Wednesday, 2014-02-12

lifelessharlowja: k; let me know if you want such a bootstrap00:00
harlowjanp00:00 looks pretty simple, so probably can figure it out00:00
lifelessI'm not suggesting you use testresources with it - thats a separate thing we can and should do00:01
lifelessjust make a resource manager and call setup() or whatever the method is (I forget :/) on it and pull out the resource. done.00:01
harlowjaprobably start or something,
harlowjaand initdb00:02
harlowjasomething like that00:02
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Extend unittest jenkins builder
harlowjaanother question, maybe for the larger audience, now that taskflow is under oslo, how does it start to connect into more of the gating and such00:14
harlowja*should it, whats the process if so, maybe nothing special00:15
nibalizerim now doing some testing around telling puppetdb to disable its firewall00:15
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nibalizerwell, telling the puppetdb module to not manage the firewall00:15
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clarkbfungi: jeblair: 16 is running latest logstash using the elasticsearch_http output, if you puppet agent --test --noop you should see the diff of the config. The reason I am using http output is that latest logstash wants a newer version of elasticsearch for its elasticsearch output00:17
clarkbthe biggest problem with elasticsearch_http output is you have to specify an exact host to POST stuff to, the elasticsearch output joins the cluster so can talk to anyone in the cluster00:19
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fungiclarkb: i think part of that went over my head. what are we using as the transport for previous elasticsearch communication with logstash?00:26
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fungiahh, i see now, "elasticsearch" is a separate protocol from "elasticsearch_http"00:28
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jeblairclarkb: what are you passing as the host?00:29
clarkbjeblair: elasticsearch.o.o00:29
clarkbhowever, did someone run puppet agent --test without the noop?00:29
clarkbbecause the process just restarted and reverted its config :)00:30
fungiclarkb: oh! :(00:30
fungii cut and pasted and was certain i had --noop in there00:30
* fungi is so sorrt00:30
fungii can patch it back00:30
clarkbfungi: there are basically two modes, elasticsearch clustering which is over ports 93XX and elasticsearch http over ports 92XX00:30
clarkbfungi: I got it00:30
fungii still have it in scrollback00:30
clarkbfungi: I know what it is00:30
* fungi feels like a complete doofus now00:31
jeblairclarkb: i assume we don't want all the workers to push to es.o.o, right?00:31
clarkbjeblair: right, we would probably have them mod 6 in the config00:31
jeblairclarkb: what's the prospect for an elasticsearch upgrade?00:31
clarkbjeblair: fungi: or, I can upgrade the cluster00:31
clarkbjeblair: fungi: its actually pretty good imo00:31
clarkblast time it went smoothly, basically just shut everything down, start nodes on new code00:32
clarkbI am happy to do that as well and just use native logstash00:32
jeblairi like that00:32
clarkber native elasticsearch00:32
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fungisounds worth the impact00:32
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fungirather than dealing with workarounds we'd eventually just rip out anyway00:33
clarkbI will start composing puppet changes to mimic what I do there00:34
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* fungi is starting to run out of brain for the evening, so winding down00:37
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* clarkb made a slight mistake and started logstash 1.3.3 against es 0.90.3 using the elasticsearch output and it seems to be working >_>00:38
clarkbmight not need to do a full upgrade but doing one is probably a good idea anywaysw00:38
clarkbgoing to switch back to http for now so that it doesn't have a chance to go sidewyas later00:39
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fungioh, fair warning. they say we've got waves of freezing rain coming through tomorrow, possibly worst in more than a decade, so trees are likely to be coming down across power lines and i may disappear for prolonged periods due to lack of electricity00:44
* fungi wishes he could wire a generator into this townhouse easily00:45
clarkbfungi: gl00:48
clarkbportland went through that over the weekend, sea was spared00:48
fungiyeah, they're saying up to 0.75" ice accumulation on trees and lines00:48
sdaguefungi: the portable ones just plug into an outlet, and you just throw the mains00:52
fungithat's tempting. punch it into a 3-phase outlet?00:52
jhesketh__jeblair: Do you have a few minutes to discuss the swift log instructions patch for zuul?00:53
sdagueI think so, I haven't done a ton of research on it. My folks have one of those00:53
sdaguejust simpler than full wiring it in00:53
* fungi makes a note to research those00:53
fungibut when i buy a house soonish i plan to just get one installed with an ats00:53
fungithe islands have much less stable power too00:54
fungiso i'd rather go with one which will cut in automatically with no more than a few seconds delay00:54
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jeblairjhesketh__: sure01:01
jeblairjhesketh__: assuming you're still here..01:01
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jhesketh__jeblair: so I like your feedback, but I'm not sure which way I prefer or which might be better (re using parameter-function vs 1st class citizen)01:04
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jhesketh__I'm leaning towards 1st class, but in the current structure it kinda makes more sense to be a parameter-function01:05
jhesketh__do you have any opinions01:05
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Upgrade to logstash 1.3.3 and ElasticSearch 0.90.9
clarkbgoing to WIP ^ as it won't be an automagic upgrade01:07
jeblairjhesketh__: i've grown fond of 1st class; i feel like it has the flexibility and generality we have elsewhere (eg pipelines themselves), but we're still making something complex easy to use01:07
clarkbbut I think I can dive right into that tomorrow01:08
jhesketh__jeblair: so what if we took the current openstack functions and made them 1st class too? so job parameters become a kind of plugin01:08
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add support to run nova-api-metadata as separate binary
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jeblairjhesketh__: that sounds like a good idea.  we only use it for 2 things right now; the swift change will obviate one of them, and the other one could be set with a yaml-parameter.  though getting rid of jenkins will obviate the other one i expect.  :)01:10
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jeblairjhesketh__: but yeah, we can certainly express "parameter: OFFLINE_NODE_WHEN_COMPLETE: 1" in the "name: ^.*dsvm.*$" job01:12
jhesketh__okay, I like this plan but wonder how best to implement it... perhaps we should have more generic plugins that can hook into various parts01:13
jhesketh__which could be quite complicated01:13
jhesketh__otherwise maybe we just have a 'jobs' plugin that acts on the jobs part of the layout and parameter-function type items01:14
jeblairjhesketh__: what did you think of my final suggestion?  that we make a changish have a descriptive path (eg "12345/1" or "abcdef" or "", and use that as the basis for "path: {change.path}/{}/{build.uuid}" in the swift section?01:15
jhesketh__oh yeah, we should do that01:15
clarkbI am going to AFK now. jeblair fungi let me know what you think about doing a logstash and es upgrade tomorrow. It should be mostly painless. THe last upgrade was much scarier because of the lucene change beneath es and the es schema for logstash being simplified01:15
clarkbfor this one I should be able to stop all logstash indexer and gearman workers, then kill the cluster, upgrade nodes bring cluster back, upgrade logstash then start all the workers again01:15
jhesketh__jeblair: if zuul is going to give instructions on where to put logs it should also define the final destination if possible01:15
jeblairjhesketh__: i'm not opposed to genericizing this; but i would lean toward just building the swift stuff in to start with so we don't get too distracted with plugin architectures...01:16
jeblairjhesketh__: but designing the yaml and the code in a modular way to facilitate cleaning up the abstraction is good01:16
clarkb ceilometer link there is broken, where do we submit bugs for stuff like that?01:16
clarkbjeblair: fungi ^ is there a foundation website bug tracker?01:17
jeblairclarkb: no time like the present01:17
jeblairclarkb: i think01:17
jhesketh__jeblair: okay, I think I have enough to reroll that patch, thanks :-)01:18
jeblairjhesketh__: cool, i'm really excited.  thanks!01:18
jhesketh__no worries :-)01:19
jhesketh__sorry this log stuff has been taking so long!01:19
jeblairjhesketh__: also, if you need something to multiplex, i think the os-loganalyze project will need corresponding updates to fetch from swift01:19
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jhesketh__yes, that's on my todo list01:20
jhesketh__wouldn't mind some feedback on my config script that actually pushes to swift01:20
jhesketh__still not sure how to actually tie that in with Jenkins+console scripts yet01:20
jhesketh__(possibly should mark it WIP)01:20
jeblairjhesketh__: will do; i just starred it for review tomorrow01:21
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jhesketh__I like all the merger stuff btw :-)01:21
jeblairjhesketh__: i'm trying to dig out from the review backlog and prioritize, but i haven't seen everything yet, so feel free to ping me on things where i'm blocking you01:21
clarkbjeblair: and filed thanks01:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1279140 in openstack-org "Broken ceilometer link" [Undecided,New]01:21
jeblairmattoliverau: that goes for you too ^ :)01:21
jeblairjhesketh__: cool!  i'm hoping we can get it running before zuul falls over again; it did have a 140 load average earlier this week01:22
clarkbthis ++ I have been swamped and trying to help with git-review reviews do ping me if I can help elsewhere01:22
clarkbthere are changes up to add https git review support01:22
jhesketh__jeblair: you're not blocking :-)01:22
jhesketh__jeblair: I wonder if zuul-server should launch zuul-merger by default and have a parameter to tell it not to?01:23
jhesketh__so that by default zuul bundles itself up into one box nicely01:23
jeblairjhesketh__: good idea; matches what we did with gearman for basically the same reason01:23
jeblairjhesketh__: we can add that on to the end of the series01:24
jhesketh__works for me01:24
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jhesketh__jeblair: would you mind adding your thoughts to my comments on if you get a chance?01:28
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clarkbok AFKing for real now01:32
jeblairjhesketh__: whoops, forgot to save draft comments.  done.  :)01:32
jhesketh__thanks :-)01:33
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewday: Ensure non-WIP reviews have a score of 1 as a base
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koofossHi All, I just did a "git review -d" in a new environment and ran a "tox -epy27" and got an error ( (I was recommended to ask in #opestack-infra)03:22
koofosscan anybody point me in the right direction?03:22
koofossPS: was working on glance03:23
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clarkbkoofoss: is pbr in glance's requirements? pbr is the thing that installs python test03:25
koofossyes it is ...03:26
clarkband if so what version is installed by tox (you can `.tox/py27/bin/pip freeze` to get a listing of what was actually installed)03:26
koofoss[~/tmp/glance].tox/py27/bin/pip freeze | grep -i pbr03:26
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clarkbthat should be plenty new enough03:27
clarkbkoofoss: what happens if you `.tox/py27/bin/python test --slowest --testr-args='--concurrency 1'03:28
clarkboh and what version of tox are you using? tox --version03:28
koofossclarkb: same error: 'error: option --slowest not recognized'03:28
koofoss[~/tmp/glance]tox --version03:29
koofoss1.6.1 imported from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tox/__init__.pyc03:29
clarkb:/ that is the good version of tox, I don't know what is happening03:29
clarkbmordred: ^ any ideas?03:29
clarkbalso why are we using lockutils with concurrency = 1? /me smells a cargo cult03:30
koofossshould I try rebuilding my tox environment again (ugh - it takes ages :()?03:30
clarkbI don't think you need to, you can certainly try03:30
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koofossregarding the concurrency thing ... I didn't put that in ... it came with the download03:31
koofossso what should I be setting it to?03:31
clarkbconcurrency is fine as 1, but if you are running one test at a time there is no need for the python -m lockutils thing03:32
koofossI see ... I'll try rebuilding my tox. *fingers-crossed*03:33
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clarkbkoofoss: which change are you testing?03:35
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koofossclarkb: It was a patch I uploaded and now I'm downloading it to incorporate review comments03:36
koofossclarkb: I usually delete my branches after uploading, and then re-download the branches to work on the review comments03:37
clarkbthat should be fine, when was the last time the tox env was built?03:37
koofossclarkb: yesterday morning03:38
koofossbut one thing I note is that yesterday when I ran tests, it used nosetests03:38
koofossthis morning it's using testr!03:38
clarkbso python test is the way to testr03:38
clarkbits possible some corner case was missed03:38
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clarkbI just tried to reproduce but couldn't I am on a precise machine like the jenkins slaves03:39
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clarkbbut yeah, if it switched you will need to rebuild the tox env03:39
clarkbor update it by hand to include the new dependencies03:39
koofossok, will bite the bullet. Many thanks for your help :)03:40
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openstackgerritCyril Roelandt proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: python-keystoneclient: make the py33 gate voting
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openstackgerritCyril Roelandt proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: python-keystoneclient: make the py33 gate voting
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wenlockwondering is login for review working for anyone else?  seems launchpad openid server might be down... but maybe it's me04:33
StevenK works for me04:33
wenlockStevenk: and you were able to login?04:34
StevenKI already was04:34
wenlockok... will try again later.04:34
StevenKwenlock: I just logged out and back in, and it worked.04:34
wenlockstevenk: awesome, thanks for checking for me... it must be my comp then!04:35
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wenlocktime to flush that browser cache04:35
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SergeyLukjanovmorning/evening :)04:54
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Enable verbose output for welcome message
fungiSergeyLukjanov: i guess it's time to hand off the baton. my tuesday ends as your wednesday begins05:00
fungii hope it's an uneventful one!05:01
SergeyLukjanovfungi :)05:01
SergeyLukjanovfungi, good night05:01
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/git-review: Attach Gerrit logs and known_hosts to failed tests
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add jenkins job to build the gerrit plugins
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Setup tooling and jobs for openstack Gerrit ver 2.8 and beyond
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add an overcloud test for tripleo
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zhiweiclarkb: hi, I saw the meeting log. You can rename the project this weekend?05:30
clarkbzhiwei: a little after that jeblair mentioned he wants to do it during the next openstack downtime05:33
clarkbwhich we don't have a date for05:33
clarkbbut savanna rename should catch that in a few weeks if nothing does prior05:33
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zhiweioh, we are branching stable/havana in our repo, and want to use the new cookbook name in stable/havana branch.05:35
clarkbthe branch name should be independent of the project name05:35
zhiweiyes, I know. but the name in the cookbook code.05:36
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zhiweithe other havana cookbook depends on metering cookbook. so, if the stable/havana is branched, they can't use this branch because the cookbook name is changed to another.05:38
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clarkbyou would just update the other dependencies right?05:39
zhiweiI don't want to update the stable branch with new cookbook name, this is a big change.05:39
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/git-review: Remove tox locale overrides
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: replace jeepyb's trivial rebase gerrit hook with copyAllScoresOnTrivialRebase
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: use gerrit's built-in rebase detector instead of the jeepyb trivial rebase hook.
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Also copy tempest.config for old with grenade
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: update comment filter for gerrit 2.8
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gitdm: Fix misspellings in gitdm
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openstackgerritNoorul Islam K M proposed a change to openstack-dev/cookiecutter: Update copyright year
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eskerquick gerrit question:  will it reject a new submission if the associated bp is newly filed and not yet approved?08:05
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openstackgerritRobert Esker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Implements: blueprint add-manila-to-gerritbot
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openstackgerritRobert Esker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Removes extraneous carriage return
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openstackgerritRobert Esker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Implements: blueprint add-manila-to-gerritbot
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openstackgerritYongli He proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Use six.moves.urllib.parse instead of urlparse
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openstackgerritAndreas Rehn proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added support for Delivery Pipeline Plugin
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hughsaundershey, a gate job failed when attempting to fetch a gem from, should I report that as bug and reverify against that? Its not really a bug in the openstack infrastructure though..
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openstackgerritYuriy Taraday proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Don't try to attach known_hosts if it's not there
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openstackgerritLin Tan proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Use six.moves.urllib.parse instead of urlparse
openstackgerritLin Tan proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Use six.moves.urllib.parse instead of urlparse
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Use >=, not >, for the lower bound of a requirement
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update groups gating scripts
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garykmordred: ping11:44
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add marconi to projects.txt
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openstackgerritAlexander Jones proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Fix parsing of SCP-style URLs, as these are valid in Git itself
openstackgerritAlexander Jones proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Properly work around the fact that ssh: isn't a real URI scheme
openstackgerritAlexander Jones proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Properly work around the fact that ssh: isn't a real URI scheme
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openstackgerritDavid Caro proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added matrix trigger option to email-ext publisher
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SergeyLukjanovgaryk, pong12:44
garykSergeyLukjanov: hi, maybe you can help here12:46
SergeyLukjanovgaryk, hi, what's up?12:46
garykany idea what is required to get approved?12:46
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garyki am not exactly sure what is missing. we would like to get the code posted soon so that we can get in in for I12:47
SergeyLukjanovgaryk, there are some problems with manage-projects script12:48
SergeyLukjanovgaryk, so, new projects couldn't be created right now12:49
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SergeyLukjanovgaryk, I hope that we'll fix it soon12:49
SergeyLukjanovlet me find the bug on luanchpad12:49
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garykThanks! Finally we understand12:50
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SergeyLukjanovgaryk, here it is
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uvirtbotSergeyLukjanov: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out12:50
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SergeyLukjanovheh, launchpad sucks sometimes12:50
openstackgerritDavid Caro proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added matrix trigger option to email-ext publisher
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openstackgerritDavid Caro proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added matrix trigger option to email-ext publisher
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anteayaSergeyLukjanov: we can still create new repos13:35
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, hi13:35
anteayamanage projects is logging right now, sometimes it falls over13:35
SergeyLukjanovyou mean manually?13:35
anteayalast time it didn't13:35
anteayawell my patch was merged on Monday and I think we are back to automatically13:36
anteayawith logging13:36
anteayakeeping in mind it is fragile and might fall over13:36
anteayathat is my current understanding13:36
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, we can try to merge one more project creation CR, but it requires babysitting13:36
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SergeyLukjanovanteaya, agreed, I'm planning to look on the script today13:37
SergeyLukjanovto probably generate some crazy ideas13:37
anteayahughsaunders: yeah filing a bug against ci about a dependency not being available for download... doesn't sound right for me13:38
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: oh okay13:39
hughsaundersanteaya: so is it still ok to use "reverify no bug" in that situation?13:39
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SergeyLukjanovhughsaunders, there is no more such command13:39
anteayahughsaunders: except reverify no bug has been removed13:39
SergeyLukjanovhughsaunders, you can only 'reverify bug NNN'13:39
hughsaundersah, so what should I use to reverify if the problem is external?13:39
anteayaI'm more inclined to make a comment on the patch to say that rubygems was having an issue13:40
anteayaand then get a core to reapprove13:40
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hughsaundersso if its reapproved it will get reverified?13:40
anteayaafter ensuring you can download that gem by hand before sending it off to the gate again13:40
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anteayaafter it is reapproved it will go back into the gate queue13:41
anteayaand gate tests will run and it will be merged if it passes, yes13:41
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: I have been working on getting a mock gerrit set up to run manage projects and evaluate it, for instance to see what is making so many calls to the github api13:42
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anteayabut you are faster than I am, so don't let me hold you back13:42
anteayaI am still bogged down with the puppet trying to get the mock gerrit set up13:42
SergeyLukjanovhughsaunders, which change?13:43
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, unfortunately I'm quite overloaded now and I'm not sure that I'll be able to debug it soon enough13:44
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, heh, I need to send summit talks proposals to make marketing team happy13:44
sdagueanteaya: no, registering a bug on openstack-ci is right for that13:45
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: how ever you want to spend your time, I can certainly understand being overloaded13:46
anteayasdague: okay great13:46
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anteayahughsaunders: I'm wrong, you were correct in the first place13:46
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sdagueoh, wait, this is outside our mirror13:46
anteayayes, rubygems13:46
hughsaunderssdague: yep, totally external13:46
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, I disagree, it doesn't looks like our issue13:46
anteayaI'm quite confident we will not be setting up a mirror for rubygems13:47
sdagueanteaya: well, I'd actually suggest that is the right solution, as we should isolate against the network13:47
sdagueevery time we don't, we fail13:47
sdaguenot that it's a near term priority13:48
sdaguebut that's the bug I would register13:48
hughsaundersok will register wishlist: should mirror rubygems13:48
sdaguebecause then we could keep track of how often it happens, then figure out when it's a big enough deal to actually deal with13:48
sdaguehughsaunders: yeh, and explain why in it, and the failures it causes not having13:49
anteayaokay, you have convinced me that filing the bug is in order13:49
sdaguehughsaunders: though realistically, if you are core on this, if you just toggle +A it will resubmit13:49
hughsaunderssdague: I am not, but I can someone else to do that13:50
sdaguehas anyone looked into why gerrit has gotten so slow?13:51
anteayaI have not, what is your metric for the slow?13:52
hughsaundersthat worked..13:52
sdagueanteaya: time to run git review13:53
sdaguei'll actually time it on my next go13:53
hashargerrit show-queue  often gives clue13:53
hasharI mean the Gerrit cli command over ssh ( ssh -p 29418 <user@gerrit host> gerrit show-queue13:54
ArxCruzALLL I'm getting this erros in all my jobs 13:07:45 FATAL: Null value not allowed as an environment variable: ZUUL_COMMIT13:54
ArxCruzdoes anyone knows what can be ?13:55
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anteayaArxCruz: jobs running on our infra or yours?13:56
anteayasdague: k13:56
ArxCruzanteaya: mine13:56
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anteayaArxCruz: I am not personally familiar with that error, no13:56
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ruheArxCruz: looks like a misconfiguration13:57
anteayaArxCruz: when did it begin happening?13:57
ArxCruzanteaya: yesterday13:57
ArxCruzruhe: misconfiguration where?13:57
ruhein your zuul settings or related apache settings13:58
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anteayasdague: I just looked at the cacti graphs for the review.o.o server and I am not seeing anything extraordinary, or that I recognize as being extraordinary13:59
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ArxCruzruhe: anteaya
ArxCruzthis is my layout.yaml14:00
ArxCruznot sure what's wrong :/14:00
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mattymoanyone else noticing is awfully slow right now?14:01
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anteayamattymo: slow in what way? I can navigate to docs.o.o and click links and pages render for me in a reasonable amount of time14:02
anteayareasonable being subjective here14:03
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anteayaArxCruz: beyond confirming that appears to be yaml, I am not much help here, never having configured zuul myself14:04
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mattymoanteaya, must have been intermittent. sorry14:07
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sdagueanteaya: link to cacti graphs?14:09
anteayanp, perhaps others have noticed the same14:09
anteayamattymo: was it the rendering of pages in your browser that felt slow for you?14:09
sdagueanteaya: it's been a while14:09
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anteayasince the cacti url requires the .php? thing I can't get that format in my brain, always have to look it up14:10
anteayamattoliverau: did you ever put together a patch for the cacti url cleanup?14:11
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sdagueI expect this is probably the root cause -
sdagueif you look at the year trend14:12
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anteayalook at that ff spike14:13
anteayabut I think you are drawing attention to the slow, constant growth in traffic14:13
anteayaand look at that ff spike14:14
anteaya5x the traffic compared to a year ago14:14
anteayathe ff is 3x current traffic levels14:15
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matrohonanteaya : hi14:16
anteayahello matrohon14:16
anteayawhat's on your mind14:16
matrohonanteaya : i'd like to speak about multi-node setup. do you know the status from a infra point-of-view?14:17
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anteayathe status from an infra point of view is that mestery said he would get more data and get back to us14:18
anteayait was an agenda item at one meeting14:18
matrohonthe last one?14:18
anteayathe consensus was that we could see this would be a need and that we needed more information before we could draft a plan14:18
anteayano, before christmas14:18
mesteryanteaya: Yes, and I apologize for dropping the ball there. I've been spending most of my free cycles trying to make OpenDaylight a production quality open source Neutron ML2 MechanismDriver.14:18
anteayamestery: you didn't drop the ball14:19
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anteayathere was an email post about it and I encouraged the querant to talk to you and to put another agenda item on the -infra meeting agenda14:19
mesteryanteaya: Thanks. :)14:19
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matrohondo you think we should fill a BP on openstack-infra?14:19
anteayait is possible that matrohon was the querant14:19
anteayamatrohon: I think you should confer with mestery14:20
anteayathen you should put an agenda item on the -infra agenda14:20
anteayawhen it comes up, convey your findings14:20
mesterymatrohon: I like that idea my friend. Is this from an L2 Pop perspective?14:20
anteayathen next steps can be discussed14:20
matrohonanteaya : ok this will be on the agenda of the next ML2 meeting14:20
matrohonmestery : yes, this is expected to test l2-pop in the gate without 3rd party testing14:21
anteayamatrohon: fine with me, but -infra will have no knowledge of it until it is on the -infra meeting agenda and gets discussed14:21
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mesterymatrohon: Very cool.14:21
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anteayaalso keep in mind, once there is agreement that this is something infra needs to address, we need to put together a plan and a timeline14:22
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matrohonanteaya : fine14:22
anteayagreat, thanks14:23
anteayaI look forward to the discussion about it14:23
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update groups gating scripts
matrohonwe will discuss this on the ML2 meeting and get back to infra if needed14:24
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anteayaokay, let us know14:24
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sdagueanteaya: 33s to do a git review14:26
sdaguethat's the slowdown I was talking about14:26
anteayasdague: you have me convinced14:26
anteayathat is slow14:26
sdaguethat's been pretty consistent14:26
sdagueanyway, probably a post release thing to address14:27
anteayaso right now, we are operating on the theory this is due to a slow constant increase in tcp traffic, correct?14:27
sdaguewonder if it is easy to count requests by id and figure out if bots are acting out of control14:27
anteayawell, if the prior ff spike is anything to go by would could run into problems this ff14:27
anteayathat's an idea14:28
sdaguegit review doesn't fail, it's just slow14:28
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sdagueso something to note to address later, but I don't think it really impacts ff14:28
anteayaslow tools == frustrated devs that show up in -infra14:28
anteayaokay, well the backscroll will be read so others will weigh in if they have a mind to14:29
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mattymottx, are you available?14:33
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mattymo^ or fungi? re: distribution security notices14:36
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sdagueSergeyLukjanov: can I hit you up for this review -, 1 line, super fast14:40
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fungiesker: gerrit doesn't accept or reject changes based on any blueprint status--also we're not terribly dilligent about reviewing (or even noticing) blueprints for openstack-ci since we don't really use them14:42
fungisdague: i'll check into any resource contention on review.o.o14:42
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fungimattymo: i'm here--ready for me to test the e-mail address?14:42
SergeyLukjanovsdague, I'm on it14:43
SergeyLukjanovsdague, will be the results collected somehow?14:43
mattymofungi, osci-security@mirantis.com14:43
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: it makes a screen console14:43
sdagueso that will get picked up14:43
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, ok, +214:44
SergeyLukjanovsdague, is the logs large enough?14:44
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sdaguelarge enough?14:44
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, oops, will it generate very large output?14:45
sdaguesmaller than pidstat14:45
sdagueabout the same as the sysstat console log14:46
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, great14:49
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anteayawas going to spend time this weekend catching up the the expense reports, the maintenance gods say thou shalt not14:50
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Oslo program has adopted cliff, pycadf, stevedore, and taskflow
fungianteaya: well, you could always scan your receipts and make notes so you can just copy/paste/upload into the expense reporting system once they're done breaking it14:55
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anteayayes, it is the time to upload that it is tedieous14:56
mattymoI miss my old employer where you could create your report before you go on a trip empty, then get the ID, then you can photograph and email receipts as you get them and they get stored until later14:56
anteayaI don't know what hp feeds the gerbils but they need to switch to a higher octane kibil14:56
mattymothen you go back in and review each receipt image and type it out later14:57
mattymoinstead of fiddling through messy receipts when you get back14:57
anteayamattymo: that sounds like a system that might actually work14:57
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mattymomy current work is small enough where accountants do all the work, but they will threaten you with bodily harm if you forgot to save a boarding pass14:58
anteayanormally this is not a problem, just back to back trips and a foggy brain that is running on low gear14:58
anteayanot a great combination14:58
anteayaboarding passes I have no problem14:58
anteayathey can have all my boarding passes14:58
anteayasaved every one14:58
anteayamattymo: send over your accounts14:58
mattymohahaha ok14:59
anteayaI feel better already, thanks14:59
mattymothey don't speak any english. I once accused them of trying to fool me, but confused some letters and said I thought she was trying to hug me14:59
sdaguefungi: easy +A? -
anteayaha ha ha15:00
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anteayamattymo: as long as they can add15:00
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fungisdague: i'm looking at job logs for 72786 and not spotting the screen log for dstat...15:02
sdaguefungi: because there is a devstack change in flight as well15:03
fungisdague: aha. that was not mentioned in the changelog15:03
* fungi was confused15:03
sdagueoh, sorry. It wasn't really clear to me if there was an order that was prefered15:04
sdaguebecause nothing works until they are both in15:04
sdagueI'll push the devstack one to the gate15:04
fungiit is kinda chicken-and-egg, agreed. would just be nice to have at least one of them in and rechecked to make sure the other is right15:05
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sdaguefungi: sure15:05
fungiespecially with te gate so shallow right now15:05
sdaguei'll push the devstack one now15:05
fungisounds great. we can recheck 72786 once that merges so that at least one of them is self-testing15:06
sdagueyeh, I was kind of thinking about self testing in the other direction, honestly, as the odds that the devstack bit has to change is higher than the odds the d-g side has to change15:06
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sdagueI also think it's really low risk, as I tested d-g change in local tempest env15:07
sdagueand the worst that happens is a screen log isn't created15:07
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mtreinishfungi: quick gerrit question. Everytime I click on a Change-Id link in gerrit I get this error: has something changed?15:08
SergeyLukjanovmtreinish, change-id linking was broken by one of the commits that changes links parsing15:09
SergeyLukjanovmtreinish, and it was applied while the latest gerrit restart15:09
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mtreinishSergeyLukjanov: ok, I guess that means it will take another restart to fix it then. Oh well15:10
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SergeyLukjanovmtreinish, when we'll understand the reason for this breakage ;)15:11
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fungisdague: does devstack ignore entries in the enabled services list which it doesn't yet know about?15:13
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sdaguefungi: yeh, it's only possitive tests15:14
sdagueis_server_enabled foo15:15
sdaguewhich is why d-g change passed15:15
sdagueit turned on a service that doesn't exist15:15
fungigot it15:15
sdaguebut that's fine15:15
fungii assumed it must since the d-g change didn't fail all its jobs, but wanted to be sure that's intended behavior15:16
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fungisdague: checking back over system resource utilization for review.o.o (cacti graphs and spot-checks with diagnostic tools locally on the system) nothing's jumping out at me as necessarily broken/choked. network performance also seems fine (no packet loss and reasonable rtt from my house)15:37
sdaguedhellmann_: would it be totally insane to set PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE  in the tox.ini ?15:38
fungisdague: though rackspace notes some disruption today (that vm is a next gen in dfw):
sdagueyou get really bizarre issues running tests once things move to oslo15:38
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sdaguefungi: gerrit slowness has been long standing for me15:38
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sdaguea git review upload is ~30s15:38
sdagueand has been for at least a month15:39
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fungisdague: in that case, if it's resource constraints that's likely within the jvm. i'll see if i can replicate the behavior--it takes that long for me, but i assumed that's because i'm running git-review within a busy 256mb paravirtualized server using an nfs root filesystem15:40
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sdagueyeh, no, this is everywhere15:40
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fungiso my performance should be worst-case regardless15:40
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sdagueI expect it's actually constrained on the tcp connect side, given the cacti graphs15:41
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Merger: log non Git exceptions on merge
jaypipesSergeyLukjanov: hi :) do you have a sec to help debug an issue with Jenkins?15:42
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jeblairfungi, SergeyLukjanov: good morning; anything i can help with?15:42
fungisdague: maybe... though cacti says it's hovering around 100 open tcp connections with ~8 events a second15:42
sdaguefungi: yeh, though look at the year trend15:43
fungijeblair: no emergencies this morning. just looking at slowness from git-review15:43
jeblairthat doesn't sound terrible15:43
fungipresumably gerrit15:43
jeblair(the tcp level/rate)15:43
SergeyLukjanovjaypipes, hi, we can try :) it's about your attempt to install own infra?15:43
sdaguefungi: honestly, the git-review slowness isn't a high priority thing15:43
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sdagueit was mostly a "hey, this takes 30s now, and it used to take 5s"15:43
jeblairkeep in mind gerrit has its own internal limit/tuning parameters15:43
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, morning, gate is working now and I'm happy about it ;)15:43
sdaguejeblair: ok, so we might be hitting internal rate limits?15:43
jeblairit's possible to connect to gerrit and wait for a thread15:44
sdagueis there any way to measure that?15:44
jeblairsdague: it's an (unverified) possibility15:44
sdaguebecause from cacti, it seems like the box has plenty of juice15:44
jeblairthere's javamelody monitoring and some gerrit ssh cli tools, both of which are admin only :(15:44
sdaguelots of idle, lots of extra mem15:44
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jeblairsdague: honestly, it's a bit of a black art; afaict the most complete documentation of it is contained in our puppet manifests15:45
jaypipesSergeyLukjanov: yes :) I have everything installed and running. Jenkins Job Builder has built my job, and Jenkins shows it in its job list. Zuul is running properly now, and is triggering the jenkins job when receiving events on openstack-dev/sandbox project. However, I am getting LOST builds and there are messages in the debug log about the job not being registered with Gearman.15:45
jeblairsdague: i collected every bit of arcane knowledge i could and stuck them in there.  sometimes while in airport lounges.  :(15:45
ArxCruzDoes anyone know's who's the Hyper-V CI responsible? I would like to talk with him/her :)15:46
sdaguejeblair: yeh, no worries15:46
sdaguelike I said, this is kind of a low priority thing, but wanted to make sure folks knew it was there15:46
fungiArxCruz: there is a (presumed working) contact address for that account. should be able to see it if you hover your cursor over the account name15:46
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ArxCruzfungi: thanks15:47
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fungithey just provided us that e-mail address last week, so it should be fresh15:47
SergeyLukjanovjaypipes, hm, can't remember that I had such errors15:48
SergeyLukjanovruhe, ping15:48
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SergeyLukjanovjaypipes, probably, ruhe saw them15:48
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Log components starts in Zuul.Server
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ruhehey hey15:48
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SergeyLukjanovjaypipes, how is the jenkins job logs?15:49
SergeyLukjanovjaypipes, any errors?15:49
ruheyes, i've seen it15:49
jeblairsdague, fungi: it looks like we have yet another kind of poorly-configured ci system...15:49
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/git-review: Don't try to attach known_hosts if it's not there
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fungijeblair: some gerrit account spamming connections to the api?15:49
jeblairsdague, fungi: last night the stable-maint list got spammed by a zuul that was configured with openstack's layout.yaml15:50
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jeblairsdague, fungi: so it tried to run stable bitrot jobs and sent email as jenkins@15:50
sdaguejeblair: nice....15:50
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fungiand the cargo cult gets one more member15:50
ruheSergeyLukjanov: jaypipes: that happens, when you don't have jenkins slaves15:50
sdagueyeh, I think there is this ton of lessons learned from 3rd party CI, like the fact that we need more defensive systems15:50
jeblairfungi, sdague: later today i will write some exim rules that will prevent that.15:51
sdaguethere is a lot of presumed trust in the whole process15:51
ruhejaypipes: jobs will be registered only when a slave is attached to jenkins15:51
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ruheSergeyLukjanov: jaypipes: the only thing i'm not sure about is - should the slave be built with nodepool or not15:52
jeblairsdague, fungi: the ipv6 block it came from is rackspace HK15:52
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewday: Make reviewday.json world readable.
jeblairto them i would like to say, congrats on using ipv6, now fix your zuul.  :)15:54
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fungiwell, presumably their use of ipv6 is entirely courtesy of it being enabled by default in rackspace hk15:55
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fungiso there's every chance they don't even know15:55
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anteayalooks like the start of another fun freenode day15:57
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, I hope not today ;)15:57
anteayaI hope not too15:57
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jeblairmrmartin: openstackid can use precise php after all?
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewday: Use a with block to create index.html.
mrmartinjeblair: yeap, I just made a test, and it seems to be that tarball packaging part will work, and we need to test the overall project16:00
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fungii'll be amused if so. smarcet seemed certain it needed features only introduced in 5.4, though what exactly i'm not certain16:01
mrmartinjeblair: we did a quick grep, and not found php 5.4 specific short array usage, but more testing required here16:01
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Allow bare-precise nodes to sudo
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use a sudoers file for jenkins sudo rights
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Revoke sudo permissions before infra jobs
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Revoke sudo from most jobs
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jeblairmrmartin: cool; that will be much easier to work with!16:02
jaypipesSergeyLukjanov: apologies... I lost Internet connectivity :(16:03
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mrmartinjeblair:  I also added basic php package support to jenkins slave.pp, as a part of this patch:
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SergeyLukjanovjaypipes, have some issues too - 3g isn't stable enough here ;)16:03
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jaypipesSergeyLukjanov: did you get these messages from me?
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jeblairmrmartin: why did you want to move the build scripts?16:05
fungisdague: do you remember what was done to fix gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-pg-isolated recently? it's failing fairly consistently for havana so i assume we're missing a backport of something16:05
mrmartinjeblair: because I cannot update them now :) catch of 22, they are sitting inside groups/ project and I cannot update it because gating fails.16:06
ruhejaypipes: do you have jenkins slave nodes? are they built with nodepool?16:06
sdaguefungi: no, mtreinish might remember16:06
jaypipesruhe: no, I do not. just the one master jenkins node.16:06
fungiwell, failing for neutron changes on havana anyway16:06
ruhejaypipes: then jobs will not register in gearman. you need at least one jenkins slave node16:07
jeblairmrmartin: oh, heh, okay.  we can also make jobs non-voting in cases like that, but this might be better anyway.16:07
SergeyLukjanovjaypipes, reading16:07
mrmartinjeblair: I checked js-build, and we can make something similar with drush/drupal and make a generic build script version later.16:07
jeblairmrmartin: great16:07
SergeyLukjanovjaypipes, do you have slaves generated by nodepool?16:07
mtreinishfungi: the isolated jobs oh that was salv-orlando's work there were changes on the neutron side16:07
mtreinishI think they're too much to backport though16:08
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fungimtreinish: okay cool. salv-orlando: should we consider disabling isolated jobs for neutron on havana?16:08
jaypipesruhe: I suspected that... so I guess I need to include jenkins::slave in the main mainfest...16:08
jaypipesSergeyLukjanov: no, I only have the one jenkins master node16:08
salv-orlandofungi: moved away from nbd mounting. We started using metadata based injection16:08
mrmartinjeblair: push this through quickly, and I will deliver the openstackid related gating tomorrow, it also depends on php, and we can enhance it later, but currently I cannot deliver community portal, and the openid project is a must go also16:08
jaypipesSergeyLukjanov: I was hoping to get this up and running without nodepool at first...16:08
SergeyLukjanovjaypipes, probably you could add slave manually with label specified for job16:09
ruheSergeyLukjanov: it should work with manually built and attached slaves. nodepool is not required16:09
jeblairmrmartin: yep, i will review those changes today16:09
salv-orlandofungi: There were a few patches which went in into nova, devstack, and openstack-infra/config16:09
openstackgerritAlexander Jones proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Fix parsing of SCP-style URLs, as these are valid in Git itself
fungijaypipes: if you're running jobs which can be run safely on your jenkins master, i think just changing the node label on your jobs to master will work16:09
mrmartinjeblair: thank you, I need to leave soon, but will check when I arrive home.16:09
salv-orlandofungi: If you can wait a bit I can dig all of them so you can see if they can be backported16:09
fungijaypipes: but anything which makes system-wide changes/uses sudo is likely to trash your jenkins master16:10
jaypipesinteresting.... ok, lemme play around with that and see if gearman picks it up16:10
jaypipesfungi: like devstack? ;)16:10
jaypipesfungi: yeah, I know ... was just trying to get the full communication cycle working at first.16:10
fungijaypipes: yes, you'll definitely want something like nodepool-created single-use slaves for running devstack16:10
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fungijaypipes: you could try gate-noop jobs with their node label changed to master16:11
jaypipesfungi: yeah, that's what I'm doing right now...16:11
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: restrict all queries to the relevant file
jaypipesjust to see if all the pieces are communicating correctly...16:11
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jaypipesHmm, what would Brian Boitano do?...16:12
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fungijaypipes: you just brought back a flood of memories of the original southpark short film16:12
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fungisalv-orlando: there's no rush. i was just noticing that neutron backports for 2013.2.2 are likely to be a real pain for apevec if we're constantly failing isolated jobs on them16:13
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sdaguefungi: realistically it's actually bad for all havana backports as well as the main gate16:17
dhellmann_sdague: what problem would PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE fix?16:17
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fungidhellmann_: any idea why pycadf installation into a virtualenv would have tried to write to /etc?
fungidhellmann: ^16:17
dhellmannfungi: looking16:17
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sdaguedhellmann_: the fact that when you migrate to an external oslo library, the pyc in your local test tree doesn't get removed from openstack/common16:18
sdagueand then yuo explode on duplicate conf option error16:18
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, ttx, do we like to have a separated repo for release testing or just make corresponding jobs for existing sandbox?16:18
fungisdague: i think it's probably not impacting other havana backports if we're only running those jobs against neutron changes for that branch, but i agree it does make gating slow due to constant resets16:18
dhellmannsdague: oh, I have a git checkout hook that removes all my .pyc files every time I change branches16:18
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, ttx, I'm 50-50 on both options :)16:19
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jeblairSergeyLukjanov: i think we can do it on the existing sandbox16:19
ttxQuestion: do we hate that milestone-proposed branches are deleted and recreated, creating stale branches in some repositories ? Do we hate it enough to reeducate people away from m-p and towards proposed/* model ?16:19
sdaguedhellmann: so if that's the case, why not just suppress the pyc in tox?16:19
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dhellmannsdague: is this just a local dev issue, or a gate issue?16:19
sdaguelocal dev16:19
sdaguethe gate is fresh all the time16:19
mordredyeah - isn't there an env var taht can be set to do taht?16:19
sdaguemordred: yes16:20
dhellmannmordred: yeah, that's what he's suggesting16:20
fungittx: i think it's a filthy habit, but it doesn't really impact me in any actual way, so i don't suppose i care too strongly16:20
jeblairttx: i'm okay with either, but i like the idea of changing when juno opens if we're going to change16:20
ttxjeblair: yes, that would be more consistent.16:20
dhellmannsdague: I guess I don't have an issue with it, but it feels a little weird16:20
SergeyLukjanovttx, IMO proposed/* is much more consistent, but it looks quite scare to re-educate all contributors ;)16:20
dhellmannsdague: like there ought to be a "cleaner" way to solve it16:20
sdague<sdague> dhellmann_: would it be totally insane to set PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE  in the tox.ini ?16:20
sdaguefor mordred16:20
mordredsdague: I beliee we should set that16:21
sdaguedhellmann: well, that's why I asked16:21
sdaguemordred: ok16:21
dhellmannfungi: it looks like pycadf is installing a data file into /etc. I'll talk to gordc about removing that16:22
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dhellmannmordred: I'm uneasy about it, can you explain more about why you think it's a good idea?16:22
fungidhellmann: or make it such that it's relative to the virtualenv when it's being installed into one16:22
dhellmannfungi: the setup.cfg just lists data files, I'm not sure how to be more specific about the destination16:23
ttxjeblair: let's WIP it until Juno summit and try to assess if it's useful by then16:24
ttxjeblair: agreed?16:24
fungidhellmann: in that case, we might be dealing with another iteration of the system site packages broken we were seeing before16:24
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kiallHey guys - Is it just me (or or is the Wiki failing to send emails?16:28
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kiallWanted to get notified of changes to watched wiki pages, and updated my email.. the confirmation doesn't seem to be arriving. :(16:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1279405 in pycadf "pycadf installs files to global /etc directory, breaking OpenStack gate jobs" [Undecided,New]16:29
fungikiall: i'll have a look at its mail queue16:30
kiallthanks fungi ..16:30
jeblairttx: agreed16:30
fungidhellmann: thanks! it's entirely possible this isn't pycadf's doing since it's been a week from the last release and this is the first time i've spotted a failure on that job, but i guess we can figure that out16:31
mordreddhellmann: because we're doing virtualenvs, and because pyc files are pretty useless these days16:31
dhellmannfungi: sure16:31
fungikiall: two messages pending to you, one for 12 minutes and teh other for 5 minutes16:31
dhellmannmordred: useless?16:32
mordredin a dev tree16:32
fungikiall: hp may just be greylisting the wiki server. i don't see any other queued messages on it for anyone16:32
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dhellmannmordred: ok, it still feels like something that's easy enough to clean up but I don't see any negative impact16:33
fungikiall: 2014-02-12 16:24:36 SMTP timeout while connected to [] after initial connection: Connection timed out16:33
kiallfungi: humm, ok .. That's possible all right. I know I tried this in the past, a few months back, and never got any email then either :/ Will wait and se16:33
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kiallAhh .. Gotta love timeouts -_-16:33
dhellmannmordred: I suggest changing the cookiecutter repo and then updating the other projects -- I found the cookiecutter template to be a little out of date when I forked it for oslo-cookiecutter16:33
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fungikiall: almost certainlg greylisting. i forced exim to retry delivery on those early and they went through this time16:34
kiallfungi: just arrived - I would have though Greylisting would respond with a 450 Temp Rejection, rather than a TCP timeout.. Oh well, It worked. Thanks :)16:36
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fungikiall: spam mitigation techniques have become progressively more unfriendly over time as the spam problem continues to fester. nobody really seems to care about ietf rfc correctness when implementing mtas these days, at least where commercial/proprietary solutions are concerned16:37
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kiallYep - That why I've deferred every MTA I've looked after to .. Google Apps ;)16:39
kiall(Well - There's still 1 MS Exchange left.. It needs to be shot ASAP though)16:39
kiall(Never, ever, ever agree to even think about running MS Exchange ... In order for it to just boot, it's going to consume 5GB of RAM.. To actually handle things like Search, it's going to want 8GB or so.. What a waste.)16:41
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fungikiall: for me it's spamd on openbsd providing teergrubing for flagrantly bad mtas, and then sa-exim (exim4 with spamassassin as a plugin filter) doing graduated classification and autolearning16:41
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Log components starts in Zuul.Server
fungiand then i've added a feedback loop where moving misclassified messages into specially-named maildirs updates the classification further16:42
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kiallfungi: I remember "playing" with most of those kinda tools years ago.. Never managed to get great classification of spam .. and gave up ;)16:47
kiallGoogle Apps was just so much easier and had a great UI.. One of these days, I'll probably re-visit just to move away from Google ;)16:47
fungikiall: i did it for a living at an isp/datacenter hosting company for more than a decade, so i sort of had to figure it out16:47
fungialso, i don't trust google any further than i can kick them ;)16:48
kiallYea - I don't trust them as much as I used to.. But.. I don't distrust them enough (yet) to take it all on myself!16:49
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/hacking: HACKING.rst: Fix odd indentation in an example code
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mordreddhellmann: ++16:56
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openstackgerritMate Lakat proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Support install phase with nodepool
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openstackgerritMate Lakat proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Allow useage of server IDs as well as names.
openstackgerritMate Lakat proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Support install phase with nodepool
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yamamotowho's maintaining ical feed for meetings?17:05
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jeblairyamamoto: ttx; just change the wiki page and he will update17:06
* ttx sobs17:07
ttxi'm the missing link in meeting automation evolution17:07
jeblairyamamoto: he is an automatic ical updating machine.  he's not happy unless you feed him a constant stream of meeting updates.17:07
jeblairttx: do you do free/busy scheduling?  :)17:08
yamamotoml2 subteam meeting seems wrong in ical feed17:08
ttxit changes so many times I lost count17:08
* ttx checks17:08
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ttxyamamoto: fixed17:09
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mordreddhellmann: is there something other than adding the bytecode thing to cookiecutter you think needs to be added/changed? (off the top of your head)17:12
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add the climate-nova project
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* fungi watches review.o.o to see if that ^ works as intended17:32
fungioh, nm. that was a job config change not a new project addition17:32
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mriedemanyone seeing routing fails in the check-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full job today?17:40
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fungimordred: if you're around, i've got a requirements integration failure on a tox.ini change for stable/havana exhibiting strange pbr/setuptools hoodoo...
fungiseems to have started happening around two weeks ago17:49
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mriedemfungi: looks like what i'm seeing might only be a timeout on rax nodes:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1279443 in openstack-ci "check-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full fails in routing setup - rax only?" [Undecided,New]17:51
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fungimriedem: looks like the issue was first reported in rax iad around 02:30 utc and corrected around 10:40 utc, so your test failure falls in that window and matches the symptoms i'd expect17:53
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mriedemfungi: ah, ok17:53
mriedemwas about to yell at all the rackspace people at the nova meetup :)17:54
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clarkbI am going to check on a couple things first, but would like to get the logstash/ES upgrades rolling. jeblair fungi anyone interested in doing a play by play via screen?17:55
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clarkbits not terribly complicated, mostly just coordinating stops and starts of services and checking logs as we go17:56
fungiclarkb: i'm happy to screen -x into a shared session and follow along17:56
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mordredfungi: I'm confused about taht17:59
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openstackgerritMate Lakat proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Support install phase with nodepool
clarkbfungi: great, I will start a root screen on elasticsearch.o.o18:01
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sdakere oslo.config 1.3.0 in the gate - are there plans to make it available?18:24
sdakeit makes oslo.messaging porting work properly, atleast in heat :)18:24
zaromordred: hey. i totally forgot what we wanted to do with gerrit submodules?18:26
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zaromordred: they don't work in our forked gerrit openstack/2.8 branch18:27
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zarofungi: there was a gerrit 2.8.1 release 2 days ago so i'm thinking it would be good to synce openstack/2.8 branch with latest gerrit stable-2.8 branch?18:30
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fungizaro: i'll have to check whether the upstream updates on review.o.o are back to working again18:32
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fungithey were tied in with the manage-project script18:32
zarofungi: do you remember anything about my qustion to mordred ? about the submodules?18:33
jog0I just noticed the tp of the gate is waiting for a python26 job18:34
openstackgerritDiane Fleming proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add style guide for CLI help strings
zarofungi: ok. after you check you can just replace current branch with contents from upstream stabl-2.8.  nothing of ours has merged to openstack/2.8 branch yet.18:34
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fungizaro: okay, and no i don't remember right off the top of my head18:36
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wenlockhi, im looking for someone that's familliar with zuul and a patch related to a problem im getting that looks like the one here:   basically zuul is not creating the tags on my local repo for zuul to do a proper fetch in the jenkins job.   Any idea on how to troubleshoot zuul not creating tags?18:37
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fungiwenlock: zuul doesn't create tags. are you talking about the ref objects it creates?18:38
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wenlockgit fetch .... refs/zuul/master/blahblah18:38
wenlockfungi, locally it returns status code 12818:39
wenlockwhich is understandable because i don't see anything in the tags folder18:39
fungiwenlock: zuul will only create those refs on the projects which are targeted by any dependent pipeline changes. devstack-gate, for example, tries and then falls back to the branch tip if there is no zuul ref for a particular project18:40
fungiwenlock: also, these are not tags18:40
fungiso they wont be in refs/tags18:40
fungithey're just normal git objects18:41
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add jenkins job to build gerrit plugins
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wenlockfungi, so if i specify no ZUUL_REF in my yaml for scm section whre i git the project... it wouldn't try to use a ref/zuul tag??? just use the tip?18:45
fungiwenlock: there is no tag involved in this18:46
fungijust a git ref18:46
fungiand yes, zuul should create refs in the projects which have changes, but for the others you should just use the branches which that change is targeting if it's not for the same project18:47
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fungiand if the other project has a relevant branch (devstack-gate tries the zuul ref, then the common branch for the change being tested, then the master branch in that order i believe)18:47
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fungiwenlock: if you look at the scripts in the openstack-infra/devstack-gate project you should see the logic we're using there18:49
wenlockfungi, thanks for the pointer... im going to take a good look at that18:49
fungiwenlock: right now devstack-gate does it on a "better to ask forgiveness than permission" model, where it just tries to fetch the ref, then does a fallback if it gets an error18:50
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Spin up a bare-centos6 slave
fungijog0: ^18:52
* fungi will keep tabs on nodepool to make sure we get an image and hopefully a node18:52
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewday: Make reviewday.json world readable.
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, sdake
SergeyLukjanovfungi, sdake, so could be merged19:00
SergeyLukjanovoops, sdague19:00
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Fix happybase version
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewday: Use a with block to create index.html.
clarkbfungi: since we are ewaiting for the cluster to recover (yay this is the slowest most boring part), I was thinking we should switch to pvhvm images for rax19:09
pleia2reviewdayful morning19:09
clarkbiirc sdague's test time graphs indicated it was an improvement19:09
fungiclarkb: perhaps that could help, agreed19:10
clarkbfungi: not today for the elasticsearch stuff, but in the future (one problem at a time :) )19:10
clarkbbut we can definitely plow ahead on the slave front19:11
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clarkbfungi: also, can you tl;dr the git-review discussion from -dev early today? was that basically I need to review git-review changes?19:13
fungiclarkb: eh, we moved ahead with the change to collect additional log details and the change to add a timeout fixture19:14
fungii'm looking to see which ones have merged yet19:15
pleia2dprince: huzzah!
fungiright, still trying to get the timeout change merged19:15
fungioh there's a new one... "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread"19:16
clarkbfungi: I think our test slaves are too small for many concurrent gerrits19:17
fungii suppose we could tune that downward some19:18
dprincepleia2: ah so did the permission fix do the trick?19:18
clarkbfungi: concurrency set to 2 maybe?19:18
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clarkbshould default to 419:18
dprincepleia2: glad it is working now :)19:18
jog0fungi: cool19:19
fungiclarkb: perhaps. i want to get this change landed and then do some more rechecks of the loopback network change19:19
fungijog0: image has been building for 6 minutes so far19:19
pleia2dprince: yeah, permissions fix19:19
jog0fungi: neato thanks, you don't have alerting for that?19:19
clarkbfungi: ++19:19
fungijog0: alerting for what?19:20
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dprincepleia2: cool, I thought that looked suspicious. Thanks for looking into it all...19:20
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jog0fungi: for when a job in the top patch in the gate has been in queued state for x amount of time19:21
boris-42_sdague so the question is next Pecan is in globalrequirments19:21
boris-42_sdague so I am able to add it in my project19:21
fungijog0: well, we have you ;)19:21
boris-42_sdague and pecan has own requrimetns
jog0fungi: I am not scalable19:21
fungijog0: ultimately, we don't want alerts about these things. we want automation to make whatever we're missing19:22
boris-42_sdague and if I try to add only Mako to my requirements => I'm getting error19:22
jog0fungi: fair enough19:22
funginext change will be to have nodepool create more jog0 template images19:22
boris-42_sdague e.g. not such requirement in global requirements19:22
sdagueboris-42_: right, so that should probably be added to global requirements19:22
boris-42_sdague so it is OK if I make patch?19:22
pafuentHi. I noticed that a lot of review are waiting for python26, someone knows why?19:22
sdagueboris-42_: yes, explain the rational in it19:23
fungipafuent: because 14 centos6 slaves is not enough for our current py26 unit test volume19:23
sdagueespecially when py26 is 40% slower than py2719:23
fungipafuent: we're in the process of bringing changes in which will automatically make more centos6 slaves when we need them rather than reusing the same ones over and over19:23
pafuentfungi: Ahhh19:24
clarkbsdague: is it that pronounced on average? I know it hurts the nuetron tests quite a bit19:24
boris-42_sdague thanks I will19:24
pafuentfungi: Thanks for the quick response.19:24
sdagueclarkb: that's been my experience looking at the unit tests19:24
sdaguegate-nova-python26 SUCCESS in 17m 11s19:25
sdaguegate-nova-python27 SUCCESS in 12m 19s19:25
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Adding Mako>=0.4.0 to global requirments
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: sorry, back now from appt19:35
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fungijeblair: in short, the logstash/elasticsearch upgrade is nearing completion, and we have a centos6 nodepool image in the process of building19:35
clarkbjeblair: es cluster is recovering replica indexes19:36
clarkbonce that is done I will update and start the workers19:36
clarkbrecovery is going slower than I hoped :(19:37
jeblairclarkb, fungi: great.  my eyes are dialated and i'm using a giant terminal right now to try to read this.19:37
fungijeblair: you didn't spring for the bionic optical implants yet, i guess19:38
* clarkb files that statement away in the "Evidence people from NC are really robots)19:38
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clarkbs/\)/"/ folder19:39
jeblairfungi: i'm planning on 3d printing my next eyes.  you know they're doing that sort of thing at wake forest.19:39
jeblairclarkb: which is in north carolina19:39
clarkbmore evidence!19:39
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clarkbalmost up to 190k in the gearman queue, which isn't terrible considering it was at 130k before we started19:44
clarkband fingers crossed we catch up relatively quickly19:45
fungithat is one of the goals of this exercise after all19:45
fungiand the backlog should do a good job of putting it through its paces19:45
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SergeyLukjanovmy highlighter bumps me for the work craz*19:48
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jeblairSergeyLukjanov: this channel must come up a lot then19:49
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, exactly :)19:49
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Ajaeger1SergeyLukjanov, jeblair, infra team - here's some work that I love to see in ;) and
Ajaeger1jeblair: you already +2'ed 71056 and +2'ed an earlier version of 70594...20:08
* Ajaeger1 is ready on the tooling site to remove maven for openstack manuals and api sites and have some templates ;)20:09
SergeyLukjanovAjaeger1, 71056 approved, looking on the second one20:10
Ajaeger1SergeyLukjanov: Thanks a lot!20:10
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SergeyLukjanovAjaeger1, about 70594 - technically, it looks correct, but I'd like to see +1 from Anne20:15
Ajaeger1annegentle: could you give a +1 for 70594 again, please?20:15
_david_jeblair, fungi, clarkb: As of upcoming Gerrit 2.9, WIP plugin can be used without patching Gerrit core.20:15
SergeyLukjanovAjaeger1, because I don't know how docs building, so, it'll be better to have more eyes on it ;)20:15
Ajaeger1SergeyLukjanov: sure ;) She reviewed patch 9 and spotted a naming inconsistency, so let's see whether annegentle is happy now20:16
Ajaeger1SergeyLukjanov: I should know how the docs are building since I reworked it over the last 6 months, so if you have questions, just ask  ;)20:18
_david_the only prerequisite is: to disable DRAFT workflow, what we want anyway. Then DRAFT enum state is unused. Tha way we can "overload" gerrit's DRARFT workflow owth WIP workflow (ab-)using free DRAFT enum state.20:18
SergeyLukjanovAjaeger1, I think I'll need your help if savanna will graduate from incubation :)20:18
_david_jeblair, clarkb, fungi:
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Use openstack-doc-tools for openstack-operations-guide-{lang}
fungi_david_: neat!20:20
fungizaro: i've checked and the upstream/stable-2.8 branch is getting updated, so i've synchronized the openstack/2.8 branch to it20:21
_david_fungi, the target is still to get WIP workflow be part of core. The both changes: overloading of DRAFT workflow or make it in addition to DRAFT are still pending, ...20:21
fungilooks to include the 2.8.1 point release tag20:21
Ajaeger1SergeyLukjanov: if there's docu to build, just ask and I can help...20:21
SergeyLukjanovAjaeger1, thanks!20:22
jog0fungi: same thing again  with py26 in gate20:24
jog0oh my zuul page jsut updated20:25
fungijog0: yep, it's going to keep happening until we either test less stuff or add more centos6 slaves20:25
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Import oslo.test repository
jog0fungi: sigh20:27
Ajaeger1SergeyLukjanov: annegentle gave her +1 for
fungi(or stop testing python 2.6)20:28
jeblairjog0: there are changes in process to dynamically spin up centos6 slaves20:28
jog0fungi: \o/20:28
jog0jeblair: neato20:28
fungijog0: jeblair: 1.25 hours so far into the image buil;d20:28
jeblairyeesh, that's not fast.20:28
fungithough the last entry from it in the log is 40 minutes old...20:29
fungi2014-02-12 19:50:06,911 INFO Running: ['git', 'clone', '', 'openstack/neutron']20:29
fungii'll see if i can ssh in and look around20:29
jeblairfungi: i don't recall what the buffering is like on that20:30
jeblairfungi: i don't _think_ it's buffered...20:30
jeblairwe could also set the gate to high priority20:31
fungiroot     16730  0.0  0.1  92784  9680 pts/0    S+   19:50   0:00 git-remote-https
* fungi sighs20:32
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fungithe most recent child of that is a git fetch-pack started at 19:5520:34
jeblairfungi: oh, is it because we're cloning via https on centos6?20:34
fungijeblair: could be. i'm stracing it now to see if it's doing anything at all. seems deadlocked20:35
jeblairoh; deadlock doesn't so much fit with that20:35
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewday: Ensure non-WIP reviews have a score of 1 as a base
fungiyeah, i'd expect to see it trickling, but no syscalls for at least the past minute20:35
fungilooking on the git.o.o haproxy to see if it's still open for this host20:36
pafuentIs there a way to know if a screen ran correctly if no logs for those screens were uploaded in the job results?20:37
mikajeblair: hi! we've met a fosdem regarding my jjb issue, as promised I sent a mail to the infra mailing list -> - if you have any idea i'd very much appreciate it :)20:42
boris-42_sdague done, seems look like it works =)20:42
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eskerIs there a protocol for requesting a review for a minor change in openstack-infra?  Or should one patiently await?20:43
fungijeblair: haproxy.log says that last request was balanced to git03, but doesn't look like there's an open socket for it nor anything in the access/error logs20:43
fungijeblair: i'm going to delete the image and let it retry20:43
hasharfungi: I had some issues when cloning huge git repositories per http.  I think it was a bug somewhere in git-http-backend, I never got it fixed.20:44
hasharfungi: switched to git-daemon and git:// urls20:44
fungihashar: yeah, but with clients on centos6 (it uses an old git) i believe we're stuck doing that for now20:44
boris-42_sdague thank you20:44
fungihashar: or maybe it was the other way around. i could be misremembering20:44
hasharfungi: if you only care about a specific ref, you could use git archive , might speed things up20:44
fungijeblair: clarkb: were we surmising git:// might work better on centos6's old git client rev?20:45
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fungihashar: in this case we're caching all our projects onto template server images20:45
fungihashar: and we want whole repositories for each20:45
hasharso you can checkout different branches if need be20:46
hasharmake sense20:46
jeblairfungi: stupid internet.  yeah, i think we should change the nodepool scripts to use git://20:46
jeblairhashar: this is also so that we don't have to clone whole repos at the start of jobs, and there's very little to fetch20:47
fungijeblair: patch coming then20:47
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jeblairhashar: basically jobs should only need to fetch whatever has happened to the repo in the last day, plus the change they want to test.20:47
dhellmannI have a quick question about how openstackci works with pypi20:47
hasharmy slaves are bare metal, so I got Gerrit to replicate to a directory which is on the same disk as the workspace.  I then use git clone git://zuul/<project> --reference /localdisk/<project>20:48
dhellmannWhen a new project is added, and starts publishing releases to pypi, do we need to manually register it first, or will it be registered the first time anything is published?20:48
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hasharjeblair: yeah that is ideal20:48
jeblairhashar: that'll work.  :)20:48
hasharjeblair: until the Jenkins Git Plugin manage to break --reference, yeah that works for me :-D20:48
fungidhellmann: manually register it on pypi20:49
dhellmannfungi: ok20:49
fungidhellmann: well, not register register20:49
jeblairdhellmann: hrm, i always register first to squat the name; i technically don't know the answer20:49
dhellmannjeblair: I've been doing that, but wasn't sure I needed to20:49
dhellmannjeblair: and since I'm trying to write directions for others, who may not have pypi credentials, I wanted to skip that step if I could20:49
fungidhellmann: i just create the project with openstackci as an index maintainer/owner and set the version to 0, leaving all the optional fields blank20:49
jeblairtwine upload -r pypi $FILENAME20:50
fungidhellmann: the upload tooling takes care of teh rest20:50
jeblairthat's what happens, apparently20:50
dhellmannhow do you feel about me leaving oslo.test unregistered to see if that works?20:50
* dhellmann doesn't know twine20:50
jeblairme neither.  that's not what that script did the last time i looked.  :)20:50
fungidhellmann: twine is a static pypi uploader dstufft wrote a few months ago after talking to us20:50
dhellmannmakes sense to have it, I just hadn't seen it before20:51
jeblairdstufft: will twine register a project on first upload?20:51
dstufftjeblair: no because I'm a bad person and forgot to do it20:51
dhellmannok, I'll include the steps to manually register it20:51
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1277790
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1277790 in nova/havana "boto 2.25 causing unit tests to fail" [Critical,Fix committed]
jeblairdstufft: not too late for redemption.  ;)  thanks.20:52
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dhellmannjeblair, fungi, dstufft : thanks!20:52
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dhellmannjeblair, fungi, dstufft : if you could double-check I would really appreciate it20:58
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dstufftdhellmann: I recommend using the web ui to register not the interface20:58
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dhellmanndstufft: any particular reason?20:58
dstufftdhellmann: register|upload doesn't validate TLS20:59
dstufftso do it at OpenStack conference and anyone on the same WIFI as you could have just stolen your pasword :[20:59
dhellmann dstufft : ok, I'll update that after my next meeting, thanks20:59
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fungisimilar reasons led to the existence of twine for doing uploads21:01
dstufftI should really just add register to twine21:02
dstufftmaybe i'll do that today21:02
fungiwe would definitely make use of that feature21:03
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dhellmanndstufft: I would love to be able to use that, I didn't realize setuptools wasn't safe21:04
dhellmannCan anyone shed light on this error? I have no idea what it means?
dstufftdhellmann: someday I'm going to break distutils/setuptools so that register|upload doesn't work21:05
dhellmanntrying to add an oslo.test repo using instructions SergeyLukjanov and I worked out the other day, and I don't know if I have a typo or misunderstood, or what21:05
dstufftand I can just force everyone to use twine :V21:05
dstufftmaybe called pip upload at that point21:05
dhellmanndstufft: let me know so I can make popcorn21:05
dstuffthaven't decided on that yet21:05
dstufftdhellmann: yea I'm gonna get a lot of hate for that I'm sure :(21:05
dhellmannwell, I support the idea21:05
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jeblairdhellmann: you need a 'doc-publisher-site' parameter; it should be ''.21:06
jeblairdhellmann: (in projects.yaml)21:06
dhellmanndstufft: maybe you could update setuptools to start warning and promoting the use of twine, without breaking21:06
dhellmannjeblair: thanks!21:06
SergeyLukjanovdhellmann, excuse me, missed that on wiki :(21:06
jaypipesfungi, jeblair: so I'm making some progress getting jenkins slave up in LXC, but ran into an issue with cgroups-bin failing to install (because the LXC container is used a shared kernel, I presume). Do you think it would be safe for me to *not* include the jenkins::cgroups module from openstack-infra/config?21:07
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dhellmannSergeyLukjanov: I just looked and I see it, did you add it? :-)21:07
jeblairjaypipes: yes21:07
SergeyLukjanovdhellmann, nope, that's not me21:07
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jaypipesjeblair: cool, thx :)21:08
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Import oslo.test repository
SergeyLukjanovdhellmann, probably it was done by jeblair or I've added it with the jobs :)21:08
jeblairnot i21:08
fungijaypipes: we mainly use it to enforce memory limits on jobs21:09
dhellmannSergeyLukjanov: ok, it may have been a copy-paste error on my part21:09
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jaypipesfungi: right, understood. I just wanted to double-check that there wasn't something really nasty I would run into :)21:09
fungijaypipes: runaway jobs which use all the ram on the machine ;)21:09
SergeyLukjanovdhellmann, you've added doc-publisher-site to oslo.rootwrap, not to the oslo.test ;)21:10
clarkbback from lunch catching up on sb21:10
dhellmannSergeyLukjanov: bah21:10
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Import oslo.test repository
clarkbtwine++ is a great tool21:13
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fungiand about to maybe get even better21:15
SergeyLukjanovdhellmann, hm, having oslo.test-tarball in post means that you'll have a separated tarball (with a uniquq generated by pbr version) for each merged commit21:16
chadlungI'm working on the gate job required for Barbican's entry as an incubator project as per the TC meeting yesterday. The DevStack work is complete and can be seen here:
chadlungThe work I believe I need to do to accomplish this can be seen here: I haven't done this before so any feedback on whether these are the correct assumptions/steps is appreciated.21:17
SergeyLukjanovdhellmann, I'm not sure that you want iy21:17
dhellmannSergeyLukjanov: no, probably not21:17
dhellmannSergeyLukjanov: I think I copied that from another lib21:17
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Only allow mail from jenkins from zuul
jeblairthat should take care of the recent forgeries ^21:18
SergeyLukjanovdhellmann, hm, it means tons of tarballs at tarballs.o.o21:18
dhellmannSergeyLukjanov: yeah, I'll remove it21:18
dhellmannI think I copied oslo.rootwrap, it has oslo.rootwrap-branch-tarball but I remembered you said not to use that job21:18
dhellmannso I don't want any tarball jobs at all in post?21:18
SergeyLukjanovdhellmann, the python-jobs template already contain oslo.rootwrap-branch-tarball in post21:19
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Import oslo.test repository
dhellmannSergeyLukjanov: aha, ok21:19
jeblair-branch-tarball should be in post; -tarball should be in the release-related pipelines21:19
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dhellmannjeblair: like this?
SergeyLukjanovdhellmann, + python-jobs template adds coverage to post too21:20
SergeyLukjanovdhellmann, btw, here is a template definition -
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dhellmannSergeyLukjanov: that's helpful, I wasn't sure where to find that before21:21
jeblairthat's going to keep getting smaller too as we template more stuff21:21
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dhellmannthe last time I did this, I don't think there were templates in the zuul layout21:21
dhellmanndoes a project have to do anything special to make that coverage job work?21:22
dhellmanndo we need anything in our test-requirements.txt or tox.ini for example?21:22
SergeyLukjanovdhellmann, it should have tox -e cover21:22
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dhellmannSergeyLukjanov: ok21:23
dhellmannthat's in the cookiecutter template, so we should be ok21:23
SergeyLukjanovdhellmann, could be useful -
SergeyLukjanovdhellmann, great21:23
SergeyLukjanovdhellmann, so, only oslo.test-tarball in post, everything else looks ok21:24
openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Update the Ironic core team list
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dhellmannSergeyLukjanov: the latest patch removes the post job21:24
SergeyLukjanovdhellmann, wiki page is uptodate too21:25
dhellmannSergeyLukjanov: patch 421:25
dhellmannSergeyLukjanov: yep, I think this was another case of me copying from the wrong place and not catching a difference21:25
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SergeyLukjanovdhellmann, patch 4 is lgtm21:25
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* dhellmann waits eagerly for jenkins' loving praise21:26
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SergeyLukjanovdhellmann, it's just a test change, am I right? :)21:26
jeblairfungi: were you going to propose either the git or high-priority changes?21:27
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jeblairfungi: also, what's the centos6 image status?21:27
dhellmannSergeyLukjanov: we're moving some test base classes and fixture code out of the incubator into a new library21:27
fungijeblair: working on the git change now. image rebuild is going, in the middle of cloning repos right now21:27
SergeyLukjanovdhellmann, oops ;)21:28
jeblairfungi: cool, i'll propose the priority change21:28
clarkbfungi: that is one of the last things it does iirc21:28
jeblairclarkb: but it got stuck there last run21:28
clarkbah :/21:28
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jeblairclarkb: what's the e-s status?  (gearman queue is increasing)21:29
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clarkbjeblair: recovering slowly (more slowly than I had hoped, last time was much quicker, could be due to index sizes), we have recovered 99 shards out of 14021:30
clarkb12 are in flight concurrently with 29 idle21:30
clarkbjeblair: I am watching the gearman queue and memory use there, plan to kill puppet daemon to free up memory if necessary21:30
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Change gate queue to normal precedence
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SergeyLukjanovdhellmann, it works ;)21:32
clarkbnow up to 100 active shards :) so it is moving21:32
jeblairfungi, clarkb: should reduce the py26 problem in the gate21:32
dhellmannSergeyLukjanov: woo!21:32
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, agreed21:33
clarkbjeblair: has my +221:33
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, fwiw my +2 too :)21:33
jeblairwell, it has my +A :)21:34
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair (y)21:35
fungijeblair: i think we don't need the git clones in any longer now that we're cloning everything anyway, right?21:35
fungithose were the ones going into workspace-cache21:35
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jeblairfungi: i am not certain of the current status of that move21:36
fungiokay, leaving those untouched for now21:36
SergeyLukjanovfungi, IIRC devstack-gate clones everything that it needs21:36
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: actually we want devstack-gate to never have to clone anything, unless we are adding a new project21:37
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: so the nodepool scripts which fungi is working on clone repos when nodepool builds the images that will get used to run the jobs21:37
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: that way when nodepool spins up a host, the git repos are already there21:38
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: if we cloned everything every time, we would need many, many more git servers.  :)21:38
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, got it21:38
SergeyLukjanovheh, it's 1:40am for me, so, time to generate some crazy idea21:39
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Change gate queue to normal precedence
SergeyLukjanovmaybe clone all openstack repos21:39
SergeyLukjanovnope, it's too crazy21:39
fungiSergeyLukjanov: we do21:39
fungibecause we're crazy21:40
SergeyLukjanovI mean fetch the list of repos automatically and clone them :)21:40
SergeyLukjanovand stackforge21:40
fungiyep, that's what the nodepool prep scripts do21:40
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: that's actually what the replacement does...21:40
SergeyLukjanovand too ;)21:40
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Clone git repos for images via git protocol
fungii think that's ^ all we need to adjust the git clone protocol for nodepool image creation21:40
SergeyLukjanovoops :)21:40
SergeyLukjanovit's crazy enough to help us21:41 is still cloning from gerrit rather than git.o.o, so i didn't touch it since i think that's going away anyway21:42
jeblairfungi: we should probably change it since it's still cloning...21:42
jeblairfungi: or, let me check and see if we can get rid of it21:42
SergeyLukjanovfungi, heh, that's really funny for me to generate an idea that's already used :)21:42
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: it makes me happy21:43
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fungialso the current bare-centos6 image build (second try) is still going. a little over 50 minutes in now21:43
fungistill cloning repos21:43
fungibut it's doing things, not hung like the last one, at least21:44
jeblairfungi: it is safe to remove workspace-cache from the nodepool scripts now21:44
fungijeblair: i'll add that as a second change21:44
fungicoming now21:44
clarkbjeblair: but maybe not for the tripleo scripts21:44
clarkbnot sure what they are doing21:44
jeblairclarkb: we're not touching the tripleo scripts21:45
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add the kite (KDS) project and kiteclient project to gerrit/jenkins
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jaypipes*sigh* I give up trying to configure a jenkins slave manually... :( guess I'll install nodepool and have it manage this stuff.21:48
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clarkbjaypipes: running the nodepool script by hand didn't do it for you?21:48
jaypipesclarkb: ? sorry, which script?21:49
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jeblairwell, there's install_jenkins_slave.sh21:49
clarkbeither that one ^ which gives you something useable but missing things like ntp management and so on, or the scripts in modules/openstack_project/files/nodepool/scripts21:50
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jaypipesjeblair, clarkb: no, that didn't do it. I had copied the relevant pieces of that script to here:
jeblairjhesketh__: good morning; i'm reading your uploader change now.  or trying to, since my eyes are dialated after visiting the optometrist.21:52
jhesketh__ah cool, cheers21:53
jaypipesclarkb: and then I just manually added a new node in Jenkins web UI, selected the "Launch slave agents on Unix via SSH" option, entered my slave LXC container's IP address and added a new credentials with the private SSH key file from the slave.21:55
jaypipesclarkb: but unfortunately, the master fails to communicate with the slave node, with this in the logs:
jaypipesclarkb: which I'm confused about since puppet apply on the slave node clearly says that the jenkins key was added to authorized_keys...21:57
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Stop separately caching repos for devstack images
fungioh, that ^ was too aggressive22:00
jeblairfungi: yep :)22:00
jeblair~/cache is still used22:00
fungiwell, i just need to rip the git bits out of rather than rm the entire script22:00
jeblairfungi: it looks like it does some operations in ~/workspace-cache/devstack; that will probably need to be changed to /opt/whatever/devstack22:01
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fungioh, we still need to do things to the git repos there too? hrm...22:02
jeblairthat script inspects the contents of various branches to decide what packages and images to cache22:02
fungiexcept we aren't using workspace-cache any longer, so whatever it was doing in there isn't currently being used anyway22:02
fungiahh, got iy22:02
fungiread-only operations22:03
jeblairfungi: yep22:03
openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: eliminate false positives for bug 1253482
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1253482 in devstack "Keystone's IANA-assigned default port in linux local ephemeral port range" [Undecided,In progress]
jeblairwell, in principle at least.  it probably does leave it checked out on some random branch.22:03
jeblairbut that's not the purpose22:03
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Stop separately caching repos for devstack images
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jeblairjhesketh__, clarkb: do you think that the swift uploader should gzip files, or should we instead try to get all of the jobs gzipping before we invoke it?22:07
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clarkbjeblair: imo, gzip by job. uploader should just move bits not transform them22:08
jeblair(i kind of think the latter, so that it doesn't have to worry too much about content specifics, but i'm also kind of on the fence)22:08
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jhesketh__I agree22:08
jhesketh__it's really just another builder step to package up whatever it needs22:08
jhesketh__and that lets the job define how it wants its assets pushed22:09
jeblairfor that matter, we can also do, erm, whatever it is we decide to do about console logs (wget $SOMEURL is still my proposal) right before invoking the uploader as well.22:09
zarofungi: thanks for updating gerrit branch.22:10
* fungi goes semi-afk to cook dinner while there is still electricity to be had22:10
jeblairfungi: enjoy22:10
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add the kite (KDS) project and kiteclient project to gerrit/jenkins
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zarofungi: when you get back could you please help me get the gerrit submodules working?22:23
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Publish draft docs on draft-docs
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fungizaro: i don't know what you mean by the gerrit submodules. do you mean submodule tracking we do for the openstack/openstack project, or do you mean submodules the gerrit project uses for their plugin repositories?22:24
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openstackgerritElizabeth Krumbach Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add link to Third-Party CI group in Gerrit docs
fungiif it's the latter, the problem is that gerrit has hardcoded the paths in .gitmodules to be relative to the current repository rather than absolute, so we probably need to work upstream to get them to fix that22:25
openstackgerritElizabeth Krumbach Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add link to Third-Party CI group in Gerrit docs
pleia2tsk, trailing spaces22:26
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jeblairpleia2: don't want to waste spaces22:26
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jeblairmattoliverau: does the apache vhost in need a custom template, or can it use the puppet module default?22:28
zarofungi: the latter, can we make that change in our fork?22:29
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fungizaro: i expect so. just patch that file in the main repository to refer to the global urls to those submodules and i expect we'll be able to clone/update them fine22:31
zarofungi: cool. i do up that change.22:31
chadlungDoes anyone know where the latest docs are on bringing a project (Barbican) into infra? I have the DevStack work already done:  I just need to get the required steps for infra now. This is what I have so far, but not sure that this is correct:
chadlung...and Barbican does already have active gate jobs22:32
openstackgerritElizabeth Krumbach Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add link to Third-Party CI group in Gerrit docs
chadlungI was looking at Marconi's PR but it looks like Solum is doing it in a more preferred way...22:34
jeblairchadlung: will it run tempest?22:40
jeblairchadlung: (what you wrote will; i mean to ask do you want it to?)22:40
chadlungjeblair: We don't have Tempest tests yet, but those will be added by our QA. The tempest stuff would be a placeholder for now. I could leave it out if it causes issues.22:41
jeblairoh, actually i see that the GATE_WHATEVER_TEMPEST var is not set so it shouldn't run it22:42
jeblairchadlung: lgtm22:43
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clarkbup to 111 shards recovered, 12 in process, and 17 idle22:44
chadlungjeblair: so those two files in the GIST, and then the modifications to the Barbican repo to add functionaltests like solum22:44
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jeblairchadlung: yep.  then remove the non-voting bit once it's working.22:45
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chadlungjeblair: great, thanks22:45
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morganfainbergpleia2, woot json for reviewday a nice scoring for WIP! thanks for accepting those! :)22:51
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Only allow mail from jenkins from zuul
pleia2morganfainberg: sure thing, happy to see it working now :) if we're happy with how the json format ended up next step can be adding a link for it on the index.html so it's discoverable22:51
morganfainbergpleia2, i'm going to look over the json shortly also going to add to dolphm's next-review to allow using it instead of gerrit :)22:52
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pleia2morganfainberg: awesome, thank you22:52
morganfainbergpleia2 sure thing! :)22:52
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clarkbhrm, I am starting to get a bit worried that the replica shard recovery may be too slow23:00
clarkbjeblair: fungi: what do you think about turning on workers now? if leaves us open to data loss today, but we are going to do that anyways if logstash.o.o OOMs23:01
fungiclarkb: it's almost done though, right?23:02
jeblairclarkb: logstash.o.o still has 200k of ram and has barely dipped into swap23:02
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jeblair200m even23:03
clarkbfungi: ish, 112 out of 140 done23:03
clarkbthese recent indexes are fairly large so it is taking time23:03
fungioh, it's sharded/processed chronologically?23:04
clarkbsort of, it does chrono best it can but sometimes skips ahead to meet replica constraints23:05
clarkbright now it will only recover two shards per node at a time and not all shards can go on all nodes23:05
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clarkbwell I will let it be for now, keeping a watch on it though23:06
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fungibtw, we've had a ready bare-centos6 node in rax-iad since shortly after i headed into the kitchen23:08
jeblairfungi: oh yay!23:08
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* fungi does a quick jjb config patch to make these optional23:08
jeblairi will exercise it manually a bit to sanity check it while you do that fungi23:09
fungijeblair: all the better23:09
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zarofungi: can you please help me with the submodules?23:10
zarofungi: i can't get it to work.  i changed url references to "url =" in .gitmodule23:11
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jesusaurusclarkb: if you want to bump the node_concurrent_recoveries live:
clarkbjesusaurus: thanks23:11
zarofungi: when i go checkout i get "error: pathspec 'stable-2.8' did not match any file(s) known to git."23:11
fungizaro: the branches in review.o.o are "upstream/stable-2.8" and "openstack/2.8"23:13
fungiooh, i wonder whether it's expecting you to have a local branch named "stable-2.8"?23:13
* fungi doesn't really know much about how git submodules work23:13
fungiclarkb: ^ ideas there?23:14
jeblair Discussion of OpenStack Project Infrastructure | Docs http://ci.openstack.23:14
jeblair23:15 < fungi> zaro: the branches in review.o.o are "upstream/stable-2.8"23:14
jeblair               and "openstack/2.8"23:14
jeblair2014-02-12 23:13:18.108 | ls: cannot access /var/log/secure-*: No such file or directory23:14
zarofungi: all core plugins have a 'stable-2.8' branch on the gerrit repo23:15
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clarkbfungi: no clue :/23:15
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jeblairoh, that may be okay23:17
jeblairyeah, i think it is23:17
jeblairit's just checking for old log files for sudo, and of course there aren't any23:17
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clarkbjeblair: ya :( oh well that is a breaking change so will need more time to upgrade to23:19
clarkb0.90.9 is what latest logstash wants and is a non breaking change23:19
zarofungi, clarkb : i have no clue either. so my workaround.. clone each core plugin into the plugins plugins folder to build gerrit.  good thing there are only 4 core plugins right now.23:20
fungizaro: oh, the few times i've used submodules there's a separate step you need for them to get cloned23:21
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fungii can reread the submodule documentation in a little bit once i'm freed up23:21
clarkbyou can do it with the right flag to submodule init iirc23:21
clarkbor with a flag to clone, but by default it is multistep23:22
zarofungi: i followed these steps..
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fungijeblair: poking and repeatedly rethinking this compared to the bare-precise transition, we may need to go all-in on this one? we can't really leverage per-project node label defaults like we did there...23:29
fungii think it's got to be a (mostly) all-or-nothing transition unless we start making duplicate job definitions or add new parameters to define 2.6 node labels on a per-project basis. preference there?23:31
jeblairfungi: i think you're right.  but nova looks good:
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fungiyep, saw that23:31
jeblairfungi: so i think we can merge a change to bump the min ready in nodepool, then switch a bunch of jobs23:31
fungii'll do the quick-n-dirty cutover patch and we can revert and try something more subtle if it ends up being an issue23:32
fungiboth patches coming now23:32
jeblairfungi: sounds good, thx23:32
clarkbI bumped the number of concurrent recoveries to 5 based on fuzzy math fron jesusaurus :)23:34
clarkbthat is 5 per node23:34
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add more bare-centos6 nodes
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add more bare-centos6 nodes
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ociuhanduHi all, we seem to have a lot of issues in the last few hours with the devstack instances on the hyper-v ci, due to nova-api failing to start.23:53
ociuhanduwhile checking, we found this bug opened:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1276341 in devstack "Restacking Causes Issues" [Undecided,New]23:53
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch to bare-centos6 single-use nodes
fungiociuhandu: restacking is not really supported by devstack, which is why we don't reuse devstack servers (we rebuild them from scratch for every job)23:54
fungiociuhandu: you might be able to get more detail from the devstack developers in #openstack-qa23:55
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ociuhandufungi: in u=our case even the first stack is failing with same error on nova-manage db sync23:55
ociuhanduhere is a sample:
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fungiociuhandu: that looks like oslo.config is finding more than one rpc_backend set23:57
ociuhanduyes, and we're trying now to find out the reason, as this started to be an issue in the last few hours only23:57
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fungiociuhandu: i don't think we've seen that crop up, but you might have more luck checking with the nova, oslo.config or devstack developers23:58
ociuhandufungi: thanks23:58
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