Wednesday, 2019-05-15

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evrardjpportdirect: opinion on the fact to publish or not requirements image into dockerhub?11:05
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add pycrypto into Ocata images explicitly
evrardjpcores, I found another issue in ocata images. My bad if I copy pasted things wrong. ^12:15
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Wait for pods for openstack-support scenario
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parasitidi may have an issue with helm toolkit and the pod rbac snippet12:51
parasitidi'm not sure 100% about myself yet12:52
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parasitidwhat i'm tryin to do is to deploy keystone in a separate namespace12:53
parasitidand what i see is that when i specify in dependant charts the new namespace for keystone12:53
parasitidit creates the SA into the chart NS, the RoleBinding into the Keystone NS12:54
parasitidBUT: the role binding refers to an SA in the Keystone namespace, instead of the SA into the chart NS12:55
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parasitidcould i get support from any of you regarding this issue before logging it into opendev?12:55
parasitidjust to be sure i'm not doing impossible things, of trying it the wrong way12:56
parasitidfrom what i see,12:57
parasitidthis lines aims to deal with the SA Namespace12:57
parasitidthis one
parasitiddoes passes the SA namespace necessarily12:58
parasitidas input12:58
parasitidso things gets mixed up12:58
openstackgerritDoug Aaser proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Patroni inclusion work for HA Postgres
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openstackgerritDoug Aaser proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Patroni inclusion work for HA Postgres
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mbuilAs far as I see, if I have two hosts, there is no script to deploy a k8s node automatically with OSH, right? I'd need to deploy kubelet and kube-proxy manually and then connect it to the k8s master running in the other host13:55
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: DNM -- debug rabbitmq partition issue
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: DNM -- debug rabbitmq partition issue
openstackgerritTrung Thai proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add Dockerfile and make file for MySQL-Client-Utility container. This container provides MySQL Client software to connect to MySQL and MariaDB server.
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evrardjpsrwilkers: could you point me to who monitors the k8s-keystone-auth job from osh-infra?15:38
evrardjpto the person*15:38
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srwilkersHey evrardjp - I’m currently on holiday, but ideally I’d hope all contributors/the core team keep an eye on it and help it run green15:39
evrardjpsrwilkers: sorry for that, enjoy your days off.15:39
evrardjpyou are my go to person for gating, so I guessed you could pinpoint to others15:40
evrardjpsrwilkers: enjoy it! :)15:40
evrardjpcores -- I am trying to debug the k8s-keystone-auth job, which seems to fail with the rabbitmq images that are build from osh-images. Which lets me think there is something in the image missing, but I don't know what yet.15:41
evrardjpif there is anyone specialized in that job that can help me get started quick, help is welcomed. Else I will make my way I guess :)15:41
srwilkersevrardjp: it’s been nice so far. Maybe reach out to gagehugo15:42
gagehugosrwilkers: didn't know they had internet out there15:44
evrardjpme curious, where is he?15:45
evrardjpon a beach far away?15:45
evrardjpor deep down in the mountains?15:45
gagehugodeep in the mines of moria15:46
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evrardjpgagehugo: Is that why the gates shall not pass?15:46
evrardjpI love those lame jokes though, don't smile.15:47
evrardjpyou're encouraging me!15:47
openstackgerritchinasubbareddy mallavarapu proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Ceph : Add wait.resources.type to armada manifest
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gagehugoevrardjp: is this the change: ?15:51
evrardjpgagehugo: this is the change:
evrardjpIt seems it's a rabbitmq issue15:52
evrardjpsince I moved to use that new rabbitmq image15:52
evrardjpI made 659301 to extend debugging on the issue15:52
evrardjpand ... weirdly I have two different issues.15:52
evrardjpso I will recheck one last time.15:52
evrardjpBut I have the impression it's rabbitmq that can't basically build a cluster15:53
gagehugoah ok15:53
evrardjpwas wondering if there is any magic sauce I forgot15:53
evrardjpit's not really a gate thing, it's more like "do you know what's in your images we've baked, so that they pass gating?"15:54
evrardjpit seems the opensuse image is working just fine though.15:54
gagehugoubuntu image issue then maybe15:55
evrardjpyeah totally15:55
evrardjpsee this for my tests on different images:
evrardjpsuse works, old versionned image works.15:55
evrardjpnewly build image...meh!15:55
evrardjpoh wait15:56
evrardjpI am confusing two problems here.15:56
evrardjpthat's what's happening when doing too much at the same time15:57
evrardjplet me analyse this further, and ask for help later then :)15:57
evrardjpsorry for that gagehugo!15:58
gagehugono worries15:59
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openstackgerritJagan Mohan Kavva proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: [WIP] Add Dockerfile and make file for etcdctl-Utility container.
openstackgerritJagan Mohan Kavva proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add Dockerfile and make file for etcdctl-Utility container.
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Ceph: Dont attempt to reuse monmap if it exists
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Postgresql: Fix security context
openstackgerritJagan Mohan Kavva proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add Dockerfile and make file for etcdctl-Utility container
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openstackgerritGage Hugo proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Add maxUnavailable value for rolling updates
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openstackgerritRenis Makadia proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Ceph-Client: Update, Enable and Cleanup helm tests
openstackgerritDeepak proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Additional OVS-DPDK configs including bonding support
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openstackgerritRahul Khiyani proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Kibana: set read-only-fs
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openstackgerritGage Hugo proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Add maxUnavailable value for rolling updates
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openstackgerritJagan Mohan Kavva proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add Dockerfile and make file for etcdctl-Utility container
openstackgerritJagan Mohan Kavva proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add Dockerfile and make file for etcdctl-Utility container
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openstackgerritJagan Mohan Kavva proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add Dockerfile and make file for etcdctl-Utility container
openstackgerritRenis Makadia proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Ceph-Client: Update, Enable and Cleanup helm tests
openstackgerritGage Hugo proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Add maxUnavailable value for rolling updates
openstackgerritJagan Mohan Kavva proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add Dockerfile and make file for etcdctl-Utility container
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: HTK: Update kubernetes_pod_anti_affinity function
openstackgerritchinasubbareddy mallavarapu proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Ceph-Client: Update, Enable and Cleanup helm tests
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openstackgerritJagan Mohan Kavva proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add Dockerfile and make file for etcdctl-Utility container
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openstackgerritGage Hugo proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Add wait.resources.type to armada manifest
openstackgerritRahul Khiyani proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Kibana: set read-only-fs
openstackgerritRenis Makadia proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Ceph-Client: Update, Enable and Cleanup helm tests
openstackgerritDeepak proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Additional OVS-DPDK configs including bonding support
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openstackgerritRenis Makadia proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Ceph-Client: Update, Enable and Cleanup helm tests
openstackgerritDeepak proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Additional OVS-DPDK configs including bonding support
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openstackgerritDeepak proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Additional OVS-DPDK configs including bonding support
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srwilkersLol. evrardjp: deep in the mountains22:52
openstackgerritGeorg Kunz proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Extended OVS chart with support for DPDK

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