Wednesday, 2022-06-22

*** vishalmanchanda_ is now known as vishalmanchanda06:12
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vishalmanchanda#startmeeting horizon15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jun 22 15:00:27 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is vishalmanchanda. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'horizon'15:00
vishalmanchandahello everyone15:01
vishalmanchandaok let's start the meeting15:03
vishalmanchandaagenda of meeting can be found here
vishalmanchanda#topic Notices15:04
vishalmanchandaA casual reminder about schedule.15:04
vishalmanchandaThis week is R-15 week.15:05
vishalmanchandaFor more info about schedule please refer
vishalmanchandamoving to next announcement15:05
vishalmanchandaAs Some of you already know that dates and venue for the next PTG is already announced.15:06
vishalmanchandaNext PTG is going to be physical this time in October 17-20th at the Hyatt Regency in lovely Columbus, Ohio.15:06
vishalmanchandaSo I want to know how many of you planning to attend it phyiscally?15:07
vishalmanchandaWe also have to sigup for PTG
rdopieratmazur and me are very unlikely to come, since our company asically disallowed all travel15:08
vishalmanchandardopiera: ok, thanks for letting me know.15:09
vishalmanchandardopiera: In case there is any change in travel policy on your company side, please let me know.15:10
vishalmanchandaI have no other announcements to make, if anyone have any announcement to make. please go ahead15:11
vishalmanchandamoving to next topic15:12
vishalmanchanda#topic Release priorities15:12
vishalmanchandaXstatic-angular migartion to
vishalmanchandanpm job is failing for 4 horizon plugins, You can find more info. about it in etherpad15:13
vishalmanchandaI have pushed patches to fix it in openstack/senlin-dashboard and openstack/magnum-ui15:14
vishalmanchandabut still there are many npm test fails.15:14
vishalmanchandaOctavia-dashboard team also pushed a patch to make it work with angularjs
johnsomDesignate-dashboard is here:15:16
vishalmanchandabut there are still 57 tests fails and acc. to them these tests pass locally.15:16
vishalmanchandajohnsom: thanks15:16
vishalmanchandaSo Octavia team saying we have to cut a new release of horizon, So plugins can consume tmazur  patch
vishalmanchandabut I am not completely sure about that.15:17
vishalmanchandaI mean cutting a new release going to fix these failed npm tests.15:18
vishalmanchandatmazur: I would like to know your opinion on this?15:18
tmazurLet me have a quick look15:19
tmazurI am not sure actually15:21
tmazurPromise.catch works with AngularJS 1.5.8 as well15:22
johnsomIt looks like the Octavia patch is failing on test coverage issues.15:23
vishalmanchandaok, Let's cut a new release because when I look at failure logs of openstack/ironic-ui then some tests looks related to me with your change
vishalmanchandai guess those test are going to fix once we cut a new release of horizon.15:24
vishalmanchandaI have one more thing to discuss related to this topic.15:26
vishalmanchandaYou may have noticed "test_basic_image_browse" integration test start failing15:27
tmazurYes. I have to investigate it but I am oretty sure my patch has nothing to do with it15:27
vishalmanchandaIt starts failing after 13th June
vishalmanchandatmazur: yeah.15:27
vishalmanchandaI am not sure why it start failing now.15:28
rdopierait fails because the title of the page is empty, most likely because the page didn't load15:31
rdopierahowever, the screenshot shows the page loaded
rdopierathe page html also has the title in it properly15:32
rdopieraso could it be something with the geckodriver?15:33
vishalmanchandanot sure, I am thinking about skiping this test untill we fixed it.15:33
vishalmanchandaI will check if that is due to geckodriver.15:34
rdopieraI think then just another test will fail with the same problem, I really doubt the problem is with the test15:34
rdopieraby the way, is there any particular reason why we use firefox for the integration tests?15:35
rdopierathe integration of selenium with chrome/chromium is *much* better and more stable15:35
vishalmanchandardopiera: If I rember correctly when we use chrome some url are blocked on infra side.15:36
vishalmanchandardopiera: that's why we switched to firefox.15:36
rdopieraI understand they might block chrome, because it's proprietary, but chromium should be fine?15:38
vishalmanchandachromium we didn't tried.15:39
rdopierait says chromium in that patch15:40
rdopieraI see it was a temporary solution that stayed15:40
rdopieratemporary solutions are forever XD15:40
vishalmanchandardopiera: So you are suggesting we should switch to chrome/chromium from firefox?15:42
rdopieraI can't be entirely sure that the problems we have are due to geckodriver, but I suspect that at least some of them are, since Mozilla really doesn't support geckodriver very well, and actively fights it15:43
rdopierathere are APIs waiting to be added to it for years15:44
vishalmanchandardopiera: ohh I see.15:45
vishalmanchandalet me try to run these tests with chromium/chrome and I will also take a look if it is an issue with geckodriver.15:46
vishalmanchandamoving to next topic15:47
vishalmanchanda#topic On-Demand Agenda15:48
vishalmanchandathere is request for patch review
vishalmanchandaTBH, I am not completely sure about the use case of this patch.15:52
vishalmanchandathat's why I didn't voted.15:53
rdopieramaybe if your keystone is in a different datacenter than the other services? ;-)15:53
vishalmanchandaI use devstack so no idea abt that use case.15:55
vishalmanchandaanyway I will check with my colllegue who maybe familiar with this use case and review it.15:55
vishalmanchandardopiera: Please take a look if you are also familir with the use case.15:56
vishalmanchandaNext one is also a review request
vishalmanchandaPatch is waiting for review from long time.15:59
vishalmanchandaPlease take a look.15:59
vishalmanchandaThat's all from my side for this week.15:59
rdopieravishalmanchanda: I was joking, nobody would do that16:00
rdopieravishalmanchanda: I will ask about the use case16:00
vishalmanchandardopiera: no, I saw that use case in our company.16:00
rdopieraoh my16:01
vishalmanchandardopiera: we are using keystone of other deployment to authenticate but provinding other services like nova/neutron/cinder and so on.16:02
vishalmanchandardopiera: even if we merge those patches, It doesn't going to change the default behaviour.16:04
vishalmanchandaIf we have nothing more to discuss, We can end this meeting.16:04
vishalmanchandaThanks evryone for joining, See you next week.16:05
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jun 22 16:05:42 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:05
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
opendevreviewMerged openstack/horizon stable/wallaby: Make existing empty metadata properties optional
opendevreviewMerged openstack/horizon stable/xena: Make existing empty metadata properties optional

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