Saturday, 2019-04-13

efriedwhat little link bars?00:01
johnsomThe CSS does make the check marks larger, which my last patch adjusts00:01
efriedSo I've got the old and new right next to each other in two browser tabs, and flipping back and forth I can't see any difference00:01
johnsomIn the table, the check marks have little under bars indicating links.00:01
efriedman, if there's a difference, it's too subtle for me to see it.00:02
johnsomDid the browser cache the CSS from the first run?  maybe try a control-Refresh?00:02
johnsomIt is a big difference for me00:02
johnsomAlso, you can check in the cinder directory, docs/build/html/_static/ should have support-matrix.css file which it did not before00:03
johnsomIf it's not there, it is likely tox pulled the version from pypi00:04
efriedjohnsom: Argh, I caught PS3 instead of PS2 :)00:05
johnsomThat would do it, I just started the split00:05
efriedSorry to grind you like this. I look at this repository like once a year. And I am far from a docs expert.00:08
johnsomYeah, no worries. I'm just happy that you *did* look at my patches.00:08
johnsomI fully expected to have to bug people in the oslo meeting Monday.00:09
johnsomOk, split is done00:10
johnsomWe are going to be using this heavily in the Octavia docs. Thus why I am fixing things as I see them.00:11
efriedyup, I just created
efriedhoping depends-on works from a to b there...00:11
efriedwhich was my original question.00:11
efriedAnd now I'm seeing a difference locally.00:11
efriedthe bigger ✔/X and the colors on complete/missing00:12
johnsomYep, cool. So the CSS is now being applied.00:12
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efriedwhoops, I messed up that cinder patch00:13
johnsomI think the ✔/X is too big IMO, so I proposed making it "normal" size in
johnsomWith the current patch chain (all four of them) I get this for the Octavia page I am working on now:00:16
efriedHoping I can get this cinder tester working; if so I can depends-on all of your patches and have something to link in your changes when I +2 them :)00:17
efriedbtw, any idea where thingee disappeared to?00:18
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johnsomNo, sorry.00:20
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johnsomefried It doesn't look like it picked it up. I think you need required-projects in the zuul definition to have it pick up depends-on changes.00:35
johnsomI can probably add that to you patch if you would like00:36
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efriedjohnsom: Let me try. I'm trying to larn this zuul thing.00:39
efriedjohnsom: This look right?
efriedf, cancel00:42
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efriedjohnsom: reload, PS4 if you please...00:42
johnsomefried I think publish-openstack-docs-pti is a template and not a job that can be a parent.00:43
johnsomTry "openstack-tox-docs" as the parent00:44
johnsomOtherwise that is what I would have done too00:44
efrieddone. That makes sense... sorta.00:44
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* efried doesn't know the difference between a template and a job00:45
efrieda template contains multiple jobs?00:45
johnsomA template has both check and  gate jobs defined in it00:45
efriedand can it be multiple jobs in each?00:45
efriedremind me where the template and base job thingies are defined?00:45
johnsomWell, easier said then done as the are spread over a few repos. I usually codesearch for the tempate name and dig.00:46
efriedmm, okay.00:46
efriedjohnsom: Well, it's not acknowledging sphinx-feature-classification as a project that exists. Did I spell it wrong?00:47
efriedI need openstack/00:48
johnsomAh, yes, openstack/00:48
efriedI'll get there eventually.00:48
efriedjohnsom: You said was going to be n/a for cinder?00:58
efriedbecause it doesn't use `link` in the driver defs?00:59
johnsomSadly yes, there are no links defined for any of the drivers. You could add one however.00:59
efriedyeah, I'll do that in my test patch (once I've seen it actually working)01:00
johnsomThat looks like it worked, it picked up the CSS01:03
efriedjohnsom: PS7 is up, with a link and deps to all of your changes.01:05
efriedeaster egg in there for ya01:05
johnsom+1 I'm posting an update to the main openstack-tox-docs job to add the required-project. Since at least two projects will be using it.01:06
efriedah, cool.01:07
johnsomefried FYI:
efriedjohnsom: Hm, that's weird, the line above your change?01:09
efriedhas a name: key01:09
johnsom Yeah, I know, I don't know why. It's not necessary.01:09
efrieddoes it work at all?01:09
johnsomIt must, we are all running that docs job....  It's just odd. There are other spots in the same file that don't use the name tag either.01:10
johnsomPentatonix fan eh?01:10
efriedfor sure01:10
efriedI'm a harmony nerd01:11
efriedThough I'm not loving their new bass01:11
efriedguess I just haven't heard anything where he's showcased.01:12
johnsomAfter we get the results from this run and I give you a minute to take a look at them, I am going to sign off for the evening and go make dinner.01:15
efriedThanks for the work here, johnsom. I'm buying the drinks if you cut nova over to use s-f-c01:17
johnsomHa! well, not sure I can commit to that at this point. I'm pretty busy with my Octavia work.01:17
johnsomHmm, ok, so there must be something wrong with the patch as the cells didn't render their borders.01:19
johnsomAh, I bet I know what I did wrong there.01:20
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johnsomOk, I am going to have to work on I didn't realize I had my intermediate fix still in place when I tested that. The cells are not getting their border.01:31
johnsomThe others look good though01:31
efriedjohnsom: ayup, okay, that all gels with what I saw. Reviewed all, You're totaling +5 from me at the moment :)01:35
johnsomlol, thanks!01:36
johnsomTesting out a fix for the cells now01:36
johnsomefried Fixes it local if you want to re-check01:39
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/contributor-guide master: Imported Translations from Zanata
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/contributor-guide master: Imported Translations from Zanata
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