Friday, 2015-04-03

Krinklemordred: Tell me more about zuulv3?00:04
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mordredKrinkle: jeblair wrote an email to the list - lemme find a link00:04
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Krinklemordred: I suppose one theory would be to have all jobs be a generic "shell" and send the whole thing as a parameter?00:05
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mordredKrinkle: nope. going much further down the rabbit hole than that00:05
mordredKrinkle: this is part of operation "get rid of jenkins"00:05
Krinklemordred: I like the sound of that00:06
Krinklemordred: We're seeing scale issues at Wikimedia as well.00:06
mordredit has scale issues, it breaks all the time - and all we use it for is remote shell execution00:06
mordredit's kinda heavyweight for that00:06
Krinklemordred: I think our average build complexity is lower (and we're not using nodepool yet, though soon will be). But possibly our project/job count is much higher.00:07
fungizuul v2 (e.g. gearman support) came about because we couldn't scale jenkins00:07
mordredKrinkle: the project/job structure intended for zuul v3 would be potentially especially nicer for you00:07
mordredKrinkle: instead of doing templating to expand out all of the project/job possibilities00:07
KrinkleOne thing we did recently is consolidate our jobs a lot. E.g. from "project-foo-task-bar" to "task-bar" triggered as different ZUUL_PROJECt.00:08
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mordredKrinkle: we're hoping to have, for instance, a job called "python-27-unittests"00:08
KrinkleSo that we didn't have 2000 mwext-{name}-jshint jobs00:08
mordredthat'll be fairly well baked in as a design concept00:08
Krinklemordred: Which also amounted to an enormous workspace leak00:08
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jeblairyeah, that's a jenkins-ism that got baked into zuulv2 that i want to get rid of00:09
Krinklewhich in turn was somewhat desirable since we don't want to re-clone every build (not until we have better gerrit replication)00:09
jeblair(it also has implications for how zuul builds shared change queues)00:09
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KrinkleThe majority if our build now no longer use zuul-cloner but instead jenkins git plugin as shallow. And re-uses the workspaces for different projects.00:09
KrinkleMuch lighter weight00:09
KrinkleBut for more complex builds that need other projects checked out we obviously need the power of zuul-cloner and its references etc.00:10
jeblairKrinkle: if you use nodepool, you'll be able to pre-cache git repos like we do which should make it easier to use zuul-cloner everywhere00:10
mordredKrinkle: yah - that's one of the nice parts about us pre-caching all of our repos into our base images with nodepool :)00:10
mordredjeblair: jinx00:10
mordredjeblair: OR ... OR ...00:10
mordredjeblair: AFS00:10
Krinklejeblair: Right, that's the unintended side-effect we ran into this month. Our disks are no longer full, but now our gate pipeline is useless00:10
KrinkleZuul thingks everything depends on everything because they share a common job00:11
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mordredoh wow00:11
fungihrm, we may need to roll back the nodepool upgrade. not sure yet which patch is to blame since we jumped forward at least several weeks worth of new commits just now, but seeing a lot of
KrinkleWe're fighting fires everyday (usuaully the same fires). It's getting rather frustrating00:12
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Krinklejeblair: Yeah. How does that work exactly? Do you have nodepool create the snapshot-template with a complete gerrit/* replication on-board?00:13
fungii'm going to git blame around jenkins.node_exists() and things calling into it to see if anything's changed in that vicinity00:13
jeblairKrinkle: so we won't have that assumption in v3, change queues will be manually specified.  if you need that sooner, that's probably not a very hard patch to write for v200:13
mordredKrinkle: I will give you link - one sec ...00:13
Krinklejeblair: Yeah, that's what we thought too. Specify dependnt projects explicitly.00:13
KrinkleLooking forward to that, eagerly.00:13
jeblairfungi: we may also have upgraded python-jenkins00:13
fungijeblair: good point, i'll double check the log for what got upgraded there00:14
mordredKrinkle: obviously that's a bit hardcoded for us - but not terribly hard to change00:14
mordredKrinkle: we run that in our image builds00:14
mordredKrinkle: I have a diskimage-builder element version of it too00:14
mordredjeblair: why does something break every time we update anything that touches a jenkins00:15
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jeblairfungi: it's also possible that it's not more broken than before00:16
jeblairfungi: i am seeing successful node deletes00:17
fungijeblair: i'm checking the nodes it's complaining about00:17
fungii think they may be missing from the jenkins masters but still in nodepool's dv00:17
fungithere are only 13 but they're repeating as it retries00:17
mordredjeblair: oh wow. I didn't think about it before - but we get task counters for jenkins operations now too00:19
jeblairoh yeah00:19
fungino real commonality between them, but i'm going to see if i can manually clear them out of the db and see if we grow new ones (some have been in a delete state for a week)00:19
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Krinklemordred: Cool. Thanks :)00:20
* Krinkle saves links00:20
jeblairfungi: yeah, they have no 'jenkins' name in the db, so nodepool is correctly passing None00:20
KrinkleWe're still creating new tasks, but here's roughly our board to implement nodepool in our established infrastructure:
jeblairfungi: i think the thing to look for is perhaps a change in whether nodepool would have skipped the jenkins removal based on the DB value00:20
fungijeblair: odd. they have a target in the nodepool list output00:21
jeblairfungi: i think your 'delete db records' approach is good for fixing immediate00:21
jeblairfungi: yeah but no "NodeName"00:21
fungiyeah, i see that00:21
fungiokay, makes more sense now00:21
fungii wonder how we accumulate those00:21
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clarkbthat moment when you discover that a set of tests have never tested what they claim to test00:22
clarkbor at least don't appear to currently test it00:22
jeblairclarkb: it's a beautiful moment.  but hey, it happens all the time so ain't that special really ;)00:23
jeblairKrinkle: hehe, you updated faster than i could confirm my email addr with phabricator :)00:24
KrinkleAnd yesterday :)00:24
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KrinkleI'm splitbrain on CI maintenance. If I don't write it down, I forget when I return from my other half.00:25
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Krinklespread a bit thin this quarter.00:25
jeblairKrinkle: one thing you may want to do is ensure your CI account can upload images to glance.  we're really focusing on using diskimage-builder and uploading the resulting images directly (rather than the image snapshot approach we're mostly using now)00:25
mordredKrinkle: we're very close00:26
jeblairKrinkle: so if you are able, i would recommend planning for that and deploying after we finish that work (as mordred says, very close).00:27
fungijeblair: as suspected, the nodepool log is much cleaner since manually deleting those problem rows from the node table. i'll continue to keep an eye on it for other oddities00:27
jeblairKrinkle: (we're using the diskimage-builder + glance approach for some images on one of our providers now, but are still working on compatability with the other)00:27
mordredfungi: the new metrics are all in graphite now00:27
KrinkleHm.. I've not followed that part of the roadmap yet. Is there something that suggests we weren't going that route already?00:27
mordredtimrc: ^^00:27
jeblairKrinkle: no; i haven't read all your tasks yet, sorry, and i'm about to run out the door and just wanted to make sure that wasn't overlooked.  :)00:28
Krinklejeblair: no worries! Cool.00:29
Krinklejeblair: If you're doing a review/recommendation, I'd check instead. that's our main roadmap for this. The tasks are a bit behind.00:29
Krinkleit seems that document mentions glance, not snapshot. Though I do recall something about snapshots.00:30
KrinkleHm.. I'm curious what the difference is. So right your nodepool is creating an otherwise unused instance, sets it all up, and then snapshots the active state to use as boilerplate for new instances, right?00:31
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mordredthat's right00:32
fungiKrinkle: correct. at least that was the old mechanism. we've already stopped doing that for some of our images00:32
KrinkleI suppose it still has to periodically recreate the base image. So what are you (going to be) doing instead?00:32
mordredKrinkle: we build a new base image using diskimage-builder - and then we upload the exact same image to all of our clouds00:33
fungiKrinkle: the new mechanism uses a tool called diskimage-builder to create images from scratch by installing things in a chroot and then converting that into a bootable image we upload into glance in our providers00:33
KrinkleHm.. 'from scratch'. What base image does it use? E.g. the linux install.00:34
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fungiKrinkle: not necessarily any base image. instead root bootstrapping tools for each distro00:35
fungie.g. debootstrap00:35
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KrinkleHmm I think I've reached the boundary of my server knowledge :D00:36
timrcmordred, fungi Woohoo00:36
fungiakin to automating a distro installer rather than starting from an existing install00:36
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fungisort of like what happens when you install a physical server from a cd or usb stick installer, rather than writing a preinstalled image directly onto the hard drive00:37
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KrinkleSo in our case the wmflabs cloud (used for various production tier 2 projects, unrelated to CI) has three base images (trusty, precise, jessie). Which ops updates about every other month or so.00:38
fungiand this would allow you to avoid using those entirely, as long as they have a working glance service you can upload into00:39
KrinkleWe currently have a nova project 'integration' with a couple dozen persistent instances given a puppet role in openstack that sets everything up and used as jenkins slaves.00:39
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KrinkleAh, right. So nodepool would be creating the instance on its own server outside openstack (though firewall allowing, nodepool itself coudl also run on an instance I guess), and then uploads it as base image.00:40
fungiyep. part of what drove us to this is that the images available in our providers are not ideal for our needs, since they're tuned to support more general customer use cases00:40
KrinkleI don't actually know.. do base images have the same performance as snapshots (e.g. copy from a hot-running paused state)00:41
fungioften not, in fact. it depends entirely on how the cloud was built though00:41
KrinkleI guess this is fine since nodepool boots them ahead of time00:42
fungisome providers, we've seen, cache normal images on or close to the nova controller where they're being booted, while snapshots end up on slow/poorly-connected storage making them slower to boot as a result00:42
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Replace the Gerrit WIP icon
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KrinkleHm.. "providers", what is that again in this context>00:42
fungirackspace, hpcloud, et cetera. public cloud service providers donating accounts to us00:43
KrinkleI guess we're our own provider?00:43
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fungiin a sense00:43
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fungidepends on how you scope "we" (if you're not part of the cloud operations team there, then you perhaps don't have direct control over some of the things you might prefer worked differently)00:44
KrinkleI was referring to Wikimedia00:44
fungiyou were just referring to your ops team as if they were a separate group from the one you're in00:45
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KrinkleNo, I mean, Wikimedia's openstack cloud ("Wikimedia Labs") is run by our ops team. Not hosted at a third party provider.00:46
fungiright, but you're not in the ops team? so in a sense, they are your provider00:46
openstackgerritliuyang1 proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Add utf-8 char support
fungijust an internal one00:46
Krinklefungi: Sure :)00:46
Krinklefungi: It's maintenance is quite viral though.00:46
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fungiunderstandable. we're getting close to embarking on running one within the openstack community on donated hardware too00:47
fungito augment the virtual resources we have from public service providers00:47
Krinkledontated hardware central or colocation?00:48
fungidonated colocation and donated hands-on datacenter ops to troubleshoot/reboot hardware00:48
KrinkleWould be interesting to see a cloud with its instances spread across different physical clusters elsewhere.00:49
KrinkleI mean, I guess AWS does that..00:49
KrinkleWas fun to "simply" move a couple instances from US to Asia with a few clicks.00:49
fungiwe'll likely bring on more racks in different places as additional donors offer up similar deals to us00:50
KrinkleVery exciting.00:50
fungibut a lot of openstack-based public cloud service providers do that themselves already00:51
KrinkleHm.. what kind of audience would you be targeting? I assume not free-for-all?00:51
fungifor example we have instances running in rackspace some of which are in virginia, some in texas, some in illinois00:51
fungii expect the primary workload is going to be ci jobs00:52
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fungiKrinkle: the plan for that is loosely explained at
KrinkleHehe, it's funny how there's more and more urls where openstack can be substituted for wikimedia and visa-versa and get almost a valid url.00:57
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fungiwe use and run a lot of the same tools, and chose some reasonably obvious hostnames for them ;)00:58
fungialso, we run some of your software, so it's only fair you should run some of ours ;)00:59
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Have swift pass through non log data unoutched
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Fix swiftclient tests
clarkbjhesketh: ^ your review on the fix swiftclient tests is much appreciated01:04
clarkbthe other change sdague wants to hold off on a bit but in my work to test it discovered that the swift tests weren't working correctly01:04
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fungii'm cleaning up lingering alien nodes now. nodepool seems to be operating within normal expectations, so i'm going to transition to more eveningish endeavors, but will continue to keep an eye on it for a while and check back in on it first thing when i wake up tomorrow01:06
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fungiclarkb: if you feel up for +2'ing 170314, and assuming everything still looks good tomorrow, i'll go ahead and approve that and make sure nodepool still successfully connects to its db01:08
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fungibut for now i'll let it coast on the new nodepool version wit the old config01:09
clarkbfungi: want me to hold off on approving?01:09
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fungiclarkb: well, you can if you want. i don't expect it to take effect until the next nodepool restart anyway01:10
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fungibut i'm perfectly happy to approve tomorrow when i'm around to restart and make sure it's still working01:10
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clarkbok time to call it a day. This os_loganalyze stuff melted my brain a bit01:26
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clarkbthe good news is the code works when the tests are fixed :)01:26
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openstackgerritTimo Tijhof proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Status: Expose $.zuul object in zuul_start to allow extension
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openstackgerritKei YAMAZAKI proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Update gitignore
openstackgerritKei YAMAZAKI proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support slack plugin
openstackgerritKei YAMAZAKI proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support slack plugin
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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openstackgerritVadim Rovachev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable ceilometer functional tests
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump last version of ceilometer-client
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openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed stackforge/gertty: Revert "Add support for starred changes"
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openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add tempest + postgres job for manila
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fungiawesome, nodepool seems to have not fallen over (yet anyway)11:07
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sdaguefungi: any chance I could get you to approve this? -
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eglamn3hi, whet is the next step for this review ? everything seems to be ok ?12:32
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add API method create_subnet()
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add API method delete_subnet()
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add tempest + postgres job for manila
openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Allow passing puppetmaster_server param for jenkins manifests
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add os-testr commits to gerritbot config
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove unneeded 'create' from all tags sections
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: saharaclient: enable Python3 jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Improve ec2-api gating jobs for rally testing
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openstackgerritSerg Melikyan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename stackforge/murano to openstack/murano
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mescanefhello, please add me ( to the gerrit groups in a stackforge/fuel-plugin-cisco-aci (reference:
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fungimescanef: i will once that change merges and gets applied to our systems. probably within the next hour13:36
mescaneffungi: ok, thanks :)13:38
fungiwow, 10 out of the first 12 project-config changes in the gate were timing out on centos6 git remote calls13:43
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sdaguefungi: interesting13:45
fungiwith a failure rate that high, it should be easy for me to recreate this. i'll see if i have more luck this time around than last time i tried to hunt it down13:45
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sdagueI guess I'm glad I flushed so many changes this morning :)13:46
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mordredfungi: do we need to increase the nodes in the git farm?13:49
fungimordred: i doubt it. otherwise why would it be just our centos6 puppet apply jobs doing this and none of our precise/trusty ones?13:50
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: Add flag to include hacking
mordredfungi: nod13:50
fungithis is the problem that cropped up right after the glibc updates for the "ghost" vulnerability13:51
fungistill have a sinking suspicion something changed in git behavior on rhel/centos 6 as a result of that patch13:52
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make saharaclient-dsvm-functional voting
mordredfungi: *grumble*13:53
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fungione other possibility for this only showing up on centos6. since our puppet apply jobs filter the manifests by the platforms on which we run them, this could be an issue with a crappy remote used by some puppet module we only end up using on centos613:54
mordredfungi: oh - good point13:55
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fungianyway, i've held one of the workers which is currently running that job, and as soon as (or if) it finishes, i'll rerun the script for it until i can reproduce a hang and then try to inspect it13:57
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toskyAJaeger: thanks for the review on, even if I will have to wait for the required patches13:58
AJaegertosky: you're welcome13:58
toskyAJaeger: I have two questions about, which lead to my rebase:13:58
tosky- the newly introduced job is "gate-" but in the "check:" group, should it be renamed?13:58
tosky- should the job with the same name in the "experimental" queue (few lines below) removed?13:58
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AJaegertosky: yeah, remove it from experimental - an oversight to keep it there14:00
AJaegernaming check or gate is not consistent, no problem here14:01
toskyah, I see14:01
AJaegerIf you have a preference, change it - I consider it a nit ;)14:01
toskyI'm starting to know the zuul part, so I was not sure about the naming policy there :)14:01
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add license info to subunit2html
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make the unrecognized exception more verbose
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Added fuel-plugin-cisco-aci fuel plugin to SF
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add Networking-portforwarding project
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Switch nova-docker-f20 job to centos7
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove the g-r requirements check
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Install required services for Zaqar
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Gnocchi: do not check requirements
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add check-tempest-dsvm-heat
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add heat tempest job to heat and tempest
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: enable python-jobs for nova-zvm-virt-driver
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Restore devstack centos7 to non-voting check job
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Also register openstackid jobs with bare-trusty
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: add cue-dashboard project to openstack-cue channel
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Experimental bandit job for keystone
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Exclude the slow tag for the Nova Cells V1 job
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove tempest-dsvm-ceilolmeter-mongodb job
mordredAJaeger: I'm going to assume you did some rocking and rolling this morning14:10
AJaegermordred: me? Why?14:11
fungimordred: sdague approved a bunch of project-config changes which already had one other +214:11
AJaegermordred: the above was sdague approving patches that have been waiting for a second core for some time...14:11
fungii think i've recreated it on the held worker. it's been several minutes now that this has been in the process table: "git fetch-pack14:11
mordredoh! it was sdague14:11
fungi--stateless-rpc --lock-pack --include-tag --thin --no-progress https://git.opens14:11  efs/heads/master14:11
mordredI just assumed because it was early US time it would be the european :)14:11
AJaegermordred: for many of them I reviewed them some time ago, so the other +2 might have been mine ;)14:12
AJaegermordred: it was the early sdague :)14:12
fungii'm not sure if the " efs/heads/master" is just an artifact of the process table or if that's really what it's running14:12
mordredthe early sdague is an amazing sight14:12
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fungibut yeah it's certainly looking hung on a fetch-pack for the project-config repo from our mirror14:13
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sdaguemordred: :)14:14
fungilooks like this is a child of a `git fetch origin` run from vcsrepo14:14
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix exception in update_router()
fungihappening in the single-use-slave apply14:16
kerpanGuys, I think there's a serious problem with gerrit gui. It doesn't load Clippy anymore. I'm lost without it.14:17
fungilooks like that git process is blocking indefinitely on a read call according to strace, most likely a dead socket14:17
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fungikerpan: i see you're trying to clippy...14:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Murano client is switching to use separated launchpad repo
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Stop running tempest-dsvm-neutron in juno
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup jenkins/jobs/projects.yaml
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add API method create_subnet()
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add API method delete_subnet()
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Adjust regression exceptions for Nova Cells V1 job
mrmartinfungi: this patch sits in the a queue for a while, and just wait for an approval:
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Switch nodepool from MySQL-python to PyMySQL
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fungimrmartin: it's waiting for to get approved14:25
mrmartinah really14:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add cerberus related projects
mrmartinttx are you here?14:26
fungimrmartin: yep, we don't add new repos to official openstack git namespaces until the technical committee approves them, which usually happens during their weekly irc meetings on tuesdays at 20:00 utc14:27
mrmartinoh my gosh, so we are loosing another week with the backups14:27
fungimrmartin: i can (and will) make a manual backup anyway. i don't think it's urgent to be able to switch to that server14:28
mrmartinfungi: as I know the switching is scheduled to monday14:28
fungiwe can still run there for a week while we wait for official process to happen14:28
fungiautomated database dumps don't need to be in place already when we switch14:29
fungiit's non-user-facing14:29
ttxmrmartin: yes14:29
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openstackgerritJan Provaznik proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create tripleo-common project under TripleO
mrmartinttx: this review is blocking of the db-backup of new ask.o.o instance14:30
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add API method update_subnet()
fungii think it got skipped in the governance housekeeping round-up on tuesday14:30
fungior perhaps just doesn't have enough tc +1 votes yet14:30
ttxfungi: we only vote on stuff that's been on the docket for a few days, that was proposed just the day before14:31
mrmartinit have 4 votes14:31
ttxwhich is why it was skipped14:31
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mrmartinok, so it means, that on next tuesday we have a good chance to get an approval?14:31
fungihrm, proposed thursday the 26th, tc meeting was tuesday the 3114:31
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ttxsure. I'm also fine for fasttracking it if you can get 7 votes14:32
fungiso 5 days (3 weekdays) before the meeting14:32
ttxfungi: yeah, in theory we can only approve stuff that's been there for 4 business days14:32
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ttxso anything proposed after Thu 20:00 gets discounted by the script that gathers the items14:33
fungittx: got it. so in the future governance changes need to be up by wednesday to get onto the list for the coming tuesday meeting14:33
ttxbut I agree that housekeeping items like this could get a break14:33
fungi(that was thurdsay at 19:24, so technically 36 minutes prior to the cut-off by that measure)14:34
ttxI blame dst14:34
fungii _always_ blame dst14:34
mrmartinyeah, down with dst! I also missed some meeting too :D14:34
mrmartinttx: are you looking for storyboard alternatives?14:35
ttxmrmartin: as I said, if you can get a couple more TC members to +1 it I 'm fine fasttracking it14:35
ttxI commented as such on that review14:35
ttxAlthough I'll be leaving in a few hours so better hurry :P14:36
fungianyway, i don't think we need to delay monday's ask.o.o cut-over maintenance. on the assumption that gets approved in tuesday's meeting we'll have the automated database dumps in place within a couple days after the maintenance14:36
ttxmrmartin: no, but I'm evaluating the alternatives that are proposed to me14:36
mrmartinttx: cool, do you know about a design summit session where we can discuss the options? Or what is the platform of the election of this toolset?14:37
jeblairmrmartin: i expect there will be an infra session14:37
ttxthere should be an infra session on that for sure14:37
mrmartinawesome, I don't like to miss it14:37
ttxjeblair: did you set up the infra planning etherpad yet ?14:37
jeblairttx: not yet14:38
* ttx has been trying to revive odsreg to support cross-project session planning, but I fell in django versioning hell14:38
mordredmrmartin: I've been investigating phabricator, fwiw14:38
mordredmrmartin: been meaning to send a message to the list about it14:38
mrmartinmordred, cool, php ?14:38
ttxdeploying multiple django apps on the same host that rely on widely different django versions is, I discovered, non-trivial14:39
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mordredmrmartin: which means there may be some tasks where we could use your help :)14:39
* mrmartin is crying14:39
ttxor at least exceeeds the time I allocated to this interesting problem14:39
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mrmartinttx: containers14:39
ttxmrmartin: oh, I know there are plenty of solutions to my problem. Just exceeded the 10 minutes I had dedicated to that effort today14:40
mrmartinI try to allocate some time to investigate some paas / container solution to make the php app deployment a bit simpler than we have today.14:40
mrmartineverything seems to be nice until not need to upgrade the apps.14:41
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fungimy biggest concern with containers in production is making sure the various system packages within them are kept updated somehow14:41
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fungiat which point, it's not clear to me that one larger virtual machine with lots of containers on it is in any way more effective than a bunch of smaller virtual machines14:42
mordredfungi: yes - which means that if, for instance, we were to use docker - we'd want to have a workflow that allows us to make docker containers in response to source code we're managing14:42
mrmartinfungi: we had the same problems with FreeBSD jails more then 10yrs ago.14:43
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fungimordred: what's the workflow for that? just have it redeploy a freshly rebuilt container daily to incorporate the latest system packages since the day before?14:43
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mordredfungi: not sure - it's a problem we'd have to solve14:44
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fungimrmartin: yep, same here. i ran userspace tool/library upgrades independently within each jail for each errata14:44
mrmartinthat's an interesting one.14:44
fungiand then in the main system context for kernel errata (which would need rebooting anyway)14:45
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fungimordred: yep. mostly just curious whether the container community simply hasn't realized yet that security updates are a thing, or if there's some well-established solution already in use for that14:46
mrmartinyeap, some ksplice alternative could help to avoid the reboots14:47
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Update doc to match usage
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mordredmrmartin: ok. just sent email to openstack-infra mailing list with thoughts/details15:00
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mrmartinkanban like workboard cool15:04
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kerpanGuys, could you please add me to the gerrit groups in  stackforge/networking-portforwarding ? (
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mordredmrmartin: the one definite piece of php we'll need _Someone_ to do that will be unfortunate because it will be throwaway work15:07
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mordredmrmartin: is an openid auth provider that auth's to launchpad15:08
jeblairmordred: that doesn't need to be throwaway15:08
jeblairmordred: openid is an open system that can be pointed at anything; there's nothing launchpad specific about it15:08
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fungikerpan: done15:08
mordredjeblair: I say throwaway because upstream is not interested in adding openid - they'd rather add openid connect15:09
mordredjeblair: which we can move to with openstackid15:09
kerpanfungi: thanks!!15:09
jeblairmordred: they actively _don't_ want an openid client?15:09
mrmartinmordred: it usually depends on the underlying app platform.15:09
fungimescanef: i've added you as the initial member in the groups for the fuel plugin you mentioned earlier15:09
clarkbmordred I was afraid youbwere going tonsay they only want facebook auth15:09
jeblairmordred: can you point me at a conversation?15:09
mrmartinso forexample, Drupal had a very nice integrated openid provider module, but oauth2 was a mess, and a little care required here15:10
mordredjeblair: I can find it, yes15:10
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mrmartinthe big deal here if we like to move away from launchpad, how we like to do the mapping between launchpad openid and the new implementation.15:11
fungimordred: i think openstackid doesn't (yet) support openid connect, though i may be wrong about that15:11
jeblairmordred: i'd love to see the reasoning.  because if they aren't interested it something like openid, i worry they'll be even less interested in other more substantial changes we might want to make.15:12
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jeblair(a vibrant upstream developer community is only useful if they actually accept your patches)15:12
mordredjeblair: their main concern is that openid interst is small and waning compared to the complexity of supporting it15:12
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jeblairand here i thought it was simple with plenty of well established php code implementing it15:13
mordredconsidering that once we're off of launchpad we'd also not particularly care about it per-se in favor of openid-connect (which the openstackid folks wanted to do anyway)15:13
mordredI'm not necessarily totally opposed to doing this at some point, but interest seems very low and cost relatively high. This can be built as an extension today, so maybe that's the best route forward? Here's my half-implementation:"15:14
cineramamordred, jeblair: oh how funny, i had just gotten to the "openid??" stage of phabricator install/config15:14
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mordredjeblair: it seems that it may be more that nobody has actually stepped up to the plate15:14
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mordredand he's not goign to do it himself15:14
jeblairmordred: sure, that's different15:14
cineramamordred, jeblair that and the php daemon they like you to run :)15:14
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jeblairmordred: i don't think openstackid support openid connect, as fungi just said15:15
jeblairmordred: because the rest of our tools don't15:15
mordredthat's correct15:15
mrmartinit is not supporting that as I know15:15
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mordredmrmartin: so - ignore my words "throwaway"15:16
BobHis the preferred approach to set up a 3rd part CI now to use the new puppet module structure and build each piece independently?15:16
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jeblairmordred: does openid-connect support exist for phab?15:17
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: Add flag to include hacking
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BobHRather than follow the current instructions out in 'Running your own CI infrastructure?15:19
mrmartinanyway it have a nice amount of supported auth providers:
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jeblairmordred, mrmartin: openstackid does support oauth2, right?15:20
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fungimrmartin: though i recall there was some mention that it only currently supports using oauth2 for id lookup and not for auth? what were the details there?15:21
mordredjeblair: unsure on openid-connect. I would imagine that cargo-culting one of the oauth2 providers and making it grok openstackid as an endpoint shouldn't be terribly hard15:21
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mrmartinSo in a hard-coded form it supports auth:
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fungiokay, which sounds like was insufficient for using it as an oauth2 backend to keystone like the trystack admins were hoping for15:23
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clarkbBobH we are in a bit of a transition state right now. Either way is likely to work at this point but may require some bug fixing to get the split out repos happy15:23
clarkbBobH others have been tackling this work and have tagged their changes in gerrit with a topic of downstream-puppet15:24
jeblairso i think we have these choices: a) add openid support to phab; b) switch from launchpad auth to phab at the same time and use oauth215:24
BobHthanks #clarkb, I've been having issues with it, so I'm wondering if I should change my approach.15:24
jeblairi'm not a fan of (b) as it complicates the transition quite a bit15:25
jeblairbut it's certainly possible if we have all hands on deck15:25
clarkbBobH the puppet-openstackci is still very new (I dont know that it has any code yet) but thats where the effort should be going15:25
mordredjeblair: yah - I think adding openid support to phab is a better choice if we can do it - largely because it would allow us to do better testing/analysis15:26
jeblairand if we go with (a) hopefully phab upstream will accept the contribution of openid, and if they don't we can call it throwaway and switch to oauth215:26
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BobHso, I should continue on my current path, after I look at puppet-openstackci, and just work through the issues15:28
jeblairmordred, fungi, clarkb: i have to run errands this morning, but i'll be back this afternoon and plan to restart zuul then15:28
mrmartinthe openid was very stable in openstackid, the only reason that I changed to oauth2 that I cannot retrieve profile pictures with the openid implementation.15:28
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fungijeblair: sounds good. i'm about to restart nodepoold now that the updated nodepool.yaml is in place to switch it to going through pymysql15:29
clarkbBobH anything you can do to help the transition to making puppet-openstackci useable is much appreciated (testing bugfixes manifests/modules docs etc)15:29
BobH<clarkb>  will do and thanks for your help15:30
fungialso i'm having no luck reproducing the git hangs on centos6 again now15:31
fungii wonder if something about the git client version in centos 6 makes very inefficient pack calls to the server and when we have a dozen or more going at once that's when we see it lock up15:32
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fungiif we used git protocol instead of smart git over https in our manifests, this might just go away15:33
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clarkbits possible, also are we using the git cache for all of them?15:35
fungion the ones where i was able to catch it already hung, they seemed to consistently be stuck updating /etc/project-config15:35
fungii don't think puppet uses the git cache for vcsrepo15:35
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fungiwhich is where it seems to be happening15:36
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clarkbwe could have job setup put repos ahere vcsrepo wants them via git cache15:36
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fungithat's not a bad idea at all15:37
fungieven just starting with /etc/project-config would probably help15:38
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fungii'll hack something up for that15:39
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clarkbthe zuul cloner map can probably just specify a second set of outputs including /etc/project-config15:40
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: doc: set name-filter in example to a real value
clarkbsdague: when looking at os-loganalyze stuff I figured out that the swift tests were't running against the swift code. should fix that15:41
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: doc: set name-filter in example to a real value
bknudsongerrit shows review is being tested when it's complete:
clarkbsdague: and jhesketh points out his change to deal with non text files which I can review with a much better understanding of the problem15:44
bknudsonafter running "check experimental"15:44
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fungibknudson: because it still is15:45
fungibknudson: "experimental-tripleo pipeline"15:45
sdagueclarkb: ok15:45
bknudsonoh, I get 2 results?15:46
fungibknudson: search in for 15793015:46
bknudsonjenkins already posted "build succeeded"15:46
clarkbsdague: but in general jhesketh's change is more complete than mine, but I think some of the code refactoring I have done should be incorporated into jheskeths change as it simplifies the swift iteration15:46
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Fix swiftclient tests
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fungibknudson: yep, that was from the experimental pipeline, but it's also triggered jobs in the separate experimental-tripleo pipeline which hasn't reported back yet15:46
bknudsonahh, thanks.15:47
fungibknudson: looks like the check-tripleo-ironic-overcloud-f20-nonha job is still running on it15:47
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AJaegerreed: are you around?16:00
reedAJaeger, yep16:00
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AJaegerYou accusted the wrong person.16:01
AJaegerThe comments you make are relative to patch 8 - see
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AJaegerAnd patch 8 was uploaded by you.16:01
AJaegerMy change was just moving the toc entry out...16:01
zarofungi, mordred, clarkb, jeblair : i have a script ready for the gerrit db migration.  i have tested on my MySQL ver 5.5 db and it seems to work.  If you would like to review you can find it here:
zaroi'm planning to run it on review-dev this weekend just to make sure it works with the same version of MySQL as on review.o.o16:03
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reedAJaeger, I apologize, i'm a dork, sorry16:04
zarothe last step to import is really slow, i don't know the exact time but i think it takes over 2hrs to run thru that script.16:04
reedAJaeger, I must have screwed up when rebasing, pulled a previous patchset16:05
AJaegerreed: Oops. Please readd what you removed...16:05
* sdague stares a pypi angrily .... "distutils.errors.DistutilsError: Can't download 502 Bad Gateway"16:05
sdagueactually, that's even more confusing16:06
sdaguebecause... we were using the mirror up until that point16:07
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fungiindeed. it looked in
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fungiinteresting that it's grabbing a platform-specific egg rather than an sdist16:09
fungialso someone should tell the pyasn1 authors about wheels16:09
mordredfungi: it will always prefer platform specific eggs16:12
mordredfungi: if they exist16:12
mordredfungi: I'm more concerned that we have distutils downloading something16:12
mordredfungi: and not pip16:13
fungiyeah, just meant i found it interesting they're uploading platform-specific eggs rather than wheels16:13
mordredis pyasn1 a setuprequires?16:13
fungimordred: i think so. the traceback is coming from under cryptography/setup.py16:14
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timrcmordred, So I'm getting Cross-Origin Request Blocked's when trying to access graphite data via  d3.json() call (that's buried in the API)16:14
mordred    This script uses the setuptools 'setup_requires' feature because16:14
mordred    this is required by the cffi package to compile extension modules.16:14
mordredfungi: ^^ that's in the cryptography setup.py16:15
fungitoo fun16:15
mordreddstufft: that can't actually be right is it?16:15
fungii wonder if we could drop cryptography from the list if we pinned to pyOpenSSL16:16
fungier, to older pyOpenSSL16:16
mordredfungi: I would support that16:16
mordredfungi: we could also put cryptography's setup_requires before cryptography in our install_requires16:17
mordredso that they would already be there and not need to be distutils fetched16:17
fungii think ianw was leaning toward suggesting that we stick to pyOpenSSL<=0.13 anyway because of the memory consumption problems introduced through cryptography from pycparser16:17
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mordredworks for me16:17
mordredthey also declare a depend on setuptools, fwiw16:18
mordredfungi: fwiw, if we wanted to do the other thing, the list is "six, cffi, enum34, and pyasn1"16:19
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clarkb sdague my comments there got a bit wall of texty, but I think they offer some good suggestions on how to make this better16:19
clarkbmordred: but not when running on pypy because setuptools as a install requires breaks there iirc16:20
fungisure--that keeps us from grabbing them from not our mirror, though doesn't solve the oom condition we run into installing pyopenssl 0.1416:20
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clarkbsdague: but please do respond if you disagree, happy to talk about it16:20
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sdagueclarkb: my brain is probably not quite up to reasonable digestion on this today. I'll switch gears monday and try to put on my os-loganalyze hat that day16:21
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clarkbsdague: ok, jhesketh is out until late sunday EST anyways so that should be fine16:21
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clarkbsdague: thank you for approving the swift test fix16:23
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/python-jenkins: Fix examples
krotscheckDoes anyone here sign their git commits?16:28
* krotscheck is reading up on signed tags, and it turns out you can sign individual commits16:28
mordredkrotscheck: really? is that new-ish?16:29
mordredkrotscheck: I used to sign my bzr commits16:29
mordredbut did not when we moved to git16:29
krotscheckmordred: Apparently it's a git 1.7.9 thing (
hashargit commit --gpg-sign=<keyid>16:29
krotscheckhashar: Also, git commit -S16:30
hasharor set git config:  commit.gpgsign = keyid16:30
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openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/puppet-graphite: Enable simple CORS requests
reedmordred, my point on the foundation list is mostly targeted at 'casual contributors' which seems to be the case that is usually quoted as an example (and in particular was brought up by sdague)16:31
timrcmordred, ^^ I *think* that's what will be needed to allow a "third-party" web service to pull data via the API.16:31
reedmordred, and I also hope to hear jbryce's proposal16:31
mordredreed: totally16:31
mordredreed: me too!16:31
mordredreed: it's a good one16:31
sdaguereed: my concern is casual contributors is how we build regular contributors is how we build core reviewers16:32
krotschecktimrc: Lemme take a look, I've been digging around in CORS things for a while now.16:32
clarkbtimrc: how is zuul status working without that?16:32
krotschecktimrc: I'll trade ya some time if you look at :D16:32
reedsdague, are you cascading? :)16:32
sdagueand we keep kneecapping ourselves by being so hostile to casual contributors16:32
clarkbkrotscheck: ^ if you have an insight into why some things don't seem to run into CORS trouble I would be interested to know16:32
mordredclarkb: zuul status uses embedded graphite urls16:32
timrckrotscheck, Thanks.16:32
krotscheckclarkb: What's the symptom?16:32
clarkbmordred: but those urls are the api16:33
mordredclarkb: graphene is an external javascript thing that wants to make api calls16:33
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clarkbmordred: how does graphenes api call differ from an HTTP GET from status.o.o?16:33
mordredclarkb: yes - but there is a difference when you're fetching a url from javascript to when you're embedding an image link in your html16:33
mordredclarkb: it's not an HTTP GET from status.o.o16:33
clarkbmordred: lets backup one setp16:33
clarkbI thought zuul status was doing js to generate the graphs on the status page16:33
* clarkb goes to check16:34
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reedsdague, I agree that we have a problem for casual contributors and that's why I propose to split the dco-cla debate off of that and discuss about casual contributions isolating the legal framework16:34
mordredclarkb: zuul status just has static graphite links embedded in the html16:34
reedbeing a casual contributor myself, I think the legal hurdle is one only and not the toughest16:34
clarkbmordred: is what it does16:34
sdaguereed: I'm glad you believe that for you personally16:35
reedi think forcing the gerrit workflow on casual contributors has bigger effect IMHO16:35
clarkbmordred: but I am guessing that the render/ path + whatever an Image() object is is equivalent to embedding an img?16:35
krotscheckclarkb: I need to take a look at the actual network request log, is that avialable?16:36
reedsdague, and the gerrit workflow is also the tool that forces the cla to come into play16:36
sdaguebut I don't believe your personal experience working at an organization that has a legal team created exactly for this is representative16:36
sdaguereed: only because we made it16:36
mordredclarkb: yes, I belive so16:36
clarkbkrotscheck: just reload the zuul status page with network tracing on16:36
reedsdague, exactly... what if for 5 lines of code we say "put it in a tracker, say it's public domain, I'll merge it??"16:36
clarkbmordred: ok I am less confused now, and I can try to confirm by doing what krotscheck asks about16:36
reedor something similar, like many other open source projects do16:37
sdaguereed: because that's completely invisible to normal review process16:37
reedor let's brainstorm on other ways to be friendly to casual contributors16:37
krotscheckInteresting, I'm not seeing a browser preflight options request16:37
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reedbut without entangling ourselves in a huge legal conversation (which will happen anyway but maybe at a different pace)16:38
sdaguereed: you do realize that I pointed here that the *only* reason this patch isn't getting into kilo is the CLA, right?16:38
clarkbmordred: krotscheck ya its generating an img tag with the render/ path as the source16:38
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sdagueall the other parts were easy16:38
sdagueit's blocked on the CLA16:38
sdaguewhich is *my* experience in dealing with contributors that are of the level that they can provide a nova patch in the first place16:39
reedsdague, I see your point, I don't think that the CLA is the root cause, IMHO it's a symptom16:39
krotscheckAn img tag? Wat?16:39
sdaguereed: I disagree16:39
clarkbkrotscheck: ya thats how it gets around it16:39
sdaguegerrit might be a stumbling block for folks on projects where advanced git things aren't in their normal workflow16:40
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reedi followed closely a similar case, with heat and Kevin Fox, and he was not authorized to merge his patches, DCO or CLA would have not made a difference16:40
clarkbkrotscheck: timrc but I imagine that as soon as your js does a GET and not the browser itself, then CORS comes into play16:40
clarkbmordred: ^ so you are correct16:40
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sdagueKevin was a special case because of the oddities of gov contracting16:40
reedhis employer was not authorizing his contributions16:40
krotscheckclarkb: Yep, that's likely. Except the browser's supposed to be smart enough to not give you access to the content of a cross domain image's bitstream.16:40
clarkbkrotscheck: not firefox and chromium :)16:41
krotscheckclarkb: Or chrome for that matter.16:41
mordredso - literally no browsers do that16:41
reedsdague, not really, no, that was not exactly it... he simply didn't have authorization by his employer to contribute under the apache license (things changed now, how the employer signed the CCLA)16:41
mordredbecause IE isn't a browser anymore :)16:41
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krotscheckmordred: As far as I'm concerned, still lists spartan under 'ie'16:42
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reedsdague, gerrit workflow can be convoluted and confusing and frustrating for casual contributor, I'd suggest looking at it with a critical eye16:42
sdaguereed: for people not used to advanced git things, sure16:43
mordredreed: it totally can, I agree16:43
sdaguebut that *is not* the problem here16:43
krotscheckCorrection, they're calling it "IE TP"16:43
krotscheckTechnical Preview16:43
* krotscheck first thought Toilet Paper16:43
reedsdague, also for people who don't care about openstack as a long term investment16:43
sdaguewhich is pissing me off that I presented a concrete situation16:43
sdagueand you are now saying it's gerrit's fault16:43
mordredreed: right. but we're talking about a specific person16:43
sdaguewhen it's not16:43
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reedsdague, if he is interested in a long term involvment with openstack then let's talk16:44
clarkbtimrc: I am fine with your change, but I also don't claim to be an expert in all of the rules at play here. If fungi and krotscheck are cool with it then my +2 can count for something16:44
mordredreed: he's interested in submitting a patch, and gerrit is not a blocker for him16:44
sdaguereed: for f*** sake16:44
jeblairlet's just turn the cla enforcement off and let anyone authenticate to gerrit with any openid16:44
reedsdague, if he's a casual contributor, as in 'I have to quickly fix my issue and go do something else', then the case is IMO different16:44
jeblairthen we'll see how much of a problem it is16:44
mordredreed: so, while gerrit may be an interesting theoretical conversation, it's irrelevant here16:44
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sdaguethere is now way we are growing an open community if the answer to become a contributor is to have a 1x1 conversation with you reed16:45
mordredreed: beacuse gerrit IS NOT A BLOCKER in this specific case16:45
mordredjeblair: ++16:45
reedsdague, that's not what I'm advocating :) I don't scale16:45
krotscheckclarkb timrc: I actually don't think that patch is going to do everything you need it to. Sec, will provide a somewhat sane update taht _might_ work.16:45
sdague"<reed> sdague, if he is interested in a long term involvment with openstack then let's talk"16:45
clarkbkrotscheck: cool, thanks for the input16:45
sdagueyou know the way you build an open community, you accept what people can give you, and when they can give it to you16:46
reedsdague, that sentence means that for long term involvement the CCLA is worth the investement16:46
sdaguereed: I do not believe that it is16:46
mordredI don't either16:46
reedmeans "it's worth talking to his lawyers"16:46
mordredhe may not have lawyers16:46
reedsorry.. and the DCO is not a legal document by itself?16:47
mordredtalking to his lawyers about contribution and talking to his lawyers about having his lawyers sign a thing is different16:47
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timrckrotscheck, Cool.  Definitely not my area of expertise.16:47
mordredI know this to be true16:47
mordredbecause I"m going through it right now16:47
mordred"yes, it's fine, go ahead" is different than "yes, our legal team will sign that document"16:47
reedI get that the DCO is a lot simpler, more elegant solution etc... I don't buy the argument that it's that different, it still requires a chat with a lawyer16:47
mordredand the first can be given quite quickly in many cases16:47
mordredchat with lawyer not the problem16:48
reedmordred, I get it16:48
mordredchat with lawyer is easy16:48
krotschecktimrc: I lied.16:48
mordredlawyer singing document on behalf of company VERY HARD16:48
mordredreed: k16:48
mordredif I wasn't going through the hell of the second thing right now, I might not feel so strongly about it16:48
SpamapSsdague: the main thing that breaks down there, is that some people might give you what isn't actually theirs to give. But I don't think the CLA does much to ensure that.. they're just violating a license _and_ a CLA when they give you things that aren't theirs after signing the CLA. ;)16:48
mordredSpamapS: ++16:49
sdagueSpamapS: yeh, it's all belts and suspenders and *no pants*16:49
reedSpamapS, yeah, that's another thing :)16:49
mordredso few pants16:49
mordredI'd go so far as to say that CLAs are entirely emporers' new clothes16:49
mordredthey make lawyers happy because they ensure that more lawyers get paid16:50
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sdagueso all we are doing is kneecapping ourselves under some inane legal theory that we can go sue Company X when someone that signed all the papers didn't listen to a thing16:50
mordredbut they provide literlaly nothing to anyone16:50
mordredother than lawyer happiness16:50
sdaguewhich is never actually going to happen16:50
SpamapSI have always felt that the OpenStack CLA was mainly so OpenStack and it's many corporate entities can point at something and say they did their due dilligence in asking people to assert that they were going to be good, rather than just trusting that they'd be good.16:50
clarkbjeblair: I am going to review the 5s zuul delay change and some of the others stacked atop your find needed by change. hopefully get that in before you restart zuul16:50
krotschecktimrc, clarkb: Added comments16:50
krotscheck+1 as far as I'm concerned.16:51
SpamapSsdague: I never thought it was a counter-attack strategy. Just defense in depth.16:51
krotscheckUnless you want access to wacky headers, in which case my comment also provides a solution via the Expose-Headers bit.16:51
sdaguebut, more importantly, I basically continues to enforce the fact that non corporate sponsor development is unwelcomed in OpenSTack16:51
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sdaguewhich, if true, means the life of the project is going to be a lot less. We need to encourage all kinds of new blood, and the CLA drives off a lot of would be contributors16:52
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clarkbasselin_: small suggestion on
SpamapSsdague: I wonder if we do enough to try and asses who it drives off.16:53
clarkbkrotscheck: I don't think the graphite api is that funky, but I may be wrong16:53
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clarkbsdague: ya, its always the least fun part of introducing anyone to openstack dev16:53
clarkb"and now we have to sign a CLA" "WAT"16:53
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sdagueSpamapS: how would you accurately measure that? Most of those people never even get to the conversation because they read the CLA and say, f that, I'll go look at mesos or docker16:54
sdagueor spend my time somewhere else16:54
mordredto be fair - _I_ say that some days16:54
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openstackgerritAndrew Boik proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: WIP: (experiment) Test dual-stack with dependency
mordredfungi: clarkb and krotscheck  I are both good with ... but I'd rather have you look at it real quick before I +A it16:55
clarkbsdague: wait16:55
clarkbmesos requires a cla right?16:55
sdagueclarkb: maybe16:55
clarkbits apache16:55
sdagueno, apache projects only have CLA for maintainers16:56
SpamapSsdague: I don't think we can accurately measure it. I'm just thinking we could try to get some idea of who hits the CLA and then bounces off.16:56
clarkbsdague: ah16:56
timrckrotscheck, Thanks much for the comment.  I only need GET and AFAICT that's the only thing d3.json() does.  I don't see an OPTIONS verb anywhere.16:56
sdaguethe fact that we have a CLA for everyone is because no one actually read the apache process before they wrote ours16:56
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sdagueSpamapS: well, I'll tell you right now, I'll never contribute to a project that requires a CLA unless it was actually my job (as in the OpenStack case)16:57
clarkbtimrc: ya I think the graphite api is built around crazy parameter lists16:57
sdagueso, that's 1 data point :)16:57
clarkbtimrc: so you avoid too much trouble with other options that need to be set16:57
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sdagueclarkb: if we actually implemented the apache version of this only people with +2 authority would have to sign the CLA. Because it's assumed they can evaluate it before committing the code.16:58
clarkbsdague: I see16:58
clarkbthats still an odd requirement imo16:58
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clarkb"we trust you, but only if you sign this document that isn't directly related to all of what we trust you with"16:59
sdagueyeh, that's fine, I'm not sure I agree with it either, but it makes a bit more sense than our crazy pants thing16:59
clarkbyes its much more welcoming to the masses17:00
krotscheckmordred: Comment added17:00
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clarkbjeblair: see comment on though I may be entirely wrong about that17:10
fungitimrc: mordred: krotscheck: clarkb: i'm pondering it now17:11
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timrcfungi, Thanks.  Definitely need to defer to you guys on this one.17:12
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fungisdague: my take on the cla was that (at least a few of) the member company's lawyers felt it protected them from the risk that someone intentionally introduced patent-encumbered code, waited for it to proliferate, and then sued other member companies over patent infringement while insisting that they never gave up their patent claim because they never signed a contract stating they would17:15
fungiso basically part of an intellectual property arms race between member companies trying to protect themselves from each other, and the individual contributors are the ones caught in the middle agreeing to inane legal documents17:16
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: keystone bandit job on check
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fungilike you, i would never in my free time contribute to a project that required me to sign a cla. i'd love for openstack to eventually not require one (not even a dco, but it seems like that option's being presented as a possible stepping stone away from a more formal contract)17:18
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Update doc to match usage
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: keystone bandit job on check
fungii still cling to the idea that people can contribute to a free software project and the project can take it as granted that their contribution is provided under the terms the project itself is licensed (or at least terms stated in the file in which the contribution is situated)17:20
mordredfungi: ++17:20
mordredfungi: you and every other free software developer17:20
fungithe more projects start to add cla/dco requirements, the more it undermines the legality of the licenses themselves by creating precedent indicating they're insufficient on their own17:21
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fungia slippery slope which i worry will lead to us abandoning the licenses altogether, without them ever even being challenged in court in the first place to test their sufficiency17:22
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clarkbfungi: you reviewed as well, any chance you want to check my comment when you have a moment17:25
sdaguefungi: yes, I know exactly which corporate lawyers believe that theory17:26
clarkband now time for breakfast17:27
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fungisdague: you and me both17:27
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clarkbsdague: fyi I have rechecked a second time. I read logs for each failure before doing so and am fairly confident that my change is not to blame. The first fail had to do with a libvirt socket connection error during a tempest run and the second was keystone did not shut down during the neutron grenade run17:30
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clarkbsdague: just letting you know in case you are worried the above may be related to my change17:30
sdagueclarkb: volumes test failures?17:31
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clarkbsdague: let me double check17:31
clarkbsdague: tempest.api.compute.servers.test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON.test_resize_server_confirm17:31
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clarkbsdague: from
clarkbI would expect my change to break in libvirt much harder. eg the cpu model would be invalid and all libvirt node boots would fail17:32
clarkbwhich is why I don't think it is related to that fail17:32
clarkb(note the hard failing is what I saw when my change was not correct)17:33
fungiclarkb: see my reply on 170319... am i misreading that method that the chances of piling on sleep calls is higher than i think it is?17:33
clarkbfungi: gah you are right, I didn't realize that that method short circuits17:34
clarkbI will update my review, and thanks for the sanity check17:34
sdagueclarkb: yeh, there is a different failing around keystone not stopping, not sure17:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-graphite: Enable simple CORS requests
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fungibtw, nodepoold has been running for a while now configured to use pymysql. so far no behaviors out of the ordinary for it17:38
fungialso we're approaching a day's worth of the new stats for it in graphite, though i haven't tried to graph anything interesting from them yet17:39
fungii assume timrc will have something interesting to show us once he finishes wrestling graphene and cors17:39
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clarkbfungi: neat17:41
clarkbok really going to go find food now that I have updated my review on the zuul change17:42
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dstufftmordred: whats' up?17:46
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zarowaynr: had questions for you in & 15059817:46
mordreddstufft: just distutils pain - but I think we sorted it17:48
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fungi"we hateses the setup_requires, we does"17:50
dstufftfungi: mordred ah, lifeless is working on making setup_requires better, though there was stuff that had to be done first17:51
fungiyeah, cryptography setup_requires pyasn1 so setuptools grabbed it from rather than our mirror, and then promptly got a 5xx error from fastly, presumably17:52
sdagueany idea why this isn't going into the gate - ?17:52
fungisdague: Queue lengths: 731 events, 74 results.17:54
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fungiyour most recent readding of the approval is likely being worked through in that events pile17:55
sdaguefungi: ok, gotcha17:55
fungii think your original approval on the 26th happened when gerrit was broken17:56
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fungiand rechecking didn't have the desired effect because there was already a +1 from jenkins, so the new +1 left no vote17:56
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fungiyeah, it's up at the top of the gate pipeline now17:57
fungiso seems to have worked17:57
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Sonar analysis builder
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sdaguefungi: yep, seems working now, thanks18:18
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timrcfungi, I'm hoping :)18:31
timrcfungi, My little dashboard is going to side-to-side comparisons it can be region-to-region.  Conceptually you can to a side-by-side of the same region but different periods of time.18:32
timrcto do*18:33
timrcprovider-to-provider, rather.18:33
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fungigonna go grab a late lunch. back in a little while18:33
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clarkbtimrc: we probably want it to be region to region18:35
clarkbtimrc: since rax iad != ord18:36
clarkbtimrc: or do you mean provider to providerfrom nodepools perspective? since nodepool providers are basically regions or meta regions18:36
timrcclarkb, From nodepools perspective.18:37
clarkbtimrc: perfect18:37
clarkbalso we overloda all the terms18:37
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morganfainbergsdague, an extra info on why keystone didn't stop and/or bug would be appreciated.18:41
timrcclarkb, Someone will probably need to reload the apache conf for for the change to take effect.18:41
clarkbtimrc: puppet should do it for us18:42
timrcclarkb, Ah, okay.18:42
clarkbapache why18:43
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clarkbwe need mod_headers enabled18:43
timrcAh blah.... maybe 'a2enmod headers' is needed?18:44
clarkbtimrc: ^ I can manually a2enmod but can you submit a change to do that in puppet?18:44
timrcclarkb, Sure.18:44
clarkbapache is up now after enabling mod headers18:44
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mroddenis there an enforced policy of what can or can't go into stackforge?18:52
mroddenother than meeting the open source criteria18:52
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mordredmrodden: not really18:56
mordredmrodden: generally speaking somewhat related to openstack makes sense though18:56
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mroddenyeah i have a python interface for dealing with our internal issue tracker18:57
mroddenand i'd like to get it out in public since its useful18:57
mroddenbut i like gerrit18:57
openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/puppet-graphite: Ensure the 'headers' module is enabled
clarkbcinerama: around? want to talk about the zanata apache change18:57
clarkbcinerama: I have one idea I want to bounce off of you18:57
cineramahi clarkb18:57
clarkbcinerama: in standalone.xml.erb instead of having 3 different boolean flag to select the port binding. What if we have one variable called socket_binding (or similar) with a default value of "http" but it can also accept "https" and "ajp"?18:58
clarkbcinerama: I always find that a massive number of interrelated boolean flags gets confusing18:58
timrcclarkb, mordred, fungi, krotscheck -- Yay, I can fetch metrics data now :)18:59
clarkbcinerama: but if you use a string var like that you should be able to pass it straight thorugh to the template without any conditionals18:59
cineramaclarkb: that could be good. i'm just trying to think if there's a reason non-infra users might want to have more than one enabled19:00
cineramaclarkb: but i think actually that's the way to go19:00
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clarkbcinerama: ok let me write that as a comment, and I think I have one -1 thing in the vhost template19:00
clarkbcinerama: should have them up shortly19:00
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add --assume-yes option to apt-get
cineramaclarkb: great. i want to start getting these landed even if they're not perfect so we can get on the server and do more/better tests19:01
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clarkbcinerama: yup19:01
mordredmrodden: that would probably be the least-related-to-openstack thing :)19:02
mroddenyeah i know19:02
mroddeni'd rather not set up my own external gerrit19:02
mroddenrunning one is enough work19:02
clarkbcinerama: actually I may not have a -1 for the vhost. /me is going to think out loud on that one here too19:02
clarkbcinerama: so, apache.pp allows for not setting http cert and cert key files19:02
clarkbcinerama: but the vhost makes them required19:02
mroddenguess i'll just deal with pull requests for now19:02
mtreinishmrodden: I think just give it a flashy name and it's fine for stackforge :)19:03
clarkbcinerama: oh wait nevermind :)19:03
clarkbcinerama: the manifest uses snakeoil certs by default19:03
clarkbcinerama: so its fine to require https. So no -1 just the suggestion from earlier will post now19:03
cineramaclarkb: yeah, otherwise we could let people pick http/https and setup the vhost properly etc. i had put that in the "maybe do later" bin19:04
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mtreinishmrodden: heh, I'd give it a +2 if I had +2 on project config (probably a good thing I don't :) )19:05
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clarkbcinerama: ya don't worry about it, I just had to work it out for myself. Comments about the other thing posted19:07
clarkbcinerama: I did not approve because I wanted to give you a chance to update the change or decide to go with change as is and fix in followup19:08
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cineramaclarkb: i can probably get that turned around fairly shortly19:09
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clarkbfungi: for 164447 I guess the bindep fallback will only ever be as new as the image running the job?19:10
clarkbfungi: shoudl be fine that way since the intent is to have projects specify their own dpes which will be completely self testing19:11
clarkbits fun watching a package you ordered get stuck in german after transiting israel and turkey19:13
clarkbups tracking numbers should not be this entertaining19:13
clarkbmordred: fungi if we can get 165682 in then I can rebase my multi image format output change on it (but I don't want to rebase until we know which will go first)19:15
mordredclarkb: you could write an IRC bot that informs you when the package is in a new location19:15
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clarkbmordred: thats not a bad idea19:16
clarkbthe other fun thing that happens is you will order UPS 2 day from a place in the same city but it will go to kentucky first before showing up at your door19:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add fallback bindep manifest
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fungiclarkb: sure thing, looking now19:23
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fungiclarkb: on 164447 yeah the idea is that is a fallback file we'll use in jobs. as projects start to define their own bindep files the job definition (still in my head at the moment) will use those instead of the fallback. also makes them self-testing19:27
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fungiclarkb: i should also comment on that change that i've tested it on trusty and precise now and it does seem to successfully transform devstack-.* nodes to their bare-.* equivalents (centos6 is something i need to hack on today)19:28
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fungiclarkb: though in light of the bikeshed on platform identifiers in this week's meeting, any release-specific platform tags in that file will probably need a patch corresponding to an updated 157979 i haven't written yet19:29
clarkbfungi: rgr19:30
fungiclarkb: as far as bindep changes go, the one which would help the _most_ to get approved is 158098, because without that none of its jobs actually work19:30
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clarkbfungi: I do find it a bit odd to differentiate on both distro and package format, but I suppose thats a short cut for when all the red hats and suses agree on a package name?19:30
fungiclarkb: you got it19:31
clarkb158098 isn't in my magical priority task gerrit query19:31
fungiplatform:rpm is when everybody we know of using redhat-based packaging uses the same name but debian-derived distros don't19:31
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clarkbOH! I don't subscribe to bindep yet19:31
* clarkb fixes19:31
fungiseems marginally less magical ;_19:32
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clarkbfungi: see tox.ini comments, is cookiecutter doing it wrong?19:39
clarkbfungi: sorry on 15809819:39
clarkbfungi: if thats from cookiecutter I will approve it then go fix cookiecutter19:39
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openstackgerritStephanie Miller proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Add apache configuration for zanata
fungiclarkb: oh, i just responded, wip'd it and said i'd fix cookiecutter next19:43
fungibecause they were all good points19:43
clarkbfungi: that works too :)19:43
clarkbfungi: also I am double checking that pbr does the test interception19:44
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fungido i still need to pass in --testr-args='{posargs}' in that case?19:45
clarkbfungi: because it has been confusing enough in the past that I may have remember wrong19:45
fungii'm testing it now too19:45
fungihrm, how do you ignore all the hacking rules? H* seems to not do it19:46
clarkbso pbr supplies both testr and test19:46
clarkbfungi: I think just H19:46
clarkbfungi: so using the testr command is fine, pbr is doing that one and the test command both19:47
cineramaclarkb: please wait for the next cut - i've neglected the actual thrust of your comment19:47
clarkbhowever, if you use test, then nose will work as well19:47
clarkbcinerama: sure19:47
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clarkbfungi: so for cookiecutter ` test` is likely better, but for bindep it doesn't matter19:47
fungii'm adjusting it in both assuming i can get tests conforming19:48
fungiW391 apparently just showed up out of nowhere19:48
clarkbmordred: ^ do you have an opinion on that?19:48
clarkbfungi: hahahaha19:48
mordredI think we prefer test to testr19:48
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/bindep: Sync with openstack-dev/cookiecutter
fungiclarkb: mordred: in that case ^19:49
fungicookiecutter equivalent tweak on the way now19:49
clarkbfungi: also ya, for coverage I don't know why people don't like looking at coverage of tests proper. Its super handy when your tests don't do what you think the should do :)19:50
clarkbthe multiprcessing import in is special too19:51
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-dev/cookiecutter: Don't omit tests from coverage
clarkbdoes use multiprocessing?19:51
clarkbmordred: ^ any idea why that exists?19:51
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mordredI do not - I think something broke in nova at one point19:52
mordredI do not put that in any of my projects19:52
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fungido i still need to pass in --testr-args='{posargs}' in that case?19:53
clarkbfungi: yes, thats used if test uses testr underneath19:54
fungiokay, just making sure19:54
fungii suppose if you have to pass testr-specific options then test isn't necessarily any more portable19:55
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Make aiopcpu subnode directory more deterministic
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-dev/cookiecutter: More portable to use test not testr
fungibut at least this ^ way people only have to remove the non-pbr options from the line rather than change the entrypoint name19:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/bindep: Sync with openstack-dev/cookiecutter
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/bindep: Add a --file option
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fungiyikes, the in-browser commit message editor doesn't wrap lines20:01
clarkbmordred: Shrews you all are the openstack *client gurus now. What do you think of jhesketh's -1 on 155770?20:01
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/bindep: Add a --file option
fungithat's less insane now20:02
clarkbmordred: Shrews jhesketh from what I can tell nova will accept None and False as equivalent, so I guess its a matter of sanity in our own code base?20:02
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clarkbbut we will need that change for ra20:02
clarkb*for rax20:02
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/bindep: Add a --file option
clarkbfungi: 157978 and 157979 are the changes that need to be updated post bikeshedding?20:03
fungiclarkb: just 157979 i think20:04
fungiand then i'll adjust the file that 164447 added with a new change20:05
fungisince there are a couple lines there which need editing20:05
clarkbfungi: were you planning on adding fedora to 157978 or later changes? its not clear to me from your comment20:06
fungiclarkb: depended on whether someone approved that one before i got around to it20:06
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fungisort of trying to tackle all the missing bits in parallel without having them depend on each other where possible, so that we can get it eventually consistent with what we're going to need as reviewers have time to look at those changes20:07
clarkbI see, I can dig in after lunch probably20:08
clarkbright now just trying to understand what we have going on20:08
fungiyou and me both20:08
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fungimostly just implementing features/support it was missing to do the things i expect our initial use of it to need (running in nodepool prep scripts/dib elements to figure out what to cache, running under ci jobs to install things projects specify or install from a fallback we specify, support for the distros we initially need to run it on)20:10
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fungii also want to add some new jobs for it which are platform-specific rather than interpreter-specific20:13
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clarkbasselin_: 169117 has a wall of text from me :) one small thing inline for the -1 though then the rest is me trying to plan out a bit more concretely what our module testing might look like20:16
clarkbasselin_: curious to know what you think20:16
* asselin_ looking20:16
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asselin_clarkb, in  a meeting...give me a few mins20:18
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armaxclarkb: ping20:20
clarkbarmax: pong20:20
armaxclarkb: I was wondering if you had a chance to look at
armaxclarkb: from my last conversation with swami he told me that you were looking for the possibility to leverage the same gre tunnel setup that n-net used20:21
clarkbarmax: no one has checked the experimental jobs on the latest patchset20:21
armaxclarkb: done now20:21
clarkbarmax: yes, we already set up an overlay layer 2 network to make nova net work20:21
clarkbarmax: I don't want to have a second different overlay layer2 network to make neutron work20:22
clarkbwhether or not we use gre for that is less important, I just don't want two different everythings20:22
armaxclarkb: well that would be acceptable if it worked20:22
armaxclarkb: but it can't20:22
clarkbwhy can't it work?20:22
clarkb(also my original suggestion was to just use a single interface if possible and I never heard anything from that)20:23
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup jenkins/jobs/projects.yaml
clarkb(we can't use a single interface with nova net because ebtables, not sure if a problem with neutron)20:23
waynrzaro: sorry i haven't been responsive, been travelling for and dealing with a death in my family20:23
clarkbanyways I will be -1 on that change as long as it adds a second networking setup without justifying it20:24
armaxswami noted that in the review, that said, I appreciate that we don’t want two different everythings but isn’t the objective of this patch? We’re adding neutron support, if we could do the same with one single logic this patch wouldn’t exist!20:24
armaxclarkb: he did justify it20:24
clarkbarmax: except the overlay networks shouldn't need to be different20:24
clarkbarmax: are you telling me that if I had a nova network deployment and wanted to redeploy with neutron dvr I could not do that?20:24
armaxneutron’s default is ovs, we can’t use brctl to control the underlying topology20:25
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clarkbthis is hopefully a bug20:25
armaxof course not20:25
armaxbut what do you mean exactly?20:25
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clarkbarmax: ok lets back up, this has nothing to do with neutron and with nova20:25
clarkbarmax: what these two functions do is set up an overlay network because cloud networking is silly20:25
clarkbarmax: this gives us control of the network topology that we run neutron and nova net on20:25
clarkbmy suggestion is that we come up with a single topology for both managed by a single function20:26
clarkbbecause it should be possibly to delete nova network and deploy neutron dvr without changing physical hardware layout20:26
clarkbnow that may not be the layout we use for nova net today, but such a layout should exist20:26
armaxclarkb: right, but even if you look at the way neutron is setup in devstack20:26
armaxthe logic is different from n-net20:26
armaxwe have two of those there20:26
clarkbarmax: but this isn't a nova network vs neutron service configuration set up step20:27
clarkbarmax: this is modeling physical hardware that we then run nova network or neutron on top of20:27
armaxI mean the underlying system configuration20:27
armaxthe creation of bridges etc20:27
flashgordongreghaynes: how is the wheel mirror thing coming?20:27
fungiarmax: these functions are here to emulate "someone plugged a crossover cable in between the network interfaces of your two servers"20:27
armaxit’s totally differnt20:27
armaxfungi: ovs must be made aware of that crossover cabling20:28
armaxhence the additional logic20:28
fungibut the crossover cable itself shouldn't need to be removed and replaced with a new one just because you installed different software on the servers20:29
clarkbarmax: but ovs is merely an implementation detail. We should be able to use tinc, gre, openvpn, etc and still run nova net/neutron over the top as long as the topology is fine20:29
clarkbfungi: yes this20:29
armaxclarkb: we still use gre20:29
armaxit’s how the tunnel endpoints are set up that change20:29
fungican't ovs use bridged gre over top of the existing bridged gre which is smulating the physical network you'd have in an actual cloud (this is the nested virtualization argument)20:30
zarowaynr: sorry to hear that,  no hurry on my questions.20:30
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armaxfungi: if that was possible, we’d still need to tweak the logic to make adapt it to the environment that neutron expects20:31
fungiwe have virtual machines we need to run our tests on, and need to connect them with a virtual network. on top of those virtual machines and virtual networks we want to deploy a cloud (which may use nova net or neutron alternatively) and those things may themselves deploy a virtual network of their own riding on top of the network we have created for this emulated physical environment20:31
armaxand I’d rather have the logic completely separated in neutron_dvr_gre_bridge than hijack gre_bridge instead20:32
Swamiarmax: I agree with your comment20:32
clarkbSwami: armax also flat network as set up by the gre thing is just a name20:32
armaxit sounds like gre_bridge was devise to make it work with n-net20:32
clarkbSwami: armax its just a set of bridged interfaces20:33
fungiit was devised so that we could define a common subnet between the virtual machines they could use to communicate with one another20:33
armaxI suppose we could try and change gre_bridge to fit both scenarios20:33
clarkbwhy can't neutron use that?20:33
clarkbsay neutron your interface is called flat_if_foo20:33
fungiremember that this is running inside a network environment we don't control, so we already need a level of encapsulation just to be able to have these machines reach one another on a network we define20:34
Swamiclarkb: neutron always create br-ex, and it should be connected that would be the neutron's requirement20:34
clarkbSwami: ok then just connect that to flat_if20:34
clarkbSwami: isn't that sufficient?20:34
clarkbSwami: armax all we are doing here is setting up two l2 networks between test nodes20:34
clarkbSwami: armax forget gre/ovs/etc and forget flat/public/br-ex20:34
clarkbneutron should be deployable on two nodes that have two interfaces each on a different shared l220:35
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Swamiclarkb: yes20:35
armaxclarkb: agreed20:35
clarkband if not, there should be some other topology that neutron is deployable on that nova network is also deployable on20:35
clarkband we will set that up instead20:35
clarkbok we agree on that, now why is the current setup that configures that network topology insufficient for neutron?20:35
armaxok, so you’d be okay changing the existing gre_bridge function to see if we can accommodate neutron to work as weel as nova20:36
clarkbarmax: yes absolutely, that is what I asked for before20:36
clarkbarmax: however I do not think it should be necessary20:36
clarkband am asking for more info on why it might be20:36
Swamiclarkb: the issue I had is, automatically the flat_if was not connected to the br-ex20:36
SwamiThat change has to occur.20:36
clarkbSwami: yes so that should be a devstack config option right? you tell devstack to configure neutron on flat_if20:37
clarkbthen devstack bridges the two20:37
clarkbthis should be no different than telling neutron to use eth020:37
SwamiclarkB: The other thing that i don't understand is the public_if.20:37
clarkbSwami: thats just another interface on a different l2 network20:37
SwamiDoes the public_if correspond to the "br-ex" in neutron.20:38
clarkbSwami: you don't have to use both20:38
fungithose were arbitrary names we picked, they can be renamed if it makes people happier20:38
clarkbyes we should rename then to eth99 and eth4220:38
SwamiSo let us assume when you say two l2 networks20:38
fungithey got scribbled on a notepad in the summit lounge and those were the names which sprang to mind20:38
Swaminetwork1 is the internal network that provides the private ip for the VMs. Does it correspond to the flat_if in the nova case.20:39
clarkbSwami: yes20:39
SwamiOk, got it.20:39
SwamiNetwork2 is the external network that provides the gateway and the floatingip to the VMs. Does it correspond to the public_if20:39
clarkbSwami: yes20:39
clarkband if we need to rename them to make that more clear thats fine20:40
clarkbwhat I want to stress is that we should configure one overlay network topology and use it for both neutron and nova net20:40
fungiin fact i would say that if the names really smack that much of a nova-net specific deployment design, then we probably should rename them to something more generic so as to avoid future confusion of this sort20:40
clarkbthe names and tools matter less to me than achieving that goal20:41
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make tempest-dsvm-heat job voting
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove integrated-gate template from heat
SwamiSo then we can provide the devstack the details about the "PUBLIC_INTERFACE" as the public_if and there should be a corresponding one to provide the physical interface for internal network.20:41
clarkbhowever we also know that this topology and toolset works and seems to work quite well20:41
clarkbso I would be careful if changing it20:41
SwamiSo do you want to stick on to the same names that are there.20:41
SwamiIn your opinion then no change is required and it should work as such.20:42
SwamiAm I right.20:42
clarkbSwami: we can change the names to avoid confusion, but in my opinion the topology itself is fine20:42
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openstackgerritClark Laughlin proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Install puppet from the Ubuntu apt repository for aarch64/arm64
Swamiok then let's use the same topology.20:43
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Remove heat from default configuration
SwamiSo I will give it one more try at it to map the existing "flat" to "ethO" and "pub_if" to "br-ex".20:45
armaxSwami: besides the naming conventions, we’d need to figure out what extra setup is required and whether that is simply done within devstack itself20:45
Swamiarmax: Yes I will confirm it.20:45
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Remove heat from default configuration
SwamiIf I hit any issues with that I will let you guys know if there any changes required.20:46
clarkbSwami: thanks, also it helps me to explain things in networking terms and not neutron terms20:46
Swamiclarkb: understood20:46
clarkbbr-ex is mostly meaningless to me but if you say "neutron needs a bridge with an interface on a shared layer2" I can grok that20:46
fungisame. i spent years as a network engineer for some very, very large networks. i've never deployed neutron. i probably should give it a try at some point ;)20:47
armaxclarkb:’s a matter of also using a naming convention that makes sense for both solutions20:47
SwamiYes neutron by default creates the ovs-bridge "br-ex" for external connectivity.20:47
SwamiSomehow we need to connect that ovs-bridge to the interface that "gre-bridge" is creating.20:47
clarkbSwami: I think devstack does that, since that is what it does when you tell it to use eth020:48
clarkbyou just need to tell it to use something other than eth0, in any case I think we have worked through some of the confusion here and hve a plan. look forward to seeing what you find out20:48
armaxclarkb: that’s true, that’s why I was suggesting earlier that there’s might be logic in devstack itself that we can piggyback on20:48
Swamiclarkb: Yes devstack does it for neutron when you ask it to create.20:48
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Swamiclarkb: yes I will go re-verify with the current plan and if I have an issue I will ping you.20:49
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armaxso we might need to edit localrc to pass the intf names that make sense in this type of topology20:49
Swamiarmax: yes I will try it out.20:49
armaxrather than the default ones that are used in single host20:49
Swamiarmax: sounds like a plan20:51
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asselin_clarkb, read through your comments. first, glad you agree in the general direction.20:54
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asselin_clarkb, nibalizer took a quick look and wasn't sure his thoughts exactly.20:55
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asselin_clarkb, so given that i can iterate a bit more to make it resuable across other puppet modules20:56
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fungigoing over cacti graphs for nodepool.o.o since the pymysql switch, this is the only obvious performance change
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openstackgerritClark Laughlin proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Install puppet from the Ubuntu apt repository for aarch64/arm64
fungiit looks like mysql:// was probably using a unix socket file and mysql+pymysql:// is using tcp over the loopback interface20:58
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clarkbfungi: interesting, it is pushing more bits too. Ah yup that would probably explain it20:59
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clarkbasselin_: ya I think iterating is fine, if we get the puppet exit code fix into your script as it is now I am fine merging it20:59
openstackgerritTimo Tijhof proposed openstack-infra/zuul: web: Allow clients (browsers, proxies) to cache status.json
clarkbasselin_: then we can followup with changes to make it reconsumable by other modules20:59
fungipart of me wants to see if i can figure out why that is, but a bigger part of me says that's just a few mbps over the loopback interface i don't really care20:59
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clarkbya its going to be just about as free as using the unix socket21:00
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add tempest-dsvm-sahara
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add sahara tempest job to sahara and tempest
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fungiso if we reimplement the loopback interface over a 10-baset hub this would be like network 30% utilization!21:02
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clarkbto address vxlan and why we use gre, I think we were looking for a least common denominator that would work across different cloud implementations. Correct me if I am wrong but vxlan requires multicast which we do not have working in our cloud envs21:05
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clarkbfungi: ^ you likely know21:05
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fungii honestly have only used vxlan to communicate between hosts and switches (we needed way, way, way more than 1k vlan ids), but i don't recall what the frame looks like21:07
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fungier, well we had vxlan going between the switches themselves too, but yea no recollection. i'll look21:08
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clarkbya my understanding is it is required for network broadcasts across logical l221:09
clarkbwhich you need for dhcp so we can't have it not work21:09
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fungii know i've definitely only used it when i had control of the hardware it was traversing21:09
fungior over vpcs where i controlled all the endpoints21:09
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fungiclarkb: yep, broadcast communication maps to multicast ip on the outer header
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fungiso we wouldn't, e.g., be able to arp over a vxlan broadcast domain without multicast ip support in our service providers21:17
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clarkbor dhcp21:18
clarkbso no vxlan for us21:18
asselin_clarkb, sounds good, thanks21:18
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fungiclarkb: yep, well, with no arp dhcp is going nowhere anyway (literally)21:21
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fungier, yeah i guess the initial broadcast request and subsequent reply don't rely on arp, and the later refreshes which did would in most cases fall back to discovery again21:25
fungiso i guess dhcp would in theory work in a network where arp was broken, but regardless, not where ethernet broadcast is broken21:26
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fungigreghaynes: ironically, your coverage report for 165682 comes in at 1% worse than the most recently merged change
jeblairclarkb, fungi: back21:35
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clarkbjeblair I +2'd but didnt approve those other zuul changes21:35
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i'll go ahead and aprv them21:36
fungigreghaynes: i'm okay with 165682 in theory, but since its result differs in practice from the goal stated in the commit message, i want to make sure that's making sense to you first21:36
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jeblairclarkb: oh, 160050 fixes the same thing that 170319 does, but in a different way21:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Delay Gerrit events by 5s
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clarkbjeblair is that the same race?21:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Fix checking all builds are waiting in tests
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clarkbYours addresses the issue in production so better fix21:41
jeblairclarkb: yeah... actually looking at it, i don't think i want to apply 160050 because then i think if it ever were called, it would blindly submit the job "stop:None" which will never be picked up...21:41
jeblairclarkb: we shouldn't actually call a method that would hit the attributeerror anymore with 170319.  i think it would be okay to clean up the code so there's no possible path in the future...21:42
jeblairclarkb: but we should probably protect against the use of "None" explicitly in that case21:42
clarkbok I can abandon my change21:42
jeblairclarkb: (essentially, the attributeerror protected us from submitting a nonsense gearman job)21:42
jeblairclarkb: either way; i put a comment on your change about adding the None check for posterity21:43
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clarkboh I can update it to checj that instead.21:46
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openstackgerritSteve Varnau proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix timer jobs getting aborted from abandoning a change
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clarkbjeblair: do you think we hvae mitigated this race with your change such that my change is unnecessary? or should I update it for extra belts and suspenders?21:53
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Create a log server like
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jeblairclarkb: i think it's currently unecessary, but your change will make the code better so that future changes are less likely to mess something up.  so good belts and suspenders.21:55
jeblairand i think we have pants this time too. which is good.21:55
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clarkbI do recommend remembering pants before going outside21:58
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Fix race in CRD duplicates test
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openstackgerritSteve Varnau proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix timer jobs getting aborted from abandoning a change
mordredjeblair: we got pants?22:02
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clarkbjeblair: fwiw making that change makes tests unhappy so its possible this is tickling something new :)22:12
clarkbI am currently trying to sort that out now22:13
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Simple script to setup and test log server
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clarkbjeblair: I have updated the check in setBuildDescription and it explodes on an attribute error22:17
clarkbjeblair: but the FakeBuild in tests/base.pp has a manager attribute and we should set __gearman_manager to None at the very least22:17
asselin_clarkb, changes updated. found a bug in the common log server too using the new test script!22:17
clarkbso unsure how we are getting to setBuildDescription before the launch happens22:18
asselin_clarkb, have a good weekend22:18
clarkbasselin_: you too, will look when I am done fighting zuul :)22:18
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clarkbjeblair: appears to be related to merge jobs that fail22:29
clarkboh its for noop jobs22:31
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clarkboh and dunderscores are biting us22:40
clarkbjeblair: ^ was there a reason for making it __gearman_manager?22:40
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clarkbhrm same error if I remove the mangling __s22:42
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jeblairclarkb: __ because it's modifying an object that it doesn't own.. the Job class from the gear lib22:43
clarkbin this case we are adding a _Gearman__gearman_manager attribute to Build objects22:47
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clarkbI'm not sure how thats tied to the Job class from gear22:49
clarkbanyways I think the issue is that we have some Build objects that are fully launched and others that are not. Changing to use build.gearman_manager and setting that in __init__ of build works22:51
openstackgerritStephanie Miller proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Add apache configuration for zanata
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Use gate64 cpu type during multinode testing
clarkbflashgordon: ^ that is ready now22:53
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timrcSoooo... I need to do some work with lining up tasks and what not and add data binding to select different providers/regions/thingies but....
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timrcThere's actually a lot of styling that needs to be done... but a start, I suppose.22:56
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zigoDo I need special ACLs to be able to push a tag to a stackforge project?22:57
zigoI'd like to tag in xstatic-angular-lrdragndrop.22:57
clarkbzigo: you need to have the push signed tag permission22:58
zigoclarkb: Can you do it for me then? :)22:58
zigoOr who should I ask?22:59
clarkbzigo: no, we shoud make sure the ACLs are correct22:59
clarkblet me take a look22:59
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clarkbzigo:,members that is the group that can push tags. Either get a member of that group to push the tag or have them add you to the group23:00
zigoclarkb: I don't think I'll ever touch that package again, it's just that I happened to commit what was uploaded to PyPi and which never went into the project.23:00
clarkb(once you are added ou can push the tag yourself023:00
clarkbtimrc: I am not sure what I am looking at :)23:02
clarkbtimrc: the values seem to be in increments of 100 and have a unit of 'm'23:02
fungiclarkb: clearly this is metric23:04
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mordredI think "m" is "meters"23:13
mordredwhich is neat23:13
mordredI didn't know nodepool had such good distance23:13
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clarkbjeblair: so not quite sure how to address this in zuul, and probably won't get it done before I call it a day23:14
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clarkbjeblair: but likely keeping the attribute error checks is ismplest23:14
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timrcmordred, Haha.23:17
timrcI'm trying to figure out what I'm missing / is going on with that.23:17
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KrinkleHm.. I'm trying to run Zuul tests locally, but not getting anywhere.23:39
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KrinkleI was hoping it'd be as simple as 'tox' or 'tox -epy27'23:40
jeblairKrinkle: "tox -e py27" should be all that's needed23:40
jeblairor that.  space is not important23:40
Krinkle(copied from your jenkins output :) )23:40
* Krinkle is not a python developer23:40
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KrinkleI've got latest python 2.79 from Homebrew23:41
timrcmordred, Is this data fraction of an hour?
jeblairKrinkle: so the good news is it ran 51 tests and only 16 failed!23:41
jeblairKrinkle: oh, i have no idea if they work on OSX23:41
clarkbjeblair: they won't due to epoll iirc23:42
clarkbin gear23:42
timrcMan that URL gives me a headache.23:42
jeblairyeah, that'll probably do it23:42
Krinklethe .poll fs thing doesn't work on OSX's system.23:42
KrinkleYeah, I ran into this with gearman23:42
KrinkleI guess it uses that too23:42
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openstackgerritTimo Tijhof proposed openstack-infra/zuul: web: Allow clients (browsers, proxies) to cache status.json
jeblairokay, i'm going to restart zuul now23:47
mordredtimrc: its seconds23:48
timrcmordred, Hm. That's what I thought, but that's not what that url is giving me AFAICT.23:48
mordredtimrc: try "averageSeries(stats.timers.nodepool.task.hpcloud-b*.CreateServerTask.mean)"23:49
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timrcAh I need to be using timers?23:49
mordredyeah - the other thing is, I think, giving you counts of numbers of calls23:50
Krinklejeblair: Should I install gearman manually before running the test?23:52
jeblair(and actually, when you do want counts, i find stats_counts.... to usually be what i want to work with, as it's the raw numbers)23:52
Krinkle2015-04-03 23:50:02,990 gear.Connection.unknown          DEBUG    Connecting to port 5531923:52
Krinkle2015-04-03 23:50:02,990 gear.Connection.unknown          DEBUG    Error connecting to port 5531923:52
Krinkle2015-04-03 23:50:02,990 gear.Client.unknown              DEBUG    Unable to connect to <gear.Connection 0x7fc7e0983790 host: port: 55319>23:52
jeblairKrinkle: no, tox will do that23:52
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mordredjeblair: ++23:52
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KrinkleWoah, all tests pass.23:53
jeblairKrinkle: fyi, there may occasionally be race conditions in them.  we try to squash them as we find them (we just fixed two).  but still may happen from time to time.23:54
KrinkleYeah, I noticed in my stack of a dozen changes a few randomly failed23:54
Krinklejeblair: btw, I recall a conference talk about openstack elasticsearch and something about smart 'recheck' neediness based on common errors or something like that.23:54
KrinkleDid that work out in the end?23:55
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jeblairKrinkle: for openstack itself we have this:
jeblairKrinkle: and there's an associated bot which will leave a message saying "this failed because of a known bug"23:55
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jeblairKrinkle: so it helps people decide whether to just recheck or perhaps they are introducing something23:55
Krinklejeblair: specifically a bug that would likely not happen again if doing recheck, as opposed to a deterministic known issue?23:56
jeblairKrinkle: we don't use it for anything other than openstack itself though (so it won't apply to zuul changes)23:56
Krinkleah, right.23:56
KrinkleIt's not generic yet.23:56
Krinklestill mighty impressive though23:56
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jeblairwell... it's pretty generic...23:56
jeblairKrinkle: the only things that aren't generic are what we decide to put into logstash23:56
jeblairKrinkle: (so the logstash grok filters are written for openstack logs)23:57
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jeblairKrinkle: and the specific logstash queries that drive that, which are written by hand23:57
jeblairKrinkle: so the _system_ is generic; our use of it is just openstack because those two parts are maintained by hand23:57
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clarkbKrinkle: has an example comment from the system23:58
KrinkleThe thing I'm personally most happy about is the visualisation and integration. Gathering the data and making it say 'recheck' is one thing. But making it easy to configure and maintain is a separate skillset.23:58
clarkbit identified the test failure as being
openstackLaunchpad bug 1249065 in OpenStack Compute (nova) havana "Nova throws 400 when attempting to add floating ip (No nw_info cache associated with instance)" [Medium,Confirmed] - Assigned to Aaron Rosen (arosen)23:58
KrinkleAh, I see. It suggests recheck, doesn't say it itself.23:59
jeblairKrinkle: yeah, to avoid infinite loops and also masking test failures from developers23:59
Krinkleyeah, if there's no pain, bugs don't get fixed.23:59

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