Tuesday, 2019-10-01

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asettleamotoki, I got your response to the castellan patch. Thanks for your response. I actually had done exactly that, but still failed on requirements. Let me update again, and hopefully I can replicate!12:10
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toskyhow do we move forward when there are issues with no known workarounds? I understand that for the sake of the goal the output does not need to be totally perfect, but still12:12
toskyright now, when doc/index contains some text followed by the TOC, the generated tex file swaps the order, as it puts the TOC on one page, and then the text in the next page12:13
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toskyyes, we could go for a separate index and it looks more related to the default sphinx theme, but still12:13
asettletosky, hhmm12:15
asettleGood question12:15
asettleI mean, as you say, not being part of the goal that's entirely up to you/the project to asses how you'd like to do that best.12:15
toskybut I'm pretty sure we can't be the only one with the same issue :)12:15
asettleFrom a goal-perspective, provided it's building, we consider that a success12:16
asettletosky, unlikely. Have you emailed to -discuss?12:16
asettleTends to be more traction that way than through here.12:16
asettleIf anything, amotoki might have seen something on his review rounds12:16
toskyI added it to the etherpad12:17
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asettleamotoki, I rebased: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/684776/ But I was a little confused by your comment on the python minimums12:29
asettletosky, I'll send out an email to the list now asking if anyone has issues with no known workarounds to come forward. We can compile then, and collaborate.12:29
asettleBut as far as the goal is concerned, the "management" is complete once the pdf is building :)12:30
toskyI guess we need to backport the patches to train, right? I have a couple of floating patches does to those workarounds12:31
amotokiasettle: hi, which point is unclear to you?12:32
asettleamotoki, I wasn't too sure what you meant exactly about the python versions: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/684776/10/doc/requirements.txt12:32
asettleI rebased to a previous version where I *had* created the doc/requirements file12:33
asettleSo this is old news12:33
asettleButttt, these python versions reflect exactly what's in the barbican setup: https://review.opendev.org/68396912:33
asettleSo I wasn't too sure what you were saying was wrong12:33
amotokiasettle: when I looked at https://review.opendev.org/#/c/684776/10/doc/requirements.txt, the minimum versions are 1.6.2 for py27 and 1.8.0 for py3. Is it intended? If so, it is better to explain why.12:35
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asettleamotoki, umm... not really, no12:38
asettleI don't know the repo particularly well, so this was fumbling at a guess12:38
asettleBad, I know12:39
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amotokiasettle: perhaps it was not detected during the review. it is a good chance to correct it. I think we can use sphinx>=
asettleIs that not what I have here? :) https://review.opendev.org/#/c/684776/10/doc/requirements.txt12:41
asettleLine 212:41
AJaegerasettle: let'S remove those from test-requirements.txt, I left a comment12:45
asettleGot it :)12:45
amotokiasettle: I found some missing points in the patch set you just submitted. Let me update it.12:47
asettleamotoki, please do12:47
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amotokiasettle: just pushed13:00
amotokiasettle: one open issue is remaining. if you look at TOC of the generated PDF, it looks a bit odd as the team tag is a separate top section.13:01
AJaegeramotoki: one small issue found, I'll push now as well ;)13:06
asettle\o/ pile on!13:07
asettleamotoki, that's something that should be left to the team, I think13:07
asettleNot that I don't want to help, but I don't want to alter the way they do things past ensuring it's building13:08
asettleWhich, it was, except for the 'requirements' failure13:08
asettleThis is the one I'm really struggling with: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/685031/13:09
asettleIt should be rebased on top of: https://review.opendev.org/68570813:09
asettleBut even then, still failing13:09
AJaeger"sphinx-build: error: argument -b: expected one argument"13:11
asettleWhich one are we looking at now?13:11
asettleAh, the python one13:11
AJaeger"sphinx-build -W -b -d html " is wrong13:12
asettleSure, I'll fix that13:12
asettleBut that's not the issue13:12
AJaeger-W -b html -d doc/build/dirtrees13:12
asettleYep, adjusted, that's a typo from my part (I copied from the castellan one) but if you pull it down, you'll see it's failing on a completely different issue13:12
asettleAnd I'm pretty stuck :/13:13
AJaegerasettle: still wrong, see my comment13:13
AJaegerasettle: looking at logs, it fails at exactly that line. There might be something else but that is needed first13:14
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asettleAJaeger, building locally, it's always this error: "Warning, treated as error:13:15
asettleerror while formatting arguments for barbicanclient.client.Client: 'function' object has no attribute '__mro__'13:15
asettleI think stephenfin was able to replicate13:15
asettleWhich is why he pushed up: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/685708/13:15
AJaegerasettle: ah ;(13:16
asettleBut rebasing on top of his patch still fails13:16
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amotokiasettle: scrolling back the irc log, I found tosky's mention "when doc/index contains some text followed by the TOC, the generated tex file swaps the order, as it puts the TOC on one page, and then the text in the next page"13:47
amotokiasettle: tosky: I haven't understood what "TOC" actually means. Do you mean "toctree" by "TOC"?13:47
toskysorry - table of content13:47
amotokiIn my understanding, TOC from latex is different from toctree in sphinx13:48
toskytoctree is the implementation of a TOC13:48
amotokiI have no idea on how to control the place of TOC of PDF file via sphinx13:48
toskybut it's the sphinx theme which seems to define how the TOC is placed13:48
amotokiwe can have multiple toctree in a single RST file.13:48
amotokiso I think toctree is the way to declare which RST files are under a specific file.13:49
toskyyes, I noticed it at least in the main toctree13:49
amotokiso I think toctree does not control where TOC should be placed. It just specifies the tree of documentation in case of latex..... I guess this is one reason that sphinx provides toctree_only option in latex_documents.13:51
AJaegerasettle: did you rebase your change on 685708?13:51
AJaegerasettle: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/685031/ right now is not based on it13:52
toskyamotoki: that's where the theme plays a role; see https://review.opendev.org/#/c/679290/13:52
asettleAJaeger, uh, I did. But I forgot to push it up again. Hang on, let me do that again13:53
toskyin the preview site, there is a blurb of text "This is a client for OpenStack Sahara API. [...]" and the TOC ("Reference guide" etc)13:53
toskythe PDF doc is different (https://99ad16ec33ecbdfdd033-11a2e186f8f6505f790122d590a395c2.ssl.cf5.rackcdn.com/679290/3/check/openstack-tox-docs/f9c8089/pdf/doc-python-saharaclient.pdf)13:53
toskythat TOC is on page 3; the blurb of text is on page 513:53
asettleAJaeger, should be good now13:54
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amotokitosky: The main contents in the top page will be converted into a cover text (just after TOC) in PDF...13:54
asettleUnless I did it backwards again13:54
asettleI did that last time :p13:54
asettleNope that's right13:55
AJaegerasettle: you did not base it on the other one as far as I see13:55
AJaegerasettle: shall I help?13:56
asettleAJaeger, uh, yeah, please13:56
asettleI don't remember having trouble rebasing before but here we are13:56
amotokitosky: I have no good idea to swap the order of them. I sometimes adjust the files a bit and13:56
amotokisometimes make some trick like https://review.opendev.org/#/c/679969/13:57
AJaegerasettle: done13:57
toskyamotoki: if this required a change in the sphinx theme/whatever drives the format of the generated tex file, would it be acceptable? Where should such change be added, inside openstackdocstheme?13:58
asettleAJaeger, what on earth did I do wrong? Very confused13:58
amotokitosky: in the last example, it has reasonable volume of contents in the top page. I created a overview page for PDF so that the page will appear in the TOC>13:58
AJaegerasettle: no idea13:58
asettleHmm confused. I'll look at it after my meeting. Sorry, and thanks AJaeger13:58
amotokitosky: if you need a change in the theme, I think openstackdocstheme would be a good place.13:58
amotokitosky: perhaps asettle, AJaeger and stephenfin know more about such policy.13:59
* asettle catches up13:59
-amotoki- wonders ianychoi knows more as he was an active contributor on PDF support14:00
AJaegerasettle: https://99b859c8323de3b165e8-5bc324e44eaaf1e289f167f2af496d5e.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/685031/7/check/openstack-tox-docs/4546930/pdf/doc-python-barbicanclient.pdf14:09
AJaegerso, works now...14:09
asettleOh awesome! thank you AJaeger :D14:09
asettleI must have botched the rebase the first time too14:09
* asettle facepalms14:09
AJaegerasettle: git review -d first-change;git review -x second-change ; git review14:10
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asettleYep, that was it14:17
asettleI'm baffled now14:17
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