Sunday, 2013-09-22

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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Update tox config to use latest upgrades
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Comply with pep440
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Rework run_shell_command
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mordredfungi: wow. none of us caught this:
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clarkb(on my phone) what borked?01:13
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix a cargo-culting copy and paste error
mordredclarkb: adding oslo.version - the projects.yaml entry was just for a second oslo.config01:14
mordredclarkb: all four of us looked at the patch too :)01:15
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Alex_GaynorFYI: dstufft and I are investigating the weird issue with timeouts on installing thrift01:21
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix a cargo-culting copy and paste error
fungimordred: yeah, that was well-hidden01:42
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix dependencies for activity-dev
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pleia2Ryan_Lane: happen to be here?04:13
Ryan_LaneI downloaded the image and ran it04:14
Ryan_Laneno network timeout :(04:14
pleia2sorry for testing this so late04:15
Ryan_Laneno worries04:15
Ryan_Lanelet me try with a different virtual mac04:15
pleia2thoughts on how to debug?04:15
Ryan_Laneah, that seems to cause an issue04:15
Ryan_LaneI wonder if the network is somehow dependent on the mac04:16
Ryan_Lanedoes the image boot eventually?04:16
pleia2it boots04:16
Ryan_Lanejust no network?04:16
Ryan_Laneok, let me check network settings in the image when it boots04:16
pleia2and takes a bit since it waits for the network timeout04:16
Ryan_LaneI'm an idiot04:17
Ryan_Laneresolv.conf for sure is wrong04:18
pleia2ah, udev is showing it thinks it has a eth0 (but just a eth1)04:18
pleia2so everything is failing over to the actual eth1, which nothing is configured on04:18
Ryan_Lanehm. I wonder why there's no eth0...04:20
Ryan_Lanedmesg says its link isn't ready04:20
pleia2I deleted eth0 from /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and it's ok!04:21
Ryan_Lanehuh. weird04:21
pleia2so it saved the mac of the eth0 from your thing there, when booting on other hardware it borked04:21
pleia2added an eth1 to compensate04:21
pleia2poorly :)04:21
Ryan_Laneok. I'm going to fix the image and re-upload04:21
Ryan_Lanefor your local image, since you don't want to wait...04:21
Ryan_Lanethe other broken thing is /etc/resolv.conf04:22
Ryan_Laneit's pointing at something internal to wikimedia labs04:22
Ryan_LaneI created everything via vmbuilder04:22
pleia2want to just point it at ?04:22
Ryan_Laneok, rebooting to ensure things work right04:23
Ryan_Lanehm. I wonder if I can make vmbuilder output a 32 bit04:23
Ryan_Laneit wouldn't help to have a 32 bit image, just in case04:24
Ryan_Lanewouldn't hurt04:24
Ryan_Laneyep. arch = i38604:25
Ryan_Lanehm. resolv.conf is being reset somehow04:27
pleia2foul thing04:27
Ryan_Lanestupid resolvconf04:27
pleia2yeah, just found the listings myself04:28
Ryan_Lanewhere's it being set?04:28
Ryan_LaneI always have puppet manage this04:28
pleia2/etc/resolvconf/resolvconf.d/tail and original04:29
* Ryan_Lane nods04:29
pleia2er resolv.conf.d04:29
pleia2but you'll find it04:29
Ryan_Laneyep :)04:29
Ryan_Lanethis is what I get for trying to be smart and automate things :D04:29
Ryan_Lanemuch better. ok. going to re-export/upload04:30
pleia2hmm, trying to get to horizon04:31
pleia2I assume the procedure will be boot, run
Ryan_Laneboot, run, then rejoin-stack.sh04:32
Ryan_LaneI ran unstack.sh04:32
Ryan_Laneso that people would get a chance to run and see what it's doing04:32
* pleia2 nods04:32
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pleia2hey anteaya!04:36
anteayahey there04:36
anteayaheya Ryan_Lane04:36
Ryan_Lanebtw, the ova/ovf is set to 1024GB ram, but that can easily be changed if we want the vm to be 2GB04:37
Ryan_Lanethat's MB, of course04:38
pleia2so if we're just running cirros images, 1024 should be ok04:39
pleia2and that's my plan right now04:39
* Ryan_Lane nods04:40
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pleia2the addresses aren't working for me04:42
anteayasome tests won't run if we have the ram at 102404:42
anteayabut some project's test suites should be okay04:42
pleia2I wasn't planning on running tests, just some basic stuff04:42
anteayaglance and cinder should04:42
anteayaoh okay04:43
pleia2if anyone actually wants to do development and tests and such moving forward, they should create a new image when they get home04:43
Ryan_Lanepleia2: which ones aren't?04:44
Ryan_Lanethe port forwards?04:44
pleia2Ryan_Lane: yeah04:44
Ryan_Lanecan you see if your image has them configured under the network?04:45
Ryan_Lanessh -p 2222 stack@
pleia2ah, no04:45
Ryan_Laneoh. weird04:45
Ryan_Laneit should have been exported with the ova04:46
Ryan_Laneit works for my import04:46
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pleia2I loaded up the vmdk04:46
pleia2I'll try with ova :)04:46
Ryan_Laneyeah, the ova/ovf is what has the settings04:47
anteayaI too have been using the vmdk04:47
Ryan_Laneova is vmdk + settings04:47
pleia2anteaya: you can add them manually to virtualbox04:47
Ryan_LaneI have the vmdk just in case the ova doesn't work04:47
anteayabut I have to download the ova file, correct?04:47
pleia2anteaya: nah04:47
Ryan_Laneactually, you can use the ovf04:48
Ryan_Laneor you can do your port forwards manuall\y04:48
pleia2ovf may be easier04:48
pleia2anteaya: download this file:
pleia2it's very small04:48
anteayagot it04:49
pleia2Ryan_Lane: hm, how do you apply an ovf to vmdk?04:49
Ryan_Lanefile -> import appliance04:49
Ryan_Laneyou can specify the ova or the ovf that way04:50
anteayaso if I import appliance for the .ovf and then launch that machine04:54
anteayaI need to rejoin-stack?04:55
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Ryan_Laneyou'll need to, then rejoin-stack.sh04:55
anteayaif I run, why do I need to run rejoin-stack?04:55
Ryan_Laneit doesn't automatically connect you to the screen when you run stack.sh04:56
Ryan_LaneI think it used to. not sure why it doesn't anymore04:56
anteayaI usuing just run `screen -r stack`04:57
anteayathat connects me to the screen04:57
* Ryan_Lane nods04:57
anteayait appears the script serves the same function04:58
anteayaI have imported the .ovf file, launched that vm and run stack.sh04:59
anteayashould I be able to connect to via my browser at this point?05:00
anteayabecause if that is the expectation, I can not do so05:01
pleia2has finished?05:02
Ryan_Lanehm. did I write 8000?05:02
Ryan_Lanetry 808005:02
pleia2ah yes, it should be 808005:03
pleia2elizabeth@r4e1:~$ nc 222205:05
pleia2SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.9p1 Debian-5ubuntu1.105:05
anteayahttp:// works05:06
anteayaanita@anita-hp:~$ nc 222205:06
anteayaSSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.9p1 Debian-5ubuntu1.105:06
pleia2hooray, all good05:07
pleia2I am not going to put passwords on this doc, instead I'll have them on a whiteboard or similar at the event05:08
Ryan_Laneok, fixed 64 bit images are up05:08
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anteayaI have launched an instance via the gui05:11
anteayaanything else?05:11
pleia2that's it :)05:11
anteayaplus it is before midnight05:12
pleia2yes! you should get some rest05:12
anteayaI will do so05:13
anteayathanks Ryan_Lane05:13
pleia2Ryan_Lane: anteaya is sick and I have a sprained ankle (seattle was hard on us!) so I'm thinking we'll get an uber down (flat rate to palo alto), what are yourplans? from sf05:13
anteayathanks pleia205:13
pleia2anteaya: thanks for your patience :)05:14
anteayaha ha ha05:14
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Ryan_Lanepleia2: ah. I was going to take caltrain05:15
Ryan_Laneuber is relatively expensive from sf to palo alto05:16
pleia2uberx is $9005:16
Ryan_Laneoh, really?05:16
pleia2regular is $12005:16
Ryan_Lanehm. where are you two going to catch it? maybe I can meet you and we can split 3 ways05:17
pleia2I'm thinking around 10:3005:17
pleia2gives us a little time in case there is traffic05:17
* Ryan_Lane nods05:17
Ryan_Laneat your building?05:18
Ryan_Lanecool. I'll meet there/then05:19
pleia2great :)05:19
anteayasounds good to me too05:19
anteayayour doorman is so friendly, I'll just wait in the lobby05:19
pleia2yeah, he's awesome :)05:20
anteayaokay I'm off for the night05:20
anteayasee you both tomorrow05:20
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Ryan_Lane32 bit is uploading05:21
Ryan_Laneso, I think we're good to go from the image front for tomorrow05:21
pleia2I added some notes to the documentation doc if you want to have a look before I prnit05:22
Ryan_Lanesure. one sec05:22
Ryan_Lanelooks good05:23
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lifelessjeblair: ack07:02
lifelessjeblair: so, right now we have chicken and egg: we can't sensibly ask for hardware because we don't have the infra in place to use it; we have blocked on doing the infra because we didn't have hardware.07:02
lifelessjeblair: I want to break the deadlock, get something properly integrated in place and then hunt down multi-vendor sponsorship to get redundancy like we have with clouds.07:03
lifelessjeblair: as for me and lotteries :P... short term anyone @ HP in Monty's team has, or can have, access to the IPMI creds for the machines; the actual cloud deployed there is tripleo and thus anyone can fix bugs07:04
lifelessjeblair: and the various tooling we come up with will belong in openstack[-infra at your discretion] so also fixable by anyone.07:05
lifelessjeblair: we have no formal SLA for fixing the hardware that I know of, so I can't pass one onto infra by proxy; I will investigate.07:05
lifelessjeblair: I also need to investigate the possibility of doing check jobs (vs gate jobs) from HP IT security folk.07:06
lifelessor, rather - I might need to investigate that, I haven't walked through the last-little-detail of the design yet.07:06
lifelessjeblair: I will get a mail thread rolling around this next week.07:07
lifelessjeblair: thanks for the docs link.07:07
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Fix git-dir parameter placement
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mordredlifeless: you don't have to investigate that possibility14:50
mordredlifeless: that rack is quite explictly considered hostile14:50
mordredand the networking around it was designed specifically with the intent that untrusted code from the internet would run onit14:51
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Debian needs compatibility with SQLAlchemy 0.8.x
Alex_Gaynorfungi: it's my understanding that various projects do not actually work with 0.815:33
fungiAlex_Gaynor: yes, that ^ is a test to see what breaks15:34
fungiwhich is why it's wuip15:34
fungier, wip15:34
Alex_Gaynoroh hey, didn't notice that15:35
Alex_GaynorOh, second email.15:35
sdagueyeh, heat blows up last time someone proposed that15:35
sdaguehowever.... right now, the gate is bust in other ways15:35
clarkbsdague: is it? there was one email but no details and zuul status lacks significant red. also early sunday morning15:37
fungiyeah, i was basically just pointing out to zigo that our global requirements list has capped sqlalchemy to 0.7.x only for over a year, and that there's no "back and forth" as he suggests15:37
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fungigaryk's e-mail about broken devstack gate was also tagged [nova] so maybe it's a nova-specific concern?15:39
sdagueit's not15:39
sdaguebut it would have been nice if garyk had provided more details15:39
sdagueI'm most of the way through an email with some analysis15:40
fungimore details would certainly be nice. as clarkb points out, zuul's status page is lots of green and/or in-progress15:40
sdagueyeh, the fails are in the devstack jobs, which run about the same length of time15:42
sdagueso they'll error really fast before the job is killed, as for everything but neutron they are the longest jobs still15:43
clarkbfungi: I think zigo is referring to his first request to use 0.8 re back and forth. arguably we should have worked on this long ago when we first pinned sqlalchemy. these are the danger of pinning15:43
sdagueclarkb: we pinned that around g215:43
sdaguefungi: ok, email out15:44
fungiaround g2 of folsom maybe?15:44
sdaguehmmm... actually it might have been end of folsom15:44
fungibecause there has never been a point in the history of the openstack/requirements repository where we had an sqlalchemy version spec which would have alowed 0.815:45
sdaguefungi: so the short version of the devstack fail is I don't really know the issue, but we are failing to launch guests15:45
sdagueand we also seem to be using a very new cloud archive version of libvirt since midnight15:45
fungioh, awesome15:45
sdagueso my suspicion is that's related15:45
fungiand yes, we did just start supporting cloud archive back on friday. maybe this is the first time the slaves/images have updated to the cloud archive libvirt15:46
sdagueyes, that makes sense15:46
clarkbwe initially pinned due to an internal sqlalchemy api change around exceptions iirc and we did that when 0.8 was released15:47
jeblairi'll check out timestamps/logs from nodepool to explore that idea15:47
sdaguejeblair: as far as I can tell no integrated project has landed a merge since midnight15:47
clarkbbut now there are other problems like migrate which is why we are hosting that project now15:47
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sdagueand there is a lot of jenkins -1 activity on -,n,z15:48
sdaguethe fails all look about the same15:48
jeblairthe current images used are 13 hours old15:48
jeblairthe previous images are 61 hours old15:49
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jeblairif we want to fix this on the infra side (instead of making things work with the cloud-archive libvirt)....15:49
jeblairwe can delete the current images and nodepool will revert to using the previous 61 hour old images15:50
jeblairand then merge a change to revert the use of cloud archive, so that the next image build won't use it15:50
jeblairsdague: i haven't looked into the actual error at all; what approach would you recommend?15:51
sdagueso, n-cpu ends at a weird time15:51
sdaguewhich means I think we crashed it15:51
sdagueso my suggestion is to revert, then provide for some ability to figure out what's going on manually next week with the cloud-archive libvirt15:52
fungi(and then suggest that the cloud archive addition be resubmitted after things support newer libvirt or include a package pin to the precise version of the libvirt package)15:52
* fungi proposes revert15:52
mordredoh! everyone is up15:52
fungimordred: only when everything breaks15:53
jeblairfungi: thanks; i'll delete the current nodepool images15:53
* clarkb plays devil's advocate and points at sqlalchemy for reasons why we should fix it properly15:53
jeblairsdague: we can test easily by proposing a change to devstack-gate to install cloud-archive15:53
sdaguejeblair: cool, sounds good15:53
mordredwow. what fun scrollback15:55
mordredjeblair: ++15:55
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Revert "Use Ubuntu Cloud Archive on precise nodes"
fungigong ^15:55
mordredI do agree with clarkb's sentiment, although I htink rollback is the best choice right now15:55
mordredI think that getting working on cloud-archive libvirt should be a high priority - (whether that means fixing nova or fixing cloud-archive)15:56
jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred:
jeblairnodepool commands i used ^15:56
mordredjeblair: thanks15:56
fungioh, neat!15:57
fungii hadn't had a chance to try out the new nodepool subcommands yet15:57
jeblairit doesn't flag the current image; i should have it do that.  i'm just looking for the lowest value in the age column to determine the 'current' image15:57
sdaguethe fact that n-cpu just stops makes me think our python-libvirt crashed in a terrible way15:57
fungimakes sense15:57
jeblairalso, i don't know why there is more than one old image.  could be a bug.15:57
jeblair(but i'm not complaining; actually, i'm now thinking we should have nodepool keep images around for a week.  because why not.)15:58
fungidisk is cheap ;)15:58
fungi(especially when we don't get charged for it)15:59
sdagueok, time to deal with house hold activities. This will be top of my queue on monday.16:00
clarkbthe images are relatively small too16:00
* fungi is semi-afk. supposed to be baking chris a bday cake right now16:00
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Revert "Use Ubuntu Cloud Archive on precise nodes"
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jeblairgong ^16:01
jeblairclarkb: ah, i need to restart nodepool to pick up your boot timeout change16:02
jeblairit's been running since sept 10, so the running code doesn't support the option16:02
jeblairdone; hopefully the building/deleting lines on that graph will look a bit better now.16:04
Alex_GaynorSo should stuff in theory return to working now?16:08
clarkbslowly, any existing VMs need to be cycled out16:11
jeblairi'm going ahead and deleting the 'ready' vms, so that should speed that up a bit16:11
jeblair(it's mostly the case where a few might stick around and get used hours later that i want to avoid)16:11
jeblairalso, YAY! i can see a failure on the new zuul status screen!16:12
Alex_Gaynorclarkb: Should stuff be recheck'd yet, or wait?16:13
clarkbI would wait for jeblair to finish deleting VMs16:14
jeblairi should really make that "nargs='+'" ....16:15
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openstackgerritRongze Zhu proposed a change to openstack-infra/gitdm: Update unitedstack domain map
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gitdm: Update unitedstack domain map
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Added pypy env to tox
openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Check and gate requirements against PyPy
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: pycadf 0.1.8 broke oslo
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add doc build and publishing to tripleo-incubator
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add doc build and publishing to tripleo-incubator
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lifelessmordred: lets come back to that another time18:25
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sdaguefungi / jeblair: how do I get ahold of the base image that was built differently (with the cloud archive libvirt)? I'd like to experiment locally21:04
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clarkbsdague: I think the image that was in use was deleted (as there isn't another way to force nodepool to not use it) however if you use and a copy of the infra config repo that doesn't have cloud archive reverted you should get the same thing21:19
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mordredlifeless: I'd like to land a bunch of your docs patches, but they depend on which has a -121:23
mordredlifeless: could you fix that up so that we can land the others too?21:23
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clarkbmordred: we can also make them all independent patches...21:24
mordredclarkb: yes. I'd be fine with either thing21:25
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Alex_Gaynormordred: do you understand the error here: I don't see why gate-requirements-pypy wouldn't be a thing21:29
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add translation updates for Heat
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: you need to add the job in the JJB config as well21:31
Alex_Gaynorclarkb: yup, just realized it wasn't using python-jobs there, thanks.21:31
openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Check and gate requirements against PyPy
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lifelessmordred: yes, I shall21:47
lifelessmordred: I sorted out with jeblair what is needed, just haven't had time to execute yet.21:48
lifelessmordred: I may rebase things to put all the approved at the bottom21:48
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mordredlifeless: k. cool22:00
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Ryan_Lanepleia2: you must be in backscroll23:04
Ryan_Laneheh. was trying to presentation bomb23:04
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anteayaand now the terminal is gone23:05
zulsdague:  if you have ubuntu installed rough intstructions
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