Tuesday, 2022-03-22

rdopieravishalmanchanda: do you remember where the release procedure for horizon is documented?08:59
vishalmanchandardopiera: I am not sure we have specific topic added in horizon documentation about the release process.09:09
vishalmanchandardopiera: we discussed few points like we should take care at the time of release like update policy rules for backend services and check open patches and merge them asap while cutting a new release of stable branches09:11
vishalmanchandardopiera: but we never document it horizon docs.09:11
vishalmanchandabut we can document it under https://docs.openstack.org/horizon/latest/contributor/contributing.html.09:13
vishalmanchandardopiera: what exactly you want to check, maybe I can help you?09:13
rdopieravishalmanchanda: I was asked by the RBAC/policy people, when I told  them that policies are updated as a part of the release process09:16
rdopieraand I thought I saw it written down somewhere09:16
vishalmanchandardopiera: ok, let me push a patch to add it in our documentation.09:18
rdopieravishalmanchanda: awesome, thank you!09:18
opendevreviewVishal Manchanda proposed openstack/horizon master: [doc] Add documentation about the things to do before releasing  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/83464110:01
opendevreviewVishal Manchanda proposed openstack/horizon master: [doc] Add documentation about the things to do before releasing  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/83464110:21
opendevreviewVishal Manchanda proposed openstack/horizon master: [doc] Add documentation about the things to do before releasing  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/83464111:31
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*** ChanServ changes topic to "OpenStack Horizon | Current release priorities: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/horizon-release-priorities | Docs: https://docs.openstack.org/horizon/latest/"11:52
amotokivishalmanchanda: rdopiera: I am testing https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/818763, but I am hitting "Invalid service catalog: identity" when opening the panels under "Identity" dashboard (except app credential one).14:09
amotokivishalmanchanda: rdopiera: I do not configure any setting. Afer stack.sh I pulled the patch and did the usual horizon restart process (collectstatic, compress and then restart apache).14:10
amotokivishalmanchanda: rdopiera: before digging into it, I would like to ask you two first.14:11
vishalmanchandaamotoki: let me test it again in my env.14:29
vishalmanchandaamotoki: I am not hitting that issue you mentioned above.14:47
vishalmanchandaamotoki: tested with both apache and development runserver.14:48
vishalmanchandaamotoki: maybe some issue with your env. otherwise unit tests also fails.14:55
amotokivishalmanchanda: okay. I will check my env. Regarding the review, I believe someone who confirms the behavior should approve it. It should not me.14:58
vishalmanchandaamotoki: ack.14:59
amotokivishalmanchanda: I would like to avoid blind +2/W from me14:59
vishalmanchandaamotoki: fair enough!14:59
amotokivishalmanchanda: one question. Does your env have 'admin' endpoint for 'identity'? you can check it by "openstack catalog show identity'.15:38
vishalmanchandaamotoki: yes.15:41
amotokivishalmanchanda: hmm... the current devstack does not configure admin endpoiint for keysotne now15:43
amotokivishalmanchanda: https://opendev.org/openstack/devstack/commit/65a5db8e3376fbeb6871629cbfe5d77fe848e039 dropped it.15:44
amotokivishalmanchanda: does horizon still require the admin endpoint?15:44
amotokivishalmanchanda: I know you added the workaround for horizon CI, but if required it sounds a big issue.15:45
amotokivishalmanchanda: at least, we must document it as a know issue in the release note.15:46
vishalmanchandaamotoki: ok, I see.15:47
vishalmanchandaamotoki: my devstack env. is old15:47
amotokiso it means horizon does not work the devstack with default configurations15:48
vishalmanchandaamotoki: maybe that's why I am not hitting  "Invalid service catalog: identity" issue under identity panel15:48
amotokivishalmanchanda: i confirmed it is not specific to rdopiera's system-scope patch. it always happens15:48
vishalmanchandaamotoki: 😞(15:49
vishalmanchandaamotoki: This patch https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/devstack/+/789094 is merged long time back why we hit this issue now.15:51
amotokivishalmanchanda: https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/195065915:52
vishalmanchandaamotoki: I am also preparing a new devstack env. to investigate this issue.15:52
amotokivishalmanchanda: you added an extra configuration in horizon CI https://opendev.org/openstack/horizon/commit/f9bab3fe195eb13635aa70cb910d94df98d66cf315:52
vishalmanchandaamotoki: but all panel works for me under Identity dashboard.15:53
amotokivishalmanchanda: does it work without 'admin' endpoint?15:53
vishalmanchandaamotoki: you mean i should delete admin endpoint and then check?15:54
vishalmanchandaamotoki: in my current devstack env.15:55
amotokivishalmanchanda: what I can say at least is that other projects do not assume 'admin' endpoint for identity is configured.15:55
amotokivishalmanchanda: ah, you are talking about your env.15:55
amotokivishalmanchanda: yes, i think you can reproduce it by deleting admin endpoint for identity.15:56
vishalmanchandavishalmanchanda: ok15:57
vishalmanchandaamotoki: neutron also done similar workaround https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/81679215:57
amotokivishalmanchanda: IIUC it is a requiredment from not neutron but rally 15:58
vishalmanchandaamotoki: ok.15:58
-amotoki- will be afk soon16:00
vishalmanchandaamotoki: I also hit above issue after deleting identity admin endpoint.16:06
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gansovishalmanchanda: hi! the xena backport merged, maybe you could please +2W the wallaby one? https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/82966317:06
vishalmanchandaganso: ack, I will review it soon but I can't give +2/W as I am not a stable core.17:08
gansovishalmanchanda: oh I see, well rdopiera has +2'ed, Amotoki is the uploaded, a +2 from one more stable core is needed then17:09
vishalmanchandaganso: In that case we have a policy in horizon that if a stable core purposed a patch in stable branches, it can be approved with single +2 by another stable core.17:21
vishalmanchandardopiera: Could you approve it once you have time.17:21
gansovishalmanchanda: great! thank you!17:22
rdopieravishalmanchanda: I already +2d it17:22
rdopieraah, ok, misunderstood17:23
vishalmanchandardopiera: thanks:)17:23
gansordopiera: thank you!17:23
opendevreviewMerged openstack/horizon stable/wallaby: Fix for "Resize instance" button  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/82966318:59

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