Tuesday, 2022-11-22

tonybSo I just noticed that https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/openstack/election says "This project no longer uses StoryBoard".23:54
tonybI know there was some discussion about the furure of StoryBoard but that came as a surprise to me.  Did I miss something?23:55
fungitonyb: the tc removed openstack/governance from sb and i moved openstack/election at the same time. the only active stories for it were some we opened 3+ years ago and hadn't gotten around to closing even though they were basically all taken care of long ago, so i added some notes to each of them before switching to merged or invalid as appropriate23:56
fungiit seemed reasonable to do both since they shared a "governance" group and the tc decision was to remove the governance presence from sb due to lack of use23:57
tonybI did see your updates (I repllied to one that is invalid).23:57
fungireinstating openstack/election would be easy enough if desired23:58
tonybSo not bug/issue tracking?23:58
tonybI don't know that we *need* to do that I was just slightly surprised23:58
fungiwhich story did you reply on? i think i missed the e-mail notification for it23:59
fungiand yes, there was one i marked invalid that i wasn't sure what it meant but it seemed no longer relevant23:59

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