Monday, 2016-08-22

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njohnstonGood Monday, everyone.13:37
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SridarKhi all GM13:55
SridarKnjohnston: just catching up on email13:56
SridarKnjohnston: saw the revert patch for db due to migration issues13:56
njohnstonse ended up fixing it instead13:57
njohnstonThat patch should be marked as abandoned13:57
njohnston(as long as we're talking about the same thing - if not then it's something I am not aware of)13:58
SridarKnjohnston: was just abt to ask if we can triage - to fix instead of revert13:59
njohnstonThis is news to me13:59
njohnstonyamamoto: Can you give us some detail on the db migration issues you are seeing?13:59
yamamotonjohnston: hi14:01
yamamotoisn't bugs referenced by the change enough?14:01
SridarKyamamoto: thx looking14:03
SridarKyamamoto: would u be ok if we were to get a fix in instead of revert14:03
yamamotonjohnston: it's blocking networking-midonet gate badly so i prefere quick revert and later fix14:03
njohnstonyamamoto: Sorry, you're right.  I am looking at the details of the bugs now.14:04
njohnstonI'm not sure how we got onto a separate branch, that is distressing.14:04
SridarKsigh yes14:06
yamamotoSridarK: of course it's fine for me if you can fix it quickly.  (well, it depends on how quickly, as it's blocking gate)14:06
SridarKyamamoto: sorry did not realize the impact on midonet -14:06
SridarKyamamoto: could we triage this quickly together - as we did not realize any issue with the fwaas gate14:07
SridarKif it is a sync btwn the model and migration script14:07
yamamotoSridarK: no problem.  i feel it's partly networking-midonet's fault.  it has too many involving projects for its voting jobs.14:07
SridarKyamamoto: thx for ur understanding - we are running tight on fwaas with the Newton deadline14:08
njohnstonyamamoto: Agreed - I think it might be a good move to also remove fwaas from the midonet jobs, unless & until there is someone who has the resources to ensure such an integration works well.14:08
njohnstonBecause nobody on the FWaaS team works in the midonet space as afr as I can tell.14:08
SridarKyamamoto: how would we ensure that the fix will not break midonet14:08
yamamotonjohnston: sure, but it's my job to maintain the integration.  so early notice is good thing.   probabaly it should be non-voting though.14:09
SridarKnjohnston: one thing  i see quickly,
SridarKL#19 - we revise kilo14:11
SridarKalso lets quickly sync on the model vs migration14:11
yamamotoSridarK: currently the easiest way is to have a patch on networking-midonet with Depends-On.14:12
yamamoto3rd party ci has always been on our (midonet's) todo list. :-)14:13
SridarKyamamoto: ok14:13
yamamotoSridarK: regardless of midonet, the most (all?) of these issues would have been found if we have
yamamotothus my suggestion to revert it and merge the test and retry.14:15
SridarKyamamoto: ok - if this is a quick enough fix we can get that in as well as 35702814:17
yamamotoit's time to go bed for me.  later.  good luck :-)14:18
SridarKyamamoto: thx - sorry i just woke up so trying to understand still14:20
SridarKyamamoto: but we will  work on this14:20
njohnstonI am trying to run the test in 357028 to make sure we can use it to debug this issue14:20
SridarKnjohnston: ok perfect14:21
SridarKnjohnston: let me get some caffeine and be right back, we can get on a call to triage together as well14:21
SridarKif needed14:21
njohnstonSridarK: Sounds good14:30
SridarKnjohnston: back14:37
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njohnstonSridarK: Conversing with HenryG in #openstack-neutron14:43
SridarKnjohnston: ok14:43
njohnstonI'll get a change up with the minor fixes and let's see if he can help us get this working14:43
SridarKnjohnston: ok i am getting on there too14:44
SridarKnjohnston: yes i think it is some minor tweaks14:44
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SridarKnjohnston: one thing to pick up also will be - on both colums in FirewallGroupPortAssociation - we will need a ondelete="CASCADE"15:10
SridarKnjohnston: esp with port_id since it is extenal to fwaas. Just wanted to add that.15:11
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njohnstonSridarK: Check out but wait to approve until the Jenkins jobs come back15:51
SridarKnjohnston: ok looking15:51
njohnstonI am getting a weird issue when running tests: "AttributeError: 'String' object has no attribute '_set_parent_with_dispatch'"15:52
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SridarKnjohnston: just finishing up on a mtg - give me a few mins15:57
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SridarKnjohnston: back16:25
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njohnstonOK, DB fix change looks ready to go:
njohnstonxgerman: I put those FK constraints back in.  They had bedeviled me all morning, but I finally figured them out.17:12
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njohnstonSridarK and xgerman: Zuul came back +1 for
xgermandone, sridark can +A18:58
SridarKthx njohnston: for getting on this quickly18:58
SridarKwe can confirm with yamamoto to ensure that his issues are resoloved18:59
SridarKwhen he is back online18:59
njohnstonAny time, glad to know there is this model/migration script!  I tried looking at how to create a new gate job to run the model/migration tasks, but it made my brain go on strike, so I'll get back to that some other time.19:00
SridarKnjohnston: i am with u on that, i think we may not be touching this area too much now, right away19:29
njohnstonSridarK: How goes it with those last couple UTs for the driver?19:29
SridarKnjohnston: i think i need at least one more19:30
SridarKwill get a change out soon19:30
SridarKnjohnston: u meant the plugin correct ?19:32
njohnstonyes, sorry, I say the driver but I mean the plugin :-/19:33
SridarKnjohnston: no worries - today has started with a roller coaster :-)19:35
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