Wednesday, 2015-02-18

jeblairmarun: hrm, i can't immediately think of why that would be the case00:00
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marunjeblair: I think I'm tilting at windmills a bit.00:00
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marunjeblair: I need to review the zuul docs and better understand the all the ins-and-outs of the configuration00:00
marunjeblair: I know what I see, but I'm guessing as to why it might be.00:00
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jeblairmarun: gotcha00:01
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job runtime system package and database setup
fungithat's ^ working according to my manual attemps00:03
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marunfungi: re:
fungimarun: yeah, initially a stab at getting nova's py27 job running on a devstack-trusty worker00:05
marunfungi: What do you think about ensuring this kind of configuration can be reused locally on dev machines?00:05
marunfungi: I'm essentially duplicating this in the neutron functional setup script, and ideally it would only be defined once.00:06
fungimarun: i think it's a great idea. right now i'm trying to just get it out of the image build but keep it centralized00:06
marunfungi: ah, ok.00:06
marunfungi: less puppet the better, in any case!00:06
fungimarun: for example, that base-packages-trusty builder macro ideally gets turned into a bindep manifest which is kept in each project (so each project can declare what that list should be and their jobs inherently test changes to it)00:07
marunfungi: sounds awesome to me00:08
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openstackgerritMax Rydahl Andersen proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Remove nonexistent servername and cleanup build publisher
fungimarun: i'm still a little foggy (cloudy?) on how we might extract out those database setup expectations so that they could be more easily reconsumed by developers00:09
marunfungi: my experience with devstack has shown me the necessity of post-install fixups though, how do you see that working with bindep?00:09
marunfungi: e.g. services like openvswitch and the like often have to be restarted before use00:10
marunfungi: sometimes it's a distro-specific, but for ovs I think it's a common requirment00:10
marunfungi: juju? ;)00:10
marunfungi: I think externalizing as scripts that make explicit their input requirements would be a start.00:11
fungimarun: haven't thought that far ahead. this is primarily intended to free us from having a separate set of images with preinstalled packages and preconfigured databases (where we run things like unit tests and static analysis). right now we don't really have any postinstall fixups on those systems00:11
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marunfungi: ah, fair enough.  so are these new macros intended to be run on a host that will ever run devstack?00:12
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marunfungi: or it's just a devstack node and all install is manual?00:12
fungimarun: they're intended to be able to run on the same mostly unconfigured systems as could be used to run devstack, so that we can use one image00:12
marunfungi: it might be worth conversing with dtroyer or sdague as to whether the db configuration that devstack does is important00:13
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Add spec for in-tree 3rd party ci solution
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marunfungi: I've been laboring under the assumption that it is, for better or worse, but the setup script I worked on is theoritically cross-distro so maybe it doesn't matter for the gate (yet)00:14
fungimarun: well, this is the database setup needed to run unit tests. but yes it's possible that if someone tries to reuse this on a machine where they've also installed devstack there could be issues. right now it's optimized for a machine which will run just what's in the job and then be deleted immediately after00:14
clarkbideally we can get all projects to managing DBs themselves when testing00:15
fungiyeah, this provides a shim so we don't have to wait for them all to do so before we can drop the extra set of worker images00:15
marunI guess I see potential for duplication of specialized knowledge across projects00:15
clarkbbut that never really went anywhere because oslo.db is still working on the perfect solution00:15
clarkbrather than just pragmatic as nodepool uses00:16
marundevstack already does it, though it's not always obvious how to consume it00:16
marundevstack-lib ftw?00:16
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fungimarun: fwiw i essentially translated our puppet database setup details into the commands run by devstack and snagged some of its workarounds to try to keep it equally portable00:16
fungibut i agree there's an opportunity for some convergence00:17
marunfungi: eventually, yeah :)00:17
marunfungi: not trying to front-load too much work, just making sure I understand00:18
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marunfungi: I think ideally projects would contain only the metadata of what they want to do.00:18
marunfungi: they'd rely on a devstack-like library that implements the specifics of distro interaction00:19
fungimarun: right. in the same way that they could contain a bindep manifest to identify the system packages they want, they might also carry a test db setup manifest for the various database servers they want to test against00:19
mordredfungi, clarkb: btw - there is an incident going on in hpcloud east00:19
mordredso we might see issues with vms there00:19
fungimordred: i assume incident here is a euphemism for badnez00:19
fungithanks for the heads up00:20
mordredfungi: well, it might also just be a party - it's tough to say00:20
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nikita_45__hi. just a small question, how do i configure jenkins to run all jobs in `/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/<job-name>' folder.?? i dont want edit all jobs 'custom workspace' it possible to do it globally ?00:21
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fungianyway, enough of this fun. i need to toast a bunch of ancho. delicate work00:21
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jeblairmarun is gone :(00:24
jeblairi had things to say about his zuul questions00:25
mordredjeblair: well, that'll teach you00:25
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fungizaro: i'm not sure what nikita_45__ is asking, but maybe you know?00:26
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nikita_45__fungi: i am talking about the location where each job is run..jenkins defines an env variable $WORKSPACE ...00:27
nikita_45__fungi: and its running every job in that folder ..which is `var/lib/jenkins/workspace `..00:28
nikita_45__fungi: but this messes up as all jobs have data in same `workspace` folder...what i want is isolated environement for each job,00:29
nikita_45__im really not sure how to achieve this..i tried looking in puppet module but doesnt help :/00:29
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funginikita_45__: my experience with jenkins is fairly rarified since we use very few of its features and go to some pretty extreme lengths to work around a variety of shortcomings. we do have a few slaves where we run multiple jobs and the workspaces are kept around (though we put ours in /home/jenkins/workspace instead)00:32
jeblairfungi, mordred: indeed there are hpcloud errors in the nodepool log; i think we're seeing "the system is fault-tolerant across two clouds" in action00:32
mordredjeblair: woot!00:32
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funginikita_45__: but the slave agent only triggers the job for one workspace at a time00:33
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funginikita_45__: i'm not sure what you mean by "its running every job in /var/lib/jenkins/workspace"00:34
funginikita_45__: as in if you request one job, it actually runs them all instead? all at once? sequentially? that doesn't seem like a behavior i would expect from jenkins00:34
nikita_45__fungi: ok you know how did you configure the workspace location to `home/jenkins/workspace/job-name` ? like for instance this job.. see 3rd line
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nikita_45__so the job is run inside a folder which is named same as job name00:35
funginikita_45__: oh! so you're asking how we set the workspace name for a job, because all your jobs are reusing the same directory instead of getting separate ones?00:36
nikita_45__fungi: but this feature of `running job in a separate folder` i am not sure how to achieve this :/00:36
nikita_45__fungi: yess.00:36
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nikita_45__fungi: that... so all jobs are getting run in same `workspace ` parent folder ..00:37
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funginikita_45__: i'm not sure, but i'm looking to see if i can figure out how we make it do that00:37
clarkbits a jenkins slave setting iirc00:39
clarkbbased on jenkins homedir00:39
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openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/reviewstats: Tweak neutron project review stats
jeblairi thought that was built-in behavior; every job gets its own workspace00:39
nikita_45__clarkb: correct..but how you guys achieve this setting? from puppet?00:40
fungii simply assumed it was the default behavior as well, so never thought much about it. looking now to see if maybe there's some override for it somewhere (i don't see it as an obvious job config or slave config option)00:41
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nikita_45__fungi: can you link me the modules you use for the slave setup please?00:42
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funginikita_45__: we run a script like
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funginikita_45__: though that's how we build single-use slaves which get deleted after they run a job00:45
funginikita_45__: for long-running slaves which are reused, we have custom puppet classes such as
nikita_45__fungi: thanks ..pardon me but is that slave a container , or vm ?00:46
funginikita_45__: a virtual machine in a public cloud00:46
nikita_45__fungi: public cloud like as in aws ?00:47
funginikita_45__: like as in openstack (see channel /topic)00:47
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funginikita_45__: hpcloud and rackspace are our primary cloud resource donors currently00:48
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funginikita_45__: anyway, we basically just subclass to do do the configuration of our slave instances00:49
nikita_45__fungi: oh my it .thanks a lot :).just one more thing, how is this vm launched? like using kvm or nova etc etc?00:50
mordredwe have a program called nodepool which manages the creation and deletion of slaves across rackspace and HP public clouds00:51
fungiyeah, we have a script we use to boot instances via novaclient for long-running slaves00:51
fungifor single-use slaves we use a separate tool we wrote called nodepool to manage those (sort of similar to jclouds but with a lot more pool management)00:51
funginikita_45__: anyway, i have to get back to cooking, but best of luck with your jenkins issues. you might consider asking in #jenkins instead since they tend to be really helpful with general questions00:53
nikita_45__fungi: no i really appreciate your help..:D this is most active irc i have seen..thanks again..and yes i started on jenkins irc, 2 hours and counting still havent heard a word from them :) lol00:55
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fungiheh. maybe they're all vacationing00:56
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mordrednibalizer: well, we're always around in here :)01:04
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nibalizernikita_45__ ^^01:06
fungihe/she/it already left01:06
mordredfungi: it would be neat if english had a thing that was gender neutral but not weird01:07
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fungimordred: it would be neat if english had a thing that was not weird01:08
fungienglish is a language built on weird01:08
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mordredfungi: maybe that's the thing that's good about it01:08
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Upload files concurrently to swift.
clarkbjhesketh: ^ that should address your comments01:20
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clarkbjhesketh: will mark it wip until I actually manage to test it01:20
jheskethclarkb: awesome, thanks01:20
jheskethclarkb: if you want me to help test it, you could possibly add my public key to a held node?01:21
clarkbjhesketh: I can, thats actually a reasonable idea01:21
clarkbjhesketh: should probably be a *dg* job right?01:21
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clarkbsince we will have data for upload time on those already01:21
lifelessmordred: I must have misunderstood the issue01:22
lifelessmordred: I thought you wanted openstack on a laptop without huge instrusion01:22
clarkbjhesketh: I just rechecked a d-g change and will hold one of the nodes running the dg specific jobs once they start01:22
clarkblifeless: I think the idea was more a laptop sized deployment of openstack so that it could be used instead of virsh or uvtool01:23
jheskethclarkb: awesome01:23
fungilifeless: i read the problem statement more as "i want arbitrary virtual machines on my laptop, and i'd like to use openstack apis to manage them01:23
clarkbit looks like sqlite won't work so you will have to use mysql or postgres and zmq seems to work off and on again01:24
lifelessin which case I don't understand why it wouldn't be solved by fig and kolla; since that goal is deploying openstack, and you'd have openstack01:24
clarkbso likely need a rabbit, makes the whole thing seem not laptop sized01:24
clarkblifeless: it wouldn't be a laptop sized openstack01:24
lifelessanyhow, I need to go see some people in a pub01:24
fungiclarkb: if you can fit one in a top hat...01:24
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lifelessclarkb: eh wat?01:24
clarkblifeless: a laptop appropriate openstack01:24
* fungi waits for a magician to pull a rabbit out of clarkb's laptop01:24
clarkb8GB of ram, 2-4 cpu, underpowered machines that just need a VM or two01:25
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lifelessclarkb: tomorrow. What you're saying is not making sense to me.01:25
lifelessclarkb: since there is nothing heavyweight or RAM or CPU intensive implied in what I said.01:25
clarkbwhile also running a firefox instance eating up 4GB or ram01:25
clarkblifeless: it implies mysql and rabbit and containers to match01:26
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lifelessclarkb: mysql can run very lean, and rabbit is approximately free (ram wise), as are containers.01:26
lifelessrabbit isn't free if you do huge amounts with it, but since load is driven by use...01:26
* lifeless goes to elephant and castle01:27
clarkbI know I was mostly just thinking it would be nice if the things we assert work actually worked01:27
clarkblike sqlite, zmq, and eventlet keystone01:27
clarkbyou wouldn't need or want containers, just spin up a few services01:27
fungii'm guessing he meant openstack-managed containers, not containerized openstack services01:29
clarkbfungi: fig + kolla is containerized openstack services01:29
clarkbfungi: but very opinionated since nothing works right in a container01:29
fungioh, yeah no need to segregate those services unless you just don't want them interacting with your other laptoppity softwares01:30
clarkbfungi: especially since kolla runs them in the same process and network namespaces as the host :)01:30
fungiwas mostly trying not to scorch the peppers, so missed the earlier kolla reference01:31
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openstackgerritAnna Shen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add grenade devstack check for trove as experimental
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mordredlifeless: oh - I misunderstood your statement - I thought you were telling me to use fig and kolla to run the workload02:07
mordredwhich is not the thing02:08
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/hacking: H105: also check for Authors and authors
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Configure the default swift log expiry
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Set the expiry for zuul swift instructions
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jheskethclarkb: ^03:48
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openstackgerritRichard Jones proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Enable bower for managing Horizon components
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Upload files concurrently to swift.
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openstackgerritJamie Finnigan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Anchor to GerritBot channels.yaml
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openstackgerritNikhil Manchanda proposed openstack-infra/reviewstats: Sync core reviewer list for Trove
openstackgerritNikhil Manchanda proposed openstack-infra/reviewstats: Update the subproject list for Trove
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openstackgerritBob Ball proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add support for requsting that config drive be used.
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abhi1892hi all, I have just finished with the installation of master vm for the CI, now I am in a doubt that how to proceed with the scp repository in the jenkins UI09:54
abhi1892can anyone help me with that??09:54
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openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting job for Nova V2.1 API with neutron
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Datetime instances from SQLAlchemy now all contain timezone.
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BobBallScroll down to the scp 1.9 plugin section10:02
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AJaegerabhi1892, please join the third party meetings
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abhi1892BobBall, I have followed the same but it seems to be not working.10:04
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BobBallthen I guess join the meeting as AJaeger suggested - I know no more than just following the instructions :) it worked for me.10:04
abhi1892BobBall: Well for me the scp plugin has been installed but when I trying to test the connection it is failing.10:05
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sambettsHello infra, I have a question about publishing to pypi for my StackForge repo, I see reading through the Project Creators guides that you list a couple of jobs, pypi-jobs and publish-to-pypi, I didn't add these because I was unsure when they run, do they only run when a signed tag is pushed or on every merge?10:08
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BobBallI guess check various URLs and IP addresses then abhi1892 - but I really don't know :)10:10
abhi1892BobBall: We use the SCP repository for our Log Server right??10:12
BobBallAJaeger: Quick question... I think, if I understand correctly, that the nodes need to be able to contact the Zuul master to get the merged zuul branch, right?  If so, the master must be public if we're using a public cloud to run the jobs?10:12
BobBallno idea abhi1892 - sorry10:13
abhi1892BobBall; No problem, thanks for the info :)10:13
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Initial integration tests for storyboard
AJaegerBobBall, sorry, can't help with that10:22
abhi1892Can anyone tell me why Jenkins Ui has SCP Repository Hosts??10:22
BobBallnp AJaeger :)10:22
AJaegersambetts, they run when a signed tag is pushed.10:22
AJaegersambetts, those are in the "release" queue. Things that run with every merge are part of the "post" queue.10:23
sambettsAJaeger: Excellent :) is that all I need to add to my jenkins and zuul to enable pypi uploads?10:23
openstackgerritJerry Zhao proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: add option to use ipv6 for image update and node launching
AJaegersambetts, you need to setup as documented in the creator's guide as well10:24
sambettsAJaeger: Cool I've already done that, so I'll summit a patch to add those two parts and once thats merged it should all be automatic when I push a signed tag?10:26
AJaegersambetts, correct10:26
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sambettsAJaeger: Thanks very much :D10:26
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abhi1892hi all, i am using ramy asselin guide for OpenStack CI platform setup, after installing master and slave I am configuring the log server using the same setup.10:38
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abhi1892So my question is I need to do some extra steps also or just installing log server through bash command will do the rest.??10:39
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BobBallAJaeger: FYI I got things working together and I've confirmed that the master must be visible to the slaves... they do try and git fetch from the IP of the master10:45
AJaegerBobBall, congratulations!10:45
AJaegerabhi1892, ramy asselin guide is outdated AFAIK, there should be something better, let me check...10:45
abhi1892AJaegar : Thanks :)10:46
AJaegerabhi1892, references all documentation10:46
AJaegerso, go to
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AJaegerabhi1892, krtaylor and anteaya might be able to help - once they are awake10:48
abhi1892AJaegar: None of the docs has mentioned that how to setup a logserver :(10:48
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BobBallabramley: for Remy's guide, yes, set up the log server using the bash command but you'll also need to re-run after setting the log server's IP in vars.sh10:51
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abhi1892BobBall : Re running the will have any effects on the present working ??10:55
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Refactor Tasks to work as a Subcontroller
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BobBallabhi1892: Only if you've manually changed stuff outside of the os-ext-data / os-ext-testing repositories11:15
BobBallabhi1892: It's intended to be able to run multiple times11:15
abhi1892BobBall : Thanks for the info :)11:16
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, mordred, clarkb, fungi, folks, how could we disable puppet runs for only one node?11:21
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SergeyLukjanovdisable from crontab == disable puppet updates for all nodes, but how to disable only one?11:21
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sambettsAJaeger: is there any known issues with the tox setup in project-config? The zuul tests fail even on master for me when I run tox11:31
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openstackgerritSam Betts proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add pypi jobs for stackforge/networking-cisco
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AJaegersambetts, which OS are you using?11:39
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sambettsAJaeger: debian, and i see this
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AJaegersambetts, is that an old tox environment?11:42
sambettsAJaeger: rebuilt it just now to make sure it wasn't11:42
AJaegerThe error message really looked like an old environment that didn't know about the skip-if feature11:43
AJaegerdebian should be fine.11:43
AJaegerI'm currently doublechecking "tox -e zuul" on my openSUSE system11:43
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AJaegersambetts, works fine for me11:46
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kashyapDo I have to login _every_ time (?!?!) to see a summit proposal details?11:46
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add hasExtension method to check cloud capabilities
sambettsAJaeger: I'm going to manually try deleting .tox instead of using --recreate and see if that helps11:47
AJaegersambetts, rm -rf  .test11:47
* sambetts runs tests11:48
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AJaegersambetts, do an upload to pypi instead so that I can +2 your patch ;)11:51
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sambettsAJaeger: the neutron one?11:52
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AJaegersambetts, networking-cisco11:52
AJaeger does not return any results, see my comment in review.openstack.org11:52
sambettsAJaeger: ah thats because I hid it because there was no files there :-P11:53
AJaegersambetts, we only +2 if pypi is visible11:54
sambettsAJaeger: It should be visible now I hope :-) also manually cleaning up .tox and .test fixed my test issues11:55
AJaegersambetts, great^2!11:56
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sambettsAJaeger: Thanks :D11:56
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add hasExtension method to check cloud capabilities
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: WIP: Not even close to finished - use shade
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mordredSergeyLukjanov: just run puppet agent --disable on the node12:54
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SergeyLukjanovmordred, OMG, it's too simple to be true :)12:55
SergeyLukjanovmordred, thx12:55
mordredI know, right?12:55
SergeyLukjanovmordred, yup12:55
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openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Enable logging of #openstack-nova
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ihrachyshkawhat's wrong with jenkins? it claims there are merge conflicts, then sets +1 with no results. see:
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openstackgerritVictoria Martínez de la Cruz proposed openstack/requirements: Adds Autobahn to global requirements
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SergeyLukjanovmordred, if you have a minute - :)13:25
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sdaguehey mordred - previously approved d-g fix - which actually means we'll save people's run logs :)13:35
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mordredsdague: done13:42
sdaguewill be nice to actually collect hook logs13:42
sdagueI wonder how long ago that broke13:43
mordredSergeyLukjanov: done13:43
mordredsdague: :)13:43
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ihrachyshkasdague, do you know anything about recent jenkins weird behaviour (putting V+1 with 'failed to merge' message, while there are no conflicts in the first place)?13:44
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sdagueihrachyshka: nope, to you have an example?13:46
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sdagueyeh, not sure. Maybe jeblair, clarkb, or fungi would know13:49
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sdagueit seems a little moot though, because is -2 blocked at the bottom of the pile13:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-bup: Make backups period configurable
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ihrachyshkasdague, moot? can you elaborate?13:51
sdagueso the entire stack is blocked by markmcclain13:52
ihrachyshkasdague, right. it's blocked to get decision on drivers meeting today13:52
sdagueyeh, I don't know why 'failed to merge' is also in there13:52
ihrachyshkayeah, no conflicts. but the worst thing is that it claims +1 for something like a failure13:52
sdaguewell, it might not be a failure13:53
sdagueIt might be something being incorrectly verbose13:53
sdagueso I wouldn't worry about it yet13:53
ihrachyshkaok, that's fine for me. once I get it unblocked, I will care more. :)13:54
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: have swift functional tests use tox
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed stackforge/python-jenkins: Consolidate raising identical exceptions
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: make swiftclient functional job use swiftclient from git
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sdaguejeblair: interesting bug in the Depends-On I discovered -!/story/200016914:15
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/python-jenkins: Add BadHTTPException
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openstackgerritMatthew Booth proposed openstack/requirements: Add toposort test requirement
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openstackgerritMarc Koderer proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add telco working group usecase repo
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add support for volume attach/detach
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sdagueanteaya: seems like it addresses your concerns now by punting on the irc channel bit entirely14:48
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: actually save hook logs
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fungiSergeyLukjanov: 'sudo puppet agent --disable' will cause the one machine where it's run to refuse to let ansible apply updates. that's what we've been doing so far15:03
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mtreinishsdague: if you get a sec: should be quick15:03
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fungioh, mordred already replied15:04
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fungiihrachyshka: 155374 looks like it may be exhibiting a bug in our cross-repo dependency implementation15:06
sdaguemtreinish: done15:06
ihrachyshkafungi, aha. totally possible15:06
fungis/bug/odd corner case behavior/15:06
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smcginnisI have a CI account created prior to the self service approach.15:16
smcginnisI would like to update the dispay name.15:16
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smcginnisThis is really all I need, so the approach here seems overkill:
smcginnisWould it be possible to have someone update our display name?15:17
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fungismcginnis: and then the next time your display name needs to be updated...?15:18
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smcginnisfungi: I know, I know. :}15:18
fungi(or your e-mail address, or...)15:18
fungi(ssh keys...)15:18
fungia new account would give you control over all of that15:18
smcginnisI don't forsee any other possible changes needed, and this is really just a clean up that isn't really necessary.15:18
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smcginnisBut if a new account is the preferred answer I can certainly do that.15:19
smcginnisI was hoping this would be an easy/quick fix.15:19
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ihrachyshkafungi, this corner case may be due to weird bindings between neutron and neutron-*aas repos where the latter repos require the former one thru requirements.txt15:23
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fungismcginnis: yeah, new accounts are preferred in general since it lifts the support burden for our team. we only let the previous accounts working so that you and others wouldn't have to scramble to make new accounts so as to keep your systems working15:25
rcarrillocruznodepool already on trusty15:25
* rcarrillocruz stops ubuntu12.04 qcow image on his new shiny cloud15:26
smcginnisfungi: Makes sense. Probably the better answer long term to get a new account created then. Thanks!15:26
fungiihrachyshka: zuul doesn't really know about requirements.txt. i'm wagering it's either because of the -2 on the change at the bottom of the neutron stack, or the -1 workflow on the vpnaas change. though it could also have been some sort of query failure. i'm going to see if i can tell from the debug logs in a few minutes15:27
ihrachyshkafungi, thanks15:27
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fungircarrillocruz: yep, it's been on trusty for a month or so (we needed it so as to be able to dib centos7 diskimages)15:27
fungircarrillocruz: we have several things running on trusty now if you check the global site manifest15:28
hashardo you have any plan to package Nodepool for Ubuntu/Debian ?15:28
rcarrillocruzyah, quickly checking site.pp now...15:28
rcarrillocruzmy local system-config master branch was quite outdated...15:29
fungihashar: i didn't have any packaging plans, but that's mainly because i've already got rather a lot going on ;)15:29
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hasharfungi: we will most probably package it ourself15:29
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hasharthough with some python module dependencies  embedded in the package since some are lacking/conflicting with whatever Ubuntu Trusty has/provides15:30
jeblairsdague: the behavior is at least partially intentional -- the part where the blocked change is not enqueued.  i agree it would be nice if zuul could enqueue the no-longer-blocked change, but i don't believe that identifying those changes is a solved problem, and changes that depend on each other but don't share a change queue may be kind of an edge case.15:30
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sdaguejeblair: ok, it seems like in the merge-check case there could be a sweep of changes in a similar way15:31
sdagueonce something merges, are there blocked changes which really should enqueue15:32
fungijeblair: and if you haven't seen yet, marvel at the three comments zuul left on 156942 at 12:5015:32
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jeblairsdague: yeah, though here we would need to look for changes in all other projects with a reverse depends on; and i think searching for the reverse depends on doesn't work for some reason15:32
jeblairsdague: if that worked, i do think it would be doable, and this would probably be a subset of the general "make reverse depends-on work" case15:33
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fungisdague: specifically searching on commit message contents seems sort of broken15:33
sdaguedo you really need to do reverse depends on?15:33
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sdaguefungi: hmmm why?15:33
jeblairsdague: (similarly, right now, if you approve a change even in the same queue, a ready change that depends-on it will not be auto-enqueued)15:33
sdaguebecause it seems like the entire structure is based on commit message content15:34
fungithe brute force hammer alternative would be to retrieve and review every commit message for every open change in gerrit i guess, but that seems like it might perform badly15:34
AJaegerjeblair, I ran into the problem as well. And this will hit us with new openstack projects - depending on governance changes...15:34
sdaguejeblair: yeh, I've noticed that. Which tends to stall patch series quite a bit in nova actually15:34
jeblairsdague: by reverse depends on i mean if B Depends-On: A, then to enqueue B when A is approved (or merges), you need to search for "Depends-On: A"15:34
AJaegerEspecially in project-config, I'll expect to see these kind of dependencies15:34
sdaguejeblair: oh, right, ok, we're saying the same thing then15:35
jeblairAJaeger: so we should keep that in mind, and perhaps not approve those changes until their dependencies have merged15:35
jeblairsdague: how does it affect nova?15:35
SergeyLukjanovmordred, fungi, thx15:35
AJaegerjeblair, or reapprove;)15:35
sdaguejeblair: because we have a lot of patch series15:35
fungihowever if we _do_ approve them, they won't get enqueued into the gate until the change they depend on merges15:35
jeblairsdague: within nova itself?15:36
jeblairsdague: that works15:36
sdaguehmmm... I've seen that stall as well15:36
fungisdague: this is specifically when using depends-on in a commit message, not a normal git parenting15:36
jeblairsdague: enqueing git reverse dependencies should work fine15:36
sdagueok, I'm pretty sure I've watched the git parenting stall15:36
sdagueI'll keep an eye out for examples in the future15:36
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jeblairAJaeger: i'd personally recommend not approving them, that way they aren't forgotten.15:37
jeblairsdague: thanks15:37
fungii've definitely seen them not all enqueue at once because they may not all pass clean check in the right order, but once they do i've seen them transition into the gate pipeline normally15:37
AJaegerjeblair, I'll try to follow that recommendation now...15:37
fungiAJaeger: however if we forget, a recheck should take care of it15:38
AJaegerYEs, indeed15:38
fungiso not the end of the world or anything15:38
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tmcpeakhey all, if any of the +2's have a spare cycle, can you please give a look at:
clarkbrecheck wont if the verified value doesnt chamge :/15:38
clarkbshould see if gerrit will fix that eg if they consider it to be a bug15:38
fungiclarkb: oh, good point, have to blow away the jenkins +1 and then recheck15:38
fungii wonder if zuul could be configured to spot comments in the event stream left by jenkins which don't include an explicit vote but then query to see if there's an existing +1 and if not, treat is as if there had been a +1 in the comment15:41
fungibut that seems like it might get complicated for such a corner case15:41
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jeblairzuul is all about complicated corner cases :)15:41
fungis/and if not/and if there is/15:41
sdagueoh, right, I think it's the gate bounce case which might be weird15:42
jeblairanyone have a depends-on change handy?15:42
sdague3 patches go in, patch #1 fails in gate, 2 - 3 are pulled to the side because of it. recheck on ps #1 won't always pull things in.15:42
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sdaguejeblair: an open one?15:42
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jeblairsdague: preferably15:43
fungijeblair: well, there's 156942 i'15:43
fungim digging into right now15:43
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fungibut if you want one without known issues, 15680715:43
jeblairfungi: does something depend on 156942 ?15:44
fungijeblair: oh, yep, and it also has crd headers. i wonder if there's a cycle in it15:44
fungichecking that now15:44
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bcourtHi, (jjb dev question) version 1.5 of the jenkins ssh-agent plugin supports multiple credentials.  The XML required is not backwards compatible.  Is there a means built into JJB for dealing with this?15:45
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fungijeblair: sorry, meant 155374 not 15694215:45
jeblairfungi: what depends on 156942 ?15:45
fungi(was looking at its git parent)15:45
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bcourtI'll happily to the work to add the new support  but I do not want to break all the existing users.  The best I can come up with would be to look at the ssh-agent-credentials arg and if it's sub-args is a list, use the new style, if it is not then use the old style15:47
jeblairfungi, sdague, AJaeger: i think searching for reverse depends-on changes will work; we were just being too clever...15:47
jeblairfungi, sdague, AJaeger: message:"Depends-On: I2d7081dbd4cb532332e3b66667bb8c71aa5a6658"   does not work15:47
jeblairfungi, sdague, AJaeger: message:"I2d7081dbd4cb532332e3b66667bb8c71aa5a6658"   does work15:47
fungibcourt: i can't recall if we've done any plugin version detection in jjb in the past. zaro, pelix or hashar might recall15:47
sdaguejeblair: yeh, there is something weird about the message tokenizer that I don't understand15:48
sdaguelike message:"Depends" returns values15:48
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sdaguemessage:"Depends-On:" does not15:48
clarkbbcourt I think that that is basically what we have done for other plugins. use one format or another based on the structure of the yaml15:48
pelixfungi bcourt: we have support for plugin version detection in JJB, does require using pkg_resources.parse_version15:49
fungijeblair: well, people _do_ mention change ids in commit messages, and that'll also return all copies of changes which have that change-id too, but it's at least a starting point to narrow down the commit messages zuul would need to filter further15:49
jeblairfungi, sdague, AJaeger: so i think zuul can just search for change ids, get extra results and filter them out, and then it should be able to find the reverse dependencies.  that should solve both problems.15:49
jeblairfungi: yeah15:49
sdaguejeblair: yeh, that would be neat15:49
clarkbsdague depends and on are two tokens in lucene iirc15:49
clarkbpelix is that working now?15:50
sdagueclarkb: sure, could be, but it seems like the search input has to be *a* lucene token, not a string that you'd pass through as a search in an expected way15:50
sdaguewhich is a really odd thing to do15:50
pelixclarkb: yes, it's just a little awkward to use at the moment, I'm in the process of trying to land a chance in python-jenkins that would allow just comparison directly against strings and have a plugin object in the python-jenkins library handle all the necessary parsing15:51
jeblairclarkb: message:"Depends on"  seems to return anything but results that have "depends-on".  it gets "DependsOn" and "depends on" though.15:51
BobBallAnyone tried uploading CI results to swift using a jjb publisher? :)15:52
pelixclarkb fungi bcourt: shows an example of it's usage15:53
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jeblairfun fact: "ny" and "sf" are in the same relative position, just shifted horizontally by one key, on a dvorak keyboard.15:54
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jeblairso i just typod "sf" as "ny"15:54
bcourtpelix, is there a way to specify what that version should be in a fixture?15:54
clarkbBobBall yes all the infra jobs do so currently15:54
BobBallOh really? I thought infra was using a web server... *goes looking at the infra config* thanks!15:55
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pelixbcourt: the same change includes an example of providing dummy plugin test data
clarkbBobBall we use both15:55
clarkbpelix bcourt that said behavior based on yaml is simple and backward compat if not version explicit15:56
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sdaguejeblair: yeh, if anyone could reverse engineer out how to get message:"" to match more than a single lucene token, that would be awesome. I've banged my head on various things and failed a bunch.15:58
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sdagueok, apparently moving swift functional job to tox wasn't as simple as expected -
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sdaguewe need to sudo to a specific user for that?16:00
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fungisdague: good question. is the way in which /opt/stack/new/swift is now created causing it to be owned by someone other than stack?16:02
fungisdague: stuffing a ls -dl /opt/stack/new/swift in there might help provide some insight16:03
sdagueok, except that's a project-config change so it's not testsable until landed16:03
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clarkbso in theory \ escapes the - in a lucene query but depends\-on doesnt work16:04
jeblairsdague, fungi: i think the hooks run as jenkins?16:04
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fungioh! right, they're in the context of devstack-gate not devstack16:04
mrmartinfungi hi16:04
fungimrmartin: what's up?16:04
mrmartin:) we have an user, who can login at but fails at using the same account16:05
mrmartini don't have access to server, so you need to check the logs there, maybe you see something16:05
sdaguejeblair: so are we proposing adding sudo -u stack into swift.yaml ?16:06
fungimrmartin: absolutely, have any additional details? (approximate time, user id, source ip address, anything?)16:06
fungimrmartin: taking a look in the server logs now16:06
mrmartinwe have time.16:06
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mrmartin10 minutes ago approx.16:07
* morganfainberg just checked and can login to openstackid.org16:07
mrmartinI think it don't have a too match traffic, so if you see an exception in the application logs it can be that16:07
mrmartinor openstackid cannot handle the email address as username :)16:07
mrmartinI can login, so the service works well.16:08
jeblairsdague: i think so16:08
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add sudo permissions to swift functional jobs
sdaguelike that? ^^^16:08
sdagueswift is dead in the water until this gets fixed16:09
sdagueas is devstack, because of co-gating on that job16:09
jeblairsdague, fungi: do we need "sudo -H -u" ?16:09
sdagueI'm not sure why we need a homedir forced here as well, but I don't know16:10
fungimrmartin: nothing obvious in any of apache's error logs. what other logs should i look for?16:10
mrmartinthe application log available here: /srv/openstackid/w/app/storage/logs16:10
jeblairsdague: i think we do it in devstack-gate because of pip caching to ~16:10
openstackgerritBarnaby Court proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Enable whitelisted-orgs-as-admins for ghprb trigger
fungijeblair: in this case -H doesn't seem like it would be involved, but might be helpful for other reasons16:11
sdaguedo we want to try it without? and add if needed16:11
sdaguebecause I kind of hate adding belts and suspenders unless we know why16:11
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jeblairfungi: are you saying that pip won't use the cache in ~ because of tox?16:12
fungijeblair: i was saying that the job is creating .tox in a specific location not influenced by its $HOME16:13
clarkbthe reason for -H is also for the pydistutils config and other items stashed in the appropriate homedir16:13
fungibut that passing -H may be helpful for avoiding some other failure mode, such as where it tries to cache things16:13
sdagueok, so we're saying it's needed then, I'll update16:14
fungijeblair: i think i was agreeing with you?16:14
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fungijust saying that sudo vs sudo -H doesn't make a difference to where and how the .tox directory itself gets created16:15
fungii was lacking context until i looked at the proposed change16:15
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fungias opposed to the failure log16:15
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add sudo permissions to swift functional jobs
* fungi goes back to burying his head in openstackid errors so that he can then go back to burying his head in zuul errors16:16
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fungisdague: i assume the removal of the test-requirements.txt install is because it's duplicated by tox in the swift repo (i didn't see it mentioned in the commit message)16:18
sdaguefungi: yeh, it was a missed cleanup that I just noticed16:18
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fungithat's what i figured. thanks16:19
fungimrmartin: at 15:53:36 utc it threw the following exception... dev.ERROR: * CheckPointService - exception : << non supported algorithm blowfish16:21
fungimrmartin: and i have a stacktrace if you need it16:21
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/shade: Don't compare images when image is None
openstackgerritMarc Koderer proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add telco working group usecase repo
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jeblairsdague: +316:26
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sdaguejeblair: thanks16:30
amitgandhinzhi all....  is it possible to have a gating job use fig/docker to run things?  I ask as our api tests currently require cassandra to run and would like to spin it up in a docker container in the gate like we do locally16:30
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openstackgerritgordon chung proposed openstack/requirements: add ceilometermiddleware
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mordredamitgandhinz: depends on for what16:33
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mordredamitgandhinz: stackforge projects can do whatever they want in their test jobs16:33
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mordredamitgandhinz: if it's an openstack project that participates in the integrated gate, then there are a whole host of other issues that would need to be solved before something like that would be allowed16:33
amitgandhinzyeh this is a stackforge project.16:33
mordrednamely, caching16:33
mordredcool. then yes - there is absolytely nothing stopping you from having your test job do soething with fig/docker16:34
amitgandhinzdo we need to do anything for the gate servers to have docker installed?16:34
fungiamitgandhinz: basically your jobs get full root access and network access to a machine which will be used and then discarded after the job completes and logs are collected16:34
mordrednope. you'll need to install it in your job16:34
mordredbefore sudo access is removed16:34
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fungiamitgandhinz: have a look at for an example of a job which is installing additional system packages and doing other things (in this case setting up databases/accounts) prior to running fairly typical tests16:36
amitgandhinzthanks fungi and mordred.  ill take a look16:37
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fungiamitgandhinz: one thing to keep in mind though... the more complicated the setup to be able to run your tests, the less likely it is that your developers will actually run those locally (especially casual contributors)16:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: add sudo permissions to swift functional jobs
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otherwiseguyweird testing occurrence: in the gate a neutron-vpnaas patch py27 failed ( because it passes root_helper to RouterInfo, which should still be there until a later L3Agent patch ( removes it. The later l3agent patch isn't even in the gate queue yet.16:42
otherwiseguyneutron-vpnaas patch:
BobBallWhat does Zuul reporting that a job type isn't registered typically mean? "zuul.Gearman: Build <gear.Job 0x7f912002e710 handle: None name: build:dsvm-tempest-xen unique: 0cc088d0e2624477ba2aff8532dfb12e> complete, result NOT_REGISTERED"16:43
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openstackgerritDaniel Berrange proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Explicitly turn on database query logging
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clarkbBobBall it means that gearman isnt aware of that job so is unable to run it16:44
clarkbcheck that jenkins can talk to gearman and that yoy have at least one slave capable of running the job16:44
jeblairotherwiseguy: gimme a few mins16:44
BobBalljenkins talking to gearman! That's the issue.16:45
BobBallI redeployed and forgot to set that up16:45
BobBallsorry - my mistake.16:45
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: WIP: Not even close to finished - use shade
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mrmartinfungi: thanks, awesome16:46
mrmartindoes it mean, that password enc algorithm was changed meanwhile?16:47
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fungimrmartin: i'm not really sure. depending on how they're handling that, it's likely they're using a format with some hash algorithm identifier field so that they can support more than one in the same database?16:48
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fungimrmartin: i'll ask whether they've made any recent changes with regard to their password hashing implementation16:48
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jeblairotherwiseguy: 2015-02-18 16:22:16.480 |       File "neutron_vpnaas/tests/unit/services/vpn/", line 120, in _make_dvr_router_info_for_test16:49
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jeblairotherwiseguy:             ri.snat_iptables_manager = iptables_manager.IptablesManager(16:49
jeblairotherwiseguy: that's an IptablesManager, but the change you pointed me to was about removing the arg from a RouterInfo16:49
* otherwiseguy looks again16:50
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otherwiseguyjeblair: bah. you'd think i'd be able to read line numbers by now.16:51
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openstackgerritgordon chung proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: add ceilometermiddleware
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mkoderersdague: I used an old state for rebasing.. I thinks it's ready for a +A now ;)17:00
ZZelleclarkb, hi17:02
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jeblairfungi: looking at the logs for 156942, i think perhaps gerrit did not have the correct dependency information for that change; at least, it appears that zuul initially did not think it depended on an open change.  later, someone added a comment, and it refreshed the state of the change and noticed the dependency.  since the dependency wasn't in the queue, it was ejected.17:03
ZZelleclarkb, if you have some time, could you relook at ?17:03
fungijeblair: yeah, i'm coming to that conclusion. at 12:50:32,217 it decided that 153225,5 was needed but unavailable17:03
jeblairfungi: i think it reported three times because it was in the check queue three times (probably twice as a non-live change).  perhaps there's still a code path where we can report a non-live change...17:04
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jeblairfungi: with all that verbosity though, we don't record the gerrit query output, so we can't know for certain what it said :(17:05
fungii couldn't find any details as to why 153225,5 would have been unavailable, nor has staring at the gerrit comment history on that change provided any insight. about to start digging into the gerrit error log for clues17:05
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jeblairfungi: if you look above that point, it doesn't think that 153225,5 is needed by 156942,217:06
hogepodgefungi ping17:06
jeblairfungi: that's why i think that it originally did not see 153225,5 as a dependency (git parent) of 156942,217:07
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fungijeblair: oh... weird :/17:10
fungihogepodge: hey there, did you see my comments last night?17:10
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jeblairfungi: yeah, i think if we continue to see this, it may be worth re-enabling logging of gerrit data so we can confirm whether it is lying to zuul17:10
hogepodgehere or in code review17:10
fungihogepodge: here17:11
hogepodgefungi no, I missed them.17:11
fungihogepodge: adds the new project. clone from the temporary "upstream" import url in gerrit/projects.yaml there and make sure it's split out the way you want17:11
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hogepodgeThanks fungi. I've dropped the review into the defcore meeting so we should get views on it.17:16
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fungihogepodge: once the governance change linked as a dependency in that commit message is approved, we can move forward adding that repo17:17
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zarobcourt: waynr added the framework to allow testing plugins by versionn.  take a look at and
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openstackgerritJaime Flynn proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: updated conditional_publisher to support plugin changes
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Ironic: Bump memory size for non-concurrency job
asselinzull issue: anyone seen it before?
clarkbsomehow the changish has no project?17:31
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asselinhow is that possible? does that come from the gerrit event stream? or my config?17:31
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clarkbI think possibly a combo of both. If your config sets up events in a way that doesnt match the event strean I think this may happen17:32
clarkbjesusaurus ^ does that look familiar to you?17:33
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jesusaurusno, but I can check my logs17:34
zaropelix, bcourt, waynr : just realized that it would be nice to have some concise documentation on how to create tests using that framework..17:35
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clarkbjesusaurus I think you hit something similar way back when17:35
zarobcourt: would be a nice contribution once you figure it out :)17:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add telco working group usecase repo
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bcourtzaro, yup, I might have to hold off on the multiple agent keys support, looking through the source of the ssh-agent & credentials stuff it looks like that functionality might not be quite fully baked yet.  At least looking at the XML it requires there are some odd choices that I might give a few versions before locking in support in JJB17:37
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Ironic: Bump memory size for non-concurrency job
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jesusaurusasselin: clarkb: i do remember hitting NoneType has no attribute, but I don't remember if it was on and I'm not seeing any in my logs17:39
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asselinjesusaurus, ok, I'm going to back out my config changes and see if it helps (one line was added...)17:40
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Don't report on non-live changes dequeueing
jeblairfungi: ^ should address the extra reporting, but not the underlying issue17:43
pelixzaro: extend the page to cover writing them in general as well?17:44
fungimrmartin: mystery solved. silverstripe 3.1 defaults to blowfish for password hashing, so any foundation accounts created after the 3.1 upgrade (shortly after the paris summit) probably can't authenticate via openstackid.org17:44
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fungimrmartin: jimmy has opened an internal ticket to get a fix for that whipped up asap17:45
jeblairasselin: that's strange; i have not seen it, and that's not showing up in our debug logs17:45
mrmartinfungi: yeah, but I need openstackid must be patched to resolve blowfish17:45
zaropelix: yes, that's what i was thinking. maybe even dedicate a seperate page to explain the test framework even.17:46
mrmartinI need / I think17:46
fungimrmartin: right, that's what they're working on a patch for17:46
mrmartinok, so tipit will patch it17:46
asselinjeblair, likely a config issue then on my side. looking into it17:47
fungimrmartin: that's what jimmy says, so expect a code review real soon i guess17:47
fungia code review change17:47
mrmartinawesome, thanks, I thought the same17:47
zaropelix: actually it might be good to explain it here:
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nikhil_khi, can anyone help me identify if we should cap glance_store requirement for next release? seems like it's not atm17:55
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nikhil_kthere would be not api backward compatible change yet17:56
nikhil_kand incompatible change :)17:56
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clarkbnikhil_k: you only need to do it in the stable branches of global-requirements and I believe that should be done at this point but double check17:59
asselinclarkb, jesusaurus, jeblair fyi doesn't seem to be related to my config change. Stack trace started with this cinder change:
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clarkbasselin: would probably be good to see the config change just in case it is related18:01
clarkbasselin: also I wouldn't expect a revert of the config to fix the problem if you have a change item in zuul that is broken already18:01
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nikhil_kclarkb: thanks, capping is done there18:03
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fungihadn't we had some project consensus (ml thread, summit sessions, something) that pluggable authentication in service clients was bad, that it should go away, and that the unified sdk/client wasn't going to support such things on principle?18:08
fungidtroyer: ^ ?18:08
fungiruminating in reference to about extending neutronclient so that rackspace can do the same thing with it that they already do with novaclient18:09
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dtroyerfungi: I don't recall the second part of that…but auth plugins in services doesn't make much sense, but the services could/should be written to not do discovery but hard-sleect the one they want18:11
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j^2hey everyone!18:11
j^2question: #openstack-chef team put this in: i thought that’s all you need to do to get another branch created, what am i forgetting?18:11
fungidtroyer: ahh, for some reason i thought there was a general concern over "we run openstack and work with the official openstack clients/libraries... as long as you also install this other bit of software which is developed outside the openstack community to make it work"18:12
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anteayaj^2: that doesn't create the branch, that allows changes to the branch to be reported back to your irc channel by the channel bot18:12
waynrzaro: i agree, i'd like to do something like that but it's hard to set aside time for JJB work lately....I think pelix is planning to improve the version detection framework in python-jenkins18:12
dtroyerthere is no reasn to require installing optional plugins for the services, everything they needs is built-in to ksc18:12
j^2anteaya: oh crap18:13
waynroh, just saw pelix's response18:13
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed stackforge/python-jenkins: Add get_job_info_regex method to get info about a set of jobs
AJaeger_j^2: you can still ask for a branch ;)18:13
stevemaris there a bug out for the failing swift functional jobs?18:13
AJaeger_j^2: just ask fungi or clarkb for it18:13
stevemar53 hits in 4 hrs18:13
fungiAJaeger_: j^2 could have an acl change which granted access to be able to create new branches so we don't have to18:14
j^2AJaeger_: yeah i thought there was a review we had to put in18:14
anteayaj^2: is the repo you are asking about considered a chef-cookbooks repo?
fungiAJaeger_: on a stackforge project, it's completely legitimate and not necessary to go through release management or infra teams to get a stable branch created18:14
j^2fungi: that would actaully make our lives much easier18:14
AJaeger_fungi: indeed. thanks for the explanation.18:15
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j^2if we could create our own :)18:15
AJaeger_j^2: what's your project?18:15
AJaeger_let me check the setup18:15
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j^2thanks :)18:15
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AJaeger_openstack-chef? That's in the attic, isn't it?18:16
anteayathat is what I see as well18:16
fungij^2: what git repo though?18:16
j^2yeah we have a ton of repos18:16
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stevemarlooks like its an error when creating directories for some nodes: py.error.EACCES: [Permission denied]: mkdir('/opt/stack/new/swift/.tox',)18:16
fungij^2: give us an example18:16
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AJaeger_j^2: stackforge/cookbook-openstack-compute ?18:17
j^2AJaeger_: yeah18:17
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AJaeger_j^2 you have the permissions18:17
fungij^2: for example,access says members of,members can create branches18:18
AJaeger_there's "create = group chef-manager-core"18:18
AJaeger_fungi was faster ;)18:18
AJaeger_j^2: so, just create the branch yourself.18:18
j^2awesome looking into it now18:18
j^2AJaeger_, fungi thanks guys i greatly apprciate it.18:19
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fungij^2: i think you should just be able to do it at, for example,,branches18:19
j^2oh rock on, perfect18:20
fungiif not, then you may need to use git push to create the new branch refname18:20
j^2yep, this is perfect thanks guys18:20
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marunjeblair: oof, good catch. I must have been blind yesterday.18:22
marunjeblair: would you be ok with a job-local unittest for these changes, or would you want to see scenario testing?18:22
pc_mclarkb: hi18:23
pc_mclarkb: I removed WIP from Can let this enable voting now I think. Can you +A?18:25
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Modernize variable expansion in templates
funginibalizer: should we join forces between 155471 and 157102?18:36
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fungiupdating mine now based on asselin's comment18:37
zarojamespage: hi, would you mind updating this python-jenkins launchpad page a bit?
nibalizerfungi: oh hey thats pretty cool18:38
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jeblairmarun: i think this is a good candidate for unit testing18:38
fungiwell, you already reviewed it once, a patchset ago18:38
marunjeblair: cool18:38
zarojamespage: it would be better to point people to instead of github18:39
nibalizerfungi: ya i'll +1 yours and repartent mine on yours18:40
tmcpeakI'll just leave this here:  :)18:40
funginibalizer: give it just a moment since i'm about to upload anyway18:40
nibalizerfungi: kk18:40
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Option to allow HTTPS for the proxy
funginibalizer: asselin: ^ there18:41
zarojamespage: also the bzr code that's linked on the page confuses users because it's way outdated and doesn't show anymore releases.  makes people think the project is dead.18:41
jeblair  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/zuul/trigger/", line 74, in _createProjectChangeMergedEvent18:44
jeblair    event.project_name = change.project.name18:44
jeblairasselin: found one similar occurance in an extended search of our logs ^18:44
jeblairasselin: it's not the same traceback, but could be related18:44
fungijeblair: oh, and just to follow up, i dug in the gerrit logs for our mystery change weirdness but in typical gerrit form there was nothing18:45
jeblairfungi: thanks18:46
jeblairfungi: i tried to search for 'comment:"unable to whatever the error message really is"' in gerrit, but that returned :(18:46
jeblairfungi: so not really sure how often this happens18:46
jeblairfungi: could probably reverse it from the zuul logs18:47
jeblairfungi: but i'm sort of inclined to wait and see, and enable more debugging if we notice it again18:47
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openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Stop metajob application of undefined attributes
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stevemarfungi, clarkb do y'all want a bug for this:
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fungijeblair: yeah, i concur18:55
asselinclarkb, config change:
asselinclarkb, no I had to kill zull and restart18:56
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clarkbasselin ah ya change to jobs should be fine. I was expecting a pipeline change of somesort. this is likely unrelated to what I thought it may be18:57
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asselinclarkb, jeblair it seems to be related to I'm guessing something with depends:on followed by possibly -1 workflow...?19:05
clarkbstevemar I am on phone and unable to sanely open logstash links. is there a tl;dr?19:06
stevemarclarkb, 53 hits in 4 hours, seems to be a permission issue on some nodes19:06
clarkbwhat is the error?19:06
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stevemarclarkb, always occuring on swift-functional jobs19:07
fungistevemar: if it's failing to create .tox during swift functional jobs, then sdague just patched that19:07
sdaguestevemar: yes, we thought we resolved that this morning19:07
stevemarclarkb, py.error.EACCES: [Permission denied]: mkdir('/opt/stack/new/swift/.tox',)19:07
sdagueI am hoping the fix is working now19:07
stevemarsdague, oh, maybe i'm just late to the game and the fix is still trickling through19:07
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sdagueso I just ran recheck on one of my items -
sdaguewe'll see if it makes it past there19:08
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stevemarsdague, yeah, i re-ran one of mine, zuul says it's good - but i figured this error was sporadic.19:10
stevemardepending on the host19:10
sdaguestevebaker: no, I was unwinding their functional job, and it turned out there was a permissions assumption that I got wrong19:11
sdagueif it's passing anywhere, it should be properly fixed everywhere now19:11
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stevemarsdague, oh okay, that makes sense now19:11
sdaguean elastic recheck signature would be useful though, just to get it off the uncategorized list19:11
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jeblairsdague: (modulo jjb propogation delays)19:12
sdaguejeblair: yeh19:12
stevemarsdague, thats what i was thinking, is there a bug that you used to fix it?19:12
sdagueit merged before I went to lunch though19:12
sdagueso I'm hoping it's all distributed now19:12
stevemarthe last failed job i saw ended just before 1pm eastern time19:13
stevemarjust didn't get around to looking at it til now19:13
stevemarwell, 20 minutes ago19:13
sdagueyeh, so that is a good indication that we're fixed everywhere19:13
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed stackforge/python-jenkins: Set the server connection timeout to same as socket timeout
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jesusaurushow many zuul mergers are running in infra?19:14
stevemarsdague, did you create a LP bug, that i can use to create a query for ER?19:14
sdaguestevemar: I did not, I just posted the fix19:15
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anteayajesusaurus: 819:18
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jesusaurusanteaya: thanks. oh i didnt even think to look at cacti ._.19:18
anteayatook me a while to get in the habit of looking there myself19:19
fungijesusaurus: also
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fungi(in case we've forgotten adding something to cacti)19:19
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jesusaurusthanks fungi19:20
mriedemstevemar: yeah we take e-r patches to cleanup the uncategorized bugs page19:20
mriedemit's one of my fave pastimes19:20
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/python-jenkins: Doc Change: update supported python versions
mriedemstevemar: cue scanners head explosion gif19:21
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stevemarmriedem, thanks! here's my best ascii version of fun stuff (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻19:21
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mriedemthat table never saw it coming19:21
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/python-jenkins: Doc Update: Fix formatting for inclusion of README.rst
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/python-jenkins: Add a jobs_count method
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openstackgerritImran Hayder Malik proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add details to credentials param in scm docs
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annegentlewhere's the setting for IRC channels to log them to eavesdrop?19:37
annegentleI don't see it in gerritbot/channels.yaml19:37
AJaeger_annegentle: in system-config19:38
annegentleAJaeger_: ah ok19:38
AJaeger_annegentle: which channel do you want to log?19:38
annegentleAJaeger_: based on the mailing list talk I guess we should for openstack-doc19:38
AJaeger_See as example19:38
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mordredjeblair: nice19:38
annegentleperfect thanks19:39
AJaeger_annegentle: do you want to send a patch or shall I?19:39
fungiannegentle: gerritbot doesn't do the logging, meetbot does19:39
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fungi(which is why you didn't see it in the gerritbot config)19:39
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openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Removes <service>-api from IRC channel notifications
annegentleAJaeger_: I'll do it with a ML post also to openstack-docs ML19:40
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AJaeger_annegentle: great19:41
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Create query for bug 1423315
openstackbug 1423315 in OpenStack-Gate "swift functional tests failing with py.error.EACCES: [Permission denied]" [Undecided,Fix committed]
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add DRY publisher
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openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Adds #openstack-doc IRC channel so it can be logged
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Create query for bug 1423315
openstackbug 1423315 in OpenStack-Gate "swift functional tests failing with py.error.EACCES: [Permission denied]" [Undecided,Fix committed]
openstackgerritIlia Meerovich proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adding publisher for ShiningPanda Plugin
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openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Adds #openstack-doc IRC channel so it can be logged
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump debtcollector minimum to 0.2.0
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Modernize template syntax
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nibalizerfungi: clarkb i have a qusiton20:27
gordcannegentle: rookie question regarding openstack-manuals... is master safe kilo-only feature? and if i wanted to make a juno edit, do i just go through same process of porting(if applicable) to stable/juno branch?20:27
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nibalizerso if you look at and at
nibalizerit kinda looks link we're not running the integration tests on zuul?20:28
nibalizerthe puppet-apply tests?20:28
nibalizerdid we screw that up? or is there complexity in there somewhere I'm not aware of?20:28
annegentlegordc: you can definitely back port to stable/juno on openstack-manuals, but all guides are continuously published _except_ for the install guides and config reference20:29
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annegentlegordc: way more info than you want here:
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run infra integration tests on puppet modules
gordcannegentle: ah i see.. so if i had a kilo-only item i wanted to add to admin guide... should i wait for the relase first?20:31
gordci just realised there's an openstack-doc channel. can continue there if it's easier.20:31
annegentlegordc: the admin-cloud-guide is constantly updated, so you can add it now, but realize people can't use it until they can install it...20:31
annegentlegordc: sure20:31
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funginibalizer: i was wondering similarly. did we intend to run the apply integration tests on changes to all the modules we're using? if so, we never added that20:33
openstackgerritRafael Folco proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Updates to running-your-own CI docs: Initial setup section
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nibalizerfungi: yea we meant to add the integration tests to every module we use20:34
nibalizerbecause otherwise anything can break us at any time20:34
funginibalizer: aha, i think because puppet-zuul actually was created early into or before we really started diving into the overall split effort20:34
fungiso that repo may actually predate those jobs existing20:34
nibalizeryes i agree see 157138 is my attempt to fix it20:34
fungihence, oversight20:34
* nibalizer nods20:34
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redrobotohai infra peoples!20:37
redrobotI have a question20:37
nibalizerredrobot: shoot!20:38
redrobotI'm trying to set up a DSVM gate for functional testing of Barbican on Fedora 21.  As part of the setup I'm trying to get a Directory Server configured20:39
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redrobotOne of the things I need for DS to configure correctly is the FQDN for the host20:39
redrobotpoking around it seems that HP hosts don't have a fqdn20:39
redrobotonly Rackspace hosts have a fqdn20:39
redrobotso, is it possible that I can opt for Rackspace hosts only?20:40
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fungiredrobot: not really, no, though can you just fake the fqdn (reset hostname to add some junk at the end)?20:41
fungiredrobot: your job has full root access to the machine where it runs, and we discard it as soon as the job ends, so you can really make just about any system-level changes you need to get the software running20:42
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redrobotI see... thanks fungi!20:42
fungiredrobot: also i expect our hpcloud and rackspace machines to be a lot more consistent once we can build and reuse a common set of base images uploaded to both providers. that's not too far away now20:44
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fungishould be pretty soon we can stop relying on the base images they provide in their global catalog20:44
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tmcpeakclarkb fungi etal : can one of you please look at this:  — we're at our OSSG midcycle meet up and need this to get merged to make progress on Bandit20:47
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clarkbtmcpeak: +2 its a simple change. Keep in mind you shouldn't need that for anything but ease of use. You can dev bandit and push to pypi without it20:49
tmcpeakclarkb: ok cool, thank you20:51
tmcpeakwant to get it set up properly :) but good to know about it not being required20:51
fungito be an official openstack project it would be somwhere between heavily encouraged and required, but while it's stackforge there's no requirement that you use that bit of workflow20:53
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fungithat said, it looks correct (as long as `tox -e venv python sdist` creates a working tarball for your project) so approved20:54
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Setting up Bandit integration with PyPI
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ctlaughI'm back to trying to setup CI based on asselin's instructions -- zuul is failing to start: "ImportError: Could not import any of: daemon.pidlockfile, daemon.pidfile".  DId I miss something?21:09
asselinctlaugh, there was a bug in tht21:09
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asselinsudo pip install -u lockfile21:09
fungi-U i think?21:09
asselinor that21:09
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asselinctlaugh, OR sudo apt-get remove python-lockfile (if pip approach fails)21:10
fungianyway, yeah zuul used to explicitly but unnecessarily depend on lockfile, but also depended on a version of python-daemon that wanted a newer version of lockfile. we very recently (has it merged yet?) took out the requirements.txt line for that so that python-daemon would pull in the version it actually needs21:11
asselinfungi, yes it merged21:12
ctlaughfungi: I saw something related to that that merged on the 12th.21:12
asselinfungi, one more change needed though:
asselinctlaugh, ^^ is to avoid having to apt-get remove the package21:12
ctlaughok, I ran pip install -U lockfile and zuul starts without errors now21:13
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ctlaughasselin, fungi - thank you21:14
fungithanks asselin, +221:15
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asselinfungi, thanks21:15
fungii hadn't spotted it yesterday21:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Lockfile removed from requirements
clarkbasselin: can you see if we do that for nodepool puppet too?21:15
clarkbapproved the zuul one21:16
asselinclarkb, I checked and didn't see it. will double-check21:16
clarkbasselin: ty21:16
fungiand what was the third daemon we were running into that with?21:16
* fungi 's mind is drawing a blank suddenly21:16
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fungioh, yeah possibly21:16
asselinI greped for python-lockfile and didn't find anything21:17
clarkbjogo: I think aiopcpu may have broken21:18
clarkbjogo: about to debug as soon as I am off phone21:18
clarkbasselin: ty21:18
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clarkbnibalizer: can you rebase 157136 on jheskeths change or -1 jheseths change and make him do the @s too?21:37
clarkbnibalizer: it seems weird to me to address jheskeths thing as not correct, promise a patch, then not fix his change21:37
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack/requirements: Add oslo.policy to global requirements
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arosen1Is there an issue going on with zuul right now? I've noticed that new patches aren't showing up here:
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clarkbarosen1: not that I am aware of. have an example change and patchset?21:50
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arosen1clarkb:  i rechecked this one:
arosen1clarkb:  also this one which is a new post
arosen1clarkb: doh i see them now i guess it's just taking longer for them to be picked up then they have been.21:53
arosen1sorry about that... It looks like it took close to a min to show up on the zuul page. Usually they show up there right away.21:53
clarkbmordred: jeblair Shrews what do you think of comments on 156247. I don't feel they are necessary but may make things more readable?21:54
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dkehnclarkb: trying to install jsut gerrit from the approach and initially seems to die on the mysql jdbc trying to connect to tdb, which I notice no mysql server running , is there a pre-puppet local.pp (gerrit) that is neccessary?21:55
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clarkbdkehn: we don't configure a mysql db for you, so you have to do that21:55
fungidkehn: we manually set up mysql (in our case a remote trove db)21:55
clarkbdkehn: eitherusing puppet-mysql for a local DB or using trove or whatever your favorite thing is21:55
dkehnclarkb: thats what I figured21:55
mordredclarkb: those are sane, I can knock them out21:56
dkehnclarkb: cool, thx, is there anything else that you can think of that awaits me?21:56
clarkbmordred: ok I will change to a -1, I just wasn't quite sure if I was nit picking or if those were valuable21:56
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clarkbdkehn: not off the top of my head. zaro has more recently deployed a gerrit though21:57
dkehnclarkb: zaro??21:57
clarkbdkehn: yes zaro is in this channel21:57
fungidkehn: we've had some recent patches to the module for ubuntu trusty support, so if you're deploying on trusty it's _somewhat_ tested (we have it going on review-dev.o.o right now) but may be a bumpy ride21:57
dkehnclarkb: ah21:57
fungidkehn: though no major outstanding issues i'm aware of for the moment21:58
dkehnclarkb: yes, on trusty21:58
clarkbmordred: also 156088 but on that one I feel less strongly21:59
clarkbmordred: since I am probably missing something21:59
fungiarosen1: next time look at the queue lengths numbers up in the top left. a recheck comment counts as an event, so if you see some non-zero number in the events queue then it may just not have been processed yet22:00
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow multiple node selection for 'node' parameter
dkehnzaro: is there any hints you can provide is setting up a gerrit is somewhat isolation22:01
arosen1fungi:  gotcha.22:01
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/python-jenkins: Consolidate raising identical exceptions
clarkbjhesketh: good morning22:02
clarkbjhesketh: should I grab another node so we can try testing this again?22:02
jheskethclarkb: if the timeout increase had merged?22:02
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clarkbjhesketh: I don't think it has merged I +2'd it though22:03
clarkbjhesketh: we need that first?22:03
clarkbI guess it does give us more time to work otherwise it a race22:03
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jheskethclarkb: yeah, by the time the first run is finished it doesn't leave us long for testing if we want to compare22:05
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zarodkehn: pretty much are you deploying with against a db?22:07
clarkbfungi: 156871 is the change jhesketh is talking about22:07
fungiclarkb: looking22:07
clarkbjeblair: ^ you too since that involved swift url timeouts22:07
dkehnzaro: it will be an empty DB (mysql) that I 'll install22:07
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zarodkehn: have you verified whether its a general connection issue?22:08
fungiclarkb: oh, i already approved but can rescend22:08
clarkbfungi: its probably fine22:08
clarkbit just doubles the expiry time to help with debugging22:09
zarolike can you connect to db from your gerrit server with mysl cmd line tool?22:09
fungiokay, let it ride22:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Configure the default swift log expiry
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clarkbalso some jobs run longer than 1 hour so it iwll need to be bumped up anyways22:09
dkehnzaro: the 1st time I tried I made the assumption that the puppet took care of everything22:09
jheskethclarkb, fungi, jeblair : actually this is the one we need
dkehnzaro: before I do it again on  a fresh VM wanted to ask the obvious22:09
clarkbjhesketh: we need both right?22:09
zarodkehn: i believe you still need the right credentials and keys22:10
anteayawhen I mosey over to git.o.o/openstack/governance I can't see what I am expecting:
jheskethclarkb: yep22:10
anteayamight this be a git cache issue again?22:10
anteayaI do believe removing the cache fixes this22:10
clarkbjhesketh: we have jobs that take more than 2 hours?22:10
zarodkehn: and configuration settings22:10
* anteaya f5's a few more times for good measure22:11
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dkehnzaro: was just carving out the review and creating a local.pp in my system-config/manifest dir22:11
clarkbanteaya: programs.yaml does not exist22:12
anteayathis is not what I expect22:12
anteayahow did it get to not existing?22:12
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clarkbanteaya: I think it was renamed to projects.yaml to accomdate the large tent thing22:13
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zarodkehn: so yeah, as long as you have the correct keys and creds it the puppet should mostly setup everything for you.22:13
fungijhesketh: clarkb: i'm +2 on 156872 but didn't approve it because i didn't know how much consensus you were seeking on that22:13
anteayaclarkb: okay22:14
clarkbfungi: probably a good idea to run by jeblair22:14
dkehnzaro: well let me get a db running and will try it again22:14
anteayaclarkb: how did it disappear? I need it22:14
clarkbanteaya: I think it was renamed, looking in the git log should confirm22:14
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anteayathat page says it has a size22:15
zarodkehn: you'll need a few fixes though: and
fungiclarkb: before we approve any more changes to puppet-zuul i think we should merge 15713822:15
clarkbfungi: good idea /me reviews22:16
anteayathis edits programs.yaml but doesn't rename it:
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anteayasorry it does from programs to projects.yaml22:17
clarkbfungi: approved22:17
anteayabut I don't see projects.yaml:
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anteayait only found it after I typed it in the url22:18
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clarkbanteaya: its listed in the tree for me too22:19
anteayait isn't for me22:19
clarkblet me check backends22:20
anteayaeven after I typed it in the address bar22:20
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clarkbanteaya: all 5 backends have it22:20
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anteayathanks for helping me find it22:21
fungianteaya: possibly browser-side cache?22:21
jheskethclarkb: well the timeout is 2hrs for some devstack jobs22:22
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anteayacleared cache, browser doens't keep history, opened and closed browser, still see programs not projects.yaml22:23
anteayaI seem to be the only person affected by this22:24
anteayaso it is my problem22:24
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hyakuheiIs it possible someone can take a quick look at a gerrit-bot change please? We’re working on a lot of code at the mid-cycle and having IRC notifcations would be awesome:
fungianteaya: it's not just you. it's git0122:26
clarkbfungi: really? I checked all 522:27
* clarkb double checks22:27
fungianteaya: compare with the others22:27
fungiclarkb: might be the cgit index caching is stuck then?22:27
clarkbfungi: ya thats a possibility22:27
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clarkbif the repo has the correct data then killing the cgit cache is next step22:27
anteayafungi: that is what I see22:27
anteayadeleting the cache fixed it in the past22:28
fungiclarkb: now it's fixed22:28
clarkband yes I confirm I see programs on 01 now so maybe my eyes were just bleeding22:28
anteayafungi: thanks for checking22:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Run infra integration tests on puppet modules
anteayaclarkb: it happens22:28
clarkbfungi: I sitll see programs though that may be my ocal cache now22:28
fungiclarkb: after i explicitly went to projects.yaml on git01 then it started showing a correct index on reload22:28
clarkbfungi: did you do anything to it to fix it?22:29
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Enable whitelisting branches with pull request builder
fungiclarkb: presumably it refreshed on its own when i requested a file which wasn't in its index? don't really know how smart its server-side caching is22:29
anteayaI still have that same view, programs not projects and it is empty22:30
fungiclarkb: then i browsed away and back and now the index is wrong again22:30
anteayaand I just cleared cache again and closed and opened my browser22:30
jeblairclarkb, fungi, jhesketh: i'm okay with 4h for now.  i do think we should see if we can hide those values in jenkins though22:30
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fungiclarkb: really, really weird... so22:31
fungiclarkb: if i go to
fungiclarkb: and then put in the browser22:32
openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Stop metajob application of undefined attributes
fungiclarkb: aha! i see the difference22:32
fungiclarkb: trailing / vs no trailing /22:32
nibalizerclarkb: well fungi had me rebase mine on his... /me not actually care22:32
funginibalizer: yep, it was a jerk move on my part, but i'm the insensitive type22:32
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clarkbjeblair: we can hide them if we go back to specifing them in the jobs and specify them as passwords22:33
nibalizerso idunno yea, what do?22:33
clarkbjeblair: jenkins won't divulge vars through the webui if they are of the "secure" variety22:33
jeblairclarkb: we might be able to automate that in the gearman plugin22:33
anteayafungi: so how is the / making the difference in what is in the view?22:33
fungiclarkb: so anyway, i agree it's likely just the cgit index cache. i'll see if i can remember how to clear it22:33
clarkbfungi: ah / vs no / which may explain my confusion too22:34
clarkbfungi: iirc you just rm everthing in the cache dir and cache dir is specified in cgit config22:34
anteayafungi: I think rm was what clarkb found effective last time22:34
fungithanks, doing22:34
clarkbnibalizer: its ok we approved jheskeths change so now you just need to rebase :)22:34
fungianteaya: clarkb yep, now it's actually fixed. that seems to have been it22:36
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anteayacool, thanks22:38
nibalizerokay ill rebase things22:38
anteayayes I can see the tags directory now too22:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Set the expiry for zuul swift instructions
tim_oI'm in the process of getting an Apache setup for displaying my build log files.  I've had the builds running for some time...about how long will it take to get voting approval, do you think?22:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add Anchor to GerritBot channels.yaml
fungitim_o: you should probably be asking the project(s) you'll be voting on that question. we don't make that decision22:43
jogoclarkb: broken without live migration?22:43
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clarkbjogo: ya22:45
clarkbjogo: and I got all distracted with reviews22:45
jogoclarkb: well I ran it yesterday on a random nova patch22:45
jogonova-net worked22:45
clarkbjogo: my runs today failed nova net and neutron22:45
jogoneutron, not so much
clarkbjogo: lots of fails too >10 each time22:45
jogoclarkb: link?22:45
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* jogo looks22:47
asselintim_o, 3rd party ci requires logs to be kept for 30 days.
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jogoclarkb: eep that is a big list22:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix NullPtr issue in ownership props
krotscheckHey everyone. I want y’all to be aware of a change that’s happening inside of storyboard to support py3.4 soon. From the way the puppet module installs storyboard, there _shouldn’t_ be a problem, however when we’re ready to drop it I’d appreciate an infra core/root person who can make sure the world doesn’t explode on us (eta tomorrow sometime)
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dkehnzaro: just wondering I'm taking somehting22:49
clarkbkrotscheck: happy to help22:49
krotscheckclarkb: Thanks!22:49
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dkehnzaro: I'm using22:49
krotscheckAfter that stack of patches lands, we’ll update the puppet module to run storyboard under python3.22:49
clarkbkrotscheck: nice22:50
krotscheckAnd then consign python2.7 to a watery grave.22:50
openstackgerritJames Graf proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Job DSL plugin for Groovy-based job and view creation and management
* krotscheck is planning to play Taps on a kazoo.22:50
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nibalizerclarkb: so i rebase it on master?22:50
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dkehnzaro: sorry using and using to execute, does this sound accurate?22:51
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jogoclarkb: so this looks bad
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krotscheckActually, clarkb, if you have time to review that patch we could land the whole stack right now.22:53
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jogohmm No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available22:54
clarkbkrotscheck: I may have to pop out at any time right now so not great for me to babysit this afternoon22:55
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krotscheckclarkb: Gotcha22:55
clarkbbut if fungi or $otherrooter can I say go for it22:55
tim_othks, 30 days got that one .... is there a Neutron email contact I should start with, too?22:55
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jogoqemu-img: No such file or directory22:55
clarkbjogo: so devstack change then?22:55
clarkbjogo: possibly related to your package cleanup :P ?22:56
anteayatim_o: best to join #openstack-neutron22:56
fungiokay, a fresh test run of my experimental run-nova-py27-on-devstack-nodes job/macros holds up to scrutiny and adds less than a minute of wall clock time, so next i'll figure out what's missing to do the same for neutron22:56
jogoclarkb: maybe :)22:56
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fungikrotscheck: sure, i can be around to babysit it22:56
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Modernize template syntax
anteayatim_o: attend their weekly meetings as well as the third party weekly meetings and make sure folks know who you are and what you are doing22:56
jogowell only seeing this on the second node22:56
krotscheckfungi: Neat! Does look sane to you?22:56
fungikrotscheck: was just going through it now22:57
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fungihooray for another use of pymysql too22:57
jheskethjeblair: even if we find a way to hide the swift signature from jenkins, somebody could still upload a patch to print it out.. We may need a better method of pulling the signature across than jenkins environment variables.23:00
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fungikrotscheck: greghaynes: any background on the requirements-py3.txt? seems like that should really be avoided where possible (like if we can patch that back out soon and use one requirements.txt then that would be ideal)23:00
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greghaynesfungi: yea, the email module is build-in for python3 but not for python223:01
clarkbodd that eventlet is included23:01
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clarkbsince eventlet doesn't work under py3k23:01
clarkbdoes storyboard actually use eventlet? if so this may need more thought23:01
* greghaynes has no idea about that23:01
fungigreghaynes: does email still install successfully (maybe an empty package or something) under python 3.4? if so, then you can continue to use the same list, just import the one in stdlib if available23:02
greghaynesfungi: nope, failed to install which is why I split it out. IIRC the package just doesnt exist for py323:03
fungii mean, we did similar things for supporting argparse in 2.6 and 2.7 simultaneously23:03
krotscheckI don’t think we use eventlet23:03
clarkbfungi: yup, it depends on the package being semi smart23:03
fungigreghaynes: got it. maybe we can convince upstream with some patches at some point in the future then23:03
clarkblet me test realy quick23:04
clarkbnerp package install blows up on cStringIO23:04
greghaynesah, so it just explodes23:05
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greghaynesthey probably be receptive to an upstream fix then, I would thing23:05
clarkbit would be good if they just had a if python >= 3.3 then exit 0 setup.py23:05
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greghaynesThat has to be a hilarious way to tell a project that youre not a fan - send a PR that makes their just exit 023:06
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fungigreghaynes: is there a bug open against oslo.db for the pymysql reference exception shadowing?23:08
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anteayagreghaynes: I see the troll is heavy with you23:08
* anteaya keeps her eye on greghaynes23:09
jeblairjhesketh: yeah.  i think ideally the uploader should be built into the runner (eg turbo hipster).  we could try to do something with jenkins, but would rather just move.  as long as we can hide it, i'm okay with it being exposable via print -- that will only affect test jobs, not publish jobs.  the more important publish jobs where we would certainly not want someone uploading something mischevious should not be subject to the print attack.23:10
fungigreghaynes: i retract my question and remind myself to read commit messages more closely in the future. sorry!23:10
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jheskethjeblair: yeah good points23:12
jheskethputting in the runner would have its own problems, but that's another discussion23:12
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Switch from mysql-python to PyMySQL
greghaynesanteaya: hehe :)23:15
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Reorder py27 test to happen after py3 tests
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Use python3 compatible httpclient
greghaynes\O/ things are merging23:17
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greghayneshopefully I didnt break storyboard.o.o23:17
krotscheckLEt’s do this!23:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Use python3 compatible unicode types
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Use python3 compatible urllib
tchaypoToday’s review confusion: has a comment from lifeless that says "Patch Set 3: Code-Review+2” - but the reviewer grid up to only shows a +1 from him23:18
fungigreghaynes: can't make a story without breaking a few boards23:18
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fungigreghaynes: krotscheck: that whole series lgtm23:19
krotscheckfungi: Awesome.23:19
krotscheckfungi: Also, you should be Pun-ished23:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Use Python 3 compatible configparser
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Use TempDir fixture for working dir
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix bytes vs string python 3 issues
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Removed rfc3987 library
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clarkbtchaypo: he was decored23:22
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tchaypooh. and that retroactively removes his +2s?23:22
fungiwith a core remover23:22
tchaypothat’s nice23:22
fungisort of like when you put a rabbit in a t remover and get a rabbi out of it23:23
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fungior perhaps when you put in tea and get back something which is almost but not quite entirely unlike tea23:23
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nibalizerwait so isn't decoring actually coring though?23:25
clarkbnibalizer: my mind just exploded23:25
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anteayarabbi tea?23:28
* anteaya passes23:28
anteayait would just tell me how I'm doing everything wrong23:28
anteayaI know that already23:28
fungireferences to the old infocom text game for hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy23:28
* krotscheck is patiently waiting for storyboard to explode.23:28
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* krotscheck is totally ready to blame greghaynes for all the things :D23:29
fungii blame greghaynes for progress23:29
anteayafungi: oh yes, that I got23:29
* anteaya figured everyone did23:29
krotscheckgreghaynes, STOP PROGRESSING!23:29
krotscheckok, puppet ran.23:30
krotscheck….storyboard is not dead.23:30
* krotscheck is not disappointed.23:30
* krotscheck runs off to go make python3 voting23:30
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krotscheckBut, for the sake of sanity, let’s let all the other cores weigh in on that one. IT’s a pretty big decision to enable that23:31
* krotscheck rechecks juuust to make sure.23:33
krotscheck(Different project)23:33
* krotscheck thinks that the python sbclient should probably remain both py27 and py323:33
fungiyeah, you may want to go recheck all open sb changes to see if any are still failing the py34 job23:34
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Python34 Jobs for StoryBoard are now voting.
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openstackgerritBarnaby Court proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Enable whitelisted-orgs-as-admins for ghprb trigger
fungiyay! my macros also work for running neutron py2723:42
fungiironic will need some extra work since they use a second database23:42
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zarodkehn: you might try commenting out github_* and project_config_repo as well.23:43
clarkbfungi: we should convince them to fix that really quicly23:44
clarkbfungi: there isn't really a raisin for that anymore iirc23:44
fungiaww, that's why i made the database creation macros take a database name parameter! their special snowflake might become a little less special...23:45
clarkbfungi: well ideally we don't need any db creation just the user23:46
fungiif it hadn't been for ironic, i'd have combined the db prep and db creation macros (still split per-backend though)23:46
clarkbat least that is where I would like to see us go23:46
dkehnzaro: ok, thx23:46
fungiclarkb: agreed, tests should create the databases they need and just assume they have the permissions to do so23:47
fungibut in the interim, i guess having that split out helps make migration to the desired end state simpler23:47
fungiso a job can drop the database creation macro once it no longer needs it23:47
fungiand then we can drop the database creation macros once nobody's using them any longer23:48
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fungii'll check ironic in a bit and see if maybe we're lucky and they've already stopped doing that23:50
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fungiclarkb: i'm wondering whether this is a good opportunity to also start transitioning over to nodes named simply "trusty" and "centos6" and so on. or just make everything run on devstack-.* named nodes first and then relabel everything once consolidation is done?23:55
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fungii guess the latter means not running ~50% more varied image types for an indeterminate amount of time23:56
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Python34 Fixes.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Removed py33, pypy from python-storyboardclient
fungii've already talked myself out of it. forget i asked ;)23:56
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clarkbfungi: ya I think we switch to devstack-* first, remove bare-* then remove the devstack prefix23:58
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clarkbwill be easier to roll back that way too while we transition23:59
fungithat keeps us with the least amount of fragmentation and fewest number of images being built/updated23:59
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