Wednesday, 2018-11-28

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openstackgerritKrishna Venkata proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: WIP/RFC: minikube single node gate deployment
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openstackgerritRenis Makadia proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Helm Tests for Ceph-RGW chart
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openstackgerritTin Lam proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Make access control annotations more generic.
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add build process and osh-infra images
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: [WIP] Add build process and osh-infra images
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: [WIP] Add build process and osh-infra images
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Make access control annotations more generic.
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openstackgerritAaron Sheffield proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Adding AppArmor profile to Calico v3
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add build process and osh-infra images
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add openSUSE Leap 15 VBMC image
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add openstack-helm repo images
evrardjpsrwilkers: portdirect good morning14:23
evrardjpso I removed kubeadm-aio from the import of osh-infra to osh-images thing, and that commit should be ready. It also now builds on bionic vs xenial, so we don't have to worry about that in the future.14:24
portdirectevrardjp: nice - had a peek at it earlier, will have a proper one now14:24
evrardjpNow I am importing osh images into osh-images with 620608 . I have a question about one of the images14:24
evrardjpkubernetes-entry point seem to rely on makefile, which is for me, a bad idea for gates. I'd like the minimum use of wrapping things (that's why I am not using for gating on the images, but directly using dockerfile with an ansible task)14:26
evrardjpso I consider kubernetes-entrypoint requires an update there , am I the only one to see that, and where is this useful for?14:26
portdirectwe dont build kubernetes-entry-point ?14:27
portdirecti think im missing somthing14:27
portdirectah - good find14:28
evrardjpI could totally understand if we had a multiple layer dockerfile that re-uses previous steps.14:28
portdirectthats from a time when it was broken upstream14:29
evrardjpbut that sounds more complex and relying on the user, which is something I'd like to avoid14:29
evrardjpportdirect: do we still need that?14:29
portdirecti think we can safely remove it now14:29
evrardjpcould you clarify its purpose, and by what should it be replaced now ?14:29
portdirectkubernetes entrypoint?14:30
evrardjpthat image14:30
portdirectit does all the dependency checking prior to launching the service in a pod14:31
portdirectyou'll find it as part of every pod in osh14:31
evrardjpI googled the stackanetes part already, my question was: if I remove it, it should probably be replaced by something else, right?14:32
openstackgerritRenis Makadia proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Helm Tests for Ceph-RGW chart
srwilkersevrardjp: we consume the upstream kubernetes-entrypoint in
srwilkerswhich is why we don't need the image that exists in the repository currently14:39
evrardjpthat's a clear answer :)14:44
evrardjpsometimes 4 words are better than 2.14:44
evrardjptesting portdirect sense of humour there14:44
evrardjphe should be fine, but now that he migrated, he might have changed :p14:45
srwilkersit's hard to take the irish out of portdirect14:45
srwilkers(ive found that's the easiest way to test him)14:45
portdirectevrardjp: i live in George Orwell's nightmares now.14:51
portdirectsrwilkers: I'll deal with you later14:51
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evrardjpseem to work.15:08
evrardjpwhiskey whisky, you know, right?15:08
srwilkersevrardjp: taking another look at the image stuff now15:14
evrardjpsrwilkers: will read your review then15:19
evrardjpgood thing is that images are supposed to be separate, so they will build independantly. I would probably require your help to be building a Makefile, who's the Makefile pro here?15:20
evrardjpsrwilkers: have a look at too.15:20
evrardjpI can probably adapt commit message if we are picky :)15:21
portdirectevrardjp: why `cd ${SCRIPT_DIR}/.. > /dev/null` ?15:23
srwilkersyeah, just left feedback there15:23
openstackgerritRenis Makadia proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Helm Tests for Ceph-RGW chart
evrardjpbecause that's ugly to see it changes folder in log15:27
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add openstack-helm repo images
openstackgerritRenis Makadia proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Helm Tests for Ceph-RGW chart
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srwilkersnice evrardjp :)15:41
evrardjpflattering me doesn't come without risks15:42
portdirectevrardjp: re > /dev/null i'd remove them - we should be able to clearly see the context that commands are running from.15:44
evrardjpI am fine with editing the > /dev/null, but srwilkers will have to revote on it :p15:44
portdirectwfm, thx guys :)15:45
srwilkersThat’s fine with me. All that effort to revote will cost you though15:46
portdirectwhere's my coffee?15:46
portdirectplease dont add things to it again.15:46
evrardjpwell it costs gating time and rebase of my suse patch :p15:47
evrardjpbut that's fine15:47
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add build process and osh-infra images
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add openstack-helm repo images
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add openstack-helm repo images
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add openSUSE Leap 15 VBMC image
evrardjpokay they should be all there ^15:51
evrardjpnow I am bringing LOCI in, then I am adding a job to publish those into some namespace (to be discussed), then adding a global makefile for convenience/previous conventions15:52
evrardjpportdirect: where are we in the skimming of the 1.0 storyboard list?15:55
portdirectits srwilkers and my priority for this week16:06
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srwilkersyep. i started looking at that this morning while doing some code reviews16:08
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openstackgerritRenis Makadia proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Helm Tests for Ceph-RGW chart
evrardjpsorry for my lack of reviews nowadays. I am focusing on getting this done.16:09
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srwilkersevrardjp: no worries16:10
evrardjpportdirect: you forgot two votes: and
cfriesensupamatt: so for I realized what was going on with the apache2/httpd thing.  We're running a centos image, and they use "httpd" instead of "apache2" for the filenames.  We added a symlink /var/log/apache2 which points to /var/log/httpd, but centos is creating the file with the name ""16:45
cfriesensupamatt: so maybe the most generic thing is to handle both paths?  Also, I think we could just do "rm -f" without the check whether it exists first.16:46
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supamattI feel like a check to see if the pid exists is always safer16:59
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srwilkersi also prefer a check.  in regards to handling differing paths, would it be possible to check the distribution and act appropriately? not sure if checking the output of uname or something would be sane17:20
srwilkersas admittedly im used to ubuntu for the most part17:20
srwilkersor /etc/os-release.  not sure17:23
* srwilkers runs off to lunch17:24
cfriesensupamatt: we're not checking to see if the pid exists, but rather the pid file.  "rm -f <file>" just deletes the pid file if it exists, and ignores errors if it can't delete it, so its essentially equivalent to "if file exists, delete file"17:28
openstackgerritGage Hugo proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: WIP - Scan templated python files with bandit
cfriesensupamatt: srwilkers: looks like /etc/os-release would have the necessary info:
evrardjpwhen I hear checking if pid exists and then doing a rm ... I get scared of race conditions... :)17:42
srwilkerscfriesen: nice17:50
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openstackgerritPete Birley proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Nova: Mount cgroups read only
portdirectcfriesen: do you publish images for starlingx yet?18:38
portdirectlets get centos images up as part of the work evrardjp is doing, then we can tackle these cases properly if your not yet in a position to publish images18:38
portdirectit would be good to get proper support in the charts that we can gate on, rather than having to jump though hoops at both ends to get a working solution18:39
cfriesenportdirect: I think they're up as of fairly recently...I'll try to find the location18:39
portdirectnice - thx dude18:39
portdirectif we did it properly, we could remove the need for your symlink fun that you do today :)18:40
cfriesenyep.  had to do a quick-n-dirty to get it running. :)18:40
openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: OSH: Temporarily move Armada job to experimental
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add build process and osh-infra images
openstackgerritRenis Makadia proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Helm tests for Ceph-OSD and Ceph-Client charts
cfriesenportdirect: looks like I was premature...they're still working on the last bits of actually making the images available for download.19:27
cfriesenportdirect: but the vanilla centos image is available, of course19:27
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Add Reno to OSH repo
openstackgerritRenis Makadia proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Helm Tests for Ceph-RGW chart
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openstackgerritGage Hugo proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: k8s-keystone create cluster roles and tests
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openstackgerritGage Hugo proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: k8s-keystone create cluster roles and tests
openstackgerritRandy Martinez proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: docs: Adding Operations Documentation
openstackgerritGage Hugo proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Create admin k8s roles on keystone bootstrap
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openstackgerritGage Hugo proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: WIP - Scan templated python files with bandit
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openstackgerritMike Pham proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: WIP - Adding auth tags for the logs to support special       filter for openstack and application security logs
openstackgerritMike Pham proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: WIP - Adding auth tags for the logs to support special filter for openstack and application security logs
openstackgerritMike Pham proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: WIP - Adding auth tags for the logs to support special filter for openstack and application security logs
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openstackgerritScott Huang proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Add Nagios Elasticsearch Query Command
openstackgerritScott Huang proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Add Nagios Elasticsearch Query Command
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