Tuesday, 2020-10-27

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openstackgerritQi Zhang proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: Fix grammar issues  https://review.opendev.org/75979503:41
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AJaegerspotz: sorry, didn't lock in last night and missed your message. Now I'm around. You might want to invite stephenfin as well.08:11
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fricklerdoes this message ring a bell for anyone? "Could not lex literal_block as "http". Highlighting skipped." happening on designate doc build now on content that hasn't been changed in ages, so likely some updated library but I have not yet found out which one it might be10:29
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-manuals master: Fix grammar issues  https://review.opendev.org/75979510:32
fricklero.k., after diffing pip freeze from a working job, this is Pygments==2.7.2 vs. 2.6.110:39
AJaegerfrickler: this is often text that is marked wrongly, have a link?10:42
AJaegerfrickler: you might need to change "code-block:: html" to "code-block:: none"10:46
AJaegerfrickler: looking at the text and checking https://pygments.org/docs/formatters/, I see no "http" formatter.10:49
fricklerAJaeger: it seems badly documented, but it is hidden somewhere as session formatter10:50
AJaegerhidden - argh ;( Ok.10:52
fricklerhttps://opendev.org/openstack/designate/blame/branch/master/doc/source/admin/blacklists.rst#L32 is an example10:52
fricklerwell at least hidden to my document-searching-foo10:52
AJaegeruse "none" instead of html in that line and then it will fail on the next occurence...10:53
AJaegerSorry, can't help further10:53
fricklerAJaeger: thx. doing a git bisect now to either find the patch that shows how to fix it properly or identify it as a pygments bug10:54
AJaegerhttp lexer is in lexers/textfmts.py10:56
AJaegerquite a few changes to that file in git on the regexes10:59
fricklerhumm, so the change that bisect finds is about parsing json https://github.com/pygments/pygments/commit/9514e794e0c2a5c7c048df97fcfef4a099e05ac311:15
fricklerlikely related to the content in the body of the http session11:15
fricklerI'm going to go with the "none" solution and skip highlighting this for now11:16
AJaegerLet's ping stephenfin as well ^11:16
stephenfinfrickler: We saw that in nova last week for a JSON example. The example we had was clearly wrong though so we just fixed that11:40
spotzAJaeger stephenfin - any particular time nd date that would work for you both to meet? We have a meetpad room so we're fairly flexible11:50
stephenfinspotz: about? :)11:51
spotzstephenfin: D&I WG have been working on the Divisive Language stance and we've been holding meetings about it and there's been some questions. Like for example refering to a user as they vs he/she which I think is more a norm but wanted to be sure. etc11:54
stephenfinspotz: I can attend any time today, but I don't know how much help I'll be. I'm not a tech writer and neither is AJaeger afaik. Pretty much all activity within the remaining docs SIG-managed projects is related to trivial release managements activities nowadays11:58
spotzstephenfin: Ok let me see if I can get a tech writer from RH. Do you and AJaeger want to chair the sig? I'll make a patch to change the leadership11:59
stephenfinspotz: Yup, I think getting someone that actually knows what they're talking about would be a wiser approach :) I could probably ping some of the people I work with downstream if you can't identify someone12:01
stephenfinAs for chairs, I think I'm already on the list but replacing asettle would make sense. I'll let AJaeger speak for himself though12:02
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spotzstephenfin: That's what I was thinking12:53
fricklerAJaeger: meh, now pep8 is failing because "none" is no valid lexer https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/3d69c4068dba47cb9a1aaebd16ce298213:07
fricklerseem dropping the specifier completely is the solution13:21
AJaegerspotz: Sorry, won't have time to join today and cannot take on additional responsibilites. Please move ahead without me.13:22
spotzAJaeger: Yeah we're having scheduling issue might need to push to next week13:28
spotzEveryone has grabbed the early slots for PTG:)13:28
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