Wednesday, 2014-07-30

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arosenI can submit a pull request to remove those lines.00:00
asselinarosen, daya_k I've solved quite a few issues in a fork of  jaypipes's repo & added some features (nodepool, log server)
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daya_kasselin: thanks, i'll check it out.00:01
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asselinwe were thinking moving it to
daya_kfungi: its still dying if i clean out git dir, kill zuul-merger and restart as a service. works ok with -d, will look out for the exception,its intermittent00:02
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fungiasselin: so it *looks* like maybe we've grown system dependencies on libxml2-dev and libxslt1-dev which is what's tanking the pip install. we probably need to conditionally ensure those are present in the zuul:init class (pip can't do anything about them since they're c lib headers)00:02
daya_kasselin : i'm using jaypipes repo, which pulls from
asselindaya_k, yes, my fork didn't change that part00:04
fungiasselin: i believe this is recently introduced. looking at the log lxml is being pulled in by python-keystoneclient which in turn is for swift object support we just added00:04
arosenasselin:  if i change layout.yaml what all do i need to restart just all the zuul stuff i guess?00:04
asselinarosen, you should rerun the install_master script so the changes is updated in /etc/zuul/ the puppet script will signal to zuul to reload00:05
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swestonfungi, asselin, daya_k:  fungi's assertion is correct, I believe.  I can verify this tonight in a fresh vm00:06
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arosenasselin: k00:06
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arosenasselin:  hrm it's saying:  Could not parse configuration file: Certificate names must be lower case; see #1168 when I run: sudo bash install_master.sh00:07
daya_karosen : also, for debugging, sweston gave this seq could help
asselinarosen, never seen that error. something unrelated to the layout.yaml change00:09
fungiclarkb: jhesketh: do you recall anything we might have done on our zuul servers to avoid the pip install errors bubbling up from keystoneclient pulling in lxml?
fungigah, paste button is bouncing again...
jheskethfungi: no idea in regards to our zuul servers, but in a past life I've had trouble with compiling lxml and the solution was just to install it from the os packages00:11
fungijhesketh: yeah, i'm not seeing that we've done that either00:11
fungino, nevermind. thought i saw something00:12
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fungiwe do have libxml2 installed from system packages, but no pip install of lxml nor system package of python-lxml00:13
arosenasselin:  do you know why recheck no bug or recheck congress isn't working here:
asselinarosen, yes, the regex is not correct00:14
jhesketharosen: oh, you're around :-). I'm still waiting on a response to if you have time please00:15
jheskethfungi: completely unrelated, I'm having trouble with the latest global requirements
fungiarosen: jaypipes wrote that article back when we were still running gerrit 2.4, and the comment format has changed in the event stream since then with gerrit 2.800:15
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1350107 in nova "Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement oslo.config>=" [Undecided,In progress]00:15
asselinarosen, try:           comment: (?i)^(Patch Set [0-9]+:)?( [\w\\+-]*)*(\n\n)?\s*recheck(( (?:bug|lp)[\s#:]*(\d+))|( MyVendor))\s*$00:15
jheskethfungi: basically oslo.config isn't on pypi and I'm not sure how it's meant to be put there etc00:16
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fungijhesketh: the bug is half wrong and half misguided ;)00:17
asselinfungi, I wanted to bring it up in the infra meeting today. About migrating jaypipe's repo to stackforge where it's easier for everyone to work and fix issues.00:17
jheskethfungi: I thought it might be00:17
fungijhesketh: jhesketh it *is* on pypi.python.org00:17
fungijhesketh: and as for you should be installing from /simple now not /openstack00:17
arosenasselin:  not comment_filter ?00:17
asselinarosen, both work...comment_filter is the old way00:18
lifelessmordred: reminder - 94108 needs review00:18
jheskethfungi: right, but only the wheels are on there?00:18
fungiasselin: i encouraged jaypipes and others to update and start managing that walkthrough in
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fungijhesketh: we only upload wheels for prereleases because pip<1.4 doesn't know not to upgrade to them automatically00:19
fungijhesketh: but pip<1.4 also doesn't know about wheels at all00:19
fungijhesketh: this way we get the prerelease only when explicitly requested with newer pip versions and not at all with older pip versions00:20
jheskethfungi: so the turbo-hipster workers have pip 1.5.6 but fail to pull in the required oslo.config00:20
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fungijhesketh: are they going to
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fungihurr, pypi.python.org00:21
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daya_kfungi: actually i had a suggestion, some pre-built vm image templates could be hosted with all of this setup, so 3rd party ci could kick off00:22
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asselinfungi, sorry a bit confused. I don't see anything related to stackforge in that link...other than the link to this
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r1chardj0n3sfungi: that pip<1.4 hack is only going to last so long. Perhaps it might be worth looking into a devpi to allow staged release of alpha/beta packages?00:24
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clarkbI dont think we need to. pip does the correct thing with alpha versions00:25
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r1chardj0n3sclarkb: yep, cool00:25
clarkb<1.4 didnt hence wheels00:25
fungiclarkb: r1chardj0n3s is referring to the europython discussions around possibly removing wheel-only uploads from teh cheeseshop (and the subsequent discussion on distutils-sig)00:26
clarkbso wheels are important in that way00:26
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r1chardj0n3sfungi: yeah, though I think maybe that has less traction that I'd thought00:26
clarkbmeh you dont have to provide src at download time usually00:26
clarkbeven gpl is fine that way00:26
r1chardj0n3spip really needs to get a damn regular self-update check built into it ASAP00:27
fungir1chardj0n3s: i don't think the cheeseshop can effectively be the free software license police. you can already upload wheels with no tarball. anyway, conversation for another time00:27
r1chardj0n3sclarkb: mostly it's for the downstream packagers00:27
arosenis there anyway to check if the layout.yaml has an errors? I made a few changes trying to fix the comment and now it seems nothing is working. I haven't found any errors in the logs either :/00:27
fungier, upload eggs with no tarball00:27
fungicould already before there were wheels00:27
r1chardj0n3sfungi: yeah, that's a strong argument. as I mentioned, the idea was mostly to help downstream packagers00:27
clarkbarosen there is a voluptuous check you can run00:29
clarkbit makes sure the layour is syntactically sound00:29
jheskethfungi, r1chardj0n3s: so any thoughts to why I can't pip install the olso.config package?00:29
fungiasselin: i was actually talking about moving the walkthrough into that document, to update it to be more current and useful00:29
r1chardj0n3sjhesketh: is oslo.config already installed? what command are you running to try to install it?00:29
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asselinfungi, and by walkthrough you mean his blogs?00:30
jheskethr1chardj0n3s: it shouldn't be, but the error is about the version anyway00:30
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jheskethr1chardj0n3s: pip install -q -r $requires00:30
jheskethwhere $requres is requirements.txt00:30
arosenalright well i think i'm going to break for dinner. Thanks guys for your help here. Hopefully I'll make some more progress tmw :)00:31
r1chardj0n3sok, and what does oslo.config look like in the requirements.txt?00:31
r1chardj0n3sBTW "pip install 'oslo.config>='" works for me00:31
fungijhesketh: your log says you're using rather than
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r1chardj0n3sbut only because pip is being forced to consider that alpha version00:31
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fungijhesketh: also you can just use now anyway00:31
fungiasselin: yes, blogs00:32
asselinfungi, ok, yes that makes sense.00:32
fungijhesketh: pypi.o.o/openstack was our old restricted mirror, which is now abandoned and no longer updated. we might should just delete its contents to make the broken more obvious at this point00:33
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fungijhesketh: pypi.o.o/simple is the new full pypi mirror we're using for upstream jobs00:33
jheskethfungi: I've got a fix up for going ti simple00:33
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jheskethfungi: but either way pypi.o.o/simple is also configured00:34
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jheskethfungi: r1chardj0n3:
asselinI think it would be helpful to move his project to stackforge. it's out of date, and keeping it up to date is easier to do with o.o's infrastructure. It would also make it easier to maintain this link:
fungijhesketh: the other possibility is that you're using virtualenv earlier than 1.11, and so it's using pip 1.4.x in a virtualenv which ignores wheels unless told to --use-wheel00:35
jheskethfungi: hmm, good thought... let me look00:35
jheskethfungi: well called, it's 1.10.100:36
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fungijhesketh: yeah, we install 1.11.6 on our test nodes currentl;y00:36
jheskethokay, so I need to upgrade that and hopefully that'll fix things00:36
jheskethfungi: how are you getting the newer version?00:36
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fungijhesketh: pip i believe... checking now00:36
jheskethfungi: thanks, if it's in the config repo let me know where it is :-)00:37
fungilooks like maybe the openstack_project::base class00:37
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jheskethfungi: thanks :-)00:38
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fungijhesketh: also devstack does a 'pip install -U virtualenv' in (via the pip_install function)00:39
fungijhesketh: but i assume t-h migrations jobs don't use devstack at all00:39
jheskethnope, but that's interesting00:39
jheskethwe could do our own -U in th, but I think I'll put it into our puppet00:39
fungiso yeah, it looks like maybe we use 1.11.4 on our bare nodes and the latest (which is currently 1.11.6) on devstack nodes00:40
fungiprobably for no particular reason00:40
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jheskeththanks for your help fungi :-)00:43
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fungijhesketh: yw00:44
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reedhow can I check the load of it seems a bit too slow lately (the web archives)01:06
clarkbreed http://cacti.openstack.org01:09
reedclarkb, thanks01:09
reedclarkb, I think slowness is on my side01:10
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fungidoesn't look loaded at all.. nearly idle01:11
reedoh well, I was reminded of cacti again today #success01:12
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StevenKfungi, clarkb: Can you two please poke at ?01:14
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openstackgerritAngus Lees proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for mysqldb + eventlet deadlock
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zaroanteaya: FYI, we need to land one more change upstream
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zarojeblair: thanks for heads up on 91193, i'm on vacation until the 7th. Will babysit the merge when i get back.05:05
zarojeblair: would appreciate you reasling python-jenkins ver 0.3.3 to pypi when you get a chance. it's the last release withou pbr.
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zarojeblair: the tag build didn't make it onto tarballs because the build job failed to build wheels (due to it being a non-pbr project).
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add pep8 check/gate for stackforge/doc8
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openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add job to run Tempest dsvm on MongoDB backend for Ceilometer
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lxsliSo who do I need to kiss to get +A on ? :)07:46
DinaBelovafolks, hello! I'm trying to add job to run Ceilometer tempest tests using mongodb backend... actually I'm going crazy as I really can't understand what I did wrong with the layout... gate-config-layout job is failing with "backend parameter missing to format gate-tempest-dsvm-ceilo-{backend}{branch-designator}" error - although it seems to me (he-he) that I did it ok....07:50
openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add job to run Tempest dsvm on MongoDB backend for Ceilometer
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openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add job to run Tempest dsvm on MongoDB backend for Ceilometer
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Added "no-gerrit" option.
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openstackgerritlokesh s proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adding new project
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DinaBelovaquestion solved :) sorry for disturbing :)08:03
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ttxjeblair: on it08:12
openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add job to run Tempest dsvm on MongoDB backend for Ceilometer
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Publish specs jobs for *-specs
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Bump hacking to 0.9.x series
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Collect tox logs from job runs
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StevenKSergeyLukjanov: Hai, can you poke at , please?08:36
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SergeyLukjanovStevenK, hey, approved08:38
StevenKSergeyLukjanov: \o/ Thanks!08:38
StevenKgreghaynes: ^08:38
openstackgerritLucas Eznarriaga proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added advise to use dns over hardcoded ip in third_party
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add job to run Tempest dsvm on MongoDB backend for Ceilometer
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: New python-opentsdbclient repo
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Force tripleo f20 novabm job to be novabm
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix specs upload job and use scp instead of ftp
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Gnocchi project changes monitoring added to the Ceilometer channel
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SergeyLukjanovAJaeger, jhesketh, jeblair, fungi, clarkb, specs publishing job just failed with09:04
SergeyLukjanovCurrently it fails with
SergeyLukjanov2014-07-30 08:46:05.908 | ERROR: Failed to find configuration named [] check the global configuration 2014-07-30 08:46:05.909 | Build step 'Send build artifacts over FTP' changed build result to UNSTABLE09:04
SergeyLukjanovso, I'm proposing to just use scp (as we always using it with statis.o.o)09:05
SergeyLukjanovjhesketh, if you're not sleeping, could you please take a look on it?09:05
jheskethSergeyLukjanov: looking09:05
jheskethSergeyLukjanov: see inline09:07
jheskethSergeyLukjanov: Also, where are the credentials for scp stored? ie will this just work(tm)09:07
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SergeyLukjanovjhesketh I think it's private key based09:08
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SergeyLukjanovjhesketh, but it'll work good anyway, we're doing exactly the same with logs09:08
jheskethwell it's not working at the moment, so it can't be worse09:08
jheskethSergeyLukjanov: But looking at the error, it seems that the permissions needed to publish to aren't configured09:09
jheskethso how do we know the scp ones are09:09
SergeyLukjanovjhesketh, specs.o.o is just a CNAME for static.o.o, so, IMO it's better to use the real place we're copying data to.09:10
SergeyLukjanovjhesketh, static.o.o is configured because we're copying logs with the same command -
jheskethSergeyLukjanov: okay, LGTm09:12
SergeyLukjanovjhesketh, thx09:13
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openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Enable overriding of Ceilometer storage backend
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openstackgerritlokesh s proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adding windows disk-image builder project
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ihrachyshkahey all. I see some weird behavior when Change-Id is changed - no new review is created, instead patch is uploaded to existing review, and then it's not searchable thru the new Change-Id. F.e. see:
ihrachyshkaI think it behaved differently before, right?09:35
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openstackgerritJulien Marin-Frisonroche proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Improve windows support for git-review --setup
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Publish additional specs repositories
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Publish additional specs repositories
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openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add firewall traffic on port 27410 to 27510.
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openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add --server param to reviewers
openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add missing spaces to --output usage message
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openstackgerritPaul Bourke proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add --server param to reviewers
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lxsliPlease could we get +2/+A on ?10:33
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jheskethSergeyLukjanov: Are you going to be around to help if I merge 11024711:11
SergeyLukjanovjhesketh, yup, I'll be here for at least 3 hours ;)11:12
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fungiSergeyLukjanov: jhesketh: the publisher destinations are configured in the jenkins masters themselves. the host you feed into the publisher is just a handle to the jenkins configuration where credentials, base directory and other parameters are manually specified11:28
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jheskethSergeyLukjanov: Cool, will merge now11:29
fungiwe use names for them which look like dns names, but from the perspective of jenkins they're arbitrary11:29
jheskethfungi: okay, thanks11:30
jheskethDinaBelova: Merging your ceilometer change if you're also around to help watch11:30
SergeyLukjanovjhesketh, ack11:30
SergeyLukjanovfungi, thx for clarification11:30
SergeyLukjanovfungi, could you please take a look at
DinaBelovajhesketh, /me here11:31
fungiyou can find them configured at (for example) in the "scp repository hosts" secton11:31
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fungiso yes, the jobs were failing because there was no host defined in (in that case) the "publish over ftp" section on the masters where they ran11:34
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fungiihrachyshka: i suspect this is due to newer gerrit's in-interface commit message editor. it looks like the commit message was edited through the webui and that didn't cause gerrit to see it as a separate change (note the change-id is still I49fd9afb40d4e5a5dade8e24da6f98170af27be2 in the detail table to the left of the commit message)11:48
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ihrachyshkafungi: probably you're right. so what should we do with those occurences? asking authors to reupload with git-gerrit?11:49
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gilliard is blocking some changes from being merged into tripleo-incubator, could someone take a look please?11:50
fungiihrachyshka: probably, yes11:51
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fungigilliard: that change is adjusting the firewall configuration of all our single-use slaves. at this point would it make sense to add a subclassed manifest and tie it just to the specific slave label which needs to run the job in question? (it would also help if the commit message identified the job or jobs this change is supporting, since i have no way of identifying which particular slaves are11:55
fungiimpacted by the issue)11:55
lxslifungi: that sounds good, no idea how to do that though! The fix is for the tripleo-ci pipeline11:58
lxslihmmm maybe I can figure it out11:59
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fungilxsli: add a puppet manifest for something like an openstack_project::tripleo_slave which instantiates the single_use_slave class but overrides it with the firewall rules you need, and then adjust the tripleo-specific nodepool prep script to call that class instead of single_use_slave12:01
lxslifungi: thanks, I'll have a go12:02
gilliardthanks for looking, guys12:02
gilliardfungi: Are you Jeremey Stanley on gerrit?12:03
fungigilliard: yep12:03
gilliardcool - thanks again12:03
fungigilliard: lxsli: i think separating these is a bit important in this case because as you'll note the existing firewall rules listed there are for internal sources within a devstack deployment ( whereas i believe your is an actual physical network within the tripleo provider clouds external to the node itself, correct?12:05
fungiin which case that network may be irrelevant or possibly have entirely different connotations within another non-tripleo cloud provider12:06
lxsliyep makes sense12:07
derekh_lxsli: if that doesn't work, since this is tripleo specific, how about just adding iptables -A in ?12:08
derekh_or iptables -I12:09
lxsliI'll give the split a go12:11
lxslibut I'll certainly bear that in mind12:12
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DinaBelovajhesketh, SergeyLukjanov - everything seems ok for now - for 110247,2 change12:27
DinaBelovajhesketh, SergeyLukjanov, nothing suspicious yet :)12:27
openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add firewall traffic on port 27410 to 27510.
openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add firewall traffic on port 27410 to 27510.
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lxslifungi: I can't find a tripleo specific nodepool script?12:34
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openstackgerritlitong01 proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add channel #openstack-monasca to eavesdrop log server
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DinaBelovajhesketh, hehe, failed for some strange reason12:39
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fungilxsli: at the moment is calling which does the puppet apply call of the openstack_project::single_use_slave class, so i can imagine several ways you might rearrange that (perhaps add a MANIFEST=${8:-openstack_project::single_use_slave} and parameterize the12:40
fungiapply calls there, then pass it in your alternative class from the calling script12:40
DinaBelovajhesketh, all tempest tests are green and devstack was installed12:40
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DinaBelovajhesketh, in console logs there are some strange traces -
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gilliardHere's a patch - is says "1 comment" but when I click through there are no comments shown.12:50
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gilliardThe email I got from gerrit says the comment is attached to line #436 "please get rid of blank line", but ironically there isn't a line #436.12:50
gilliardIs this a bug in gerrit?12:51
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fungigilliard: probably. you might ask the commenter how they managed to add a comment for a nonexistent line (looks like they were talking about 435)12:54
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fungii'm guessing they went through the api12:54
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AJaegerSergeyLukjanov, thanks for fixing the specs upload with . Since jhesketh and myseld were confused about the "static.o.o", should we add a comment there?13:01
* AJaeger learned something new about the infrastructure ;)13:01
AJaegerSergeyLukjanov, I can also add the comment myself if you have no time right now so that this goes in quickly13:03
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SergeyLukjanovAJaeger, I'm not sure that it's really important - it's written in style used in many other places in config repo13:09
SergeyLukjanovAJaeger, the real mapping is the target path13:09
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SergeyLukjanovAJaeger, and Apache2 config13:09
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AJaegerSergeyLukjanov, then let's merge ;)13:09
* AJaeger rereads the files and sees it - will +1 now.13:10
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, what do you think about merging specs publishing fix? ^^13:11
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jheskethDinaBelova: That's odd.. I'm heading off now so I've removed the approve flag since it's failing13:22
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DinaBelovajhesketh, ehm, ok then, although that were some glance client symbols errors there - and for some reason they appeared only in full-tempest job only in yhe gate - it was ok while check and all other jobs were ok as well13:23
mriedemare we supposed to be using some specific pypi mirror to get the alpha oslo packages (config, messaging, rootwrap) on a local tox run?13:24
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gilliardmriedem: has
mriedemgilliard: they have for oslo.config, which is what global-reqs wants,13:26
mriedembut a local tox rebuild of nova doesn't find that13:26
mriedemsomeone else in the ML confirmed the same13:26
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mriedemwhen i tried just installing the latest oslo.config from pip it won't install the alpha package13:27
mriedemso wondering if there is a flag we need to use in tox.ini or something to get the alpha packages?13:27
mriedemah looks like you need the --pre flag on the pip call13:28
mriedemso...why isn't that in everyone's tox.ini?13:29
gilliardI could install "oslo.config==" without that flag13:30
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gilliardJust tested it. Using a local devpi pointing at pypi.python.org13:31
mriedemyeah but i don't want to do that13:31
mriedemand tox isn't doing that13:31
AJaegerwhich tox versions are you using gillard and mriedem?13:31
fungimriedem: you shouldn't need the --pre flag. tox turns that on by default (for questionable reasons). what pip version is ending up in your tox virtualenvs? if it's 1.4.1 you're running too old of a virtualenv (need 1.11 or later)13:32
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mriedemfungi: pip 1.5.613:33
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fungimriedem: pip didn't start looking for wheels by default until 1.5, and keep in mind that virtualenv brings in its own embedded pip version rather than using the pip in your system context (under most circumstances)13:33
fungimriedem: so that's the version of pip you have installed on your system, or the version of pip which virtualenv is installing in your tox venvs?13:34
fungithe latter is what matters13:34
mriedemfungi: i sourced .tox/py27/bin/activate and did pip show pip13:35
mriedemis there some other way?13:35
fungimriedem: huh, yeah that's accurate then13:35
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fungimriedem: which project was this exposed under?13:35
mriedemfungi: nova13:35
fungioh, you said nova13:35
mriedemand i'm using ubuntu precise13:35
fungijust rechecked scrollback13:36
mriedemfungi: just sent something to the oslo/nova ML on this too13:36
mriedemto separate from clarkb's tox hashseed thread13:36
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fungiso, yeah, maybe the fact that nova still uses site packages in its tox.ini could be interacting strangely with your system pip13:36
mriedemi'll probably start bitching about libvirt-python next...13:36
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fungilibvirt-python should hopefully allow us to turn off site packages in nova's tox.ini now13:37
fungisince i think that was the only reason we had it enabled there13:37
mriedemyeah, well if you're on precise i think you have issues13:37
mriedemprecise has libvirt 0.9.813:37
mriedemlibvirt-python 1.2.5 appears to require libvirt >= 0.9.1113:38
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fungioh, good point. you need newer libvirt to support the libvirt-python split13:38
mriedemi'm basically just waiting for someone to tell me 'f you, upgrade to trusty' :)13:38
fungimriedem: well, we already did for upstream testing on juno/master ;)13:38
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mriedemi know, that's why i'm just waiting to be told to upgrade13:40
mriedembut gdi, it's early and i'm cranky13:40
fungimriedem: you and me both13:40
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mriedemfungi: alright, well i've posted on both issues to the ML and i'll bring it up at the nova meetup today, thanks13:42
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fungimriedem: so anyway, the story goes... virtualenv 1.11 will apply pip 1.5. that version of pip or later will install wheels by default without needing the --use-wheel option (which 1.4 does need, and 1.3 doesn't even know what wheels are). the --pre option says "install prerelease versions even if i don't ask for them" which is not really what you want, and pip 1.4 or later understand how to tell13:43
fungiprereleases apart from proper releases13:43
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fungiso in theory, with virtualenv>=1.11 you should be properly getting wheel-only prereleases within the version spec listed in your requirements.txt as long as the version listed in requirements.txt is a pre-release version13:44
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fungimriedem: oh! i just thoughth of one other possible problem... do you by any chance override your pip configuration to point to one of our mirrors?13:45
fungimriedem: if your pip configuration is forcing use of our old mirror, it's abandoned and doesn't contain more recent packages13:46
fungiwe should probably just delete it entirely at this point to make the broken more obvious13:46
mriedemfungi: nope, checked that last night, i only have use-mirrors=True13:47
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fungioh, poop13:47
fungido you have the pip.log from your failing run?13:47
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fungiif you can stuff it up on paste.o.o i'll see if i can spot anything out of sorts13:48
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mriedemgotta hit the shower before breakfast, i'll try later13:49
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mriedem*don't have to, but probably should...13:49
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armaxhi there, anyone who could help with these two:
armaxwe’re pretty close to finishing Neutron DVR off and we can have an experimental job we can test it with it would be super helpful13:53
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armaxI know you guys are busy :)13:54
openstackgerritDavid Pineau proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-manual: Write rough outline for the 3rd-party ci manual
joaanteaya: krtaylor: ^13:54
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armaxthanks fungi!13:55
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fungiarmax: see comment on the config change13:57
joaanteaya: the first patch is a bit bigger than discussed, but I wanted to lay out the whole thing before we could discuss it and improve :)13:57
armaxfungi: I am on it!13:57
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fungiarmax: it's a soft -1, mainly trying to figure out how ^(?!stable/(?:havana|icehouse)).*$ differs from ^(?!stable/(havana|icehouse)).*$13:58
armaxfungi: agreed, I followed Andreas’ suggestion on PS313:58
fungispecifically the (?:...) isn't a convention i've used13:59
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armaxfungi: I am still wrapping my head around how infra works :)13:59
fungiso mainly trying to avoid digging back through the python regex chapter13:59
armaxfungi: but you have a point, if it works for other jobs, we might as well adopt the same regex13:59
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fungiarmax: the secret is that we don't work... we just program an army of bots to do all the work for us so we can drink beer and travel14:00
armaxfungi: oh, love it! can I join? :)14:00
fungiyes, there's not even an application fee ;)14:00
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armaxfungi: great, I’ll bring a couple of six-packs14:01
lxslifungi: () is a capturing group, (?:) is non-capturing14:02
fungilxsli: thanks!14:02
armaxfungi: gate-designate-devstack-dsvm has the same regex expression14:02
armaxfungi: so not 100% sure how to go about this14:03
fungiarmax: i see, nifty. now the only remaining question i have is whether we're likely to confuse contributors with too much regex proliferation accomplishing (in most cases) the same outcome14:03
lxslifungi: I'm going to need your help on my next patch so if I can repay with regex knowledge that's great :)14:03
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fungilxsli: my mind has been muddied by years of juggling posix regex, pcre and even (eww) cisco regular expressions14:04
* fungi can't keep them all straight any longer14:04
armaxfungi: fair enough, it does look like gate-designate-devstack-dsvm and the newly introduced check-tempest-dsvm-neutron-dvr-enabled would be  the only ones following this pattern14:05
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Add new library oslo.utils
lxsliI have enough trouble with POSIX + Ex14:05
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fungiarmax: your goal was simply to run this on any branch which is neither stable/havana nor stable/icehouse correct?14:06
armaxfungi: master and stable branches going forward, yes14:06
fungiAJaeger: if you're around, did you recommend a non-capturing group in the regex on 106902 for a particular reason?14:07
AJaegerfungi, good catch - I wonder as well now.14:08
openstackgerritAlexis Lee proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add firewall traffic on port 27410 to 27510
fungii definitely don't want to push for consistency with existing expressions if they're subtly wrong and this one is better, but otherwise we should probably try to keep them consistent to avoid confusing people (for example me!)14:09
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AJaegerfungi, seems I copied without realizing that this subtile difference.14:09
AJaegerI just referenced the first regex ...14:09
armaxfungi, AJaeger I think this is mainly a matter of consistency I think both expressions correctly filter the branch14:09
fungiAJaeger: okay, no problem. thanks! we likely want to fix the one existing occurrence of that in the config to also be consistent14:10
jeblairAJaeger, mordred: i have a solution to the problem we discussed in meeting: we put a marker file at the root of any rsync directory, and use that to build an exclusion list (on the publishing server) before running the rsync command14:10
fungiarmax: yes, agreed14:10
jeblairAJaeger, mordred: i'll write it up in more detail in a spec14:10
AJaegerjeblair, I wsa thinking of a spec as well, want to start later on it. IF you give it a first go, I can enhance with the doc view.14:11
fungijeblair: just passing it into --exclude-from?14:11
jeblairfungi: yep14:11
fungithat should be clean14:11
AJaegerYeah, we can enhance the tools to output that....14:11
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AJaegerBut let me write up the examples to see whether it handles everything14:11
openstackgerritDavid Pineau proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-manual: Write rough outline for the 3rd-party ci manual
jeblairAJaeger: sounds good; i'll do a first draft soon14:12
armaxfungi, AJaeger: looking closely we have 5 instances of (havana|icehouse) and 2 instances of (?:havana|icehouse)14:12
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AJaegerjeblair, thanks!14:12
armaxfungi: at this point I’d flip back to the more common one14:12
armaxand we can fix the consistency in a follow-up patch14:12
* AJaeger is currently chairing a call - have to disappear again ;)14:12
jeblairfungi, AJaeger: we actually need the swift-upload script to generate a manifest file so that we know what to download from swift anyway, could probably just leave that in place.14:13
jeblairAJaeger: np.  i'll put it all in the spec :)14:13
AJaegerjeblair, thanks!14:13
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add experimental job Neutron DVR testing on single node
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fungijeblair: yep, should work great14:15
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use same regex expression to match stable branches
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armaxfungi, AJaeger: thanks for your help, when you have some time  have a look at
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fungiarmax: thanks a bunch. i've also added Kiall to the review just in case he did that for some subtle reason i'm not seeing14:22
armaxfungi: thank you!14:22
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fungiarmax: ha! see jeblair's foreshadowing in his comment to
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fungiand i apparently approved it14:25
* jeblair polishes crystal ball14:25
phschwartzfungi: I will check with them again this morning. Ops was suppose to be taking care of it.14:26
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fungiphschwartz: i'll check again as well. they may have at this point14:26
openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Cleanup rally & osprofiler jobs
armaxfungi: ah!14:26
fungiphschwartz: nope. count is now at exactly 100 nodes in error state14:26
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix specs upload job and use scp instead of ftp
armaxfungi: it sounds like we looked at it the other way around :)14:27
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Cleanup rally & osprofiler jobs
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fungiso it looks like once we're properly expiring docs-draft contents, we can probably shuffle it onto a much smaller lv:
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fungi(note that it's still in the process of cleaning up, so could go considerably smaller than it's at now even)14:39
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fungialternatively, we could up the retention to more than 3 weeks14:39
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lxsliplease could someone that knows Puppet give some feedback on ? I know it's wrong but I don't want to learn all Puppet syntax just for this one change :/14:43
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/release-tools: spec2bp v2 -- support in-review specs
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cnesa7Hi all, we have a blocking bug on the HyperV CI, devstack fails during neutron database creation. stack trace here -> Is there a workaround?15:10
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fungicnesa7: alembic seems to think your migrations are branched... i'm not super familiar with it though. have you looked at the alembic documentation for pointers on how to debug that?15:21
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stevemarAJaeger, darn, doesn't look like it worked, just merged, but keeps coming up empty15:24
stevemaroh wait a minute...15:24
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stevemari think it just needed a few minutes to upload the data15:25
AJaeger works15:25
AJaegerA bit deeper than I expected ;(15:25
stevemarlol yes, i jumped the gun15:25
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AJaegerfungi, SergeyLukjanov: removed the remove-prefix: 'doc/build/html' line that we added there on purpose15:26
fungiAJaeger: out of curiosity, do you know the reasoning behind ? do we specifically not want search engines indexing our specs?15:26
AJaegerWhat's the proper way to do this with scp?15:26
joaSmall question about openstack-infra/config15:26
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AJaegerfungi, that's a question for stevemar ;)15:26
joaI'm looking to understand how to configure a dsvm-tempest-full for a cinder CI; annd I cannot find the template definition of this job ?15:27
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stevemarfungi, my mistake on that one, i was using 'docs' as a guide, and must not have noticed that it was docs-draft that had the robots entry15:30
stevemarfungi, want me to toss up a patch to remove that?15:30
joafungi: okay, so sometimes the branch-designator is empty/undefined ?15:31
fungistevemar: maybe wait until we get the publishing ironed out15:31
fungijoa: usually branch-designator is empty15:31
joais it given by zuul ?15:32
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fungijoa: it's mainly used to give branch-specific jobs unique names, though also sometimes (ab)used to make multiple versions of the same job so they can be added to different pipelines and filtered to different triggering branches15:32
joaI'm trying to understand the details of jenkins template jobs + zuul to be able to configure my ci :p15:32
AJaegerstevemar, I'm doing a patch for the location now...15:33
fungijoa: it's a parameter you'll pass in when instantiating the template by adding it or a job group containing it to a project15:33
stevemarAJaeger, awesome, i'll toss one up for robots then15:33
fungijoa: in the jjb configuration, not in zuul's layout15:33
redrobothi guys, any core devs around to give a look?15:33
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joafungi: ok I think I get it :)15:34
redrobotit's a one liner, so it shouldn't take more than a few seconds. :D15:34
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Publish *-specs better
AJaegerfungi, could you tell me whether the patch does what it should do? See the commit message.15:35
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fungistevemar: AJaeger: looking over how the publisher for that is expanded to the configuration in jenkins itself, it looks like there's no way to re-root the source to exclude parts of the path if you're keeping the hierarchy, and of you don't keep the hierarchy then all files wind up in one flat target directory with no subdirectory structure15:36
AJaegerThat's sad ;(15:36
AJaegerso, should we go back to ftp publishing - ftp allows this...15:37
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/release-tools: Bump hacking to 0.9.x series
AJaegerso, basically reverting - but using static insted of specs.o.o for sit?15:38
AJaegerfungi, would this work with the ftp publisher - or can't we use ftp publishing for static?15:39
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fungiAJaeger: static.o.o doesn't run an ftp service as far as i'm aware, though i can double-check15:39
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AJaegerand scp can change paths? That sounds like fun ;(15:40
AJaegerIn that case we have to leave it as is and create some nice overview page ;)15:40
fungiAJaeger: one workaround would be to make the doc build move the doc/build/html to {github-org}/{name} and then use that as the source in the publisher with a target of specs/15:41
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AJaegerfungi, yes, that would work15:41
fungistevemar: AJaeger: also, we probably want to disable copy after failure (it's useful for logs, but not so much when trying to publish documentation, unless i'm missing something)15:42
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove the robots entry from
stevemarfungi, AJaeger ^15:43
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stevemarfungi, AJaeger ++ on moving the content from doc/build/html a few levels up - makes sense15:45
* AJaeger is on it...15:45
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Publish *-specs better
AJaegerfungi, can this work?15:46
openstackgerritAla Rezmerita proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add swiftpolicy middleware project on StackForge
AJaegerstevemar, fungi : I've updated
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fungiAJaeger: not quite, i'll suggest a tweak inline. you're ending up copying an extra directory level you don't want there15:49
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stevemarAJaeger, any reason we do a copy and not a move?15:52
fungistevemar: AJaeger: yes, mv also seems fine for this (and perhaps preferable to cp)15:53
* AJaeger will update, thanks for reviewing!15:53
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Publish *-specs better
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AJaegernext iteration...15:55
fungiAJaeger: lgtm15:55
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AJaegerstevemar, fungi : I'll on my way home now and will followup later if you notice anything. Feel free to edit yourself if needed.15:55
AJaegerGreat, fungi !15:55
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Remove test spec
* AJaeger loves team scripting with fungi and stevemar ;)15:56
stevemarAJaeger, cool thanks!15:56
stevemaryay team scripting15:56
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joaIs there an easy way to configure a common project/trigger  to run two (VEry) similar jkobs on two different slaves ?15:56
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AJaegerI know pair programming but didn't know how to call what we did ;)15:56
cnesa7fungi: thank you15:57
joaI saw the "node: 'slave1 || slave2'" syntax for a given job, but I do not know what it means exactly15:57
fungijoa: you specify the "node" parameter in each job to be the name or label of the slaves where you want each to run15:57
joais it a "list of available node" or does the job have to run on both ?15:57
fungijoa: that's a list of nodes where the job *can* run but any one invocation will just run on the first available15:57
openstackgerritJulien Marin-Frisonroche proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Improve windows support for git-review --setup
joaok; so I must define two jobs templates if I want to run the same job on two different nodes ?15:58
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joa(btw, what I'm trying to setup is a cinder tempest-dsvm-full on two different slaves for two different drivers)15:58
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fungijoa: it depends on whether the nodes are actually distinct in function, or if they're interchangeable for you15:58
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openstackgerritAla Rezmerita proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add swiftpolicy middleware project on StackForge
joathey are distinct, since they each have their specific vendor environment15:59
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joaideally, I'd want a report/log for each of those nodes15:59
fungijoa: if the machines are configured differently outside the job itself, to support the two different jobs, then you want to just specify the name of the slave as the node for the job to which you're matching it15:59
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joaokay; can I specify the same job twice, with a different node each time ?16:00
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fungijoa: so your job template might have node: '{node}' and then in each separate instantiation of that template you'd set the node parameter to what it needs to be for that particular job16:00
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joawe agree that the isntanciation is done within a jjb project ?16:01
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fungijoa: or it may be simpler to just use two separate non-templated job definitions with a different node in each16:01
fungijoa: yeah, if you're instantiating a template you'd usually do that in a jjb project configuration16:01
joaActually, I'd like to keep my job template definitions the closest possible from openstack-infra/config :p16:02
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joafungi: other question: the jjb lives on the jenkins master only or also on the slaves ? (I'm thinking of the gerrit-git-prep builder, which refers a script slave-side)16:05
joa(sorry about this question storm btw :D)16:05
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asselinjoa, jjb is only on the master16:06
joaokay, thanks16:06
joaasselin: you might be interested in following what I started for the third_party.rst in infra/manuals16:07
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joaif only to add your own feedback16:07
fungijoa: jjb is a tool which runs on the jenkins master to translate a bunch of templated yaml files into xml job configs which get loaded in via the jenkins api over the loopback interface16:07
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joait was one of the few unclear bits for me in the whole architecture :p16:07
joathanks for clarifying it16:08
fungijoa: the jenkins master may in turn apply some of the configuration which has been loaded into it as things which the slaves should run during the course of a job (particularly "shell" builders)16:08
jeblairjoa: have you seen ?16:09
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joajeblair: seems it was one of the few links I didnt see :o16:11
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joaWell, I already have a basic CI working on sandbox. I'm merely trying to add the required definitions for the cinder-specific stuff (picking from infra/config)16:12
jeblairjoa: oops :)  anyway, you might want to try improving that instead of starting a new section in infra-manual.  at least for starters, i'd like infra-manual to be the user manual for the system.  maybe it can grow to be the admin manual too, but most of that material is on right now, and i don't want to bite of more than we can chew16:12
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joajeblair: well, what I started is only on the third_party.rst; which I discusses with anteaya and krtaylor.16:14
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joaI really do feel that the links aren't easy to find for someone relatively new to openstack16:15
jeblairjoa: right -- it's the first i've heard of it, and i want to help you do the work in the best place possible.  i think that's in the doc i pointed out16:15
joathe goal was to try to have a single point to direct people trying to setup CI for 3rd-party testing to a single point16:15
jeblairjoa: everything about our system is documented on ci.openstack.org16:15
jeblairjoa: if something isn't directing people there, we should fix that16:16
joawell, it might be partly my fault oo16:16
joaI tend to follow the main page; and omit side-links or small links not indicated as important16:16
jeblairwell, we can certainly re-org the docs -- i just want to avoid duplication :)16:17
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joaI totally understand/agree16:17
fungirunning-your-own.rst and third-party.rst are probably somewhat overlapping as it is, and both could use updating. perhaps the result could make it a little clearer which parts are needed to duplicate all of openstack infra and which bits are recommended for a generic third-party ci rig16:18
jeblairfungi: that would probably make a good change, yeah16:18
joaafaic see, runnin-your-own is a really "high level" howto, right ?16:19
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jeblairjoa: well, it was meant to be a pretty specific recipe for getting all the components up and running.  i have not followed it myself.16:19
joaexplains how to set things up with all the puppettery (I'm a total newbie in that) from infra/config; but I don't seem to see tips about how to pick the right bits for a "reduced" setup16:20
asselinrunning your own is not for 3rd party ci, right?16:20
joaasselin: well, it is related.16:20
joabut a 3rd-party only wants a subset of all that16:20
jeblairnotably, one should omit gerrit.  :)16:21
asselinright...I remember seeing that page a while back, but when I saw gerrit, etc. figured it's not for my use case.16:22
lxslifungi: re: you earlier suggested inheriting from openstack_project::single_node_slave but on reluctantly cracking open the Puppet doc, I see:16:22
lxsliNote: This version of Puppet does not support using parameterized classes for inheritable base classes. The base class must have no parameters.16:22
joahence my remark about how to choose which specific bits to use.16:22
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lxslifungi: in this case would it be OK to duplicate single_node_slave.pp (and make my change)16:23
fungilxsli: hopefully i didn't say "inherit" (i may have said "sub-class" but also might have misused the term since i don't know exactly how puppet refers to some concepts)16:23
joajeblair: if you want to look/comment my patch on third_party.rst, if only to tell what's duplicating in your opinion, it will be a great help
fungilxsli: i'm looking over the change now and there are some shell script concerns, but i'm mostly trying to figure out how to unravel what you understand from a puppet perspective so i can provide clearer recommendations on how to adjust that16:24
joaas the commit msg says, it's a rough outline using my written feedback, but I do think it's worth it16:24
lxslifungi: basically nothing sorry, I know a little Chef :/16:24
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lxsliThanks for taking the time, I appreciate it16:25
arosenasselin: I'm starting fresh today with your github repo here: :)16:27
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joaoh, a clone of jaypipes'16:27
asselinarosen, ok. just a warning, the os-ext-testing version is not up-to-date. i'll have to sync it up.16:28
arosenasselin as in your repo isn't up to date on github?16:28
asselinmainly there's extra entries needed to be added to vars.sh16:28
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arosenasselin:  yea i noticed that.  I just left the other entries with the values you had there for now.16:29
asselinsorry, let me say it again: the os-ext-testing and os-ext-testing-data (both my forks) are not in sync now.16:29
asselinI need to push up the latest to the os-ext-testing-data repo. Mainly the needs updating.16:29
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ociuhandujeblair: Hi. We have seen that the “recheck *” syntax is being declared as off-limits for 3rd party ci’s and there was a suggestion on changing it to “CI Name: recheck”. Can you please confirm that this is the way to go and by when does this have to be implemented?16:29
arosenasselin:  are you planning on doing that today :) ?16:30
asselinarosen, yes, I'll plan to do that within later today.16:30
jeblairociuhandu: says "Support the following syntaxes recheck no bug and recheck bug ###."16:31
ociuhandujeblair: yes, that is for all CIs, I was asking for a trigger for one CI only, sorry for not being more clear in the first line16:33
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jeblairociuhandu: i don't think a policy change regarding that has been finalized16:35
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arosenasselin:  Could not find class snmpd for at /home/nicira/os-ext-testing/puppet/modules/os_ext_testing/manifests/base.pp:20 on node Is there away to easily about setting up snmpd for now or using a gmail address there?16:35
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ociuhandujeblair: we currently use recheck hyper-v and from an email thread on the dev list I saw an email from sdague quoting “Consider: ^(recheck|check|reverify) off limits namespace.”16:35
asselinarosen, I didn't setup/test any snmp settings16:36
ociuhandujeblair: so it is safe to assume that for the time being we can maintain the current syntax?16:36
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arosenasselin:  bash is stopping with that message.16:36
asselinarosen, i don't think it's necessary for 3rd party ci....???16:36
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asselinarosen, I never got that error...let me take a look....16:37
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asselinarosen, try commenting out that line   #include snmpd16:39
arosenasselin:  Could not find class sudoers for at /home/nicira/os-ext-testing/puppet/modules/os_ext_testing/manifests/base.pp:37 on node ubuntu1204server.nicira.eng.vmware.com16:39
arosenasselin:  i didn't hit this last time using jays script yesterday.16:40
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asselinarosen, hmm...seems something went wrong with the initial part of the install script that imports infra's puppet scripts.16:40
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jeblairociuhandu: we have made no provision for ci-specific recheck commands, either previously or as we are now changing our syntax.  i do not think they should be supported (i think it's silly to ask developers to learn a complicated pseudo-language to interact with ci systems)16:41
asselinarosen, delete your script and run the script again16:41
asselinarosen, ok I think I know what it is16:43
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asselinI changed the top part of the script so that the os-ext-testing and os-ext-testing-data are sibling folders instead of parent child.(could wrap my head around with the original method)16:44
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arosenasselin:  yea I accidentally  had them parent child and fixed that. Seems like it's got past that part now16:46
ociuhandujeblair: so as long as we also publish the recheck syntax on any fail message, we can keep the existing one?16:46
krtaylorociuhandu, I think you are referring to this proposal by sdague
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asselinarosen, ok good.16:47
krtaylorociuhandu, until that is decided, it is still the existing policy16:47
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jeblairociuhandu: soon "recheck hyper-vi" will also trigger openstack's zuul16:48
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ociuhandukrtaylor: yes, I am. I have seen it in the dev email thread.16:48
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jeblair(i do not consider that situation ideal, but i believe i've been pretty clear that we have, can, and will change zuul's recheck syntax at any time, and that third party systems should not produce their own grammar)16:51
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jeblairi think if we want there to be a third-party ci grammar, than a formal proposal like sdague's is needed16:52
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jeblairalso, now that we no longer have a need to record bug numbers, and now that zuul is more sophisticated about how it enqueues changes, we may be able to eliminate recheck altogether and take change submissions via a web interface to zuul16:54
ociuhandujeblair: but if there’s no third-party ci grammar, we can never ensure that a change in zuul’s recheck will not impact the third-party ci’s or better said overlap with that.16:55
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arosenasselin:  quick question:
jeblairociuhandu: yes, that's why third-party ci's should not invent their own grammar and support only "recheck".  again, the current policy provides no guarantees and supporting anything else is not recommended.  if we approve a change like sdague's then we will have a policy of supporting it, and we will be more careful about making changes.16:57
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asselinarosen, grep for "check-tempest-dsvm-cinder-cert-hp-3par-iscsi" and delete it. This should be in the 'private' repo..I'll have to fix that16:57
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kgiustihi all - can anyone give me advice on how best to solve:
jerryzjerryz_: testing17:10
kgiustiit's been suggested to change devstack, rather than config, to include the new platform specific packages.17:10
openstackgerritWilliam Van Hevelingen proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove cleanup code for some module transitions
kgiustiwould that allow the CI tests for olso.messaging pass?17:11
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openstackgerritWilliam Van Hevelingen proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove cleanup code for some module transitions
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fungikgiusti: which ci tests for olso.messaging? devstack-based integration tests or unit tests?17:13
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fungii'm guessing you mean new unit tests at
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kgiustifungi: thanks - ya, the new unit tests are of primary concern at this point.17:14
kgiustifungi: mocking out the dependencies was deemed a no-go.17:14
openstackgerritlokesh s proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adding windows disk-image builder project
kgiustifungi: doesn't result in any real test coverage.  The unit tests actually run the driver 'down to the wire'17:15
fungikgiusti: what's the expected timeframe before the dependencies would be packaged and available in a long-term-support server platform (e.g. where actual operators/end-users would consider running it)?17:15
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fungikgiusti: i'd be worried about churn from trying to shoehorn in an early implementation which won't actually work on real servers for 2+ years, but maybe that concern is unfounded17:16
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fungikgiusti: that's my usual cart-before-the-horse concern when devs are wanting to add support and testing for cool new feature x which isn't actually part of a mainstream server distro anywhere17:18
reedfungi, when you have time, could you please run the ATC script again to get the new folks to invite?17:19
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kgiustifungi: valid concern.  The packages have been in EPEL for awhile - not sure of the timeframe for adoption into RHEL proper.  I might be able to find someone who can comment more authoritatively.   Debian is probably further out, though one of the qpid folks has submitted the packages via mentor, and has a sponsor.17:20
arosenasselin:  btw I'm hitting that same issue i was yesterday in with your repo when i try to rerun:, "Could not parse configuration file: Certificate names must be lower case; see #1168"17:20
kgiustifungi: beyond those distros, I can't comment.  I'm an apache qpid dev.17:21
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fungikgiusti: so for rhel it's probably solved since lots of operators run that with epel packages. ubuntu is probably a ways out given that they just released an lts and generally only do that every two years, but then again getting it into ubuntu cloud archive might not be too hard17:22
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fungikgiusti: my guess is that the ubuntu openstack team would probably add it to uca fairly shortly after it gets into debian/testing (which could be fast or slow depending on when the upload gets sponsored and whether that lands during the jessie release freeze)17:23
kgiustifungi: for ubuntu the apache qpid devs have set up a ppa.17:23
kgiustifungi: which would be kept up to date by qpid apache itself.17:24
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fungikgiusti: so far we've shied away from adding ppas for ubuntu with the exception of those backporting major components (so far only python interpreters) which are already present in later ubuntu releases and for which the same ubuntu package maintainers are also caring after those ppas17:25
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kgiustifungi: but the long term ubuntu goal for qpid is to have proton included in the distros, just like the qpidd stuff.17:25
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Refactor the various artifact upload scripts into one
fungikgiusti: but we've been trying off and on to incorporate ubuntu cloud archive on our test servers, which has a much shorter inclusion turn-around for openstack-specific dependencies than ubuntu itself at least17:26
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Refactor the various artifact upload scripts into one
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Refactor the various artifact upload scripts into one
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Publish *-specs better
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kgiustifungi: So, if we can't get the packages onto the CI systems for now, is there a  'plan b' that will provide enough test coverage of the new driver without having to force these packages onto the CI systems?17:32
kgiustifungi: like some way to make those unit tests optional?17:33
phschwartzfungi: All clear17:33
kgiustifungi: and perhaps setting up a 3rd party CI just to test that driver?17:33
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fungikgiusti: possibly they could be excluded from the upstream ci test runs (though presumably someone still needs to run them and report on their efficacy, preferably on proposed changes before approval), or oslo.messaging could grow a functional test suite which stands it up and adds whatever additional packages are needed (though pre-caching those on the devstack slaves could get a little interesting)17:35
rcarrill`fungi: hey jeremy, just pushed . As you can see it now handles only jenkins/java packages publish17:35
rcarrill`pulled stuff from maven jjb shell blocks and put it there17:35
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fungircarrillocruz: awesome. i'll take a look17:35
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Add config repo split spec
fungikgiusti: though i'm just one opinion. other infra team reviewers very well may have other notions as to what's acceptable, or recommendations on alternative solutions i'm missing17:36
rcarrillocruzi have not added the stash (build plus push to tarballs.o.o) on the same change17:37
rcarrillocruzi will create another change for that17:37
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fungircarrillocruz: the push to tarballs.o.o probably doesn't need to be extracted into a script since we're using simple publishers for that pretty much everywhere anyway17:38
kgiustifungi: thanks - your opinion is appreciated!  I'll ping the oslo.messaging devs with what I've learned, thanks!17:38
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rcarrillocruzfungi: i'd like to have some consistency, for some stuff the upload is via a publish, for others is via  a builder script :S17:40
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fungikgiusti: you're welcome. and i do think that regardless of how we end up working around it for the short term, your best bet is to focus on getting it sponsored into debian, imported into ubuntu's development train for their next short-cycle release, and into ubuntu cloud archive for the existing 14.04 lts release17:40
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jeblairfungi, kgiusti: one of the goals of our distro support policy is to keep things simple and accessible for devs and consistent for operators; so getting it into a distro channel like epel (done!) or uca is the best bet.17:41
fungijeblair: kgiusti: that does bring up one possibility... we could run an oslo.messaging unit test job on centos 7 (once we have images) which installs the package from epel and exercises those specific tests17:42
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fungiin fact, if it works on centos 6 under python 2.6, we might even be able to do it that way today17:43
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jeblairi'm not super keen on running the unit tests twice, so, thinking ahead, we may only want to do that if we're prepared to say that centos7 is the preferred testing platform for py27 because it has faster access to new packages.  ;)17:45
openstackgerritIvan Kolodyazhny proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make 'gate-cinder-pylint' job vote
jeblairi'm not dead set on that; just throwing out (slightly tongue in cheek) food for thought17:45
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fungijeblair: reasonable. though exercising it only on the 2.6 unit tests for now could still be a viable path17:46
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fungiwe've taken that tack for some things which only centos 6 had recent enough versions of (i think mongodb is the main example there?)17:46
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fungibut this does highlight that we probably wand ubuntu cloud archive to factor into our testing on trusty early enough that we can catch incremental breakages rather than with precise where we were trying to jump light years ahead on versions of things in uca17:48
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Ajaeger1wow, a job for 76 hours in the check queue? That's impressive...17:49
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Ajaeger1ah, I see fungi's comments...17:50
fungiAjaeger1: it was running on jenkins05 when it fell offline over the weekend due to a host server issue in rackspace17:50
fungiAjaeger1: it'll be there until zuul is restarted or the change gets a new patchset17:50
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Ajaeger1fungi: yeah, that explains it...17:50
Ajaeger1shall I just send a new revision? ;)17:50
fungiAjaeger1: if you care about it that much, i won't stop you ;)17:51
Ajaeger1It just confuses me ;)17:51
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fungia trivial rebase would probably preserve any existing code review votes if it has them17:51
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fungisince there were only a couple of changes still affected when i found it on monday, i just left comments on them explaining the situation and how to work around it17:52
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Ajaeger1trivial rebase did not really help - but it had no comments ;)17:54
Ajaeger1fungi: but it depends on another one that just got rebased as well - again no votes17:54
Ajaeger1(rebased as part of my rebase)17:55
fungiwell, anyway, it got it unstuck now17:55
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1350466
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1350466 in nova "deadlock in scheduler expire reservation periodic task" [Undecided,New]
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* Ajaeger1 has prepared a docs-specs patch to see whether publishing now works properly. Fungi, stevemar I'll keep you updated17:56
fungiAjaeger1: you may want to wait a little longer... i think jjb isn't done updating the jobs from the last template tweak17:58
fungiat least picking one at random it hasn't gotten adjusted yet17:59
fungistill has copy after failure on and the old source/destination values for the moment17:59
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Updated project list interface.
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arosenI've got a question about Why do we need to build new images? Can't we just always use the base ubuntu image?18:02
Ajaeger1fungi, ok will wait some more and then check. Thanks18:02
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fungiarosen: we're pre-caching repetitive changes which would otherwise happen once the nodes are spun up or when jobs start18:03
fungiarosen: that maximizes efficiency and minimizes job turn-around18:04
arosenfungi:  what kind of repetitive changes?18:04
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arosenlike apt-get install mysql/git etc?18:04
fungiarosen: package updates, cloning git repos, et cetera18:04
arosenfungi:  ah and then just git pull origin master on them so you don't need to download the whole thing each time?18:04
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fungiwe also pre-cache packages devstack may want to install, cirros/whatever images it wants to load into its glance, et cetera18:05
fungiso it not only saves time but also network utilization18:05
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arosenfungi:  gotcha, trying to sort my way through getting ci going. I guess it's something i should also deploy :)18:05
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fungiand in fact that's one of our biggest gains. minimizing the extent to which we touch the provider network and internet substantially increases test reliability18:06
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Ajaeger1fungi: jenkins1,2,3,4,5 are fine for the one job that I checked...18:06
fungiAjaeger1: is the example i was looking at, and it still seems to use the old pattern18:07
stevemarAJaeger, can you link me?18:07
fungioh, wait, that's the docs-draft publisher i'm looking at18:07
Ajaeger1fungi: indeed, that's the gate, not the publisher18:08
Ajaeger1the gate hasn't changed ;)18:08
fungiAjaeger1: yep, they look fine now--go for it18:08
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arosenfungi:  nodepool uploads the images to glance?18:14
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jesusaurusarosen: currently it just does a nova snapshot-image18:17
arosenjesusaurus:  cool that makes sense :)18:17
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mordredarosen: it's going to be doing glance uploads soon-ish18:18
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arosenmordred:  i guess that works as long as you're running on a cloud that allows you to do that.18:20
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arosenI'm weary of the nova snapshot-image as i feel like it's likely another point of failure but I'm curious to see how it goes.18:21
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jesusaurusive been using snapshot-image for various things for a couple years. it can be slow, but it very rarely fails outright for me18:22
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jeblairjesusaurus: fails quite often for us :)18:23
jeblairjesusaurus: and also sometimes takes more than 8 hours.18:24
jesusaurusjeblair: the snapshotting? i almost never see it fail18:24
jesusaurusbut yeah, sometimes it can be slooooowwwww18:24
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* Ajaeger1 throws a round of beer18:29
Ajaeger1fungi, stevemar :
stevemarAJaeger, niiiice18:29
jeblairAjaeger1: neato!  i'm guessing we don't actually want the robots.txt though18:30
Ajaeger1jeblair: see stevemar's patch
Ajaeger1and here's the patch for the remaining repos:
jeblairstevemar: approved18:31
stevemarthx jeblair18:31
Ajaeger1jeblair, fungi, stevemar: How do we great an index page in the best way?18:31
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stevemari'm going to push another update to keystone-specs18:32
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Ajaeger1jeblair: I've put some information about publishing together at
Ajaeger1Publishing of the books shouldn't be a large problem, I can enhance our build job to output which directory was changed18:35
Ajaeger1Publishing and other files might need some special treatment...18:35
jeblairAjaeger1: cool, i'm writing the first draft of the docs publishing spec now18:36
Ajaeger1But we can use a separate publishing job that does not delete.18:36
Ajaeger1jeblair: great!18:36
fungiAjaeger1: there are a few possibilities...18:37
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove the robots entry from
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Ajaeger1fungi: I don't consider it a shipstopper, if we can handle 99 % of the files like I see it already coming together. If these few possibilities work out, it would be super-perfect ;)18:38
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Ajaeger1fungi: or are you speaking about the index generation for specs.o.o?18:38
fungiAjaeger1: yeah18:38
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fungiAjaeger1: so, we could just puppet a static index into place18:39
Ajaeger1fungi: yeah, that's the easiest part...18:39
fungiAjaeger1: or have a job dynamically generate one and run as a dependent job to specs publishing jobs18:39
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fungiAjaeger1: or use a custom apache vhost template to style mod_autoindex with out own provided readme(header) and footer files18:40
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Ajaeger1IMO we need a rather static list - just a list of the form: OpenStack Documentation Program specs, Infra Program specs etc....18:40
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Ajaeger1And I hope that the list of spec repositories stays static.18:40
Ajaeger1Or do you want to list *all specs* instead of all *spec repositories*? In that case something dynamic is mandatory IMO18:41
fungii'm kindof in favor of relying on mod_autoindex and just making it look more openstacky18:41
jeblairas long as it's just openstack, it shouldn't change too quickly (they are per-program, not per-project)18:41
fungirather than reinventing page indexing, since apache already has a mechanism to give us one18:41
jeblair(i'm fine with autoindex or static)18:42
fungii also am not *too* worried about the plain jane autoindex it has today. it may not be pretty but it's effective18:42
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Ajaeger1Yeah, the plain jane autoindex is there - just noticed;)18:43
jeblairregarding i think that the 'specs-jobs' template should only include the -docs job since the others are not universal (yet)18:43
Ajaeger1jeblair: the majority uses both gates, see
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Ajaeger1jeblair: I can remove the py27 jobs again, if you think that's cleaner and update 109675.18:45
Ajaeger1jeblair: but please first review how many jobs use the template already18:45
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jeblairAjaeger1: yes, but it's not universal.  this way all of the specs repos can use it, and then repos that have additional jobs can add them18:47
arosenjaypipes:  i'm curious why here or in general you need to setup a slave node and run your script. How does that node get cleaned up?18:47
Ajaeger1jeblair: ok, let me rework 109765...18:48
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jaypipesarosen: it doesn't. it's meant to be a single-use slave node...18:49
jaypipesarosen: nodepool (the work that asselin is adding to the os-ext-testing repo) takes care of keeping a pool of single-use slave nodes for running test jobs18:49
arosenjaypipes: ah i see. So i guess nodepool manages the life cycle of a pool of nodes for you i guess.18:50
arosenjaypipes:  thanks :)18:50
jaypipesarosen: we found that trying to "clean" or "reset" the slave node after devvstack/tempest runs was just too unreliable compared to blowing away the node :)18:50
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arosenjaypipes:  yea makes sense, definitely hard to clean up after devstack18:50
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Ajaeger1fungi: do you have an example for a static html page we deploy via puppet?18:51
fungiAjaeger1: plenty, but i'll find you a good clean example one18:52
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fungiAjaeger1: and the corresponding source file for that is stored as
Ajaeger1thanks, fungi18:54
fungiAjaeger1: we can get slightly fancier by making that an erb template instead with an iterator in it, and then keeping an array in the puppet manifest, but that simple case is a good start18:55
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Ajaeger1fungi: let me try starting plain simple and then somebody can make it really fancy ;)18:55
fungiAjaeger1: good call ;)18:55
arosennodepool needs to run as an admin user against an openstack deployment?18:56
fungiarosen: nope, just a regular old tenant user18:56
fungiarosen: needs to be able to list, create and delete instances, snapshot them and boot from snapshots, list images and snapshot images, et cetera18:57
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fungiarosen: needs to be able to delete snapshot images too18:57
fungiarosen: the upstream use case is that we've got basically vanilla accounts with multiple public cloud providers and so we needed a way to manage our test instance life cycle in them with some automation18:58
arosenfungi:  cool, that's how i prefer to run this against our cloud as well :)18:59
fungiarosen: depending on the provider, may also need to be able to create/associate/delete floating ips, select interfaces onto specific neutron networks, and so on19:00
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Publish additional specs repositories
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Ajaeger1jeblair: I implemented your suggestion ^19:00
jeblairAjaeger1: cool, thanks!19:00
arosenfungi:  so i sorta have nodepool running but it's complaining about: BadRequest: Multiple possible networks found, use a Network ID to be more specific.19:01
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fungiarosen: yep, so you've got neutron presenting multiple networks into your tenant19:01
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arosenfungi:  one problem I think we'll have with nodepool is i'd prefer to not use dhcp as it can fail from time to time.19:01
arosenfungi:  right now the way the vmware ci works is we create a new network and have a prebaked image with a static ip set in it.19:01
arosenfungi:  I guess if i use this i have to rely on dhcp /19:02
fungiarosen: you can see how we use the net-id parameter in neutron-based providers here...
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fungiarosen: i'm not sure it relies on dhcp specifically, it just relies on nova to choose a distinct ip address unrelated to the contents of the base/snapshot images19:03
fungiarosen: i think one of our providers is using file injection to set ip addresses, for example19:03
arosenfungi:  right i mean it relies on the guest getting an ip address19:04
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arosenfungi:  For now i'll just rely on dhcp and cross my fingers :). It also looks like it relies on metadata19:04
arosenfor key keypair injection19:05
fungiarosen: that definitely sounds like a complication. vmware-backed nova in general has dhcp issues, or just your particular environment?19:05
arosenbut we can rebake the key.19:05
arosenfungi:  i'd say the neutron-dhcp-agent isn't very robust so from time to time we have failures related to that19:06
arosenso we usually just spawn each CI run it it's own network with the ip statically configured in the image.19:06
fungiarosen: one upside to nodepool in this context is that it will boot the instance from a snapshot, test that it's reachable, then add it to the available pool or delete it depending on whether it's working19:06
arosenfungi:  does nodepool handing allocating floatingip's too ?19:07
fungiarosen: so some background number of instances not getting ip addresses may go entirely unnoticed as they'll just be automatically recycled into the quota again19:07
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fungiarosen: it does, yes19:07
fungiarosen: we use fip on hpcloud, in fact19:07
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create specs.o.o/index.html
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Ajaeger1fungi: Static and  plain solution ^ ;)19:10
Ajaeger1fungi: Does anybody need to remove the robots.txt from specs.o.o or is this done via puppet?19:11
arosenfungi:  have you seen this error?
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fungiAjaeger1: i'll have to manually clean up the files in it for now19:12
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arosenfungi: oh maybe cause i have ' ' around net-id let me remove those.19:12
fungiAjaeger1: same for the stray subdirs19:12
arosenfungi: nah same error.19:12
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Ajaeger1fungi: good that we only tested with keystone-specs, so little to remove. You can put it on your cleanup list now ;) Thanks!19:14
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fungiarosen: doesn't look familiar. are you sure the network list for that tenant shows that as a valid network uuid?19:14
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arosenfungi:  gah  sorry it was a typo I had -net-id but it needs to be - net-id X.x19:15
fungiarosen: oh, yep. like python, yaml is fairly picky about whitespace19:16
funginodepool could probably stand to grow a configuration validator at some point19:17
fungibeyond just the simple "does this parse as yaml"19:17
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fungiAjaeger1: cleaned up, though note that this is going to suffer from the same "files never go away" issue our current docs publishing has, so if projects move/delete specs from their repos, they'll hang around as cruft on the site19:19
arosenfungi:  woot, nodepool just deployd an instance for me but it failed saying FloatingIpPoolNotFound. Do i need to precreate floatingips if i want to use them?19:20
Ajaeger1fungi: ok, understood19:20
Ajaeger1fungi: thanks!19:20
fungiAjaeger1: so the sooner we get new docs publishing into place, the sooner this can take advantage of the same benefits19:20
arosenfungi:  I had deployed it on a neutron network that is no-snat so it doesn't need a floatingip but i'm fine to go to a floatingip model to get things rolling.19:20
fungiarosen: i'm not sure. at the moment we use floating ips in the same providers where we use neutron networks, so it may be that the two are intrinsically linked from nodepool's perspective19:21
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Publish additional specs repositories
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fungiarosen: do you have the entire traceback from your FloatingIpPoolNotFound exception? looks like nodepool doesn't throw that directly so probably coming from novaclient19:24
arosenfungi:  i do:
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fungiahh, so nodepool is trying to client.floating_ips.create()19:25
jeblairfungi: working on it! writing specs takes even longer than reviewing them! :)19:26
arosenfungi: i think this is actually a nova bug. This command works fine local env but not on what we have deployed19:26
jeblairespecially if one avoids hand-waving19:26
fungijeblair: yep, i hear that. just making sure we know that some of the specs publishing assumptions seem not to have taken cruft into account19:26
fungiarosen: oh, neat!19:27
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arosenfungi:  found it :), so you need to have this set in nova.conf on your nova-api servers19:27
arosendefault_floating_pool = public19:27
rcarrill`fungi: if you have bandwidth to review that'd be great, so i can look at it tomorrow in my morning19:28
arosenfungi:  we should add support to nodepool to let us specify and go through neutron as we have multiple public networks19:28
jeblairfungi: yeah, i think that's the right choice; it's a common problem that we should fix all at once19:28
rcarrill`jeblair: is the change for refactoring the jenkins/java packages upload to maven , we chat about this last week19:28
arosenlet me see if this setting was in havana. If so i'll push it out to our cloud just picking one.19:28
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fungiarosen: yeah, to some extent the neutron network provider support in nodepool grew out of people who were trying to use it in their own neutron-based clouds (lucky us, because then we ended up with one or two we needed to connect to after that), so if you have more efficient ways we could be interacting with it then we appreciate patches19:31
fungircarrillocruz: one suggestion for 109816, which is nto really a critique of the patch itself, is that it would be good to see the config change as a child of that change so it's more obvious where and how this script will start getting called19:33
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arosenfungi:  cool, i'm definitely happy to contribute some patches back to allow a way to better leverage neutron deployments.19:34
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for grenade quota reserve deadlock bug 1350064
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1350064 in nova "Deadlock in quota reservations in security groups tests on old side of grenade (icehouse)" [Undecided,New]
rcarrillocruzfungi: you mean how jjb jobs would call the script?19:36
fungircarrillocruz: right19:36
fungircarrillocruz: also, it looks like the latest patchset of 109816 stopped incorporating the pypi uploads... did they end up being too hard to combine with the others, or is that just slated as an incremental improvement later?19:37
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rcarrillocruzfungi: i see as an incremental improvement later19:37
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fungircarrillocruz: that's perfectly fair19:37
fungircarrillocruz: this way the change is more bite-sized19:38
rcarrillocruzfungi: java/jenkins uploads are treated as builder scripts right now, whereas pypi stuff are publishers19:38
rcarrillocruzfungi: yep, i prefer doing changes more self-contained, i find them easier for reviewers to review19:38
fungircarrillocruz: definitely. me too19:38
fungircarrillocruz: like i always say, review unto others as you would have them review unto you19:39
rcarrillocruzheh, inded19:39
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arosenfungi:  cool, looks like node pool is working fine. It launched my instances and is now running commands in them.19:43
arosenfungi:  Do i need to do something now to configure jenkins to hook into nodepool so it can learn about my nodes?19:44
mordredarosen: there is a section of nodepool config where you tell it about your jenkins host(s) and username/api key and nodepool will add them as slaves19:44
fungiarosen: nodepool should be configured with credentials to connect to jenkins and register the slaves into them. also jenkins needs the zmq event publisher plugin so that nodepool can connect and learn about nodes which have started to get used or are done runnign jobs19:45
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mordredarosen: for instance19:45
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openstackgerritDavid Lenwell proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-manual: Changed width of the image at the top of the page
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arosenthanks, gotta figure out how to setup a user in jenkins to do this.19:51
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arosenI just restarted nodepool since i made a config change to setup the jenkins stuff. It doesn't seem to really be doing anything now20:00
arosenit just says: DEBUG:nodepool.NodePool:No current image for d-p-c on local_0120:00
arosenShould i manually cleanup the instance it had deployed?20:00
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fungiarosen: you can 'sudo nodepool delete NNNN' where NNNN is the node id number20:02
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fungiright now there are only a handful of nodepool cli subcommands, but the ones it has are pretty handy and you will want to familiarize yourself with them20:03
Ajaeger1fungi: I guess I should  call it a day ;) Thanks for the reviews, I'll do a final change and then sign off...20:04
fungiAjaeger1: thanks as always@20:04
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yjiang5hi, all, I interrupt a git review w/ ctrl^C, then I can't push my patch anymore. Can anyone help me to have a look? The log is
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fungiyjiang5: what does 'git status' say?20:12
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yjiang5fungi: thanks for reply. git status is quite clean.20:13
fungiyjiang5: so it doesn't say you're in the middle of a rebase or anything...20:13
yjiang5fungi: no20:13
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yjiang5fungi: is the output of the git status.20:14
fungiyjiang5: judging from the error message, you've changed the gitsha on the parent commit unnecessarily... try 'git rebase 7c0ac50' and see if it's any better afterward20:15
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yjiang5fungi: thanks.20:15
openstackgerritAishwarya Thangappa proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Adding Subscription Resource Hook
yjiang5fungi: cool, it works !!20:17
yjiang5fungi: thanks.20:18
arosenfungi:  hrm any idea why it's looping only saying this: ?20:19
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fungiarosen: it's saying it thinks it's configured to keep a minimum of two d-p-c nodes in a ready state but doesn't (yet) have a snapshot image built which corresponds to that label20:21
fungiarosen: hopefully, if things are going really well for you today, you'll see 'sudo nodepool image-list' say something about an image in a building state20:22
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fungiarosen: and you can check the image.log for details20:22
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arosenfungi:  yup  i had one in building and another in deleteing20:24
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arosenbut i think they were stuck since i restarted nodepool. I dod image-delete both of them and now a new one is building20:25
fungiarosen: that *probably* means building the snapshot is failing somewhere along the line, and you'll want to analyze the log to find out why20:25
fungibut yeah you might have just interrupted it mid-build earlier or something20:25
arosenAh since i'm running nodepool in the forground there is no long20:25
fungioh, right-o20:25
arosenbut i think rebooting the process messed it up20:25
fungiyeah, it would20:26
arosenman this stuff is cool :)20:26
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fungialso hopefully when you're running nodepoold in the foreground you're doing it as whatever local user account you're intending to run the headless daemon under later, so it's not creating files it won't be able to read/modify/delete in production later20:27
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arosenfungi:  yup I did sudo su zuul first :)20:32
arosenDoh getting this:20:32 Non-HTTP proxy URI:20:33 Try 'puppet help module install' for usage20:33
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fungiarosen oof, that's fun20:35
arosenfungi:  do you know what it means :)20:35
rcarrillocruzfungi: thx for the review, appreciate that, i will address suggestions tomorrow20:35
fungiarosen: puppet is having trouble retrieving something through a proxy which it doesn't understand? it's a little opaque to me20:36
* fungi is stepping out for a little while but will return in an hour or so20:36
arosenfungi:  seems like things are continuing on so maybe it's okay20:37
arosenfungi:  later. Huge thanks for your help!20:37
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reedhow excited am I about using storyboard?20:49
krotscheckreed: I dunno, are you?20:49
reedA: a *lot*20:49
reedkrotscheck, I just discovered the possibility to create tasks within a story20:50
reedsooooooooooo cool!20:50
krotscheckAhhh, that20:50
krotscheckThat form needs a little love20:50
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* krotscheck has been focused on getting search done.20:51
reedit's already very good as is20:51
krotscheckBecause we’re _so_ close on that one.20:51
reedi'm really excited20:51
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for grenade quota reserve deadlock bug 1350064
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1350064 in nova "Deadlock in quota reservations in security groups tests on old side of grenade (icehouse)" [Undecided,New]
krotscheckreed: We’re adding fulltext natural language search, and propagating the taggy UI to the type-specific lists.20:52
reedI'm working on a backlog for the groups portal, as a first exercise20:52
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reedkrotscheck, I've asked Bitergia folks to start looking into it so that we can have reporting for it too, once the larger projects switch to sb20:52
krotscheckreed: Then you’ll be interested in this:
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* reed checks20:53
krotscheckreed: The “subscription” api is actually being driven off of a stream of event notifications on changes in the system. That spec exposes that stream so that third party tools can report off of a live stream of changes.20:54
jeblairreed: storyboard's API may change _dramatically_ in the near term; we're not ready to present a stable api to any consumers yet20:54
reedI think bicho will probably use the REST api anyway, it's an 'async' tool20:55
jeblairreed: so i mean, it's totally cool if you want to have the bitgeria folks take an early look... just no hand wringing when we change everything :)20:55
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reedjeblair, thanks for the heads up20:55
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reedjeblair, let me know when you're getting ready to switch infra to it so I can have bitergia ready by then20:56
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reeduntil then, I'll tell them not to rush anything20:56
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jeblairreed: ack20:57
arosennodepool doesn't have a way to specify min-cpu?20:58
aroseni just grepped the code for cpu and nothing turned up.20:59
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mordredarosen: we configure ours by min ram - and then if there are more than one matching flavor (hi rackspace) we have a flavor name filter that can be used21:00
arosenmordred:  ah cool, flavor name is what i was looking for.. We have to many random flavors with 16gigs 1 cpu etc lol21:01
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for VirtualInterfaceCreateException
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jeblairarosen: i'd definitely be open to a change that made it so that only specifying the flavor name was supported21:17
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arosenmordred:  i don't see a flavor name filter in the code.21:21
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arosenJust got everything up and running. I had to move it to a network that didn't have any proxy stuff blocking anything. Fingers crossed.21:22
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Add docs publishing spec
jeblairAJaeger: ^21:23
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redrobotsooooo....  any infra core devs here?  I would appreciate it if somoene can move this CR along   It's just a one-liner so it shouldn't take very long.21:23
arosenOH, so nodepool streams the output from the node it's building on?21:25
arosenThat's why i'm still getting this proxy error i bet21:25
arosenactually nvm there isn't a proxy there.21:26
arosenanyone know what's causing this error?
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fungiokay, back again21:34
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arosenfungi:  trying to catch my vm and kill nodepool so i can debug this error :/21:40
arosenis there a setting so it doesn't delete the instance?21:40
fungiarosen: hrm, i don't think there's a hold for image build template instances like there is for nodes themselves21:41
fungiarosen: i'd probably just kill nodepoold partway through the build and then get onto the template instance however you can manage21:41
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arosenyup that's what i'm going to try and do .21:42
arosenI was to slow last time.21:42
fungiarosen: are you perchance specifying http_proxy_host and/or http_proxy_port anywhere in your puppet configuration?21:42
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arosenthis is actually occuring on the guest i'm booting i think.21:42
fungiarosen: right, it's happening where nodepoold has ssh'd into the new template instance and is truing to install puppet modules it looks like21:43
aroseni don't set http_proxy anywhere that i can tell.21:43
fungiarosen: is it possible there are proxy-related envvars being set in the shell environment on that new instance, maybe globally in /etc/environment or something?21:44
fungiarosen: might be something baked into your base image21:44
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arosenfungi:  yea that's what i'm thinking :(. I know there is a proxy setting baked into the image in /etc/apt.d but it looks like nodepool is smart enough to remove that.21:45
fungiyeah, i don't think /etc/apt/apt.conf will have any bearing on whatever backend puppet uses to retrieve modules21:46
asselinarosen, did you adjust the proxy settings in
arosenasselin:  I had comment all of those settings out in vars.21:48
fungiarosen: according to it tries to respect the http_proxy and https_proxy envvars in the calling environment21:48
arosenwe'll see i'm almost to the pint where I can kill node-pool21:48
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asselinarosen, I spent a lot of time debugging proxy issues on nodepool. If your behind a proxy, the settings should work. If not, make sure you take out the parts I added.21:50
asselinarosen, otherwise, what I did to debug is use pycharm and set breakpoints. Then you can log into the vm and play around.21:51
asselinarosen, delete these files so that you use o.o upstream's
fungi<public_service_announcement> </public_service_announcement>21:53
asselinarosen,  use this line to use o.o upstream (works when there's no proxy)
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arosenokay i got the command that's failing:
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arosenah okay I see what's causing it. In my env if i do env | grep -i proxy21:56
arosenit has a http_proxy=21:56
arosenonce i do unset http_proxy it works fine.21:56
aroseni guess puppet has some problem because of that :(21:56
fungiyeah, looks like the puppet module subcommand literally interprets those proxy envvars and vomits if it can't use their contents as proxy urls. empty variable != missing variable i'm afraid21:57
arosenfungi:  can i change base-image to a snapshot with these env variables removed?21:59
asselinarosen, that comes from here:
arosenOh so it looks like i can just fix the code without changing the image ? :)21:59
asselinarosen, nodepool only looks at env variables prefixed with NODEPOOL_22:00
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arosenasselin:  i see in my env I have:22:00
arosenroot@Ubuntu1204Server:/home/nicira/os-ext-testing-data# env | grep -i NODE22:00
arosenHow do i remove those?22:01
asselinarosen, I should probably add conditionals so that they're only exported when non-blank22:01
arosenasselin:  can i just comment everything out in:  ./os-ext-testing/puppet/modules/os_ext_testing/templates/nodepool/
arosenThen i i restart node-pool it won't have that set?22:01
asselinarosen, yes22:01
arosenasselin:  directly from ~/os-ext-testing/puppet this change can be made like this?22:02
asselinarosen, not sure I understand the question22:03
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arosenasselin:  i don't think the code really runs out of that dir on my system22:04
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arosenI think I see these settings also here  /etc/profile.d/set_http_proxy_env.sh22:04
asselinarosen, lines 4-6 need to be commented. You need line 722:05
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asselinotherwise after you create the node, jenkins won't be able to log in22:05
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arosenasselin:  hrm do i need to restart zuul? When i go into my instance i still see this env set.22:07
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asselinarosen, you need to restart nodepool in a new shell window / clean env22:09
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asselinarosen, no need to restart zuul for this22:09
asselinsudo su - nodepool22:10
asselinset | grep proxy should be clean22:10
arosencool, lets cross our fingers :)22:10
asselinarosen, back in a bit22:11
arosensounds good. Thanks for your help!22:11
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arosenasselin:  :( when i ssh into the instance it still has http_proxy set :/22:16
arosenenv | grep -i http has nothing for where i'm running nodepoold22:17
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arosenlooks like something is bringing over an /etc/enviroment file22:20
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arosenasselin:  found it. It's happening in:
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fungifun... marconi is probably going to be renamed to zaqar? that'll be one to keep an eye out for adding to our renames schedule22:26
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dtroyerI initally read that as Zarquon…22:27
jeblairfungi: i don't know why we bother naming anything other than "temporary_project_1"22:27
clarkbjeblair: ++22:27
clarkbI suggested we use uuids at one point22:28
fungijeblair: clarkb: yes, i vote we name every project `pwgen -s 16 1`22:28
fungior uuids, why not22:28
arosenasselin: sorry i mean:  os-ext-testing/puppet/modules/os_ext_testing/files/nodepool/prepare_node_devstack_http_proxy.sh22:28
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fungidtroyer: at least it wasn't prostetnic-vogon-jeltz22:29
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dtroyerI'm thinking PKI names would be good, then we can encode the repo URLs inside…that sounds good and Vogon-ish22:30
dtroyerand in a year, switch back to UUID names22:30
clarkbjogo: I really really don't want to revert the libvirt-python dep22:30
jeblairdtroyer wins22:30
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mordredclarkb: who is thinking about reverting libvirt-python ?22:34
clarkbmordred: jogo22:34
mordredjogo: why would you want to do that?22:35
asselinarosen, don't use that file. since you're not behind an http proxy, use the o.o file: here:
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fungimordred: see ml thread starting at
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clarkbat some point we haev to push into the future and someone will always be burned22:36
clarkbwe haven't done this at a fast pace and I think it is completely reasonable as implemented22:36
clarkbit only affects people installing test-requirements.txt22:36
mordredoh - I saw that22:37
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fungiright, i think the deprecation cycle argument isn't entirely valid for testing, only for deployment22:37
mordredso install a new libvirt in your deployment22:37
mordredit fits our policy22:37
mordredlibvirt is TOTALLY backportable to precise22:37
mordredand having openstack stay on precise libvirt for the lifecycle of precise is crazy22:37
clarkbanyways fungi and I haev responded22:38
arosenasselin:  awesome no more proxy env variable.22:38
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clarkbmaybe I should've gone to intel today afterall22:38
clarkbbut it was too prison like22:38
fungicorporate offices always are22:39
swestonfungi: never got around to the zuul dependency verification  yesterday.  am starting it now.  Shall I assume a start case of a vm with precise installed, no packages?22:39
arosenasselin:  I'm guessing now once when the nodepool finishes I should see this node show up in jenkins?22:39
asselinarosen, yes22:39
clarkbfungi: we needed bathroom trip escorts22:39
clarkbso I noped out of there after MAX decided to break yesterday22:39
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fungisweston: yeah, we got as far as determining that the zuul python module isn't installing system packages for libxml2-dev and libxslt1-dev i think, which was causing pip install of the zuul source repo to die when python-keystoneclient tried to pull in lxml22:40
clarkbjhesketh: hey tehre22:41
swestonfungi: ok, thanks22:41
fungisweston: since installing lxml tries to compile system library bindings from scratch on the spot22:41
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swestonfungi: yup.  I foresee some weird dependency issues here22:41
fungisweston: i believe it to be an oversight we introduced when we added python-keystoneclient as a dependency for authenticating swift credential generation22:41
clarkbmordred: fungi don't forget to -1 the revert changes22:42
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fungiso many things to -1 today... ;)22:42
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swestonfungi: ah.  ok, good to know.22:42
mordredclarkb: link?22:42
fungisweston: basically something we've added to zuul since the last time we installed zuul from scratch on a new server22:43
clarkbmordred: and
swestonfungi: so you are running zuul on baremetal?22:43
fungisweston: nope, on an ubuntu precise vm in rackspace22:44
swestonfungi: ok22:44
mordredclarkb: -1'd22:44
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fungisweston: so i think it should be a relatively trivial patch to add those two system packages via openstack-infra/config:modules/zuul/manifests/init.pp but i suspect nobody has proposed it yet22:47
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mordredsweston: we have no bare metal on which to run things :)22:47
clarkbfungi: mordred interestingly removing libvirt-python appears to break unittests?22:47
fungisweston: also i was waiting for jhesketh and clarkb to possibly chime in on how we managed to get more recent zuul source installed successfully on our server without those system packages in place (since that could point out where/why i'm completely wrong about it)22:48
clarkbor maybe it was the second change. in any case jenkins may prevent merging for us :)22:48
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clarkbfungi: bodepd brought it up too and I did not know22:48
clarkbfungi: I think possibly via transitive deps?22:48
clarkbbut they are both -dev pkgs so not likely22:49
mordredwell, we don't need them any more22:49
fungiclarkb: well, except we have keystoneclient installed without lxml22:49
mordredso it's possible there were there and are not there anymore22:49
swestonfungi: yes, I think  you are probably right.  However, I need to verify that this is the case before proposing the patch22:49
clarkbfungi: it was pip installed22:50
clarkbthen backfilled via puppet iirc22:50
clarkbit just worked (tm)22:50
swestonfungi: is that possible?  I thought keystone required prettyxml which required lxml22:50
fungiclarkb: very weird... we have python-keystoneclient==0.7.0 according to pip freeze but no lxml22:50
clarkbfungi: where is the marconi rename discussion?22:50
clarkbfungi: oh you know what22:50
clarkbfungi: wheels maybe?22:50
swestonfungi: apparently it is22:50
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clarkbexcept we shouldn't publish wheels like that22:51
clarkbbut maybe we do22:51
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jheskethfungi: which system packages are those?22:51
fungijhesketh: pip packages22:51
* sweston hates dependencies on dependencies22:51
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fungijhesketh: oh, you mean which system packages were preventing compilation of lxml?22:51
jheskethoh lxml is still being problematic?22:52
fungijhesketh: libxml2-dev and libxslt1-dev i believe22:52
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fungiare the corresponding system packages that lxml needs to be able to compile its bindings22:52
jheskethI'm not sure what we did22:52
jheskethis it possible it's only recently stopped compiling?22:52
fungiit's very mysterious22:52
fungimmm, doubtful... lxml has needed those since time immemorial22:53
fungioh, you know what?22:53
fungiit very well may be broken on zuul.o.o too, but pip is getting far enough to install things zuul and keystoneclient actually need without successfully installing things they think they might need (e.g. lxml)22:54
mordredfungi: ++22:54
fungiso i bet that's why pip freeze says lxml isn't there22:54
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fungiand if we fix the puppet manifest to add the system deps for it, then on the next pip install of zuul it'll complete22:54
fungii'll check the logs22:54
swestonfungi: shall I continue?22:55
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jeblairsdague: can you look at 106460 please?22:55
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clarkbwe should just kill xml apis22:56
fungisweston: i might have a patch for you to test here in a moment22:56
swestonfungi: ok22:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add requests-mock to stackforge
clarkbfungi: that could be it. especially since no one uses xml apparently22:57
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mordredclarkb: ++22:58
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fungihuh... so i think i'm not going to find it in zuul'23:00
fungiin zuul's puppet logs23:00
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fungisyslog doesn't go back far enough, and all zuul's direct dependencies are already satisfied so pip isn't retrying to update indirect deps23:01
swestonfungi: ah23:01
arosenasselin: hrm after i made that config change it seems the the output from the vm isn't being streamed to nodepoold23:02
swestonfungi: ok, moving on to next plan23:02
arosenbut if i ssh to the instance i can see it's doing things.23:02
swestonfungi: how to reproduce in a fresh vm23:02
asselinarosen, not should still.23:02
fungiseems i would need the puppet apply logs from march when merged to confirm it in production23:03
fungiwhich is when we added keystoneclient and swiftclient to zuul's reqs23:03
asselinarosen, instead, stop the nodepoold process and run nodepool image-update <name> <provider>23:03
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add experimental job Neutron DVR testing on single node
arosenwhat's name and provide?23:03
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arosenasselin: sorry why do i want to run nodepool image-update ?23:04
asselinarosen, probably d-p-c and local_01 (they're in the /etc/nodepool/nodepool.yaml file)23:04
asselinarosen, you can see the log output better there than when run as part of the nodepoold process23:04
fungiarosen: image-update will do an on-demand build of the image corresponding to the label and provider name you specify, and the results of that session will be streamed to your tty23:05
arosenthe image is still in building state though23:05
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arosenif i do: du -hs in /opt i see it's still downloading stuff.23:05
fungiarosen: is nodepoold logging the image build details to an image.log instead?23:05
arosenfungi:  nah still running it in the fg23:06
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Updates to README.rst
aroseni'll give it more time to keep building.23:07
arosenSo once i get a job working in jenkins it's going to pick a node that connected to it23:07
arosenthen when it's done who deletes the server?23:07
funginodepoold does23:08
asselinarosen, that's done here:
fungiassuming it's successfully connecting to the zmq event stream from your zmq event publisher plugin on the jenkins master23:09
asselinarosen, yes, I didn't update the instructions to enable the zmq event publisher. it should be installed in your system.23:09
fungithat will tell it when to consider the node in-use, and when it's ready for deletion23:10
asselinarosen, the port set for the plugin in jenkins needs to be the same as here:
jeblair(todo: move that into zuul)23:10
arosenasselin:  so i probably need to update that to the ip of the jenkins server?23:11
arosensince one of the nodepool  instances is going to try and connect to localhost:8888 right now?23:11
asselinarosen, it should be localhost23:12
asselinunless the nodepool process runs on a different machine than jenkins23:12
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arosenhow long does it normal take to  build an image?23:12
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asselinarosen, 30 minutes?23:12
fungidepends on how much it needs to do to it. anywhere from a few minutes to (for most of ours) an hour23:12
fungiwhich is why we schedule daily image updates23:13
fungirather than something much more frequent23:13
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arosenso after jenkins deletes the instance because of:  parameter-function: single_use_node23:14
arosendoes nodepool spawn us another instance since it detected we have one less instance running now?23:14
fungiarosen: jenkins doesn't actually delete it, just marks it offline23:14
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asselinarosen, jenkins tells nodepool the job is done via zeromq publisher.23:15
asselinarosen, nodepool deletes it and spawns a new one23:15
fungiarosen: and nodepool starts building new instances to fill your min-ready as soon as instances transition from ready to in-use for a running job, as long as you have capacity to spare in your max-servers for that provider23:15
fungiarosen: actually, potentially even sooner since it will also take the waiting jobs in zuul into account to determine whether demand exceeds your min-ready pool23:16
arosenSo I have min-ready set to 2 but I guess it builds one image and after that is done it will launch the other node based off the first image?23:16
fungiarosen: yeah, image building happens first, then nodes themselves are launched from the most recent ready snapshot (normally when you're building in production you'll already have a previous working snapshot for it to continue using while the new snapshot is being created23:17
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arosenI'll also see a few snapshots in glance I guess?23:17
arosenI guess nodepool deletes the old snapshots too23:18
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arosencool stuff. I'm pretty excited to see all this work :)23:18
funginormally it will delete the third-oldest ready snapshot leaving you with two usable snapshots at any point in time23:18
fungiso that if your latest snapshot turns out to be a dud, you can delete it and all subsequent nodes use the one from the previous day23:18
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fungiwhich hopefully isn't suffering from the same defect ;)23:19
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Zuul depends indirectly on libxml/libxslt headers
fungisweston: ^ that's probably what we want23:21
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ianwfungi: would you be ok signing off on (Add experimental Centos7 job) ; nodepool logs seem to show the centos7 nodes built ok, so i'd like to try it23:21
asselinfungi, I'll try that out23:22
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fungiianw: double-checking, but then sure23:24
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swestonfungi: cool23:25
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swestonfungi: verification will take until tomorrow, most likely.  I need to bring back up my puppetmaster first23:26
swestonfungi: is that ok? alternatively, I can test without a puppetmaster23:27
jeblairjraim__: i did not see the move of kite into barbican program; i think we should move the repo from stackforge/ to openstack/.  sound good?  any preferred time?23:27
fungisweston: it's up to you--i'm in no rush23:27
jeblairjraim__: I've added it to the infra team meeting agenda:
fungisweston: sounds like asselin is testing it now as well23:28
swestonfungi: ok.  even better, two independent verifications23:28
asselinfungi, sweston, yes running now. I didn't set the log ouput = true though, so hopefully it'll work :)23:28
swestonasselin: cool23:29
fungiianw: looks like we have centos7 images successfully built in all our rax regions for at least the past couple days (presumably longer) and a coupe ready nodes which have been sitting around all lonely for nearly a day waiting on some action, so here you go23:29
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Give -d precedence over -v in manage-projects
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jeblairunreviewed_config_patches -= 3023:34
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Add timestamps to logging
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fungiyou are a reviewing machine23:37
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ianwfungi: the changes went in yesterday after the meeting, thanks23:38
fungiianw: awesome23:39
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Update devstack-gate docs in a world with Nodepool
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fail rally-cli job if at least one test failed
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asselinfungi, sweston, looks good:
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Zuul depends indirectly on libxml/libxslt headers
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fungijhesketh: ^ attempted to address your concerns23:52
fungiasselin: awesome! thanks for testing23:52
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jheskethfungi: oh so you did decide to use a system package23:54
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fungijhesketh: well, in the end it was either use system packages of lxml's build-time deps, or use a system package of lxml itself. theey were going to be second+ order dependencies of zuul either way23:55
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jheskethyeah fair point23:55
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fungiwhat would be cooler would be to figure out if zuul can work with the packages of python-swiftclient and python-keystoneclient present in ubuntu precise, but i have my doubts23:56
fungithat would at least stop us from declaring second-order deps23:56
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fungioh, i should add an inline comment for python-lxml stating that python-keystoneclient requires it23:57
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