Tuesday, 2013-12-17

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lifelessfungi: ^00:16
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mutanteHi, just wanted to point you to http://burrow.openstack.org/  I ran across it by accident because in our channel, wikimedia, we had a trigger !queue  giving you that link, then somebody else figured out what it once was, just letting you know about the "It works" URL of a deprecated thing and #openstack said to do that here for ops attention. maybe worth a redirect because it seems to be out there and "good URLs" bla bla00:29
sdaguejog0: http://ubuntuone.com/5zemZEvpdtXPoDNQU87nyr - replication of the 5hr moving average (of success, so inverted) for gate-tempest-dsvm-full in python with pandas off the graphite data00:29
lifelessfungi: / clarkb: if either of you are around; would like to setup the gantt review team00:29
sdagueand with that... it's a day, and I'm going to go fend for dinner00:29
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lifelesslines 12 and 13 of https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/icehouse-external-scheduler list the initial core team00:31
lifelessrussellb: should we also make it inherit nova-core?00:31
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jog0sdague: cool but not even sure waht I am looking at (no x axis label)00:35
jog0sdague: btw  Ilike http://not.mn/gate_status.html00:36
jog0except it should use moving average00:36
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Automatically provide 'name' to project templates  https://review.openstack.org/6250000:36
jeblairlifeless: i'll setup the team00:37
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lifelessjeblair: thank you!00:37
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jeblairlifeless: done except for johnthetubaguy because i don't know his real name00:38
jeblairor gerrit name00:38
jeblairlifeless: you're on it so you can self-manage now at any rate00:39
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lifelessjeblair: ack, thanks00:40
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fungilifeless: back and taking a look now00:50
fungioh, jeblair seems to have jumped on it00:50
fungii'll make sure stuff cloned okay00:50
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fungisince, as noted, we still have a problem there apparently00:50
jeblairfungi: i have not looked at git repos, thanks for picking that up.00:51
lifelessjeblair: fungi: thanks;00:51
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fungireview and zuul clones/checkouts are okay. git farm managed fine *except* for git01 which has a broken mirror of gantt and python/ganttclient, and git02 which just has broken gantt... fixing00:55
lifelessawesome, thank you!00:56
jog0jeblair: I realized the phasing of my comments on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/62096/ were sub optimal00:56
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jog0its I don't only want to know about errors the word error was misleading I think00:56
jeblairjog0: gotcha, the commit msg could have been more explicit in that case... does the expanded explanation make sense?00:57
jog0jeblair: yes it does00:57
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jog0so I want a superset00:57
jog0of what that patch does00:58
jog0also one thing I am curios about is, how your patch will handle changes in log formats etc00:58
jeblairjog0: it's markov chaining so it's not particular to formats; it's just matching up series of word-tokens00:59
jeblairjog0: so in other words, it should adapt00:59
jog0jeblair: figured but wonder how that will change the accuracy of this etc01:00
jog0but one way to find out01:01
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jog0jeblair: as for the logstash vs logs.o.o01:01
jog0I like logs.o.o because it has all logs and has long term storage01:01
jeblairjog0: yeah, it'll probably take a few runs for it to adapt.  and yeah, there's more small-scale testing that could be done, but i think we can go ahead and start seeing what happens when we throw a lot of data at it.01:02
jog0I like using both01:02
jeblairit's a big experiment.01:02
jog0jeblair: ++ for just going for it and seeing how well it works01:02
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jog0so long term it would be nice to have some way to get this info into logs.o.o as well as elasticsearch01:02
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fungiit might be possible for os-loganalyze to query some hints out of the result set when viewing the log (though that would require some spooky action at a distance, between logstash workers and logs.o.o)01:10
fungibut i could imagine a particular colorset for highlighting lines which score in particular ranges01:11
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fungiarosen: thanks for punching 61437 in. i'm surprised we got it merged as soon as we did01:12
arosenfungi:  sure thing01:13
arosenthanks for getting those reviews up :)01:13
fungithough it's still in the gate, so i shouldn't jinx it01:13
sdaguejog0: I need to label the series, the point was finally getting to where I could do math on them :)01:14
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jog0sdague: too bad that graph doesn't explain what math that was01:22
sdagueyeh, well, I only just got the series stuff working at the end of the day :P01:24
sdagueso I decided I could share the raw data stream and declare success, or sit on it. So I decided part 101:24
sdaguethat's the hard part, adding the chrome on the graphs is just time, not learning new things01:25
sdagueon the crm114 stuff, error_pr will be our new field?01:25
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jog0sdague: I like http://not.mn/gate_status.html01:27
jog0notmyname: you should use moving averge instead01:27
sdaguejog0: so I tried for 4 hrs to convert that to moving average this weekend01:28
sdaguegraphite is not a data analysis tool01:28
notmynamejog0: summarize buckets into what's happening at a certain time interval01:28
sdagueso if we actually make it easy to pull the graphite data back into python, where we can do data analysis, then we can make all kinds of pretty graphs01:30
notmynamejog0: I don't care what the average pass rate was over the last day. I care what was the real pass rate for a time block01:30
notmynamesdague: change the format query param. you can get json output01:30
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sdaguenotmyname: yep01:30
sdagueactually, that's what I'm doing, getting the counters, pulling them into pandas time series, and then can do manip on those01:30
sdagueand put back out to matplotlib when done01:31
jog0notmyname: moving averge for 1 hour does the same thing  but you don't get teh big jumps between hours01:32
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Cover the tempest user in select_mirror  https://review.openstack.org/6186101:32
notmynamejog0: heh. are you arguing for 1 hour time blocks now? ;-)01:32
jog0notmyname: no01:32
jog0I am arguing moving average for same time interval that you have for smart median or w/e its called01:32
notmynamejog0: moving average version http://not.mn/gate_status2.html01:33
notmynameyou'll see that it's the same shape, just noisier01:33
jog0that shape may be the dev cycle01:33
notmynameessentially the same thing you'd see if you have smaller time buckets01:33
jog0in gate01:33
jog0because gate is empty at night01:33
notmynamewell, actually, you'll see that the gate is only empty at the end of the week01:34
jog0sdague: are you somehow factoring in amount of data01:34
jog0for dev cycle01:34
sdaguejog0: I'm just getting the data into time series right now01:35
sdaguebecause this morning, I didn't know how to do that.01:35
jog0you mean the json thing?01:35
sdaguein a way that was easy to do series manipulation01:35
notmynamethe summarize() method shows what's happening at a certain time bucket (in my case, a 6 hour status for visual clarity over a 2 week span)01:36
jog0notmyname: so right now if the gate is empty it has a 100% pass rate01:36
sdaguejog0: I mean once you had the json arrays with timestamps, then what datastructures and math libs do yuo have to be able to do sliding windows and series division01:36
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jog0which is why we gate a daily cycle for gate rate01:37
jog0sdague: yeah01:37
notmynamejog0: correct. that's why I show on my graph. the gates only pass when nothing in it01:37
notmynamejog0: and using smaller time buckets is valid to see exactly what's going on, but it just looks worse. in fact, for the average dev, I think using larger buckets (eg 12 hours) is more accurate. and that looks horrible (ie it's never a 100% pass chance)01:38
jog0notmyname: agreed01:38
jog0I think we need two graphs01:38
jog0one that is multi day trends01:39
jog0another that is much finer grained01:39
jog0err 401:39
jog0and another two for the check queue01:39
notmynamejog0: http://not.mn/gate_status2.html is now for 12 hour buckets. it looks horrible01:39
fungii think it's a *bit* of a mischaracterization to suggest that nothing passes when there is something in the gate. graphing the change merged rate would make it apparent that things are actually merging, albeit not everything thrown at the wall sticks on the first attempt01:39
jog0also notmyname insead of gate depth you can use https://review.openstack.org/#/c/61429/01:39
jog0notmyname: it looks accurate01:40
notmynamejog0: I'm using stats.gauges.zuul.pipeline.gate.current_changes01:40
notmynamefor the gate queue depth01:40
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jog0that is good to see but doesn't reflect how large of a data set you are using01:41
fifieldtfungi, you're too fast :)01:41
fungififieldt: i'll slow down01:41
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jog0sum(stats.zuul.pipeline.gate.job.*{SUCCESS,FAILURE}) will how many datapoints are used to get the stats01:42
fungififieldt: or maybe i'm just trying to game our peer reviews ;)01:42
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notmynamefungi: correct. obviously some things are passing the gate. I'm looking at my "chance for an otherwise perfectly good patch to pass". that is only 100% when there is nothing in the gate. it /should/ be always 100%. even if we never get there, it should be _very_ high01:42
jog0notmyname: YES YES YES01:43
funginotmyname: i couldn't agree more01:43
jog0notmyname: IMHO this is one of the biggest issues in openstack today01:43
fungiat least with it being *very* high. obviously i don't want to see _everything_ pass because, well, sometimes some people approve some things they oughtn't01:44
jhesketh__Hi guys01:44
fungiand i'd like for the gate to keep that trash out of master01:44
notmynameand based on the 2 weeks of data we have, it seems that Wed. is the problem day. I think this is because things clear out over the weekend, start to pile up Mon and Tues, and then panic happens on Wed. Then it takes until Fri for the gate to flush out. and I think we're on track again this week01:44
fungijhesketh__: hi!01:44
jhesketh__just wondering where in the config the formatting is added to zuul's URL reports01:44
jog0fungi notmyname: I still want to run gate jobs on trunk when we have free cloud resources01:44
jog0to get more datasets01:44
jog0and those jobs should *always* pass01:45
jog0jhesketh__: o/01:45
jhesketh__hey jog001:45
* jhesketh__ is a bad person and usually hides in shadows but is often here :-)01:45
fungijhesketh__: it's in layout.yaml, but some of it depends on gerrit doing magical pattern recognition on comments (so some of that behavior is configured in gerrit itself)01:45
sdaguejog0: so those jobs are not going to always pass until all these bugs are squashed - http://status.openstack.org/elastic-recheck/01:46
jog0sdague: of course01:46
fungijhesketh__: we a'splained it to mikal while you were awol, but i'll get you links to the relevant configuration01:46
jog0I bolded the wrong word01:46
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jog0notmyname: http://not.mn/gate_status2.html what does that look like with moving averae for 12 hour01:47
jhesketh__fungi: yeah, I remember he went looking for it but I don't know why01:47
jhesketh__I've been hunting in the gerrit config but I'm blind01:47
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notmynamejog0: don't know. I've got to review something internally then bike home. I'm can't work on it any more right now. maybe later tonight01:48
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jog0notmyname: at 1AM again?01:48
jog0notmyname: o/01:48
notmynamejog0: I hope not!01:48
notmynamejog0: but I do have to work on my PTL webinar, so maybe01:48
fungijhesketh__: so, in the layout.yaml you *can* do fancy things like http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/config/tree/modules/openstack_project/files/zuul/layout.yaml#n27001:49
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fungijhesketh__: as for what gerrit knows how to magically link to places, we have a set of pattern/stream-edits pairs (basically) when get spammed into its configuration from http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/config/tree/modules/openstack_project/manifests/gerrit.pp#n12801:50
jhesketh__fungi: yeah that's cool. I was more after making turbo-hipster's reports look nice and neat01:50
jhesketh__ah that's it01:50
jhesketh__thanks :-)01:50
fungier, which... feh i am giving up on accurate typing for the night01:51
fungithe testresult one is probably of most \interest to you01:52
jhesketh__yep, thanks :-)01:52
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jhesketh__fungi: so it looks like the regex expects the results from zuul to be an html list (<li>). However zuul by default outputs the results with dashes.. am I missing something/somewhere that converts those?01:58
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Process logs with CRM114  https://review.openstack.org/6209602:01
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fungijhesketh__: does it default to dashes normally? hmmm, yeah i see what you mean at the end of zuul.scheduler.BasePipelineManager.formatReport()02:01
jhesketh__yeah as far as I can tell02:02
jhesketh__maybe gerrit already formats dashes into lists?02:02
fungii'll test the theory02:02
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fungiaha... if - is the first character on the line, then it seems to do02:05
jhesketh__ah cool :-)02:05
jhesketh__thanks for checking02:05
fungiif you precede it with whitespace, then no02:05
fungiso indented bullet lists a la restructuredtext is not an option, but if you don't indent it should prettify automagically02:06
jhesketh__good to know02:06
fungidoesn't seem to actually display any bullets for me though02:06
fungibut it does seem to format the lines similar to what's in the zuul report comments, so i think that's the main point02:07
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jhesketh__fungi: do you know if the formatting applied on rendering or on save?02:14
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Check for whitespace around changeid searches  https://review.openstack.org/6252302:25
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fungijhesketh__: i'm not sure... i'd have to go digging in the gerrit db if i understand what you're asking02:30
jhesketh__fungi: nah all good, just wondered if you knew02:31
jhesketh__fungi: mostly in regards to this change that will help me  https://review.openstack.org/6252302:32
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openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Copy libvirt log file after tempest run  https://review.openstack.org/6189203:48
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notmynamejeblair: around this evening? I wanted to bounce an idea off of you that may help (or at least mitigate) gate issues04:55
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notmynamefungi: jeblair: jog0: explanation and methodology text added to http://not.mn/gate_status.html05:26
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openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: add swift-bench  https://review.openstack.org/6256206:41
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ttxapevec, lifeless, fungi: FWIW that LP error message is classic https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/107651208:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1076512 in launchpad "BugTask:+editstatus timeouts on bugs with many tasks" [Critical,Triaged]08:07
ttxwe just use tasks at a scale LP does not like. And it's only getting worse08:08
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lifelessttx: it's not that, as I keep saying, it's notifications.08:09
lifelessttx: the problem is a bug, (vs a design problem or an expectation problem)08:09
ttxlifeless: Oh. So it rollbacks the full tasks because it sends too many notifications ?08:10
lifelessthe transaction hits the timeout, yes08:10
lifelessI tried to get StevenK's attention earlier to poke at the oops and see if it is indeed the same one..08:11
ttxwell, it's still linked to our usage of tasks.08:11
notmynamettx: status updates still in #openstack-dev?08:11
ttx(generate too many notifications)08:11
lifelessbut the usage is valid per LP's design08:11
ttxnotmyname: we can skip it this week if you don't have anything special to discuss08:12
ttxnotmyname: but yes, still in #openstack-dev, haven't had time to set up channel with proper logging yet08:12
notmynamettx: I've got stuff. a couple of swift things, but the major issue is the gate status (http://not.mn/gate_status.html)08:13
ttxnotmyname: ok, i'll be there08:13
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ttxnotmyname: we can do it now if you prefer to stay up late rather than get up early08:13
notmynamettx: ok, sounds good to me08:14
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StevenKlifeless: I had a quick glance at it, it's the usual OMG-too-many-subscribers timeout08:57
lifelessStevenK: thanks08:58
StevenKI just got distracted before I actually told you.08:58
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lifelessStevenK: lol - thanks!09:05
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flaper87Anyone that could help me figure out what's happening here? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/32544/ py27 tests run just fine in my laptop. Same code, same test commands etc09:41
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Introducing basic REST API  https://review.openstack.org/6260511:23
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Introducing basic REST API  https://review.openstack.org/6260511:28
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openstackgerritEmily Bache proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: fix for bug #1260649  https://review.openstack.org/6261111:48
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1260649 in openstack-ci "jenkins-job-builder doesn't filter when using template" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126064911:48
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marunuh, anybody else having issues with restacking due to nova-* services running as daemon and persisting past screen being killed?11:55
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add bug for cinder lvremove stray error  https://review.openstack.org/6262812:46
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1261554  https://review.openstack.org/6248712:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1261554 in python-keystoneclient "Keystoneclient revocation list is not multi-thread/process safe" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126155412:54
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add bug for cinder lvremove stray error  https://review.openstack.org/6262812:54
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Cleanup and clarify README  https://review.openstack.org/6221412:54
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: don't only match on nova logs  https://review.openstack.org/6263212:57
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: don't only match on nova logs  https://review.openstack.org/6263213:03
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openstackgerritChuck Short proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Bump webob requirements to include 1.3  https://review.openstack.org/6174213:42
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openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Alter zookeeper params for Fedora.  https://review.openstack.org/6264513:46
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: allow facets to work at different resolutions  https://review.openstack.org/6265213:52
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Initial test set added  https://review.openstack.org/6112013:59
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: allow facets to work at different resolutions  https://review.openstack.org/6265214:09
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fungimarun: at least in tests, we don't reuse devstack nodes so we don't bother to unstack (we just delete them and grab fresh ones). if you're interested in a clean unstack, maybe adding a step in devstack-gate scripts after tempest/grenade runs to do that and then use something like grenade's check-sanity step to confirm the worrysome processes are no longer running14:21
marunfungi: gotcha.  just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something dumb before I filed a bug.14:22
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fungimarun: i have heard several people mention that in recent months unstack no longer stops everything, for what it's worth14:25
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marunfungi: ah, someone has filed it since I started seeing the problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/devstack/+bug/125479514:26
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1254795 in devstack "nova-api is not alway killed with clean.sh and unstack.sh" [Medium,Confirmed]14:26
marunfungi: I'm going to add your suggestion to the bug so that the assignee can pursue it14:26
openstackgerritDarragh O'Reilly proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Provide a script that starts a simple WSGI server  https://review.openstack.org/6032514:26
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fungimarun: well, my suggestwas was merely to test that it works, once it's been fixed, so that it doesn't creep back in later14:30
fungier, suggestion was14:31
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marunfungi: I understood, but it's still a good suggestion to prevent regression14:31
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zarofungi: morning14:39
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fungimorning zaro!14:41
zarofungi: i just noticed a few git pull requests for jjb hanging around.  https://github.com/openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder/pulls14:41
fungiyou're early... the sun's barely in the sky over there14:41
fungizaro: yup, i started looking into it but haven't had time to figure out where it broke this time. i'll link a paste of the traceback14:42
zarotired yesterday, so went to sleep early.  now up early.14:42
zaroneed any help with that?14:42
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fungisure! i'm still unwinding my stack of things which are broken, and this is one i simply haven't had time to look at yet http://paste.openstack.org/show/55147/14:44
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fungithe orgs_dict is built at http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/jeepyb/tree/jeepyb/cmd/close_pull_requests.py#n77 and for some reason seems to be incomplete14:45
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funginot sure when it started breaking, so not too easy to bisect unless we introduced an error directly into that script itself (which doesn't get changes very often)14:46
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fungilast change to it seems to have been me fixing another issue https://review.openstack.org/5190514:48
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fungiand review.o.o has that fix (pip freeze reports a jeepyb build consistent with the tip of master)14:49
fungialways possible they decided to change their api again though14:50
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zarowas there a recent change to projects.yaml ?  looks like that's what the python script is reading to get the projects.14:54
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fungithat's where i'm leaning as well... there are always tons of changes to projects.yaml so maybe something's being mis-parsed14:56
fungimight be a good idea to just make sure it's all well-formed yaml for starters14:57
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fungizaro: but the exception suggests orgs_dict doesn't contain an openstack-dev key, and that's built not from projects.yaml but from a github api call... orgs = ghub.get_user().get_orgs()14:58
fungiso more likely something has happened to the get_orgs() method causing it to start returning an empty set (or at least a set missing openstack-dev)14:59
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fungiwhich could mean either a change in the api which the github python module hasn't kept up with, or a change in the module which we were unaware of15:00
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notmynamehttps://jenkins02.openstack.org/job/gate-swift-python26/2205/ seems to be looping again.15:01
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funginotmyname: yep. someone rechecked it15:01
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fungicurrent thought there is that something's weird about that job causing jenkins not to return a job status when it eventually kills it for the 60-minute timeout, so zuul thinks something unusual went wrong with the job and restarts it15:02
notmynamefungi: should I leave a comment on it asking for no more rechecks on it?15:02
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funginotmyname: if you like15:03
notmynameI asked ttx to add gate status issues to today's openstack meeting (re http://not.mn/gate_status.html)15:03
funginotmyname: i'm just going to abort it in jenkins when i get a moment15:03
* _cyril_ would like to know whether libtidy is installed on the Jenkins slaves15:03
notmynamefungi: thanks15:03
zarofungi: i gotta be AFK for a few hours now. but can continue to look into it if you don't have time.  just let me know.15:03
fungizaro: okay, thanks@15:03
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fungi_cyril_: i'll look15:04
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fungi_cyril_: on our ubuntu precise slaves, we seem to have no libtidy-0.99-0 installed, but 20091223cvs-1ubuntu2 debs are available in main15:08
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fungiis that where it's going to be needed?15:09
_cyril_fungi: jd__ recently posted a patch that adds libtidy-0.99-0 on the slaves, so I'm not sure why they are not installed15:09
fungi_cyril_: have a link to the review?15:10
_cyril_fungi: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/60872/15:11
fungi_cyril_: that's what i get for reviewing too slowly. the change is wrong (he's transposed the red hat and debian package names)15:12
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fungiand this is also going to break any further puppet configuration getting applied to any of our unit test slaves, so i should go ahead and propose a fix15:13
fungiin other news, precise40.slave has gone missing. i'm going to force-reboot it through the rs dashboard15:14
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Update the url for the zuul git repo  https://review.openstack.org/6267615:15
_cyril_jd__: ^15:15
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jd__fungi: facepalm15:16
fungijd__: no worries. we need to do a better job of confirming package names on platforms when we review changes which add new packages15:17
jd__definitely :(15:17
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Update the url for the zuul git repo  https://review.openstack.org/6267615:21
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewstats: add swift-bench  https://review.openstack.org/6256215:22
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openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Change libtidy in Jenkins::Params to match Fedora and Ubuntu packages  https://review.openstack.org/6268115:23
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Correct distro package names for libtidy  https://review.openstack.org/6268215:25
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fungi_cyril_: jd__: ^15:26
jd__thanks fungi15:26
fungino problem. i checked via yum and apt-cache to make sure those match the intended systems15:27
fungiArxCruz: we should probably coordinate. you and i seem to be pushing nearly identical reviews15:29
ArxCruzfungi: oh :)15:29
ArxCruzfungi: didn't knew that15:29
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ArxCruzfungi: would you like me to abandon mine?15:29
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fungiArxCruz: probably easiest to abandon the libtidy one, though you may have something to contribute on the zookeeper one (all i did was remove the package from red hat)15:31
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fungiyour patch makes it sound like fedora (which we're not using for the moment) has zookeeper rpms15:31
funginot that it solves the challenge of testing zookeeper on a python 2.6 interpreter unfortunately15:32
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fungii'm going to self-approve https://review.openstack.org/62411 and https://review.openstack.org/62682 so we get puppet running again (and then check to see whether there's anything else broken)15:35
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openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Alter zookeeper params for Fedora.  https://review.openstack.org/6264515:44
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Always dump errors to console  https://review.openstack.org/6185015:46
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add support for classification rate  https://review.openstack.org/6269415:49
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jeblairhashar: can you take a look at https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack-infra/zuul+branch:master+topic:templates,n,z when you have a minute?15:53
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jeblairhashar: i want to make sure you're okay with those two changes, and that they won't mess your configuration up (i don't think they should, unless you use a variable called 'name' for the second one)15:54
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hasharjeblair: yup noticed them this morning, got to figure out a way to tests them for my use cases :)15:57
hashardefinitely on my todo list for today / tomorrow15:57
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: No zookeeper packages on CentOS slaves  https://review.openstack.org/6241116:03
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Correct distro package names for libtidy  https://review.openstack.org/6268216:03
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ArxCruzfungi: jeblair do you know someone from vmware working on CI ? I see some results from vmware ci team, and I wondering if they can share how they are skipping some tests in tempest (if it's hardcoded or something else)16:13
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boris-42fungi hi16:14
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boris-42fungi could you help with +2 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/61215/ ?)16:15
dimsArxCruz, hop onto #openstack-vmware and ask tjones16:17
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fungiArxCruz: all i know is that they requested a service account in gerrit for their minesweeper thing. i think the request came through the infra ml16:18
dimsor hartsocks16:18
russellbhrm, seems this didn't get populated, though I see it in infra-config ... https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/projects/openstack/gantt,access16:18
ArxCruzdims: thanks, none of them are online now :(16:19
ArxCruzfungi: okay, thanks16:19
dimsArxCruz, y, they are on the US west coast16:19
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russellbfungi: ^ gerrit permissions issue16:20
russellbnot sure what to poke at16:21
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sdaguefungi: https://jenkins01.openstack.org/job/gate-tempest-dsvm-large-ops/5395/ we failed to use clean nodes again?16:25
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fungisdague: does searching logstash for that slavename return more than one job run?16:26
fungirussellb: looking16:27
jeblairsdague: or possibly https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/125348216:27
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1253482 in keystone "Keystone default port in linux local ephemeral port range. Devstack should shift range." [Undecided,In progress]16:27
sdaguefungi: yes http://logstash.openstack.org/#eyJzZWFyY2giOiJkZXZzdGFjay1wcmVjaXNlLWhwY2xvdWQtYXoyLTg4MDI0NCIsImZpZWxkcyI6W10sIm9mZnNldCI6MCwidGltZWZyYW1lIjoiODY0MDAiLCJncmFwaG1vZGUiOiJjb3VudCIsInRpbWUiOnsidXNlcl9pbnRlcnZhbCI6MH0sInN0YW1wIjoxMzg3Mjk3NjY3OTI4fQ==16:28
sdaguejeblair: so that bug, is really wrongly categorized16:28
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sdaguebecause all those failures in the gate have been devstack node reuse16:28
jeblairsdague: i'm sorry i don't understand what you're saying.  are you saying 1253482 is not a bug?16:29
jeblairsdague: what failures in the gate are you talking about?16:29
sdaguejeblair: I'm saying every time we hit 1253482 in the gate the root cause was the fact that keystone was already running16:30
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jeblairsdague: then 1253482 wasn't being hit -- 1253482 is about keystone not starting because its port is not available16:31
sdaguejeblair: right16:31
fungirussellb: fixed. it looks like manage-projects may still have a race in the geritt group creation api call16:31
sdaguewe should probably capture a netstat and ps at the end of the runs as well to debug these kinds of things16:31
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sdaguejeblair: that's why I added comment #14 on that bug16:32
russellbfungi: great, thank you!16:32
sdaguebecause basically ER assigned everything to that bug, but the real issue was nodepool was reusing nodes16:33
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sdagueso it would be good to know if we had a ci bug for it16:33
fungirussellb: lifeless: should gantt-milestone start as the two of you and include nova-milestone?16:33
jeblairsdague: oh, so the e-r query is bad.  i thought you said the _bug_ was wrong.16:33
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russellbfungi: yeah guess so16:33
jeblairsdague: i don't think we need a ci bug at this point, that was like a week ago.16:33
jeblairsdague: if it happens again, we should open a bug.16:34
sdaguejeblair: well, that's where this started16:34
sdaguebecause we have another fail, and I wanted to know if the same thign was happening16:34
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sdaguealso... is er backed up?16:36
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sdagueit looks like we are at least 5hrs behind now16:36
openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Alter zookeeper params for Fedora.  https://review.openstack.org/6264516:36
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sdagueI suspect the bayesian classifier might be too much effort to do on the pipeline16:37
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sdaguethere is a pretty distinct flat lining there16:39
jeblairthat merged?16:40
jeblairsdague: the run you cited was only used once.16:41
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sdaguejeblair: ok, so we should probably add netstat and ps at the end of the logs on fails just to see?16:41
jeblairsdague: the node you cited in that run was used only once.16:41
sdaguejeblair: ok, cool16:41
sdaguejeblair: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/62096/16:42
sdagueyes it merged16:42
jeblairthat change needs someone babysitting it :(16:43
sdagueand since last night we are now backed up at least 5hr delay on elastic search16:43
sdagueso I'd actually say we should revert that16:43
yolandahi, can i have some feedback on this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/124786616:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1247866 in openstack-ci "jjb fails on creating job with spaces in the name" [Medium,Triaged]16:43
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yolandai found that is problem of python-jenkins not encoding url sent, but maybe it's easier to limit chars in name16:44
jeblairfungi: have you looked into the performance of the crm114 change?16:44
yolandaif not, i should send some patch to python-jenkins16:44
sdaguebecause unless we're indexing within 15 minutes, elastic recheck is basically not useful16:44
jeblairsdague: yes we should fix or revert it.16:45
fungijeblair: not yet--this was the first i knew it was slowing down the logstash loading pipe16:45
jeblairfungi: okay, i'll look into it16:46
fungisorry about that--clark and i'd both +2'd it and i hoped having it run overnight would get us a good body of data16:48
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zaroyolanda: i have added a comment.16:49
sdagueis there a way to out of band process it?16:49
sdagueor are documents idempotent?16:49
fungisdague: i'm guessing teeing that stream and queuing the analysis separately is one possible solution16:49
yolandaok, gread16:50
jeblairfungi: it's like a 10x performance hit16:50
sdaguefungi: you wouldn't even need to do that, you could go fetch the docs process, annotate them16:50
sdaguecompletely out of bounds16:50
jeblairi thought we chatted about it; i know i spoke with clarkb about it16:51
sdaguethen process as much data as yuo had cpu for16:51
fungijeblair: i thought i'd paid attention to the discussions, but missed it needing babysitting16:51
fungimy fault16:51
jeblairsdague: regardless of when it's processed, we need to keep up.  so making an process that's oob of the already oob process won't help; it just needs more hardware thrown at it.16:52
clarkbis it affecting things poorly?16:52
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jeblairclarkb: is the logstash queue length recorded anywhere?16:53
clarkbjeblair: gearman16:53
jeblaira graph of that would really help16:53
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jeblairclarkb: i mean historic data16:53
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clarkbjeblair: no we don't have historic data16:53
jeblairthat's the current queue16:53
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sdaguejeblair: well, while it's experimental, we could oob process to figure out if it was giving us any useful data16:54
sdagueas it only makes sense to throw a ton of cpu at it if we feel that it will16:54
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clarkbone thing I think we should try is use performance flavors for the worker VMs16:55
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Disable the crm114 filter  https://review.openstack.org/6271016:55
sdagueclarkb: sure, though if this is a 10x hit, I don't think it will help that much16:55
sdaguebecause we were seeing about 1.5 improvement factor on tempest runs16:55
sdagueso I'd be surprised if we'd close on order of magnitude16:55
clarkbsdague: right so performance flavor + more machines16:55
jeblairit's a cloud, that's what it's there for.16:56
sdaguebut it would be good to fast path that revert so e-r can catch up16:56
sdaguejeblair: sure :)16:56
jeblairclarkb, fungi: https://review.openstack.org/6271016:56
clarkbright, get it working now, engineer the fixes for other thing not right this second16:57
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jeblairclarkb: logstash-worker3 is not registered with gearman16:58
fungipresumably we could grow the worker cluster onto performance flavor nodes and then retire the older ones in a fairly hitless fashion?16:58
jeblairfungi: i believe so16:58
clarkbjeblair: :(16:58
clarkbfungi: jeblair: correct16:58
sdaguejeblair: which classifier did you turn on?16:59
jeblairsdague: ?16:59
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jog0notmyname: I saw the explanation very awesome. there was one issue I noticed16:59
sdaguejeblair: http://crm114.sourceforge.net/docs/classify_details.txt17:00
jog0notmyname: with NFFI scheduling a patch can fail in  the gate and then get merged.  if you have head->a->b->c17:00
jog0notmyname: c fails first, but b fails, so c failure is invalidated, and gate tries head->a->c17:00
jeblairsdague: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/62096/3/modules/openstack_project/files/logstash/classify-log.crm17:01
jeblairclarkb: logs end abruptly on nov 21 on worker317:01
jeblairclarkb: i'll try restarting17:01
clarkbjeblair: ok17:02
sdaguejeblair: so I assume that means the osb markov, which is supposed to be the most performant17:02
sdaguesorry, all this is new to me17:02
jeblairsdague: yes, and space efficient17:02
yolandazaro, actually i found this is changed in python-jenkins version in LP: https://code.launchpad.net/~bigkevmcd/python-jenkins/fix-bug-1000799-urlquote/+merge/10620617:02
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jeblairclarkb: restarted it, seems to be running17:03
jeblair(had to manually remove pidfile)17:04
yolandai'll do some tests using latest python-jenkins version17:04
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fungiclarkb: unrelated, but i think our group creation race is still there. got "ERROR:manage_projects:Unable to get UUID for group gantt-milestone." on one run, then success on a second run17:06
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clarkbfungi: that makes me so sad17:07
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jeblairclarkb: how hard would it be to run 2 workers per node?17:10
ArxCruzfungi: http://paste.openstack.org/show/55170/17:10
ArxCruzso, what's better here? change mysql-devel to community-mysql-devel or use mariadb ?17:10
clarkbjeblair: not too hard, we would just have the logstash processes listen on different ports17:10
clarkband match up the gearman workers to those ports17:10
clarkbjeblair: I hadn't done that previously because the single pipeline per host uses a good chunk of the 2 cpus available17:11
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Disable the crm114 filter  https://review.openstack.org/6271017:11
jeblairclarkb: it looks like currently (with crm114) 1.5 out of 2 cpus are used17:12
jeblairclarkb: with crm114, the gearman workers are the bottleneck, not logstash; what about one logstash worker and 2 gearman workers per node?17:12
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fungiArxCruz: fedora specific, or is this also affecting rhel/centos 6?17:13
fungiArxCruz: probably use community-mysql-devel on newer fedora, i'd guess (though mordred is in favor of switching our mysql testing to drizzle for a variety of reasons)17:14
jeblairclarkb: if we switch to 4g performance nodes, we'll have 4 vcpus17:15
clarkbjeblair: 4gb performance nodes sound perfect17:16
jeblairclarkb: maybe we should make the logstash worker threaded and have it pull a configurable number of jobs to run simultaneously17:16
jeblairclarkb: yeah, but we won't be using them17:16
clarkbjeblair: why wouldn't we use them?17:16
jeblairclarkb: because the pipeline is currently single threaded17:16
clarkbjeblair: two pipelines + performance node is what I am thinking17:16
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jeblairclarkb: yes, that would be better.  so then, what are your thoughts on logstash workers?  should we keep the 1:1 logstash:gearman ratio, or do 1:2, 1:3, 1:4?17:18
pleia2clarkb: traffic is still a bit bad, but heading out soon17:18
jeblairclarkb: i lean toward increasing the # of gearman workers, because we're not trying to scale up the logstash processing17:18
jeblairclarkb: we're trying to get data to logstash as fast as we were before17:18
clarkbjeblair: I think that makes sense17:18
clarkbjeblair: logstash's input is smart enough to treat two different tcp connections and different sources of info17:19
jeblairclarkb: cool, so as a first pass, i'll see if we can colocate multiple gearman workers on a node17:19
clarkbjeblair: sounds good17:20
clarkbpleia2: see you when you get here. people are trickling in17:20
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ArxCruzfungi: community-mysql-devel then :)17:23
jeblairsdague: crm114 is off and the queue is falling17:24
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sdaguejeblair: cool17:25
jog0what has to be done to get http://docs.openstack.org/developer/elastic-recheck working17:26
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sdaguethere is a clarkb change for that17:31
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jog0sdague: ahh that answers my question it will be under docs.o.o/infra17:32
clarkbjog0: it will actually be docs.o.o/developer/elastic-recheck17:33
jog0clarkb: jeblair disagrees17:34
clarkboh /me looks17:34
clarkboh he wants it in a different place. thats fine just need to update change17:34
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anteayagothicmindfood: hey there17:37
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anteayagothicmindfood: good to see you17:37
fungii see the new blood are being indoctrinated into the benefits of staying on irc ;)17:37
gothicmindfoodhey there anteaya.17:37
gothicmindfoodfungi: I think the benefits of caffeine still slightly outweigh the benefits of IRC, but I'm getting there.17:38
fungithe one makes the other possible17:38
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* gothicmindfood is still waking up, possibly...17:40
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jeblairsdague: empty queue eta ~2 hours17:41
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jog0jeblair: am I seeing this right: gate is almost emtpy?17:42
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zarofungi: clarkb i'm testing the scp log copy thing.  do we have a remote server i can test with?  or do i need to setup my own?17:44
fungizaro: you could just try to have the server scp to itself on
clarkbzaro: just setup your own17:45
clarkbor do what fungi says17:45
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fungi(in other words, you already *have* set up your own)17:45
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add Python3 deprecated assert* to HACKING.rst  https://review.openstack.org/6213617:45
zaroohh yeah, good idea.17:45
fungino point in letting a good multi-user system go to waste after all. unixunixunix17:45
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sdaguejog0: yes17:52
jog0I am shocked its empty17:53
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portanteperhaps no one wants to run the gauntlet?17:53
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sdaguejog0: if you have some cycles, we definitely need to land fingerprints / bugs on things that -2ed in the gate17:56
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mgagnezaro: ping18:01
zaromgagne: yo!18:02
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mgagnezaro: FYI, I think I found why maven project tests are failing in JJB: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/61518/18:02
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jog0sdague: how about powow in 30 minutes?18:03
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zaromgagne: cool. that helps.18:04
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mgagnezaro: didn't have time to think about how it could be refactor though18:05
sdaguejog0: I'm sort of flat out today, tomorrow yuo got time?18:05
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jog0sdague: sure, I can also run with some stuff on my own today if you want18:06
zaromgagne: don't have time to look into it today either :(18:06
mgagnezaro: alright, just wanted to let you know ;)18:06
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sdaguehonestly, the classifications are pretty high on the list18:07
zaromgagne: it looks like just need to handle another project besides freeesytle.18:07
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zaromgagne: thanks. your review helps.18:11
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funginotmyname: i finally managed to stop that looping py26 unit test job... i had to catch it quickly enough to cancel the job before it progressed far enough to reach the "hanging" test_leak_1 test18:15
fungionce it got there, manually stopping the job resulted in the same slave agent communication issues which would prevent it from returning a status18:16
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add cassandra-driver dependency  https://review.openstack.org/6272618:16
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mtreinishfungi: I just backported the devstack change for the lxml package deps: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/62725/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/62727/18:18
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fungimtreinish: did you coordinate with sdague on that? i know he mentioned something about having a work tree to add tempest deps to devstack18:18
* fungi looks18:18
mtreinishfungi: that's what the backport is18:18
fungii see!18:19
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fungimtreinish: it's got my +1 but of course i can't progress on the tox.ini patch for havana until that merges to grizzly devstack18:20
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sdaguefungi: I just +Aed the backports18:27
fungisdague: thanks much!18:27
fungihopefully that's the last hurdle for the tox consistency change18:28
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sdaguejeblair: how would I determine if a job is part of the integrated gate queue outside of zuul?18:44
sdagueor is there a way we can tag er with that metadata?18:44
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fungisdague: if it shares at least one exact job name with any other project in that same queue18:45
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sdaguefungi: ok, so how do I do that from the data sitting in er?18:45
clarkbsdague: you can query the zuul json, it is organized by pipeline with a list of projects18:45
fungisdague: so parsing layout.yaml should be sufficient to build the graph to determine whether or not that's the case18:45
sdaguefungi: that would tell me if it was true now, but not about yesterday18:45
fungiwell, the zuul status.json is a great option, but he said outside of zuul (so i assumed he meant data at rest)18:46
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fungisdague: that file is managed in revision control18:46
sdaguefungi: sure18:46
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sdagueok, so here's the problem18:46
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fungiso modulo puppet propagation and zuul service reload time, you could tell from git18:46
sdaguewhen going back through es data I want to know if a build_uuid / build_name pair was part of the integrated gate18:47
sdagueand I'd rather not have to write a git engine as part of that18:47
fungias mentioned earlier, the queue name is exceedingly long, but maybe there's some way of submitting that with the log artifacts as they're processed...18:48
jeblairyeah, we could add the queue name as a job parameter which would mean it could be added to es18:48
funginot sure what ways we can inject metadata along with them18:48
jeblairi think our principal issue is what to name the queues18:48
sdagueso is the name exceedlingly long bug relatively stable?18:48
fungiaha, parameters work for that? awesome18:48
fungisdague: the name of a queue is the list of all the projects in the queue (rather than a uuid or something)18:49
fungiso it changes as projects are added/removed18:49
sdaguewe have some way to squash that down to a rolling idea of what "the integrated gate" is?18:49
jeblairsdague: it is currently: "openstack-dev/devstack, openstack-dev/grenade, openstack-dev/pbr, openstack-infra/devstack-gate, openstack-infra/pypi-mirror, openstack/ceilometer, openstack/cinder, openstack/gantt, openstack/glance, openstack/heat, openstack/horizon, openstack/keystone, openstack/neutron, openstack/nova, openstack/oslo.config, openstack/oslo.messaging, openstack/oslo.version, openstack/python-ceilometerclient,...18:49
jeblairsdague: "...openstack/python-cinderclient, openstack/python-ganttclient, openstack/python-glanceclient, openstack/python-heatclient, openstack/python-keystoneclient, openstack/python-neutronclient, openstack/python-novaclient, openstack/python-swiftclient, openstack/requirements, openstack/swift, openstack/tempest, z/tempest"18:50
sdaguehonestly, I basically want a one byte field on er records that is "is integrated gate"18:50
fungikeeping in mind that over time, shared queues may combine or divide, so stateless names for them may be hard to allocate and track18:50
sdaguehowever I could get that18:50
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jeblairsdague: i do not have an idea of how to do that; i'd love a suggestion.  if we found one, we could solve your problem and make more meaningful graphite stats as jog0 was suggesting.18:50
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jeblairwe could pick a project and tag it with a label; and whatever queue it ends up with gets that label18:51
jeblairso we could attach the label to tempest18:51
jeblairand queues without labels are named after their projects as now18:51
sdagueso if we did that would it be a correct approximation?18:52
sdaguecorrect ish18:52
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jeblairsdague: it would be exactly correct as long as tempest participated in the integrated gate, which i think will hold us for a while18:53
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sdaguere.search("(^openstack/|devstack|grenade)", result.project) is my currently crappy approximation18:53
fungialternatively, i guess if we just pass the queue name in a job parameter, substring matching on whether or not openstack/tempest is part of it could also work18:53
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jeblairfungi: that's true18:54
fungiagain, so long as that project remains part of the integrated queue18:54
fungibut i do like the labels idea. might help us clean up the status page a little too18:54
jeblairfungi: might solve sdague's need but doesn't help us put metrics for queues in graphite18:54
fungioh, right, i keep forgetting about the graphite metric name problem18:55
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sdaguethat's using the approximation for the gate that I have18:55
sdagueto figure out if a build was part of the gate18:56
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sdaguemtreinish: we're discussing exactly your point in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/62694/ here :)18:57
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add per job percentages for responsibility of fails  https://review.openstack.org/6273818:58
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mtreinishsdague: I guess that means I should start paying attention18:58
jeblairsdague: i can hack on this tomorrow18:58
sdaguemtreinish: no, it's a really good point18:58
sdaguejeblair: awesome18:58
jeblairshouldn't be hard18:58
sdaguemy bad approximation will limp us through for now18:59
sdaguebetter would be good18:59
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Always dump errors to console  https://review.openstack.org/6185018:59
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jeblairinfra meeting time in #openstack-meeting19:02
sdaguemtreinish: you might appreciate that pastebin19:02
sdagueit has per the percentage of failures of a particular job that a bug was responsible for19:02
reedfungi, I saw you committed a new patch to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/61250/ Ready for approval?19:02
fungireed: i hope--didn't want to go self-approving it without final feedback, but can try to drive up the review urgency there19:03
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reedfungi, ship it :)19:04
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mtreinishsdague: very cool19:05
openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Change mysql-devel to community-mysql-devel in Fedora  https://review.openstack.org/6273919:05
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mtreinishalthough the first one, the jenkins timeout error, we're hitting that 100% on the ceilo unit tests?19:05
mtreinishor 100% of the failures19:05
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notmynamejog0: now with a moving average http://not.mn/gate_status.html19:11
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ArxCruzfungi: I need to know what's the best approach:19:13
ArxCruzmongodb isn't supported on ppc6419:13
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jog0notmyname: cool, although you have two orange lines19:13
ArxCruzCan I just put an if statement in params.pp and ignore the     $::jenkins::params::mongodb_package, in slave.pp or you have other idea19:14
dkranzfungi: Do you know who has +2 on devstack-gate?19:14
mtreinishdkranz: it's the infra core team19:14
fungidkranz: me, clarkb, jeblair, mordred19:14
notmynamejog0: one bold, one slim. kinda hard to get distinct colors when graphing 9 things19:14
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jog0notmyname: and why not moving average over 6 hours?19:14
jog0notmyname: heh yeah19:15
dkranzfungi: ok, thanks. This is needed to get the heat tests going https://review.openstack.org/#/c/61576/19:15
fungiArxCruz: you'd probably be fine adding a fact check on the machine architecture and then wrapping that package in a conditional or something19:15
fungiArxCruz: easier to discuss when you have a first stab at it in review19:15
fungidkranz: i'll try to take a look after meetings wrap up19:15
notmynamejog0: because I wanted an "in general, what's going on" line. the stairstep lines show very well what's happening for a given 6 hour time slot19:15
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jog0notmyname: 1 day and 14 day moving averge are pretty similar19:20
jog0so never mind19:20
jog0I am surprisedby that19:20
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funginotmyname: the first paragraph of your explanation says 'the "Patch Pass Chance" is the starting point for the likelihood of that patch being merged into master' but it looks like you're graphing the chance that it will be merged without being automatically retried because of a failure ahead of it. that wording is a bit misleading if so19:23
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jog0fungi: agreed19:23
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jog0notmyname: btw view-source:http://status.openstack.org/elastic-recheck/19:24
jog0not sure if that link will workbut  we have some javascript that generates the graph URLs19:25
fungiif it's aborted and retried in the gate automatically, it still may merge without any manual intervention, after all19:25
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notmynamefungi: it's the chance that it will pass if it's at the top of the gate queue19:31
fungiahh, okay. so that's only measuring changes which either get ejected or merged19:32
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notmynamefungi: correct. and also therefore if you have a 80% chance of pass, a queue of depth 10 has a (100* .8**10) percent chance of passing19:33
fungicurious then why the length of the gate queue at a particular point in time decreases the chances that the change at the head of the gate will merge. i would expect them to be mostly independent numbers19:35
notmynamefungi: 3 things are shown: (1) gate depth (2) actual pass rates for 6 gate jobs (3) computed chance of a new patch at the top of the gate passing19:37
fungioh! i think i see why. they're both symptoms of gate job stability19:37
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notmynamefungi: right, so a bigger gate means that more stuff is passing which means that the pass rate goes down (ie nondeterministic errors). which lowers (3)19:37
fungithe more frequently jobs fail in the gate, both the less likely it is for a change to merge and the larger the pile-up in the gate becomes19:37
notmynamefungi: right19:37
fungiwhereas if failure rate is low, the gate clears out quickly (leading to low queue length numbers on the graph)19:38
notmynamefungi: and the corollary is that times like now (ie 1 job in the gate) are the only time you have of a high baseline likelihood that your patch will land19:38
notmynamefungi: right, so we want a high pass rate, regardless of the gate queue depth19:39
notmynamebut the moving average shows that over the past 2 weeks we've not really gotten above about a 65% pass rate19:40
fungijust making sure it's apparent that the long gate is a symptom, not a cause19:40
notmynameyes, absolutely19:40
jog0so correlation != causation  here19:40
jog0or rather its backwards19:40
fungimakes sense to me then19:40
notmynamefungi: I'd love to also graph the times that the gate queue is flished and rechecked (ie how many times a patch is rechecked), but that isn't tracked by zuul now19:40
jog0notmyname: that doesn't normalize for how quickly things are being added to the queue19:41
notmynamefungi: jog0: yes, the gate queue depth is the consequence of the other metrics, not the cause19:41
jog0notmyname: we can add more metrics to zuul19:41
fungiit's under discussion how best to do that, but it seems doable19:42
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jeblair19:41 < notmyname> fungi: and the corollary is that times like now (ie 1 job in the gate) are the only time you have of a high baseline likelihood that your patch will land19:54
jeblairnotmyname: that statement is not correct19:54
jeblairnotmyname: a patch's chances of landing are not affected by those ahead of it19:55
fungiwell, insofar as that an emptyish gate is a sign that changes are probably succeeding more often and not causing a pile-up19:55
fungibut again, that goes back to the symptom-not-disease point19:55
notmynamejeblair: ok, I should add "assuming your patch ok" at the end there19:56
notmyname*Patch is ok19:56
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jeblairnotmyname: that statement looks very close to saying "gate queue length affects the probability a patch will land", and it doesn't19:56
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fungii think my concern is that focusing on the queue depth as a metric is misleading, unless you're specifically looking at overall aggregate resource consumption19:57
jeblairnotmyname: that's not a causal relationship (there may be a relationship as fungi pointed out in that a deep gate is a symptom of low prabability)19:57
notmynamejeblair: yes, I agree with that19:57
jeblairnotmyname: to those less familiar, they might assume that means that if a patch at the head fails, that means their patch will fail too; that's the misapprehension i want to avoid.19:58
notmynamejeblair: sorry, I guess it was frustration coming though. the patch will still land (with the computed probablility), but it may take a long time if it's not at the top of the gate queue19:58
jeblairnotmyname: ye19:58
notmynamejeblair: ok. that shoudl be more clear. I agree19:58
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notmynamejeblair: so I have a few suggestions I'd like to propose during the meeting. want to hear them early?19:59
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jog0notmyname: you should measure the gate depth in number of beers you can drink between +A and merge19:59
notmynamejog0: with a "red line" alcohol poisoning line?20:00
jog0notmyname: yup20:00
fungijog0: and the failure rate in beers you drank before you +A'd them20:00
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notmynamejeblair: I just added some additional text to clarify (at the end of the explanation section) that http://not.mn/gate_status.html20:04
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Update the url for the zuul git repo  https://review.openstack.org/6267620:07
funginotmyname: i like the clarification, but still the question in paragraph 3 "Is the patch pass chance high because the queue is empty?" is wrong. the pass chance won't ever be anything in particular because of the queue length, though the queue length may be empty because the pass chance is high...20:09
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fungireversed to "Is the queue empty because the patch pass chance is high?" would make more sense there20:10
notmynamefungi: well, the initial reason for adding the queue depth is because I wanted to see what was happening in the rare case that I graphed a 100% pass chance). Since I assume pass if there is no data, I added the gate queue depth to see if the "pass" rate really just meant nothing was happening20:11
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fungioh, i see. so "Is the patch pass chance high because there is no data to analyze?" in that case20:11
mgagnezaro: ping20:11
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notmynameright. I'll add a "graph no data at 0 instead of 100" version just to see how it looks20:12
notmynamefungi: this is where the balance of "accurate data vs visual communication" is hard20:12
mgagnezaro: you have 2 accounts with the same email in gerrit. You should get it fixed :P20:12
funginotmyname: totally agree there20:12
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fungimgagne: i can help zaro with that20:13
mgagnefungi: cool =)20:13
fungizaro: i'll take a look and see what's going on in the db20:13
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notmynamefungi: nope. not even worth showing it. adding in zeros doesn't change much one way or simply graphs the multiplication a zero the other (anything *0=0)20:16
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funginotmyname: i figured. trending when there are periods of no data is not something i've ever seen a good visualization for (except possibly density maps)20:17
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notmynamefungi: reload to check for updated words20:19
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funginotmyname: yeah, that wording is more accurate i think20:20
notmynamek, thanks20:20
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fungiwe don't want devs to be afraid of committing changes, we just want them to be mindful of possibly merging bad code20:21
fungiand being better able to analyze when someone has done so20:22
notmyname(1) I want devs to understand the project-wide impact a single bad test makes and (2) I want to consider that the current state of things isn't acceptable and we should discuss changes necessary to fix it long-term20:24
notmynameand I have 3 suggestions I'll proposed, and I hope others come up too20:24
jog0notmyname: ayes20:24
notmynamehmm...maybe 4 ideas (but one isn't all that great)20:25
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jog0notmyname: these will be raised at the proejct meeting?20:25
notmynamethat's my plan20:25
jog0notmyname: excellent, I'll be there20:25
fungiwith bells on20:26
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harlowjafungi u got a sec, trying to continue investigation of why https://review.openstack.org/#/c/60850/ is blocking up, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/61689/  i think u pointed me at earlier last week, can u guys let me know the owner of that, since i try to view it and it says 'no permissions'20:29
harlowjai think i know who the owner is, but not 100% sure (need name to bug to tell them to stop using drafts)20:30
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fungiharlowja: sure, i'll find it for you20:30
harlowjathx much20:30
reedjeblair, fungi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1261902 let me know if you need Evgeny to provide more details20:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1261902 in openstack-community "Ask OpenStack host hitting RAM limits" [Undecided,New]20:31
fungior if the taskflow ptl just wants that change un-drafted, that's also an option20:31
harlowjahmmm, i guess that ptl is me, but let me see who it is first :-P20:31
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fungiharlowja: Ivan Melnikov20:32
harlowjai knew its, ha20:33
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harlowjathx fungi , a taskflow-core memeber that knows where ivan is will bug him20:33
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fungizaro: so you definitely have two gerrit accounts (6580 and 6987) with separate openids. the first uses khaido as an ssh username while the second uses zaro0508. both have submitted contact information in gerrit and agreed to the icla. based on recent activity I think 6987 must be the one you're using to upload changes. can you confirm it's what also shows for you at20:37
openstackgerritKurt Griffiths proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Allow Falcon versions <0.2.0  https://review.openstack.org/6275120:38
fungizaro: if so, i can clear the accounts.preferred_email field for the old 6580 account so people will be able to add you as a reviewer and/or group member20:38
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Ajaeger1Hi, I need some help with https://review.openstack.org/#/c/61204/, please.20:48
Ajaeger1clarkb suggested to package openstack-doc-tools and distribute it somehow.20:48
Ajaeger1is there any example that I can follow?20:49
fungiAjaeger1: you may in that case be interested in http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-dev/cookiecutter/tree/20:49
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miquiclarkb:  i would like to create blueprints against zuul....20:49
fungithe readme is very short and i think covers most of what you need to know20:50
Ajaeger1thanks, fungi20:50
miquijblair: i would like to create blueprints against zuul....20:51
miquijeblair: i would like to create blueprints against zuul....20:51
fungimiqui: looks like we haven't configured blueprints as an lp feature for the zuul project there. i guess the first question is whether there are any objections to doing so (in which case i'd be happy to configure that if it's desirable)20:52
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fungibut i don't want to go turning it on if we omitted that for some particular reason i'm unaware of20:53
miquithanks fungi:20:53
miquifungi: sure please let me know...the area for docs org and ramp up, i can add here from our experience....20:54
fungimiqui: jeblair will hopefully be free to discuss it after the tc and project meetings wrap up around 2200 utc (unless he needs to disappear for a late lunch)20:54
miquiplus would like to contrib in other areas of the project...20:54
fungimiqui: that's wonderful. we love having more contributors20:55
Ajaeger1fungi: I converted it already into a package - without cookiecutter. Should have known earlier about it but will check it out again.20:56
zarofungi: i prefer zaro0508.20:56
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Ajaeger1How do I get the package build and distributed so that we can use it for gating?20:57
fungiAjaeger1: okay, so next steps are going to be making sure you can sdist and install it, and then making sure we register it on pypi with the right permissions so jenkins can upload there20:57
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fungiAjaeger1: what's the repository called?20:58
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Ajaeger1will you register it on pypi?20:59
Ajaeger1How do I trigger that?20:59
fungiAjaeger1: yes, i can register that in a bit (about to start cooking dinner)20:59
Ajaeger1fungi: no need to burn your dinner for that ;)21:00
fungiuploads get triggered by jenkins jobs which act on signed tags being pushed to the repository21:00
Ajaeger1who would add the signed tags?21:01
fungii hope to be able to successfully lurk through the project meeting starting now while i cook, so trying to do three things at once may exceed my manufactured tolerances21:01
fungiAjaeger1: possibly you would (we'd need a release coordinator for that project, so it's defined by a group in gerrit)21:01
Ajaeger1fungi: Can we continue discussing via email? I need to dropoff soon as well...21:01
fungiAjaeger1: sure thing--a thread on the infra ml would be fine21:01
Ajaeger1fungi: ok, will do. Enjoy dinner!21:02
fungii can follow up with the relevant details there21:02
Ajaeger1fungi: thank you !21:03
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yfriedHi guys, I'm looking to get the external connectivity (ie - ping on the devstack-neutron gate so this patch can work: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/55146/21:29
yfriedcan anyone help me?21:29
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clarkbyfried: what do you need help with?21:32
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yfriedclarkb: for starters - is it doable?21:33
clarkbyfried: should be, the infrastructure won't prevent such a thing21:33
clarkbI know fungi has suggested you ping several external hosts and pass if at least one responds21:34
yfriedclarkb: that's a different issue21:34
clarkbis there an issue?21:34
clarkbI think that is what I am trying to get at. Infra can help but we don't know what help is needed21:34
yfriedclarkb: make it so the neutron gate will be configured with external connectivity21:35
clarkbyfried: there is nothing preventing that21:35
clarkbyfried: devstack/neutron/whatever can just do it21:35
yfriedclarkb: I'm sorry if I sound weird. I'm very new to this21:36
clarkbyfried: no problem. Let me start again21:36
clarkbthe infra team provides the infrastructure that the tests are run on but does not write the tests or configure the clouds the tests run against21:37
yfriedclarkb: AFAIK the devstack instances created by jenkins when checking patches are configured without external connectivity21:37
clarkbthere is nothing on the existing infrastructure that would prevent external connectivity. Instead you would need to have devstack configure neutron appropriately to ping the outside world21:37
yfriedclarkb: so who is responsible for that21:37
clarkbyfried: the devstack and neutron teams21:37
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yfriedclarkb: ok. tnx. sorry I botherd you21:38
clarkbyfried: no problem. I just don't think the infra team will be able to help with neutron configs much21:38
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* fungi clearly didn't pop enough popcorn for the project meeting21:50
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jeblairsdague: logstash workers are caught up21:58
sdaguejeblair: \o/21:59
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fungijeblair: miqui was inquiring whether we had disabled blueprints for launchpad.net/zuul or if it was okay for us to turn them on22:02
fungier, whether we had disabled them intentionally22:02
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jog0that was a fun meeting22:03
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jeblairfungi: well, we don't really use them.  i suppose we could, but usually a mailing list message will do just as well22:03
jeblairmiqui: what's the blueprint you want to file?22:04
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jeblairif it's not too big, let's just use the mailing list; if it is a big project, we can turn on blueprints...22:04
miquijeblair:  at this stage about documentation22:04
jeblairhow does that sound?22:04
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jeblair(i expect we'll use storyboard's version of blueprints when we start using it)22:05
miquijeblair: there is a defect about docs and would like to instead treat that as a blueprint and add out team's notes....22:05
miqui...and as we learn more...we add more...22:05
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miquiwhat is storyboard? another agile tool?22:06
jeblairmiqui: can you just propose patches to zuul's docs?22:06
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miquijeblair: sure....i can do that via etherpad?22:07
miquioops sorry..22:07
miquii meatn launchpad22:07
jeblairmiqui: storyboard is our bug/feature tracker in development22:07
SergeyLukjanovmiqui, it should eventually replace launchpad22:07
miquihmm not using launchpad anymore?22:07
miquiwhats the link for it..i would like to take a look...22:08
SergeyLukjanovmiqui, not yet, storyboard is under dev now, it's in PoC status22:08
jeblairmiqui: you can propose patches to zuul using the regular openstack dev workflow22:08
SergeyLukjanovmiqui, https://github.com/openstack-infra/storyboard22:08
jeblairmiqui: see http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/zuul/tree/README.rst22:08
jeblairmiqui: and https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/How_To_Contribute22:08
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miquijeblair: ok....22:09
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jeblairmiqui: the doc sources are here: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/zuul/tree/doc/source22:09
jeblairmiqui: and get published here: http://ci.openstack.org/zuul/22:09
dcramer_Hi zaro. I noticed  you were talking about the clouddocs-maven-plugin stuff recently.22:09
dcramer_Wanted to touch base and see if you have questions.22:10
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miquiSergeyLukjanov: is there way i can look at storyboard even in alpha version?22:10
miquior whatever you have....22:11
SergeyLukjanovmiqui, it could be easily started from sources, instructions are in README22:11
miquiok....where is the project in github?22:11
miquiSergeyLukjanov: great...thanks...22:12
fungidcramer_: i was going to fill out the sonatype jira request for an org.openstack.whatever groupid and was just wanting to confirm the various details they ask for when filing it. i really know next to nothing about maven/java so a lot of the terms are a bit foreign to me22:12
SergeyLukjanovmiqui, but it's really a PoC, and there're plans to rewrite it, so, the main thing that you can see now is the data model stuff22:12
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miquiSergeyLukjanov: ok......question why the switch from launchpad ?22:13
fungiSergeyLukjanov: miqui: or https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/storyboard/tree/22:13
zarodcramer_: yes. we had discussions with sharwell.22:13
SergeyLukjanovmiqui, there are tons of gaps like subscribing, release management, projects grouping22:13
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fungiSergeyLukjanov: miqui: remember, we don't really use github, we just happen to mirror a copy of the repositories to it22:14
zarodcramer_: not sure if you talked to him yet, but it's about this change https://review.openstack.org/#/c/5834922:14
SergeyLukjanovfungi, yup, I know, just an old habbit22:14
miquifungi: then what do you use?22:15
SergeyLukjanovfungi, using git.o.o as origin everywhere ;)22:15
miquiSergeyLukjanov: exactly.....22:15
jeblairfungi: i don't think the free space graphs in cacti are automated (beyond / partition)22:15
fungimiqui: we use a code review system called gerrit at review.openstack.org and then mirror to a farm of git servers at git.openstack.org22:15
jeblairfungi: do you want to manually add them?22:16
fungijeblair: ahh, okay, i can add them by hand then22:16
SergeyLukjanovmiqui, here you can find a etherpad about storyboard from the last design summit - https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/icehouse-summit-storyboard-basic-concepts-and-next22:16
jeblairfungi: k; let me know if you have q's22:16
zarodcramer_: is this change  inline with original plans?22:16
miquifungi:  ah right.....gerrit...22:16
miquiyeah ok...sure forgot about those...22:16
SergeyLukjanovmiqui, and we have a channel (#storyboard) and irc weekly meeting22:17
miquiSergeyLukjanov: awesome... thanks..22:17
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fungijeblair: i may have questions later, but should be able to suss it out myself. currently tending several gallons of lentil soup for another half hour or so, then i'll take a look22:18
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miquifungi: btw...noticed that good 'ol pip install /opt/zuul "seems to fail" quietly (i.e. seems installed - but no) - we had to use --upgrade  flag...22:19
miquire-ran with that and it was happy again...22:19
dcramer_zaro: So there have been discussions since then regarding the need to be sure that the snapshot version is committed with the pom.xml. It looks like you guys were discussing that in your recent meeting.22:20
* miqui thanks for your replies..... ttyl22:20
dcramer_zaro: I'm looking at http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2013/infra.2013-12-17-19.02.log.html and https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/java-release-process22:21
dcramer_fungi: As I understand it, you request org.openstack and then you can create whatever you want under that.22:22
jeblairdcramer_: here's what i'd like to see happen on that: we land zaro's change and finish the plan that we started on a year ago.  you guys try out the process and see how it works and what obstacles you have, and then propose improvements to it22:22
dcramer_jeblair: But that doesn't address sharwell's concern regarding those doing local builds. It seems like if we just omit 58349, we can use everything else as is.22:23
zarodcramer_: you won't get auto versioning and deployments.22:24
zarodcramer_: alternative for you is to use maven release plugin, but you'll need to do that manually.22:25
dcramer_zaro: No autoversionsing, but the deployments would still happen from Jenkins, correct?22:25
zarodcramer_: there is alternative proposal in the etherpad that you guys can try out, the version plugin22:25
dcramer_Yes, I was looking at that: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/java-release-process22:26
jeblairdcramer_: there is a very small cost to you as developers to do this, and since this project has a small development team, it should not be a big burden to give it a try.22:26
zarodcramer_: if there is no auto versioning then jenkins will keep deploying the same version.22:27
dcramer_jeblair: I was seeing it as "Well the cost of me doing two git reviews per release is very low and does not change anything else about the workflow"22:27
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dcramer_zaro: sharwell's proposal was for us to commit the pom changes manually to increment the verison.22:28
zarodcramer_: ohhh i guess that's the problem. (manual) :(22:29
dcramer_zaro: From my point of view there's a benefit that justifies it...22:29
dcramer_zaro: If you're going to have your community use gerrit to review anything, it should be the decision to cut a release.22:29
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jeblairdcramer_: none of these proposals get you that22:30
dcramer_zaro: By using gerrit to review the pom.xml change in preparation for a new release, you give your community an opportunity to raise concerns or ask for time to finish pending work.22:30
sdaguejeblair: so in your copious free time, if you wanted to ever review devstack changes with yuor +2, it would be appreciated :)22:31
dcramer_jeblair: Yes, when I do "git review" on a pom.xml change that removes the -SNAPSHOT, someone can -1 it and ask for another day.22:31
jeblairsdague: i'd like to; most of them are out of my area of competency, but if you happen to see any that are, feel free to add me22:31
dcramer_jeblair: But I must admit, I'm not fully clear on who does the tagging in the tag based approach.22:32
jeblairsdague: my review load has been so high lately i haven't had time to go looking22:32
jeblairdcramer_: here's the thing -- we have this workflow that we use for _all_ of openstack.  we'd like to use it for this project too.  we talked about it, you agreed, zaro implemented.22:32
sdagueyeh no worries. dtroyer_zz and I sort of decided we'd go to single approver on easy stuff over the holidays to make sure people aren't held up22:33
jeblairdcramer_: it's a great system and i still think you should try it.22:33
sdaguebut extra eyes always good.22:33
sdagueok, shoveling time22:33
jeblairdcramer_: but if you're not interested, i'm not sure how we can help.22:34
dcramer_jeblair: Indeed, you guys do impressive work. But I see this as gerrit doing its thing, giving someone (in this case sharwell) an opportunity to bring forward a concern we didn't anticipate.22:34
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dcramer_jeblair: I'm very interested.22:34
jeblairdcramer_: he left a -222:35
jeblairdcramer_: that means he's opposed to it merging22:35
jeblairdcramer_: it's the strongest rejection of a patch possible22:35
dcramer_jeblair: and still would get what I really want (and especially Anne Gentle will get what she wants) from the compromise approach.22:35
dcramer_jeblair: Right, but just for that one change...the change that removes the version from the pom.22:36
jeblairdcramer_: yeah, it's the final change; the one that lets the system work as designed22:36
dcramer_jeblair: As I understand the semantics -1 means "I'd prefer you don't merge, but you can if you really want to" and -2 is blocking.22:36
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jeblairdcramer_: yes, a blocking vote from someone who isn't at all familiar with the effort is surprising.22:37
jeblairdcramer_: that's why i think we should defer to the original plan, and ask sharwell to come back and improve it.22:38
dcramer_jeblair: Right, but from someone who knows a lot about Maven and whose opinion we should take into account. I don't see -2 as having any kind of moral or derogatory content.22:38
dcramer_jeblair: What's the problem with his suggested alternative?22:39
dcramer_jeblair: That's the part I haven't heard (why it feels like we're talking at cross-purposes).22:39
jeblairdcramer_: it ignores everything we were trying to accomplish, and i don't think we should keep going back to the design phase on this.22:40
dcramer_jeblair: But it doesn't ignore EVERYTHING we were trying to accomplish. The only thing it breaks is that the tag name is no longer the single point of truth for the version. All the other benefits remain.22:41
jeblairdcramer_: sharwell's proposal was basically "don't do what you wanted to do and just use maven instead"22:41
dcramer_jeblair: Let me outline some benefits of what you're doing:22:42
mgagnejeblair: I was reading the conversation but have to go now. Although it adds no new value to the discussion, I found an article talking about this subject: http://axelfontaine.com/blog/final-nail.html22:42
mgagnejeblair: same conclusion: just inject from jenkins build number (or git tag in our case)22:43
dcramer_mgagne: Thanks I'll look at that. It's not something I've read.22:43
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dcramer_1) Code is part of OpenStack and reviewed via gerrit.  Bringing more disciplined code reviews and letting IBMers contribute (for legal reasons they need to protection of the CLA to contribute)22:45
jeblairdcramer_: being on stackforge doesn't necessarily mean it's part of openstack.  as far as i know the repo is not part of an existing program.  if it's part of docs, then we put it in the wrong place.22:46
dcramer_2) Release builds are (again) coming from a Jenkins machine instead of "some guy in a corner pushing up commits". Currently, I could accidentally cut a release that isn't committed anywhere.22:46
zaroclarkb: ping22:46
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jeblairdcramer_: if it's part of docs, we should clear that up with docs, and maybe the tc.  it could also be part of infra.22:47
dcramer_jeblair: So my understanding from annegentle_  was that this would enable IBMers to contribute due to CLA stuff. I don't mean to imply it's part of "OpenStack" proper.22:47
jeblairdcramer_: i can't speak to that kind of legal issue.  the only thing i can say is that i'm pretty sure the tc (which gets to decide these things along with the board) don't think it's part of openstack.22:48
jeblairdcramer_: but if being on stackforge makes their legal team happy, ok.22:48
dcramer_jeblair: That's fine. I really just want Anne to be happy.22:48
dcramer_trying to remember 3)...had it a second ago.22:49
lifelessdcramer_: IBM *require* the CLA to contribute?22:50
lifelessdcramer_: so they can't contribute to projects that don't have teh CLA-required bit set?22:50
dcramer_lifeless: You'll have to check with Anne.22:50
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add cassandra-driver dependency  https://review.openstack.org/6272622:51
dcramer_lifeless: But you just reminded me of 3)22:51
clarkbzaro: hi22:51
lifelessannegentle_: ^22:51
fungizaro: btw i cleared up your e-mail address and external ids in gerrit for the old account, so should be all set now22:51
dcramer_lifeless: yes, annegentle_22:51
fungi(i think he was attempting to perform a summoning incantation)22:51
annegentle_lifeless: dcramer_ reading22:51
zarofungi: why thanks a bunch.22:52
dcramer_fungi: Ok, thanks, I suck at irc.22:52
jeblairit worked22:52
zaroclarkb: i just installed latest jenkins and i can't find the copy log option anymore.22:52
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jeblairzaro: it's in an unreased version of the plugin22:52
annegentle_ok I can't read that much and be on this call. Summary? :)22:52
zarojeblair: that's good to know.22:53
annegentle_ok that was oct 2012 so who knows if other member companies want a "blessing" to work on the maven plugin22:53
jeblairzaro: try git master22:53
annegentle_but at the time, the IBM legal didn't want them to put devs on a rackspace org tool22:54
lifelessannegentle_: rumour that IBMers can't contribute to projects that *do not* require a CLA ?22:54
fungisounds more like they just wanted it to be open-source and community-developed22:54
dcramer_3) Ensure that if I'm hit by a truck the release process is owned by a team she trusts.22:54
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dcramer_I do bike to work sometimes and there are lots of trucks in Texas.22:55
annegentle_dcramer_: eeek. yes. that articulates my concern. With of course a God forbid.22:56
jeblairdcramer_: okay, so i think we did a pretty good job coming up with a nice system that addresses those concerns and makes the development and release of the plugin match what we're doing for (literally) more than one hundred other projects22:57
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dcramer_jeblair: So it seems that we're hung up over one small (to my mind esoteric) detail: Is the version of the release stored only in the tag or also in the pom?22:57
dcramer_jeblair: Yes, your stuff is awesome and amazing.22:58
zarodcramer_: it's in both.22:59
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jeblairdcramer_: i don't want to start that process over again.  we have a lot of things we need to be working on, even in the java realm.23:00
dcramer_jeblair: Right, and I really don't want you guys to do any more work than you already have.23:00
sdaguedcramer_: jeblair's point on over 100 other projects isn't bragging, it's that *no one* gets to be a unique snow flake. It doesn't scale. :)23:01
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zarojeblair: just saw the history. yikes! scp hasn't released new version for 3yrs.23:01
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jeblairdcramer_: great, so as a stackforge project, you can manage your own infrastructure.  you can write your own jenkins jobs, etc.23:01
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dcramer_jeblair: Nooo...no asking for that.23:02
dcramer_sdague: Ok, point taken.23:02
fungisdague: we're well over 200 counting stackforge too23:02
dcramer_jeblair, sdague: so I'm beginning to see the root of the issue:23:03
sdaguefungi: I said over :)23:03
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fungiyou definitely did23:03
sdagueanyway, I need to meet people for beers and planning for our LUG. see you folks later23:04
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jeblairdcramer_: if you aren't doing things the way we do the rest of the java projects in infra, what we do is probably going to evolve over time and you'll want to make sure to allocate some time to keep up with changes, etc.  but all the tools are available; you might have seen zaro's changes where he wrote the jenkins jobs for instance.  you can do that too.23:04
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jeblairzaro: yeah, i have jenkins commit access and can merge changes there; i don't really like it though because the copyright status is ambiguous.  i'm not sure i'd make a release23:05
dcramer_jeblair: I see the source of your concern now: if we do this one small thing in a way that's different from your other projects, you're worried that at some point changes you make for the 100 other projects will break us.23:06
jeblairzaro: but i also think i broke upgrade compatibility on master, so that needs to be fixed.23:06
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jeblairdcramer_: it's only a handful of other java projects (most of our projects are python) but it's based on the same process so even if the techical details are shared with 4 projects, the dev workflow and release process is shared with all 100+23:07
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jeblairdcramer_: so: qualified yes.23:08
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dcramer_jeblair: Ok, at least I understand the source of your concern now. I had been quite confused previously.23:08
jeblairdcramer_: we're an industrial scale software factory.  :)23:08
dcramer_jeblair: I don't think I ever saw zaro's jenkins job.23:09
dcramer_jeblair: You can have a car that's any color you want as long as it's black.23:09
dcramer_jeblair: Henry Ford is supposed to have said something like that.23:09
jeblairdcramer_: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/46099/23:09
dcramer_jeblair: I understand the constraints that kind of scale imposes.23:10
jeblairdcramer_: my favorite color23:10
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devanandahi guys. I just tagged another rev of python-ironicclient. zuul did its thing, and its on pypi.python now, but i don't see python-ironicclient /anywhere/ on http://pypi.openstack.org/openstack/23:14
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jeblairdevananda: check out http://status.openstack.org/zuul/23:15
jeblairdevananda: under 'release' you'll see the mirror update jobs are running23:15
jeblairdevananda: if python-orinicclient is in openstack/requirements, then it will show up there when they're done23:15
devanandajeblair: right. and a countdown to ~ when they finish23:15
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jeblairsorry i can't spell the name of your project23:16
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devanandajeblair: ah! that's the missing bit of info. It's *not* in requirements yet .... https://review.openstack.org/#/c/60638/123:16
jeblairdevananda: however, it isn't in requirements...23:16
devanandahence why even the prior relesae isn't up there23:16
jeblairso it won't show up yet23:16
devanandagotcha. thanks23:16
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* devananda looks for who to poke about that review23:17
jeblairdevananda: the requirements repo has similar post jobs, so once that change lands, it'll show up23:17
fungi(offset by the run-length duration of the mirror jobs at any rate)23:17
jeblairdevananda: that seems like one i can weigh in on.23:17
dcramer_jeblair: So the risk in sharwell's proposal is (say a neuton bomb takes me and sharwell out) and  someone comes along, assuming our project works like all the others, does NOT commit the change to the pom and cuts a release by setting the tag.23:18
devanandajeblair: great. thanks much!23:18
dcramer_jeblair: That's a legitimate concern. Let me discuss it with sharwell.23:19
dcramer_jeblair: The next release will be in January, so that's when we need to decide something.23:19
dcramer_jeblair: Have to run now.23:20
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ekarlsostrptime('17/Dec/2013:20:11:51 +0100', '%d/%b/%Y:%X %z') < works in py3 but 2.7 ?23:20
ekarlsowrong chan23:20
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lifelessI am confuse23:33
lifelesshow did https://review.openstack.org/#/c/62520/ fail ? The tempest results are green23:33
lifelessin the first failure23:33
jeblairlifeless: 2013-12-17 02:41:13.050 | Logs have errors23:34
jeblairlifeless: that should probably be a bit more shouty.23:34
jeblair2013-12-17 02:41:12.844 | 2013-12-17 02:24:45.716 ERROR nova.network.manager [req-0fec8653-af83-402a-b397-8f9aa437e8c0 ListServersNegativeTestJSON-tempest-1193702949-user ListServersNegativeTestJSON-tempest-1193702949-tenant] Unable to release because vif doesn't exist.23:34
jeblairlifeless: so that's the new 'make sure we aren't outputting new errors that aren't on the whitelist' check.23:35
lifelessoh you23:35
lifelessoh joy, vif races23:35
lifelessnow to find the recheck bug for that23:36
lifelessjeblair: thanks23:36
jeblairlifeless: the postgres job failed with a _different_ error log (but tests passed)23:36
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jeblairlifeless: and neutron actually did fail tests23:36
jeblairlifeless: so, wow that's a _lucky_ change!23:36
lifelessjeblair: yeah. 'Lucky'.23:37
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jog0lifeless: isn't the gate fun23:54
lifelessjog0: for sadomasochists...23:54
jog0yeah ... so I think we can map the gate issues to not treating critical bugs as critical23:55
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jog0now that we can track what bugs are causing issues moderately well we just need to fix em23:55
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