Tuesday, 2015-02-24

clarkbjhesketh: but if ** implementation is easy enough then go for it00:00
jheskethright, I just have a fear that we'll miss something in all of hte templating etc that we won't upload a log for a while and it'll be too long before it gets notice00:01
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Disable voting on pylint because of novaclient breakage"  https://review.openstack.org/15849800:03
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clarkbjhesketh: good point00:04
jheskethclarkb: it's okay, a recursive search isn't difficult even if I have to walk it by hand00:04
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fungihuh... something has changed with the novaclient on puppetmaster... "ERROR (EndpointNotFound): publicURL endpoint for compute service in IAD region not found"00:12
fungithough it's working for hpcloud00:12
fungii get that error for all the rax regions i try00:12
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funginovaclient 2.21.000:13
jeblairfungi: i wonder/worry if the same thing would happen to nodepool if we restarted it00:13
jheskethclarkb: some searching later... https://github.com/miracle2k/python-glob2/ looks like what we need :-)00:14
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fungimordred: you were complaining about this same error in #-dev roughly a month ago, raised by keystoneclient?00:22
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fungilooks like `keystone catalog` returns nothing at all for compute!?!00:27
fungii'm not even seeing a cloudServersOpenStack listed in there00:29
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clarkbfungi: do you have a patch for the grub thing yet?00:29
fungiclarkb: yeah, lemme get you the url00:30
clarkbfungi: I found it, shoudl've looked harder first00:30
clarkbit failed a puppet job00:30
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: zuul-swift-upload support recursive globs  https://review.openstack.org/15851400:30
jheskethclarkb: ^00:30
clarkbfungi: looks like centos6 puppet failed due to the git timeout00:31
clarkbfungi: I will rechek00:31
fungiclarkb: thanks, and yeah, i found that and rechecked already00:31
clarkboh you got it00:31
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fungiclarkb: so any guesses why there's no compute or server service in rackspace's catalog at all now? http://paste.openstack.org/show/180871/00:32
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fungiam i doing a stupid?00:32
clarkbfungi: I don't think so00:33
clarkbfungi: that looks like the right way to list things00:33
fungipretty sure that's why novaclient has started complaining that it can't find a service url00:33
clarkbya I would agree00:33
clarkband itisn't that the tenant id changed, the service isn't listed at all00:33
clarkbso are we 100% hpcloud right now?00:34
fungimaybe https://identity.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0/ is no longer what we're supposed to be hitting for that?00:34
clarkboh that could be00:34
clarkbendpoint moved or they switched to v300:34
fungiyeah, headed down that route now00:34
mtreinishfungi: fwiw, on my personal rax account keystone catalog returns nothing, but nova list still works00:36
mtreinishusing the same v2.0 auth url00:36
fungimtreinish: okay, that helps, thanks00:37
fungimtreinish: novaclient 2.21.0?00:37
fungiand keystoneclient 1.1.0?00:37
mtreinishfungi: keystoneclient 1.0.0 and novaclient 2.20.000:37
mtreinishlooks like 1 release behind you for both00:38
jrollclarkb: fungi: the endpoint should still work00:39
jrollwe didn't move it00:39
fungiyeah, and even with the versions mtreinish is using i still get "publicURL endpoint for compute service in DFW region not found"00:40
mtreinishfungi: both releases are newish (nova last week, keystone a couple weeks ago)00:40
fungiso something is not quite right in this environment. i'll try from one of my machines00:40
mtreinishfungi: oh, I have OS_REGION_NAME=iad, I'll try dfw00:40
fungimtreinish: well, i get it for iad and ord too00:41
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mtreinishyeah, no issues for me with any of the regions00:41
fungiactually, i take that back. with keystoneclient 1.0.0 and novaclient 2.20.0 i just get ERROR (SSLError): [Errno 1] _ssl.c:510: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed00:42
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fungimaybe they've updated their endpoint server cert and the chain is insufficient?00:42
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jrollfungi: you have the rackspace novaclient plugin installed?00:43
jogoOn the other hand, the strongest argument for some people advocating00:44
jogo4.0 seems to have been a wish to see 4.1.15 - because "that was the00:44
jogoversion of Linux skynet used for the T-800 terminator00:44
fungijroll: no, using the standard novaclient support, no rax extension00:44
jrollfungi: I don't think that works, afaik :x00:44
* jroll tries00:44
fungijroll: it _was_ working for us00:44
jrollwe haven't changed anything afaik00:44
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jogohttps://lkml.org/lkml/2015/2/22/203 (source)00:45
fungiand yeah, the cert validity is Not Before: Nov 14 2011, Not After : Nov 12 2016 so i doubt the cert has changed recently00:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual: It's openstack-admins in launchpad  https://review.openstack.org/15597300:48
fungiOKAY! rolling back novaclient, keystoneclient _and_ requests fixes this00:48
adam_gclarkb, hey, popping online for a few, saw this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158247/00:48
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funginow to see if i can trim this down to a more minimal reproduction00:49
clarkbadam_g: did that actually fix it?00:49
adam_gclarkb, not sure00:49
clarkbI am pulling up the log now00:49
clarkboh hrm nothing to sync on that change to ironic00:50
clarkbneed to rebase the neutronclient bump if thats not done yet00:50
clarkbor no need for rebase since the fix merged00:50
adam_gclarkb, http://logs.openstack.org/46/158246/1/check/check-requirements-integration-dsvm/994aba9/console.html00:51
adam_glooks good00:51
adam_gwell, still breaking on that other requirement sync issue00:51
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clarkbadam_g: I think we need to make sure 157606 does the ironic sync properly00:51
adam_gaddressed by https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158086/ (fixing it now)00:52
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adam_gclarkb, we can squash everything together into one patch once the stack looks okay00:52
clarkbadam_g: I have rechecked it00:52
clarkbadam_g: where it is 15760600:52
arosenclarkb:  I've got my nodepool node now working again though I'm  still seeing this error periodically: http://logs2.aaronorosen.com/24/157624/1/check/dsvm-tempest-full-congress-pg-nodepool/6be371b/logs/devstacklog.txt.gz#_2015-02-24_00_51_16_11200:52
fungiokay, keystoneclient has nothing to do with this. have to roll novaclient back to 2.20.0 and requests back to 2.5.1 to get things working again00:52
arosenI'm curious if this is just me or if there is anything I can do to help avoid this?00:53
arosen ReadTimeoutError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='pypi.python.org', port=443): Read timed out.00:53
arosenPerhaps I should try and setup a local pypi cache ?00:53
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack/requirements: Do not sync requirements to possibly capped library's master branch  https://review.openstack.org/15808600:55
fungiftr, `pip install -U requests==2.5.1 python-novaclient==2.20.0` results in a working environment but neither `pip install -U python-novaclient` nor `pip install -U python-novaclient==2.20.0` work00:55
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack/requirements: Do not sync requirements to possibly capped library's master branch  https://review.openstack.org/15808600:58
fungijroll: this is with no novaclient plugin and setting OS_USERNAME, OS_PASSWORD, OS_TENANT_NAME, OS_PROJECT_ID, OS_VERSION=2, OS_SERVICE_NAME=cloudServersOpenStack and OS_AUTH_URL=https://identity.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0/00:58
jrollfungi: hrm.00:59
jrollfungi: so requests > 2.5.1 will break it?00:59
fungijroll: seems that way00:59
* jroll tries00:59
fungijroll: and novaclient 2.21.000:59
fungieither one seems to01:00
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fungioh, also had OS_REGION_NAME set obviously01:00
adam_gclarkb, the stack ending at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158276/ should hopefully pass, then we can squash it down into 157606 (assuming the integration.sh change is good for master)01:02
clarkbadam_g: kk01:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add a comment for ERROR_ON_CLONE  https://review.openstack.org/15841701:04
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jrollfungi: what keystoneclient version?01:05
jrollI can't get auth through :x01:05
fungijroll: latest (1.1.0) or previous (1.0.0) both worked for me01:06
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fungijroll: unset NOVA_RAX_AUTH and use your tenant password rather than a separate api key01:06
jrollah, password, ok01:06
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fungijroll: my understanding was that the rackspace novaclient plugin was something to do with api key support01:07
fungibut novaclient seems to support password auth to rackspace just fine without it01:07
jrollright, I always forget01:07
fungii wonder if this issue has something to do with the urllib3 import changes in requests 2.5.201:08
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jrollor they're verifying differently01:09
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jrollSecurityWarning: Certificate has no `subjectAltName`, falling back to check for a `commonName` for now. This feature is being removed by major browsers and deprecated by RFC 2818. (See https://github.com/shazow/urllib3/issues/497 for details.)01:09
jrollmaybe that's an error now01:09
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jrollthat issue is still open, though01:09
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fungijroll: yeah, and https://github.com/rackspace/pyrax/issues/528 is related01:10
fungiapparently it's surfacing there as well for similar reasons01:11
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jrollfungi: reasons like, our cert is old and crusty01:11
fungier, indeedily-doodily01:12
jrollfwiw, I bugged people about this like, the second day it started happening :(01:12
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openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Spec to refactor puppet code in openstack_project  https://review.openstack.org/13747101:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-specs: Add migrate askbot to infra spec  https://review.openstack.org/15406101:16
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fungi69d9594 seems to be the last working commit for requests. b86330d "Update certificate bundle." appears to introduce the failure01:27
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fungiso probable cause for the requests-related issues is the cert bundle in requests 2.5.2 is unable to validate the rackspace api endpoint01:28
fungisigmavirus24_awa: ^ if you're not actually "_awa"01:28
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fungigoing to see now if i can similarly bisect what happened between python-novaclient 2.20.0 and 2.21.001:29
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dimtruckfungi: you're awesome :)01:32
fungidimtruck: it's a double-bisection. what better way to spend a monday night?01:33
dimtruckthat was our issue in solum too!  Started ~2.30 pm.  We had too many people out to look into it but we also thought it was with requests01:33
dimtruckhahaha, yes!!01:33
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jrollfungi: ouch01:33
* jroll wonders where in the cert chain this is failing01:33
fungijroll: i haven't dug deeper on that front, mainly because i'd need to spend a few minutes with the requests docs01:34
jrollfungi: indeed, I don't expect you to01:34
jrollI wonder where that bundle comes from as well01:34
jroll(in requests)01:34
jrollit's all through thawte01:35
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fungijroll: originated from this pr https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/pull/244201:36
fungi"produced by mkcert.org"01:36
jrollfungi: ya, removes thawte01:37
fungioh, cool!01:37
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f1llerlooks like thawte was dropped @ https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/commit/b86330d1f15f04e77093800efb8c6bd6909e8c8e01:37
jrollOnce a day, mkcert.org obtains the latest list of Mozilla's trusted root CA certificates. It parses the file, removes anything explicitly marked as untrusted, and then keeps the data in memory.01:37
fungifun times01:38
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openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Configure sub-nodes for Neutron DVR aiopcpu  https://review.openstack.org/15852501:41
jrollstrangely, this has data: curl https://mkcert.org/generate/ | grep -i thawte01:41
f1llerlooks like thawte is still there ... https://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/security/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt?raw=1 :D01:41
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jrollso wth01:42
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fungiyeah, but maybe on the 10th there was a problem01:42
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fungisince that's when the pr says the update was generated01:42
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fungialso could have just been an incomplete pr01:43
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openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Configure sub-nodes for Neutron DVR aiopcpu  https://review.openstack.org/15852501:44
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f1lleractually, they dont rock the cvs anymore  ;)01:45
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jrollcould have been a mkcert.org issue as well01:48
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f1lleryeah, hope they log stdout+stderr on those cron jobs :P01:48
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fungiokay, for this evening's second bisect, python-novaclient 99a4439 (the corresponding merge commit for https://review.openstack.org/105900 "Support using the Keystone V3 API from the Nova CLI") has broken this01:50
fungithe merge commit prior to that works for me (when paired with a working requests version anyway)01:51
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jrollfungi: what's the failure mode for that part?01:52
fungijroll: ERROR (EndpointNotFound): publicURL endpoint for compute service in IAD region not found01:52
jrollah, ok01:52
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fungimorganfainberg: if you're around, any guesses what about that ^ change could have brought that about?01:53
fungii pick on you purely because you're listed as co-author ;)01:53
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jrollI assume that does something that our identity system doesn't handle correctly01:54
fungii was just having trouble tracking it down because of being coupled with an entirely independent issue with requests01:54
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fungijroll: yeah, my guess would be it works with keystone. just not with something almost but not quite entirely unlike keystone ;)01:55
jrollyep :(01:55
morganfainbergfungi, hi01:55
morganfainbergfungi, whats up?01:55
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fungimorganfainberg: https://review.openstack.org/105900 on novaclient (keystone v3 support) seems to cause it to no longer be able to quthenticate to rackspace01:55
fungiauthenticate too, but quthenticate is more fun01:55
morganfainbergjamielennox|away, ping01:56
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morganfainbergbecause rax doesn't use keystone >.>01:56
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fungimorganfainberg: yep01:56
jrollI wonder if our roles stuff is screwy01:56
morganfainbergi mean.. that doesn't answer it clearly01:56
jrollor something, idk01:56
fungimorganfainberg: no surprise, their novaclient auth plug-in doesn't exhibit this issue, but novaclient prior to that change was doing regular password auth to them just dandy01:57
fungiat least according to my bisecting01:57
morganfainbergso i'd need to see what the difference between their auth plugin and the normal username/password is.01:58
morganfainbergi'm going to guess it's something like... rax doesn't do v3 api at all.01:58
morganfainbergand expects some extra data value that we don't pass [or barfs on some extra data value we do pass]01:58
fungimorganfainberg: https://github.com/rackerlabs/rackspace-auth-openstack01:58
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jrollmorganfainberg: indeed we don't do v3 api01:58
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morganfainbergis this all uses of client or just CLI?01:59
morganfainbergand does openstack client work?01:59
morganfainbergjroll, ^01:59
fungimorganfainberg: good question--i'm only experiencing it with the cli01:59
fungibut that's also all i've been testing01:59
jrollmorganfainberg: I'm not sure, but actually a teammate of mine was having client problems earlier01:59
morganfainbergfungi, i would assume it would be *really* broken for things like zuul/nodepool if it wasn't working in the raw client02:00
* jroll reads scrollback02:00
fungimorganfainberg: for nodepool anyway, and yes we're afraid to restart nodepoold now :/02:00
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morganfainbergfungi, and things would be exploding left and right.02:00
jrollbleh, that was unrelated02:00
morganfainbergfungi, can we spin up a test nodepool that will do 1 instance build?02:00
morganfainbergfungi, or similar [i don't have a rax account so...]02:00
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morganfainbergfungi, or is that a lot of work [tell me it is, and i wont aks you to]02:01
fungimorganfainberg: well, i won't be because i'm about to crash for the night and am leaving on a long vacation tomorrow, but yes it should be possible to test similar codepaths anyway02:01
morganfainbergfungi, oh vacayshun?! is that allowed ;)02:01
morganfainbergfungi, have a good one!!02:02
fungiit's possible nodepool-dev is working set up to hit rackspace. checking now02:02
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fungioh, right, nodepool-dev is not a thing02:02
fungithat was just the replacement nodepool server dns name02:02
* fungi sighs02:02
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morganfainbergfungi, no worries02:03
morganfainberglet me work through this with jroll02:03
jrollfungi: this is working for me for novaclient==2.21.002:03
morganfainbergjroll, now i'm sad i closed my rax account, testing would be easier if i wasn't worried about being charged.02:03
fungijroll: were you able to reproduce our working auth settings? e.g. not using rax auth plugin?02:03
morganfainbergjroll, does that client include that v3 patch fix?02:03
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fungimorganfainberg: yeah, that was the commit between 2.20.0 and 2.21.0 where it stops working for me02:04
jrollmorganfainberg: I think that's where the bug originated, was that version02:04
jrollfungi: yes, I'm not using rax plugin or anything02:04
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fungijroll: how very interesting. what envvars do you set?02:04
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fungimaybe i have a stray envvar that's causing this bug to surface02:05
morganfainbergfungi, which is also something we should make sure is fixed ;)02:05
jrollOS_AUTH_URL=https://identity.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0/ OS_REGION_NAME=IAD NOVA_SERVICE_NAME=cloudServersOpenStack OS_PASSWORD=blah OS_USERNAME=blah OS_TENANT_NAME=blah OS_VERSION=2 OS_PROJECT_ID=blah nova list02:05
morganfainbergfungi, if it's something we can catch.02:05
jrollfungi: ^02:05
morganfainbergjroll, OMG I KNOW YOUR PASSWORD NOW! IT's BLAH!02:05
fungijroll: thanks, giving just those a try02:05
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jrollmorganfainberg: ya, but that's a fake username ;)02:05
morganfainbergjroll, ;)02:05
morganfainbergOh hunter2?02:06
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jrollso idk if this is a bug02:07
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morganfainberghappy to help fix it if it really is a bug02:07
morganfainbergif it's not... i dunno what i can do to fix it ;)02:07
jrollI can yell at rackspace keystone people, that's about all I've got :|02:08
jrolland I'm not in a position where they would likely listen to me02:08
morganfainbergyell at them to really use keystone ;)02:08
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fungiokay! so that seems to work. which suggests one of the additional envvars we're setting is triggering this. now to narrow down which one02:08
jogofungi: as a 'TP Person' what does that mean?02:08
jrollmorganfainberg: supposedly that's in the works02:08
jogofungi: http://www.openstack.org/legal/transparency-policy/02:08
morganfainbergjroll, yes.02:08
morganfainbergjroll, i think the non-persistent token thing is the big blocker atm02:09
morganfainbergjroll, but that is close.02:09
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jrollidk what that is02:09
morganfainbergjroll, not needing to store every token in a SQL table ;)02:09
morganfainbergjroll, it doesn't scale well...02:09
* jroll remembers back to finding 10mm tokens in a django table02:09
morganfainbergahaha ouch02:10
openstackgerritAaron Rosen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Gate on gate-python-congressclient-python34  https://review.openstack.org/15853102:10
morganfainbergooh endpoint not found.02:10
morganfainbergfungi, silly question, were you not asking for a scoped token [e.g. left off the tenant]?02:11
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morganfainbergfungi, because that endpoint not found error is indicative of unscoped tokens (not sure if you can get an unscoped token from RAX)02:11
jrollyeah, I'm wondering if it has to do with roles/scopes02:11
fungijroll: morganfainberg: !!! OS_SERVICE_NAME=cloudServersOpenStack has ceased working with that commit02:11
jrollI'm using that02:11
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jrollno, I'm using NOVA_SERVICE_NAME02:12
morganfainbergoh wait. your account has the old name.02:12
morganfainbergthis was mordred's filtering issue02:12
morganfainbergwith shade02:12
fungiwhen i add NOVA_SERVICE_NAME it works fine02:12
morganfainbergyou're getting the old endpoint name thing in your catalog02:12
fungiso, regression?02:12
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fungior just rax problem02:12
jrollI mean02:13
morganfainbergi mean.. it's rax giving you bad data in the catalog and we actually are caring about it somewhat now02:13
jrollno longer supporting a config optino seems like a regression02:13
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fungiand yeah, i found you and mordred discussing it with the keystone client lib in #-dev about a month ago02:13
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Set custom cpu_model for live_migrate  https://review.openstack.org/14153002:13
morganfainbergso partially a regression?02:13
* morganfainberg says that with squinty-eyes02:13
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fungiwelp, anyway, i'm going to do a quick scour for anywhere we're using the other var i guess02:14
morganfainbergfungi, iirc it's because the account your using has data that it can't figure out02:14
morganfainbergfungi, most everyone else wont ever see that issue02:14
morganfainbergjroll, can you use the other option?02:14
jrollmorganfainberg: ya, this didn't break me, I was just trying to help02:15
morganfainbergjroll i mean it works w/ the env var fungi was using for you?02:15
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morganfainbergor is it similarly broken when not using the NOVA_bnlah option?02:15
jrolloh,s ec02:15
jrollmorganfainberg: wfm02:16
morganfainbergjroll, yeah it's this account has the old service in it too02:16
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jrollwhich seems strange02:16
morganfainbergjroll, so any account that doesn't have the old service attached to it wont get it in the catalog02:16
fungiwith no NOVA_SERVICE_NAME and OS_SERVICE_NAME=cloudServersOpenStack instead?02:16
jrollfungi: correct, I can use OS_SERVICE_NAME02:17
fungiaha, "old service" in this case being a second compute service02:17
fungithe "rackspace legacy servers" or whatever02:17
fungie.g. pre-nova02:17
jrollhow do I get a service catalog02:17
fungikeystone catalog02:17
morganfainbergjroll, it's magic *waves hands*02:17
jrolloh wow, we have a compute service02:18
morganfainberguhm, it's part of the token body02:18
morganfainbergin all seriousness02:18
jrollrather than a cloudServersOpenStack service02:18
morganfainbergand nova hard-codes compute02:18
jrollfungi: so I take it your catalog has a cloudServersOpenStack service and not a compute service?02:18
morganfainbergjroll, he has two compute services02:18
morganfainbergjroll, iirc02:18
jrollfungi: do y'all have any first gen servers?02:18
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morganfainberghte pre-nova stuff, that doesn't work anymore.. but it's still in the catalog02:19
morganfainbergi *think* thats it02:19
fungijroll: my catalog actually shows no compute services at all, which i think is maybe a display issue02:19
fungijroll: and yeah we still have a handful of first-gen servers in at least some of our tenants, can't recall if this particular one does02:19
jrollmorganfainberg: yeah, first gen02:19
morganfainbergfungi, yeah mordred came to the conclusion that almost no one would ever see this because they wouldn't have first gen too02:20
* jroll cries at the fact that catalogs vary due to this02:20
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fungimorganfainberg: jroll: okay, thanks! mystery solved, at least02:20
morganfainbergjroll, i just argued with someone we shouldn't be putting other random data in catalogs02:20
fungiand this is far less egregious than today's requests release dropping thawte entirely from their cert bundle02:20
jrollmorganfainberg: indeed02:20
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morganfainbergjroll, to be honest i think that deployers are putting $random_thing$ in the catalog that isn't openstack is asking for problems02:21
jrollfungi: ya, do you want me to put up a PR for that or?02:21
morganfainbergthey should not be relying on openstack to provide a catalog if you don't use openstack for... using it.02:21
fungijroll: go for it. i haven't even gotten around to opening an issue yet. maybe someone else already has02:21
jrollmorganfainberg: on the other hand, how do you make wannabe-openstack services discoverable02:21
jrolloh, you answered that02:21
* jroll ponders02:21
jrollfungi: sure, I'll poke around02:21
fungithanks again02:22
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morganfainbergjroll, i actually would like to offer an option in the catalog that can be better defined as not-openstack or a target for another catalog service that isn't saying "yep you can use this stuff but good luck figuring out how to auth with it w/o apriori knowledge"02:22
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morganfainbergfungi, so.. we can probably work on something to fix this, but i'd need to ask rax to give me a similarly wierd acocunt [or have you guys to a ton of testing for me]02:23
morganfainbergfungi, i'm happy to do so.02:23
morganfainbergfungi, but not sure how easy this will be to chase down.02:23
jrollmorganfainberg: yeah, it's an interesting problem, especially when some of those want to be openstack services (see also rax:database being our trove service)02:23
morganfainbergfor a real fix that is.02:23
fungimorganfainberg: nah, i'm just adding NOVA_SERVICE_NAME everywhere it's an issue02:24
morganfainbergfungi, okie02:24
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morganfainbergfungi, let me know if you need me to do anything here. i'll happily do so02:24
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morganfainbergfungi, or if you get roadblocked anywhere else that you can actually blame on something keystone did/does/not-quite-keystone-does02:24
fungiappreciate the offer. hopefully this is the last we'll have to worry about it though02:24
morganfainbergfungi, until next novaclient release *duck*02:25
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morganfainbergjroll, well does the token work with rax:database?02:25
morganfainbergjroll, if that is the case, i'd say it's fine [this is the definition], and has a clear endpoint. e.g. my authorization will currently work with it02:25
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morganfainbergjroll, without lots of extra hoops. and it can conform to the normal endpoint model of data02:26
morganfainbergjroll, i know repose makes that easier across your entire environment02:26
jrollmorganfainberg: but at one point it was "non-openstack stuff in the catalog"02:27
jrollfungi: https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/issues/245602:27
morganfainbergjroll, right.02:27
fungijroll: awesome02:27
morganfainbergjroll, which is where i'd like to find some better construct to store that in02:27
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: sorry - i'm here02:27
morganfainbergjroll, something to make the end users not rip our their hair02:27
morganfainbergjroll, but that is a bigger issue02:27
jrollmorganfainberg: oh, I see what you mean, you're saying tokens should work with anything in the catalog -- I agree02:28
morganfainbergjamielennox, we solved it. turns out fungi had multiple compute services02:28
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: sweet, so not a ksc issue?02:28
morganfainbergwell... sortof, i think we have a minor regression here02:28
jamielennoxthat would almost be a first02:28
morganfainbergbut one that is highly specific and hard to fix02:28
morganfainbergbecause we'd need a wierdly setup RAX account to be 100% sure we got it.02:29
jamielennoxmultiple of the same service_type in the same catalog?02:29
morganfainbergit's that the infra account has the legacy pre-nova compute service02:29
jrollI mean... we can make that happen02:29
morganfainbergjroll, i'm tempted to ask for an account similarly setup because this seems like someone else might hit it02:29
jrollwe'd just add the service and crank first gen quota to 002:29
morganfainbergjroll, ooor we just publish a doc that says "yeah don't use <old style>"02:29
jrollmorganfainberg: ya, would be nice not to break existing users, though02:30
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morganfainbergjroll, hm. let me hit you tomorrow on that, lets let it stew overnight see how much we both feel it's needed02:30
jrollassuming they haven't gone through the same thing we just did and figured it out02:30
jrollmorganfainberg: cool, I think people that could do this are likely gone for the day anyway02:30
morganfainbergjroll, we might just want to see if we can duplicate it and see how likely anyone will be to hit it.02:30
morganfainbergjroll, if it's really a tiny tiny % and we can document use X env var to fix02:31
morganfainbergi think thats ok. but if its more wide spread we should chase this down02:31
jrollright... maybe just wait a day and see if a bug is filed :P02:31
morganfainbergjroll, so tomorrow afternoon work for you?02:31
jrollthough they'd be likely to blame rackspace, not keystone02:31
morganfainbergpost x-project meeting.02:31
jrollsure, I'll be aroudn02:31
morganfainbergjroll, hah sure blame rax ;) *ducks* keystone is perfect in every way02:32
jrollI just tend to say all software sucks and everything is to blame02:32
jrollalright, y'all have a good night, I'm out02:33
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fungijeblair: mordred: clarkb: in case you didn't catch any of that, for rackspace apparently setting NOVA_SERVICE_NAME (instead of or in addition to OS_SERVICE_NAME) works around this in latest novaclient and i've updated the shell snippets on puppetmaster accordingly. someone probably still needs to double-check nodepool to see if any similar adjustments are warranted02:35
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fungijeblair: mordred: clarkb: sigmavirus24_awa: also today's requests release (2.5.2) dropped thawte from their cert bundle and so if it gets upgraded we won't be able to authenticate to rackspace's api endpoint. https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/issues/245602:36
fungiand with that, i'm going to go pack and have some sake02:38
funginight, all02:38
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clarkbgood night02:38
clarkbthanks for update. I am about to talk at a user group about jjb02:39
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clarkbI have a jenkins running on my laptop, we will do this live02:41
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pleia2clarkb: nice, good luck on the presentation :)03:21
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nibalizerclarkb: is killin it03:23
nibalizerer i mean he's rocking it03:23
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openstackgerritWayne Warren proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Remvoe unnecessary warning message.  https://review.openstack.org/15854304:07
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jheskethclarkb: is git.o.o using a load balancer of sorts?04:39
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* jhesketh can see the haproxy being installed, but can't tell where the A records point to04:39
clarkbjhesketh: it is, git.o.o is a dns round robin of two haproxy nodes04:39
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clarkbjhesketh: git-fe01 and git-fe0204:39
clarkbwe use a round robin because one node doen't have enough outbound internet bandwidth04:40
clarkbjhesketh: then git01/02/03/04/05 run apache and git-daemon to do the serving04:40
clarkbjhesketh: the backends ^ are all directly accessible over ports 8080, 4443, and 29418 as ewll04:40
jheskethclarkb: okay thanks. I'm trying to figure why I get so many connection failures with our 3rd party stuff04:41
jheskethis there any rate limiting?04:41
clarkbjhesketh: not beyond what rax does for us04:41
clarkbjhesketh: which we shouldn't hit anymore since the second node04:41
jheskethclarkb: I can't see any puppet stuff for git-fe, is that the rackspace load balancing product (ie not a node infra manages)04:42
clarkbjhesketh: no, ew didn't use that because support for not http was a but rudimentary for our needs04:42
clarkbjhesketh: let me find the puppet04:42
jheskethheh, thanks :-)04:42
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clarkbjhesketh: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/system-config/tree/modules/openstack_project/manifests/git.pp thats the frontend04:43
clarkbjhesketh: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/system-config/tree/modules/openstack_project/manifests/git_backend.pp thats the backed that runs apache/git-daemon/cgit04:43
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* jhesketh is blind and mis-read the regex04:44
jheskeththanks :-)04:44
jheskethclarkb: I don't know much about haproxy, but do you suppose either haproxy or the puppet module itself has rate limiting?04:45
clarkbjhesketh: now that I think about it yes haproxy does have rate limiting to an extent but its not source based its global04:45
clarkbalso apache defaults do too04:45
clarkbjhesketh: I would be surprised if you hitthose though as we seem to hit the bandwidth limiting in rax first04:48
clarkbjhesketh: I won't get to it tonight but if you give me some source IPs I can grep through logs04:48
jheskethclarkb: yeah I'd be surprised too04:48
jheskethoh that'd be really handy thanks04:48
jheskethlet me know when you've got time04:48
clarkbok tomorrow will probably work04:49
jheskethit's probably a pebcak04:49
jheskethbut something is hurting turbo-hipster04:49
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jheskethand I know some people who are cloning off github because it's been more reliable than git.o.o (which surprised me given the gate experience)04:50
clarkbhrm, ya more info would be good04:50
clarkbin theory we hit these servers harder than anyone else so we should notice if it breaks first04:51
clarkbok time for me to drop off, but put IPs somewhere and I can look at haproxy infos04:51
jheskethyeah that's what I would have thought04:55
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jheskethokay cheers, have a good night :-)04:55
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SpamapSit lives05:19
SpamapSoh my05:19
SpamapScowsay has an RFA05:19
* SpamapS may just have to offer that A05:20
StevenKI keep wanting to find tractorgen05:20
SpamapScowsay is apparently abandonware05:22
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openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Configure sub-nodes for Neutron DVR aiopcpu  https://review.openstack.org/15852505:24
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SpamapStho somebody reimplemented it in R05:28
clarkbdoes it speak like a pirate?05:28
SpamapSyes, and they distribute it by gathering all the files and packing them in a ...05:29
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* SpamapS is disappointed nobody bit05:29
StevenKpyopenssl is not packaged05:30
StevenKAnd os-cloud-config needs it05:30
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SpamapSStevenK: That seems unlikely.05:31
SpamapSStevenK: it's called python-openssl05:31
SpamapSand it's even in Ubuntu main. ;)05:32
StevenKpython:Depends put it in as python-pyopenssl05:32
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SpamapSStevenK: I believe that means python-openssl is missing an X-something header that explains the mapping.05:33
StevenKSpamapS: Given it's called pyopenssl on pypi, I was a little tripped up05:33
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arosen1Hi, I upgraded my jenkins and now it seems like the zmq plugin isn't binding on 8888, any ideas?05:35
arosen1I've googled around but haven't found anything yet.05:35
SpamapSStevenK: yeah that's weird05:35
clarkbarosen1 it wont bind until a job runs05:36
clarkbalso it should log if it tries to bind05:36
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arosen1clarkb: isn't this what nodepool uses to register nodes with jenkins/05:39
clarkbyes, but nodepool should register nodes if you have jobs to run05:40
clarkbalso early binding would be fine if someone wants to make that change it was easier to bind lazily05:41
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arosen1clarkb: will nodepool only connect to jenkins if it has nodes in ready state?05:45
arosen1oh sorry nvm jenkins is what binds.05:45
clarkbzmq wont happen until a job starts but nodepool should connect as soon as that happens05:45
clarkbconnect retries a frequent05:46
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arosen1clarkb:  how do you get a job to run in jenkins? Don't you need nodes registered to run a job?05:47
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arosen1clarkb:  ah i rechecked congress on the openstack-dev/sandbox and that got it to bind :)05:48
clarkbyes but you should get nodes without zmq set up05:49
clarkbeither due to min ready or via gearman demand05:49
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deepakcsclarkb, fungi had agreed to help us get ssh access to the rax VM for debuggign the gluster job's oom issue05:52
arosen1clarkb:  ah so zuul talks to jenkins via zeromq.  What does nodepool use zmq for if it uses gearman to register nodes?05:52
deepakcsclarkb, 'guess fungi is on vacation, so can u helps us get access to one of the rax VMs ?05:52
clarkbarosen1 the zmq publisher lists job info from the jenkins so it can know when to delete nodes05:52
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clarkbdeepakcs probably but not tonight its late for me05:53
arosen1clarkb:  ah so zuul also talks to nodepool05:53
arosen1gotcha that's how that min thing works05:53
arosen1sorry makes sense :)05:53
clarkbarosen ya jenkins to zuul is gearman05:53
clarkbnodepool to zuul is gearman05:53
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clarkband nodepool to jenkins is zmq05:53
arosen1cool thanks! Great to know and confirm that05:54
deepakcsclarkb, ok, it could help us with some debug if u could give us today. I am fine with tomorrow tho'05:55
deepakcsclarkb, i would need some instruction on how to kick off the run, so that we are doing the same that fungi does.05:55
clarkbjust run what the jenkins job runs its all in the jenkins vonfig05:55
deepakcsclarkb, so the standard pretty_tox.sh ..... cmdline or need to setup some stuff before doing that ? jenkins console log show a lot of stuff happening before pretty_tox runs05:56
deepakcsclarkb, locally we either use pretty_tox or use testr direclty05:57
abhishekhi all, i am using asselin guide for setting up CI environment but after installing master when I am trying to connect to Gearman plugin the connection is failing can anyone help me with that?/05:57
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clarkbdeepakcs https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/jenkins/jobs/devstack-gate.yaml#n1803 is the shell the job runs after https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/jenkins/jobs/macros.yaml#n32606:06
clarkbdeepakcs you should run that locally to see if it reproduces06:06
deepakcsclarkb, ok, will do, but appreciate if we get access the rax vm where its reproducible consistently.06:07
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clarkbyes we can do tgat if you cant reproducing using ^06:08
clarkbabhishek check that geard is running and listening on port 473006:09
clarkbzuul starts it by default06:09
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deepakcsclarkb, ok06:11
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abhishekclarkb : I restarted zuul and zuul merger its working good now :)06:12
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BharatKclarkb, for the above links you gave to deepakcs we need jenkins setup locally right?06:26
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clarkbBharatK no its just shell, you can runit whereever06:26
BharatKclarkb, okay06:27
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: Enforce manage_projects to be run with specified user  https://review.openstack.org/15208506:45
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clarkbyolanda re ^ we should consider similar for nodepool dib builds06:46
yolandaclarkb, nodepool dib doesn't use root?06:46
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clarkbno because the daemon runs as the nodepool user when run manually it needs to run as nodepool user too06:48
clarkbbeen using sudo -H -u nodepool which works you just have to remember to do that06:49
yolandaah, so not really talking about the dib image process, but the command line tools, right?06:49
yolandai created the jeepyb patch because i became exhausted of people entering into the instance and running as root, and all the folder perms messed :)06:49
clarkbyup the cli commands06:50
clarkbdib has the same perms issues in the dib cache06:50
yolandaok, sounds good to me, yes, same problem06:50
yolandai'll try to find a hole to work on it06:50
clarkbcool no rush sudo works too :)06:50
yolandait's mostly to preven disaster06:51
yolandapeople don't enter into our nodepool instance so much, but it was a repeating problem with jeepyb06:51
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yolandaclarkb, so now that you are around...we've been having a problem with jeepyb. We created a set of projects with track-upstream flag. By circumstances, we had to remove that flag. And now all the projects seem to have problems with git, they keep saying the git project is empty06:54
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yolandahave you experienced that issue?06:54
clarkbour git project is empty issues are related to ansible06:55
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clarkbwhen ansible runs puppet it does git mirrors first then gerrit but each uses current master of puppet repos wheb they run06:55
clarkbso if a changes merges at the correct time gerrit is updated but nothing else and the git mirrors have an empty project06:56
clarkbbut gerrit itself is fine06:56
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openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add pylint jobs for networking-ofagent  https://review.openstack.org/15858207:05
stevemarwhats the easiest way to see if any project is using a specific file from oslo-incubator?07:05
stevemarpreferably without having to clone all projects and performing a grep :)07:06
SpamapSstevemar: google for 'site:git.openstack.org foo.py' ?07:06
AJaegerstevemar, is it enough to check openstack-common.conf for this?07:07
stevemarAJaeger, maybe... i think so07:07
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AJaegerYou can download the file from http://git.openstack.org/organization/project/openstack-common.conf07:07
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AJaegerOr in general, would just a wget work for e.g. http://git.openstack.org/ORGANIZATION/PROJECT/PROJECT/openstack/... ?07:08
AJaegerThen you just need a loop over all projects - get it from project-config repository07:09
stevemarAJaeger, okay, let me try those out, i think that'll work07:09
stevemarAJaeger, thank you sir! you always have the answers :)07:09
AJaegerJust stepping in for fungi who has all the answers ;)07:10
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stevemaronly 2 places actually use oslo-incubator/fileutils.py :(07:12
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AJaegerREally? MY local find shows manila, zaqar, sahara, trove, designate, neutron, ironic, barbican, nova, horizon, heat, cinder, django_openstack_auth, glance, keystone07:14
AJaegerAnd that'S not everything checked out - only openstack namespace07:14
stevemarAJaeger, hmm... i searched for "module=fileutils"07:14
stevemarso the openstack-common.conf is pulled up07:14
stevemarugly google link coming: https://www.google.ca/search?es_sm=122&q=site%3Agit.openstack.org+%22module%3Dfileutils%22&oq=site%3Agit.openstack.org+%22module%3Dfileutils%22&gs_l=serp.3...11922.11922.0.12256.
openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Configure sub-nodes for Neutron DVR aiopcpu  https://review.openstack.org/15852507:16
AJaegerso, don't trust google ;(07:16
stevemarAJaeger, yeah, i changed my search now, looks like quite a few projects don't have it in their .conf?07:16
stevemarblah, silly google07:16
AJaegerstevemar, see my paste above, and compare openstack-common.conf and find07:17
stevemarokay so people *are* using it07:17
AJaegersahara is one project that does not have it in openstack-common.conf but still has it in the tree07:17
AJaegersame with heat.07:17
stevemartsk tsk07:17
AJaegerBut you have to test yourself, my system has not all repos checked out...07:18
stevemarAJaeger, i was just trying to get a feel for which functions are actually used07:18
yolandai think gerrit from our side is wrong , clarkb, i'll double check07:18
AJaegerstevebaker, for django_openstack_auth, fileutils comes in via django_openstack_auth/openstack_auth/openstack/common/policy.py07:18
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AJaegerSo, keep in mind, it might be used indirectly07:19
AJaegersame for glance07:19
AJaegerpolicy.py drags it in07:19
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stevemarAJaeger, yep, it's the only piece left that oslo.policy drags in: https://github.com/openstack/oslo.policy07:27
stevemarwhich is why i started to look into it07:27
AJaegerstevemar, I see...07:28
stevemarAJaeger, i was thinking of adding fileutils.py to oslo.utils, but i think maybe creating a new oslo.io might be better...07:28
AJaegercan't help with that decision07:28
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stevemarAJaeger, i think i'll wait til vancouver to chat about it - there's no rush :)07:31
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prmtlhi, is there anything else that need to be done to merge this request (new project): https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158263/?07:40
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AJaegerprmtl, patience ;)07:53
prmtlAJaeger: ok :)07:53
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AJaegerAs every patch, it needs review by another core - you submitted yesterday and our turn around is not that fast, expect around a week.07:55
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AJaegerprmtl, if it's urgent, please ping another core - most are in the US timezone.07:56
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prmtlAJaeger: thanks for help07:56
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BharatKHi as per clarkb suggestion08:26
BharatKdeepakcs https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/jenkins/jobs/devstack-gate.yaml#n1803 is the shell the job runs after https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/jenkins/jobs/macros.yaml#n32608:26
BharatKBut while running locally I am facing below error08:27
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BharatKTriggered by: https://review.openstack.org/ patchset08:27
BharatKAvailable disk space on this host:08:27
BharatK    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on08:27
BharatK    /dev/xvda1      158G  2.8G  149G   2% /08:27
BharatK    devtmpfs        3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev08:27
BharatK    tmpfs           3.7G     0  3.7G   0% /dev/shm08:27
BharatK    tmpfs           3.7G  8.4M  3.7G   1% /run08:27
BharatK    tmpfs           3.7G     0  3.7G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup08:27
BharatKSetting up the host08:27
BharatK... this takes a few seconds (logs at logs/devstack-gate-setup-host.txt.gz)08:27
BharatKSetting up the workspace08:27
BharatK... this takes 3 - 5 minutes (logs at logs/devstack-gate-setup-workspace-new.txt.gz)08:27
BharatKRunning gate_hook08:27
BharatKJob timeout set to: 109 minutes08:27
BharatK2015-02-24 07:57:05,141 ERROR: branch not allowed by features matrix: {branch-override}08:27
BharatKERROR: the main setup script run by this job failed - exit code: 108:27
BharatK    please look at the relevant log files to determine the root cause08:27
BharatKCleaning up host08:28
BharatK... this takes 3 - 4 minutes (logs at logs/devstack-gate-cleanup-host.txt.gz)08:28
BharatKCan any one please help to resolve this issue08:28
deepakcsBharatK, pls use http://pastebin.com/08:28
BharatKThanks deepakcs, http://paste.openstack.org/show/181062/08:29
deepakcsAJaeger, any idea about the above error (ERROR: branch not allowed by features matrix: {branch-override}) while running ./safe-devstack-vm-gate-wrap.sh08:30
AJaegerdeepakcs, you did not set the macro correctly, {branch-override} is a macro that needs to be expanded.08:31
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deepakcsAJaeger, ah ok, so any idea what it expands to. We are just trying to re-create the same tempest env that upstream infra VM has, in order to reproduce the oom issue, and we are blocked by this now08:32
AJaegeryou're using '{pipeline}-tempest-dsvm-full-glusterfs-centos7{branch-designator}' ?08:33
AJaegerSo, {branch-designator} should be ""08:34
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AJaegerand {branch-override} is default08:35
deepakcsAJaeger, thanks we will try with that. are these related to git branches or somethign else ? Sorry i don't fully understnad how they work in the CI env08:37
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AJaegerthose are settings for devstack - and are related to how git is setup08:38
AJaegersorry, I have some other stuff to do and can't be of much help right now.08:38
deepakcsAJaeger,  ok, so "" and default are safe values for those vars, i assume08:39
deepakcsAJaeger,  np, thanks for ur time08:39
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BharatKAJaeger, test-matrix.py: error: argument -b/--branch: expected one argument08:45
deepakcsjhesketh, SergeyLukjanov ^^ can u help us in the above issue BharatK is seeing ?08:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add fuel-tasks-validator project to stackforge  https://review.openstack.org/15826309:19
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lucasagomeshi all, if you have a time please take a look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158251 . It's needed for Ironic so we can start testing the a new default ramdisk in gate, it already has a +2 and the Ironic PTL also weighted in. Thank you09:43
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deepakcsanteaya, can u help in scheduling a manual run of the glusterfs CI job on  hpcloud provider ? Last time fungi did it, it didn't have the cgroup set correctly, so it actually ran with 32G of ram. We need to run in 8G and see if it re-creates the oom issue that we see on rax09:51
deepakcsanteaya, to rule out provider specific issues , if any09:52
ianwdeepakcs: i can also bring up a hpcloud instance if you'd like09:53
prmtlcan I be added as a initial core to https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/624,members and https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/625,members?09:56
deepakcsianw, we are already using 1 instance from you :)09:56
ianwdeepakcs: actually, no i can't.  i guess my account can't start a standard.2xlarge vm09:57
deepakcsianw, oh ok. I heard that sometimes provider specific issues are possible and from the local folks here at times changing the job's provider has helped, hence the request to anteaya09:58
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ianwdeepakcs: provider issues definitely possible ... was the job seen failing on both though?09:59
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: zuul-swift-upload support recursive globs  https://review.openstack.org/15851410:00
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable swift logs for python jobs  https://review.openstack.org/15652110:00
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Upload python test results to swift  https://review.openstack.org/15652210:00
deepakcsianw, no, til now its all rax except 1 on hpcloud, but there bcos of cgroup issue, it ran with 30G ram, so i wanted to see what happens with 8G ram on hpcloud10:00
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ianwdeepakcs: right, yeah standard.2xlarge is the one with 8cpus, and as you say 32g ram10:01
deepakcsianw, with 30G ram on hpcloud, oom did not happen10:01
deepakcsianw, ideally per fungi  they limit the ram to 8 with cgroups, but looks like that limiting was broken for centos7, fungi said he has sent a patch to fix that10:02
deepakcsi don't have the link to his patch tho'10:02
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run python-jobs in devstack  https://review.openstack.org/15861510:02
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Spec for nodepool image update retries  https://review.openstack.org/15530510:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Authorization codes validate on TTL.  https://review.openstack.org/15508410:20
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run python-jobs in devstack  https://review.openstack.org/15861510:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: The email publisher needs a list of recipients  https://review.openstack.org/15343210:26
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openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Added tags controller  https://review.openstack.org/15785710:30
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add Fedora 21 image build to nodepool  https://review.openstack.org/14091110:33
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run Shade jobs in devstack  https://review.openstack.org/15861510:35
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vponomaryovsdague, fungi, AJaeger, anteya: according to devstack's ERROR_ON_CLONE and change https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158075/ here is latest attempt to use devstack plugin - http://logs.openstack.org/54/158054/6/check/gate-manila-tempest-dsvm-neutron/f5dbaa4/logs/devstacklog.txt.gz#_2015-02-24_10_50_02_697  So, plugin can not be fetched, even from gerrit10:55
vponomaryovsdague, fungi, AJaeger, anteya:  I agree that direct clone from github is mistake, but plugin can not be fetched at all.10:56
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vponomaryovis there any project that already uses devstack plugin's in CI?10:57
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openstackgerritAlan Pevec proposed openstack/requirements: Do not sync requirements to possibly capped library's master branch  https://review.openstack.org/15808610:58
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openstackgerritKiall Mac Innes proposed openstack/requirements: Block eventlet 0.17.0  https://review.openstack.org/15828711:02
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marcusvrn1asselin: clarkb: Hi!! I'm trying to setup the local pypi repository, but when CI job runs, it's still connecting to pypi.org to download the packages. I edited the /home/jenkins/.pip/pip.conf file to redirect to my repository, but it didn't work11:02
ianwvponomaryov: glusterfs11:04
vponomaryovsdague, fungi, AJaeger, anteya: for example, devstack plugin in Ci for project "stackforge/ec2api", but they do not use gerrit and its refs, they use 'master' branch from "git.openstack.org". I am not sure it is corect11:05
vponomaryovianw: can you provide a link, please?11:05
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marcusvrn1asselin: clarkb: and it was working a few days ago...11:08
vponomaryovsdague, fungi, AJaeger, anteya: for the moment, I guess the only difference between working devstack plugins and our not working is that directory for project is absent. So, other projects just do not do clone indeed.11:09
vponomaryovsdague, fungi, AJaeger, anteya: or correct would be to say - devstack itself do not do clone operation, because directory with project already exist and RECLONE=False is set11:10
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sdaguevponomaryov: the ec2api does use gerrit11:10
vponomaryovsdague: here is logs for ec2-api - http://logs.openstack.org/22/158622/1/check/check-tempest-dsvm-ec2api/3f3763a/logs/devstacklog.txt.gz11:10
sdaguevponomaryov: for testing, correct, devstack doesn't do the cloning. zuul does the cloning before devstack gets to it11:10
vponomaryovwhere we have "git_clone git://git.openstack.org/stackforge/ec2-api /opt/stack/new/ec2-api master"11:10
vponomaryovso, we have cause detected, why zuul do not clone manila project?11:11
openstackgerritAndrey Pavlov proposed openstack/requirements: Update tempest-lib version.  https://review.openstack.org/15863711:11
vponomaryovbefore devstack run?11:11
sdagueyes, it's cloned before the devstack run11:11
sdagueif you look at the git_clone function, you'll see that it *never* got to the actually cloning part11:11
sdaguethat's where the cloning happens11:12
sdaguevponomaryov: I also sent an email to the list describing this - http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-February/056257.html11:12
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vponomaryovsdague: do you agree that,the fact clone operation was attempted to be performed mean directory is absent?11:14
vponomaryovproject directory11:15
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sdagueyes, because you *did not* do the 2 things required in that email11:15
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sdagueyou read that email right?11:16
sdaguewhich explains what you need in your project definitions for this to work11:16
openstackgerritMax Rasskazov proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support of multiple credentials for ssh-agent-credentials wrapper  https://review.openstack.org/15668111:16
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vponomaryovsdague: 1 and 2 are done and third is done by direct update of localrc11:17
sdaguevponomaryov: where?11:17
vponomaryovsdague, here is third - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158054/6/contrib/ci/pre_test_hook.sh11:17
sdaguevponomaryov: no, that's too later11:18
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vponomaryovsdague: if so, how devstack even know about manila project?11:18
sdaguealso, I don't see anywhere that you change the PROJECTS list11:18
vponomaryovsdague: it is in devstack-gate repo11:18
marcusvrn1asselin: clarkb: this is the error returned: http://paste.openstack.org/show/181152/11:18
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sdaguevponomaryov: do that11:19
vponomaryovsdague: here is update of projects - https://github.com/openstack-infra/devstack-gate/blob/49a9167f/devstack-vm-gate-wrap.sh#L5811:19
vponomaryovsdague, as you can see it is already done11:20
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ianwvponomaryov: i think in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158075/1/jenkins/jobs/manila.yaml you want to be setting PROJECTS ... before you run devsatck-vm-gate-wrap.sh11:20
vponomaryovianw: why? before run of devsatck-vm-gate-wrap.sh we have only set up of env vars11:21
sdaguevponomaryov: you messed up DEST somewhere11:22
ianwvponomaryov: see http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/jenkins/jobs/devstack-gate.yaml#n180311:22
sdaguebecause by the time it tries to get to your clone point, it's failing because it's looking for manila in /opt/stack11:23
sdagueand it should be looking in /opt/stack/new11:23
lucasagomessdague, hi there, sorry to ping you directly. But when you get a time can you please take a look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158251 ? It's already +2'd and the Ironic PTL also weighted in. Would be good to get it in so we can go ahead with some tests in gate for the new ramdisk. Thanks11:24
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vponomaryovsdague, ianw: thanks for help, I will do same as here - https://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config/blob/master/jenkins/jobs/ec2-api.yaml#L29-L3611:25
deepakcssdague, when u have some time, take a look at fungi 's observation for the gluster job oom issue  and would appreciate your opinion on the same11:26
sdaguevponomaryov: right, so you also need to remove the direct git_clone in your plugin11:27
sdaguethat's actually your issue right now11:27
vponomaryovsdague: it is already so in commit with its usage - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158054/6/devstack/plugin.sh11:27
deepakcssdague, i haven't found any strong data point for gluster being the cause for oom, but am open to other observations , so wanted to reuqest your eyes on the logs if that can help us get better data points11:28
sdaguevponomaryov: you need to remove it for manila client as well11:28
vponomaryovsdague: NOTE - manilaclient is left there for cloning, because in local setup it will be absent11:28
sdaguevponomaryov: no, you have to remove it, or it won't work11:28
sdaguemake an external plugin for manila client instead11:28
openstackgerritMax Rasskazov proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support of multiple credentials for ssh-agent-credentials wrapper  https://review.openstack.org/15668111:28
vponomaryovsdague: since directory will exist, why should it fail?11:28
ianwvponomaryov: yeah, and sorry I didn't realise that the plugin was in the project, so I don't think you need the PROJECT reset, as you say it is in devstack-gate11:28
sdaguebecause it won't exist11:28
sdagueit will be in the *wrong* place11:29
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mescanefhi, please add me (mmatuszkowiak@mirantis.com) to the fuel-plugin-mellanox group (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/157704/)11:31
mescanefthanks in advance11:31
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vponomaryovsdague: I still did not get, why extras.d hooks work when external devstack plugin does not, do you know?11:32
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sdaguevponomaryov: honestly, I don't know what's doing the chdir, but I saw it with the ec2 plugin, and we got around that. Honestly, it's probably best to propose something as close to their setup as possible.11:34
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openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Added timeline controller  https://review.openstack.org/15865111:37
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openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Added user_tokens controller  https://review.openstack.org/15865211:41
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openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add support of external Devstack plugin for Manila  https://review.openstack.org/15865311:49
vponomaryovsdague ^11:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Ironic: Bump memory size for non-concurrency job  https://review.openstack.org/15825111:49
BobBallWhat's the recommended way to look at stats generated by the zuul/jenkins combo?  Getting the graphs that are on http://status.openstack.org/zuul/ would be a great start but I'm also interested in the high level questions like how many of these jobs ran, passed or failed11:50
openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add support of external Devstack plugin for Manila  https://review.openstack.org/15865311:54
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openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Added subscriptions controller  https://review.openstack.org/15865912:07
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openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Added branches to storyboard  https://review.openstack.org/15044712:15
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openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Added milestones  https://review.openstack.org/15250012:19
KiallQ - Seeing apt mirror fails during some devstack runs, pointed at http://mirror.rackspace.com/ubuntu/, I thought OpenStack had their own mirrors?12:20
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix openstack-specs ACLs typo  https://review.openstack.org/15866612:31
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openstackgerritAlistair Coles proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix swift func tests to run using both auth versions  https://review.openstack.org/15867112:37
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fungiKiall: no, we use the distro package mirrors run by our service providers. we have our own git mirrors and pypi mirrors but nobody has finished setting up distro package mirrors12:48
KiallAh, I thought OS had our own :) Fair enough!12:49
fungiBobBall: those graphs are generated via graphite.openstack.org which also has the data you're talking about12:49
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BobBalloh wow... ok... That looks fun... *Investigates*12:50
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fungideepakcs: just to catch you up on the memory limit thing, turns out i forgot we stopped using cgroups enforcement for that in favor of a kernel boot parameter when we switched to single-use workers, and that was broken in hpcloud for systems we recently switched to creating with diskimage-builder. same end result though https://review.openstack.org/15841312:55
funginot fixed yet12:55
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BobBallfungi: Do you / can you use those for monitoring - e.g. email notifications when particular metrics fall below a given level?12:58
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BobBallor do you tend to rely on irc notifications from affected devs being the only known thing faster than the speed of light12:59
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fungiarosen: upgraded to what version of jenkins? we're running 1.565.3 so can't say for sure that our plugins work with anything newer than that13:03
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fungioh, clarkb answered that13:03
fungideepakcs: would you want access to a vm which already ran your job, or a fresh one you can try to run it on?13:04
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deepakcsfungi, hey13:13
* deepakcs reads up13:13
fungimescanef: i've added you as the initial member for https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/618,members and https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/619,members as requested13:13
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fungiBobBall: the data in graphite is purely informational (as is what we have in cacti, puppetboard, et cetera) and we have no automated notification mechanisms around any of it13:14
BobBall*nod* ok.13:15
deepakcsfungi, what do u mean by 'same end result' ? in fact in hpcloud gluster job ran fine :)13:15
fungiyes, our users/developers notify us far faster than any automated monitoring system ever would ;)13:15
fungideepakcs: i mean that having the boot-time memory limiting parameter missing on those workers had the same end result as if we had been relying on cgroups to enforce the memory limit and somehow broke it13:16
fungideepakcs: end result being we're missing the memory cap for those workers in hpcloud and have to fix it13:16
deepakcsfungi,  ah ok, diff approach tho13:16
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fungiso, yes, the copy of your job i ran in hpcloud ran with 30gb ram available to it, as you suspected13:17
deepakcsfungi, can we get 2 VMs one in rax and one in hpcloud, I wanted to see if the provider change has anything to do with the fail13:17
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fungideepakcs: well, right now they're still running with wildly different amounts of available ram too13:17
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deepakcsfungi, so is it possible to use cgroups cmd to limit the ram before we start the job ?13:17
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fungideepakcs: it's possible, or perhaps just modify the boot configuration and reboot the worker13:18
fungiwhich would likely be easier13:19
deepakcsfungi, will need steps if u want us (me and BharatK ) to do it.13:19
fungideepakcs: i can do it once i get coffee and settle in to check e-mail. still waking up and doing morning routine stuff13:20
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deepakcsfungi, sure, no hurries, its evening here so myself and BharatK will ride back home13:20
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deepakcsfungi, and then connect with you ? if u don't find us , can u send us email in the same thread ?13:21
deepakcsfungi, BharatK plans to work on the VMs u provide to see if it re-creates13:22
deepakcsfungi, but we definitely need 1 VM in rax, since we have't been able to see the failure ourselves yet!13:22
fungideepakcs: BharatK: if you can point me at a public ssh key you want authorized i'll get you access to an unused worker vm in each provider (and fix the memory cap on the one in hpcloud)13:22
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fungithough we can't keep them around for more than 24 hours or so before we'll need to return them to the worker pool13:22
deepakcsfungi, ianw helped us get a rax VM with 8g ram using his personal accoutn (thanks ianw !) and we ran there twice, but it hasn't re-created for us :(13:23
fungideepakcs: i'll also put together a quick paste with the exact commands i was running on these to recreate the problem13:24
deepakcsfungi, that would help a lot, u can infact send that along with the ssh info to the same email thread ?13:24
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deepakcsfungi, http://paste.fedoraproject.org/189560/75782714/ (for the pub keys of me and BharatK )13:25
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deepakcsfungi, ^^ in case u missed13:26
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fungideepakcs: thanks, i'll add those for you13:27
deepakcsfungi, thanks fungi. also if the ssh session becomes un-responsive, is there a way to get console access to these provider VMs ?13:28
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jrollfungi: apparently there's still thawte certs in requests' bundle, though some were removed, and trying to match fingerprints is getting me nothing :/13:30
deepakcsfungi, need to leave, send console info too, in case available, when u reply over the thread13:30
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mescaneffungi: thanks13:48
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/reviewstats: Tweak neutron project review stats  https://review.openstack.org/15685914:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add Marek Denis to keystone core  https://review.openstack.org/15602614:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/reviewstats: Sync core reviewer list for Trove  https://review.openstack.org/15690714:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/reviewstats: Update the subproject list for Trove  https://review.openstack.org/15690814:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/reviewstats: Deactivate Robert Collins from TripleO  https://review.openstack.org/15672414:07
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add lyz to core reviews in infra.json  https://review.openstack.org/15553214:08
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openstackgerritSergey Kulanov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create Influxdb-Grafana Fuel plugin project in Stackforge  https://review.openstack.org/15624514:19
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matrohonhi all14:19
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matrohoncan someone add me as member of the group networking-bgpvpn-core and networking-bgpvpn-release in gerrit?14:21
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matrohonthe new stackforge project bgpvpn has just been created14:22
matrohon^^ networking-bgpvpn14:22
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matrohonanteaya : hi14:23
fungijroll: found it. grab thawte ssl root 3 from https://www.thawte.com/roots/index.html14:23
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anteayamatrohon: hello14:23
fungijroll: then do `openssl s_client -connect identity.api.rackspacecloud.com:https -CAfile thawte_Server_CA.pem`14:23
anteayamatrohon: I don't have gerrit admin permissions, so I can't add people to gerrit groups14:23
fungijroll: it checks out14:23
fungijroll: so i'm guessing that one got dropped from requests/mkcert14:24
matrohonanteaya : thanks for approving the project networking-bgpvpn in stackforge14:24
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matrohonanteaya : ack14:24
anteayawhen fungi has a chance to do so he will probably get to it14:24
anteayamatrohon: that's my job14:24
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fungimatrohon: i've added you as the initial member of https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/620,members and https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/621,members now14:27
matrohonfungi : thank you very much!14:28
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jrollfungi: hrm, I guess just add that to the requests issue?14:29
fungijroll: hrm, no14:29
jrollfungi: it worries me more that the cert is no longer trusted by mozilla and friends14:30
fungijroll: when i retrieve https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kennethreitz/requests/b86330d1f15f04e77093800efb8c6bd6909e8c8e/requests/cacert.pem i can similarly substitute it and it verifies via openssl14:30
jrollso it's something else, then14:30
openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add 'Build Flow Test Aggregator' publisher  https://review.openstack.org/15808314:31
fungijroll: yeah, still digging14:31
jrollfungi: sorry, I have to step away for a few minutes, brb14:31
jrollthank you for looking at this14:31
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jrollfungi: I'm back if you need a hand at all14:40
fungijroll: just to make sure i'm not crazy, i double-checked and can definitely use novaclient with requests 69d9594 but not with requests a5a314e and the only difference between them is the requests/cacert.pem file14:41
jrollfungi: this is super strange14:42
dstufftjroll: fungi try installing certifi14:42
dstufftAlso see also: https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/issues/245514:42
fungidstufft: yep, likely the same problem as the issue jroll opened against requests last night14:43
jrollfungi: ya, this looks like Lukasa walking through the same stuff14:44
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fungidstufft: looks like you tested basically the same things we did too14:44
fungiwith the same results14:44
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fungiokay, that being the case, there's no new info we have to add, and i think the other issue can just be linked to 2455 and let other people finish hashing out what's wrong with the cert bundle there14:46
fungi(pun intended)14:47
* fungi gets back to solving unrelated problems14:47
jrollI agree14:47
jrollthanks for letting me derail you :)14:47
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fungino thanks needed. i'm just glad it's confirmed beyond merely me14:47
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openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support additional features in Build Flow project  https://review.openstack.org/15808414:49
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anteayafungi: can you take a look at a freenode account entilted openstack-meetin14:51
anteayait spoke up once and is popping in and out of channel14:52
anteayanot sure if it is innoucuous or what14:52
anteayaI'm in -meeting myself14:52
fungiseems to have left the channel14:54
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anteayathanks for looking14:55
fungilooks like the connection was originating in a punjabi phone carrier's network14:56
fungichances are someone was trying to join the meeting and typed the channel name into the nick field of their client or something14:57
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fungithe same ip address re-joined the channel a few minutes later with a nick of amsaha14:58
openstackgerritSyed Ismail Faizan Barmawer proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ironic-lib to openstack  https://review.openstack.org/15763614:58
anteayafungi: ah thanks14:58
anteayathat makes sense then14:59
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fungihanlon's razor14:59
anteayaseems so15:00
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dprincemorning infra. Might I get a second set of eyes on this patch to increase Puppet TripleO test coverage? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/157503/15:02
anteayadprince: I was just reading about you15:02
anteayain the tripleO update email15:02
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dprinceanteaya: oh, hopefully nothing too bad ;)15:03
anteayaI already reviewed that patch, so nothing more I can do here15:03
dprinceanteaya: thanks, appreciated15:03
anteayadprince: just noting how busy you are15:03
anteayago you15:03
dprinceanteaya: got to see lots of infra folk at the meetup. always good to see how things are going and catchup on the latest15:04
dstufftfungi: jroll are you using python 2 or 315:04
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anteayadprince: nice!15:04
fungidstufft: i was reproducing it with python 2.715:04
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jrolldstufft: 2.7 here as well15:04
anteayadprince: yes hard to keep up with the latest, isn't it15:05
jrolldstufft: 2.7.8 specifically15:05
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dstufftfungi: 2.7.x?15:05
fungidstufft: 2.7.6 here15:06
dstufftI can't repro with 2.7.9 (but i can with 3.4.2), let me try to pull down 2.7.8 and see what happens15:06
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fungiperhaps requests defers to python's internal cert validation with 2.7.9?15:07
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dstufftI think they disable it15:07
openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Added branches to storyboard  https://review.openstack.org/15044715:08
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openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Added milestones  https://review.openstack.org/15250015:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Do not sync requirements to possibly capped library's master branch  https://review.openstack.org/15808615:12
BobBallHeh - seems like we're all hitting the same issue.  Just got a notification of your comment on the requests issue fungi!15:13
BobBallFound through a completely different route of course ;)15:14
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BobBallDowngrading to requests 2.5.1 fixes it, as does installing certifi which seems to still be working ATM15:16
dstufftyea, certifi works because it's using an older CA Bundle15:16
dstufftsame with requests 2.5.115:16
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BobBallAh - I now realise that it's you on the emails dstufft... I'd missed your surname!15:17
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dstufftBobBall: :)15:17
openstackgerritNikolay Fedotov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Functional test job for Kolla  https://review.openstack.org/15872615:18
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BobBallThanks for the fixes :)15:18
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openstackgerritWayne Warren proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Remove unnecessary warning message.  https://review.openstack.org/15854315:20
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openstackgerritNikolay Fedotov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Functional test job for Kolla  https://review.openstack.org/15872615:23
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deepakcsfungi, hi, any luck on getting the VMs ?15:26
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fungideepakcs: yep, got a lot going on. i have them held for you but still need to adjust the memory on the hpcloud instance15:28
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deepakcsfungi, ok, we will wait for ur mail then, i hope this will be available for us for 1-2 days, so that we can try our fullest to re-create ?15:29
fungioh, i take that back. i ended up with two rackspace instances because i wasn't paying attention. i'll recycle one of these and grab one from hpcloud15:29
deepakcsfungi, sure :)15:29
fungideepakcs: yeah, hopefully. sorry, trying to juggle too many requests at once15:29
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deepakcsfungi, i understand, apprecaite your juggling :)15:30
deepakcsfungi, as discussed, send mail with the steps too, so that myself or bharat can takeover from there15:30
fungiyep, planning to do so15:30
clarkbwere you able to reproduce locally using the scripts jenkins runs?15:32
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fungisounds like not. ianw provided them with some instances from hpcloud15:37
fungialso we don't (yet) have confirmation that it fails in hpcloud, just observed in rackspace so far15:38
deepakcsclarkb, no, we tried twice and it didn't re-create15:39
deepakcsfungi, ianw provided us in rax cloud, using his personal account15:39
clarkbright but we tried doing what jenkins does? because last night the implication was we hadnt15:40
deepakcsclarkb, BTW the shell script u asked us to directly run, worked with some hacks (didn't work out of the box)15:40
clarkbif thats changed since then awesome15:40
clarkbyou likely had to substitute some of the jjb vars manually15:41
deepakcsclarkb, yeah , also some issues with stack user and sudoeer perm stuff, finally we managed to get it working, it ran with few testcase failues, but didn't oom15:41
deepakcsclarkb, fungi till now we haven't been able to see the oom failure ourself (either locally or on the rax VM provided by ianw).15:42
clarkbhow long did it take on the rax instance? about an hour?15:42
deepakcsclarkb, fungi My hope is to use the exact same steps that fungi used and on the same provider + hpcloud (just to rule out provider specicif issues, if any)15:42
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fungideepakcs: ianw: was it a 8gb performance hvpvm instance running ubuntu 14.04 lts?15:43
deepakcsclarkb, yes a little more than a hour for the first run. 2nd run took less time, but we observed lot of api.compute testcase failures, which weren't seen in first run15:43
clarkbno centos7 is the image type that should be used15:43
fungier, pvhvm15:43
deepakcsfungi, i remember ianw mentioning 'performance' vm but it was havign centos715:43
fungioh,k right, centos715:43
deepakcsfungi, we are and must use centos715:44
fungi8gb performance flavor with "CentOS 7 (PVHVM)" is what we're using in rackspace15:44
deepakcsclarkb, fungi one data point we do have is when fungi tried to run in hpcloud VM with 30G ram, and it ran fine, so with higher mem it doesn't oom15:44
jrollis there a straightforward way to find out which openstack projects use a given library, besides grep */requirements.txt?15:44
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deepakcsclarkb, fungi and looking at glusterfs logs we haven't figured anything that fatal to cause mem leak/hogs15:45
clarkbjroll not really, another option is to install each to a venv and pip freeze it15:45
deepakcsclarkb, fungi so currently, I am still clueless as to why we get into oom in 8g ram system.15:45
jrollclarkb: yeah, ok. thanks15:45
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pleia2good morning15:46
fungideepakcs: well, that and the job runs for about 3 hours as long as we up the devstack-gate timeout sufficiently, so the system is straining in general15:46
jeblairfungi, clarkb, mtreinish: anyone looked into: Subject: ** WARNING: Filesystem on subunit2sql-MySQL **15:46
deepakcsfungi, yes thats a fact, but then mysqld and httpd are the max mem consuming processes15:46
fungijeblair: i have not noticed that yet, no15:47
mtreinishjeblair: I was not aware there was an issue15:47
jeblairfungi: if i'm reading that right, it seems to suggest we have undersized the trove mysql instance for subunit2sql and it is filling up; has 10% free15:47
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fungideepakcs: however, keep in mind that some things (for example horizon and keystone) are running within the context of httpd too15:47
deepakcsfungi, and from IO perspective, i see swift and cinder as the major IO services + mysqld too, since it would use some disk for its DB15:47
fungijeblair: that sounds likely. we guessed because we had no idea what the actual total would end up being and i think no expiration was planned into it yet15:48
deepakcsfungi, one thing consistently i see is mysqld getting killed, httpd sometimes and sometimes its nova-compute15:48
jeblairmtreinish, fungi: should we expire or grow?15:48
mtreinishjeblair: hmm, yeah I think we were always expecting to blow past it at some point15:48
mtreinishjeblair: I was really hoping to at least keep a releases worth of data in the db if possible15:49
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fungii'm fine with either, whatever mtreinish things would be useful retention within reason15:49
fungier, thinks15:49
deepakcsfungi, and all IO causing stuff uses loop device as their backends, so i 'm jsut wondering if we are stressing the block/LVM layer of centos7 so much that its oom'ing ?15:49
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jeblairmtreinish: by what factor should we multiply the current capacity?15:49
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clarkbjeblair at least 2 if we want one release per db15:50
fungideepakcs: that's certainly possible. we're doing nested virtualization and our service providers don't provide much in the way of iops guarantees15:50
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mescanefhi, please add me (mmatuszkowiak@mirantis.com) to the fuel-plugin-elasticsearch-kibana group (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/154422/)15:50
clarkbdb was made in paris we are ~halfish way through cycle15:50
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mescaneffungi: :-)15:50
jeblairclarkb: maybe 3 then, so we don't end up at 90% at end of cycle?15:50
deepakcsfungi, clarkb looking at dstat, syslog and the different fields of dstat , i see tons of object-* processes (of swift) on cpu most of the time, compared to gluster or cinder15:50
clarkbjeblair +115:50
mtreinishjeblair: sounds good15:50
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fungideepakcs: glance is likely storing vm images in swift15:51
fungideepakcs: but i don't honestly have a deep knowledge of devstack internals15:51
mtreinishI probably should come up with a sane expiration story too15:51
deepakcsfungi, possible, i wasn't sure whats the default backend of glance, but yes it will store in disk somewhere but glance is mostly limited to times when we boot for first time15:51
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deepakcsfungi,  so i don't attribute glance to the IO load much15:52
jeblairmtreinish, clarkb, fungi: current size is 100GB, max size is, coincidentally, 300GB.  resizing to 300.15:52
deepakcsfungi, I am going back to what sdague had first said.. maybe the whole combination of gluster, swift, mysqld, glance, httpd is causing an overkill on the 8g ram VM, thats its oom'ing15:53
deepakcsfungi, so tryign with something bigger than 8g ram could be one option, but before that i wanted to re-create the issue in front of me, then try increasing mem to prove one way or the other15:53
jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred: also, wow?  300 is max?  that seems un-large.15:53
jeblairmtreinish, clarkb, fungi: resize complete15:54
fungijeblair: that sounds... serendipitous (hopefully we don't need more than a 3x increase!)15:54
mordredjeblair: I'm less and less convinced of the value of that service15:54
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deepakcsfungi, is it possible to get somethign bigger than 8g ram ? if yes, you can try to run there just to compare if say 10g or 16g helps gets past the issue, since you re-created it thrice :)15:55
fungimordred: well, once we figured out that we should add a custom configuration so that it doesn't time out connections after 2 minutes (as compared to the mysql default of 8 hours) it's been surprisingly more stable at least15:55
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fungideepakcs: anything's possible, it's just a question of what we have time for and are willing to support. my goal is to help you reproduce the failure so you can find a way to get your job hopefully fitting within the constraints of the systems we already support15:56
deepakcsfungi, agreed15:56
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deepakcsfungi, and hence i had the earlier tries where i skipped the backup tests, but it re-created even with that, which was a shock for me15:57
deepakcsfungi, again, recreated by you, didn't re-creates for us in the local VM15:57
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mtreinishfungi: yeah, I hope we won't either. If it comes down to it, we can just manually deploy a db I guess15:58
deepakcsfungi, r u aware of any other-than-default settings in the centos7 OS, something un-usual, given the status quo, i am now doubting everything thats there :)15:58
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fungideepakcs: nothing i'm aware of, but as i said before we have no actual voting jobs using those servers yet and haven't been supporting centos7 officially as a project15:59
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deepakcsfungi, Hmm ok. Then i think i wil give a try once with ur VMs and if it doesn't re-create, I believe its worth to try on F20, what say ?16:00
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clarkbso I think an important bit is reproducing the devstack environment which the devstack gate stuff from the job should've done16:02
fungideepakcs: perhaps (or f21 now? i think we deleted f20 recently) but not sure the support situation for us is any better there16:02
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deepakcsclarkb, we do believe we did re-create the same devstack env (given that we were seeing the same messages that the failed job's console.log shows)16:03
deepakcsclarkb, in fact in the 2nd run, we even set the PYTHONHASHSEED to one of the failing job's seeds16:03
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clarkbdeepakcs: the hashseed shouldn't matter, its random for each tox run16:04
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clarkbdeepakcs: I am more concerned about the set of services, number of services, and so on16:04
clarkbpart of that is determined by number of CPUs and some of it is determined by the devstack config16:04
deepakcsclarkb, since we use concurrency=4, and we didn't re-create on 1st run, we thought of using the same seed to hopefully re-create the same test/load pattern16:04
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deepakcsclarkb, The rax VM ianw gave had centos7, 8g ram, 8 vcps, so similar to the infra VM16:05
clarkbdeepakcs: right and was that node where ou ran the devstack-gate script machiner?16:05
deepakcsclarkb, yeah, with some minor changes to make it work16:06
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clarkbfungi: for the grub finalize.d change, I just realized, we probably need to rebuild the grub config there manually16:06
clarkbfungi: unless the script does it already but that doesn't show up in the diff so I need to go read16:07
clarkbfungi: ya doesn't look like it does that, but the grub two switch should run the update grub config command (I really wish that dib would separate grub install from grub config update)16:07
deepakcsfungi, so will wait for ur mail with the details then, thanks for helping. clarkb thanks to you as well for all the support16:08
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Update version of neutronclient  https://review.openstack.org/14265716:11
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jlvillalAnyone here who can help fix what appears to be a broken check for the openstack/python-ironicclient ?16:12
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jlvillalThe gate-python-ironicclient-python34 always seems to time out.16:13
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clarkbjlvillal: have an example job log?16:13
jlvillalclarkb: http://logs.openstack.org/29/157929/2/check/gate-python-ironicclient-python34/0e889b6/16:14
jlvillaland thanks for looking :)16:14
fungideepakcs: i'll have the e-mail out shortly, but here are the reproduction steps with some comments about how i arrived at them http://paste.openstack.org/show/181295/16:15
fungiBharatK: ^16:15
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BharatKSure fungi thank you.16:15
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clarkbjlvillal: looks like all of the time is spent running tox -epy27, should be able to reproduce that locally on a trusty ubuntu machine16:15
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clarkbjlvillal: if I had to guess, its something in ironicclient that isn't quite py34 safe and causes it to hang during testing16:16
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deepakcsfungi, export DEVSTACK_LOCAL_CONFIG="enable_plugin devstack-plugin-sheepdog git://git.openstack.org/stackforge/devstack-plugin-sheepdog"16:16
jlvillalclarkb: Is this a new test added?16:16
deepakcsfungi, ^^ thats wrong, were u running with that ?16:16
jlvillalclarkb: I guess I would assume it used to work.16:16
clarkbjlvillal: I don't know, would have to check git logs16:16
deepakcsfungi, it should be glusterfs plugin instead of sheepdog16:17
fungideepakcs: oh, whoops, cut and pasted from the wrong lines. new paste, hold on16:17
deepakcsfungi, k :)16:17
fungideepakcs: but no i was running the glusterfs ones16:17
jlvillalclarkb: I'm confused why you said 'tox -epy27'.  Where do you see that?  I see 'tox -v -epy34'16:17
deepakcsfungi, yeah, i realised u shud have been, bcos i could see the cinder with gluster info msgs16:17
clarkbjlvillal: ya that command16:17
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use sphinx extlinks to shorten links to Jenkins wiki  https://review.openstack.org/15875616:18
fungideepakcs: BharatK: sorry, http://paste.openstack.org/show/181303/ is what i was running there16:19
jlvillalclarkb: Thanks for the info.  I will try locally.16:19
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deepakcsfungi, cool , looks good16:19
deepakcsfungi, waiting for the rax and hpcloud vm IPs16:20
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deepakcsfungi, u have our pub keys, right ?16:20
fungiBharatK: deepakcs: yep, i've already added you to jenkins@ but am waiting for an hpcloud vm now (so don't know what ip address it'll have yet)16:20
BharatKfungi, small doubt, in which user I should run this script?16:21
fungiBharatK: jenkins16:21
BharatKfungi, okay16:21
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deepakcsfungi, so jenkins user already exist on the machine ?16:21
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deepakcsfungi, i think we were running as stack the last time we ran it16:22
fungiBharatK: deepakcs: yes, it exists and has the necessary permissions to run devstack-gate16:22
deepakcsfungi, oh ok, just saw that we are logging in as jenkins :)16:22
fungistack user may not be able to do the same things by default16:22
deepakcsfungi,  in ianw 's VM were were given root ssh, and we created the stack user and ran usign that user16:23
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fungithere are some specific sudoers settings on those machines which differ between the jenkins, stack and tempest users16:23
deepakcsfungi, no wonder we got across some sudoer's issues, we fixed them manually and proceeded16:23
deepakcsBharatK, can u start on the above VM please ?16:23
BharatKdeepakcs, yeah I logged and starting...16:24
deepakcsBharatK, it would be good to see if we are able to start on the tempest runs, otherwise we can get fungi 's help.16:24
deepakcsBharatK, awesome, thanks16:24
asselinmarcusvrn1, sounds like you hit the same issue we hit yesterday16:24
fungideepakcs: BharatK: yeah, in that paste i linked a comment to the http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/nodepool/scripts/prepare_node_devstack.sh script we use to preconfigure these machines, in case you need to try to more accurately recreate on another machine elsewhere (the machines i'm holding for you don't need it run because it's how they were set up)16:24
deepakcsfungi, awesome, thats good to know16:25
deepakcsfungi, so i can use that script to setup my local VM and then run ur fpaste'd script to get the accurate reproduction ?16:25
fungideepakcs: yes, that's what i would recommend16:26
marcusvrn1asselin: I think it's intermittent, because now it's working well..16:26
deepakcsfungi, nice, i think this is very good info for us.16:26
fungihpcloud is taking a while to boot these. sitting in a building state in nodepool for 20 minutes and counting16:26
asselinmarcusvrn1, ok...i've made a bit of progress, but not 100% back yet.16:27
marcusvrn1asselin: did you do something to try to fix it up16:27
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asselinmarcusvrn1, Not sure what fixed it. I adjusted the pip.conf a bit, increase timeout, and copied it to /etc/pip.conf16:28
asselinmarcusvrn1, I found this recent patch could be a cause too, but not confirmed: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/157535/16:28
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deepakcsfungi, ok, we are goign ahead with the rax vm, just email the thread when hpcloud vm is built, thanks16:29
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fungideepakcs: will do--good luck16:30
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deepakcsfungi, thanks , we need all the luck :)16:31
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marcusvrn1asselin: ahh...maybe, once it was merged recently and the problem raised recently too16:32
marcusvrn1asselin: another question... to configure local pip repo, do I have to change /etc/pip.conf instead of $HOME/.pip/pip.conf?16:32
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jlvillalclarkb:  Not sure if you can help or not. Am I doing something wrong?  http://paste.openstack.org/show/181310/   My command: tox -v -v -epy34   Ubuntu 14.04 system, with updates, has Python
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asselinmarcusvrn1, seems the /etc/pip.conf is the top level file. The others provide overrides. Seems the issue (for me) is the setting is not getting used for virtual envs. BTW, here's the error for me:
clarkbjlvillal: looks like httpretty isn't python3 friendly16:35
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clarkbwhich is interesting because somehow the tests actually ran on the jenkins node16:36
jlvillalclarkb: Where would that leave me then? :)16:36
fungijlvillal: yeah, new httpretty release three days ago. maybe they regressed?16:36
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jlvillalfungi: Hrmph.  Sucks for me ;)16:37
fungijlvillal: try adjusting the requirements lists for ironicclient to httpretty<0.8.7 and see if that works around it16:37
waynrpelix: yo, do you think we should dig into the 'submodule' option to check if it contains options corresponding to the deprecated disable-submodules and recursive-submodules options?16:37
jlvillalfungi: Thanks!  Good idea.16:38
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fungilooks like they publish a python 2.x only wheel alongside their tarball, so maybe they are acknowledging that they don't have py3k support. unfortunate indeed if so16:38
sigmavirus24fungi: thanks for the ping last night. 2.5.3 is out and shouldn't cause problems. You can continue to track the issue on that requests bug you've already commented on and http://bugs.python.org/issue23476 if you're interested16:38
fungisigmavirus24: yep, appreciated. i saw the updates. quick work!16:39
krotscheckSo, I'm trying to get https://review.openstack.org/#/c/157589/ tested, and it understandably fails because it's dependent on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/157981/. The latter passes because it has the depends-on: set properly, but is there some way to make the dependee test against the depender? The email said I shouldn't create loops.16:39
sigmavirus24fungi: yeah, I had a bad feeling last night but it seemed best to cut a release since there were some critical bugs it would fix16:39
pelixwaynr: that's just it, I think that's more effort than worth it16:39
sigmavirus24fungi: we're also trying to take over maintenance (specifically release maintenance) of certifi from Kenneth because of stuff like this16:40
fungisigmavirus24: can't release software without breaking a few eggs16:40
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sigmavirus24For what it's worth, we had to go back to our (> 1 year) old certificate which has otherwise revoked certificates in there16:40
clarkbkrotscheck: you can't because there aren't atomic multi commits. so each commit has to go in in order16:40
sigmavirus24It is proving to be a hard problem to track down but it seems mostly in how OpenSSL parses/handles cross-signed certificates16:40
sigmavirus24So we're in #python-requests trying to figure out ways to work around that without keeping around revoked certs16:41
krotscheckclarkb: So what's your suggestion there, put in a temporary migration shim so that as things land they deprecate cleanly?16:41
sigmavirus24Anyone interested in helping with this should feel free to join and participate. I'll be happy to provide links for context when you get there16:41
fungisigmavirus24: if i weren't preparing to head out of town i'd join you, but i'm short on time for x509 hacking16:41
clarkbjlvillal: fungi fwiw httpretty 0.8.7 installs fine for me using python3.416:41
sigmavirus24fungi: fair enough =)16:41
sigmavirus24fungi: safe travels16:41
jlvillalclarkb: Is Python 3.4.0 acceptable to use for my testing?16:41
fungisigmavirus24: thanks@16:41
clarkbkrotscheck: ya I think you have to have a forward and backward compatible step that may end up getting cleaned up later16:42
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clarkbjlvillal: thats what tox -epy34 uses16:42
fungijlvillal: should be fine (it's what we're running at the moment for python34 jobs)16:42
krotscheckclarkb: Ugh pain.16:42
krotscheckWell, at least all the other patches are ready.16:42
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jlvillalclarkb, fungi: Not sure why I am failing.  Thanks.16:42
marcusvrn1asselin: the same here. Virtual envs are not using my pip repository... Searching for all paths to pip.conf, /etc/pip.conf was not found.. http://paste.openstack.org/show/181316/16:43
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waynrpelix: okay, sounds good--thanks for the review!16:44
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asselinmarcusvrn1, so you get the same exact error?16:44
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asselinmarcusvrn1, I updated my scripts to copy the pip.conf to that location, so that it gets used16:45
jeblairkrotscheck: it's an intentional design decision to support CD (even though it would be possible in this case, simultaneous upgrades of components is not universally possible)16:45
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marcusvrn1asselin: "the same here" was about venvs are not using pip local repo.  About the error in your CI, I think mine maybe something like yours, because both are not reaching the repo/packages, but it's not the same exact error16:47
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asselinmarcusvrn1, I also found that file does exist in my slaves, but it belongs to -infra16:47
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clarkbjlvillal also are you using latest tox? if not maybe that would help?16:49
fungikrotscheck: or rephrased, if it's too hard to serially implement dependent features across a set of repos, then those are arguably not suitable to keep separate16:49
jlvillalclarkb: I will check.  I did a plain pip install and also failed for me16:49
fungithe repos, that is16:49
jlvillalclarkb: http://paste.openstack.org/show/181317/16:49
marcusvrn1asselin: I'll try to add the pip.conf file into /etc16:49
krotscheckfungi: I get that. I just don't like the idea of writing code that I'm going to delete later.16:49
jlvillalclarkb: Trying to debug...16:49
clarkbjlvillal it is possible that a pip or setuptools difference is at fault. tox bundles both via virtaulenv16:49
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jlvillalclarkb: Okay.  Thanks.  My tox is the one that comes with Trusty16:50
jlvillalSame with pip and virtualenv16:50
clarkbtry install latest tox in a venv and use tox from therr16:51
fungikrotscheck: however it serves as an example of how to manage that dependent transition in case some downstream consumer needs to do it in a non-lockstep fashion, so it's a useful habit to get into16:51
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krotscheckfungi: But whine.16:51
jlvillalclarkb: will do16:51
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jeblairmrmartin: left a comment on 14004316:58
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clarkbjeblair: 155773 on my other node has db problems, are you interested in that traceback? its probably because ended up installing two different HEADs that wre branches so don't share a common db migration path17:00
mrmartinjeblair, thnx, checking that17:00
clarkbjeblair: no such column: change.starred is the tl;dr error17:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-specs: StoryBoard integration tests specification  https://review.openstack.org/15074317:01
jeblairclarkb: sqlite3 .gertty.db "select * from alembic_version;"17:01
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clarkbjeblair: 312cd5a9f87817:02
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SpamapSanybody want to claim "Name the cloud" ?17:02
SpamapSI feel like we side-stepped it.17:02
krotscheckSpamapS: Vanilla!17:03
SpamapSNot sure that's a good thing to bikeshed at the meeting. ;)17:03
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SpamapSI was thinking we could name it Hubert, after my grandpa. ;)17:03
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jeblairclarkb: that's the previous version; it should have upgraded.  can you run with -d and check the log?17:03
clarkbjeblair: sure17:03
cineramawho owns the ical feed with all the meeting times?17:04
jeblaircinerama: ttx, but if you update the wiki, he will notice and update the feed17:04
clarkbjeblair: http://paste.openstack.org/show/181319/ not much there17:05
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cineramaoh, OK, cool. i have a wishlist item of having an ical for each meeting because that is a lotta meetings17:05
anteayacan we delete gerrit groups or just render them deprecated and hidden? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158666/ I know gerrit accounts are just rendered deprecated and hidden, I must admit I don't know what we do with groups we don't need17:05
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jeblaircinerama: ah, talk to ttx and reed about that then.  they are working on automating the system17:06
jeblaircinerama: and see this project: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/yaml2ical/tree/17:06
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clarkbanteaya: just deprecated and hidden17:06
jeblaircinerama: i _think_ that might be already handled by the new tool17:07
anteayaclarkb: okay great, can we deprecate and hide https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/573,members please?17:07
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jeblairclarkb: it seems like alembic doesn't see that migration file17:08
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clarkbjeblair: OH! maybe this is another instance of I have preexisting egg info and pip is all confusing updating17:08
cineramaah ok cool. looks like we'd want to update docs and links off the wiki assuming that code DTRT17:08
clarkbjeblair: let me try a git clean then reinstall17:08
marcusvrn1asselin: yah! adding the pip.conf into /etc, fixed the problem that venv was not using my local repo. Thanks17:08
asselinmarcusvrn1, cool17:08
clarkbanteaya: we don't need that group anymore?17:08
* clarkb tries to remember what suffix we were renaming deprecated groups too17:08
anteayaclarkb: no ttx doesn't want it as he wants to use the existing tech-committee-chair group: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158666/17:09
clarkbjeblair: yup that fixed it, removed the old gertty egg stuff17:09
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clarkbanteaya: ok we should let that merge and get applied before we rename tc-chair and make it invisible17:10
anteayaclarkb: fair enough17:10
* SpamapS decides we'll just have to open the bikeshed up in the meeting. :-P17:10
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sdagueclarkb: hmmm... gerrit just gave me a 500 on trying to go to the next page of a review17:11
clarkbanteaya: np remind me once that gets in and I will turn the gerrit knobs17:11
jeblairkrotscheck, yolanda: does the following command run in the foreground? tox -e venv "storyboard-api --config-file ./etc/storyboard.conf.test"17:11
sdaguedid it ever get a restart?17:11
clarkbsdague: it did on friday17:12
yolandayes, it works for me, is the one i normally use17:12
sdagueclarkb: ok17:12
clarkbsdague: http://i.imgur.com/QnFgwGV.png was the result17:12
jeblairyolanda: right, but it runs in the foreground, yes?  it does not start a daemon in the background?17:12
krotscheckjeblair: I think so, yolanda will be able to give you more detail.17:12
clarkbI will check that graph again17:12
sdagueclarkb: does it log anything sane on a 500?17:12
yolandayes, no daemon17:12
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anteayaclarkb: it has some errors so I will look at 158666 and let you know17:12
jeblairyolanda: cool, thanks.17:12
mrmartinjeblair: all other files in this directory have jetty:jetty ownership, as provided by vamsee-solr plugin.17:13
clarkbsdague: usually not but I can check that too (giant java exceptins usually)17:13
clarkbsdague: what change is it?17:13
yolandajeblair, btw, saw the approval for the spec, thx17:13
jeblairmrmartin: okay, then i'm in favor of consistency.  i'll change to +2.  i do think that's weird though.17:13
clarkbmemory use is still well under the 8GB heap limit so we aren't bumping against that17:13
mrmartinjeblair: we can deliver an upstream patch for this solr module17:14
anteayawell the gate jobs failed and have no logs: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158666/17:14
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jeblairmrmartin: might be a good idea17:15
anteayaI can recheck17:15
mrmartinneed to something anyway, becuase it not works well with 4.10.x solr17:15
clarkbsdague: 1) Cannot open ReviewDb is the gerrit error17:17
sdagueclarkb: yeh, the 500 was surprising17:17
sdagueclarkb: interesting... db contention?17:17
clarkbCaused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure17:17
clarkblooks like connection problems but reading the mass of tracebacks now17:18
mrmartinjeblair: may I get a +2 for this too: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/152508/ ?17:18
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clarkbConnection timed out17:18
clarkbzaro: ^ is that what you were seeing on review-dev?17:18
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clarkbfungi: ^ did you update review.o.o's db config too?17:18
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clarkbanteaya: https://jenkins07.openstack.org/job/gate-infra-puppet-apply-trusty/334/console we are being bit by the requests problem17:21
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reedcinerama, have you looked at the code on http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/yaml2ical/tree ?17:22
anteayaclarkb: thanks17:22
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anteayaI wondered if it was something bigger17:22
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anteayabut I had no logs returned at all17:23
cineramareed: i just did (v briefly) after jeblair mentioned it17:23
clarkbsdague: my initial theory is that we hit the 2 minute connection timeout that trove gives us by default, but need to double check that fungi that new config was applied and mysql reloaded its config17:23
sdagueclarkb: ok, coolio. Not a huge deal, but figured it was worth reporting17:24
sdaguethanks for looking into it17:24
anteayafound a log on a running job and yeah, that is it17:24
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clarkbsdague: np, and yes, knowing when gerrit is broken is super handy :)17:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual: For openstack projects, add dependency on governance change  https://review.openstack.org/15674517:25
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add new caching class for shade  https://review.openstack.org/15813817:26
openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fix tox warnings for indent not multiples of 4  https://review.openstack.org/15878617:26
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jlvillalclarkb: Argh, that took awhile.  So my issue was that I have LANG=C in my environment.  Once I let it default to: LANG=en_US.UTF-8  then httpretty installed.17:27
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zaroclarkb, fungi : i do not have powers to change the global timeout for review-dev.o.o db17:28
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zaroor at least i don't think i do.  anyways i thought fungi changed that thru some UI?17:28
clarkbzaro: I know, I am asking if this is the same issue17:29
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zaroyeah, review-dev.o.o will continue to timeout due to inactivity.  you don't see it on review.o.o because it's always active.17:30
clarkbzaro: right but I just saw a connection timeout out review.o.o17:30
anteayajlvillal: thanks for sharing the solution17:30
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clarkbso my question is, does the error message above look like what you were seeing on review-dev?17:30
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zaroohh, yeah.  it's unlikely but  possible isn't it?17:31
jlvillalanteaya: Filing a bug with httpretty on it17:31
zaroclarkb: but yeah, that looks like the same error17:31
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clarkbzaro: thanks17:31
anteayajlvillal: okay17:33
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reedcinerama, would that solve your issues?17:35
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cineramareed: absolutely. having per-meeting ics available is what i'm after17:36
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anteayajlvillal: learned something new about LANG=C, thanks17:37
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openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack/requirements: Add ryu>=3.18  https://review.openstack.org/15435417:38
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fungiclarkb: sounds reasonable. fwiw the config profile is available within that tenant and you can apply it to any trove instance you want. should just be able to select it from the config drop-down on the instance. i believe i named it something appropriately obvious but forget exactly what17:39
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* anteaya pictures clark looking for the option "appropriately obvious"17:40
rhe00_how can I turn off the debug prints from nodepool?17:40
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clarkbfungi: cool, do you know if I have to manual trigger a config reload in the instance? and if that causes connections to drop in order to restart the server?17:40
clarkbrhe00: you want to disable the debug.log file?17:40
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fungiclarkb: i don't think i had to do anything to make it take effect17:41
fungiclarkb: other than just select it17:41
clarkbmordred: you are our resident mysql person, any thoughts on my applying our review-dev config profile to review.o.o?17:41
* fungi is mostly afk at the moment preparing to head out17:41
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clarkbmordred: would be done to avoid the db connection timeouts that we were seeing, sdague ran into one today on review.o.o17:41
mordredclarkb: this is the increate-of-timeout setting, yeah?17:42
rhe00clarkb: I want to disable the prints marked as DEBUG coming out on the screen after I execute "nodepoold -d".17:42
clarkbmordred: ya the 2 minute bomb countdown from every action movie ever17:43
* SpamapS pokes at gertty to try and make the diff added lines not-quite-as-dark green.17:43
clarkbrhe00: you can pass it a log config with the -l argument and in that log config you can disable debug output17:43
mordredclarkb: sounds fine to me17:43
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mrmartinthis failed on gate-ci-docs: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/152508/ and cannot find the logs: http://logs.openstack.org/08/152508/3/gate/gate-ci-docs/aa657ed/17:44
clarkbrhe00: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool/tree/templates/nodepool.logging.conf.erb that is our logging config which does keep debug logs17:44
jeblairclarkb, mordred: ++17:44
clarkbcool I will go ahead and figure out how to apply that profile now17:45
rhe00clarkb: I edited /etc/nodepool/logging.conf and removed all references to debug, but that did not seem to help17:46
anteayamrmartin: yes this is a known problem17:46
anteayamrmartin: there is a cert issue17:46
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clarkbrhe00: did you pass the path to that file with -l?17:46
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mrmartinanteaya: is it a permanent one, or just something that will go away?17:46
clarkbrhe00: if you don't the default behavior is to log at debug level17:46
anteayawell it won't go away until it is fixed17:47
jeblairanteaya: oh, the requests library cert issue is affecting swift log uploads?17:47
clarkbjeblair: yes17:47
anteayaerror:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed17:47
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rhe00clarkb: I did not pass in the path. I though it would look at that file by default. I will try the -l option next.  Thanks!17:48
jrollfungi: and friends, requests 2.5.3 appears to fix the rackspace identity ssl problems17:49
anteayajroll: yay17:49
zaroclarkb: the gerrit error was more like.. Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException:17:49
zaroThe last packet successfully received from the server was 216,796,72717:49
zaromilliseconds ago17:49
zaroclarkb: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/repo-discuss/rR_ouEeAQzU/bA70CYLT0t0J17:50
clarkbzaro: ya that looks right17:50
clarkbanteaya: we will need to rebuild images17:50
anteayaclarkb: yay17:51
* anteaya continues to not approve anything right now17:51
clarkbpleia2: any chance you want to rebuild images :)17:51
clarkbpleia2: I can walk you through it17:51
anteayapleia2: :)17:51
anteayago you17:51
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pleia2clarkb: sure17:52
rcarrillocruzmordred: just in case it's not under your radar, you may want to check https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158615/17:52
* anteaya follows along17:52
clarkbpleia2: I like to hop on nodepool.o.o then start a screen session because I move around enough and builds take long enough that otherwise badness happens17:52
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clarkbpleia2: then instead of using the all shortcut to build images for all the regions that use an image I prefer to build a few at a time, its slightly more work but I get builds in parallel and its easier to follow along17:53
pleia2clarkb: sounds good, I've logged on17:53
clarkbpleia2: so for that its `sudo -H -u nodepool nodepool image-update $region $image-name`. That mostly works for everything except for dib17:53
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pleia2clarkb: ok, so where do we want to start region/image-wise?17:54
clarkbpleia2: a good place to start is probably `sudo -H -u nodepool nodepool rax-dfw bare-trusty` and rax-ord, rax-iad, hpcloud-b1 through hpcloud-b5 because thats not dib17:54
clarkbpleia2: the reason I would start with bare-trusty is we use more trusty nodes than any other releases at this point and the bare-* don't use dib yet so you can fire those off while I go over the small exception to the dib build process17:55
arosenHi, I was curious if zuul or jenkins has any way to prioritize which patches in the queue are run first?17:55
arosenFor example, say you want to give priority to openstack commits vs stackforge commits.17:55
pleia2clarkb: ok, and we get the list of regions and images from nodepool.yaml.erb?17:56
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clarkbpleia2: yup, also `sudo -H -u nodepool nodepool image-list` shows you what we alread have17:56
jeblairarosen: only by pipeline, not by project.17:56
pleia2clarkb: ah, cool17:56
clarkbpleia2: I like to pipe that command through grep on a region name or an image name typically17:56
jeblairarosen: we thought about that, but every time we look, stackforge continues to be a tiny portion of the load, so it's not worth doing.17:57
arosenjeblair: cool interesting to know! Thanks.17:57
pleia2clarkb: alright, shall I begin with rax-dfw bare-trusty then?17:57
reedis anybody aware of a way to reply to openstack-dev messages via web? I noticed gossamer-threads and gmane both are read-only for our list17:57
clarkbpleia2: yup, I think you can do the whole set for bare-trusty17:57
jeblairreed: gmail? :)17:57
clarkbrax-dfw, rax-iad, rax-ord, hpcloud-b1, hpcloud-b2, hpcloud-b3, hpcloud-b4, hpcloud-b517:58
pleia2clarkb: but suggesting doing them one by one?17:58
reedjeblair, :) right ... the use case is of a person who subscribed to the (quite useless  IMHO) digest and wants to reply without breaking the thread17:58
clarkbmy personal preference is to do one per screen window foregroudned so I can follow along17:58
clarkbpleia2: but thats how my brain works, I think fungi ends up scripting it a bit more with for loops and subshells17:58
pleia2aha :)17:59
clarkbpleia2: should be fine to start all of them at once for the bare-trusty image17:59
pleia2maybe I'll start with this one then do the rest at once17:59
clarkbsounds good17:59
bcourthi, has there been any though regarding having a rest api for working with nodepool?  Having a way to query the information & make updates without being on the local box would be helpful17:59
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clarkbbcourt: rcarrillocruz has a change to add an api to it18:00
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jeblairreed: i don't use mm digests, but if they are MIME digests, then individual messages should be able to be opened and then replied to18:00
* bcourt goes to find that change18:00
clarkbmy concern right now is that nodepool runs a bit privileged for dib and I wouldn't want to expose an api without a lot of care18:00
rcarrillocruzbcourt: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/136884/18:00
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clarkbpleia2: let me know when you have th efirst one running and I can go over the small dib exception18:00
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pleia2clarkb: it's running18:01
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reedjeblair, I'll look more into this... last time I checked, the digest was one large txt file, unreadable18:01
jeblairreed: also, the person could ask a friend (you? :) to bounce (resend) them a copy of the message18:01
clarkbpleia2: great, so the things that makes dib images slightly special is that if yuo do `nodepool image-update someregion dib-image` what that does is first build a new dib image then upload it, however what we ideally want is to build a single dib image then upload that to all of our regions that can use the dib image18:02
reedjeblair, AH! that's a good idea, thanks!18:02
reeda quick workaround18:02
pleia2clarkb: makes sense18:02
rcarrillocruzjeblair: re: devstack for shade, i know, but i'm not sure how to split my tests into a job that is not run on python-jobs template, i.e. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158463/18:02
rcarrillocruzcould you pls advise?18:02
clarkbpleia2: so my preference for dib based images, in this case devstack-* against hpcloud-* only os the do a `sudo -H -u nodepool nodepool image-build devstack-trusty` which only does the build then do a `sudo -H -u nodepool nodepool image-upload hpcloud-b1 devstack-trusty`18:03
clarkbpleia2: then do that image-upload step for each dib'd region18:03
pleia2clarkb: gotcha18:03
jeblairrcarrillocruz: oh, do you not have a job defined for that yet?18:03
clarkbpleia2: if you end up forgetting and just using image-update its not the end of the world but preferable to do a single image build then multiple uploads of that image18:03
* pleia2 nods18:04
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clarkb(nothing should break)18:04
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rcarrillocruzno... thing is, python-jobs runs whatever it finds in repo, i'm not sure how to prevent that...18:04
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jlvillalclarkb: jroll: So the python-ironicclient py34 test seems to be hanging at: subunit.run discover  Any debug ideas?  I'm doing this on tip of tree of python-ironicclient18:05
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clarkbpleia2: and finally we do the whole sudo -H -u nodepool thing so that file permissions stay consistent with what the running daemon wants18:05
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pleia2clarkb: yeah, using the nodepool user to do it all18:05
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/requirements: Bump tempest-lib min version to 0.3.0  https://review.openstack.org/15880318:05
jeblairrcarrillocruz: okay, a couple of things you need to do:18:06
pleia2clarkb: once the image is built, do we do any tests to make sure it's "right"?18:06
jeblairrcarrillocruz: in shade, make the standard tox env only run unit tests.  edit tox.ini to change the command to specify which tests to run.18:06
* rcarrillocruz reads18:06
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rcarrillocruzoh, at the tox level18:06
jeblairrcarrillocruz: in shade, add a new tox env to tox.ini named "func" which runs the functional tests18:06
jrolljlvillal: I have no idea without diving in :x18:06
clarkbpleia2: no, we have per VM boot ready scripts that we run that do a quick check but beyond that we wan't errors like this to bubble up where people see them rather than scrubbing images that fail hard and continuing to use ancient images instead18:06
jeblairrcarrillocruz: then in project-config, add a new job that runs the functonal tox tests on a devstack node18:07
jeblairrcarrillocruz: you can probably look at swift as a model for how to do all of that18:07
rcarrillocruzsweet, i'll have a look18:07
rcarrillocruzthx a ton jeblair18:07
jlvillalclarkb: jroll: I can see utilization 96.7% running for 22:32.39 'python -m subunit.run discover -t ./ ./ --load-list /tmp/tmp5ixu0v69'18:07
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pleia2clarkb: ok, thanks18:07
jrolljlvillal: yeah, something is clearly borked but idk what... link to patch if you don't mind?18:07
clarkbjlvillal: discover is how it finds the list of tests, it imports all the things below your specified test root and finds things that match the test rules. My guess is that you have code that executes at import time somewher and py34 is making it sad18:07
jlvillalclarkb: jroll: I'm unfamiliar with testr, so not really sure how to proceed18:07
jlvillaljroll: This is tip of tree18:08
clarkbjlvillal: in this case its not even testr or subunit, its part of the python testing stdlib bits18:08
jrolloh good18:08
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clarkbbcourt: out of curiousity what specific things are you needing to do with nodepool where logging into the machine isn't practical?18:08
rcarrillocruzclarkb: ideally, i'd like to have the Nodepool REST API with some authorization layer, with groups and stuff... maybe there's no use case for such granularity on Infra, but in downstream it would make a lot of sense. My change does not have all of that because I thought of coding it with Infra in mind18:09
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rcarrillocruzi.e. you infra-root having access as admin and that it18:09
clarkbrcarrillocruz: I guess, from my perspective if nodepool isn't automagically doing things 99% of that time thats probably a bug and an api doesn't fix that bug18:09
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clarkbrcarrillocruz: for the exceptional case of requests fixed a bug that affects us so we want to kick off new builds a human has to get involved anways so I don't mind using ssh to do that18:10
mordredI think having a REST API would be great18:10
mordredbecause it would allow us to build other automation around things18:10
clarkbmordred: ya I don't have anything gainst it other than the poential security issues, just wondering what people intend on doing with it18:11
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jeblairclarkb: i wondered the same thing; though we did identify a potential use last week in quiescing providers18:11
clarkb(also the security concerns can be addressed and there is a spec that would do so as far as dib building goes)18:11
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bcourtclarkb, it's a nice to have more than a need to have.  Having a rest api would make it convenient to tie into an external monitoring service.  It would also be somewhat useful for performing batch operations, though that could be made easier by having a flag fro the CLI to make it more text parser friendly18:11
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bcourtalso, given a rest API I could mash together a simple web page for folks to be able to see the current state without having to provide access to the server itself18:12
clarkbbcourt: what state is that? a listing of images and nodes?18:12
bcourtyup, current images, current nodes, start & monitor an image update18:13
clarkbjeblair: I'm still not sure that quiescing providers requires an api :)18:13
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename functional files to projects.  https://review.openstack.org/15880718:13
jeblairclarkb: i'm not either; it's a potential use.  :)18:14
clarkbjeblair: it certainly doesn't hurt. Part of my concern here is I have spent a lot of time recently fixing all the bugs I can in nodepool and from my perspective thats infinitely more valuable right now than add rest api, but I am biased :)18:14
clarkbbasically I think focus should be on fixing issues that make people think they need this extra access rather than just giving it out18:14
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jeblairclarkb: i agree it is not a high priority, particularly not a higher one than bug fixing.18:15
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jeblairclarkb: and yeah, if the goal is to manually fix where nodepool messed something up, effort is better spent elsewhere.18:16
bcourtclarkb, I would generally agree, by and large nodepool has been a huge help for me.  The biggest area I keep thinking about working on a patch for is adding support for sub-nodes that are of different types than the primary18:16
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clarkbjeblair: gertty threading, any thoughts on how gertty might grok depends-on to thread those changes too?18:16
jeblairclarkb: i think there might be some potential cases around quiescing, or kicking off image builds, or querying status (though that could be something like status.json) where it could be useful.18:17
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jeblairclarkb: hrm.  most gertty views are single-project, so it shouldn't generally be necessary...18:18
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jeblairclarkb: but in a multi-project view, i suppose we could parse the commit message and match change-ids18:18
AJaeger_What's up with the gate? I see jobs failing in the gate queue that past the check queue - and then there are no log files available ;(18:18
anteayaAJaeger_: the swift log uploads are broken right now18:19
anteayaa python requests lib was causing issues with certs verification to rax18:19
anteayathe latest request release fixes it and pleia2 is updating the image builds18:19
AJaeger_anteaya: Thanks for the info ;( So, no sense in approving anything right now, I guess?18:19
anteayaAJaeger_: I'm having a tea and reading things18:19
clarkbjeblair: ya mostly just thinking how it may work, the project centric reviewing may make it more work than its worth though18:19
anteayaAJaeger_: not much unless you wnat to do it again real soon18:20
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* mordred wants non-project-centric viewing in gertty - hasn't gotten around to trying the custom dashboard for that18:21
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clarkbmordred: SpamapS greghaynes can you see my comment on 158413? curious about how dib will handle that18:21
jeblairAJaeger_: only projects using swift uploads are broken (eg project-config and other infra repos)18:21
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stevemarbump, could i get eyes on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158045/18:22
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pleia2clarkb: it's doing a lot of "2015-02-24 18:23:47,795 INFO urllib3.connectionpool: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): dfw.servers.api.rackspacecloud.com18:24
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clarkbpleia2: ya, it hits the api endpoints a few times iirc18:24
clarkbpleia2: its polling for the node to transition from building to ready iirc, then it starts attempling to ssh in18:24
mordredclarkb: that'll be a greghaynes question18:24
clarkbattempling is a new word I have just invented18:25
clarkbmordred: thanks, I will bug him18:25
clarkbgreghaynes: you have been bugged, please see my comment on 158413 and enlighten my noobness18:26
sdaguepleia2: fwiw, we turn the logging level to WARN for those libraries in oslo.log for that reason. It's a completely gratuitous message that confuses people18:26
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clarkbsdague: we are just using novaclient, does it not oslo.log properly? or I wonder if our logging config is conflicting with oslo.log18:27
clarkbeg we use normal python logging which may undermine oslo.loggings attempts at being smart for us18:28
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sdagueyeh, if you take over python logging, I think not of our overrides apply18:28
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clarkbthats really unfortunate, lots of python uses logging straight and oslo.logging shouldn't assume it is the only thing importing logging18:29
clarkbany idea if that is a bug (I can file it) or a design decision for sanity?18:29
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sdaguewell, I'm not sure what the correct behavior is, because if you are specifying global overrides for logging it seems like you are specifying them for a reason18:30
pleia2ok, dfw bare-trusty built, just kicked off builds for the rest18:31
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greghaynesclarkb: ugh18:32
clarkbsdague: good point, inherit vs override isn't necessarily always going to be correct depending on situation and the conservative override may be easiest for most to deal with18:32
clarkbgreghaynes: yes I think this exposes a bug in how dib does grub18:32
openstackgerritPaul Michali proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Setup non-voting VPNaaS func test for StrongSwan  https://review.openstack.org/15838918:32
clarkbgreghaynes: it really needs to separate the install from the config18:32
clarkbgreghaynes: that could be in finalize if necessary but you need to be able to slip other bits in between18:33
anteayaI just saw a turkey fly past my window18:33
anteayanever seen one on the wing before18:33
anteayavery long glide18:33
pleia2clarkb: so doing all bare-trusty, need to do bare-precise, bare-centos6, any of the devstack ones?18:33
fungiokay, i'm settled into the car and caught up on scrollback. all emergencies seem to already be well in hand but let me know if assistance is required18:33
pleia2anteaya: scary :)18:33
anteayapleia2: majestic18:33
timrcIs it me or does this not actually tell you how to write a test for testr? https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Testr#Writing_Tests_for_testr18:33
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fungitimrc: that sounds like an existential observation18:34
pleia2clarkb: since it's just the systems with swift logs, so only ones infra uses18:34
clarkbpleia2: ya we will need to do devstack-trusty and devstack-precise but we can get the bare-* images done first18:34
greghaynesclarkb: yep, definitely. I wonder if we should just install grub at start of finalise.d and configure it at the end18:34
clarkbpleia2: two of the devstack-gate jobs use swift logs too18:34
sdagueclarkb: yeh, though long term I'd actually like to make oslo.log not be just a thin python logging wrapper, but more of a log message dispatcher with custom filtering in it's layer (so it could be disjoint from global python logging configs) . But it's a longer design process.18:34
greghaynesalthough, that really begs the question of why were not just doing install of grub at the start of install.d like everything else18:34
clarkbgreghaynes: +118:34
greghaynesclarkb: ill try moving it into install.d and see what blows up18:34
fungiclarkb: did you by any chance get my restrict-memory fix merged before kicking off image updates?18:34
clarkbfungi: no because I -1'd it18:35
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clarkbfungi: see my comment I don't think it will fix the problem and greghaynes seems to confirm18:35
fungioh, poop. i'll look again. you had +2 on it before18:35
clarkbfungi: its close but not sufficient18:35
notmynamejeblair: sdague: based on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158671/ it might be worthwhile checking other jobs that may have had a 'sudo' added18:35
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clarkbya I must've had a dream that told me to -1 it for that reason or something :)18:35
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clarkbgreghaynes: danke18:37
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anteayasdague: you offered the orignial patch this patch modifies, care to offer an opinion? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158671/118:39
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sdagueyeh, seems fine18:40
clarkbgah haven't done the trove thing yet, I will wait for after the meeting so that I don't have to split focus18:40
anteayasdague: thanks18:40
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sdaguenotmyname: that and the swift one were the only ones added18:40
clarkbsdague: notmyname might make sense to have two different tox targets or have the single tox target run both for us? (at least then swift has control over how its run and doesn't need job updates for things like that)18:41
sdaguenotmyname: thanks for the fix18:41
notmynameit was all acoles. he noticed and fixed it. I just mentioned it in here18:41
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sdagueclarkb: yeh, probably, though this was an attempt at minimal change from what existed18:41
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add support for volume attach/detach  https://review.openstack.org/15362318:41
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notmynameclarkb: ya, 2 jobs would be fine I think. also they'd run in parallel, I think (right?)18:42
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clarkbnotmyname: no not two jobs18:42
notmynameoh 2 tox targets18:42
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clarkbnotmyname: instead update your tox.ini to either have two targets or run both sets of tests under one target18:42
pleia2clarkb: getting errors on some of these builds, and when I look at the age in the list it's like 555.86 - so been broken for quite some time?18:43
pleia2clarkb: Exception: Unable to run setup script18:43
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pleia2this is for bare-trusty on hpcloud-b518:43
clarkbpleia2: thanks let me look at logs too18:43
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pleia2clarkb: yeah, all the hpcloud ones are foobar :\18:44
clarkbpleia2: did you get ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Errno::EACCES) ?18:44
fungimight be that hpcloud is full of hate right now. i've been having some trouble booting nodes on it too18:44
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clarkbI thought we had fixed that problem but maybe not in all cases18:45
pleia2clarkb: all the hpcloud ones are foobar :\18:45
pleia2let's see exact error18:45
pleia22015-02-24 18:38:45,565 INFO nodepool.image.build.hpcloud-b3.bare-trusty: ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Errno::EACCES)18:45
clarkbpleia2: that gem install error is what I see18:45
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notmynameclarkb: so it seems like the 2 different invocations only differ by the config file used (I'm guessing a little). the first one uses the default (/etc/swift/test.conf) and the second one uses the one specified via environ18:46
clarkbpleia2: I would just skip hpcloud for the moment and get rax images done (since any broken images won't have latest requests anyways)18:46
mordreddtroyer: did you ever make a clouds.yaml devstack patch?18:47
pleia2clarkb: right, ok18:47
notmynameclarkb: but i'm not sure how the /etc/swift/test.conf is set (or if the SWIFT_TEST_CONFIG_FILE is set to anything else for the first job)18:47
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notmynameclarkb: either way, I'd definitely support making the first one explicit as to the config file used. but I'm not sure how to separate it into 2 jobs. they only differ by the config file used, and I don't know the differences in them (ie what's in /etc/swift/test.conf)18:48
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clarkbnotmyname: basically you can take the env var setting that is done in the yaml file and put it into your tox.ini18:49
clarkbnotmyname: so that when you run tox that makes tox just do the right thing18:49
notmynameclarkb: that's pretty dependent on the particular CI system you have, isn't it? eg I don't have /opt/stack/new/swift/... on my dev box18:50
clarkbpleia2: its odd that we don't have permissions issues in rax with that but do on hpcloud, I think we are just missing a sudo in front of the gem install line in our nodepool scripts18:50
notmynameclarkb: but anyway, how is /etc/swift/test.conf set?18:50
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clarkbnotmyname: swift is configured by devstack in that job iirc18:51
clarkbnotmyname: ya it may not be practical to have tox do it if config is very deployment specific18:51
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clarkbpleia2: I will write that change now and we can hopefully get it in while rax images are updated18:52
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pleia2clarkb: wfm18:52
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notmynameclarkb: that config file (ie the config section for functional tests) sets up the auth users and endpoint for an arbitrary swift cluster. I don't want to hard-code openstack jenkins slaves pathnames into the tox.ini. that seems wrong18:52
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run restrict-memory element later in image build  https://review.openstack.org/15841318:53
fungiclarkb: ^ new stab at it18:53
clarkbpleia2: also I should check that we can install puppetlabs_spec_helper without that workaround now18:53
clarkbnotmyname: ok18:53
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use sudo when gem installing during image build  https://review.openstack.org/15882218:55
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clarkbpleia2: ^ I confirmed that installing puppetlabs_spec_helper still fails on dependency resolution18:55
clarkbso sudo on the workaround should be what we need18:56
* pleia2 nods18:56
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clarkbalmost meeting time18:59
clarkbjhesketh: good morning18:59
greghaynesfungi: do youall have to support !ubuntu there?18:59
fungiwe're driving in and out of dead zones, so i may be a little laggy to respond during the meeting18:59
greghaynesoh, ISWYDT18:59
anteayafungi: k18:59
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clarkbgreghaynes: yes fedora and centos at least19:00
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jeblairmeeting time in #openstack-meeting19:01
BharatKfungi, ran the job manually using your script19:02
BharatKfungi, https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rax_console.txt19:02
BharatKfungi, VM went down for 569 ticks19:03
fungiBharatK: i'm still trying to get an hpcloud node. hpcloud is not terribly happy today19:03
fungibut souns like you were able to reproduce the failures we were seeing19:03
BharatKfungi, oh okay.19:03
fungiso that's a good sign19:03
BharatKfungi, yes able to reproduce.19:03
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BharatKfungi, after 569 ticks again accessible and ran some other test cases.19:04
fungiBharatK: yeah, that's roughly the behavior i was seeing as well19:04
BharatKfungi, yeah now the biggest challenge is finding the route cause.19:05
BharatKfungi, I think, I can run the same job again the same VM right19:05
fungiBharatK: well, and figuring out if you can reproduce elsewhere with those steps19:05
BharatKfungi, sudo I will do this in my local setup.19:06
fungiBharatK: you may be able to reproduce it by rerunning the same job on the same vm, but no guarantees there. we usually delete the vm after a job completes and use a freshly booted one every time19:06
BharatKfungi, yeah because I am planning do some modifications to the script and test it.19:06
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added support for buildNeedsWorkspace entry in Build Flow Plugin  https://review.openstack.org/15000919:08
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Default to dummy plugin info for test mode  https://review.openstack.org/15882619:20
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SpamapSmordred: https://consul.io/ <-- thats the DNS-y thing that I was trying to recall while we were talking in Seattle btw.19:24
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mordredSpamapS: oh - yeah - I looked at that the other day19:24
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mordredSpamapS: but it's by hashicorp, so I just assume it will not work for me19:24
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greghaynesIve actually heard not bad things about it19:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for github commit status pending  https://review.openstack.org/15281819:25
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SpamapSWell maybe they realized Packer and Vagrant were useless and they ought to make something some people can use.19:25
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mordredSpamapS: I still haven't really understood why I want it - but I'm not violently against it like otherthings19:26
greghaynesIt does seem to do a bit much though19:26
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nibalizerthere was a good talk at fosdem about it19:27
nibalizeri would agree with greghaynes that does do a lot19:27
clarkbit seems a lot like dhcp in clouds19:27
greghaynesTheres also the thing of where if youre going to use it for DNS you kind of need to actually use it as your real resolver at which point youre not relying on something that has been production or battle tested like bind19:27
clarkbdhcp just works we should all use it19:27
SpamapSmordred: It's sort of like hiera but for all the things..19:27
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SpamapSgreghaynes: you can just use it for a subdomain of things you want to put in it.19:28
* mordred agrees about sing actual dhcp and actual bind19:28
greghaynesnot to mention getting full resolution... or if you use a full resolver that talks to consol for some domains then whats the point of having the dns built into consul in the first place19:28
SpamapSgreghaynes: I believe the original reasoning behind having DNS is that you don't have to write a consul->config file thing if you just can put  'http://some.host.in.consul.mydomain.foo/' in a static config file19:29
SpamapSalso DNS is going to be faster than HTTP by 0.0001s for k/v lookups.. webscale baby19:30
greghaynesSure, so for that case id just make a tool that pushes out zone transfers rather than implement a dns server19:30
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SpamapSgreghaynes: except the whole zone has to be transferred to update things that consul updates when a client goes missing.19:31
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SpamapSgreghaynes: in this respect, ddns is the old way, and nobody seems to like ddns.19:31
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greghaynesyeaaa, that is a lot of optimization19:32
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anteayathingee uses packer since he can't get nodepool to do what he wants19:33
SpamapSgreghaynes: you say that but this is very similar to Radware load balancers that existed 10 years ago and achieved global traffic re-routing within 3s of a problem being detected.19:33
anteayawhich is work on a laptop19:33
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anteayawas going to bring that up before now, I just can never seem to figure out how to work it in the conversation19:34
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fungiSpamapS: or for those of us who use the other thing, f5 3dns gtm19:35
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anteayaso many things I learned at the mid-cycles and I can't figure out how to share it19:35
clarkbanteaya: if thingee just needs image builds I would suggest dib not nodepool19:36
anteayahe wants something to spin up vms for him19:36
SpamapSfungi: Yeah, 3DNS was a few years later, and similarly capable. The Radwares were nice because you could use snmp to poke stats at them pretty rapidly. The F5's thing had a complicated XML-RPC interface.19:36
fungidib is certainly usable for building disk images19:36
clarkbanteaya: packer is an image builder not a VM manager19:37
clarkbanteaya: in some cases it does start a VM to build the image but thats orthogonal to its purpose19:37
anteayaI can ask him if he tried dib19:37
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anteayaI'm finding a lot of projects making their own tools rather than using ours19:38
afazekashttps://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-ceilometerclient The new ceilometer client is released today, and the icehouse jobs started require newer keystone-client19:38
anteayasince they don't fully know what all our tools do and they don't ask19:38
viglesiaswhat are the advantages of dib over packer?19:39
greghaynes^ We should codify that in the readme19:40
SpamapSviglesias: pretty rich composition.19:40
greghaynesthat question comes up a lot19:40
clarkbthe caching has been a huge win for us19:40
SpamapSviglesias: so you can break the image build bits into resuable bits.19:40
viglesiasid also love to see a very simple quick start19:40
viglesiasthats where packer had me, i understood it from the very basic case19:41
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viglesiasextrapolating from there was also simple19:41
SpamapSgood point19:41
viglesiasthe README is more of a design doc19:41
SpamapSREADME is missing the basic getting started19:41
mordredsomeone go register dib.io19:41
greghaynesThat is on my to do list with the docs site being mad19:41
viglesiascool, just wanted to give you guys my 2c19:42
greghaynesIts super helpful :)19:42
viglesiasfor reference this is what i built out of packer:19:42
SpamapSmordred: Alex Graham from LeRoy, NY, owns it.19:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix bug in template job yaml expansion.  https://review.openstack.org/15066619:43
viglesiasgreghaynes: if you get that quick start, ill give it a go at the drop of a hat19:43
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greghaynesSpamapS: btw - this is one big downside of the dib-utils breakout19:43
clarkbviglesias: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/tools/build-image.sh is roughly how we use it to make images that we run all of our tests on. note that openstack-repos and node-devstack caceh a lot of stuff so run it with lots of bandwidth the first time19:43
greghaynesSpamapS: We have to say "download this other repo, add it to your path..."19:44
SpamapSgreghaynes: bash needs a cheeseshop. ;)19:44
greghaynesoh god19:44
viglesiasstop it19:45
viglesiasbuild it on top of pypi19:45
mordredSpamapS: GAH19:45
SpamapSgodaddy's alt suggestions for bash.io are priceless19:45
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viglesiasclarkb: so wrt your link, how do i know what an element is19:45
SpamapSyou can have 'shindig.io' or 'bang.party'19:45
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viglesiasor for that matter the most basic config to get a debian image lets say19:46
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openstackgerritStefano Maffulli 'reed' proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update mailman contact for openstack-fr mailing list  https://review.openstack.org/15883919:46
clarkbviglesias: thats beyond the scope of what we are doing there, the docs greghaynes says he will write should cover that19:46
mordredSpamapS: zomg. the website for dib should be bang.party19:46
mordredviglesias: one of the things I like about dib is taht the content is shell scripts, and not json or preseed files19:47
mordredbut that's just me19:47
SpamapSI am cackling like an idiot about this19:47
viglesiasmordred: word, i def use bash scripts with packer19:47
viglesiasits common ground19:48
viglesiasdoes dib support using kickstart or preseed files?19:48
clarkbviglesias: but to answer your question I think if you say `disk-image-create -o debian_image debian` you get what you want19:48
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use sphinx extlinks to shorten links to Jenkins wiki  https://review.openstack.org/15875619:48
clarkbSpamapS: and greghaynes will tell me I am wrong now :)19:48
greghaynesyou need an elemeent19:49
SpamapSdebian is the element19:49
viglesiasThe First Element19:49
SpamapSvm too probably19:49
greghaynesoh, I see that ;)19:49
pelixzaro: looks like I could be playing whack-a-mole with https://review.openstack.org/158756, let me know if you think it's worth pursuing19:49
SpamapSthe debian element is a little.. obtuse. It runs debootstrap every time.. so.. not the fastest thing19:49
greghaynesubuntu vm ftw19:49
SpamapSthough if you run it with --offline, it will reuse the last debootstrap19:50
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mordredSpamapS: I really want to fix that19:50
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mordredfor some definition of fix19:50
SpamapSmordred: the trouble is detecting that it's ok to not build from scratch19:51
SpamapSubuntu has the fact that they never publish more than one image a day19:51
SpamapSmaybe a --moldy-cache flag19:52
greghaynesyou just need to cache invalidate based on options + what you are debootstrapping?19:52
greghaynesoh, for new packages is what youre talking about19:52
SpamapSIf you do stable Debian, you can just base it on the apt repo timestamps.19:52
SpamapSbut unstable will update minute by minute.19:52
SpamapStesting too19:52
mordredsure- but the apt-get upgrade in subsequent images should make that fine19:52
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SpamapSSimplest thing is probably to convince Debian to publish minimal images and base off those.19:53
greghaynesI like the --moldy-cache way19:53
greghaynesby default be fast, rebuild when someone asks for it19:53
SpamapSmordred: the apt get upgrade will be slower than just running debootstrap as the debootstrap gets older.19:53
SpamapSmaybe we should keep the debootstrap for 3 days.19:54
mordredSpamapS: sure- but that can be an opt-in "--invalidate" or something19:54
* mordred waves hands19:54
mordredSpamapS: yeah - maybe 3 days19:54
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SpamapSor another idea..19:54
greghaynesAt my last job we made this tool, ran via cron every night to debootstrap a new container image19:54
SpamapSsince we have a "separate cache building from image building" thing we need to do anyway..19:54
SpamapSjust help people setup cache building cron jobs.19:55
SpamapSand always run with --offline19:55
SpamapSgreghaynes: GMTA19:55
fungii believe there's been some traction on the debian-cloud ml to start generating base images for qemu/whatever19:55
fungizigo was pushing for that at one point anyway19:55
SpamapSfungi: yeah there are at least 3 separate groups19:56
SpamapSone wants EC2 only and gives everybody else the o_O look19:56
fungiand serve them alongside the cd images19:56
SpamapSone is google compute driven and is more accepting19:56
SpamapSand the other group is zigo19:56
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mordredJayF: the patchesyou have for cloud-init for the rax extensions19:56
fungii feel bad i don't have more time to pitch in on those efforts19:56
mordredJayF: are those landed and just not released? or are they still pending something?19:56
SpamapSfungi: well they might be directly related to OpenStack activities... ;)19:57
mordredfungi, SpamapS thign is - I don't _WANT_ the base images from ubuntu or debian19:57
SpamapSfungi: so perhaps we should try and free you up to work on that. :)19:57
mordredI WANT the debootstrap method19:57
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for ironic bug 1425258  https://review.openstack.org/15884419:57
openstackbug 1425258 in Ironic "test_list_baremetal_nodes race fails with a node not found 404" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142525819:57
mordredbecause the clodu images have garbage in them I don't want19:57
SpamapSmordred: if the base image from debian was debootstrap -> nothing else, you want that.19:57
mordredif that's what it is19:57
mordredbut it won't be19:57
mordredit'll have something else in it19:58
mordredlike cloud-init19:58
mordred"to make it better"19:58
SpamapS"to make it actually do someting" might be how another perspective states that ;)19:58
mordredyes - but I don't want their version of it, and I don't want it not in a virtualenv19:58
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mordredhonetly, grabbing the base docker image via docker, exporting it to a tar.gz and using that has step one19:58
mordredactually gets what I want19:58
mordredwhich is a VERY MINIMAL base image19:58
SpamapSthat said, the group working on the google images also yelled at me for suggesting they include vim19:58
SpamapSso they MAY actually agree with you mordred. :)19:59
clarkbSpamapS: I get cranky when I don't have vim (how else do you debug things?)19:59
mordredI think the base image, as produced by a base dib element should not have it19:59
SpamapSclarkb: that's too much opinion for them.19:59
mordredbut I think a "make this useful" element is a great idea19:59
SpamapSclarkb: some people get cranky when they DO have vim.19:59
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clarkbSpamapS: they use ed?19:59
SpamapSor emacs19:59
SpamapSor nano19:59
SpamapSor DebianOMGwtfwhydowehavetohaveallthethings19:59
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SpamapSDebian can't have nice things.20:00
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mordredthis is why I think base images should not havethose things20:01
clarkbmordred: thats fair20:01
clarkbmordred: but reality is you will need a make this useful layer20:01
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SpamapSmordred: right, if Debian had  base + dib available.. thats a good story for users.20:01
mordredbecause, especially with dib composition, it's SUPER EASY to add20:01
mordredSpamapS: ++20:01
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fungibut yeah, i expect any openstack-capable base images they publish officially to be geared toward at least being able to start in rackspace, hpcloud et cetera20:01
clarkbok back to fixing the world20:01
fungiso possibly already opinionated in ways we wouldn't want20:02
mordredyah - I think there are two different things20:02
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mordredI think there are base os images, and base cloud images20:02
SpamapSbecause 'disk-image-create -o debian-myway -p vim -p cloud-init debian vm' works20:02
mordredbase cloud iamges should have enablement20:02
jheskethjeblair, mordred: since we keep missing an opportunity to talk about a bower mirror during the infra meeting, if you have time to look at the latest version of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/154297/ that'd be great20:02
jheskethjust want to make sure it's on track20:02
clarkbfungi: canhazreview on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158822/ that will unstick the devstack images on hpcloud20:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for ironic bug 1425258  https://review.openstack.org/15884420:02
openstackbug 1425258 in Ironic "test_list_baremetal_nodes race fails with a node not found 404" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142525820:02
clarkbfungi: and ci will pass on them once we have the bare-* ndoes rebuilt20:02
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clarkbpleia2: how are the bare-precise and bare-centos6 builds going?20:02
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pleia2clarkb: bare-trusty and bare-precise are all done20:03
pleia2so is trusty-devstack20:03
fungiclarkb: need that force-submitted to gerrit?20:03
fungiclarkb: or will we have nodes capable of testing it successfully?20:03
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clarkbpleia2: trusty-devstack in rax? hpcloud? both?20:04
pleia2only rax-dfw has finished bare-centos, it was being grumpy on the other two so I'm trying them again, also running precise-devstack (all three rax chugging along)20:04
pleia2clarkb: everything only on rax20:04
pleia2should devstacks work on hp?20:04
clarkbfungi: we should have nodes capable as soon as pleia2 is done with bare-centos6 and images cycle out20:04
clarkbpleia2: yes they should but lets hold off to get fungi's grub2 fix in20:05
fungiokay, i'll approve and let someone recheck it in as needed20:05
clarkbI am reviewing the grub2 fix now20:05
clarkbfungi: is /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg going to work on centos?20:05
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for ceilometer 1.0.13 icehouse bug 1425262  https://review.openstack.org/15884920:05
openstackbug 1425262 in python-ceilometerclient "1.0.13 release breaks stable/icehouse" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142526220:05
* clarkb logs into a centos machine20:05
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ianwfungi: my first thought on bindep is that it seems to cover a lot of ground that puppet/ansible/etc have already figured out.  i can see the appeal of it though20:05
clarkbfungi: looks like grub2-mkconfig exists on centos7 at least so this is a step in the right direction20:06
fungiianw: i'm not terribly keen on running puppet during a jenkins job, nor does puppet have a great solution for "just download these packages but please don't install any of them yet"20:06
clarkbpleia2: 158413 if you want to review the grub2 fix as well20:07
fungiianw: i should clarify, not keen on running puppet during _every_ jenkins job20:07
fungiianw: because the idea is to be able to use one cross-platform manifest to tell nodepool what packages to cache and also to tell a job what packages to install before running tests20:07
openstackgerritStefano Maffulli 'reed' proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update mailman contact for openstack-fr mailing list  https://review.openstack.org/14894920:08
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fungiianw: and to allow individual projects to easily list just the distro requirements they have for their tests (which is bindep's primary reason for existing actually)20:08
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clarkbpleia2: I am +2 on 158413 and so is jeblair so feel free to approve if it looks ok to you (I will approve shortly otherwise)20:08
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fungiianw: the idea being you git clone nova, then run bindep and it will tell you what system packages you're missing (separate from what it will be doing with python requirements in a virtualenv)20:09
zaropelix: yes, seems like it and not not real necessary.  i would prefer a test to check for 404 error from those links.20:09
pleia2clarkb: reviewing20:09
fungiianw: no more trying to iteratively determine what dev packages you're missing by running tox -epy27 over and over20:10
ianwfungi: right, that's what i mean by i see the appeal of it20:10
lifelessjeblair: fungi: mordred: I'm glad to see bindep getting action; I'm happy for it to be in infra20:10
fungiianw: so by also baking it into our node caching and job run-time, we further encourage projects to start making use of it, which in turn has beneficial side effects for devs too20:10
lifelessjeblair: fungi: mordred: if you are happy with me staying as core thats cool too20:11
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pelixzaro: I'm guessing a unit test might be a little expensive there, so this something that can be run occassionally or part of the docs run to check for broken links?20:11
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fungilifeless: i'm cool with it being an infra project with you as core on it, or having it remain in stackforge with you and/or other core reviewers as long as we're able to get fixes/releases for it20:12
anteayalifeless: would you like to propose a patch to move it into infra, with it's own core group?20:12
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zaropelix: yeah, hoping there's a sphinx extension for that?20:13
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pleia2fungi: just one quick comment inline on 15841320:14
pleia2commented inline, the sed command changed so it adds a space in the mem= field now, intentional?20:15
pleia2I don't know how finicky grub is about such things20:15
clarkboh hrm let me see20:15
zaropelix: otherwise i think just a shell script to check isn't expensive.  probably would use curl?20:15
pelixzaro: well sphinx docs suggest that '-b linkcheck' should do the job20:16
zaroohh cool20:16
fungipleia2: replied20:16
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pleia2fungi: gotcha, thanks :)20:16
clarkbis the quoting right there?20:17
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clarkbthis may be an actual problem20:17
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clarkboh wait no I see20:17
clarkbits correct20:17
fungiclarkb: the actual problem as seen in the logs was that the config files weren't present and so the if blocks were skipped20:17
fungithe new code is copied verbatim from restrict_memory.sh i believe20:17
fungijust with sudo trimmed out20:18
clarkbfungi: gotcha20:18
clarkbso dib and the other script got away from each other20:18
fungibut please double-check20:18
lifelessanteaya: nope20:18
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clarkbfungi: yup you are right20:18
fungii'm on finicky wireless from a car and about to pull over for a late lunch20:18
anteayalifeless: oh okay20:18
lifelessanteaya: fungi is driving work on it, no need for me to frazzle my focus even further20:18
clarkbpleia2: see nodepool/scripts/restrict_memory.sh for the sibling script20:18
lifelessfungi: whatever works for you20:18
clarkbfungi: no worries20:19
clarkbcool once that gets in (assuming it passes the requests gauntlet) we should build hpcloud devstack-trusty image with dib then upload it to the hpcloud providers20:19
fungilifeless: cool, i'm actually headed on a 10-day vacation with very little internet access, so may not get back to it until i get home again. if anybody wants to pick it up and run with it i'm working on getting stuff into a summarizable state20:19
anteayafungi: do you want it to be an openstack-infra repo?20:20
fungianteaya: i have no preference where that is concerned20:20
morganfainbergclarkb, fungi, something is awfully wrong with the pypi thing for python-keystoneclient-kerberos... i'm about to remove the project and try and re-add it.20:21
morganfainbergi'm not sure what else to do.20:21
anteayafungi: okay I won't bother then if noone wants it20:21
clarkbthe pypi thing?20:21
clarkbmorganfainberg: can you be more specific?20:21
ianwfungi: yeah, i don't want to be negative.  just when you get into stuff like mysql/mariadb on various versions of fedora/rhel it would be nice(r) to leverage where people had figured it out before20:21
morganfainbergpublish to pypi is not working for it20:21
morganfainbergi've tried a few tags20:21
clarkbmorganfainberg: gotcha, give me a minute to check on a couple things20:21
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morganfainbergit hasn't worked, i've tried a few tags and other things on pypi side [ensuring permissions etc]20:22
fungiianw: i agree. that part is fun but somewhat tractable. for example i looked at the puppet mysql module and it doesn't really do much to help there (for example doesn't do clients, dev libs, et cetera)20:22
morganfainbergnow it is giving me 400s/500s when i try and reach it20:22
pleia2ok, bare-precise, bare-trusty, devstack-precise, devstack-trusty and centos6-bare all done on the 3 rax regions, except devstack-precise on rax-ord which should hopefully be done soon20:22
pleia2clarkb: what next?20:22
fungiokay, i'm disappearing for a few hours but will be back on from the hotel later20:23
pleia2ah, there, the last rax-ord just finished20:23
clarkbpleia2: I think next step is getting grub fix in and the sudo gem install fix in (which should be doable with the new rax images) then we rebuild hpcloud images20:23
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clarkbmorganfainberg: was it ever registered on pypi?20:23
clarkbmorganfainberg: I get does not exist as well20:23
anteayafungi: k20:23
morganfainbergit is registered20:23
pleia2clarkb: ok, how about the -dib ones while I wait?20:23
morganfainbergi can see some of the pages for it20:23
morganfainbergbut not others20:23
morganfainbergand i'm an owner20:23
clarkbpleia2: those aren't actually used right now, only kept them because I thought I would be testing rax with dib much earlier20:23
anteayapleia2: nice work20:23
pleia2clarkb: ok, good20:23
clarkbpleia2: so you can ignore those for now (they will update on the daily update)20:24
morganfainbergclarkb, and openstackci is also an owner20:24
pleia2anteaya: thanks20:24
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clarkbmorganfainberg: it almost sounds like pypi's idea of that package is broken? maybe dstufft can help us20:24
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clarkbdstufft: ^ python-keystoneclient-kerberos is in a funny state on pypi.python.org, any ideas?20:24
morganfainbergi can add you or dstufft as an owner if it would help20:24
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clarkbmorganfainberg: dstufft is pypi admin so shouldn't need that20:25
dstufftI can add myself as owner to anything ;)20:25
dstufftall your packages are belong to me20:25
anteayaall the problems too sounds like20:25
dstufftyes :(20:25
dstufftmorganfainberg: what version are you trying to upload20:25
morganfainbergdstufft, 0.1.2 was the one i just tagged via gerrit20:26
dstufftwas that ever tagged before?20:26
clarkbdstufft: fwiw I get that package doesn't exist when I try to search for it20:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for ceilometer 1.0.13 icehouse bug 1425262  https://review.openstack.org/15884920:26
morganfainbergdstufft, no, we had 0.1.0, 0.1.1, and now 0.1.220:26
openstackbug 1425262 in python-ceilometerclient "1.0.13 release breaks stable/icehouse" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142526220:26
clarkbnot the version the entire name20:26
dstufftdon't trust PyPI's web ui20:26
clarkbdstufft: :) ok20:26
morganfainbergwe never tagged it before these versions20:26
morganfainbergit was only ever tagged afaik through openstack infra20:26
dstufftthere are no releases registered20:27
morganfainbergsomething is really broken with it20:27
dstufftdid you delete them?20:27
clarkbmorganfainberg: dstufft let me dig up a log for the jobs that should publish the tag20:27
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morganfainbergat least i'm not aware of deleting any20:27
pelixzaro: funnily enough it doesn't appear my changes that have broken links :p20:27
morganfainbergdstufft, nothing ever has published, but i didn't create this project in the normal way, someone else did20:27
pelixalthough there are a few20:27
morganfainbergi'm just trying to solve what the heck is going on20:28
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dstufftlemme sudo myself20:28
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Document Cross-Repo Dependencies  https://review.openstack.org/15885520:28
morganfainbergdstufft, i'd be happy to totally delete the project if it can be reregistered in the way i know works (from other registrations)20:28
morganfainbergdstufft, basically there is nothing important there now :)20:28
AJaeger_jeblair: I documented CRD now based on your announcement. I only did minimal changes to your text. See change 158855 for details.20:29
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clarkbmorganfainberg: dstufft http://logs.openstack.org/a1/a1da205f26fa1d7694a94c80bd7d612e097a0f99/release/python-keystoneclient-kerberos-pypi-both-upload/8735cd4/console.html#_2015-02-24_20_17_46_11420:29
morganfainbergclarkb, openstackci is an owner/maintainer20:29
clarkbmorganfainberg: I don't see that because the package doesn't exist in pypi as far as I can tell20:30
clarkbmorganfainberg: which is why I am confused20:30
ianwfungi: yeah ... maybe a model where somebody figures that stuff out once and extracts it to some sort of abstraction which can then be sourced.  every project that has mysql dependencies having to figure it out over and over, or copy-paste and skew everywhere isn't appealing20:30
morganfainbergright and i see it :P20:30
morganfainbergclarkb, oh god20:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Run restrict-memory element later in image build  https://review.openstack.org/15841320:31
clarkbyour package is keystoneclient-kerberos not python-keystoneclient-kerberos20:31
clarkbya so you should fix that20:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix openstack-specs ACLs typo  https://review.openstack.org/15866620:31
morganfainbergyeah...... god20:31
morganfainbergclarkb, thanks...20:31
morganfainbergthis has been driving me nuts20:31
dstufftI love things that I don't have to solve20:31
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morganfainbergthe logs disappeared too quickly for me to see via zuul20:31
morganfainbergso made it hard to chase down20:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Use sudo when gem installing during image build  https://review.openstack.org/15882220:32
dkranzfungi: Was the idea to have a way to trigger a single experimental job on a project rather than all of them ever implemented?20:32
clarkbmorganfainberg: fwiw if you do `git show-ref` it will show you the ref of your tag, then take that ref and go to http://git.openstack.org/ref[0:2]/ref for the logs20:32
clarkbmorganfainberg: I wish we had a better way of publishing those things but ETOOMANYLOGS20:32
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clarkbpleia2: looks like those changes merged, we will need the changes on nodepool.o.o before we continue. `sudo puppet agent --test` should manually update things if you don't want to wait for ansible20:34
clarkbpleia2: but no rush, I need lunch so I can wait :)20:35
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pleia2clarkb: yeah, maybe doing lunch first makes sense before I dive into this20:35
openstackgerritSyed Ismail Faizan Barmawer proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ironic-lib to openstack  https://review.openstack.org/15763620:36
morganfainbergclarkb yeah no worries man. thanks for helping20:37
morganfainbergi'll get a fix proposed shortly to make this not sucky ;)20:37
morganfainbergand all that20:37
morganfainbergclarkb, really appreciate the help20:37
clarkbmorganfainberg: no problem20:37
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pelixzaro: should this be added to the documentation generation or do we want a separate test non-voting for this?20:39
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AJaeger_pleia2: thanks for fixing the images!20:39
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asselinis devstack icehouse broken?20:40
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anteayaasselin: what do you see that prompts taht question?20:44
asselinmy icehouse tests are failing...trying to see if it's just me20:45
anteayacan you show a paste?20:45
mtreinishasselin: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-February/057699.html20:45
JayFmordred: not upstreamed yet :(20:46
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Document Cross-Repo Dependencies  https://review.openstack.org/15885520:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Bandit is a stackforge project  https://review.openstack.org/15677420:46
asselinanteaya, mtreinish here's my devstack output. I'll see if it's the same issue: http://paste.openstack.org/show/181421/20:47
mtreinishasselin: yes20:48
mtreinishasselin: look in your swift logs you'll see the reqs mismatch on keystoneclient with ceiloclient20:48
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mordredJayF: k. cause I was going to get people to yell at people if they weren't taking your patches20:49
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mtreinishasselin: for example: http://logs.openstack.org/12/158012/3/check/check-tempest-dsvm-full-icehouse/09191e4/logs/screen-s-proxy.txt.gz20:49
mordredJayF: I've decided to break down and use your patched version of cloud-init running in a venv20:49
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove wasteful tripleo workspace-cache cloning  https://review.openstack.org/15749020:51
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mesteryfungi clarkb: Any chance you can save the VM from this job (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158076/) for me? I'm trying to debug a gate issue with ODL in the gate and live debug would be immensly helpful.20:52
clarkbmeatery can you link to the running job you want held?20:53
mesteryclarkb: Grabbing it ...20:53
clarkbheh mestery ^20:53
mesteryclarkb: https://jenkins05.openstack.org/job/check-tempest-dsvm-networking-odl/6/20:53
mesterythe -dvsm job there20:53
mesterymeatery ... nice :)20:53
anteayaBuilding remotely on devstack-trusty-rax-dfw-989047 (devstack-trusty)20:54
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mesteryI've been trying to debug an issue with iptables that's baffling me, some live debugging would likely let me solve it fairly quickly20:54
clarkband since today is a nodepool howto day I ran sudo nodepool hold 989047 (that number suffix is the nodepool id)20:55
clarkbpleia2: ^ if you are interested20:55
clarkbmestery: where can I find an ssh pubkey?20:55
mesteryclarkb: Let me paste it, one sec20:55
anteayamestery: for reference that number is on line 3 of https://jenkins05.openstack.org/job/check-tempest-dsvm-networking-odl/6/console20:55
mesteryclarkb: http://paste.openstack.org/show/181437/20:56
mesteryanteaya: Thanks! :)20:56
anteayahappy digging20:56
mesteryanteaya: :) thanks!20:57
pleia2clarkb: ah nice, so someone can log in and poke around?20:57
clarkbmestery: jenkins@ you may want to let the job finish firstso you aren't fighting it with your iptables changes20:57
anteayamikal: thank you20:57
mesteryclarkb: Ack, I'll keep an eye on it, thanks!20:57
clarkbpleia2: yup, that tells nodepool to not delete the node, then I typically just add the requestors ssh key to the jenkins authorized keys file20:57
clarkbpleia2: then when they are done with it `sudo -H -u nodepool nodepool delete 989047`20:58
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pleia2even cooler: I'm ordering beer in my grocery delivery (I lived in Pennsylvania before, this kind of thing would never happen)20:58
* pleia2 nods20:58
clarkbwe try not to hold nodepool nodes a bunch and encourage local reproduction, but networking is a thing that is hard to reproduce locally since our clouds both do it in different and exciting ways20:59
openstackgerritStefano Maffulli 'reed' proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Removing inactive admins from root access  https://review.openstack.org/15886220:59
mesteryclarkb: I only come to you when I've exhausted all other options ;)20:59
* pleia2 nods20:59
clarkbmestery: yup no wirries20:59
anteayamestery: we know, which is why you get a node held20:59
mesteryHeh, that's like getting a gold star :)21:00
AJaeger_anteaya, governance change for defcore repo has merged - feel free to review and  approve https://review.openstack.org/#/c/15680721:00
anteayasomeone requested one held the other day, turns out he didn't know how to read the log files21:00
mesteryThat's no fun21:00
anteayamestery: well your version of gold and mine differ21:00
anteayamestery: we helped him learn how to reaad the log files21:00
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cmlucianoreed: Free for a PM?21:02
anteayaAJaeger_: thanks, done21:03
AJaeger_thanks, anteaya !21:03
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anteayathanks for keeping an eye on it21:03
clarkbpleia2: when I was in seattle amazon fresh would do it but you had to be home for the delivery so they could check your ID21:04
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clarkbpleia2: made it less practical when I wasn't working from home :)21:04
clarkbwhere it == deliver beer with groceries21:04
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pleia2clarkb: yeah, they require the same here, but I do WFH21:05
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zaropelix: i prefer to add it to doc generation so it can be tested with tox -edocs ?21:08
clarkbpleia2: still waiting on puppet to run on nodepool.o.o. judging by http://puppetboard.openstack.org/node/nodepool.openstack.org it should be soon21:09
* clarkb pops out for a few more minutes since its not ready21:09
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add a project to track DefCore reference data  https://review.openstack.org/15680721:12
JayFmordred: yell at them to move to github instead :((21:13
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Check external documentation links are valid  https://review.openstack.org/15887121:13
pelixzaro: there we go ;)21:13
anteayaclarkb: when you return, this merged: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158666/ so deprecating and hiding tc-chair gerrit group should be good to go21:13
anteayaand I don't think ttx is approving any patches in the cross-project meeting21:14
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use sphinx extlinks to shorten links to Jenkins wiki  https://review.openstack.org/15875621:16
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SpamapSmordred: Poking into shade.. one thing.. http://www.quickmeme.com/img/03/0347c3efdc17cc1959d089f60b8b2fc267d9093caa8e8cb483bf476b58e63e45.jpg21:16
mordredSpamapS: yeah. I hear that21:17
mordredSpamapS: rcarrillocruz has some patches up to start to add functional tests21:17
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mordredto run against a devsatck21:17
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asselinwhich pip modules is this in? from common import run_local21:17
asselin https://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config/blob/master/nodepool/scripts/cache_devstack.py#L2321:17
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make keystoneclient functional tests gating  https://review.openstack.org/15887221:18
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pelixIs it possible for zuul to provide a link to the console output from a docs build run as well as a link to the generated docs?21:21
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AJaeger_pelix: yeah, that would be cool.21:23
AJaeger_right now it's either or21:23
clarkbanteaya: noted, thanks21:23
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pelixoh, well, here's hoping21:23
clarkbpelix: AJaeger_ should be as simple as s/docs-draft/logs/ in the url right? at least as the workaround for now21:23
clarkbzuul would probably take an option to link the default logs path and the specified job override too21:24
AJaeger_clarkb: yeah, that is the "manual" workaround21:24
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AJaeger_pelix: if you figure something out, it would be great ;)21:24
mroddenso has anyone else hit an "AttributeError: 'OrderedDict' object has no attribute 'extend'" while using jjb 1.1.0 ?21:24
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Rebase to tracked remote/branch if defaultbranch=--track  https://review.openstack.org/15887721:24
clarkbpleia2: I double checked /etc/nodepool/scripts/prepare_node.sh on nodepool.o.o and it has the sudo gem install update in place21:25
clarkbpleia2: so I think you can try bare-trusty on hpcloud again21:25
pleia2clarkb: alright, I'll try just one for now21:25
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pc_mHi! I'm having problems with Jenkins on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158389/3. It failed twice, on two different jobs, and when I look at the logs, I get a "File Not Found". Is there a know problem right now?21:26
pleia2pc_m: I'm rebuilding images now for the fix21:26
mroddenwhops nvm... i missed a dash in my yaml21:26
clarkbrequests made a release that didn't accept rax's ssl cert which made log uploads to swift fail21:26
notmynameclarkb: yikes21:27
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: o.vo does not need old release testing  https://review.openstack.org/15887821:28
pleia2yeah, fun times21:28
pc_mpleia2: Awesome!21:28
clarkbpleia2: are you also interested in dealing with the tc-chair group once images are happy?21:29
* clarkb is selfishly teaching other people how to do things so that he doesn't have to do them as often >_>21:29
pleia2clarkb: sure, gerrit change?21:29
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clarkbpleia2: ya, can be done via ssh api or gui I think. I typically just gui it21:30
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pleia2I'm happy to take the more mundane tasks off your plate so you can work on the hard stuff ;D21:30
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clarkbjeblair: sdague re https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156116/ can we decide if that is necessary?21:30
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clarkbalright I am really going to do the review.o.o db config update now /me logs into rax21:31
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anteayaclarkb: I'm glad because I am learning too21:31
anteayaclarkb: any time you want to teach me anything please do21:31
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morganfainbergclarkb, yay! i have a published -kerberos thing. thanks for the help21:31
jeblairclarkb: heh, if the initial version of the script had accidentally done that, i probably could deal with it.  something about deliberately making a change to specifically make it incorrect rubs me the wrong way.21:32
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sdaguejeblair: this is lining up with the apache format21:32
jeblairsdague: does apache use base 2 or 10?21:32
sdaguedon't know21:32
clarkbanteaya: kk21:32
clarkbmorganfainberg: woot21:33
anteayaclarkb: thanks21:33
pleia2clarkb, anteaya - so are we deleting tc-chair or unchecking "Make group visible to all registered users." ?21:33
anteayaI'm feeling frustrated that I'm not learning enough21:33
pelixzaro: I can fudge the check on the git clone url by turing it into an inline code block?21:33
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anteayaclarkb: so that would help me21:33
anteayapleia2: unchecking21:33
clarkbpleia2: we can't delete it so we need to uncheck the make group visible, I also like to remove all members and change ownership to administrators21:33
jeblairsdague: what do you want out of this?  does it need to match apache exactly?21:33
anteayapleia2: I'm told deleting isn't an option21:33
clarkbpleia2: and you can leave a comment in the comment box saying something like "group no longer in use"21:33
sdaguebut du -h also uses K, M, G, T21:33
pleia2anteaya: yeah, I didn't see delete in the interface, but gerrit's interface is sneaky21:34
anteayapleia2: 'tis21:34
pleia2clarkb: on it21:34
sdaguehonestly, I find KiB to be really jarring to read (mental token parse is a lot longer)21:34
sdagueand it's been this other way for a long time21:34
jeblairsdague: du has the interesting property that it doesn't actually specify the unit21:35
jeblairsdague: (eg, 'K' instead of 'KiB' or 'KB")21:35
pleia2clarkb, anteaya: done21:35
anteayapleia2: thank you21:36
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sdaguejeblair: right21:36
sdagueI want K21:36
clarkbI just updated the review.o.o timeout config via the rax dashboard21:36
sdaguebecause your brain processes the first and last token of a word and skips the middle in first glance21:36
clarkbused the same config applied to review-dev which is called 'default-timeout'21:36
sdagueso the last character being significant helps, at least me21:36
clarkband review.o.o appeas to still work so \o/21:37
clarkbpleia2: thanks a bunch21:37
anteayattx your tech-committee-chair group is up and the acl points to it: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/gerrit/acls/openstack/governance.config the tc-chair gerrit group is disabled21:37
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Check external documentation links are valid  https://review.openstack.org/15887121:37
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clarkbpleia2: is that hpcloud bare-trusty job beyond the gem install yet?21:38
jeblairsdague: i could go with 'K' under the theory it's too vague to matter :)21:38
ttxanteaya: ack21:39
pelixzaro: never mind just spotted your review comment21:39
sdagueyeh, I don't want the B or the iB there, just the K :)21:39
sdagueso we can interpret it however :)21:39
pleia2clarkb: it's doing puppet things, I forget where that is in the install21:39
jeblairsdague: done!21:39
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crinkleclarkb: Hunner just released new puppetlabs_spec_helper21:39
clarkbjhesketh: back yet? I never saw a list of IPs to check on the haproxy servers, let me know if you have those21:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix swift func tests to run using both auth versions  https://review.openstack.org/15867121:39
crinklewhich appears to be not broken21:39
clarkbcrinkle: Hunner thank you21:39
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use sphinx extlinks to shorten links to Jenkins wiki  https://review.openstack.org/15875621:40
clarkbpleia2: I think puppet things are after so gem install probably worked21:40
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Hunnerclarkb: Sorry it took so long.21:40
jeblairi just sent the infra-cloud email21:40
anteayaI see it21:41
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clarkbHunner: crinkle it gets further in my docker container but breaks on ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. does that mean i am missing dev headers for a compile?21:42
clarkb(would not suprise me if that is the case since its a docker image)21:42
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Hunnerclarkb: psh is not a native gem, so something else?21:43
Hunnerclarkb: I haven't read scrollback. What gem are you installing?21:43
clarkbHunner: puppetlabs_spec_helper21:43
crinkleclarkb: you might need to install ruby-dev21:43
clarkbHunner: crinkle ^21:44
clarkbcrinkle: will try that21:44
Hunnerclarkb: That's probably json21:44
Hunnernot json-ruby...21:44
clarkbcrinkle: that was it21:44
crinklei think the mkmf thing is usually ruby-dev21:44
crinkleclarkb: :)21:45
HunnerAh yep, json21:45
Hunnervia nibalizer's metadata-json-lint dependency that is new as of 0.9.021:45
clarkbnibalizer: ! :P21:45
pleia2clarkb: it failed differently this time, but looking at the screen buffer there's lots of red puppetlabs_spec_helper stuff21:46
clarkbnew fails are always the best21:46
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Switch zuul paramiko dependency to pip provider  https://review.openstack.org/15888221:47
clarkbpleia2: maybe new release doesn't like use for some reason?21:47
crinklelogs we can look at?21:47
asselinclarkb, nibalizer ^^ there's gotta be a better way to manage dependencies in puppet, no?21:48
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: zuul-swift-log index size in units  https://review.openstack.org/15611621:48
clarkbasselin: are you on precise for nodepool?21:49
crinklepleia2: that's the error clarkb was running into too21:49
asselinclarkb, yes21:49
* pleia2 nods21:49
clarkbasselin: we are trusty now which is 1.10.1 so we haven't noticed21:49
clarkbcrinkle: pleia2 oh fun21:49
asselinclarkb, I see21:49
asselinclarkb, also, you don't install the two on the same box21:50
clarkbasselin: I am not sure there is a good answer there, there are several options but I don't think any are good :)21:50
clarkbasselin: correct we have zuul and nodepool et al separated21:50
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clarkbasselin: the best thing may be to document that older paramiko works fine just without ecdsa support21:50
clarkbasselin: then don't hard require 1.9.x21:50
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nibalizerwhat i broke it?21:52
clarkbnibalizer: yes21:52
asselinclarkb, the real issue is nodepool has errors when it doesn't have the right version of paramiko. http://paste.openstack.org/show/181464/21:52
clarkbapparently the json dep requires ruby-dev be installed so that puppetlabs_spec_helper installs21:52
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nibalizersounds fixed now tho21:53
clarkbasselin: oh that changes things, so we do require newer paramiko for the pty stuff on fedora to make sudo work21:53
clarkbnibalizer: no its not fixed21:53
nibalizer < clarkb> crinkle: that was it ?21:54
clarkbnibalizer: I was testing in my docker container21:54
clarkbnibalizer: I am not sure I relly want to install ruby-dev on all nodes so that puppetlabs_spec_helper will install21:54
clarkbbut maybe we need to21:54
pleia2what's different about the rax systems that makes them not explode?21:55
mordredclarkb: wow, really?21:55
Hunnerclarkb: I'll just 0.9.1 and remove the hard-dependency21:56
crinkleclarkb: Hunner's going to revert the metadata-json-lint to fix it21:56
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nibalizerso why does metadata-json-lint need ruby-dev?21:56
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Set custom cpu_model for live_migrate  https://review.openstack.org/14153021:56
Hunnernibalizer: I know, but requiring dev toolchain is boo too21:56
Hunnernibalizer: Because it depends on json21:56
HunnerAnd json is native21:57
nibalizerhow does puppet not depend on json21:57
Hunnerpson ;)21:57
Hunner(puppet vendored json)21:57
HunnerWell, at least it used to21:57
nibalizerso no ruby library can use json without the user installing ruby-dev?21:57
clarkbHunner thank you for the help21:57
HunnerThere is json-ruby, but it's lame21:57
Hunnernibalizer: Basically21:57
clarkbpleia2: different base images, likely rax leaks the deps in for us21:57
pleia2clarkb: ah, I suppose this might be an issue for the -dib images too then21:58
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Rebase to tracked remote/branch if defaultbranch=--track  https://review.openstack.org/15887721:58
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nibalizerwow okay thats super dumb21:58
clarkbya but we dont install this package there so hopefully we avoid it21:58
nibalizerill just rewrite metdata-json-lint in bash21:59
nibalizerrequire jq21:59
* nibalizer shuffles off to be angry in the corner21:59
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clarkbpleia2: at this point probably easiest to just wait for hunner to fix upstream then try building again21:59
clarkbpleia2: do you want to give the dib images a go while we wait?22:00
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pleia2clarkb: agreed, sure re: dib22:00
clarkbpleia2: start with `sudo -H -u nodepool nodepool image-build devstack-trust` that will just do the dib stuff to build a new devstack-trusty22:00
pleia2then start uploading it to all the clouds22:01
clarkbthen when that is done run `sudo -H -u nodepool nodepool image-upload hpcloud-b1` and so on22:01
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clarkbalso my 'y' key doesn't like me22:01
pleia2also need -dib22:01
clarkbpleia2: nope22:01
pleia2oh ok22:01
clarkbpleia2: we have two sets of dib images, the -dib suffix images which are basically the dib guinea pig labeled images22:01
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clarkbpleia2: I should probably clean that up now22:02
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pleia2I see22:02
pleia2clarkb: then we build devstack-precise, how about devstack-centos7-dib ?22:04
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ansible role for running puppet  https://review.openstack.org/15817322:05
clarkbpleia2: I think devstack-centos7-dib is in a similar place to the other -dib images so can be ignored for now22:05
mordredclarkb: ok. if I don't TOTALLY suck that one should kinda work22:05
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/gertty: Add detailed examples and dashboards a la gerrit  https://review.openstack.org/14210822:07
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clarkbhrm if I have a label in nodepool's yaml do I have to provide at least one provider under it?22:07
* clarkb reads some code22:08
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SpamapShrm.. getting used to gertty.. long lines don't wrap in diff view. Thats weird.22:10
clarkbSpamapS: ya I usually just 'c' and git diff, its probably the only major problem with gertty that I have22:11
clarkband worked around easily enough22:11
jeblairSpamapS: yeah, i think that might be a one-liner22:11
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Cleanup devstack-(trusty|precise)-dib images  https://review.openstack.org/15889122:14
clarkbpleia2: ^ something like that would clean it up until needed again for rackspace22:14
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Create Influxdb-Grafana Fuel plugin project in Stackforge  https://review.openstack.org/15624522:20
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pleia2clarkb: I see, "diskimage:" being defined refers to a dib-built image, and we've migrated to using the non-dib names for those at the bottom of the file22:22
clarkbpleia2: correct22:22
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clarkbpleia2: the reason I added the -dib stuff was so that we could continue using snapshot builds while I tested the dib builds worked with a different label22:22
Hunnerclarkb: Try again? 0.9.1 is out22:23
clarkbbut now that hpcloud is dib'd there and rax isn't ready yet we don't need to build those images every day and keep 1 node ready22:23
clarkbpleia2: ^22:23
pleia2got it22:23
pleia2clarkb: do you want to try in docker first?22:24
clarkbpleia2: ya actually that is probably quicky22:24
clarkbs/quicky/quicker/ I should just stop typing today22:24
jeblairclarkb, jhesketh, mordred: i just ran this command:  diff <(git log -p -1 changes/32/119532/9) <(git log -p -1 changes/32/119532/14)22:24
mordredclarkb: speaking of dib-ing rax - you wanna review some shade?22:25
mordredjeblair: dude. that's a command22:25
clarkbmordred: I have been reviewing some shade22:25
mordredclarkb: yay!22:25
jeblairclarkb, jhesketh, mordred: to interdiff those two patchsets (separated by a rebase), taking advantage of the fact that i have all the refs locally thanks to gertty22:25
clarkbmordred: not today but in general22:25
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mordredclarkb: yes - they have been good reviews22:26
clarkbpleia2: Hunner looks like puppetlabs_spec_helper installs now22:27
clarkbpleia2: so I say give the image build another go22:28
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* pleia2 presses the big red button22:28
Hunnerclarkb: As long as you don't need to validate metadata.json :)22:28
clarkbHunner: I have no idea :)22:29
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mordredwe could always just write a python script to validate metadata.json ...22:30
HunnerRight. You're just the messenger22:30
Hunnermordred: I mean, using the rake task that puppetlabs_spec_helper ships.22:30
clarkbnibalizer: ^ you probably know22:30
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HunnerHmm. A ruby library that requires a python library...22:31
mordredHunner: oh, I was just saying words, I haven't been following this at all22:31
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Hunnermordred: Which is how many flashes of insight can occur. Even from a literal rubber duck22:31
nibalizerclarkb: we dont really need to validate metadata.json22:32
jeblairmordred: to be fair, you did write an ansible role to call puppet.  :)22:32
nibalizeri think the solution is to switch out json for json_pure which doesn't need ruby-dev22:32
HunnerAnisble calling puppet is like the best use ever for ansible :P22:32
mordredjeblair: this is true22:32
nibalizerclarkb: we'll want to validate metadata.json real soon now22:32
mordredjeblair: and a puppet module to install and configure ansible22:32
pleia2clarkb: so dib image, I want: sudo -H -u nodepool nodepool image-upload hpcloud-b1 devstack-trusty22:33
mordredHunner: then you should enjoy this: https://gitorious.org/mordred-temp/ansible-puppet22:33
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clarkbpleia2: yup after the image-build command is done and successful22:33
Hunnernibalizer: I wonder... what if you add a dependency on json_pure, then try to install metadata-json-lint as-is?22:33
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack/requirements: Avoid httpretty 0.8.7 as it can break unittests  https://review.openstack.org/15889722:34
nibalizerHunner: what do you mean?22:34
nibalizerchange only the dep?22:34
nibalizerthat was my plan...22:34
Hunnernibalizer: I mean, without changing the dep. Does it complain or not?22:34
Hunner(like, does json_pure satisfy the dep on json)22:35
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* nibalizer tries22:35
mordredyay! this passes checks now: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158173/ anteaya, clarkb, jeblair, sdague ... if we land that, I can submit the next patch to it once the new repo is there (and I can sheperd the project creation)22:35
fungiasselin: if nobody's answered you, it's being imported from that same directory as the script you linked22:35
asselinfungi, no one answered....so thank you. I'll have to look again now22:36
pleia2clarkb: hrm http://paste.openstack.org/show/181489/22:37
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clarkbpleia2: it seems to have left off the .qcow2 extension for some reason22:39
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pleia2/opt/nodepool_dib/devstack-trusty-1424815332.qcow2 does exist22:39
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jlvillalclarkb: fungi: Figured out that httpretty 0.8.7 was cause of issue for our failing gate jobs.  https://review.openstack.org/15889722:41
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roaetHowdy. Any hints on how I can debug? https://jenkins07.openstack.org/job/gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-src-python-neutronclient-icehouse/49/console   I ran recheck once and I'd rather not thrash it.22:41
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roaetI checked LP and didn't get anything. Error is ERROR: the main setup script run by this job failed - exit code: 1 ... and the only thing on LP mentions pylint.22:42
jeblairroaet: the detailed logs are here: http://logs.openstack.org/18/148318/16/check/gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-src-python-neutronclient-icehouse/9321066//22:42
jeblairroaet: that's the link that should be in gerrit22:43
roaetah.. odd how I went to jenkins22:43
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clarkbpleia2: I think I know why this is broken, give me a couple minutes to confirm22:44
roaetAhhh glance.22:44
pleia2clarkb: thanks22:44
pleia2tsk, they didn't have the 6-pack of beer I wanted, case it is!22:45
roaetjeblair: is the right thing to do at this point: recheck BUG#?22:45
roaeti think I found the bug that is doing it22:45
pleia2no need to include the bug number these days22:46
roaetoh. ok.22:46
jeblairroaet: if there isn't already an elastic-recheck signature for it, you might consider writing one22:46
pleia2(I didn't confirm recheck is the right thing here, just a comment on syntax)22:46
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Append file type to filename on image upload  https://review.openstack.org/15890322:47
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roaetjeblair: I sadly have no idea what you're talking about :(22:47
clarkbpleia2: ^ thats the fix if you look at I45732195754e97d287f3c4c3906a48e8d6f13ed7 you can see in the diff that we used to do that update to the filename var but now we don't22:47
clarkbmordred: jeblair ^ review on 158903 would be great so we can finish these image updates22:48
clarkbthat'll fail pep8 and I am ashamed22:48
pleia2roaet: we now have a tool that helps classify bugs, it helps when developers contribute to the bug database for it: http://docs.openstack.org/infra/elastic-recheck/readme.html22:49
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Append file type to filename on image upload  https://review.openstack.org/15890322:49
roaetpleia2: checking it out22:49
roaetpleia2: I guess the docs are pretty new :/22:51
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/shade: Utilize dogpile.cache for caching  https://review.openstack.org/15890622:52
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pleia2roaet: it's been around for a bit, just poorly linked I think, we now talk about it in our dev guide http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html#automated-testing22:53
fungiclarkb: pleia2: i managed to hold a new hpcloud centos7 vm and it is showing 8gb ram now, so looks like the mem limit worked22:54
pleia2fungi: yay22:54
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arosenclarkb:  i hate to bug you again but my nodepool instances aren't going to used when jenkins picks them up.  It looks like nodepool <---> jenkins communication is working though over gearman22:56
arosentcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED22:56
arosenany ideas what could be causing this? I just upgrade jenkins to 1.59922:56
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/shade: Utilize dogpile.cache for caching  https://review.openstack.org/15890622:56
arosenI thought my issue last night was because I had upgraded jenkins (though it turned out i was confused about the binding order of zmq which you explained to me)22:57
jheskethclarkb: re those IP's I got distracted fixing requests stuff on turbo-hipster yesterday so I don't have them... Not sure if they are readily available either because I haven't logged the IP's anywhere so I'll have to wait for it to happen again22:57
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Rebase to tracked remote/branch if defaultbranch=--track  https://review.openstack.org/15887722:57
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clarkbarosen: nodepool to jenkins is the zmq event publisher22:57
clarkbarosen: so double check its still binding on that port and that nodepool is connected to it22:58
clarkbarosen: check both sides too22:58
arosentcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED22:58
clarkbjhesketh: ok no worries22:58
SpamapSyolanda: ^^ above I did some odd things with your caching commit.. apologies if it is too aggressive, and your thoughts are very much appreciated. :)22:58
clarkbarosen: check jenkins as well22:58
pleia2clarkb: do we ever clean up /opt/nodepool ? :)22:58
arosenclarkb: yup it's connected on that too.22:58
clarkbpleia2: that should be the git repo22:59
jeblairclarkb: 158903 references an earlier change; do you know which?22:59
arosenclarkb:  hrm I wonder if there is a race condition here if nodes are already "ready" since we need jenkins to get an event first?22:59
pleia2clarkb: er nodepool_dib/22:59
clarkbjeblair: sorry, yes one sec22:59
clarkbjeblair: I45732195754e97d287f3c4c3906a48e8d6f13ed722:59
anteayamordred: I'll need jim's comments addressed first please22:59
clarkbarosen: shouldn't be any race conditions23:00
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clarkbpleia2: arg, dib is leaking I think dib is supposed to clean those dirs up23:00
arosenboth jenkins and nodepool are connected together over 888823:00
clarkbarosen: in your nodepool log do you see things like 'DEBUG nodepool.NodeUpdateListener: Received: onStarted'?23:01
mesteryclarkb: Tahnks for holding that node for me! I'm done for now, I may be back tomorrow to debug again, you can return that one to the pool now. Thanks again!23:02
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add a remote url override location  https://review.openstack.org/7605723:02
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clarkbmestery: ok23:03
jeblairclarkb: that looks like a "nodepool dib is completely broken" error, is that the case?23:03
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clarkbjeblair: I don'tthink so because we haven't restarted nodepool since that code merged23:03
clarkbjeblair: the manual commands break because that loads latest code but the daemon code is older so should be working right now23:04
jeblairah, ok :)23:04
clarkband unfortunately that happens after the cut out fake testing stuff23:04
clarkbso the tests wouldn't catch it23:04
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arosenclarkb:  nope not yet.23:07
arosenclarkb:  I just restarted it though23:07
dkehnzaro: is there a good way to debug the gerrit start to see what is failing?23:07
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clarkbarosen: ok, that should be logged if nodepool receives the events that move nodes to used from ready23:07
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ansible role for running puppet  https://review.openstack.org/15817323:07
arosenclarkb:  k i'll keep an eye for that next them a node goes to ready.23:07
clarkbarosen: it happens when a job starts on a node23:08
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arosenclarkb:  does nodepool have to talk to jenkins to put a node in a ready state?23:08
mordredjeblair: thanks! that old commit message was from before the rebase - it turns out that between the time I wrote the patch and uploaded it, the os-ansible-deployment folks reworked their things, so I didn't wind up needing to touch their stuff23:08
mordredanteaya: ^^ addressed23:08
* anteaya looks again23:08
zarodkehn: what is the gerrit start?23:09
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anteayaansible galaxy wooo new nomenclature23:09
clarkbarosen: yes, it does so over the jenkins api23:09
zarodkehn: you can check the log file, maybe even increase the logging level as well.23:10
dkehnzaro: when puppet calls the "/etc/init.d/gerrit start" its returning a 1 instead of 023:11
clarkbarosen: basic flow is zuul tells gearman run a job, nodepool see in gearman that there is demand for a job which means it needs to build a node, nodepool builds a node, sshes into it, if that works it adds the node to jenkins, then jenkins via gearman says "I can run that job now" and assigns the job to the node it was given. When the job starts jenkins emits an event that says "job started" when the23:11
clarkbjob finishes jenkins emits an event that says "job finished". nodepool receives both events and on start moves the node from ready to used and on finished from used to delete23:11
mordredanteaya: wouldn't want people to be bored23:11
dkehnzaro: would like to zero in on what the issue23:11
anteayamordred: oh thank you, that is such a danger around here23:11
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zarodkehn: ahh, i guess i would first check the log in review_site/logs/error_log23:12
anteayamordred: do enlightenten me on why the acl config is ansible-config and the repo is ansible-puppet23:12
arosenclarkb:  if i delete a node in jenkins should I see the onStarted message in the log in nodepool?23:12
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clarkbarosen: no23:12
anteayaare you planning on more repos for which you need to reuse ansible-system23:12
clarkbarosen: only job events are emitted not node state changes23:12
anteayasorry it is ansible-system.config23:12
mordredanteaya: yes23:12
arosenclarkb:  my problem right now is all my nodes are showing up in jenkins but they say: "Ping response time is too long or timed out."23:12
mordredanteaya: I was setting it up to be like the puppet-* repos23:12
dkehnzaro: great thanks, wasn't sure where that would be23:13
arosenI can bring the node back online and they work23:13
aroseni wonder if there was a network blip that caused them to fall all offline in jenkins23:13
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arosenShouldn't jenkins retry to connect them? It doesn't seem like they ever reconnect.23:13
arosenI can ssh/ping them just fine from the jenkins node.23:13
anteayamordred: why not reuse one of the other infra acl files23:13
anteayamordred: I'm sure there is one the same23:13
pleia2hooray, bare-trusty built on hpcloud-b1 (thanks for your help Hunner and crinkle)23:13
pleia2doing the other 4 now23:14
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add py34 check job for gear  https://review.openstack.org/15814823:14
clarkbarosen: yes jenkins should retry to ssh to them if it loses the connection23:14
anteayamordred: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/gerrit/acls/openstack-infra/config.config23:14
clarkbpleia2: woot23:14
clarkbpleia2: I approved the nodepool fix too, so once that is installed we can try image-upload again23:14
crinklepleia2: \o/23:14
pleia2clarkb: great23:15
pleia2clarkb: then I just have bare-precise, yeah?23:15
anteayamordred: though that doesn't have tagging23:15
arosenclarkb:  so  if i stop jenkins and then start it again all my ready nodes in nodepool should also be able to reconnect as well right?23:15
clarkbpleia2: and devstack-precise23:15
clarkbpleia2: devstack-precise is a dib image too, you could start the image-build portion of that node23:15
pleia2clarkb: ah yes, but that's dib23:15
mordredanteaya: yeah - it seems we tend to do per-repo acl configs in infra23:15
pleia2clarkb: good idea23:15
clarkbpleia2: then wait on the fix for the uploads23:15
* pleia2 nods23:16
anteayamordred: we do, okay23:16
clarkbarosen: you should be able to go to each node in jenkins and force reconnection23:16
clarkbarosen: under the node page(s)23:16
mordredanteaya: I don't know that I could tell you why23:16
dkehnzaro: when setting up the contactstore, initially its pointing to review-dev.openstacl.org/fakestore - where should it be pointing to, the head of my gitweb ?23:16
arosenclarkb:  that's a lot of clicking on the webpage though?23:16
clarkbarosen: dpends on the number of nodes but very possible23:17
arosenclarkb:  yea I have like 100 nodes in there.23:17
arosenclarkb:  should I just delete them all in nodepool and let them rebuild? Is that the easiest thing to do?23:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Append file type to filename on image upload  https://review.openstack.org/15890323:17
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fungidkehn: you likely don't need to set the class parameter to enable the contactstore feature23:18
clarkbarosen: I would try force reconnecting one node just to see if that works23:18
dkehnfungi: ok, I will make sure its false23:18
clarkbarosen: if it doesn't then likely an issue with jenkins ssh config23:18
fungidkehn: that should be conditional in the config template so that it doesn't get included if you set it to false when instantiating the class23:18
anteayamordred: meh I'm content to cargo cult on this one, I don't think there would be much interest even if I asked the question23:18
arosenclarkb:  ah yea that worked and set it to used23:18
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fungidkehn: if you don't know where your contactstore server is, then chances are you don't have one (it would be a custom api in some other system for accepting encrypted contact info records from gerrit users)23:19
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dkehnfungi: I didn't touch it, I thought by default it was set to false , but will check, seems like its in the error log23:20
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/shade: Utilize dogpile.cache for caching  https://review.openstack.org/15890623:20
dkehnfungi: nope its set to true, crap23:20
fungidkehn: it should default to false in the gerrit module, but the openstack_infra::gerrit class likely overrides that to true because we use it23:21
dkehnfungi: the system-config/modules/openstack_project/manifests/review_dev.pp was set to true23:21
fungidkehn: ahh, yep. that's the class for our review-dev.openstack.org server23:22
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fungidkehn: we enable it there and point it to a local cgi which implements a dumb fake of the api so that we can test the feature23:22
dkehnfungi: tahats the one I'm using does that sound correct, just creating a local.pp in the system-config/manifest and kicking it23:23
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fungidkehn: you might consider copying it instead. unless you really want to run a copy of review-dev.openstack.org (the openstack_project::gerrit class is intended to be what you would use as a more generic class and then we build on that with review.pp and review_dev.pp there_23:25
reedmordred, anteaya: I remember one of you at some point was investigating an object storage system for the Board, owncloud and something else. IIRC nothing 'good enough' was found. Is the result of the investigation written down somewhere?23:25
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mordredreed: no, I don't think it is - I think the biggest problem with owncloud when we looked in to it was that its swift support was very nascent23:25
mordredreed: it's entirely possible that it's gotten better now23:26
anteayaI couldn't completely automate the deployement23:26
fungireed: i believe the other main hurdle with any of the things which were evaluated was that they were all web apps which didn't have any ability to automate installation. they all assumed some human manually entering configuration into a web interface23:26
reedmordred, k, thanks. I'm trying to write a follow up to Lauren's message23:26
fungiyeah, what anteaya said23:26
anteayathere was always a step where I had to log in via a browser which was verboten23:26
anteayabut it has been at least a year since I took a look at it23:27
mordredyeah. it's the classic "we'll make it easier for you" which makes it  harder23:27
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fungiweb app managing its own config files paradigm23:27
fungiwhich often makes separately managing those config files hard/impossible23:27
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reeduser friendliness :)23:27
anteayareed: if it has changed, then lead me to docs and I can try again23:28
reedanteaya, last time I checked owncloud I barfed23:28
reedbut I'll try again23:28
anteayareed: well I don't consider that a ringing endorsement23:28
anteayaif that happens again just don't tell me, okay?23:28
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anteayaI tried owncloud and I tried seafile23:29
dkehnfungi: so I'm looking at the system-config/manifest/site.pp nnot finding the openstack_infra::gerrt23:29
fungidkehn: i mistyped the first time, it's openstack_project::gerrit but you won't see it in site.pp. it gets instantiated by openstack_project::review and openstack_project::review_dev23:30
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Add spec for reusable OpenStack CI solution  https://review.openstack.org/13974523:30
fungidkehn: it's basically the more generalized class which our production and dev gerrit servers both use23:30
clarkbpliea2 if you `sudo puppet agent --test` on nodepool.o.o you should get the latest nodepool and do image uploads23:30
dkehnfungi: ok, so when I do puppet apply --debug -l /tmp/manifest.log --modulepath=modules:/etc/puppet/modules manifests/local.pp and local has review-dev copied into it doe sthat make sense23:30
clarkbseriously I type bad23:30
fungidkehn: alternatively, you can simply look at it for an example of how to directly drive our puppet module for gerrit (the openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit repo)23:31
Clint1/win 2323:31
* Clint sighs.23:31
fungidkehn: yeah, that should probably do what you want23:31
fungidkehn: and then edit the things in local.pp you want to change from what was in the review_dev.pp you copied23:32
dkehnfungi: understand, all I know is I want to get gerrit up and running so I can try and configure it to my git repo, so I'm not sure what I want23:33
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dkehnfungi: really the only thing that is un-commented in the lcoal.pp is the mysql details23:33
mordredClint: you win23:34
clarkb23 somethings23:34
Clintthat's the second time i did that today23:34
fungidkehn: if all you _really_ want is a running gerrit server and you're not interested in puppet, you can just install gerrit manually (their install docs are pretty short). it's also a good way to get a feel for what the puppet module and the classes using it actually do23:34
mordredfor the record, I just started talking to someone in window 28523:35
Clintthis morning i did "0/win 60" in a work channel23:35
Clintit must be early dementia23:35
fungiit's all full of win23:35
clarkbClint: switch to meta-j + numbers23:36
clarkbClint: never /win again23:36
* Clint squints.23:36
Clinti use ESC-$num for 1-1923:36
clarkboh must be irssi23:37
clarkbI think irssi has a plugin to do meta-j like weechat23:37
dkehnfungi: yeha did that and got it up, was just trying to get more of the modules and pluging that are provided with openstack approach23:37
clarkbbut basically meta-j then two numbers to switch windows23:37
fungidkehn: okay, cool. well, sounds like you're on your way down a good path then23:38
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Clintclarkb: found one for /## but not what you're saying23:42
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jeblairirssi for the /win23:42
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add unit tests for meta module  https://review.openstack.org/15891523:45
SpamapSjeblair: irssi would you did there23:45
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Reset the client object before creating the image  https://review.openstack.org/7494323:48
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add unit tests for meta module  https://review.openstack.org/15891523:48
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clarkbjhesketh: commented on the globbing change for zuul swift uploads23:50
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clarkbjhesketh: need to also get the nodepool dib elements updated23:50
clarkbjhesketh: the rest of the stack lgtm23:50
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anteayaokay reed, I will try again, I make no promises: https://doc.owncloud.org/server/8.0/admin_manual/configuration/automatic_configuration.html23:53
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mordredSpamapS: is making me happy23:53
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mordredreed, anteaya: "The ../owncloud/config/autoconfig.php is automatically removed after the initial configuration has been applied." STAB STAB STAB23:55
mordredit's like they've never heard of config management ever23:55
reedanteaya, before you venture there again, have you tried the basic functionalities of owncloud to see if they satisfy our needs?23:55
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anteayareed: it I can't configure it automatically it doesn't matter23:56
reedI ask because last time I checked the filesharing mechanism was non-existent (or at least hidden very well)23:56
anteayaand no, other than being able to deploy via scripts, taht is the only need I have23:56
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anteayareed: okay yeah well if the app doesn't meet your needs, nor mine, I'm not up for wasting my time23:57
anteayareed: do let me know if you find something that might work23:57
jheskethclarkb: cool, thanks23:57
reedanteaya, will do23:57
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anteayamordred: I wanted to see SpamapS in a conversation with Clint23:58
pleia2clarkb: that patch seems to have done it, uploading devstack-trusty to hpcloud-b1 now23:58
anteayathat would make me happy23:58
mordredanteaya: I know. it's the only thing I realy want in life23:59
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