Friday, 2020-07-03

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AJaegercmurphy: is that the same problem that nova had? They just disabled inclusion of config files.04:50
AJaegercmurphy: that's on tempest? gmann did the fix for nova, so can help04:53
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openstackgerritRadosÅ‚aw Piliszek proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: Add Kolla Ussuri guides
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-manuals master: Add Kolla Ussuri guides
gmannAJaeger: cmurphy: let me check what is causing it on tempest side, we do not have sample file there but lack of log in pdf build make it hard to find the culprit.14:37
AJaegergmann: the PDF build logs - what are you missing? Thanks for looking into it15:20
gmannAJaeger: file name etc what causing the dimension large issue which can be length or included  image dimension etc15:24
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AJaegerat least you see two lines below "l.2535 \end{sphinxVerbatim}"16:39
AJaegerSo, checking the tex file should give you what's in there16:40
AJaegergmann: understood, TeX logs are bad ;(16:40
cmurphythanks AJaeger and gmann17:46
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