Wednesday, 2023-05-31

opendevreviewVishal Manchanda proposed openstack/horizon master: Update cirros image to cirros-0.6.1-x86_64
zigoHi. On our patch here:
zigothere's test_floatingip_associate_disassociate that fails, though it seems unrelated, is there an ongoing issue with this test?07:07
vishalmanchandazigo: yes, it is failing after devstack updated cirros image to 0.6.107:08
vishalmanchandaI am trying to fix that issue here
zigovishalmanchanda: Thanks !07:08
* zigo is happy that it's not his fault07:08
vishalmanchandaPlease don't recheck until above patch don't get merged.07:09
zigoWont do, of course.07:09
zigovishalmanchanda: Quick question: how far are we from having horizon.conf instead of in production ? :)07:38
vishalmanchanda#startmeeting horizon15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed May 31 15:00:13 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is vishalmanchanda. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'horizon'15:00
vishalmanchandaHello everyone15:01
vishalmanchandalet's start the meeting15:02
vishalmanchandaagenda of meeting can be found here
vishalmanchanda#topic Notices15:03
vishalmanchandaJust a casual reminder about the schedule, This week is R-18 week.15:04
vishalmanchandamore info. about the schedule here
vishalmanchandamoving to next announcement15:05
vishalmanchandahorizon integration job is broken15:05
vishalmanchandamore specifically, you may have noticed  "test_floatingip_associate_disassociate" test fail for your patch, this is due to now devstack is using cirros 0.6.1 image
vishalmanchandaSo we have to merge to fix the CI.15:06
vishalmanchandabut Unfortunately  many integration tests still fails randomly for this patch but please approve this patch asap to unblock the CI.15:07
vishalmanchandaI was also thinking if we should ask infra team to force merge the above patch an then check random failures for other tests.15:09
vishalmanchandaYou can find about random failing tests here
vishalmanchandaDoes anyone have any suggestion, what we should do force-merge or anything else?15:10
amotokivishalmanchanda: one question on cirros image. what happens if the cirros version does not match the version specified by devstack?15:13
amotokidoes it mean our job fails with 100%?15:13
vishalmanchandano if cirros vesrion doesn't match then ' test_floatingip_associate_disassociate' test fails and then job stops after that.15:14
amotokiokay. I am fully sure how cirros version affects the fip test failure though15:15
vishalmanchandaif cirros version match then 'test_instances_pagination_and_filtration ', ' test_instances_pagination ' and test_router_delete_interface_by_row15:15
vishalmanchandafails randomly.15:16
amotokicould you add the context you mentioned here to the commit msg in change 883953?15:16
vishalmanchandaFor Fip tests it try to launch a VM first and then associate and disassociate floating ip but instance not creating now due to different cirros image and fails15:17
amotokibecause such image does not exist?15:18
vishalmanchandaamotoki: ok, I will upadte commit-msg for patch 88395315:18
vishalmanchandaamotoki: yes.15:18
amotokigot it.15:19
amotokifor further step, we can explore a way to pick up the cirros version registered by devstack automatically by default15:19
vishalmanchandaok please +2ed and w +1 on patch 883953.15:20
vishalmanchandaamotoki: yeah, sounds good.15:20
vishalmanchandamoving to next announcement.15:20
amotokivishalmanchanda: will +2 once you update the commit msg15:20
vishalmanchandaamotoki: thanks.15:21
vishalmanchandaI will update it after the meeting15:21
vishalmanchandaYou may have noticed I have self-approve few patches in the stable branches15:22
vishalmanchandaIt was done to fix zuul config errors
vishalmanchandathe stable branch patches waiting for review from long time and infra team suggested me to merge them immediately to avoid more conflict.15:24
vishalmanchandaI hope no-one have any issue with that.15:24
amotokiI see no problem on such kind of patches15:24
vishalmanchandaok cool15:24
amotokithey failed when proposed. was there any change since then?15:25
vishalmanchandabut stable/stein branch is still broken see
amotokiis it the oldest EM branch in horizon?15:26
vishalmanchandano they failed because of merge conflict after some changes i.e. Remove usage of openstack/xstatic-font-awesome15:26
vishalmanchandaSo I squashed two patches in a single patch to fix the CI.15:26
vishalmanchandastable/stein is in extended maintenance phase15:29
vishalmanchandayeah we already move stable/rocky to eol.15:30
vishalmanchandaSo now my question here is anyone here is  interested in maintaining stable/stein branch, otherwise we can move it to EOL?15:30
amotokiI can say nothing on detail, perhaps we need to check other projects for requirements-check job at least.15:30
vishalmanchandainfra-team suggested me to make failed job non-voting for stable/stein branch.15:31
amotokirdopiera: tmazur: I think stein can be EOL'ed from RH perspective, right?15:32
rdopierawe don't use stein anymore, I'm fine with EOL15:32
amotokiall here are okay to make stein EOL :-)15:33
vishalmanchandaok, I will check with infra team if they can force merge open patches in stable/stein branch and then we can move it to EOL.15:33
rdopieraoff with its head15:33
vishalmanchandaor no need to merge open patches?15:34
amotokivishalmanchanda: could you send a mail to propose stein EOL to the mailing list for clarification?15:34
rdopieraI don't mind either way15:34
tmazurNo need for zuul one for sure15:35
vishalmanchandaamotoki: mail I will send for sure.15:35
amotokiyeah, we don't need to fix the gate if we EOL a branch :)15:35
vishalmanchandaok thanks, I will send a mail on open-discuss ML.15:35
tmazurTwo others seems to be nice to have still, but again EOL, so I'm ok with either option15:36
vishalmanchandamoving to next thing.15:37
vishalmanchandaIt come to my attention that horizon is failing with the latest font-awesome release
rdopierathat's why we have it pinned15:39
vishalmanchandaI remember we decided  to pin xstatic pypi version15:39
vishalmanchandaso I think we should do it now asap.15:39
vishalmanchandawe need to pin the version in openstack/requirements as well.15:41
vishalmanchandaok I will check we should pin the version in openstack/requirements for the pypi which we are not maintaining anymore atleast.15:43
amotokipinning is okay as a temporary solution. what do we need to do to unpin them?15:43
vishalmanchandamoving to next announcement15:43
vishalmanchandawe should atleast open a new bug for that issue and keep checking on it I think.15:45
rdopierado we really need to use the latest release of a font?15:47
rdopieraiirc Dreimark just randomly changed some paths15:47
vishalmanchandaTBH, I have no idea about that.15:47
amotokiI don't think we always need to the latest version of the font, but if we continue to use a specific version it leads to a situation we use very old version.....15:48
rdopierait's an icon font, we don't use any new icons they added15:48
amotokithis is my only concern15:48
rdopierathere is not going to be a CVE for a font15:48
amotokiit is very static one15:49
rdopieraeXtra Static15:49
vishalmanchandaok then we can pin the same version in openstack/requirement and mentioned these comments for future reference.15:50
vishalmanchandafor awosome-font pypi15:50
rdopieraI recently had a message from our security team, telling us that customers are complaining about old library versions in horizon, because they use some outomated script for checking it, and it claims it's insecure15:51
rdopieraAnd I really don't know where to start explaining15:51
amotokirdopiera: like jquery or angularjs?15:51
rdopieraamong others, yes15:52
vishalmanchandawhat more library versions they are complaining about, if you have any list?15:53
vishalmanchandawe can target them next to update.15:54
rdopieraI don't, they were very sparse in detail, I also asked them about any particular cve or exploit they are concerned about, and they weren't able to answer either15:54
rdopierapeople shouldn't be allowed to use tools they don't understand15:55
rdopiera(we are patching jquery and angularjs downstream to fix any cves that pop up)15:56
vishalmanchandanext announcement is, I am on full week vacation next week. I have no access to my mails. So I was thinking if we can skip next weekly meeting until someone wants to chair the next horizon weekly meeting.15:58
vishalmanchandano internet.15:58
rdopiera'm fine with skipping, enjoy your vacation15:58
amotokivishalmanchanda: I am fine to skip it. enjoy your vacation!15:59
tmazuryeah, let's skip15:59
vishalmanchandaok cool then I will send a mail on open-discuss ML about this.15:59
tmazurEnjoy your vacation Vishal!15:59
vishalmanchandanext to next week, we have Vancouver summit.16:01
vishalmanchandatmazur: are you travelling?16:01
vishalmanchandanext to next week we have Vancouver summit.16:02
vishalmanchandatmazur: are you travelling?16:02
vishalmanchandaor anyone else16:02
vishalmanchandaok then we can have our weekly meeting in summit week as no-one of us travelling.16:02
amotokino. I am not travelling either16:03
vishalmanchandawe already  out of time.16:03
vishalmanchandaI have no updates on release-priorities topic because spend most of my time in fixing CI for master and stable branches last week.16:04
vishalmanchanda#topic open-discussion16:04
vishalmanchandaDoes anyone have any other topic to discuss?16:04
tmazurI fixed those ports at launch Instance dialog16:05
vishalmanchandatmazur: thanks for the quick fix16:05
tmazurAnd that's it from me for today :)16:05
vishalmanchandawaiting for CI to fix then I will review it.16:05
amotokivishalmanchanda: feel free to ping me if we can land fixes this week :-)16:06
vishalmanchandaDoes anyone look at setuptool bug16:06
vishalmanchandaamotoki: thanks.16:06
vishalmanchandaIf no other topic to discuss, let's end this meeting16:08
vishalmanchandathanks everyone for joining.16:08
vishalmanchandaTake care.16:08
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed May 31 16:08:59 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:08
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
opendevreviewVishal Manchanda proposed openstack/horizon master: Update cirros image to cirros-0.6.1-x86_64 to fix integration job
vishalmanchandaamotoki: commit msg updated, please take a look and approve.16:22

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