Wednesday, 2019-05-29

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openstackgerritKoffi Nogbe proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Add enhancement to mariadb backup
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openstackgerritTin Lam proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Replace URLs with URLs
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akki58hello team, i am running the following command in order to deploy the ingress controller05:10
akki58it makes two pods ingress-error-pages-899888c7-pnxhv and ingress-error-pages-899888c7-w5d5b which remains in pending state05:11
akki58in kubectl describe it is showing Warning  FailedScheduling  60s (x3 over 2m12s)  default-scheduler  0/3 nodes are available: 3 node(s) didn't match node selector05:11
akki58please guide me how to resolve this issue05:11
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openstackgerritItxaka Serrano Garcia proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Change set variable in openstack helm gate job
mbuilIn other to deploy multinode, I am trying to understand how to handle config which is different in each node (e.g. the name of the interfaces). I found this patch which apparently provides support for different configs per host, however, I don't see how it can do different configs per host. Can anyone help please? thx09:34
openstackgerritsaichirumarri proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: [DNM] Updating weight value from 10 to 100
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openstackgerritsaichirumarri proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: [DNM] updating weight value from 10 to 100
itxakaakki58 your nodes probably dont have the proper labels10:53
itxakaafaics the ingress-error-pages needs openstack-control-plane=enabled in the node labels10:54
itxakambuil seems that any special host-only config needs to be dealt with in the init scripts for the service10:55
itxakaof course, it seems that you need to know in advance the config values per host, unless those are dynamic, in which case I suppose you should just use the init scripts to do so10:56
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itxakambuil, what are you exactly trying to do? Maybe with a specific example someone can provide guidance on that10:57
happyhemantHello everyone, I am tunning openstack monitoring services and I found out that openstack placement api service is in critical state does anybody has any idea how to resolve this issue11:54
happyhemantin promethus-openstack-exporter logs i found this `Service placement check failed (returned '200' but expected '[401]')`11:55
happyhemanthelp will be much appreciated thanks11:55
mbuilitxaka: I am trying to set the variable local_ip in the openvswitch_agent config file. That ip is fetch from the interface set as "tunnel_interface" ==>
mbuilitxaka: but what if the interface I want to use is different in each node? How that would be solved? Is there a way to add a conditional in Helm that checks the name of the host where it is deploying?11:57
openstackgerritItxaka Serrano Garcia proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: mariadb: fix hostpath values
openstackgerritItxaka Serrano Garcia proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: [DNM] mariadb single cluster fix
itxakambuil, helm only creates the expected yaml files and pushes them to k8s, it has no knowledge of whats in the hosts12:11
itxakaso no idea there, sorry :(12:11
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openstackgerritJiri Suchomel proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Set the execution flag for script
itxakajohnhaan, I think I fixed the mariadb hostpath12:47
itxakayou should add Depends-on: to the commit message so it can build of the fixed patchset :)12:48
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johnhaan@itxaka: Thank you. I've got it~! :)12:54
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm master: Imported Translations from Zanata
rbarretoHi all, I'm trying deploy openstack with ceph but it's getting error when deploy the ceph mon keyring generator13:08
rbarretoUploaded file:
rbarretocommand ran: ./tools/deployment/developer/ceph/040-ceph.sh13:09
rbarretothe pod ceph-mon-keyring got in CrashLoop13:10
rbarretothe pod ceph-mon-keyring stuck in CrashLoop13:11
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rbarretoI'm not able to find out any similar issue on kubernetes about that: error: SchemaError(io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SubjectAccessReviewStatus): invalid object doesn't have additional properties13:40
itxakarbarreto, can you do a describe pod for the ceph-mon-keyring pod?13:41
itxakaafaics any chrashloopbackoff are only shown in there and ont he events13:41
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itxakasrwilkers, portdirect, I did an oopsie with the maridb hostpath, here is the fix (if zuul want to collaborate)
itxakatested by
srwilkersoh good catch13:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm master: [Fix] Add Prometheus mysql exporter label to network policy
srwilkersand thanks for hitting this one itxaka: -- i appreciate it13:45
itxakanp, trying to move forward some of the clean patches ready to merge. It helps that they are easy enough to review/understand :D13:48
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Replace URLs with URLs
happyhemantHi again I alos tried to see the logs of dependent pods but couldnt able to get anything.  i cam only see it for prometheius-openstack-exporter pod :(13:50
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Replace URLs with URLs
itxakahappyhemant, that checks seems weird (expecting 401 but returning 200), is the placement service broken or is the check broken?13:55
openstackgerritKoffi Nogbe proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Add enhancement to mariadb backup
happyhemantitxaka, I think no all my placement pods works fine13:59
itxakaI see that the openstack-prometheus-thingie-exporter does indeed expects a 401 from the placement path:
happyhemantyeah thats wjhy i surprised its strange error14:00
itxakathat was from a year ago, so maybe the check has changed? I dont have my env working currently so I cannot test it sorry, maybe tonigth if it finishes deploying :PO14:00
happyhemantwell thanks alot will try first myself and will let you know14:01
happyhemantthanks alot for help :)14:01
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rbarretoitxaka follow:14:07
rbarretoUploaded file:
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openstackgerritchinasubbareddy mallavarapu proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Add helm tests for Ceph Provisioners chart
openstackgerritJohn Haan proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Change set variable in openstack helm gate job
itxakarbarreto, ummm I see, I see, according to that and the post you logged before it seems that its missing the secret yaml that is created on the fly14:25
itxakathis one:
itxakain your previous logs I see the "cat" but not the text that it should cat...14:26
itxakacan you check your configmap ceph-mon-bin for the values of ?14:29
openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Elasticsearch: Update client and data pod deps
rbarretoitxaka follow14:38
rbarretoUploaded file:
srwilkersthis moves us to use the osh built image for fluentd:
srwilkersthat gives us access to the systemd plugin14:39
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rbarretoI don't see any odd in this script as well, but when it is running it is getting:14:41
rbarretoerror: SchemaError(io.k8s.api.authorization.v1beta1.SubjectAccessReviewStatus): invalid object doesn't have additional properties14:41
itxakaI still think that the script may be wrong because its telling you that the object is invalid14:46
itxakaso it may be that its not cat-ing it correctly somehow14:46
rbarretoI see. I'll try cat the script before the contianer terminate14:49
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rbarretoI can't14:55
itxakarbarreto, ah I just tested locally and no, it seems to generate it correctly14:56
itxakaso Im kind of lost there14:56
openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Elasticsearch: Fix typos in cluster wait script
itxakarbarreto, how about your configmap ceph-templates mon.keyring ?15:02
rbarreto  mon.keyring: |    [mon.]      key = {{ key }}      caps mon = "allow *"15:03
rbarretoUploaded file:
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itxakathat all looks good15:09
itxakaIm not sure I can help you further there rbarreto, sorry about that15:09
itxakayou may want to bring this up during office hours15:10
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itxakathats 20:00 UTC today15:12
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openstackgerritKrishna Venkata proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Switch from default values being populated for upgrade strategy for ceph components
openstackgerritRahul Khiyani proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Ceph-osd: Fix security context for pod/container
openstackgerritRahul Khiyani proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Ceph-mon: Fix security context for pod/container
openstackgerritRahul Khiyani proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Ceph-client: Fix security context for pod/container
openstackgerritRahul Khiyani proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Ingress: Fix read-only-fs
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openstackgerritchinasubbareddy mallavarapu proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Add helm tests for Ceph Provisioners chart
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openstackgerritchinasubbareddy mallavarapu proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Add helm tests for Ceph Provisioners chart
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rbarretook itxaka no worry, thank you for your time17:05
openstackgerritEvgeniy L proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add periodic building
rbarretoitxaka I added  --validate=false on the kubectl apply and the secret was created successfully17:44
rbarretoUploaded file:
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openstackgerritKoffi Nogbe proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Add enhancement to mariadb backup
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itxakaare open hours now started portdirect, srwilkers ?20:10
itxakashame on me but I have something to bring up :D20:10
portdirectitxaka: no problem :D20:10
portdirectwhat they are here for20:10
itxakaI want to bring attention to 3 patches that are really needed on our side, and we have a need for those like asap unfortunately20:11
portdirectsure - you got a link to em?20:11
itxaka - Add support for multiple VIPS20:11
itxakaufortunately this one hasnt seen a review from anyone but suse people20:12
itxakaso maybe there is not a real need or people dont like it20:12
itxakaand both rbd app name value overrides:20:12
itxakawould really appreciate some feedback on those, especially important so we can estimate if they will be ready for our deadline or not20:13
itxaka*any* kind of feedback is appreciated in there20:13
itxakaand with that said, I need to leave to put my daughter to bed, will be back later in case any questions are needed for those patches, thanks y'all!20:14
portdirectthe latter two - easy - lgtm20:17
portdirectlooking at the 1st again now20:17
portdirectim really not sure about it - in that how do you actually split the requests?20:19
portdirectlooks like its just creating two routable ips on the host?20:19
itxakathats a good question and I think there is someone in the channel that can answer that20:25
itxakalet me se...20:25
itxakasgrasley_, arunkant, jamesgu, jamesgu_ ^^^^20:26
itxakaummm, maybe they are out, not sure what timezone they are in, oregon maybe? I dont remember :D20:28
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jamesgu_portdirect: sgrasley is not in... I'll try my best to answer the question on his behalf :-)21:02
jamesgu_yes, the idea is to have multiple vips, one for public end point of openstack services, one for admin/internal/airshup ucp end points. The two vips generally speaking, are from different networks for security.21:03
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm master: glance: allow configuring the rbd app name
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm master: cinder: allow configuring the rbd app name
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portdirectjamesgu_: what security do you get, thats the bit thats confusing me?21:14
portdirectif you used somthing like metal-lb and had multiple lb's declared with diff endpoints on each id totally get this21:14
portdirectbut as it sounds this doesnt get anything over just a static route?21:14
jamesgu_our k8s distro doesn't support metal-lb yet. So the idea is that we make a subset of endpoints only available thru a specific vip.21:18
jamesgu_But I think I see a hole in this PS that doesn't fully achieve that goal.21:19
jamesgu_anyway, in the external DNS, one can define routes to the specific virtual hosts of those service endpoints to the vip depending on which network it is on.21:22
jamesgu_I am not sure I did a very good job explaining it :-(21:23
portdirectbut just sending the host header explicitly in a request would leave the door wide open?21:23
jamesgu_yes, I think it is missing the logic (if feasible) that which service endpoint goes to which vip.21:25
openstackgerritKoffi Nogbe proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Add enhancement to mariadb backup
jamesgu_do you think it makes sense to add that kind of logic in the ingress controller chart (I don't know it's the right place or not) or should leave to an external load balancer?21:27
portdirectI think this is really where somthing like metal-lb or an external lb would help21:28
portdirectits pushing the ingress controller pretty hard21:28
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portdirecti think you'd want to extend the controller logic to allow you to annotate rules with the iface/ip you wanted it to bind a partiaular vhost/route to21:28
portdirectat which point, frankly you may be better off running two controllers - each bound to an interface - and then use the ingress class to controll how requests are routed21:29
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jamesgu_yes, two controllers sounds more reasonable approach. Do you have any pointers where I can start to look into how we control the ingress rules for different type of end points in the osh charts?21:35
jamesgu_where I cn -> where we can... I ry to stay away from network topics as far as I can21:36
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openstackgerritGeorg Kunz proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Extending Neutron chart with support for OVS DPDK
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