Friday, 2019-01-25

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/neutron-fwaas master: Convert policy.json into policy-in-code
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/neutron-fwaas master: doc: Add policy reference
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mlavallehongbin: ping22:30
hongbinmlavalle: pong22:31
mlavallelet's give Sridar a few minutes22:31
* mlavalle working on monthly report22:32
* hongbin is doing more code review :)22:33
mlavallethat's good, keep doing that22:34
* mlavalle pinging Sridar in Whatsapp to check if he is still to join us for conversation today22:45
*** SridarK has joined #openstack-fwaas22:49
SridarKmlavalle: hongbin: hi22:50
SridarKjust got back sorry22:50
hongbinSridarK: hi sridar22:50
mlavallehi there22:50
mlavalleThanks for joining us22:50
hongbinlet's begin22:50
SridarKthx for meeting late in ur timezone22:50
SridarKtoday morn was too crazy22:50
* mlavalle will have his exit interview in 10 minutes22:50
SridarKyes lets start22:51
SridarKoh oh22:51
mlavalleplease continue without me. I'll re-join as soon as I can22:51
SridarKmlavalle: ok no issues22:51
hongbinmlavalle: ack22:51
SridarKi think i stated my inputs in the email as well22:51
hongbinso yesterday, we were discussing the pros and cons of both models22:51
hongbinmultiple policies VS multiple FWG22:51
hongbinper my understanding, SridarK opinion is that the multiple policies model is easier to implement , which is the key point22:52
hongbinSridarK: is that correct?22:52
SridarKhongbin: yes and the complexity in making a priority relationship across FWG22:53
SridarKif there are a few ports in which there more than one FWG22:53
SridarKFWG1 could be on Port1, Port2, Port322:54
SridarKif we have FWG2 on Port3, Port422:54
SridarKand some other FWG3 on Port1 and Port622:55
SridarKwe will need to manage the priority relationships across multiple FWG22:55
SridarKand it can get a bit tricky22:55
hongbinyes, i agree with that, the implementation could be a difficulty22:56
SridarKAlso if we were create a new FWG with a port that is already on a different FWG22:56
SridarKnow during validation we will need to enforce the priority22:56
SridarKsimilarly on update cases - if we are updating the ports in a FWG22:56
hongbini assume the validation is hard to implement, right?22:57
SridarKToday it is simplistic in that if we have a port that is already associated with a FWG we fail the validation or Create or Update22:57
SridarKit is simplistic but also simpler to implement and no corner cases22:57
SridarKThis is my main concern22:58
hongbinso your arguement is more about the technical perspective about the implementation22:58
hongbinhowever, i would argue that there is a buniness need for implementing that22:59
hongbin(perhaps, not implement, but the model)22:59
SridarKThat definitely is the primary concern also IMO having another policy could be more efficient22:59
hongbinin our case, we are hosting a public cloud, and there are lots of users, vms, FWGs22:59
hongbinand we are evaluating two models about how easy the cloud operators manage the FWG23:00
SridarKI think as long as we are unique to a port - we shd be able to use different FWG today without any change23:00
hongbinyes, i agree23:01
SridarKare u also evaluating chargeback, billing for resources ?23:01
hongbinmaybe just a simpler scenario23:01
hongbinfor example23:01
SridarKAlso i am not being religious abt this at all -23:02
SridarKthe priority stuff can get very tricky hence my concern23:02
SridarKAlso if we can achieve ur objectives with as minimal code change - the better23:02
hongbina cloud operator manage a FWG and want to trace back to the list of VMs of this FWG23:02
hongbinand add/remove VMs from a FWG23:03
hongbinin the model of multiple policies, it is difficult to do that23:03
SridarKThese VMs will be on different ports23:04
hongbinbut most VMs just have one port23:04
SridarKIn which case i believe there is no issue23:04
SridarKI am thinking the Port the VM plugs into23:04
SridarKthe neutron port23:04
hongbinsure, we can assume VM-port is one-to-one mapping23:05
SridarKeach VM is plugged into a neutron port23:05
SridarKand we apply the FWG on this port23:05
hongbinwe apply FWG to this port, only at creation time23:05
hongbinlet me clarify23:05
hongbinif using the multiple policies model, we apply FWG to port at creation time only23:06
hongbinif using multiple FWG model, we can apply FWG to port at runtime23:06
SridarKWe can always update the FWG with a policy at run time23:07
SridarKwhich in essence is the same thing23:07
hongbinthen, the operator need to manage the policy, trace down the all the FWGs with that policy, then trace down to all ports with that FWG23:07
hongbinso the path is police -> FWGs -> ports23:08
hongbinhowever, in the multiple FWG model, it is FWG -> ports23:08
hongbinwhich is easier to manage the relationship23:08
SridarKHmm sorry dont follow23:09
hongbinok, i will give an example23:09
SridarKu still have the FWG -> ports relationship23:09
SridarKand it will be a single FWG23:09
SridarKand u can look up the policy on that23:09
hongbinso there is a FWG1, Port1, Policy123:10
SridarKand VM1 is on Port 1 ?23:10
hongbinFWG1, Policy1 is the user-manged resource at the VM creation time23:11
hongbinFWG1, Policy1 is for the application23:11
hongbin(user application)23:11
hongbinthen, in admin side,23:11
hongbinthere is FWG2, Policy223:12
hongbinin the model of multiple policies23:12
hongbinadmin add Policy2 to VM123:12
hongbinsorry, admin adds Policy2 (admin resource) to FWG1 (user resource)23:13
hongbinfor example, if a VM is compromise, admin adds/removs Policy to user's FWG23:13
hongbinthen, admin trace down from a policy, to a list of FWG, to a list of ports23:14
hongbinis that correct?23:14
SridarKSo if the VM1 is compromised23:14
SridarKwe want to do something like a drop all on that port ?23:15
hongbinyes, or drop a specific port23:15
hongbin(depending on the severity of the situation)23:16
SridarKSo u want the ablity to add a drop rule (in a Policy) (or as a FWG) on that port23:16
hongbinthen, in the muliple FWG model, if VM1 is compromise, admin adds/removs FWG2 to Port123:16
SridarKwhich is a drop all23:17
SridarKso even if FWG1 is on multiple ports23:18
hongbinin precise, i want to add something (policy/FWG) to a port, which can drop all ports or a specific port23:18
SridarKwe want the ability to specify for a specific port23:18
SridarKFWG1 on Port1, Port2, Port323:18
SridarKU want to be able to add FWG2 just on Port123:19
SridarKto drop all traffic for ex23:19
SridarKyes in that case it is easier to do that23:19
SridarKthe alternate is to remove Port1 from FWG123:20
SridarKthen we will go to a default drop all23:20
SridarKand then add FWG2 to Port123:20
hongbinyes, we can do that23:20
SridarKwhich is more cumbersome23:20
SridarKi agree23:20
hongbinso we want a model that is easier for cloud operator to manage the things23:21
mlavallewhen you say cloud operator, that means the admin in the above examples23:21
SridarKThe priority issues will be the problem case23:22
SridarKI am just thinking out aloud23:22
SridarKif we had the ability to enforce a port association for a policy23:23
SridarKwe dont do that today23:23
SridarKbut we also only support 1 ingress and 1 egress policy per FWG23:23
hongbinwhat do you mean by "enforce a port association"23:24
SridarKIf we are able to state FWG1: has multiple Policies23:24
SridarKP1 & P223:24
SridarKand if we are able to state P1 has priority 5 and is associated with Port1, Port2, Port323:25
SridarKand we see that the VM on Port1 is compromised23:26
SridarKthen we add the drop all Policy P2 with Priority 0(highest) and applied only to Port123:26
SridarKon FWG123:26
SridarKit will achieve what u need23:27
SridarKand we can keep the notion of Priority within the FWG23:27
SridarKagain i am just quickly stating one possibile approach23:28
hongbinso P1 is owned by user's tenant, and P2 is owned by admin's tenant?23:28
hongbinand user create a port with P123:28
SridarKI can see what u need23:28
SridarKthe ability to do23:28
SridarKbut the priority will become the issue23:29
hongbinperhaps, we can think of another way to replace the "priority"23:29
SridarKor we will need to make some special priveleges for admin owned rule sets23:29
mlavalleso your key concern is the management of the priorities accross FWGs23:29
SridarKand make it very restrictive23:29
SridarKi think that is very tricky23:30
hongbini am still following what SridarK said above23:32
hongbincould we order the list of FWGs in a list23:33
hongbinright now, we order SGs in a list in the neutron port, right?23:34
hongbini imagine we could order FWGs in a list as well23:34
hongbin(within the port)23:34
hongbinthen, the priority between FWGs will be decided by the list23:35
SridarKbut how do we order it ?23:35
SridarKwe will need another grouping23:35
SridarKthat is a group of FWG with an ordered list of FWG23:35
hongbinPort1: [FWG1, FWG2, ...]23:36
hongbinthen, later, admin see the VM is compromise, it add FWG3 at the beginning23:36
hongbinPort1: [FWG3, FWG1, FWG2, ...]23:36
SridarKMeaning u want a change in neutron to the Port attributes ?23:36
* mlavalle just received call from HR person23:37
hongbinyes, that is one option23:37
hongbinadd FWG to port, is a port_update call23:37
SridarKu will need neutron to support that23:39
SridarKwe dont have that today23:39
SridarKor something like a port ext23:39
hongbinyes, that can be extended by a api extension to neutron23:40
SridarKwe are now making a fundamental change to how FWaaS is deployed23:40
hongbinno really23:40
hongbinwe can maintain the original behavior if the extension is not added to neutron23:41
hongbinso, we can have an optional feature, that supports multiple FWG to port, as long as there is a certain API extension is enabled in neutron23:42
hongbinagain, that is just one option, we might have other implementation alternative23:43
SridarKSo we will have 2 ways of deplying FWaaS23:43
hongbinif it is too hard to maintain 2 ways to deploy FWaaS, we can deprecate one, and move to another23:45
SridarKWe just deprecated FWaaS v123:47
hongbinyes :)23:47
SridarKI would strongly suggest making incremental changes23:47
SridarKeasier to move fwd23:47
hongbinsure, i think it is possible to do that23:47
SridarKesp as the number of contributors is coming down23:48
hongbinhuawei will contribute the codes if they want to take this approach (i am not sure their opinion yet)23:49
SridarKMy suggestion is to make some simpler steps fwd23:50
SridarKHaving multiple policies is good for other use cases too23:51
SridarKand then we can take step into multiple fwg if it is needed23:51
SridarKi am open to making sure that we support all use cases23:51
SridarKIt will be great if Huawei can add more folks23:52
SridarKMost of the Fujitsu folks have also moved on to other priorities23:53
hongbini see23:53
hongbini can definitely communicate with huawei about that23:53
SridarKxgerman:, yushiro & myself are also pulled into other things and mostly doing this to keep things moving23:53
SridarKthat will be good23:54
hongbinxgerman: so we were discussing an approach to add an attribute to the neutron port resource to maintain the list of FWGs23:55
hongbinfor example, Port1: [FWG1, FWG2,..]23:55
hongbinin this way, we can avoid doing prioritaziation between FWGs, while allows multiple FWGs associate with a port23:56
* mlavalle just finished exit interview23:57
hongbinmlavalle: see the last comment i wrote to xgerman23:57
mlavalleyes, I'm caught up23:57
SridarKmlavalle: my suggestion is to make incremental changes23:58
mlavalleI agree23:58
xgermanmlavalle: Congrats to the new job!!23:58
mlavalleThanks xgerman23:58
SridarKmlavalle: yes congrats :-)23:58
mlavalleThanks everybody23:58
SridarKBut mlavalle's office does not change ;-)23:58
mlavalleI'll still work the rest of the evening for Huawei, though23:59
mlavallenope same office23:59
hongbinyes :)23:59
mlavalleand really, same boss: my wife23:59
SridarKmlavalle: ;-)23:59
SridarKAnd u forgot ur Beagle - he will upset now23:59

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