Thursday, 2021-04-08

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fungidiablo_rojo_phon: ianychoi: here's my rough timeline for today... 22:00 utc i'll generate election rolls, 23:00 i'll prepare the nomination close announcement so i can send it at 23:45 after one final double check there are no new nominees, then at after that i'll set up the civs poll and start sending ballots, then send the poll announcement to the ml after that's all finished17:28
fungidoes that sound good?17:28
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diablo_rojoSO I guess I should run the electorate generation so we can compare?18:11
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diablo_rojo(kicking off roll generation now)18:14
diablo_rojoI will put together the poll for review in a bit, unless someone else gets there first :)18:14
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fungidiablo_rojo: oh, thanks! that'll be a huge help (not sure if you saw my proposed action timeline before you joined, i pinged your _phon nick since it was still in here)18:31
fungii was willing to do it all, but happy to divvy up tasks too18:32
diablo_rojoRolls are generated. I can zip them up and send them your way fungi.19:59
diablo_rojoI am happy to give you a hand :)19:59
fungithanks! currently cooking dinner but can take a look after i eat20:18
diablo_rojoSounds good.20:55
diablo_rojoRolls sent. Workin on the poll now20:56
diablo_rojofungi, for the poll description, how does this sound:21:02
diablo_rojoPlease rank the candidates in order of preference. Only one seat is available for election so only one of the candidates will win.21:02
fungidiablo_rojo: sgtm, thanks!21:02
diablo_rojofungi, made the poll and forwarded the email for access to loading the rolls21:08
diablo_rojohopefully I did it right.21:08
fungii'll try to take a look shortly21:10
diablo_rojofungi, sounds good.21:11
diablo_rojoI'll be around.21:11
ianychoiSounds good too21:40
fungidiablo_rojo: civs poll config lgtm, i've got an independent roll generation running now and will compare22:11
diablo_rojoDid you want help with the actual kickoff?22:30
fungii can, we've got 1.25 hours to go22:31
fungimy roll generation is still running but i'll compare when it completes22:31
fungiwatching roll generation output, i'm reminded that we still do a separate pass to generate stable branch contributor rolls even though there is no longer a stable maint team22:41
fungithat should be low hanging fruit for someone to clean up22:41
* fungi calls "not it"22:41
diablo_rojoIt just needs to be removed?22:58
diablo_rojoI will toss it on my todo list, but towards the bottom so if someone gets there first... I won't be upset.23:00
fungidiablo_rojo: one thing i just noticed, we never requested tagging the governance repo this time, so should be picking a reasonable ref to refer to instead of 0.8.0 from october23:01
diablo_rojoOh yeah.23:02
diablo_rojoHow exactly do we want to handle that?23:02
fungiwe could declare 892c4f3a851428cf41bab57c6c283e82f1df06d8 (current master branch state of governance) as the version to use, and then request a 0.9.0 tag of that later to document it23:02
fungiwe ended up not requesting a tag because originally there turned out to be no polls for this round23:03
fungi(neither ptl nor tc)23:03
fungii wonder if the generate-rolls entrypoint script hard-codes the expectation of a tag ref in configuration.yaml, checking23:04
fungidigging in that script, looks like we can half the roll generation time by adding --without-stable until that gets factored out23:06
fungilocally i've set the "tag" value to that commit id and am adding --without-stable to the generate-rolls command line23:08
fungiwill find out if it complains23:08
fungithe script looks like it just treats that value as a git reference name, so may simply work23:08
fungiseems to be running fine so far23:11
diablo_rojoThat change ID makes sense to me fungi23:15
fungionce this returns i'll hack up a copy of the end_nominations message to send23:22
fungii'll also reply all to your message with a copy of the electorate files23:22
diablo_rojoOkay. Sounds good.23:29
diablo_rojoSo, should I upload rolls? Or send the email? Or you have a handle on all that?23:29
fungifinished, sending you a copy now23:35
fungiand then i'll diff them against what you had, for sanity23:35
fungireplied, diffing now23:38
fungidiablo_rojo: good news! there was a benefit to that... one additional voter23:42
fungisomeone with a address was a contributor to a project which was not official as of october but us now23:43
fungier, but is now23:43
fungiworking on the nominations close e-mail now23:43
fungi"ValueError: Couldn't find event_name TC Nominations"23:45
fungii guess that'll need some tweaking23:45
fungiworking on it23:45
fungiif someone can check that there are no more nominations awaiting approval we can at least consider the candidate list frozen23:46
fungii'm doing a mashup of end_nominations and voting_kickoff23:51
fungisince there's no campaigning period23:51

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