Thursday, 2017-01-12

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bobhspzala: ping15:54
spzalabobh: Hi Bob15:54
spzalabobh: Howd are ya? Starting meeting in 5 mins.15:55
bobhspzala: Hi Sahdev - I have a 10am Thursday morning meeting now that conflicts with this meeting - I'll try to join when I can but may not be every week15:59
bobhspzala: let me know if there is anything I can help with15:59
spzalabobh: ahhh.. OK. No problem since our meeting's are usual brief and that it's easy to get in touch with you via IRC and emails.16:00
spzalabobh: we can change meeting time too if this doesn't work but for now I guess we are okay?16:00
spzalabobh: thanks, sure I will!!16:00
spzalabobh: starting meeting :)16:01
spzalatbh: topol: shang: hello guys16:01
tbhspzala, o/16:01
spzalatopol: o/16:01
spzalatbh: hey there16:02
spzalaI guess shang not around16:02
spzalaSo thank to you and every contributors, the new parser PyPI 0.7.0 is out now .. released it yesterday16:03
tbhoh that's cool :)16:03
spzalaand seems like it's working with upstream heat giving way to create heat-translator 0.7.0 later today or tomorrow16:03
spzalatbh: :-)16:03
spzalatbh: thanks!!16:03
tbhspzala, np!16:04
spzalatbh: we had one more changes from Miguel in Spain UPV in parser after you tested parser but that seems not creating any problem16:05
spzalaI will work with everyone on deciding priorities for 0.8.0 for parser and translator once translator 0.7 is out16:05
tbhspzala, oh that's nice16:05
spzalatbh: robust policy support is sure a highest priority and so is the heat server work you have been doing that we are expecting to land in 0.816:06
tbhspzala, sure16:07
spzalatbh: Kanagaraj mentioned in the bug about failure of his multi policy template in the upstream but as I replied it's not supported in 0.6.016:07
openstackLaunchpad bug 1652928 in Heat Translator "Fails to translate the derived polices" [High,New] - Assigned to Sahdev Zala (spzala)16:07
spzalaso I don't see any need for skipping 0.7 (as he mentioned) for Tacker but regardless we all agreed on waiting for 0.8 for multiple policies16:08
spzalatbh: just fyi16:08
spzalabobh: fyi ^^16:09
tbhspzala, yup makes sense16:09
spzalatbh: cool, thanks!16:09
tbhspzala, and tacker is using substitution_mappings support which is in 0.7.016:09
spzalatbh: yup absolutely, I remember your last fix in parser towards it16:10
tbhspzala, yes16:10
spzalatbh: so for 0.8.0 besides regular work items, I think it's good for Tacker to try 0.7 so that anything that may require any fix can go in 0.8.016:10
spzalatbh: hopefully we will have sub_mappings support for translation in 0.8.0 of heat-translator too16:11
tbhspzala, in my latest patch in tacker I am updating requirements to 0.7.016:11
spzalanow that we have 0.7.0 of parser available16:11
spzalatbh: sure, the latest upstream code actually automatically uses the latest pypi but good to update requirements as well16:12
spzalatbh: you may need to do so for translator once it's out later today or early tomorrow16:12
spzalatbh: so you may want to wait for a day?16:12
spzalatbh: you know Tacker better so whatever way it works out :)16:13
tbhspzala, sure np :)16:13
spzalatbh: :)16:13
spzalatbh: as bobh mentioned he is having conflict with this meeting time16:14
spzalatbh: are you okay with this time or would prefer other time? like an hour late ?16:15
spzalatbh: no rush on meeting time change as bobh is fine with it but down the road I would make change16:15
tbhspzala, as far as you are not changing the day, am okay with any time16:16
spzalatbh: OK perfect16:16
spzalatbh: yep we shouldn't need to change the day16:17
spzalawell, I guess that' pretty much it from me.16:17
spzalatbh: anything else from you?16:17
spzalatbh: I will ping you once translator 0.7 is out16:17
tbhspzala, nothing from my side16:17
tbhspzala, sure16:17
spzalatbh: cool16:18
spzalatbh: bobh: topol: that's it then, thanks for joining! good discussion and we will continue offline as needed.16:20
spzalatbh: bye for now .. lunch time ;)16:20
tbhspzala, bye16:30
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openstackgerritSahdev Zala proposed openstack/heat-translator: Update doc
spzalabobh: ping :-)21:30
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