo | 01:33 |
anteaya | slogan621: as they are full | 01:33 |
anteaya | but best to ask the project you want to interact with how they want to structure it | 01:33 |
anteaya | every project is different | 01:34 |
anteaya | but many are moving to a plug-in model | 01:34 |
slogan621 | well, in my case, want to contribute a project that can publish to ceilomter via OSLO. There is a yaml file I would want to modify in ceilometer to get it to notice my publications - so what I mean is maybe as an unofficial project I should have little resistance checking in my project, but I might face resistance from Ceilomter since I am changing their code - I would expect that | 01:34 |
slogan621 | anteaya: nod | 01:35 |
anteaya | sounds like you have resonable expectations | 01:35 |
anteaya | I'd suggest starting by spending time with both ceilometer and oslo folks | 01:35 |
slogan621 | also might infer that being official might make it easier for a PTL to work woth me | 01:35 |
anteaya | attend their weekly meetings | 01:35 |
slogan621 | nod | 01:35 |
anteaya | might help your cause if you review some patches for them | 01:36 |
anteaya | they like that | 01:36 |
slogan621 | so, then, what makes a project unofficial verses official, govenrance board votes you official? | 01:36 |
anteaya | yes | 01:36 |
slogan621 | got it | 01:36 |
slogan621 | Ok, now it makes sense why stackforge is gone | 01:37 |
anteaya | if you are listed here you are official: | 01:37 |
slogan621 | it didn't really add anything | 01:37 |
anteaya | well it felt like it did at the time | 01:37 |
anteaya | however with the direction of growth and tool choice it became unweildy | 01:37 |
anteaya | as changing the name of a project in gerrit stackforge/ to openstack/ requires downtime | 01:38 |
anteaya | and much code | 01:38 |
slogan621 | yep | 01:38 |
jeblair | mgagne: 981868ed-4a37-497e-9450-68ec046c5b39 | 01:38 |
anteaya | so easier to just edit the file in the governance repo, no gerrit downtime | 01:39 |
mgagne | checking right now | 01:39 |
slogan621 | a yaml file listing the official projects seems like it might be a lot simpler to deal with | 01:39 |
slogan621 | :-P | 01:39 |
anteaya | turns out is is, for us anyway | 01:39 |
slogan621 | I assume bugs have been filed about purging references to stackforge and maybe clarifying the difference between official and unofficial | 01:40 |
anteaya | well actually there is a case for keeping the reference | 01:40 |
slogan621 | I never would have guessed as an outsider | 01:40 |
fungi | slogan621: yeah, the options to become official are either to get one of the project teams listed at to accept the repo as officially part of their effort, or apply to the technical committee to form a new official project team for the repo by following | 01:40 |
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fungi | and anything that doesn't do one of those is simply an unofficial repo | 01:41 |
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slogan621 | Does antyone face *any* resistance adding an unofficial repo if it is reasonable? | 01:42 |
fungi | not generally, no. we approve around half a dozen weekly i think | 01:42 |
fungi | i don't know the exact frequency at the moment but it's something like that anyway | 01:43 |
slogan621 | and the project owner would be the gating influence going forward I guess | 01:43 |
fungi | yep | 01:43 |
slogan621 | PTLs only apply to official projects also? | 01:44 |
fungi | until such time as they decided to form a larger organic team or ally with some existing team anyway | 01:44 |
slogan621 | or would I be my own PTL? | 01:44 |
armax | thanks anteaya | 01:44 |
anteaya | :) | 01:45 |
slogan621 | fungi: thanks | 01:45 |
fungi | from an openstack terminology perspective, a ptl is an elected representative leader for a particular project team. openstack doesn't officially define terms for unofficial repos, so the question is sort of moot | 01:45 |
slogan621 | anteaya: thanks | 01:45 |
slogan621 | got it | 01:45 |
fungi | you can _call_ yourself a ptl, but openstack doesn't have a say in what that means in your unofficial situation either way | 01:46 |
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anteaya | slogan621: welcome, I highly encourage getting to know the folks in the projects you want to interact with | 01:46 |
jeblair | mgagne: that was delelted. 981868ed-4a37-497e-9450-68ec046c5b39 is building now. i've stopped nodepool, so should be no further actions on that one | 01:46 |
slogan621 | one final question: I guess other than gerrit, I wouldn't be required to set up Jenkins/CI (I might be foolish not to, but no one is going to require it) | 01:47 |
mgagne | ok, trying to figure out why nova-compute gets the request but does nothing | 01:47 |
anteaya | slogan621: well you need tests on your repo, but you use our ci if you are an openstack repo | 01:47 |
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slogan621 | Ok, so CI is required as are tests, got it | 01:48 |
anteaya | slogan621: follow the instructions fungi linked it will tell you how to edit this file: | 01:48 |
anteaya | slogan621: you create the tests, we run the ci | 01:48 |
anteaya | that is the infra team mission | 01:48 |
fungi | anteaya: i didn't link the instructions you thought i did | 01:48 |
anteaya | fungi: oh sorry | 01:48 |
anteaya | I did not | 01:48 |
fungi | i linked the technical committee requirements for a new project-team application | 01:49 |
slogan621 | right? | 01:49 |
anteaya | slogan621: well that is to create your own repo | 01:49 |
fungi | slogan621: you can choose to run some of our canned job templates on your changes or just run no-op jobs | 01:49 |
anteaya | but I highly suggest you start with the developers guide | 01:49 |
fungi | or define new jobs for us to run | 01:49 |
anteaya | and learn our workflow helping out ceilometer and oslo for a bit | 01:49 |
anteaya | slogan621: it will help your social contacts and save you a world of pain of you try to set everything up without knowing our workflow | 01:50 |
fungi | plugging in your own external ci is possible, though somewhat limited in how it can interact with our systems (it can't block your changes from merging for example), and is a lot of work so generally not recommended unless you really, really can't run all the things you need within our ci | 01:50 |
mgagne | jeblair is it nodepool that is deleting the instance after X time? | 01:50 |
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anteaya | speaking of which, I need to sleep so I can wake up again and chair the next meeting | 01:51 |
slogan621 | I totally appreciate your CI and expect to use it. | 01:51 |
slogan621 | just wondering if it has to be in place for an initial contribution on day zero or can be added at a later time | 01:51 |
fungi | it can always be added later | 01:52 |
slogan621 | Okay, that's good for us | 01:52 |
fungi | when you get into the meat of the configuration options in the project creators guide, it'll tell you how to just use no-op jobs as placeholders for eventual jobs | 01:52 |
fungi | as one possible option anyway | 01:52 |
mgagne | jeblair I've disabled a compute node to see if the fault is related to this one or not. | 01:53 |
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mgagne | jeblair scheduler was always sending it to the same so it's related to compute node, we might always get same result after each try | 01:53 |
slogan621 | so I think the no-ops get replaced once we start working with ceilometer team | 01:53 |
fungi | slogan621: sure, that's one possibility | 01:54 |
slogan621 | we can let them guide us perhaps on the set of tests that they would want us to include, and possibly, the testing happens in ceilometer | 01:54 |
fungi | though you can also consider running simple ci jobs like style checks, documentation builds or unit tests. not everything we run is an integration test | 01:55 |
slogan621 | unit tests for sure | 01:55 |
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openstackgerrit | lifeless proposed openstack/requirements: Cap astroid to unbreak pylint. | 01:59 |
openstackgerrit | lifeless proposed openstack/requirements: Cap astroid to unbreak pylint. | 01:59 |
lifeless | fungi: pc_m: ^ updated with the url | 01:59 |
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fungi | thanks! | 02:01 |
lifeless | fungi: | 02:01 |
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lifeless | fungi: | 02:01 |
lifeless | 2015-12-01 00:55:06.218 | Job gate-neutron-pylint-constraints not defined | 02:01 |
lifeless | fungi: isn't it pep8-constraints? | 02:02 |
fungi | they run pylint in their pep8 target? fun times! | 02:02 |
lifeless | fungi: oath | 02:02 |
fungi | well i'll be, they do indeed | 02:04 |
fungi | fixing | 02:04 |
openstackgerrit | Jeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run gate-neutron-pep8-constraints on global reqs | 02:05 |
lifeless | pc_m: now, once the global-requirements changes are in | 02:06 |
lifeless | pc_m: then you can add astroid to test-requirements.txt in neutron kilo and juno | 02:06 |
lifeless | pc_m: you can add the patches for that now using Depends-On | 02:06 |
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lifeless | pc_m: which leaves just the neturon ass jbos | 02:07 |
lifeless | pc_m: for those, they need to get -constraints up | 02:07 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix test attachments DB import | 02:08 |
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openstackgerrit | Ghanshyam Mann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Set max_microversion on Tempest for microversion testing | 02:11 |
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openstackgerrit | Tushar Gohad proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add liberasurecode to CI slaves | 02:13 |
mgagne | jeblair leaving the office now, will continue debug tomorrow | 02:15 |
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openstackgerrit | Ramy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-elastic_recheck: Add conf options for | 02:22 |
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tsg | lifeless: submitted for bindep-fallback. let me know if this is adequate | 02:28 |
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phschwartz | Anyone familiar with dib and nodepool on? | 02:31 |
phschwartz | I can't seem to figure out why it fails to build images | 02:31 |
mgagne | phschwartz have more than 4GB of ram? | 02:34 |
phschwartz | mgagne: the system the build is going on has 32gb | 02:35 |
phschwartz | MemTotal: 32948980 kB | 02:35 |
mgagne | phschwartz hehe, didn't read carefully | 02:36 |
lifeless | tsg: shouldn't it be in the other patch ? | 02:36 |
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tsg | lifeless: isn't bindep-fallback part of project-config? | 02:37 |
tsg | lifeless: vs system-config (the other change)? | 02:37 |
lifeless | oh | 02:37 |
lifeless | didn'trealise yes | 02:37 |
lifeless | will look at it in a little bit | 02:37 |
tsg | lifeless: ok .. :) so I do need the system-config change also I assume | 02:38 |
tsg | lifeless: if not, I will post the project-config change w/ the original ID | 02:38 |
fungi | tsg: yes, both changes are needed | 02:38 |
tsg | fungi: thanks. So far I am changing bindep-fallback.txt, jenkins_params.pp, thick_slave.pp | 02:39 |
fungi | system-config is what's handling preinstallation of distro packages on the job workers, project-config will be handling job run-time distro package installation when we transition to that model | 02:39 |
fungi | hence the need to keep them in sync for the time being | 02:39 |
tsg | fungi: got it .. that would mean the jenkins_param, thick_slave stuff would go away? | 02:39 |
tsg | makes sense | 02:39 |
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tsg | fungi: also lifeless mentioned about "per-project" files - when is that change planned? | 02:40 |
ianw | phschwartz: the problem is probably before that ... dib does a lot of cleanup after a failure so the real issue is often very far back in the logs | 02:40 |
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openstackgerrit | Ramy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Make Elastic Recheck Watch more reusable | 02:46 |
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openstackgerrit | Ramy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-elastic_recheck: Add e-r bot optional configurations | 02:52 |
SpamapS | phschwartz: also just FYI, diskimage-builder's official home is #tripleo | 02:53 |
phschwartz | SpamapS: that I didn't know. ty for the heads up :) | 02:54 |
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stevemar | could someone in project-config core +A this patch: we were just waiting for the depends-on patches to merge :) | 03:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/reviewstats: Update Cinder project repos | 03:01 |
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SpamapS | | Qcache_hits | 25 | | 03:09 |
SpamapS | | Qcache_inserts | 1758354 | | 03:09 |
SpamapS | yeeeahhhh... we should.. turn off that cache. | 03:09 |
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mordred | SpamapS: that is a very bad hit rate | 03:11 |
SpamapS | mordred: you're a very bad hit rate | 03:11 |
openstackgerrit | Ramy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Allow queue regex specification | 03:14 |
pc_m | lifeless: Had more questions. | 03:15 |
pc_m | lifeless: I see I can't add astroid to test-requirements.txt for VN and LB (I guess because it is not in global requirements for master)? | 03:16 |
pc_m | lifeless: Also, even though pep8 runs in gate, due to constraints, local pep8 runs on neutron fail. Won't we need it in global-requirements? | 03:17 |
openstackgerrit | Davanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Better duplicate detection for project requirements check | 03:18 |
pc_m | lifeless: lastly, I see that pyling 1.5.0 changes required (in one case for VPN) are backward incompatible with 1.4.4. If we are using constraints, won't there be breakage, until both project and constraints projects are updated? | 03:19 |
mordred | nibalizer: ok. looking at the logs puppet runs seem happy now | 03:19 |
pc_m | lifeless: Is there a way to have local test-requirements override the upper constraints file, as a solution for that? | 03:19 |
ruagair | Does any one recall who else in here was working on using mod_auth_openid | 03:20 |
mordred | nibalizer: AND - ansible is correctly not attempting to run hosts that are disabled | 03:20 |
ruagair | the openid module for apache | 03:20 |
ruagair | ? | 03:20 |
mordred | ruagair: I do not | 03:20 |
openstackgerrit | Davanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Better duplicate detection for project requirements check | 03:21 |
ruagair | While it plays nicely with Phabriator and login.ubuntu, I noticed it's abandoneware. | 03:21 |
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lifeless | pc_m: run pep8-constraints locally | 03:21 |
mordred | ruagair: yes. if it works, we'll just adopt it | 03:22 |
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ruagair | CPP ? | 03:22 |
mordred | sure! | 03:22 |
ruagair | C++, I mean | 03:22 |
ruagair | gluttons :-) | 03:22 |
mordred | yup. we're crazy :) | 03:22 |
pc_m | lifeless: Are there pointers on how to update tox to work with the new target? | 03:22 |
mordred | but if it works, then _awesome_ we don't have to write it | 03:22 |
ruagair | It *works* in all my testing so far. | 03:23 |
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mordred | that's awesome | 03:23 |
mordred | and one of the best things I've heard in a while | 03:23 |
ruagair | As for vuln and other issues... no idea. | 03:23 |
lifeless | pc_m: I have run; Nakato can give you pointers, and in the next couple weeks we hope to have a manual around this | 03:23 |
lifeless | pc_m: neutron tox is updated already | 03:23 |
ruagair | There's some issues with login.ubuntu that I'll cover off tomorrow infra meeting. | 03:23 |
pc_m | lifeless: yes, looking at LB and VPN, which are broken still. | 03:24 |
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pc_m | lifeless: Also, have my concern on backward incompatible pylint changes. | 03:24 |
lifeless | pc_m: there was a discussion here last week about that; theres some overide the aas things do to tox's install_command - basically that has to be undone | 03:24 |
lifeless | pc_m: I don't have an answer to that yet, but if astroid gets fixed there is no problem. Until then, we don't migrate? | 03:25 |
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pc_m | lifeless: beyond the breakage. I see that fix needed for 1.5.0 pylint is not backward compatible with 1.4.4. | 03:25 |
pc_m | Found one so far. | 03:26 |
pc_m | lifeless: so I think to summarize... | 03:27 |
pc_m | lifeless: Need astroid pin for kilo/juno on neutron (and likely vpnaas and lbaas, and maybe fwaas) | 03:27 |
pc_m | lifeless: Need to setup pep8-constraints for LB and VPN (and FW?) | 03:28 |
pc_m | Need to confirm pep8-constraints can run locally for neutron, and add for LB and VPN. | 03:28 |
pc_m | lifeless: Right? | 03:28 |
openstackgerrit | Ramy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-elastic_recheck: Include all gate pipelines | 03:30 |
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phschwartz | yolanda: asselin: Have either of you noticed that the script-dir set for nodepool by default from openstackci is not the correct path for the scripts? It clones them to /etc/nodepool/scripts which has a subdir scripts containing the scripts while dib expects them in /etc/nodepool/scripts not a subdir | 03:32 |
mordred | hahahahahaha | 03:32 |
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asselin | phschwartz, no I haven't noticed | 03:36 |
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asselin | phschwartz, I see all the scripts in the right place: | 03:41 |
openstackgerrit | Haomeng,Wang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip unnecessary tests for bifrost docs changes | 03:41 |
SpamapS | ruagair: FYI I used mod_auth_openid in a POC a few years back and it went very smoothly. | 03:42 |
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openstackgerrit | Haomeng,Wang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip unnecessary tests for bifrost docs changes | 03:43 |
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mordred | infra-root: (and anyone else) is the output of the openstack inventory on puppetmaster | 03:45 |
mordred | (used gist because pastebinit truncated the data) | 03:45 |
jhesketh | mordred: shiny, am I looking for something in particular? | 03:46 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use OpenStack for inventory instead of puppet | 03:46 |
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mordred | jhesketh: not _really_ - I've verified that it's operating like we'd want/expect | 03:46 |
jhesketh | coolio | 03:47 |
mordred | jhesketh: but, that's all the information that's availabe to us in playbooks, should we want to use it | 03:47 |
jhesketh | yep | 03:47 |
mordred | jhesketh: there's tons of groupings of servers which are almost completely unreadable because it's all uuid based | 03:47 |
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nibalizer | mordred: success! | 03:48 |
mordred | (we may want to write a wrapper utility at some point to allow us to to uuid/hostname mappings for times when we're doing host mask checking | 03:49 |
mordred | fwiw, that file will be in /var/cache/ansible-inventory/ansible-inventory.cache | 03:49 |
ruagair | It's gone rather smooth;y for me to SpamapS, was just it's current status of "abandonoed" that concerned me. | 03:50 |
SpamapS | ruagair: yeah we have people who can maintain it | 03:50 |
ruagair | but we got over that :-) | 03:50 |
SpamapS | might even be fun :) | 03:50 |
ruagair | Masochist ;-) | 03:50 |
SpamapS | we all need some C++ in our lives to remind us why we should be using Rust. | 03:51 |
ruagair | hehehe | 03:51 |
phschwartz | rust makes me cringe | 03:51 |
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ruagair | You sound like Angus Lees, SpamapS | 03:52 |
ruagair | Although others would say Haskell. | 03:52 |
SpamapS | ruagair: I'll take that compliment. | 03:52 |
ruagair | Oh, it wasn't derogatory. | 03:52 |
ruagair | :-) | 03:52 |
SpamapS | indeed | 03:52 |
SpamapS | Never tried Haskell. | 03:52 |
SpamapS | I barely have time for Rust :-P | 03:52 |
ruagair | I like it. | 03:52 |
ruagair | A few friends are rather committed to it :-) | 03:52 |
ruagair | Almost religiously. | 03:53 |
phschwartz | I am not a fan of functional programming after doing it for years. so I ran from haskell as fast as possible | 03:53 |
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phschwartz | I don't like the syntax of rust, if I was going the route of another compiled language I seem to like go much more. | 03:54 |
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SpamapS | except go doesn't do any of the things rust does for you ;) | 03:54 |
Nakato | pc_m: I'm not really across the pep8 issue you are having, but if you run $(tox -e pep8-constraints) on a developer workstation for neutron it'll run the constrained version. Ihar has been looking at this work for neutron-*aas but there's some issues with how it installs things that needs to be worked through before that work can land. | 03:54 |
Nakato | pc_m: -constraints is only stable/Liberty and Master | 03:54 |
SpamapS | (it does make it easy to write compiled programs that have native concurrency built in, which is nice) | 03:55 |
phschwartz | SpamapS: only thing rust really gives you is better type safety and a built in reference counted memory manager | 03:56 |
SpamapS | thats a prety big only :) | 03:56 |
SpamapS | I'm waiting for jo (go that compiles into the jvm) ;) | 03:57 |
SpamapS | so go can have a modern GC | 03:57 |
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* SpamapS goes off to see if his family wants to talk about reference counted memory managers | 03:57 | |
phschwartz | lol, go forces everything not on the stack to the gc which doesn't give you the same memory control but makes your programs safer from leaks. | 03:57 |
lifeless | pc_m: yes | 04:03 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use OpenStack for inventory instead of puppet | 04:03 |
lifeless | pc_m: pylint 5 will have to wait | 04:03 |
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lifeless | pc_m: 1.5 that is | 04:04 |
mordred | nibalizer, jhesketh: ^^ that's updated a little bit based on empirical testing on puppetmaster | 04:04 |
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mordred | with a mild change to the way disabled hosts get registered, after I learned something about static/dynamic inventory mixing interactions | 04:05 |
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lifeless | pc_m: you can probably work around things temporarily with deps= lines in tox.ini, though thats not something we like using | 04:05 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Update to Fedora 23 | 04:13 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove F22 nodes | 04:13 |
fungi | tsg: yeah, with the switch to installing packages during the job on non-thick worker types, the thick class will become unused and will eventually be cleaned up/deleted. per-project package selection will be available as soon as jobs are converted to install packages themselves (well, in reality it can already be done we're just adding a framework to simplify it and make it self-testing) | 04:14 |
mordred | fungi: you might want to take a gander at too - mild change to the earlier docs about disabling things | 04:14 |
nibalizer | mordred: weird | 04:14 |
mordred | nibalizer: right? | 04:15 |
fungi | ruagair: clarkb was trying mod_auth_openid for a separate project we're working on for some foundation staff stuff | 04:15 |
tsg | fungi: cool .. sounds like this would simplify things a lot | 04:15 |
mordred | nibalizer: I'm also poking fokls in ansible to see if we can write a patch to move group/instance validation to _after_ inventory merge | 04:15 |
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tsg | fungi: I am hoping we can get liberasurecode in all the needed places soon, so a few Swift patches can be unblocked. It will be great if you can take a look at patch 247936 and patch 251607 to see is that's all that's needed for now. | 04:18 |
tsg | s/is/if | 04:18 |
fungi | mordred: thanks for the heads up | 04:19 |
tsg | fungi: I understand that these changes are especially hard given the Jenkins builds don't run after integrating these patches :) so let me know if there is any local testing I need to provide | 04:20 |
phschwartz | When I do a nodepool dib-image-list it shows my 2 images in building state. Is there any way I can verify that as they have been in that state for almost 1 hour | 04:22 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Fix three nits | 04:26 |
tsg | fungi: thanks for the +2 on bindep change. I wish there was a way to specify platform:>=fedora-22 :-) | 04:27 |
fungi | tsg: yeah, well we're about to not have fedora<23 or centos<7 so we can soon just switch that to platform:rpm | 04:28 |
tsg | fungi: sounds good! | 04:29 |
fungi | since it simply needs to define package names in terms of the platforms we actually run in our ci | 04:29 |
* tsg nods | 04:29 | |
fungi | similarly, the first line could just use platform:dpkg since it's explicitly listing our only two dpkg platforms | 04:29 |
fungi | one of which we'll also be dropping very soon | 04:29 |
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tsg | fungi: ah ok .. I wasn't sure about the "list of supported platforms" - I assumed all the ubuntu/debian flavors | 04:30 |
fungi | but what you have there is sufficient and correct enough for now | 04:30 |
tsg | fungi: that's good to hear! | 04:30 |
fungi | anyway, i need to get some sleep | 04:30 |
tsg | fungi: do I also need to update other-requirements or another list of pkgs that pbr maintains? | 04:30 |
fungi | tsg: shouldn't be necessary, no | 04:31 |
tsg | fungi: finally :) .. that's great to hear | 04:31 |
fungi | tsg: eventually swift could specify its own other-requirements.txt file so that its jobs use that instead of the fallback fil | 04:31 |
fungi | e | 04:31 |
tsg | fungi: that would be much nicer | 04:31 |
fungi | but first we want to get things working with the fallback | 04:32 |
tsg | fungi: looking forward to that - notmyname ^^^ | 04:32 |
tsg | ack | 04:32 |
fungi | anyway, g'night all! | 04:32 |
tsg | fungi: thanks again and have a good night! | 04:32 |
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ruagair | ah, thanks fungi | 04:36 |
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phschwartz | if nodepool fails on an image build does it loop and retry the build? | 04:44 |
phschwartz | If it does that accounts for the issue I am seeing | 04:44 |
mordred | phschwartz: it does retry, yes | 04:47 |
mordred | phschwartz: I don't remember how tight of a loop | 04:47 |
phschwartz | mordred: not that tight :( It is on the 9th attempt to rebuild my 2 images | 04:48 |
phschwartz | I can't seem to find out why they are failing to build | 04:48 |
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openstackgerrit | Haomeng,Wang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip unnecessary tests for bifrost docs changes | 04:50 |
phschwartz | mordred: the dib run logs everything as INFO so it makes it hard to search for actual fatal errors | 04:50 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/requirements: Updates pika-pool library | 04:58 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/requirements: Add kolla-mesos to the projects list | 04:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/requirements: Add '.venv' to .gitignore | 05:00 |
openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Updated from global requirements | 05:00 |
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phschwartz | anyone want to play pin the tail on the dib error once my log is uploaded? | 05:24 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add missing relationship from orm models | 05:25 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/requirements: Bump version of requests-mock | 05:34 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/requirements: Add tosca-parser to the global requirments projects | 05:34 |
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openstackgerrit | Anusha Ramineni proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Congress: Add different gate job for stable branch | 06:05 |
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openstackgerrit | Deepak C Shetty (deepakcs) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable devstack-plugin-ceph jobs | 06:15 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove gate-neutron-python34 in favor of -constraints | 06:15 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Skip unnecessary tests for bifrost docs changes | 06:15 |
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deepakcs | Hi, can any core give +A to | 06:16 |
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deepakcs | it already has +2 and +1, thanks in advance | 06:16 |
deepakcs | SergeyLukjanov: ^^ | 06:17 |
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openstackgerrit | Matthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Properly date filter in get_test_run_dict_by_run_meta_key_value | 06:23 |
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openstackgerrit | Fabio Giannetti proposed openstack/requirements: Add python-monascaclient to the global requirements | 06:32 |
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frickler | phschwartz: are you talking about ? That seems to fail repeatedly on building pycrypto, in fact I guess some infra-root should stop it from cycling | 06:36 |
frickler | gcc: error: /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1: No such file or directo | 06:36 |
phschwartz | frickler: I was talking about on a local version of that relating to a local nodepool setup | 06:37 |
phschwartz | I traced down the error and I am working to fix it now | 06:37 |
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deepakcs | ianw: ^^ | 06:38 |
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openstackgerrit | Gal Sagie proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add Dragonflow weekly meeting | 07:00 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints | 07:05 |
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aburmashev | mmedvede: hi, wanted to thank you for the advice. Actually removed /opt/nodepool and rerun puppet apply -> nodepool was installed OK :) | 07:18 |
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yolanda | phschwartz, i cannot tell you, as i don't use the one node setup | 07:46 |
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openstackgerrit | Maty Grosz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Vitrage to specs | 07:53 |
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openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add liberasurecode to CI slaves | 08:08 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add seperate page for v1.0.0 release notes | 08:12 |
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openstackgerrit | Masayuki Igawa proposed openstack/os-testr: Add delete *.pyc command before executing ostestr | 08:26 |
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openstackgerrit | Steven Hardy proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add CI coverage of deleting the deployed overcloud | 08:53 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add dates to x-axis for subunit2sql graphs | 08:54 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add support to subunit2sql cli to specify a run_at time | 08:57 |
openstackgerrit | Andrea Frittoli proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add docstring for run_at | 08:57 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Switch Designate DSVM jobs to use a DevStack Plugin | 09:36 |
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openstackgerrit | Steven Hardy proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: DNM debug stable/liberty instack-undercloud | 09:52 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Run gate-neutron-pep8-constraints on global reqs | 10:01 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/puppet-log_processor: Switch to using the new log_processor project | 10:12 |
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lhcheng | hi folks | 10:15 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Allow setting the number of threads for indexing Gerrit changes | 10:15 |
lhcheng | we added the reno job for horizon a week ago, it seems like it is still not getting kicked off | 10:16 |
lhcheng | | 10:16 |
lhcheng | any idea? | 10:16 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add Dragonflow weekly meeting | 10:16 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/system-config: Add metrics as a reason to contribute a cloud | 10:17 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix broken ENABLED_SERVICES in neutron and scalpels jobs | 10:21 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Use plugin for congress installation in murano-integration job | 10:22 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting python34 jobs to murano-related projects | 10:22 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Publish test results for murano tempest job | 10:24 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting murano-congress integration job to congress repo | 10:25 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: [Rally] Fix devstack-rally-verify builder | 10:29 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: devstack-plugin-ceph: Remove DEVSTACK_GATE_CEPH for ceph plugin job | 10:31 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Enable docs jobs for ironic-inspector | 10:36 |
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deepakcs | AJaeger: - sent #2 post your comments. | 10:40 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup jobs for the project faafo | 10:44 |
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AJaeger | deepakcs: I just had it open to comment ;) | 10:45 |
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AJaeger | deepakcs: 251421 looks fine but touches other projects check queue - even non-voting, so add flaper87, johnthetubaguy, smcginnis ... | 10:46 |
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deepakcs | AJaeger: ok will do, it touches other projects check queue, but its nv, do i still need to add them ? | 10:47 |
deepakcs | just confirming, don't want to spam them un-necessarily | 10:47 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Add Kuryr to devstack install CI check | 10:48 |
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deepakcs | AJaeger: Commit msg says "Non-voting CI job is run against Cinder, Glance, Nova | 10:48 |
deepakcs | services, akin to the existing hook based Ceph CI voting job." - do i need to add more ? | 10:48 |
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johnthetubaguy | deepakcs: AJaeger: does it not normally stay experimental for a little bit? | 10:48 |
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deepakcs | johnthetubaguy: experimental could be for those who are coming in new... here we are using the same code base (lib/ceph) used in hook approach for the plugin case, so its technically not a new CI :) | 10:49 |
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deepakcs | johnthetubaguy: also its NV so it should really harm imho | 10:50 |
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AJaeger | deepakcs: I added them, let them speak up themselves ;) | 10:51 |
deepakcs | AJaeger: sure, thanks | 10:51 |
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AJaeger | johnthetubaguy: best practice is to be first experimental. But that's what you and deepakcs have to decide on. If the job is stable, you can give it more exposure with non-voting in check | 10:52 |
johnthetubaguy | deepakcs: its more a call for infra than me, I am OK with a non-voting job from the Nova POV, its just going to use a lot of resources | 10:52 |
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deepakcs | johnthetubaguy: ok | 10:53 |
AJaeger | johnthetubaguy, you're right. deepakcs do we really need it on all three repos? I understand glance and cinder but why nova? | 10:53 |
deepakcs | AJaeger: because this job will eventually replace the existing ceph hook based CI job, which runs against cinder, nova, glance, all 3 | 10:53 |
AJaeger | and yes, we have already gate-tempest-dsvm-full-ceph on these that you want to remove soon... | 10:54 |
deepakcs | AJaeger: exactly, thats the point, so once the gate-tempest-dsvm-full-devstack-plugin-ceph-nv is working fine, we disable full-ceph and make gate-tempest-dsvm-full-devstack-plugin-ceph-nv voting | 10:54 |
johnthetubaguy | deepakcs: agreed with your end goal, but its good to do things in smaller steps sometimes, it could start experimental in all but one project to start with | 10:55 |
AJaeger | deepakcs: I'm fine from infra perspective but like to give the other projects a chance to review this - so won't +2 for a couple of days | 10:55 |
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AJaeger | deepakcs: the job is voting in your check queue already, please add it to the gate as well | 10:57 |
deepakcs | johnthetubaguy: doing expt'l -> nv -> v for each project will take a long time, and i think we had a deadline for hook -> plugin movement as mitaka-1 :) | 10:57 |
deepakcs | AJaeger: didn't get u... u mean voting in plugin projects' check queue ? | 10:58 |
AJaeger | deepakcs: add voting in the gate of plugin repo, it'S voting only in check, isn't it? | 10:58 |
deepakcs | AJaeger: probably, but is there any adv of putting in gate for plugin repo ? i can do it if it adds value | 10:59 |
johnthetubaguy | deepakcs: not saying all projects, just saying limiting the initial nv bit will save quite a lot of resources, at a week in the release when we will be running very short of resources | 10:59 |
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AJaeger | deepakcs: that'S the normal practice to ensure that we fully test the merged status | 11:00 |
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deepakcs | AJaeger: ok will do | 11:01 |
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deepakcs | johnthetubaguy: confirming what u r saying, you r suggesting to add nv job to one of the projects check q, post mitaka-1, add to others ? | 11:01 |
johnthetubaguy | deepakcs: yes | 11:02 |
johnthetubaguy | deepakcs: assuming the job seems stable on the project it was added | 11:02 |
deepakcs | johnthetubaguy: yes its stable and its running the same number of tests that the existing hook based voiting CI job is running | 11:02 |
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deepakcs | johnthetubaguy: ok will send patch to enable nv on check q for cinder, to begin with | 11:03 |
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openstackgerrit | Deepak C Shetty (deepakcs) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable devstack-plugin-ceph jobs | 11:13 |
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deepakcs | johnthetubaguy: AJaeger ^^ posted #2 @ | 11:13 |
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openstackgerrit | Davanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints | 11:15 |
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kragniz | is gerrit having issues at the moment for anyone else? requests are timing out for me | 11:29 |
openstackgerrit | Julien Danjou proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Rename Ceilometer to Telemetry | 11:30 |
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AJaeger | kragniz: looks fine here... | 11:31 |
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kragniz | interesting | 11:31 |
kragniz | might be something on my end | 11:32 |
kragniz | AJaeger: thanks | 11:32 |
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katyafervent | hi guys! | 11:49 |
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katyafervent | Murano team again has problems with python-muranoclient bug status tracking | 11:50 |
katyafervent | statuses are not updating automatically | 11:50 |
katyafervent | this commit fixed it some time ago | 11:50 |
katyafervent | but now the problem came back | 11:51 |
katyafervent | do you know if there were some changes in infrastructure? | 11:51 |
AJaeger | katyafervent: do you have an example of a change request that did not update a bug? | 11:51 |
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katyafervent | AJaeger, never mind, we created them in murano project instead of python-muranocleint project :) | 11:54 |
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AJaeger | glad to hear that it resolved itself ;) | 12:12 |
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tsg | AJaeger, just woke up and saw your comment on - why do you think the CI jobs are not running (for this patch)? | 12:16 |
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AJaeger | tsg: bug in project-config setup, see . Please wait while we figure out how to fix that one... | 12:17 |
AJaeger | good morning, tsg! | 12:18 |
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AJaeger | tsg, they are not running - since Jenkins did not give your change a +1. | 12:18 |
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tsg | AJaeger: good afternoon! I see - so there is no trigger associated with changes to data/* yet | 12:19 |
AJaeger | tsg, exactly. I'm sure we'll find a solution today and then I'll recheck and +2 your change ;) | 12:19 |
tsg | AJaeger: thanks for getting the bug filed. clarkb had mentioned to me some time ago that the Jenkins jobs are not run with the system-config/project-config changes integrated though. Is that still true? | 12:20 |
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AJaeger | tsg, don't know what you mean with that comment... | 12:21 |
AJaeger | tsg, wait - you mean: The Jenkins job do not take into effect the change you made. This is indeed correct. | 12:21 |
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tsg | AJaeger: yeah .. for instance, on patch 247936, I had submitted a change to thick_slave/jenkins_params where Jenkins +1'ed the change but I didn't see the change being reflected anywhere in the logs .. | 12:22 |
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AJaeger | tsg, indeed, that's the current status. | 12:23 |
tsg | AJaeger: which is why I was asking clarkb at the time how to best test these changes and he described the process of testing them locally | 12:23 |
AJaeger | and I doubt we can easily change that - and I even would argue for keeping the status quo. | 12:23 |
tsg | AJaeger: thanks for confirming that's still true (I felt that might have changed given you issued a recheck :-)) | 12:23 |
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AJaeger | tsg: I issued the recheck to figure out why Jenkins did not +1... | 12:23 |
AJaeger | and then debugged... | 12:24 |
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tsg | AJaeger: ack .. | 12:24 |
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openstackgerrit | Daniel Watkins proposed openstack/python-jenkins: Fix get_info for Jenkins running on prefixed paths | 12:30 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/diskimage-builder: Updated from global requirements | 12:54 |
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openstackgerrit | Marcos Fermín Lobo proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create puppet-ec2api repository | 13:08 |
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SotK | Is there any way I could possibly get ssh access to the machine running storyboard.o.o please? | 13:10 |
SotK | (Preferences appear to be broken and I can't seem to reproduce the issue in my test environment, so I'd like to investigate) | 13:11 |
SotK | alternatively, I guess a dump of the production db could help in my attempts to reproduce the issue locally | 13:12 |
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openstackgerrit | Markus Zoeller (markus_z) proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add query for random network.test_neutronv2 fails | 13:34 |
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fungi | SotK: i should be able to get you a db dump easily. just a moment | 13:41 |
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SotK | fungi: great, thanks! | 13:44 |
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fungi | SotK: i've dumped the storyboard database except for accesstokens, authorizationcodes and refreshtokens tables and uploaded the result temporarily to | 13:52 |
fungi | SotK: hopefully that's sufficient to reproduce, but i'm happy to also dig into the logs on the server, check installed versions of things, et cetera | 13:53 |
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SotK | fungi: thank you, I'll see if that helps and get back to you :) | 13:54 |
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fungi | SotK: let me know once you've downloaded it successfully and i'll take it back offline just for extra safety in case i missed some sensitive data in a table somewhere. sha256sum for it is 4b51d99f888ddbfdcd9c252311917c0b8a8abedd2620d764006b88efbe83f860 | 13:55 |
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SotK | got it, thanks | 13:56 |
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fungi | cool, it's offline now, though i can put it back up easily enough or generate a new one if needed | 13:57 |
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phschwartz | Can someone verify that I am seeing this correctly in my 3rd party ci that I am setting up. | 14:07 |
phschwartz | 2015-12-01 14:07:04,993 ERROR zuul.Gearman: Job <gear.Job 0x7fefd8482890 handle: None name: build:noop-check-communication unique: 4b293522f33d43d1964bdab88a6fc0b5> is not registered with Gearman | 14:07 |
phschwartz | That is saying the noop-check-communication job is not in the layout correct | 14:08 |
phschwartz | ? | 14:08 |
jswarren | jeblair: got a question about the manifest in puppet-graphite if you have a minute. | 14:08 |
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asselin | phschwartz, no, it means jenkins via gearman isn't showing that jobs exists/has any workers | 14:08 |
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phschwartz | asselin: I have the job pointing at a label of u-t that is a label of the image ubuntu-trusty. If I check nodepool, the image is in State Ready, but how do I verify the label? | 14:10 |
asselin | phschwartz, any nodes using that image? | 14:11 |
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jswarren | I see that is setting the document root to /var/lib/graphite/webapp, but nothing in the manifest seems to create that directory. Seems like a required symlink is missing from the manifest. | 14:12 |
openstackgerrit | Lucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Follow up patch for 25d3ee547176528e86d42eb026c99a134dff9452 | 14:12 |
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jswarren | ...maybe it was created manually on the graphite server? | 14:12 |
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openstackgerrit | Isaac Beckman proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Allow to disable cron jobs | 14:15 |
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phschwartz | asselin: it looks like 1 node is using the image and is in the Label u-t, but it build/deletes really fast in a loop. It has built almost 350 in the past 20 min | 14:19 |
asselin | phschwartz, take a look at the nodepool log files to see what the error is | 14:19 |
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krotscheck | pleia2: Howdy! I haven't been keeping up with the i18n-testing devstack instance, and Piet just pinged me asking for some help in getting the UX team a dedidcated testing instance. Can I pick your brain sometime on what that might take? | 14:21 |
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asselin | phschwartz, I should add that verification to here: | 14:23 |
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fungi | asselin: phschwartz: usually i use the gearman status dump to see what's registered and compare against the zuul debug log to see what configured job:node pairing for which it tried to find a registration | 14:26 |
fungi | asselin: phschwartz: something like `echo status|nc -q 3 localhost 4730|grep noop-check-communication` | 14:27 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/diskimage-builder: Add dynamic-login element | 14:27 |
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asselin | fungi, yeah, something else I need to document. | 14:27 |
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yonglihe | HEADS-UP, Intel PCI/SRIO CI, from 12/1 to 12/2, the Lab is in maintenance, these CI need to be Offline 24 Hours. | 14:30 |
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mordred | infra-root: landing the move to openstack inventory | 14:36 |
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openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: add "complete the reviewable release automation" | 14:41 |
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openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Stop running puppetmaster | 14:42 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use puppet apply instead of puppet agent | 14:42 |
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mordred | infra-root: and that ^^ is now ready for review | 14:43 |
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SotK | fungi: I've managed to reproduce the issue with that dump, thanks :) | 14:53 |
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dshaw | hey all - is this a good channel to ask stackalytics metric questions? | 14:55 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/system-config: Use OpenStack for inventory instead of puppet | 15:00 |
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vponomaryov | Hello everyone, require some additional attention from core team here - | 15:01 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/system-config: Fix three nits | 15:04 |
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openstackgerrit | Thanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add parallelization options | 15:05 |
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jswarren | phschwartz: how do you grep eavesdrop logs? | 15:09 |
phschwartz | jswarren: I have a script that pulls down all the logs from the eavesdrop script to a local storage server | 15:10 |
jswarren | Oh, OK. | 15:10 |
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phschwartz | It would be nice if they were easily searchable online but I am use to my methods. lol | 15:12 |
openstackgerrit | YAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a neutron-full variant with fwaas tests from tempest plugins | 15:12 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/infra-specs: add storyboard link to instructions | 15:13 |
openstackgerrit | Baodong (Robert) Li proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Allow grub2 to build with opensuse | 15:15 |
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openstackgerrit | YAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a neutron-full variant with fwaas tests from tempest plugins | 15:16 |
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openstackgerrit | Anne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds an API migration and docs generation tool, fairy-slipper | 15:17 |
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mordred | phschwartz: maybe once I've finished puppet apply I can add "searchable IRC logs" to the list | 15:22 |
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clarkb | phschwartz google "" wprls great for searching | 15:29 |
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clarkb | mordred no need ^ search engines already fo it for us :) | 15:30 |
mordred | clarkb: :) | 15:31 |
hongbin | Hi all. I am from Magnum team. I need some help to debug the gate random failure | 15:31 |
clarkb | your favorite non google service should work too | 15:31 |
openstackgerrit | Denis Laxalde proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for "tox" builder | 15:31 |
hongbin | Here is the error: | 15:31 |
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hongbin | Here is the nova compute log: | 15:32 |
mordred | clarkb: welcome back! | 15:32 |
AJaeger | pabelanger: good morning. | 15:32 |
pabelanger | AJaeger: ohai | 15:32 |
clarkb | hongbin it ran out of memory | 15:33 |
AJaeger | clarkb, mordred, jeblair: We do not run jobs for project-config on some changes at all since we added to many files condiditions, see | 15:33 |
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AJaeger | Do you have a suggestion on which way to fix this? | 15:33 |
hongbin | clarkb: How much memory is available in gate? | 15:33 |
clarkb | hongbin you can use the dstat output to determine what was using the memory it is in the logs | 15:33 |
clarkb | hongbin 8GB | 15:33 |
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clarkb | AJaeger my vpte is stop selectively running jobs based on file paths | 15:34 |
pabelanger | AJaeger: if we could fall back to a noop, that would be fine in my eyes | 15:34 |
pabelanger | AJaeger: since there isn't actually any testing for that file | 15:34 |
hongbin | clarkb: 8G should be enough. We use only 4G to create VMs | 15:34 |
AJaeger | pabelanger: I doubt that noop fallback is possible... | 15:34 |
clarkb | hongbin all of openstack is running too | 15:34 |
clarkb | hongbin check the dstat output | 15:35 |
hongbin | clarkb: checking | 15:35 |
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openstackgerrit | Markus Zoeller (markus_z) proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add query for random network.test_neutronv2 fails | 15:35 |
clarkb | you likely only have about 1GB of extra memory for VMs | 15:36 |
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pabelanger | AJaeger: Ya, so then we need a gate job that always runs, regardless of the file paths. maybe flake8 | 15:38 |
AJaeger | pabelanger: not sure which one to choose right now, been distracted currently | 15:40 |
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openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add missing host to empty group definitions | 15:43 |
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mmedvede | aburmashev: thanks, I am glad it was an easy fix | 15:43 |
mordred | clarkb, yolanda, fungi: ^^ need to land that now - found a little thing when landing the previous patch | 15:44 |
mordred | I applied that by hand and it fixes the issue | 15:44 |
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mordred | self-approving - I need it in by the next puppet cron | 15:46 |
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clarkb | mordred lgtm, is there a tldr on that inventory setup for disabled puppet? there is nothing under disable but all under disabled:children? | 15:47 |
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fungi | the system-config docs got updated with details | 15:48 |
hongbin | clarkb: Thanks for pointing the dstat output. It is helpful advice | 15:48 |
mordred | clarkb: yah - docs are in system-config docs - but tl'dr is that with openstack inventory hostname entries are actually groups | 15:49 |
mordred | clarkb: the host entry itself is the host uuid, because hostname is not unique - so while we're say replacing, there might be two hosts - they'll both be in a group called - but there will also be an ansible inventory entry for each of their uuid's, in case we need to target them more specifically than that | 15:50 |
mordred | clarkb: which means that to reference a disabled host by name in the disable file, we have to add them to :children which is how you include a group in another group | 15:50 |
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mordred | that may not have been any more succinct than the actual docs :) | 15:51 |
clarkb | thanks | 15:51 |
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AJaeger | pabelanger: I have to leave now, will join later again - do you have time to look further into this? | 15:51 |
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pabelanger | AJaeger: sure, I can run with it | 15:52 |
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openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Stop running puppetmaster | 15:54 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use puppet apply instead of puppet agent | 15:54 |
mordred | yolanda: ^^ fixed your -1 | 15:54 |
mordred | clarkb: if you have review headroom, is the next up on the list to go in | 15:54 |
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AJaeger | thanks, pabelanger | 15:55 |
yolanda | mordred +2 | 15:56 |
openstackgerrit | Darragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Serialize combine-queued-commits for git-revision | 15:56 |
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* mordred has goal of being on puppet apply by infra meeting | 15:57 | |
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openstackgerrit | Jonathan Lebon proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Document the new {template-name} variable | 15:58 |
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Clint | go go gadget-mordred | 15:58 |
jeblair | jswarren: i don't know right what created /var/lib/graphite/webapp; is it possible the pip install did so? it doesn't seem to be a symlink -- it's an actual dir with 'content' as a subdir. | 15:58 |
dshaw | I'm having issues locating the true definition of 'Resolved Bugs' as Stackalytics reports it. I'm a bit confused on if this would be commits which resolve an existing bug, filed bugs that later on are resolved, or a combination of the two? | 15:59 |
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mordred | Clint: I'm never sure what to do with the retractable arms when I'm done with them | 15:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/system-config: Add missing host to empty group definitions | 16:00 |
openstackgerrit | Edgar Magana proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Change the date for the networking guide team meetings | 16:00 |
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jeblair | mordred: with all the arm waving you do, it's getting dangerous | 16:00 |
Clint | mordred: sell them on ebay | 16:00 |
jswarren | jeblair: When I apply the manifest the directory does not get created. Maybe it was manually copied? | 16:00 |
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mordred | jeblair: I take out jets when I wave the gadget arms | 16:01 |
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clarkb | mordred: the whoami in isnt redundant? | 16:01 |
clarkb | mordred: via some fact? | 16:01 |
jeblair | jswarren: that's possible, though i can't say for sure at this point. it's certainly not how we like to do things. :| | 16:02 |
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mordred | clarkb: there is probably a blackmagic way of getting to it - but the problem is that we run the role for each host -so when it's being run, 'ansible_fqdn' will == review.o.o | 16:03 |
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clarkb | dshaw: I don't know that any of us will ahve the answer, quickest thing may be to look at the code really quick | 16:03 |
jswarren | jeblair: I was going to add the creation of the symlink to the manifest. | 16:03 |
mordred | clarkb: we can probably refactor it once we grow better ansible zen | 16:04 |
jswarren | jeblair: I guess that won't work with the deployed instance. | 16:04 |
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jeblair | jswarren: thanks -- we can manually fix that. | 16:04 |
clarkb | mordred: I see so you wnat to know the source of the ssh connections? | 16:04 |
mordred | sort of - yeah | 16:04 |
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jeblair | jswarren: we could also recursively copy directory contents | 16:04 |
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clarkb | for puppet log copies? | 16:04 |
jeblair | jswarren: i don't know which approach would be more appropriate | 16:04 |
mordred | it's a weird task - it's running with "delegate_to: localhost" | 16:04 |
mordred | but it needs to know the fqdn of localhost because it needs to find the ssl certs to use to connect to puppetdb host | 16:05 |
mordred | but the task itself is per-remote-host | 16:05 |
mordred | clarkb: I figured for now just putting that one entry in a config was clearer than whatever the magic would be of figuring out "fqdn of executing host that we delegated to" | 16:06 |
jswarren | jeblair: it seems unnecessary to copy the directory. If a newer version of graphite-web breaks things, switching back to the old version via git should solve the problem. | 16:06 |
clarkb | mordred: ya makes sense | 16:06 |
jswarren | jeblair: of course it's different if the contents are not the same...for instance something else was copied into the copy or files in the copy were altered. | 16:07 |
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jeblair | jswarren: if you're considering symlinking it into the git repo, then i'd recommend the copy approach instead -- we generally try not to have our git repos be running live | 16:08 |
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pabelanger | fungi: What do you think about some sort of bindep validation tool? | 16:08 |
jswarren | jeblair: OK | 16:08 |
mordred | clarkb: I'm poking at a simple playbook with task delegation right now to see if there is a variable that can be used | 16:09 |
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fungi | pabelanger: whatchamean? | 16:09 |
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mordred | clarkb: OH! | 16:10 |
mordred | "ansible_fqdn": "", | 16:10 |
fungi | pabelanger: bindep exercise jobs which try to install the fallback set on our various supported ci worker platforms? | 16:10 |
mordred | clarkb: I'll make some followup patches to clean that up | 16:10 |
pleia2 | krotscheck: Daisy is working on getting us Puppet manifests to deploy it, spec is here: and my last email to her about what needs to be done: | 16:10 |
pabelanger | fungi: We found a hole in our project-config validation: | 16:10 |
fungi | pabelanger: i.e., to validate that the package names listed are relevant for the stated platforms? | 16:10 |
mordred | clarkb: ansible_fqdn when a task is delegated is the fqdn of the host the task is running on | 16:10 |
pabelanger | fungi: looks like we don't actually validate the binded.txt files in any way | 16:10 |
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pabelanger | fungi: so, trying to figure out the best way to make jenkins happy again when the file changes | 16:11 |
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jeblair | fungi: that sounds useful to me | 16:11 |
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fungi | to me too | 16:11 |
pabelanger | fungi: clarkb suggestion was the remove the optimizations | 16:11 |
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fungi | optimizations? | 16:11 |
fungi | i guess i'm behind on e-mail again | 16:11 |
jeblair | that's a good interim step if bindep testing will take took long | 16:12 |
jeblair | too long | 16:12 |
jeblair | ooh, we magically started using bhs1 last night when ovh fixed it :) | 16:12 |
pabelanger | fungi: project-config was optimized to run gate tests based on file path. in an effort to reduce the about of testing we do per commit | 16:12 |
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fungi | pabelanger: oh, yeah, i'm not a fan of those and try to push back whenever they're proposed. it's too easy to get it wrong | 16:13 |
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fungi | and end up not running jobs | 16:13 |
dims_ | fungi : is causing failures (example | 16:13 |
clarkb | mordred: ok will review the docs portion of the change in a few | 16:14 |
pabelanger | I think in general it is working well, minus the stuff we don't actually test. But ya, in this case, something slipped thought because there are no tests related to bindep | 16:14 |
clarkb | I am always amazed a how much catching up there is to do after what should have been a holiday for many/most | 16:14 |
clarkb | :) | 16:14 |
mordred | clarkb: oh - I have found another thing that I'll do in the same patch that is more important | 16:14 |
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dims_ | fungi : what was the initial idea? i missed the discussion | 16:15 |
fungi | dims_: indeed, that should be reverted. i forgot that just running another project's job doesn't actually correctly check out that other project. we need to do something much more complicated there | 16:15 |
pleia2 | krotscheck: I'm sure she could use some help :) but she'll be the one you want to follow up with, I'm focused on other things and just pitching in when she needs infra assistance | 16:15 |
openstackgerrit | Davanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Run gate-neutron-pep8-constraints on global reqs" | 16:15 |
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dims_ | fungi : ok here's the revert | 16:16 |
krotscheck | pleia2: Danke | 16:16 |
krotscheck | pleia2: Will ping her :) | 16:16 |
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openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/ansible-puppet: Clear up some issues with fqdm vs. hostname | 16:18 |
fungi | dims_: thanks, and apologies for the disruption | 16:18 |
mordred | clarkb: ^^ that fixes your whoami thing - as well as another problem I found that we would have hit when landing the other patch | 16:19 |
dims_ | fungi : no worries at all | 16:19 |
fungi | lifeless: Nakato: running other projects' jobs on requirements changes needs more complex solution, probably similar to what oslotest does | 16:19 |
fungi | sorry that didn't dawn on me last night | 16:19 |
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clarkb | mordred +2 | 16:20 |
mordred | clarkb: thanks! | 16:20 |
mordred | jeblair, fungi, pleia2, yolanda: could use a second +2 on | 16:21 |
mordred | jeblair: nice re: bhs1! | 16:21 |
mordred | jeblair: oh - also, while you're clouds-ing - we get a second /27 on the BB cloud so we should be able to increase quota there | 16:22 |
pc_m | fungi: hi | 16:24 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/ansible-puppet: Clear up some issues with fqdm vs. hostname | 16:25 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Stop passing whoami in group_vars | 16:26 |
openstackgerrit | Mehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/requirements: Raise Gnocchiclient version to 2.1.0 | 16:26 |
mordred | sweet. that should get in by next puppet run | 16:26 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Run gate-neutron-pep8-constraints on global reqs" | 16:26 |
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jeblair | mordred: oh nice; i'll go update bb things | 16:30 |
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jeblair | mgagne: i'm ready to continue debugging when you are | 16:30 |
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openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/ansible-puppet: Add whitespace between tasks for better readability | 16:33 |
phschwartz | so I have an instance listed as deleted when I do a nodepool list. It no longer exists in my openstack tenant. How can I clear this from the nodepool list? | 16:34 |
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jeblair | mordred: looks like there's nothing to do in the admin interface -- there is a second network added and we already seem to be using ips from it | 16:34 |
mordred | jeblair: that's excelent | 16:34 |
jeblair | phschwartz: nodepoold will remove it automatically after a couple of minutes, or you can do so from the command line with 'nodepool delete --now' | 16:34 |
phschwartz | jeblair: been sitting at deleted state in nodepool list for 2 hours | 16:35 |
phschwartz | jeblair: I will force it. ty :) | 16:35 |
jeblair | phschwartz: if you changed the provider name or something, that would cause it to ignore it | 16:36 |
phschwartz | jeblair: worked like a charm. I wish some of the extra options where documented or in the help I didn't look at the source but also would have know about --now if I did :( | 16:37 |
clarkb | nodepool help delete | 16:37 |
clarkb | should be all argparse documented at least | 16:38 |
openstackgerrit | Matthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix indexes in db models | 16:38 |
fungi | pc_m: what's up? | 16:39 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add query for random network.test_neutronv2 fails | 16:39 |
pc_m | fungi: wanted to talk pep8 | 16:39 |
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openstackgerrit | James E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Increase bluebox to 39 | 16:40 |
fungi | pc_m: sure. i don't speak many languages, but am pretty fluent in pep8 ;) | 16:40 |
pc_m | fungi: I pushed up neutron patches for pinning for kilo juno. The juno one failed all over the place. Looks like neutron folks don't think we should support it. | 16:40 |
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pc_m | fungi: Should I abandon that change? | 16:40 |
anteaya | yonglihe: you have changed your wikipages, thank you, there is no need to post an announcement about an offline ci system in channel, thank you | 16:40 |
clarkb | the pylint thread confused me | 16:41 |
fungi | pc_m: yeah, ignore juno. it's had its last point release. i'm due to abandon all open changes for stable/juno branches and then tag it juno-eol and delete | 16:41 |
clarkb | why do wr not already pin all linters? | 16:41 |
pc_m | fungi: Also, the kilo commit is not a cherry-pick (as there is no equivalent in master). Will there be an issue there? | 16:41 |
openstackgerrit | Adam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add a dashboard page for boards and worklists | 16:41 |
clarkb | no need for constraints to do that | 16:41 |
openstackgerrit | Adam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Update $resource wrappers to use new permissions API | 16:41 |
openstackgerrit | Adam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add UI for complex permissions on boards and worklists | 16:41 |
clarkb | since we have done it with pep8 for years | 16:41 |
fungi | pc_m: it's only an issue if the stable reviewers make it an issue | 16:41 |
pc_m | fungi: gotcha. | 16:42 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Align story subscription stars on right | 16:42 |
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pc_m | fungi: For VPN, I have a simple fix for master to stop breakage. I added astroid as dependency to tox.ini and pinned it and pylint to a version there. | 16:42 |
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pc_m | fungi: Wondering if I should cherry pick that to kilo for, versus pinning in requirements, as I'm doing right now. | 16:43 |
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pc_m | fungi: The alternative, is to remove pylint from pep8 target in Kilo (another solution). | 16:44 |
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fungi | pc_m: adding dependencies in your tox.ini is hacky and best avoided when possible | 16:45 |
pc_m | fungi: Ref: (master), (kilo) | 16:45 |
pc_m | fungi: The long term goal is to get to pep8-constraints, but that'll take a while. | 16:46 |
fungi | though i have no opinion on dropping pylint in your stable/kilo branch... i've seen pylint occasionally point out bugs you don't see from other analyzers, but more often i've seen it fail on perfectly correct code | 16:46 |
clarkb | I still assert no -constraints required | 16:46 |
clarkb | linters should be pinned for this exact reason | 16:46 |
fungi | yeah, constraints isn't required to solve this problem, it just happened to conveniently not break | 16:47 |
clarkb | pyflakes and hacking and pep8 all are | 16:47 |
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fungi | clarkb: yeah, but astroid is not a linter | 16:47 |
fungi | it just happens to be a dependency of a linter | 16:47 |
fungi | and there we open the door to conflicts between dependencies of our normal dependencies and dependencies of our linters being incompatible | 16:48 |
clarkb | the thread said pylint is not pinned and was upgraded too | 16:48 |
clarkb | my understanding based on what I read is pinning pylint would fix too | 16:48 |
fungi | nope | 16:48 |
clarkb | ah | 16:48 |
clarkb | so the stuff about pylint updating is just noise | 16:49 |
fungi | the problem as originally surfaced was that pylint was pinned, newer astroid release on pypi broke the pinned version of pylint | 16:49 |
clarkb | its the transitove dep | 16:49 |
pc_m | clarkb: In VPN, pylint is not pinned. In Neutron it is. But astroid is not pinned | 16:49 |
pc_m | clarkb: constraints happens to work, because it pins astroid to 1.3.8 and global requirements pin pylint to 1.4.4 | 16:50 |
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fungi | the point about pylint versions i think, is that if we want to avoid the astroid pin either astroid has to back out their behavior change or we need to up the version of pylint we use everywhere to one which supports newer astroid | 16:50 |
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pc_m | fungi: upstream astroid is talking about trying to do pylint 1.4.5 with pinned astroid version as dependency. | 16:51 |
pc_m | fungi: | 16:52 |
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fungi | got it, and pylint 1.4.5 would basically be otherwise identical to 1.4.4 | 16:52 |
fungi | so my comment still stands. everyone pinned to pylint 1.4.4 will need to update their dependency to 1.4.5 | 16:52 |
fungi | if not so as to support newer astroid, then so as to avoid newer astroid | 16:53 |
deepakcs | fungi: Hi, quick q, how long does it take for changes in jenkins/jobs/devstack-gate.yaml to reflect in the CI job ? | 16:53 |
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pc_m | fungi: right. | 16:53 |
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deepakcs | fungi: Patch @ was merged around 6 hours back, but I don't see the effect of it in a recent job @ | 16:54 |
mordred | oh - gross. the openstack inventory log output is less readable | 16:54 |
fungi | deepakcs: generally faster than that, but it's possible something broke job updates for our jenkins masters. i'll check | 16:54 |
deepakcs | fungi: in short, the patch removed setting of DEVSTACK_GATE_CEPH for ceph-plugin job-template, i sent a testpatch to test it ( ) and i still see DEVSTACK_GATE_CEPH being set (even after 5+ hours) | 16:55 |
mordred | I think we're going to want to write a log processing plugin to map hostnames | 16:55 |
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deepakcs | fungi: ok, wanted to confirm if i did some mistake or just need to wait longer | 16:56 |
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fungi | deepakcs: looks like that file last updated on jenkins02 at 10:41 utc, 10 minutes after 251197 merged | 16:56 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/release-tools: remove | 16:57 |
deepakcs | fungi: which means 251197 changes should be present there, right ? | 16:57 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/release-tools: add more detail to the output | 16:57 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/release-tools: catch more errors in external commands | 16:57 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/release-tools: better formatting for command errors | 16:57 |
fungi | deepakcs: well, it's present in the jjb config. now i'm looking at the jenkins xml for gate-tempest-dsvm-full-devstack-plugin-ceph on jenkins02 to see if it got applied | 16:58 |
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fungi | deepakcs: yep, it's not applied | 16:58 |
openstackgerrit | Darragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add doxygen builder support | 16:58 |
fungi | that file was last modified november 26 and still has the variable set in it | 16:58 |
fungi | i'm going to dig in the logs now to see if jjb is failing for some reason | 16:59 |
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deepakcs | fungi: great, thanks, if u find anything can u pls update (test patch) so that I can followup tomorrow (its 10.30 PM here, need to hit bed) | 17:00 |
deepakcs | if thats ok :) | 17:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Adam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Work around "duplicate preferences" issue | 17:00 |
fungi | Dec 1 11:01:22 jenkins02 puppet-agent[3675]: (/Stage[main]/Jenkins::Job_builder/Exec[jenkins_jobs_update]) Failed to call refresh: Command exceeded timeout | 17:00 |
openstackgerrit | David Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Accept objects in name_or_id parameter | 17:00 |
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fungi | looks like we probably have some pending job changes which take too long to complete. i'll update by hand | 17:01 |
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openstackgerrit | David Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Don't double-print exception subjects | 17:01 |
openstackgerrit | David Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Enable running tests against RAX and IBM | 17:01 |
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fungi | deepakcs: will do, have a good night | 17:02 |
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deepakcs | fungi: awesone, if u give me a go ahead via patch comment, i will fire a recheck tomoroww my time, to confirm, thanks again | 17:03 |
fungi | deepakcs: i'll add a recheck comment for you when this is done so you'll hopefully have real job results instead when you wake up | 17:04 |
deepakcs | fungi: cool, good day ahead, bye | 17:04 |
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openstackgerrit | John Warren proposed openstack-infra/puppet-graphite: Copy content to vhost document root | 17:05 |
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jeblair | fungi, clarkb, mordred: | 17:06 |
jeblair | embiggening our blue box ^ | 17:06 |
pleia2 | exciting | 17:06 |
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jeblair | pleia2: ! (and we're still working on further embiggening) | 17:07 |
pleia2 | :) | 17:07 |
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cbader | fungi, hi work on the hpe-storage ci system and replaced ramy, I am having an issue with one of my ci system and was wondering if you might have a direction I might go to resolve my issue. | 17:09 |
cbader | fungi, I am getting an mysql_config not found error | 17:10 |
fungi | cbader: seeing that in jobs you run? | 17:10 |
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fungi | cbader: probably means you're not installing libmysqlclient-dev or equivalent package on your workers | 17:11 |
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fungi | and then trying to pip install mysqldb | 17:11 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Increase bluebox to 39 | 17:11 |
cbader | fungi, when I run the nodepool image-build dpc command. | 17:12 |
clarkb | mordred: needs an update now to not whoami? or are you doing that in a followup? | 17:12 |
mordred | clarkb: followup | 17:12 |
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mordred | clarkb: | 17:12 |
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fungi | cbader: oh, well regardless that error generally means you're missing a system package for libmysqlclient-dev | 17:13 |
cbader | fungi, I was told by other group members I had old ubuntu files so ran apt-get update to get current packages. it still failed | 17:13 |
cbader | fungi, I did the apt-get update and got current libmysqlclient-dev installed | 17:13 |
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nibalizer | good morning | 17:14 |
fungi | cbader: apt-get update doesn't install or upgrade anything. i assume you mean you also ran apt-get upgrade | 17:14 |
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anteaya | morning nibalizer | 17:14 |
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anteaya | so in today's meeting the question of whether we are able to upgrade to gerrit will be asked | 17:14 |
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fungi | cbader: anyway, i'm a bit too far underwater at the moment to help troubleshooting nodepool deployment issues, but we have lots of people here who are also familiar with it (moreso than i actually) | 17:15 |
anteaya | as far as I have heard from zaro the remaining issue that needs to be addressed is the double slash // on redirect | 17:15 |
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anteaya | there are two patches linked at the bottom of this etherpad: | 17:15 |
cbader | fungi, thank you for the help have a nice day | 17:15 |
nibalizer | mordred: how can i help with puppet apply | 17:15 |
anteaya | if folks are able to review them prior to the meeting we can have an effective discussion on the topic and perhaps even get to setting a date for the upgrade | 17:16 |
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zaro | morning | 17:16 |
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anteaya | morning zaro | 17:17 |
anteaya | did I speak correctly above? | 17:17 |
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clarkb | mordred: is not complete | 17:17 |
clarkb | mordred: commented on the change | 17:17 |
anteaya | zaro: the remaining issue to agree on a solution is the double slash on redirect? | 17:18 |
zaro | anteaya: yes, you are correct | 17:18 |
anteaya | zaro: thank you | 17:18 |
anteaya | zaro: trying to get some reviews prior to the meeting | 17:18 |
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mordred | clarkb: thanks! | 17:19 |
mordred | nibalizer: SO .... | 17:19 |
mordred | nibalizer: we're doing well, but I've now got 2 issues I think we need to work through | 17:19 |
clarkb | mordred: and I only +2'd (did not approve) the switch change | 17:20 |
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clarkb | since not sure what kind of babysitting that needs | 17:20 |
mordred | clarkb: thank you,yes. we want to babysit that one for sure | 17:20 |
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mordred | and I think we need to sort out at least one issue we've got currently | 17:20 |
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mordred | I'm going to write it up so we can talk about it at the meeting | 17:20 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/os-testr: Add colored output feature to subunit-trace | 17:35 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/os-testr: Add delete *.pyc command before executing ostestr | 17:36 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/shade: Normalize volume objects | 17:36 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: mark centralize-release-tagging spec as implemented | 17:36 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/os-testr: Change to always parsing classes from test_id | 17:37 |
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phschwartz | jeblair: what would cause nodepool to build a node as shown under nodepool list and then never go active but immediately delete it? | 17:39 |
jeblair | phschwartz: it should log any such decision | 17:39 |
jeblair | phschwartz: usually i grep for the node number in the debug log | 17:40 |
phschwartz | jeblair: in the mean time how can I get it to stop the looping of the rebuild without stopping nodepool | 17:40 |
jeblair | phschwartz: of the node? | 17:40 |
clarkb | the ready script may have failed, ssh may have failed, cloud may have errored | 17:40 |
jeblair | (looping building a node?) | 17:40 |
phschwartz | jeblair: yes | 17:41 |
jeblair | phschwartz: set max-servers to 0 | 17:41 |
jeblair | in nodepool.yaml | 17:41 |
clarkb | jeblair: I have gotten through all but the last change for nodepool image builders and they lgtm. A second set of reviews would be great and maybe we can try deploying that this week | 17:42 |
phschwartz | jeblair: that did it. Now to dig in the logs | 17:42 |
clarkb | other cores may want to review that as well | 17:42 |
jeblair | clarkb: awesome, i'm hoping i can ramp down cloud initiation and focus on that next this week. | 17:42 |
clarkb | jeblair: great thanks | 17:42 |
pabelanger | haven't checked backscroll yet, but seem to be getting a tox failure on project-config master branch: | 17:43 |
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phschwartz | jeblair: ohh, getting closer to it actually working. otFound: Floating ip pool not found. (HTTP 404) | 17:44 |
phschwartz | New error for me :) | 17:44 |
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jeblair | phschwartz: i think there's a parameter you can set to specify a fip pool name | 17:44 |
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jeblair | pabelanger: that looks like an old jjb | 17:44 |
clarkb | yes template-name is a new feature so needs new jjb iirc | 17:45 |
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phschwartz | jeblair: does it have to use floating ip's? | 17:45 |
pabelanger | jeblair: Ah, ya. that is right, I forgot to nuke my .test folder | 17:46 |
pabelanger | thanks | 17:46 |
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jeblair | phschwartz: no -- it only tries to do that if it does not see a public ip on an instance | 17:46 |
jeblair | phschwartz: however, it "seeing" a public ip on an instance is a confusing set of ad-hoc rules based on providers we have encountered so far... | 17:47 |
clarkb | jeblair: did we end up reverting the internap IP change because it hit tripleo? | 17:47 |
jeblair | clarkb: yes, i have a replacement staged and will push as soon as i can actually boot an instance on internap. :) | 17:47 |
jeblair | (i can push now if folks are curious, but would probably wip-1 it until i've verified it on internap) | 17:48 |
jeblair | phschwartz: 1 sec and i'll link you to the code | 17:48 |
clarkb | a WIP change sounds good to me | 17:49 |
pabelanger | jeblair: still getting the error when I delete both tox and .test folders | 17:49 |
clarkb | (but mostly just catching up from long weekend at the beach) | 17:49 |
jeblair | phschwartz: | 17:49 |
jeblair | phschwartz: this will get a lot better when we move nodepool to use shade | 17:50 |
phschwartz | jeblair: but there is the requirement of a public ip right? | 17:50 |
pabelanger | | 17:51 |
phschwartz | you can't do it with a private network for the nodes | 17:51 |
openstackgerrit | Adam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add plugin_email_enabled preference by default | 17:51 |
jeblair | phschwartz: well, 'public' in this case really means 'accessible from the nodepool instance' | 17:51 |
anteaya | clarkb: let me know when you are open to discussing logstash things | 17:51 |
clarkb | anteaya: now is fine | 17:51 |
openstackgerrit | Paul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Do not merge! | 17:51 |
anteaya | clarkb: okay | 17:51 |
clarkb | mostl just filtering through email but can pause | 17:51 |
phschwartz | jeblair: then there is an issue, they are both on the same subnet but it still tried to create a floating | 17:51 |
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jeblair | phschwartz: the whole thing can be on a private network, as long as the nodepool server can contact the nodes it launches | 17:51 |
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pabelanger | jeblair: I think we need to cut a new release of JJB, since we install from pip | 17:52 |
jeblair | phschwartz: right, it's looking for any ip on a network called 'public' or 'ext-net', or one on a network called 'private' that isn't rfc1918. | 17:52 |
anteaya | clarkb: line 261: | 17:53 |
phschwartz | jeblair: ah, didn't notice the rfc1918 filter there. That is the issue. | 17:53 |
jeblair | phschwartz: are you using neutron and setting either net-id or net-label? | 17:53 |
phschwartz | Time to add a second network to the instances | 17:53 |
phschwartz | jeblair: yea | 17:53 |
phschwartz | *yes | 17:53 |
anteaya | clarkb: however I need to make part of that regex optional as the loglevel error and deprecation statement aren't on every line | 17:54 |
jeblair | phschwartz: k, then you could either change the name to 'public', or use the (not entirely tested) patch i'm about to push up | 17:54 |
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openstackgerrit | James E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add 'public' attribute to 'networks' entry | 17:55 |
jeblair | phschwartz, clarkb: ^ | 17:55 |
clarkb | anteaya: you should be able to change it from RemovedInDjango to a GREEDYDATA | 17:55 |
clarkb | anteaya: so that it matches whatever before the loglevel | 17:55 |
phschwartz | jeblair: I will take a look at the patch but don't want to try something untested before a demo. lol | 17:55 |
jeblair | phschwartz: (honestly, i'd go with 'rename the network public' unless you really want to help beta-test that patch :) | 17:55 |
jeblair | phschwartz: hehe, sounds like we're on the same page :) | 17:56 |
anteaya | yeah, stopping GREEDYDATA at loglevel was my problem but I can try again | 17:56 |
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* anteaya tries again | 17:56 | |
phschwartz | jeblair: fingers cross "edit network -> change name to public" | 17:56 |
phschwartz | lol | 17:56 |
openstackgerrit | Paul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ansible-role-diskimage-builder | 17:57 |
phschwartz | jeblair: if it is labeled as public for the network will it still get filtered if it is an rfc1918 ip? | 17:58 |
jeblair | phschwartz: nope, that only happens if the network is called 'private' | 17:58 |
phschwartz | jeblair: perfect, this build will hopefully work then | 17:58 |
clarkb | I wonder if names like Ext-Net, private, public need to have stronger codification in the neutron API | 17:58 |
openstackgerrit | Adam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fix checkboxes on preferences page | 17:58 |
clarkb | something that is the same for every cloud that says "this is the place you ssh to from anywhere in your world" | 17:59 |
sdague | clarkb: ++ yes please. | 17:59 |
anteaya | clarkb: it worked: yay | 17:59 |
clarkb | and something for "this is the place you ssh to from within your tenant" | 17:59 |
jeblair | clarkb: i think mordred has come to the conclusion the only global way to solve this is network annotation, and that neutron needs the ability to have the operatior indicate that a network is intended to be accessible from outside of the cloud | 18:00 |
phschwartz | jeblair: yay now to troubleshoot ssh timing out. lol | 18:00 |
clarkb | jeblair: and when neutron grows that feature the annotation itself shouldn't be configurable | 18:00 |
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clarkb | it should be a magic number that is the same in every cloud new enough to have the feature | 18:01 |
jeblair | clarkb: well, whoever defines the network would need to so annotate it, i think. | 18:01 |
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clarkb | jeblair: ya so you set the neutron network is out of cloud accessible flag and the annotation is the same everywhere insetad of each cloud updating things however they like to expose that info | 18:02 |
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clarkb | which is no better than the current situation | 18:02 |
clarkb | where name seems to get used a lot "public" and "Ext-Net" | 18:02 |
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jeblair | yeah, definitely need a standard flag. we thought 'router:external' was that flag until yesterday mordred learned it means nothing of the sort | 18:03 |
clarkb | jeblair: I tried telling mordred that before :) | 18:03 |
jeblair | (it actually means something like 'this network does not come with a router') | 18:03 |
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clarkb | I went and dug around api docs and neutron code and ya that | 18:03 |
clarkb | but as used in existing clouds it was close enough so went with it | 18:04 |
jeblair | it mostly worked, except that it also implies 'this network is visible to all tenants'. | 18:04 |
jeblair | which is kind of a wtf | 18:04 |
jeblair | even with the correct definition | 18:05 |
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anteaya | clarkb: so line 77 is another line in the same file, the regex finds no matches: question on line 82 | 18:05 |
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clarkb | anteaya: you can use ? to signify zero or one matches | 18:08 |
clarkb | anteaya: essentially making that optional | 18:08 |
lifeless | fungi: oh ? | 18:08 |
clarkb | anteaya: so wrap the whole optional section in ()? | 18:08 |
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mordred | clarkb, jeblair: ++ | 18:09 |
anteaya | clarkb: thanks I will | 18:09 |
clarkb | anteaya: * is zero or more and + is one or more | 18:09 |
openstackgerrit | Jeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add a --query option to | 18:10 |
anteaya | clarkb: yay! it worked | 18:11 |
anteaya | the ? goes _after_ the () | 18:11 |
fungi | lifeless: i didn't think through the job addition. gate-neutron-pep8-constraints (as for any of our usual tox job builders) checks out whatever repo is specified in ZUUL_PROJECT, which will be the repo corresponding to the change being tested (in this case openstack/requirements, not openstack/neutron) | 18:11 |
anteaya | I was trying it before the () | 18:11 |
anteaya | yay! | 18:11 |
anteaya | thank you | 18:11 |
clarkb | anteaya: yes () is grouping and ? says the prior group is zero or one matches | 18:11 |
lifeless | fungi: can we set ZUUL_PROJECT in the point we reference it? | 18:11 |
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fungi | lifeless: we can, but we'd need a different job with a different builder, or more parameterization for the existing one | 18:12 |
anteaya | wooooooo | 18:12 |
anteaya | clarkb: thank you! | 18:12 |
clarkb | anteaya: you don't need the ()s if you have a single item you want to zero or one match | 18:12 |
clarkb | anteaya: like if it was just loglevel | 18:12 |
fungi | lifeless: we wouldn't actually override ZUUL_PROJECT, rather we'd use something instead of it to determine what other repos to check out | 18:12 |
lifeless | fungi: ok - well step by step I guess | 18:12 |
clarkb | or if it was just a single character or whatever | 18:12 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Ensure build-essential and python-dev are installed | 18:12 |
lifeless | fungi: so ${MANUAL_PROJECT:-ZUUL_PROJECT} ? | 18:12 |
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fungi | lifeless: i believe oslotest was doing something similar to run arbitrary projects' jobs on proposed oslo changes as a safeguard, so we can likely reuse some of what they've got | 18:13 |
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fungi | just needs time from me or someone to look into how that works | 18:13 |
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anteaya | clarkb: great thanks | 18:14 |
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anteaya | clarkb: this regex appears to be working for this horizon log | 18:15 |
anteaya | this horizon log: | 18:15 |
clarkb | anteaya: I think you can go ahead and push the changes to the existing config as its not logstash version dependent | 18:15 |
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clarkb | and thanks | 18:15 |
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anteaya | this regex line 148: | 18:16 |
anteaya | sure I can offer a patch | 18:16 |
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anteaya | thanks for teaching me | 18:17 |
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openstackgerrit | Anita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Edit the logstash pattern for apacheerror | 18:22 |
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openstackgerrit | Paul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ansible-role-diskimage-builder | 18:25 |
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anteaya | clarkb: do you have anything in mind for me to work on next or shall I just randomly try logs? | 18:27 |
openstackgerrit | lifeless proposed openstack/requirements: Cap astroid to unbreak pylint. | 18:29 |
openstackgerrit | David Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add functional tests for boot from volume | 18:29 |
Shrews | mordred: that ^^^ should make the tests work | 18:29 |
mordred | woot | 18:30 |
openstackgerrit | lifeless proposed openstack/requirements: Cap astroid to unbreak pylint. | 18:30 |
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clarkb | anteaya: nothing specific, I need to dive into the puppet and get the install sorted out for the new packaging | 18:44 |
clarkb | I just haven't had a good point in time to do that yet, hopefully later today | 18:44 |
anteaya | clarkb: okay, I'll will just look at random logs and let you know if I spot any more grokparse errors | 18:44 |
anteaya | s/I'll will/I will | 18:44 |
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openstackgerrit | Ihar Hrachyshka proposed openstack/requirements: Cap astroid to unbreak pylint. | 18:49 |
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pabelanger | greghaynes: Are you planning a 1.5.0 release of diskimage-builder this week? | 18:51 |
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greghaynes | pabelanger: Nope, is there something that needs to be released? | 18:52 |
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pabelanger | greghaynes: no rush. Was looking to start using the local-config but can hold off | 18:53 |
jeblair | mordred, jhesketh, ianw: on did you remove the sync and sleep 5 from our nodepool scripts? | 18:53 |
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greghaynes | pabelanger: ah. If it can wait until Monday that would be ideal - I really like monday releasing unless there is some kind of bug | 18:55 |
jeblair | mordred, jhesketh, ianw: of course, we had that problem, which is why we added them to our build scripts, so it seems strange to move that into nodepool without removing them from our scripts. | 18:55 |
pabelanger | greghaynes: Yup, totally fine | 18:55 |
openstackgerrit | Clint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix get_run_metadata to take UUID | 18:55 |
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fungi | weekly infra team meeting time is now, place is #openstack-meeting | 18:59 |
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ianw | jeblair: i don't remember such a corresponding change | 19:02 |
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pabelanger | ianw: Do fedora-23 DIBs work now? Using fedora-minimal? | 19:06 |
ianw | pabelanger: maybe, it got in late my yesterday, i need to check the logs | 19:07 |
pabelanger | ianw: okay, I'm having some issues local with the $release variable in the repo URL. Need to dig into it more | 19:08 |
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ianw | argh, looks like its hit some sort of issue with pep8? what's gone on there... | 19:08 |
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ianw | no, wait, wrong change | 19:09 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Properly date filter in get_test_run_dict_by_run_meta_key_value | 19:15 |
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pabelanger | ianw: here is the error I am seeing with fedora-23: | 19:21 |
ianw | pabelanger: hmm, strong deja-vu on that ... | 19:23 |
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ianw | with releasevar not being set ... digging | 19:24 |
pabelanger | ianw: Ya, I thought I seen that before too | 19:24 |
pabelanger | ianw: FWIW: I am running this on centos-7 | 19:24 |
mordred | jeblair: sorry, no, I do not believe it was also removed from the scripts - bad oversight | 19:24 |
openstackgerrit | David Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add functional tests for boot from volume | 19:25 |
mriedem | looks like the uncategorized jobs page is dead since 11/16 | 19:25 |
jeblair | mordred, ianw, jhesketh: can one of you take care of that please? | 19:26 |
mriedem | Generated at: 2015-11-17T05:52 | 19:26 |
ianw | pabelanger: it was | 19:26 |
clarkb | mriedem: does it work for you locally? usually those breaks are pretty reproduceable? | 19:26 |
mriedem | let me check | 19:26 |
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pabelanger | ianw: Yup, running that patch. I have 1.4.0 installed | 19:27 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove now duplicate sync;sleep 5 | 19:29 |
mordred | jeblair: ^^ done | 19:29 |
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ianw | infra-root: when someone has time, added f23 nodes but i don't see any logs in . presumably i did something wrong, if someone could check the main nodepool log that would be super | 19:35 |
fungi | ianw: maybe after we're done with our weekly team meeting | 19:35 |
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mriedem | clarkb: worked for me | 19:37 |
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lifeless | so pylint | 19:41 |
lifeless | I'm not seeing a 1.4.5 yet | 19:41 |
lifeless | and claudiu's message about tha was 7 hours back | 19:41 |
lifeless | I think we should land the pins | 19:41 |
lifeless |,n,z | 19:42 |
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openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: ensure virtualenv is created in toolsdir | 19:53 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: factor out command to list deliverable changes | 19:53 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: rewrite as bash script | 19:53 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: add the series to the release tag | 19:53 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: add to generate a release notes email | 19:53 |
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openstackgerrit | Ricardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/glean: Run glean after networking service | 19:58 |
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openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: factor out command to list deliverable changes | 19:58 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: rewrite as bash script | 19:58 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: add the series to the release tag | 19:58 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: add to generate a release notes email | 19:58 |
zaro | notmorgan: some addtional info regarding apache rules and gerrit. i'm sure it makes more sense to you than me. | 20:00 |
zaro |!searchin/repo-discuss/nocanon/repo-discuss/uhfMgvnZLkk/csS2DkOVyiQJ | 20:00 |
notmorgan | looking | 20:00 |
zaro |!msg/repo-discuss/2T8eu8wm6GM/atqC6wUkJBAJ | 20:00 |
notmorgan | yeah | 20:00 |
kfarr | Hi all, I am working on a release for an openstack library Castellan, but after we set up the gerrit auto-publish jobs, it only seems to be available for py27, as seen on pypi: | 20:00 |
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kfarr | | 20:00 |
kfarr | actually, just py2 | 20:00 |
notmorgan | i'll poke at these things too while i'm at it, but i *think* we should be good. | 20:01 |
kfarr | I noticed a few other python clients have a [wheel] universal = 1 in their setup.cfg files, can anyone confirm that this is the way to fix it? | 20:01 |
notmorgan | zaro: mostly we aren't worried about URL based attacks so nocanon should be fine | 20:01 |
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fungi | kfarr: yes, that's the way to fix it so the wheel is py2.py3 rather than just py2 | 20:04 |
elmiko | fungi: i had a question about that [wheel] entry, does pbr provide that? (i could only find [bdist_wheel] in setuptools docs, just curious to understand better) | 20:05 |
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kfarr | Ok, thanks fungi. I was wondering the same thing as elmiko | 20:06 |
notmorgan | zaro: do we really need to worry about apache 2.4 vs non2.4 in the vhost? i'm fine if we keep it, just curious (cc jeblair, fungi, clarkb) [can answer post meeting] | 20:07 |
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fungi | elmiko: it's likely a pbrism, check the pbr docs if you haven't already, i don't recall whether that section is used by more than just pbr | 20:08 |
fungi | notmorgan: i'd be willing to drop 2.4 support, though i think there are still some downstreams using it so they might need to stop consuming our puppet module there until they find time to upgrade | 20:08 |
notmorgan | fungi: you mean not-2.4 support ;) | 20:08 |
mtreinish | fungi: so on is there something I should change to make it move faster? | 20:08 |
fungi | noryes, sorry, 2.2 support | 20:09 |
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fungi | notmorgan: ^ | 20:09 |
notmorgan | fungi: yah. | 20:09 |
mtreinish | I'll work on redoing the module to system install, but in the meantime I want to quickly fix it so we're using a compatible version | 20:09 |
fungi | my typing is going badly | 20:09 |
elmiko | fungi: thanks, i looked around the pbr docs some but didn't see it. not a huge deal, more scratching a curiousity itch ;) | 20:09 |
notmorgan | fungi: i'll spin this with no-2.4 and we can add the ifmod stuff in if it's super important | 20:09 |
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openstackgerrit | yolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add dib element to generate logical volumes | 20:11 |
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fungi | wfm | 20:12 |
fungi | or people who still use apache 2.2 with gerrit can provide a patch | 20:12 |
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openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add functional tests for boot from volume | 20:16 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: add the release metadata to the release tag | 20:16 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: add to generate a release notes email | 20:16 |
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openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add functional tests for boot from volume | 20:18 |
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notmorgan | zaro, fungi, have a proxypass setup that should work. | 20:19 |
notmorgan | :) | 20:19 |
notmorgan | spinning the review up now. | 20:19 |
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fungi | notmorgan: awesome!!! | 20:20 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/release-tools: ensure virtualenv is created in toolsdir | 20:22 |
openstackgerrit | Apoorva Deshpande proposed openstack-infra/ciwatch: Change ciwatch.log location from /var/data/ciwatch.log to /var/log/ciwatch/ciwatch.log | 20:24 |
rcarrillocruz | so greghaynes | 20:24 |
rcarrillocruz | yeah, i can tell it's confusing | 20:24 |
openstackgerrit | David Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add functional tests for boot from volume | 20:24 |
rcarrillocruz | i thought initially glean init was unable of creating vlans | 20:24 |
rcarrillocruz | as that was triggered on network interfaces up event | 20:24 |
rcarrillocruz | and as vlans were not physical | 20:25 |
rcarrillocruz | we didn't get those | 20:25 |
rcarrillocruz | but that was a false assumption | 20:25 |
greghaynes | ah ok | 20:25 |
greghaynes | so, what is the race now? | 20:25 |
rcarrillocruz | i noticed that in a same server, multiple reboots would get different /etc/network/interfaces.d files created | 20:25 |
rcarrillocruz | sometimes just eth1.cfg | 20:25 |
greghaynes | glean has a global lock, so there really shouldnt be a race issue | 20:25 |
rcarrillocruz | some others eth1.cfg and eth2.cfg | 20:25 |
rcarrillocruz | etc | 20:25 |
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greghaynes | rcarrillocruz: hrm | 20:26 |
rcarrillocruz | so i tested if i could run glean on an event not tied up to physical interfaces | 20:26 |
rcarrillocruz | as running 'glean' vs 'glean -i foointerface' consistenly create ALL interfaces out of the config drive | 20:26 |
rcarrillocruz | and that's the case | 20:26 |
rcarrillocruz | making glean run BEFORE 'networking' | 20:26 |
rcarrillocruz | did the trick | 20:26 |
rcarrillocruz | we get all of them | 20:26 |
rcarrillocruz | physical | 20:26 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: [WIP] fedora on centos fixes | 20:26 |
rcarrillocruz | and vlans | 20:26 |
greghaynes | rcarrillocruz: ok, so there is a bug somewhere | 20:27 |
greghaynes | rcarrillocruz: I would really like to figure out what exactly is going on though | 20:27 |
greghaynes | rcarrillocruz: I can try logging in to this box to have a look? | 20:27 |
rcarrillocruz | i suspect is on the starting network-interface | 20:27 |
rcarrillocruz | that doesn't seem to be deterministic | 20:28 |
greghaynes | rcarrillocruz: or, if you can run it the way it was failing before and paste the upstart log that would be super helpful | 20:28 |
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rcarrillocruz | sure | 20:28 |
rcarrillocruz | although i still wonder why this was put in a per interface from start | 20:28 |
rcarrillocruz | i mean | 20:28 |
rcarrillocruz | glean is about: | 20:28 |
rcarrillocruz | 1. configure nics from config drive | 20:28 |
rcarrillocruz | 2. put ssh key | 20:28 |
greghaynes | rcarrillocruz: I suspect youre on the right track and something is wonky with our upstart ordering, but I just want to be sure of what were doing | 20:29 |
rcarrillocruz | if we have all interfaces on config drive (and for those that are not we fallback to dhcp), no point in going in a per-interface pattern | 20:29 |
rcarrillocruz | greghaynes: if you go to ( the jumpstart) | 20:30 |
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rcarrillocruz | i've been testing all this thing on costkcicd-node0055 | 20:30 |
greghaynes | rcarrillocruz: Yep. We spent a lot of time trying to get an upstart script that worked somewhat reliably though (and I think we tried a line like this before and hit some other kind of issues) | 20:30 |
greghaynes | SpamapS: ^ is kind of our expert on that | 20:30 |
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openstackgerrit | yolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add dib element to generate logical volumes | 20:33 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix get_run_metadata to take UUID | 20:33 |
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openstackgerrit | Morgan Fainberg proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Update Gerrit proxy configuration. | 20:35 |
notmorgan | fungi, zaro, clarkb, mordred, ^ i think that should do it | 20:35 |
notmorgan | local test confirms i get redirects, /p is not proxied through, and no double slashes | 20:35 |
notmorgan | zaro: made it a new change-id for "just get it done", but added you as co-author since i snagged most of the stuff from your previous patch | 20:36 |
notmorgan | we just need to test this on review-dev.o.o now to be sure. | 20:36 |
notmorgan | (and provided jenkins isn't cranky) | 20:37 |
greghaynes | rcarrillocruz: what username on that host? | 20:38 |
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zaro | notmorgan: awsome! i'm getting it on | 20:38 |
notmorgan | zaro: cool | 20:38 |
notmorgan | zaro: not sure how much we need the <proxy> section, but i left it since it *seemed* to work/not cause headaches | 20:38 |
notmorgan | i tried it both with/without locally | 20:38 |
rcarrillocruz | jumphost or costkcicd-node0055 | 20:38 |
rcarrillocruz | ? | 20:38 |
openstackgerrit | Adam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add a preview button for story descriptions | 20:39 |
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notmorgan | zaro: oh we might need to remove the <proxy> section actually. | 20:40 |
notmorgan | re-reading the docs | 20:40 |
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notmorgan | zaro: so i woouldn't be surprised if this broke in a wierd way until we remove the proxy section | 20:41 |
anteaya | let's see | 20:42 |
* anteaya stands by to test review-dev | 20:42 | |
notmorgan | but still easy. | 20:42 |
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notmorgan | zaro: and i have a minor update to make the exclusions better before we finalize it. | 20:44 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/shade: Accept objects in name_or_id parameter | 20:47 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/shade: Don't double-print exception subjects | 20:50 |
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openstackgerrit | Kaitlin Farr proposed openstack/requirements: Bump Castellan version to 0.3.1 | 20:51 |
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zaro | notmorgan: applied your changes to review-dev.o.o | 20:53 |
notmorgan | ok | 20:53 |
notmorgan | trying it out | 20:53 |
notmorgan | huh | 20:53 |
zaro | looks like i can't view without logging in. | 20:53 |
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notmorgan | yrah | 20:53 |
notmorgan | noticing that too | 20:53 |
AJaeger | pabelanger: let's revert unless you have a better idea... | 20:53 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/shade: Enable running tests against RAX and IBM | 20:53 |
notmorgan | ok let me push my second set of changes and see if that solves it. | 20:53 |
zaro | that was without the proxy section | 20:53 |
notmorgan | it's basically stripping out the <proxy *> section | 20:53 |
notmorgan | oh | 20:54 |
notmorgan | huh | 20:54 |
notmorgan | hmmm.... | 20:54 |
notmorgan | sec | 20:54 |
notmorgan | let me check something locally | 20:54 |
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anteaya | I see the same | 20:54 |
pabelanger | AJaeger: sure | 20:54 |
jeblair | ianw: did you get the f23 info you needed? | 20:54 |
AJaeger | pabelanger: do you want to propose it or shall I? | 20:55 |
pabelanger | AJaeger: you can, about to jump into a meeting | 20:55 |
AJaeger | will do, pabelanger ! | 20:55 |
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notmorgan | zaro: ok so something changed, because i don't have that issue locally . | 20:55 |
zaro | notmorgan: i assume we should add all the ProxyPass lines? for replicate_local, contactstore, and robots? | 20:55 |
openstackgerrit | Ricardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/glean: Run glean after networking service | 20:55 |
notmorgan | not sure what is triggering it. | 20:55 |
notmorgan | yeah. | 20:55 |
notmorgan | here hold on | 20:56 |
mtreinish | nibalizer: if you get a sec on: do you want me to respin it to try using the pip args option on the module? | 20:56 |
mtreinish | or is it good enough as is? | 20:56 |
openstackgerrit | Morgan Fainberg proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Update Gerrit proxy configuration. | 20:56 |
notmorgan | zaro: ^ that should be more correct anyway | 20:56 |
zaro | notmorgan: oops forgot to remove rewrite rule | 20:56 |
mtreinish | I just want to get the latest subunit2sql pulled in so the dashboard works correctly again | 20:56 |
notmorgan | ahhhh | 20:56 |
notmorgan | ls | 20:56 |
openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Optimize gate-project-config-layout" | 20:57 |
jeblair | ianw: the fedora-23 build is running now; there is no log file because it's not configured in the logging config file | 20:57 |
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notmorgan | and we can remove the ifversion if that works | 20:58 |
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mordred | ianw: I thought I remembered you adding f23 to the logging config when we landed that patch? | 20:59 |
nibalizer | mtreinish: im in a car... but i have no preference, we need to redo the whole yibg without virtualenvs anywyays | 21:01 |
mtreinish | nibalizer: yeah, that was gonna be my next step. But, I wanted to quickly unblock things first | 21:02 |
notmorgan | zaro: oooh, wow, that is broken :P | 21:02 |
anteaya | that is interesting | 21:02 |
mtreinish | nibalizer: would you have a preference if you weren't in a car? :) | 21:03 |
anteaya | in a train | 21:03 |
anteaya | on a plane | 21:03 |
anteaya | eating green eggs and ham? | 21:03 |
zaro | notmorgan: not yet | 21:03 |
notmorgan | zaro: ah ok | 21:03 |
notmorgan | :) | 21:03 |
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rockyg | anteaya, I do not like green eggs and ham | 21:04 |
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* anteaya makes a note | 21:05 | |
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nibalizer | mtreinish: no, since were changing it all soon | 21:06 |
rockyg | anteaya, btw do we have a samIam in OpenStack? | 21:06 |
fungi | rockyg: that's Sam-I-Am in irc | 21:06 |
rockyg | Ah.... | 21:06 |
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anteaya | he's everywhere | 21:07 |
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anteaya | busy answering questions as usual in #openstack | 21:08 |
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zaro | notmorgan: | 21:08 |
ianw | jeblair: oh, doh, thanks, please write that up to it being too early in the morning for me | 21:09 |
fungi | mtreinish: i believe one issue you're going to find with the openstack_health puppet module is something we ran into with the askbot module... vcsrepo ensure=>latest for a branch will always notify from installed to latest even if there is no new commit, so your execs will wind up firing on every puppet run anyway | 21:09 |
notmorgan | zaro: looking | 21:09 |
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notmorgan | that should be it | 21:09 |
zaro | notmorgan: that's what i've set for review-dev | 21:09 |
mtreinish | fungi: do we specify a branch? the openstack-health repo should just be master | 21:09 |
zaro | not working | 21:09 |
notmorgan | hmmmm | 21:10 |
notmorgan | then let me see what is different between my setup and that one | 21:10 |
notmorgan | curious | 21:10 |
notmorgan | it works locally.. | 21:10 |
fungi | mtreinish: master is a branch | 21:11 |
mtreinish | that it is | 21:11 |
fungi | mtreinish: i mean instead of specifying a particular commit or tag | 21:11 |
fungi | known issue with the vcsrepo module | 21:11 |
mtreinish | fungi: but I don't think I've seen that behavior look at puppetboard | 21:11 |
mtreinish | maybe I'm missing something | 21:11 |
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openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update nodepool logging for Fedora 23 | 21:12 |
ianw | mordred: yeah, had fallen into merge conflict : ^ | 21:12 |
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notmorgan | zaro: maybe | 21:13 |
notmorgan | zaro: ProxyRequests needs to not be disableD? | 21:13 |
notmorgan | my config looks almost identical (just localhost instead) and it's working | 21:13 |
fungi | mtreinish: well, execs don't log to puppetdb | 21:13 |
fungi | i think it's a security measure or something | 21:13 |
mtreinish | fungi: oh, that's true, but won't it show a vcs repo event too? | 21:14 |
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fungi | ahh, yeah it always did for askbot at least | 21:14 |
mtreinish | fungi: like: | 21:14 |
zaro | notmorgan: turned ProxyRequests on but no difference | 21:14 |
notmorgan | ugh. weeeirdddd | 21:14 |
notmorgan | wtf. | 21:14 |
notmorgan | sec let me try something | 21:15 |
mtreinish | fungi: as opposed to: (which pulled in a doc update) | 21:15 |
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fungi | anyway, if it | 21:16 |
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fungi | grrr | 21:16 |
zaro | notmorgan: renenabled single line 'RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://localhost:8081/$1 [NE,P]' and it works again | 21:16 |
notmorgan | that makes sense... i am wondering why the straight proxypass is not working | 21:16 |
fungi | mtreinish: if it's broken then the new change at least doesn't make it any more broken | 21:16 |
notmorgan | the [NE,P] should work. | 21:16 |
mtreinish | fungi: heh, true | 21:16 |
mtreinish | fungi: anyway I'll have to find time to sit down and rewrite the module to not use a venv | 21:17 |
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mtreinish | but thanks for the +A, that'll at least unblock things | 21:17 |
notmorgan | zaro: something else funky is going on here. it's like / is not matching ProxyPass | 21:17 |
notmorgan | zaro: oh i see | 21:17 |
notmorgan | zaro: you have ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8081/ nocanon | 21:18 |
notmorgan | that should be ProxyPass | 21:18 |
notmorgan | not ProxyPassReverse | 21:18 |
notmorgan | line 73 of the etherpad | 21:18 |
notmorgan | and ProxyRequests off should be fine to keep | 21:18 |
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zaro | notmorgan: ok, fixed that. | 21:19 |
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anteaya | can click on things when not signed in | 21:20 |
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zaro | ohh yeah! works | 21:20 |
notmorgan | zaro: and it looks like it is working! | 21:20 |
notmorgan | :) | 21:20 |
anteaya | can sign in and end up back on patch that I was on | 21:20 |
notmorgan | /p/ looks like it is not passed though (is offloaded) | 21:20 |
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openstackgerrit | will soula proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix pollscm backwards compatiblity | 21:21 |
anteaya | works on firefox 42 and 41 | 21:22 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/puppet-openstack_health: Make sure we install the latest requirements | 21:22 |
notmorgan | and no double slash | 21:22 |
notmorgan | ok cool i think we may have it | 21:22 |
zaro | notmorgan: awsome, not sure if that is a valid config or does gerrit still need to be fixed? | 21:22 |
notmorgan | this should be 100% valid | 21:22 |
notmorgan | and should not require gerrit upstream fixes | 21:22 |
notmorgan | now...that mod_rewrite doesn't work is still crummy | 21:23 |
notmorgan | but nolonger "our" problem | 21:23 |
zaro | yeah, good at least there's a workaround. | 21:23 |
anteaya | and chrome | 21:23 |
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notmorgan | anteaya: whataboutIE (don't throw things at me :P ) | 21:23 |
anteaya | ha ha ha | 21:23 |
anteaya | whataboutIE? | 21:23 |
notmorgan | anyway. so yeah | 21:24 |
anteaya | notmorgan zaro nice work | 21:24 |
notmorgan | i'm pretty happy with this change | 21:24 |
anteaya | it works | 21:24 |
notmorgan | let me nuke the mod_version bit | 21:24 |
anteaya | as far as I can see | 21:24 |
openstackgerrit | Everett Toews proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Publish the Python OpenStack SDK docs | 21:24 |
openstackgerrit | Morgan Fainberg proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Update Gerrit proxy configuration. | 21:24 |
clarkb | notmorgan: catching up but agreed on dropping not 2.4 support | 21:25 |
notmorgan | clarkb: turns out, wont be an issue | 21:25 |
notmorgan | clarkb: appears to work | 21:25 |
notmorgan | clarkb: and is up on review-dev.o.o | 21:26 |
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clarkb | notmorgan: neat | 21:26 |
clarkb | ruagair: re mod auth openid I actually did end up poking around the code base in order to debug things | 21:26 |
notmorgan | also, this is a clean config afaict, so we shouldn't need to worry about carrying anything forward | 21:26 |
clarkb | ruagair: it uses a pattern of throw exception on sucess | 21:26 |
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clarkb | ruagair: I wanted to tear my eyes out | 21:26 |
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ruagair | ouch. | 21:27 |
zaro | dimtruck: gerrit redirect issue fixed ^ | 21:27 |
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anteaya | zaro: can you update review-dev again to use notmorgan's patch so that we are sure there are no typos? | 21:27 |
ruagair | What are your thoughts on relying on it then? | 21:27 |
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clarkb | ruagair: if it works I don't mind relying on it and from what I can tell so far it does just work | 21:27 |
clarkb | ruagair: its the other side of the negotiation that is being silly | 21:27 |
ruagair | That has been my experience | 21:27 |
zaro | anteaya: if there are typos it would not work. | 21:27 |
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notmorgan | and we can probably drop the 3 proxy* directives L55-57 (cc zaro ) but it doesn't hurt us to keep them | 21:28 |
anteaya | zaro: have you deployed notmorgan's patch then? | 21:28 |
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phschwartz | jeblair: so in my cut down ubuntu-trusty image I have been trying to build the issue with nodepool now on the node creation is it can't ssh in, the jenkins users that I am telling it to use does not exists so I need to see what I left out that creates the user :) | 21:28 |
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notmorgan | anteaya: he has | 21:28 |
anteaya | notmorgan: ah okay thank you | 21:28 |
notmorgan | the only major difference is he commented things out instead of removed lines | 21:28 |
notmorgan | and his still has the un-used mod_version | 21:28 |
notmorgan | anteaya: here is the vhost config: | 21:29 |
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anteaya | yes I saw that | 21:29 |
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notmorgan | but it is the same patch result in the vhost | 21:29 |
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anteaya | just wanted to confirm that I review-dev is using your patch | 21:29 |
anteaya | not something changed by hand | 21:30 |
notmorgan | anteaya: ah dunno how that is confirmed/done | 21:30 |
notmorgan | then will defer to zaro and the rest of -infra | 21:30 |
anteaya | right, that is why I was asking | 21:30 |
notmorgan | but... we have working config thing(s) | 21:30 |
zaro | anteaya: yeah, that was by hand. but essentially having a working config is the most imporant | 21:30 |
notmorgan | potentially | 21:30 |
anteaya | notmorgan: yes, yay | 21:30 |
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anteaya | zaro: okay looking forward to testing when running off the patch, just to be sure | 21:31 |
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anteaya | and glad for a working config | 21:31 |
zaro | anteaya: yes, forthcoming | 21:31 |
anteaya | zaro: thanks tell me when | 21:31 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: rewrite as bash script | 21:31 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: add the release metadata to the release tag | 21:31 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: add to generate a release notes email | 21:31 |
anteaya | I'll fire up 41 again | 21:31 |
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clarkb | notmorgan: I don't think you can change the allow encoded slashes directive | 21:33 |
clarkb | notmorgan: that makes cgit work, but if its deployed on -dev you can test easily neough | 21:33 |
notmorgan | clarkb: it is like that on -dev | 21:34 |
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clarkb | and the cgit url looks ok | 21:34 |
clarkb | maybe that was fixed independently | 21:34 |
clarkb | zaro: ^ do you know? | 21:34 |
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zaro | yes, i believe it was an encode issue. /me looks for the change | 21:35 |
clarkb | notmorgan: and probably worth keeping the proxypassreverse directive so that if gerrit ever breaks that apache will do the correct thing | 21:35 |
clarkb | (gerrit currently uses the canonicalurl to write those headers properly itself) | 21:35 |
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notmorgan | clarkb: hm sure we can do that. | 21:35 |
clarkb | notmorgan: but otherwise lgtm and if it allows us to use new gerrit without major hacks then +1 | 21:35 |
notmorgan | yeah no major hacks | 21:36 |
clarkb | ya it looks straightforward I like it | 21:36 |
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zaro | clarkb: this change? | 21:37 |
notmorgan | i'll add the proxypass reverse back in then. | 21:37 |
clarkb | zaro: I think the one it depends on | 21:38 |
zaro | notmorgan: would you mind updating etherpad with final changes then i'll apply that for further testing | 21:38 |
clarkb | but ya so ++ to using this method as a solution | 21:38 |
tsg | fungi: wrt, AJaeger mentioned in the morning that jenkins triggers were not working for project-config/jenkins/data/bindep-fallback changes - any ideas on how this can be worked around? | 21:38 |
clarkb | (upstream should still fix but this should get us rolling) | 21:38 |
openstackgerrit | Morgan Fainberg proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Update Gerrit proxy configuration. | 21:38 |
notmorgan | zaro: doing that now | 21:39 |
tsg | fungi, lifeless: AJaeger filed earlier in that context | 21:39 |
clarkb | tsg: the suggestion on the mailing list was to just run all the jobs againts all changes | 21:39 |
lifeless | tsg: huh? I'm lost | 21:39 |
fungi | tsg: yeah, it was discussed some, we have a couple paths forward. that change is not blocking anything though (it's just bookkeeping for the moment) so if it sits a little it's fine | 21:40 |
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fungi | the system-config change shouldn't be blocked on getting that merged | 21:40 |
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notmorgan | zaro: ok i think i have it. do we want to drop the 3 proxy* directives that look to be superfluous? | 21:40 |
clarkb | notmorgan: if they are superfluous I would remove them to reduce confusion | 21:40 |
notmorgan | clarkb: i *think* they are | 21:41 |
notmorgan | me 2x checks | 21:41 |
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tsg | fungi, clarkb: ok :) glad to hear that patch 247936 and patch 251607 are not blocked then | 21:42 |
notmorgan | ok you know what, i feel better keeping these | 21:42 |
notmorgan | clarkb: ^ the Via and ProxyPreserveHost seem sane/worth keeping | 21:42 |
notmorgan | the proxyrequestsoff should have no impact but is never harmful | 21:42 |
notmorgan | so, lets just keep them | 21:42 |
clarkb | notmorgan: wfm | 21:42 |
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tsg | clarkb, lifeless, fungi: will wait for your +2 on and thanks! | 21:43 |
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fungi | tsg: i already +2'd the system-config one | 21:45 |
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tsg | fungi: thanks! (I see that you okayed the other one as well). Just need one more +2 now :) | 21:46 |
zaro | notmorgan: ok, what's currently on the etherpad has been applied. seems good | 21:46 |
zaro | clarkb: not sure which change fixed the cgit links but they look ok to you on review-dev? | 21:47 |
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clarkb | zaro: the change you linked's parent was the fix | 21:47 |
clarkb | before that we needed the no encode slashes thing | 21:47 |
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tsg | fungi: Ah, so job filtering is still blocking from the project-config change being merged :) | 21:49 |
openstackgerrit | Steve McLellan proposed openstack/requirements: Cap elasticsearch client <2.0 | 21:50 |
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fungi | tsg: right, but the project-config change shouldn't block anything else. as i said it's purely bookkeeping for now, until we start using that file | 21:50 |
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tsg | fungi: ah I see what you are saying now! | 21:51 |
anteaya | zaro: review-dev continues to work for me | 21:51 |
zaro | anteaya: review-dev has the final apache configs. still hand applied. we cannot merge that patch until we switch to 2.11 because that patch is for both review-dev and review.o.o | 21:51 |
tsg | fungi: makes sense. should be good enough for Swift. | 21:51 |
anteaya | zaro: okay thanks | 21:51 |
tsg | lifeless: can you please revert your -1 on | 21:52 |
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* anteaya tests with firefox 41 now | 21:52 | |
anteaya | firefox 41 and chrome are both still happy with review-dev | 21:54 |
anteaya | logged out and logged in | 21:54 |
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* zaro taking a small break to celebrate this win! | 21:54 | |
anteaya | enjoy | 21:55 |
anteaya | logged out off all three browsers and still able to navigate around | 21:55 |
anteaya | nice work | 21:55 |
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zaro | notmorgan: would you be able to update the associated upstream bug with any relevant info regarding your workaround? | 21:57 |
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jeblair | phschwartz: i think our puppet does that; clarkb did we end up with a dib element to stick in a custom ssh key? | 21:58 |
phschwartz | jeblair: I will have to look, I don't know if openstackci handles doing it | 21:58 |
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notmorgan | zaro: hm sure. i can. | 22:01 |
notmorgan | i mean, mostly our workaround is using their recommendation | 22:01 |
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jeblair | asselin: ^ ? | 22:02 |
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clarkb | jeblair: its part of the puppet run in dib builds but ya you set an env var and it gets passed through | 22:05 |
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clarkb | similar to how it works with snapshot builds | 22:05 |
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jeblair | clarkb: so a user dropping our puppet would need to replace that, but one using our puppet can still pass in their own ssh key, yeah? (cc phschwartz) | 22:07 |
clarkb | jeblair: yup | 22:07 |
clarkb | NODEPOOL_SSH_KEY is env var and its set by openstackci as nodepool_ssh_key iirc | 22:07 |
openstackgerrit | Khai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Update Gerrit proxy configuration. | 22:08 |
pabelanger | jeblair: clarkb: I switched to devuser recently. Trying that out for dibs | 22:08 |
pabelanger | seems to work right now | 22:08 |
clarkb | pabelanger: that would be another way to do it | 22:09 |
clarkb | should work fine alongside our stuff I think | 22:09 |
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openstackgerrit | gordon chung proposed openstack/requirements: bump ceilometerclient to 2.1.0 | 22:13 |
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openstackgerrit | gordon chung proposed openstack/requirements: bump ceilometerclient to 2.1.0 | 22:14 |
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openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: remove direct-release option from projects | 22:15 |
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openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: change the default from delayed-release to direct-release | 22:16 |
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notmorgan | zaro: i would comment on the original bug, but it seems like the tracker is down. | 22:19 |
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notmorgan | zaro: (can't connect to atm) | 22:19 |
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openstackgerrit | Clark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/puppet-log_processor: Decouple log processing from logstash | 22:22 |
clarkb | jesusaurus: ^ there the log processor users and service stuff is decoupled from logstash | 22:22 |
anteaya | notmorgan: neither can I | 22:22 |
clarkb | I wonder if this is the beginning of turning google code off | 22:23 |
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anteaya | is that what they are doing? | 22:23 |
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clarkb | anteaya: yes google code is going away sometime soon, was announced about a year ago iirc | 22:24 |
notmorgan | clarkb: interesting, not sure how that works with the issue trackers and such not being elsewhere [yet] | 22:24 |
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anteaya | clarkb: oh interesting | 22:24 |
anteaya | it was nice of them to keep it up for our meeting | 22:25 |
clarkb | | 22:25 |
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anteaya | for some reason I see no content | 22:26 |
anteaya | even in chrome | 22:26 |
openstackgerrit | Apoorva Deshpande proposed openstack-infra/ciwatch: Change ciwatch.log location from /var/data/ciwatch.log to /var/log/ciwatch/ciwatch.log | 22:26 |
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anteaya | found it, the link had wrapped in my weechat and took off with the file extention | 22:27 |
anteaya | my fautl | 22:27 |
anteaya | fault | 22:27 |
timrc | Dear lazy #openstack-infra, was Jenkins gearman-plugin ever upgraded to the latest available version? | 22:28 |
jesusaurus | clarkb: awesome | 22:28 |
clarkb | timrc: we run automated rolling restarts of the masters now so if puppet was updated to install the latest version it should be running | 22:29 |
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clarkb | that happens at 0000UTC saturdays ish | 22:30 |
clarkb | (its rolling so doesn't happen all at once) | 22:30 |
anteaya | the post says android and chrome are staying where they are | 22:31 |
anteaya | I wonder where that puts gerrit development | 22:31 |
pleia2 | I think gerrit was in the crew of projects that were kept hosted, along with android and chrome | 22:34 |
timrc | clarkb: Where are Jenkins plugins defined in puppet now? Not seeing it in system-config (well I am, but only for jenkins_dev) | 22:34 |
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* timrc checks out puppet-openstackci | 22:35 | |
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timrc | Ahah. | 22:35 |
timrc | So... if I'm to believe puppet-openstackci/manifests/jenkins_master.pp we | 22:36 |
timrc | we're running a pretty old version upstream. | 22:36 |
anteaya | pleia2: well it said they would provide git and gerrit hosting for android and chrome | 22:37 |
anteaya | I hope they mean by extention they will also continue to provide git and gerrit hosting for gerrit | 22:37 |
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pleia2 | anteaya: yeah, what I'm saying is that I am quite sure they ultimately included gerrit as well, though it wasn't lsited on that old blog post | 22:38 |
timrc | Puppet is saying 0.1.1 which came out in 2014. Latest version is 0.1.3 which came out Oct 9, 2015 | 22:38 |
anteaya | pleia2: I hope so | 22:38 |
pleia2 | anteaya: well, they shut down people using google code for their personal projects some time ago, so I'd think it would have moved already if it was going to :) | 22:38 |
clarkb | timrc: we are running on jenkins01 | 22:38 |
timrc | zaro: I vaguely remember you saying that upstream was running something > 0.1.1? | 22:38 |
pleia2 | ah, meeting | 22:38 |
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anteaya | pleia2: you have a meeting now? | 22:39 |
timrc | clarkb: *blink**blink* | 22:39 |
clarkb | according to jenkins01 | 22:39 |
timrc | clarkb: Doesn't seem like puppet is controlling that. | 22:40 |
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timrc | clarkb: Do you include plugins in your magical tarball of Jenkins fun? | 22:40 |
anteaya | pleia2: I don't see a meeting in ical, but happy meeting | 22:41 |
clarkb | timrc: they are but I thought that puppet was controlling the on disk state of the plugins just not restarting master to pull them in | 22:41 |
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clarkb | and now we have ansible restarting masters safely once a week | 22:42 |
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timrc | clarkb: Maybe the problem is 0.1.1 evaluates to < so puppet is shrugging. | 22:45 |
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clarkb | jesusaurus: woot passes testing with the depends on user changes I made | 22:48 |
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clarkb | jesusaurus: so ya I think thats the first step is decoupling it all like that | 22:48 |
openstackgerrit | Timothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Rev gearman-plugin to latest version | 22:48 |
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clarkb | anteaya: ^ so some progress on logstash 2.0 things there | 22:49 |
* anteaya looks | 22:49 | |
anteaya | the deb package does config? | 22:50 |
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clarkb | anteaya: ya it replaces much of our puppet stuff | 22:51 |
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anteaya | wow | 22:52 |
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SpamapS | jeblair: If you have a moment to reset on counter-inspection.. I added some documentation to the code itself, and made sure 'tox -edocs' builds docs that reference it. | 22:53 |
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SpamapS | jeblair: just in case you've fully purged context on that... we were talking about documenting what exactly is being collected. | 22:54 |
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clarkb | SpamapS: fwiw tox -e docs isn't a thing that jenkins will do, you need to make sure python build_sphinx works | 22:56 |
SpamapS | hm | 22:56 |
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SpamapS | clarkb: do you happen to know how to make that run 'sphinx-apidoc' ? | 22:57 |
SpamapS | or the equivalent? | 22:57 |
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jeblair | SpamapS: pbr? | 22:57 |
SpamapS | I used cookiecutter | 22:57 |
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clarkb | not off hte top of my head but it builds using your so i think you can configure that to be part of your sphinx builds? | 22:58 |
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jeblair | SpamapS: i don't really understand why there's code in github? | 22:59 |
SpamapS | jeblair: hasn't merged | 22:59 |
jeblair | SpamapS: it has an unmerged depends-on | 22:59 |
SpamapS | yep, the spec, because apparently, nobody reviews QA specs. | 23:00 |
SpamapS | except the PTL :-P | 23:00 |
jeblair | they are not on my regular reading list | 23:00 |
jeblair | at any rate, i feel like if you're developing code on github and asking people to review it there because a spec hasn't been approved, the train has left the rails and maybe we should put it back on :) | 23:01 |
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SpamapS | jeblair: ok. :-P I really don't know what to do other than respond when there _are_ reviews for the spec. :-P | 23:02 |
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jeblair | SpamapS: maybe we can drop the depend-on and import the repo? | 23:03 |
SpamapS | jeblair: if that's appropriate. I made it dependent because QA was taking on the responsibility for maintaining the repo. | 23:03 |
SpamapS | there's a fuzzy line there | 23:04 |
jeblair | i see specs as a way to get agreement on work before it's done, to ensure that it doesn't need to be re-done later; if the work is already done... meh. | 23:04 |
SpamapS | since it will be primarily called by devstack-gate, and the subunit2sql worker | 23:04 |
SpamapS | and potentially anything else that wants to snapshot counters whilst running OpenStack.. :-P | 23:05 |
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* mordred also votes for removing the depends on | 23:05 | |
mordred | the train has left the station WRT this work - it's happening and you're moving it forward - no need to block on people agreeing with all the details of the spec | 23:06 |
mordred | clarkb, jeblair, SpamapS: wanna review some tests? and by that - I mean "be amazed that mordred was involved in writing tests" | 23:07 |
mordred | | 23:07 |
jeblair | SpamapS: once it's imported, we can have a docs-draft job that builds docs (that will fail because of the lack of apidoc thing) | 23:08 |
jeblair | until we fix that | 23:09 |
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openstackgerrit | Clint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add os-performance-tools | 23:10 |
jeblair | SpamapS: just so i'm not completely being a jerk, i've taken the unusual step of attempting to read that github diff, but i'm not seeing the description of counters... | 23:10 |
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jeblair | i see counters_ but don't understand what that would link to if i saw a real build | 23:10 |
SpamapS | jeblair: hah, I'd fully understand not wanting to read the github diff. :-D | 23:10 |
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jeblair | SpamapS: i mean, i'm completely failing at it :) | 23:10 |
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crinkle | rcarrillocruz: greghaynes i added my findings to | 23:17 |
jesusaurus | clarkb: was it not passing before the decoupling? or is this an advantagous time to decouple? | 23:18 |
clarkb | jesusaurus: it wasnt passing because a lot of the resources it was using have been replaced by the deb package | 23:19 |
jesusaurus | ahh | 23:19 |
jesusaurus | hurray for packaging | 23:19 |
rcarrillocruz | crinkle: ++, appreciate your experiences | 23:20 |
rcarrillocruz | as for the local-filesystems | 23:20 |
rcarrillocruz | you're right | 23:20 |
clarkb | and I don't want to install the deb package everywhere those daemons run since it will start an unnecessary logstash process on logstash.o.o | 23:20 |
rcarrillocruz | i initially removed it on purpose as i thought the networking service itself depended on local-filesystem | 23:20 |
rcarrillocruz | but apparently not in all cases | 23:20 |
rcarrillocruz | i see this on the /etc/init/networking.conf | 23:20 |
rcarrillocruz | start on (local-filesystems | 23:20 |
rcarrillocruz | and (stopped udevtrigger or container)) or runlevel [2345] or stopped networking RESULT=failed PROCESS=post-stop EXIT_STATUS=100 | 23:20 |
rcarrillocruz | so yeah, i better put local-filesystems to honour that in all events | 23:21 |
rcarrillocruz | i'll push a patch tomorrow | 23:21 |
crinkle | rcarrillocruz: cool | 23:22 |
clarkb | rcarrillocruz: I would suggest changing that behavior for systemd and any other init system too if they also do per interface | 23:22 |
clarkb | so that its consistent across platforms, makes debugging easier as we transition to a systemd world | 23:22 |
rcarrillocruz | i'm not familiar with systemd i'm afraid, i welcome either follow-up patchset or a follow up patch for non-upstart | 23:23 |
rcarrillocruz | but let's really be sure first that's the right approach | 23:23 |
rcarrillocruz | let's put local-filesystem | 23:23 |
rcarrillocruz | crinkle:when i push the patch, i appreciate if you could try that out on your deploys | 23:24 |
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rcarrillocruz | so we can aggregate results between the two regions and determine whether it's a safe fix | 23:24 |
crinkle | rcarrillocruz: sure, will do | 23:24 |
rcarrillocruz | ( i think it is, but as you said the fact that per-interface was chosen makes me wary ) | 23:25 |
crinkle | rcarrillocruz: like i mentioned, though, fixing it this way sort of breaks our dib workaround for the bridged interface | 23:25 |
crinkle | so we'll have to figure something out for that | 23:25 |
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rcarrillocruz | yeah, i need to read carefully what's that eth2 all about... | 23:25 |
rcarrillocruz | cos i *just* was aware of it by you | 23:25 |
clarkb | crinkle: is eth2 where the weird bridge to handle neutron things is happening? | 23:25 |
crinkle | clarkb: yeah, everything goes through eth2 | 23:26 |
clarkb | I wonder if you could just have glean go first then run that after | 23:26 |
clarkb | if maybe glean emits a glean specific event too | 23:26 |
clarkb | oh except its baked into the image | 23:26 |
clarkb | hrm | 23:26 |
crinkle | right | 23:26 |
crinkle | we could just move the eth2.25 and br-vlan25 into its own eni file | 23:27 |
crinkle | i think if glean manages eth2 it'll do the right thing | 23:27 |
clarkb | that sounds reasonable, then glean can do eth2 and everything will work together | 23:27 |
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crinkle | ya | 23:27 |
rcarrillocruz | crinkle: can you expand what's that element about ? | 23:27 |
rcarrillocruz | cos the change is for the whole bifrost thing and i lack context i'm afraid | 23:28 |
mgagne | jeblair still at the office? I'm free now for debugging | 23:28 |
jeblair | mgagne: o/ | 23:28 |
jeblair | mgagne: do you want me to delete the current node and then launch a new one? | 23:29 |
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mgagne | jeblair yea, gimme a second, enabling debug right now | 23:29 |
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mgagne | jeblair ok done | 23:29 |
crinkle | rcarrillocruz: greghaynes or SpamapS could explain it better, but the issue is that we need this bridge created for neutron to connect to, and the only mechanism we have to do that right now is to create that static file and let the bridge dhcp | 23:29 |
jeblair | mordred: root's clouds.yaml on puppetmaster has disappeared | 23:30 |
greghaynes | Ya, when I am at a keyboard rather than phone ;) | 23:30 |
clarkb | crinkle: rcarrillocruz aiui the reason neutron connects to it is if you have neutron create br-ex directly against eth2 it blows away all the config there | 23:30 |
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greghaynes | But yes - we need a bridge interface and a phy added to that bridge with our networking connectivity | 23:31 |
clarkb | so instead you set up a virtual siwtch in front of it so that eth2 works fine when neutron attaches to the switchport | 23:31 |
greghaynes | You can't express that in glean/configdrive | 23:31 |
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mordred | jeblair: I moved it aside to ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml - but there is now an /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml that should work | 23:31 |
mgagne | jeblair 975a6a12 ? | 23:31 |
mordred | jeblair: which is managed by the puppet | 23:31 |
jeblair | mgagne: yes | 23:32 |
rcarrillocruz | huh | 23:32 |
mordred | gah | 23:32 |
rcarrillocruz | o-k | 23:32 |
mordred | jeblair: I moved it aside to ~/.config/openstack/ - but there is now an /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml that should work | 23:32 |
jeblair | mordred: neat; there are no openstackjenkins accounts in there | 23:32 |
mordred | jeblair: yah. because we don't want ansibl einventory to look at the jenkins accounts - there are tons of nodepool instances in there | 23:33 |
* rcarrillocruz wonders why we couldn't just have untagged interface on other nic, one for prov and other for management interface to ease things | 23:33 | |
mordred | jeblair: there is another file in puppet | 23:33 |
rcarrillocruz | anyway, too late i guess | 23:33 |
mordred | jeblair: that I wasn't sure where to put | 23:33 |
mordred | jeblair: that has entries for all the clouds like the one from root's homedir did | 23:33 |
mordred | jeblair: | 23:34 |
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greghaynes | rcarrillocruz: we would need two nics with tagged because of what clarkb described, but yes, having ops change that would fix it | 23:34 |
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jeblair | mordred: ah yeah; let's put it somewhere, either root's homedir or /etc are fine... just something so we can make an alias of "/path/to/venv/bin/openstack --something /path/to/all-clouds.yaml" | 23:35 |
jeblair | mordred: what is --something, by the way? | 23:35 |
mordred | jeblair: hrm. interesting question. there is an env var which can point to a different one ... lemme poke for a second | 23:36 |
jeblair | mordred: (so that then i can do 'nifty-openstack-alias --os-cloud openstackjenkins-internap') | 23:36 |
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mordred | jeblair: ++ | 23:36 |
mordred | jeblair: is an env-var good enough for short-term? | 23:36 |
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jeblair | mordred: yeah | 23:37 |
jeblair | i don't know if we can put "OS_SOMETHING=/path/to/all-clouds.yaml /path/to/venv/bin/openstack" in an alias, but it can be a one-liner script if needed | 23:37 |
mordred | jeblair: OS_CLIENT_CONFIG_FILE | 23:37 |
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mordred | jeblair: OS_CLIENT_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/all-clouds.yaml openstack | 23:38 |
mordred | jeblair: also, why don't we just install python-openstackclient ? | 23:38 |
lifeless | mordred: have you written your 'never remove stuff' spec yet ? | 23:38 |
mordred | lifeless: no | 23:38 |
lifeless | mordred: I'd like to reference it | 23:38 |
jeblair | mordred: wfm | 23:38 |
mordred | jeblair: I actually feel like I wrote a puppet patch to do that | 23:38 |
mordred | yup | 23:39 |
mordred | jeblair: it's there already | 23:39 |
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mordred | so just "OS_CLIENT_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/all-clouds.yaml openstack" will work | 23:39 |
jeblair | mordred: oh, whatever is installe system-wide is fubar | 23:39 |
mordred | it is? AWESOME | 23:39 |
jeblair | mordred: run "openstack --help" | 23:39 |
jeblair | i just assumed it just accidentally got installed and made my own venv. | 23:40 |
timrc | TIL glean exists. | 23:40 |
timrc | Seriously behind the times here. | 23:40 |
mordred | jeblair: that's not broken | 23:40 |
mordred | jeblair: that's just it being stupid | 23:40 |
mordred | jeblair: it's how help works if you don't have auth creds specified | 23:40 |
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mordred | jeblair: don't EVEN get me started | 23:40 |
mgagne | jeblair enabling more debug on more services. The request lands on the compute node, something update network cache update and then nothing | 23:40 |
jeblair | mordred: that does not happen in my venv | 23:40 |
mordred | jeblair: try: openstack --os-cloud=openstackci-rax --os-region=DFW server list | 23:40 |
timrc | Maybe I should have used glean when doing the node uuid stuff. | 23:40 |
greghaynes | timrc: hrm? | 23:41 |
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jeblair | mgagne: let me know when you want me to delete/relaunch | 23:41 |
mgagne | jeblair now? =) | 23:41 |
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jeblair | mgagne: in progress | 23:42 |
mordred | jeblair: patch coming for the other tihng - how about /etc/openstack/all-clouds.yaml ? | 23:42 |
mgagne | found your instance, checking | 23:42 |
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jeblair | mordred: as root, ". shade-venv/bin/activate; openstack --help" | 23:42 |
jeblair | mordred: it does not spew that stuff | 23:43 |
mordred | jeblair: awesome | 23:43 |
mordred | hrm | 23:43 |
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mgagne | jeblair this one is active | 23:44 |
jeblair | mordred: /etc/openstack/all-clouds.yaml wfm | 23:44 |
mgagne | right..... | 23:44 |
mgagne | jeblair if you could create more, that would be great | 23:44 |
jeblair | mgagne: i agree. apparently the problem was lack of debugging. :) | 23:44 |
jeblair | mgagne: cycling now | 23:44 |
jeblair | mgagne, mordred: have we sucessfully comped this account? | 23:45 |
mgagne | jeblair yea, the quantum state. not working until observed | 23:45 |
jeblair | mgagne: if so, and it's not tied to mordred's credit card, i can spin up a bunch at once :) | 23:45 |
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mgagne | jeblair I'll do proper follow up on that email | 23:45 |
jeblair | okay, i'll restrain myself for now | 23:45 |
timrc | greghaynes: We write the instance UUID into /etc/nodepool/uuid -- I believe that info is provided by config-drive. | 23:46 |
mgagne | billing is per minute AFAIK | 23:46 |
clarkb | timrc: I would not rely on that being available on all clouds | 23:46 |
clarkb | timrc: since config drive may not be in all clouds | 23:46 |
clarkb | and metadata server is almost useless | 23:46 |
mordred | ++ | 23:46 |
greghaynes | timrc: ah, glean just does as little as possible to get a usable host, so probably not the right place to add it | 23:46 |
mordred | death to metadata server | 23:46 |
timrc | clarkb: Ah yeah, if we cannot assume that *our* clouds have it available, it's just as well we don't use it. | 23:47 |
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greghaynes | That too | 23:47 |
mordred | clarkb: config-drive is available everywhere now that I know of | 23:47 |
mordred | but I agree, it's not worth it for the nodepool case | 23:47 |
timrc | the metadata server is evil... config-drive seemed decent. | 23:47 |
clarkb | mordred: internap, ovh, bluebox all alow it? | 23:47 |
mordred | yup | 23:47 |
clarkb | I just worry that tomorrow $nextcloud will show up and not support it | 23:47 |
clarkb | and it isn't a thing we actually need to rely on here | 23:47 |
mordred | well, I agree with that | 23:48 |
timrc | Aye... if it's not something that's guaranteed (or near enough) ubiquitous, relying on it is probably not a good thing to do. | 23:48 |
mordred | but I think config-drive is bog-standard these days | 23:48 |
mordred | it was only not standard back in folsom or whatever hpcloud v1 was | 23:48 |
clarkb | mordred: well rax only just added it recently too | 23:48 |
mgagne | jeblair I don't have write access to billing, only read: Discount: 0.00%. Let me know if mordred would like more discount :D | 23:49 |
timrc | I thought rax had config-drive for awhile now? | 23:49 |
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clarkb | timrc: they do now but its relatively new | 23:49 |
timrc | Ah, okay. | 23:49 |
mordred | clarkb: I'll run a test on all 18 clouds to double check | 23:49 |
pleia2 | anteaya: I had a call, not openstack project meeting :) | 23:50 |
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openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Install the all clouds yaml file | 23:51 |
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jeblair | mgagne: discount 0% sounds like 'full price' | 23:51 |
mgagne | :D | 23:51 |
mordred | jeblair: ^^ there ya go | 23:51 |
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mordred | jeblair: it's a cinderclient version fight between shade and python-openstackclient | 23:53 |
anteaya | pleia2: ah okay, well I hope you had a good call | 23:53 |
jeblair | mgagne: 6d615d86-e628-4728-ada6-2fb0fd18c4da | 23:53 |
mgagne | jeblair stuck? | 23:53 |
jeblair | mgagne: looks like it | 23:54 |
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openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Remove cinderclient version pin | 23:56 |
mordred | jeblair: ^^ that fixes the issue you had with python-openstackclient on puppetmaster | 23:56 |
mordred | and amusingly enough, it's time for a release anyway, so it'll be well timed to get that rolled out :) | 23:57 |
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mordred | clarkb: could I sucker you in to doing a review on some functional tests? | 23:58 |
mordred | clarkb: 251150 ? | 23:58 |
jeblair | mordred: just to be sure, cinderclient 1.2 won't work? | 23:58 |
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clarkb | mordred: let me finish reviewing this last nodepool image builder change | 23:58 |
mordred | clarkb: kk. | 23:58 |
mordred | jeblair: you want me to put in a != 1.2 ? | 23:58 |
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jeblair | mordred: no, i was asking if >=1.2 will work | 23:59 |
mordred | jeblair: yes. 1.2 will not work with any public cloud | 23:59 |
jeblair | k | 23:59 |
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