Thursday, 2022-03-17

opendevreviewVishal Manchanda proposed openstack/horizon master: [DNR] Test lower-contraints job status
amotokivishalmanchanda: Do the changes you mentioned yesterday in the meeting still need reviews? If so, I can cover them in coming hours.12:58
*** tosky_ is now known as tosky14:27
renichbonHello! 18:26
renichbonIs there a way to make the "Description" field for a new instance a required one?18:26
renichbon... i mean, a practical way. 18:26
opendevreviewTatiana Ovchinnikova proposed openstack/horizon master: Add pagination to Flavors table in Launch Instance wizard
opendevreviewTatiana Ovchinnikova proposed openstack/horizon master: Add pagination to Flavors table in Launch Instance wizard
opendevreviewTatiana Ovchinnikova proposed openstack/horizon master: Add pagination to Flavors table in Launch Instance wizard

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