Monday, 2020-02-17

*** ianychoi has joined #openstack-election12:22
*** evrardjp has joined #openstack-election18:00
evrardjpI was wondering if I could have votes on
evrardjpand good morning or evening folks! :)18:02
fungiooh, looks like the dependency has merged, checking18:05
fungii wonder why it's not showing up in the preview18:06
fungievrardjp: it's also not appearing at yet18:07
evrardjpyes it's not yet there18:07
evrardjp is on its way18:08
evrardjpand for the main page it's here:
evrardjpI pinged ttx if he knew someone to help, maybe you're the appropriate person :p18:09
evrardjpelse I can have a look at the repo owners :D18:09
evrardjpfor the tc handled ones, that shouldn't be a problem :p18:09
evrardjpoh wait, this just merged now18:09
evrardjpdoesn't seem to work, I have to figure out why18:10
fungievrardjp: openstack/governance-website looks like it uses the same acl as openstack/governance, so tc rollcall and approval18:10
evrardjpyeah that shouldn't be too hard, as said above :)18:11
fungii'll check the build history for the governance publication job, but we can continue discussing in #openstack-infra18:11
evrardjpsounds good18:13
fungiokay, with that mystery solved, now to figure out why the site preview for 706444 isn't showing the addition18:20
fungioh, nevermind, it is18:21
fungiif i load the "openstack governance" drop-down at the top-left shows ideas now18:21
fungilgtm. single-reviewer approving this as it's cosmetic from an elections standpoint18:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/election master: Add Ideas into the top sidebar
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