Wednesday, 2022-08-24

*** jungleboyj_ is now known as jungleboyj11:06
*** knikolla_ is now known as knikolla11:06
spotzdiablo_rojo_phone fungi - Do we have any docs for running the election? To be honest I can't remember where the repo is and we might need to be getting started soon:(20:27
fungiin the readme of the election repo20:27
fungibut also linked from the election webpage20:28
fungijust a sec and i can get the urls for you20:28
spotzI've got the repo20:29
fungithe link there to "election process"20:29
fungithe rendered version is published to but that's basically just the content from
fungiwhich may be easier to reference and copy from when you already have it checked out and running tox commands20:31
spotzYeah, looking at the list we need to update the officials knikolla I know mentioned he'd volunteered20:31
spotzI think I had troubles running stuff last time but I've had tox issues with other repos before20:32
knikollareporting for duty 20:32
fungiyeah, the list of election officials can be updated directly in doc/source/index.rst20:33
spotzlooking for setup-election-config from the readme so we can get our dtes20:34
fungiit's an entrypoint if you install the election repo as a python package. easiest is to just call it from tox like `tox -e venv - setup-election-config`20:36
spotzfound it:)20:36
fungier, i mean `tox -e venv -- setup-election-config`20:37
fungiforgot to double my dash there20:37
fungiobviously adding whatever command line options you want20:38
fungiyou can get quick help with `tox -e venv -- setup-election-config --help`20:38
fungiwhich tells you the options it accepts20:38
spotzYeah we definitely need to update the election page for knikolla and whoever else volunteered, 4 TC seats. And now I need the date to put in20:41
spotzLooks like R-3 is Sept 12-16. So we'l use Sept 1220:42
spotzNM the script uses the release so 10/3-10/7 and I'll use 10/320:43
spotzfungi it looks like I got the needed output but exited with a code 1?20:44
spotzAnd we are late according to what it spit out:(20:45
spotzJust emailed you both plus Kendall what I got20:49
spotzWe should already be voting this week if I ran the right command20:51
knikollaI need to step away and go to spanish class now, I'll be around tomorrow morning and throughout the day. I have quite a few free cycles in the next 2 weeks, so please reach out whenever help is needed (i'll need some hand holding). 20:59
fungispotz: i brought it up in here at the end of last month and gmann said it was handled, that he was putting it on the tc meeting agenda, so i stopped tracking it after that, but yes that sounds about right21:01
fungitraditionally the election officials would start sending reminders around week r9, which was the beginning of this month21:03
spotzUgh, how do we recover?21:04
fungistart as soon as possible and deal with the election running a little later than usual. it's unfortunate, but not a disaster21:05
spotzOk let me get the first emails out now21:05
fungithe main scheduling issue will be that the ptls aren't officially recorded until after rc1 week, when the stable branches are cut and master branches begin tracking antelope work, but in reality we'll know the vast majority of the ptls already, and nearly (if not entirely) all of them at the end of the nominations week21:07
fungiwe also try to know who the ptls are before ptg planning is in full swing, but again same deal, the number of teams where the ptl seat is contended will be few or none in reality21:09
fungithese days we spend more time dealing with teams having no candidates than having multiple21:10
spotzI'm going to have to adjust the dates in configuration file to start today21:10
spotzand end 08-3121:11
spotzOk elections will run 09/07-09/14 when I'll be in Dublin21:13
spotzBecause we give a week for TC campaigning. knikolla You ok with that?21:14
diablo_rojo_phoneI'm glad you caught this now spotz lest we wait any later. 21:18
spotzYeah me too:(21:18
diablo_rojo_phonefungi is right, we just need to get the ball rolling ASAP. And deal with the fallout. 21:19
knikollaspotz: yes21:20
knikollaI hope there'll be a need for TC campaigning :)21:21
knikollaThat week makes sense. 21:21
spotzI've got campaigning 8/31-9/7, election 9/7=9/14. Those overlap so give me a sec to push all the starts one day out21:29
spotz09/01-09/07 for campaing and 09/08-09/14 for elections21:30
spotzNo never mind on that change21:30
spotz  email_deadline: 2022-08-31T00:0021:32
spotz- name: TC & PTL Nominations21:32
spotz  start: 2022-08-24T23:4521:32
spotz  end: 2022-08-31T23:4521:32
spotz- name: TC Campaigning21:32
spotz  start: 2022-08-31T23:4521:32
spotz  end: 2022-09-07T23:45  21:32
spotz- name: TC & PTL Election21:32
spotz  start: 2022-09-078T23:4521:32
spotz  end: 2022-09-14T23:4521:32
spotzThose are the dates I'm going with. Generating the email now21:32
spotzOk need to fix the config it didn't create Antelope directories21:34
spotzfixed incoming commit21:35
opendevreviewAmy Marrich proposed openstack/election master: Start the Antelope Elections for PTL and TC
spotzWe do have an error creating the emails Couldn't find event_name TC Nominations21:39
fungispotz: that error means there's no "TC Nominations" section in the config21:41
spotzYeah looking at it now, becaise we now have TC & PTL Nominations21:42
spotzI can split them in my local copy to get this done. Tony had a patch for the combined but it's not looking for that combined name21:43
spotzHe's still looking for them split21:44
fungiyeah, openstack_election/cmds/ needs the election_type conditional broken out into separate 'tc' and 'combined' sections rather than handling them the same21:45
spotzOk config file fixed to look for what the script wants21:45
spotzwe can fix later21:46
fungiright, i think previously we just put separate tc and ptl entries in the same file rather than making combined entries21:46
fungiyeah, looks like introduced the regression by combining the config entries but not updating the parsing to account for the new fields21:49
fungialso i'd be wary of including a & in anything going into civs, just fair warning. i know it turns ( and ) into an encoded mess, learned that the hard way21:50
spotzI'm just trying to get this started and back on track, I put an apolog on the start of my email. I'm going to hit enter and get this started if no objections. If we get as far as needing elections we'll most likely need to lean on folks who have set CIVS up21:51
fungiyeah, no worries21:52
spotzI'll put a patch on my patch in a second21:52
opendevreviewAmy Marrich proposed openstack/election master: Start the Antelope Elections for PTL and TC
spotzIf folks can review and get that merged we need the directories for nominations21:56
opendevreviewAmy Marrich proposed openstack/election master: Start the Antelope Elections for PTL and TC
spotzOk spacing issue fixed!22:12

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