Friday, 2021-02-26

*** ianychoi__ is now known as ianychoi00:34
ianychoidiablo_rojo, whoooo we are living with spam bots.. agreed!!! I will convert myself as an election official :)00:35
diablo_rojoianychoi, if those dates look good to you (in my patch) and the plan sounds alright, go ahead and +2 it please :)00:43
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ianychoidid +2 :)05:49
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openstackgerritKendall Nelson proposed openstack/election master: Setup X Election
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fungidiablo_rojo: once that merges, i'm happy to update the election officials list. i'll also push a change to remove myself, but i'll still be available to help troubleshoot and provide advice18:46
fungiupdate the election officials group in gerrit i mean18:47
openstackgerritKendall Nelson proposed openstack/election master: Setup Xena Directories
diablo_rojofungi,  that works for me18:47
diablo_rojomight want to see about removing andymccr too since he's not been around for a while18:48
fungii'll let the new election officials push a change for that18:48
diablo_rojoshould probably get mnaser's +1 before we stongarm him into being an official with me.18:48
diablo_rojoFair enough.18:48
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/election master: Jeremy Stanley resigning as an official (again)
ianychoidiablo_rojo, would u just update a commit message on 771077? Your question has been addressed.. right? Just I wanna make 100% sure for repo history perspective rather than seeing gerrit in details..21:09
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fungiwell, the answer is really that the setup script encodes an expectation that development cycles go from rc1 of the previous release (when the stable branch is created and changes can start landing in master for the next release) to rc1 of that cycle's release22:47

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