Thursday, 2019-12-12

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gudrutis2Hi  Docs  people o\-<  .  I am a new person mainly working with Ironic project. Nice meeting you all :) Now at #openstack-ironic  we had some thoughts and suggestions about documentation:15:36
gudrutis21)  We would like to port to the new page, any suggestions for suitable place?15:37
gudrutis22) As I understand
gudrutis22) As I understand, is old and is prefered page. Maybe we should put a banner in the main page of wiki saying that?15:40
AJaegergudrutis2: the docs team is not in charge of the wiki, we cannot help you with a banner15:48
AJaegergudrutis2: if you want to publish to docs.o.o, add documentation to your openstack repos doc/source folder and15:48
AJaegerpublish it ;)15:49
gudrutis2AJaeger: the documentation is for developers in general, not service related15:50
gudrutis2for example, since I am new, today I learned handy way to debug unit tests. `source .tox/py36/bin/activate  ; stestr run -n ironic_inspector.test.unit.test_rules.TestApplyActions.test_apply`15:51
AJaeger might be appropriate then15:51
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pmatulisis there a way to change the colours created with16:17
pmatulis.. code-block:: console16:18
pmatulis   :emphasize-lines: 1-316:18
pmatuliswhite on grey isn't the best default16:18
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efriedpmatulis: certainly via the theme17:06
efriedpmatulis: If the theme default is unreadable, it should be changed.17:07
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* pmatulis makes a note17:33
pmatulissomething else now. how do i get the "expander buttons" as seen on this page:17:34
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efriedpmatulis: I would have to go figure that out; but the source is in the nova project under api-ref/source21:01
efriedlooking at the in there, I'm going to take a first wild guess that it's via the "os_api_ref" extension.21:02
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efriedpmatulis: Yeah, it looks to me like all of that happens by magic.21:10
efriedThe index.rst just includes all of the .inc files.21:10
efriedThe .inc files use directives like rest_method and rest_parameters, which I assume come from that os_api_ref extension.21:10
efrieddoc/requirements.txt lists21:11
efriedos-api-ref>=1.4.0 # Apache-2.021:11
efried...along with the usual sphinx-y stuff.21:11
efriedand openstackdocstheme21:11
efriedand tox.ini just shows the api-ref target building using the env & deps from the docs target, and using a normal-looking sphinx-build command.21:12
efriedpmatulis: I gotta ask, what are you building?21:13
efriedapi-ref for a brand new service?21:13
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pmatulisefried, we *are* talking about the buttons that toggle details/close ya?21:16
pmatulisand i'm assuming they can be used with any content?21:17
efriedpmatulis: Given the results of my sleuthing above, I'm 96.8% sure those buttons are being generated by os-api-ref. Using os-api-ref for docs that aren't api-ref seems like it would be kind of odd.21:18
efriedBUT it's also possible that the buttons are part of openstackdocstheme and os-api-ref is just a wrapper bundling that and other pieces into convenient one-stop directives for rest_method/rest_parameters21:19
efriedstephenfin might know that answer off the top, but he's (hopefully) afk until morning UTC.21:20
pmatulisit would be nice to be able to hide extra non-essential content. like command output and so on21:20
pmatulis(long command output)21:21
* efried clones os-api-ref...21:22
efriedso, the HTML for the button is hardcoded.21:25
efried...and the CSS and JS is in that same project. So yeah, it's all in os-api-ref.21:27
efriedpmatulis: So in short: no you can't use the expandybutton without using (or duplicating) os-api-ref.21:30
efriedAnd if you wanted to piggyback on os-api-ref, you would have to find a way to shoehorn your content into the rest_method directive...21:30
efried...which could wind up being pretty weird.21:30
pmatulisefried, thanks for looking it up21:32
efried.. rest_method:: $verb $path21:32
efriedwill render with the $verb in a colored box (ahem, I didn't check, but it might actually fail if it's not one of the standard HTTP verbs), followed by $path, followed by the detail button21:32
efriedand then on the next line, the $title in bold21:32
efriedif they decide to change the theme at some point21:32
efriedlike, make it "HTTP $verb"21:33
efriedyou'd be carried along and probably not happy about it.21:33
efriedpmatulis: now, I suspect if you wanted to port a genericized version of that `detail` button to openstackdocstheme, you could get support from the maintainers.21:34
efried.. expandybutton:: header/title goes here21:36
efried   :labelClosed: +21:36
efried   :labelOpen: -21:36
efried   content goes here in an indented paragraph21:36
efriedregarding the REST $verb, it looks like this:21:44
efried<span class="label label-%(method)s">%(method)s</span>21:44
efriedwhere those label-%(method)s are hardcoded CSS classes (like label-POST). I don't know/remember what happens to your rendered page if you ref a CSS class that doesn't exist. Guessing you get the default font etc.21:44
efriedSo, again not saying you should, but if you were piggybacking, you might be able to get away with:21:46
efried.. rest_method:: fig_1 Example21:46
efriednot sure how tolerant the directive would be of multiple tokens there...21:46
pmatulisi appreciate your time here but i don't want to get into trouble later on. i try to avoid rabbit holes when my plate is full21:47
pmatulismaybe i can just open a bug for now21:47
efriedan RFE21:47
efriedI suspect openstackdocstheme is storyboard, so it's all the same :)21:48
pmatulisan RFE is using a different tracker?21:48
efriedno, it would be a story with a 'rfe' tag rather than a 'bug' tag.21:48
efriedIn launchpad it would be a bug with a 'rfe' tag too.21:48
efriedI just don't like calling feature requests "bugs".21:48
efriedpersonal thing.21:49
efriedI want to say I was in this space (opening a tracked thingy in/near openstackdocstheme) recently and it was weird/non-obvious where they went.21:49
efriedAJaeger: where do openstackdocstheme RFEs go these days?21:49
efried(Andreas might not respond until tomorrow or 2020. I think he's EU, and not sure what vacation plans etc.)21:50
pmatulisi wonder what the seers and astrologers are saying about "twenty-twenty". must be awesome21:58
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efriedoh, there will be all kinds of "hindsight" puns etc.22:24
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efriedpmatulis: I started this
efriedI'm probably not going to keep working on it, so if you want to pick it up, feel free.23:04
efriedI started by pretty much copying the stuff from os-api-ref.23:05
efriedI added a test for it in api-ref/source/test_expand.rst23:06
efriedIt builds (tox -e api-ref) but doesn't work yet.23:06
efried("Ou en français si vous preferez" --Braveheart)23:07
efried("Il ne marche pas encore")23:07
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