Friday, 2014-08-08

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JayFetherpad appears to be down?00:01
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clarkbjamielennox for rtd we dont need a special user00:06
clarkbanyobe can trigger a rebuild there apparently00:06
jamielennoxclarkb: oh? ok - well i guess that is ok because they pull from a specified git repo there isn't much damage that can be done00:07
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jamielennoxok that's easy then00:07
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: [DO NOT MERGE] test full tempest run on f20
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mikalHey, why would gerrit think a change is closed when it is not?01:02
mikalTo ssh://
mikal ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/publish/master (change 111762 closed)01:02
mikal111762 isn't closed in the web UI01:02
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jrollmikal: looks merged to me01:06
mikalOh wait01:06
mikalI've transposed two digits in the number01:06
mikalStill me01:06
mikalSilly even01:06
jrollyes, you are still :P01:06
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tchaypomikal: good job sir01:11
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fungiJayF: etherpad seems to be working for me... is it still broken for you?01:28
tchaypofungi: i still can't access
tchaypofungi: ... no wait, I can, it was just a little slow01:31
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fungiit's a little slow for me, but i'm connecting over a wireless modem with very poor signal strength to the provider from here01:31
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix filename in index generation for swift uploads
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rick_clarkb: HI!02:31
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rick_clarkb: You say you did not use jaypipes. What do you use instead of jaypipes?02:34
rick_Do anyone use jaypipes(ox-ext-testion) in the 3-part CI system?02:35
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clarkbrick_ we use the thing jaypipes forked02:45
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tchaypoDo we have any plans to set up a devpi server?02:54
tchaypofrom what I learned at pycon-au it sounds like having one in our infra, and letting the testenvs replicate from it, should make for a nice replacement for bandersnatch etc02:54
StevenKtchaypo: pypi.o.o is already bandersnatch02:54
tchaypoI'm working on a devpi element to replace pypi-mirror but afaict I can only point it at an upstream devpi server or the root pypi02:55
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clarkbtchaypo 0 plans02:55
StevenKGiven infra just moved from pypi-mirror to bandersnatch, I doubt they want to change again02:55
r1chardj0n3s_afktchaypo: this is correct - bandersnatch just isn't clever emnough at the moment to be an upsrteam for devpi02:55
clarkbeverytime we talk about it I am convinced it solves other problems02:55
r1chardj0n3s_afkI'm looking at fixing that02:55
tchaypobandersnatch or devpi?02:55
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tchaypooh - by "other problems" you mean "problems we don't have"?02:56
clarkbyes like private libs02:56
tchaypoi thought you meant "more of our problems" at first #needsmorecoffee02:56
clarkband deploying webapps02:56
tchaypoyeah, I agree that it covers a lot of stuff we don't care about02:56
tchaypobut unless pypi-mirror is revived, i think we still need a replacement for that02:57
r1chardj0n3sare we still talking about devpi? I have maybe come in on the middle of this conversation :)02:57
r1chardj0n3sdevpi == deploying webapps?02:57
tchaypoand I haven't seen a better replacement02:57
clarkbtchaypo what is wrong with bandeesnatch?02:57
clarkbits working great so far02:57
clarkbthere has been one issue worked around02:58
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r1chardj0n3sclarkb: but there's an outstanding issue of wheel caching which bandersnatch can't help with.02:58
tchayponothing is wrong with bandersnatch, it's a great choice if you want to mirror all of pypi (it doesn't mirror external dependencies, but that's not part of mirroring pypi imho)02:58
clarkbdevpi diesnt solve wheels either...02:58
r1chardj0n3stchaypo: openstack doesn't use external dependencies any longer (well, except mysql *cough*)02:58
tchaypobut if you have a laptop of limited brain/HDD space, 90Gb for bandersnatch is massive overkill if all you want to enable is offline builds02:58
r1chardj0n3sclarkb: it can02:58
r1chardj0n3stchaypo: laptops should always use devpi02:59
clarkblast we talked it couldnt02:59
clarkbdid something change?02:59
r1chardj0n3sclarkb: depends on what you mean by "solve"02:59
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clarkbthe issue is not hosting wheels02:59
clarkbthat is easy02:59
tchaypoin my mind, bandersnatch is for a pypi mirror, devpi is to run a local cache to avoid hitting the network02:59
clarkbthe issue is building them02:59
r1chardj0n3swhich I'm currently in the process of making much better (it currently requires pinned requirements.txt)03:00
tchaypobut devpi can't use bandersnatch as an upstream, which is why i was wondering if infra was going to set up a devpi server03:00
r1chardj0n3sbut even without that you can build and upload to devpi right now03:00
r1chardj0n3stchaypo: that would be good, yes, especially with replication03:00
clarkbso we have a tool that does this03:00
clarkbthat can use bandersnatch03:00
tchaypoclarkb: i think we're talking at cross-purposes; I think you're thinking about what infra needs to avoid builds in infra going outside the infra network. I'm thinking about builds on a developer laptop avoiding hitting the network03:01
clarkbso I already have a preference03:01
r1chardj0n3sclarkb: but how does it handle linux wheels?03:01
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r1chardj0n3sclarkb: as in - wheels across multiple linux targets?03:01
clarkbit builds the wheels on different linuxes03:01
clarkband shoves them in build specific dirs03:01
r1chardj0n3soh, IIRC you then use multi-index support to get those dirs03:01
clarkbtchaypo you specifically asked if we were going to devpi03:02
r1chardj0n3sok, if you're happy with that then so be it :)03:02
clarkbtchaypo I am explaining it doesnt solve problems we have03:02
clarkbit solves other problems03:02
r1chardj0n3sclarkb: it would simplify things so you didn't need that multi-index stuff03:02
r1chardj0n3sclarkb: also people could replicate the central server so they can have local copies (laptop etc) including those wheels03:03
clarkbbut I would have to run a devpi server03:03
clarkbwhich isnt simpler03:03
clarkbthey can replicate from our mirror today...03:03
r1chardj0n3sok, you run a server and everyone loses the need to multi-index03:03
r1chardj0n3sclarkb: how do you replicate from bandersnatch?03:04
clarkbwe have specidically said dont use our mirrors03:04
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clarkbso I dont think we would want to become a pypi devpi service alternative03:04
clarkbwith bandersnatch03:04
r1chardj0n3soh - the mirrors are *solely* for infra03:04
clarkbtechnically yes03:05
clarkbwe dont stop you from using them03:05
tchaypoclarkb: i did, and I don't remember why. I think I was wondering if there was something more openstacky to point at rather than pypi03:05
r1chardj0n3swell, as I said above, if it's all working for you then so be it03:05
r1chardj0n3stchaypo: talk to me and mikal about devpi for personal/organisational use03:05
r1chardj0n3stchaypo: we're looking at very useful patterns of caching and wheel handling for those cases03:06
clarkbtchaypo I think instead of pypi is the major issue03:06
r1chardj0n3swhy is pypi the issue in this?03:07
clarkbits the use something other than pypi bit03:07
clarkbtoday we are vanilla pypi mirror03:07
tchaypoas in, infra wouldn't want to be running a pypi alternative server for the genral community03:07
clarkbI know you can install the stuff from pypi and it will work03:08
clarkbif we switch to devpi that changes things a bit. particularly if there are things there you need that are not on pypi03:08
r1chardj0n3sclarkb: could you expand on that pls?03:08
clarkbyes we try to build the testenvs such that you dont need them locally03:09
r1chardj0n3swhat are the "them" in that?03:10
clarkbyou should be able to use normal python tools talking to to get work done via eg `tox`03:10
clarkbthe testenvs03:10
clarkbwhere I see value in devpi is supplementing pypi. wheels are anexample of this but so are private libs03:11
r1chardj0n3sI don't follow, I'm afraid. I don't see how devpi changes that any more than bandersnatch would. Except that devpi would allow you to use external packages while still using your mirror/cache.03:11
clarkbwe dont want any external packages03:12
r1chardj0n3sclarkb: it has many use cases but yes, that's a couple of them03:12
clarkbso thats a non issue03:12
r1chardj0n3sclarkb: yes, no external packages :)03:12
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r1chardj0n3s(so I'm not sure why you brought them up ;)03:12
clarkbI did?03:13
r1chardj0n3s"if we switch to devpi that changes things a bit. particularly if there are things there you need that are not on pypi"03:13
clarkboh right I was talking more private lib stuff03:13
r1chardj0n3sohhh, righto03:13
clarkbthere will be people wanting internal releases of openstack stuff03:14
clarkband pushing bugfixed non upstreamed code and so on03:14
r1chardj0n3s... and that's a bad thing in your view?03:14
clarkbthis is what devpi is for and I dont want that03:14
r1chardj0n3sit's *one* of the things it's for, and yep, that's cool03:15
clarkbright. I think that puts us in the distribution business03:15
r1chardj0n3sthough with the shenanigans with the oslo.messaging alpha release ... ugh omg03:15
clarkbyes thst will only get worse03:15
r1chardj0n3sso perhaps introducing methods of managing that might be a good idea?03:16
clarkbbecause then requirements will depend on a version only available from infra devpi03:16
r1chardj0n3smmm, right03:16
clarkbWe should not use that method at all imo03:16
clarkbbut mordred is bought into it03:16
clarkbI think we release early and often and meh to alphas03:17
dstufftwhat is the pain from the alpha release, is it just the pip < 1.4 problem?03:17
clarkbdstufft basically03:17
dstufftwanted to make sure there wasn't some other big issue that I Wasn't aware of03:18
clarkbso they are only released as wheels03:18
clarkbbut then old pip fails rather than succeeding with the wrong thing03:18
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clarkbfor the record I think devpi would be a good tool for say hp to run internally for the same reasons I dont want to run it publicly03:20
r1chardj0n3sclarkb: yep03:20
clarkbthe use case is valid for others03:20
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r1chardj0n3sfor example mikal has a devpi on his home server and then his laptop and other systems replicate that03:22
r1chardj0n3sI just run devpi on my laptop stand-alone 'cos I don't have such a complex home network ;)03:22
dstufftI just hit PyPI becasue FiOS03:24
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clarkbdstufft same here :)03:24
dstufftfiber optic internet providier in the US03:25
StevenKFibre to the Home03:25
clarkbfiber to home essentially03:25
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tchaypoi hate you all03:25
StevenKYou know, that thing that Turnbull killed because <expletive deleted>03:25
clarkbI have a different service that is fiber to building dsl to my apartment03:25
dstufftI get ~10ms response times most of the time ;)03:26
tchaypoI have DSL-across-rusty-copper. I'm lucky to hit about 700KB/s03:26
dstufftI only have 50MB's down03:26
clarkbtchaypo I am sorry03:26
dstufftI could pay for like 500 or so03:26
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dstufftbut it's $$$$03:26
StevenKtchaypo: I get ~800KB/s03:26
tchaypoliving in this country is such an embarrassment03:26
clarkbeven my phone gets about 2503:26
tchaypocommunications minister who can't imagine why anyone would ever need speeds faster than 12Mb/s03:26
StevenKtchaypo: Just think about health care instead03:27
dstufftdon't worry, if I go back home to the middle of the country side DSL over rusty copper is state of the art there :)03:27
tchaypoother ministers announce policies about ISPs storing metadata without consulting him and without knowing what metadata is03:27
tchaypoa health care minister who believes abortion causes cancer03:27
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StevenKtchaypo: Isn't that some Christian lobby group using him as a puppet?03:28
clarkbyou have caps too right?03:29
tchaypoStevenK: it's the christian lobby group that represents his beliefs, that he therefore thinks represents all christians03:30
tchaypoclarkb: yep... athough mine is about 400Gb/month and doesn't include things like my ISPs ubuntu mirror03:30
* tchaypo goes and points them at bandersnatch03:31
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dstufftclarkb: I might fix purging next week (my packaging time is week on week off) or this weekend03:32
dstufftso that y'all don't need to do that anymore03:32
clarkbdstufft: cool. happy to provide more log data if it helps (we have specific urls that got purged and timestamps)03:33
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dstufftclarkb: cool, shouldn't need to. the problem is just that the purging stuff isn't handled in a fault tolerant way, if it fails for whatever reason it just says oh well03:37
dstufftjust need to switch to celery and add task retries03:37
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lifelesstchaypo: communications minister that got blindsided by the data retention bill05:27
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lifelessfungi: not large05:30
lifelessfungi: 94108 would be a good start05:30
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Check and gate PEP8 for stackforge/gerrit-dash-creator
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Check requirements of stackforge/gerrit-dash-creator
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add comment to specs-jobs template
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openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make neutron full job voting (neutron gate only)
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Don't use instances of complex types as a default value in args
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mattoliverauweekend time, night all.08:16
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openstackgerritFrançois Magimel proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added cloudkitty-dashboard to stackforge projects
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apevecttx, something is not right with at least 2014.1.2 tag09:04
apevecttx, looks like zul pushed it on Juno branch :(09:04
katyaferventHi guys!09:04
katyaferventIs there any rule to write NOTE(username) in a comment block?09:05
katyaferventIn what cases it is used?09:05
apevecttx, what do we do? We can't remove the tag, push 2014.1.2.1 ?09:05
ttxapevec: so the tarballs are actuall juno tarballs?09:06
apevecat least keystone checking other now09:07
apevecNova is fine,09:07
apeveczul pushed it as a test and I checked it09:07
ttxIf it's just one Maybe we can fix the tag with infra help09:07
apeveche pushed the rest later09:07
ttxotherwise I would do a 2014.1.3 now09:08
apevecttx, ok, I'll report to you/zul/adam_g09:08
apevecyeah, additional .N might break some people09:08
ttxapevec: thx for noticing and looking into it09:08
apevecttx, as a temp measure, could we take down?09:10
ttxyeah, i'm on it09:10
apevecit had 5 downloands only atm09:10
apevecok, thanks09:10
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ttxapevec: file deleted09:11
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ttxceilo seems ok09:13
apevecttx, thinking where we could add sanity check, where in infra config is the git hook which runs on tag push attempt?09:13
apevecglance too09:13
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ttxapevec: yeah, i wanted to look into that but didn't find the time :/09:14
apevecttx, check that branch name matches tag prefix ?09:14
ttxcinder ok09:14
ttxheat ok09:15
apevectrove ok09:15
ttxhorizon ok09:15
ttxneutron ok09:15
ttxOK, so that's Keystone only09:15
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apevecyeah, unfortunate typo09:16
apevecI guess09:16
ttxapevec: sounds like it may be worth it to try to delete tag and recreate09:16
apevecso we need infra09:17
ttxI think so yes09:17
ttxlet me have a quick look09:17
apevecttx, do you want to send heads-up reply on announcement, or wait until we've new tag?09:18
ttxapevec: i can try to delete the tag09:18
ttxI may have the rights for that09:18
apevecI wonder if that will remove tarball from tarballs.o.o09:18
ttxthat will overwrite it09:18
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apevecsome people might use t.o.o directly09:19
apevecok, let's see09:19
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ttxremote: You need 'Push' rights with the 'Force Push'09:21
ttxLooks like I can't do it09:22
ttxso we have to wait for infra09:22
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ttxfungi, clarkb, jeblair, SergeyLukjanov: we'll need your help there09:24
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mpaolinoHello Folks09:27
mpaolinoI have a problem with Jenkins (-1) at
mpaolinothe failed test does not seem related to my changes09:28
mpaolinoI had a look at the rechecks page in status.openstack.org09:29
mpaolinoI haven't seen anything usefule there09:30
StevenKmpaolino: It's a known mysql deadlock -- there is a bug for it09:30
* StevenK tries to look for it09:31
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mpaolinoStevenK, thanks, sorry if I didn't noticed, I'm quite new to these things09:31
StevenKmpaolino: The console.txt.gz file states "n-sch not allowed to have errors" or something close09:32
StevenKmpaolino: In logs/ there is a screen-n-sch.txt.gz or so, which you can filter to ERROR09:32
apevecttx, could you in the meantime remove 2014.1.2 tarballs from ?09:33
apevecto you have shell access there?09:34
apevecalso, I'd suggest to something in new 2014.1.2 tag message e.g. '2014.1.2 respin'09:34
StevenKmpaolino: Right, found the bug. Add a comment to the review of "recheck bug 1350149"09:34
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1350149 in oslo "mysqldb + eventlet = potential deadlocks" [High,Triaged]
StevenKmpaolino: (Without quotes)09:34
mpaolinowill do right now09:34
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StevenKmpaolino: You're welcome09:36
mpaolinoso with this comment I'm saying to Jenkins to recheck the code...09:36
mpaolinoor it won't re-execute the tests?09:36
StevenKmpaolino: You're telling Jenkins to recheck your branch, yes.09:37
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ttxapevec: no I don't jave access there09:38
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mpaolinogreat, thanks again!!09:38
ttxwe need infra-core09:38
StevenKttx: infra-root, even?09:38
ttxoh, yes, that's what I meant :)09:38
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ttxapevec: I communicated to #openstack-packaging for damage control09:40
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joaHey there09:51
joasmall question about the openstack CI09:51
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joaCan anyone tell me how the machines are sized for the tempest-dsvm-full test runs ? (in terms of CPU/Memory)09:51
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add pyhton33 job for python-rallyclient
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enable profiling in rally-jobs
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add pyhton33 job for python-rallyclient
openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add pyhton33 job for python-rallyclient
openstackgerritJan Klare proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Allow compatibility with Berkshelf 2.X and 3.X
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apevecttx, do you have privs to set warning in the subject line for  #openstack-packaging ?11:28
ttxapevec: no11:28
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alexpilottihi guys, I have an issue on resize tests on tempest and how the CI assign flavors11:32
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alexpilottibasically the disk size is always 0:
alexpilottiin the flavor11:46
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dhellmannI had a question this morning about why the alphas of oslo.config appear on but not Is that intentional? I thought our mirror had extra stuff in it, is that separate from
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joaHey, the devstack-gate sripts use the git tip of every project right ?13:14
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joaI'm wondering why the devstack I had at hands didnt contain the lib/cinder_plugins directory as I expected13:14
joaonly a cinder file.13:14
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phschwartzmorning infra13:32
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openstackgerritJan Klare proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Allow compatibility with Berkshelf 2.X and 3.X
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linkidCan someone checks my reviews about cloudkitty client and dashboard to have stackforge repos to commit my code ? Because the cloudkitty API is being pushed today and we need public repos for its client and its ui.14:15
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Ajaegerlinkid: what are the URLs for the reviews?14:34
linkidAjaeger: and
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Ajaegerlinkid: looks fine but you need a core for +2 and approval...14:37
linkidAjaeger: yep. Thanks for your check :)14:38
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erwlooking for approval on docker experimental job (already has a +2 and a pile of +1s):
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linkidbut I don't know IRC names of cores…14:55
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ttxjeblair, mordred, fungi, clarkb, SergeyLukjanov: could use one of you guys superpowers to fix 2014.1.214:58
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mordreddhellmann: looks like our mirror sync is a but busted15:09
mordreddstufft: that's a bit unhappy with redirects it seems15:09
mordredttx: what's broken?15:09
ttxmordred: keystone's 2014.1.2 tag was pushed to master HEAD instead of stable/icehouse15:10
morganfainbergttx, ick! :(15:10
ttxSince it's only keystoen affected, we thought about deleting that tag15:10
ttxand pushing a new one15:10
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mordredttx: this was a few hours ago?15:11
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ttxthis was 20 hours ago15:11
mordredttx: wait - you don't push tags to branches15:11
mordredwas the tag made _of_ master instead of stable/icehouse?15:12
ttxmordred: points to a master commit, yes15:12
ttxmordred: When I tried to delete it I hit "remote: You need 'Push' rights with the 'Force Push'"15:13
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ttxI deleted the bad tarball from LP upload15:14
ttxzul: around?15:14
zulttx: yep15:14
ttxzul: can you push the new 2014.1.2 at the right place ?15:15
ttxI'm away for the next 20min, but will be around to wrap up a good announcement ERRATA with you15:15
zulttx: but do i have retag it and everything?15:16
ttxmordred: many thanks15:16
ttxzul: yes, retag, reupload15:16
zulttx: ack15:16
ttxhmm. wait15:16
ttxzul: which script are you using for that ?15:16
ttxzul: the issue is the milestone is already marked "released" so you might hit a snag15:17
linkideblair, mordred, fungi, clarkb, SergeyLukjanov: could someone +2 and approve my reviews to get stackforge repos to commit my code, please ? We are committing an API and we are waiting for repos for client and UI. Thanks :)15:17
zulttx: the script15:17
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: HPCloud has deprecated another 12.04 image
ttxzul: yeah, so that will hit the "already released" error15:18
ttxi'll do a manual upload15:18
zulttx: ok15:18
ttxzul:  just retag for the time being15:18
* ttx brbs15:18
jesusaurusmordred: jeblair: clarkb: hpcloud deprecated another precise image ^^15:18
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zulttx: done15:21
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Bump osprofiler version to >=0.2.1
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Bump osprofiler version to >=0.3.0
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Bump osprofiler version to >=0.3.0
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mordredjesusaurus: yay!15:44
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ttxzul: ok, will manually upload15:48
zulttx: coolio15:48
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ttxzul, apevec: done15:56
apevecttx, cool, thanks!15:57
* apevec double checks15:57
apevecgpg: Good signature from "Thierry Carrez (ttx) <>"15:57
zulttx: thanks15:58
apevecttx, zul - hm, don't see new tag15:58
apevecI guess I need to remove bad local one15:58
apevecttx, we'll need that in errata announcement15:58
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apevecgit tag -d 2014.1.2; git fetch15:59
apevecor any better suggestion15:59
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ttxapevec: errata announcement sent already16:00
ttxapevec: feel free to follow up on the openstack ML with additional advice...16:00
ttx(no need to make noise on the announce list)16:00
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krtaylorreed, ping, re: weekly newsletter16:07
reedhello krtaylor16:07
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krtaylorreed, I was thinking that maybe we'd move third-party updates to every 2 weeks16:07
reedkrtaylor, makes sense16:07
reedkrtaylor, or when you have news to report, at your pace16:08
krtaylorreed, ok, just wanted to see if you were looking for the content weekly :)16:08
reedkrtaylor, there is usually enough content every week :)16:08
krtaylorreed, ok, thanks16:08
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joakrtaylor: we've discussed that a while back -> rough outline of a third_party.rst in manuals:
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sarob_I could use merge on
joaalso discussed a bit later it jeblair I think who was afraid it'd lead to duplication of information16:10
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joasince I saw you here, I take it as a ping opportunity :))16:12
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reedtoday I'll be able to have community Office Hour again after weeks of travelling16:13
reedand other unavailability16:13
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reedI don't have a twitter client anymore on my desktop...16:14
sarob_Reed: tweeting for you?16:16
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vishyso all of the stable/havana jobs failed with16:16
vishy  Running (path:/home/jenkins/workspace/periodic-glance-python26-havana/.tox/py26/build/xattr/ egg_info for package xattr16:17
vishy    Package libffi was not found in the pkg-config search path.16:17
vishywheras the jobs from yesterday16:17
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vishy Running (path:/home/jenkins/workspace/periodic-glance-python26-havana/.tox/py26/build/xattr/ egg_info for package xattr16:17
vishy    compiling '_configtest.c':16:17
reedsarob_: please, tweet it for me :)16:17
vishyso any idea what might have happened to libffi in our image?16:17
sarob_Reed: Shirley16:18
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krtaylorjoa, yes, I saw the discussion with jeblair, I agree16:19
krtaylorjoa, I think this patch just needs to be broken down into smaller chunks16:19
joakrtaylor: Soo, I guess we should drop my patch ?16:19
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joaMhh could you detail a bit ?16:19
joamultiple rst files ?16:19
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krtaylorjoa, no, but pull out the good additions to the sections that exist in third_party.rst16:20
krtaylorjoa, just make modification to what is already there16:20
joaso improving the existing one instead then16:20
sarob_Reed: done16:20
vishyi can’t see any other difference
krtaylorjoa, also, don't forget the wiki16:20
reedthanks sarob_16:21
vishyfwiw these are running on bare-centos6-rax-dfw nodes16:21
reedsarob_ I'm about to announce Upstream Training in Paris16:21
reedwrong channel16:21
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sarob_Reed: move to docs?16:21
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krtaylorjoa, we can discuss with the group in Monday's meeting too16:22
joakrtaylor: Fine by me then :)16:22
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vishyjeblar, mordred, clarkb, fungi: ^^16:22
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joakrtaylor: should I add it to the meeting planning ?16:24
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krtaylorjoa, yes, please16:25
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joakrtaylor: done16:31
krtaylorjoa, thanks!16:37
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joaI'm looking at how to configure the devstack for my setup, with devstack-gate16:42
joa(meaning how to influence what's in the localrc)16:42
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joaWEll, unless I modify the devstack-checkout job to actually patch the; and take one version for each project I want to test...16:45
joadoes someone know of a better solution ?16:45
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mordredvishy: dude. we fixed that issue like a while ago - I think this is the second time it's re-cropped up16:48
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mordredvishy: and it makes me a sad panda ... let me look16:49
vishymordred: thx :)16:49
vishyall the stable/havana jobs went red16:49
mordredvishy: AH16:49
mordredvishy: I see the problem - we fixed the normal jobs and not the periodic jobs16:50
mordredvishy: patch coming16:50
mordredvishy: btw - just in case you want one more piece of arcane information in your head ...16:50
mordredvishy: yum install $foo can fail and return 0 quite happily16:50
mordredvishy: if you call it with -y and if there is more than one package that gets installed16:50
vishyyay arcane knowledge16:52
vishymordred: can we start producing containers for all of the openstack components16:52
vishybuilt from source16:52
vishyso we never have to deal with packaging again16:52
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix libffi on periodic jobs
openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add firewall traffic on port 27410 to 27510.
mordredvishy: packaging, it turns out, is the worst16:54
mordredvishy: there's the patch that will fix periodic16:54
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mordredclarkb, fungi, SergeyLukjanov, jhesketh: are any of you aroudn today? I think _everyone_ may be out - if so, I'm going to ninja-approve that16:54
krotscheckOh no, everyone’s out?16:55
vishymordred: minor point16:57
vishyrpm -ql libffi-devel16:57
vishyshouldn’t that be in the if16:57
vishyto avoid calling it twice?16:57
mordredvishy: yes. that would be nicer16:57
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vishyin the case that it is installed16:57
vishybut if it matches the other job16:58
vishyi don’t really care that much16:58
mordredyeah. I may go back and fix both16:58
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openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add firewall traffic on port 27410 to 27510.
mordredessentially, that snippet is actually what puppet should be doing inside of its yum provider to figure out if it worked or not16:58
* krotscheck is still looking for some comments on
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Subscription
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Removed whitespace.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Subscription
marcusvrnhey guys..I'm facing some troubles to setup the CI system... When I submit a patch to review (testing on sandbox) My CI returns -1 and the error message is: "This change was unable to be automatically merged with the current state of the repository. Please rebase your change and upload a new patchset." Can anyone help me?17:08
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wenlockmarcusvrn sounds like you have to do just that... either use that rebase button in the reivew, or 'git rebase origin/master' in your git repo and follow the merge instructions if any17:12
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wenlockmarcusvrn, i think if you choose the rebase button option, you might have to do a recheck... you can do that by adding the comment 'recheck no bug' to the review... at least i think thats the case to trigger another build.17:13
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marcusvrnwenlock: I'm looking for the rebase button, but it's not in the gerrit interface, is it?17:17
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wenlockmarcusvrn, yep, its in the gerrit UI, for sure, within the review
wenlockmarcusvrn you might have to be the owner of the review17:21
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marcusvrnI'm trying to do it...the button didn't appear because i was logged in another account...17:24
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openstackgerritEdward Raigosa proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Implement security class for gerrit base security
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mordredkrotscheck: : 98007 - projects.yaml moves to /var/lib/storyboard - whyfor? (I don't have strong feelings, just wondering if I missed a conversation)17:37
mordredkrotscheck: other than that and one line that's unnecessary, the patch looks great17:38
krotscheckmordred: I seem to recall a discussion, yes. Lemme find it.17:38
mordredkrotscheck: okie. well, if there was one, then I don't need to rehash it17:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1354541 in openstack-ci " does not contain alpha released versions of some oslo libraries" [Undecided,New]17:39
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mordreddhellmann: yeah - there's an issue with the mirror - it's breaking on grabbing one of the files17:41
mordreddhellmann: I pinged dstufft this mornign but haven't heard back from him yet17:42
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dhellmannmordred: ok, just making a record of it :-)17:44
krotscheckmordred: Hope, there wasn’t a discussion on that particular point. The discussion in question was about the downloaded source’s location, which moved from /usr/share/src/storyboard to /opt/storyboard because of the way the jenkins slaves are set up. The reason I put it in /var/lib/storyboard is because that’s where all the installed things go- the www root, etc etc.17:44
krotscheckSo your comment is valid. Want me to change it?17:45
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mordredkrotscheck: yeah - might as well, I think we consider it more of a config file on other hosts17:46
mordredkrotscheck: also... while you're in there17:46
mordredkrotscheck: i don't think you need to pass in the openid url in site.pp since it's defaulted in openstack_project::storyboard17:46
mordredkrotscheck: it's not important enough to warrant a new patch - but if you're already making one, then you know17:47
krotscheckSo, where should projects.yaml go?17:47
mordredI say let's just keep it in /etc/storyboard?17:48
krotscheckmordred: Hrm. That entire folder no longer exists with this patch.17:49
mordredoh. hrm. let me go look further - I didn't catch that - where is storyboard.conf going now?17:49
krotscheckmordred: /etc/storyboard.conf17:49
krotscheckThat was one of those magic oslo.config things that we never dug into enough to figure out why it wasn’t looking in etc/storyboard/storyboard.conf17:50
mordredok. you know what - leave it - /var/lib/storyboard is fine17:51
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clarkbmaybe dont use oslo.conf then?17:51
dhellmannkrotscheck: where's the code setting up the config parser?17:51
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clarkbmordred is bandersnatch hanging? I had to kill it yesterday17:52
mordredclarkb: no - it's dying on fetching one of the patches in a new and exciting way17:53
mordredclarkb: 2014-08-08 17:50:02,942 ERROR: Error syncing package: mybody@118388217:54
mordredTooManyRedirects: Exceeded 30 redirects.17:54
vishymordred: ugh tomas just brought up a good point on stable/icehouse17:54
mordredclarkb: so is poo17:54
mordredvishy: oh yeah?17:54
vishyare we autoproposing requirements changes there?17:54
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vishywe really should not change requirements on stable branches if we can help it17:55
vishy(check the ml)17:55
mordredvishy: I believe only if someone lands a patch to stable/* on requirements I believe17:55
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mordredI don't think we _mean_ to propose requirements changes to stable branches frmo requirements master17:55
krotscheckdhellmann: To be clear: I don’t really care where the storyboard.conf file ends up, it’s just that some people were expecting one thing and we’ve observed another.17:55
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vishywell something pulled in a bunch of requirements17:55
vishywe should see how that happened17:56
dhellmannkrotscheck: it looks like the setup you had is correct, so I don't know what was going on17:56
dhellmannmordred, vishy : we just added oslo.utils to the stable branch so the keystone client can use it17:56
mordredohhh.... keystone uses keystoneclient doesn't it?17:58
vishy“This would ideally not need to be in the icehouse branch however grenade17:58
vishyand other gate tests all run with the most current client release and so17:58
vishyrequire that the dependencies of the client match what is in the17:58
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Modularized StoryBoard Module
vishyso looks like a lot of things are because of that17:58
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vishyi.e. updating requirements to keep grenade happy17:58
mordredwell, and also because we don't have stable releases of client libs17:58
krotscheckmordred: ^ That’s the site.pp change you asked for. I’m assuming the /var/lib change isn’t necessary?17:58
mordredkrotscheck: ++17:58
vishymordred: this is kinda nasty though, we can’t have downstream updating 4+ packages for stable releases17:59
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mordredlike, I think keeping grenade happy in this case is actually exposing a real thing that would be an issue for folks17:59
mordredvishy: I agree, this is kinda nasty17:59
vishymordred: i suppose so, but only if they are pulling current clients etc.18:00
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added RabbitMQ to StoryBoard
mordredyah. but the depends on client libs are not capped18:00
clarkbmordred: fun18:00
mordredso that's what they'll get if they're operating from source without some sort of external client lib capping18:00
mordreddouble sigh18:00
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mordredok. I understand the issue - I have NO suggestions that don't break three other things18:01
mordredand I need to run to a phone call real quick ... vishy, I'll try to write something up and send to the list soon18:01
vishyyeah yuck18:01
dhellmannvishy: what other libs ended up needing to be updated? did adding oslo.utils trigger this?18:02
mordreddhellmann: it's the recent restructing and updating of keystoneclient18:02
dhellmannah, ok18:02
vishydhellmann: check the ml18:02
mordredwhich meant transitively keystone stable got a bunch of new python requirements18:02
dhellmannvishy: ok, I'm way behind, sorry18:02
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vishydhellmann: its called “What's happening with stable release management?"18:04
dhellmannvishy: holy wow, that's a long list18:04
vishyya :(18:04
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dhellmannand oslo.utils isn't even on that list, yet, but will be with the next release of the keystone client/middleware libs18:06
clarkbits also worth pointing out we made the requirements repo in part to give zigo a place to review these things18:07
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clarkbwe made a mistake but why do we bother if the distros arent reviewing that stuff?18:07
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zigoclarkb: I do my best to do as much as I can in a day, I do review it, but miss a lot of things before it's too late.18:08
clarkbzigo thats fair18:09
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zigoAlso, I think commiters should be self-disciplined and understand what a stable release means.18:09
clarkbit has been my experience that I end up reviewing a large chunk of requirements changes though. more than necessary (not stable because that is stable maint with +2)18:09
zigo(which is my part about writing a bot who would always say no to a new requirement)18:09
jesusaurusclarkb: so earlier today i was toying with the (possibly crazy) idea of a change to requirements spawning changes to a bunch of other projects. so if you change a version it would look for projects that use that lib and try changing the version on that project18:10
jesusaurusim not sure how all that would work18:10
clarkbjesusaurus: we have that today but only post merge18:10
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* jesusaurus looks18:11
jesusaurusthough it would be nice to get that feedback before approving18:12
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mordredclarkb, zigo: I think it's more complex than that18:13
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mordredclarkb, zigo: because there _is_ no stable branch for client libs, nor are there version caps on client libs18:14
clarkbmordred understood but the change would be made to stable requirements18:14
clarkbso you can catch it early18:14
mordrednot neccessarily18:14
mordredas client libs work on their master, their requirements can change18:15
clarkbright but this is about stable reqs changes that were "backported"18:15
clarkbto accomodate those clients. we still update requirements in that case aiui18:16
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clarkbprobably as python-keystoneclient>=foo changes18:16
zigomordred: I'm not sure this has to do with keystone adding oslo.db, oslo.i18n and ldappool as new requirements, plus upgrades for oslo.config and messaging, does it?18:16
zigo(I may be wrong...)18:16
morganfainbergmordred, vishy, we were talking about splitting keystoneclient and the cms/utils stuff apart18:18
zigoJust checked, keystone didn't upgrade keystoneclient in its requirement.18:18
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clarkbzigo oh so it was just transitive deps that werw updated. that makes it even more confusing :(18:19
morganfainbergmordred, vishy, which could (in theory) be a little easier to limit those issues. - but we shouldn't have changed a requirement on ksc in stable/ but i think we don't cap (because of previous pain) meaning new ksc gets pulled in18:19
morganfainbergclarkb, ^18:19
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add oslo.serialization to projects.txt
zigoHum... it raised from 0.7 to 0.9 indeed.18:20
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openstackgerritAishwarya Thangappa proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added a subscription_events table & subscriptions_handler
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mordredzigo: we don't pin upper bounds18:23
mordredof client libs18:23
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add oslo.serialization to
mordredmorganfainberg: exactly18:24
morganfainbergmordred, but even if we split cms out, it could have the same issue unless we start issuing a cap for a given release18:24
morganfainbergmordred, which my understanding would make things icky again18:25
mordredmorganfainberg: right - except that capping releases is a thing that causes ick too18:25
mordredI think this just may be a current ick with the ksc splitout18:25
mordrednow - there's no reason why the DISTROS can't cap keystoneclient18:26
morganfainbergit might be worth splitting up the cms logic that keystone uses so it limits the impact, but it wont eliminate it18:26
morganfainbergbut that is a Kilo topic not a juno topic18:26
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morganfainbergand it would force stable to package the new ksc and utils package anyway since ksc would then depend on utils (unless the dristo capped ksc)18:27
clarkbmordred we can probably add an update reqs step to grenade right?18:27
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clarkband start with versions X and end with versions Y18:27
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mordredclarkb: or ... we could start doing direct == version ties at stable release time for everything ...18:36
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clarkbmordred that wont fix the need for newer versions after upgrade18:37
clarkband will break six18:37
clarkbbut it may put people in a better review mindset for stable reqs18:38
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: StoryBoard Deferred Processors
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openstackgerritAmit Gandhi proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adds Poppy CDN Project
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: StoryBoard Deferred Processors
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* krotscheck thinks we’re getting AWFULLY close to having storyboard handle susbcriptions.18:46
krotscheckNow all I need is the dashboard UI.18:47
krotscheckAnd a bunch of infra-core reviewers to help me with my patches :)18:47
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mordredkrotscheck: :)18:49
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mordredkrotscheck: you gonna be around for the next little bit?18:55
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mordredkrotscheck: cause I'll go ahead and land that pupept patch if'n you can help me watch for evil18:56
krotscheckmordred: I will!18:59
krotscheckclarkb: Response on your threading question:
krotscheckclarkb: Good catch. Will put up a separate patch to handle that.19:00
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boris-42jhesketh hi19:05
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ttxzul: hmm we still have a weird thing happening on keystone19:07
ttxdamn, looks like the tarball still corresponds to master19:08
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mordredkrotscheck: k. landing now19:08
ttxmordred: help!19:09
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mordredttx: oh - you know what? we may have wanted to clean the workspaces on the slaves ...19:09
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mordredclarkb: ^^ ?19:09
ttxmordred: so the keystone 2014.1.2 tag was applied to the right commit, the tarball was refreshed with the right datetime, but apparently it still has juno files19:10
mordredttx: nod. one sec19:10
ttxmordred: yeah, that might be explained by a stale tag19:10
* ttx shall take down the tarball again19:10
ttxzigo: ^19:10
ttxthat explains the weird updates you got19:10
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clarkbmordred the workspace should clean itself? oh wait deleted tag19:14
mordredok. I cleaned the workspaces19:15
ttxmordred: could you force regeneration of the tarball ?19:15
mordredclarkb: where's the doc that shows me how to re-trigger the tag event? I know it's somewhere ...19:15
mordredkrotscheck: yeah?19:16
krotscheckThis patch has been 2 months in the making19:16
krotscheckIt’s almost like a wedding :)19:16
mordredkrotscheck: what would you know about that? :)19:16
krotscheckmordred: Absolultey nothing.19:17
krotscheckmordred: Speaking of which, I’m bored. You know of anything interesting happening this weekend?19:17
clarkbmordred zuul help19:17
clarkbthere is an enqueue command19:17
mordredkrotscheck: nah. I was thinking of maybe watching tv19:17
mordredclarkb: it's enqueue right?19:18
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reedkrotscheck, come sailing19:18
reedmordred, same for you, come sailing on Saturday :)19:19
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reedwe get wet, dirty, smelly and sun burns19:19
ttxdamn, not my ideal Friday evening19:19
reedttx, yeah! I'm racing later today :)19:20
krotscheckreed: That sounds like fun!19:20
ttxreed: I was thinking regenerating wrong stable release tarballs19:20
reedno risk of sun burns on friday night races, too windy19:20
reedttx, ouch19:20
krotscheckreed: Now all I need to do is get mordred to approve the flight :)19:21
openstackgerritAishwarya Thangappa proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added authentication checks in v1/
reedkrotscheck, doesn't mordred have a private jet by now?19:22
reedi heard rumors :)19:22
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix libffi on periodic jobs
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ttxmordred: ETA on the enqueue ? When shall I plan to come back to upload the resulting tarball?19:26
* ttx wonders WHY he checked email before enjoying an evening out19:27
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Check requirements of stackforge/gerrit-dash-creator
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Check requirements of stackforge/gerrit-dash-creator
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Check and gate PEP8 for stackforge/gerrit-dash-creator
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mordredttx: looking for the specific syntax19:34
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mordredclarkb: enqueue wants a change - how do I tell it a tag?19:37
clarkbhrm. I thought it would take a ref too19:37
clarkbmordred look at roots bash history19:38
clarkbshould be examples19:38
mordredclarkb: zuul enqueue --trigger gerrit --project openstack/keystone --pipeline release --change 2014.1.219:39
mordredI tried that19:39
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clarkboh I wonder if zuul cli hasnt grown this feature and we have been using the zuul tool. mordred look at roots history. I am grabbing laptop to look too19:40
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openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add query for connection reset on
openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add query for connection reset on
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clarkbmordred: /opt/zuul/tools/ is what we want19:43
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* krotscheck wondered why his patch hadn’t landed yet, wandered over to look at zuul, and… oh. well then.19:43
clarkbkrotscheck: our clouds hate us19:44
mordredclarkb: ah - so I need to do that and trigger the job specifically19:45
clarkbmordred: ya19:45
clarkbI think enqueue hasn't learned this function yet19:45
krotscheckclarkb: I’m not surprised, there’s not a cloud in the sky right now :)19:45
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clarkbkrotscheck: in fairness they are upstream bugs19:46
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clarkbkrotscheck: so really its our own damn faults19:46
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clarkbmordred: does that get you moving?19:47
mordredclarkb: yeah19:48
jesusaurusyeah its both cool and scary to see bugs tracked by elastic-recheck show up 'in the wild'19:48
mordredclarkb: logpath being required is a little crazy, btw19:48
clarkbmordred: its because the jobs require it19:48
clarkbmordred: basically we have been taking the old lopath and appending a thing to it19:48
mordredclarkb: wait- what does logpath mean?19:48
clarkbmordred: its the path we write the logs out to on logs.o.o19:48
mordredjesus. ok19:48
clarkbzuul constructs it for us, so manually triggered jobs need to supply the path19:49
clarkbmordred: if you look in jenkins at a job you will see what it should look like as it is a job parameter19:49
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clarkbjesusaurus: ya. It definitely puts a bit more emphasis on fixing these bugs19:50
mordredclarkb: python ./ --project openstack/keystone --job keystone-tarball --pipeline release --refname refs/tags/2014.1.2 --oldrev 11345a0fe9533f4935e48cbd2a2ad881cefb577b --newrev 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000  --logpath 00/0000000000000000000000000000000000000000/release/keystone-tarball/b975837-redux19:51
mordredclarkb: I ran that ^^19:51
clarkbmordred: did you have oldrev and newrev flipped?19:51
clarkbI think you just ran a branch deletion job19:51
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clarkbmaybe? I can never remember how gerrit represents that19:52
mordredthat's what the params were in the jenkins19:52
mordredI just copied19:52
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ttxmordred: if all else fails we can delete the tag and recreate it again... Or even do a 2014.1.2.1 at this point19:55
mordredttx: I have run the command - give it a moment...19:55
clarkbttx: deleting the tag and recreating it is what caused the problem fwiw19:56
ttxclarkb: yep19:56
ttxwe thought it was the simplest solution with only keystone baing affected19:56
ttxnow it's a bit of a mess²19:57
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dstufftmordred: oh boy, what beoke20:01
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dstufftmbody probably renamed itself20:08
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dstufftwhich... doesn't work very good right now20:09
dstufftmordred: moment20:09
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ttxmordred: shows the job failure20:09
dstufftmordred: should be fixed20:10
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mordredttx: gah. ok. fixed20:11
mordreddstufft: thanks! I will re-run20:11
dstufftI'll probably see about fixing the purging this weekend or next week20:12
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jswarrenHi.  I'm unable to retrigger the turbo-hipster verification job on a change ("recheck migrations") and I sent an e-mail to two days ago and still have not received a reply.  Any chance someone on this channel can help me?20:13
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mordreddstufft: was that a cache purge problem?20:13
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mordreddhellmann: should be fixed with oslo.config versions20:14
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dhellmannmordred, dstufft : thanks!20:14
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Modularized StoryBoard Module
dstufftmordred: yes, redirects don't get purged20:16
mordreddstufft: gotcha. so in theory, I should add that to our purge script thing ...20:16
dstufftso if someone has a thing named like.. myBody, and they access it as "mybody", that'll get redirected to "myBody", and then they delete it and reupload it as "mybody", the /simple/myBody page gets purged, but /simple/mybody doesn't, so they hit it, get redirected to /simple/myBody, which redirects back to /simple/mybody/ which redirects back to /simple/myBody/ etc etc until it falls off the cache20:17
ttxmordred, clarkb: the regenerated tarball still seems to have juno code20:19
mordredttx: EXCELLENT20:19
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ttxAt this point I think we can do a 2014.1.2.120:20
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mordredttx: ok. at this point, I vote that we ^^ that20:20
* krotscheck watches carefully on puppetboard.20:20
ttxmordred: ok, on it20:21
mordredkrotscheck: triggering puppet on storyboard now20:22
mordredkrotscheck: ok. it has run20:23
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mordredkrotscheck: storyboard seems to still be running at least20:23
krotscheckmordred: Indeed.20:23
mordredso taht's a plus20:23
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krotscheckmordred: I _think_ this looks good.20:25
mordredclarkb: btw - if you ever want to run puppet just on one host:20:25
mordredansible-playbook -l /etc/ansible/remote_puppet.yaml20:25
mordredkrotscheck: I do too20:25
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krotscheckmordred: My SB instance is fubar20:25
krotscheckmordred: I’m getting 500 errors on the services20:25
mordredkrotscheck: hrm. that's not great20:26
mordredkrotscheck: [Fri Aug 08 20:27:04 2014] [error] [client] ConfigFilesNotFoundError: Failed to read some config files: /etc/storyboard/storyboard.conf20:27
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krotscheckOk, just a sec.20:28
mordredkrotscheck: you wanna know the best part about that?20:28
krotscheckmordred: what is it?20:28
mordredkrotscheck: the old /etc/storyboard/storyboard.conf file is still there20:28
mordredwe never cleaned it up20:28
krotscheckI have no words.20:28
mordredkrotscheck: ok. I chmod +r /etc/storyboard/storyboard.conf and it fixed that20:29
krotscheckRight, but the puppet module still puts things in /etc/storyboard.conf20:29
krotscheckSo I’ll go fix that.20:29
mordredI mean - at some point we should really figure out what the everloving hell is up with this config file path stuff20:29
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mordredkrotscheck: because, I mean, let me tell you - not knowing where a thing is going to be able to read a thing from is teh sux20:30
krotscheckmordred: no kidding20:32
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ttxmordred: ok, all set. Thanks for your assistance!20:38
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ttxstable branch process does not implement all the safeguards of the main release process, including tarball content comparison before upload20:39
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ttxLooks like it could borrom more.20:39
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krotscheckmordred clarkb: Fix for the configuration file fubar we just found.
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dstanekanyone know what this is?
dstaneki haven't seen anything like that before20:46
clarkbdstanek it is merging the icehouse release back to master so that it shows up in history from master20:48
clarkbmordred ^ that correct?20:48
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jrollcan I please have some core eyes on and ?20:50
clarkbjroll they are all on vacation aiui20:51
* jroll throws CI for his new driver out the window20:51
dstanekclarkb: ah, interesting. so i'm assuming that we should get it +2+A20:52
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clarkbdstanek I would confirm with mordred first20:54
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dtroyerjroll: we're not all gone, just getting a soda...20:55
clarkboh dtroyer is around20:56
jrolldtroyer: are any cores besides you around? I already have your +2 on that first one :P20:56
clarkbdolphm it makes me very happy to see people using logstash like that20:56
dolphmclarkb: what, crashing it? lol20:56
clarkbdolphm I think we may be seeing bad network connectivity between hp and rax again20:57
clarkbno no you are finding bugs that only affect hp nodes and makinf use of the indrx20:57
clarkbto me thst is cool20:57
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dolphmclarkb: ah, yeah, thanks! i wrote this to do so don't know if there's something better out there already20:58
dtroyerjroll: +2 on 10845720:58
jrolldtroyer: nice, thanks :)20:59
dtroyerchmouel and ianw (soon to be core) are close to UTC I think, garyk is the other direction.20:59
jrollok, thanks for pinging the world for me :)20:59
dolphmclarkb: i'm also managing to get 500's from logstash on a regular basis... it doesn't seem to like certain queries20:59
linkidif a core could check my reviews, it would be like friday (oh, wait ^^) : 112789 & 11250721:00
linkid'cause we only have our API yet, on stackforge, while our client is ready for review21:02
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dolphmso, i run into 500's on regularly... for example ... are these worth filing against openstack-ci? cc- clarkb21:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1354584 in openstack-ci "kibana/logstash: NoMethodError, undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass" [Undecided,New]21:05
sasik_Hi All, i am working for openstack-ci environment setup and in the initial noop-communication test i am seeing a result of "NOT_REGISTERED". can some one please comment on how to fix this issue21:06
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clarkbdolphm ya kibana will timeout and 500 if you dont get an answer back in 60 seconds iirc21:10
clarkbdolphm you might try hitting the query api directly like elastic recheck21:11
dolphmclarkb: the above 500 is instant though - try the link21:11
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clarkbor that may meana malformed wuery21:11
clarkbsorry on a phone or I would check21:11
mordreddolphm: nice21:11
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dolphmclarkb: bah, the query is totally malformed. good call!21:12
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clarkb is the root of the elastic search api21:14
clarkbif you want to hit it with custom tools21:14
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dolphmclarkb: rather than ?21:21
clarkbya it has a prefix21:25
clarkbbecause we proxy the readonly elasticsearch stuff through a proxy21:25
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dhellmannmordred: by " should be fix" do you mean on the next sync, or already? because I don't see oslo.config on
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ekarlsoBobBall: u up ?21:43
flashgordonwow are failure rates aren't terrible right now and we don't have a ton of patches in zuul yet we hit quota21:45
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mordreddhellmann: look in
mordredthe URL you pasted is old and abandoned21:54
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mordredflashgordon: we're just that sexy21:55
flashgordonmordred: apparently21:56
salv-orlandoclarkb: this is has been updated to address comemnts from fungi I hope there will be time for a review before the weekend… it’s a smallish patch:
salv-orlandothanks in advance21:58
flashgordonmordred: the number of jobs we run is pretty impressive21:58
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fungisalv-orlando: yep, fighting the nethernet to try and give it a quick once over21:59
salv-orlandofungi: thanks a lot21:59
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dhellmannmordred: aha, yes, ok.22:01
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fungiall, sorry i missed the mistag fun earlier. last time we tried to delete and replace a tag was probably about a year ago (maybe longer) that i know of, and it was so painful that i believe we ended up deciding against doing it again. i think the current process if we wanted to do one again would be to delete the old tag from review.o.o and zmXX.o.o (and possibly gitXX.o.o and github?), clear22:04
fungiworkspaces on pypi.slave.o.o, delete tarball from tarballs.o.o, *then* push new tag22:04
fungithe tarball deletion may be unnecessary though, since the release tarball job will probably replace it22:05
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fungibut regardless, it's revising history in disruptive ways for downstream consumers, so i'd vote we continue to avoid it on principle22:07
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flashgordonhmm I am not seeing the gerrit bot22:24
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fungiyeah, appears to have fallen off... i'll see what i can do22:36
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fungishould return forthwith22:39
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fungithere it is22:39
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