Friday, 2018-02-16

openstackgerritChris Wedgwood proposed openstack/openstack-helm-addons master: Gate: migrate to zuul v3
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openstackgerritPete Birley proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Cinder: set ownership of co-ordination backend for remaining services
openstackgerritPete Birley proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: WIP: Kolla Newton Gate
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm master: Cinder: set ownership of co-ordination backend for backup service
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openstackgerritGanesh Maharaj Mahalingam proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: WIP - Add support for managing generic loopback devices. - Setup loopback devices - Ensure devices are available after reboot - Easy to create generic loopback devices
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openstackgerritdave kormann proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Ceph device naming by physical path
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mattmceuenMerry Office Hours everyone14:30
mattmceuen@gmmaha @renmak I too am testing on my laptop (ubuntu 1604), and have been running into issues14:34
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openstackgerritPete Birley proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: WIP: Kolla Newton Gate
mattmceuenHere's what I see:14:36
mattmceuen1) run loopback creation the first time, works fine, devices can be used14:36
mattmceuen2) upon reboot, devices are gone, and the loopback creation script hangs (I believe due to iscsi issues but i haven't dug more yet)14:36
mattmceuen3) the iscsi and target systemd services won't start anymore14:36
mattmceuenThe only way I've resolved #3 is reinstalling the os, but then I once again seem to get one shot at loopback devices before reboot kills it all again14:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm-addons master: Gate: migrate to zuul v3
mattmceuen@gmmaha @renmak here are my logs for the iscsi services:14:39
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openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm-addons master: Remove elasticsearch, fluentd, kibana from osh-addons
openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: WIP: Update rabbitmq dashboard to support multiple deployments
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d|kmattmcuen: probably obvious, but i suspect this _has_ to be related to the problem you're having:15:11
d|kmattmceuen: |ExecStartPre=/sbin/iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p (code=exited, status=4)15:11
d|kthat ip address is certainly wrong.15:12
mattmceuend|k agree - I believe that's the iscsi service trying to connect to the target service (which is down)15:12
d|kseems likely that the listen-address for the target service is being used by the initiator as its destination address.  dunno why that would be.15:12
d|k... even if the target service weren't down, that connection would fail, of course.15:13
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d|kowait, i take it back.  guess that connection to works if the service is running, sorry.15:17
mattmceuenok whew - looks like it's hard coded here :)
d|kit seems like a _bit_ of an odd choice -- you'd think maybe localhost would be a better choice.  but hey, if it normally works ...15:19
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d|kmattmceuen: did you happen to notice if the target kernel modules were loaded when the target and initiator wouldn't start?15:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm-addons master: Remove elasticsearch, fluentd, kibana from osh-addons
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osh-chatbot<renmak> @mattmceuen  Matt, Ganesh and i retested that PS yesterday and found an issue with order in which services are being started after reboot. We did tested in two env and merged a small fix. However CI gate was not properly functioning last night so waiting to rerun check and create output.15:40
osh-chatbot<renmak> let me kick of CI gate again for OSH-infra15:40
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mattmceuenthanks renmak.  Using the patch prior to the one you & gmmaha did last night, I'm able to recover from my loopback hell if I delete /var/lib/iscsi-loopback.  I'll give your latest patch a try now!16:08
osh-chatbot<renmak> oh wait16:10
portdirectrenmak: any chance you'd be able to have a look at: soon?16:11
portdirectwould be great to get this closer to the line, and consolated to a single helm toolkit macro ala
osh-chatbot<renmak> yes Pete, In process of testing my changes. I was out in morning yesterday but that PS  is my priority.16:12
portdirectawesome, thanks dude16:12
osh-chatbot<renmak> sure np16:12
osh-chatbot<renmak> that PS should be ready for another review soon16:13
osh-chatbot<renmak> @mattmceuen If you are recreating loopback devices, you have to delete that directory. I would suggest to use function make dev-deploy loopback-devices-create make dev-deploy loopback-devices-validate and when you want to create new devices make dev-deploy loopback-devices-remove16:14
d|kportdirect, renmak: in case you're interested, hardware path device targeting patch is here:
mattmceuen@renmak the only reason I needed to recreate them was because they weren't surviving reboot.  If they survive reboot, I'm happy leaving them as-is across redeployments.  But I'll keep that in mind, I'm sure I'll need to delete them occasionally.16:16
osh-chatbot<renmak> the loopback devices (using targetcli) sometime provide different results in diff env. I have been monitoring PS CI gate and notice that devices are surviving reboot. @mattmceuen can you give latest PS a try please?16:18
mattmceuenYep, will let you know in 5-10 mins using the latest code16:19
mattmceuenloopback devs not surviving reboot, using the latest PS.  What diagnosis can I do that would help renmak?16:28
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openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Fix Ceph Grafana dashboard
gmmahamattmceuen: just got into work17:04
gmmahathe first error where target.service was not able to shutdown was an issue that got resolved once we upgraded the kernel using the OSH play17:05
gmmahamattmceuen: for the latest, can i get anything you have in dmesg, and the systemctl status for target, iscsid and iscsi17:05
gmmahad|k: mattmceuen: i hard-coded to cause for some fantastic reason (i wish i knew why) that IP worked on fedora and centos but not
gmmahaglad to change it to local host if you think that will help17:06
gmmahamattmceuen: and wierdly with the latest PS i tested my env and devices survive post boot and renmak_ mentioned that he was able to follow zuul logs and he saw the same in with CI17:07
d|kgmmaha: _does_ work so it seems silly to say it should change, but given we know we want to connect to localhost, it might make sense to use that instead17:09
gmmahad|k: as long as it works i am fine changing it to localhsot17:10
gmmahalet me see if i can test it on a fedora VM17:10
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d|kkewl.... though like i said, given using 0 works, it's prolly not particularly important17:13
openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Update rabbitmq dashboard to support multiple deployments
openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Update rabbitmq dashboard to support multiple deployments
gmmahad|k: fedora didn't play nice with changing to localhost17:37
portdirectwas it ok with
gmmahaportdirect: it didn't play nice with either. that's why i set it to
gmmahabut i can tst it again with
gmmahato the best of my recollcetion, it didn't. won't hurt trying it out17:39
mattmceuengmmaha thanks -- here are the logs after rebooting, using the latest --
d|kgmmaha: i do recall that there was some issue when doing the listener bind in targetcli that on some platforms it didn't bind localhost unless you forced it to.17:39
portdirectif you looks at 76-77 in that ps I linked to i had to monkey around to get it to work17:39
* gmmaha goes to look at the PS 17:40
d|kyah, what i'm recalling is undoubtedy lwhat @portdirect is describing17:40
gmmahamattmceuen: do you have anything listening on port 3260?17:42
gmmahaportdirect: aah.. so ubuntu no play nice with :|17:43
openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Remove grafana etcd dashboard
openstackgerritChris Wedgwood proposed openstack/openstack-helm-addons master: Add artifactory chart
gmmahaportdirect: d|k: sorry read it the other way around. duh! if ubuntu cannot play nice with and fedora seems to work fine with, won't it be alright to just keep and not wrangle to be
gmmahai am not an expert in this in any form. please feel free to correct me if i am completely wrong about this17:47
d|kgmmaha: as i said, if works (and it pretty clearly does) in both cases i don't think there's a strong reason to change.  i'm just not used to seeing that as a destination address17:48
gmmahad|k: got it. :)17:49
d|kgmmaha: i do think if you're intending to talk on the loopback interface you should explicitly use that address, but maybe in this case all you care is taht it actually connects.17:49
gmmahawas just trying to make sure i am not missing anything obvious using
mattmceuengmmaha - nothing running on 326017:49
osh-chatbot<renmak> Matt is having similar issue as what i have been experience. After reboot, no one is listening on 326017:50
gmmahamattmceuen: thanks. this is bizzare.17:50
d|kare the kernel modules there?17:50
mattmceuenwhich ones?17:50
gmmahad|k: when i was checking renmak_ machine yesterday, they were all there.17:50
d|kshould at least be  iscsi_target_mod17:50
gmmahaall the usual suspects are there mattmceuen17:51
mattmceuenyup, got that one17:51
gmmahathat and iscsi_tcp (which was a pain on non-ubuntu hosts)17:51
d|kyeah, looks reasonable.17:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm master: Cinder: set ownership of co-ordination backend for remaining services
gmmahamattmceuen: i am trying to create this all in GCE to see if i can reproduce the error.18:26
gmmahamy usual test env isn't showing me this which is totally bizzarre..18:26
mattmceuenmy test env is a laptop fwiw - fresh install of ubuntu desktop18:28
osh-chatbot<renmak> k Matt, can you try this command please `targetcli ls`18:28
osh-chatbot<renmak> what do you get?18:28
gmmahamattmceuen: thanks and that is interesting./18:29
osh-chatbot<renmak> k then please try following.  `sudo targetcli saveconfig`18:29
osh-chatbot<renmak> say Y on prompt18:29
osh-chatbot<renmak> parse error?18:30
osh-chatbot<renmak> yeap so targetcli is not able to save config18:30
osh-chatbot<renmak> that is due to package version18:30
mattmceuenof targetcli?18:30
osh-chatbot<renmak> k i have made this change before18:31
osh-chatbot<renmak> let me find it and we can test in your env18:31
* gmmaha 's hatred towards targetcli just went hulk mode18:31
osh-chatbot<renmak> k Matt, ```   # in my environment, latest version of pyparsing was causing parsing error. I had   # downgrade version in order to make it work.   sudo -H -E pip uninstall --yes pyparsing   sudo -H -E pip install -U pyparsing==2.0.3 ```18:31
osh-chatbot<renmak> Matt, please run above two commands and then create loopback devices18:32
mattmceuenawesome - going to reboot and try.18:33
osh-chatbot<renmak> k i am testing in my env too18:34
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* gmmaha just noticed that his pyparsing is 2.0.3 by default18:37
osh-chatbot<renmak> no i had higher version18:37
osh-chatbot<renmak> yessss18:37
osh-chatbot<renmak> devices are surviving reboot :slightly_smiling_face:18:37
osh-chatbot<renmak> atleast in my env18:38
osh-chatbot<renmak> let's see if Matt can confirm as well18:38
osh-chatbot<renmak> i had `pyparsing-2.2.0`18:39
mattmceuend'oh, the ansible script re-installs pyparsing-2.2.018:44
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osh-chatbot<renmak> yeah so before you run create devices, you can downgrade version as above.18:46
osh-chatbot<renmak> i am writing a Ansible task to do that as part of device create18:46
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gmmahamattmceuen: i never thought targetcli would be the culprit. my bad.18:56
gmmahaglad it all worked out18:56
osh-chatbot<renmak> Well let's see if Matt does confirm that it works.18:59
osh-chatbot<renmak> pushing changes to add a task to update pip module version18:59
mattmceuenYep that resolved it :)19:01
mattmceuenoh no worries gmmaha - appreciate your help and glad my problem was helpful19:01
osh-chatbot<renmak> :+1: great!19:02
* gmmaha watches for renmak_'19:03
* gmmaha watches for renmak_ 's change to test it on fedora and ubuntu19:03
openstackgerritRenis Makadia proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: WIP - Add support for managing generic loopback devices. - Setup loopback devices - Ensure devices are available after reboot - Easy to create generic loopback devices
osh-chatbot<renmak> go ahead @gmmaharaj19:04
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gmmaharenmak_: mattmceuen: tested the latest patch on both fedora and ubuntu and they seem to be working just fine19:32
gmmahathough my env isn't really going to help19:34
osh-chatbot<renmak> yeah gate is also showing devices are there after reboot19:36
osh-chatbot<renmak> waiting on gate to finish19:36
gmmahaand fedora timedout again. i need to check with them to see what can be done.19:40
osh-chatbot<renmak> k i am going to commit one more update. I am going to reduce number of disks being create and also size19:55
osh-chatbot<renmak> just wondering if space is an issue19:56
gmmaharenmak_: hold-up. just talkoing to the infra guys19:56
osh-chatbot<renmak> k19:56
gmmahathey made a recent change in the way timeout happens on the CI jobs and that might be the reason for it.19:56
gmmahathey are working on a patch to fix it and then we can re-test the patch.19:56
gmmahadoubt size is an issue given we have been able to create the disks just fine19:56
osh-chatbot<renmak> yeah even other PS are timing out in gate19:57
osh-chatbot<renmak> k then won't make any changes19:57
gmmahayeah. all of openstack-helm-infra is hitting that problem19:57
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gmmahaif it helps,
srwilkersyeah, just need to give it time at this point20:14
srwilkers, for what its worth20:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm master: mariadb: by default don't cluster
gmmahasrwilkers: thanks.. that is some fancy chart21:48
openstackgerritPete Birley proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: WIP: Kolla Newton Gate
openstackgerritPete Birley proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Images: Move default to LOCI and Kolla newton gate
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gmmaharenmak: d|k: mattmceuen:  the system is failing cause of disk space.. atleast on fedora.
gmmahaerr, sorry
mattmceuenoh my22:47
gmmahaand we definitely have to increase the timeout for our jobs. we are not finishing much in the allocated 30 mins.. will throw a patch up with it.22:48
gmmahaand wierdly the space isn't an issue on centos nand i bet on ubuntu too..22:48
portdirectgmmaha: i think the jobs have a much longer timeout than 30?22:48
portdirectand for osh-prime we explicity set it to 7200 seconds22:49
portdirectgmmaha: for some host profiles you'll want to use a device thats not the root dev22:51
portdirectwith the size of loopback devices your trying to make22:52
portdirectthough for simplicity, could we not just reduce these to much lower limits, ie 1gb ?22:52
gmmahaportdirect: yeah that is what i am thinking, just wondering if ceph will work with a smaller journal and disk.. it should.22:53
gmmahaportdirect: and for the timeout i think they recently changed the timeout to being 30 mins and that is what made all our infra jobs fail which led to them making an additonal change to still get us the logs even if it times out22:54
portdirectah - that makes sense22:55
portdirectlets get them set to 3600 secs then in infra22:55
gmmahacool.. let me go ahead and make a patch22:55
osh-chatbot<renmak> ah so disk space was the issue. Let me update vars.yaml to only create 1 device for each osd, journal and swift22:58
gmmaharenmak: even with that i think we have to drop the sizes down..22:58
gmmahamaybe like portdirect said, 2G for osd, journal and swift.22:58
gmmahaand i wonder if journal will work with 2G disk or will it complain that is low on space22:59
openstackgerritTin Lam proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Add network policy
openstackgerritGanesh Maharaj Mahalingam proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Update timeout for infra jobs
osh-chatbot<renmak> so when we specify 2GB, current code will create disks with 3GB space right.23:00
osh-chatbot<renmak> yeah i am not sure what is minimum OSD and Journal space is needed23:01
osh-chatbot<renmak> i have seen Ceph spitting out an error if disk size is smaller23:01
osh-chatbot<renmak> i can't remember what that size was23:01
osh-chatbot<renmak> what? `OSDs should have plenty of hard disk drive space for object data. We recommend a minimum hard disk drive size of 1 terabyte`23:03
gmmaharenmak: maybe best to test it locally and then push the patch if you are doing it./.23:03
gmmahawish i can do it.. but i have to shutdown all my dev envs.. building electrical upgrade over the long weekend :(23:03
gmmahaportdirect: it seems like fedora is the only one with the small root partition. ubuntu and centos is sort of fine. using an alternate drive would be good, only that it is not formatted and mounted by default23:05
gmmahaatleast from what lsblk is saying23:05
portdirectit depends on the cloud provider the node is spawned on23:05
osh-chatbot<renmak> yeah k i will test it probably over the weekend with 3GB disks and latest ceph chart23:06
portdirectwe only need 1gb for a smoke/gate test renmac23:06
portdirectactually - lets make it 523:06
portdirectbut 1tb is way too much :)23:07
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* gmmaha seconds portdirect on the size of disk. 23:07
gmmaha5G for osd, 5G for journal snd 2G for swift would be good..23:07
gmmahaportdirect: was also thnking that making one disk per node should be good and give us the 3 replica that we might need won't it?23:08
gmmahado we need to run 9 osds for the test cluster?23:08
gmmahaunless the goal is to mainly test multi-osd on each node.23:08
gmmahathen maybe bring it back to 2 osds per node23:08
openstackgerritPete Birley proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: WIP: move etcd chart to use etcd-operator
* gmmaha thinks scaling loopback to 2 per node and 5G osd, 5G journal and 1G swift drives will be able to fit inside the fedora VM without having to look for the alternate disk, format, mounting and using it23:47

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