Thursday, 2015-03-05

jogoclarkb: oh right00:00
greghaynesCan we not just run the devstack bits that install packages durin the dib build00:00
jeblairclarkb: how certain are you that they KeyError still happened after the full removal?  if it only shows up in the log twice, i wonder... i ask because it's not clear how it would end up missing from part of the data structure otherwise00:00
greghaynesor we want to test the dependency logic too I guess00:00
clarkbgreghaynes: then we won't have a cache00:00
mordredwe do00:00
clarkbjeblair: can you grep for the Exception in main loop message?00:01
jeblairclarkb: i did and found the KeyError twice00:01
clarkbjeblair: hrm that is what I see as well00:02
clarkblet me reread irc logs00:02
jeblairclarkb: maybe it was in the process of recovering from your second fix?  it looks like it was restarting the managers around that time, but may have stopped emitting the KeyError00:03
jogogreghaynes: also based on
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jogoinstalling packages is pretty quick00:03
clarkbjeblair: according to my reading of irc logs + nodepool logs first keyerror occured before removing all entries and second occurred after00:03
jogobuilding wheels is ~25% of the time though00:04
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clarkb23:31:20     clarkb | ok I have more properly fixed the config, lets see if that shakes some nodes loose <- is when I removed the label and providers too00:04
jeblairclarkb: based on the manager restarts though, i think the config reload may not have taken effect until after that00:04
greghaynesjogo: and I think ~80% of that wheel time is numpy + lxml if its anything like tripleo00:04
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jogogreghaynes: and caching files will mean less trips to the network which will increase reliability (we see rax mirrors break often)00:04
clarkbjeblair: gotcha, I was just being impatient then?00:04
jogogreghaynes: most likely00:04
clarkbthen I restarted ~4 minutes later00:04
jeblairclarkb: understandably so.  :)  but i think that means that the fix for this is the config file syntax check00:05
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clarkbjeblair: +100:05
clarkbjogo: your example ran in rax00:05
clarkbjogo: we are caching packages properly in rax00:05
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clarkbjeblair: also it was about 4.5 minutes between main loop exceptions so I likely jumped the gun00:06
clarkbjeblair: you have convinced me :)00:06
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jogoclarkb: what about Get:4 trusty/main libcroco3 amd64 0.6.8-2ubuntu1 [82.4 kB] ?00:09
clarkbjogo: it will still grab anything that is updated00:09
clarkbjogo: or any new dependencies00:09
clarkbgreghaynes: where is that boot qcow2 script stuff of yours? I finally have a real excuse to use it00:09
greghaynesclarkb: haha00:09
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jogoclarkb: that is a lot of new packages since the caching ...00:11
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clarkbjogo: its also possible snapshots are broken too but they don't have chroot issues like dib00:13
greghaynesclarkb: I wonder if is the race issues you were seeing00:13
jeblairclarkb: which image has the initramfs problem?00:14
clarkbjeblair: devstack-trusty00:14
clarkbjeblair: its the qcow2 in my homedir on nodepool.o.o00:14
jeblairclarkb: and did you delete most recent from all 5 hpclouds?00:15
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clarkbjeblair: I did00:15
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clarkbjeblair: but not before it started builds in them00:16
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create and upload heat test images to tarballs
clarkbso I think it may need a single build fail pass to use the new image00:16
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jeblairClientException: Unknown Error (HTTP 500)00:18
jeblairseeing a lot of those in hpcloud now00:18
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clarkbthat was the floating ip leak before00:19
clarkbits possible that this is really making the leak large00:20
clarkbjeblair: try nova show on a node that does that00:20
clarkbthat was the other thing I was doing to track this stuff down00:20
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Sorted Package Dependencies.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Removed "Do No Evil" jshint and replaced with eslint.
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Enabled eslint:space-unary-ops
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Enabled eslint:no-use-before-define
jeblairclarkb: they delete instantly00:23
jeblairclarkb: it's the create server call itself that is 500ing00:23
jeblairso there's nothing to see in nova00:23
clarkbjeblair: ok then thats not the boot problems from before00:23
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clarkbjeblair: those would go ACTIVE and the console would show the unable to mount /00:24
jeblairclarkb: oh yeah, i didn't think it was00:24
jeblairclarkb: those manifested as ssh timeouts in nodepool, i believ00:24
clarkbjeblair: the other thing to check is `nova floating-ip-list | wc -l`00:24
clarkbjeblair: 600 + 4 for the table format is our limit there iirc00:24
clarkbok so not floating ips00:24
openstackgerritSumit Naiksatam proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create experimental job for group-based-policy
jeblairclarkb, mordred: i mentioned to the hpcs noc that we are seeing many 500 errors on server create00:25
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jeblairclarkb: still seeing quite a few "OverLimit: Maximum number of ports exceeded"00:26
jeblairclarkb: what does that mean?00:26
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clarkbjeblair: we also have a limit of 600 neutron ports. Each neutron interface is a port. So in hpcloud thats one port per node. try `neutron port-list -c id -c device_id` to get a listing of port id to host ids00:26
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clarkbjeblair: also wc -l that and limit should be 600 + 400:27
jeblairclarkb: is there a venv with neutronclient installed?00:27
jesusaurusoh, you might be leaking ports rather than leaking floating-ips00:27
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clarkbjesusaurus: I have on in my homedir on puppetmaster.o.o /home/clarkb/venv/bin/neutron00:28
clarkber jeblair ^00:29
jesusaurusif you are leaking neutron ports, is a little script I wrote to clear them out00:29
jeblairclarkb: 60700:29
jeblairhow is it possible we are leaking neutron ports?00:29
clarkbjeblair: ok, that means we are using our quota there00:29
clarkbwell I am not quite sure we are00:30
clarkbjeblair: I think we may be leaking nodes00:30
jeblairclarkb: as close as i could get running two commands, we have 497 nova instances and 599 neutron ports00:31
clarkbjeblair: huh, ok then I think we are leaking neutron ports.00:31
clarkbjeblair: we probably need to cross check the device_id from port listing with nova instance uuid, filter out the special ones for routers and dhcp then maybe delete the rest?00:31
clarkbjeblair: I also have no idea how we are leaking those00:32
jeblairmordred: ^00:32
jeblairclarkb, mordred: are we using east or west?00:32
jeblairthe noc would like to know00:33
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jeblairclarkb: fwiw, i think we just got a big batch of working hpcloud nodes00:33
clarkbjeblair: east00:34
clarkbjeblair: well at least tehre is some good news00:34
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jeblairokay, it's past EOD for me.  i'm going to wish nodepool good luck with hpcloud and head out.00:36
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clarkbhave a good one, I think things are mostly happy again00:37
mordredjeblair: east00:37
mordredjeblair: havea  good night!00:37
mordredclarkb: I had a new/different idea on the fix for the ansible/puppet/project-config sequence thing00:38
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ianwclarkb: when you have a second, could you pastebin the full nodepool.yaml config file from host (templating gets in the way of using the .erb file)00:39
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clarkbmordred: ok I am mostly semi listening00:40
clarkbianw: it has sensitive data in it so not really00:40
clarkbianw: just replace the erb stuff with strings00:40
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Drive actions around repo creation from ansible
mordredclarkb: ^^00:41
mordredclarkb: there it is00:41
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clarkbmordred: the problem with that is it requires ansible to use our puppet right?00:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Fix exception in dib image cleanup
mordredclarkb: only if you're using it to drive manage-projects and create-cgitrepos00:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Fix nodepool.yaml whitespace
ianwclarkb: yeah, doh00:45
mordredclarkb: I'm not wed to it - just seemed like a fairly simple option00:45
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jogoclarkb: re caching apt packages in rax and HP, I am seeing the same amount of data being downloaded from apt i nboth00:47
jogoclarkb: I think greghaynes has an idea why00:48
clarkbjogo: what was the idea?00:49
greghaynesIm guessing youre referring to the fact that dib clears out the apt cache00:50
clarkbrax images aren't built with dib00:50
greghayneswell, that would be odd if dib was messing that up then ;)00:50
jogoclarkb greghaynes: ahh hrm, so something else is wrong there I guess00:51
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clarkbmordred: jeblair I have confirmed that local kvm can boot the image that seemed to give hpcloud trouble00:52
mordredclarkb: awesome00:52
clarkbmordred: any ideas why may happen in hpcloud?00:52
greghaynesclarkb: worked?00:53
clarkbmordred: also if you want to grab the image that is broken its in my homedir on nodepool.o.o maybe you will have better luck reproducing the fail00:53
clarkbgreghaynes: up00:53
clarkbgreghaynes: I just shoved m qcow2 into the images/ dir and that worked fine00:53
mordredclarkb: uhm .. NO00:53
greghaynesclarkb: nice!00:53
clarkbmordred: boo :P00:53
mordredclarkb: that looks very screwed up00:54
clarkbis there a better way of getting the ip addr for a virsh node than checking arp?00:54
mordredtteggel: ^^ when you wake up ...00:54
clarkbmordred: the only thing I can think of is maybe the file that was uploaded got corrupted? but don't we check md5sum?00:54
clarkbmordred: also it would've had to get corrupted on multiple uploads which seems odd00:54
clarkbmordred: also check out greghaynes' d3.sh00:55
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mordredwhere do I find
clarkbgreghaynes: though it looks like you don't preserve the orinal image00:57
clarkbwhich should be fine for a thing with dev in its name00:57
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clarkbgreghaynes: you make the source qcow the backing image file00:58
clarkbgreghaynes: rather than making a copy00:58
greghaynesah, well thats an easy fix00:58
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clarkbso if I do stuff in the VM the image will change00:58
greghaynesThis was just me getting mad when I had to boot an image by hand, not really planned out ;)00:58
clarkbwhich meh its fine00:58
clarkbtotally works which is cool00:59
clarkbbecause the worst bits of virsh are defining domains00:59
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clarkbok I am really going to step away from the computer now01:02
clarkbI tried to reproduce boot failures and failed01:02
clarkblikely not going to make any additional headway today01:02
clarkbmordred: though before I go, any thoughts on how we leak neutron ports?01:03
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mordredclarkb: no - but I'll try to hammer on that concept in the morning01:05
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StevenKpleia2: You have a CentOS machine handy, or I should dust off a chroot/VM?01:15
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pleia2StevenK: just brought one up on hpcloud, trying to figure out how to apt-cache search with yum now ;)01:16
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mordredpleia2: "yum search foo"01:16
pleia2how reasonable! thanks01:16
mordredpleia2: it's almost like they wrote one tool that actually does all the things01:16
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asselingreghaynes, failed again. not sure what the error is. did I accidentally ctrl-c?
clarkbmordred: because I have a hard time not working, in my homedir on puppetmaster are two files, hpcloud-nodes.txt and hpcloud-ports.txt01:20
mordredclarkb: heh01:20
clarkbmordred: should be able to use that data to figure out the leaked ports01:20
mordredclarkb: well, you could be watching duke whoop up on wake forest on espn3/watchespn01:20
clarkbI just need to clean it up01:20
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pleia2StevenK: heh, so it's not in stock centos7, so I enabled EPEL01:21
asselingreghaynes, nevermind...sorry I redirected stdout to a log file, but stderr was still going to a terminal. a bit confusing...01:21
pleia2StevenK: zanata-python-client.noarch : Python Client for Zanata Server01:21
pleia2doesn't seem to have the java client01:21
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greghaynesasselin: ah. I was very confused ;)01:21
pleia2StevenK: but since there's one for fedora, it may be possible to just bring that rpm over01:22
StevenKpleia2: Possibly.01:22
StevenKThe purist in me wants to keep going to have it on Ubuntu01:22
pleia2StevenK: it's also valuable to have it packaged for users who want it01:23
* mordred watches StevenK implode01:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix pkgs-to-install path
pleia2but yeah, figured I'd give you an out if the deb packaging is kiling you01:23
kevinbentonhi, can I get another set of eyes on this request for a third party plugin repo?
kevinbentonit already has one +201:24
StevenKpleia2: I had to learn the ins and outs of mh_make from maven-debian-helper, but that has mostly gotten me a bunch of source packages -- or close to01:25
StevenKpleia2: I am building on Vivid due to other Java depends, but once I have this lot building on Vivid, backporting to Trusty shouldn't cause too much hair loss01:25
StevenKAnd please don't say Precise :-P01:26
cineramaaaaaah why is wildfly trying to use weld01:26
pleia2StevenK: haha, no, we're using trusty now :)01:26
mordredcinerama: because pain?01:26
pleia2java is hard01:27
StevenKpleia2: My poor firewall at home is still running *Lucid*01:27
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mordredStevenK: jeblair and I have a server running lucid01:27
cineramai did it the exact same way01:27
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pleia2I have one running squeeze01:27
mordredStevenK: we're thinking that maybe now that trusty is out and mostly not terrible it might be time to upgrade01:27
cineramado i have to stop this car?01:27
StevenKmordred: I can not upgrade it to Precise, its processor doesn't support CMOV.01:27
pleia2StevenK: haha, nice01:27
StevenKSo I either have to side-grade to Debian, or try and replace it01:28
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use GIT_BASE environment variable
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StevenKIt's a low-power board, no fan or moving parts01:28
StevenKOr I buy another CF card and debootstrap Debian onto it01:28
StevenKpleia2: The other fun with this is because Java, it takes 10-12 minutes to install ~200MiB of Build-Depends.01:29
pleia2StevenK: it takes about 7 minutes for zanata to even *start*01:29
pleia2so that's special01:29
StevenKThe client, or the server? :-P01:29
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pleia2java application servers are ridiculous01:30
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mordredpleia2: but they can java things01:31
pleia2mordred: not helping01:31
clarkbmordred: that needs sanitizing, there are special dhcp ports in there and likely router ports as well01:31
clarkbmordred: but that is the list of ports that do not have device ids that match our nova list01:31
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clarkband with that actually afk now01:32
cineramagot it01:33
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cineramaso there is this /etc/default/wildfly that the puppet module installs01:33
clarkbmordred: confirmed that router ports are in that list so uh don't delete anything yet :)01:34
cineramait is evil and we need to kill it with fire01:34
clarkbmordred: we will have sad times if we do01:34
sigmavirus24How's zuul doing tonight?01:34
clarkbsigmavirus24: mostly better01:34
pleia2cinerama: that makes me sad, maybe we can convince upstream to make it optional, or just delete it ourselves01:35
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clarkbwhy is defaults file bad?01:35
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pleia2clarkb: just asked for a pastebin of it01:36
cineramadefaults file is here
ianwhmm, i wonder what happened to ... seems to have disappeared from zuul without a trace01:37
pleia2cinerama: wow, that is a terrible file!01:37
pleia2seems like loading up lots of xml files that are breaking things :\01:38
cineramaoh yeah you betcha01:38
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mordredclarkb: timrc has made a patch to add rebuild support to shade, and has also done some benchmarking01:39
mordredclarkb: seems to be roughly 3x faster to rebuild vs. delete/recreate01:39
clarkbin hpcloud ya01:40
timrcmordred, I'm using defaults with create_server (which has auto_ip set to True) so probably not a "real world" comparison in the context of nodepool.01:40
cineramaso the game now is "who's enabling weld"01:40
cineramaah i see01:40
mordredtimrc: actually, I think it is01:40
timrcmordred, Are floating ips not pooled?01:41
cineramaJBOSS_CONFIG=standalone-full.xml <- no bueno01:41
mordredtimrc: because auto_ip is what we'd want in nodepool (although auto_ip needs a few more patches)01:41
mordredtimrc: nope01:41
timrcmordred, Ah.01:41
mordredtimrc: we delete and recreate them every time01:41
pleia2ok, time to get some foods01:41
timrcmordred, Well then.01:41
mordredso honestly, we remove a lot of moving parts when we get rebuild working01:41
timrcYeah, I think the challenge is to work out how nodepool will know what to rebuild an instance as.01:42
clarkband when to rebuild vs delete01:42
mordredit's not a quick patch - but I Think it's going to be a great feature01:42
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mordredclarkb, timrc: my napkin thought is to keep a demand counter, and if the demand coutner is > 0, then rebuild, if == 0, then delete01:44
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clarkbmordred actually I think we can update the manager queues safely01:45
clarkbthe when you go to add a boot event if delete in queue replace with rebuild01:46
clarkbthe problem is getting lajnch node to know when it can swap delete for rebuild01:46
clarkbbecause you dont want to do this on the delete side of things or code will get nasty01:47
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mordredclarkb: I'm sure docker would fix it01:48
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greghaynesI think we could use a dockerbot01:49
greghaynesthat randomly answers questions with "Maybe you could fix it with docker"01:49
cineramacool, i found the bit in the wildfly puppet module where we can pass the parameter to fix that01:50
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timrcgreghaynes, ++01:50
cineramasuper obvious...after looking at stuff for two days :)01:50
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timrcclarkb, mordred Would you agree a spec for nodepool rebuild would be appropriate? I can start working on that.01:51
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mordredtimrc: yeah. I think it's been requested enough - I know our cloud providers would like us to rebuild01:52
clarkbhonestly I am with jeblair on no features for nodepool until its better tested01:52
mordredwell, yeah - but we can write the spec and get that worked out01:52
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timrcYour production instance is your test bed :)01:53
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timrcclarkb, Testing nodepool is probably something I'd be keen on doing considering how little I know if its inner workings.  So cool.01:55
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cineramaheh...but that's not the only problem with the puppet installation. that would be easy.01:57
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sigmavirus24So someone is telling me that should be dependent on but I didn't see any documentation mentioning that one thing required the other02:01
mordredsigmavirus24: I do't think it's a hard depend ... although I can see the reasoning and maybe we should add a mention to the docs...02:02
mordredsigmavirus24: basically, putting gerrit notifications into a channel that we don't have ACL management on is a little strange02:03
mordredsigmavirus24: of course, just landing both patches is also an easy way to fix that :)02:03
sigmavirus24mordred: ah that makes more sense, thanks for the explanation02:03
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mordredsigmavirus24: that said - there's an error in one of them - I just plopped the -1 on it02:05
mordredsigmavirus24: but I think we can land these without too much trouble02:06
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add gerrit notifications for #openstack-api
sigmavirus24mordred: fixed02:07
sigmavirus24Thanks for catching that02:07
mordredsigmavirus24: look great - both are +2 from me02:08
sigmavirus24Thanks mordred02:08
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cinerama`almost there with this02:42
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cineramai think the the end is in sight...tomorrow02:46
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mordredStevenK: fyi - if you troll through hours of scrollback, we've got an openstack project that needs a C library that's not in distro02:48
mordredStevenK: so our need to sort out apt repos and building packages has a new use case02:49
mordredStevenK: however, in this case, the library _has_ been packaged for debian and is in debian02:49
mordredis just didn't make the ubuntu sync02:49
StevenKmordred: So we can either backport it to trusty-backports and just use that, or some random PPA that trusted people can upload to, or do something else.02:50
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cody-somervilleLet's deploy our own instance of Launchpad.02:51
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nibalizercody-somerville: plzno02:55
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cody-somervillenibalizer: Hey man. You feeling any better?02:56
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nibalizerquite a bit02:58
greghaynesI thought that had been atempted03:00
greghaynesalso, I bet StevenK would love to03:00
StevenKThere are a number of private Launchpad's around the place03:00
StevenKMost people don't tend to talk about that.03:00
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greghaynesThe first rule of installing launchpad is...03:00
StevenKHire an ex-Launchpad developer?03:01
mordredStevenK: well, let's say no to PPA03:01
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mordredStevenK: in general, we should scheme up what having an infra run apt repo looks like that we can use our big fancy build farm to populate03:01
mordredStevenK: we don't need to solve it today though03:02
StevenKmordred: Well, you have some ideas about never removing obsolete packages either, which tends to mean we can't use reprepro or dak03:02
mordredStevenK: I don't know that we have to never remove - but ultimately we don't _need_ to remove obsolete03:02
StevenKapt-mirror could probably be convinced to do it, but oh god03:02
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mordredor aptly03:03
greghaynesI thought apt-mirror didnt clean up unless you run its thing03:03
dstufftI use that on the PSF Salt stuff03:03
dstufftto host crap for the Python infra03:03
StevenKTBH, I'd just rather have apt-ftparchive cronned :-P03:04
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mordredwell, I mean, the thing is - running the repo? not the hard part03:04
StevenKControlling write acess, how to build, etc, those are the hard parts03:04
mordreddeveloper workflow around getting packages in to it etc? completely undefined03:04
mordredwell, there will be no write access03:05
mordredthere will be zero people with repo upload permissions03:05
mordredthese are things I can say with 100% assurance03:05
StevenKThen the repo is done and it will be empty? :_P03:05
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mordredStevenK: zuul will be the only person with those permissions03:05
StevenKBut I know what you mean, you want it done by robot03:05
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mordredrobots are better at things03:06
mordredhumans are very bad squishy piles of error03:06
StevenKYou should watch Terminator 2 to see how that turns out03:06
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mordredStevenK: :)03:07
mordredStevenK: I mean, there are guns and roses songs - so generally pretty well, right?03:08
clarkbI dont know that I want to visit the jungle though03:08
dstufftit has fun and games03:08
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SlickNikStevenK: Well — the robots in Terminator 2 were built by humans right?03:09
mordredand, apparently, they even know the names of all the things you need03:09
SlickNikCase and point :)03:09
cody-somervilleStevenK: You can tell reprepro to not remove superseded packages.03:09
StevenKSlickNik: Nope, humans had built the precedessors03:09
mordredthis is why we shy away from letting zuul directly commit code ...03:10
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SlickNikStevenK: Okay a generation removed, but still. :)03:11
SlickNikI for one welcome my zuul-gen-2 overlords.03:11
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Choose correct branch for rebase when submitting
mordredSlickNik: ++03:11
clarkbthats when I get to move back to island and fish right?03:11
clarkbwhen zuul starts to write code for me03:12
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mordredclarkb: why, btw, have we not all moved back to island and fish?03:13
clarkbmordred not enough bandwidth03:13
greghaynesThis is a solvable problem03:13
mordredclarkb: for fishing?03:13
clarkbfor when you arent fishing03:14
mordredclarkb: I think I'm unclear on why that is a concern03:14
clarkbmordred for streaming/torrenting music to clean fish to?03:15
mordredclarkb: I think CDs still physically exist somewhere03:16
clarkbits possible. probably in micronesia03:16
greghaynesCD's exist, but cd drives do not03:16
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HenryGHey I wonder if anyone can help me to diagnose why check-neutron-dsvm-functional jobs for stable/juno are suddenly failing?03:33
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HenryGI see and recently merged. Do they not play well together?03:35
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Choose correct branch for rebase when submitting
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: (Try to) Fix the Neutron functional job for stable branches
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.config to latest release
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openstackgerritSyed Ismail Faizan Barmawer proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add ironic-lib to
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack/requirements: Update pip and pip-missing-reqs
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack/requirements: Add new prettytable requirement for nova
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openstackgerritSumit Naiksatam proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create experimental job for group-based-policy
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openstackgerritSyed Ismail Faizan Barmawer proposed openstack/requirements: Add ironic-lib to project.txt and global-requirements.txt
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Use change instead of patch
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add gerrit notifications for #openstack-api
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GheRiveromorning all!08:33
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ianychoihello : )08:33
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Configure triggers dynamically
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for 'connection' concept
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for triggers
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add logging to #openstack-ansible
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Add logging to fetchremotes call
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-graphite: Add missing storage subfolders
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-graphite: Add ability to configure retention policy
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pc_mHad a question... if a commit has been approved, but during verify fails Jenkins (passed during check pipeline), how is that handled?11:31
pc_mDo we do a comment with "recheck" or "reverify"?11:31
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yolandahere, i'm having continuos failures on precise for  puppet-gerrit, and don't seem to be related with my changeç11:33
yolandais that a known issue?11:34
GheRiveropc_m: I guess is reverify but not sure11:35
yolandaGheRivero, i think it's just recheck, and it pass through check and gate again11:35
yolandareverify was demoted11:35
yolandaat least it was like that some months ago, maybe you know more than me :)11:36
pc_myolanda: I'll try recheck. I just did reverify command.11:36
pc_myolanda: thanks11:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Functional tests job for policy enforcement
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openstackgerritThomas Morin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add networking-bagpipe-l2 project
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add the ability to configure jeepyb git repo
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Expose jenkins_gitfullname and jenkins_gitemail
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lucasagomeshello there, I need to add a new gate job for Ironic. I've never done that before, there's any example someone can point me to? Thank you *goes and keep googling*12:37
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add the ability to configure jeepyb git repo
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snikitin_Guys, I have a problem. Here is approved patch  It passed check tests. But gate tests didn't start. 'reverify' and 'recheck' didn't help. Could someone help me with that?13:33
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snikitin_problem resolved by reapprove13:36
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hasharLunchHello, does anyone know whether openstack-pkg-tools packaging helper ends up disabling network/pypi access ?13:44
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Add logging to fetchremotes call
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aarefiev_hi folks! Could somebody help? I have a patch  , jenkins fail with merge conflict, but it is up to date. Also it depends on anothe patch from cinder13:51
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BobBallSomething mus tbe wrong with my zuul config... I keep managing to get changeish's where one of is None which triggers an exception in the status update: - Any ideas?14:09
BobBalllayout.yaml is
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pc_mANyone here know about testr w.r.t. --coverage target? It is no longer working in the neutron-vpnaas repo (invalid command option).14:23
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Drive actions around repo creation from ansible
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Choose correct branch for rebase when submitting
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* mkj_wk hopes patch set 19 makes it through Jenkins so it's worth reviewing... :/14:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Add behavior to enable ironic noauth mode
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Add ironic node deployment support
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Reorder envlist to avoid the rm -fr .testrepository when running tox -epy34
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timrcSpamapS, Wasn't aware of that patch to add the create_server test to shade, so thanks for pointing it out.  I'm not married to using mock but monkey patching seemed like a super simple and consistent way to test all the success and failure paths in that method.15:01
lucasagomeshello there, I need to add a new gate job for Ironic. I've never done that before, there's any example someone can point me to? Thank you *goes and keep googling*15:02
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TheJuliamordred: Regarding shade, do you have any feelings on the subject of retry and wait logic?  Specifically I'm thinking of adding wait/retry logic into calls that would be made for ironic resources, naturally with the default behavior for them not to engage, but allow a user from ansible playbook to trigger them.15:04
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mordredTheJulia: hrm. that's an interesting question ...15:05
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mordredjeblair: ^^ this might be a conversation for you too15:06
mordredTheJulia: so basically a "keep_retrying_until_the_cloud_doesnt_suck=False" parameter?15:06
jeblairmordred, TheJulia: there's already some optional wait logic in there, right?  seems optional retry wouldn't be a huge expansion...15:07
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TheJuliamordred: I was thinking retry_count: x15:08
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mordredTheJulia: yours is likely named better than my suggestion15:09
mordredbut yeah - I think I agree with jeblair - seems like a sane and useful idea15:09
timrcSpamapS, Whoa I read the commit -- in no way does that fill me with confidence :)15:09
mordredTheJulia: does retry_count imply wait/timeout?15:09
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jeblair(we would not use it in nodepool because of its own retry and task ordering mechanisms)15:10
timrcSpamapS, At least mock is relatively stable and part of the py34 stdlib...15:10
jeblair(but it seems great for ansible)15:10
TheJuliamordred: retry would imply wait, but one may just want to wait.15:10
mordredTheJulia: ++15:11
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mordredworks for me!15:11
TheJulia"Oh, it failed... well, okay we're done here" as opposed to "Oh... transient failure... uhh.. lets try this again."15:11
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timrcSpamapS, Not sure I like the idea of a *unit test* succeeding or failing because of an external library.  Besides, I'm not testing novaclient, I'm testing the shade rebuild function.  Since mordred +2'd both of changes, I'll let him decide what should be done :P15:16
timrcmordred, Two shade tests, two different styles: and
mordred /me hides15:18
timrc(granted mock is an external library, but like I said, its api seems to be stable and is part of py34 stdlib if I'm not mistaken)15:18
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jeblairtimrc: there was a conversation in here about it a day or two ago... lemme find it15:18
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timrcexternal library for py27 I meant*15:19
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jeblairtimrc: starting at 2015-03-02T17:40:4015:19
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timrcjeblair, Thanks.15:21
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix typo in format string
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timrcSo mordred SpamapS and whomever else is interested.  I'd prefer the unit tests to test nothing more than the success and failure paths of the shade method.  Since these methods are wrappers around other clients, I think that testing for regressions in those APIs is probably best done with integration tests, e.g. actually using the shade methods to do Real Things.15:35
timrcBut I am low man on this totem pole so I'll defer to the wisdom of my elders :)15:35
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TheJuliatimrc: That does seem reasonable.  My one concern would be a transitory issue causing the test to fail when doing Real Things, but really that occuring would just be highlighting a defficency that needs to be addressed15:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support excludes when recursively processing paths
anteaya2015-03-05T11:31:16  <pc_m> Had a question... if a commit has been approved, but during verify fails Jenkins (passed during check pipeline), how is that handled?15:44
anteayapc_m: the answer is `recheck` the reverify command has been removed15:44
clarkbI much prefer Zuul's brand of testing with fakes over mocks. Its you cover a larger surface of real world failures without integration test complexity15:44
anteaya2015-03-05T03:33:00  <HenryG> Hey I wonder if anyone can help me to diagnose why check-neutron-dsvm-functional jobs for stable/juno are suddenly failing?15:45
anteaya2015-03-05T03:33:46  <HenryG>
anteayaHenryG: are you still having issues?15:45
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add microsecond columns to the test_runs table
pc_manteaya: Yeah, found out that I needed to do that vs reverify.15:45
clarkbalso mocks have a way of becoming assert True15:46
HenryGanteaya: Thanks for checking in. We think this is the fix:
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jeblairclarkb: "test that the python interpreter returns from a function invocation"15:46
* anteaya reviews 16156915:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Check external documentation links are valid
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use sphinx extlinks to shorten links to Jenkins wiki
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Change test folder name to 'fixture' for consistency
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clarkbI am going to work on listing the leaked ports in hpcloud now15:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Move project matrix documentation into a test.
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Provide info on number of jobs processed for test, update and delete-all
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Provide a more complete yaml reference in the docs for CMake module.
clarkbjesusaurus taught me about device_owner in neutron identifying the service that uses the port. So you can neutron port-list -c id -c device_id -c device_owner | grep compute to get all the ports used by compute nodes15:51
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anteayaHenryG: were did the BRANCH variable come from? I can't seem to find a BRANCH variable in devstack-gate or devstack15:54
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed stackforge/gertty: Fix keymap substitution
jeblairtchaypo: ^15:55
mkj_wkYay, finally Jenkins success on a patch set that AFAICT resolves every review point... ☺15:56
xnoxwhy non-OSI approved license terms are used by openstack upstream published projects on github?15:56
xnoxpleia2: ^15:56
jeblairxnox: can you be more specific?15:57
anteayalucasagomes: this is a good place to start: note this adds a non-voting job to their repo, the best is to add a brand new job to the experiemental pipeline first and then once the build is stable to move it to non-voting15:57
xnoxjeblair: XStatic-* declaring license "(same as $foo)" in the pypi metadata / -> instead of using something which is in e.g. "MIT"15:58
xnoxjeblair: from my point of view, i'm told not to use XStatic-* as it does not have a valid license in the source =(15:58
anteayaaarefiev_: if the patch is in merge conflict, which is you need to rebase the patch15:59
lucasagomesanteaya, thanks much!16:00
anteayaBobBall: the error AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name' is ringing a bell, we might have encountered that ourselves in the last 24 hours, might a grep of the channel logs yield a result?16:00
jeblairxnox: i would recommend talking to the horizon developers who are the ones maintaining those projects.  i think there is an argument to be made that the license is clear, but if not having the exact value is causing you problems, perhaps they can change it.16:00
anteayalucasagomes: do your best and put something on gerrit, we can go from there16:01
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jeblairxnox: there is an #openstack-horizon channel, or you could use the openstack-dev mailing list16:01
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lucasagomesanteaya, fair enough! I will put a patch up soonish16:01
xnoxjeblair: let me do that, on irc.16:01
anteayapc_m: did you get teh vpnaas coverage test working again?16:01
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aarefiev_anteaya: I've rebased it, it is up to date16:01
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anteayaaarefiev_: great16:02
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pc_manteaya: Not sure. On one system it works, on the other it doesn't will dig into it later. Have a bigger fish to fry right now :(16:03
anteayapc_m: happy frying16:03
anteayacome find us if you need us16:03
clarkbjeblair: mordred et al I think that is a list of leaked ports16:04
clarkboddly some hosts have duplicate ports, not sure why16:04
clarkbalso we have leaked ~89 ports16:05
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jeblairclarkb: do those hosts still exist?16:05
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anteaya2015-03-05T11:33:56  <yolanda> here, i'm having continuos failures on precise for  puppet-gerrit, and don't seem to be related with my change16:05
clarkbjeblair: as far as I can tell no, I cross checked the output of `nova list` with the output of `neutron port-list -c id -c device_id -c device_owner | grep compute`16:05
anteayayolanda: are you still having issues?16:05
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clarkbjeblair: I am working to see if those multiple ports might be from routers or similar though16:06
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yolandahi anteaya, so looking at the error log, it was throwing lots of errors, but the error that made my test fail was legit16:07
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yolandaalthough that tons of errors and warnings are still present on the puppet log16:07
jeblairtteggel: are you around?  we seem to be leaking neutron ports in hpcloud -- and they aren't attatched to any current nova hosts...16:07
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openstackgerritThomas Morin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add networking-bagpipe-l2 project
anteayayolanda: okay16:09
anteayayolanda: yes wading through the errors to find the right one is a bit of a chore16:09
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timrcclarkb, jeblair Sorry I had a 3 year old that had to "show me something" (permanent marker drawings on my wood floors).  Fakes seem more appropriate to me if they originate in the project they're testing as opposed to one that simply wraps other things.16:09
anteayayolanda: good digging!16:09
aarefiev_anteaya: thanks for feedback16:09
timrcclarkb, I would assume novaclient, for example has its own test suite that uses fakes, and that those tests get run whenever there is a change.16:09
yolandaanteaya, yes, i didn't expect to see all these puppet errors so i got confused16:10
anteayaaarefiev_: sure16:10
yolandabut then i could find the real problem between all16:10
anteayayolanda: I can certainly understand that16:10
anteayaway to go!16:10
yolandaanteaya, i've been digging a bit on puppet-* modules to make them more consumable16:10
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timrcFor something like shade that wraps other things, I think it's more appropriate to use unit tests to test code paths, and integration tests to sniff out things like api regressions.16:10
anteayayolanda: oh thank you!16:10
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clarkbunittests are great, mocks not so much16:11
* anteaya again wonders what the difference is between mocks and fakes16:12
clarkbat least that has been my experience, you end up with mock parroting exactly what you tell it which is "go forth and pass" and it doesnt really expose problems16:12
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yolandaah, clarkb... now that you are around, i'd like your feedback for the enforce nodepool user chane16:13
yolandalooks as there is a bit of polemic there:
sdaguejeblair: is there a storyboard entry for Depends-On causing change stalls like
clarkbanteaya fakes are usually simple but otherwise functional replacements of a thing for testing16:13
sdaguethey end up in a state where a recheck won't progress them to the gate16:14
anteayaclarkb: thank you16:14
clarkbanteaya mocks are overrides for methods/obejects that mock behavior by eg being told to return X on this function call16:14
timrcclarkb, Mocking external calls can catch logic errors.16:14
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timrcclarkb, In the function you're actually testing.16:14
timrcAnd can ensure code coverage.16:14
jeblairclarkb: i looked up some of those instance ids in the logs, and they were associated with nodes that progressed through the full lifecycle without error16:15
clarkbjeblair huh, is that true for the hosts with multiple ports?16:15
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anteayaclarkb timrc cool, thanks that helps me get a perspective16:15
clarkbjeblair: those are the ones I am most worried about because they seem special16:15
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jeblairclarkb: oh, sorry, no.  just singletons16:16
jeblairsdague: you filed it:!/story/200016916:17
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clarkbjeblair: so far I am unable to map any of the multiple port hosts to our router list16:17
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jeblairsdague: well, the description doesn't exactly match, but i think it's a very similar, or possibly the same, problem16:17
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sdagueoh, ok. The fact that storyboard doesn't show you your filed bugs by default makes me lose stuff like this16:18
clarkbtimrc: the problem is that mocks are typically far more forgiving than the mocked code or even fakes16:18
jeblairsdague: workflow +1 will progress it; recheck won't because the jenkins vote doesn't change, which means gerrit doesn't include an approved section in the emitted event16:19
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sdagueok, lots of people seem to be getting stuck on this one now16:19
clarkbtimrc: so yes you can use them to exercise code paths, but you have to be very careful you don't end up in a trap of everything passes good to go when in reality its passing because you aren't testing anthing16:19
sdagueit's come up a few times in channels the last couple of days16:19
sdaguecontributors keep running recheck because they don't understand why changes are stuck16:19
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timrcclarkb, Integration the test infrastructure of another project also has its dubious aspects as well though and that should also be considered.16:21
timrcEr integrating*16:21
clarkbsdague: jeblair zaro did write a change to upstream gerrit to change that behavior16:21
clarkbwe should see if upstream has had any feedback yet16:21
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timrcI think we have to agree on the intent / what we want to accomplish in a shade unit test.  To me, they should simply exercise code paths and flag logic error regressions because they are simply calling out to other things.  Those things should all have their own test suites and we should be doing integration testing with them separately from unit testing to avoid importing their test infrastructure.16:22
jeblairclarkb: none of the multi-port hosts show up in our logs16:23
timrcIf a result of a function in shade is wholly calculated in shade then I think there is value in testing the value of outputs.16:23
clarkbjeblair: sdague
timrcvalue in testing the value... hm :)16:24
timrc<-- articulate16:24
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clarkbtimrc: so the issue with full on integration testing is that it is harder to debug, much easier to catch those problems in a simpler environment if you can (notice the recent push towards proper functional testing in openstack). Also, until very recently ~2-3weeks ago novaclient didn't have functional testing, just a few cli tests in the tempest runs and their unittests16:25
clarkbtimrc: so depending on eg novacleitn to do testing is :(16:25
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clarkbjeblair: ya and I don't see any of them in our router list16:26
jeblairclarkb: shall i start talking to the noc?16:26
clarkbjeblair: do you think we should maybe send this list to hpcloud before we delete anything and hope they can debug?16:26
clarkbjeblair: its probably worth at least asking if they know anything more than we do16:26
jeblairmaybe i should open a ticket?16:26
sdagueclarkb/timrc though contributing tests for behavior you want nailed down in novaclient would be ++16:27
sdaguenow that there is infrastructure to do more robust testing16:27
clarkbjeblair: I think so16:27
* mordred is in the middle of moving a test from python-openstackclient to os-client-config16:27
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clarkbjeblair: we aren't hurting for those ports right this second so I don't think we need to rush to delete these, getting answers if we can would be good16:28
mordredbecause testing that os-client-config does the right thing in the middle of the mocking in openstackclient turns out to be crazy strange16:28
mordredbut - we can lock down the bevhavior and contract in os-client-config and then trust in osc that it will actually, you know, work16:28
sdaguemordred: ++16:28
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timrcsdague, Seems like testing is in much demand :)16:29
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clarkbjeblair: I don't know if you saw but I was able to locally boot the qcow2 image that was giving hpcloud trouble yesterday16:30
clarkbjeblair: I am using whatever version of kvm and qemu come with ubuntu trusty which is probably newer than what hpcloud is running through16:30
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clarkbI also confirmed md5sums checked out and I wasn't the benefit of some miraculous bit flip16:30
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jeblairclarkb: i wonder if it would be worth some more manual testing on hpcloud then....16:30
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clarkbjeblair: its possible, at least to confirm its consistent there? maybe a second image upload will work and we can narrow focus to uploads? (mostly just hopeful something will become apparent)16:31
jeblairclarkb: yeah, and maybe we can poke around in the bb shell and find out what actually went wrong?16:32
clarkbmaybe? I don't think hpcloud gives you proper interactive console access16:32
clarkbbut maybe hpcloud support can debug if we point them at our image16:32
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BobBallanteaya: Unfortunately the NoneType in the logs was for nodepool16:34
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jeblairclarkb: the nova console thingy isn't interactive?16:36
clarkbjeblair: nope, it just dumps dmesg16:36
clarkbrackspace has that vncviewer which I don't think hpcloud supports16:36
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mordredclarkb: hp totally has interactive console16:36
mordredI used it 2 days ago16:37
clarkboh nevermind then16:37
clarkbmordred: was that added in the 1.1 cloud? 1.0 definitely did not have it16:37
mordredthere are two different tabs - one is the dumped log - one is the interactive console16:37
mordredit's actually more betterer than the rax one - much more responsive16:37
clarkbcool, I will figure out glanceclient to upload this image16:37
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BobBallAnyone know how to fix a Zuul Internal Server Error where one of the jobs has changeish.project == None?
BobBallOr, failing how to fix it, how it happened so I can avoid it in future? (does enqueue work? or is that causing this?)16:39
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jeblairBobBall: i haven't seen that locally so haven't been able to debug.  we use enqueue all the time16:40
jeblairBobBall: i think asselin has seen it though16:41
BobBallDrat.  Any way to repair it? or is it a case of killing zuul and restarting every couple of days?16:41
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jeblairBobBall: i honestly don't know.  any information you can provide would be great.  if you have any theories, i'm happy to work through them with you.16:42
clarkbis enqueue not being given a complete set of data like the project field?16:42
clarkbI thought it was a required arg16:42
BobBallI think zuul requires everything...16:42
BobBallzuul enqueue --trigger gerrit --pipeline silent --project openstack/nova --change 159106,416:42
timrcI've used vnc with hp public cloud...16:42
BobBallThat's all I've ever used to enqueue16:43
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anteayaBobBall: ah sorry about that16:43
mordredclarkb: I have an upload script if it's useful16:43
clarkbmordred: no hpcloud is the easy one so should be fine16:43
jeblairBobBall: yeah, that lgtm.16:43
clarkbmordred: if this was rax I would probably ask for it :)16:43
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BobBalljeblair: I did see as an earlier exception - could that be the cause?16:44
mordredclarkb: ++16:44
BobBallIt happens lots so I assumed it wasn't the cause...16:44
jeblairBobBall: yeah, i think it's unrelated16:45
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jeblairBobBall: oh! that's the zuul client show running-jobs command16:45
jeblairi thought that was in zuul server16:45
jeblairah, but the error is in the server servicing that command16:46
jeblairi think i'm caught up now.  :)16:46
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jeblairBobBall: is that consistent?  ie, if you run it again, do you get the same error?16:46
BobBallThat was the simplest way I thought of to produce it.  debug.log shows it regularly.16:46
asselinBobBall, jeblair yeah, we run into that. I've seen it 3 times.16:46
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BobBallHow have you been fixing it asselin ?16:47
asselinBobBall, right now, no fix. just restart zuul16:47
asselinBobBall, patrickeast also ran into it16:47
asselinBobBall, what projects is your zuul monitoring?16:47
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BobBallkill it rather than service restart, right? service restart seems to hang forever16:47
BobBallasselin: nova + sandbox
asselinBobBall, sudo service zuul stop, then start. I didn't use restart16:48
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asselinBobBall, ok, patrick east and I monitor cinder, so seems less use of cross project dependencies.16:49
clarkbjogo: I have very little interest in running two neutron multinode jobs until someone is working on one fwiw. We can make the current job DVR if that is what people want to debug, but I don't think having two failing jobs with no one looking at them is helpful16:49
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BobBallWell I wonder if it is a cross project dependency for a project we don't monitor?16:49
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clarkbBobBall: service restart performs a graceful shutdown which stops processing events and only queues them, waits for all jobs to finish, writes out a pickle state, then restarts loading the pick back to start processing the queue backlog16:50
jeblairasselin, BobBall: does "Unable to find project for change" ever show up in your debug logs?16:50
asselinBobBall, maybe...16:50
asselinjeblair, looking16:50
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jeblair(and are you logging at debug level?)16:51
jeblairoh, actually that's a warning16:51
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jeblairso should show up in normal logs16:51
BobBalldebug.log is indeed logging DEBUG.16:51
asselinjeblair, also no16:52
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BobBallAny way to dump more info manually? to see which job is causing this issue?16:53
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BobBallIf not I can add more debugging so the next time it comes up we have a print of any details we have16:53
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asselinBobBall, look at your logs and see when it first starting happening. The change should logged be around that time...16:54
openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed openstack-infra/reviewstats: Overdue update for the ironic project group
BobBallyes but there are lots of changes and I don't have a start-time for when I know things were good other than a few hours before16:55
BobBalljeblair: We do have Project openstack/horizon not found but I'm assuming that's all expected16:56
asselinBobBall, I never tried that enqueue command. I will try it next time.16:56
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BobBallok so that's not the culprit then - good to know.16:58
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add microsecond columns to the test_runs table
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asselinBobBall, in my case, it seems a patch starts to run, then I get stack traces that come from the zuul ui filling up the log files. I will find my log paste.17:00
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marunclarkb: is BRANCH a valid variable in the context of project-config job definitions?
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: import aeromancer to stackforge
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clarkbmarun no see line 2317:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Add semantic_version to global-requirements
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shivharisfungi: hi17:07
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anteayashivharis: you are going to be waiting a while he is on holidays17:07
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: Add global flag to control replication
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shivharisanteaya: oops, thanks for heads up.17:08
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shivharisanteaya: I have a question for you...17:08
anteayaclarkb: can you expand, I too am trying to understand if BRANCH is a valid variable and so far am not making the correct decison17:09
anteayashivharis: how about you just ask the question for the channel and someone will speak up if they can help17:09
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anteayait is usually a more effcient use of everyone's time17:09
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shivharisanteaya: actually u are the boss on the question i have to ask17:09
asselinBobBall, here's an example of what we run into:
shivharisanteaya: i need to get voting privileges for Brocade VDX CI, we have been voting for quite some time, with '0'17:11
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clarkbline 23 sets the value of BRANCH_OVERRIDE17:11
anteayashivharis: what repo do you want to verify?17:11
rcarrillocruzmordred: helo helo, if you have some time to review that'd be great, got already several +1s, when it lands i'll add up moar func tests17:11
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Reintroduce "Temporarily disable swift-dsvm-functional for Icehouse"
shivharisanteaya: neutron17:11
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clarkbso without updating that BRANCH doesnt exist17:11
anteayashivharis: you need to talk to mestery17:11
mordredrcarrillocruz: you have a patch up with a dvsm job too, right?17:12
clarkbI need to figure out what the actual issue is to help debug17:12
mtreinishclarkb, mordred: if you get a sec. I want to land: before I push the next subunit2sql release17:12
shivharisanteaya: ah.. ok, will do, thanks for the pointer17:12
anteayashivharis: he is the only one who can make decisons about who verifies on neutron17:12
gordchmm.. is there a bug for grenade tests in juno? specifically  n-api not starting?
shivharisanteaya: thanks17:12
anteayashivharis: you're welcome17:12
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rcarrillocruzmordred: yep, i actually put up the new shiny superuseful Depends-On zuul feature on the dsvm change (thanks to AJaeger for reminding me)...17:13
anteayaclarkb: there is a link to the logs with the failure in the commit message17:13
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting tempest dsvm job for Ironic
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jogoclarkb: I agree, lets start with one, as long as someone is working in that neutron multinode job17:15
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clarkbanteaya: marun I think you want to test both BRANCH_OVERRIDE and ZUUL_BRANCH, I will leave a comment17:18
cineramapleia2: BAM, got a working install from puppet17:18
marunclarkb: danke17:18
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting tempest dsvm job for Ironic
cineramapleia2: we just needed to change one thing in our usage of the wildfly module and ship over the standalone.xml you had from the download17:19
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anteayaclarkb: thanks17:19
cineramapleia2: i'm going to clean this up and then maybe i should submit it as dependent on your change? need to do some cleanups probably but i'd like to have the progress there17:19
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clarkbgordc: not that I am aware of17:21
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix the Neutron functional job for stable branches
pcm_Question: For functional tests, should testr_results.html show what modules have been processed?17:21
anteayaclarkb: thanks I think that makes more sense to me17:22
gordcclarkb: hmm... will debug after lunch. seems to be only a juno thing.17:22
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clarkbpcm_: I think it should show all the tests that ran with pass/failure info17:22
pcm_clarkb: As part of my objectives were to have one functional job run tests in tests/functional/ and in tests/functional/openswan, and another job (experimental) run in tests/functional/ and tests/functional/strongswan.17:24
mordredrcarrillocruz: how does that jenkins job call "tox -efunc" ?17:24
pcm_clarkb: was set up to enable gate hook for 2nd job and test it out.17:24
pcm_clarkb: Waiting for experimental run, but on the first job, it doesn't seem like it ran any tests.17:25
pcm_clarkb: Did I make a mistake in specifying the file filtering?17:25
clarkbpcm_: that test?17:25
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pcm_clarkb: yes17:26
rcarrillocruzmordred: by calling the post-hook script
mordredrcarrillocruz: ah. gotcha17:26
pcm_clarkb: Wondering if mistake here...
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mordredrcarrillocruz: so - I think both look great - and that we should land them in the opposite order17:26
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mordredrcarrillocruz: that is, I think we should land the job to run functional tests, and then the next patch we will _have_ to land is the patch that adds the functional tests17:27
mordredbut also, it will prove that the functional tests we added actually work - and if they don't, we can't land anything else until they do17:27
pcm_clarkb: I made comment changes in the test modules so the tests would run.17:27
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add gate-tempest-dsvm-full-trove
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add trove tempest job to trove and devstack
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make trove tempest job voting
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Remove trove from default config
clarkbpcm_: the jenkins job ran so the zuul fitlers should be fine17:28
rcarrillocruzok, let me reverse the depends-on then17:28
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pcm_clarkb: Trying to ensure that it runs test on test_openswan_driver.py17:28
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting tempest dsvm job for Ironic
clarkbpcm_: so all those zuul filters do is decide when to run that jenkins job17:29
clarkbpcm_: the job ran so they are working17:29
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clarkbthey have no impact on what testr is doing17:29
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jeblairSlickNik, sdague: ^ see those changes to start moving trove out of the default tempest configuration ( is the tip of the stack)17:29
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clarkbpcm_: that is what decides what tests testr runs17:30
pcm_clarkb: Hmmm, so maybe a worse problem... The goal was to have certain tests run, when running one job and different tests for the other (as they require different setups)17:30
pcm_clarkb: So is there a way to specify the sub-directories to run tests on, or do we need to have different roots for each test job?17:31
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clarkbpcm_: there is but you do that in your job not in zuul17:31
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sdaguejeblair: why only on gate? shouldn't it be only on check if picking one?17:32
pcm_clarkb: Are there any pointers on how I do that in the job (select specific dirs to run the test on)?17:32
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make trove tempest job voting
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add trove tempest job to trove, tempest, devstack
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add functional job for Shade and enable it on check and gate pipelines
clarkbpcm_: it looks like your tests are set up to switch based on OS_TEST_PATH so just set that as appropriate17:33
jeblairsdague: because i got that backwards? :)17:33
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add initial compute functional tests to Shade
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Skip duplicate input files
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make trove tempest job voting
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add trove tempest job to trove, tempest, devstack
jeblairsdague: fixed17:34
BobBallasselin: We don't seem to see it processinga  change immediately before the failures start17:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix typo in format string
pcm_clarkb: So set that in tox.ini?17:35
clarkbpcm_: or in whatever calls tox.ini17:35
clarkbpcm_: tox.ini is probably good if you have different targets17:35
clarkbmordred: ok, so I was debating a rant yesterday on the clients not sure I am going to avoid one today17:36
clarkbmordred: 400 Bad Request: Invalid container format 'None' for image. (HTTP 400) <- this after it uploaded the image17:36
clarkbI don't even17:36
EmilienMjeblair: I'm volunteer to be a mentor part of Outreach program for women, and I'm looking at mentoring someone in OpenStack automation (Puppet probably) - I was wondering if OpenStack infra has some Puppet work that could fit with an project (ref: )17:36
pcm_So either in post_test_hook or in tox.ini (and use different command)17:36
clarkbpcm_: ya17:36
mordredclarkb: sigh17:36
sdaguejeblair: hmmm you keep changeing this while I'm commenting so gerrit doesn't let me vote at the end17:36
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jeblairsdague: i will take a 5 minute recess :)17:37
* clarkb tries again this time looking into the future for the list of required parmeters17:37
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pcm_clarkb: So there's no way to have shared tests, unless the shared test is in another subdirectory, right?17:37
sdagueok, commented, getting out for lunch and errands now, back later17:37
jeblairEmilienM: what's the timeframe?17:38
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pcm_clarkb: tests/functional/openswan, tests/functional/strongswan, tests/functional/common17:38
EmilienMjeblair: a project for the May 2015 to August 2015 - 40h/week17:38
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clarkbpcm_: I don't follow the question17:38
clarkbpcm_: you have the freedom to do what you like in these jobs for the most part17:39
pcm_clarkb: If I have tests that should be run for both jobs... I take it I need to use a separate subdirectory (and not the parent directory)17:39
EmilienMjeblair: in the last round, we had an idea with hogepodge ( ) - not sure it's still useful/doable.17:39
clarkbpcm_: not necessarily17:39
clarkbpcm_: the subset of tests that cannot run could be skipped17:40
clarkbpcm_: there are many options here17:40
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pcm_clarkb: My initial thoughts were to have common tests in parent dir (tests/functional). Can you elaborate on how I could select those to run for both jobs?17:40
* pcm_ I'm probably missing something simple17:41
EmilienMjeblair: I should probably use the mailing list - sorry to bother you.17:41
clarkbpcm_: there are skip tests exceptions you could trigger if pieces are missing17:41
clarkbpcm_: or you could do what ou describe and have tests/common tests/special1 tests/special217:41
mordredoh! look - we seem to have gotten some snow17:42
mordred(more snow)17:42
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anteayamoar snow17:42
pleia2cinerama: probably best to clean up my change (we don't want to land it as-is since it's so broken), you can submit your change on top of mine, or just comment inline and I can fix it up17:42
anteayayou can't have too much17:43
pcm_clarkb: are you taking about skipping tests in the actual test module?17:43
clarkbpcm_: yes17:43
jeblairEmilienM: no problem.  list is probably a good idea actually.  i think we might have some stuff.17:43
cineramapleia2: oh, ok. that was the preferred option for me actually so i'll just do it that way17:43
pcm_clarkb: In this case, some tests can only run, if the environment is set up a certain way17:43
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pcm_clarkb: For one job, I must set IPSEC_PACKAGE=strongswan to force devstack to setup differently.17:43
clarkbpcm_: right17:44
pcm_clarkb: Are you saying I can skip a test based on some environment setup?17:44
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clarkbpcm_: yes, you can skip based on just about anything17:44
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clarkbfor example db related tests tend to check for an available database and skip otherwise17:45
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting tempest dsvm job for Ironic
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix db Branch and Milestone models
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pcm_clarkb: Can you point to an example, in case I go that way?17:47
cineramapleia2: though i think what i'm doing now is a bit of a band-aid; the wildfly module would like to control the standalone.xml in the configuration directory so i need to see if i can teach it to create it correctly17:48
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.db version to 1.5.0
pleia2cinerama: the patch has evolved heavily :) since it's already non-working, shipping a standalone.xml as a change to this patch is perfectly fine17:49
clarkbok I have image uploaded working on booting a node now17:50
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make trove tempest job voting
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add trove tempest job to trove and tempest
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add gate-tempest-dsvm-full-trove
clarkbmordred: oh you will like this17:50
mordredclarkb: I bet I won't17:50
clarkbmordred: that image upload that failed? it has an image in the glance registry17:50
pleia2cinerama: although, how are you going to modify the wildfly module here? we just ship that from upstream17:50
clarkbmordred: so not only did it explode due to me being unable to see the future I have to clean it up manually17:50
pcm_clarkb: So option A) use three different directories, and have the two jobs specify different test commands, which select the different directories. Option B) use conditional test invocation triggered on the IPSEC_PACKAGE env variable, with no difference in tox commands. Does that sound right?17:51
cineramapleia2: oh not modifying the module itself, just exploring what options we have there since i am currently in "beat with hammer until it works" mode17:51
clarkbpcm_: ya17:51
cineramapleia2: vs "actually do it properly" mode17:51
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pleia2cinerama: ok, we do want to do it properly in the long run, so feel free to upload what works and we can iterate :)17:52
anteayaclarkb: you can't see the future? I'm shocked17:52
pcm_clarkb: Can you point me to examples on how to trigger a test based on an environment variable setting?17:52
clarkbpcm_: look in the nova database migration tests17:53
clarkbthey query the environment to decide whether to run or skip17:53
cineramapleia2: slapping that file in there has the disadvantage that the wildfly module may blart over it due to puppet's unique order of executing things17:53
james_liHi All, I enabled REQUIREMENTS_MODE=soft, but still see 'gate-solum-requirements' is failing:
james_liis that normal?  ^^17:54
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pcm_clarkb: It seems like option B is less effort, but requires people to ensure they have the conditional test setup.17:55
pcm_clarkb: Any preference over the two options?17:55
pleia2cinerama: we'll just have to work out dependencies so the ordering goes right17:56
clarkbpcm_: I think triggering two distinct named things is likely simpler in the long run17:56
clarkbpcm_: so option A17:56
cineramapleia2: yup but as a proof of concept we have something that sorta mostly works17:56
clarkbjames_li: I think REQUIREMENTS_MODE=soft is a devstack thing? so won't affect the requirements job, just affects what requirements are synced into your projet17:57
pleia2cinerama: yep, so upload what you have now and we'll iterate until we get it right17:57
pleia2(that's what I've been doing :))17:58
clarkbok first attempt at booting this image on hpcloud results in {"message": "No valid host was found. ", "code": 500, "created": "2015-03-05T17:56:53Z"}17:58
clarkbI guess I should try again17:58
pleia2with 3 of us tracking this patch now, we'll get there17:58
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james_liRequirement docker-py>=0.5.1 not in openstack/requirements17:59
james_li2015-03-02 21:36:41.760 | Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure17:59
james_liclarkb: but I saw 'gate-solum-requirements' is complaining ^^17:59
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pcm_clarkb: I can't seem to find examples of the skip exception. Looking in nova functional test area.17:59
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james_liclarkb: so no way to avoid that?17:59
pcm_clarkb: Is there some string I can search on? Not sure what I'm looking for exactly.18:00
mordredclarkb: did you build with the right version of qemu?18:00
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clarkbjames_li: I don't think so, that job enforces the requirements but it appears you want to not enforce, so I think you remove that job then use requirements soft in devstack18:00
mordredclarkb: that's the error I get in hp when the qemu version is off18:00
clarkbmordred: this is the image that nodepool built and was failing to init before18:00
clarkbmordred: so I am pretty sure the version is correct18:00
mordredclarkb: ok18:00
clarkbmordred: though I should find out if I can get the version out of the image18:01
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clarkbmordred: maybe this image used a version that some of hpcloud doesn't like in several ways? so depening on hypervisor you get a 500 or you fail to boot?18:01
james_liclarkb: when you say "use in devstack", you mean I enable it in my localrc file?18:02
clarkbjames_li: yes REQUIREMENTS_MODE=soft is a devstack thing iirc18:02
clarkbjames_li: it causes devstack to sync in requirements from global requirements while allowing additional deps18:02
clarkbjames_li: so that you can depend on things not in global requirements but otherwise be in sync18:02
mordredclarkb: wow18:03
james_liclarkb: got it, thanks!18:04
clarkbFYI I am starting the fourth workers on logstash worker nodes. we have been well behind and looking at logs all 4 were actually active previously18:04
clarkbjeblair: ^18:04
jogoclarkb: check-tempest-dsvm-neutron-aiopcpu-full just passed !18:05
clarkbjogo: nice! any idea if changes were made to target that?18:05
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for nova context unit test bug 1428728
openstackbug 1428728 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "nova.tests.unit.test_context.ContextTestCase.test_store_when_no_overwrite intermittently fails with MismatchError" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Johannes Erdfelt (johannes.erdfelt)18:05
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jeblairclarkb: oh ok.18:06
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clarkbjeblair: I think that last time we had mass reboots fungi brought them all back up18:06
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clarkbjeblair: and apparently it was working so win I guess :)18:06
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pcm_clarkb: Can OS_TEST_PATH contain multiple paths?18:07
pcm_colon separated?18:07
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clarkbpcm_: I do not know, that appares to be a neutronism?18:07
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clarkbI will also be grabbing the 20 node shortly to test my reboot hackaround18:08
clarkbmordred: ok second boot failed the same way so I dunno. Maybe I uploaded the image wrong?18:08
clarkbmordred: disk-format is qcow2 and container-format is bare18:08
pcm_clarkb: Thinking I could specify the shared area and the job specific area, if that is possible.18:08
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pleia2clarkb: don't want to interrupt, but we should look at backup server dns when you have some time (alas, seems it never was created)18:10
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: If wheelhouse is pre-generated, set WHEELHOUSE in localrc
clarkbpleia2: did you run the commands?18:10
pleia2clarkb: I did, and I thought it ran fine18:10
clarkbpleia2: that script only outputs the rax dns client commands to run18:10
clarkbpleia2: it doesn't update dns itself18:10
pleia2clarkb: yep, I ran the rackdns rdns-create command18:11
pleia2both for ipv4 and v618:11
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clarkbpleia2: is the reverse ptr in place?18:11
pleia2clarkb: actually, yes18:12
pleia2just not forward18:12
clarkbpleia2: so there should've been commands for reverse ptr and a second set for A/AAAA18:13
* pleia2 facepalm18:13
pleia2ok, I'll run the script again and actually finish it this time18:13
clarkbpleia2: but to make things even more confusing there should be a second set of all that for the old node too :)18:13
jogoclarkb: not sure18:13
pleia2clarkb: heh, right, I think that's why I got confused18:13
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pleia2clarkb: all better, thanks :)18:17
clarkbpleia2: cool18:18
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mordredclarkb: that is what it should be18:18
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jogonew high water mark for openstack/openstack  commits per day: 197
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clarkbwow we still got 134 changes in after the reboots18:25
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jeblairclarkb: and running at half-capacity for much of that.18:27
jogopleia2: we changed how that repo counts things
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pleia2jogo: *nods*18:29
jeblairjogo: i was hoping the results of this search would be, well, bigger:,n,z18:29
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/puppet-log_processor: Retry on EAI_AGAIN name resolution failures
openstackgerritGorka Eguileor proposed openstack/requirements: Bump rtslib version to have config persistence
anteayajeblair: ha ha ha18:30
jeblairclarkb: have you by any chance checked to see if nodepool has built a new devstack-trusty dib image and sucessfully booted it in hp?18:30
clarkbjeblair: I have not18:31
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jeblairi'll do that18:31
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jeblairclarkb: looks like it was ready a bit more than 2 hours ago, so any devstack-trusty hpcloud instances built since then should be using it18:32
clarkbjeblair: cool18:33
jeblairclarkb: yeah, and there are some recently built ones in use, so i think the new version of that image works18:34
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jogojeblair: hehe18:37
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack/requirements: Add oslo.policy to global requirements
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signed8bitHi infra... Is the requirement of 2 +2s in Gerrit something you can achieve with the normal release or is that something you all patched in?18:48
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mordredsigned8bit: we do not enforce hat requirement in code18:52
mordredit's a social requirement18:52
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mordredbut - we do not have any local patches to gerrit at this point18:52
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mordredsigned8bit: so everything we do with gerrit for openstack is doable via config18:52
clarkbok on the logstash worker front, I have mostly confirmed that my patch to wait for name resolution works, except then it dies because the logstash-indexer service is now not starting18:52
clarkbI haven't touched that service so I have no idea what is going on and upstart logs are not helpful18:52
signed8bitah! thanks mordred, so it is really that a core won't merge unless there 2 +2s18:53
clarkbbut its likely another order issue being tickled by changes to the boot process elsewhere18:53
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mordredsigned8bit: yes, that's right18:54
signed8bitgreat thanks mordred... I'll stop trying to puzzle that in the config then :-)18:54
mordredclarkb: aren't you so glad that the boot process is so much better in modern things?18:54
clarkbmordred: I kinda want a meta S99-allmythings script that we just call out to init scripts from in the correct order18:57
clarkbthen the distros/init systems can do whatever they want as long as my stuff happens last in an order I control18:57
jeblairclarkb: rc.local?18:57
clarkbjeblair: does ubuntu/upstart support rc.local? I can't keep track anymore18:58
mordredclarkb: we don't run many services on these boxes that arent' the services we choose to run - we could just replace it all and go sysvinit ourselves ...18:58
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/gertty: Release DB session thread lock earlier in syncs
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/gertty: Speed up the toggling of reviewed/hidden changes
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/gertty: Add INFO log level potential with --verbose flag
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/gertty: Add some INFO level log messages
mordredclarkb: I believe that upstart does support rc.local18:58
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/gertty: Fix syncing messages attached to draft revisions
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/gertty: Fix crashing on files with no changes
clarkbcool maybe we should use that18:59
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/gertty: Wrap long lines in side-by-side diffs
clarkbalso I think I have logstash working now on boot18:59
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/gertty: Fix keymap substitution
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clarkbnow to the next boot order problem :) very close to having this working sanely18:59
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jeblairI would like to release current gertty master tomorrow; so if folks could test it and let me know if there are any last-minute issues, that would be great19:00
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/puppet-logstash: Start logstash indexer service after networking
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mordredclarkb: I was being snarky a second ago - but I just looked at the list of things that upstart is managing on gerrit19:01
mordredclarkb: and it's almost all stuff that is for features we don't use - or it's something we installed19:02
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clarkbjeblair: noted, will update before doing reviews today19:07
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jeblairwow, 17 people contributed patches to gertty since the last release19:08
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/puppet-log_processor: Lazily connect to logstash
clarkbok with ^ that stack and the update to the puppet-logstash module I get both logstash-indexer and logstash gearman workers to come up19:17
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jeblairoh, 16.  one of them was named 'Jenkins'19:25
AJaegerjeblair: Jenkins is a great guy, you should count him double!19:26
anteayaha ha ha19:26
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jeblairdraft release notes for gertty 1.1.0 ^19:28
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anteayajeblair: lgtm19:31
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jeblairanteaya: thx19:33
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pleia2jeblair: thumbs up19:34
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mtreinishjeblair: heh saving the best name for last :)19:38
* mtreinish ignores the alphabet19:38
clarkbjeblair: line wrapping seems to work :)19:39
clarkbmordred: I am not a fan of 161518, if we are going to use puppet for config management then we should use it for that19:40
clarkbmordred: we are getting into some real nastyness if we start mixing the two tools19:40
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mordredclarkb: I don't think that's config management19:41
mordredbut that's fair - I'm not tied to it19:41
clarkbmordred: basically if `puppet agent --test` no longer works then its broken19:41
mordredI think it's management of application data19:41
mordredand puppet sucks at it19:41
clarkbI should not need to use ansible to puppet our nodes19:41
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mordredshrug. ok. I'm not going to fight hard for it19:42
tsgspamaps: mordred mentioned you were helping escalate the liberasurecode sync into ubuntu - many thanks!19:42
jeblairmordred: puppet is really good at managing application data.  perhaps you meant to say orchestrating application changes, in which case i would agree.19:42
clarkbthe reason I say that is because of the openstackci module and because of local testing19:42
mordredjeblair: I have a change up which uses ansible to run manage-projects directly19:42
clarkbthose are both two major use cases that are not served well by a hard dependency on ansible19:42
mordredrather than using ansible to tell puppet what git change it should use to run manage-projects19:42
mordredclarkb: I think local testing is simple19:43
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jeblairmordred: i know, that's what we're talking about, right? :)19:43
mordredclarkb: but the re-use of the puppet module not in an orchestration context is a fair poit19:43
mordredI personally think the simplification of our case outweighs us helping someone to avoid using ansible19:44
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clarkbmordred: my case is avoiding ansible when doing local testing :)19:44
mordredjeblair: :)19:44
mordredclarkb: why?19:44
clarkbmordred: the fewer layers the easier it is to debug and iterate19:44
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clarkbI am not going to run ansible to run puppet to config on a node i will just run puppet19:45
mordredbut you can do local testing with fewer layers this way19:45
mordredjust do that19:45
mordredyou don't need to run ansible to run puppet19:45
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clarkbmordred: that won't work with 16151819:45
mordredyou need to run ansible to add projects to a gerrit19:45
clarkbI would have to first update a few files manually then run puppet19:45
mordredpuppet will work fine19:45
jeblairmordred, clarkb: for the moment, let's restrict ourselves to the line clarkb has drawn: we can use ansible to orchestrate and execute the puppet run, including providing necessary inputs to it, but other than that, let's do keep the management of the individual nodes to puppet19:45
mordredlike I said - I'm not going to die on the hill19:45
jeblairi think that's going to help the greatest number of folks understand and work on these systems19:45
pleia2cinerama: feel free to let me know if you would like some help pushing your patchset up over mine (it really doesn't need to be pretty, I'd like like to see what you've come up with :))19:46
pleia2s/like like/just like19:46
anteayaI like like like19:46
cineramapleia2: oh sure. i'm just doing a couple tweaks to get it working reliably19:46
pleia2cinerama: great19:47
* mordred will work on the other approach19:47
pleia2anteaya: clearly I was in the valley yesterday ;D19:47
clarkbmordred: I think the other good thing about the other approach is it working towards puppet apply instaed of puppet agent19:47
rcarrillocruzmordred: you may want to chime in
nibalizerthe role of the project-config repo is sortof strange, even in the puppet codebase19:47
mordrednibalizer: ++19:48
anteayapleia2: like clearly19:48
mordredAJaeger: I suggested that rcarrillocruz swap the order of depends on in that change19:48
jeblairmordred: i did like seeing that change though.  it is instructive.  :)19:48
mordredAJaeger: largely beause that way the addition of the functional tests to the repo is self-testing19:48
rcarrillocruzAJaeger: you are here19:48
rcarrillocruzyou weren't earlier19:48
AJaegerrcarrillocruz: I'm here now19:49
nibalizerfor instance, you would sortof expect the puppet-zuul module to manage layout.yaml, but it doesn't, openstack_project::zuul pulls in project-config which sideloads a layout.yaml19:49
mordredjeblair: I though the easiest way to have the conversation was just to put up the cahnge and then talk about it :)19:49
nibalizerits heavily decoupled, which is kinda neat but also kindof unexpect19:49
rcarrillocruzso yeah, if read the scrollback, monty prefers gating the func tests code itself19:49
AJaegerrcarrillocruz: I only saw your comment that meant you wanted to change it and then you didn't...19:49
mordredjeblair: I thnik it took 10 minutes to write that - so it being a no-go is not particulary stressful19:50
SpamapStsg: It's basically not going to go anywhere until it passes Debian NEW19:50
AJaegerrcarrillocruz: but this means you will not be able to merge *anything* unless the other patch is in. Is that ok?19:50
SpamapStsg: I don't know why it has sat for 3 months19:50
clarkbmordred: fwiw I think I would be more comfortable if we decoupled project-config completely rather than piecemeal19:50
AJaegerOr do you want to add the job first as experimental, fix everything and thne make it gating?19:50
rcarrillocruzAJaeger: agreed, i was on your same line of thought, but mordred is cool with it19:50
mordredclarkb: k. I think that's kind of where my brain was eventually going19:50
SpamapStimrc: Hi, I commented back on the review btw. I hope you see that I think we just have different ideas on what a unit test is for, and that I don't think anything you've done is "wrong" or "bad". :)19:50
tsgSpamapS: exactly, I couldn't tell either - I was under the impression that it would trickle down once zigo had created deb packages19:51
mordredclarkb: the side-loading of project-config being somethign that we treat in a different manner, since it's it's own beastie anyway19:51
clarkbmordred: because then we could say "you need this repo in X location" intead of "here are a list of exceptional files that you need to deal with"19:51
mordredclarkb: ++19:51
SpamapStsg: there are things in that queue that have been there for a year. :(19:51
timrcSpamapS, I'm not offended at all.19:51
SpamapStimrc: cool, I just don't want to be "that guy" ;)19:51
timrcSpamapS, I appreciate your perspective and where you're coming from.19:51
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clarkbok lunch time19:52
tsgSpamapS, notmyname: for now, my suggestion is to package liberasurecode with pyeclib and move forward19:52
clarkbjeblair: any word on the port situation?19:52
* clarkb tries one more nova boot before food19:52
timrcSpamapS, I tend to think of unit testing wrapper functions a little differently due to their nature.  I'm probably closer aligned to you on unit testing most any other type of function.19:52
jeblairclarkb: no response on ticket.  if we want, i could ping noc after lunch19:53
SpamapStimrc: I think mocking is one of those areas where easy becomes complex rather quickly, so I think a better solution is to have real fakes. But I also think novaclient's fakes aren't exactly what I'm talking about either. :-D19:53
clarkbjeblair: we are starting to climb in our node use so may start noticing the leak cause failures19:53
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create and upload heat test images to tarballs
AJaegerrcarrillocruz: I changed my -1 to a +1. If you want to try shooting yourself in the foot in your repo, go for it ;)19:53
jesusaurusnibalizer: i just found a reason why the server and template classes shouldn't be merged together: the single_use_slave class uses template but not server19:53
tsgSpamapS, notmyname: I will keep working on the side to get liberasurecode added to the official deb repos.  thoughts?19:53
clarkbjesusaurus: oh right because we don't need all that servery stuff19:53
rcarrillocruzi even suggested non-voting19:53
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SpamapStimrc: Still think we're just diametrically opposed on this, because I think a wrapper is a place where the underlying library's behavior is basically the only thing that matters. :)19:53
jesusaurusclarkb: well, "all the server stuff" is exim and different parameters to the template class19:54
timrcSpamapS, I think that's where integration tests hold value.19:54
rcarrillocruzbut mordred apparently likes to live in the limit :P19:54
jesusaurusclarkb: but yeah19:54
clarkbERROR (ClientException): Unknown Error (HTTP 500) <- nice19:54
timrcSpamapS, rcarrillocruz's work there is quite good and should ferret out those underlying issues.19:54
* clarkb tries again19:54
SpamapStimrc: that said, the integration tests will catch more, but I want to be able to poke at things in my development iteration loop.. so the more like integration tests unit tests are, the more I can do that. :-P19:54
nibalizerjesusaurus: yea i called that out in the spec19:54
timrcSpamapS, Now you're just being selfish :P JK19:55
nibalizerwe can add a flag or something to server so that you get only the templatey stuff19:55
SpamapStimrc: also frankly the abuse of mocks in Heat has taught me to be wary, since Heat is basically just a massive wrapper on OpenStack. ;)19:55
SpamapSclarkb: error in cloud19:55
timrcSpamapS, I worked with Mr. Mock himself (Kevin McDermott) so I've been sufficiently frightened with out crazy you can let yourself get with them.19:55
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timrcwith how*19:56
jesusaurusnibalizer: oh? I don't see it in the spec, but I might be blind19:56
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timrcI think code coverage is pretty valuable thing and having a set of unit tests to validate that you're hitting all code paths is a boon to any project.19:56
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jesusaurusnibalizer: ah, nevermind, I see that parenthetical now19:56
timrcSpamapS, But mostly I'm happy that people are thinking about testing in shade because it's woefully lacking in any form.19:57
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Remove trove from default config
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove rubick and milk-dev from gerritbot
mordredtimrc: that's largely because I'm a bad person19:57
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timrcmordred, Didn't need to empty test file to draw that conclusion :P JK19:58
timrcneed an*19:58
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.context version to 0.2.0
SpamapStimrc: its true. mordred bathes cats just to throw them.19:58
* mordred hands timrc an unfluffy llama19:58
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SpamapSLuckily this cat didn't mind that much,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/zuubca8qu0tzferh0b79.jpg19:59
dimssdague: ^^ (oslo.context rev)19:59
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timrcSpamapS, Buhaha.20:00
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* jeblair attempts to remember how to write a change to create a new project20:00
mordredjeblair: cargo cult, my friend20:00
mordredjeblair: cargo cult20:00
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jeblairoh whew, saved by the (lunch) bell20:01
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nibalizercopy the files20:01
nibalizerchange the names20:01
nibalizerget -1'd by anteaya and AJaeger until you get it right20:01
timrcmordred, There's an inside joke there... once you teach cats how to fly, maybe you can help Raul with his poodles -
dimsjeblair: we have reasonable doc :)
mordreddims: ::)20:02
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AJaegerjeblair: anteaya and myself will nitpick as usual ;)20:04
anteayathat is our job20:04
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for icehouse eventlet bug 1428821
openstackbug 1428821 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "n-api fails to start on juno grenade" [Undecided,New]
anteayathis rename patch wouldn't be a bad place to being the cargo cult:
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adam_gany project-config cores around to help push through? these are blocking a critical regression fix to icehouse: and
AJaegeradam_g: will check20:10
adam_gAJaeger, thanks!20:10
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update the Gerrit javamelody plugin version on review.o.o
anteayaadam_g: so 15994320:11
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anteayaare you adding the job or removing it?20:11
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anteayaI'm losing track20:11
anteayaand why do you have to keep toggling it?20:11
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anteayaand what does the todo comment mean?20:12
anteayais this disabling the job or a reminder _to_ disable the job20:12
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anteayaI've tried looking at this patch a few times and am getting lost20:13
AJaegeranteaya: I think it means: These are temporarily disabled to unblock the gate20:14
AJaegerReenable them again once they are working20:14
adam_ganteaya, its disabling the swift functional job for icehouse.20:15
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update the Gerrit javamelody plugin version on review-dev.o.o
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anteayawell this patch has been toggled twice and fungi's comments on the original still haven't been addressed:
tsgclarkb, SpamapS: just to make sure I have the right ubuntu rev for the Jenkins slaves - it is 14.04.2 ie "Trusty", correct?20:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for icehouse eventlet bug 1428821
openstackbug 1428821 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "n-api fails to start on juno grenade" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Matt Riedemann (mriedem)20:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix the Neutron functional job for stable branches
AJaegeradam_g, anteaya: Let me edit the patch...20:22
adam_gAJaeger, i was just about to20:22
AJaegeradam_g: go ahead, then I can better +2 ;)20:22
anteayaI commented20:23
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openstackgerritSabari proposed openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.vmware to latest release
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Reintroduce "Temporarily disable swift-dsvm-functional for Icehouse"
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AJaegerthanks, adam_g. anteaya this looks better, doesn't it?20:25
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anteayaokay fine20:27
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anteayahaving a clear commit message title "add a job" "remove a job" really helps me20:27
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anteayareintroduce remove a job not so much20:28
tsgclarkb: I need to add jerasure and lib-gf-complete to the Jenkins slaves for Swift erasure coding stuff - and package seems to be available only on "utopic" and "vivid" - does it need to be available on "trusty" to get it on Jenkins slaves?20:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-specs: Add Gerrit Topic to the spec template
adam_gAJaeger, anteaya thanks20:31
AJaegeradam_g: welcome20:32
clarkbtsg: yes, trusty, centos7, and fedora 21 are the distro releases running tests against master right now20:32
clarkbtsg: we stopped using ubuntu's intermediate releases because they are only supported for 9 months20:33
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dprinceAJaeger: hi, is the check queue issue resolved now? or still catching up?20:34
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tsgclarkb: ok .. no way to get a utopic package on to the slaves unless it is backported?  (packages in question: jerasure with a single dependency gf-complete)20:34
SpamapStsg: correct20:34
SpamapStsg: so even if we get the package synced into vivid, then we have to get it also uploaded into backports.20:34
AJaegerdprince: should be fine now20:35
AJaegerdprince: the usual queue lenght for this time of the day ;)20:35
AJaegerdprince: any problems?20:35
dprinceAJaeger: I'm perplexed on this one Tried resending it this morning...20:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-specs: Update gerrit topic to downstream-puppet
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anteayaadam_g: thanks for taking the time to help me wade through it20:36
tsgSpamapS: this is a bit off-topic from the main liberasurecode subject .. these is one of the erasure code backends (Jerasure) that we were trying to get installed on the slaves for unit tests20:36
anteayaadam_g: I had tried to talk to someone about it before but john didn't know anything about it20:37
openstackLaunchpad bug 1428834 in trusty-backports "Please backport jerasure and lib-gf-complete from utopic" [Undecided,New]20:37
tsgSpamapS: this package already exists on utopic and vivid20:37
AJaegerdprince: that patch has a "depends-on" - and the other patch is not merged yet20:37
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AJaegerand depending on another one...20:38
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dprinceAJaeger: sigh, such a simple solution20:38
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AJaegerdprince: depends-on is still newish20:39
dprinceAJaeger: gotcha, saw the email a week or so back. Just hasn't clicked for me yet I guess20:39
clarkbso I have double checked md5sums and the images all match everywhere20:40
clarkbnext step is to see if I can interrogate the image for version info20:40
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clarkbqemu-img info confirms that compat: 0.10 is set20:42
clarkbit does have a virtual size of 11GB so gonna check the size of / on hpcloud nodes20:42
clarkbqemu-img detects no errors in the image20:43
clarkbhpcloud / appears to be 30GB for the images we are using so that should be fine20:44
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* clarkb goes back to trying to boot nodes20:44
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clarkbboo, I just hit the port limit20:45
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create devstack-plugin-cookiecutter project
jeblairmtreinish, sdague, dtroyer: see and
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Reintroduce "Temporarily disable swift-dsvm-functional for Icehouse"
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Use GIT_BASE environment variable
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting tempest dsvm job for Ironic
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jeblairstarred changes! i forgot to mention those in the release notes!20:53
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Document new puppet lockfile arg
clarkbmordred: ^ btw that may play into the ansible work20:54
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dtroyerjeblair: nice idea20:55
clarkbjeblair: did you see that gertty was mentioned on the "OpenStack options for visually impaired contributors" thread?20:56
AJaegeranteaya: we found the same nits ;)20:56
jeblairclarkb: no i haven't seen that...20:56
anteayaAJaeger: not often I beat you to a review20:56
clarkbok I was able to boot that image in hpcloud az3 and it booted all the way up20:56
anteayaclarkb: is that thread in -dev?20:57
clarkbso I am really stumped now, the only thing I can figure is that glance must've had trouble with the image yesterday and getting it to nodes properly20:57
anteayathat subject isn't ringing a bell20:57
clarkbanteaya: ya20:57
mtreinishjeblair: that's a good idea, I'm in favor of it20:58
anteayaclarkb: thanks20:58
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clarkbjeblair: worth mentioning the password file mode check?20:59
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mtreinishjeblair: do we have the cookiecutter repo anywhere? Or are we just making a blank repo to fill in later?21:00
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anteayamtreinish: that patch imports no code21:00
anteayaif you want to make something and host is somewhere we can draw it in21:00
mtreinishanteaya: yes, that's what it looked like, that's why I was asking21:00
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jeblairclarkb: probably so.21:00
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jeblairmtreinish: this repo intentionally left blank21:01
mtreinishjeblair: ok21:01
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mordredclarkb: ooh21:02
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AJaegeranteaya: you'll get a chance "beating" me for several hours now ;) Bye for now21:05
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add expiremental devstack plugin based ironic functional job
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jeblairmtreinish, anteaya: i prefer to start with empty projects and develop code within our system.21:10
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anteayajeblair: I can agree with that21:10
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clarkbI am going to try booting off of tis image a few more times21:11
clarkbbut if I can't get it to fail I am going to move on to code reviews21:11
asselinHI, just created my first DIB image. Found this script to test it out, but getting an error. Any tips?
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clarkbasselin: does lsmod show an nbd module?21:13
clarkbasselin: if not modprobe it in21:14
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anteayaasselin: congratulations, despite teh error21:15
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asselinclarkb, thanks. next error is:
asselinclarkb, ok, got past that using the full path21:17
jeblairwhy is there a "devstack-plugins" group in projects.yaml?21:18
asselinanteaya, thanks...been meaning to try it out for a long time now.21:18
anteayame too21:18
anteayaoh so many things, me too21:18
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clarkbasselin: I think that may be a bug in the script, nbd1 is the block device but not a partition21:19
clarkbasselin: do you have a /dev/nbd1p0 ?21:19
clarkbor p121:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Update zuul-changes to use the enqueue command
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asselinclarkb, fyi, this is on precise21:21
clarkbya you have /dev/nbd1p121:21
clarkbtry mounting that21:21
asselinclarkb, thanks, i'm in!21:22
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clarkbasselin: if you want to update the script to hit the first partition that would be a good bug fix21:24
asselinclarkb, ok will try21:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Fix int conversion in swift
anteayaI'm just looking at the weather, I may tap on Sunday21:25
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shivharisHi folks, I have a question regarding CI voting21:27
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anteayajust ask21:27
anteayasingle digit lows and hovering around zero for two weeks:
shivharisanteaya: i recently got mestery to give Brocade VDX CI voting privileges, but still do not see Verified+1 when I vote21:28
shivharisI may be doing something wrong, wanted help here21:28
anteayashivharis: well you are in the neutron-ci group,members21:29
anteayado you have multiple Brocade VDX CI accounts?21:29
shivharisBrocade VDX CI is unique, as far as i know, there are other brocade account but only one "Brocade VDX CI"21:30
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anteayais your ci account testing the ci-sandbox patches?
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anteayawould be best if it was and then you could test your message configuration there21:32
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anteayasince you don't haev to have permissions to vote on ci-sandbox patches if you can vote on this patches, you have your verification message syntax formatted correctly21:33
shivharisanteaya: ok i will try the sandbox21:33
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shivharisanteaya: it works fine on the sandbox, but not on neutron21:36
shivharisanteaya: just verifed21:36
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dhellmannanteaya: I'm having some trouble with a gerrit config file in a patch to import a stackforge project. I don't know what the error message means when it says the file "is not normalized" -- can you help?
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anteayashivharis: can you show me how it succeeds on the ci-sandbox please? have you a link?21:39
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anteayadhellmann: looking21:39
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Choose correct branch for rebase when submitting
jeblairit's been so long since i've done a filter branch, i forgot to put it on my ramdisk :/21:40
clarkbjeblair: ha21:40
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anteayadhellmann: yes the config file is not in the expected format21:40
shivharisanteaya:  (at the bottom of the page)21:40
anteayadhellmann: so with command-line-specified branch overriding --track/options.track21:41
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anteayaline 16 needs to be removed21:41
dhellmannanteaya: yes, but what's wrong with it21:41
* mkj_wk hopes that the 20th time is lucky ☺21:41
anteayawe don't need that in the [submit] stanza21:41
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dhellmannanteaya: ok, I was told to add that by a previous reviewer21:41
anteayaand line 12 can be removed21:41
anteayadhellmann: really?21:41
dhellmannanteaya: yes, Khai:
anteayausually if you don't want the cla you just remove any reference to it21:42
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dhellmannI'm ok requiring the CLA. So far I'm the only committer and I've signed it.21:42
openstackgerritStephanie Miller proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Initial commit of Zanata-specific sections
anteayazaro: I'm in disagreement with your suggestions to doug for his config file21:43
anteayazaro: do you have some time so we can discuss it?21:43
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anteayadhellmann: ah okay then true on line 1221:43
dhellmannanteaya: ah21:44
anteayashivharis: show me the next patch that is processed by your ci account please? it might take a bit21:44
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add devstack-plugin-trove
shivharisthe machine is munging on, this will be the next one21:46
shivharisanteaya:  ^^^21:46
zaroanteaya: yeah, am i missing something?21:46
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: import aeromancer to stackforge
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add detail to gerrit ACL normalization errors
jeblairSlickNik, dtroyer, sdague: also see and
dhellmannanteaya: I think the real problem was actually a missing newline at the end of the file, but I fixed the location of the flag, too21:47
stevemarsdague, dhellmann if we can add oslo.policy to g-r, then i can swap keystone to use it instead of the incubated version (or watch it all blow up in my face)
anteayadhellmann: and under refs/heads/* I don't know the motivation for the create line for that21:47
shivharisanteaya: the machine is munging on , this will be the next one (removed , from url )21:47
anteayaa missing newline, really?21:47
morganfainbergstevemar, i like watching things explode21:47
anteayashivharis: okay thanks21:48
morganfainbergstevemar, lets do that one :P21:48
stevemarmorganfainberg, then you'll enjoy this one!21:48
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anteayazaro: yes, I'm looking at
anteayamorning jhesketh21:48
anteayazaro: did you mean for doug to add the cla line in the submit stanza?21:48
cineramapleia2: i've landed what i have now after coming up with a much simpler way of resolving the deps issues i was having. i think now we need to pull the mysql definition into the module itself in accordance with our practice elsewhere and a couple other things21:48
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anteayadhellmann: we normalized the acl files a while ago since they were all doing different things21:49
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create devstack-plugin-cookiecutter project
dhellmannanteaya: zaro said that was for making branches? My original file was copied from the creator's guide, and I don't really know what all of the options are, so just tell me what I need. :-)21:49
anteayadhellmann: I think we decided the create line under refs/heads/* was not needed21:49
anteayadhellmann: sure21:49
anteayazaro: many acls don't haev a create line in refs/heads/*21:50
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anteayazaro: is that required for creating branches?21:50
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: import aeromancer to stackforge
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add detail to gerrit ACL normalization errors
zaroyes, i believe so.21:50
dhellmannanteaya: restored to my original version, thanks21:50
dhellmannI don't care about branches in this repo right now.21:50
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create devstack-plugin-trove project
anteayadhellmann: let's remove that create line then in refs/heads/*21:50
zaroanteaya, dhellmann : i didn't mean add to submit. that was a mistake by me.  I missed that it's already in receive stanza21:51
zaroanyways PS #3 looks good.21:51
dhellmannanteaya: done21:51
anteayayeah this looks familiar to my eyes:
anteayazaro: ah thought so, thanks21:51
dhellmannzaro: np, I didn't notice there was already a similar line either :-)21:51
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anteayathanks for asking about it, sorry for the confusion21:53
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shivharisanteaya: when you have time, finished and Brocade VDX CI posted21:54
anteayaand thanks for the log fix21:54
zaroanteaya: i guess i assume everyone cares to make branches :)21:54
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dhellmannanteaya, zaro: thanks for the help!21:54
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anteayazaro: ha ha ha21:55
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove devstack-plugins group
anteayashivharis: okay see the difference in the two patch comments? Patch Set 101: Verified+1 that is in the ci-sandbox comment21:55
anteayaand is not in your neutron patch comment21:55
anteayanow look at what commands are configured to run on patches to each repo21:56
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shivharisanteaya: yup that is exactly the problem i was trying to figure out why21:56
anteayaI'm guessing you have removed the --verify portion of the one to neutron21:56
anteayasince if you use that and you don't have permission to post verification results your comment is refused21:56
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create devstack-plugin-trove project
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shivharisanteaya: not really, the command --verify is exactly the same in both cases, i am guessing there are more than one Brocade VDX CI21:57
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shivharisthe id i needed the permision for is "bci"21:58
shivhariswhich i think may be also "Brocade VDX CI", possible?21:58
anteayayes since the email for the system you are testing with is,n,z21:58
anteayaand the email taht has permissions to vote on neutron permissions is your gmail address21:59
clarkbjeblair: is my comment on 148926 sane?21:59
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shivharisanteaya: what should i do - i am at a loss21:59
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anteayaso yes there are two accounts floating around21:59
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Mounting an image requires full path & partition #
asselinclarkb, ^^22:00
anteayashivharis: is that ringing any bells for you?22:00
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shivharisanteaya: the permission is for, appears (my guess) i really need it for openstack_gerrit@brocade.com22:01
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anteayaclarkb: are you able to check the gerrit db and confirm two different Brocade VDX CI accounts22:01
anteayaone with a gmail address and one with a email address?22:01
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anteayashivharis: well we really need one account, not two22:02
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shivharisanteaya: i agree22:02
anteayaso we need to ensure one is disabled lest we continue to have this problem22:02
clarkbanteaya: confirmed (though didn't need the DB, just typed in the add reviewer box and got gerrit to complete for me)22:02
anteayalet's see what the gerrit db says before we do anything22:02
anteayajust wondering if there are more than two Brocade VDX CI accounts22:02
anteayaand we will need the gmail one disabled please22:03
shivharisanteaya: and enable the other one, or should i go back to mestery?22:03
shivharis(for approval)22:04
anteayalet's disable the gmail one first22:04
openstackgerritRadoslaw Smigielski proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fix inconsisten Ubuntu version in README.rst
anteayabecause until that is done, mestery won't be able to find the right one22:04
mesteryandreaf: disabling22:04
lifelesstchaypo: are you finding gertty backlogging? Mine is up to 12K pending syncs22:04
anteayaafter that is done, then yes he will have to add the correct account to the gerrit group22:04
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anteayamestery: no no22:04
anteayamestery: you don't have to do anything yet22:04
mesteryanteaya: whoops22:04
mesteryanteaya: re-eanvling22:04
lifelesstchaypo: I'm wondering if its a latency thing, since it seemed to be ok from the office22:04
anteayamestery: clarkb needs to disable from the db side22:05
mesteryanteaya: got it22:05
mesteryanteaya: re-enabled22:05
tchaypoyeah, I do see that.22:05
anteayamestery: thanks, sorry to prematurely ping you22:05
clarkbanteaya: can't we just get shivharis to rename one?22:05
anteayawell we should disable a dead account should we not?22:05
clarkbanteaya: or were both actually inteded for CI and now we need to properly disable the other?22:05
clarkbanteaya: I guess that is my question, is there a dead account here?22:05
tchaypowhen I was travelling I found that it was fine in the office or on high-throughput low-latency low-jitter connections22:05
jeblairclarkb: agreed, and narrowed it down to one of your two options22:05
anteayashivharis: is the gmail account a dead account?22:06
tchaypobut in places where the connection is jittery or slow it just builds and builds and builds until I kill it and restart22:06
shivharisanteaya: yes for CI purposes22:06
lifelesstchaypo: yeah. Thats the symptom. The older version with all my tuning was ok, I think I need to repeat the process and see whats up. But for now thats a backburner proposition.22:07
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jeblairtchaypo: i merged a patch to fix the keymap thing; can you check master and let me know if that fixes it for you?22:08
tchaypojeblair: thanks22:09
tchaypoi was looking at that last night but people kept putting beer and pizza in front of me22:09
anteayatchaypo: silly people22:09
tchaypoand then I got distracted trying to fix a bug in another tool..22:09
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add expiremental devstack plugin based ironic functional job
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asselinIs there any difference between devsack-trusty and devstack-trusty-dib here?
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cineramageneral question - what's the infra convention around site.pp files in puppet modules22:25
anteayaclarkb: should I still be waiting to hear from you on disabling the Brocade account with the gmail address?22:26
clarkbanteaya: sorry was it confirmed to deactivate the gmail one?22:26
anteaya shivharis | anteaya: yes for CI purposes22:27
anteayasorry thought you saw that22:27
nibalizercinerama: so generally a module will never have a site.pp file22:29
nibalizerit will almost always have an init.pp file22:29
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jesusauruswell, there are modules with site subclasses, such as lodgeit::site22:33
pleia2cinerama: just got back in, I'll look at your change soon22:33
pleia2cinerama: we've typically done the mysql configuration in the translations.pp or whatever file in
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pleia2which is kind of like our local.pp that we have22:35
cineramawe don't setup the database itself for, say, the gerrit module in there though, it's done in the gerrit module itself22:36
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pleia2ah, good :)22:36
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pleia2so maybe we want to pull from the example in the gerrit module22:36
cineramaalso true for storyboard. i personally think it's best if we define it within our module rather than relying on it to be elsewhere especially since we're going to be relying on stuff like the db username for the xml conf22:37
SpamapSjeblair: I'm thinking we should make a full spec for!/story/2000175 .. yes?22:38
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marunlifeless: for fixture that persists across tests, is testresources a good option?22:38
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pleia2cinerama: yeah, I agree :)22:40
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lifelessmarun: yes22:41
marunlifeless: is nobody actually using it?22:42
tchaypojeblair: yep, that seems to work22:42
marunlifeless: :/22:42
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marunlifeless: we're getting ready to start targeting test-managed daemons in neutron functional testing, so long-lived db's and daemons are going to be necessary22:43
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lifelessmarun: that list is the list for the requirements project itself22:43
lifelessmarun: nothing to do with what openstack as a whole can use22:43
marunlifeless: oops22:43
lifelessmarun: see the comment :)22:43
marunlifeless: ah, global-requirements includes test requirements22:44
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marunlifeless: not sure how I missed that.22:44
marunlifeless: thanks for the clarification :)22:44
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jeblairSpamapS: i'm thinking in this case we can save a step and go ahead and write the documentation, treating it like a spec.  then implement the doc.  :)22:45
SpamapSjeblair: +1 !22:46
jeblairSpamapS: would you like to volunteer for that?22:46
clarkbanteaya: shivharis I just need to mark that account as inactive correct?22:46
SpamapSjeblair: I think I just did. :)22:46
jeblairSpamapS: i do too :)22:46
anteayaclarkb: that is the best we can do, yes?22:46
clarkbanteaya: yes22:46
anteayaclarkb: since we can't delete22:46
anteayathen yes please22:47
clarkbshivharis: and you don't intend on using that account for personal reviews? that looks like a personal address22:47
* SpamapS assigns and moves forward22:47
jeblairSpamapS: so for clarity, i think we're talking about a patch to system-config that adds a new doc page for infra-cloud (in this collection:
SpamapSjeblair: btw is there a good task or set of tasks where I can start helping with nodepool dib work?22:47
shivharisclarkb: i maintain that account, just in case someday i am not associated with brocade :-(22:47
SpamapSjeblair: I'm having a hard time even figuring out what is todo with that.22:47
shivharishence the CI had the id of "bci"22:47
jeblairSpamapS: and it should include most of the things we talked about at the meetup22:48
clarkbshivharis: thats fine, so I think my question is do you ever intend to potentially use that account with gerrit again?22:48
clarkbshivharis: if so you should change the name instead od deactivating the account.22:48
SpamapSjeblair: yeah I think we just need to distill 2 days of note chaos into a doc. :)22:48
shivharisnot at the moment, i can recreate at a later date, right?22:48
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clarkbshivharis: not with that email address22:48
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jeblairSpamapS:,n,z  apparently nothing... :/22:49
anteayashivharis clarkb I think that account was created by infra, was it not?22:49
shivharisclarkb: in the worst possible case, do as you feel right, i may endup using some other email address later22:49
jeblairmordred, clarkb: what's next on nodepool-dib?22:49
anteayain which case shivharis doesn't ahve access to change the settings22:49
clarkbjeblair: I don't think anyone has updated fungi's bindep change with the new topic or the shade changes22:49
SpamapSjeblair: storyboard might also be a place that would usually be where to go, but .. trying to be gentle.. it's really hard to find things there.22:49
clarkbanteaya: Iam not sure how it was created22:49
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create and upload heat test images to tarballs
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Don't enable dib service for heat-dsvm-functional
clarkbanteaya: but I think I can check that22:50
anteayaclarkb: and my udnerstanding is that the way to reuse an email address for gerrit accounts is to deactivate the account of the old one22:50
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jeblairSpamapS: yeah, i'm not ready to recommend that for this sort of thing just yet22:50
jeblairclarkb, SpamapS: the change from mordred and yolanda to use shade in nodepool is one; i just changed the topic for it22:51
anteayaclarkb: I created this wikipage at fungi's behest:
shivharisclarkb: if it would be simpler to just deactivate it, go for it22:51
anteayaclarkb: it tells people who want to reuse email addresses to contact infra to disable the one associated with the old account created by infra22:51
anteayaclarkb: I don't know, I'm going by what fungi told me to do22:52
clarkbanteaya: ok22:52
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SpamapSjeblair: ah!22:52
clarkbmostly I am just trying to understand how we got here so that we aren't going to create a third account next week22:52
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SpamapSwell I've been reviewing stuff on shade and nodepool so that should help22:52
anteayaclarkb: agreed22:52
anteayashivharis: how did you end up with two accounts?22:53
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jeblairSpamapS: nodepool testing could also be really useful.  ianw is working on adding a config file syntax validator.  but we have basically no testing of anything important, so every time we make a change it breaks.22:53
shivharisanteaya, clarkb: i really do not know22:53
ianwjeblair: about to send review on that22:53
clarkbanteaya: and now that I look closer there are already 2 accounts with that email addr so that ship has sailed :)22:53
anteayashivharis: we need to make sure it won't happen again22:53
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anteayaclarkb: really which email addr, the gmail one?22:54
jeblairianw: give it a dib-nodepool topic in gerrit :)22:54
anteayaI was told that wasn't possible22:54
SpamapSjeblair: Oh! so some functional tests that point it at a devstacked nova maybe?22:54
anteayaif both are active22:54
clarkbanteaya: yes, looks like there is a VDX testing account and a BNA account22:54
SpamapSianw: btw, did you see your dib change for tracing _finally_ merged?22:54
jeblairSpamapS: ...actually, i think it might be best to leave that for shade for now... and instead use fakes with nodepool...22:55
anteayashivharis: do you have a BNA account with your gmail address?22:55
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SpamapSjeblair: cool22:55
jeblairSpamapS: everything nodepool does that is interesting takes hours, so i think fakes are the way to go there22:55
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SpamapSjeblair: oh yeah22:55
shivharisno BNA account from me, that is a completely different group in brocade22:55
ianwSpamapS: yes, thanks ... i'll use it when i fix the f21 build in a bit :)22:55
jeblairSpamapS: there's actually quite a bit of fakes in there already, just very few tests that use them22:55
shivharisi could not have created that22:56
SpamapSianw: I found it fairly frustrating that it just sat for so long. :-P22:56
clarkbshivharis: well they are using your email address for the account22:56
SpamapSI do like writing tests. :)22:56
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shivharisclarkb: interesting..22:56
anteayashivharis: they have your email address on their account22:56
* SpamapS cranks up some dubstep and gets-ta-testing22:56
anteayaI confirm it in gerrit ui22:56
* ianw needs to re-instate my self-imposed ban on reading hacker news22:56
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anteayashivharis: so do some investigation with brocade22:57
anteayawe can't have random people creating accounts with your email address22:57
shivharisanteaya, clarkb: i am going to do some calling ...22:57
greghaynesSpamapS: self.useFixture(WubWub())22:57
clarkbshivharis: anteaya its not a huge deal, but like I said I would rather do the account dance once then not need to fix it again later22:57
anteayaget back to us once we can confirm no new accounts will be generated with the same email address22:57
clarkbso if we are sure you don't want the VNX account with the gmail addr I will disable it22:57
anteayaclarkb: agreed22:58
anteayashivharis: please confirm again for clarkb22:58
shivharisanteaya, clarkb: i need to investigate ...22:58
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clarkbjeblair: 161482 should have its topic updated too :)22:59
shivharisanteaya, clarkb: apologies for the confusion from whereever, and much much thanks for your time...22:59
anteayashivharis: okay get back to us22:59
shivharisanteaya: will do22:59
clarkbjeblair: and 155458 might be considered simply because its adding more tests22:59
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jeblairclarkb: thanks23:03
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jeblairclarkb: got a few more too23:05
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mordredjeblair: yes - finishing nodepool/shade is is the next thing23:05
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clarkbjeblair: cool I will swing around and check them out once the current set of zuul reviews are done23:06
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mordredjeblair: I've got a few more image element related things, but Ng will have that sorted before we finish nodepool/shade23:06
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clarkbjeblair: I am going to approve 148121 since that makes zuul cloner act a lot more like g-g-p which I think we want23:06
clarkbjeblair: any reason not to that I am missing?23:06
mordredjeblair, SpamapS: in nodepool/shade, we need to finish the main patch, and also we need to take another pass through shade's floating ip handling23:07
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mordredSpamapS: we need to make it figure out if it can use neutron and use that or fall back to nova if not, and I think there is logic in current nodepool for failures that we missed porting over to shade23:07
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mordredSpamapS: we should also make a pass through every call that nodepool makes and see if we can catch and re-throw _better_ errors to expose temp vs. perm errors23:10
mordredsince right now we're masking all the goodness23:10
mordredSpamapS: and finally, I believe we should take a pass and make sure that cache coherency and validation has a good story23:10
mordredSpamapS: because for the nodepool case, its a long-running thing that could take good advantage of it - as long as we properly invalidate or inject values every time we create/delete a thign23:11
mordredSpamapS: (and it would allow us to choose to deploy a memcached/redis with nodepool for extra love - but we shoudl assume memory for now)23:11
mordredSpamapS: ALSO - we should make sure that the comment about dogpile.cache memory backend leaking memory is addressed since it'sa  long-lived project23:12
clarkbjeblair: re gertty, it seems that my install on my desktop has to be forcefull refreshed, it does not periodically sync things down over time23:12
clarkbjeblair: but I don't think that is a new bug I seem to haveto hit ^R a lot with it even before updating23:12
mordredSpamapS: and finally- nodepool is multi-threaded, so we want to make sure dogpile doesn't die in a fire23:12
SpamapSmordred: dogpile is good w/ threads IIRC23:12
SpamapSmordred: like, thats half the reason it's awesome.23:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Reset & clean workspace repo for better hygiene
clarkbdoes dogpile require a memcached or similar? or can it just cache in its own memory/23:13
mordredSpamapS: the current way we're decorating inside of an inner function may need to change - because we may want to invalidated the decorated function rather than the whole cache23:13
mordredclarkb: can cache to it's own memory23:14
mordredwhich is what we default to23:14
lifelessall the memories23:14
mordredclarkb: deploying an external cache will be _possible_ if we choose23:14
mordredbut not required23:14
clarkbya I don't think we need one which is why I ask23:14
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mordredI don't either23:14
clarkbthe amount of data is tiny23:14
SpamapSmordred: with the memory store.. we might want to look at the one that pickles things, as that will at least prevent us from getting into a refcount nightmare where nothing is ever freed.23:14
mordredSpamapS: nod. I think it'sa  good todo list item23:15
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lifelessSpamapS: no need for that23:15
SpamapS"There is no size management, and values which are placed into the dictionary will remain until explicitly removed. Note that Dogpile’s expiration of items is based on timestamps and does not remove them from the cache."23:15
lifelessSpamapS: cycles are broken just fine23:15
SpamapSlifeless: oh good. I'm still scarred from my PHP days. ;)23:16
lifelessSpamapS: objects with __del__ can be more sticky, but we shouldn't have any of those in play23:16
shivharisclarkb: hi, there should be no BNA account, not sure where is came from, i specifcally asked the BNA team in brocade23:16
lifelessSpamapS: and more recent python deals with those too23:16
shivharisclarkb: the account should be as in:
lifelessSpamapS: a cycle is handled when full gc is triggered, which is some N opcodes23:16
clarkbshivharis: should I deactivate both of them then?23:17
SpamapSlifeless: Yeah, so thats good to know, but the comment from the docs I just pasted also means that expiration time won't actually GC inside dogpile.cache, so the point is actually moot. :-/23:17
shivharisok, do it23:17
lifelessSpamapS: yup23:17
lifelessSpamapS: thats why I said all the memories23:17
shivharis(oops, can we live with doing just BNA)23:17
shivharisor you must do both?23:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Add oslo.policy to global requirements
clarkbshivharis: I don't have to do both23:18
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clarkbshivharis: but there are two separate issues at play, first you have two VNX accounts with different email addrs so the thought was to disable one. Second you have two accounts with the same email addr23:19
shivharisclarkb: then deactivate BNA23:19
clarkbshivharis: and what about for the VNX test accounts which should we deactivate?23:19
jeblairclarkb: re gertty, that's really weird.  it should do something every minute.  can you run with verbose or debug and confirm?23:20
shivharisclarkb: I want to retain the gerrit account with gerrit id 'bci' what is the email address on that?23:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add logging to #openstack-api
shivharisclarkb: as per
SpamapSmordred: maybe we should make the DBMBackend default.23:23
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SpamapSmordred: that would have the benefit of surviving restarts.23:24
SpamapSI'm a little worried about the memory backend now that I'm thinking more about it.23:24
SpamapSStoring all the flavors is meh, but all the things...23:25
shivharisclarkb: please deactive the VDX account not associated with gerrit id "bci"23:25
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lifelessclarkb: do you see the syn ccount going up and up and up23:25
mordredSpamapS: I'm good with default of DBMBackend23:25
mordredSpamapS: especially if we get cache invalidation on action correct23:26
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clarkbjeblair: ya I can restart23:26
mordredSpamapS: I mean, for instance - you know how often I should fetch the list of flavors from the cloud?23:26
clarkbshivharis: I will look23:26
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lifelessevery damn request23:26
lifelessbecause mutable data23:26
clarkblifeless: I do not23:27
lifelesspragmatically, once a day or on errors23:27
clarkblifeless: basically I start it and it does the initial sync, goes to 023:27
clarkbthen it seems to only sync when I tell it, either by writing comments or using ^R23:27
lifelessclarkb: if you run with -d23:27
lifelessclarkb: you might see an error in the log ?23:27
mordredlifeless: yup. I like pragmatically on this one :)23:27
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clarkbshivharis: its done, both of the gmail accounts set inactive (neither had the bci username)23:32
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clarkbok I have gertty running with -d23:33
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mmedvedeWe were having trouble recently with git.o.o, cloning nova in particular. Getting "error: RPC failed; result=18, HTTP code = 200", as seen here . Is it expected with high load on git.o.o?23:36
mmedvedeThe issue is intermittent23:36
clarkbif anyone reviews infra changes after nowish could you point me at them and I can see if they are synced?23:36
shivharisso what should i get mestery to do for the CI account of "Brocade VDX CI"23:36
clarkbjeblair: mordred lifeless ^23:36
clarkbshivharis: I think mestery can add it again and there will only be one23:36
shivharisclarkb: thanks very much23:36
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clarkbmmedvede: is the most recent spike in git.o.o backend load23:38
clarkbmmedvede: are you cloning from scratch in your jobs?23:38
krtaylorclarkb, yes we are23:38
clarkbmmedvede: looks like it23:38
mmedvedeclarkb: no, but we did not update for a while23:39
clarkbwell in that particular log its cloning from scratch23:39
clarkbanyways, my first suggestion would be to try caching the repo23:39
mmedvedeclarkb: ok, that was my feeling as well23:39
mordredclarkb: yeek. do we need to make more git farm?23:39
clarkbwe have seen load spike on the backends but haven't been able to nail down exactly why it happens but if say a bunch of CIs are cloning from scratch and all hit the same backend we lose23:40
clarkbmordred: its possible23:40
mmedvedeclarkb: I am working on getting cache to work. Would that be a good idea to switch to using github in a meantime?23:40
mordredclarkb: we could block git ports and make everyone mount AFS and clone using file:/// urls ...23:41
clarkbmmedvede: I doubt it, githubs error rate is significant23:41
mordredclarkb: I'm obviously kidding23:41
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clarkbmordred: we should just shrink nova23:41
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mordredclarkb: that does seem like an awfully high load spike23:41
mordredclarkb: well, there is also that23:41
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clarkbmordred: well what happens is you get a pileup behind the initial load spike23:42
clarkbbecause we use IP hashing from synchronization23:42
mordredclarkb: has a public rsync thing23:42
clarkbrather than round robin or bandwidth or etc23:42
mordredclarkb: for this reason23:42
mordredclarkb: so that people can seed locally by rsyncing - and that doesnt' have to go through git mirror23:42
clarkbthat would likely help23:43
mordredwe could even use it in our image building, tbh23:43
clarkbbut if people are going to clone from scratch anyways I doubt rsync will fix that23:43
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mordredclarkb: well, if we had it, we could tell CI folks when they have a problem to switch to rsync23:43
clarkbwe also aren't sure if it is partially related to bad neighbors23:44
clarkbwe could run more data collection around that23:44
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mmedvedeI'll throw together a quick caching git proxy. Should help on our image updates as well. I did run a couple of updates earlier today, wonder if that is the reason for the spike23:46
jeblairclarkb: i just reviewed 157512.  you may need to wait 60 seconds23:47
clarkbjeblair: thanks23:47
clarkbmmedvede: maybe? we do a fair bit of image update ourselves around 1400-1500UTC which isn't when that spike happened23:47
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clarkbmmedvede: which is part of why I have been confused about this since we have our own massive thundering herd that doesn't seem to factor into this23:48
clarkbthough our thundering herd does not sit behind one IP address23:48
clarkbmmedvede: is it possible all your traffic is from a single IP?23:48
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mmedvedeclarkb: I would not think so23:50
clarkbjeblair: ok it did update that change with your +223:50
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clarkbjeblair: maybe I am just super impatient and making this problem up23:50
clarkbjeblair: actually maybe its a special case of a problem. The specific incident I remember is after ansible-puppet was created it did not show up in my global project listing23:50
clarkbmordred: on 157512 how paranoid about novaclient should we be? did they just move the code or is this all new code?23:51
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clarkbmordred: pip should if you depend on a newer version iirc23:54
mordrednot even close23:54
mordredit will not upgrade your non-matching versions at all unless you -U23:54
mordred(we just hit this with zuul)23:54
mordredclarkb: fwiw, nodepool has novaclient 2.20.0 and current is 2.22.023:55
mmedvedeclarkb: have checked, our traffic is not from a single ip, just fyi23:55
clarkbok so a non issue for this particular change23:56
clarkbmordred: I don't know why I thought pip worked in this case but you are absolutely right it doesn't23:56
clarkbmordred: jeblair I am going to approve the novaclient in nodepool change then23:56
mordredclarkb: one second23:56
clarkboh wait23:57
clarkb I misread the versions23:57
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clarkbwe have 2.20.0 not 2.22.023:57
mordredclarkb: yeah. we need to make sure the v2 codepath works23:57
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mtreinishmmedvede: from inside ibm, are you sure? The internal ip doesn't map 1:1 outside the firwall.23:57
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mordredclarkb: yup. we'll have to upgrade23:58
mtreinish(despite it being on IBM's class A so it easily could be if they were so inclined)23:58
clarkbmtreinish: for subunit workers did you change to reduce to one worker merge?23:58
mordred>>> import novaclient.v223:58
mordredTraceback (most recent call last):23:58
clarkbmtreinish: we have 4 running after the node reboot23:58
mordred  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>23:58
mtreinishclarkb: I believe it did, let me double check23:58
mordredImportError: No module named v223:58
clarkbmtreinish: its possible puppet doesn't sufficiently clean things up, can you link to the change if you find it23:58
clarkbmordred: fun23:59
mmedvedemtreinish: I did check with: curl -s | sed -e 's/.*Current IP Address: //' -e 's/<.*$//  , and it did return a VM's ip23:59
mtreinishclarkb: yep it did:

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