Wednesday, 2014-06-11

openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Gate Gnocchi against MySQL too
clarkbjesusaurus: is that a known thing?00:04
jesusaurusclarkb: for how strongly do you feel about using a single script rather than copying the prepare_node* architecture for the ready_* scripts?00:04
clarkbjesusaurus: pretty strongly... I think that if we end up needing additional scripts we can split them at that point00:05
clarkbjesusaurus: but starting this way will only lead to drift that we don't intend00:05
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jesusaurusclarkb: yeah, that error you linked to will be resolved by
clarkbjesusaurus: cool, I have been trying to get those through so that we can eventually gate on that test00:05
clarkbjesusaurus: I just approved the selinux cleanup00:06
clarkband approved the apache name change earlier00:06
jesusaurusclarkb: sweet00:06
openstackgerritDan Bode proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Allow modules to be installed from source
jesusaurusclarkb: and okay, i'll change 98561 to be a single ready script00:07
morganfainbergsdague, so we don't avoid logging the token, but i'll get that fix in for the next KSC release.00:07
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jesusaurusbodepd: how familiar are you with r10k? how much effort would it be to turn into a wrapper for r10k?00:09
bodepdjesusaurus: I'm not sure how much sense it makes to use r10k if you are not using environments00:10
bodepdjesusaurus: it's pretty opinionated around an environmnets based workflow00:10
bodepdjesusaurus: the problem with environments is they kind of don't work00:10
bodepdjesusaurus: that being said, it should be able tp replicate what you guys are doing00:11
bodepdjesusaurus: this might be a better conversation for #puppet the author is usually hanging out in there00:13
jesusaurusoh, i didnt realize r10k was strongly opinionated about environments00:13
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bodepdjesusaurus: yeah, it assumes it is populating source into dynamic environments00:13
bodepdjesusaurus: it has some kind of librarian-puppet-ish support00:14
bodepdjesusaurus: but I found it to work in surprising ways and not be that well documented00:14
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bodepdjesusaurus: that being said, I should probably be using it so that I don't have to maintain my own tool for the task (like what you are obviously thinking)00:14
AaronGrjesusaurus: i just started using it personally, against a single environment, works well, and easily00:14
jesusaurusbodepd: good to hear, im still at the 'this looks useful' stage of learning about it00:15
clarkbmordred_phone: mordred: you should read when you have a free moment00:17
bodepdclarkb: that's funny, I've been thinking about the same thing today00:18
bodepdclarkb: but I'm using packer00:18
clarkbbodepd: packer is in and odd place because it doesn't really add anything00:18
clarkbbodepd: it can do the proper VM image builds but those have all the same issues00:19
bodepdclarkb: what do you mean?00:19
clarkbat least for our need00:19
bodepdclarkb: it calls out to a list of shell scripts00:19
clarkbbodepd: as far as the goals go we do something today that is very packer like and it doesn't quite meet what we want00:19
clarkbbodepd: right its basically what we do today00:19
clarkband we would like to be better00:19
bodepdclarkb: what's an example of 'better'?00:20
clarkbbodepd: the goals on that ethperad00:20
clarkbthe first paragraph00:20
clarkbbodepd: the first item is the tricky one00:21
clarkbbodepd: we basically require people today to hae an hpcloud or rax account if they want to reproduce exactly on their own00:21
clarkbbodepd: packer does have the various backends going for it, but in practice I think your scripts will only work on one00:24
clarkbat least that has been my experience trying to make this stuff work in a chroot00:24
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Only include selinux bits on rhel-based systems
bodepdclarkb: why do you need different images per provider?00:26
bodepdclarkb: couldn't you just generate a single img file and use it anywhere?00:26
clarkbbodepd: in theory yes, until recently we could not provide a base image and had to rely on what the provider gives you00:26
clarkbbodepd: that is still true for most customers of hpcloud aiui00:26
clarkbso to get a 1:1 you have to start with that00:27
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix nodepool instance hostnames
bodepdmy hope is that I can reliably build images for vbox and openstack using the same script sets and a single defintion (which should be possible using a single image specification)00:28
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clarkbbodepd: assuming you control the base image for both yes00:28
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bodepdyeah, that's my plan, but I wouldn't start services. I guess you need that b/c the services seed data?00:30
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Increase timeout for chef-related jobs, 30min is not enough time
clarkbbodepd: ya we set up our mysql and postgres DBs for the test suites and that requires modifying user permissions and creating a database00:30
fungii take a break to pack things and come back to so many pings00:30
clarkbfungi: well you disappeared right as I was trying to do the infra-specs :)00:30
mattoliverauanteaya: thanks for the meeting link, ACL stuff helped :)00:31
clarkbfungi: which is done, please review and I think it is ready to shove through00:31
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clarkbfungi: note that I did not do your suggestion because sphinx complains when there is nothing in the implemented/* dir00:31
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clarkbbodepd: yup we do that today00:32
bodepdclarkb: ah, but Puppet itself may dedend on services00:32
clarkbbodepd: we do image builds today00:32
clarkbwe just do them like packer00:32
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Allow choice of GIT protocol used.
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sarobcan i get a look at
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clarkbsarob: can you make jenkins +1 it00:34
lifelessharlowja: braaaaaains00:34
lifelessthat should totally be a thing00:35
clarkbsarob: it cannot merge in that state which is probably why it is being ignored00:35
harlowjalifeless someday brains will be a thing, haha00:35
sarobmeaning pass alphebetized test?00:35
clarkbsarob: yes00:35
sarobclarkb: i can reorg all of the projects if that will make it pass00:35
bodepdclarkb: yep, now I understand the issue. You guys should just move to docker if you have to refactor the whole thing00:35
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clarkbsarob: you just need to insert the new project in the correct spot00:36
clarkbbodepd: well docker doesn't solve the problem either00:37
lifelesshmm, gertty seems to be going backwards00:37
nibalizerhaha bodepd00:37
lifeless1610 pending syncs00:37
sarobclarkb: umm, the file has no organization i can tell00:37
clarkbsarob: that is the file00:37
sarobclarkb: the projects are kind of grouped similar00:37
clarkbbodepd: we have a deployment mechansim. `nova boot`00:37
bodepdclarkb: no, but if you have to move away from services, it would at least be worth looking into00:38
sarobclarkb: the test is looking for every project name in the file to go from a -z?00:38
clarkbsarob: yes, we did that to avoid merge conflicts. Prior to that everyone added to the end of the file and merge conflicted everywhere00:39
sarobclarkb: ill take care of it00:39
sarobclarkb: patch soon00:39
clarkbsarob: it should only be those 3 lines in that file that need moving00:39
sarobclarkb: there is no project name alpha sort or pattern i can see00:40
clarkbsarob: there should be in
sarobclarkb: ah, okay sorry i was looking at projects.yaml00:42
sarobclarkb: bit confusing00:42
asselinclarkb, thanks for the approval! One less workaround :)00:42
clarkblifeless: yes it is related to the number of projects you are watching and the number of changes in those projects00:42
clarkblifeless: I think gertty may need to learn to sync more smartly00:42
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openstackgerritSean Roberts proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add separate project for training-guides
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clarkblifeless: though update if you haven't. latest gertty should have more smarts and only sync if there are changes00:47
lifelessclarkb: last day or so?00:48
clarkblifeless: no before jeblair left00:48
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lifelesshe's gone?00:50
* lifeless is confused00:50
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clarkbhe is walking around in the wilderness with no computer apparently00:50
clarkbshould be back this week00:50
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clarkbalso 97753 adds ^O help00:50
lifelessso yeah I branched this only a couple days back00:52
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sarobhate to bug, buuut
sarobtraining project needs its repo00:56
clarkbfungi: what do you think about doing the gerrit ACL normalization and cleanup this week before you move?00:57
sarobclarkb: take a look?00:57
lifelessspeaking of acls00:57
clarkbfungi: we can pick an arbitrary day (say thursday) and just do it00:57
lifelessthe acl on dib-utils is odd; we can't +2 there00:57
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clarkbsarob: do we know why the diff on is so large?00:58
sarobhmm, these changes i dont recognize01:00
clarkbyeah its a bit weird01:00
clarkblooks likethey were added in ps901:00
sarobtfifield isnt online01:01
harlowjasarob do u want me to help u in person?01:01
harlowja*if u around*01:01
sarobclarkb: its from the first patch01:01
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clarkbsarob: is the first patch01:02
clarkbsarob: but patchset 9 and 10 seem to add things for aviator and friends01:02
clarkbalmost like tom rebased weirdly on proposed changes01:03
fungiclarkb: yeah, let me get that patch series back in shape first thing tomorrow and we can power through01:03
sarobclarkb: ahh, right. patch 901:03
sarobclarkb: i bet it was an attempt to pass the alphabetsoup test01:03
clarkbfungi: great01:04
fungiclarkb: i'll put that and new git-review release at the top of my list for tomorrow01:04
fungisince the day of neverending meetings is now behind me01:04
sarobclarkb: ill push another patch with projects.yaml from patch 801:05
sarobclarkb: good catch01:05
sarobharlowja thx for offer i think we got it01:05
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harlowjasarob np01:05
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clarkbfungi: neverending meetings? surely you know better :P01:06
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fungiin the meantime, i have an irc server, a mailserver and several websites to move into rackspace01:08
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* fungi gets to it01:08
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fungiat least this is the last of it. all the rest of my systems are migrated now01:09
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clarkbjhesketh: I commented on 98029. I really have no idea how puppet lint didn't break on other things but breaks there01:20
clarkbjhesketh: also https please and if we can we should only download that file if it changes01:20
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jheskethclarkb: thanks. I have a few patches to reroll so I'll get to that later :-)01:22
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clarkbjhesketh: sounds good01:23
clarkbjhesketh: in my comment I noted that I think the storyboard manifests do a similar thing but only download the file if it changes01:23
clarkbso you can look there for inspiration01:23
jheskethokay cheers01:24
clarkbsince they have js deps too01:25
openstackgerritNikhil Manchanda proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added new experimental job for trove functional tests
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Update hacking version to align with what projects should use
clarkbfungi: are you comfortable with me +2 +A'ing 94440 given that I edited it?01:32
clarkbI noticed your comment saying jhesketh mordred_phone and SergeyLukjanov should +2 which means I think you don't want me "self approving"01:32
clarkbjhesketh: SergeyLukjanov mordred_phone mordred: on that note can you review 94440?01:33
clarkbwould be excellent to have that in01:33
jheskethclarkb: Is this a different initial commit, or am I confusing this with a different repository01:35
jheskethah yes, I'm confusing it with infra-manuals01:35
fungiclarkb: yeah, i'm cool with it, though the more +2s from cores the better01:35
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jheskethI'll take a look shortly01:35
fungisince this is defining our planning process01:35
fungii'd like to show some additional core solidarity on it, but i also don't want it to rot any longer than it already has01:36
fungiand it's not immutable so i guess we can still fix later disagreements if needed01:37
clarkb++ I think if jhesketh is happy with it then we can go ahead and merge01:38
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* fungi disappears back into the aether again01:39
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clarkbjhesketh: I am looking at 98306, are we assuming that the USED flag in the DB will be updated without zmq?01:43
clarkbjhesketh: I believe today that that flag is set when zmq emits the onbuildstarted event01:43
jheskethclarkb: No, the USED flag won't be set01:43
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jogojhesketh: turbo hipster seems to be reporting fails in nova on docstring changes01:44
clarkbjhesketh: that change sets n_used from the DB though01:44
jheskethjogo: link please?01:44
jogoclarkb: when are folks arriving on Germany?01:44
clarkbjogo: sunday I think01:45
clarkbI arrive at ~9am01:45
jheskethclarkb: that's counting the number currently used01:45
clarkbhave an overnight flight01:45
clarkbjhesketh: right which comes from the DB USED flag01:45
clarkbwhich comes from zmq01:45
clarkbjhesketh: I think your math is sound. I am just making sure I grok the separation from zmq01:45
jheskethclarkb: right, so if you aren't running zmq there will be no used nodes01:46
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jheskethjogo: when you say reporting fails on 'changes', ie plural, have you seen other cases01:47
jogoclarkb: cool, and whats the cool hotel01:47
jogojhesketh: oh I exaggerated a little ;)01:47
jheskethsometimes the timing stuff in turbo-hipster is wrong because nodes are hard to predict01:47
clarkbjogo: I booked at the maritim konferenz hotel in darmstadt01:47
jogoclarkb: thanks01:47
* jogo books his travel01:47
jheskethjogo: as of 30min ago turbo-hipster now uses nodepool rather than rerunning on the same nodes. This has actually helped with less false positives (in our testing) probably due to the way the nodes are scheduled by nova01:48
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jheskethso hopefully false positives will see a reduction from today01:48
clarkbjhesketh: nice01:48
jogojhesketh: woot01:48
clarkbjhesketh: it is prboably too late in the day for me to review this nodepool change. I do not understand how this helps if n_used is always 0 in your calculations01:48
jheskethclarkb: removing running_jobs from start_demand is what helps us01:50
clarkboh I see I was focusing on the wrong half01:50
jheskethbecause our "running" amount will be higher when not using zmq01:50
jhesketheven though "running" may be "used" for us01:51
clarkbjhesketh: oh running won't be equal?01:51
jheskethequal to which?01:51
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clarkbjhesketh: the non zmq number01:52
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clarkbjhesketh: running is a gearman value and should be the same if you use jenkins + zmq or turbo hipster01:52
jogowow flights from SFO to FRA are $$$01:52
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clarkbjogo: ya I think because summer and all that01:53
clarkbjhesketh: but I can see how removing that subtraction forces your needed nodes higher01:54
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openstackgerritSean Roberts proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add separate project for training-guides
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clarkbsarob: out of curiousity what text editor do you use? it stripped off the newline at the end of one of those files. this appears to be a common occurence now01:57
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clarkbhuh I wonder if that is the culprit01:58
clarkbsarob: that patchset looks much better +201:58
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sarobprojects.yaml, hmm01:58
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boris-42clarkb hi there01:58
clarkbboris-42: hello01:58
sarobclarkb: i gathered a bit of cruff01:59
sarobclarkb: it01:59
boris-42clarkb maybe you can help me with fixing ACL in osprofiler project01:59
sarobclarkb: that is01:59
boris-42clarkb for some reason they were net accepted01:59
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boris-42clarkb and I am not core in project =(01:59
clarkbboris-42: there was a bug in the script01:59
harlowjaboris-42 show us credentials first, license and registration01:59
clarkbmordred fixed it today but apparently did not rerun it01:59
boris-42clarkb so I should just wait a bit?02:00
clarkbboris-42: so I think we just need someone to babysit it at some point02:00
clarkbboris-42: but once that happens your group should be created and we can add you to that02:01
clarkbI would run it now but I am fading fast and need to head home02:01
boris-42clarkb group is already created02:01
clarkbboris-42: oh right that happens before we push teh acl02:01
clarkbso I can add you to the group now02:01
boris-42clarkb I am already in02:01
clarkbeven better02:01
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boris-42clarkb it's rally-core group02:01
boris-42clarkb but project osprofiler is not related to it02:01
clarkbin that case we just need someone with enough time to babysit it to make sure that it actually fixes the problem02:02
clarkband I am not that person right now02:02
boris-42clarkb ok+)02:02
boris-42clarkb thanks02:02
clarkbSergeyLukjanov may be able to help or I can look into it in the morning as I am sure you are not the only person that has hit this02:02
boris-42clarkb he is quite busy as well recently=)02:02
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jheskethclarkb, fungi: I've reviewed 6444002:04
fungijhesketh: approve that noise02:05
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fungiclarkb: it looks like manage-projects may need re-running now that mordred_phone's fix is merged, before boris-42's nre project will have its acl applied02:06
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fungioh, you already said that ;)02:07
clarkbbut I need beer and basketball now02:08
fungiclarkb: mordred_phone: boris-42: rerunning 'manage-projects -v stackforge/osprofiler' seems to have worked now02:09
boris-42fungi works102:09
fungiso we should be in good shape now02:09
boris-42fungi clarkb  mordred thank you guys!02:09
* fungi meant to check it earlier, but only so many hours in the day02:10
clarkbfungi: thanks02:10
fungino worries. back to pretending i'm not here ;)02:10
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sarobfungi if i may bother you for a review sir
sarobfungi: training project is bound up until this patch gets our repo up02:22
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lifelessclarkb: isthere a fix for02:25
lifeless  File "/home/robertc/.virtualenvs/openstack/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gertty/view/", line 340, in handleUndisplayedComments02:25
lifeless    diff = self.file_diffs[oldnew][path]02:25
lifelessKeyError: '/COMMIT_MSG'02:25
lifelesswhich I get on review 9562502:26
clarkbis that commit msg comments?02:26
clarkbI think no fix yet02:26
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lifelessI  just hit enter on Diff02:26
lifelessand it barfs02:26
clarkbya because there are comments on the commit msg02:28
* sarob fungi, wind beneath my wings, yo02:28
lifelessso, if I had a little more time I'd fix it properly02:29
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Initial commit
lifelesssems straight forward02:29
lifelessadd the commit to the things to diff02:29
lifelessstandard sequence diff rules02:29
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add separate project for training-guides
lifelessand call it /COMMIT_MSG02:29
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lifelessor perhaps add it to gitrepo02:30
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clarkbyeah I think if it ends up in gitrepo then it will just work (TM)02:35
clarkbactually maybe no02:35
clarkbfor i, diff in enumerate(repo.diff(self.base_commit, self.commit)) <- that is where you want it to show up02:36
clarkbI maybe add this02:36
clarkbwhich of course is a gitrepo.Repo02:37
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lifelessrepo.diff is gitrepo.diff not git.diff02:40
clarkbhowever it may not be correct to enumerate it there as diffing against the base will result in weirness with commit messages02:41
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lifelessI'll take weirdness over crashing :)02:41
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lifelessright crash fixed, now for diffs02:43
clarkboh good you are working on it. I can go back to beer and basketball :)02:43
lifelessits a vcs02:43
lifelessI spent years doing vcs stuff02:43
lifelessdid you really think I could resist ?02:43
clarkbideally if diffing against the base the new commit message will be all + lines. and diffing against other patchsets will show a proper diff02:44
clarkbbut I will take weirdness over crashing as well02:44
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clarkbjhesketh: do we know why that fails?03:07
clarkbjhesketh: it looks like maybe your fix hasn't made it onto our slave images (the fix that removes $)03:08
jheskethclarkb: yeah, that's why I kept re-running the experiments but I haven't had time to dig further03:08
* clarkb goes to poke nodepool03:09
clarkbeverything is old03:10
clarkbtrying a manual build now03:11
clarkbI am guessing we broke it at some point03:11
jheskethclarkb: all the slaves are old?03:11
clarkball the images are. about a week old03:11
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clarkblol I see the problem03:13
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make sure we have a hostname when we grep for it
clarkbjhesketh: ^ that should fix it03:17
clarkbif it looks good to you I will probably self approve03:17
clarkbjhesketh: it evaluates to `grep -q /etc/hosts` when that variable is empty :/03:19
jheskethclarkb: why is it empty?03:19
clarkbjhesketh: because nodepool doesn't actually pass that data into the scripts... jesusaurus fixes that in a nodepool change that I think you reviewed03:20
jheskethright, yeah I did see that03:20
clarkbI believe it was a thing that may have carried over from the pre nodepool days that wasn't properly implemented in nodepool03:20
jheskethokay, lgtm03:20
clarkbalright I have just approved that change and will rebuild images once that makes it onto things03:23
clarkbI am going to shift back to swift logs now that dib is giving me problems. I need dib to ferment a bit03:23
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fungitoday is the day of one-liner fixes to hilarious errors03:27
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Fix sphinx requirement to add overlap
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fungifor some reason i always want to use !version instead of !=version pip version specs03:30
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Make sure we have a hostname when we grep for it
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clarkbciv V is now available on linux I may be slightly more distracted than I expected03:43
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StevenKclarkb: One of my friends said much the same thing this morning. :-)03:44
clarkbStevenK: I had no idea until about 10 minutes ago03:44
clarkbbut this just made my day03:45
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kashyapHi, tomorrow is M1 per release schedule -, will we be able to make it?03:58
clarkbkashyap: I don't see why not03:58
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clarkbttx would be the person to ask thoug03:58
kashyapclarkb, Alright. Yes, since it's time-based release model, I think of course it should be possible.03:59
kashyapI only asked because, I don't see any discussion of release on the dev mailing list :)03:59
clarkbwell its not really a release, it is a milestone03:59
kashyapRight, poor wording03:59
clarkbthings will be tagged, testing will happen, bugs will be fixed03:59
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kashyapGreat. Thanks for your quick response04:00
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fifieldtcan someone add sarob to training-manuals-ptl and training-manual-core ?04:15
fifieldtSean Roberts <>04:17
sarobsarob: fifieldt easy mistake04:18
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sarobfifieldt: hard to switch the meeting name, prob forget a few times04:19
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fifieldtmade a bug:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1328769 in openstack-ci "Add  Sean Roberts to training-guides-ptl, training-guides-core" [Undecided,New]04:20
sarobfifieldt: okay, good idea04:21
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1313655
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1313655 in tempest "tempest.thirdparty.boto.test_ec2_instance_run.InstanceRunTest.test_run_idempotent_instances[gate,smoke] fails" [Undecided,New]
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jogohrm why is still failing the global reqs check05:20
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jogoand landed so not sure if there is another related issue05:21
jogoclarkb fungi: ^05:21
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StevenKjogo: is also failing in the same way05:24
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Support commits in commits
lifelessclarkb: is there a bug for the COMMIT_MSG thing ?05:45
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Support commits in commits
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Make use of IP per slave optional.
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mattoliverauI'm off for the day, have a great night all.06:30
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Support comments in commits
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Register testr as a distutil entry point
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openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add XStatic-* projects with packaged static files for Horizon
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openstackgerritDzmitry Horbach proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: support Managed Script Plugin
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Build images using diskimage-builder
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openstackgerritIsaku Yamahata proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add tacker project on StackForge
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Remove the need for zmq in proper demand calcs.
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openstackgerritDzmitry Horbach proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: support Managed Script Plugin
lifelessclarkb: btw did you see my q?07:50
lifelessclarkb: oh bah I had paged up in IRC and thought you were around. nvm07:51
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openstackgerritYuriy Taraday proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Retry command on "hash mismatch" error in tests
openstackgerritDzmitry Horbach proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: support Managed Script Plugin
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lifeless  File "/home/robertc/.virtualenvs/openstack/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gertty/", line 148, in focusNextItem08:34
lifeless    item = min(len(self.selectable_items)-1, self.focused_index+1)08:34
lifelessTypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'int'08:34
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: ssh publisher: add always-publish-from-master support
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: matrix project: add support for dynamic axis
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support variable-specific substitutions in templates.
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openstackgerritJoão Cravo proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for reverse build trigger
openstackgerritIsaku Yamahata proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add tacker project on StackForge
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sdagueSergeyLukjanov: if you are up, landing this is fine -
sdaguewould nice to see fedora show up in the devstack list by default10:54
bashahi, is the jenkins gate bad ryt now?? I've been getting jenkins failures for a while. Does it make sense to recheck now?? Or should I wait till it gets stable??10:55
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: display grenade summary instead of all of it
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, morning, I'm here now11:07
SergeyLukjanovsdague, looking on the patch11:07
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, approved11:10
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sdagueSergeyLukjanov: thanks11:14
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Promote devstack/f20 job to check job
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: display grenade summary instead of all of it
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add f20 job to devstack-gate
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ttxfungi: ping me when around so that I can start tagging11:33
sdaguettx: SergeyLukjanov is infra all powerful as well11:33
SergeyLukjanovsdague, ttx, ack11:34
ttxOk, then I'll start soon :)11:34
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openstackgerritPeter Belanyi proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add jshint job for tuskar-ui
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SergeyLukjanovttx, I'll be here for at least several hours, so, I think I'll be able to help11:40
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Build images using diskimage-builder
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ttxSergeyLukjanov: ok, let's do this12:08
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ttxSergeyLukjanov, fungi: looks like it worked fine12:26
ttxchecking the tarball for issues12:26
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ttxSergeyLukjanov: post-mirror-python* jobs fail on the sahara pre-release job (
ttxnot sure how important that is, the other projects don't seem to have such jobs12:39
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ttxtarball generation was ok12:39
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Build images using diskimage-builder
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anteayamattoliverau: glad to hear it, yeah we were a bit all over the place on reviews, which was becoming unfair to contributors12:42
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support groovy plugin build steps
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Use OpenSSL to generate test host server keys
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Ensure username is set correctly for all tests
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Provide nicer user message for missing remote ref
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support groovy plugin build steps
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SergeyLukjanovttx, I think it's not really important, but I'm not sure13:33
SergeyLukjanovfungi, ^^13:33
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SergeyLukjanovttx, I'm going to push tags to the rest subprojects13:34
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Validate Project and Project Groups names
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fungittx: here as well13:43
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ttxfungi: worked well13:44
fungittx: awesome13:44
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fungisahara-2014.2.b1.tar.gz and sahara-2014.2.b1-py2-none-any.whl look right to me13:46
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EmilienMhi there, could I have a review on enabling grenade job for ceilometer project ?  >
SergeyLukjanovoh, we have an issue...13:51
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, ttx ^^13:51
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fungiSergeyLukjanov: details?13:51
SergeyLukjanovwheels published to pypi.python.org13:51
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fungiSergeyLukjanov: that's intentional13:51
SergeyLukjanovI mean 2014.2.b113:51
fungiare they broken?13:51
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, oh, yeah... I forgot about it, that's ok13:52
SergeyLukjanovfungi, nope ,I think everything is ok13:52
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, just don't expect to see new version in pypi :)13:52
SergeyLukjanovfungi, ttx, sorry, everything is ok13:52
fungiSergeyLukjanov: the versions of pip new enough to notice and install wheels from pypi are also new enough to regognize release and non-release version numbers, and won't pull in the latter by default even if they're newer than the most recent release13:52
fungiSergeyLukjanov: so the plan has been to publish releases to pypi as both wheels and tarballs, while only publishing wheels to pypi for non-release tags13:53
fungiSergeyLukjanov: though this may be the first time that's happened (i wasn't expecting sahara to be on pypi since most of our server projects don't publish to pypi, just clients/libraries/tools/data)13:54
fungiSergeyLukjanov: this actually points out a kink in that plan, which is that we probably don't want pypi displaying only the beta release for a project13:55
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fungimordred_phone: ^ ideas?13:55
SergeyLukjanovfungi, yup, thanks for details13:55
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, I just forget about it :(13:55
fungiwe might want to set wheel-only beta uploads to "hidden"?13:56
fungidstufft: ^ you may also have suggestions in this regard13:56
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, is it possible?13:56
fungiSergeyLukjanov: i believe so, but we haven't used that feature in the past13:56
mordredfungi: I'm not sure the ramifications13:57
SergeyLukjanovfungi, there is hide:yes/no dropdown for each version on pypi (I'm looking now on sahara package)13:57
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fungithat may be something we could set at upload14:00
fungivia an api call14:00
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fungimordred: the main concern is that the next time someone does a prerelease of, say, novaclient, the way we've been setting up these entries people browsing pypi are only going to see the beta listed rather than the most recent release14:01
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Retry starting gerrit server for tests
fungibasically just an unanticipated side-effect of the new plan, i think14:03
fungisomewhat cosmetic, but affecting usability/discoverability for downstream consumers14:03
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mordredyeah ... otoh it's not too different than a lot of other pypi things ... otoh14:04
mordredI've seen some packages that the main page shows several versions14:05
mordredI think this is done by not marking the previous release as hidden or something14:05
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for glance API bug 1328738
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1328738 in glance "tempest.api.image.v1.test_images.ListImagesTest fails in setup with BadRequest - The HTTP URL is invalid" [Undecided,New]
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mordredfungi: yes, that's how that works14:09
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mordredthere is also a config option for a project called "auto-hide old releases"14:09
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/releasestatus: Include 'Low' blueprints in release status board
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* devananda wakes up, notes the gate is backed up again14:15
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mordreddevananda: it's probably your fault14:16
devanandamordred: could be14:16
mordreddevananda: or also maybe not14:16
mordredsdague: I actually had a dream that you sent out an email pointing out that we'd landed a fix that was responsible for half the gate fails14:17
mordredsdague: because that's what I should be dreaming about14:18
mordredalso - I got word that jeblair made it out of the wilderness safely14:19
devanandamordred: fwiw, a fix landed that was responsible for half of ironic's random gate fails14:19
devanandamordred: after which we landed about a dozen bug fixes14:19
fungiEmilienM: see my comment on 97430 but i suspect you added the wrong job there14:19
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EmilienMfungi: oops, ok I'm looking14:20
devanandamordred: granted, i think that fix hurt your brain14:20
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/releasestatus: Prettified all HTML files
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/releasestatus: Prettified all HTML files
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sdaguemordred: heh14:22
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sdagueI'll be honest, I need to recharge after log diving for 4 days14:22
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Move contributing section to its own file
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Remove unneeded bit from setup.cfg
sdagueso I'm trying to work up some basic readability fixes in grenade to make it easier to understand what's going on for people14:22
sdaguemordred: realistically the gate remains on fire14:23
sdagueit took us 4 days to get it to just on fire, from zomg on fire14:23
fungitowering inferno of gate14:24
sdaguebut we need a bigger firebrigade, or some better tooling, or something to different to get us back on track14:24
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sdagueas someone with 25 outstanding patches, I know exactly how fire we are :) I have about a 50% chance of getting through a test run without a -114:25
fungimore people could be throwing water on it instead of fuel, for a start14:25
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Run stackalytics in infra
sdaguefungi: right, that's a) "bigger firebrigade"14:25
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/releasestatus: Include 'Low' blueprints in release status board
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fungiwell, it's repurposing the arsonists into the fire brigade, more specifically14:26
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mordredfungi: but setting things on fire is more fun14:26
sdaguefungi: did I remember that we landed some change to start purging grenade logs?14:27
sdaguebecause if so, I need us to reverse that14:27
* fungi now has the ink spots "i don't want to set the world on fire" stuck in his brain hole14:27
* mordred goes to find coffee and other useful things14:27
fungisdague: purging? i don't believe so. there as a change added to start collecting additional logs from grenade runs14:28
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EmilienMfungi: does that make sense then if I add "integrated-gate" in check list of ceilometer?14:28
fungis/ as / was /14:28
sdaguefungi: so this change doesn't include grenade log -
sdagueEmilienM: yes, it was an oversite that it was missed14:28
sdagueEmilienM: just make sure to pull the duplicate jobs out of the ceilo definition14:28
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fungiEmilienM: if you add the integrated-gate project template, then you will start being gated on grenade rather than being able to add it as an experimental job14:29
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sdaguefungi: I think that's fine14:29
EmilienMsdague: ok got it14:29
sdagueeveryone else is being gated on it14:29
fungisdague: EmilienM: wfm14:29
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dhellmannfungi: just saw your not on the ML about -- are you ready for +2s on that or are we waiting for nodes to build with the right version of the test script?14:35
fungidhellmann: if 98947 merges then it buys us more time for the updated nodes14:35
dhellmannfungi: ok14:35
ttxSergeyLukjanov: if you want to review before I self-approve myself14:36
fungidhellmann: i'm monitoring the image updates currently running for the relevant node types for that job now and restarting any which fail14:36
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dhellmannfungi: and then should we have another patch to restore the versions we're using now? or do we want the broader range?14:36
fungidhellmann: but 98947 will trigger a new proposal which will actually pass the misplaced job even on an older node14:36
sdaguefungi: yeh, so -
sdaguedeletes the grenade logs14:37
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fungidhellmann: i was meaning to ask mordred about that, whether it was intentional that he didn't overlap with the previous entry in the original change14:37
sdaguefungi: if I just remove that rm bit, we going to collect those?14:38
dhellmannfungi: ok, I'll go ahead and +2 for now and we can bump up the min version again later if needed14:38
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: display grenade summary instead of all of it
SergeyLukjanovttx, looking14:41
sdaguefungi: thoughts on that? I probably need my grenade change in for it to be sane14:41
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fungisdague: ahh, yep14:42
fungisdague: that wasn't the only problem with that change in fact14:42
fungiafter it merged, i spotted and fixed one issue via
sdagueright, I remember the other one14:42
SergeyLukjanovttx, lgtm14:43
sdagueso actually14:43
sdagueI should split that into 2 patches14:43
fungi(my long silence was me trying to make sure i hadn't already submitted a fix for the missing grenade log)14:43
ttxSergeyLukjanov: cool thx14:43
fungiugh, image updates in rax-iad are failing complaining that we're over our ram quota14:43
fungichecking for leaks/cruft now14:44
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: display grenade summary instead of all of it
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: don't delete grenade logs
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/releasestatus: Include 'Low' blueprints in release status board
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sdagueif we could get fast approve on the don't delete patch, I can actually work out that my grenade filter patch is doing the right thing14:45
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sdagueSergeyLukjanov: - fast approve appreciated :) Then I can actually make the grenade parts sane in the gate14:47
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, approved14:48
sdagueI'm doing something crazy, developing a better feature in grenade first, then backporting to devstack -  :)14:49
fungionly one alien node in rax-iad, so perhaps we're overcommitted on our quota14:50
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for glance API bug 1328738
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1328738 in glance "tempest.api.image.v1.test_images.ListImagesTest fails in setup with BadRequest - The HTTP URL is invalid" [Undecided,New]
fungiahh, yep, nodepool's configured for max-servers=192 and that's our quota14:54
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fungiso if images try to update when we're node starved, they'll just immediately fail there14:55
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fungiideally nodepool would be smart enough to deduct template nodes from its max-servers and wait for an available slot before beginning an image update, but for now i'll just lower max-servers to suit14:56
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openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Some tweaks to get closer to Python 3 compat
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fungioh crappity15:03
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fungimaxTotalRAMSize in iad is 768000, which is enough for only 93 9gb nodes15:03
fungier, 92 8gb instances15:03
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fungiphschwartz: ^ any idea why our ram quota in iad would suddenly be chopped by more than half?15:04
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cdubfor registering a new IRC channel, is there anything I need to do aside of setting openstackinfra as Founder?15:04
fungicdub: update at a minimum15:05
* cdub looks15:05
cdubok, and should i manually update wiki page (IRC page)?15:06
fungicdub: see for details on other bots you may want to join15:06
fungicdub: yeah, the wiki page is updated manually, so you'll want to do that as well15:06
cdubfungi: thank you15:06
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fungicdub: you're welcome, of course15:07
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adjust nodepool limits for rax providers
fungimordred: SergeyLukjanov: clarkb: ^ i'm self-approving that for the moment to get nodepool a little more sane15:14
cdubhmm, can someone verify hostkey for
SergeyLukjanovfungi, ack15:15
fungicdub: see
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cdubfungi: thanks (again ;)15:15
fungicdub: the section which says "Server Host Key" has the host key fingerprint15:15
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: ceilometer: enable gate-grenade-dsvm-forward
EmilienMfungi: sdague ok, I hope I'm good with that ^15:19
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EmilienMwas not sure about the experimental15:20
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sdagueEmilienM: yeh, that looks right15:21
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fungiEmilienM: lgtm too15:22
EmilienMok cool, thanks15:22
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: tracking for ceilometer failing to start on grenade new side
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shivharisanteaya: hi15:25
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Adjust nodepool limits for rax providers
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openstackgerritDavid Johansen proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adding second failure option to the email-ext module
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trinathsfungi: hi15:48
trinathsfungi: How to generate console.html.gz with testr run?15:49
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: tracking for ceilometer failing to start on grenade new side
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fungitrinaths: jenkins actually makes that file itself, and it accumulates in memory on the jenkins master. we use the jenkins scp publisher plugin to copy that to our log archive15:55
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pleia2good morning15:56
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trinathsfungi: okay. But I'm not using any scp to my FTP server. Can you guide me with the path where can I manually get it15:57
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fungitrinaths: it doesn't exist as a file as far as i know, which is why we have to use a feature of a jenkins plugin to extract it from a data structure in memory on the jenkins master. zaro might be able to provide more details once he's around for the day15:59
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fungior clarkb (i think he may have written the original patches to the scp publisher plugin to make that work)15:59
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trinathsfungi: Are there any plugins other than SCP to cpature this information15:59
fungitrinaths: the ftp publisher in jenkins might also have a16:00
trinathsfungi: s/cpature/capture16:00
fungi"copy console log" check box16:00
funginot sure16:00
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trinathsfungi: doubt, publisher plugins get invoked after the jenkins build is completed right?16:01
fungitrinaths: correct16:01
trinathsfungi: thanks . will try FTP publisher plugin16:03
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fungitrinaths: i just checked, and the version of the ftp publisher plugin we're using (1.7) doesn't seem to have an option for the console log16:05
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fungiit would probably need a similar patch16:05
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trinathsfungi:  an comments on
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trinathsfungi: s/an/any16:09
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fungitrinaths: looks slightly newer than the one we're using, but i don't see their changelog mention adding a feature for it16:10
yolandaclarkb , mordred, or anyone who knows... where are jeepyb errors logged? trying to debug an issue but i cannot find any jeepyb logs16:11
fungiyolanda: to stderr of the script loading it16:11
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trinathsfungi: then, how to get hold of these console.html.gz logs...16:12
fungiyolanda: i believe they're just streamed, so they would ultimately be logged wherever that's redirected to16:12
fungitrinaths: you probably can't from the current version of the ftp publisher plugin... it would likely need a patch to add a new feature allowing it to extract the console log from memory on the master16:12
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zaroyeah, i think scp plugin gets data from the jenkins logger.16:13
fungitrinaths: or you could separately identify the url to the raw copy of the console log served from the master's web interface and use something like wget or curl to pull it16:13
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trinathsfungi: okay. then, in jenkins, how to get the ZUUL-CHANGE and ZUUL-PATCHSET env vars.16:14
trinathsfungi: to publish these to FTP server, I need to give a generic path to a specific build. Will Jenkins know about the ZUUL variables.16:15
yolandafungi, so if that's triggered from puppet agent, it should be logged into puppet?16:17
fungitrinaths: ZUUL_CHANGE and ZUUL_PATCHSET are provided from zuul to jenkins as job parameters and also reflected in the job's shell environment as variables16:17
fungiyolanda: yes, probably logged to syslog16:17
yolandathx fungi16:18
fungiyolanda: or wherever your puppet agent is logging detailed output (which may require an additional exec option in the manifest to turn that on)16:18
yolandai think that is just outputting to syslog16:19
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zarotrinaths: here's how the scp gets the full jenkins log
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zarotrinaths: only available on master, not in the released version.16:20
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openstackgerritChris Wright proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adding #openstack-nfv channel
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trinathszaro: "not in the released version" ?16:24
fungiyolanda: you may need to add "logoutput=>true" in the relevant exec in your puppet manifest too if it's not there already16:25
zarotrinaths: that is correct.  maintainer has not released.  we are using a build from master.16:25
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trinathszaro: Is this functionality available with FTP plugin too?16:26
zarotrinaths: i don't know.  fungi says he just checked and according to him it's not.16:28
yolandafungi, thx, we may need to add that16:28
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fungizaro: trinaths: i couldn't find an option for it in the version of the ftp publisher plugin we have installed, and there's no mention of it getting added later in their changelog either16:28
trinathsfungi: ok16:29
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trinathszaro: can you kindly guide me on how to install this SCP plugin to jenkins.16:29
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zarotrinaths: you can just download the release and install.  let me get you a link.16:33
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Set StrictHostKeyChecking=no in integration tests
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trinathszaro: thanks. please give me the help link. will try it16:36
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fungizaro: though it sounds like trinaths is going to want the jpi for tip of master, since console log publishing still isn't supported yet in the most recent release16:37
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zarotrinaths: i couldn't find a build of it on the repo.  do you know how to build jenkins plugins?16:38
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openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added a puppet module for livegrep.
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trinathszaro: I'm new to jenkins. CI introduced me to Jenkins. need help on this.16:44
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zarotrinaths: do you know java?16:45
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trinathszaro: no.16:46
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trinathszaro: give me some guidelines, I can do with help from google.16:47
mordredfungi: how's things?16:48
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fungimordred: opening rackspace ticket now to get to the bottom of the quota issue16:48
mordredfungi: phschwartz can't just wave a magic wand?16:49
fungimordred: i don't think he's around at the moment, so i'm trying not to abuse him unduly ;)16:49
fungiat least i'm able to get images to update in iad now, with the nodepool config change in place16:50
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mordredfungi: excellent!16:50
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trinathszaro: any links for me..16:51
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zarotrinaths: ok, finally found a build from master$scp/artifact/org.jenkins-ci.plugins/scp/1.9-SNAPSHOT/scp-1.9-SNAPSHOT.hpi16:53
fungioh, that was lucky16:53
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trinathszaro, fungi: thanks for the link.16:54
zarojust download that and install per directions from google.16:54
fungii didn't even know they autobuilt those16:54
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zaroyeah, hard as heck to find though.16:55
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fungiso it seems16:55
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clarkbtrinaths: fungi: you can grab it like the swift upload script grabs it16:57
clarkbbut the file won't be complete16:57
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trinathsclarkb: "file won't be complete" ?16:58
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clarkbtrinaths: yes it won't contain the entire log as it is collected in the job itself16:59
fungitrinaths: if you retrieve the console log as part of the job, you'll be grabbing a log which doesn't include the completion of the job because the job is still running16:59
clarkbnodepool limit change lgtm assuming those numbers were calculated based on feedback from quotas and or phschwartz ?17:00
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add tox as global requirement
fungiclarkb: nova absolute-limits17:00
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trinathsfungi: true, but can this is used as console.html still?17:01
openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Require kombu 2.5.0 or newer for switch to py-amqp
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fungitrinaths: yes17:01
bodepdcould I get some review love on: and
fungitrinaths: though it won't have the actual jenkins success or failure result in it17:01
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fungiclarkb: for iad it reports maxTotalInstances=192 but maxTotalRAMSize=76800017:02
trinathsfungi: oh!, is there any other way for capturing console.html17:02
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clarkbfungi: gotcha. It is a bit annoying that quotas are so independent17:02
clarkbI suppose it is more flexible that way17:02
fungitrinaths: yes, having a jenkins publisher plugin retrieve it from memory as the job is completing. this is why we wrote a patch to the scp publisher plugin to do that17:03
fungiclarkb: i've opened ticket 140611-ord-0003741 under our openstackjenkins account to ask for it to be restored17:04
clarkbfungi: sdague: I haven't booted enough of my brain yet to know for sure but I don't think the ES cluster is under strain. We might getter slightly better performance out of it by adding more nodes but I wouldn't expect that ot be our miracle17:05
clarkbI really think it is the logstash workers that are struggling and disabling crm114 may help17:05
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fungiclarkb: sounds reasonable to me17:05
clarkbadding worker nodes did seem to get us in a "stable yet still backlogged" state17:05
clarkbwhereas before we were swinging wildly17:06
pleia2if anyone has thoughts for other updates to /overview I'd aprpeciate it (I'm giving it for the first time next Wednesday - as a keynote!):
fungiyay! i just got a bare-precise image to update in rax-iad finally17:06
clarkbpleia2: adding it to the list17:06
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clarkbalso binary diffing of images makes reviewing those changes so much better17:06
clarkbfungi: woot17:06
pleia2yeah :) I love the new image diffs17:06
pleia2(thanks zaro!)17:07
fungipleia2: oh, btw i just saw your name on the speakers list for ato. congrats!17:08
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pleia2fungi: thanks :)17:09
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for heat db transaction error bug 1328983
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1328983 in heat "heat engine db transaction error: InvalidRequestError: This session is in 'committed' state; no further SQL can be emitted within this transaction." [Undecided,New]
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clarkbfungi: sdague: I am going to disable crm114 on logstash-worker20 and see how that affects its throughput17:11
clarkbthe cacti graphs should show us if it helps17:11
mordredilyashakhat: <-- this stops stackalytics from talking to github and instead gets the project list from gerrit ... I need to add a config value to it for git repo prefix17:11
fungiclarkb: worth a try, agreed17:11
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mordredclarkb: ++17:12
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clarkbI chose that node because it seemed to have hung on 6 hour old crm114 processes :(17:14
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1313655
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1313655 in nova "tempest.thirdparty.boto.test_ec2_instance_run.InstanceRunTest.test_run_idempotent_instances[gate,smoke] fails" [High,Confirmed]
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mordredilyashakhat: ok. I added the config. that was easy actually17:16
fungiclarkb: eek17:17
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Run stackalytics in infra
morganfainbergfor those paying attention to the token discussions yesterday w/ sdague and logging: the goal being don't expose secure data in logs... ever (password or otherwise)17:18
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mordredmorganfainberg: I'm in favor of that17:19
zaropleia2: np i guees, i didn't even know that was a feature :)  see you on fri @ TLXF17:19
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morganfainbergmordred, the more i think about it the more i dislike any form of priviledged auth data (allowing actions to be taken) from hitting logs.17:20
pleia2zaro: yes! see you then17:20
fungimorganfainberg: yes, i couldn't agree more17:20
morganfainbergmordred, i believe we will provide a hash(sha224?) of token used for actions in CADF notifications as well in the future17:20
pleia2I fly out tomorrow morning, need to pack17:20
morganfainbergmordred, fungi, that patch will address things in the keystoneclient sessions - and we are working to move everyone to using the ksc session object instead of their own impl17:22
mordredmorganfainberg: I'm also in favor of that17:23
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fungithat would be great17:23
morganfainbergmordred, next is to coordinate w/ jamielennox and start forcing other teams to use the session object :)17:23
morganfainbergi think we already have patches out there, but it's a ton of code.17:24
morganfainbergjamielennox has been kicking serious ass at getting the code proposed.17:24
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morganfainbergpleia2, last minute packing eh?17:25
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clarkbfungi: sdague: 33GB of disk left on elasticsearch05's volume17:26
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rcarrillocruzguys, what do you think about adding to jeepyb integration to other issue trackers?17:27
rcarrillocruzas is now, it's just launchpad17:27
rcarrillocruzi think we could refactor the code for storyboard in the future or other issue trackers17:28
jogoso I think may help get the log files down17:28
jogoand help elasticsearch17:28
jogoclarkb: ^17:28
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fungircarrillocruz: i'm quite positive we do want to ti start updating storyboard, so that seems necessary17:29
rcarrillocruzgood, i started to look at how to do it for jira, but the idea is doing it issue tracker aware17:29
rcarrillocruzi will work on it17:29
* morganfainberg is _really_ _really_ looking forward to storyboard.17:30
clarkbfungi: sdague: so I think that is impacting our ability to index things17:30
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clarkbfungi: sdague: the quick solution is to kill backlog17:30
clarkbfungi: sdague: and mumble about how we somehow seem to have doubled our log output while not running any additional tests17:30
rcarrillocruzdo you guys know if storyboard support oauth token authentication? or at least if there are plans to do so...17:30
morganfainbergas a thought, have we considered the ability to tag (maybe) 3rd Party bug systems (e.g. 3rd party CI testing) w/ results? (cc rcarrillocruz)17:31
fungiclarkb: long term solutions? larger es cluster, larger local volumes on existing cluster members, or less retention?17:31
morganfainbergrcarrillocruz or is that far outside the scope of what you're looking to do at the moment?17:31
rcarrillocruzmorganfainberg: i am looking at the moment to integrate it with jira17:31
fungior hit people over the head to trim unneeded log volume, true17:31
morganfainbergrcarrillocruz, ah very cool17:31
jogoclarkb fungishort term bump up?17:31
rcarrillocruzso i'm open to be agnostic about issue trackers17:31
clarkbfungi: I think larger volumes will get us past this. I am a bit concerned that we don't seem to fully grok that anyone deploying these clouds will run into the same problems17:31
jogofungi: ^17:31
morganfainbergrcarrillocruz, like it!17:31
clarkbfungi: if I have to double my storage cluster capacity every time I upgrade openstack I am not a happy openstack user17:32
jesusaurusclarkb: ++17:32
clarkbfungi: any chance you know off the top of your head where we are on volume quota for dfw?17:32
clarkbfungi: if we add capcity there we should probably add a second 1TB volume to each node which is 6TB17:33
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trinathsfungi: how to reference, zuul params in jenkins. I have $BUILD_NUMBER but nothing with ZUUL17:33
phschwartzmordred: fungi: clarkb: Are you hitting a large number of errors in one of our regions again?17:33
fungijogo: approved several hours ago, but yeah it's probably 10 hours out in the gate17:33
fungiclarkb: i'll have to look, but i think we still have a couple tb open17:33
clarkbrcarrillocruz: fungi mordred my only concern with say jira would be there is no way for us to test that17:34
fungiphschwartz: somehow our ram quota got lowered in iad. i've opened ticket 140611-ord-0003741 about it17:34
jogofungi: wow gate is 13 hours17:34
phschwartzfungi: Let me take a look at the tenant and see if there is an issue, weird that it would have been cut17:35
fungiclarkb: rcarrillocruz: it would need to be pluggable i think. ideally the bug/bp update hook scripts we have probably need a complete rewrite anyway17:35
jesusaurusclarkb: so it would require 3rd party testing of the jira bits17:35
mordred_phoneclarkb: yah. if we can sort out proper APIs and unit tests, we should be able to treat that similar to jjb17:35
jogoahh we are at quota17:36
clarkbmordred_phone: possibly, but jjb isn't really mocking APIs just data17:36
mordred_phonewe don't explicitly test the contributed modules there functionally ... but we do test interface17:36
clarkbwhich may be good enough17:36
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fungiphschwartz: i believe it was previously at 1.5tb (enough to boot all 192 instances of our quota on an 8gb flavor) and now it's set to just under 0.75tb17:37
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clarkbfungi: sdague: what do you think about reducing index retention by a couple days to give us some breathing room while we sort this out?17:38
clarkbjogo: ^17:39
trinathsjerryz: thanks. it helps.17:39
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fungiclarkb: i'm okay with that, but i'm not a primary consumer of the data so i'll defer to the qa peeps17:39
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Alex_GaynorFor hacking, are H404 and H405 mutually exclusive, am I supposed to pick one and disable the other?17:41
fungitrinaths: yes, those parameters are passed from your zuul server via gearman as part of the job request, and should appear as parameters for that job run in jenkins (and as environment variables on the worker for the running job session)17:41
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morganfainbergAlex_Gaynor, that seems silly if that is the case17:42
fungiAlex_Gaynor: i think jogo's recommended solution is to bifurcate your reality into parallel universes, one where you chose to enforce H404 and the other for H40517:42
Alex_Gaynormorganfainberg: I agree, but I want to know if I'm understanding correctly :-)17:42
Alex_Gaynorfungi: All I'm saying is, I've got a very long blog post I need to publish about how dumb fork(2) is17:42
fungiAlex_Gaynor: well, you're not going to get any disagreement from me on that17:43
fungiAlex_Gaynor: it translates well from c, but that's so unpythonic17:44
clarkbwait what17:44
clarkbfork is most excellent thing ever17:44
zarotrinaths: here's an example
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clarkbseriously what do you do on windows?17:44
clarkbfork it is simple and relatively cheap (today)17:44
fungiclarkb: reformat and replace17:44
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clarkband forkbombs are fun17:45
funginow *that* is definitely true17:45
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morganfainbergAlex_Gaynor an no h404 means don't do """<newline>summary17:46
morganfainbergAlex_Gaynor, h405 means """<summary><empty line><more string>"""17:46
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clarkbseriously though I want new process, I want to have communication to new process and hand off sockets and not loose all of my cache17:46
clarkbwhat do I do? fork!17:47
Alex_Gaynormorganfainberg: So, what's the right way to write:17:47
morganfainbergAlex_Gaynor, Alex_Gaynor ,
fungiAlex_Gaynor: """<summary>""" i would assume17:48
morganfainbergAlex_Gaynor, it's not > 79 chars that way, and it's not multi-line17:48
Alex_Gaynorok, that makes sense, after a fashion, how about:17:48
morganfainbergmove the first line onto the same line as the opening """17:48
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clarkbAlex_Gaynor: fwiw we ignore H* in infra land17:48
* Alex_Gaynor is missing "go fmt" really badly now17:49
Alex_Gaynormorganfainberg: thanks17:49
morganfainbergAlex_Gaynor, no problem :)17:49
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gary-smithI've noticed Jenkins kicking off jobs in horizon in response to comments being added to a change (e.g. no new patchset or rebase). Is this a known issue? I didn't see any open bug for it17:50
trinathsfungi: thanks. checking them now.17:50
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sdagueclarkb: so pull down to 10 days instead of 14?17:50
morganfainberggary-smith, intentional, it is checking that the Verified isn't stale17:50
sdagueI'm game with that17:50
clarkbsdague: sure17:50
morganfainberggary-smith, so if the last run was >24hrs (i think) re-run the check job.17:50
sdagueif you think it will get us to recover17:50
clarkbsdague: ok let me start there and work on a plan to bump volume totals17:50
gary-smithmorganfainberg: thanks for the clarification. that helps17:50
fungigary-smith: it does that if the last time it checked has been more than 73 hours17:50
clarkbsdague: I think it will releive some of the pressure if not all of it17:51
sdaguedoes dropping crm114 give us anything?17:51
sdaguebecause we're not using that data at all17:51
morganfainberggary-smith, ^ what fungi said, 73hrs17:51
clarkbsdague: so far no17:51
fungier, i meant 72 but fingerfail17:51
Alex_Gaynormorganfainberg: is a bug? running that code totally gives me a module object17:51
morganfainbergfungi, i learn something every day17:51
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1328997
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1328997 in nova "Unit test failure: openstack_citest" is being accessed by other users\nDETAIL:  There are 1 other session(s) using the database." [Critical,Confirmed]
clarkbsdague: I think the issue is further downstream. Either fs capacity or logstash itself17:51
sdagueclarkb: ok, cool17:51
clarkblet me kill a few indexes by hand right now and that will remove one of the variables17:51
morganfainbergAlex_Gaynor, huh17:51
fungigary-smith: so that reviewers will have relatively up-to-date test results about the code they're reviewing17:51
sdagueclarkb: cool, works for me17:52
clarkbsdague: see for crm114 numbers17:52
morganfainbergAlex_Gaynor, that might need a #noqa after it17:52
Alex_Gaynormorganfainberg: I guess I'll file a bug, launchpad I assume?17:52
clarkbthere is a gap inbetween ignore that, but throughput remains the same pre and post crm114 disablement17:52
morganfainbergAlex_Gaynor, in theory you could just from six import moves then use urlllib.parse.<method>17:52
gary-smithfungi: but if nothing has changed, why does it need to reverify? Isn't it just doing the same build over again?17:52
morganfainbergAlex_Gaynor, It may not _actually_ be a module, six.moves is weird.17:52
Alex_Gaynormorganfainberg: it's totally a module! or at least acts like one :P17:52
fungigary-smith: you know for certain that nothing in horizon or in the rest of openstack has changed?17:52
jogoclarkb: dropping index retention concerns me a little but, but if its just a few days ok.17:52
clarkbjogo: what is the concern?17:53
fungigary-smith: openstack is constantly changing. just because that patch worked three days ago doesn't mean it works now17:53
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Setup a private gerrit instance for security reviews
jogoAlex_Gaynor: H405, H404 are mutually exclusive?17:53
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Alex_Gaynorjogo: morganfainberg explained that to me, it's super confusing though (IMO)17:54
jogoclarkb: having graphs going back in time by more then just a few days helps us see trends better especially if there are spikes17:54
jogobut I rarely look back past 10 days or so17:54
clarkbjogo: ok so 10 days is safe17:54
* clarkb does this17:55
jogoclarkb: so it sounds like a resonable step. just a little disappointing17:55
fungijogo: it might be better to start enforcing the pep252 docstring checker instead17:55
jogofungi: AFAIK I looked into that but and forgot why we didn't go with it, think it too much17:55
jogomorganfainberg: ?17:55
morganfainbergjogo, H404 is don't do """<newline>summary17:56
gary-smithfungi: for horizon, the unit tests are generally performed entirely without the rest of openstack, so it doesn't matter if the rest of openstack changes17:56
clarkbjogo: I think one of the things we should keep in mind is that we aren't really running more tests (we are capped by provider quotas) so this increase is purely in what we are logging17:56
morganfainbergjogo, instead do """<summary>17:56
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clarkbjogo: now logging and indexing more stuff is beneficial in many cases17:56
morganfainbergjogo, h405 is making sure there is a newline after the summary before the rest of the docstring17:56
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clarkbbut if this leaks to deployments there will be sad people17:56
gary-smithfungi: but otherwise, I do agree with the rationale17:56
jogoclarkb:  sigh17:56
fungigary-smith: true, but horizon may have changed. also the integration tests do test it with the rest of openstack. separating out which jobs to re-run and which not to re-run is a non-trivial optimization17:56
jogomorganfainberg: and?17:57
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gary-smithfungi: yah, makes sense17:57
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jogomorganfainberg: I think I am missing something17:57
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fungigary-smith: before we started doing this, core reviewers for projects were often approving several-months-old patchsets which had no way of ever even hoping to work in the current state of the project17:58
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jogomorganfainberg: I don't see how H404 and H405 break eachother17:59
morganfainbergjogo, they don't18:00
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morganfainbergjogo, i was explaining how they actually work18:00
morganfainbergit wasn't clear to Alex_Gaynor.18:00
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1328997
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1328997 in nova "Unit test failure: openstack_citest" is being accessed by other users\nDETAIL:  There are 1 other session(s) using the database." [Critical,Confirmed]
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jogomorganfainberg: ohhhh, so false alarm18:02
morganfainbergjogo, yep! :)18:02
jogomorganfainberg: I freak out if I smell a false positive in hacking18:02
jogoerr false negative18:02
morganfainbergjogo, nah, no false <positive/netagive/brokeness> here we're good.18:03
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jogoso based \o/18:03
clarkbjogo: in related news is hacking still taking post commit checks?18:03
phschwartzfungi: looks like iad and dfw changed iad is now .75 and dfw is .5. I am looking for notes as to why they might have changed. Will let you know18:03
clarkbjogo: because I really think it should stop18:03
Alex_Gaynorjogo: There is a false negative on the six thing though, I just filed a bug for that18:04
jogoclarkb: sadly yes. I agree with you18:04
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jogoAlex_Gaynor: link?18:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1329002 in hacking "H302 fails to recognize something as a module" [Undecided,New]18:05
clarkbok indexes removed. It is going to rebalance itself a bit now18:05
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rcarrillocruzfungi: agreed. my idea is create a base class that exposes the contract to which all issue trackers should adhere to, and then have classes deriving from it implementing the issue tracker details (jira, storyboard, etc). i'd leave updatebug/bp scripts to handle argument parsing from gerrit and reading the conf files. In those conf files we could put which issue tracker we are using and load the pertinent class to handle it18:07
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fungiphschwartz: i think dfw has been that low for a while, but iad was reduced fairly recently and i don't recall getting a heads up18:07
clarkbrcarrillocruz: ++18:07
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for heat db transaction error bug 1328983
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1328983 in heat "heat engine db transaction error: InvalidRequestError: This session is in 'committed' state; no further SQL can be emitted within this transaction." [Undecided,New]
fungiphschwartz: er, no, ord was lowish for ages, but dfw was 1.5tb when i looked a few minutes ago18:09
* fungi checks again18:09
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fungiphschwartz: yeah, openstackjenkins in dfw still reports maxTotalRAMSize=157286418:10
phschwartzsorry, meant ord not dfw18:10
jogoAlex_Gaynor: I don't think its a bug18:10
jogoAlex_Gaynor: try from urllib import parse18:10
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Alex_Gaynorjogo: That doesn't even exist on py218:11
jogothat is what from six.moves.urllib import parse, translates to18:11
clarkbof course the rebalancing seems to have killed our ability to index :(18:11
jogoAlex_Gaynor: ohh18:11
fungiphschwartz: then yeah, i think ord has been low because they didn't have sufficient capacity there, but dfw and iad were high enough we could boot 192*8gb18:11
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1313655
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1313655 in nova "tempest.thirdparty.boto.test_ec2_instance_run.InstanceRunTest.test_run_idempotent_instances[gate,smoke] fails" [High,Confirmed]
clarkbwhich may be part of the problem if killing old indexes makes things go crazy in the evenings18:11
jogoAlex_Gaynor: <module 'urllib' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib.pyc'>18:11
jogoAlex_Gaynor: ahh18:11
sdagueclarkb: yeh18:11
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jogoAlex_Gaynor: what does the import translate too in six18:12
jogoerr 218:12
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sdagueclarkb: right, I don't now how to make it better. I just know that if we don't, we're going to need to rethink using it as a backend. Because it's gotten to the point were we aren't reporting on reviews any more.18:13
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clarkbsdague: ya18:13
clarkbI can't help but think very often this is the one place where real hardware would help tremendously18:14
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jogoAlex_Gaynor: are you familier with six?18:18
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sdagueclarkb: yeh, do we have the ability to get any of that from rax?18:18
clarkbsdague: I don't think so18:18
sdaguealso, I think that a big part of our current fail rate is actually network blips18:19
sdague% top 2 are the same issue with networking18:19
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sdagueand there are some pip networking errors buried18:20
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clarkbsdague: the second one isn't a network blip18:20
clarkbsdague: or at least adam_g seemed to think it was due to weirdness in apt repos18:20
sdaguewell ES is silly right now18:21
sdagueotherwise I'd look18:21
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sdaguemy recollection is it was largely the same error18:21
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adam_gclarkb, maybe not the apt mirrors but the state of the image's apt cache on first boot. adding that 'apt-get update' seems to have helped18:22
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jerryzclarkb: are apt mirrors in o.o managed by puppet too?18:24
clarkbjerryz: no18:24
clarkbtoday we rely on our cloud providers18:24
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pleia2jerryz: there's some discussion here about creating one (and I have a WIP patch) but it's not moving much right now
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1311855 in openstack-ci "Create puppet module for Ubuntu repository mirror" [Undecided,In progress]18:28
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pleia2turns out running a mirror that doesn't get out of sync at the velocity we run at is hard :)18:28
sdaguepleia2: if we don't do --delete in rsync, we're good :)18:29
sdaguejust have lots of disk space18:29
clarkbsdague: :P18:29
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sdagueit's the cloud!18:30
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morganfainbergsdague, there are... limits to the cloud? :P18:32
sdagueI built a mirror at home to speed up my NUC build. It's 800GB18:32
sdaguebut that's all the supported ubuntu versions18:32
morganfainbergsdague, and when the roll releases i heard the sync is brutal18:33
sdagueyeh, probably18:33
morganfainbergsdague, because things get moved to "achive" or something18:33
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jogoAlex_Gaynor: so hacking uses imp.find_module18:33
jogoAlex_Gaynor: and it looks like six doesn't work with that or some reason18:33
morganfainbergmaybe thats debian specific, but something like that was brutal for a company a friend worked for18:33
sdaguemorganfainberg: well ubuntu package churn during alphas is immense18:34
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morganfainbergsdague, ah yeah there we go.18:34
sdaguebut we could probably exclude that18:34
sdaguebecause we definitely don't care18:34
clarkbI have never really felt the need for a personal mirror. But my internets at home have a reasonably good connection to psu18:34
morganfainbergclarkb, if i had a server @home i'd mirror18:35
sdagueclarkb: it speeds up the nuc lights out pxe install by about 10 minutes18:35
morganfainbergclarkb but that is because i get tired of waiting (even waiting on a 30-50+megabit connection get tiresome compared to gigabit)18:35
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add swift details to experimental-swift-logs.*
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sdagueso it makes a functional system in 15 minutes instead of 25, which is kind of useful to me18:36
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clarkbfungi: ^ can haz review? that should get past the failure there18:36
clarkbsdague: oh you redeploy often?18:37
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clarkbthat is probably what I don't need it. The number of times I start from scratch is few and far between18:37
sdagueI've got it set up so if I pxe boot it, it reinstalls clean with puppet policy18:37
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morganfainbergsdague, ooh. thats kinda fun.18:37
sdagueI do then when I've crudded things up too much with grenade / devstack runs to figure out what's wrong18:38
sdaguemorganfainberg: more fun that it's vpro, so I can trigger a pxe boot remotely :)18:38
sdagueso it's almost like having a big boy server at home18:38
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morganfainbergok thats really cool!18:39
clarkbsdague: ok ES is not rebalancing. we should see where it ends up in a few hours18:39
sdagueclarkb: ok18:39
* morganfainberg wants to setup some server-type machines @home... but i don't want to pay electricity for more than my laptop :P18:39
sdaguewell, the nuc is about 10w18:39
morganfainbergor... well 2 laptops now.18:39
morganfainbergthats not bad at all18:39
morganfainbergi might need to do that18:40
clarkbyeah I have the htpc which is low powe rbut I use it for watching things :)18:40
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morganfainbergwait... did that box play the intel jingle when you opened it? :P18:40
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morganfainberg(aka retail packaging)18:40
sdaguehonestly, even my big boxes run at about 60w tops. So they are a couple of lightbulbs18:40
sdagueyes it did18:40
sdagueit was kind of annoying18:40
morganfainbergwe laughed pretty hard at metacloud when we opened the box.18:40
clarkbsdague: wow. I am nowhere near that on my big machine18:41
clarkbbut I can use it to play civ V now so win18:41
morganfainbergclarkb, hehe18:41
clarkb60W is pretty impressive18:41
sdagueclarkb: that's what the ups tells me on the home server. It's an i7 ivy bridge18:41
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clarkbmine is sandy bridge but with a big gpu18:42
sdagueah, yeh, no gpus18:42
clarkbI did go with a very efficient PSU though. It runs with the fan off most of the time18:42
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for 1328500
clarkbanother thing I notice is we hit es01 much harder than the othe nodes because all of the queries go through it18:45
clarkbI wonder if I can make that better without much effort18:45
notmynamejeblair: here?18:47
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clarkbnotmyname: I think he is still AFK18:47
clarkbshould be back by next week aiui18:47
sdagueclarkb: does the query node need to be a shard?18:47
notmynameFYI, since I am having surgery tomorrow morning, I have temporarily added Clay Gerrard (clayg) and Sam Merrirr (torgomatic) to the swift-ptl group in gerrit18:48
notmynameclarkb: mordred ^^18:48
clarkbnotmyname: noted thanks18:48
notmynamealso ttx, please note ^^18:48
clarkbsdague: I think a simple round robin in the proxy would work18:49
clarkbsdague: to distribute the load of dealing with queries18:49
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clarkbsdague: the actual backend query stuff is load balanced by ES itself, but es01 ends up being the load balancer for that aiui18:49
sdagueclarkb: do we need to put a smart proxy in front of it? or would something like dns round robin be sufficient?18:50
clarkbsdague: smart proxy would be better. it may make sense to have an haproxy in there18:50
clarkbapache feels clunky for this, btu does a reasonable job of letting safe API requests though18:51
clarkbfungi: danke for ninja approve18:54
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fungihashar: does look familiar to you at all?18:58
fungiharlowja: nevermind--i guess it does. i see you commenting in it! ;)18:58
fungier, hashar ^18:58
fungisorry harlowja, tab complete fail18:58
hasharfungi: yup. We never  managed to properly investigate it18:58
fungihashar: apparently we're able to replicate it fairly reliably, but unable to pin down the cause18:59
hasharfungi: we deemed it an annoyance and instructed folks to retry.  A side effect is that Zuul would consider the change unmergeable and thus report back to Gerrit saying the change need to be rebased.18:59
clarkbfungi: hashar: I thought we fixed that in the git review tests18:59
fungiclarkb: nope18:59
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clarkbfungi: hashar: iirc it was a combination of gerrit servers being slow to stop so subsequent connections got a key they did not expect19:00
fungiclarkb: the concurrency changes didn't help19:00
clarkbfungi: oh I haven't seen a git review test failure for ^ in months19:00
hashariirc Gerrit has an embedded ssh server19:00
hasharthat one might funky from time to time19:00
fungiclarkb: really? they've all been failing with them, we just keep rechecking them until they finally all pass19:00
hasharor maybe the ssh key it offers back is some error message19:00
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1328997
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1328997 in nova "Unit test failure: openstack_citest" is being accessed by other users\nDETAIL:  There are 1 other session(s) using the database." [Critical,Confirmed]
hasharanother possibility pointed by our Gerrit expert is that we could have some old entry in the known_hosts file19:01
fungihashar: yes, current suspicions are that it's something bad going on in gerrit's java ssh implementation, but not certain what19:01
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clarkbhashar: ya thats what I thought was biting us19:01
clarkbrestarting gerrit is expensive and it isn't closing the socket properly so you hit the old server with a different known host19:01
clarkbthat was the theory at least19:02
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fungiclarkb: even running with known hosts set to use /dev/null and strict host key checking disabled, it still sometimes returns a hash mismatch19:02
jogoAlex_Gaynor: ping19:02
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jogo looks like a six related change triggered it19:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1329002 in hacking "H302 fails to recognize something as a module" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:02
fungiclarkb: poking around for potential causes of that error suggest that you can get it when the ssh server returns a broken/invalid host key19:03
clarkbfungi: huh19:03
fungiin which case it's only a key verification failure as a side effect of not getting an actual key at all19:03
hasharfungi: that is a good test case (empty known host and strict host key disabled)19:03
hasharmaybe the embedded Ssh server spurt out some exceptions or has some debug logs that could help19:04
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zarohashar: could you pls take a look?
fungihashar: looking, but we archive that as part of the job...
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hasharfungi: in Zuul I get a couple entries per days: zuul.log.2014-06-04.gz:GitCommandError: 'git remote update origin' returned exit status 1: hash mismatch19:06
hasharzaro: sure!19:06
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fungiclarkb: this was what i used to test...
clarkbfungi: wow ok. so I know another thing I saw when reading up on it was that the bouncycastle vs no bouncycastle may make a difference19:08
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fungiclarkb: it may be worth revisiting. i don't think we've seen this in production, unlike hashar, and we do use bc in production (because it's required by gerrit's contactstore feature)19:09
hasharzaro: excellent :) Approve +119:10
clarkbhashar: do you know if you use bouncycastle?19:10
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hasharzaro: I guess that was the last patch pending for the new release of JJB?19:10
hasharclarkb: have no clue but can ask.19:11
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clarkbKiall: did we still need to speak about unbound?19:13
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clarkbKiall: you *should* be able to put your DNS server on or whatever19:13
hasharclarkb: we are using
zarohashar: thanks, i believe that's the only one left i wanted.19:14
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clarkbhashar: ya that is the ssh server we use but I thought bouncy castle could be used to read/write the key files19:14
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clarkbhashar: so bouncy castle isn't doing the ssh server it is just dealing with keys19:15
clarkbfungi: ^ that sound right to you?19:15
hasharclarkb: yeah my contact told me bouncycastle is basically a crypto library19:15
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fungiclarkb: hashar: yes. i believe the ssh server comes with its own internal implementations of the cryptographic primitives it needs, but can use better implementations from bc if it's installed and available19:16
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hasharso there is another ssh backend NIO2   but that apparently cause even more troubles19:21
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lifelesssdague: around?19:23
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: remove misleading jjb example
Alex_Gaynorjogo: sorry, just got back from lunch. pong19:24
jogoAlex_Gaynor: been digging into that bug you sent me
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1329002 in hacking "H302 fails to recognize something as a module" [Undecided,New]19:25
sdaguelifeless: yep19:25
Alex_Gaynorjogo: leaving a comment now19:25
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Alex_Gaynorjogo: I've already re-implemented Python's import machinery in python once, I'd kind of like to not do it again, I hope I can find an easier workaround19:26
jogoAlex_Gaynor: heh, so there is a one easy work around. add six to the import ignore  list19:26
Alex_Gaynorjogo: where's your sense of advernture!19:27
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jogoit never came back from the last adventure ;)19:28
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for large ops stable/havana bug 1329042
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1329042 in nova "gate-tempest-dsvm-large-ops fails consistently in stable/havana" [Critical,Confirmed]
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lifelesssdague: we've ad several attempts to talk about and related stuff and not gotten very far. TripleO folk are feeling blocked and confused; I'd like to resolve this.19:36
lifelesssdague: can we make a time to have a solid conversation?19:36
sdaguelifeless: sure19:38
sdagueI'm game for it now19:38
sdagueor set asside some time. But if you keep disappearing when I ack you, that's not useful either :)19:39
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add swift details to experimental-swift-logs.*
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lifelesssdague: I know :(19:46
lifelesssdague: its breakfast time here in NZ and Cynthia had just derailed her trains19:46
lifelesssdague: not a euphism19:46
lifelesssdague: so in about 15m would be great19:46
sdague15 minutes from now is good for me19:47
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/publications: Minor updates, new gerrit and zuul screenshots
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openstackgerritDan Stangel proposed a change to openstack-infra/gitdm: Update gitdm to use gerrit 2.8 workflow names
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Alex_Gaynorjogo: Ok, I've got a fix I believe, sending a patch as soon as tests finish19:53
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openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Fixed warning H302 when used with six.moves
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Testing with Bouncy Castle
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lifelesssdague: okiedoky I'm esconced in my office20:05
sdagueok, cool20:05
lifelessno distractions other than well everything. But no family :)20:05
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lifelessclarkb: btw fixed /COMMIT_MSG in gertty last night20:06
lifelesssdague: ^ like that, butterflybrain me20:06
lifelesssdague: so20:06
lifelesssdague: I'd like to achieve two things; I'd like to increase my understanding of e-r so that I can understand the reservations you're expressing about tripleo's integration there20:07
sdaguelifeless: sure20:07
lifelesssdague: and I'd like to increase your understanding of tripleo-ci and its path to gatehood + the compromise situation we're in20:07
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sdaguewhere do you want to start20:08
lifelesssdague: so, I'm not sure if I should ask 20 questions, or if you want to just tell me where I seem to be confused and go from there ;)20:08
lifelessI'm sure there are some basic axioms we don't hold in common driving this20:08
sdagueok, so lets start on e-r, because I think I can frame that20:08
sdaguee-r grew up from 'gate on fire' as basically the #1 tool to help us fight that20:09
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sdagueand has grown very organically since then20:09
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sdaguemy concern, right now, about adding things that aren't actually the integrated gate into it, is we're at a tipping point in the dashboards in getting really confusing again20:10
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sdaguegiven some of the ironic bits that landed already, I already have to mentally filter out the dashboards of 'not relevant' to the 15 hr gate backlog I've got20:10
sdagueeverything in there used to be relevant to the task at hand20:11
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lifelessok, so there is a tragedy of the commons effect on folk debugging the integrated gate reliability20:11
lifelessis it purely mental overhead or are there technical considerations as well ?20:11
sdaguelifeless: yes, there is a massive tragedy of the commons on that20:12
lifelesse.g. performance, scale, latency,....20:12
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sdagueso there is definitely mental overhead20:12
sdagueI don't know if there is yet a performance impact on ES20:12
sdagueI'm not really sure which pieces you are indexing there20:13
sdaguethough, ES hasn't been able to keep up with the data flow in 3 days now20:13
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sdagueso we're actually pretty blind, last I looked we're 12 hrs behind indexing job output20:13
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lifelessso, factoid, tripleo today is a fairly small fraction of dvsm log load20:13
sdagueand we really need to be within 5 minutes20:13
lifelessbut it won't stay that way20:13
sdaguelifeless: yep, I assumed as such20:14
sdaguethe value on the bot that reports to gerrit decreases dramatically after 15 minutes20:14
sdagueto the point that we give up, because people are probably looking at their fail already20:15
lifelessso for now, I think E-R scale needs to handle dvsm and work done to scale that will easily compensate for the low tripleo load; as tripleo grows this will change but I expect tripleo to be behind the problem-curve for some time yet20:15
sdagueyep, so that part we need to anticipate20:15
lifeless'...dvsm, and....'20:15
sdaguethe mental load bit is a real problem today20:15
lifelesspcrews: yo20:15
pcrewslifeless: howdy20:16
sdaguewhich is why I last responded with if we are going to expand scope beyond the core gate, we need to work on the dashboards first to support that, because we *can't* make it any harder for people to work on gate bugs20:16
lifelesspcrews: up for some E-R hacking, sdague and I are discussing some things and the outcome is likely going to be a few bits of work20:16
lifelesssdague: so interestingly the dashboards are less interesting for us than the comments on reviews, but not uninteresting, if you see what I mean.20:17
pcrewslifeless: most definitely :)20:17
sdaguelifeless: so that confuses me20:17
sdaguehow are you addressing actually fixing the races?20:17
lifelesssdague: I think I can unconfuse you when we swing back around to the tripleo situation20:17
lifelesssdague: if you can mentally box it up for now, lets stay on your needs20:18
sdaguelifeless: honestly, I think that's the bulk of it20:18
lifelesssdague: ok20:18
sdaguebut, just as an asside20:18
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lifelessso I'm not familiar with ER's codebase in detail, but from what I can tell there are two dashbords - base and uncategorised?20:19
sdaguerealize that all the folks that do e-r things, including the reviews, are also the ones that are the biggest gate firefighters20:19
clarkblifeless: neat I will have to find your change and apply it locally20:19
sdagueso when you come asking things when the gate is backed up, you will get flamed :)20:19
sdagueor you'll find them short of patience at least20:20
sdaguewhich is the longer tradgey of the commons of the gate20:20
sdagueasside done20:20
lifelesssdague: yep, and we have the same small-group, quick dropoff pattern visible within tripleo specific jobs20:20
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fungiunless you come in asking "who wants to go grab a beer with me after i push out this patch fixing the biggest gate blocking bug?"20:21
clarkbsdague: so fwiw logstash appears to be catching up big time20:21
sdagueclarkb: cool!20:21
sdaguefungi: exactly :)20:21
lifelesssdague: so a) know it, b) part of it in a largly disjoint set of jobs :/20:21
clarkbsdague: but that may be related to the big purple spot on the node graph20:21
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lifelesssdague: ok so lets quickly capture a design that will fix your mental load20:21
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fungiclarkb: so taking crm114 processing out of the pipeline seems to have done it?20:22
clarkbfungi: no, I only did that on one node20:22
lifelesssdague: I propose the following criteria: a) must not make e-r maintainers hurl, b) must back sdague and other gate firefighters happy when looking at dashbboards20:22
fungioh, hrm20:22
clarkbfungi: I think the disk situation on the es nodes was more damaging20:22
sdaguelifeless: yep20:22
fungiahh, yup. mostly-full filesystems == i/o performance problems20:22
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openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/publications: Minor updates, new gerrit and zuul screenshots
clarkbfungi: so, I need to plan adding a second volume to all those nodes20:23
lifelesssdague: so given that, do you have a suggestion on how to address it, or do we need to design from scratch ?20:23
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clarkbfungi: do you think an online ext4 resize on them is safeish?20:23
sdaguelifeless: I can see a couple of approaches20:23
fungiclarkb: lemme take a tally on our cinder utilization in that account...20:23
lifelesssdague: if we can capture something pcrews can go and hack on, I rather suspect he will :)20:23
clarkbfungi: thanks20:23
sdague1) create a new tag in the queries files that says this is part of: 'foo'20:24
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sdagueand if it's part of anything, we exclude it from the main graphs that we have, and make it basically a seperate namespace for the dashboards20:24
clarkbfungi: I just recheck experimental'd a config change to see if the zuul swift stuff will work20:24
clarkbfungi: I am very excited about this too :)20:24
sdagueactually, that's probably a better idea than the other ideas I've got20:25
sdaguebasically create namespaces within er20:25
lifelesspcrews: is the codebase in question20:25
sdaguethen tripleo can be a namespace, which includes a full set of dashboards that we have now20:25
lifelesspcrews: is the deployed thing20:25
sdaguethe dashboards are a little adhoc, appologies for the organic there, so we might need to poke a bit on the right way to do that20:26
fungiclarkb: yeah, we're using 23.1tb of our 25tb quota, so we could spare a 300gb volume for each of the 6 es nodes, but after that we're basically tapped out without either moving logs to swift or asking for another quota bump20:26
pcrewslifeless: ack - I've been reading up on that system a bit out of personal interest :)20:26
clarkbfungi: ok, we already bumped that quota right?20:27
pcrewsour group was working on similar-ish stuff for MySQL way back stuff20:27
sdaguepcrews: cool :)20:27
fungiclarkb: yeah, it was originally at 10tb and we asked them to up it to 25tb20:27
clarkbfungi: I don't expect the logs stuff to be a magical overnight cure as we won't migrate the data20:27
lifelesspcrews: so, if you can get what sdague has described working, it will allow tripleo and ironic to use e-r which will be cool20:27
clarkbfungi: we may need to ask for more quota in the interim20:27
lifelesssdague: do you want a spec, or just pcrews patches ?20:28
sdagueIt's probably worth an etherpad to sketch out20:28
lifelesssdague: are there any special tricks to hacking on this? like, do you need local elasticsearch infrastructure, or you can use the deployed api endpoints?20:28
sdaguebut I'm ok with patches as well20:28
sdagueyou can use the deployed endpoint20:29
clarkbsdague: of course as soon as I say it is catching up it slows down and backs up a bit :(20:29
sdagueclarkb: oom?20:29
clarkbsdague: no just normal activity I think20:29
sdaguewell the slope was good20:29
sdaguehopefully it keeps up on it20:29
clarkbyeah I think we are hitting a local disturbance in the force20:29
clarkbbut we will see20:29
sdagueclarkb: gate reset?20:30
sdagueyeh, we just reset20:30
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sdaguea few minutes ago20:30
sdaguethat blips us20:30
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clarkbphschwartz: do you know if asking for even more terabytes of volume would be a bad thing?20:32
sdaguelifeless: ok, so part 1, lets saw we have a sketch now, and we can work on the details with pcrews as we go20:32
clarkbphschwartz: we don't want to abuse these resources :) so honest answers are good20:32
sdagueso part 2?20:32
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lifelessok part 2, tripleos needs20:32
sdagueasside, pcrews what TZ you in?20:33
lifelesswhen tripleo tests fail, its sometimes races in openstack, and othertimes flaky infrastructure20:33
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lifelessand kills a dozen jobs all at once20:33
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lifelesswe can't today run tripleo jobs in the main infrastructure because you can't pretend to be baremetal with any fidelity in public clouds20:34
sdagueso this also relates to the fact that you don't run tempest yet20:34
lifelessit does20:34
lifelesswe have a patchset up to do that20:34
lifelessandrea within HP is working on that20:34
sdaguebecause I think your swing of races in openstack vs. infra flakey is going to dramatically change after that20:34
lifelesswe need to run tempest in three different configurations20:34
lifelessa) against the seed, b) against the undercloud, c) against a deployed overcloud20:34
lifelessthats one dimension20:34
lifelessas we add more configurations that folk deploy, we'll build a matrix, which I know you're familiar with :)20:35
pcrewssdague: I am in Seattle20:35
lifelessbut right now we have a huge spurious failure rate20:35
sdaguelifeless: is that a sequence, or are you running a, b, c as parallel20:35
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lifelesssdague: those will be three different jobs in my head20:36
sdaguelifeless: kk20:36
lifelesssdague: but it could be we deploy, test, deploy, test, deploy test20:36
sdagueyep, that's fine20:36
* pcrews has to attend to dog + caloric input needs then will be back to start working on e-r stuff.20:36
sdaguepcrews: cool :)20:36
lifelessso we have two immediate uses for ER20:36
clarkbpcrews: be careful going outside today. The weather is too nice for seattle20:36
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lifelessone is to help derekh and me and pcrews and others who are focused on CI prioritise what we need to fix to fix these infrastructury things20:37
lifelesswhich sometimes will be making openstack code more robust and sometimes bringing new services into the CI environment - you know the drill20:37
lifelessthe second thing is that we want to *avoid* folk recheck no bugging jobs20:37
lifelessits wasteful, they should only recheck if its really spurious20:37
sdaguesure, that's fair.20:37
sdagueespecially as I think today a recheck is retriggering the jenkins nodes as well20:38
sdaguefor the jobs that live in both check queues20:38
lifelessyour questions about whether reviewers can be reasoned with the other day - thats when I realised we weren't clicking :)20:38
pcrewsclarkb: I still feel rather leery daring to go too far outside w/o some sort of jacket :)20:39
lifelessbut I can answer them now - we have 10 times as many open reviews as reviewers, and reviewers don't have the time or patience to be reasoned with over test failures20:39
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lifelesssdague: I believe it does, yes.20:39
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lifelessmordred: review 95234 please20:40
sdagueok, so the namespace bit I think will help here20:40
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lifelessmordred: erm no not that one. 9927720:40
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sdaguethere remains sort of a meta issue though, which I think we remain not clicking on. That I just want to float to let sift.20:40
lifelesssdague: We've got a big picture goal of getting tripleo-ci up the maturity curve to where dvsm is20:40
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lifelesssdague: which means we're *actively* pushing back on changes that reinvent bits of the related machinery (like e-r) and instead pushing towards tighter integration20:41
lifelesssdague: (so that we get the virtuous circle of working on the same things etc etc)20:41
lifelessanyhow, hopefully there was something new in there for you :)20:42
sdaguelifeless: well, except tripleo seems to reinvent a lot of things already :)20:42
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sdagueit's funny to watch devtest conceptually keep reconverging on devstack20:42
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lifelesssdague: how do you mean?20:43
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sdaguehonestly, my mental energy isn't all here after a week of fire fighting to really have that conversation20:44
sdaguebut it definitely feels like there is a lot of more general disconnect of tripleo vs. the rest of openstack20:45
lifelessI want to have it, because I don't see that theres any substantial duplication (and we keeping splitting things out to make them reusable, precisely to avoid having multiple cpoies of things)20:45
mordred_phonelifeless, sdague maybe we should arrange some face time at some point20:46
sdaguemordred_phone: sure20:46
lifelesssdague: ok, so we've covered the essentials - thank you20:46
sdaguelifeless: agreed, there is a game plan here20:47
lifelesssdague: speaking of areas where the may be overlap, what does devstack do for permitting carrying local bugfixes etc, e.g. 'I need review X Y and Z of nova' ?20:47
sdaguelifeless: it doesn't20:47
sdagueI was trying to fix it in zuul20:47
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sdaguewell, it could20:47
sdagueyou can specify branch20:47
sdaguebut we should fix it in zuul -
lifelesssdague: 96659 might interest you - its a handwave today based on a thing adam_g threw up20:48
lifelesssdague: its aimed at the downstream folk when a patch is being reviewed and discussed but things are broken without it20:48
jesusaurusclarkb: i just noticed that your change will disappear if is merged20:49
sdaguesure, that's a downstream solution20:49
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sdagueI also think it would be good if the tripleo team thought about tempest-dsvm as their unit tests. Because I think a lot of the issues that are going to trip you up in stability could be shored up in tempest-dsvm.20:50
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jesusaurusclarkb: nevermind me. im blind20:51
sdaguewould love to see more cross polination there, especially as it would be good place to learn some tempest things which I'm sure the tripleo team is going to need to grok to stabalize everything out20:51
lifelesssdague: so we need to get tempest running first20:52
sdaguelifeless: sure20:52
lifelesssdague: though I could see some value from just pure dvsm things20:52
sdagueyeh, this isn't an either or, it's an and20:52
lifelesssdague: I'd actually really like it if I could spend a few days with you deploying openstack somewhere20:53
lifelesssdague: we see very different things to dvsm IME20:53
sdaguelifeless: I'm sure you do20:53
sdagueI've run some smaller clouds based on puppet, I did as well20:54
sdaguebut the heat issues you are seeing are things that could be nailed down in dvsm20:54
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sdaguebecause right now, heat's largely untested20:54
lifelessjogo has a patch up to address some of that20:54
sdagueI'm not saying it will solve all the problems, I just feel like I get the brush off a lot when I suggestion spending some effort there from tripleo folks :)20:55
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lifelesssdague: ah20:55
lifelesssdague: so i think the thing is, that without the ability to run tempest against a tripleo cloud, its hard to get into the virtuous circle mode20:56
lifelessits not like devstack where you hit a button and then can poke at your custom tempest test20:56
sdaguesure, that's possible20:56
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lifelesswhich lopos back to we need to fix that20:56
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sdaguethough if the tests don't run in dsvm, there will be pushback. Because tempest needs to be self gating.20:56
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lifelesssdague: I'd be delighted to have a tripleo-undercloud-tempest gate job20:57
lifelessecstatic even20:57
sdaguelifeless: right, but we're optimistically a year away from that I think20:57
sdaguebased on past experience20:57
lifelesssdague: or more; we have multivendor regions now, and huawei are on track to be another sizeable region20:59
lifelessonce we get the nodepool and jenkins stuff in to avoid public IP usage20:59
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sdagueI think that's part of the challenge of devtest being different than devstack, is there is currently a parallel universe of setup which has thusfar prevented the tripleo team from getting as far as tempest20:59
lifelessthe problem there is that devstack is an installer, devtest is a meta-installer - it installs an installer, not a cloud21:00
sdagueyeh, well people have extended devstack to do all kinds of things at this point21:00
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sdagueand maybe these things have to stay parallel universes21:01
sdaguebut there are definitely things lost in that fact, like expertise with tempest, as that's something which is setup by default ready to run at the end of devstack21:02
sdagueanyway, this is the meta conversation21:02
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sdagueI don't know that I've got real concrete ideas to make it better, but wanted to at least float it21:02
sdagueand I should go and ride my bike, as it's finally not raining21:03
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lifelessenjoy :) - thank you!21:03
sdagueyep, take care21:03
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clarkblifeless: reviewed your gertty bug fix21:04
* morganfainberg is now wanting to go for a bike ride instead of writing code / booking travel.21:04
clarkblifeless: I think there is a slight bug but it fixes a much bigger bug so +121:05
morganfainbergsdague, damn it :P21:05
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jerryzsdague, morganfainberg: you two have fun ride towards the rainbow after the rain.21:07
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morganfainbergjerryz, i'm in SoCal and it's a bit too warm out atm.21:07
morganfainbergjerryz, i'm jealous of sdague since he's getting to go for a ride21:07
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jogosdague: for heat, I am gonna add another test to the large-ops job that does the same thing as  the current test but with heat21:09
jogosdague: for starters21:09
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for large ops stable/havana bug 1329042
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1329042 in nova "gate-tempest-dsvm-large-ops fails consistently in stable/havana" [Critical,Confirmed]
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Groups portal infra code refactor
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jogosdague: but that got bumped down the queue as the gate is still shaky as is21:11
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Groups portal infra code refactor
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dangersreed:  I seem to be hitting the "Cannot store contact information" error when updating my OpenStack profile (  Can you help me out?21:34
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1317957 in openstack-org "Server error when updating contacts" [Critical,Confirmed]21:34
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clarkbdangers: have you signed up with the openstack foundation? this is required. If you have make sure the primary email address matches the address in gerrit and foundation profile side21:35
dangersclarkb:  definitely signed up, ICLA, etc, but I'll double check on the email addresses21:36
reeddangers, most likely you haven't signed up for a profile on openstack.org21:37
fungidangers: you went to and put in a foundation membership application?21:37
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dangersoh dang, yeah it looks like my profile email != my gerrit/launchpad email :-(21:37
fungidangers: if so, make sure that the primary e-mail address displayed at matches the preferred e-mail address at
dangersfungi:  yup that's the problem21:38
clarkbdangers: you can make them different after upating your contact info (its weird yes)21:38
clarkbdangers: but to do a contact info update which is different than setting your gerrit primary email address they have to be the sam21:38
fungiyeah, they only have to be the same initially21:38
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dangersalthough the "Second Email Address" is configured as such, but guessing the Primary Email has to match21:38
reeddangers, sorry for that... we hope that such complexity will go away soon21:38
dangersNo worries21:39
dangersI understand the complexity of the situation :-)21:39
lifelessclarkb: fixed21:39
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* dangers flips some bits21:39
* dangers also takes the opportunity to fix t-shirt size21:40
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Support comments in commits
dangersclarkb:  fungi reed thanks for your help, that fixed it21:41
reedcool, welcome dangers21:42
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dangerswell so I've been committing to openstack-infra/gitdm since 2013 with no issue, but trying to make changes elsewhere this just started showing up21:42
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clarkblifeless: that did it thanks21:43
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clarkblifeless: though I think pytz is a noop now21:45
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lifelessoh indeed21:45
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Support comments in commits
mordredlifeless: re: 99277 - it should not be necessary21:48
jogoclarkb: what part of elasticsearch is unable to keep up?21:48
jogois it too many logs?21:48
clarkbjogo: that is the simple way of putting it21:48
clarkbjogo: we don't have enough disk21:48
clarkbmordred: re 99272?21:48
jogothats is contributing to why ES cannot keep up?21:48
mordredclarkb: 9928821:49
mordredclarkb: 99277 - pbr21:49
clarkbjogo: if it can't write the index then it doesn't keep up21:49
clarkbmordred: ah ok I thought maybe tyop21:49
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jogoclarkb: ahh and thats why dropping the number of days down will help21:49
clarkboh right because of setuptools magic21:49
clarkbjogo: yes21:49
mordredlifeless: oh - well, it gets autoregisterd as test - but not as testr21:50
clarkbjogo: until we can get more quota and bump the volume sizes on those nodes21:50
mordredwe could do more magic - but it's also probably fine to just land the patch21:50
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clarkbjogo: also I think we may be feeling some upper bound pressure and need to do more tuning and or rethink the approach here21:50
jogoclarkb: rethink which part?21:50
clarkbjogo: the amount of data in elasticsearch21:50
jogodo you think info logs should log all incoming requests
lifelessmordred: if its registered as test, then perhaps we should just change the tox.ini w.r.t. it ?21:51
jogosdague: ^21:51
clarkbjogo: which may mean supplementing es with other tools21:51
jogoclarkb: sounds like something good to chat about in germany if we can wait that long21:51
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mordredlifeless: maybe- but I think we have a bunch of testr still in the wild, so we should fix that too21:52
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jogoclarkb: if we don't log all incoming API requests at info we will drop the api server lags way down21:53
mordredclarkb: what's the gertty magic for "jump to change" ?21:53
jogojust don't know if that is a good idea or not21:53
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lifelessmordred: so, merge the patch?21:54
clarkbmordred: ^O21:54
lifelessmordred: now, I need a timeslive from you :)21:54
clarkbjogo: I am not sure I can answer that21:54
mordredclarkb: it would be neat if that was in the help - also, thanks21:55
lifelessmordred: 9775321:55
clarkbjogo: the tl;dr preview is I think we should consider logging in json, switching logstash to fluentd, and using es for short term indexes (shorter than today) with hadoop for the big picture stuff sdague wants to do21:55
jogoclarkb: I was hoping sdague was around, I think he could21:55
jogooh that sounds exciting21:56
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mordredclarkb: "we should consider logging in json" sounds crazy21:56
lifelessclarkb: <321:56
clarkblifeless: I am happy that this doens't make you think I am crazy21:56
lifelessstructured logging is win21:57
clarkbmordred: you would think that. But we spend tons of CPU on making the data structured21:57
clarkbmordred: we can completely avoid that overhead if we start with structured data21:57
clarkbit also makes hadoop much more reasonable21:57
mordredhrm. werid21:57
mordredalso - ruby - but I defer to you on this21:57
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clarkboh well logstash is ruby too21:59
mordredlifeless: can you expand on your comment on 95569?21:59
mordredlifeless: I'm not sure what that means in python22:00
lifelessmordred: itertools.tee and itertools.slice22:00
lifelessmordred: what I wrote was python :)22:00
lifelessmordred: specifically, right now you open a file, do some data processing within that context and write to the file22:01
lifelesssplit the concerns22:01
lifelessdo some data processing in a generator that yields changelog entries22:01
lifelessthen pass that generator to tee to get two iterators22:01
lifelessthen use one to write  to a file and one to flesh out long_description22:01
mordrednod. k. I'll try that - thanks22:02
mordredlifeless: what was the timeslice you needed from me?22:02
reedwell, San Francisco won't host the next Americas Cup... after all that22:02
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lifelessmordred: cody's question and my pbr patch, one is interactive with me, the other isn't22:02
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clarkbbut fluentd apparently writes critical portions in C and doesn't do a lot of heavy processing like logstash22:02
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clarkbI think it will be a win if we can start with structured data22:02
mordredlifeless: which pbr patch? and what's cody's question?22:03
mordredclarkb: would we need to add a json output thing to oslo.log?22:03
clarkbmordred: I think its already done
mordredlike, would that be the right way to get json log data? and/or should we just add a fluentd output module for oslo.log and spit things directly?22:04
clarkbbut I haven't actually looked to see if that works22:04
lifelessmordred: pbr - 9410722:04
clarkbbut json should also make manipulation for human display easier too22:04
lifelessmordred: the gozer machines thing22:05
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clarkbmordred: there is also python fluent-logger22:06
clarkbbut I don't think we change the decoupled logging for tests that we have today22:07
clarkbinstead we have the tests dump json lines to files22:07
clarkbthen pick them up afterwards and shove them into fluentd so the python-json-logger is a better approach22:07
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clarkbbut I need to find time to throw something like that together and see if it is sane22:14
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clarkbjogo: potentially worth digging in on in darmstadt22:15
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clarkbit is possible that logstash will be a lot more useable for us if we start with structured data22:25
clarkbbut the grok filters kill us22:25
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openstackgerritJoão Cravo proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for reverse build trigger
clarkbfungi: crud I think zuul is unhappy with that log server stuff22:29
clarkbfungi: I am looking into it now22:29
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Fix swift logserver prefixes.
clarkbjhesketh: fungi mordred ^22:38
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clarkbnow to figure out how to kick the existing job out as the fix will require a zuul restart22:38
mordred  clarkb on it22:38
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use WatchedFileHandler to avoid copytruncate.
clarkbwoot pushing a new patchset worked22:40
clarkbso don't check experimental any config changes :)22:40
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clarkbmordred: I was going to propose a layout.yaml change to use a non default value but the type in voluptuous is int so no can do :(22:42
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mordredclarkb: stupid type checking22:42
clarkboh wait that change is still wrong22:42
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clarkbnew patchset shortly22:42
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ianwsdague: around?22:43
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Fix swift logserver prefixes.
clarkbmordred: now with actually working22:46
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clarkbmattoliverau: o/22:50
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clarkbjhesketh: morning can you see 99498 eally quick? it sorts out some additional zuul swift derpage22:52
jheskethclarkb: yep, was just looking at it22:52
jheskeththanks for catching that22:52
clarkbjhesketh: well I ran an experimental job that wasn't going anywhere. After digging in zuul logs it became clear22:53
clarkbjhesketh: and my workaround didn't work because voluptuous hates me22:53
clarkbjhesketh: I feel like we are very close now though22:54
jheskethclarkb: yeah, thanks for looking into it :-)22:55
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sdagueianw: just got back from a ride, what's up?23:16
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ianwsdague: thanks, just wanted to ping you on ([Fedora] Devstack fails to install in firewalld less system)23:17
ianwsdague: causing gate issues because hpcloud & rackspace images differ23:17
ianwsdague: i've put in a new change per dtroyer's comments23:17
sdaguejogo: yes, INFO should log all API requests23:17
sdaguethat's kind of the nature of info23:17
sdaguejogo: re heat tests, large-ops isn't the problem. Any ops is the problem.23:18
sdagueianw: so there is a redhat bugzilla on it23:18
uvirtbotianw: Error: Could not parse XML returned by HTTP Error 404: Not Found23:19
ianwuvirtbot: i guess bugzilla doesn't like you :)23:19
uvirtbotianw: Error: "i" is not a valid command.23:19
sdagueianw: ok, the patch you put in is ok with me. I would like to see things like that get fixed properly upstream though23:20
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mordredclarkb: +A23:21
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ianwsdague: totally agree23:23
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Fix swift logserver prefixes.
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NobodyCamquestion any reason a job would pass all the tests and then reset and start running all over?23:28
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NobodyCamis now running again23:29
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jesusaurusNobodyCam: 93133 appears to be going through the gate-queue tests. the tests that ran about 6 hours ago where check-queue tests23:33
NobodyCamjesusaurus: The paste is from the gate check just a few minutes ago23:34
jesusaurusthat paste link is giving me a 50023:34
NobodyCamit just passed and then started all over23:34
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jesusaurusit may be that a change ahead of your change failed, causing everything after the failed change to start again23:35
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NobodyCamI'll bet 98928 starts to recheck too23:37
NobodyCam(but I wouldn't be that much)23:37
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sdagueclarkb: it's really weird that we get to that 20k floor and get stuck23:45
sdagueis it possible the extra workers from 2 days ago are hurting us?23:45
sdaguebecause we were clearing out eventually23:45
Alex_Gaynorsdague: if you've got a sec, can you take a look at
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sdagueAlex_Gaynor: would that logic let us get rid of the rest of it?23:47
Alex_Gaynorsdague: hahaha, nope. FWIW here's what the whole thing looks like:
Alex_GaynorI don't htink all of that is actually needed for hacking's use case, but there's deifnitely a bunch of stuff23:48
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clarkbsdague: ya I think either that or we are queueing up too much stuff in the pipeline23:52
clarkbI will dive into it again tomorrow23:53
Alex_Gaynorsdague: thanks, (and thank god hacking has its own pipeline)23:53
clarkbthere is clearly something off23:53
mordredAlex_Gaynor: :)23:54
sdagueclarkb: ok, great. Thanks again23:54
clarkbsdague: no problem and I wish I had an answer for you23:54
sdagueI wish we had all the answers. :) but such is not to be.23:56
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