Thursday, 2015-07-23

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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Prep $PROJECT and upper constraints for install
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clarkblifeless: Nakato ^ after talking with fungi made a slight alteration to expect the upper-constraints.txt file in the current dir00:04
clarkblifeless: Nakato this allows other projects that don't have requirements repos to check in a .txt file for that and flake8 will ignore the .txt file00:04
clarkbso its win win all around00:05
clarkbonce that merges you can push a change to nova and check experimental it to test00:05
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Prep $PROJECT and upper constraints for install
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Perform a booting test for our images
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fungiNakato: lifeless: clarkb: for developer-friendliness, the tox.ini testenv addition to do that might ought to come with a .gitignore entry for the constraints file too00:31
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Nakatoclarkb: That looks great.  Thanks00:32
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Nakatofungi: Good note, *takes note*00:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Turn on python 2.7 tests for monasca-ceilometer
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add gate checks for puppet-apparmor
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lifelessclarkb: I don't quite understand the cwd thing01:58
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lifelessclarkb: if you don't sync with global requirements, upper-constraints is irrelevant, and having a file collide with upper-constraints.txt is going to be a headache, no?01:58
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add coverage test to check pipeline of stackforge/rack
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jogowhere is the clone URL on cgit these days:
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jheskethjogo: drop the cgit, so
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openstackgerritDavid Cheperdak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add OpenStack project Fusion.
openstackgerritDavid Cheperdak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add OpenStack project networking-wan.
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openstackgerritDavid Cheperdak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add OpenStack project Fusion.
openstackgerritDavid Cheperdak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add OpenStack project networking-wan.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.vmware to 1.16.0
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Updated from global requirements
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ianwjhesketh: what's the deal with the logs for returning 404?03:38
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adjust anvil gate/check jobs to test venv and rpm building
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jheskethianw: which logs are 404'ing04:03
ianwjhesketh: is one04:04
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ianwthe pep8 & project.yaml check also04:04
jeblairjhesketh, ianw: not really here, but i noticed this earlier:
jeblairjhesketh, ianw: could be a clue about something going on with swift logs04:05
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jeblairjhesketh, ianw: i have not had a chance to look into it yet04:06
jrolljeblair: random data point, I also saw that earlier04:06
jrolland a 40404:06
* jroll grabs links04:06
jrollupload errors
jrollianw: jhesketh: ^^04:07
jeblairi know what it is --04:07
jeblairour zuul backlog has exceeded our swift upload window04:08
jheskethyep, was just about to say04:08
jheskethjeblair: the jobs already have their swift creds, so we can't do much for them now04:08
jheskethprobably best to just recheck on jobs that missed their logs, or fish them out of jenkins04:08
jeblairyeah, and i think our backlog is low enough now that it mostly shouldn't be an issue04:09
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yamamotocan Depends-On be confused by branches?04:09
yamamotoi'm wondering why is stuck04:11
ianwahh, all those jobs are just console.html output, so yeah they leave behind no clue but being missing04:11
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ianwyamamoto: hasn't merged?04:12
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yamamotoianw: right.  but it's on stable/kilo.  i think Depends-On doesn't know relationship between branches.04:13
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jrolloh that's an interesting case, the change id has two commits associated04:14
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yamamotojeblair: thank you.  it's exactly what i was looking for.04:18
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yamamotois there no way to specify a specific branch for depends-on?04:20
jeblairnope, sorry.04:21
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yamamotoi guess in most cases depends-on is used to mean "require the commit on the same branch as this commit"04:23
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yamamotobut probably it depends on relationship of specific repos.04:25
yamamotobtw, when A depends-on B, and A has approved before B is merged, i often see A is stuck even after B is merged.04:26
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yamamotoin that case, A needs to be re-approved?  or any better way to push A?04:27
yamamoto(i meant "workflow +1" by "approved"04:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: block oslo.messaging 1.17.x due to memory leak
jheskethjeblair: I closed my change to set the bind host of zuul ( Just a heads up though, if zuul is restarted it'll bind back to localhost since I applied the binding fix by hand and puppet has reverted it by now.04:36
jheskeththat is until we fix zuul anyway04:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Cap fixtures<1.3.0
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Move Cinder LIO from experimental to non-voting
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openstackgerritGal Sagie proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove check requiermenets for Kuryr
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openstackgerritAndrei V. Ostapenko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move from stackforge/magnetodb to openstack/magnetodb
openstackgerritAndrei V. Ostapenko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Changes jobs description for MagnetoDB
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harlowja_at_homeianw, on should i just use devstack-centos7 or is it crazy to ask for a bare-centos7 ?05:35
harlowja_at_homedoesn't seem like a bare-centos7 exists @ (but maybe there is a reason it doesnt?)05:36
ianwharlowja_at_home: i just don't think we've had a need for it, as we've only been testing devstack stuff05:37
harlowja_at_homehmmm, i got a reason! :-P05:37
ianwbut i think just using the devstack node is fine05:37
harlowja_at_homelet's try that05:37
ianwharlowja_at_home: does it really work with centos6 anyway?05:38
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harlowja_at_homegodaddy, yahoo still using anvil to build rpms for centos605:38
harlowja_at_homewhat version of openstack those rpms is, thats a different question :)05:39
harlowja_at_homegodaddy folks have been getting SCL to work, SCL has 2.705:39
harlowja_at_home*has python 2.705:39
ianwah, ok, i guess that's what i mean05:39
ianwthat's a pretty big commitment to backporting ...05:39
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harlowja_at_homebackport to 2.7?05:40
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harlowja_at_homeor backport other deps to SCL/centos6?05:40
harlowja_at_homethe thing about anvil is that it builds all of those dependencies to05:41
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ianwyeah, i mean the backporting05:41
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harlowja_at_homeya, getting onto centos7 (and/or rhel7) is a priority05:42
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harlowja_at_homebut takes time and all (especially when u have multi-tens-of-thousands of vms running on centos6/rhel6)05:43
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harlowja_at_home*running on centos6/rhel6 hypervisors05:43
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adjust anvil gate/check jobs to test venv and rpm building
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openstackgerritChangBo Guo(gcb) proposed openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.utils to 2.0.0
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openstackgerritAndrei V. Ostapenko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Changes jobs description for MagnetoDB
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jogojhesketh: the cgit UI used to have a shortcut on the summary page to make it easy to find06:23
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openstackgerritMarc Koderer proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add experimental job to test Manila Tempest plugin
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openstackgerritLimor Stotland proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet module for Mistral
openstackgerritLimor Stotland proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet module for Mistral
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Add ryu
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump taskflow version to 1.16.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump taskflow version to 1.16.0
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kun_huanghi guys, with RECLONE=no, does devstack fetch new commits for me?07:51
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openstackgerritDoron Chen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: adding a new stackforge/storlets project
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Cap urllib3<1.11 in stable/kilo for grenade
mescanefhi, please review changes in project-config : and
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openstackgerritLimor Stotland proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet module for Mistral
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wznoinskhi guys08:47
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wznoinskis ok? I see 'can't read from remote repo' message in last couple of hours08:48
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wznoinskfungi: pleia2 etc.: I see it's ok on times, but mostly (80%+) is having issues with different repos (keystone, horizon, requirements) it looks it started around 4:40am UTC09:04
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paramiteHi all, I was wondering if it is possible to have special gating job on openstack-infra for project in stackforge?09:11
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openstackgerritOleksii Zamiatin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make zeromq functional gate check in feature/zmq
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openstackgerritDaniel Izquierdo proposed openstack-infra/activity-board: OpenStack community activity report Q2, 2015
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openstackgerritYanis Guenane proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add support for backport-potential commit flag
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openstackgerritYanis Guenane proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add propose-backports jobs to openstack/puppet-*
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openstackgerritTaku Fukushima proposed openstack/requirements: Add Gunicorn
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freerunnerfungi: Hi! Can you review this, please?
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openstackgerritYanis Guenane proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add support for backport-potential commit flag
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Perform a booting test for our images
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openstackgerritYanis Guenane proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add propose-backports jobs to openstack/puppet-*
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openstackgerritwill soula proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for whitesource plugin
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openstackgerritAtsushi SAKAI proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: typos on the document
zioprotohello, I am trying to push a patch for diskimage-builder to but something is not working with my login, it is here the right place to ask for help ?11:56
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zioprotoso the problem when I try to push12:09
zioprotois that I get12:09
zioprotofatal: ICLA contributor agreement requires current contact information.12:09
zioprotobut when I go to enter the contact information12:09
zioprotoI get a server error12:10
zioprotoand I have no idea how to fix this12:10
fricklerzioproto: pls review and, this usually helps most people12:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/pbr: Updated from global requirements
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scheuranHi, I got a -1 from "Citrix XenServer CI" on my patchset, although "XenProject CI check" was successfull. Is this Citrix stuff someting else? How can I get rid of this -1?12:15
scheuranit's on this patch:
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zioprotofrickler: looks like I fixed it, I needed to register as a Foundation Member and not Community Member12:21
zioprotofrickler: thanks12:21
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fricklerzioproto: glad I could help12:23
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zioprotofrickler: still I cant push :(12:25
zioprotoerror: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://'12:25
zioprotocould you give me a pointer to the documentation how to push a patch ?12:26
zioprotocreate a new branch ?12:26
zioprotopush on top of current master ?12:26
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fricklerzioproto: are you using git-review?
zioprotofrickler: mmm no I dont, let me read this link12:28
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openstackgerritSaverio Proto proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: debian: properly configure interfaces
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fricklerscheuran: looks like it is a different CI. if you use the "Toggle CI" button you should be able to see it's comment with more information for debugging from Jul 21 09:5212:33
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openstackgerritSaverio Proto proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: debian: properly configure interfaces
scheuranfrickler: ah ok. must have overseen those entries! Thanks!12:35
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zioprotoI am afraid I made some mess, did I ?12:36
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Perform a booting test for our images
fricklerzioproto: no, if is your patch, that looks fine12:38
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greghayneszioproto: yea, that looks good to me12:39
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fricklerzioproto: in fact, this would explain an issue I have been seeing yesterday12:40
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zioprotoI have also another patch12:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Adding openstack/anchor to projects.txt
zioprotoI will try now to push it12:46
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Perform a booting test for our images
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openstackgerritSaverio Proto proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Debian: dont set always the hostname to debian
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openstackgerritLouis Taylor proposed openstack/requirements: Bump glance_store to 0.7.1 for py34 compatibility
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openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/requirements: Add dnspython3
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cloudnullhello, for the os-ansible-deployment project, when using DocImpact, we are seeing a bug report created with a messaging indicating that there is some tweek that we need to make in notify_impact. could someone point me to what we need to update to make that better?13:06
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1477273 in openstack-ansible " Fix Horizon SSL certificate management and distribution" [Undecided,New]13:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1477273 in openstack-ansible "Fix Horizon SSL certificate management and distribution" [Undecided,New]
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1477273 in openstack-ansible "Fix Horizon SSL certificate management and distribution" [Undecided,New]13:07
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openstackgerritYanis Guenane proposed openstack-infra/project-config: msync: Create a post-merged hook
spredzynibalizer, ^13:09
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spredzyfor openstack-infra, you would need to add an if condition on your module name to make it point to openstack-infra/yourmodulesyncmodule add a modulesync.yml at the root and add the post-job, after that this should allow automatic review proposal on all module after a review has been merged on the openstack-infra/modulesync module13:11
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update askbot documentation
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AJaegercloudnull: I wrote already a patch for that, see
cloudnullah sweet,  thats awesome!13:39
cloudnulltyvm AJaeger13:39
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AJaegercloudnull: thanks for coming back - you surprised our bug supervisors yesterday with all those  docimpact flags...13:40
cloudnullim helper :)13:42
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StevenKAJaeger: Can you have a glance at sometime today? It requires more testing, but I can address any review comments you have while doing that.13:45
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AJaegerStevenK: will do. I did a first look over some time ago and couldn't find anything obvious quickly...13:46
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andersonvomis there anybody around with a lot of context on how works?13:49
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix for swift servers older than 1.11.0
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kashyapHeya, seems like docs.o.o is down? --
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anteayakashyap: I confirm14:10
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kashyapYeah, I'll go read the docs from git repo :-)14:10
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jrollrip docs.o.o :(14:12
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mrmartindocs.o.o gone away14:12
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anteayalooks like something happened about 10 hours ago:
anteayaa huge spike in reads14:14
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annegentleanteaya: can jeblair or fungi or clarkb call to see what's up?14:15
anteayajhesketh: can you take a peek at static.o.o if you are still awake?14:15
anteayaannegentle: trying to see who is awake and online14:15
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anteayafirst we should check the static server14:15
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annegentleanteaya: docs.o.o is Cloud Sites at Rackspace still right14:16
annegentleanteaya: so someone with those creds needs to call14:16
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anteayaannegentle: ah okay you probably have more up to date info than I14:16
annegentleanteaya: I can call, but that's not protocol14:16
anteayaannegentle: ah14:16
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anteayaannegentle: well let's see if jeblair or fungi or clarkb show up on the next few minutes14:16
annegentleanteaya: ok thanks14:17
anteayafungi and clarkb are at oscon14:17
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anteayaand jeblair is somewhere not really online14:17
anteayaso in this case I support a non protocol action if they don't show up soon14:17
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annegentleanteaya: o14:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Document what our stable interfaces are
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annegentleanteaya: this is what I know: intermittent service disruption at 9:00 am Central14:18
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anteayaannegentle: that would be it14:19
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anteayasomething odd happened on teh server 10 hours ago according to cacti, but folks just noticed it now14:19
anteayabased on backscroll14:19
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anteayaso I'm going with this notification of incident14:20
annegentleanteaya: can you post topics to IRC channels?14:20
anteayait == docs going away14:20
anteayaI don't have channel permissions14:20
annegentlewell, that we know about the issue14:20
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anteayalet me see if I can find who can14:20
annegentleI don't mean topics I mean... what's it called? A notification?14:20
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anteayayeah status14:21
annegentleCould just post and let people know that's where they can check?14:21
anteayaI don't have those bot permissions14:21
annegentleanteaya: ok, no problem14:22
annegentleclarkb: fungi: I'd still like one of you to call Rackspace to see if there's anything we can do14:23
SpamapS"As of MySQL 5.7.5, the innodb_buffer_pool_size parameter is dynamic, allowing you to resize the buffer pool without restarting the server."14:23
SpamapSthey've been doing some seriously insane work over at MySQL the last 5 years.14:23
anteayaannegentle: these are the folks with permissions:
anteayaannegentle: sdague is right here, let me ask him to do it14:24
annegentleanteaya: nice that they're pastable IRC nicks :)14:24
annegentlethanks anteaya14:24
anteayadocs.o.o seems to be up for me14:26
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anteayasdague: docs.o.o seems to be up for me but here is the statusbot info: and
anteayasdague: might I suggest #status notice docs.o.o is experiencing brief outages, more information:
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jeblairi see my name...14:31
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add full tempest job for Nova with Ironic driver
anteayajeblair: hi14:31
jrollmtreinish: ^^ I think that's sane but partly distracted?14:32
anteayadocs.o.o is caught in a rax incident:
mtreinishjroll: ok, let me take a look14:32
jrollthanks, no rush14:32
anteayajeblair: we lost it for a bit, and now it is back for me at least14:32
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jrollanteaya: nice find14:33
anteayajroll: annegentle found it actually14:33
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anteayajroll: :)14:33
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jrollanteaya: tab complete is hard. thanks annegentle!14:33
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anteayajroll: we get each other's mail so often14:33
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jeblairyeah, docs.o.o seems okay to me too14:34
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jrollmhm, good from here too14:34
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sobersabrehi guys. I'm looking at jenkins-job-builder. very confused by the difference between include-raw and include-raw-escape. any related people around ?14:35
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andersonvomjust pinging again: is there anybody around with context on how docs.oo/system-config/puppet.html or docs.oo/system-config/running-your-own.html work?14:36
mtreinishjroll: so the idea is good, but some impl details need some respin14:37
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jrollmtreinish: cool, that's progress14:37
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jrollmtreinish: looks like I'll basically need to copy/paste the devstack-virtual-ironic builder then just to change that one line of shell?14:38
jrollor can I template in the whole line?14:38
jrolltempest-env: export DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST_FULL=1 :P14:39
jrollI guess I don't see why that wouldn't work14:39
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mtreinishjroll: you will probably need to unset the regex option too14:41
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add full tempest job for Nova with Ironic driver
mtreinishbecause it's a big if elif blcok in devstack gate for calling tempest's tox14:41
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jrollmtreinish: that patchset might cover it14:41
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jrollonly setting regex for the partial job14:41
jrollit's weird but I don't see why it wouldn't work14:41
mtreinishjroll: ok let me take a look14:42
jrolloh oops, sec14:42
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add full tempest job for Nova with Ironic driver
jrollmtreinish: updated14:42
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: only release one version at a time
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: move sanity-check-version into releasetools package
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: move into the releasetools package
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: move to milestones-create
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: move to milestone-close
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: move to milestone-ensure
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: move to milestone-rename
mescanefhi, please review changes in project-config : and
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jeblairsobersabre: if use use braces {} with include-raw, jjb will try to interpolate variables into it, so you would normally have to escape them (by doubling them, i think).  include-raw-escape will avoid that so you can just write things normally14:47
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jeblairandersonvom: do you have a more specific question?14:48
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mtreinishjroll: the job def lgtm, but I had question about setting it non-voting14:51
* jroll looks14:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove gate-infra-puppet-apply-centos6 check
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jrollmtreinish: I think this covers it
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jeblairjroll, mtreinish: the layout check job will print zuul's final configuration, so you can check whether a specific job is voting or not14:53
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jrolljeblair: oh, neat, thanks14:54
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mtreinishjroll: ah, ok I'm used to doing things explicitly. I guess we'll see what the test jobs say14:54
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andersonvomjeblair: I keep getting errors trying to set up puppetmaster locally and the docs mentions they're out of date.14:56
jrollmtreinish: yeah, I hear ya, though I don't see precedent for being explicit about this14:57
jeblairjroll: left a comment with an error for you14:57
jrolljeblair: ty sir14:57
jrollaha, nice catch14:57
andersonvomjeblair: e.g. on puppet apply: Could not find dependency Class[Openstack_project::Server], so I'm trying to figure out if it's outdated docs or me doing something wrong14:58
jeblairjroll: well, my local run of the test caught it :)14:58
jeblairandersonvom: and that's on puppet apply on the puppetmaster itself?14:58
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add full tempest job for Nova with Ironic driver
jrolljeblair: perhaps I should do that then :P14:59
jeblairjroll: tox -e zuul14:59
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andersonvomjeblair: yeah. at the top of the instructions where you have to puppet apply -e include openstack_project::puppetmaster14:59
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jeblairandersonvom: (we try to keep up to date, but we're unable to keep running-your-own up to date)14:59
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mtreinishjeblair: bah, local testing. That's what the gate is for :)15:00
anteayamy initial impression of ff 39.0 motivates me to recommend folks not use it15:00
anteayabeen using it for an hour and just had to kill it due to cpu usage of plugins15:01
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openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/gearman-plugin: Send node label with data status packet
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anteayamight just be ubuntu poor choices on that, disabled plugins that ubuntu tossed in15:03
jeblairandersonvom: yep, those docs have bitrotted...15:03
openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Report the per-job build wait time to graphite
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jeblairandersonvom: we moved the openstack::server invocation outside of the openstack_project::puppetmaster class15:04
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/requirements: Bump minimum os-brick>=0.3.2
jeblairandersonvom: that was part of this work
timrcjeblair: I figured out a way to submit per-node-type per-job build stats to graphite from zuul ^^15:05
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jeblairandersonvom: let's see if nibalizer has a suggestion on how to update the bootstrap documentation15:06
jeblairandersonvom: but off the top of my head, you might be able to add the openstack::server class to your command line (see manifests/site.pp for the invocation we use for our puppetmaster)15:07
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add full tempest job for Nova with Ironic driver
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andersonvomjeblair: cool. I'll take a look at the spec and your suggestion. If I do figure it out, I'd be glad to submit a patch =]15:10
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dhellmannthis is a really basic question, and I should probably already know the answer, but if I wanted to write a job for the releases repository to show the changes that would be released with a given commit, where would I look on disk for the git repo in question? Where does zuul_cloner put the repos?15:11
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openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Report the per-job build wait time to graphite
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jeblairdhellmann: for most simple jobs, gerrit-git-prep (or zuul-git-prep) check out the repo in question to the working directory, which is also $WORKSPACE.15:12
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jeblairdhellmann: for multi-repo jobs, we can avoid that and put it wherever (we might make a hierarchy like "openstack/foo" rooted at $WORKSPACE)15:13
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add full tempest job for Nova with Ironic driver
jrollboom, there we go15:13
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* jroll brb15:13
jeblairtimrc: i left some questions for you15:16
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dhellmannjeblair: in this case I'll have a change in openstack/releases that will refer to another git repo that I'll want to look at (possibly several, actually). So I don't know the repos until the change being examined is available15:17
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timrcjeblair: As I expected you would ;)15:17
timrcjeblair: Thanks for looking!15:17
openstackgerritMateusz Matuszkowiak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added pushMerge rights for fuel-plugin-contrail SF project
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dhellmannjeblair: so I probably want a multi-repo job, but the list of repos to check isn't entirely static. We *could* make it only the ones managed by the release team, but that just gives us another place to keep that list up to date. Another option is for me to figure out how to do this query through the cgit web api, I guess15:18
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jeblairdhellmann: ah, so i imagine you want a script in openstack/releases which will examine the current state of the already-checked-out openstack/releases repo, and then run zuul-cloner to check out the references repos into whatever location you want15:19
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dhellmannjeblair: ah, cool, so it's safe to run zuul-cloner like that? I had it in my head that we couldn't do that15:19
jeblairdhellmann: yep, perfectly fine to do it within the job.  and that'll keep most of the complex logic out of jjb and in openstack-releases, so it's all self-testing, etc.15:20
timrcjeblair: Okay so for at least the zuul change it was designed with the possibility of a job running on multiple nodes.  I had thought that the call I used in the gearman-plugin returned the worker's node label.  If it does not, I need to fix that.15:20
dhellmannjeblair: wonderful, that's what I want. Is it safe to just put "zuul" in my requirements list for that tox env, then, to get a copy of zuul_cloner?15:21
jeblairdhellmann: it's already installed on all of our nodes, so you can use that copy with "/usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner", but if you want this to work outside of that environment (eg, local "tox <something>" on openstack/releases) then yes, add zuul and then zuul-cloner should be in your path15:22
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hasharjeblair: good morning!  Regarding Gerrit labels case sensitiveness, turns out our Gerrit MySQL connection is case insensitive and that might well cause the issue I was facing :-}15:23
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openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Report the per-job build wait time to graphite
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dhellmannjeblair: I'll do the latter to make local testing work -- thanks!15:24
timrcjeblair: I'll good re-examine and make sure that the label gearman-plugin sends back is the label associated with the worker.15:24
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jeblairtimrc: i was going based off the docs which say that it returns the labels that a job is assigned to run on; if you end up fetching the labels assigned to a worker, be aware that workers can have multiple labels as well (and even the obvious idea of checking the intersection of assigned and requested labels can still have multiple results)15:26
jeblairhashar: hrm, i know mysql connections have their own character encoding, but i did not think that would affect case-sensitivity15:27
timrcjeblair: Okay.  Seems like this mountain got a little steeper :)15:27
jeblairtimrc: yay jenkins15:27
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hasharjeblair: that is only differentiating bit I have managed to find.  I found a bunch of issues in Zuul code itself anyway, so will craft a patch for them eventually.15:28
timrcjeblair: Yay. :/15:28
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sobersabrejeblair: thanks for the response15:29
sobersabrejeblair: you still there ?15:29
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hasharpoor james is heavily context switching :D15:30
jeblairsobersabre: i plan on being here for a while :)15:30
sobersabrejeblair: had no clue on that.15:30
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sobersabrejeblair: my problem with that include-raw-escape vs. include-raw is as follows: if I use include-raw in a macro, and then use that macro inside a template, I think jjb works as I would expect: uses the text RAW, i.e. no F***KING escapes.15:31
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jeblairINFO:zuul.IndependentPipelineManager:    openstack/nova15:32
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jeblairINFO:zuul.IndependentPipelineManager:      <Job gate-tempest-full-dsvm-ironic-pxe_ssh-nv> [nonvoting]15:32
sobersabrebut if I am using include-raw inside the template itself, it replaces '{x}' with '' b/c it does not do as promised by the name, i.e. ESCAPES something.15:32
sobersabrejeblair: ^^^15:32
jeblairjroll: ^15:32
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sobersabreand having a workaround is "cool", but this means the functionality is inconsistent. I looked at the code, and acc. to the code, if you do .escape() you're doing regex replacement of '{|}' by '\1\1'.15:33
sobersabreBut inside the method handling the raw I didn't see the call to .escape(). so this means that code is dirty with side effects or bugs.15:33
sobersabreI looked at the test data, and the examples there are trivial.15:34
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anteayajeblair: where did you get that result, I don't see any jenkins results posted to 205082 and I see the layout-config job queued in the patch as it is in the check queue15:35
clarkbsobersabre that is not inconsustent15:37
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anteayahey clarkb15:37
clarkbyou are including {} into a template which us then interpolated15:37
jeblairanteaya: "tox -e zuul"15:37
sobersabreclarkb: you know what it means "raw" in english ?15:37
anteayajeblair: ah thanks15:37
sobersabresorry for being blunt....15:37
sobersabreraw mean RAW, no changes.15:37
sobersabreand -escape means - with escapes.15:37
jeblairsobersabre: if you want to chat with us, please avoid profanity and agressive language15:38
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sobersabrejeblair: cool, sorry. I just spent a couple of hours trying to understand wth happened ...15:38
jeblairsobersabre: it's confusing -- jjb has a lot of complex functionality built on top of some older pretty simple functionality15:39
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jeblairsobersabre: some folks are working on improving the syntax:
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sobersabrejeblair: the link you sent talks about roadmap of changes in current DSL. this is "extension" or "updates". I'm not talking about semantic interpretation, but functional inconsistency.15:42
sobersabreI expect macro used  in template to behave identically to the same "yaml" used in macro, without the macro, i.e. explicitly used in the template.15:43
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sobersabrejeblair: do you think what I wrote makes sense?15:43
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sobersabrejeblair: [sorry, man I am not even sure whether you're using this jjb, so if you don't ignore]15:44
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sobersabreclarkb: are we ok? I mean I haven't offended you, have I?15:45
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jeblairsobersabre: yaml used in macros goes through an extra level of interpolation beyond what happens in job-templates, so in that respect, i can understand why it might behave differently.  otoh, i can understand why in this case at least since they both do {} interpolation, you would want them to behave in the same way.15:46
timrcjeblair: So I was just thinking, what if rather than trying to do some "clever" to solve the multi-label problem, I simply take that into account on zuul and iterate over labels and submit stats?  I'll know what node types I'm interested in in my graphtie queries.15:46
jeblairsobersabre: i don't use this feature of jjb, so i don't immediately have an opinion of what would be involved in changing it to match your expectations15:47
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timrcer some*thing* "clever"15:48
jeblairsobersabre: for that, you may want to talk to pelix15:48
sobersabrepelix: ping ^^^15:48
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sobersabrepelix: what's up man ?15:49
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timrcBut that is assuming that the list of labels only apply to the worker node.15:51
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jeblairtimrc: i suspect the intersection of "labels this job is assigned to" and "labels this node has" would get it down to a list of one element in our case, and even if it ends up being more than one, i can't think of a way to narrow it down more... except...15:52
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pelixsobersabre: macros are substituted into templates so no escape needed, anything in the actual template definition will require using the escape mechanism to prevent substitution of {} when the template is formatted.15:52
timrcjeblair: Check to see if the label is in the worker name :)?15:53
pelixthough I'd have to check to be sure, cause I would expect that inside a macro it should also process using .format().15:53
timrcI couldn't do that because we don't make the assumption downstream :P15:53
jeblairtimrc: zuul sometimes requests labels, and perhaps that should take priority.  so i think the best you could do is: if params['ZUUL_NODE'] is set, use that, otherwise, use intersection(job labels, node labels).  and that can be a list (but hopefully one element) so iterate over it.15:53
sobersabrepelix: so you're claiming that if I'm doing include-raw in a template, there should be no substitution ?15:54
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pelixthe template will attempt to perform substitution on the contents of what is pulled in by include-raw15:54
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jeblaircarbon-cache OOM'd; i restarted it15:55
pelixinclude-raw-escape is specifically for templates since it first escapes all braces and then the template substitution will remove the escaping15:55
timrcjeblair: In the event that the intersection returns a list of more than one then wouldn't simply submitting the same data or both labels be valid?15:55
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pelixso the final result should be the same as what was included15:55
timrcfor both*15:55
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pelixessentially these tags are directives to yaml rather than JJB.15:56
jeblairtimrc: that seems reasonable to me.  depends on how you look at it, but for some data, that's what you'd want.  so it's a reasonable approach to take and just document the potential for duplication.15:56
sobersabrepelix: I have to go now, ttyl15:56
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jeblairannegentle: confirmed resolved:
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Drop pin to install old Fedora keepalived package
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jrolljeblair: yep, saw that locally too, thanks :)16:03
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annegentlejeblair: yep16:04
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add full tempest job for Nova with Ironic driver
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pabelangernibalizer: any side affect from puppet-httpd merges?16:07
pabelangerI didn't see anything16:07
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nibalizerpabelanger: seems like we're okay for now16:08
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openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Fix complaints from Puppet 4 lint check for logstash modules
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openstackgerritKyle Mestery proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip gate-neutronclient-dsvm-functional job for juno branch
pabelangerWas looking to get some feedback or +A on:
pabelangerI'd like to add the devstack nodes into our puppet-apply tests16:15
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pabelangerso we can get coverage under fedora and centos16:15
pabelangerthe gates for centos and fedora are non-voting16:15
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woodm1979I am trying to release a project from stackforge with a version of but PBR is "changing" the version to 2.2.0.dev2 which is breaking the build process.  Is there anyone that can help me with this?16:22
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mordredwoodm1979: did you sign the tag?16:23
woodm1979I believe Dave Lyle did.16:23
woodm1979How can we tell?16:24
mordredalso - I do not believe we support 4-digit versions ... dhellmann do you remember?16:24
mordredwoodm1979: (we pretty aggressively enforce semver)16:24
woodm1979So, is there a work-around present?  This is for xstatic packages that are matching potentially 4 digit version numbers from the wrapped package.16:25
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woodm1979Even when they don't have 4 digits, we are wrapping soemthing with 3 digits, and we'd like to have a 4th for our own use.16:25
jeblairpabelanger: i believe will mean that we run at random on bare-foo or devstack-foo16:26
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nibalizerjeblair: are you interested in being on-hand for more httpd module landings today?16:26
woodm1979Also, thanks for your help mordred16:26
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clarkbnibalizer I can likely be around16:26
jeblairnibalizer: i have errands to run this morning, but can do this afternoon16:26
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nibalizerclarkb: you cool with me pushing a couple through now?16:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: move into the releasetools package
clarkbnibalizer sure16:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: move sanity-check-version into releasetools package
mordredwoodm1979: you probably need to talk to lifeless16:27
clarkbjust prod me if youbnotice anything wrong16:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: move to milestone-rename
mordredwoodm1979: I think the usecase you've described is not one that has been designed for16:27
woodm1979Do you happen to know when he gets in?16:27
jeblairpabelanger: i'm thinking we should either take the plunge and switch to devstack-foo, or we we want to be certain that we don't break ourselves, add a new non-voting variant of the job that uses devstack-foo.16:27
clarkbyou should use x.y.z.postN maybe16:27
clarkbwhich pbr doesbt do iirc16:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: move to milestone-ensure
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: move to milestone-close
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: move to milestones-create
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woodm1979clarkb, you mean, we tag our own repo with x.y.z.postN and that shouldn't break the build process?16:28
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openstackgerritTom Cammann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move heat-coe-templates to stackforge-attic
clarkbwoodm1979 I think thats the pep440 correct version but it wont work with pbr though you can test it locally16:29
malorhey, guys! could you please approve ? (we need this to unblock merges to stable/juno in oslo.db)16:30
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pabelangerjeblair: issue being we don't have devstack-centos6 right now.  Doesn't mean I cannot build it, just a blocker to do the change ATM16:40
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mordredjeblair, pabelanger: if we're going to do a plunge to a new image type - wouldn't centos-6 be a better one to plunge to?16:42
clarkbmordred yes16:42
jeblairpabelanger: oh ok; how about a different approach then: instead of prefixing the os name, just put the whole thing in there.  so then it will be "apply-bare-centos6" and "apply-fedora-21" etc16:43
lifelessmordred: 'sup ?16:43
jeblairpabelanger: then we can switch these one at a time (and also easily make them non-voting, etc)16:43
jeblairclarkb, mordred: ^16:43
fungikeep in mind that we already have a centos-6 image and workers, built off the devstack elements16:43
lifelessclarkb: did you see my question about the upper-constraints-in-cwd thing ?16:43
fungilast i checked it builds and boots and can run things16:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-yum: Migrate to puppet-httpd module
fungijust doesn't support actual devstack i don't think16:44
clarkblifeless yes16:44
lifelessclarkb: if you answered, I missed it16:44
jeblairfungi: yeah, i think that's the point clarkb and mordred were making;  and this is for the apply test jobs, so that should be okay, except we've never run an apply test on a non-bare node (hopefully it will just work)16:44
clarkblifeless if nothing else it fixes the flake8 problem16:44
clarkbI have not answered but ^ is the big benefit16:44
lifelessclarkb: the flake8 problem ?16:44
fungijeblair: ahh, yep. sorry, standing at a podium waiting for my talk to begin, and lightly skimming16:45
clarkbthe dont fail because requirements is in your repo flake8 problem16:45
jeblairfungi: hi OSCON!16:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-logstash: Migrate to puppet-httpd module
lifelesswoodm1979: mordred: you *cannot* use postN with pbr, because it gets mapepd to devN due to the0.10.x hack16:45
fungi[sorry, you're not onscreen]16:45
jeblairfungi: i'm sorry i'm not onscreen too!16:45
lifelessclarkb: that why we were going to put it in a sibling dir, no ?16:46
fungi[also, it's just me and the event techs testing the room out]16:46
lifelessclarkb: the alternative is to exclude ./requirements in tox.ini16:46
jeblairfungi: hi OSCON event techs!16:46
clarkblifeless yes byt as fungi points out thats not necessarily safe for jenkins16:46
pabelangerjeblair: okay, let me see what is needed to do that16:46
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lifelessclarkb: they are throwaway nodes...16:46
jeblairpabelanger: cool, left a note on the change16:46
lifelessclarkb: 3rd partty ci isn't running unittests16:46
clarkblifeless so what is the issue with what is proposed?16:47
clarkbI can only think of positives16:47
clarkbits safer and simpler16:47
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: Require all requirements to be constrained or blacklisted
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: Fix constraint integration test
clarkbthe alternatives require more edits to prpjects and/or unsafe jenkins workspace mangling16:47
lifelessclarkb: several problems16:47
fungicopy the constraints file into your repo and go. your .gitignore can even keep you from accidentally committing it unless your repo wants its own custom constraints16:48
pleia2I'm back home today, but playing catch-up so might be a bit distant still16:48
lifelessclarkb: firstly, local use will require manually copying and updating the file, rather than git pull..16:48
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fungilifeless: git pull? people don't necessarily want tox connecting over the network and retrieving files16:48
nibalizerclarkb: can you look at puppet on logstash.o.o? it hasn't submitted a report to puppetboard in several days16:48
clarkb(dont use git pull but ok)16:48
lifelessfungi: I didn't say tox would do that16:49
fungiokay, so a manual step16:49
clarkbnibalizer its off there iirc ti fix the gearman client16:49
lifelesslets take a step back16:49
lifelesshow would do this by hand for local devs16:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.db: disable python34 job for stable/juno
lifelesswould they run zuul-cloner, or git subtrees or just a git clone by hand ?16:49
* fungi wonders why a manual git pull and a manual cp are necessarily substantially different16:49
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lifelessfungi: because 'git pull && cp again'16:49
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clarkblifeless git clone tgen gut fetch (dontbuse git pull ever please)16:50
nibalizerclarkb: hrmmmm ok. so whenever it comes back online it will get the httpd stuff, which should be a noop16:50
lifelessalso remember we're going to be adding more constraints files16:50
clarkbnibalizer kk I can get it turned on16:50
lifelessclarkb: whats wrong with git pull? [I'm going to guess you haven't told git you want rebase always]16:50
fungidifferent tox target per constraints file though, right? (testing upper vs lowerA)16:50
clarkbit does a merge by default16:50
lifelessfungi: yes16:50
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clarkbthen people use git review and it breaks16:50
clarkbthen they write long bugs/threads about how git review is broken16:51
lifelessclarkb: unless you've configured it to be sane. But lets move on.16:51
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clarkband it takes 6 Months to unracel16:51
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use {ostype} for gate-infra-puppet-apply
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lifelessthere's no status reporting on a file you've copied into your tree about age -its just a random file16:52
lifelessa git repo is marginally better16:52
fungiso it seems to me that the two options are a) look for it in the git work tree, or b) tell people where they have to put files on their dev machines16:52
lifelessfungi: we can use environment variables to do set defaults16:52
lifelesswhat was the safety issue for jenkins?16:53
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use {ostype} for gate-infra-puppet-apply
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clarkblifeless you have to have non colliding dir nameswith jobs16:53
fungilifeless: it's mostly a warning. jenkins thinks your job is broken if it writes outside the workspace16:53
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clarkband jenkins complains wheb^16:53
lifelessfungi: ah, and we've been doing stuff at the root of the workspace16:53
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lifelesslets land this thing16:54
fungiyes, we clone the repo to the root of the workspace16:54
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fungii wish we didn't, but that ship sailed years ago and it's hard to fix now16:54
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lifelessand I'll talk with Nakato about making the tox.ini patch be configured by variables, so that the default for devs can be different16:54
lifelesswe can make jenkins look for it here, which is *fine for CI*16:54
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fungibasically duplicating behavior from the jenkins git and gerrit trigger plugins that predated what we have now, i think16:54
woodm1979lifeless: I don't want to interrupt your current discussion.  Could I take up a bit of your time after your done?16:54
lifelessand bikeshed over the local config to our hearts content16:54
clarkband we can change jenkins later too16:55
clarkbbut this should gwt us 99% there16:55
lifelesssure, but if we have a variable to control it I think we don't need to16:55
lifelessand there are as you point out interactions with flake8 that give us a fairly small set of things we can do16:55
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davidjchello everyone, a quick question, my accessbot/channels.yaml gate broke complaining about a byte 0xe5, i have already searched for this bit in the file16:56
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davidjcnothing was found16:56
lifelessworkspace, /tmp, just-files-in-the-workspace16:56
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: Fix constraint integration test
anteayadavidjc: recheck the patch16:56
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anteayadavidjc: it was/is an irc text encoding problem16:56
lifelessclarkb: so you wrote it and fungi +2. We need a +2A :)16:57
lifeless <- for any observing cores16:57
clarkblifeless yes and I think fungi wanted jeblairs i put so maybe this afternoon pst16:57
lifelesswoodm1979: sure, now is fine...16:57
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use {ostype} for gate-infra-puppet-apply
woodm1979Excellent!  Thanks lifeless!16:58
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woodm1979I've got a versioning/pbr/build issue that may require your knowledge.16:58
davidjcanteaya: ':%s/\%xe5//g' shows no occurance16:58
lifelesswoodm1979: so I didn't read the scrollback. Can you give me a summary of your problem ?16:58
woodm1979Horizon is using xstatic packaged.  (for better or WORSE)16:59
woodm1979packages *16:59
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: Require all requirements to be constrained or blacklisted
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for cells bug 1477679
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1477679 in nova "gate-tempest-dsvm-cells fails test_lock_unlock_server to stop instance because the instance is locked" [Medium,Confirmed]
woodm1979We want the xstatic version number to match the version number of the wrapped package.  So, taking jasmine as an example, when we grab jasmine 2.2.0, we want to match the versioning number.17:00
openstackbug 1477679 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "gate-tempest-dsvm-cells fails test_lock_unlock_server to stop instance because the instance is locked" [Medium,Confirmed]
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1477679 in nova "gate-tempest-dsvm-cells fails test_lock_unlock_server to stop instance because the instance is locked" [Medium,Confirmed]17:00
anteayadavidjc: have you tried rechecking the patch?17:00
woodm1979But…  if there's an issue, we need to be able to have a 2nd push of jasmine 2.2.0  which should likely look like
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woodm1979But pbr is changing that name to be 2.2.0.dev1 which is not working correctly within the build process.17:02
woodm1979for example here:
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lifelesswoodm1979: right, pbr only supports 3-component versions17:02
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woodm1979right.  :-)  How should we proceed?17:03
lifelesswhy do you want to make the jasmine version?17:04
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lifelessdo jasmine guarantee that their versions will be legitimate PEP-440 versions17:04
lifelesswhat sort of issue are you thinking of btw?17:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for cells bug 1477679
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1477679 in nova "gate-tempest-dsvm-cells fails test_lock_unlock_server to stop instance because the instance is locked" [Medium,Confirmed]
openstackbug 1477679 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "gate-tempest-dsvm-cells fails test_lock_unlock_server to stop instance because the instance is locked" [Medium,Confirmed]
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1477679 in nova "gate-tempest-dsvm-cells fails test_lock_unlock_server to stop instance because the instance is locked" [Medium,Confirmed]17:05
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woodm1979Well, keeping our version numbers corresponding to the wrapped package alleviates a TON of confusion.  Otherwise people need to map some xstatic version with a jasmine version.  xstatic-jasmine-1.1.0 -> jasmine 2.2.0  that's tricky, considering we have many xstatic packages.17:06
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Non-voting gate-infra-puppet-apply-devstack-f21 job
woodm1979I believe most npm-able js packages match semver, but not all do.17:06
clarkbI thought proper postN support may be the solution here17:07
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clarkbsince its jasmine 2.2.0 + local package fixes after the fact17:07
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lifelesswoodm1979: can you read the definition here  -
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lifelesswoodm1979: would that cover all the cases where you want to do this?17:09
lifeless'ddress minor errors in a final release that do not affect the distributed software (for example, correcting an error in the release notes'17:10
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-apply job for centos7
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woodm1979So, we would push 2.2.post0 if we needed to make changes after we push 2.2.0 ?17:12
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use {ostype} for gate-infra-puppet-apply
woodm1979What would we do if we needed to push a 2nd change?17:12
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Non-voting gate-infra-puppet-apply-devstack-f21 job
openstackgerritKyle Partridge proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add "commit-status-context" to the build option supporting the most recent version of GHPRB
woodm1979(Also, thank you again for your help lifeless, mordred and clarkb!)17:13
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clarkbyou would do 2.2.0.post1 then 2.2.0.post2 but only if the criteria lifeless quoted are true17:14
clarkbso jasmine must not be updated just the associated package details aiui17:15
woodm1979I only see 3 digit versions in  But maybe that's not enforced.17:16
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-apply job for centos7
pabelangerjeblair: okay, think that is what you asked for17:19
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fungiwoodm1979: right, the number of version components is a semver compliance concern. pep-440 isn't concerned by how many version components you use. pbr is attempting to marry pep-440 and semver17:20
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woodm1979Aaaaah.  That makes sense fungi.  lifeless is there a way for us to version something as 2.2.0.post5 in pbr and the automatic build?17:21
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freerunnerlifeless: clarkb: fungi: jeblair: Hi! Can you review this, please?
fungiwoodm1979: that _might_ require an update to pbr, and will almost certainly require an update to our zuul release pipeline configuration17:22
woodm1979:-)  I see.17:22
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woodm1979Can I cheat with something like 2.2.0post217:23
woodm1979That would keep it to 3 items, though it may get wacky.17:23
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funginot at the moment. i think regardless of the number of version components we've got some changes to implement if we're going to start supporting postN version tags17:24
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fungimrmartin: that was great news on the askbot/google auth front17:25
mrmartinfungi: what you think about renaming ask-staging.o.o instance to ask-staging01.o.o to resolve this cloudfoundry name collision story?17:25
woodm1979It's sounding like, I need to go away from the zuul release pipeline process.  Or accept that we don't get to keep the version numbers from jasmine.17:26
fungimrmartin: that works fine for me. i can deploy a fresh one under that name, but not today. presenting at oscon in a few minutes and then travelling17:26
mrmartingreat, I'll make the patch17:26
fungiwoodm1979: or work with us on improving support17:26
woodm1979:-)  I'm totally down with that.17:26
woodm1979Would you like me to file a bug to start with?  Or is there a better "first step"?17:27
pabelangerjeblair: mordred. Question about devstack nodes, what is the timeline to drop devstack-centos7 in favor of devstack-centos7-dib?17:27
openstackgerritKyle Partridge proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add "commit-status-context" to the build option supporting the most recent version of GHPRB
pabelangernot sure which I node I should be using17:28
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clarkbmrmartin: fungi can't we just change the dns record?17:30
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clarkbnibalizer: looking at logstash.o.o now17:30
clarkbnibalizer: confirm it has puppet disabled now to check if I can enable it without breaking things17:30
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mrmartinclarkb: not so simple, the dns is registered to CloudFlare17:31
clarkbmrmartin: if we make a dns record called then cloudflare can point at that17:32
mrmartinso the ask-staging.o.o sits behind, and we have some issues accessing the instance17:32
clarkbI don't think that affects puppet at all17:32
clarkb(and or you could make cloudflar
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mrmartinclarkb: ok, if it is acceptable for infra, the ask-staging01.o.o dns change works for me.17:34
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mrmartinwon't this be an inconsistency between the openstack-infra/system-config entries (hostname for example) and the reality?17:37
clarkbsdague: is one of the last d-g pieces for working multinode tempest full tests on hpcloud17:37
clarkbmrmartin: yes I actually prefer using a ask-staging-cdn.o.o record for the cdn location17:38
clarkbthen keep ask-staging as is unchanged17:38
clarkbnot sure if that breaks ssl though17:38
mrmartinwe are using just some traffic filtering, not cdn as I know17:38
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harlowjaclarkb fungi ianw in can i get some insight to whats needed to cause to stop occuring, something missing i guess, but not exactly sure what :)17:40
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clarkbharlowja: the change creates two job templates then attempts to use them in zuul without ever instantiating the templates as jobs in jenkins17:40
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clarkbharlowja: job templates need to be applied to a project for them to be created in jenkins. See jenkins/jobs/projects.yaml for where we do most of that17:41
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clarkbnibalizer: logstash.o.o is getting puppeted again and is happy17:42
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adjust anvil gate/check jobs to test venv and rpm building
harlowjaclarkb ok think ^ should do it :)17:45
harlowjaprojects.yaml tweaked17:45
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks
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clarkbharlowja: as soon as firefox catches up with the world I will take a look17:47
harlowjaclarkb thx :)17:47
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks
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clarkbharlowja: for the first one you can't list two nodes that way (because yaml) instead do node:\n  - foo1\n  - foo217:47
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harlowjaah, ya17:48
clarkbiirc pyyaml takes the first node only17:48
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harlowja          node:17:48
harlowja            - devstack-centos717:48
harlowja            - bare-centos617:48
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adjust anvil gate/check jobs to test venv and rpm building
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Nova non-voting bandit job
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clarkbdims: ^ why not add that to the pep8/flake8 target instead?17:50
clarkbdims: thats one reason hacking exists so we can control the linters together without having to do a complicated update dance for every linter every cycle17:50
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dimsclarkb: was just following existing pattern17:51
clarkb:/ ok, I thought we were going to add it to the existing pep8 targets when I talked to banditers previously17:51
openstackgerritMichael Bayer proposed openstack/requirements: Bump SQLAlchemy upper constraints to 1.0.8
nibalizerclarkb: pushed a couple more httpd aprovals through17:53
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Nova non-voting bandit job
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dimsclarkb: partly because we need this non-voting till we fix stuff17:54
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clarkbdims: thts not an issue with adding it to the pep8 target, you either run bandit || true and merge that, or stack the fixes and enable bandit at the end of the stack17:55
clarkbits all self testing and doesn't require a new job17:55
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Nova non-voting bandit job
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woodm19792fungi: Can you direct me to the appropriate launchpad section to file a bug for the versioning numbers.  (pbr, zuul build process, …)17:58
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AJaegerclarkb: could you review, please?17:58
clarkbAJaeger: sure17:58
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dimsclarkb: ah ok (bandit || true)17:59
harlowjaclarkb in that projects.yaml for anvil, the top-level 'node: 'bare-precise || bare-trusty'' does that need to be changed also17:59
harlowjasince the jobs under it use different node types (centos)17:59
harlowjabut maybe that top-level section is something else, ha18:00
clarkbharlowja: nope, the jobs specific node is an override18:00
clarkbif you didn't override you would get the project default of bare-precise || bare-trusty18:00
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harlowja(rpms won't build so well on trusty, lol)18:00
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AJaegerthanks, clarkb !18:01
clarkbharlowja: its possible :) we bootstrap fedora with yum on ubuntu now using dib, but ya less ideal than just using an rpm based distro18:01
harlowjaalso clarkb me and ianw were talking about usage of 'devstack-centos7' (nothing devstack really is used, maybe in future can have 'bare-centos7'?)18:01
harlowjait's less confusing if there is a 'bare-centos7' but something to fix later i guess18:02
clarkbharlowja: ianw we are moving to dropping both "bare" and "devstack" and will just have centos-7 centos-6 ubuntu-trusty etc18:02
harlowjanm then18:02
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clarkband being a bit more explicit in jobs about what a particular test depends on to run18:02
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harlowjaclarkb another thing that this enables, is that it couuuuld be possible to publish the 2 yum repositories (and the set of venv tarballs) that  anvil produces18:03
harlowjabuuut, thats something else :-P18:03
asselinhi, manila ci jobs are using an 280MB image hosted in aws. what's the process to add it to e.g. ?18:03
* harlowja will avoid going there right now, lol18:03
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clarkbasselin: add a jenkins job to build the image and publish it to tarballs.o.o18:03
clarkbharlowja: you should talk to the other packaging efforts that are happening for that18:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-phabricator: Migrate to puppet-httpd module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-graphite: Migrate to puppet-httpd module
asselinclarkb, ok will lok at that18:04
clarkbharlowja: I know there has been a lot of planning around how to do that in a collaborative manner18:04
harlowjaclarkb yes, i talked to them years ago18:04
harlowjanever quite got them into anvil18:04
clarkbharlowja: well they just started talking again around the vancouver summit18:04
harlowjaya, more talk, fun fun :-/18:04
AJaegerharlowja: the RPM folks just started formally and they have two RPM repos setup.18:04
clarkbI haven't personally been able to keep up with it (but have long suggested a job to just build packages is step one so cool that anvil can do that)18:05
harlowjayes that18:05
harlowjaanvil deviates from there model to much imho18:05
harlowjain that anvil automatically generates packages18:05
harlowjaand dependent packages/rpms that are  missing18:05
AJaegerharlowja: why do we need both?18:05
harlowjaah, the question i've never been able to answer18:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard: Migrate to puppet-httpd module
harlowjaAJaeger models of how packaging are to different (anvil automatic buliding doesn't allow for human curated spec files)18:06
harlowjathats one diff18:06
AJaegerharlowja: why don't you join them on their next IRC meeting or hang out on their IRC channel?18:06
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openstackgerritAndrey Pavlov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job for ec2-api project that run all tests.
harlowjaAJaeger yes, i've thought about that18:06
harlowjabut i had phone calls about this with redhat folks years ago, annnnd that didn't go anywere18:07
harlowjaso i'm not exactly 'excited' to go back into this18:07
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AJaegerharlowja: Still, why would you need anvil if the rpmpackaging team would do a great job? (I know they're just bootstrapping...)18:07
andrey-mpHi all. Core, please review this This review is adding one more experimental job, because we need it to move futher with our functional testing in stackforge/ec2-api project18:07
clarkbasselin: if you need prior art the ironic python agent folks have an image build job that does similar18:07
harlowjaAJaeger i'd say the inverse honestly, why do we need a 'rpmpackaging team' if code can just do it for u18:07
harlowja^ anvil has been doing that for years :-P18:07
clarkbandrey-mp: why not just run the new tests in the existing job and when they pass you merge them18:07
clarkbandrey-mp: it should be self testing that way and you don't need a new job to do that18:08
harlowjaAJaeger but this is where the curated spec files and such diverge from what anvil does18:08
harlowja*anvil being code (not people)18:08
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clarkbandrey-mp: the big benefit there is you can incrementally add tests that you know pass without needing the overhead of a new job18:08
AJaegerharlowja: understood - I just have no knowledge of anvil...18:08
andrey-mpclarkb: i made new job because i am writing new 'long' tests18:08
harlowja ...18:09
clarkbandrey-mp: yes so propose those tests and have them run in the existing jobs, then when they pass you approve them?18:09
harlowja is somewhat old AJaeger but still mostly accurte18:09
clarkbI don't understand why that requires a new job just for the new tests if they are all functional tests18:09
harlowja to18:09
clarkbandrey-mp: maybe asking what the end state should be would clear things up for me. Where do you see things going as a step beyond the experimental job?18:10
harlowjaanyways, AJaeger i'll jump back into that packaging stuff, just not 'eager' to much to fight this stuff, lol18:10
harlowjaand/or convince people that machines can generate spec files just fine, lol18:10
AJaegerharlowja: ah... The build systems from Red Hat and SUSE do similar automatic checkout of git, but the automatic dependency building and spec files is different18:10
harlowjavs having tons of repos for spec files, lol18:10
andrey-mpclarkb: they took very much time - they add 20-30 minutes to current gating. so we suggest to run them in new sandbox, and then move them to current job or create new job with only long tests.18:10
AJaegerharlowja: yeah, the 200+ repos for debian scared me as well. That looks like a misdesign.18:11
harlowjaAJaeger when comes online it will be more obvious what anvil produces, vs that thing, lol18:11
clarkbandrey-mp: the commit messag eonly says ~5 minutes18:11
andrey-mpclarkb: now I see results of experimental job only in mail. yes, i made some new tests, so I should change this time in commit message18:12
AJaegerandrey-mp: commit messages says ~5 minutes but your job has  timeout: 185. That looks strange...18:13
jeblairpabelanger: i think you should use devstack-centos7; i'm pretty sure -dib images are only used for testing dib work (we won't ever _really_ use them, when we're fully dibified we will drop the suffix)18:13
AJaegerAnd for 5 minutes you really don't need a separate gate...18:13
harlowjaanyways, AJaeger i'll drop in there meetings, not really interseted in having 300+ repos, and human curated anything, so if it goes that way, well anvil can just be in the big-tent then as the other option that isn't human driven, lol18:14
harlowja*if stackforge goes away*18:14
andrey-mpclarkb: ideally for me - to have periodic job that will run once a week. this job will contains long scenario tests that don't needed in gating but they need for periodic integration testing...18:14
andrey-mpAJaeger:ok, i will change commit message18:14
openstackgerritDavid Cheperdak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add OpenStack project Fusion.
openstackgerritDavid Cheperdak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add OpenStack project networking-wan.
jeblairpabelanger: 203749 lgtm18:15
pabelangerjeblair: ack18:16
openstackgerritAndrey Pavlov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job for ec2-api project that run all tests.
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annegentlejeblair: so I'm drafting the TC Blog post, can I get you to write up thoughts on the stackforge resolution as we're currently thinking of it?
openstackgerritVictor Ryzhenkin proposed openstack/requirements: Add murano and its client to projects list
pabelangerdoes any body know if we have a multi node job where tempest is external to the other node it is testing?18:20
clarkbjeblair: idea for zuulv3 if it isn't there already, provide a way to edit env vars (or similar) as a simple way to reuse jobs. So devstack+tempest is the bas ejob then we set NEUTRON=1 or N-NET=1 and MYSQL=1 etc to simply modify the base job18:21
openstackgerritVictor Ryzhenkin proposed openstack/requirements: Add murano and its client to projects list
clarkbI think we can do that with ansible and how it does ansible vars by defining a set of vars for each job that override a base set of vars18:21
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AJaegerannegentle: we name them all gate-... with exception of periodic ones18:22
AJaegerannegentle: oops, wrong tab completion, sorry18:22
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make job gate-murano*-requirements use job template
annegentleAJaeger: heh18:22
AJaegerandrey-mp: the above was for your ^18:22
clarkbAJaeger: sounds like the end goal is a periodic job so I am ok with that18:22
clarkbandrey-mp: as an aside you may consider having your plugin enable swift3 if ec2 api depends on it18:22
AJaegerclarkb: Ah, you're right. Ok, andrey-mp stay wit hthe name18:23
andrey-mpAJaeger: ok, i will rename job18:23
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clarkbandrey-mp: no need to rename it18:23
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clarkbsince the goal is a periodic job18:23
andrey-mpok )18:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Set docimpact group of os-ansible-deployment
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AJaegerandrey-mp: I don't think we have weekly periodic jobs. clarkb, should we run this daily or create a weekly periodic queue instead?18:25
andrey-mpclarkb: ec2-api doen't depends on swift3 - it can work with it or it can work with his own object store.18:25
clarkbandrey-mp: I see18:26
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clarkbAJaeger: I would just do daily18:26
andrey-mpyeah, i didn't find periodic queue for such purposes...18:26
clarkbbut we can add a weekly pipeline if necessary18:26
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andrey-mpit will be good for me ) but in job definition i want to configure e-mail address for reports18:27
lifelesswoodm19792: sorry, lunch here, back now18:27
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andrey-mpcurrently all jobs in periodic queues have one e-mail for reports18:28
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clarkbandrey-mp: yes they send to a qa list which you can subscribe to18:28
andrey-mpyes, it is a solution.18:29
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lifelesswoodm19792: so where we got to: are the criteria decscribed sufficient for you? If so, we need to possibly break folk mixing 0.10.x and 1.x pbr, but I think we can plan to do that with a little coordination18:29
lifelesswoodm19792: if the criteria are not, then we can't use postN, and instead need to allow 4 component names18:29
lifelesswoodm19792: no, you can't cheat, pbr canonicalises version #'s18:30
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AJaegerclarkb: neutron team likes to release neutronclient but is blocked, could you review , please?18:33
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ekarlsoValueError: ("Expected ',' or end-of-list in", "Routes!=2.0,!=2.1,>=1.12.3;python_version=='2.7'", 'at', ";python_version=='2.7'") < what's up with that error when doing tox -epep818:33
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i'm imagining that you could either do that by 'subclassing' the job (likely worth doing if you want a new job with a new name to use in many places), or simply in the invocation of it for a project (eg, if on nova only it should run with foo=bar)18:33
clarkbekarlso: it means you need to upgrade your pbr version18:34
clarkbekarlso: try a git clean then rerun tox18:34
jeblairannegentle: can do, but probably after lunch.18:34
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clarkbAJaeger: done18:36
AJaegerthanks, clarkb !18:36
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AJaegerenough +As for now, time for zuul to settle down ;)18:37
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andrey-mpclarckb: thanks from me too )18:37
* AJaeger does not remember ever seeing over 200 post jobs queued...18:37
ekarlsoclarkb: uh, where does it get "pip" from ?18:38
openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Rename bridge device used to link nodes together
ekarlsoI suspect I got a old version..18:38
clarkbekarlso: pip comes from virtualenv18:38
jeblairAJaeger: we didn't quite fully recover from the outage last night; i expect us to do so tonight.18:38
ekarlsoclarkb: so virtualenv from ubuntu is too old then ? ..18:38
clarkbekarlso: yes likely18:39
AJaegerjeblair: yeah, I know. Around 10:00 UTC we were down to 90 post jobs...18:39
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openstackgerritlitong01 proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new kiloeyes repository for OpenStack monitoring service
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sdagueclarkb: nice, looks good18:52
openstackgerritMateusz Matuszkowiak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added pushMerge rights for fuel-plugin-contrail SF project
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Cache the manila service image
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Cache the manila service image
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jrollmtreinish: I think is good to go now19:00
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove duplicate query for bug 1466696
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1466696 in nova "Cells: Race between instance 'unlock' and 'stop' can cause 'stop' to fail" [Low,Confirmed]
openstackbug 1466696 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Cells: Race between instance 'unlock' and 'stop' can cause 'stop' to fail" [Low,Confirmed]
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1466696 in nova "Cells: Race between instance 'unlock' and 'stop' can cause 'stop' to fail" [Low,Confirmed]19:01
woodm19792lifeless I too was at lunch.  :-)19:02
woodm19792lifeless I'm not entirely sure that I understand what's included in the pep440 doc or not.  If we're limited to just the 3 components, even if the last allows postN, I don't think that would work for us.19:03
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Import static contents
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Skip gate-neutronclient-dsvm-functional job for juno branch
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fungimy talk has concluded, so i'm winding down here. i'll be around online off and on but today is a travel day19:07
openstackgerritVictor Ryzhenkin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add opportunity to install muranoclient from change
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Expand jobs for releases repository
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lamismahola que bien es su canal:-[19:17
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lifelesswoodm19792: what I am talking about is the rules19:21
lifelesswoodm19792: postN may *not* include code fies.19:21
lifelesswoodm19792: doc fixes, metadata fixes [perhaps]19:21
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lifelesswoodm19792: I'm trying to get a handle on what you *need* so we can choose between: fixing up the postN stuff [api break] or supporting 4-component versions [fades out the clarity we had, adds special cases, ecosystem impact]19:23
woodm19792I see.19:24
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lifelesswoodm19792: postN has a set of rules about when it makes sense - which is what I linked19:24
woodm19792Yeah, I see that here:19:25
woodm19792The use of post-releases to publish maintenance releases containing actual bug fixes is strongly discouraged. In general, it is better to use a longer release number and increment the final component for each maintenance release.19:25
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woodm19792I have to believe that a 4th component is what we need, and/or we just ignore the wrapped package's 3rd numbers and just go from there.19:25
lifelessor not use pbr19:26
lifelessbut, I would rather meet your needs directly19:26
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lifelessso either way, postN or 4-component, thats a significant change for pbr; I think we should have a spec (in oslo-specs) for that19:27
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lifelesswoodm19792: it sounds like you encounter things where 4-component is needed19:28
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woodm19792Yeah.  I really do think that's the case.19:28
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lifelesswoodm19792: so: draw up a spec for 4-component versions, based on this discussion, and point me at it19:28
woodm19792And you'd like that in oslo-specs?19:29
lifelessI can help (or perhaps even do) the implementation19:29
lifelessyes please19:29
woodm19792Perfect.  Thank you for your help.19:29
fungin-component even. there's no knowing what the version "number" for the upstream releases being packaged with xstatic wrappers might look like19:29
lifelessfungi: sure, there will be discussion19:29
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openstackgerritAbel Lopez proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Set and export DIB_RELEASE
timrczaro: Hi.. so node labels.  It looks like getting the intersection between project labels and node labels for a job that, say, can run on either bare-precise or bare-trusty would return the list ["bare-precise", "bare-trusty"] right?  Is there any way to capture *just* the label that was used (matched) to get the node?19:30
lifelessfungi: we need to look at how we get the servers and clients to stick to 3 compeonnt for instance19:30
lifelessfungi: but I figure thats something we'll brainstorm in comments on the spec19:30
fungisort of wonder whether pbr might be able to grow a "just use my tag darn it" config option19:30
lifelessand then capture it and figure out the work to do19:30
lifelessfungi: it actually is meant to19:30
fungie.g. don't attempt to normalize at all19:30
jeblairclarkb, nibalizer: i'm around for the afternoon19:30
lifelessfungi: so I consider that aspect of it a bug: but you're not meant to tag tags it can't handle with theSemanticVersion class19:31
lifelessfungi: ^- thats the issue though19:31
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lifelessfungi: we need to normalize to handle 'tag+1'19:31
nibalizerjeblair: ok19:31
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lifelessfungi: if we don't error, and don't normalize on tag, users will get a nasty surprise on their first commit after a bad tag19:31
* jeblair looks into why we lost half our capacity19:31
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fungilifeless: fair point19:32
timrcfungi: Nice talk to this morning.  Net take away: I don't envy how busy you are :)19:32
lifelessfungi: so I think the tag has to be taken as-is, and win over config settings etc. But it needs to be handlable19:32
fungitimrc: it's really not as terrible as i make it sound. but everything i know about engineering timelines i learned from scotty19:32
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jeblairtimrc: was that from the content or because fungi said something like "i wrote this talk this morning"?19:33
lifelessfungi: pbr ignores tags it can't cat into versions19:33
fungilifeless: makes sense. as you say, best discussed in a spec19:33
lifelessfungi: so whats happening here is that is being parsed rather than erroring19:33
lifelessparsed wrongly19:33
fungijeblair: i actually made no modifications to the talk after ~midnight pdt19:33
woodm19792it's being converted into 2.2.0.dev219:33
jeblairfungi: but you're on UTC, so that's this morning ;)19:34
fungijeblair: also presentty performed brilliantly. thanks again for writing it!19:34
jeblairfungi: yay! i'm glad you used it, and liked it, and it didn't ruin your presentation!  :)19:34
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fungijeblair: nobody complained about it anyway. i'm disappointed nobody asked about it, though i did plug it in my credits slide19:34
jeblairfungi: :( i was accused of having a plant in the audience when the first question in my lca talk was about presentty and i had a slide prepared for it (not a plant; really happened)19:35
jeblairfungi: if i were there, i totally would have asked about it19:36
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jeblairso i think much of our current capacity problems come from two rax issues: we have a bunch of instances stuck in DELETED again eating up our quota, and also, we are getting _a lot_ of instances booting without ips19:37
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fungiif i'd travelled with a beefier system i totally would have run presentty in for extra nostalgia factor19:38
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jeblairgreghaynes, mordred: should i, er, open a rax ticket about the ACTIVE without ip issue?19:40
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jeblairShrews: ^ ?19:40
AJaegeryeah, cool-retro-term is great19:40
scottdaIn cinder's requirements.txt I see this comment:19:40
scottdaDoes anyone know why this is?19:40
fungiAJaeger: i run it on my home theater pc. quite fond of it as eye candy anyway19:40
lifelessttx: :(19:41
lifelessttx: any chance I can convince you to un-+A 20418119:41
scottdagit blame shows Dolph Mathews is the author19:41
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lifelessttx: I haven't even finished reviewing it19:41
ttxlifeless: let me un-A it provisionally19:41
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scottdaI'm wondering if that is the order  in the file, or the order on the line with the requirement...19:42
ttxlifeless: done19:42
clarkbscottda because pip doesnt do true dependency resolution. lifeless is working on it19:42
AJaegerttx, good evening. Could you -A and then +A this change, please?
ttxlifeless: didn't know you were reviewing it19:42
clarkbscottda but every 6 months someone sorts the file and the world breaks so we added the comment19:42
fungiscottda: the order of lines in the file, yes19:42
ttxAJaeger: doing it now19:42
AJaegerttx, a governance change with a depends on - and you approved before the dependend change was in. Depends-on changes will not get merged that way unfortunately19:43
AJaegerttx, thanks19:43
fungiscottda: not the order of version comparisons in a line though19:43
scottdaok, not the line. Thanks fungi19:43
ttxAJaeger: done19:43
scottdaI'm seeing this merged into cinder stable/kilo:19:43
lifelessdhellmann: you around ?19:43
ttxlifeless: removed my +A from both. Boarding plane anytime now, so don't count on me to rereview :)19:43
scottdaand it seems it might have broken something in our internal CI.19:44
AJaegerttx, have a good flight!19:44
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fungiscottda: that shouldn't break anything. the order of the version matches there simply changed because we altered how those syncs are generated and now there's some normalization applied within the line19:45
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Sample config updater fixes
scottdacool. Thanks for the answers fungi19:46
fungiscottda: as far as i know pip should see those as being identical expressions anyway19:46
openstackgerritTimo Tijhof proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Cloner: Implement cache-no-hardlinks argument
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jeblairokay, i opened two rackspace tickets19:48
jeblairone about the lack of ip info19:48
jeblairand one about deleted servers19:48
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix config updater to specify branch
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerritbot: Use instance variables in templates
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerritbot: Fix defaults for gerritbot class parameters
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerritbot: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-drupal: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks
jeblairhrm, i don't see any 'a' name that looks like anne gentle19:54
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dhellmannlifeless: a meeting is wrapping up, but what's up?19:56
lifelessdhellmann: ah - I've reviewed, -1, the requirements things. I've offered on the list to apply my preferred changes19:56
lifelessdhellmann: but basically I wanted to talk through them with you. The functional aspect is ok on the first one; I think its problematic on the second.19:57
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dhellmannlifeless: ok, I'll look at the comments19:58
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lifelessdhellmann: on the first one, my issues are all testing-style basically, the second has some of that but the bigger issue is the interaction with the blacklist19:58
openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: [WIP] RST docs and sphinx infrastructure
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Sample config updater fixes
dhellmannlifeless: I am very tempted to rip these things out of the unit tests, because I don't like hiding these sorts of checks down there. I find it much nicer to provide a tool for someone to use to do the validation, and in those cases we don't need to do all of the stdio hiding the test framework wants19:59
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lifelessdhellmann: I'd be ok with a cli entry point for manual use; I don't see that it changes the pure/IO separation at all - we still need to test this code20:00
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dhellmannlifeless: I also found the [] != [some list of error messages] output style very hard to work with20:00
lifelessdhellmann: from a user perspective, or the testing?20:01
dhellmannI added print statements because deciphering ^^ was unfriendly, so we can have a function that returns a list of messages as long as the output just prints those messages20:01
lifelessdhellmann: so, addDetail will do what you want there20:01
dhellmannlifeless: each detail needs a unique name, though, right?20:01
lifelessdhellmann: it will create a named file with exactly whatever format you want20:01
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix config updater to specify branch
lifelessdhellmann: we can join them together ourselves, or we can just do one attachment per issue detected20:01
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dhellmannlifeless: I understand that we need to test this code. I do not understand why the test for that code has to be the test for the application of the code. You don't run nova through unit tests, right?20:02
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lifelessdhellmann: Right - I'm agreeing that the application of the code can be a new CLI entry point20:02
lifelessdhellmann: I'm saying I don't think that that changes the IO constraints on the code20:02
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dhellmannyeah, that's fine20:02
lifelessdhellmann: for the logic handling at least. Actual UI - sure20:02
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lifelessdhellmann: unique names - there's a trivial helper we can use to do that20:03
lifelessdhellmann: if we're wanting to do that20:03
dhellmannyeah, this was just because I wanted to fix the tests -- we already had at least 2 invalid patches land -- so I was trying to get it working without adding a new job to run a new command in a new way20:03
lifelessdhellmann: the reason I put the checking logic in the test suite was two-fold20:03
lifelessdhellmann: firstly, we have a job already. *secondly*, anyone running 'tox' locally gets these run20:04
lifelessdhellmann: which means there's no education burden20:04
openstackgerritYichen Wang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Register new project KloudBuster into openstack
dhellmannlifeless: I don't really think anyone who isn't core runs tox on this repo before submitting changes, but maybe I'm wrong20:04
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dhellmannlifeless: so how about we take this patch, and then I redo it in a second patch adding a new command, because the test is broken and that's the most important thing to me right now20:05
lifelessdhellmann: so whats the actual bug-situation we're in ?20:06
dhellmannlifeless: it is possible to land changes to g-r.txt that cannot be met with upper-constraints.txt20:07
jeblairianw: later than i expected, sorry, but i left some comments on
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dhellmannlifeless: the range checking for the constraints was looking at *all* packages, not just the package mentioned in the constraint, so if any range anywhere matched the change was allowed20:07
lifelessdhellmann: yes, I more mean, what is the impact on openstack right now20:07
dhellmannlifeless: we also have currently 2 constraints with apparently incorrect syntax20:08
lifelessdhellmann: hmm? the == ?20:08
lifelessdhellmann: thats correct20:08
dhellmannlifeless: why do all of the other entries have 3 and why does the parsing code assume that?20:08
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lifelessdhellmann: the === is used because *if* a non-pep-440 version is selected by pip, we need to ensure pip doesn't apply its non-440-heuristics when we use the constraint20:09
dhellmannok, well, the parsing code was assuming 3 and so that was failing for some of the newly landed changes20:09
lifelessdhellmann: rather than say 'is the version pep-440 or legacy' and choose the comparison operator, I ust used ===20:09
dhellmannso whether 2 is correct or 3 is correct, the check code was broken and this fixes it20:10
lifelessyes, and I think its fine to insist on ===20:10
lifelessat least for now20:10
lifelesswe might - well there's other possible future plans but lets not be distracted20:10
dhellmannso, what happens then when someone says the requirement for foo should be >=X but the constraint ===x-1?20:10
lifelessthen the tests will run with the constraint20:10
lifelessand not tell us anything useful20:10
dhellmannright, so that's what we have today20:11
lifelessthe next generate-constraints run will try to update teh constraint and fail in the gate20:11
dhellmannunless I happened to catch them in reviews, because apparently no one else was looking at them20:11
lifelesswhich means we're still insulated20:11
lifelessits not as good as fixing these tests20:11
dhellmannwhen does that job run?20:11
dhellmannI don't think I've ever seen a failure, so I don't even know where to look20:11
lifelessdaily + on-demand when requirements change20:11
clarkbor we can lower the lower version20:11
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clarkbsince it apparently works20:12
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lifelessclarkb: well so the reason folk land >=X is to start using a new thing20:12
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dhellmannclarkb: that's not the point, if someone is trying to raise the required version to allow the use of a new feature for future work, we need that to be checked properly20:12
lifelessclarkb: so lowering it stops them doing that - what dhellmann said20:12
lifelessdhellmann: the proposal bot logs20:12
clarkbI see20:12
clarkbexcept ypu dont have to bump a lower bound to use a new thing...20:13
clarkbbut I dont need to get involved20:13
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lifelessclarkb: you do20:13
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dhellmannlifeless: ok, that's good. but honestly, I'm never going to go look at logs :-/20:13
clarkblifeless you dont you have to bump upper bounds if you eant it to work20:13
lifelessclarkb: because you have to guarantee that noone tries to run with the lower bound20:13
clarkblower bound is just there20:13
clarkbyes but thats not tested at all anywhere20:13
lifelessclarkb: our policy is that you must20:13
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clarkband wont be until lower constraints happens20:13
lifelessclarkb: because of redistributors20:14
clarkbso that seems orthogonal20:14
lifelessclarkb: who don't take latest, they take 'is something in the range in our distro, ok use that'20:14
lifelessclarkb: if we don't bump the lower bound, they come and file bugs.20:14
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clarkbyes I am saying bump it20:14
lifelessclarkb: and developers with persistent devstack environments20:14
clarkbbut also sayingthe old and current testingnnwver helped this20:14
lifelessclarkb: sorry, you seemed to be saying 'we don't need to bump the lower bound to use a new feature20:14
clarkbso this isnt a regression20:14
clarkbno I am saying dont treat thus as a regressuin it isnt one20:15
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clarkbinstead start testing lower constraints20:15
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Test fix for ironic ephemeral drive problem
lifelessdhellmann: so, I don't think we need to treat this as a firedrill20:15
lifelessdhellmann: howabout I fixit up for you, since I'm asking for the additional work, and you we get it landed tomorrow20:16
clarkblifeless that job needs to set the branch directly iirc20:16
lifelessclarkb: I thought we had it fixed :(20:16
fungithere are two versions of the job, one for master and one for stable/kilo20:17
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fungiif you're talking about the proposal job20:17
dhellmannlifeless: I'm not sure what "fix up means"20:17
lifelessfungi: we shouldn't have the kilo one at all20:17
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fungilifeless: oh, we can certainly turn it off. i thought you originally expressed wanting to backport the current constraints testing into kilo20:17
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Cache the manila service image
lifelessdhellmann: I will move the IO around so the test suite has me happy; I will make sure the error output is still easy to ready. I will push it back up20:17
lifelessfungi: thats a maybe20:18
lifelessfungi: anyhow - master is broken20:18
lifelessfungi: and not being useful20:18
openstackgerritRosario Di Somma proposed openstack-infra/shade: Correctly pass the server ID to add_ip_from_pool
lifelessdhellmann: I'll also write the new file I think we need for the second patch, and glue that in.20:18
dhellmannlifeless: I'm not comfortable spending a lot of time reviewing requirements changes until the testing is fixed. So what I would like is for a working test to be merged, which I have provided. If you then want to rewrite that in some other way to suit your preferences, I would be OK with that. But I consider this broken enough that we should not approve any other patches to that repository until it is fixed.20:18
fungiokay, well it's written so that we _can_ run it in kilo later if we decide we want, so reasonable to drop for now and can readd easily later if wanted20:18
lifelessfungi: sure, but kil wasn't concerning me. What was is that master is whinging about ZUUL_REF20:19
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fungihrm. it shouldn't. we had it working20:19
lifelessdhellmann: sure. So I'm propsing that I *right now* do the things I'm proposing, and you merge that.20:19
fungii wonder what's changed now20:19
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lifelessfungi: 2015-07-23 06:05:52.787 | + echo 'No ZUUL_REF set, exiting.'20:20
lifeless2015-07-23 06:05:52.787 | No ZUUL_REF set, exiting.20:20
fungiyeah, we previously solved it by setting ZUUL_BRANCH20:20
dhellmannlifeless: I'm not sure why having this fixed needs to wait for your changes, though.20:20
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lifelessdhellmann: so the second patch is logically wrong20:21
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lifelessdhellmann: I don't think it should land at all as-is, and its not cosmetic20:21
dhellmannthe second patch is not the important one20:21
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lifelessdhellmann: ok, so lets put that to the side20:21
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lifelessdhellmann: I guess my hesitation is that I'm finding that things I push up to requirements sit idle for a couple weeks unless I nag a lot20:21
lifelessand I'm worried about being forced to deal with rebases and conflicts to get it addressed20:22
nibalizerjeblair: you okay with me landing the puppet-httpd change on gerrit?20:22
dhellmannlifeless: some of the earlier work you did hit at a time that when I was pretty busy, and the patches were big (at least conceptually). Now that I understand some of it, and have time, that shouldn't be a problem for me to review the changes.20:23
lifelessdhellmann: ok, but I'll hold you to that :).... and finding a second +2 :)20:23
dhellmannlifeless: I'm going to spend 30 minutes right now on refactoring the validation stuff into a separate command20:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-meetbot: Migrate to puppet-httpd module
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lifelessok; if you can please keep the tested code pure20:26
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lifelessthe stdio grabbing stuff is so evil20:26
lifeless[I know, its from my code, and I wrote it, but still]20:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Install dependencies needed for gems in macro
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fungilifeless: do you happen to know the last time we got a successful constraints update proposed?20:28
fungitrying to track down when that job broke20:28
lifelesscommit ce1621e3788b24263d9a00b8554798a81f2d618920:29
lifelessAuthor: OpenStack Proposal Bot <>20:29
lifelessDate:   Wed Jul 8 00:50:07 2015 +000020:29
lifelessis the last one merged20:29
jeblairnibalizer: yep20:29
nibalizerok, doing so20:30
fungilifeless: hrm. the only change to that script after that date was my which shouldn't have any chance to cause what we're seeing there20:30
clarkb fungi maybe zuul changed20:30
lifelessor zuul-cloner ?20:30
lifelessand we're not using it yet20:31
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fungino, wait, i didn't reset my repo state20:31
pabelangernibalizer: looking good so far20:31
nibalizerpabelanger: yep20:32
fungibut that still seems to be the most recent change, yeah20:32
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fungithe conditional it's failing on has been there for months, from my change20:34
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fungiugh, that script has so much that would benefit from using zuul-cloner, but i don't have time to refactor it for that right now20:38
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-apps_site: Migrate to puppet-httpd module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Migrate to puppet-httpd module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Migrate to puppet-httpd module
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openstackgerritChuck Carmack proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove old queries for "fixed" bugs (07/23/15)
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Set ZUUL_REF in constraints proposal job
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: Move data validation out of the unit tests
dhellmannlifeless: ^^20:45
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add separate requirements validation job
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Only run constraints proposal for master
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fungilifeless: 205289 should get the master branch constraints proposals back on track (i think) and 205292 drops the stable/kilo branch proposals as requested20:49
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: Clean up unit test
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dhellmannlifeless: ok, I think those 3 patches address everything we discussed20:53
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: Clean up unit test
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: Move data validation out of the unit tests
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mescanefhi, please review changes in project-config : and
mescaneffungi: ^^20:56
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clarkbsdague: where does the grenade multinode setup setup the new side localrc?21:01
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clarkbor is that just not required with the way grenade works?21:02
clarkboh I see21:02
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clarkbit happens independent of the setup_multinode_connectivity21:02
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jeblairclarkb: i had the idea that we could use floating-ip pools for nodepool to track "its" floating ips.  that doesn't seem to be enabled on hpcloud: ERROR (ClientException): Unknown Error (HTTP 500)21:03
clarkbjeblair: ya  Ithink I had determined previously that nodepool would have to do all the pooling itself21:04
dhellmannlifeless: can you explain what the blacklist.txt file in the requirements repo is for? I thought it was a list of things we do not want to constrain.21:04
clarkbjeblair: so similar to how we allocate VMs, determine demand (likely just 1:1 mapping with VMs) then scale up and done relative to the number of VMs we need21:04
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clarkband track which are in use, which are free, which need deletion etc21:04
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clarkbits doable, but its a relatively large change to noepool21:04
jeblairclarkb: yeah, though i was not concerned with efficiency -- i just wanted to get the extra 1-bit of data: this ip belongs to nodepool21:04
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jeblairclarkb: but yes, i agree that if nodepool managed ips like servers, we could do it21:05
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: Require all requirements to be constrained or blacklisted
jeblairclarkb: (as long as it did not trust the cloud when the cloud said it had deleted a floating ip.  of course, nodepool already doesn't do that with servers and leaks servers; i would not be surprised if, after doing all the work to do the same with ips, we still leaked them)21:06
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jeblairclarkb: (servers leak when create calls fail-but-really-succeed.  if ip create calls can do the same, we would have the same result)21:06
fungii think it would be worse21:06
clarkbjeblair: agreed21:06
jeblairand of course, we solve that with servers with metadata, but we can't do that with fips21:07
jeblair(thus my attempt to "add" metadata in the form of a pool)21:07
fungiunless floating-ips have a uuid or metadata we can use to tell "not yet actually deleted" apart from "reallocated to something else"21:07
jeblairfungi: they do actually have a uuid21:07
fungiyeah, that21:07
jeblairi do not know what it means21:07
fungioh, slightly less worrisome then21:07
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jeblair(for instance, i don't know if, when it gets recreated, an identical fip gets a new uuid)21:08
fungiso we know them by something other than just the addresses themselves21:08
fungithat's encouraging21:08
jeblairi'm attempting to find that out now21:08
mordredjeblair: don't know if there is a thing filed yet or a conclusion - but it seems to be an openstack thing, not a rax bug21:08
fungibut also this comes back to "servers should actually delete things when they say they are" (it's not safe as a best-effort action)21:09
jeblairmordred: we've seen it elsewhere?21:09
mordredjeblair: I've got a patch up to shade to look for addresses not being null before it returns21:09
jeblairfungi: yeah :/21:09
mordredjeblair: sdague looked in the nova source - there is nothing that guarantees that be filled at that time - it's not part o the contract21:09
clarkbmordred: so config drive is not useful as a network configurator?21:10
clarkbat least not while this behavior exists?21:10
mordredjeblair: I think for us, we need to treat those as nodes that errored (it's easy to detect) - because if it boots and hits active without an address, I'm not sure the address info is going to hit the config-drive21:10
mordredclarkb: ^^21:10
mordredbut I think we can look at the thing, then say "this node failed to boot, delete it" - rather than hitting an exception later in the process21:10
clarkbright if nova doens't know the ip then config drive shouldnt21:10
mordredwhich means "ACTIVE && addresses==None" should translate to "status=Error"21:11
fungithough also implies a potential race, if the ip assignment can happen after the configdrive is generated but before the api call returns21:11
jeblairmordred, clarkb: you know how when rax runs out of ips, we get a lot of ERROR nodes?  i'm wondering if this is just a new manifestation of that...21:11
mordredjeblair: ++21:11
* fungi has no idea in what order those things actually happen21:11
mordredclarkb, jeblair: I'll update the shade patch to reflect that logic instead of the other logic - and I can make a nodepool patch to make it cleaner based on the shade patch (but not necessarily moving that part to shade yet)21:12
lifelessdhellmann: sorry, was walking around here, looking in a sec21:12
fungijeblair: previously, when rax ran out of ip addresses, we sometimes just saw the nova boot call wait for an hour or more to get an ip address assigned before returning21:12
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dhellmannlifeless: np, I know you're at the midcycle21:12
jeblairfungi: oh yeah21:12
lifelessdhellmann: blacklist.txt is things we want to not cosntrain, but none of the things you added are things we want to not constraint21:12
clarkbmordred: sounds reasonable to me21:13
dhellmannlifeless: they aren't currently constrained. What constraints should we have?21:13
jeblairfungi: we may be seeing that condition evolve through several nova changes21:13
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fungijeblair: couple that with nodepool treating building nodes as demand fulfillment and we got even worse starvation than if they just failed out21:13
fungithey'd just slowly accumulate in rax and nodepool would cease trying to build in the other providers which were actually performing fine21:14
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clarkbsdague: +2'd the d-g change with one potential change for future improvement noted inline21:14
clarkbI also rechecked to get the tests run with more recent tempest fixes from gmann21:15
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lifelessdhellmann: so, pip and setuptools sould be constrainted - I think its a bug in generate-constraints21:29
lifelessdhellmann: (because it uses freeze,not list)21:29
lifelessdhellmann: argparse might be the same root cause21:29
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lifelessdhellmann: the windows things is a limitation of generate-constraints (today) :- we need a windows VM and some ssh love to build them21:30
clarkbya freeze doesn't list those deps21:30
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clarkbargparse would be because we don't freeze on py2621:30
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lifelessdhellmann: I'm ok with not fixing those bugs right now21:30
lifelessdhellmann: but putting them in blacklist is (at best) confusing21:30
lifelessdhellmann: I'd like to just list them in a file that marks things we know don't get constrained *due to bugs/limitations*, not due to intent.21:31
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dhellmannlifeless: sorry, ISP reset my connection; so a separate file? that'd be ok, too21:33
lifelessi just want to separate out 'this doesn't make sense to constrain' and 'oops, we can't today'21:33
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lifelessjeblair: if you have time [and sorry if I asked before, brain is fried] - would be great to unblock the requirements mgmt work21:36
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lifelessjeblair: there's also a couple of small things from fungi to unbreak the proposal job21:37
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lifelessjeblair: (
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lifelessdhellmann: we're all decamping now21:42
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dhellmannlifeless: ok. I'll fix up that last patch as you suggested and then resubmit and go offline myself21:43
lifelessdhellmann: I have the gerrit tabs open, will try to review at the pizza table21:43
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dhellmannlifeless: be social, this last little bit can wait -- the big one we need is that first test fix21:43
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lifelessdhellmann: ok, well you should hit +A on it, it has 2x+221:44
SpamapSTo whom it may concern: If you have logged into and left anything behind, it will be removed soon as I re-deploy everything with non-resized root filesystems and a fresh bifrost.21:44
SpamapSjeblair: ^21:44
SpamapSfungi: ^21:44
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SpamapSmordred: ^21:44
SpamapS(the people who have logged in ever)21:44
dhellmannlifeless: ok21:44
SpamapSsince there are no bash histories, I assume you're either covering your tracks, or haven't actually done anything. ;)21:45
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mordredSpamapS: I'm now deleting things with reckless abandon21:45
SpamapSmordred: oh that box I gave you is going away too, k?21:46
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mordredSpamapS: yes please - I broke it anyway21:46
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: Require all requirements to be constrained or blacklisted
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/activity-board: OpenStack community activity report Q2, 2015
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Stop checking jenkins.o.o's ssl cert
clarkbfungi: jeblair pleia2 ^ quick revie won that will make my inbox slightly happier22:00
clarkb(note I didn't check to see if anyone else had proposed the chang ebefore me)22:00
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks
asselinI was expecting that zuul will allocate nodes to the first job that needs it, but I'm seeing that is not always the case. Is that intended?22:07
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clarkbasselin: zuul doesn't do it, gearman does and it should be a fifo22:08
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asselinclarkb, ok so maybe something goin on with gearman.22:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make zeromq functional gate check in feature/zmq
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clarkbasselin: sometimes what happens is jenkins explodes in a known way and zuul submits a second job to run the exploded job. That second job will go to the end of the queue22:11
asselinclarkb, interesting....that explains the other unexpected behavior: randomly restaring jobs22:12
clarkbasselin: there is a specific exception type that zuul looks for to retry jobs with22:13
clarkbasselin: basically known as the jenkins exploded22:13
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SpamapSinteresting, reading through geard's code a bit22:16
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openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: puppet: modify beaker/upgrade job to test kilo to liberty
SpamapSclarkb: geard seems to send WORK_FAIL to clients, rather than re-queue.22:17
EmilienMjeblair: hey, you might want to see an update on
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clarkbSpamapS: correct, zuul does the reenqueue if the exception that come sback is recognized as a jenkins blow up22:18
clarkbSpamapS: things like ssh to slave failed22:18
SpamapSclarkb: it could just send to another worker. :-P22:19
SpamapSwhich is what gearmand does22:19
clarkbSpamapS: we don't want jenkins specific workload in geard22:19
clarkbthat is what zuul is for22:19
SpamapSis this where the jenkins plugin reported an explicit fail, or disconnected entirely?22:20
clarkbSpamapS: it is where jenkins reports and explicit fail with a specific error22:20
SpamapSGot it, yeah ok n/m. :)22:20
clarkbI think its actually a WORK_EXCEPTION with data matching a pattern22:20
SpamapSYeah thats something entirely different. I wouldn't have called that exploded, so ergo my confusion.22:21
SpamapSTo me exploded is when you lose the connection abruptly.22:21
SpamapSthat said, geard should just throw abruptly ended connection worker jobs onto the end of the queue. :)22:21
openstackgerritKirill Zaitsev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add periodic kilo & juno jobs to murano
clarkbthe most common reason for it is jenkins will ssh into a slave when you add it then let the connection idel, two hours later (or however long) you attempt to use the node nd jenkins doesn't check the connection before using it and it has died and gone away then jenkins explodes22:21
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clarkbits a frustrating issue because jenkins itself could first test the connection and reconnect prior to assigning work but hey its jenkins22:22
* SpamapS shakes fist at jenkins22:22
clarkbsince the master is running the gearman connection the gear side is all up and running fine and we pass up the WORK_EXCEPTION22:22
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clarkbSpamapS: I started looking at the ssh plugin t ofix a different bug and ran away crying so not too enthused about trying to fix this one either :)22:23
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openstackgerritKirill Zaitsev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting npm-lint job to murano-dashboard
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fungiclarkb: i have a review up to fix the jenkins.o.o complaining already22:37
clarkbfungi: perfect will get rid of mine and find yours22:37
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* fungi finds22:38
clarkbgot it22:38
fungioh, you're fast22:38
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fungithese little bistro tables are hampering my speed22:38
clarkbapproved it22:39
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* fungi is feeling mildly deutsche after krautwurst mit bröt und kartoffelsalat22:40
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/hacking: Add editor files to .gitignore.
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fungioops, brot not bröt22:52
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Switch to a snakeoil cert
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nibalizerI need a second +2 on this
clarkbso fwiw I disagree with the commit message23:00
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clarkbhave I been overruled on that and I shouldnt go -2ing things that do that?23:00
nibalizerwhats wrong wwith the commit message?23:01
clarkbit says we will use puppet-apache in new pathcsets23:01
clarkbI have zero intention of using newer versions of puppet-apache without it adding the old interface back in23:01
clarkbif other third praty deps we consume want to use puppet-apache thats fine (and I thought this is why we made the split)23:02
nibalizerya thats totally in line with my expectations23:02
nibalizerand pabelanger's as well I think23:02
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clarkbnibalizer: the way I read the commit message is do this siwthc so we can then consume the newer stuff23:05
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clarkbnibalizer: question why do we fully qualify ::httpd but not Httpd resource requirements?23:06
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nibalizerhttpd_mod resources ? those are puppet types implementend in ruby23:06
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i think that's just a miscommunication.  let's clarify with pabelanger to be sure, but not let it hold up the work since i think we're generally in agreement with your understanding23:07
nibalizerand all exist in one namespace23:07
clarkbnibalizer: for example line 20
nibalizerfunctions, facts, and ruby t/p all just exist23:07
jeblairclarkb: (a possible but generous interpretation of what he wrote is "future patchsets to our modules can include the use of other modules that depend on puppet-apache")23:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-planet: Migrate to puppet-httpd module
clarkbnibalizer: pretty sure vhost is a define23:08
clarkbjeblair: gotcha23:08
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nibalizeralso i've landed beacoup patches today that have that text in them, so the damage is sorta done23:08
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-lodgeit: Migrate to puppet-httpd module
clarkbnibalizer: ya I am not going to make it be changed23:09
clarkbnibalizer: now just trying to understand i fthere is a reason to qualify in the way we hvae done23:09
nibalizerclarkb: oh so those are the references, I think they tried putting the :: in front of them but either it didn't work or they decided not to do it for some other reason23:09
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: confirmed that when a floating ip is reused we get a new uuid for it23:10
jeblair(recreated that is)23:10
clarkbnibalizer: gotcha23:10
clarkbso thats just a languge thing23:10
clarkbI have approved the change23:10
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nibalizerlast few are mostly on the critical services: jenkins, zuul. we can do that now or wait till tomorrow23:11
nibalizeri defer to the infra-roots23:11
clarkbI am around23:11
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nibalizerokay, approving nodepool first then because why not23:11
clarkbnodepool is just for the image build logs so should be fine23:13
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jeblairEmilienM: welcome back!  (?)23:17
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lifelessmock 1.3.0 out23:18
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* fungi feels adequately mocked23:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-askbot: Migrate to puppet-httpd module
freerunnerFolks, could you review this?
freerunnerfungi lifeless jeblair ^^23:21
clarkbfreerunner: do you also have the sync jobs applied to murano projects?23:21
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freerunnerclarkb: You mean gate-requirements?23:22
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Migrate to puppet-httpd module
clarkbfreerunner: no, that change only makes sure you don't violate the requirements, there are sync jobs that propose updates when g-r changes23:22
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fungidone by adding your repo to the list in the projects.txt file of the openstack/requirements repo23:23
clarkbfungi: is that sufficient?23:23
fungiit... used to be23:23
clarkbI thought there was anothre job maybe it just the gate-requirements job23:24
clarkboh riht because that update runs against requirements not the "end user" project23:24
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fungithere is a per-project job to check your requirements changes for conformance, and then a list in the reqs repo which gets iterated over in the proposal job23:24
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clarkbya ok so it is gate-requirments that I am worried about23:25
clarkbfreerunner: ^ sorry about the confusion23:25
freerunnerclarkb: yep, we have requirements job. it was introduced by this change
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freerunnerclarkb: fungi: A lot of thanks, folks!23:27
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-github: Use instance variables in templates
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-github: Fix class parameters
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-github: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks
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lifelessclarkb: there is another job23:45
lifelessclarkb: it is the one that checks local changes to requirements.txt are not being made23:46
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lifelessclarkb: but the patch for that is to project-config23:46
lifelessI think we should change that to run on everything, and check in projects.txt to decide whether to act23:46
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fungi"everything" is sort of vague23:47
fungiwe have lots of not-python repos with jobs23:47
lifelessfungi: python projects23:47
lifelesslike, its double-handling today. Can we fix that23:47
fungiahh, yeah, so maybe add it to the python-jobs project-template if that's the desire23:47
lifelessI'll see about throwing up a patch to make it check projects.txt23:48
lifelessand then yeah23:48
fungithen projects that run gate-{name}-python27 will also run gate-{name}-requirements23:48
lifelessis there a variable with the project name?23:48
fungiin the zuul layout or in the job's calling environment. the answer is yes to both, with some caveats23:49
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lifelessthe latter unless we can tell zuul to look in projects.txt23:50
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fungithere is a $ZUUL_PROJECT envvar with e.g. openstack/nova available to the job. there is a {name} replacement macro in zuul layout project-templates which get filled with e.g. nova (the repo's shortname)23:50
lifelessdecamping from restaurant23:51
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nibalizerclarkb: jenkins and/or zuul now?23:51
clarkbnibalizer: zuul first?23:52
clarkbjenkins is a lot more nodes to deal with if it derps23:52
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clarkbbut so far so good so not too concerned23:52
fungilifeless: the trick is that running the job for all repos is a little weird of an idea since the only recourse then for repos not in the projects.yaml would be to always end in a success result23:53
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fungihaving jobs (besides the no-op psuedojob) that always succeed for a repo seems strange and maybe wasteful23:53
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fungithe no-op job is a special case in that it doesn't actually take up a worker23:54
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nibalizerclarkb: approved zuul23:56
nibalizerjhesketh: also in case its not clear we've been landing the topic:puppet-httpd changes23:56
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nibalizerso if there is weirdness with apache things detected in your shift thats probably where that came from23:57
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