Friday, 2013-10-04

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clarkbjeblair: in AllocationSubRequest we decrement self.provider.available and self.request.amount. Where do we increment those (particularly available)00:02
jeblairclarkb: oh, everything is created from scratch each run00:02
jeblairclarkb: so everything in is basically a throwaway object that's just used to figure out the allocation for one pass through the loop00:03
jeblairclarkb: so that's just set as an inital value and that's it00:03
jeblair(maybe later some of those classes can merge with similar classes in the main program)00:04
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Setup a private gerrit instance for security reviews
clarkbjeblair: in the gearman client why do we take the old needed workers and add deficit to that? each time gearman is queried isn't the deficit absolute?00:07
clarkbline 18900:07
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anteayacongratulations jeblair, on your PTLship00:11
clarkbis that official now?00:11
clarkbcool congrats jeblair and thank you for running the elections anteaya00:13
anteayamy pleasure00:13
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Setup a private gerrit instance for security reviews
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clarkbjeblair: nevermind I get it. Different jobs can demand the same label hence the sum00:27
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Leave comment when single bug is found.
* clarkb walks home now00:41
jeblairclarkb, anteaya: thank you00:43
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Leave comment when single bug is found.
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fungithank you for your past service as ptl, mordred. thank you for your future service as ptl, jeblair. the ptl is dead, long live the ptl ;)01:49
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mordredjeblair: ++01:50
mordredfungi: thank you - and I for one welcome our new jeblair overlords01:51
fungiwe get more than one!?! score!!!01:51
clarkbfungi: jeblair has cloned himself and load balances work across the clones with gearman01:52
clarkbfungi: you don't happen to be on a machine that can ssh places? if you are can you restart elastic-recheck on logstash.o.o to pick up my bug fix?01:53
clarkbfungi: if not I will pull out the laptop and do it mysel01:53
fungii can01:53
fungion the wearable, but it's great for ssh01:54
fungi(just not so much for web apps)01:54
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jog0fungi: what kind of wearable is great for ssh?02:14
fungijog0: the kind that makes its own gravy^W^W^W^Wyou build yourself02:16
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fungijog0: i'm stuck with a fairly low-res (ntsc) headmount display, so okay for text terminals but not things like graphical web browsers02:18
fungineed to upgrade to higher resolution goggles for it sometime soon02:19
clarkbfungi: have you seen the occulusrift?02:24
fungii have, but last i looked, bulky and not great for walking around in02:25
fungilooked good for vr gaming though02:26
fungithough i expect they've been working on improving that02:30
jog0fungi: nice02:30
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fungijog0: my next prototype will be a lot better. the goal of this one was mainly to prove to myself i could find it useful, get used to focusing on a binocular display for extended periods, learn to type on a chording keyer, et cetera02:34
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fungiafter more than a year of using it some every day, i'm convinced it's worth the time investment to build a better one02:37
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openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Removed handling for ids of "None"
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jog0fungi: nice02:58
jog0will you bring it to the summit?02:58
jog0fungi: how well does it work on the street / in crowds?02:59
hub_capfungi: u need
fungijog0: i'm not brave enough to try to take homebrew electronics through international airport security/customs, but i'll bring it or its successor to the j summit03:03
fungidoes draw some stares when i have the visor on03:05
jog0fungi: nice will you adapt google glass or something like it when its ready03:05
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Moved get_scenarios() function to a base module to make it easier to reuse
fungii strongly suspect google will resist allowing glass to be usable with anything besides android03:06
jog0fungi: hmm yeah03:06
clarkbfungi: it has already been pwned03:06
fungioh, nice03:07
clarkbthough that may change when it becomes generally available03:07
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fungijog0: but as far as glass-ish, if you mean for augmented reality, it's not my use case but if the video processing/overlay tech improves to where it's easy to integrate then i might as well03:11
jog0fungi: ahh cool03:13
fungiif you mean monocular rather than binocular, probably not. i did some trials with monocular setups and the binocular rivalry effect it had made my reading comprehension far worse03:14
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openstackgerritDavid Caro proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Added some options to reviewers
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openstackgerritDavid Caro proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Added some options to reviews_for_bugs
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yolandahi, i have a question about SSO auth. I need to be able to restrict login to an specific set of users. We can set the auth provider for example to, but we only want a given team with a list of members to be able to login in Gerrit. I tried to harcode ids in trustedOpenID config var, but i tried with another user and I still can login07:58
tvbHi Infa, this presentation is not loading for me:
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openstackgerritEoghan Glynn proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update python-ceilometerclient lower bound to 1.0.6
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jd__anybody knows how/where to contact some LP admins or the like? a lot of bugs are getting spammed by auto responders and I'm getting sick of it08:17
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yolandajeblair, do you have time for an SSO question? i was wondering how to limit login access for a restricted set of users, using OpenID_SSO auth type09:16
yolandaright now, all users with an account in can login, and we want to restrict to some teams09:16
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: unbroke stable gate (chown)
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yolandafungi, jeblair, the only approach i can see is to deny all access to anonymous/registered users, and then define a team for real gerrit users, and import their accounts there. Is there a better option to restrict it?09:22
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: devstack-gate stable neutron job
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: devstack-gate stable neutron job
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix fuel repos layout
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix fuel repos layout
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix fuel repos layout
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openstackgerritEndre Karlson proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add RTFD hook to trigger auto-build of docs
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fungitvb: i'll let the people managing that system know (the infrastructure team has no control over it, yet anyway)12:55
tvbhi fungi, sure, they told me to go here so :)12:57
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fungijd__: best place to start is #launchpad or
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jd__fungi: thanks13:02
fungitvb: who told you to go here? i don't think the actual admins of the site would have said that, at any rate13:02
fungi(since i know them, and they know the developer community infrastructure team has no control over the content on it)13:03
tvbno idea who (rebooted in the mean time, lost chat history) but as long as it will be handled its fine by me.13:04
fungiyeah, they tend not to hang out in irc much either, but i can get ahold of them by e-mail13:05
fungilooks like that page is trying to embed
fungitvb: in the meantime, the presenter for that particular session is in here and goes by lifeless... he may be able to provide you with an alternate link for it13:08
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fungiyolanda: i suspect that gerrit doesn't support restricting openid logins to particular groups of accounts while allowing anonymous access (might take modifying the registration routine or perhaps newer gerrit could support it through a custom plugin). you might try asking in #gerrit instead13:12
yolandafungi, thx13:12
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yolandafungi, i tried to create a group with gerrit create-group command, it shows in Admin/Groups, but isn't reflected in git meta/config, in the groups file. Do i have to do something extra for creating the group?13:34
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openstackgerritPierre Rognant proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Flow project support
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fungiyolanda: i believe the groups file in a repository only gets updated with a group entry if that group is mentioned in the project's acl13:53
yolandafungi, i have it mentioned in All-Projects ACL, and i push it13:54
yolandabut it's quite strange, in the UI i see the group but without hyperlink to it, as it wasn't recognized. If i edit and save it, the group has an hyperlink, and is added to the groups file13:54
fungiyolanda: did you push the acl file through gerrit's ssh port, or locally on the filesystem?13:56
yolandafungi, locally13:56
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mordredmorning all. what's broken this morning so far?13:57
yolandabecause of the cycle that we have that admin initially don't have push permissions...13:57
yolandafungi, but i rebooted gerrit after that, and no success13:57
fungiright, so that's one downside of not being able to put an acl through gerrit's interface... it magically creates the appropriate groups file entry if you do, otherwise you'll have to add it yourself (based on a lookup in the db or via gsql call to get the proper uuid associated with it)13:58
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yolandafungi, that's what i didn't want to hear... i had already thought about it but i find it very unclean solution13:59
yolandamm, maybe i can just do a dirty update of acl locally, just giving admin permissions to push config, and then push the whole policy file using ssh14:00
mordredtvb: you want to find the #tripleo channel, which is where they all hang out. I'm not sure where the latest set of slides is. I've got a set I use when I give that talk, but I'm not sure we have them in git anywhere14:00
yolandathat could work14:00
fungiyolanda: that sounds like a promising workaround14:01
yolandaok, i'll try it14:02
fungiyolanda: unfortunately bootstrapping a gerrit from scratch without touching the webui/human intervention is not something they seem to have designed for14:02
yolandafungi, and that's what i need to do so it's fun :)14:02
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fungibut if you get a functional workflow for that, we'd be thrilled to integrate it into our puppet module14:02
yolandafungi, i have something working but not with puppet, we are using juju charms14:03
fungijust knowing the workflow to follow (api calls, db queries) to get it working is probably enough for us to translate. insta-gerrit with initial security configuration (no first-user-rules-the-roost) would be awesome14:04
tvbmordred: I know, thats were I came from14:05
mordredtvb: hehe. ok. good14:05
fungii'm e-mailing toddmorey to take a look at the broken link once he's awake14:05
yolandafungi, i'm going to the ODS, maybe we can talk about it in #openstack-infra sessions?14:05
fungiyolanda: i'd be very happy to discuss that (or anything) with you while we're there14:06
yolandaok, nice14:06
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fungitvb: it might have been a transient issue on youtube? i'm able to play that vid now14:14
* fungi cancels his e-mail to toddmorey14:15
mriedemgaryk: ping14:18
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jeblairfungi: hi; i'm here for a brief bit, then i need to go run errands which will take a few hours;  anything need urgent attention?14:46
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jeblairmordred: morning; ^14:47
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david-lylejeblair: ping14:48
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jeblairdavid-lyle: pong14:49
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david-lylejeblair: question regarding the django_openstack_auth launchpad page, the bug status does not seem to be syncing with gerrit.  Is this something I can configure?14:50
fungijeblair: not so far, anyway14:50
jeblairdavid-lyle: looking14:51
mordredjeblair: morning!14:51
jeblairdavid-lyle: ugh; the launchpad project is named django-openstack-auth, but gerrit is named django_openstack_auth14:52
jeblairdavid-lyle: it looks like i registered it, so i either made a mistake, or perhaps lp doesn't allow underscores14:53
jeblairdavid-lyle: (we can fix this; one sec)14:53
jeblairdavid-lyle: launchpad does not permit underscores.14:54
jeblairdavid-lyle: so we just need to add a mapping in jeepyb14:54
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jeblairdavid-lyle: in
david-lylejeblair: ok, I'm not familiar with jeepyb, is that something you do?14:55
david-lyleok, I can take a look14:55
jeblairdavid-lyle: cool, thanks!14:56
david-lylejeblair: thanks for taking a look and the pointer14:56
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dims"2013-10-04 14:54:20.479 | chown: cannot access `/opt/stack/data/tempest': No such file or directory" <<<<==== is this a known issue?14:59
dims3 check jobs in hit it at the same time15:00
fungidims: possibly related to the tempest runs as tempest user change which just merged about 12 hours or so ago15:01
* fungi looks15:02
dimsthanx will open a bug in openstack-ci15:02
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jeblairfungi: yeah, i think those chown/chmod calls need to be wrapped in existence checks15:04
jeblairfungi: since it looks like that dir doesn't exist in stable/grizzly15:04
jeblairmtreinish: ^15:04
jeblairsdague: ^15:04
* jeblair -> afk15:05
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dimsopened bug 123530315:06
fungiagreed. change inbound15:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1235303 in openstack-ci ""cannot access `/opt/stack/data/tempest"" [Undecided,New]
fungidims: thanks!15:06
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openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: add mapping for django_openstack_auth
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freyeshi guys, I just want to let you know that I updated the ohloh page for jenkins job builder project (added tags, description and license)15:12
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mordredfreyes: nice15:17
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Make sure tempest directories exist when modifying
mordredjeblair: I wonder if manage-proejcts should modify ohloh things via an api somehow15:18
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fungii'm unconvinced we should be implementing api calls to proprietary platforms from our software if we can help it15:20
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mordredfungi: indeed. I have just submitted a summit session to talk about that and other external integrations15:26
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mordredbecause I think the topic overall is worth discussion15:27
fungii will be there with bells on15:27
fungiand a megaphone15:27
mordredfungi: oh my15:27
fungi<takei>oh myyyyy!</takei>15:28
mordredHTML6 should have a takei element15:28
anteayaokay I confirm TC candidates by verifying that they are foundation individual members15:29
anteayaany idea how I access the list of foundation individual members?15:29
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anteayathere we go, the foundation membership individual directory:
fungianteaya: yes, there15:32
fungichances are you will also recognize the names of all of the candidates anyway, as they tend to almost always already be high-profile members of the project, but double-checking the list is good anyway15:33
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freyesare draft patches tested by Jenkins automatically?15:36
fungifreyes: no, you should really avoid using gerrit's drafts feature if at all possible15:36
fungijust set a change to "work in progress" if it's not ready to be reviewed yet15:36
freyesfungi: oh, I see, thanks ;)15:37
mordredwhen did people start writing the word hashtag in front of words in written communication15:37
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anteayafungi: yes, I do expect so, but if someone ever asks me "How did you confirm <this candidate>?", I need to give a truthful answer. So I have to go through the proper process.15:37
mordredI just saw someone say "hastag obviously!"15:37
anteayaThen I can sleep at night.15:37
mordredor hashtag obviously! that is15:38
fungithe oed will soon list "hashtag" as an interjection15:38
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mordredyah. but, I mean, why would you write it out - the use in spoken vernacular is as a way to mimic the syntax15:39
mordredwhen you write it back down, why not just say "#obviously!"?15:39
* mordred does not understand humans. hashtag too old for this shit15:40
freyesmordred: +115:40
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anteayareed when you are up, can we perhaps discuss providing a discoverable way to login to the foundation site - perhaps, as in my case, with the intention of updating ones individual foundation membership profile?15:42
fungi#define HASHTAG void15:42
anteayaI know I have done it before, but god help me, I can't remember how to login15:42
mordredanteaya: it's bad15:42
anteayaI am assuming this falls under reed's purview15:42
anteayaand I know it can be done15:43
mordredanteaya: one would think "maybe a login link"15:43
anteayaone would think15:43
mordredone would be hashtag wrong15:43
anteayabut it hasn't happened yet, so I am keen to hear of there are obstacles to such a link15:43
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anteayas/of there/if there15:43
openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed a change to openstack-infra/gitdm: Update UnitedStack.
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gitdm: Update UnitedStack.
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add jobs for extra and dib repos
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move savanna under openstack org
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove unused savanna rtfd jobs
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fungianteaya: log into what, the openstack foundation member site?16:14
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anteayafungi: yes16:14
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anteayawith the intention of updating my foundation membership profile16:15
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anteayait is out of date16:15
fungiit should normally take you to the right page when you try to perform an action which needs you to authenticate (like the profile link along the top), but should also get you there16:16
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fungiclarkb: spot any more car accidents on the walk to work?16:20
anteayafungi: so it does, thanks fungi16:21
clarkbfungi: not today16:21
* anteaya makes note, when trying to login to foundation page, ask fungi16:21
* anteaya heads out for a walk16:23
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clarkbmordred: I think the problem isn't understanding humanity but spending too much time on twitter >_>16:28
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clarkbmordred: #getoffmylawn :)16:28
* fungi shakes his cane for good measure16:30
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clarkbalso I can't help but read it as "pound get off my lawn". I think that betrays me as a speaker of American english16:32
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clarkbmordred: please see comment on
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fungii always read # as "hash", ! as "bang" and $ as "string" (that last one betrays my earliest and most embarrassing programming language)17:00
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clarkb* is splat17:01
fungi* is "splat" of course17:01
fungiand & is "sitting monkey plays flute"17:02
fungiokay, not really17:02
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fungii also wish i had a keyboard with a cokebottle key. wonder if wasd makes a keycap for it17:04
fungisurvey says: no17:04
clarkbfungi: I think wasd can make keys with arbitrary bitmaps as the image17:05
fungiyes, i think i recall that as well17:05
fungiclarkb: quick +2 on so we can unbreak the grizzly gate again?17:05
clarkbfungi: looking17:06
fungii would just cram it in, but since you're around...17:06
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clarkban I am code reviewing too :)17:06
clarkbfungi: does that fix the problem? how will tempest run as the tempest user on the grizzly branch?17:06
clarkbfungi: won't we need to chown something else?17:06
fungiwell, it *did* seem to work...17:07
fungiahh, but on master17:07
clarkbhmm I wonder if tempest isolation isn't a thing in grizzly17:07
clarkbsdague: ^ do you know?17:07
fungii totally forgot that for that fix to be self-gating it would had to have run on grizzly as well. i wonder if devstack-gate should be gated against supported stable branches too so this doesn't happen again17:08
clarkbfungi: ++, there is probably some zuul magic that can be done to make that happen17:09
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fungiwell, devstack-tempest runs always use d-g master. we can just add the stable branch jobs to openstack-infra/devstack-gate in layout.yaml right?17:10
fungino magic needed?17:10
fungioh, wait, those are only periodics17:11
fungidouble fudge oreos17:11
clarkbfungi: at the very least we could add jobs that override the branch and run them when d-g changes are submitted17:11
clarkbfungi: not very neat, but brute forcing gets the job done ... eventually17:11
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fungiyeah, with the recent additional templating which happened to tempest job definitions, it's probably not a lot of boilerplate copying17:12
* fungi pokes at that17:12
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gerritlib: Simplify GerritWatcher creation.
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gerritlib: Ignore editor files.
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove query for fixed bug 1226791
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add message to assertNotEquals in test_valid_bugs
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1226791 in nova "GET os-availability-zone/detail  returns  500" [High,Fix released]
openstackgerritPierre Rognant proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Flow project support
clarkbpleia2: rereviewed. Just one small thing missed in nodepool.yaml.erb then I think it is ready17:23
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flashgordon'Instance disappeared during build'17:29
flashgordoncan that be an out of memory issue?17:29
clarkbflashgordon: I need more context17:29
flashgordonthats all I have17:30
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cody-somervilleWhy does garret log me out so much? :(17:32
clarkbcody-somerville: if you log in in another tab it does that17:32
cody-somervilleIs there a bug for that?17:32
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clarkbcody-somerville: yes, I think we filed one upstream17:32
clarkbflashgordon: I don't see any OOM killer type stuff in syslog17:34
flashgordonclarkb: yeah the stranger thing is that happens in successfull tempest runs a lot17:34
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fungicody-somerville: specifically, if you have more than one tab open and one of them gets logged out, it will invalidate the others if you log it back in17:53
fungicody-somerville: what i usually do is log the offending one back in and then refresh the others--that generally solves it for me17:54
fungiannoying, but less so once you realize what's happening17:54
openstackgerritElizabeth Krumbach Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add initial files for tripleo in the gate.
pleia2clarkb: thanks17:55
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mgagneCan someone from infra approve this one? (JJB) XML changes and I don't want to break anything.
clarkbmgagne: I will take a look18:04
clarkbpleia2: np18:04
anteayafungi thanks for the link, I just changed my profile, noticed that there is no indicator I could find telling me if I was still logged in, which it turned out I was, and how to log out, other than to close the tab18:04
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anteayajust making notes for when reed shows up, if this is under his umbrella18:05
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mgagnepleia2: how is syntax highlighting for cgit doing?18:07
pleia2mgagne: we've been busy, it needs review love:
clarkbI reviewed it :)18:08
pleia2thanks clarkb, I haven't been bugging-for-reviews because it's pretty low priority ;)18:08
pleia2clarkb: I have private data for tripleo cluster whenever you want to add it to hiera18:09
pleia2they were doing construction outside my building all night, so I'm in slow motion this morning18:10
pleia2but hey, caught up with email!18:10
clarkbpleia2: sometime after lunch I can deal with the creds18:11
clarkbbut lunch is about to start then office things...18:11
mgagnepleia2, clarkb: highlight kind of sucks when it comes to adding support for new syntaxes. (like puppet) Would anyone objects if in a next review/change I propose the use of pygments?18:11
clarkbfine with me18:11
pleia2mgagne: sounds good, I just dropped in upstream defaults18:11
pleia2wanted to get something out the door so we could have more discussions18:12
mgagnepleia2: sure, looks like a great first step since python is already built-in. ;)18:12
clarkbfungi: did we ever get in touch with fifieldt18:13
mordredclarkb: I thought about a "follow semver except for - but it seemed like that would be harder to grok18:13
fungiclarkb: yes, he got up with me via e-mail yesterday18:13
fungiapparently they had problems recently which necessitated blowing away and recreating some projects on transifex, and they missed adding permissions back (or didn't know what they were supposed to be)18:14
fungihe's still traveling i think, but looking into it (i have him the account name we're trying to upload with)18:15
clarkbfungi: thanks18:15
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clarkbmgagne: uh oh I htink I need to -1 that JJB patch :P but not because XML changes. I am fine with that. There is a relative import in the test cases18:16
mgagneclarkb: could it have been found by a test in gate?18:17
clarkbmgagne: I think hacking tries to catch those? maybe18:17
clarkbmordred: flashgordon: will hacking catch relative imports?18:17
mgagneclarkb: I'm not familiar with those tools yet ;)18:17
mordredclarkb: _something_ complains about them18:18
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clarkbJJB hasn't been flake8'ed18:18
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mordredah. well that would do it18:19
mordredclarkb: I might have a patch that does that18:19
clarkbmordred: you mixed skipsdist with it which broke it18:20
clarkbI think it was the sdisting that broke for whatever reason18:21
mordredclarkb: why that break it?18:21
clarkbmordred: imports and stuff broke18:22
clarkbmordred: see the test failures18:22
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openstackgerritPierre Rognant proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Flow project support
marunwhat are the chances that a failed gate can retain the vm for inspection?18:32
marunmordred, clarkb ^^18:32
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mordredmarun: it is a possibility18:34
mordredone of us needs to hold the vm for you while it's runing18:34
mordredso that it doesn't get deleted18:34
marunmordred: ah, ok.  these neutron gate issues are really problematic when we can't replicate in local devstack18:35
mordredclarkb, jeblair ^^ thoughts on how to help marun here?18:35
anteayamarun: if you notice a failure while the vm is running, go to the console log in Jenkins and click Full Log at the top, taking you to the top of the log18:36
anteayawithin the first 50 lines you should find the IP address for that vm18:36
anteayathat might help one of the cores locate the vm so they can hold it for you18:36
anteayaonce the test is completed the vm is destroyed so we really don't have any way to log anything from that vm18:37
marunso I need to get a consistently failing gate - that I can't replicate locally - and then try to find the failing gate18:37
anteayanot that I know of18:37
marunhow would I know which gate is associated with a given gerrit review?18:38
marungate => job18:38
anteayago to
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anteayawe have 5 patches in the gate right now18:39
mtreinishfungi: for were we hitting a case where $BASE/new/tempest and /opt/stack/new/devstack/files weren't being created?18:39
marunah, ok.  it's marked by id18:39
anteayalet's look at this patch, since we have 21 minutes to go:
mtreinishI understand the missing data dir that was added for locking but the other 2?18:39
anteayamarun: open the link for vm neutron pg18:40
anteayawhich is still running18:40
anteayathey are all untrusted connections18:40
anteayafirst thing to notice in the url - it is running on jenkins0218:40
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anteayathen select console output [raw]18:41
anteayaat the top: Skipping 5,385 KB.. Full Log18:41
anteayaclick on Full Log18:41
anteayathe test just finished18:41
anteayathe big green ball is no longer blinking18:42
marunwhich means, cant' save18:42
fungimtreinish: in stable branches of tempest at least one of those directories does not exist18:42
anteayamarun: not now no, we missed it18:42
anteayabut you do have this log18:42
anteaya2013-10-04 18:22:35.087 | 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN18:42
anteaya2013-10-04 18:22:35.088 |     inet scope host lo18:42
anteaya2013-10-04 18:22:35.088 | 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 100018:42
anteaya2013-10-04 18:22:35.089 |     inet brd scope global eth018:42
anteayathat would give you the ip address of
anteayaso another time18:43
fungimtreinish: i'm also almost done with a change to start gating devstack-gate (master) against the stable branch jobs it normally doesn't exercise directly18:43
anteayamarun: I agree it isn't easy18:44
anteayamarun: that is all I know about at present18:44
marunanteaya: so if i have an ip of an active job, provide it to a member of the infra team and they can freeze it18:44
anteayamarun: jeblair fungi and clarkb can hold the vm, I do believe18:44
lifelessfungi: I pointed tvb here18:45
marunanteaya: ok, cool.18:45
lifelessfungi: us presenter have /no/ info on the recorded presentations availability or hosting strategy18:45
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clarkblifeless: neither does infra :(18:50
* clarkb goes back to lunch18:51
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Gate devstack-gate changes on stable branch jobs
fungilifeless: well, regardless it suddenly started working on its own, so youtube was likely just in a state of fail18:53
fungilifeless: though we (infra) also don't maintain that. i think it's part of the foundation site content since it's on www.o.o18:54
fungimtreinish: ahh, i see what you're saying. since the job was bailing on the second of those directories not existing, i didn't know the state of the third. also wasn't sure what the state would be in folsom compared to grizzly or master18:57
fungimtreinish: so yes, i was being overcautious there, potentially18:58
mtreinishfungi: ok, I just wanted to make sure devstack wasn't being weird and not creating the tempest repo or the cirros images18:58
mtreinishthe only new directory for tempest is the data dir which is where the locks are stored (which was added this cycle for parallel)18:59
fungimtreinish: also i hope something like will avoid getting back into that state18:59
mtreinishfungi: yeah that should help catch these things19:00
mtreinishbut I'm fine with blaming sdague for not considering these edge cases when he pushes changes19:00
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Gate devstack-gate changes on stable branch jobs
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i_am_now_steveI was in the heat channel19:17
i_am_now_steveit is mandatory to be steve when in the heat channel19:17
fungii_am_now_steve: what happens when you are no longer steve?19:18
i_am_now_stevehave to find out when it happens19:18
fungiundefined. trends toward +/- infinity19:19
i_am_now_steve+/- infinity19:19
fungiyou are clearly asymptotic19:19
i_am_now_stevebut will they serve vegetarian food19:19
i_am_now_stevewhy thank you19:19
* i_am_now_steve has no idea, act like compliment19:20
fungi<- math nerd19:20
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i_am_now_stevea line such that the distance between the curve and the line approaches zero as they tend to infinity19:22
i_am_now_steveI don't know if anyone has described me so well before19:23
i_am_now_stevethank you fungi19:23
fungiit's my pleasure19:23
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fungiof course, your definition was for an asymptote. an asymptotic curve is one which trends toward infinity as it approaches an asymptote19:26
fungiminor distinction19:26
anteayasince I am no longer steve, I may just observe my surroundings to get a feel for that distinction19:27
anteayaI do trend towards infinity19:28
anteayabeware the asymptote, it approachth19:28
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clarkbanteaya but it will never get there :)19:31
anteayastory of my life, man, story of my life19:32
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chris613Does anyone happen to have a zuul initscript for centos/rhel? Or shall I hack up the ubuntu style one from the openstack/ci-puppet repo?19:52
clarkbhashar ^19:54
clarkbchris163: you should be able to write one that works on both maybe19:54
clarkbbut wouldn't be surprised if ours is ubuntu/debian only right now19:54
chris613Yeah, it is. Just wondering if I could save myself some effort19:55
chris613No problemo19:55
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lifelesshow does one request a new gerrit group? I'd like to get one called 'tripleo-cd-admins' to use to track who we're giving root to on the tripleo cloud20:00
fungithat's one of those things i waffle on as an upstream... writing a one-size-fits-all initscript is nontrivial to impossible, and most distro packagers are going to patch/replace it anyway. i would tend toward accepting patches form packagers for distro-family-specific/init-system-specific scripts or configs and not try to vet those ourselves20:00
fungiwe have an ubuntu one because, well, that's what we're using it on20:01
chris613Yeah. TBH I didn't even check to see if zuul was available packaged for centos, just assumed it wasn't20:01
fungibut in general, distro packagers tend to not send initscripts back upstream from what i've seen (that may be an overbroad generalization on my part though)20:02
pabelangerjeblair, any plans for a nodepool release in the coming days?20:02
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1235435
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1235435 in tempest "'SubnetInUse: Unable to complete operation on subnet UUID. One or more ports have an IP allocation from this subnet.'" [Undecided,New]
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add a query for bug 1235437
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1235437 in nova "Tempest test error on: "failed to reach ACTIVE  status within the required time (400 s). Current status:  BUILD" [Undecided,New]
fungilifeless: i can create a group named tripleo-cd-admins and add you to it, but what's the integration mechanism going to be there? i'd tend not to want to start suddenly using gerrit as an ad-hoc group management system for non-code-review-related things20:04
fungiat least not without a discussion with more involved parties20:04
fungipabelanger: i suspect he wants to get some documentation committed to the repo before cutting a release20:06
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mordredfungi: I was suggesting that he copy our model where we have a "core" team who do reviews and an additional set of people who have root20:13
mordredwhich just happens to be the same group at the moment20:14
fungimordred: right. but the list of people who have root aren't really (or at least shouldn't be) a gerrit group20:14
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fungiunless we decide that we want to make gerrit's groups a more general infra group management system and start hooking into it for other things20:15
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fungi(which it may be a poor fit for)20:15
mordredfungi: fair. any ideas on where these groups should be kept so that they're discoverable in general by project mem bers?20:16
fungiin the puppet configuration which adds their accounts to the systems? does tripleo-cd use puppet configuration?20:16
fungiusing gerrit groups purely for bookkeeping seems likely to me to bitrot20:17
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mordredit does not20:24
mordredthey use tripleo to boot things20:24
flashgordonclarkb: looking for reviews for and
flashgordonadd two new bugs to e-r20:24
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mordredlifeless: perhaps what you should do (and sorry for leading you mildly astray)20:25
mordredlifeless: is make an element that contains the public keys of the people who should have the access20:25
mordredand then managing the group is done via proposing changs to that element (that's the main way you get root from us as wel - add key to puppet manifest)20:26
mtreinishmordred: do you have any ideas here: after using the latest tox and switching it to develop like in your patch. lxml fails to build during the tox venv setup.20:26
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fungimordred: that sounds like a good parallel20:30
maruncan someone tell me about this new 'isolated' job?20:30
marunfor neutron?20:30
fungicongrats on bringing cinderclient into the fold20:30
pabelangerfungi, np. Working on writing an app on top of nodepool, wanted to get a feel on when this would be released20:30
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mordredmarun: yes. it has tenant isolation turned on to do things with parallel testing20:31
mordredmarun: which had been turned on in the general gate, but it seems it may not actually work20:31
fungimarun: tenant isolation for neutron was enabled in tempest a while back but turned out to be nondeterministically buggy/racy (rpc timeouts due to more calls i think it was suggested?). the isolation jobs are now neutron-specific and the other projects no longer gate on neutron tenant isolation until it's more stable20:31
mordredso we turned it off in the general gate and made two new tests to run through the bavior on the neutron side20:32
mordredor what fungi said20:32
marunrequirement #1 for openstack development20:32
marunnot technical accumen20:32
marunor opensource chops20:32
marun--> patience ;)20:32
marunI guess I should try to get to the bottom of this.20:33
mtreinishmarun: on the neutron side the only change is that: gets run for each test class20:33
fungimarun: it does introduce asymmetry, unfortunately, but was a compromise made to keep those issues from clogging the gate further during rc1 rush20:33
mtreinishso that each tenant gets its own network20:33
marunmtreinish: so I should be looking for every usage of that method and figuring out how their interaction is causing failure?20:34
lifelessmordred: it would kindof want to be a separate tree20:34
lifelessmordred: but I can do that20:34
lifelesswe need:20:34
mordredlifeless: yah20:34
lifeless - list of keys (ssh)20:34
lifeless - list of emails & names (api creds)20:34
lifelessgiven spam20:34
lifelessI was figuring gerrit was safer for the latter20:34
fungilifeless: and you would need those things anyway, or else you would need root/admin-level access to gerrit to get them (the ssh keys at least)20:35
mtreinishmarun: well it's used everywhere, once per test class for everything in tempest, so I'm not sure how easy that would be.20:35
marunfor everything, ok20:36
marunmtreinish: have you been able to replicate the failures in a local devstack deployment?20:36
fungilifeless: also, for infra root access at any rate, we do hide sysadmin e-mail addresses but only because keeping them in our puppet manifest ended in people who reused our config not deleting us from that list20:36
mtreinishmarun: no, but I don't have neutron setup on any of my local devstack deployments20:37
fungilifeless: our e-mail addresses are plastered all over the internet in the form of git commits anyway, so "spam" in the common sense isn't really a reason to hide them there20:37
lifelessfungi: right, so whats your repository? 'tell someone on /privmsg' ?20:37
mtreinishmarun: for an example look at:
mtreinishfor: 'Created isolated network resources for'20:37
marunmtreinish: who wrote the code to do this?20:37
marunmtreinish: if you can't run it locally, I'm assuming it wasn't you20:38
fungilifeless: repository for what?20:38
lifelessfungi: the admin emails / making changes to the list of admins20:38
mtreinishmarun: no it wasn't I did the isolated credentials rework though20:38
mtreinishit was mlavalle20:38
marunmtreinish: ok, thank you.  I'll reach out to him.20:38
fungilifeless: to make changes to the list of admins who have access to things, they propose a change adding their credentials, then once approved they use said access to add/manage their own e-mail addresses20:39
mtreinishmarun: the review for adding this was here:
fungilifeless: but again, managing e-mail addresses separately is probably only a need if you think someone is likely to reuse that element configuration which contains them20:40
marunmtreinish: ok, thank you.20:40
mordredfungi: right. the only reason we have those separate is that our emails are in the root@ alias, and some levely person used our puppet to install a server and didn't change that so we started getting their cronspam :)20:41
fungilifeless: in the case of our puppet manifests they presented an attractive nuisance since they resulted in us getting cron job stdout/stderr from random people's servers who copied our config verbatim20:41
fungiright, that20:41
* mordred shuts up - keeps saying the same thing as fungi20:41
fungimordred: i did very much like your tc platform message. you said many things in there, only some of which i also say20:42
mordredfungi: thank you!20:42
fungibut most/all of which are things i *should* say20:42
mtreinishfungi: heh I everytime I hear that email story I still crack up20:42
fungimtreinish: the funniest stories are the true ones20:43
pleia2mtreinish: me too20:43
pleia2only make that mistake once :)20:43
fungipleia2: i think in your case it was mostly reporting your sandbox puppet runs to our dashboard20:43
pleia2fungi: haha, yeah that was funny too!20:44
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dkranzfungi: I have been downloading logs with wget. Is there a way to get them without being decompressed on the way?20:45
fungidkranz: you want to download the *.log.gz files but prevent wget from gunzip'ing them?20:45
dkranzfungi: Exactly20:46
* fungi tests that20:46
fungii agree that breaks principle of least surprise for me20:46
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Pass correct server_id when adding public IP
fungidkranz: i think it's not wget doing it. i think apache may be decompressing those20:49
dkranzfungi: Actually I thought they were getting uncompressed on the server20:49
dkranzfungi: It took forever which is why I wanted to do better20:50
dkranzfungi: I'm playing with the "fail builds on ERRORs in the logs thing"20:50
fungiyeah, i suspect this changed when we started tweaking the apache config for smart log display. seeing if there's a way to override that on download by tweaking the url20:50
dkranzfungi: Thanks20:51
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fungiclarkb: sdague: thoughts on that ^ while i start digging into it?20:52
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add the ability to pass pool for AddPublicIP
mtreinishfungi: I complained to sdague about that before20:53
mtreinishhe said there was a way to do it, but I can't remember what it was20:54
mtreinishI guess he didn't take care of it20:54
mtreinishfungi: I guess that wasn't all that helpful :)20:54
fungimtreinish: maybe not helpful, but at least somewhat hopeful! ;)20:55
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mroddendoes someone maybe want to -2 this if it really is as crazy as the last comment suggests test_stamp_pattern20:57
mroddenwrong paste20:57
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fungiwell, requirements gate jobs and update proposals only apply to master branches. everything's rc and cut to milestone-proposed at this stage right?21:00
mroddenyes everything is rc at this time21:00
mroddenjust wondering if that wouldn't actually affect the release21:00
fungithough i do think we should probably amend the rc1 process to also branch openstack/requirements to havana at that point21:01
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mroddenyeah... how does that work21:01
fungior maybe have it also start following a milestone-proposed model as well like the server projects21:01
mroddenare the req.s locked down for rc1?21:01
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fungiwell, they'll no longer be enforced since they only apply to master21:02
fungiwe do want to start enforcing requirements lists on stable/havana and later as well (i think--still needs some discussion) but the tooling to do that isn't fully implemented so shouldn't pose an issue for now21:03
mroddenthey are locked down enough in the m-p branch21:03
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fungisome helpful ptl would actually have to cherry-pick a patch for requirements changes on their project into m-p at this point for it to happen, i believe21:04
fungiand i think they all ph33r the lart enough to know better21:04
mroddenyea.... :)21:05
clarkbfungi: looking21:05
clarkbfungi: its the wsgi app, you need to set the accept encoding header21:05
jeblairanteaya, marun: it's a bit easier to hold a vm than that;  we only need the node id which is the last component of the hostname, not the ip address.21:06
clarkbfungi: dkranz: wget --header='Accept-Encoding: gzip' $pathtofile21:07
jeblairanteaya, marun: note that it needs to be held before the job finishes, because our vm turnover is so high, there's very little delay before deletion.21:07
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* clarkb tests that21:07
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dkranzclarkb: THanks, that will do.21:07
clarkbdkranz: that seemed to work for me21:08
fungiclarkb: thanks!21:08
fungimtreinish: ^ that was probably the workaround sdague was going to suggest to you21:08
clarkbfungi: is an initscript for zuul that complicated on centos vs ubuntu? I figured it daemonizes itself so doesn't need much help but I may be missing something important21:09
mtreinishfungi: he was suggesting a server side change so I didn't have to do that21:10
fungiclarkb: i guess less so these days as more of the lsb-common functions are getting included in more distros, but still things like start-stop-server are a debianism21:10
mtreinishsomething with typing (or something like that, it's 5pm on a friday)21:10
clarkbfungi: right, but we don't need that at all21:10
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clarkbwe use it because it makes a couple things easier (finding the daemon when killing it iirc)21:11
fungiclarkb: ahh, good point. the policy.d enforcement is being applied by invoke-rc.d not by ssd, so you're right about that21:11
fungiit used to be that the dependency headers differed by distro (for the ones which used dependency ordering anyway)21:12
funginot sure whether that's still the case21:12
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fungibut nowadays projects are starting to carry upstart jobs and systemd configs (and previously xinetd configs) in addition to initscripts21:14
fungieven though upstart and systemd more or less still do backwards-compat for initscripts21:15
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dkranzclarkb: That doesn't work for me. When I add that option nothing gets downloaded:
dkranzclarkb: Without the --headers it works but takes forever. Am i using that argument incorrectly?21:16
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clarkbdkranz: so the problem is you are doing recursive gets21:22
clarkbdkranz: but wget doesn't know how to recurse when index.html comes back gzipped21:22
dkranzclarkb: Ugh. Can I use wget?21:22
clarkbdkranz: yes, just don't recurse21:23
dkranzclarkb: OK, I thought I needed that to get all the files21:23
dkranzclarkb: But I am not a wget wizard21:23
clarkbdkranz: to get all files without recurse I think you do need to specify them individually21:23
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dkranzclarkb: But I don't know what they are!21:24
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dkranzclarkb: It's all the log files whatever they may be21:24
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clarkbright you can find out though...21:24
clarkbI am looking to see if wget can be made to understand gzipped data21:24
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clarkbdkranz: aha!21:27
clarkbdkranz: try Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate21:28
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dkranzclarkb: Doesn't seem to work.21:29
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openstackgerritDavid Kranz proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fail successful tempest runs if ERRORs in logs
clarkbdkranz: ya I read it wrong. that is actually in the header not a command derp21:29
clarkbdkranz: so I think you may not be able to do that without making mutliple passes21:29
clarkbor having sdague fix it server side. Not sure what he had in mind there21:30
dkranzclarkb: ok, thanks. Sounds like a Monday thing...21:30
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Check devstack-gate changes on stable branch jobs
anteayajeblair: so for this example the node id is 138?21:38
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jeblairanteaya: from the log: "Building remotely on devstack-precise-hpcloud-az2-478419" so it's 47841921:39
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jeblairanteaya: (incidentally, that's a monotonically incrementing number, so it's the 478,419th machine nodepool has tried to spin up since its inception, which was what? like a couple weeks ago?)21:39
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anteayayay for knowing the right way to find the number21:40
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anteayaand wow for 478,419th node21:40
anteayawholly wholly21:40
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove query for fixed bug 1226791
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1226791 in nova "GET os-availability-zone/detail  returns  500" [High,Fix released]
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add message to assertNotEquals in test_valid_bugs
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1235435
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1235435 in tempest "'SubnetInUse: Unable to complete operation on subnet UUID. One or more ports have an IP allocation from this subnet.'" [Undecided,New]
clarkbmtreinish: I think that will conflict with the other one I just approved21:43
mtreinishclarkb: yes will thanks for picking me last :)21:43
mtreinish*yes it will21:43
clarkbmtreinish: I was just doing them in order :)21:44
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add a query for bug 1235437
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1235437 in tempest "Tempest test error on: "failed to reach ACTIVE  status within the required time (400 s). Current status:  BUILD" [Undecided,New]
mtreinishclarkb: no big deal21:45
mtreinishclarkb: also in that case it's a tempest log message so it shouldn't hit in the pep8 or pyxx jobs21:47
mtreinishI'm not exactly happy with that query its a bit too broad for my taste21:47
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openstackgerritChris Hoge proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adding puppet-vswitch project to Stackforge
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1235486
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1235486 in neutron "Integrity violation on delete network" [Medium,Confirmed]
marunjeblair: ok, thank you for the clarification22:28
clarkbmtreinish: the query doesn't restrict elasticsearch from looking at all console.html files though22:32
clarkbmarun: I think you can do something like AND @field.build_name:*tempest* but don't quote me on that22:33
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anteayamarun: I do believe clarkb's second comment was directed to mtreinish, but tab complete and your nick started with m caused a redirect to you22:59
jeblairi sent a followup announcement indicating the fuel repo rename23:02
jeblairbecause looks ready23:02
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marunah, right23:12
clarkbmarun: sorry about that. anteaya is right23:15
marunnp :)23:16
clarkbjeblair: fungi is my comment there sane23:18
clarkbI don't want to -1 and be wrong23:19
jeblairclarkb: i believe you are correct (i double checked some saved stream-events output)23:20
jeblairclarkb: i think the files actually are the result of a lookup in gerrit anyway, but nonetheless, that's not possible on a ref-updated event23:21
clarkbjeblair: thanks23:21
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jeblairclarkb: could be done on a change-merged, i think, but that opens a different set of issues23:22
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Better recommendations for adding sections.
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add a query for bug 1235437
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1235437 in tempest "Tempest test error on: "failed to reach ACTIVE  status within the required time (400 s). Current status:  BUILD" [Undecided,New]
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Better sample jobs.
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pabelangerjeblair, So, I need to patch nodepool to specific specific nics when we create a server, any preference on the yaml name for the setting?  I think thinking something like fixed_network23:50
pabelangerspecify specific*23:50
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