Thursday, 2014-12-18

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hasharthe way I worked around the issue I described was to disconnect/reconnect the gearman client00:01
hashar(in jenkins)00:01
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hasharthen newly proposed changes would be processed00:01
hasharand to unlock the queues I used 'zuul promote' (but that retrigger everything :/ )00:01
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anteayathe graphs for zm5 and zm8 are way higher for eth1 traffic compared to the rest of the zm servers00:08
anteayano idea if that is useful, probably not00:08
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anteayaasselin: while you are at it can you propose a change against the spec, noting those two modules don't currently exist and should be removed from the list in the spec?00:20
asselinanteaya, I can do that00:20
anteayaasselin: thanks00:23
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jeblairclarkb: my plan is to run this until we see the error again, or as long as i can stand it, then restart geard with all the outstanding changes00:30
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clarkbjeblair: including mine?00:31
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jeblairclarkb: yeah00:34
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pleia2nibalizer, jeblair, et al - they've renamed their tool to git-codereview
fungithat was fast00:37
* pleia2 bows00:37
anteayapleia2: way to go00:38
jeblairpleia2: any chance they want to help with ours?  or is it not written in go enough?00:38
anteayayou force for change you00:38
nibalizerpleia2: is a superwoman00:38
fungii bet you convinced them that _their_ dev community would be too confused by it00:38
pleia2fungi: yep, that was my strategy00:38
anteayavery effective00:38
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pleia2jeblair: I doubt it, them seem to be happy to do it all in go00:39
jeblairwe should submit patches to their repos to add .gitreview files00:39
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anteayait took them all of 9 minutes to change... once they decided to00:43
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clarkbjeblair: its looking like zuul is near clearing out the current set of work. May be a good time to restart geard when it enters this sort of state00:44
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clarkbjeblair: did my latest gear patchset hold up under your load testing? or did you onl check it with admin status command?00:53
clarkbjeblair: mostly curious if you have any additional feedback00:53
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Remove 2 modules that won't be split out
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Set alembic>=0.7.1
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for nova unit test race bug 1403564
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1403564 in nova "nova.tests.unit.conductor.test_conductor._BaseTaskTestCase.test_build_instances_scheduler_failure is racy" [Medium,In progress]
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/gear: Only wake relevant connections
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add --average option to sql2subunit cli
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clarkbdstufft question for you01:06
clarkbdstufft: if you `git clone pbr && cd pbr && git checkout master && virtualenv venv && venv/bin/python sdist` it explodes01:07
clarkbdstufft: the egg_info.writer does not exist on pbr master01:07
clarkbbut for some reason distutils is looking for that. So I guess my question is "is the egg_info.writers entry point 'global' and not encapsulated by the virtualenv?"01:08
dstufftit should be encaspulated by the virtualenv01:08
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clarkbthe othe thing I tried was maybe pbr grabs the latest version of itself to install itself (ugh) and since latest enters the entrypoint but local code doesn't have the target it fails. But I made a new virtualenv and installed pbr from pypi at version 0.10.0 which does not do the entrypoint and tried again. but it still failed01:09
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1403510 affecting docutils/py33/py34
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1403510 in os-apply-config "gate tests failed with "NameError: name 'StandardError' is not defined"" [High,Confirmed]
clarkbdstufft: huh it worked for you01:11
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dstufftclarkb: if you installed a copy of pbr into that virtualenv and you were in the root of the repo it would fail as you said01:11
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clarkbok thats what I did01:12
dstufftso my guess is you either triggered an install of pbr from pypi somehow, or you're running an old virtualenv which doesn't have --no-site-packages by default01:12
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clarkbhrm I don't have pbr globally installed01:13
clarkblet me fiddle a bit more01:13
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clarkbhuh ok I got it to work. I think it didn't like my venv in the same dir as pbr01:15
clarkbdstufft: thank you for the sanity check01:15
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dstufftclarkb: no problem01:16
dstufftclarkb: I would probably suggest getting the egg writer stuff on master sooner rather than later, because it wouldn't surprise me if more than one person ran into an error like that01:17
clarkbdstufft: oh ya, tripleo hit it :)01:17
clarkbdstufft: so I think that is my next step once we get the current in flight changes happy01:17
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clif_his py33 gate testing broken atm?01:18
clarkbclif_h: yes01:18
clif_hclarkb: ty01:18
dstufftthe fix is somewhere on the queue01:18
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dstufftmerge-check queue is massive lol01:19
anteayaclif_h: go to
anteayayou will see all of our testing queues01:19
clarkbdstufft: its currently 666 for me :)01:19
dstufftme to01:20
dstufftevil queue01:20
anteayaI too see 66601:20
clarkbit is a sign01:20
jeblairclarkb: drat, i was afk and missed the bottoming out of the queue01:20
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clarkbjeblair: oh well01:20
dstufftif something is in the gate queue, does that mean it's going to get merged assuming the gate passes?01:20
jeblairclarkb: i'm still not seeing jenkins01 erroring; perhaps the underlying network issue has cleared01:21
clarkbdstufft: yes (with the slight corner case where gerrit jgit may decide something can't merge even though C git said it could)01:21
anteayadstufft: yes, it should be what it means01:21
dstufftso the fix for py33 is in the gate queue then01:21
clarkbdstufft: but our detection of that case is pretty good now and we fail fast on it01:21
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dstufftas is the .postN version01:21
clarkbdstufft: yup and once those three changes merge we will tag a new release01:22
clarkbjeblair: in fact maybe you can promote those three pbr changes if/when you restart things01:22
dstufftoh and the git thing01:22
dstufftforgot about it01:22
jeblairclarkb: ack01:23
dstufftoh and my requirements change is almost through the check queue :yay:01:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/gear: Fix accounting bug when peeking for job
clarkbdstufft: I think it has been approved too so should end up in the gate once those tests pass01:24
dstufftclarkb: you'd think i'd have the pipeline figured out by now :/01:24
jeblairwe are always changing it :)  it's kinda dark city around here...01:25
dstufftsuccess \o/01:25
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anteayaha ha ha01:27
anteayaand I thought it was just me who never knew what was going on01:27
dstuffthopefully the 9 hours in the gate key doesn't mean it's gonna take 9 hours to process all this01:28
dstufftor is that what it means01:28
clarkbdstufft: that 9 hours is how long it has been in there01:28
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add nodepool script to preseed testrepository from subunit2sql
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jeblairrestarting geard01:32
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jeblairclarkb: hrm, i think when we do this we may end up waiting out the full 300 second timeout before zuul reconnects.  that could probably be improved.01:34
clarkbya should get a fin and close the socket01:35
jeblairclarkb: yep.  we just need to pass that through to the wait event that's waiting on the job handle to be returned01:35
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jeblairthere it goes01:37
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openstackgerritStefano Maffulli 'reed' proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove from the list of server
jeblairclarkb: the cpu usage of geard is _way_ better than before01:38
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anteayawhich server is the geard server?01:41
jeblairanteaya: it runs on zuul.o.o01:42
jeblairanteaya: you should see cpu, load average, and possibly eth0 traffic drop on that host01:42
anteayaso far seeing cpu graph drop01:43
anteayalooks like this started around 180001:43
anteayaeth0 is less but still jumping around a bit01:45
anteayaoh eth0 out just spiked01:45
jeblairclarkb: i think geard may be stuck.  i'm going to restart it without your patch, but save the log output01:47
clarkbjeblair: ok01:47
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openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Add a TODO and support for configuring Wildfly
anteayacurrent system cpu usage is less than average01:52
anteayaand eth0 out came back down01:53
anteayaeth0 out spiked again01:56
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jyusoanteaya: hi,i want to ask a question here:our CI isn't based on Zuul,so there is no sandbox jenkins project which is auto generated by Zuul in my i still need to create a Jenkins project to test voting on sandbox?01:58
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asselinjyuso, the sandbox project is the one hosted by openstack02:00
anteayaeth0 out is starting to drop02:01
fungiclarkb: remember that dhellmann's patch adds . in the deps in tox.ini because something in the pbr test requirements is dragging in a release of pbr (circular dep)02:02
clarkbfungi: ya I think that is a similar situation02:02
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asselinjyuso, you don't need zuul, there are other options. see here for an alternative:
clarkbok time to step out for dinner02:04
anteayaclarkb: enjoy dinner02:04
openstackgerritMauro Rodrigues proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Query for bug #1253896
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1253896 in tempest/havana "Attempts to verify guests are running via SSH fails. SSH connection to guest does not work." [Critical,Confirmed]
anteayaasselin: you're awesome02:05
anteayasystem cpu load and eth0 are dropping02:06
jyusoasselin: Thanks.I'm using gerrit trigger on my server to trigger my local jenkins project:)02:06
jeblairclarkb: i think i found the problem with your patch; left comment.02:06
anteayawhat is causing the eth0 out spikes when they happen?02:07
asselinjyuso, gotta go now. hopefully that helps you make progress.02:07
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dstufftclarkb: fungi
dstufftnot released in setuptools yet02:17
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clarkbjeblair thank you02:17
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fungidstufft: thanks--i guess we'll want to prepare to adjust our pre-release tag pattern again02:18
dstufftfungi: sorry for flip flopping on y'all :(02:19
fungidstufft: it happens. at least it's a change for the better02:19
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anteayalooks like the merge-check queue got cleared out02:21
anteayathat lightens a bit of load02:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Update TODO file
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anteayaeth0 out spiked again and system cpu increased02:27
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anteayahope it is of no concern02:27
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anteayaboth are dropping again02:36
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add a db api method to extract run_times for a single test
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: WIP: Add tool for generating line graphs of test run times
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anteayaI think it is time for me to be offline02:40
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clarkbjeblair I think my intent was to never read beyond what I could process to avoid leaking memory02:46
clarkbjeblair also it should go through the loop once,fail to make apacket then go through again with need bytes true. but I likely need to rethink all that02:47
jeblairclarkb: i understand why need_bytes is required now02:47
jeblairclarkb: if it reads 2 packets, it will only return one, the next time through it needs to return the second without performing another read.  the third time through, it should do a read and then raise eagain02:48
jeblairclarkb: so i think needs_bytes needs to be saved02:48
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: WIP: Add tool for generating line graphs of test run times
jeblairclarkb: (like input_buffer)02:48
clarkbjeblair ya I can do tbat02:48
jeblairclarkb: i just hacked that up and it looks promising...02:48
clarkbawesome feel free to push a new patchset02:48
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jeblairok cool.  will do02:49
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/gear: Read more bytes per readPacket iteration
jeblairpushed and -1'd  :)02:54
jeblairdstufft, clarkb: pbr patches merged02:56
jeblairfungi: ^02:56
dstufftfungi: clarkb so we need a pbr release then yea?03:01
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jeblairrestarting gear with latest patchset of 14018603:03
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jeblairokay, that time we hit a registration race; i'll restart zuul and re-enqueue03:05
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jeblairclarkb: i think there's still a bug; some functions were not being registered; i think the can_do packets were being missed03:16
jeblairso we're running geard master now (which was working fairly well for the past few hours).  will probably stay with that tonight.03:16
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openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/requirements: Update version of neutronclient
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yosamI need some assistance with submitting my first git review to the openstack-dev sandbox.  Is this the correct place for seeking help?05:43
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grue_pmyosam: people round here are usually very helpful wiht anything or will point you in the right direction. It's a bit quieter now as a lot of them are asleep <-:05:45
naggappanyosam : let us know what issue you are facing when you try to commit05:46
yosamfatal:  A Contributor Agreement must be completed before uploading:05:46
naggappanyousam : please gothrough
yosamI am attempting to setup an External Test Platform05:47
naggappanyosam : you mean third party CI system?05:47
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naggappanyosam : yes for this you need to create a ssh key pair then send the request with public key and other detaisl to openstack-infra mailing list05:50
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yosamI have done so and have a gerrit user05:51
naggappanyosam: so you need help in setting up now?05:52
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yosamI have been using for guidance05:53
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naggappanyosam : yes thats the good one. all the setup details are over there. But lots of puppet manifest have been changed . so you need to modify few instllation scripts in it.05:54
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yosamI have modified the installation scripts, however I may have missed something.  Currently I have got as far as Testing Communication Between Upstream and Your Master05:56
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naggappanYosam: Have you did any test by commiting a code in openstack/sandbox ?05:59
naggappanto just verify the test triggers or not05:59
yosamThe git commit was successful06:02
naggappanyosam: so the patch submited in successfully. But your test did not trigger ?06:03
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yosamcorrect the Contributor Agreement warning is generated when try git review06:08
yosamso no test was triggered06:08
naggappanyousam: when you do git review , you will get a review url. Do you get that url for your patchset06:09
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naggappanyosam : I guess you use same user to submit the patch to openstack-dev/sandbox project also. You should submit as a standard user to the openstack-dev/sandbox. Like how the developers will do the commit to projects. once the patch is submitted , not only you in any one submit the patch the test should trigger in your CI system automatically.06:12
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yosamby standard user do you mean the gerrit user name06:13
naggappanyousam : yes gerrit user name.06:14
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yosamthank you for your assistance I will keep trying06:15
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: the jenkins01 error happened again; existing logging still wasn't enough to debug so i've applied local patch to narrow it further and restarted geard.06:38
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AJaegerfungi, clarkb: Still awake? There are a lot NOT_REGISTERED jobs ;(06:45
AJaegerjeblair: see above ^06:45
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AJaegerah, seems to be recovering now.06:49
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ttxHmm, we might need a pbr tag to propagate fix for
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1403510 in os-apply-config "gate tests failed with "NameError: name 'StandardError' is not defined"" [High,Confirmed]08:43
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openstackgerritAleksey proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix i18n
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Ensure we have a PEP 440 compatible version of pytz
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openstackgerritAleksey proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix i18n
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tchaypopleia2: are you around perchance?10:49
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openstackgerritJames Polley proposed stackforge/gertty: Add detailed examples and dashboards a la gerrit
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openstackgerritAleksey proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Changes for calls iteritems and str to six
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openstackgerritAleksey proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix i18n
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mordredfungi: morning. any pbr tasks for me to jump on?11:34
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mordredttx: yah, I think I need to tag one as soon as I get airborne11:36
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Davieymordred: pbr?  I have a waiting pull request :)11:46
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mordredDaviey: yah ... we've been staving off setuptools disaster with some small point releases ... but I'll review your patch today11:47
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mordredDaviey: looks good11:52
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openstackgerritCédric de Saint Martin proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Check for git installation before using git.
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openstackgerritTim Kelsey proposed openstack/requirements: Bumping PyKMIP version from 0.1.0 to 0.2.0
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dstufftmordred: I think feature/0.10 needs another release12:14
dstufftunless someone did it already12:14
dstufftthe .postN, fix for docutils, and fix for not having git installed landed last night12:14
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mordreddstufft: woot12:17
dstufftalso the glboal requirements landed for pytz too12:17
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dstufftI think that means that the only thing left for setuptools 8 is the warnings, I have a PR against setuptools which will subclass RuntimeWarning to make a PEP440Warning so we can filter just that warning (as long as we're OK with failing on setuptools 8.0-8.0.4 and passing setuptools 8.0.5+12:18
dstufftbut that's not landed yet12:18
mordredcool. I think we're definitely fine with failing on those setuptoolses12:20
mordredsince nothing else has released dependent on them, so once 8.0.5 is in the wild, it's unlikely the others will ever come up12:20
* mordred has pushed 0.10.4 tag for pbr12:20
dstufftI also have a PR that'll change the normalization rules for 1.0c1 -> 1.0rc112:21
dstufftwe changed PEP 440 yesterday for it12:21
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mordreddstufft: this has been a fun week hasnt it?12:23
dstufftmordred: just think12:24
dstufftsoon pip 6 gets released12:24
mordreddstufft: yay!12:24
dims__haha dstufft :)12:24
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dstufftalthough that shouldn't be bad12:24
dstufftPEP 440 is the biggest thing in pip 6 that'll cause breakage12:24
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dstufftand setuptools is already leading on that12:24
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dstufftother than PEP 440 pip 6 should mostly be things that just make things better for people, on by default HTTP cache, randomized build directories, way less noisy output, automatic retries on HTTP requests if downloading things fails12:27
dstufftoh, pip 6 does deprecate accessing non HTTPS URLs without a flag, but those still _work_ on pip 6, it just yells at you until you add the flag12:27
dstufft(to be clear, it yells at you and works without the flag, it won't stop working till 7)12:27
mordredoh. we should do something about that then12:28
mordredsince we have non-https mirrors12:28
dstufftyou can just set --trusted-host if you want, or add certificates and do --cert12:28
mordredfungi: ^^ maybe we should get a cert12:28
dstufftor get trusted certs12:28
mordredyah. I mean, they're $1012:28
dstufftpip 6 has config files in /etc/ now too, and inside a virtualenv12:29
dstufftmight be useful for y'all12:29
mordredvery much12:29
mordredthat actually might be the easiest thing to do on our build hosts actually12:29
mordredcan we set multiple trusted-host entries?12:29
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mordred(where's the best place for me to look to learn about that system?)12:30
dstufftyea you can set multiple12:31
dstufftyou mean the trusted host system? I can link the PR, there's nothing special about it though, it adds a --trusted-host flag where you specify the DNS name12:32
dstufftlike --trusted-host wahtever.example.com12:32
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mordredno - I mean the new config file stuff12:33
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dstufftit's not on yet because it's not released, so you'll have to put up with weird formatting since github doens't grok sphinx -
dstufftmordred: is there any interest in making it so the tarballs emitted by pbr don't require pbr?12:36
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Read user preferences from backend
mordreddstufft: yes - I started working on having pbr emit a in tarballs that didn't use pbr12:39
mordredbut then I got busy with other things12:39
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dstufftmordred: I may poke at that sometime12:39
dstufftI kind of want a pbr like thing, but without an install time dep on pbr outside of a dev environment12:40
mordreddstufft: <-- non-functional work in progress12:40
dstufftthough i'd want to turn off some things too, not sure if there's any interest in that12:40
mordreddstufft: I agree, the install-time requirement is ugly12:40
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mordredand we have "turn off these features" flags for several things already12:40
mordredso I don't think those features would be unwelcome12:41
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mordreddstufft: I know notmyname and the swift guys would love you for a million years if you made such a thing, btw12:42
dstufftmordred: I started writing something for use in pip, then realized I was more or less just recreating parts of pbr12:42
dstufft(still not sure if it's reasonable for pip to do something like that, I'm pretty sure it's not reasonable for pip to do something like that in a released version, I think it would probably be fine in a develop version though)12:44
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Read user preferences from backend
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: List PyPI mirrors as trusted hosts everywhere
mordreddstufft: ^^ does that look sane to you?13:16
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garykfungi: are you around?13:17
garykanteaya: are you around?13:17
dstufftmordred: um, in my "it's 8am and I have a headache" state it looks right to me13:18
mordreddstufft: I know that state :)13:18
mordreddstufft: mine is "it's 8am, I have a headache and zomg I'm on a plane"13:18
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dstufftmordred: :D13:19
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dstufftmordred: so I rechecked and it looks like everything works now except the test cases that checkout the output of invoking a pythong script and get that warning13:20
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dstufftmordred: so either that can be fixed now by ignoring RuntimeWarnings in pkg_resources, or it can wait until setuptools 8.0.5 and ignore PEP440Warnings13:21
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dstufftoh looks like jason might have woekn up13:22
dstufftmy setuptools PRs just started getting merged13:22
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dims__mordred: in the base.pp is the source value right? seems like it is missing files/13:25
mordreddims__: sadly, yes13:25
dims__puppet:///modules/openstack_project/global-pip.conf -> puppet:///modules/openstack_project/files/global-pip.conf13:25
mordredwait - lemme look13:25
* dims__ has no clue :)13:25
mordreddims__: yeah - puppet does magic and turns puppet:///modules/openstack_project/global-pip.conf into modules/openstack_project/files/global-pip.conf13:26
dims__about how puppet works13:26
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mordreddims__: because ruby13:26
dims__ah ok13:26
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add rally-py34 job
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garykmestery: anteaya: fungi: you guys around?13:44
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dstufftmordred: setuptools 8.1 is released13:52
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mordreddstufft: neat13:56
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mordredttx: ^^ we can go back to rc now13:59
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* ttx hasn't pushed the patch to release-tools he uses for supporting c yet14:00
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ttxmordred: but we should still enfore x.y.z in the future, and use .0rc1 and .0b1 ?14:01
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Go back to rc for pre-releases
mordredttx: I think so14:05
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garykmestery: anteaya: fungi: you guys around?14:08
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add rinse to nodepool
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add debootstrap to the needed packages for dib
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Make apt skip grabbing translations
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mesterygaryk: Here sir14:10
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dstufftmordred: where's the best place to put an environment variable to disable warnings for the tests?14:20
dstufftmordred: see
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mesteryGood morning infra folks! I don't seem to have permissions to add/remove third party CI accounts in gerrit, I'm apparently not in the neutron-ci group. Any help?14:27
mesteryanteaya: ^^^^14:27
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mesteryanteaya: I think I just need to be added to the neutron-ci gerrit group so I can add/remove accounts. I was there at one time, now I'm gone.14:31
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garykmestery: i have addressed all of the comments in
mesterygaryk: looking14:32
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garykit has history, tags and is ready to rock 'n roll14:32
garykin actual fact it has the same properties as all of our openstack repos14:33
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mesterygaryk: So you're ok not taking branches with you?14:33
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mesterygaryk: +114:34
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fungiokay, back and caffeinated now. what's broken?14:35
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garykmestery: thanks14:36
fungiscrollback time14:36
mesteryfungi: lol14:36
garykfungi: can you please look at
mesteryfungi: Can you help get me into the neutron-ci gerrit group so I can enable/disable neutron third-party CI systems?14:37
garykthe git repo has been update to support all tags, history14:37
fungijeblair: fyi once you're awake looks like the jenkins01 error is back as of ~1100 utc14:37
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fungihrm, as yosam pointed out a while back, openstack-dev/ci-sandbox is set to require a signed icla. i think that should get removed. patch on the way14:40
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fungimordred: ttx: dhellmann: i fell asleep before the pbr fixes merged, so did not get anything tagged yet14:41
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garykmestery: not sure i follow you comment about the branches?14:43
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: The ci-sandbox project should not require an ICLA
mesterygaryk: ihar told me I should take the branches with me because it would make stable backports easier.14:45
garykmestery: it has them as the tags - i think14:46
fungimordred: as for pip and ssl validation, i already checked with dstufft and it's trivial to instruct pip to validate against a specific certificate (or simply add to the system trust set). i was going to turn on https with the local snakeoil cert on each of our pypi mirrors and look into the puppet we need to update the workers to trust those14:47
mesterygaryk: OK, just wanted to be sure :)14:47
dstufftfungi: morded tagged pbr14:47
garykmestery: maybe i missed a step. but i am really not sure14:47
dstufftfungi: the only thing we need for setuptools 8 now is to add PYTHONWARNINGS='ignore::RuntimeWarning:pkg_resources' when invoking the tests to suppress the warnings for the tests that subprocess to a python script and assert against the output14:48
mesterygaryk: Did you make sure to checkout each remote branch when you cloned neutron?14:48
dstufftfungi: I have no idea where the best place to add that env var is tho14:48
fungigaryk: what's up?14:49
garykfungi: hi, wanted to know if you had anyt houghts on
fungimestery: are you sure you can't add and remove accounts in neutron-ci? it's owned by the neutron-release group of which you're a member (being a member of neutron-ci won't help you since the group is not self-managed)14:52
garykmestery: i do not recall checking out all of the remote branches - i did not see that as part of the instructions. then again i am not sure i understand the actual importnatce of that at the moment as this is meant to be a new repo14:52
mesteryfungi: I don't see it in gerrit at all. Shoudl I see it there?14:53
mesterygaryk: It was at the top of the script :) I'll make sure the instructions are updated.14:53
bknudsonI'm trying to figure out why a bunch of my reviews went into merge conflict -- and what I have to do to get them out --
bknudsonI don't think there's actually a merge conflict since I rebased14:54
bknudsonand no conflict14:54
fungimestery: the neutron-ci group is set to be visible in the gerrit groups list, and can be directly managed at
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Added cron plugin to clean old access tokens.
mesteryfungi: I was just remembering that, I've bookmarked it now :)14:55
garykmestery: this one?
mesterythanks fungi !14:55
sdaguebknudson: where do you think they merge conflicted ?14:55
mesterygaryk: Yes!14:56
bknudsonsdague: I don't think there is a merge conflict... but it says there's a merge conflict on the review page14:56
bknudsonI guess I can just rebase them.14:56
garykcan you point me to the part with the branches? just want to make sure it is done14:56
sdaguebknudson: yeh, the gerrit merge resolution seems quite conservative compared with git locally14:56
bknudsonthere's a bunch in stable/juno where nothing even merged, so not sure how those could have gone into conflict --
sdagueso typically, just rebase if you see that14:57
garykfek - ok, i see the issue now - i did not have the remote branches as local14:57
bknudsonsdague: ok, I'll rebase.14:57
garykmestery:  let me try again14:57
mesterygaryk: OK, cool!14:57
sdaguebknudson: wow, that's a bunch of backports :)14:57
bknudsonsdague: oh, I ran recheck on and now that one's not merge conflict anymore.14:57
fungidstufft: looks like you're talking about 142322 so we can probably set that in devstack-gate. i'll take a stab at a patch14:58
sdaguebknudson: yeh, I don't know14:58
dstufftfungi: yea that's what Iw as using to see if openstack is setuptools 8 ready or not14:58
bknudsonok, I'll just recheck... wasn't sure if I'd be required to actually rebase to clear it or if recheck would do it.14:58
fungibknudson: that looks like it might have been an error on zuul's part (maybe something wrong with one of the zuul merge workers). i'll take a look at the servers in a sec15:01
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jaypipesclarkb, fungi, sdague: does Gerrit have rate-limiting on its HTTP API?15:10
jaypipesclarkb, fungi, sdague: for reference, trying to debug this:!/story/200008415:10
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jaypipesafter a little while using Gertty, I'm getting a 401 Unauthorized for some reason from Gerrit.15:11
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fungijaypipes: possibly... i'll check the gerrit error log from that point in time and see if it's at all enlightening15:15
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jaypipesfungi: thx!15:18
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Pre-release tags use rc instead of c
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fungidstufft: thinking more about those error message matches, i think maybe tempest should be the one to set that envvar since it can be run outside the scope of devstack-gate by end users, so setting it within devstack-gate doesn't really help them, only us15:23
dstufftfungi: ok15:24
dstufftfungi: can you do that or is that something I Should do? I don't know much about tempest :)15:24
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fungidstufft: i'll take a stab at it15:24
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fungimtreinish: we need to set an envvar to silence errors causing problems in tests like this:
fungimtreinish: quick temperature check, will setting that globally in tempest be acceptable?15:25
dstufftit'll silence RuntimeWarnings that occur in the pkg_resources module15:26
fungimtreinish: that's one of the remaining bits of fallout from setuptools 8, fwiw15:26
dstufftbut not runtime warnings that occur elsewhere15:26
dstufftor any other kind of warning15:26
dims_dhellmann: fungi: is there a pbr release in the works for the sphinx py33 problems?
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fungialso, looks like we're already up to setuptools 8.2 now15:27
dstufftdims_: should already be released15:27
dims_dstufft: so, i just need to do rechecks?15:27
sdaguedstufft: that python-debian warning seems odd15:27
dstufftmordred did it a little bit ago15:27
dstufftsdague: why?15:28
fungidims_: if you're still seeing the issue with pbr 0.10.4 then we're missing something else15:28
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sdaguedstufft: because at least on my system the PKG-INFO doesn't look like that15:28
dims_fungi: just checking if i should start recheck-s15:28
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sdagueoh, I guess on 14.04 it does15:28
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dstufftfungi: yea, 8.1 was released instead of 8.0.5 because I added a new class, and then 8.2 was another change that was unrelated to pep 44015:29
fungisdague: that's setuptools 8 complaining about non-pep-440 conformant versions of python libraries installed from distro system packages15:29
mtreinishfungi: hmm, you can't just set it in because of tox?15:30
sdagueso 14.04 is on setuptools 3.3 out of the box15:30
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sdaguewhich i guess makes sense, that was the released version in march15:31
fungimtreinish: we _can_ but that doesn't help anybody else running tempest without devstack-gate15:32
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fungimtreinish: and since it's tempest tests tripping over that warning message, it seems to make sense to address the error as close as possible to where it's occurring15:33
fungimtreinish: maybe even within tests that are interfacing with pkg_resources15:34
dstufftthere's a progrmatic API to disable it15:34
fungidstufft: right, just trying to make sure we disable it in the best place for the largest number of people/systems15:34
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dstufftoh wait, the programatic api won't help15:35
dstufftbecause it's subproccesses15:35
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dstufftso you'd still use the env var, you'd just pass the env var in the subprocess call if you wanted to edit the tests themselves15:36
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fungimaybe make an environ appending decorator15:36
sdaguefungi: it's alos generating a ton of noise in devstack log -
fungiif we really want it to be per-test that is15:36
mtreinishfungi: my concern is it's not actually an issue with tempest, it's a system level thing which tempest is just running into15:37
sdaguebasically every CLI call to a python program on a 14.04 box will now issue a warning15:37
fungimtreinish: however, tempest is parsing stdout from tools not under its control. a bit of a grey area15:37
sdagueso everything expecting to parse python output is going to run into an issue15:38
clarkbit shouldnt be everything right? jjst code that depends on funky versioned stuff15:38
fungiclarkb: pkg_resources goes through the entire index of installed python packages15:39
sdagueclarkb: nope, it's all the thigns15:39
fungiclarkb: so it's complaining about versions of things even if they aren't being imported15:39
mtreinishclarkb: yeah, I don't think the python clients depend on python-debian15:39
sdague222 occurances during a devstack run15:39
fungijust wondering if we fix it in devstack-gate and then people running devstack and tempest are on their own to apply the same workaround, or fix it in devstack but people running tempest outside of a devstack install still ahev to work around it, or...15:40
dstufftonly if someone upgrades their system setuptools of course15:40
sdaguethis seems like an extremely bad place to put the deprecation message in setuptools15:40
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clarkbI am slightly amused python-debian is a thing and that ubuntu munges the version15:42
sdagueclarkb: debian munged it I think15:42
clarkbdebian has good versions on pypi at least15:43
sdagueI think because it was an nmu15:43
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sdagueyeh, there was an nmu to port to python315:44
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fungiahh, yep. lots of backports are nmus if they can't be directly pulled from testing15:44
sdaguewhich is kind of a crazy nmu honestly15:44
fungilooks like it got several according to
jeblairfungi, clarkb: awake and looking into jenkins0115:46
fungipy3k support and a regression fix for Deb822Dict.has_key15:46
fungiand then that got pulled into wheezy backports with a rebuild15:46
garykmestery: anteaya: the patch has been updated - it now has branches, tags, what else do i need - i am out of wishes15:47
clarkbjeblair: ok I was going to house keep patch pbr if mordred had not already then look into debugging my gear patch15:47
fungijudging from the dates, i'm guessing it was somewhat abandoned for a year or so15:47
anteayagaryk: I need to take a moment and connect with fungi15:47
anteayagaryk: stand by15:47
fungigaryk: can you spin straw into gold?15:47
pleia2tchaypo: sorry, west coast US so that was about 3AM my time, and have some headache triage to do this morning, so I'll be back in a little while (feel free to email or private message and I'll get back to you :))15:47
sdaguefungi: except there are new versions on pypi?15:47
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sdagueso we end up taking an updated setuptools because we update pip?15:48
fungisdague: yeah, i'm guessing those weren't suitable for wheezy, and ubuntu imported from wheezy-backports for trusty15:48
fungisdague: if we run with newer pip/virtualenv then it gets sucked in, or if we pip install -U anything15:49
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anteayafungi: so after digesting all that transpired last night with the neutron plugin split conversation, I realize that folks might have been operating under the impression that the force push workflow we did with dougwig for the advanced services split it the expected workflow from their end15:49
fungisdague: though "newer pip/virtualenv" is a forward-looking statement. those don't technically exist for a few more days15:49
fungianteaya: right. we only fell back on that because of a failure to plan on the part of the neutron developers15:50
anteayain my mind the empty repos were created too quickly (on a weekend, I never got to reivew any of them) and the force push arrangement was meant as a special case to fix the issue that the repos were created with no content15:50
anteayafungi: right15:50
clarkbbasically devstack situation prior to our pins was latest setuptools15:50
fungianteaya: well, and a failure to heed/understand the questions about why they were creating new projects without importing anything15:50
anteayaand I now realize that their use of the term "expriement" and not delete old code is what they mean15:50
clarkbnow we are working to remove those pins so that everything works regardless of setuptools15:50
anteayafungi: right15:50
anteayaso I am trying to make sure I do a good job of communicating that now15:51
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garykfungi: for you most certainly15:51
garykanteaya: thanks15:51
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sdagueclarkb: ok, except now we're going to need a different work around to make it so every python program doesn't spew a pkg_resources error message regardless of if they do anything with it15:51
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ttxthe "zuul job queue" graph on looks a bit funny.15:52
fungittx: yep, jeblair's still trying to pin down the cause15:53
clarkbsdague: yes but we dont exactly get to choose our version of setuptools... its something we will have to deal with15:54
sdagueok, this seems like a really bad way for setuptools to complain though, because it's blasting all the way out to the user on completely unrelated activities15:55
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sdagueI can see pip complaining about it when you try to do a package thing15:55
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sdaguebecause it's relevant there15:56
sdagueit's completely non relevant when just running a python program15:56
clarkbfile a bug against setuptools?15:56
clarkbthere isnt much I can do to address that. we have been focusing on fixing things under our control15:57
mesterygaryk: If it has branches, you're good sir!15:57
garykmestery: i hope so. it could be our hanukka miracle15:57
mesterygaryk: lol15:57
fungisdague: yeah, right now setuptools is what cares about the version number patterns, so it's what has to complain, but it gets called at a low level15:58
dstufftthere isn't a good place for setuptools or pip to really warn15:58
dstufftbecause 99% of the time an end users is goingt o see them15:59
dstufftwho isn't the package author15:59
dstufftand so has no control over it15:59
fungii'm assuming the hope is that these messages annoy the crap out of end users until they complain at their respective distros long enough to convince them to set different pep-440-compliant version numbers in the egg-info15:59
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clarkbI think having a warning is great (it caught pytz issues for example)16:00
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sdaguedstufft: pip can't interogate instead on demand?16:00
fungimore stick, less carrot i guess16:00
dstufftyou can't have the pytz warning without this warning16:00
clarkbit is unfortunate that it is so noisy but we wont fix otherwise16:00
sdagueclarkb: we're not going to fix it16:00
clarkbwe arent?16:00
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sdaguewe're going to turn it off because it will be too many complaints from users being confused by it16:01
dstufftafaik the only reason it's being turned off is because some of the tests execute a python subprocess and assert against the output16:02
clarkbwe could update python debian16:02
fungii'll adjust 142322 for now and see if that solves the issue for our infrastructure16:02
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fungidstufft: well, and because it adds a lot of noise in our logs about things not necessarily under our control16:02
dstufftmost users aren't going to see warnings from distro packages16:02
dstufftbecause most users don't force upgrade setuptools16:03
dstufftin the system python16:03
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clarkbdstufft right being in virtualenvs "fixes" this16:03
dstufftand assumingly when Ubuntu pulls in setuptools 8 they'll fix it in one fashion or another as well for whatever release that is16:03
anteayaI have a question posted to the non existant -requests list, someone who had an infra created CI account would like to make ammendments to the email for 2 different ibm-ci accounts and is unable to self-serve16:04
anteayahow should I advise them to proceed16:04
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sdaguedstufft: unless they ever pip -U a thing?16:04
clarkbanteaya ya I saw that. I think ideally they create another account unless we can convert the existing one somehow16:05
clarkbfungi ^16:05
dstufftin many cases our only way to communicate with package authors is to raise a warning for _their_ users, so that their users go and tell them it's not working16:05
dstufftsdague: pip install -U doesn't upgrade setuptools unless something depends on setuptools16:05
dstufftin the install_requires16:05
dstufftwhich most projects don't16:05
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sdagueso what are we pip install -U that is dragging this in in devstack?16:05
clarkbirc you arent16:06
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anteayaclarkb: did the post to more than the non existant -requests list16:06
clarkbinstead devstack specifically installs setuptools16:06
dstufftyou guys force upgrade setuptools and pip on purpose afaik16:06
anteayaclarkb: or did you get an admin email from the -requests list too?16:06
clarkbdstufft ya16:06
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Retrieve task statuses from the backend
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sdagueclarkb: we do for pip16:07
clarkbanteaya I think admin but I didnt look that closely16:07
sdagueso pip drags in setuptoos?16:07
anteayaclarkb: kk16:07
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clarkbsdague and the next line is setuptools16:07
sdagueoh, right16:07
clarkbsdague and yes pip vendors setuptools for itself so real soon now latest pip will have latest setuptools16:07
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sdagueok, so I guess we just blanket turn this off in devstack16:08
fungianteaya: i think they also e-mailed the infra ml16:08
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anteayafungi: ah16:08
tchaypopleia2: np, I responded on the review :)16:08
fungisdague: dstufft: clarkb: 142322,2 will hopefully do it16:08
anteayaso I'll play whack a mole, but what do I tell them?16:08
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anteayaI dont' think expecting folks with old accounts to make new ones is a good suggestion16:09
sdagueI still think the communication should be from pypi => packagers. Spamming thousands of users and making it their problem to yell at packagers (if they even understand the issue) seems bad form.16:09
anteayawe will just end up with confused operators (is there any other kind?) and a boatload of abandoned accounts16:09
clarkbanteaya I agree except for when they want to make changes16:09
anteayafair enough16:09
fungianteaya: clarkb: if they don't create new accounts, they have to keep coming back to us to make changes16:09
clarkbbecause that is the overhead on us that is the problem16:10
clarkbif the existing account works no problem16:10
dstufftsdague: pypi -> packagers doesn't work ina  lot of situations16:10
fungii mean, we could associate some specific lp openid url with their existing account, but that still implies creatign an lp account which is a hair away from creating a new gerrit account16:10
sdaguefungi: so, honestly, we need this to be sticky16:10
fungisdague: top of isn't sticky enough?16:11
anteayaclarkb fungi mind if we get jeblair's thoughts here too?16:11
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sdagueno, because doesn't drive tempest16:11
clarkbanteaya I think we should16:11
sdagueor any number of other scripts that get run16:11
jeblairanteaya: what needs changing?16:12
anteayaif we implement something I'd at least like use to be in sync with what and how16:12
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anteayajeblair: folks with old ci accounts can't make changes to the account16:12
fungisdague: but if we don't do it in, we still get a log full of warnings from devstack, unrelated to the tempest failures, right?16:12
jeblairanteaya: i mean, what change do they want to make?16:12
anteayajeblair: for instance to update emails on the account16:12
fungisdague: oh, i get you, we should probably set it in multiple places16:12
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anteayasomeone emailed -requests and apparently -infra asking to change the email on 2 ibm-ci accounts16:12
sdaguefungi: right, but my very real concern is dealing with all kinds of people thinking that their devstack installs are now broken because of this16:12
clarkbfungi maybe we want those warnings and only suppress where tests fail16:13
fungisdague: should stick it in /etc/environment and then re-source that?16:13
sdagueand I have to field that16:13
sdagueor just patch setuptools and remove the warning16:13
jeblairanteaya: yeah, i agree with the consensus.  after they create a new account we may need to do something like remove emails from the old accounts, or change their names, but that will be a decreasing burden over time.16:13
sdaguebecause... different shells people use16:13
fungisdague: i don't think we're going to run a custom setuptools (especially given that means a patched pip and virtualenv)16:13
anteayajeblair: so what do I tell them, to create new ci accounts using the self-serve process?16:14
sdaguethis creates *so much* work around16:14
jeblairanteaya: yep16:14
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anteayajeblair: so it shall be16:14
sdagueso I think patching setuptools to delete that warning is the right option16:14
jeblairclarkb: so, wow, i still have no idea what's going on.  i have restarted again with even more detailed logging...16:14
sdagueor just keep the pin16:14
anteayajeblair: just tell this one person or make an announcement and change the documentation?16:14
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jeblairanteaya: tell this one person, make a wiki page with instructions, and point the next person at the wiki page16:15
fungisdague: we'll need to pin pip and virtualenv in that case, and soon probably tox as well16:15
scottdaHi Infra team. Could I get a Core member to look at this review to enable logging of Cinder IRC:
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clarkbjeblair: looking16:16
jeblairclarkb: note i added logging to record the return value and current value of connection.input_buffer for the jenkins01 manager connection....16:16
anteayajeblair: thanks16:17
jeblairclarkb: what happens is that it triggers the edge poll two extra times, but, as far as i can tell from that logging, it simply returns eagain both times16:17
jeblairclarkb: so there's basically no signal that anything is wrong :/16:17
fungisdague: and also eradicate any use of pip install -U and even then i'm not sure wher ethat leaves us if one of our transitive requirements decides to start listing an install requirement on setuptools>=8 (pin those as they come up too i guess)16:17
clarkbfungi: there is no pip install -U, its an explicit update of setuptools16:18
fungithough admittedly, anything with install_requires on any version of setuptools is inherently broken16:18
jeblairclarkb: i have restarted it with an added log entry to record every byte read from that connection, in case i'm missing a way that it could exit that function after a partial read and reset the data16:18
clarkbdevstack wants to be testing latest setuptools and honestly for this reason16:18
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clarkbjeblair: ok16:18
jeblairclarkb: but none of the log statements about any kind of socket errors at all are being triggered16:18
clarkbjeblair: so as far as geard is concerned the connection to that worker is fine and not doing much16:18
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fungiclarkb: i wasn't just talking about devstack, but i suppose we could pin setuptools<8 pip<6 virtualenv<12 indefinitely in devstack16:19
jeblairclarkb: yeah.  the extra poll triggers are weird, but that's the only difference i see with anything else16:19
clarkbfungi: no I am trying to say that the code before our pin was correct :) it updates pip and setuptools to current16:19
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clarkbfungi: we want that so that when these things happen we know about them and can fix them prior to eg debian releasing16:19
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: btw, new process to safely restart geard: SIGSTOP zuul, restart geard, wait a minute or so for geard to get all the CAN_DO packets that register jobs, SIGCONT zuul16:21
fungiclarkb: sure, and i was trying to work through the end implications of sdague's suggestion to indefinitely pin setuptools to an earlier version16:21
fungii assume he means "pin setuptools<8 until ubuntu 16.04 lts is released" and not "for ever and ever"16:21
fungijeblair: that's slick!16:21
clarkbfungi: oh I missed that I don't think devstack should ever do that16:21
clarkbfungi: otherwise we deal with all this stuff when we try to update everything to next testbed distro16:22
dstufftor you know, you could just talk to the folks who make setuptools and make a compelling reason for why the end users shouldn't know that something in their environment might start acting wierd because they updated setuptools ;)16:22
fungiclarkb: yep, i'm assuming it would just come with an implicit "the openstack community has decided not to support newer setuptools/pip/virtualenv for a couple years" statement16:22
sdaguedstufft: well, you didn't seem to be receptive to that when I brought it up earlier16:23
anteayain case anyone wants to bless my reply to this person directing them to create new ci accounts with the self-serve process:
sdaguedstufft: what will act weird in the case that we have now16:23
clarkbanteaya: might be worth having them ping us when they don't need the old account anymore so we can deactivate it16:24
anteayaclarkb: I can put that in16:24
dstufftsdague: the case you have right now? Nothing because you don't use python-debian, but the same warning that is telling you about python-debian also told you about pytz which was super useful16:24
dstufftand you can't have one without the other really16:24
clarkbanteaya: lgtm16:25
anteayaclarkb: thanks16:25
* anteaya waits a few more moments16:25
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hasharjeblair: clarkb: someone pinged at 11am about jenkins01 misbehaving (related to yesterday geard issue). But I guess you are already on it :]16:25
sdaguedstufft: that's the part I don't understand honestly, because it seems like we care about pytz because we install it16:26
sdaguewe don't care about stuff that we never touch16:26
dstufftsdague: you didn't install pytz though, pytz was installed from the system16:26
fungianteaya: added a suggestion16:26
anteayafungi: ah and a good one it is16:26
dstufftin order for pkg_resources to know you cared about pytz and not python-debian it'd have to parse the ast of the things you're importing, figure out where they came from, and then warn16:26
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Retrieve task statuses from the backend
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anteayaokay I will send that off then16:27
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sdaguedstufft: you are setting the legacy version to 0 for compare reasons, right?16:28
sdagueso we actually don't need to care16:28
sdaguebecause if we attempted to install or upgrade we'd get the pypi version16:28
sdaguefor the pytz case16:29
dstufftsdague: less than zero16:29
sdagueok, that's fine16:29
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sdaguedstufft: so, this user confusion thing is honestly a big deal. We've got tons of people out there using devstack to setup environments. And the most consistent way I can see of turning off a thing that none of them care about is just patching out that piece of setuptools after install.16:30
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add nodepool script to preseed testrepository from subunit2sql
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mriedemi'm looking at bug and it's impacting sqlalchemy-migrate (which i have a change in to get merged to unblock some CI testing),16:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1403510 in zaqar "gate tests failed with "NameError: name 'StandardError' is not defined"" [High,In progress]16:32
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mriedemi see some projects are just disabling sphinx in their requirements for now until the bug is fixed,16:32
dstufftsdague: the most consistent way not to run into situations like this is to use virtual environments instead of frankensystems that are half system packages and half pip packages ;)16:32
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mriedemare there other efforts going on to fix globally?16:32
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mriedemor is there going to be a pbr release with ?16:32
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anteayaI'm wondering which wikipage I should link to for instructions for creating a self-service account for old ci account holders, this wikipage comes up well when searching for "third party" in the wiki search:
openstackgerritDmitry Teselkin proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Fix vhost configuration sections
anteayaI could add a link to the bottom16:33
* anteaya waits for opposition16:33
sdaguedstufft: hence my previous comment that you didn't seem very receptive to addressing this16:33
dstufftsdague: my problem is, you have two ways for users to get confused here, one is that things don't work quite right when pkg_resources does things (like adding eggs to path and such) and for that you want a warning, and it's not just install time activities because of the way setuptools work16:33
dstufftthe other way is the one you're concerned about16:33
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sdagueyeh, because the other way around is going to be tons of confused users, most of whom know basically nothing about python, and all then sudden their system is emitting warnings on every python command16:34
dstufftlike for instance, there was a pytz problem because of devstack, and it occured when attempting to import Babel because babel had dependency on >=0a16:34
mriedemdhellmann: mordred: do you know if there is going to be a pbr release for ?16:35
dstufftpytz>0a that is16:35
dstufftmriedem: there is one already16:35
mriedemdhellmann: mordred: if that fixes the busted py33 jobs?16:35
dstufft0.10.4 IIRC16:35
mriedemdstufft: hasn't hit the mirrors yet?16:35
mriedemi didn't even see that commit in the logs on git.o.o for pbr16:35
dstufftsdague: setuptools 8.0 didn't start out with that warning, it got that warning because things broke here in openstack and people were like wat?16:36
fungimriedem: it's in the feature/0.10 branch not master16:36
dstufftbecause the breakage may not be obvious16:36
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fungimriedem: we weren't releasing off master because we didn't want to complicate things by releasing a version with all the semver changes yet16:36
sdaguedstufft: so why isn't it something which is off by default?16:36
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sdagueand the env can be set on for debugging16:37
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fungisdague: i believe it was a reaction to the multiple statements from our community of "why did setuptools break this without a deprecation warning?"16:37
fungiwhere this is the closest thing to a warning setuptools can really provide16:38
mriedemfungi: hmm, ok, looks like it got into this py33 job but still failed - i'm checking the log16:38
dstufftsdague: because it's sort of tautological, if you know about the issue you don't need the warning16:38
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sdaguedstufft: but if we know something broke horribly, we can turn on debug to figure out why16:38
mriedemfungi: different errors, at least that's 'good'16:38
sdagueso, sorry, I was not working for the setuptools 8 fire drill, so I don't know all the details16:38
dstufftsdague: well setuptools doesn't have an overall debug mode, maybe it should, and if it did maybe it'd be better to have this covered by that16:39
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sdagueso adhoc it, because this warning is adhoc (as is the way to turn it off)16:40
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Retrieve task statuses from the backend
sdaguedstufft: do you understand my user confusion concerns here?16:41
dstufftthe way to turn it off is a standard python feature that exists exactly for this thing16:41
dstufftthis kind of thing*16:41
sdagueexcept something like this should default off16:41
dstufftsdague: I understand yes, I'm just not sure that those user's confusion outweighs the confusion from people for whom this message helps16:42
dstufftthe problem with default to off is that it requires you to know you need to turn it on16:42
sdaguedstufft: that's because you don't have to field the issues16:42
sdaguedstufft: and *all* the people that are in a position to fix things, are the people that will know how to turn it on16:42
sdagueso it scopes the warning to the correct audience16:42
mriedemhow easy is it to get a project's bugs tracked in launchpad?16:43
dstufftsdague: well the problem is that a lot of them don't know, at least right now, and the problems can be non obvious and end up effecting end users16:44
fungimriedem: you create a new project in launchpad, and click on the "configure bug tracking" link there16:44
mriedemalready exists16:44
fungimriedem: then i'm guessing the question you asked isn't the question you meant to ask16:45
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mriedemwell, how do i go about getting sqla-migrate bugs tracked in launchpad? i didn't create the project.16:45
mriedemmordred did i believe16:45
fungimriedem: oh, whoever created that project will need to do it or will need to add you as an admin for that project16:45
openstackgerritomri marcovitch proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add Third Party FAQ paragraph
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Write and read more complex git sha info
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Only import sphinx during hook processing
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Properly check for git before getting git dir
fungimriedem: yep says mordred will need to do it16:46
clarkbfungi: dhellmann mordred dstufft ^ those are the house keeping changes to pbr from 0.10.4 to master. Some scrutiny would be good as the merge conflict resolution was not entirely trivial16:46
mriedemfungi: ok, thanks, i'm prepared to make an offering...16:47
fungimriedem: or else mordred will need to delegate that to you so that you can do it16:47
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fungimriedem: i think he's on a plane, or three, so no idea when to expect him popping up16:47
mriedemdoes he have clones?16:47
mriedemor he just exists in multiple planes?16:48
mriedemlike, metaphysical planes i mean, not airplane16:48
fungimriedem: he exists in a state of quantum flux until you collapse his wave function16:48
clarkbI left out the postN stuff as the semver changes should cover that and I left out the dropping of gitshas because that will require changes to semver16:49
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clarkbnow time for gear16:50
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mriedemfungi: i think i'll just take the relatively easier route and get sqla-migrate to not blow up on py33 :)16:52
anteayajeblair clarkb fungi pleia2 instructions for creating a new self serve CI account if you already have one:
mriedemfollowed by the harder task of getting a migrate core to review it16:52
matelguys, only one chage is missing for citrix to use upstream project-config, could you take a look at this change:
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jeblairclarkb: okay i have logs of data received by gear from jenkins01 that did not result in a packet being returned.16:54
clarkbjeblair: I think I may see the bug in my gear change. It has to do with setting raw_bytes=b'' when segment is "false". We could be cutting a packet off in the middle we then assume the next bytes read are a packet header but they are not and things go crazy16:55
jeblairclarkb: i have to afk for a bit, but i think when i get back i can make progress16:55
fungijeblair: jenkins-gearman plugin bug then you think?16:55
clarkbjeblair: that is good news16:55
jeblairfungi: it's a possibility, i have yet to reconstruct the packet data to see if it's valid16:55
fungioh! received by gear _from_ jenkins0116:55
fungibut still, yeah, maybe16:56
jeblairfungi: yep16:56
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clarkbjeblair: I think we may want to return None there but not change raw_bytes that way the next read will give us the data we need? or we would have to treat that as an error reconnect condition? I need to understand a bit more the situation where segment could be nil16:57
clarkbeg wht situation does recv return b'' and not raise an error with errno EAGAIN16:59
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openstackgerritIvan Udovichenko proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove hardcoded variables from openstack_project module (Wiki)
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dstufftsdague: ok, talked it over with Jason17:06
dstufftsdague: we're going to keep the warning, but silence it by default17:06
sdaguedstufft: awesome, thank you17:06
fungii will cease the workarounds i've been trying to hammer into devstack-gate in that case17:07
mordredmriedem: on it17:07
fungithanks dstufft!17:07
TheJulia /win 217:07
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mriedemmordred: great, thanks17:07
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openstackgerritMate Lakat proposed openstack-infra/project-config: XenServer: Enable injection of XVA and ISO urls
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mordredmriedem: what is it I'm doing?17:08
mriedemmordred: hook up sqlalchemy-migrate to launchpad for bug tracking17:08
mriedemso i can open sqla-migrate bugs in LP17:08
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mordredcool. is there a launchpad team that should be driver/owner?17:09
mordredmriedem: I turned on the bug tracker and made you bug supervisor17:10
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mriedemmordred: thanks17:11
mordredclarkb: thanks for the forward port ... you didn't want to use the merge commit I already had as a base?17:11
clarkbmordred: I updated your existing change 141667 iirc17:11
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fungidstufft: that looks ideal. maybe exposing an option (command line, config, whatever) in pip that can elicit those warnings would also be helpful17:13
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anteayamorning zaro17:14
fungithat gets the trigger up at the tool users are interacting with17:14
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mordredclarkb: k. I meant this one:
mordredwhich is a merge commit and does the get rid of git sha part already as well17:15
zaroanteaya: want to double check with you regarding ls-members command.  not sure if there was a real resolution there.  did you still need that or can you live without it?17:16
mordredI was going to update it this morning - would you prefer a null merge just for tags and then cherry-picks?17:16
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clarkbmordred: yes null merge for tags would be best then do cherry-picks17:16
clarkbmordred: I think that is easier to review17:17
anteayazaro: it appears the group has decided I can live without it17:17
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anteayazaro: so if I am requested to get this info and can't, it won't be a surprise to anyone17:17
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dstufftfungi: pip will probably just hardcode it to on17:18
sdagueyeh, I think pip hardcoding on sounds completely reasonable17:18
dstufftfungi: pip is different than setuptools in that pip isn't invoked except in a "manage my packages scenario"17:19
fungianteaya: zaro: yeah, the stated use case was to be able to find out a third-part ci's ssh username for them, which in theory they already know because they've configured it in their system17:19
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dstufftwhereas pkg_resources is invoked for all sorts of random shit17:19
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fungidstufft: yeah, makes sense17:19
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anteayaso if they can't find it, then we can't help them until they do17:19
sdaguefungi: it's probably worth updating your patch to include a comment on how to turn on that warning if we want to17:20
fungianteaya: i see that as a good thing. they can go away and learn about their system, then come back17:20
sdagueit will be a good place to keep track of it, as it's right where devstack does the setuptools install17:20
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fungianteaya: keeps us from spoon-feeding them information. give someone a fish vs teach someone to fish ;)17:20
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fungisdague: well, the setuptools pin revert is not the cleanest place to add that, but i'll add a separate patch for it17:22
fungidoing that now17:22
sdaguefungi: ok, works for me17:22
anteayawell we have offloaded the screaming, so perhaps the teaching to fish will have room to happen17:22
anteayaI couldn't think with all the screaming17:22
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fungianteaya: for that matter, it's actually an issue specifically for people who have created their own gerrit account for their system, so there's a very specific url they can go to in gerrit to see their username as long as they log in17:23
fungias well as their account id, all that17:24
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "sqlalchemy-migrate: enable the py33 gate."
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "sqlalchemy-migrate: enable the py33 gate."
zarofungi, anteaya : ok.  i'll remove that item from the meeting agenda.  I'll keep the ls-members registered-users fix on my todo list and will let you know when it appears on upstream.17:28
anteayazaro: thanks, but as we identified, it might just be avaialbe to gerrit admins, which wouldn't allow me access anyway17:29
anteayanever hurts to be aware though17:30
anteayaso thanks17:30
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zaroanteaya: that's not necessarily true if i implement it :)  doesn't really make sense to make that command exclusive to admins anyways because it's already available to all registered users from the UI.17:31
zaroanteaya: i mean the info is available.17:32
BobBalljeblair: Anita suggested she'd like your input on - Would you be able to have a look?  Mate is leaving Citrix tomorrow so it'd be good to get this patch merged before he goes.17:32
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "sqlalchemy-migrate: enable the py33 gate."
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anteayazaro: okay I leave it with you17:34
anteayasdague: if you could be so kind as to review: which creates a new stackforge repo from code split from neutron17:34
anteayaandreas is offline else I would include him too as he has been following the process as well17:35
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anteayaBobBall: thanks, yes I like nodepool operators to know what is being changed in nodepool scripts17:38
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BobBallanteaya: of course :)17:41
fungisdague: is what you were wanting?17:42
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sdaguefungi: yes, thanks17:43
fungidstufft: ^17:43
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fungii did also test that PYTHONWARNINGS=$PYTHONWARNINGS,whatever does work as expected even if PYTHONWARNINGS is initially unset17:44
fungiso this lets us append as needed17:44
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clarkbwoo my cherry pick of dhellmans change was super wrong :)17:49
clarkbI am cleaning it up17:49
fungii hadn't gotten a chance to look yet, but cherry-picking refactors are never trivial17:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/hacking: Remove Git commit message checks
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/hacking: Remove complex import rules
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clarkbwow untangling this is a lot more fun on master18:00
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add nodepool script to preseed testrepository from subunit2sql
clarkbthe docutiles things are more tightly coupled to git operations in packaging.py18:01
mtreinishfungi: so I pushed the subunit2sql release which fixes the performance issues and other bugs with sql2subunit, so I think ^^^ is good to go now18:01
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mtreinishheh, although once we land that we'll have to update d-g so it pulls the right stream from .testrepository18:02
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AJaegermestery, I'll do a final review of the VMware-NSX patch an will approve it now unless you should loud STOP...18:08
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mesteryAJaeger: Works for me, thank you! I'm onboard with it merging.18:08
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dstufftfungi: was there another PR that added the PYTHONWARNINGS that I missed? Or how is this passing ->
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AJaegermestery: approved - thanks for your confirmation18:13
mesteryAJaeger: yw, and thanks!18:14
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fungidstufft: great question... it installed latest setuptools
fungidstufft: though i see no "parsed as a legacy" in the logs18:15
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dstufftthat is slightly confusing18:16
dstufftthey wouldn't be run on a different machine that doesn't have python-debian installed on them would they?18:16
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fungidstufft: good call...
dstufftfungi: tests pass, merge it quick! ;p18:17
dstufftat least it validates that setuptools 8 works once you remove the warnings18:18
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fungidstufft: so, as the fates would have it, the failures we saw for those jobs all ran in hpcloud, the successes of the same jobs all ran in rackspace18:19
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fungidstufft: hence, booted on snapshots derived from different base images18:19
dstufftfungi: obviously that's because I work at Rackspace18:19
fungidstufft: and because hpcloud uses official ubuntu images rather than rackspace-modified images ;)18:20
clarkbI think I would like to not remove the pin until pbr master mostly works18:20
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dstufftfungi: sure, you with your facts!18:21
anteayaAJaeger: you might get something from my soapbox speech in -neutron earlier: starting from 2014-12-18T15:52:08  <anteaya> so for the channel in general18:21
fungiclarkb: that's fair. but we're closer now... mostly waiting on a setuptools 8.2.1 or 8.3 or 9 or something18:22
pc_mhi: Is there a know issue with check-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full showing SSH timeout connecting to cirros VM?18:22
clarkbthe more I change the more tests fail :)18:22
clarkbfungi: ya I am just finding that the more recent changes to master make dhellmanns change much more complicated there18:22
clarkbmordred: ^ any chance you want to stab at that as I am failing?18:22
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dstufftfungi: 2001: A setuptools Odyssey18:23
clarkbmordred: basicall the docutils classes in pbr/ have changed since 0.10.0 and we need to put current stuff in pbr/ But current stuff uses the write changelog method and generate authors and checks if things are a git dir18:23
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clarkbmordred: so there is more coupling to than before (not as easy to just split out get boolean option)18:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add VMware-NSX to StackForge
fungii'm sorry dstufft but you can't do that18:24
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* anteaya pictures fungi with one red eye18:24
jeblairclarkb: (btw, re your change, i was thinking that the admin command push also needs to happen in the try/finally)18:25
* nibalizer would like fungi to open the bay doors18:25
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* fungi starts to sing "daisy bell"18:26
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mordredclarkb: yah, I'll be back online soon18:29
clarkbmordred: let me link you the problematic lines18:30
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-sqlalchemy-migrate-python33 non-voting
clarkbmordred: the three lines starting there18:30
openstackgerritTravis Tripp proposed openstack/requirements: Angular xstatic for Version 1.3.7
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clarkbmordred: if I delete those it appears to be mostly ok18:31
clarkbmordred: except that of course that feature is removed18:31
fungizaro: are you aware of any rate limiting in gerrit's http api which could cause!/story/2000084 ?18:32
clarkbmordred: if I pull out all the git related things into a pbr/ file and import that in and I get test failure I don't understand18:32
clarkb(I updated the imports and paths in the tests too)18:33
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clarkbI need to take a break then will come back to this18:36
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Davieyclarkb: can you pastebin the original errors you are seeing?18:38
zarofungi: no rate limiting that i am aware of.18:38
fungizaro: okay, might just be something with gertty18:39
fungijaypipes-afk: is there any chance you have a proxy between your gertty and our gerrit?18:39
clarkbDaviey: those are the original errors. They happen because there are now tests that check new functionality in the builddoc classes18:39
* fungi found nothing in the gerrit error_log which related to that error18:39
clarkbDaviey: adding that new functionality requires completely reorging the code to avoid circular imports18:39
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zarofungi: i think that might be due to client being idle too long?  i think i see that in the web client as well, need to refresh the client then works again.18:40
clarkbjeblair: fwiw ps3 of my change seems to work relatively well under local testing but your ps4 runs a single job then gets stuck18:40
Davieyclarkb: Ah, not the error i was expecting.  pbr is really sensitive to lack of entropy and has a non-obvious error.. I was expecting it to be that18:41
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fungiDaviey: those stem ultimately from the fact that docutils' answer to py3k is to run 2to3 at install time, and pbr is winding up with untranslated docutils loaded into the execution space. an ugly interaction indeed18:41
clarkbya that happens too, we have haveged installed on the slaves18:41
clarkband that seems to mitigate the entropy issues during testing18:41
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DavieyYeah, i saw mention of workin in hpcloud but failing in rackspace which made me wonder if the different clouds have different entropy providers18:42
fungiDaviey: do you have a bug filed on the entropy issue? i'm not immediately coming up with reasons why pbr needs entropy18:42
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clarkbfungi: it generates gpg keys when testing18:43
Davieyfungi: There is a bug that someone else raised... It was on my mental todo to make the error more obvious18:43
fungiclarkb: oh! its testsuite18:43
fungigot it18:43
clarkbfungi: its part of the semver stuff. I am honestly pretty close to wondering if we should put all the semver stuff on a feature branch and clean up master18:43
clarkbbut that won't help current issues so meh18:43
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fungiyeah, it will want to test signed keys, but we _could_ just fake that out. no need to use actually random key material to test pbr's grokking signed tags18:44
fungier, signed tags18:44
clarkbjeblair: I have confirmed that ps3 is better at moving large quantities of bytes than ps4. So I will probably look into that next as ps4 looks fine on the surface18:45
AJaegerthanks, anteaya ! I'm reading...18:46
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anteayaAJaeger: it is kind of a summary of yesterday's conversation18:46
fungiclarkb: Daviey: i wonder if we can't just stuff some garbage into ~/.gnupg/random_seed18:47
fungiclarkb: Daviey: assuming the error stems from gpg --gen-key trying to populate that18:47
dstufftfungi: you could just commit some generated keys18:48
Davieyfungi: the LP bug is 136976818:48
fungidstufft: or that18:48
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clarkbthat was suggested and shot down in review iirc18:48
DavieyISTR we have some pre-generated ssl keys in nova for similar reasons.. so that seems a reasonable fix18:49
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DavieyI do remember reviewing a change and commenting on the key expiry date.18:50
AJaegeranteaya: do we need to explain more in the infra-manuals creator's file?18:50
anteayaAJaeger: I don't think we do18:50
fungiDaviey: clarkb: dstufft: looks like we could just `dd if=/dev/urandom of=~/.gnupg/random_seed bs=600 count=1`18:50
anteayaAJaeger: since this is not a workflow we want to encourage18:51
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anteayaAJaeger: repo split is a necessary evil right now18:51
AJaegerbut it happens...18:51
anteayaAJaeger: to redistribute load18:51
anteayaAJaeger: it does, but we would prefer not to encourage it18:51
anteayaas it is fraught with hazzards18:52
clarkbmordred: ping me when you get a chance to look at it. I am going to get food and come back to this with fresh eyes to see if I can get soemthing that works18:52
anteayaAJaeger: mostly I wanted you to be aware of the latest communication18:52
anteayaAJaeger: so you can take that information into your reviews18:52
mordredclarkb: ola18:52
mordredback online18:52
AJaegerunderstood. Let me rewrite the docs to see whether we need to explain that make upstream / import clearer.18:52
anteayaAJaeger: as you see fit18:53
anteayaAJaeger: I'm not in a hurry to have this in the docs though, but I will review your patch when you have one18:53
AJaegeranteaya: appreciated the pointer.18:53
nelsnelsonfungi, It appears that the hypervisor-libvirt plugin for devstack/lib/nova_plugins currently makes no adjustments to the tempest configs.  Do you recommend that I try to get some changes made to the hypervisor-libvirt devstack plugin directly?  Or is there a way to augment the hypervisor-libvirt plugin from a customized set of external functions that I can just sort of drop in somewhere, such that devstack-gate would run my custom set of18:53
nelsnelson iniset instructions against the tempest config prior to invocation?18:53
fungiDaviey: clarkb: dstufft: oh! even better. the gnupg devs have our backs. there's a little-known --debug-quick-random command-line option18:54
* AJaeger wanted to say "read again" instead of "rewrite" ;(18:54
clarkbmordred: cool, did you see the code I linked? its those three lines that set up a circular dependency with from builddoc.py18:54
anteayaAJaeger: ah18:54
clarkbmordred: so we need to split out all of that code from packaging.py18:54
mordredclarkb, fungi: btw - as I was in the car I had the same thought - we should put the semver stuff into a feature branch, make feature/0.10 master and then cherry pick the non-semver patches from current master on top18:54
anteayaAJaeger: by all means, currently reading stuff myself18:54
mordredclarkb: just about to look18:54
anteayagertty to be honest18:54
Davieyfungi: Oh nice catch18:55
fungiDaviey: clarkb: dstufft: seems on gpg 1.x it's just --quick-random18:55
AJaegeranteaya: I'll look at it tomorrow...18:55
mordredclarkb: I still haven't fully read the original dhellmann patch18:55
anteayaAJaeger: sounds good18:55
mordredclarkb: so I might be a few in engaging with this18:55
clarkbmordred: sure no problem18:56
mordredhowever, I do think we should earnestly consider swapping master out18:56
clarkbmordred: ya I am leaning more and more towards that18:56
mordredclarkb: maybe I'll hack a little on making what that branch wants to look like, as well as the cherry-picks of the things that are on master already18:57
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: i found the problem with jenkins01.  and clarkb silently fixed it in his patch.  ;)18:58
clarkbjeblair: wait what? does that make me a ninja?18:58
fungijeblair: clearly he didn't want you to find it18:58
fungiclarkb: stealthy18:58
clarkbjeblair: I do think you should fix it properly and not rely on my patch yet as I still do not grok why ps3 is happy but ps4 is not?18:59
clarkbunless you grok ^18:59
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/gear: Fix reading headers of large packets
jeblairclarkb, fungi: ^19:01
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jeblairand yeah, i think we should merge that and run with it while we continue to hack on the other patch19:01
clarkboh I had to do that because raw_bytes wasn't read one at a time19:01
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clarkbnow I need to understand why the byte by byte process needs that19:02
jeblairclarkb: if we get EAGAIN in the middle of a packet19:02
jeblairclarkb: len(packet) will be something like, oh, say 1448.  which is not equal to 12.19:02
clarkboh because you could call it again19:03
jeblairan alternate approach would be to save code, ptype, and datalen across calls19:03
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clarkbthis keeps the diff down at a little cpu time expense19:03
clarkbI am +2 should I approve too?19:03
jeblairactually, we should revisit that19:04
fungijeblair: yep, so we were getting header batched with other data and then *boom*19:04
jeblairbecause we'd be unpacking it every time.19:04
jeblairso super inefficient19:04
clarkbjeblair: revisit in a new patch or change?19:04
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jeblairclarkb: let me push a new patch19:04
clarkbjeblair: ok19:04
* anteaya heads out for a walk19:05
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clarkbjeblair: I also think _readRawBytes with bytes_to_read>1 is buggy when using ssl19:08
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clarkbas subsequent recv() calls could throw the ssl exceptions19:08
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint fur bug 1403284
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1403284 in devstack "mysql (1040, 'Too many connections')" [Undecided,In progress]
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1403284
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/gear: Fix reading headers of large packets
jeblairclarkb, fungi: ^19:10
clarkbjeblair: does that fix it? I don't think code is saved between EAGAIN exceptions?19:11
fungiahh, i see. so this keeps us from doing a header read if we already have started to unpack19:11
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clarkboh I see its fixing it in the tight loop19:12
clarkbbut we will unpack across EAGAINs wfm19:12
fungiright, this is all within one eagain19:12
fungipreviously we were just getting lucky because the remaining data could be exactly 12 bytes and then we'd have unpacked it19:14
fungieven if it wasn't a header19:14
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Use unsafe OpenPGP keys for testing
fungiDaviey: ^19:22
fungiit won't pass unit tests at the moment until we get master fixed19:22
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fungibut i added . to the testenv deps list in tox.ini and it passes py27 that way19:23
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i chose this approach rather than making sure to save 3 vars on each iteration (and hoping i got the resets correct)19:24
clarkbjeblair: ya I think this works well enough for now19:24
clarkbjeblair: I think I understand why my change is broken in ps4 now. We are better able to read all the data off the wire in a readPacket call then we never get poll triggered to read the next packet out of the buffer19:25
clarkbjeblair: and since readPacket is only called when poll says there is data to read my code is broken19:25
clarkbnot quite sure how I want to fix that yet19:26
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for tempest bug 1403998
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1403998 in tempest "test_dhcp_ipv6 tests failing in the gate" [Undecided,New]
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clarkbI think maybe make read packet only read one packet at a time and not buffer anythibg. so get 12 bytes, read length, get remainder19:28
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jeblairclarkb: that doesn't work as well for admin packets19:32
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jeblairclarkb: on the server side, readpacket is in a while loop19:32
jeblairclarkb: so the intent is that it should read to exhaustion every time19:32
clarkbjeblair: its in a while loop but it only reads from fd's with POLLIN set19:33
jeblairclarkb: once it is triggered, it should read until exhaustion19:33
clarkbjeblair: so we can read the first packet and the second into readPacket, return only the first packet, then never get triggeredagain19:33
clarkbjeblair: oh ok, maybe the fix then is to just call readPacket until it errors19:34
jeblairclarkb: see readFromConnection -- it will call it again19:34
jeblairclarkb: that's exactly what it does19:34
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clarkboh I see. so maybe this is a worker/client side issue19:34
jeblairclarkb: yeah, this may need rethinking for the client side19:34
Davieyfungi: I added a comment to your change19:35
jeblairclarkb: where i would expect that it would not get called again because there's no pending data (since it uses level-triggered select)19:35
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clarkbjeblair: yup19:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for neutron bug 1403291
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1403291 in neutron "test_server_connectivity_pause_unpause fails with "AssertionError: False is not true : Timed out waiting for to become reachable"" [Undecided,New]
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/gear: Fix reading headers of large packets
lifelessfungi: I thought we'd gotten haveged everywhere already ?19:36
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lifelessdid pbr get a release done?19:37
lifeless'07:56 <oopsiesdais_> Hi, I am running into some issues using `pip install fixtures` as of today.19:37
lifeless                     It appears pbr was updated in the past day, and I can install pbr just19:37
lifeless                     fine, but when fixtures tries to install it, it fails.  Have you seen this?19:37
mordredlifeless: yes, we've made a release - 0.10.419:37
mordredlifeless: which contains fixes for all currently known problems19:37
mriedemgetting this merged would unblock sqlalchemy-migrate patches
clarkbbut 0.10.3 was more likely to be the cause of ^ if that timestamp is utc19:37
lifelessclarkb: that would have been about 25 hours ago19:38
clarkblifeless: ya 0.10.3 then which had a bug requiring git in some cases19:38
clarkbfixed in 0.10.419:38
Ryan_Lane <-- is this still accurate anymore?19:38
fungilifeless: we do have haveged installed everywhere, but that doesn't mean everyone who might run pbr's unit tests does19:39
Ryan_Lane(hi btw!)19:39
clarkbRyan_Lane: iirc neutron is supposed to be testing nova net to neutron migrations this cycle19:40
lifelessfungi: then they can install it :)19:40
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Ryan_Laneclarkb: does neutron now support flatdhcp?19:40
clarkbthat and DVR allows you to have man routers like nova net but I think it still needs love19:40
lifelessfungi: I'm not arguing against the change btw :)19:40
jogofungi: if you have a second, wondering if I could get your thoughts on (add timeout to er_safe_run)19:40
Davieylifeless: Fine.  But an error should say so.. :)19:40
clarkbRyan_Lane: for that I am not sure19:40
fungilifeless: it seems wasteful to suck away the kernel entropy pool needlessly19:40
fungilifeless: but yes, they could19:40
clarkbRyan_Lane: but feature parity has been a big thing lately (juno and kilo(master))19:40
lifelessfungi: agreed. Note my *not arguing against it*.19:40
* fungi nods19:41
jaypipes-afkfungi: nope, no proxy19:41
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lifelessfungi: further, note that I tried to do it the first time around.19:41
Ryan_Laneso, it's still listed as deprecated, even though it's getting new features? :)19:41
lifelessfungi: see the config where the option should be19:41
clarkbRyan_Lane: nova net should not get new features19:41
clarkbiirc its bug fixes only19:41
lifelessRyan_Lane: what new features?19:41
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Ryan_Laneso the new features were only for juno?19:41
clarkbRyan_Lane: neutron is getting new features to match nova net19:42
lifelessRyan_Lane: *what* new features?19:42
clarkbnova network is not getting new features19:42
Ryan_LaneI missed the last summit, so my info is likely out of date :(19:42
fungijaypipes: zaro suggests it could be a session timeout from inactivity... does it maybe happen after suspend/resume or something?19:42
jlkHey folks! Could somebody tell me what the status is on ? It looks like it's had all the appropriate checks, but has been sitting like that for near 24 hours.19:42
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clarkb:/ apparently they are adding new features19:43
Ryan_Laneright. that's why I was asking about deprecation :D19:43
jogoclarkb: we unfroze nova networking because it was taking too  long19:43
Ryan_LaneI remember in atlanta hearing that nova-network wasn't going to be deprecated anymore19:43
clarkbjogo: yes but for bug fixes only not features19:43
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clarkbRyan_Lane: ^19:44
clarkbanyways my understanding was that neutron and nova are going to get migration testing working this cycle. I have a job up to do it but it doesn't work yet19:45
jogoclarkb: not exactly, AFAIK we tried to limit to features neutron already has19:45
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jaypipesfungi: no, no suspend or resume. I'll keep rooting around and see if I can get a pattern to it.19:45
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lifelessclarkb: FWIW19:45
clarkband that kilo would be the release that allows you to migrate across. Along side this neutron is also adding feature parity. Things like DVR19:45
jogoclarkb: nova would like that very much, but AFAIK the ball is in neutron's court19:45
Ryan_Lanewhat's DVR?19:45
jogomestery: ^19:45
clarkbjogo: its in both of yours19:45
clarkbjogo: my understanding come out of that session is that both sides would have to work on this19:45
Ryan_Lane found it19:46
clarkbRyan_Lane: distributed virtual router. Allows you to have multiple routers like nova multi host19:46
mesteryDVR == Distributed Virtual Router19:46
jogomestery: do you think Kilo will be the release where we have a nova-network -> neutron migration path working and tested?19:46
mesteryjogo: Yes, that's the plan.19:47
jogojlk: I ran a recheck on your patch hopefully that should get it moving again19:47
mesteryIn fact, I'm hopeful we mark it deprected in Kilo19:47
clarkband the test exists it jus needs work in grenade19:47
jlkjogo: alright, thanks.19:47
jogomestery: excellent, and anything needed from the nova side19:47
clarkband possibly in d-g to set up the scenario19:47
mesteryjogo: I think the spec is filed over there from obondarev.19:47
jogomestery: link?19:47
mesteryjogo: Let me look19:47
clarkbiirc we actually want nova net and neutron running at the same time but current d-g says turn off nova net19:48
jogomestery: thanks, as clarkb pointed out we should make sure this doesn't fall through the cracks19:48
clarkbjeblair: your latest gear change merged. Is that going to get applied soon?19:48
mesteryjogo: Agreed, and I can't find the link, let me work with obondarev who is doing the work.19:48
mesteryjogo: It's critical we make this migration work during Kilo so we can finally deprecate nova-network19:49
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i'll restart it again soon19:49
jogomestery: thanks, tomorrow is the spec deadline but we have exceptions until Kilo-2 and this would get one if needed19:49
jogobut would prefer to not need19:50
mesteryjogo: I've emailed obondarev on this, I'll do it again19:50
mesteryIT's like herding cats at times ;)19:50
jogomestery: yup, at least its not one of mordred's wet cats19:50
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dhellmannmordred: the only  important differences in my patch were catching the right type of exception, and putting the classes in a place where if we decide we need them they can always be imported and the names registered in the command are never pointing to a value that can be None19:53
dhellmannmordred: I think your patch had an error with the function setting a name but not specifying that the variable was a global, but I'd gone pretty far with my patch before we figured that out19:53
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fungiDaviey: lifeless: replied to your comments on 142884 along with some benchmarking20:17
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garykanteaya: thanks for the review. any idea how long it takes till we see the group created on gerrit?20:20
lifelessfungi: so, just need to move the option and I'll +2 it20:21
anteayagaryk: it is created:,members20:21
fungilifeless: maybe i'm misunderstanding. it's implemented only as a command-line option from what i can find (for safety, so nobody sets it in their prefs)20:22
anteayagaryk: are you the first core and release group memeber?20:22
garykanteaya: yes :)20:22
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lifelessfungi: AIUI all the options can be either CLI or config, but if that ones different, ca la vie20:22
anteayafungi: if you would be so kind to add garyk to vmware-nsx-core and -release20:22
anteayagaryk: then you can add others to -core as you see fit20:23
lifelessfungi: did you give it a try?20:23
fungilifeless: i'm testing now to find out20:23
garykanteaya: fungi:thanks!20:23
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garykthat would be great - we can start to kick the tires once this is done20:24
anteayagaryk: once this is done, well from our point of view, it is done20:24
fungianteaya: garyk: done20:24
anteayafungi: thank you20:24
garykfungi: and anteaya: thanks!20:25
fungilifeless: yeah, tried %quick-random and quick-random: 1 and a few other likely patterns, none seem to work in the preferences file20:26
lifelessfungi: well nuts. Ok. Can have a comment to that effect?20:27
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lifelessfungi: (in the source file)20:27
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add nodepool script to preseed testrepository from subunit2sql
fungilifeless: sure, will do. want me to also clean up the unimplemented entries in the preferences list while i'm at it?20:28
lifelessfungi: they are implemented, in 2.120:28
fungilifeless: do we want to switch to testing with 2.1?20:28
fungilifeless: if so, this option is also named something different in gpg220:28
lifelessfungi: that wouldn't fix this bug; this bug is 'someone other than us running the tests may be surprised'20:29
lifelessfungi: another way to fix it would be a try:finally around the call that attaches a message saying 'check your entropy'20:29
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Add Rakefile, TODO & Wildfly configuration support
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lifelessfungi: requiring 2.1 would also fix it I guess, in that <2.1 would error, and 2.1 wouldn't timeout20:30
Davieylifeless / fungi: I started working on a branch that caught the exception, but disgarded it as fungi's fix seems smarter IMO20:31
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openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Add Rakefile, TODO & Wildfly configuration support
lifelessOTOH requiring 2.1 would break testing with older distros20:32
lifelesssince 2.0 was all that was present in e.g. utopic20:32
* lifeless checks rmadison20:32
lifelesseven vivid is still 2.020:33
lifelessfungi: whats the option called in 2.x?20:33
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Use unsafe OpenPGP keys for testing
fungilifeless: mentioned in the code comment now ^20:34
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anteayafungi mordred both of you proposed the exact change at the exact same minute to change the regex to accept rc instead of c20:35
clarkbmordred: ok I am about to look at pbr again. Have you had a chance to look yet?20:35
anteayawho wins?20:35
anteayaone gets merged and the other abandoned20:35
fungilifeless: the --debug-quick-random documentation, as much as it is, does explicitly say it's cli-only
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Support pre/post test hooks for nova-docker jobs
anteayaI'm not going to pick20:36
jeblairanteaya: the one with the lower number :)20:36
anteayajeblair: very good20:36
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fungianteaya: oh, whoops. i didn't notice20:37
mordredclarkb: I have not20:37
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anteayamordred one this one20:37
anteayafungi: not a problem I just didn't want them to both sit20:37
mordredyay I win!20:38
mordredscore one more commit point for monty20:38
* fungi hands mordred a kewpie doll20:38
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jeblairfastest git-review in the ...west?  ...east?  where are you anyway? ;)20:39
jeblairclarkb, fungi: restarting geard with fix now20:39
clarkbjeblair: ok20:39
anteayasomewhere spanish20:39
anteayahe greeted us with ola this morning/start of day20:39
fungiprobably best not to waste time figuring out whose airspace he's in at any given moment20:40
mordredjeblair: that's a great question - and the answer has actually changed today at least once20:40
mordredtoday mordred is like the sun - rising in the east and setting in the west20:41
jeblairanteaya: if 'ola' is spanish he said 'wave' to us.20:41
anteayadid he20:42
mordredbtw - from the twitters...20:42
mordred"There's no Dana. Only Zuul. #WorstDateIn5Words"20:42
anteayais ola considered hello anywhere20:43
anteayamordred: nice20:43
jlkmordred: lol20:43
mordredanteaya: it's considered hello when I say it :)20:43
anteayamordred: I heard hello20:43
anteayabut wave is fine too20:43
mordredjust in case anyone cares to retweet20:43
anteayasee a lose nothing from not being on the twitters20:44
fungianteaya: "hola" is spanish for hello20:44
anteayabetter filter system20:44
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anteayafungi: ah the h20:44
anteayafrench canadians love the h20:44
fungibetter yet, ¡Hola!20:44
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anteayaah the upside down exclaimation then the h20:45
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mordredfungi: that can  be confused with misspelling "holla" as in slang for "holler"20:45
jeblairmordred: thus the exclamation!20:45
fungieveryone loves a good exclamation!20:46
jeblairor more than !!!one!111!20:46
* jeblair used !!!one!111! in a sentence20:46
mordredI should just start using the other one incorrectly¡20:47
fungimordred: why¿20:47
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mordredfungi: ?why not¿20:47
mordredit seems like the conversation has moved us into friday - maybe we're all in new zealand with lifeless and just don't know it20:48
jeblairmordred: so i want to replace a system call in a unit test.  how should i go about doing that?20:48
jedimikefeels like a friday20:48
anteayaI can take a friday20:49
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mordredjeblair: well ...20:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: The ci-sandbox project should not require an ICLA
mordredjeblair: ksplice?20:49
jeblairmordred: sorry, standard library function20:49
jeblairmordred: in python20:49
mtreinishjeblair: just mock it20:50
mordredwell that you can just use monkeypatch in fixtures20:50
jeblairwhat's the mock lib du jour?20:50
mtreinishmock :)20:50
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jeblairokay, and when is appropriate to fixtures-monkeypatch vs mock?20:50
mordredif you're not already using a straight-up mocking library and there is a specific call you want to do, I'd just use monkeypatch20:51
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mordredif you want to do more than a passing amount of mocking, I'd use mock20:51
jeblairmtreinish, mordred: roger, thanks20:51
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jedimikei always forget which one i prefer, mock or mocker. Then I use one of them, and it's always the other one.20:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Go back to rc for pre-releases
fungittx: ^20:55
fungiwe're officially back to "rc" as of now20:55
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fungi(well, in about 5-10 minutes when that hits zuul's configuration anyway)20:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-sqlalchemy-migrate-python33 non-voting
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fungiDaviey: replied to your comment on 142884 but afaik no distros ship gnupg 2.x as "gpg" (they all use a separate "gpg2" mainly because 1.x is better suited to embedded/low-resource environments, headless/remote/automation and places where you don't want lots of dependent libs)21:00
Davieyfungi: thanks.. just read it.. +121:01
mtreinishfungi: arch symlinks /usr/bin/gpg to gpg221:01
fungimtreinish: arch is insane21:01
fungimtreinish: arch also ships a py3k /usr/bin/python21:01
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fungimtreinish: wow. even the gnupg authors recommend against that21:02
mtreinishthey do and that's a constant frustration for me21:02
mordredclarkb: ^^ next time you suggest we use arch for something21:02
viglesiasmordred: sounds like an over_arch_ing problem21:03
* viglesias backs away slowly21:03
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fungimtreinish: even gnupg's official documentation refers to a "gpg" command for 1.x and "gpg2" for 2.x
jlkbut arch knows better!21:09
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dims__sdague: when you get a chance, can you please peek at ? anteaya requested a nova core to look see at pre/post hooks i am trying to add for nova-docker21:10
anteayadims__: mostly I just want a nova core to say they are aware21:10
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clarkbmordred: so I startedfrom scratch to avoid any issues that might bite me and I still can't get it to work on master. Moving the iter_log stuff into pbg/git makes them explode. currently trying to debug that21:10
anteayadims__: is sdague nova core?21:10
mtreinishfungi: heh, I'll file a bug with arch then. Although I expect it to fall on deaf ears21:10
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fungimtreinish: yeah, definitely seems like a distro bug (upstream expects users to be able to install and use both versions side-by-side after all)21:11
anteayaso he is21:11
sdaguedims__: so... what do these things do?21:11
sdagueand more importantly do the devstack plugins help with this?21:12
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dims__sdague: in the post hook, i'd like to collect docker log at the very end of the job after all the tests are run21:12
dims__sdague: is the nova-docker review where i add the shell scripts21:13
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dims__sdague: the "clean" phase of the devstack plugin gets run before the tempest jobs are run i believe21:13
mtreinishdims__: just copy the files to the log dir and they'll get copied automatically (that's what neutron did for their functional job)21:13
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mtreinishdims__: oh, nm me I didn't look at your patches21:14
dims__mtreinish: ./neutron/tests/functional/contrib/post_test_hook.sh21:15
mtreinishdims__: yep, which is exactly what you're adding.21:15
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Generate specs.o.o root page from template
sdaguedims__: the pre test is empty?21:16
clarkbsomehow the iter_changelog yield type is changing? this is so weird21:17
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dims__sdague: y for now, i may need to enable a few more tweaks in docker there just before the run21:17
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sdaguedims__: ok21:17
dims__sdague: thanks21:18
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dims__mtreinish: thanks as well21:18
sdaguedims__: so this raises a good question of figuring out how to best have exposed via d-g21:19
dims__sdague: looking21:21
dims__sdague: y, that looks like devstack-only21:22
sdagueyes it is21:23
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sdaguebut part of the intent for creating the interface is making it easy to export up21:23
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Only import sphinx during hook processing
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Properly check for git before getting git dir
dims__sdague: right, there's a few projects that use the pre/post hooks via external shell script - - there's a bunch that have the hook in their yaml files in project-config21:25
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clarkbdhellmann: mordred comments on show the weirdness21:26
clarkbthat should pass at least pep8 and py27 though21:26
sdaguedims__: yeh21:26
openstackgerritAdrian Turjak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new Cloud-Pydashie project
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openstackgerritCameron Rowshanbin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: ec2-driver: Added gate checks
notmynamesee the git sec issue?21:28
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dhellmannclarkb: more context?21:29
clarkbdhellmann: porting your sphinx docutils change onto pbr master. Master docutils classes depend on git things in so I had to rip that stuff out into pbr/git.py21:30
dims__mtreinish: sdague: can one of you please leave a note that this is kosher pattern to follow for now?21:30
clarkbdhellmann: to avoid circular imports as you did with the options.get_boolean_option thing21:30
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dhellmannclarkb: ok, that seems reasonable. I wish we'd taken a serious look at that refactoring/cleanup patch we had submitted. :-/21:30
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i think we may need to look into whether we need a gerrit upgrade due to the issue notmyname raised ^21:30
clarkbdhellmann: but doing that seems to have changed the behavior of _iter_changelog() I was getting "TypeError: must be unicode, not str" until I changed the string type yielded by _iter_changelog21:31
clarkbdhellmann: and I have no idea why moving those functions would do that21:31
notmynamejeblair: tl;dr affects clients on case-insensitive filesystems21:31
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clarkbjeblair: hrm, gerrit is not a git client so I wouldn't expect it to need that, but jgit may do silly things so who knows21:32
dhellmannclarkb: does running tox reproduce the error? I can spend some time looking at it21:32
clarkbdhellmann: ya, if you remove the u from the strings in pbr/ you should be able to reproduce21:32
clarkbdhellmann: eg just make those normal strings21:32
jeblairnotmyname: yeah, so probably not critical for our systems; though perhaps the fixes add protection for vulnerable systems?  clarkb: yeah, at any rate, jgit made a release due to it so ...21:32
fungijeblair: clarkb: notmyname: i think the case-insensitive filesystem part also means the places where we're using git clients are probably not affected either21:33
dhellmannclarkb: from __future__ import unicode_literals21:33
fungiusing git clients in our servers/automation i mean21:33 has that at the top21:33
clarkbdhellmann: oh does that implicitly make strings unicode?21:33
notmynamejeblair: fungi: right. it seems to mostly affect os x and windows. so openstack certainly has a lot of devs who need to update. still probably good to take care21:33
dhellmannclarkb: yes, it makes literal strings unicode by default instead of having to prefix with u21:34
clarkbdhellmann: I see. ok I can clean that up in a sec21:34
dhellmannclarkb: good for py2/3 compat21:34
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mordrednotmyname: ++21:34
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clarkbdhellmann: mordred fungi I think the other thing to review there is whether or not the code I moved makes sense in its new home. Maybe more code should be moved or less?21:35
dhellmannclarkb: I'm ok with moving things a little at a time, but I'll take a look21:36
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Only import sphinx during hook processing
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Properly check for git before getting git dir
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cameron__Hi, we've submitted a change to the project-config repo to add a job for our ec2-driver project here:
cameron__It would be great if it could get verified/reviewed21:38
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fungidhellmann: for our website where we're starting to publish ossa text rendered from rst via sphinx, we want to add an additional build step (which generates the rst from yaml). is it easy to have build_sphinx call arbitrary commands?21:41
clarkbfungi: aiui no, that is why the code in pbrthat does that stuff exists21:41
anteayacameron__: the best way to get reviews it to give them, is a friendly introduction if you are just getting started21:41
fungiclarkb: aha, so we'd need a custom doc job to do that then, probably?21:42
mordredfungi: well, you can write a sphinx plugin21:42
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mordredfungi: and reference that sphinx plugin frmo your file21:42
cameron__anteaya: Thanks!21:42
clarkbjeblair: so thinking a bit more abut this I think we should be ok, but updating to fixed jgit may be prudent just in case they snuck any other fixes in21:42
anteayacameron__: you're welcome21:42
mordredfungi: that way you can just use build_sphinx and it'll do what you want21:42
fungimordred: i'll double-check how complicated that is. hopefully not hard21:43
mordredfungi: looking at oslosphinx has an example of writing a sphinx plugin to do stuff21:43
mordredI dont' think it's too bad21:43
fungimordred: oh! all the better. thanks21:43
fungiclarkb: does rebuilding our gerrit warfile update jgit automagically? because i don't see an updated gerrit release yet21:44
clarkbfungi: no, we have to bump the version in our pom.xml21:44
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/gear: Add readPacket unit test
clarkbdhellmann: fungi mordred ok the latest patchsets in that series are looking good according to jenkins. I think we should review them now21:46
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jeblairclarkb: a test to help us out ^ (it catches the error we just fixed)21:46
clarkbjeblair: cool will review shortly21:46
openstackgerritAdrian Turjak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new Cloud-Pydashie project
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jeblairclarkb: i think with a few more of those we will be in a good position to unit test your change21:47
dhellmannfungi: there's an example of doing that in the governance repo, let me find the link21:47
jeblairclarkb: (it has a generalized method of simulating any network packet delivery oddities we want to do)21:48
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clarkbjeblair: nice now I am very interested in reviewing21:48
anteayaanyone know a timothy r chavez? he seems to be reviewing infra patches but I don't know his irc nick21:48
anteayanot that I have a question for him, I'm just curious21:48
clarkbanteaya: timrc21:49
anteayaah wonderful thanks21:49
mordredanteaya: he works for cody-somerville21:50
fungidhellmann: perfect--thanks again21:50
anteayamordred: does he21:50
dhellmannfungi: let me know if I can help at all21:50
anteayaor today I remembered, not sure if I had learned that before or not21:51
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dhellmannclarkb: do we want to merge those patches into separately if we know adding that egg-info writer causes issues? I guess we want them to all land together?21:52
fungidhellmann: gmurphy is working on and i'm sure he'd love feedback (though for now we're still tweaking the generated rst to match what we want to use in e-mails too, for convenience)21:52
clarkbdhellmann: I think that ince we have a release that works we should be fine merging things as individual changes as long as they are all present in the next release21:52
clarkbdhellmann: since we consume via releases and the tests which install themselves pass21:53
fungiclarkb: dhellmann: yeah i think it should be safe to just land them in series as they come21:53
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/gear: Add readPacket unit test
dhellmannfungi, clarkb : ok, sounds good21:54
fungiclarkb: reviewing them now21:54
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Support pre/post test hooks for nova-docker jobs
fungiclarkb: don't we really need the . addition to tox.ini testenv deps as early as possible to make sure we're not testing 0.10.4 where we think we're testing the change?21:56
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clarkbfungi: good qusetion. I think the answer is yes21:58
fungiclarkb: or just accept that the second change is clean and not worry about someone trying to use the first possibly buggy one?21:58
dhellmannfungi: I left some comments on that ossa review21:58
fungii'm less thrilled about the second option, but it could be pragmatic21:58
fungidhellmann: awesome--thanks!21:59
clarkbfungi: hrm21:59
clarkblet me at least check the first commit works with . in its path (which would indicate it is clean)21:59
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/gear: Add readPacket unit test
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clarkbjeblair: in ^ why slice the first packet in the test?22:02
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clarkbdoes that trip the eagain?22:02
clarkbI think that must be what that does. ignore me22:02
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fungithat way we get multiple passes22:04
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timrcclarkb, Hi, reading up22:05
timrcBut I can guess "wtf is this tim guy!?"22:05
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dhellmannclarkb: +2 on that series22:05
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clarkbdhellmann: cool22:06
clarkbfungi: so using . at the base of the series I only run into timeout errors for gpg things22:06
dhellmannclarkb: thanks for doing the work to cherry-pick those22:06
openstackgerritAdrian Turjak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new Cloud-Pydashie project
dhellmannclarkb: those errors are lack of entropy22:06
clarkbdhellmann: no problem. It needed to be done and I learned about future string things22:06
clarkbdhellmann: ya, I am not worried about them22:06
fungiclarkb: hah! you need
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clarkbhrm failed so we may not be done22:08
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clarkbdid we unpin setuptools?22:09
clarkbit looks like we did22:09
dhellmannfungi, clarkb, mordred : when you do releases of pbr, do you use the script in openstack-infra/release-tools to update launchpad, too?22:09
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clarkbarg I don't think we can update pbr without setuptools pin reverted...22:10
crowshananteaya: Hey, I messaged you earlier about the patch I wanted reviewed here: I also read the article, and I was wondering if there was a quicker way to get our patch reviewed since it's pretty small and straightforward22:10
clarkbdhellmann: I haven't done a release of pbr so no22:10
fungiclarkb: i guess i should have -2'd or wip'd after you said let's not merge it yet22:10
anteayacrowshan: I see you change your irc nick22:11
anteayacrowshan: do take a look at all the patches currently open in project-config22:11
crowshananteaya: yeah, I changed it so that it matched my gerrit info better22:11
anteayacrowshan: then help me understand why to me your patch is more important than any of the others?22:11
fungiclarkb: i can revert my revert. just a sec22:11
dtroyerfungi is headed into inception-land22:12
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clarkbfungi: or we put the remove sha1 suffixes at the base of that stack22:12
clarkbfungi: I think that may work22:12
clarkbmordred: ^ did you say you had that handy?22:12
dhellmannclarkb: are the pbr tests failing, then?22:12
clarkbdhellmann: ya the integration run is failing because pbr master still outputs versions with the git sha22:13
clarkbdhellmann: fungi so I think if we put the git sha1 info removal change at the bottom of the stack we can get through without revert reverts in devstack22:13
clarkbbut I don't know if that change has been written yet22:13
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jeblairclarkb: yep (eagain) -- that's so that we simulate the tcp stack giving us half the first gearman-packet in one tcp-packet, then eagain, then the second half of the first gearman-pcaket along with the second gearman-packet both in the second tcp-packet22:13
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clarkbjeblair: also, any chance you want to write a test case like that for worker/client :)22:13
jeblairclarkb: in progress.  i'm currently trying to figure out why it fails! :)22:14
clarkbjeblair: if not I willswitch gears (no pun intended) from pbr once pbr is settled and work on that22:14
clarkbjeblair: perfect22:14
dhellmannclarkb, fungi : I'm heading offline to go to our local meetup. I'll check back in tomorrow to see if you need more pbr reviews.22:14
fungiclarkb: is an option now anyway22:14
clarkbdhellmann: thank you for all the help have fun at meetup22:14
fungidhellmann: thanks for the help! have a good get-together22:14
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dhellmannclarkb, fungi : thanks, we're talking about the election tonight. Woo!22:15
jeblairclarkb: also todo is admin requests for both22:15
fungidhellmann: excellent! remind everyone to vote22:15
anteayaasselin: help me understand why we need this patch reference by the other patch: to me this is just noise22:16
clarkbfungi: I think mordred may have the cahnge for removing git shas from master somewhere ut it may have been in a tag merge which is why I didn't like it22:16
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clarkbmordred: ^ that sound right?22:16
anteayaasselin: as any repo with upstream /your-repo-here/ will require a new patch to update anyway22:16
fungiclarkb: looking--maybe we can just extract it22:16
asselinanteaya, discussed with nibalizer and decided to not do, but to leave it as a ref, so I left it WIP. But perhaps there's another way to refer to it22:17
anteayaI don't need to refer to it at all22:18
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anteayait serves no purpose for me22:18
fungiclarkb: seems so, yes
anteayaas I know that the content will need to be in place as a series of individual patches22:18
asselinanteaya, it's for those who will do the split, but we can find another place for it22:18
anteayait is just noise I have to look at to ensure I am giving a through review22:18
anteayaasselin: that information is contained the the spec22:19
anteayawhich is why I requested the patch to the spec last night to keep it updated22:19
anteayalets reference the spec please, not another patch22:19
mordredclarkb: yah, it's in the tag merge22:19
asselinanteaya, I think we're misunderstanding.22:19
anteayaperhaps I am22:20
anteayado explain22:20
asselinanteaya, but I will abandon that patch since it causes confusion and not necessary22:20
clarkbmordred: I am a bit confused how that ended up there because the code is drastically different in that area between the two branches right?22:20
anteayaasselin: do help me to understand if I am missing a piece22:20
clarkbmordred: so cehrry-picking/merging doesn't help22:20
mordredI did it all by hand22:21
clarkbmordred: any chance you want ot propose that as a normal change so that the tag merge is a noop change?22:21
asselinanteaya, you're misunderstanding the purpose of that patch, and that is because the purpose is of very  limited value. Hence I agree to just get rid of it.22:22
clarkbmordred: I think it makes it much easier to review as the merge commits are funky22:22
anteayaasselin: okay great thank you22:22
mordredsure. will do in an hour or so22:22
crowshananteaya: Thanks, I definitely didn't think our patch was more important, just very quick to do, but anyways I'll look into reviewing the other patches22:22
clarkbmordred: awesome. then we can put my stackatop that and we should be fine iwthout a devstack revert revert22:22
anteayaasselin: can we also change the commit message in the important patch to remove the #1 portion as I do believe it is now redundant22:22
asselinanteaya, yes agree. makes sense22:23
anteayacrowshan: thank you, we appreciate all the help to get through the review backlog22:23
fungiclarkb: which would b e great, because otherwise we'll need a devstack revert revert revert once the other stuff merges22:23
anteayaasselin: thank you22:23
anteayawhat is the current record for the longest chain of reverts?22:23
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fungianteaya: not sure, but i don't think i want to be the one holding the record whatever it is22:24
anteayafair enough22:24
anteayahot potato22:24
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* anteaya checks her hot potatos in the oven22:25
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Prepare project-config for puppet module split
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/gear: Add unit test for readPacket (client mode)
jeblairclarkb: ^ client side.  next admin.22:28
asselinanteaya, done ^^22:28
anteayaasselin: thank you22:28
anteayamtreinish: so the way I read you are still waiting on a bug fix, yeah?22:29
mtreinishanteaya: nope, the bugs have been fixed, and I pushed a release today for that22:30
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/gear: Add unit test for readPacket (client mode)
anteayamtreinish: sorry perhaps I didn't read the storyboard story correctly22:31
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Split out lodgeit module
* anteaya reads again22:31
mtreinishanteaya: I guess I need to go and update storyboard, I'm just used to it being automatic22:31
anteayamtreinish: ah perhaps that is it22:31
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out lodgeit module
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mtreinishanteaya: ok I updated!/story/200002322:33
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fungiBobBall: you seem to have been the instigator of the xen readme in devstack... the url here is no longer valid:
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anteayamtreinish: lovely thank you22:34
fungiBobBall: any insights into how that needs to be changed?22:34
* mtreinish misses the auto bug stuff...22:35
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ashphmm, I just noticed that all our jobs are set to concurrent: false22:36
ashpdespite our jenkins_job_builder being set for true22:36
anteayaasselin: can you co-ordinate with jesusaurus on the lodgeit module split?22:36
ashpIs there anywhere else in jenkins that this could be overridden that I'm unaware of that someone here knows?22:36
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clarkbashp: is that a default flag that is being overridden in jjb?22:37
asselinanteaya, looking22:37
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ashpclarkb: I'm not sure, and I'm sort of confused, the only concurrent mention I have is in defaults.yaml22:37
ashp /var/jenkins/job_builder/defaults.yaml:    concurrent: true22:37
clarkbashp: if you edit that section in jobs that value wil be overridden22:38
ashpnone of the jobs overwrite it22:38
ashpthat was with a grep -ri22:38
asselinjesusaurus, you have time to coordinate on "split out lodgeit module"
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ashpoh we're running 0.9, I wonder if this is just fixed22:39
anteayamtreinish: so this adds the script is there a patch up that puts it in play? if yes can we get a link to it in the commit message?22:39
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mtreinishanteaya: not yet, I wasn't exactly sure on how to do that. clarkb had indicated that it was automagic22:40
anteayaperhaps it is22:40
clarkbya all nodepool scripts end up on the nodes during builds22:41
anteayaokay thanks22:41
anteayamtreinish: I'm going to +1 because I can't see a reason to -1 put my knowledge of nodepool scripts is weak22:41
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mtreinishclarkb: and they're all executed too? That's the real question, because this will only work after the tempest repo is pulled in22:42
mtreinishanteaya: ok cool, thanks22:42
clarkbno you have to call them22:42
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clarkbvia the enttry script listed in nodepool.yaml22:42
openstackgerritDave Walker proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Ignore non-release related tags
anteayamtreinish: thank you22:42
mtreinishclarkb: ok that's what I was really asking before. Thanks, I'll push that too22:42
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Use the correct project name
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clarkbjeblair: you inverted the fake socket blocking value but don't toggle it for either the client or server22:47
clarkbjeblair: shouldn't one o fthem toggle the flag? I think server shoul dset blocking=022:48
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ashpclarkb: 1.0 fixed it instantly, huh22:50
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/gear: Add admin readPacket unit tests
jeblairclarkb: where are you talking about?22:53
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btranHi, when setting up my devstack env, I keep getting this error:  'OSError: [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable' at different service startups locations (c-api, n-api, etc.). Running on physical Ubuntu 12.04 server. Any ideas what my problem is?22:54
fungiclarkb: dtroyer: actually we do need to emergency merge and promote until there's another setuptools release22:54
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1403284
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1403284 in devstack "mysql (1040, 'Too many connections')" [Undecided,In progress]
clarkbjeblair: in the change that adds the client test, you go from if blocking to if not blocking22:54
clarkbjeblair: iirc the server is blocking and the client/workers are not22:54
jeblairclarkb: right.  the logic there is the same because i also inverted the contents of the conditional22:55
jeblairclarkb: i just made both of the conditionals in that function match22:55
clarkboh I see. Is something else setting the blocking flag?22:55
jeblairclarkb: the socket is set to blocking by ServerConnection22:55
jeblairclarkb: (so it's part of the tested code path)22:55
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anteayabtran: you will probably get better receiption in #openstack-dev22:56
btrananteaya: ok thanks, will do that22:57
anteayabradm: thanks and welcome to openstack22:57
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jogoclarkb: FYI
dtroyerfungi: I'm +2 on 142912…sdague may have headed to family-land23:00
jogothought you may want to comment on that thread23:00
fungidtroyer: i went ahead and used gerrit admin powers to approve it23:00
mordredclarkb: ok. I'm back. sorry for the delay23:00
dtroyerfungi: np, was just going to ask about +A anyway23:01
mordredclarkb: on my plate now is remaking that merge commit as a flat commit on top of a null-merge for tags, right?23:01
fungidtroyer: it's now been promoted ahead of the nova change in the gate it was in the process of killing23:01
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fungidtroyer: thanks for the speedy assist!23:02
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dtroyerfungi: np, been watching this drama from the sidelines all week...23:03
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fungiclarkb: so anyway, the pep8 pin will be back in place in about an hour anyway, barring random gate-breaking bug killing the revert23:03
fungier, s/pep8/setuptools 8/23:04
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mordredfungi: we re-pinned?23:05
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fungikeeping an eye on it since it's my bad for not setting it wip after we realized it would actually pass jobs if they got lucky enough to run on the right provider23:05
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fungimordred: yeah, we're still waiting for a setuptools release which silences the runtime warning by default, since we have tempest tests which fail parsing output otherwise23:06
mordredah, yah. gotcha23:06
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fungimordred: except we only have libs installed which trigger that on hpcloud. so it got lucky enough to run all affected tempest jobs on rackspace twice in a row23:07
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fungi(and then demolished the gate for nearly an hour)23:09
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: rename subnode log directory
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clarkbmordred: I think we just need the remove git sha change23:13
clarkbmordred: ?23:13
mordredI don't HAVE just that - I originally did this with git merge23:13
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mordredI have the pbr.json and the git sha removal as one thing23:14
clarkbmordred: I think if ou put those tow together thats fine23:14
mordredphew. cool23:14
clarkbmordred: then I can drop the first change in my stack23:14
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-recheckwatch as split out module
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clarkbjeblair: my change fails atop your tests I am working on that now23:15
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Remove 2 modules that no longer exist
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/requirements: Update keystoneclient to 1.0.0
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Merge branch 'feature/0.10'
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Port in git sha changes from 0.10 line
mordredclarkb: voila!23:17
jeblairclarkb: awesome! :)23:17
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clarkbjeblair: looks like it gets the first packet ok but not the second because the fake socket raises eagain23:19
clarkband client side hits eof. so I think I am being too greedy23:20
clarkbmordred: thank you. I will rebase in a bit23:20
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clarkbjeblair: woot think I figured it out23:23
clarkbjeblair: new patchset pushed, needed to reset need_bytes after getting bytes23:24
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/gear: Read more bytes per readPacket iteration
clarkbjeblair: also, when you have a chance I would like to talk about the situation where we set raw_bytes = b''23:24
jeblairclarkb: k, reading your patch now23:25
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jeblairclarkb: ok23:29
clarkbjeblair: so we read segment and if not segment then raw_bytes = b'' and return None23:29
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clarkbjeblair: my concern with that is we may have valid packet data in raw_bytes we have just thrown out and the next read will assume the middle of a packet is the beginning of a packet23:30
clarkbjeblair: wouldn't it be better to keep raw_bytes as is and try again? or possibly close and restart that connection?23:30
jeblairclarkb: except there is no next read.  that means it's disconnected.23:30
clarkbah ok so that is the situation23:30
jeblairclarkb: so if we receive the empty string from recv and don't already have a packet, then we'll never get one23:31
clarkbI read recv(2) and at least in C land that may have been the cause but wasnt sure about python23:31
jeblairclarkb: that was mostly in there to make sure that on reconnect, we start with a good clean slate23:31
jeblairclarkb: however, i note the connect() method resets things properly23:31
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jeblairclarkb: so if you want to drop the line, i think it will be okay.23:31
clarkbjeblair: I may just add a comment there. I think being defensive is fine23:31
clarkbok now to rebase on mordeds change then clean up the admin detection23:32
jeblairclarkb: well, if we leave it there, then i think we also should clean up needs_bytes similarly... i'll leave a comment23:32
clarkbjeblair: thanks23:33
clarkbhrm rebase did not do what I expected there23:34
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jeblairclarkb: i think we still may have an issue on the client side in that readPacket will only be called once by the poll loop23:34
jeblairclarkb: (that's not covered by the new tests)23:35
clarkboh wrong branch23:35
clarkbjeblair: yup23:35
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jeblairclarkb: we could probably loop within the client poll loop to repeat the call to readPacket if Connection.input_buffer is not empty23:36
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Only import sphinx during hook processing
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Properly check for git before getting git dir
clarkbmordred: ^ is the other half23:37
clarkbmordred: I think you have failing tests that need updating23:38
clarkbsilly tests23:39
mordredclarkb: /me stabs23:39
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NobodyCamafternoon INFRA folk. would this be the correct place about a OpenStack Proposal Bot patch?23:42
clarkbNobodyCam: yup23:43
NobodyCamclarkb: TY its a little old but :
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DavieyMaybe it is too late now... but did anyone look to do an OpenStack all-in-one as for Qemu Advent Calendar?23:44
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fungiDaviey: not to my knowledge. these days anyone worth their handlebar mustache and skinny jeans is making a docker image for that instead23:46
Davieyfungi: :)23:46
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clarkbNobodyCam: and the question is? why is that test case removed?23:48
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clarkbI love how people just go "I DON"T UNDERSTAND -1"23:48
NobodyCamgota love the comment ?!?!?!?23:48
NobodyCamI want to understand23:48
NobodyCamsoo I ask23:48
clarkbso we merge tags back into master23:48
clarkbwe do this so that when you are on master you always have that tag in your history23:49
clarkbso that logically on the git graph that version occurred in the psat prior to now23:49
clarkbwe do this in a way that keeps master's code with a pointer to the old code. So its a special merge23:49
clarkbNobodyCam: the unfortunate bit is that gerrit doesn't render this well23:50
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clarkbNobodyCam: so the best way to review those is with git diff locally. you can do `git diff HEAD^` to see that there shouldn't be any diff against master23:50
clarkband you can `git describe --always` to see that the tag is now in your history. But you have to git remote update before you do that to ensure you have the tag available23:51
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clarkband I can confirm running those that this is the case23:52
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NobodyCamahh ... ok I'll test that here.... TY clarkb :)23:53
clarkband if you grep for the test that is "removed" it is there23:53
clarkbI think that means that that test may have been removed on the tag side?23:53
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